Re: The Lairds (Chapter XII- 24/02/25)
Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 1:07 pm
Chapter XII
As they disembarked from the bus at the bottom of their road, a small white van pulled away from their house and they saw their mother’s car on the drive. They looked at each other quizzically, but as neither had any idea what it was, remained silent and continued in to the house.
Their mother was in her room, so they had no issues with bringing the IPL in. Whilst they were doing nothing wrong, it was just easier to avoid twenty questions at this stage. There was every chance that their mother would think them a little young for such an almost permanent decision. Gemma took it with her skirts into her room. Although early, she changed into a nightshirt. She decided it was the least she could wear round the house for now without upsetting her mother.
Rachel opted for a sundress and headed out to the back garden to catch the last bit of sun. Gemma followed. School had restarted on a Thursday, so they only had one more day before the weekend and both were in a relaxed mood, buoyed up by the restart of their flashing games. Not long after, their mother, Jane appeared, also having changed for bed in a pyjamas shorts set.
Jane pulled up a chair facing the two girls and started to explain about the impending changes. “I’ve been offered a promotion at work and I’ve already accepted, so I’m sorry if you think I should have spoken to you first, but I had to make a decision. It almost doubles my money, but I will have to spend some nights away – yeah, yeah, expense account and all that!”
Both girls expressed congratulations and the Jane continued. “I had a burglar alarm fitted this afternoon as a bit of extra security for you.”
“Ah, so that was the van pulling away as we got in?” Rachel deduced.
“Yes, I didn’t know whether you’d seen it or not. I thought it was a good idea as I’ll be away sometimes. You two are responsible enough, but I know you are getting social lives and won’t always be home straight after school.”
The girls nodded their understanding and their mother continued. “I’ll leave you some cash in addition to your allowance, so you don’t have to cook so often and I’ll have to trust you to tidy up after yourselves. Any questions?”
“I guess you couldn’t have turned it down Mom,”Gemma piped up, “What’s the longest you’d be away?”
“There are a couple of week-long seminars, so those would be Monday to Friday, but the rest of the time it’d just be a couple of nights at a time.” Jane replied, trying to reassure her youngest daughter. “Rachel?”
Rachel shook her head, “Nah, I’m good with it.”
“Great,” Jane enthused, “Let’s order in tonight and celebrate a little. I don’t have work tomorrow, they gave me the day off as I have to go away on Sunday.” With that, she headed back inside to get a beer from the fridge.
Rachel grinned at her sister.
“What?” enquired Gemma.
“Someone has to answer the door when the food arrives. I think that someone should be you.”
“I can’t be naked when mom’s around.” Gemma protested..
“No, but you can drop the cash, turn around and moon the guy!” At this Gemma grinned and Rachel continued, “Set my mobile up to face the door and you can record it. I don’t need to see anything you show, just the expression on the guy’s face.”
“Ok, I’ll do it.”
The girls made a big show of setting tv tables up in the living room and making sure their mom was comfortable. They assured her they’d get the door, so Jane gave Rachel the notes which she left on the kitchen table, then thinking some more, placed them on the floor as if they’d just blown off.
Rachel then set up the phone half-hidden behind some spice bottles, ready to capture the event.
The time passed and eventually, they heard a car pull up outside. Glancing through the window, Gemma risked a glance at the delivery driver and instantly wished she hadn’t. She recognised a lad called Jonah and he was in Rachel’s year. On the walk to the door through the kitchen, it was as if time had slowed down.
Gemma was petrified, short of breath, and her heart was beating at twice its usual rate, but at the same time, the undoubted moisture between her legs and the hardening of her nipples, revealed her to be excited beyond belief. She barely remembered to start the video rolling. It was as if she was on autopilot.
As she passed the notes on the floor that she would have to bend and pick up, she knew she had to flash a lad three years older than her at close quarters. This wasn’t some distant show in a park or a run down a road where she might have been seen, but might not be. No, this was going to be a pretty blatant show, to a lad she recognised, at a distance of less than ten feet.
