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Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 13 (June 14)
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:02 am
by Executionus
TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:16 am
Executionus wrote: Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:02 pm
Author's note: It is hilarious that I legitimately expected to fit all three girls' turns into one part. I am quite the fool.
Some long parts, indeed. Just like Erik!
Hell, Kelly's part is turning out longer than the other two girls by far. I'm really going deep into her anxiety and her racing mind, showcasing her intense struggle with what she is doing mixed with her determination to somehow complete the task and make everyone proud.
EDIT: So Kelly's POV wound up being larger than Jennifer and Lisa COMBINED! Part 14 is probably the longest part of this story so far at nearly 10,000 words (although part of that is Erik's POV at the end).
Trapped in the Shower -- Part 14 (June 18)
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:02 am
by Executionus
Part 14:
**Kelly POV**
Erik let me see him naked earlier. I saw everything! I saw his dick!
I'm in this mental haze now. It was amazing. He is amazing. He is just stunning from head to toe, kind, smart, protective, and so very charming with his words. He's perfect, literal perfection. I feel myself smiling too hard, stressing my face some. I just can't believe how lucky I am and how happy I feel right now. I've been going crazy with lustful thoughts lately (some of them way darker than I am proud to admit) and all of them have been about Erik. I needed this. I needed this so badly, and he gave it to me. I still can't believe it.
I know how shy Erik is. He's almost as shy as I am. Jennifer has been trying to get him to flash her for 2 whole years, since back when Erik and I were still in middle school even. Erik always told her no, always. He wouldn't even make bets with Jennifer where the risk was nudity. It drives Jennifer crazy that he refuses her every time but she doesn't seem to get how agonizing that really is for him. I know him so well and it actually bothers him to let Jennifer down, but he can't bring himself to bare his body's private secrets to her. He's so insecure about his body and the fact that he's not much bigger than we girls are (still shorter than Jennifer even). He worries about not being manly enough while also paradoxically worrying about being too much like the other boys. For Erik, asking him to flash one of us is as personal to him as it would be if we asked him to confess every moment of his life that he was ashamed of one after the other. Because of that, I've never asked him directly to let me see him...until tonight.
And he agreed! The first time that I ever asked him he agreed. My brain just can't stop thinking about that. I begged him and pleaded with him because I needed it. I needed it desperately, and he gave it to me. The most personal, private, and terrifying thing to Erik that he could ever share with me...and he did it. What he did is something he would only be capable of doing for somebody that he completely loved. And he agreed to do it...for me. I think he really does love me.
And seeing it was amazing, everything I ever imagined. Seeing Erik naked was the sexiest moment of my life. My entire body is stuck in excitement mode right now, like my body is one giant clit from head to toe. I've never felt this way before. It's 1000 times more intense than what I normally feel when turned on. I can feel each and every individual one of my arm hairs standing up in excitement.
And Erik didn't even ask for anything in return! I could never possibly repay him enough because I know the true worth and value in his mind of what it was he showed to me, but he still did it because he knew how badly not seeing him was torturing me. That's the kind of amazing boy that Erik truly is. And the more I think about it, the more my heart beats for him. He shared with me his greatest treasure and he didn't even ask anything in return. He is owed any price he could name, even if I'm too weak to pay him what I owe him. In layman's terms...he deserves to see me back, even though I'm far too cowardly to give that to him.
It's because I love him. It's so far passed the level of being a mere "like" or a crush. Deeply, completely, I cannot imagine my life without him by my side. Tonight I'm going to tell him this. How absurd would I have to be to be afraid of sharing my personal emotional secret when he just showed me his most personal private bodily secrets? But that brings up the other point...I owe him. I've seen him naked now. The only way for that to be fair would be for him to see me too. And I want to do it for him, truly...but I'm just so not ready. He is the one person alive that I absolutely cannot bring myself to disappoint, the one man who I desperately have to impress. I want to change a dozen things about my body first before I ever show it to him. It needs to be perfect, just like his body is perfect. I have to make myself worthy of him somehow. I can't bring myself to let him see me naked because I love him tremendously and his disapproval, however slight, would crush me. I love him too much to ever let him enjoy any perks of loving me. How insane is that?
But for now...tonight I have to do some scary things to pay off at least part of my debt to this amazing man in the shower. I have an idea for that later, as long as I don't chicken out again.
Jennifer went off to do her pictorial while I was lost in thought staring at Erik and smiling uncontrollably. Lisa got Erik to wash himself for us again, which was awesome. She keeps asking me what happened when me and Erik were alone, but I'm having too much fun getting revenge by not telling her and Jennifer. I'll tell them eventually I'm sure (as long as I have Erik's permission), but for right now it's just enjoyable to watch them squirm.
When Jennifer returned, Lisa went off to do her thing. Jennifer was uncharacteristically quiet afterwards, leading me to believe that she must still feel a little embarrassed. I've been trying not to think about my turn, because it's going to be so unfathomably frightening to take nude pictures of myself. Jennifer plays tough, but we all know deep down that she has image issues about her uncovered body.
Erik got a text less than a minute after Lisa left and reacted pretty excited to it. Jennifer immediately yelled out enthusiastically "Did she just send you a picture?"
Erik nodded "Yes, but not what you think. It's a tease shot just showing her clothes on the floor. Lisa is enjoying all of this nudity stuff way more than the three of us are."
He's not wrong. I'm so jealous of Lisa. She's always so happy and precious, even about sex and nudity and other embarrassing things. It's not even that she never gets embarrassed, because she does. It's that she seems to kinda enjoy her own embarrassment. I wish I had that. I'm embarrassed 24/7.
Jennifer comments "How is Lisa so relaxed and happy about being naked? I don't get where she got that"
I shrug. Erik answers though "It's because of us. We're older and we've always supported her and protected her. She never feels ashamed around us because we never made her feel that way growing up. We made her into what we wish we could be because we gave her what we wish we had growing up."
I almost gasp "Wow, Erik. That was really deep."
We all get a text next. We all simultaneously bring up our phones and it is a picture of Lisa's naked torso cropped to not show any private parts, with the text "Oops! Too much zoom that time. I'll have to try again." My mouth drops. Jennifer and Erik both stare at their phones in disbelief.
After more chatting about Lisa being awesome, Erik got another message. He went white as a ghost and couldn't make a sound. I could instantly tell that whatever he was sent was WAY more revealing than the last one.
Jennifer could too, as she called out "ERIK! What did she just send you?"
He meekly replied "My request. With the stickers"
My hands flew to my mouth. Even for Lisa, sending Erik a picture of herself showing almost everything is pretty extreme. Somehow I didn't think she'd go that far. I couldn't do it for sure.
The next thing that happened made my chest thump loudly: Erik took his phone and started posing. I gasp as I watch Erik take a full-frontal nude picture of himself. My mind races as I realize he's going to send that picture to Lisa. My face flushes red big time. I...I want that picture. Even if he censors it, I still kinda want it. I don't know if I could ever bring myself to pay the price though.
I must've looked very intense, because Jennifer whispers into my ear "Hey, are you ok with Lisa and Erik sexting each other right in front of you?"
I quickly whisper back "I'm fine with that, honest! I told you both I enjoy watching you two be flirty with Erik. No, watching Erik take that picture was...I'm just getting...tempted. And I'm not saying anything more on that subject!"
Jennifer gave me a shocked look. I don't think either of us can believe that I just admitted to considering what I just said I was considering.
Erik got another message and the intensity was written all over his face. We tried to get him to tell us what it was, but he replied that it was private and we'd need to ask Lisa if she'd agree to let us know. The two of them sent a couple more messages back and forth before Lisa finally returned. We immediately asked her what she sent Erik after the sticker pic and she sheepishly admitted that she tried to get off and told Erik about it. Apparently it didn't work once again. I feel a little guilty about the fact that I can orgasm again and again in a single session but my close friend Lisa can't even get a single one ever.
And now it's my turn. On my way out I jokingly threaten them all with a cheese grater if they left the bathroom to peek on me, copying what Jennifer said earlier. Everyone laughed, so I'll take that as a win. None of them are afraid of my wrath, of course. I'd probably lose in a fight to that cheese grater.
This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. This is going to be harder than keeping my hands blocking Erik's nudity was. I look around frantically, making sure that there's nobody looking and no secret security cameras in this house. I breath in, and out, and in, and out...and then lift my sundress up over my head and toss it on the couch. I'm...naked. My hands are glued to my body. Nobody is in this room but somehow I still feel a thousand eyes looking at me. I want to hide, but there's nowhere to hide. There's no one to hide FROM. But I need to hide anyway.
I need to relax. I have to relax. I try to relax. Relax. Reeeelax. I slowly, cautiously move my hands off of me. I'm staring at the closed bathroom door like I'm expecting a demon to jump out of there. Why does it even matter so much to me if the girls even DID walk out here? I'm about to actually SEND them the nude pictures I'm taking anyway. But I still very-much want to be alone for this. I couldn't possibly do it if anybody was watching me.
I look at my dress sitting on the couch, and an odd urge fills me. I snap a picture of my dress to send to Erik, like what Lisa apparently did with her clothes. I add a little text message "It feels so majorly weird to be naked in your house like this." I didn't want to be too sexual with my message, but I still had this strong desire to make Erik imagine me here, like I am. Lisa isn't the only one who can tease him.
I need to start taking the actual pictures. You know...of me. Naked. Of ME NAKED!! Oh God. I'm about to take nude pictures of myself, with the intention of sending them out. How did I get in this mess? Is this my cosmic punishment for trying to get nude pictures of Erik tonight without him knowing, walking in on him when that failed, and then begging him until he showed it to me anyway? Honestly, it probably is. I probably do deserve this punishment for what I've done. And yet...I'd do it all again. My actions let me see Erik naked and may have even brought us closer together as a result.
Erik messages me back "It's super hot! If you want some company, or possibly a photographer, just let me know."
