Hung up on a fence: to Duragon: by Janienudiepants

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Hung up on a fence: to Duragon: by Janienudiepants

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Janienudiepants wrote: Hung up on a fence: to Duragon: by Janienudiepants

to Duragon: (Second Story on your list)

Something like this happened to me walking home from school with a new friend in the second grade. I normally wore girls jeans and a tee, but occasionally wore a dress for my mom. We had a maybe 2/3 mile walk to school, a long ways for kids, but small towns, well, you know.... Anyhow, walking home one spring day we cut across a park with the little league diamonds and backstops, not real high for adults (two layers of chain link fence on either side of the backstop), but quite high for a couple of seven year olds, my friend and me. He had just moved to our town and lived across our street. I was a smart alecky girl who was quite proud of my-new found gymnastic abilities.

On the way across the park, as we got to the baseball diamonds without thinking, I said, "race you over the fence!!" whereupon I leapt up and started climbing the chain link fence as.I had done a thousand times before and I was very good at it. He was surprised -- no shocked -- but in a heartbeat accepted my challenge, jumped on the link and followed me up. Perhaps the glimpse of girls underpants was his inspiration. lol

Well I told you I had done this a million times and knew it very well, only there was one hitch. In my ardor to impress this boy, I forgot I was wearing a dress. It was a simple a-line pullover, very plain and my favorite style, because it was comfy and loose, and I could run and play in it easily, and it was fun to wear when I had to wear a dress to make my mom happy and besides, boys liked it, I felt. They always wanted to play with me when I wore it. Only today, it was too loose. The top course of the fence on the side of the backstop had an open cut chain link that was jagged. As much as jeans would have slid over easily, my beautiful dress snagged one of the cut chain links as I slithered over the top and dropped like I was used to doing with a horrible jerk and ripping sound as much to my horror I found I had won the race, only my beautify dress now hung upside down above me with leaving me in my underpants fully exposed to my neck at the ground, momentarily shocked, and then becoming gradually quite embarrassed and blushing bright red, as I realized what I had done. In the rush to get over the top, I had not only snagged my dress, I had also gouged my forearm and now I had to climb back up my side of the fence with a scraped arm to get to the top again, free up the hem of my dress, now hopelessly entangled on the sharp link wire on the top in just my underpants. My young friend watched in inspired awe or shock at what I had just done.

My young boyfriend not only saw my underpants, but to my utter dismay and shame, the ripping of my dress, and the humiliation of having to ask him for help climbing back up to the top to get it unsnagged again, if I could -- in my underpants. All I remember is how ashamed I felt and suddenly bawling my heart out from all the scrapes and the utter shame of having to walking the rest of the way home clutching the sides of my severely torn dress, where I would no doubt be told off by my mother for doing such a stupid thing, next to this boy who'd just seen me climbing on a fence in just my tennies and underpants. I don't know if things like that only happened to me, but I imagine I was not alone, and that's one of the reasons today little girl's moms make them wear long tops or shirts with leggings to go to school, and dresses are mostly either a thing of the past or something to wait for when your a big girl and you grow up.

Lol... it was so sad, but something I'll never forget, tearing my dress in the race to the top of the baseball fence in the park on the way home from school.

luv, Janie
jbfco wrote: Very cute by jbfco

Janie went looking for some your work . This has a innocents yet sense of something more :) I like that .
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