Gemma realised the only decision she had still to make was how much she was going to show him. Bend at the knee and possibly show a bit of her bum, bend at the waist and definitely show him her bum, or stand legs apart and bend and let him see that most private of places, her currently glistening, smoothly shaved pussy. She didn’t dare look down as she just knew her nipples were at full beam
Her heart was in her mouth as she opened the door, just as he was about to press the bell. Jonah stood for a second with his finger pointing as the door frame. Gemma, could barely force a word out. “Money”, she mumbled and moved towards the spot where it lay.
The young redhead had to mentally lock her knees straight, with her ankles touching each other and began to reach towards the two twenties that seemed oh so conspicuous on the floor. As she did so, she could feel the nightshirt begin it’s journey up and over her peach shaped buttocks, giving Jonah as sight that he really hadn’t expected to see when he started his shift. Something in the deep recesses of his mind told him that he knew this girl, yet he couldn’t place her – yet.
Gemma grasped the paper from the floor. Now was the moment, it was really happening. She was showing one of the school seniors her bare ass. So wrapped up in her thoughts, she overbalanced and stuck out her right leg to save herself from falling. Horror struck her as she could only imagine the view that she was giving Jonah and she spun around to face him, proffering the scrunched up remuneration. As she brought her legs together again, she could almost feel the squelch as her lower lips met once again after their brief parting of the ways.
Jonah, for his part, could feel an instant stiffness in his trousers that was going to make his next couple of deliveries somewhat awkward. Neither teen knew what to say and the pizzas were handed over in an atmosphere so thick it could have been sliced.
“Keep the change.”
“Thanks, bon appetit.”. As Jonah headed back to his car, Gemma managed to close the door and forced out “Rach, can give me a hand a minute?”
It didn’t take Rachel long to get there and Gemma could only point to the mobile phone which was still recording. Stopping it, Rachel hurriedly played the recording at double speed. She knew that their mother would be suspicious if they were gone too long. She got to the point where her sister bent over and slowed it to normal speed. The look on Jonah’s face as her younger sister lost her balance was more than priceless, as was the way he tried to return to his normal facial expression as she turned to face him.
The sisters couldn’t take any longer, so there was an unspoken understanding that they’d have to discuss it later. They grabbed the food and went to fuss over their mother some more.
As they ate, Rachel quickly realised that she had to take up the conversation with their mother as Gemma was stunned to silence by the evening’s events. She waffled on about all sorts of trivia that had been going on at school as Gemma slowly allowed her mind to return to the land of the living. Judging by the wetness at the back of her nightshirt, she thought she must have had an orgasm without so much as even touching her pubis and was very relieved to see her mother head for the downstairs toilet, allowing her to make a dash for her room to change.
Once there, she couldn’t stop herself from vigourously rubbing her sex as it was feeling very needy. The second orgasm of the young girl’s night did not take long and once her feet were steady enough, she wiped herself dry on a dry bit of the partially soaking wet nightshirt she had just stripped off.
Redressing in fresh sleepwear, she headed back downstairs, explaining that she’d got some food down her front and had wanted to change. Her mother bought the excuse with not even a hesitation, telling Gemma to stick it in the wash. Rachel cut in quickly, saying the girls were going to take over the laundry now their mother was going to be a lot busier. There were smiles all round as the attendees of the feast broke up and each started their ablutions in readiness for retiring to their rooms.
Rachel gave her mother a good quarter of an hour to settle, then tiptoed to Gemma’s room to get her version of events. She’d played the recording of the flash over and over, but there was something to be said for face to face descriptions, rather than watching the event and firing texts to and fro.
In whispered tones, Gemma admitted it had been the best flashing experience yet, even though she had intended to keep her legs together. It was the intimate proximity that had made all the difference. Neither girl had any idea what they’d say to Jonah if he said anything, though Rachel didn’t really have to worry. They just decided they’d cross that bridge if it came to it. In a school with over 2,000 students, it was nowhere near certain that he’d even know Gemma, though her red hair did make her stand out somewhat.
The two hugged. The renewed fun had brought them really close again, not that they had ever fallen out. When Rachel had left her room, Gemma lay back thinking how this was going to lead to so much more. She knew her body was hot, she also knew that it needed to be admired. She’d been a scrawny little ginger kid at primary school, but she was finally being seen as something more, a sexually attractive young lady. That was a comforting thought as she drifted off to sleep.