Ooooo I blush reading that. Just to play with him I reply "Sir, you would be required to wear your current uniform in order to keep me company. You might want to rethink that offer."
I patiently wait on a response. Sure, I'm supposed to be taking pictures, but I guess I'm procrastinating. I don't have to wait long for a reply "Kelly you seem to have sorely misjudged what I would be willing to do as the cost of joining you as you are right now."
Woof! Is he serious? Would he seriously walk out of that shower naked, with Jennifer and Lisa watching him, with me seeing all of him for more than just a quick flash, just to see me naked back? I'm still extremely "excited" from earlier. I don't know if I can handle that much excitement. I'd better not push that any further. I don't know how I would respond if I saw him walk out of that room naked right now. I might pass out. And passing out butt naked would be a bad idea.
Pictures! I need to take pictures. Man, how did I mess myself up so bad in the last 30 seconds that suddenly the pictures seem like the lesser of two sexy evils? I quickly raise my phone up and take the first shot, the overhead nude. I look at the results...hate it. Delete it. I try again. Hate it. Delete it. I can't get my face to look right! Not to mention nipples are RIGHT THERE! Every time I see my topless picture it's like my brain is screaming at me to destroy it. My hair is messy, my smile looks wrong, and my breasts look asymmetrical. There's all sorts of weird little bumps on my nipples and you can see them in every picture. And for future pictures I remember that my butt is too flat and my pussy is too hairy. How am I possibly going to survive 10 of these, each worse than the last? Just this very first one is torture. I can't keep even one attempt for more than 5 seconds without destroying it.
I text the group "Guys...I don't know if I can do this. I keep chickening out even on the first picture. I don't like taking pictures of myself even with clothes on."
I try to regulate my breathing and lower my heartrate as I wait for a response. I'm holding my dress in front of my body and sitting down on the couch. I'm panicking now.
Erik responds first "Kelly you are beautiful, so much more beautiful than you can possibly imagine. Every inch of you tickles my eyes and fills me with pleasure and joy. You ordered me to never be insecure again after I let you see me naked. I'm ordering the same of you now. Pictures of your naked body are nothing to be ashamed of, they are works of art that put the Renaissance paintings to shame."
Oh my lord. I cover my mouth with one hand and begin to tear up. I type the words into my phone "Erik, thank you. I love you with all of my heart" and let them sit there. I don't send them, but I stare at those words...the words I want to say to him. I say them quietly out loud where only I can hear them. I then delete the text and instead send "Erik, thank you. You always make me feel better"
Lisa's message came next "Girl, you've got this! You're the prettiest of all of us you know. Be proud!"
I don't agree with what Lisa just said, but it makes me smile that she would say it at least.
Jennifer's message came next "I was scared at first too, but you'll be fine. The secret is to imagine someone you like is watching you, and that you're performing for their approval. I'm not joking. You love Erik, so in your head dedicate every picture to him and then imagine him complimenting it. Trust me, it works."
Ok. Ok I'm going to try this. Imagining Erik in the room with me. I'm imagining him naked at least, just because I deserve that detail. He looks so good naked. my mind tells me that I'm gorgeous. Erik would say something imagine Erik saying to me "Kelly, I've never had to fight the urge to grab ahold of you tightly more than in this very moment." Mmmm, nice. Nice one, Imaginary Erik. I imagine him giving me that hug too, a naked hug with his thing poking me, because damnit I need this.
I smile from Imaginary Erik's words and go to take my first picture, the overhead topless shot. I take it and look at the's not bad. I kinda look cute in it, and I suppose my boobs look nice this time too. Imaginary Erik looks at the picture and tells me "Your smile and your nipples are radiant with beauty. I don't know where I want to kiss first"
Whoa! Ok, I know that I imagined that quote, but somehow just IMAGINING Erik saying something like that to me just made my face turn red. Why did I imagine him saying something so sexual? Um...well probably because I saw him naked a little bit ago and my body has been demanding release ever since. Being naked makes me want release even more. felt good to imagine Erik saying something naughty to me for a change. He's so polite and friendly all of the time and I love that about him, but man...a part of me deeply desires him to hit me up with Lisa-level thirsty comments. I think I'm going to do that from now on.
I move to the next picture, the comic book pose. I get on the couch, sticking my butt out and turning my upper body. Imaginary Erik tells me he wants to spank me in this pose. YEEK! Ok ok, that picture is done.
That wasn't so hard. So my mind, Imaginary Erik is SO HARD right now. What if I...? No, no I shouldn't imagine that. Should I? I should. I imagine Erik grabbing onto himself...onto his thing...the thing I just saw earlier. I know what it looks like now. I can imagine it in crystal clear detail in my mind, and I imagine Erik holding it with his hand now. Imaginary Erik tells me that I get to watch him stroke for every picture that I take from now on. He will rank my pictures 1-10 and then stroke in front of me the number he ranks my pictures.
Hubba hubba, whew! This is getting heated in my mind. I might actually want to play this game with Erik for real in the really real world. Or not. Let's go with not. I would legit faint.
The third picture now...cute frontal. This is where things turn up a notch, because from now on all of the pictures will show my pussy. That place is my most private, personal place. Above all else on this Earth we girls are told to keep this one place hidden and covered at all times. And now I've started to worry tonight that it's too hairy, with bright red hair everywhere. Taking a picture of that part of me will not be easy at all. I need something out of Imaginary Erik, but my mind is drawing a blank. I literally cannot imagine him complimenting me down there. I need outside help.
I go to text the real Erik, typing a question I cannot even believe that I am actually about to ask him for real: "Erik, I need your honest, 100% truthful opinion about something important. Something about my body. Don't just lie to me to spare my feelings, I need to know for real before I take any more of these. it ok if my girl part has a lot of hair on it? I don't shave like Lisa or most girls do these days. Do I need to shave it first before I take pictures?"
The wait for his answer is torture. I'm imagining Erik hugging me naked again, but it's not working this time.
I take a slow deep breath and bring up his reply "Kelly you are beautiful no matter what you do. You don't have to shave if you don't want to. Can I tell you something very personal and sexual about myself that might make you feel less insecure?"
Always so polite. I made this boy show me his dick earlier and yet he's still too polite to say something naughty without my permission first. It's sweet, but somehow silly. I tell him to go ahead. I'm very curious.
His next message pops up "I have grown up with a beautiful redhead best friend living just down the street. I've known this redhead my whole life and imagined for years what she looked like without any clothes on. For years and years I have searched the internet for similar-looking redhead nude models, and found dozens. Redhead porn often shows off the girl's bright orange pubic hairs as part of the attraction. Kelly...I have fantasized about you for years and in my mind that is always what you looked like down there. Trust me when I say that I approve of orange fuzzy parts"
OH MY GOD!!!!! I trip, I literally tripped myself after reading that and fell on the floor. I'm speechless. He...likes redheads? He searches for naked girls who look like me? He...likes redheads with hair there? I wasn't ready for that. I was SO NOT READY for him to SAY THAT TO ME RIGHT NOW!!! I rub my face frantically trying to make some of this blushing go away. No wait, I need this. Erik always says my blushing is cute! My next picture has to be cute. I quickly stand up, prop the camera up, hands behind my back to stop from covering, and look at the camera shyly with doe eyes. It's aimed full-frontal. The picture gets taken and I look at it. I...kinda like it. I look hot in this one. My whole face and part of my chest are solid red. And I think I nailed the cute side of it.
A crazy idea hits me. I copy that last picture and crop out everything below the shoulders. I then send it to Erik with the text "This is my cropped reaction to that breathtaking message you just sent to me. Is this cute enough for picture #3?"
Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting. Ding. His answer was "ABSOLUTELY!!!" I got all caps and three exclamation marks. That sent chills through me. Maybe I can do this, maybe I can take all 10 of these pictures. Only 7 more to go.
I need to go fast so that I don't lose my nerve or come down from this intense high that I'm feeling. Pose 4, on my knees hands behind head. Done! Wow, I look like such a sub in this picture with my blushing and facial expression. Pose 5 says to be a top, but I'm skipping that for now. I'm in full sub mode.
Pose 6, lying on my back, elbows raising my upper body, legs apart, bottom energy. Nailed it. I look at the girl in the picture and she looks good! I can even clearly see my pussy lips parting slightly in this picture, but somehow I'm ok with that for now. Won't be in 30 more seconds, but that's future Kelly's problem.
Pose 7, crawling from behind, everything showing. And "everything" probably means both holes. Can I really do that? Am I really brave enough for such a pornographic pose? Click. Oh wait, the camera went off. I guess I am brave enough.
I start coming down from that rush, which is inconvenient because number 8 is so graphic. Maybe I should go back and do #5 first. I need to be a top. How is meek and pathetic little me supposed to be a top? I need Imaginary Erik for this one. I need him in shy mode. I imagine Erik sitting on the couch, completely naked, nervously covering himself and having difficulty keeping eye contact with me out of shyness. I place the camera where I'm imagining Erik to be, and then prop my foot up on the coffee table while facing him. My hands are on my hips, I tilt my chin up, and I silently say to Imaginary Erik "You have until the count of three to move those hands and let me see the erection I caused!" Click.
I look at myself in this picture and I am in disbelief at how good it came out. I'm oddly proud of myself for roleplaying something dominant for once. Nothing could be further away from the truth, and yet somehow I made it work. A tiny piece of my brain actually wanted to show off how I looked here to Erik (CENSORED!) just to see if he would like that alternate version of me. I chickened out though.
The last three are the really difficult ones. In order they are: spread wet, touching self in Erik's bed, and pulling myself open while outside. Two of those are explicitly sexual, not just nude. Crossing the line to sexual content was something that I wasn't ready for yet, so I actually decided to skip to the final pose first and streak outside. But what if I get caught? I don't function well when I panic. My entire brain always finds the stupidest thing to do in the heat of the moment, and I go right on and do that thing.
