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Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:41 pm
by drtickle
Hey there,

I just wanted to say, "thanks" to everybody for contributing stories and ideas. This forum made me write my first story. I'm a long time lurker on pages like these. Going back to those dreambook forums or yahoo groups.

I didn't know it would entertain me this much to write my story, although I have to admit, that it's more work than expected. Especially if you are doing it after a full time job after everyone else went to bed and with english not being my first language.

Still, thanks for making me take that step. Even if I write only this one, I would still be content with it.

Take care, stay safe!

Re: Thanks

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:31 am
by Gmoney5000
Hey dude, I think you are awesome! I wish you plenty of encouragement and ideas to make your own story! If you ever want to exchange ideas o
r just chat, just privately contact me!