Bad day for a run

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Vader wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:15 pm
Jeepman89 wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:03 pm Sorry James but we need to see James butt naked in that class with the teen girls! Can't wait.
Something tells me he will be but he has to try and avoid it.
It’s high time for James to realize no matter how he plan to avoid the sculpting class, Melissa and the girls are determined to get their hands on his nude body and he can’t stop them :lol:.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

docknumber wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 6:19 pm
Vader wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:15 pm
Jeepman89 wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:03 pm Sorry James but we need to see James butt naked in that class with the teen girls! Can't wait.
Something tells me he will be but he has to try and avoid it.
It’s high time for James to realize no matter how he plan to avoid the sculpting class, Melissa and the girls are determined to get their hands on his nude body and he can’t stop them :lol:.
It’s safe to say James has less of an issue teasing, messing with him and being hands on with him from Melissa even if it’s in an embarrassing situation for him. With teens it’s much more embarrassing and humiliating for him which he will naturally try to avoid with little to no success as the women especially Melissa is good a making points he cant counter and making what they are asking seem so normal and reasonable. Plus he does like some fringe benefits Melissa offers him even if he won’t admit it:
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


After the meeting as everyone headed out James caught up with Melissa in the parking lot and asked you really had to print off a poster sized picture of what you took at Andreas exhibit and bring it up here? Melissa told him the school people wanted to see an example of the work Andrea did and since you didn't want to be made up for a demonstration this was the only option that was still rather embarrassing James told her oh come on Melissa laughed none of the school people had any clue that was you and the rest of here have seen you naked in fact a couple of us were very hands on in creating the hot statue in the this picture James couldn't argue that and commented I wonder which way they will go with this.
I really don't know Melissa told him but if they go ahead with this what will you do about being asked to be the model again, I don't know James told her it's not really something I want to repeat especially with a group of teens even with the shower offer I made you Melissa teased are you sure even that would be worth it James responded you have been on the receiving end a couple times what do think a smiling Melissa asked? Got to go Melissa told him leaving James to ponder her last question one that was not as easy to answer as he thought it would be.

The rest of the weekend went with no news not that anyone expected any as the week started it was the same and this was starting to worry James as reasoned the school must be seriously considering allowing this class to happen or they would have already shot it down Melissa stopped by for a few minutes and she was also surprised they had not heard anything yet she asked James if they went along with it which way he was leaning. Nothing has changed he told her it's just something I only want to do once despite your enticing offer well I don't think you will want to disappoint the girls even you do think it will a little embarrassing and I think you find my enticing offer very intriguing well that's one word for it James told her, but it doesn't really till the school true Melissa agreed check back with you later.
It wasn't until late Thursday that all involved got word from the school that they had made their decision, and they would meet tomorrow at six again to lay everything out hearing the words lay everything out made James nervous as it sure sounded like they had decided to allow the class to happen. Melissa came by and said I guess you heard we find out everything tomorrow yeah one way or the other James said I wish they would have just said what they decision was now though yeah; I would prefer not waiting going to be a long day tomorrow yeah it will James agreed till tomorrow and at the school.

The day seemed to take forever to end but five finally came and James headed out to prepare for the school's decision James arrived right at six he saw Melissa was there and Carol, Andrea and Miss Richardson arrived moments later and headed inside the head of the school group told them I will get right to it we have decided to let the class proceed oh shit James thought but there are a few things before we make this final a ray of hope he now thought. First as suggested we will be sending permission forms explaining exactly what the class is and what will be happening requiring the parent's signature to take it and we will be contacting the parent to verify this we don't want anyone trying to forge a signature next the class will have to be off school grounds as there is nothing here really set up for it having it here would temp far too many to try and sneak in plus as Andrea told us the model has to wash all this off and there are no private showers here and we can't have a naked man walking the halls to get to the gym showers.
We have also given an option for a parent to attend if they wish to see for themselves how the class is being conducted, we also might have to charge a fee to take the class since as Andrea told us there is a good deal of products that have to be purchased to do this and we will have to pay some kind of fee to rent a place to have the class and Andrea if you can we would like you to find a place for the class as you know best what is needed. Andrea told them she would be willing to look for a place and could probably find something reasonable but would probably require a twenty-five dollar per student fee as for the supplies she has more than enough to take care of that. The head speaker for the school told them with this settled just let us know when you have a place to conduct the class everything was settled other than would they have a model James was not really happy about this he looked over and saw a smiling Melissa who walked over to him and whispered to him see you in the shower when the class is finished and headed out and James sat there wondering if there was any way out of this where he didn't end up looking like he was being a jerk to the girls.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Don't know what happened but when I got home part 59 had disappeared as well as some of the comments fortunately I had it saved in the draft folder and was able to repost it. Maybe they were trying to clean out some of the spam that keeps getting posted and they got caught up in the sweep I hope it's just a one-time fluke.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by montyblanque »