I open the door...naked. I tiptoe outside under cover of darkness...naked. My head is frantically looking left and right, scanning for any trace of movement or light which may give away somebody being nearby. Hayley's house next door has several lights on, including in Hayley's bedroom. She's pretty nice, but has literally never kept one single secret in her life so far. If she saw me she'd tell everyone she knew. Worse...what if her DAD saw me? I think I'd have to move to China or something to escape that shame.
I prop up my phone and lean back against the tree. I humiliatingly reach down to my privates and pull the little sides apart. I never ever do this to my body other than quickly to clean it in the shower, and I can't even bear to look at it while I'm doing something that shameful to it. Now the camera is looking at it. The wait for the flash feels like 30 minutes even if it's only 10 seconds, with me standing here, outside, fingers pulling apart my slit until it doesn't even count as just a slit anymore. The wait is choking me.
Suddenly the porch light turns on at Hayley's house! I look at their house stunned and frozen in place right as the flash goes off, illuminating me. If somebody walks out they'll see me! I'm too scared to move at first as the flash goes away and the picture is taken. When the flash finishes my brain kicks in and I run, I run as fast as I can possibly go right back to Erik's house. I almost slam into the back door, trembling so badly that it takes a second or two to open it. I throw the door wide open, jump inside, and slam it hard behind me. It was so loud that the others probably heard it. I am breathing so hard that I'm feeling faint.
I put my hand on my heart and try to calm down some. As weird as it sounds, I feel as though looking at my picture will help make me feel will tell me that this wasn't all for nothing. I glance around left and right to try and remember where I put my phone. And hits me. My phone is still propped up...facing the tree...outside! I have to go back out there to get it. Grrrr, damnit Kelly, why are you always so stupid?
I sneak back outside, trying to be extra quiet this time. I am hidden in a dark corner of Erik's back porch as I look over at Hayley's house. Her dad is out here smoking. I'm outside naked and there's a MAN here! He's luckily facing away from here and his porch light isn't very bright. If I sneak back to the tree, I could probably grab my phone and escape back to Erik's house without him noticing. I hope so at least. This is terrifying! But I can't just leave my phone out here unguarded, especially with all of the pictures I just put on it! If that fell into the wrong hands my life would be ruined.
I tiptoe quietly, each step away from Erik's house making me more exposed and bringing me closer to a complete panic attack. Suddenly Hayley's dad turns and looks this way! Brain kicks in and I flop onto the ground to hide. I'm lying face down in the grass, fully nude, hoping he doesn't notice me. My bare butt, even whiter than the rest of my pale skin, is sticking up like a lighthouse beacon just screaming for attention. Hayley's dad looks my way for a few seconds before casually turning around and walking the other direction. I don't know how long he will be facing away, so I scramble to my feet and just sprint. I run to the tree, but now I can't find the phone in the pitch darkness. I lean against the tree as if I was taking the picture again in order to remember where the phone was, and then run my hands in that area. Finally I find it, grab it and the water bottom mount, and with both in hand I run for safety again. Halfway back to the house I see Hayley's dad turn back my way. Crap crap crap!! I don't stop, I just go. Maybe he won't notice me, or at least won't notice my lack of clothes!
I fly in the back door, slamming it hard behind me again, and stumble like a drunk right onto the living room couch. I'm basically hyperventilating. As I start to calm down I notice my dress sitting next to me on the couch. Why...why didn't I put on my dress before going back outside to get my phone???? ARGH!!! Why didn't I think of something that stupidly obvious until AFTER it was too late to help me? I swear, after I die scientists are going to study my defective brain in an attempt to isolate the cause of pure stupidity in their quest to cure future humans from such dumbness. Sigh....
My phone has a message from Jennifer asking if I was alright after she heard the loud slamming. I replied "Fine! Just panicked a little when I went outside and slammed the door afterwards. Twice. Don't ask"
Jennifer replied "You finished all ten? Nice! I knew you had it in you"
I actually shook my head, which is a totally logical response to a text message, and then typed back "Only 8. I skipped around. I saved the sexual ones for last. These may take me awhile"
The next pose I have to do requires me to be "excited" down there. Jennifer literally compared it to the Noah's Ark flood. I am tremendously embarrassed about the concept of taking a picture that sexual. Nude pictures are frightening by themselves, but a SEXUAL picture is twice as private. Weirdly, I also have this odd desire to do this right. I have a lifelong compulsion where if I do something, I have to do it perfectly. My mind is fighting between my intense desire for whatever scraps of modesty and privacy I can retain with this picture, while also feeling this intense sense of duty to take this picture as soaked and explicit as what Jennifer intended the pose to be. If those two conflicting desires sound like they would drive a woman mad,'re right.
If I'm going to be wet enough for this, I need to think naughty thoughts. And there's only one person who I want to think about like that right now, my wonderful Erik. I mean, I guess he isn't "mine" per se, but I'd like him to be. I bring up my new collection of pictures from Lisa's collection tonight, and look at some of the ones of he and I together...all of naked Erik pressed against the door, with my hands the only thing blocking him down there. These pictures are so intense and sexually powerful, I feel my face flush immediately. I feel all of the emotions and arousal that I felt kneeling there earlier. And I remember how it moving my hands and finally seeing it for real. God I wish I had a picture of that, but I have no right asking Erik for that. I've asked too much of him as it is. I owe him, not the other way around.
........There is one way that I can reward him some for what he's shown me. And this might help me feel comfortable being sexual enough for this next picture. I look at picture #4, kneeling full frontal. My entire body language is submissive in this shot, like I could legitimately see this pose with me wearing a collar hooked to a leash, with sexy Erik as my master holding the leash. Oh God, I could never tell him or anyone else how sexy THAT fantasy is for me, nope nope nopers! But am I seriously considering sending this picture to Erik, only censored by a few tiny stickers? Well...down low will need a pretty sizable sticker. I'm still a little insecure about my bushiness, but not as bad as I was before hearing that Erik has a thing for orange pubic hair.
I use blushing emojis to cover my breasts. I try not to overdo it, but I don't want any of my areola peeking out. I have to look carefully because mine are pretty pale, but I cover them all the way. I need something triangular for the lower part, and my brain looks at the heart emoji. Would...would that be too much? A heart for Erik right on my sex organ might as well be an invitation for him, right? I want it to be? OOOKAY! Let's not think in that direction. But I'm about to do something uncharacteristically bold. I'm sending a censored nudie pic to Erik and I'm worried about including a heart? I really am a basket case. I put the heart down there and it covers everything.
Wait...wait I have a better idea. I have an idea that Erik will appreciate. Instead of using a basic red heart, instead I change it to an orange heart. I blush just thinking about the lack of subtlety of that symbolism. Am I really going to send this? It...feels wrong to send something like this without warning. Also I might need a warmup myself. I send a text to him "Erik...remember that picture you took in the shower for Lisa? I really want that picture. And I think I might be willing to pay the cost, maybe."
Waiting waiting, waiting for a response. Ding, "Hell yeah! Go for it! I'd love that."
He'd love that. Well that makes me smile a little. I take a deep breath and send my picture. It's sent. I sent it. I stare at my phone. I just sent Erik an extremely dirty picture of myself!
He messages back "Holy cow! I love it! You are beyond beautiful, Kelly. That picture was hot enough to heat up my phone, and heat me up just as much. I love the sexy orange heart. One day I would love to see your actual orange heart, pretty girl. This picture here though is now my prized possession. You've certainly earned your reward."
I blush madly in silence. A few seconds later I receive his picture, him naked with his big thing barely covered by a dragon sticker. The look in his eyes is highly sexual, and his hand is rubbing his chest as a bonus. My eyes light up. This is a HOT picture! It's everything I hoped it would be when I saw him take it earlier. My eyes also notice something...Erik didn't block his pubic hair! I can actually see it, see his hair sitting there above where the dragon starts. That's so incredibly forbidden for girls to see, and yet there it is in the palm of my hands! This picture is mine forever.
I thank Erik profusely for the picture and then finally stop procrastinating on taking my legs-apart picture. With all of this extra excitement, plus the excitement earlier, I feel sufficiently aroused for this. I put the phone in place, set the timer, sit down, and spread my legs. I can feel my nipples quite solid as well. I'm thinking about Erik, thinking about Erik naked in the shower with his big solid dick just sticking out and throbbing for me. I'm imagining myself just walking into the bathroom, exactly as I am now, not a piece of clothing on my body, opening that door, and joining him in that shower. I want to feel his wet body with my hands. I want to feel his hands and arms all over me, holding me and caressing every inch of me. None of my parts are forbidden from his fingertips, outside or even inside. Click.
This picture exudes raw lust. It's very intense. I also check back on my last picture that I forgot to look at and see me holding myself open while nervously looking over towards Hayley's house. There's something sexy about how nervous I look in this, weirdly enough. Only one more to go...Erik's room.
I shyly enter Erik's room, despite knowing nobody else was in here. I hop up onto the bed and get on my knees. This bed smells just like Erik does and that gets me even more worked up than I already was. I set the phone in place, grab my chest, and start rubbing myself for the pose. I...I only intended to pretend, but...I am extremely excited after everything tonight. A few seconds before the timer goes down I am no longer pretending, not even remotely. I'm not holding back at all. I gasp and my eyes roll back right before I hear the click go off. I really don't want to stop, but I reluctantly take my hand away. It's torture, but I do it (at least for now).
I look at my picture in pure shock. It is 100% obvious that I am not faking, that this is real. It's blatant that I am legitimately masturbating in this, and my eyes are rolling backwards like I'm about to cum! This picture is MASSIVELY sexual, pure sexuality. I come so close to deleting it that it's not even funny, but some warped part of my brain tells me that I look super hot in this. But how can I send this to anyone? What if this picture here turns out to be the most depraved picture any of the three of us took? I would die of shame if I found out that Lisa and Jennifer held back more than I did.