As they disembarked from the bus at the bottom of their road, a small white van pulled away from their house and they saw their mother’s car on the drive. They looked at each other quizzically, but as neither had any idea what it was, remained silent and continued in to the house.
Their mother was in her room, so they had no issues with bringing the IPL in. Whilst they were doing nothing wrong, it was just easier to avoid twenty questions at this stage. There was every chance that their mother would think them a little young for such an almost permanent decision. Gemma took it with her skirts into her room. Although early, she changed into a nightshirt. She decided it was the least she could wear round the house for now without upsetting her mother.
Rachel opted for a sundress and headed out to the back garden to catch the last bit of sun. Gemma followed. School had restarted on a Thursday, so they only had one more day before the weekend and both were in a relaxed mood, buoyed up by the restart of their flashing games. Not long after, their mother, Jane appeared, also having changed for bed in a pyjamas shorts set.
Jane pulled up a chair facing the two girls and started to explain about the impending changes. “I’ve been offered a promotion at work and I’ve already accepted, so I’m sorry if you think I should have spoken to you first, but I had to make a decision. It almost doubles my money, but I will have to spend some nights away – yeah, yeah, expense account and all that!”
Both girls expressed congratulations and the Jane continued. “I had a burglar alarm fitted this afternoon as a bit of extra security for you.”
“Ah, so that was the van pulling away as we got in?” Rachel deduced.
“Yes, I didn’t know whether you’d seen it or not. I thought it was a good idea as I’ll be away sometimes. You two are responsible enough, but I know you are getting social lives and won’t always be home straight after school.”
The girls nodded their understanding and their mother continued. “I’ll leave you some cash in addition to your allowance, so you don’t have to cook so often and I’ll have to trust you to tidy up after yourselves. Any questions?”
“I guess you couldn’t have turned it down Mom,”Gemma piped up, “What’s the longest you’d be away?”
“There are a couple of week-long seminars, so those would be Monday to Friday, but the rest of the time it’d just be a couple of nights at a time.” Jane replied, trying to reassure her youngest daughter. “Rachel?”
Rachel shook her head, “Nah, I’m good with it.”
“Great,” Jane enthused, “Let’s order in tonight and celebrate a little. I don’t have work tomorrow, they gave me the day off as I have to go away on Sunday.” With that, she headed back inside to get a beer from the fridge.
Rachel grinned at her sister.
“What?” enquired Gemma.
“Someone has to answer the door when the food arrives. I think that someone should be you.”
“I can’t be naked when mom’s around.” Gemma protested..
“No, but you can drop the cash, turn around and moon the guy!” At this Gemma grinned and Rachel continued, “Set my mobile up to face the door and you can record it. I don’t need to see anything you show, just the expression on the guy’s face.”
“Ok, I’ll do it.”
The girls made a big show of setting tv tables up in the living room and making sure their mom was comfortable. They assured her they’d get the door, so Jane gave Rachel the notes which she left on the kitchen table, then thinking some more, placed them on the floor as if they’d just blown off.
Rachel then set up the phone half-hidden behind some spice bottles, ready to capture the event.
The time passed and eventually, they heard a car pull up outside. Glancing through the window, Gemma risked a glance at the delivery driver and instantly wished she hadn’t. She recognised a lad called Jonah and he was in Rachel’s year. On the walk to the door through the kitchen, it was as if time had slowed down.
Gemma was petrified, short of breath, and her heart was beating at twice its usual rate, but at the same time, the undoubted moisture between her legs and the hardening of her nipples, revealed her to be excited beyond belief. She barely remembered to start the video rolling. It was as if she was on autopilot.
As she passed the notes on the floor that she would have to bend and pick up, she knew she had to flash a lad three years older than her at close quarters. This wasn’t some distant show in a park or a run down a road where she might have been seen, but might not be. No, this was going to be a pretty blatant show, to a lad she recognised, at a distance of less than ten feet.
