FYIs from author:
-Sorry it's been a while, but this part is like twice as long, and hopefully twice as good, as the others
-This part goes a bit more extreme/sexual. So if it was close the the edge for you before might want to miss.

Let me know what you think.
Part 8
Chapter 23 – Boys will be boys
“Hey” Mona said to the three boys outside the door, giving them a shy smile and beckoning them into the house. She knew Ashley and her crew would accept nothing less.
The boys eyed Mona up and down in her pyjamas, admiring her curves as they entered the house. Without needing to be told, having been briefed by Ashley earlier, they headed up toward Mona’s room. They saw Ashley sat across Mona’s pink bed like she owned the place when they entered.
Ashley gave her trademark sweet smile “Thanks for coming boys, I know Mona’s been looking forward to playing with you” she giggled, “feel free to look through Mona’s things and take anything you want”. Ashley looked toward Mona’s top draws, “she won’t be needing her underwear anymore for example”.
Mona watched the boys alarmed as they started cautiously, then slowly more confidently rooting through Mona’s things.
Mona had already started turning a beat red at the intrusion into her private possessions. She normally wouldn’t have even allowed these boys into her room, now she was standing by as they did what they wanted. She had little doubt however that things were only going to get worse for her.
While the boys helped themselves to Mona’s privacy, Ashley encouraged Mona to set the Twister up in the middle of the room. When it was ready she turned to the boys.
The trio had emptied out Mona’s school bag on the floor and started filling it with her possessions they were taking. This included all Mona’s panties and bras as well as some money they found in her drawers and a necklace from her night-stand.
Ashley enquired about the necklace and one boy explained it was for a girl he liked at school, “one that wasn’t just a one night slut”, Mona looked down at the floor and sniffled at that.
Once the boys were finished they gathered around to hear Ashley explain. “We will be playing strip Twister! Each time someone falls they loose an item of clothing.” she looked around at the excited boys faces “Since you boys are the guests though, I think Mona should have a handicap”. Ashley gave Mona a stern glance “you start in just your underwear”.
Mona stood there looking at Ashley, pleading. No boy had seen her so undressed before, bar the boys she flashed her panties at school. Could she really stoop this far?
The answer came in Mona removing her top reflected in Ashley’s uncaring eyes. The boys openly ogled her bra clad breasts, and were soon admiring her camletoe through her panties. Ashley stifled a giggle at Mona’s embarrassment and gave Mona a signal to turn and let the boys see her cute ass “you guys will get to see more than that soon if you play well she promised.
[BTW future Unfair when editing has noticed she was meant to be in pajamas, now she has a bra on...oh well]
Mona was made to remove her socks too and with that Ashley took up the spinner for the game as the players waited their first turn.
“Left foot yellow!”.
Mona stepped forward placing her bare foot on a yellow spot.
“Right foot blue!”.
One of the boys stepped on the blue spot just behind Mona, she openly cringed as he purposely drew up close behind her.
“Right foot blue!”.
Another of the boys came and stepped close the other side of Mona and she found herself sandwiched between the horny guys.
“Left hand red!”.
The third boy bent over and touched the spot, his face just in front of Mona’s panty covered pussy.
“Right hand green!”.
This forced the embarrassed Mona to bend over forward in a comical spit-roast position between her admirers. Unbeknownst to Mona, Ashley was snapping away pictures of the poor girl in the compromising position to add to her collection.
“Left hand yellow!”.
The guy behind Mona reached around slowly under her to get to the spot brushing his hand against her boob as he went. In shock Mona recoiled only for her supporting arm to buckle underneath her and she faceplanted into the Twister mat.
Mona moaned at the realisation of what this meant, and the guys cheered. Ashley smirked.
“Ok because we’re friends” Ashley mocked “I’ll let you decide what you want to show them first”.
Mona really didn’t want to show these guys her boobs, but she knew she couldn’t face showing a group of boys her vagina, especially since Ashley made her shave it every day now.
She whimpered slightly as she reached behind to release the clasp. A pin could be heard as the mechanism released and Mona stood frozen with the material still covering her bust.
“Make her remove it already” said one of the boys impatiently.