I need to stop being so ashamed of my sexual desires. Everybody keeps telling me to embrace it and not be shy. With a sigh I decide that I will keep that picture, at least for now. That makes my final one! I...did it. I DID IT! All ten pictures and I really, truly did it. I didn't cheap out of a single one, every picture got 100% of my energy. I'm so proud of myself that I let myself fall backwards onto Erik's bed to celebrate and catch a huge breath of relief.
This bed is so comfy...and it smells like Erik. I don't know why, but once I lied down in this bed I felt this rush of emotion. I pull up his sheet and blanket over me, scooting over to the left side and facing the right side. I hold my arm out towards that side, just imagining Erik lying here in my arm. I imagine him naked, of course, and I'm naked too. We're both naked in this bed. Even though it's only a twin bed, we're both little bitty people and we easily fit. We fit together. I can't help but imagine his arms around me, his hands exploring my body, his fingertips making contact with all of me. I turn my neck in order to expose it, even if he isn't really here with me. I then imagine him leaning in and biting my neck...gently, but firmly...and holding me in place with his teeth as I gasp and moan. I tremble for real just imagining that boy's teeth on my skin.
I don't remember when it was that I started touching myself, but eventually I noticed what I was doing. I'm masturbating in my crush's bed! Oh crap...I'm naked in a bed at night. My brain is trying to activate my "nightly ritual" of fingering myself to thoughts about Erik until I pass out from exhaustion. I can't do that here! That would be a huge breach of his trust, for starters. Also if I pass out then one of them is going to come out here looking for me and catch me like this.
As I'm squirming around I notice a slight damp spot on my side. Instantly I remember Lisa telling us that she tried to get off during her photo time and told Erik about it. Was at the time? Was Lisa touching herself in Erik's bed like me? Actually...did Jennifer do it as well? She would never tell anyone if she did, her pride is too strong. Are all three of us horny psychopaths unable to keep our hands off of our kitties while in this bed unsupervised? Apparently. And Lisa told Erik about her attempt. Did Erik approve? He didn't look upset when he got that message earlier, he looked turned on. Would he...give me permission to do things in here? My hand is doing things anyway even without his permission, no matter how many times I try to make it stop.
I have two choices and neither of them are ones I want to do. I either need to stop this, stop it now cold turkey before I get too deep into this mind-blowing feeling...or I need to ask Erik's permission to continue. Asking something like that of Erik shameful. I can't even talk to him directly about anything related to my sexuality. I sure as hell can't tell him when I am literally masturbating to the thought of him, and that goes double when I'm in his bed doing it. I don't want...him to think that I'm dirty. I want him to see me as a good girl, wholesome, virtuous, wife material...not as some degenerate sex-crazed maniac who can't even stop from over-stimulating her own genitals every night. It's bad enough that I admitted to that. I don't need to add to it.
Also...and this concern is just a huge as the other one...I'm scared that he might actually be turned on by me telling him and then egg me on. I've seen what Erik does to Lisa sometimes when she's horny and losing control. Erik cannot fathom what that treatment would do to me. The right enthusiasm on his part at the right time would shatter my inhibitions like movie windows. If he started encouraging me to play with myself, and especially if he went full into JOI-style encouragement, then I would never stop until my entire body crashed. So long as I remained awake, so too would my hand remain down there. I don't have the self control to stop. I keep such rigid control of myself 24/7 and hold my enthusiasm, back 24/7 because once I let go and stop controlling I simply DO...NOT...STOP. I am feast or famine, I can't do moderation.
I don't have a choice...I take my hand off of myself and force it on the outside of the blanket. I almost want to cry, since my body has never before felt as sexually charged as it does tonight. My thighs start rubbing up and down under the blanket even as I try to tell them to stop. I imagine Erik's hand touching me there, and then try to purge that image from my mind before it drives me insane. Brain, you need to stop! Kitty, you need to stop too.
I need a distraction. I use my phone to take a cute picture of me in Erik's bed, body covered in the blanket, off on one side with my arm over on his side facing that way. I'm smiling cutely while blushing still. I'm always blushing tonight. I load the picture into messenger as if I was going to send it to Erik and I type the message "There's plenty of room in this bed if you wanted to join me." I stare at the unsent picture and message, imagining what it would be like if I actually sent something that wild to Erik. I'd never be that forward though, I'm far too chicken. I just like to pretend and imagine what his response to things like that would be.
I lie there staring and creating a fantasy scenario in my mind for 30 seconds or so when I get a text alert from Jennifer wondering what's taking me so long. The sudden sound makes me jump in fright and I accidentally hit the send button on the message I was staring at. I see that the message just sent, for real, and my entire face freezes. OH NO! I can't believe that just happened! Damn damn damn. This is bad. What is Erik going to think when he sees that? What is Erik going to SAY when he sees that? I need to get out of this bed ASAP, it's doing bad things to my brain. I jump out of the bed, not even waiting for a response. I run back into the living room and throw my dress over my head, finally not naked anymore. I use a paper towel to wipe down there, to make sure that I'm not wet anymore and won't stain my pretty dress.
AAAAAAAH! He replied! I'm almost too scared to look, but my curiosity is overwhelming. Is he going to think badly of me for saying that sort of thing? Is he going to be turned on? Is he going to declare his eternal love for me? I don't know and not knowing is brutal. I bring up his response: "If? Kelly, I mean this sincerely: You have a lifelong open invitation to join me in my bed anytime you want, clothes or no clothes."
Eeeeeee! I almost dropped my phone, managing to catch it on the way down. I read that again. Erik just...Erik just invited me to join him in his bed, for real, anytime I wanted! I don't think he understands...I could sell my bed at home for spending cash. I wouldn't need that old thing anymore. I'd never sleep there again. I need to get back into the bathroom now. This sequence of messages with Erik is putting me and my heart into a place that I can't handle with any real dignity. I'm going to make my move on him when we're alone together in a little bit, for real, no chickening out. I know he'll say yes. I know it. I know that Erik loves me deeply. He shows it every say, and he's made it abundantly clear tonight. I love him so overwhelmingly that it breaks my brain into literal insanity. I cannot stand even one more anxiety-filled day with him as nothing but my friend.
**Erik POV**
Being in this shower with the gruesome twosome and no Kelly to protect me is a little scary. Jennifer even joked that she could pull open my shower door, get Lisa to snap pictures, and then order me to not tell Kelly unless I wanted Kelly to see those nudes of me too. I know that Jennifer wouldn't actually cross that line, but I could also tell that she was considering it far more than I would've liked. To keep the hungry lions happy I agree to answer any personal question they have for me about my sexuality. As you might expect, they ask all sorts of things about my fetishes, my masturbation habits, and Lisa goes all-in and asks me if little Erik curves upwards or downwards. Jennifer then asks me how many inches long I am, which I honestly don't know. I've never measured myself. She then tells me that she's going to get a ruler and make me measure for her once Kelly finishes up. Super.
To my great shock and joy, Kelly keeps messaging me (and sending pictures!). I wasn't ready for this, because our messages are moving more and more intimate as they go on. I'm honestly baring my true feelings to her in every message back, practically telling her that I love her without literally using those specific words. I never expected in a million years that Kelly would send me a nude picture that was barely censored by stickers, but she did it. I can see almost all of her and it is beyond sexy. I feel myself growing closer to contactless orgasm the more I stare at this picture, so I have to reluctantly stop just to hold it together in front of the girls. Jennifer and Lisa both figure out what I was looking at based on my reaction to it and they start squealing with those boy bad squeals again in response. If I didn't know any better, I'd think that those two are happier about Kelly sending my a naughty picture than I was to get it myself.
The last message she sends me is of her, in my bed totally naked but everything covered, posing as if she wants to cuddle with me. And her message is asking me if I would join her. Kelly, my dear sweet Kelly, I would join you in a heartbeat and never leave. The school would send cops to arrest us for truancy in the fall because we would still be in that bed together. I try to not send THAT level of enthusiasm back, but I do get a little vulnerable by admitting that she could join me in my bed at any time she ever wanted, and that this offer never expires. My heart is thumping loudly. Tonight feels so intense with her. It's almost as if we're both skating the edge of admitting feelings for each other. Actually...that's exactly what it's like because that's exactly what we're doing. And I think both of us realize this.
Kelly suddenly jumps back in the bathroom with us not long after I message her back. She looks at all of us and smiled before saying triumphantly "I did it! All ten!"
The girls give her thumbs up as Jennifer jokes "Hey, from what we've heard, you did all eleven...bonus picture included."
Kelly covered her face "What? How did you know about that?"
Lisa answered "Kelly, Erik looked like he was about to bust a nut just from staring at his phone. It was pretty obvious!"
Kelly went "Eeep!". I felt myself blush as well.
Jennifer then waved her hands "Ladies, ladies. Now comes the hard part. We have to send each other the ten pictures we took, and then we get to check out what each other did. It's weird but I'm really curious about how we each tackled the challenges."
Jennifer was trying exceedingly hard to hide her deep, thirsty enthusiasm for her imminent ability to look at her friends' explicit nudes. Her entire face was strained trying to keep a poker face. I can't judge her, of course. If I was about to be sent these pictures I wouldn't even remotely be able to contain my excitement. Maybe somehow I will end up with these pictorials. I keep hope alive in my soul, even if it's probably a lost cause.
The girls all nervously brought up their phones and gathered the pictures into bulk messages for the others. They coordinated until all three of them had all ten pictures lined up, only requiring them to hit send. At that last step, the girls paused. All of them look embarrassed as hell at what they are about to share with each other. Even if they are all girls, these pictures are the type of thing that even other girls never see of each other. These poses were nude model poses. While there was no risk that any of them would ever leak these to the public, these are the type of pics where even just one-another seeing them was a life-changing experience.