I weirdly was given credit for a bunch of 'thanks' in this thread, roughly around the same time as the spammers :?
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

montyblanque wrote: Fri Feb 28, 2025 2:45 am I weirdly was given credit for a bunch of 'thanks' in this thread, roughly around the same time as the spammers :?
Very weird stuff going on suspect most if not all of it spammer related.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


James was the last to leave as he left the building he found Carol, Andrea, Miss Richardson and Melissa all waiting gee I'm sure this is just a coincidence James thought Carol told James we have everything worked out other than our model care to make it official now? I don't believe I want to be doing that again James told her Carol, Melissa and Andrea all seemed a bit surprised by James's response as they were all sure he would agree to be the model again come on James Melissa told him you don't want to disappoint the girls as long as there is a naked guy there, they will be fine and we all know it James responded you know they won't be happy without you Carol told him and it saves us the trouble of looking for a model.
James told them Andrea has to find a place to have the class, and she knows people she could find a model while looking for place to have the class Andrea told them I have limited time to spare and can't do both Carol finally told them we won't settle this tonight in the parking lot let's find a place to meet tomorrow and try and work something out everyone was good with this they decided to meet at Melissa's as James didn't want to be somewhere that the girls could work on him along with four adult women.
After everyone arrived at Melissa's place Carol said I will just come to the point James we all know doing this again will bring you some embarrassment, but it really is the best option you have done this before and are familiar with what is required and most of the girls have already seen you naked, so they won't have that giggling reaction to seeing a guy naked. Andrea now took over pointing out that unlike her exhibit he won't be posing on public display and there will be four adults here to keep an eye on the girls and reign them in if they start acting out.

James didn't like to admit it, but they were making some decent points he decided if he did indeed end up agreeing to be their naked model again there were something’s he wanted first. James told them if I agree to do this I need some things first I want to see the building where the class if it was something that had large windows people could look in and see what’s going on I wouldn’t care for that next once everyone who is supposed to be here is doors are locked so in case the girls tell some of their friends when and where the class is they don’t just suddenly show up and accidentally walk in Andrea told him these are reasonable anything else.
Couple of things James said a private area to change and clean up where I don't have an audience I would appreciate if you left the bottle of your Ex's little pills at home so somehow, I don't get them slipped to me like what happened at your exhibit and on the subject of the exhibit last time Anna and Megan took advantage of the situation on a few occasions I know that was in part because you were shorthanded and pressed for time but I don't want a repeat of that. Andrea told James we should be able to do all that so does that mean you are agreeing to be our model James told them if all this is done, I will do this one last time.

After a couple of weeks Andrea got in touch with James telling him she found a place to have the class he should be good with and sent him the address asking him to meet her there and check it out James arrived and found Andrea waiting outside let's take a look she told him as they entered James saw the doors were frosted glass and you had to go around a corner to see where the work would be happening and he had already seen there were no windows where people could look in on them so far it was what James asked for. James looked around and saw no other entrances just an emergency exit back down another hall there was a bathroom with a shower and even had a place to store his clothes Andrea told him I would say this has everything you asked for James agreed it did then I will get in touch with Carol and work out a day a day for the class.
A few days later Andrea told James the class would be the following Saturday and to be there about nine James was starting to feel some unease as the reality that he was going to be made up as a naked statue again and by a group of teens no less started to set in but there was no going back.

Saturday came and James arrived a little after nine and saw pretty much everyone was there including Andrea's daughters Anna and Megan about ten minutes later everyone was there Carol announced she had picked up breakfast sandwiches and as this would likely take a while people should probably have something to eat as people were spreading out eating and talking Anna and Megan joined Amanda and Robin who were kind of off by themselves and talked a good bit about James being made for their moms art show especially the erection James had during the second show Amanda told them we heard your mom had to agree not to bring those pills today and you two would not mess with James like you did before so I guess we won't see a repeat of that as your mom seems like someone who keeps her word.
Your right Megan told them mom keeps her word, and we will do what she tells us grinning Anna told them the bottle with those special pills are still at home so one couldn't get in something James was eating certainly not by us even if we were inclined to do that someone else would have to Anna said as she reached into her pocket and sat a pill down in front of them Megan told them were going to hang out with our mom for a bit and headed off grinning Amanda picked up the pill Robin picked up a breakfast sandwich and went James telling him we thought you might want something to eat before we start James figured he probably should eat something and thanked the girls our pleasure they said and headed off locking eyes for a moment with the smiling Anna and Megan.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by docknumber »

Missed the chapter due to the spam attack.