Gemma realised the only decision she had still to make was how much she was going to show him. Bend at the knee and possibly show a bit of her bum, bend at the waist and definitely show him her bum, or stand legs apart and bend and let him see that most private of places, her currently glistening, smoothly shaved pussy. She didn’t dare look down as she just knew her nipples were at full beam
Her heart was in her mouth as she opened the door, just as he was about to press the bell. Jonah stood for a second with his finger pointing as the door frame. Gemma, could barely force a word out. “Money”, she mumbled and moved towards the spot where it lay.
The young redhead had to mentally lock her knees straight, with her ankles touching each other and began to reach towards the two twenties that seemed oh so conspicuous on the floor. As she did so, she could feel the nightshirt begin it’s journey up and over her peach shaped buttocks, giving Jonah as sight that he really hadn’t expected to see when he started his shift. Something in the deep recesses of his mind told him that he knew this girl, yet he couldn’t place her – yet.
Gemma grasped the paper from the floor. Now was the moment, it was really happening. She was showing one of the school seniors her bare ass. So wrapped up in her thoughts, she overbalanced and stuck out her right leg to save herself from falling. Horror struck her as she could only imagine the view that she was giving Jonah and she spun around to face him, proffering the scrunched up remuneration. As she brought her legs together again, she could almost feel the squelch as her lower lips met once again after their brief parting of the ways.
Jonah, for his part, could feel an instant stiffness in his trousers that was going to make his next couple of deliveries somewhat awkward. Neither teen knew what to say and the pizzas were handed over in an atmosphere so thick it could have been sliced.
“Keep the change.”
“Thanks, bon appetit.”. As Jonah headed back to his car, Gemma managed to close the door and forced out “Rach, can give me a hand a minute?”
It didn’t take Rachel long to get there and Gemma could only point to the mobile phone which was still recording. Stopping it, Rachel hurriedly played the recording at double speed. She knew that their mother would be suspicious if they were gone too long. She got to the point where her sister bent over and slowed it to normal speed. The look on Jonah’s face as her younger sister lost her balance was more than priceless, as was the way he tried to return to his normal facial expression as she turned to face him.
The sisters couldn’t take any longer, so there was an unspoken understanding that they’d have to discuss it later. They grabbed the food and went to fuss over their mother some more.
As they ate, Rachel quickly realised that she had to take up the conversation with their mother as Gemma was stunned to silence by the evening’s events. She waffled on about all sorts of trivia that had been going on at school as Gemma slowly allowed her mind to return to the land of the living. Judging by the wetness at the back of her nightshirt, she thought she must have had an orgasm without so much as even touching her pubis and was very relieved to see her mother head for the downstairs toilet, allowing her to make a dash for her room to change.
Once there, she couldn’t stop herself from vigourously rubbing her sex as it was feeling very needy. The second orgasm of the young girl’s night did not take long and once her feet were steady enough, she wiped herself dry on a dry bit of the partially soaking wet nightshirt she had just stripped off.
Redressing in fresh sleepwear, she headed back downstairs, explaining that she’d got some food down her front and had wanted to change. Her mother bought the excuse with not even a hesitation, telling Gemma to stick it in the wash. Rachel cut in quickly, saying the girls were going to take over the laundry now their mother was going to be a lot busier. There were smiles all round as the attendees of the feast broke up and each started their ablutions in readiness for retiring to their rooms.
Rachel gave her mother a good quarter of an hour to settle, then tiptoed to Gemma’s room to get her version of events. She’d played the recording of the flash over and over, but there was something to be said for face to face descriptions, rather than watching the event and firing texts to and fro.
In whispered tones, Gemma admitted it had been the best flashing experience yet, even though she had intended to keep her legs together. It was the intimate proximity that had made all the difference. Neither girl had any idea what they’d say to Jonah if he said anything, though Rachel didn’t really have to worry. They just decided they’d cross that bridge if it came to it. In a school with over 2,000 students, it was nowhere near certain that he’d even know Gemma, though her red hair did make her stand out somewhat.
The two hugged. The renewed fun had brought them really close again, not that they had ever fallen out. When Rachel had left her room, Gemma lay back thinking how this was going to lead to so much more. She knew her body was hot, she also knew that it needed to be admired. She’d been a scrawny little ginger kid at primary school, but she was finally being seen as something more, a sexually attractive young lady. That was a comforting thought as she drifted off to sleep.