Kelly nervously whispered loudly "Are...are we really going through with this? My album know, it's pretty extreme. I didn't hold back as much as I thought I was going to."
Lisa giggled, but this time it was a very nervous giggle unlike her usual giddy one "Mine are probably worse. I got...well, as you guys all heard, I got pretty worked up out there doing this."
Kelly touched her shoulder "Girl, same."
Jennifer nodded "Me too. This was pretty crazy, for sure. But...we all did it. Together. And it's weird, but I feel like sharing these will bond us together in a new way. This is an experience we'll always remember as long as we live."
Lisa nodded "You're right." She then looked right at Jennifer with a strange grin before saying "And I'm really looking forward to seeing how you two look in your pictorials."
Kelly looked over at me "I agree with you both. I kinda feel bad for Erik being left out of this bond, in a way. I'm sorry though, but I can't share this sort of thing with a boy. It's bad, like super intimate. Please forgive me"
I chuckle "No I get it, I understand. Maybe someday though, when you guys are ready. I'll be waiting"
Jennifer then announced "Ok ladies. On the count of three, hit send. One.... Two.... Three!"
The albums were sent, and then started loading one by one on the girls' phones. The next 2 minutes were just pandemonium with all of them squealing and commenting on each other's best shots. I have to admit feeling very tortured by the knowledge that there now exists 30 naked pictures of my sexy best friends, who were sharing all of them, yet I wasn't allowed to see a single one of them. From listening to the chatter I learned that Lisa is apparently the wettest of the girls by far, which is something that she actually seemed uncharacteristically shy about. I also learned that Kelly's picture on my bed touching herself was far more intense than anyone expected it to be, which Kelly kept repeatedly shyly asking the girls to stop bringing up with me standing right over here. Apparently Jennifer's pictures frequently mixed her blonde bombshell good looks with a heavy dose of blatant arousal (which she normally doesn't let people see directly) and that this made several of her pictures look legitimately professional grade.
Jennifer's face was red and sweating the entire time looking at nudes of the girls. Any doubts I may have had about her being bisexual were completely evaporated by watching the intense way that she was staring at the phone. It was like a boy was scrolling through all of those private pictures. I can only hope that my facial expressions won't be even half that shameless if/when I get to see these myself. Jennifer's thirsting is so obvious that I think Lisa may have noticed, since she keeps giving Jennifer these funny grins as Jennifer keeps getting lost in her own secret excitement.
Lisa and Kelly then start teasing Jennifer of being the only one of the three girls who was too chicken to send me a sticker picture. They both agree that Jennifer's version of pose 4 was professional model quality and absolutely stunning, so they pressure her into letting me see it (once its censored). Jennifer eventually gives in and does it, red in the face with cute humiliation, and demanding her reward from me in return (which she loudly appreciates). When I receive the picture it blows me away. Jennifer is the type of person who always tries to be dominant, never showing vulnerability. To see her presenting herself submissively like this was so unusual, but also massively sexy. She rocked the pose itself better than either of the others and I can see why they were saying that Jennifer had the natural talent to be an actual model. I still can't believe that I now have barely-covered nude pictures of all three of them, mine to keep forever. I'll never need porn again!
And the crazy part is...I haven't even given them my next dare yet.
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 14 (June 18)
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:45 pm
by GeekGuy
WOW! great story. so many things that have me so hooked. great job I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 1:09 am
by Executionus
Part 15:
The girls are all gushing over their identical copies of my covered-nude picture, discussing details with each other about my body. Quickly I realize that I probably should have blocked my pubes, because all three of them are quite vocal about their enjoyment of seeing my forbidden body hair in HD quality. It is hugely embarrassing to stand here watching them drool over my nude pic, but I do have three of my own to drool over so I suppose it was a fair trade. The pics I have of the girls are wonderous.
Jennifer eventually remembers that she wanted me to measure myself with a ruler, so she runs off to raid my desk for one. She returns with a blue plastic one, which is at least one of the waterproof rulers. Still, I find this entire idea utterly humiliating. They want me to give them my EXACT measurements, removing a lot of the secrecy about my privates. I've never actually measured myself before. I don't even honestly know what numbers are good or bad, other than hearing guys at school brag about being a whole foot long. I know that I'm nowhere close to that big. What if it's not big enough? What if they laugh?
I grab the ruler from Jennifer over the top of the door, making sure to keep covered when she's that close to it. She gets a very naughty grin after blatantly eyeing my covered body and the single hand struggling to hide everything, eventually backing up to the wall so that I can do this for her. I place the end up against my pelvis firmly and touch the ruler itself to my throbbing weiner. It jumps from the contact, getting a little bit of pleasure from such a thing.
Jennifer calls out "Don't cheat either! We wanna know your size for real. It's no fun if you lie."
Grrrr. She doesn't seem to understand how humiliating and stressful this is. Everything that a man is comes down to this one single number. If it's too small, we'll never be able to make a girl happy and they'll always just laugh at us if they see it or learn the number. What if I tell them my size, they laugh at me, and then they tell the other girls in the neighborhood and school too? I'd be nothing but a joke from then on. I could kiss my dating prospects goodbye. Any hope of me being with Kelly some day would be shattered. I'll die a virgin.
I look at the ruler once I finally get it into place, seeing that I manage to come out exactly at the 7 inch line. It couldn't have been more exact. Seven is a long long way away from ten and twelve like what I've heard other boys claim to be. Even if they're probably lying, it feels like those are the sizes girls expect from a man...and I'm not there. I'm tempted to just lie and tell them it says 10, but a big part of me doesn't want to do that. Making the girls fantasize about fiction wouldn't make me feel any better about my actual body. And if I ever miraculously got one of them into bed with me, they might get furious with me once they learned I wasn't even close to 10 and then call the whole thing off.
I nervously tell them the truth "It's exactly seven inches long."
Lisa loudly purrs "OoOoOoOoOoOo, nice!"
Kelly blushes "Wow"
Jennifer smiles "Damn dude! Nice. You're bigger than average down there. Average is about 6 1/2. And yes I know these things! Shut up all of you!"
Kelly switched to her sexy deep-horny voice, probably without noticing, and stared right at my groin area as she told me "I KNEW that thing was bigger than most guys. Awesome."
Their satisfied reactions suddenly relaxes me a ton, as if a giant weight is lifted off of my shoulders. I ask "Jennifer, are you for real? Am I really bigger than average? I'm not exactly a big dude in any other way if you haven't noticed."
Jennifer nodded "Yep, not making that up at all. Most dicks are like 5-8 inches with only super-rare ones bigger or smaller than that. Also there's an old rumor among us girls that the bigger a man's muscles, the smaller his you got the lucky genes after all."
I'm blushing pretty hard now, feeling much better about my anatomy. I hand Jennifer back the ruler, which she immediately uses to precisely measure how deeply into her abdomen I would penetrate if we ever had sex. She even lifts her shirt to show the other girls where exactly 7 inches stops.
Kelly nervously looked at Jennifer's tummy with the ruler on it and blurted out "There's no way that would fit inside me! I'd run out of room!" She then looked pretty mortified for having said that out loud.
Lisa nudged her side "Only one way to find out though, am I right?"
Kelly glared at her "Lisa I will spank your bottom like you were my daughter."
Lisa then got a wild idea "Hey wait! Erik, you got a picture of my naked butt too, uncensored. I only got the full-frontal pic in trade. That means he still owes me one back!"
I scoff "No it doesn't. We didn't make a deal, you just flashed me."
She pouted "But I still wanna see your butt...."
Jennifer raised her hand "I second the motion"
With the other two staring at her, Kelly gave me a horny smile and said "Me three"
I nervously shake my head "Oh come on, you guys! I didn't even SEE your two butts yet"
Kelly blurted out "Yet" with a sly smile, and then instantly went white and turned around to face the wall with her hands covering her face.
Lisa laughed like a hyena, then asked "Wait wait, what are you thinking Kelly? Tell us your idea!"
Jennifer commented "I'm curious too to see what Little Miss Innocent has going on in her horny mind"
Kelly whined "You guuuuuuuys! Stoooop! I didn't mean to say that out loud. It was an accident."
Jennifer patted her back "You were wanting us to moon him, weren't you?"
Kelly shook her head "NO! No no, I couldn't do that with him watching me. And I'm in a dress! I might accidentally show....." she whispered, but I still heard it "...more."
Jennifer then asked "So what's your idea then? Go on, don't be shy. I'll bet Erik wants to hear it too"
Despite being worried about the goals of this plan, I am interested in the methods they might take to achieve it. I reply "Yeah I'm curious now."
Kelly, still facing the wall, quietly said "Ok fine! So...we have picture number 2, the comic book pose. It shows back there without know...that. Maybe...maybe......I'm not saying we should! Just...maybe.....we could....put stickers on the top parts again like before...and send stickers blocking the butt. And then he'd owe us a picture of his butt. MAYBE!! It's just a thought! Ok? Happy now??"
Lisa giggled "I'm game!"
Jennifer rolled her eyes "Well of course YOU are. I might agree too, but I dunno. Kelly?"
Kelly made a nervous shy moaning sound instead of words. She still couldn't turn and face me.
Jennifer then softly told her "You're really cute when you're this horny."
Kelly whimpered "I am noooot"
I chimed in "You are BEYOND cute when you're horny. I love seeing this side of you. Go on, turn around, I want to see your face like this."
Kelly waved her hand behind her back and made an angry grunt noise to tell me no, but Lisa wasn't having any of that. She grabbed Kelly's waist and spun her without warning, making Kelly look at me. She was absolutely adorable standing there fidgeting but not really fighting back against Lisa.