Poor James will end up naked with an erection which he cannot explain or can he?
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

docknumber wrote: Sat Mar 01, 2025 3:23 am Missed the chapter due to the spam attack.

Poor James will end up naked with an erection which he cannot explain or can he?
He will most likely put it together not that he will be able to do anything about it as Andrea keep her word and didn't bring the pills and her girls were nowhere the food he was given.
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Re: Bad day for a run

Post by Vader »

Bad day for a run.


James finished the food he had been brought unaware of the extra ingredient added by Amanda and Robin people continued chatting for about another ten to fifteen when Carol got a call on her cell, she told the group they had two late arrivals which caught James off guard and was something that wasn't supposed to happen Carol told him it was the moms of two of the girls who took up the offer too observe the class and see it was as advertised. Carol reminded James this was part of the agreement for the class alright that's true James admitted Carol went and let them in when she returned, she assured James the doors were locked and introduced the women Lana and Molly who each had a young girl with them who looked to about ten or eleven our youngest they told Carol one of the girls said her sister told her there would be a naked guy here is this him she asked pointing to James? He's not naked the other said looking a little disappointed knock that talk off the slightly embarrassed moms told them after a few more minutes Carol informed them Andrea has everything ready to start we just need James to take his clothes off.
James heard some giggling from the group mostly the new girls to the class over the words taking his clothes off James also noticed Lana and Molly's youngest now seemed over their initial disappointment as James made his way out, he could feel the eyes of every female on him anxious for him to return in his naked state as he passed by them out of the corner of his eye James saw a slight grins from Molly and Lana. James made it to the back and slowly took his clothes off and secured them there was a full-length mirror James stared at himself standing there totally naked wondering how I keep getting in these situations and then headed out figuring the sooner I start this the sooner it's over.
Every female eye was focused on the hallway James had to come down waiting for his naked return as James came into view there was some of the expected whistling and cheering and Miss Richardson told them knock it off James again noticed Lana and Molly as they looked him up and down suggesting to James what their real motive for being here really was Andrea told them let's get started telling them the first step is to exfoliate the model to get rid of any rough spots and dead skin.

Andrea told the girls that you use a loofa to exfoliate the skin, and each girl come and get one because you paint the model's entire body you exfoliate the whole body even the bottom of their feet which is where we will start, she then had James come over to an unused table and lie down as James did so Miss Richardson had the entire class gather around laying on the table having all the girls staring down at his naked body had James embarrassment on the rise. Andrea gave the girls instructions on how to properly exfoliate and called two of the girls up to start with James's feet top and bottom and even between his toes as the two girls worked on his feet all James could do is lie there looking up at the grinning and smiling faces of the girls surrounding the table looking him up and down.
As the girls finished with his feet Andrea and Miss Richardson came up inspected the work and Andrea told them good job and told James he could get up James was grateful for this standing up didn't make him any less naked, but he felt less display than he did with all the girls staring down at him before Andrea could continue Lana and Molly daughters raised their hand Andrea and Miss Richardson found that amusing but still asked them what's your question they asked do you do that over all of him pointing to James and can we help? Everyone was a little surprised by that as well as amused except James Andrea told them yes all of him as far as your helping that is your moms' decision Lana and Molly just told them they would think about it. James would prefer they didn't think about it at all this was embarrassing enough without having these even younger girls join in the process.

With the girl's question answered at least temporally Andrea proceeded with the class calling girls up and telling them which part of James to work on of course there were certain body parts they all wanted as Andrea was aware of Amanda and Robins past interactions with James, she had them work on his ass and penis and balls as she figured they were less likely to act silly doing so. With girls now working on every part of his body James was trying to focus on anything he could to keep from becoming fully erect for the most part he was able to do this in part because Amanda and Robin weren't going out of their way to get him erect which James was grateful for of course they knew something James didn't that he would soon be rock hard without any extra help for them.
As everyone finished up their scrubbing of James body Andrea called out some more of the class gave them silk clothes and told them to wipe down James body as this gets rid of any dead skin and makes sure the paint goes on smooth and even when they get to that part the girls selected happily took on the task despite having teen girls wiping him down with silk clothes including his cock and balls James only got semi erect. With that done Andrea and Miss Richardson again inspected him giving the girls a passing grade during that time James erection had subsided Andrea told the group they would take a short break then the next step would be applying lotion to James which keeps the paint from cracking and flaking off James noticed a lot of pleased looks on the girls faces at finally getting to be hands on with his naked body as the break time was coming to an end James penis was staring stiffen and stand up much to his shock as unknown to him the pill he had been slipped was kicking in.
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