I smiled at her, trying to make her less nervous while also encouraging her "See? Look at all of that cuteness crammed into one pretty girl. You must really want to see my butt pretty badly to even suggest such a trade"
She shyly nodded, not speaking. My heart is beating pretty fast considering that Kelly's shyness is still my biggest weakness, but also the opportunity to get a picture of her naked behind is simply irresistible. My face turns red just thinking about it, as well as thinking about the completely embarrassing fact that I have to send a naked picture of my own back side as payment for the three of theirs. Still...years, literal years of me staring at the backs of their jeans, shorts, leggings, or God-forbid their amazingly skimpy and cheek-baring bikinis, has all been about one deep urge in me: I want to see those asses bare. My shyness is very powerful, but my horniness is much stronger. I'm not saying no to this deal. I have a bad feeling that I might have lost the ability to say no to any equal trade of this type, and that thought scares me to death.
I tell Kelly "I'll actually do it if all three of you agree."
Jennifer then jumped up in shock and quickly whispered something to Kelly. Kelly turned significantly redder than she already was and covered her face again while Jennifer talked, even her eyes this time. Lisa was hugely curious, as was I. Once Jennifer finished telling Kelly that secret, she turned and told it to Lisa who began bouncing for joy.
Excitedly Lisa chanted "YES YES YES! DO IT DO IT DO IT! I love you, Jennifer! You will always be my hero!"
Jennifer then asked Kelly " you agree? This was kinda your idea in the first place after all."
Kelly uncovered her face and glared at Jennifer with a mix of anger and lust, and her voice hit that deep aroused level again as she answered "God damnit Jennifer, you know perfectly well that I can't say no to what you just said if you can actually make him agree"
Jennifer smirked "Oh he will. So Erik...we decided that all three of us will send you those pictures with only our nipples covered...IF...instead of you taking a butt picture for us, you let us open the shower door while you're facing away and let us see it for real."
I went white "WHAT?"
Jennifer raised her hands "Only the back side, we swear! And then we'll close the door again. Scout's honor!"
I nervously shake my head "Jennifer...we've been over this. You ain't a scout, and trusting you with protecting my naked body is like trusting a dog to not eat a steak. And I don't think I can trust even Kelly with my door open right about now judging by the look on her face."
Kelly was about to say something in her defense, but then stopped and nodded shyly. She had this intense look...and I could tell what it meant. She was reaching the point where she was almost willing to walk in here with me, even losing her dress if she must. Her face told the story that she wouldn't be able to stop herself and the others from dragging me out of here, kicking and screaming, and then having their way with my nude body while they stayed dressed. It was unfathomably sexy to see but also meant that I was in real danger of being ravaged over here.
Lisa then spoke up "One minute. One minute with the door open, and I'll set a timer. If those two don't close the door on time then I'll send ALL of their pictures to you, with NO stickers on them."
Kelly and Jennifer simultaneously screamed "LISA!!!"
She grinned "That outta motivate you to behave, right?"
Kelly waved her finger at Lisa "Don't even JOKE about doing that! I'm serious! And we aren't going to violate Erik's trust even without your threat. Honestly, after what you did earlier tickling me and trying to make me drop my hands, you don't have ANY room to talk"
Lisa giggled and responded "Hehehe...Well...if I'm a bad little girl again in the future, then I guess you know how to punish me for it. Right? But for now...I wanna be the enforcer of the rules for once!"
Jennifer then asked me "So Erik, is it a deal? One minute of your door open in exchange for pictures of our butts."
I'm still very nervous about this. Letting them look at my backside is humiliating just on it's own, but I'm afraid of them trying something to see the front part too. Still...I really want those pictures. And honestly...a part of me almost hopes that they do break their word if Lisa is telling the truth about sending me their nudes! Knowing Lisa she'd do it, she is the one girl who wouldn't be too squeamish to let me see the others in pornographic poses. Lisa has just enough chaotic energy to keep such a taboo promise to me.
Reluctantly I agree "Ok. I'll do it, but with one more agreement on your parts. I'm going to make my next dare after this, and you guys have to agree to it exactly as I order it."
Jennifer waved "Whoa whoa, hold up. We might need some conditions here."
I continued "My next dare lets you keep your clothes on and I won't see any nudie parts. It's something else"
Looking at my face, Kelly blurted out "And you can't make us touch ourselves!"
I jump at her saying that, which makes me understandably sad, but oddly enough what she said doesn't technically interfere with my plan. I restate "Ok. So the rules are that I can't see your parts and I can't order any of you to touch yourselves. I'll even offer the bonus of letting your clothes stay on this time. But ANYTHING ELSE I say is legal, correct? And you can't back out of it. If you agree to my terms, then I guess I'll let you open the door and we'll do the butt flash trade."
The girls looked at each other, shrugged, and each one agreed. I smiled. They had no idea the trick I just pulled on them with my word usage, but they were going to figure it out soon.
The girls demand that I go first this time since they went first last trade, and with a sigh I agree. I turned my back on the shower door, facing the wall. I walked pretty close to the wall for security purposes to prevent them from getting any form of side view of my dick, which had thankfully calmed down a little bit but was still pretty solid. It wasn't until I was getting into position that I realized something here: Since I curve downwards slightly, I wouldn't be able to press my body up against the wall without my dick pointing downwards (like it did pressed against the door earlier). If my dick was pointing downwards instead of sticking out in front of me, the girls might be able to see it between my legs with me standing like this! Even covering with my hands would have the same problem. I have no choice but to stand with my dick exposed to the open air, vulnerable to being seen from the sides.
*Ka-click* I hear the glass shower door unhook behind me and swing open! The rush of cool air on my wet skin electrifies my nerves and tickles my goosebumps. The girls can see me naked!!
"EEEEEEE!!" "OH GOD!!" "WOW!" "GUYS GUYS GUYS!!" "HOLY FUUUUUCK!" The three girls go into a complete squealing frensy behind me from getting to see my naked body for real, uncovered, even if only the back side. I'm blushing and shivering, keeping my hands at my side trying to block anyone from looking around my body at the front side.
Kelly was the first girl to utter a coherent sentence as she declared "Erik you have a HOT ass!"
Lisa, extremely loudly, squealed "No kidding! Screw Captain America, THAT is America's Ass!"
I start hearing the sound of Lisa's camera going off again and again. I'm not stupid, I knew she was going to do that. But still, every single click fills me with dread. The girls are going to have real naked pictures of me from now on, and I can feel their desire to see around me at the front too. Oh God I'm really naked! The door is open and they can see me for real. They're all looking at my naked backside. Why did I agree to this? This is so embarrassing. I want to shut the door to hide me again but I can't move without flashing my dick in the process. I'm stuck!
Jennifer commanded "Spread your legs more dude and put your hands on the wall. Let us see it better! Don't be so uptight."
I loudly grumble and do as she said, completely humiliated over here. I'm sure they're getting quite the view. I actually get a little nervous about them possibly trying to look up between my legs and trying to see my balls (or possibly even my dick). Please God...please God if you're there, don't let the girls see it. Letting them see the back is torturing me...letting them see the front would kill me. Please don't let the girls see my dick!
Jennifer then bluntly asked "Erik, can I grab your butt?"
Shocked I reply "What? No!"
Lisa enthusiastically begged "Erik I want to touch it too! Please? Pretty please? I'll let you touch mine back!"
I don't like this crossing of lines, especially when I'm so vulnerable over here. I reply "Girls, no! Come on"
They groan in disapproval. I swear I heard Kelly groan with the others. After a few more seconds I hear Lisa's phone clicking again, taking more pictures. It sounds much closer than before, though. I turn my head to see Lisa reaching her entire arm into my shower trying to get a picture of me from the side. And by "from the side" I mean that she's trying to get a picture of my dick itself!
I angrily scream at her "LISA! Get the FUCK back!"
She stumbles backwards out of the shower in a hurry pleading "Sorry! Sorry!"
I grumble "You're not sorry. You know exactly what you were trying to do."
Lisa pouted "It's not my fault, Kelly told me to!"
Um, what? Innocent pure sweet little Kelly? That accusation made me gasp. I then heard the sound of playful violence behind me, as if Kelly was beating on Lisa now for telling me that. I couldn't help but notice that Kelly never actually denied the accusation.
I'm shaking madly over here praying for this to end soon. I pitifully whimper "Hasn't it been a minute yet? This is humiliating!"
Lisa responded "6 more seconds"
A couple seconds later I feel a firm smack on my ass, making me shout "HEY!" in surprise. The girls all start boy band screaming again after one of them spanked me. Finally the timer goes off and they shut the door behind me. I'm so embarrassed that I almost want to cry after having been forced to stand in front of them all naked, photographed, and one of them even spanked my bare butt. I don't even know which one of them did it and right now all three are likely suspects.
I turn around with my hands covering myself, ignoring the rule against that from earlier. The girls are bouncing and squealing like it's Disneyland. I'm a little choked up as I say "Guys that was so humiliating. I'm never doing anything like that again, EVER!"
Kelly noticed me not being happy and it sobered her up, leading to her waving the others down too. She then nervously pleaded "Erik please, don't be upset. We were just having fun. It's hard to control ourselves around you. You are HOT, remember? Too hot, hot enough to make us do crazy things. Please don't feel humiliated, we don't want that. Be PROUD of how much we enjoy looking at you. We want you to feel good, not bad. You make us feel very good...VERY good"
I was still a little salty "Which one of you spanked me? That wasn't cool."
Jennifer raised her hand "Me, sorry. I couldn't resist dude! It was just screaming at me to do it"
I glare at her "Well now I owe YOU a spanking on the bare ass. I might just pull you over my knee and give you a full 20 spank butt-whooping one day, panties down and everything"
Jennifer got very nervous very quickly "You'd better not!"
I gave her an evil smile "Why not? It's not like you could stop me if I grabbed you. I'm a lot stronger than you are nowadays."
Lisa giggled "Do it! You should do it, Erik. I'll help you hold her."
Jennifer looked shocked "Lisa! Don't you dare. I mean it. I'll hurt you all."
Lisa then grabbed Jennifer's arms and easily pulled them behind her back, restraining her. I think Jennifer and I were equally surprised to see Lisa so easily manhandle the much-taller girl, but she also had the element of surprise working in her favor. Still, a very frightened Jennifer tried to struggle and break free of Lisa's grip but wasn't able to do so.
Lisa called out "Come on, I've got her! Hurry up and spank her!"
My face switches into a glare of disbelief, looking at Lisa who can't even keep a straight face during this. I emotionlessly state the obvious "I'm naked, dingleberry. I'll spank her LATER, as in when I have clothes on again."
Lisa then let go of Jennifer and shrugged "Eh, worth a try". Jennifer playfully punched Lisa's arm, followed by Lisa punching back. They then went back and forth for a bit, but without trying to actually hurt each other.
Despite all of the hijinks and commotion, Kelly continued to look really guilty for her part in everything that just happened. I didn't like seeing her worried. I kinda felt bad about getting rude with the girls (even if they had just totally violated my privacy and all). In a weird way I understand their intense horniness right now because I'm feeling it too. And truthfully I really do enjoy them enthusiastically thirsting after me like this. It feels sexy and amazing to my self esteem, even if I'm completely embarrassed about it. I don't want her to seize up on my account. Also Kelly looks REALLY cute when horny or embarrassed, so I feel obligated to put her back into that mindset.
Because Lisa and Jennifer are making a ruckus, I open my phone and I text Kelly "Don't look so down. I'm ok! I actually do like all of the sexual attention you three are giving me, even if I'm really shy about it and still a little ashamed of my body. But you're too cute to be frowning over me. You have my permission to enjoy yourself! After all, there's a naked boy in front of you right now."
Kelly reads her message and blushes, looking over at me sweetly. She then messages me back "Your body is 10/10. I've seen all of it now so I can accurately rate it. No more being ashamed!"
An evil idea hits me. I reply with three emojis: A kiss, an arrow to the right, and an orange heart. I know for certain she will understand the "subtle" message seeing as how she was the one who associated her fuzzy girl zone with an orange heart in the first place. I can't believe that I have the guts to send something that sexual to Kelly of all people, but tonight is weird.
Kelly reads her message and her eyes go wide. She loudly goes "EEEP!" before clutching her phone to her chest and turning solid red. She gives me this cute angry glare mixed with a horny smile. Jennifer and Lisa stop reenacting Wrestlemania to stare at Kelly, wondering what they just missed. Before they can ask, Kelly shakes her head and tells them "Nope! I'm not sharing THAT message!"
The girls start ribbing me about sending a dirty text to Kelly, while also egging me on and congratulating me. It's pretty embarrassing for both of us, so I quickly change the subject by reminding everyone that I still need to see THEIR butts. After a couple minutes of nervous editing from the girls, they finally send me my prizes. Holy Jesus ice-skating on his bathwater! Jennifer, Lisa, and Kelly, all three of these girls have FANTASTIC asses and I now have pictures of all three bare as can be. The pictures also show all of their naked bodies in the comic book pose, just with the nipples covered by stickers, and I find myself enjoying the sight of their bare backs quite a lot. Jennifer's long legs and natural talent for posing makes her entire picture a masterpiece, and that round butt is beyond sweet. I will enjoy spanking the hell out of that some day. Lisa's bubbly butt is just as great as it was live, and there still isn't a single tan line anywhere on her body. Kelly, being the skinniest of the girls, has a more simple butt that's less round than the others, but still absolutely mind-blowingly amazing to see. I find it crazy that somehow Kelly DOES have tan lines, because she's already so pale to begin with. Just staring at these three pictures has put me right back into maximum hardness again.
The girls notice that I'm entranced and speechless. Jennifer comments "Hey dude, if you're about to jack off in there, can we watch?"
I cough and then shyly squeak out. "No! And I'm not doing THAT in here!"
Kelly then timidly asks "Well come on, we want to know what you think of our pictures. You haven't said anything to us yet!"
I look at her and the other girls, realizing that all three of them were nervously waiting for some display of my approval. It reminds me of just how brave they all are being by letting me see them in these naked pictures they keep sending me (even though I guess the same could be said of me letting them see my butt in person and take a dozen or so pictures). They deserve to know how unfathomably happy this makes me, especially since it might encourage future pictures.
I smile brightly "All three of you are smoking hot! These are absolutely the best butts ever. You don't understand how much this sort of thing means to me. It's not like I'm at-all popular with girls.... I don't mean you guys and my other friends here...I mean others at school, you know. Other girls never see me as boyfriend material, some making this very vocal. And the boys give me lots of shit over it. These two assholes I know keep calling me Captain Cuck and Lord Friendzone, making fun of me for having a sea of platonic female best friends.
It makes me feel like less of a loser to realize that you guys really are just as horny for me as I am for all of you. You guys...I seriously can't believe that I'm actually getting pictures like this tonight of all three of you, my three favorite women on Earth. The three SEXIEST women on Earth, screw what anyone else says. This night has been a dream come true for me, even if it's really embarrassing to be naked with you all standing right there. I'm...I'm extremely glad that you guys came in here tonight trying to spy on me. Is that weird?"
The girls shake their heads no, oddly in sync, and Kelly said out loud "No it's not weird. We feel the same way. I think we needed this way more than any of us realized. It's so hard dealing with all of these feelings and urges, and everything is so scary and embarrassing so we never face any of it directly. You were always just one of the girls to us for so long, years and year, and it's like none of us were ready for these intense sexual urges to start hitting us like this. We all wanted to look at each other without clothes, but we're all so terrified of letting each other see us naked. We're all afraid of being judged by the people we care about most, them finding us ugly or seeing our most hated flaws. We all expect rejection deep inside even though that's such a stupid thing to think possible from our friends. You three are all gorgeous, and I know you think I am too. I hope all of this brings the four of us closer than ever before."
Lisa jumped in "It will! It will I promise."
I joined "Absolutely. It feels so liberating to be able to express my attraction to you guys openly without being afraid it would bother you like it does from the other guys. Jennifer, you are flawless head to toe and I can't wait to spank that round little butt of yours when I get my revenge later. Lisa, you are sex incarnate and I hope you're prepared for a ton of messages from me from now on since you ordered me to let you know every time I got off to you. And Kelly, you are single-handedly responsible for global warming by walking around here all of the time looking THAT hot. All of you are amazing and all three of you would blush if you saw even 1% of what goes on in my mind thinking about you."
Jennifer gave an uncharacteristically-sincere smile "Same, dude, same"
Lisa added "You could never bother us by being horny for us. We hate it from most other guys because they JUST want us for our bodies and nothing more, like we're just objects. Like I would never let any other guy see me even partially undressed, period. I wouldn't enjoy that. They haven't earned the right to be horny with us. With you, though, we know you love us and we love you. We like when you're horny for us because we LIKE impressing you. I like being horny around you because I trust you completely. And I love you being horny for me more than anything."
Kelly began to talk, but suddenly we all noticed she was crying slightly. When she saw us looking she wiped her face, smiled again, and said "You guys are making me want to cry. I'm so happy that we have each other. I'm so happy that we can all be open about wanting to see each other naked and things like that now. I...."
She looked at me and paused, looked at the other two, looked back at me and then looked very nervously at my eyes as she softly told me "Erik I have a very big secret that I have to tell you, tonight, but I can't tell it to you now. I'll tell you when we're alone later. It's not a bad thing, at least I hope it isn't. I hope you won't think it's bad. It's just something very weird and personal about me and what I want for our futures, and it's something that you won't expect. It's not what you're probably thinking, it's a real secret that affects all of us which I told the girls a little bit ago kinda by accident. But matter what, no matter what happens as long as we live, I want you all in my life forever."
We all loudly agreed with her, with me adding "Kelly, I would follow you into the Upside Down if I had to"
We were silent for a few seconds, until Lisa suddenly asked "So what's the next dare, Erik? We need more sexy stuff to do!"
Jennifer shook her head "We should probably make this the last one before we switch to individual time with Erik. If we're wanting all of us to get 15 minutes with him and still have time afterwards together we need to hurry towards that. We should try to be done with this dare in 10-15 minutes"
Kelly giggled and said "Also I can't take any more of these dares, his or ours."
I grin evilly "So the rules are as follows: I cannot make you show me your parts, I cannot make you touch your own parts, and for this last dare I promised you guys could keep your clothes on. With those rules, you three agreed to do anything I say, no matter how wild and crazy it is. Correct?"
Jennifer and Kelly nervously reply "Yes" while Lisa excitedly shouts "Come on! Give us your best shot, I can take it!"
I took a deep breath, because somehow I still find myself nervous about asking this extreme of a dare of the girls. I power through, though. This is one of my greatest fantasies, one of my most powerful desires and kinks. I have seen this in my dreams and prayed for the day that I could somehow locate a mind control device as this was the only way I ever thought in a million years that I could ever possibly see this sight with my own eyes....
I slowly begin "Ok, so you've all been encouraging me to be open about things I like sexually, especially related to you girls. You promised to not judge me or tease me. This dare is one of the biggest turn ons for me in the entire world. I dare each of you to take turns standing in front of me for three minutes, while the other two stick their hands under your clothes and grope you, upstairs and downstairs, including rubbing you down there."
The girls gasp. Kelly shouts out "No, the rules said no touching!"
I smile "Actually, the rules said I couldn't make any of you touch YOURSELVES. Nobody ever said anything about each other."
Kelly went white and whimpered "That's not fair...."
Jennifer was oddly silent. I had a suspicion that she might be secretly turned on by my dare but afraid of letting anyone know.
Lisa then asked me curiously "Is that really one of your biggest fantasies? Us doing things to each other?"
I blush "Yes. Big time! I want to watch that almost as much as I want to do that sort of thing with you guys myself."
Lisa smirked "So that explains the picture dare then. You wanted us to send each other dirty pics to keep because you wanted to fantasize about us getting off to them when nobody is looking."
Technically the picture dare was Jennifer's idea, but I keep quiet about that. Still...I cringe in shame a little "Yes....I'm sorry, but yes. It's really super hot imagining you guys having the hots for each other and doing things like that, especially with me watching. You three are sexy as hell just standing there doing nothing. You're so hot you don't even have to TRY to be hot, but when you do try...just wow. I usually get turned on pretty hard every time you guys put sunscreen on each other for example, which you've probably noticed by now. Watching you kiss, molest, fondle, and masturbate each other would get me hornier than anything else we've done tonight by far."
Lisa smiled "Cool!"
Kelly quietly asked "How horny exactly?" The inflection of her voice delivered a clear double-meaning to the question: She was asking me if I would touch myself to the show, maybe even cum for them.
Before I could reply Jennifer finally spoke up " we'll do this, but in return you have to do something for us while we're doing this."
Kelly and I both nervously asked "What?" at the same time with different inflections.
Jennifer explained "If we're going to do a sex act for you to watch, then the least you could do is let us watch you doing one at the same time. AKA, we want to watch you jacking off while we're being fondled. And if this is really your biggest turn on then that shouldn't be difficult for you to do. It'll probably be harder to NOT do it."
I freeze and turn red. This is the one line I promised myself I wouldn't cross in here, the one thing that I'm too ashamed to do in front of the girls. But for this? Will I do it for this? I would agree except for one humiliating little detail: There's no chance in hell that I could last even a single minute before I shot all over the place. I couldn't live with the shame of exploding that quickly and making them all think I'm a crappy lover.
I shyly stutter "I...I can't. I'"
Kelly then joined in "You can do it, Erik! If you say yes, then I'll do the dare. Watching you do that would be worth it. That's one of my own biggest fantasies."
Jennifer and Lisa added "Same!"
I'm cringing and having difficulty looking them in the eyes. I hate letting them down, but I just can't do this. I'm embarrassed and I can't even bring myself to admit the main reason why this is so massively embarrassing, because admitting my masculine limitations would be almost as bad as letting them see it for themselves. I meekly whisper "It's...different for a guy. I can't. I just can't.... You don't understand. You couldn't."
Lisa looked genuinely confused "How is it different for a guy? What are you so embarrassed about?"
Jennifer egged me on "Come on, dude. If we're doing it you can do it. At least it's just your OWN hand"
They don't get it. A man's ENTIRE value as a lover revolves around massive stamina. I don't have any left tonight. They'll laugh at me. I pitifully mumble "No...I'm sorry"
Kelly suddenly gasps loudly and covers her mouth before saying "OH! OH! Oh I get it!"
The other girls look at her confused as I just hang my head down staring at the floor.
Kelly ignores the girls and runs close to me, leaning against the shower door while purposely blocking her view downward with her hand and looking me in the eye. She then softly asks me "Erik, are you ashamed because you're afraid you won't be able to last long with how turned on you've been all night?"
I inhale and exhale pretty loudly, horrified that my biggest crush just figured that out about me. I quietly admit "Yes, ok? Are you happy? I've been on the edge since the towels and I can't come down because everything you all do is so sexually charged. I'm sorry! I can't do this...."
Kelly comforts me "Erik, sweet boy, we're not going to judge you if you cum quickly. You worry too much about your manliness around us. We all think you're hella manly. I...kinda think it's really hot that you're on the edge because of me. Us! Because of us."
I stare into her eyes and walk close to the door, hands covering myself. I get only a few inches away from her and the door as I nervously ask "You won't think less of me for not being able to hold out long enough or think I suck in bed because of it?"
She gets closer to me as well, our lips almost close enough to kiss were there no door in the way "No way, not a chance. We're ALL virgins Erik, none of us are any good at this stuff yet. Lisa struggles to do even herself right at all, which she's embarrassed about as you know. I can't even last a whole 5 minutes, nor can I go an entire 24 hour period without touching tell you two embarrassing truths about myself. We'll get better the more we do things. Lasting all night isn't important to us, to me. If you cum for me I''ll really like it. No boy has ever gotten off to me before, at least with me watching. And for it to be YOU it would be a wet dream come true. I'll add it to my growing list of memorable moments of your body to use as fuel for my nightly ritual. Ok Erik? I just said a ton of truly embarrassing things just now, but does that help you to stop being so ashamed of yourself?"
I lean my forehead into the door and look downwards into her eyes. She does the same. It feels so hugely intimate. I softly whisper to where only she can hear "I don't want to be a disappointment for you. I don't want you to think I'm just a loser."
She whispers back "You will never be a loser. could win things from me that would make your dreams jealous."
I freeze at what she just said. She does too. Neither of us moves for a few seconds. Both of us really hope that the others didn't hear that.
I finally whisper back "Thank you, Kelly. I needed to hear that. And one day long ago I won the best prize imaginable: You, the most important part of me, in my life forever."
She softly gasps. Both of us back away slowly, blushing intensely but somehow actually maintaining eye contact for once. I don't know if that counts as an admission of feelings to each other, but whatever that moment was it still felt unbearably intense and my heart could barely endure it. And we shared that moment together. It's so obvious that we're in love, even to both of us. Maybe tonight we'll finally get together for real and be an actual couple. I'm going to make my move during our one on one time, I swear it this time.
I speak up at last "Ok. Ok I'll do it. If you girls will do it, then I'll do my part too. I'll try to hold out as long as I can"
Jennifer then flexed "Boy, I don't think you understand. You see, now it's a contest to see which of us can put on the best show and win the prize. And you know how I always win."
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 9:12 am
by indianboy
Great story. Only thing I am worried about is I feel it will wrap up soon because as per the first chapter it was 9pm when Erik goes in his home for shower and one of the girls commented that she is allowed to be out till 11pm. I am assuming all these dares would have surely took 2 hours by now. Ofcourse the author can look to extend it by somehow creating a situation where on the girls gets a call from her parents that they are going away due to some emergency and she can stay at one of her friends home or maybe the group can wind up the dates for today and agree that they will continue them the next evening. Let's see how the story unfolds.
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 11:45 am
by Executionus
indianboy wrote: Wed Jun 22, 2022 9:12 am
Great story. Only thing I am worried about is I feel it will wrap up soon because as per the first chapter it was 9pm when Erik goes in his home for shower and one of the girls commented that she is allowed to be out till 11pm. I am assuming all these dares would have surely took 2 hours by now. Ofcourse the author can look to extend it by somehow creating a situation where on the girls gets a call from her parents that they are going away due to some emergency and she can stay at one of her friends home or maybe the group can wind up the dates for today and agree that they will continue them the next evening. Let's see how the story unfolds.
The next dare is the last one, followed by the three individual sessions, and then the finale of the night.
In my head it's been around an hour so far since 9. Most of the dares took around 5 minutes or less, with the photo shoots taking longer because they took turns doing them. It was 9:10 for Erik's first pose session which was like 3 minutes, 6ish for the towel dares (1 minute apiece, plus stalling), 3 minutes for Kelly's confession session, 5 for the washing, 10 for the door press dare, 15 for the pictures, 5 total for the butt trade, and add some time for talking which makes it somewhere around 10ish.
Also Lisa the youngest is the only one expected home by 11 since it's summer vacation, and that will be dealt with as the deadline nears. There are advantages to laid back parents who know and trust all of your friends.
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:12 pm
by chwipiwr
That's some really well thought out story-line planning!
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 4:21 pm
by Executionus
chwipiwr wrote: Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:12 pm
That's some really well thought out story-line planning!
The irony is that this last part with the butt trade was completely unplanned lol. I just had the idea for it a couple days ago and felt like I needed another good ENM scene after so many parts devoted to the photoshoots.
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 1:13 am
by SaucyKnaves
Gotta wonder something, considering the characters' continued pursuit of fairness between Erik and the girls: If they now know his "size," is he entitled to know their cup size as fair compensation? It'd be fun to see that exchange go down lol
Also, I'm a little obsessed with this story; I keep checking back every few hours on the daily. Fantastic job as always, Executionus.
Re: Trapped in the Shower -- Part 15 (June 21)
Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:03 am
by Executionus
SaucyKnaves wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 1:13 am
Gotta wonder something, considering the characters' continued pursuit of fairness between Erik and the girls: If they now know his "size," is he entitled to know their cup size as fair compensation? It'd be fun to see that exchange go down lol
Also, I'm a little obsessed with this story; I keep checking back every few hours on the daily. Fantastic job as always, Executionus.
Thanks! I've been a little obsessed with this story myself as the writer to be honest. Embodying the characters of this story fills me with a sense of positivity that I've been enjoying a lot. I haven't had a lot of positivity in my life lately so this is a nice escape lol.
As for cup size, I never even thought of that since I assumed Erik already knows all of their cup sizes. Girls don't keep that as much of a secret and these are his best friends after all. I used to know the cup sizes of nearly all of the girls I hung out with when I was younger, and I got dragged into bra shopping with half of them (not as hot as it sounds). I've also personally been a witness to multiple groups of girls multiple times get into "my boobs are the biggest" arguments, proudly bringing up their cup sizes as evidence. The worst part is that every single one of those arguments that I've ever seen had a fairly blatant winner and the other girl(s) involved were delusional.
There's also the fact that most women suck at measuring their cup sizes, especially growing teenagers, so they're probably completely wrong anyway. If I was going to do something on the scale of female measurements, I'd have them use a tape measure and wrap it around their chests to get a full circumference. I don't think that will end up happening however. It's time to move into Erik's last big dare.
In case I never figure out a not-awkward place to put this, I've been running under the basic idea that Jennifer is a C, Lisa is a B, and Kelly is an A or smaller-band B since she's the skinniest and flattest of the girls (although not actually flat, more handful size). There's a decent bit of envy on Kelly's part about Lisa, since Lisa is a year younger yet has slightly bigger breasts and a bigger butt than Kelly does.