With that one of Ashley’s friends stepped forward and snatched the bra from her hands. “Nooo” cried Mona as her perfect perky tits were revealed to the first male eyes, she never though it would be six eyes at once.
The three guys stood mesmerized as her boobs bobbed to attention in front of her, they burned the beautiful shape of them into their retinas. Mona began to raise her arms to cover, but lowered them back down at a shake of the head from Ashley.
“Ok everyone, next round. I’m sure you’ll have better look this time Mona.” Everyone knew it was a lie.
Chapter 24 – I wish these were the real rules of Twister
The next round started similarly.
“Left foot green!”.
Ashley yelled out. Mona took her space on the mat, trying to block out the guys staring at her exposed chest as it jiggled slightly with each step.
“Right hand..left boob!”.
Mona couldn’t believe she’d heard right “waaa, you can’t do that, those aren’t the rules!”.
“Oh well..I was making up where it landed before anyway” pointed out Ashley.
Mona was about to argue further when the boy whose turn it was boldly stepped up and placed his hand on Mona’s left boobs and gave it a slight squeeze. It wasn’t every day he was commanded to touch a girls boob and he wasn’t about to pass it up.
Mona, who’d been distracted, was once again taken by surprise and jumped a foot back colliding with the wall behind her leaving the boy cupping air, his face frozen in bliss.
“Oops dear, looks like you’ve lost already. You know what that means.” Ashley said, looking down at Mona’s crotch.
Mona knew there was no point in arguing as her trembling hands started lowering her panties down her smooth legs giving her audience their first look at the shaved “V” hidden between. Mona gave a two footed jump out of her panties, in an attempt to avoid opening her legs up, and all eyes darted back up to her chest as her breasts bounced happily up and down.
Twister was put away and the boys all took turns taking a selfies on their phones with the naked girl. They gave thumbs up to the camera and put their arms around her as she cried with shame.
“Please Ashley” Mona begged, “you have to make them delete those. They will show all their friends I know it!”.
Ashley looked thoughtfully at Mona as the guys continued to circle and check the naked girl out.
“Ok then I’ll tell you what” replied Ashley “I’ll give you a chance to earn their photos. You have to let me film you doing a task of my choosing, for my collection. I’ll give you the task written down, and you have to enthusiastically read out that you want to do it. Then you will pretend you’re doing it because they turn you on.
Mona didn’t feel she had much choice, how could she let three boys back to school with revealing photos of her? Her life would be ruined.
In reality Ashley was going to sell these, much worse, videos of tonight’s activities to the three boys anyway, but Mona’s cooperation was helpful in making the videos as damaging, and valuable, as possible first.
Ashley passed her the sentence to read out and readied her camera.
Mona gulped, and then steadied herself and looked at the boys “Hey boys I like to play with myself every night, I’d love for you to watch how I do it. My finger’s not enough so I fuck my pussy with a hairbrush every day, god I love being a slut.”.
More tears came from Mona as the guys high-fived, Ashley cut to let Mona calm down for the next scene.
Chapter 25 – First thing inside Mona, not the last
Mona was lay down on her back in front of the three guys. At Ashley’s encouragement she shamefully bent and then spread her legs in their direction.
The horny boys must have thought they’d died and went to heaven from their faces. Never in their dreams had they thought they’d get to see Mona in this position. Her shaved little pussy had opened up in front of them, revealing the glistening pink interior to them.
Mona thought she’d died too, but heaven wasn’t where she felt she’d ended up.
One of the boys passed Mona one of her hair brushes, cruelly selecting the pink one with the thickest handle. Ashley came over with some lube and explained, “I want you to cover and fill your pussy with loads of this before I film and then put it out of the way. This way on the video it will look like you’re into it, and a total slut.”.
Mona obediently squirted some of the cold gel onto her exposed pussy and rubbed it around. She’d never played with herself before, she always considered it disgusting but she made sure to apply plenty all around not to incur the wrath of her controller.
But wrath she incurred anyway: “Rub that pussy better slut, just because I’m not recording yet doesn’t mean you can’t give them a good show. And then make sure to stick some fingers in to get some in there to get some inside too, or would you rather I let the boys do it?”.
The boys watched in amazement as Mona started rubbing her smooth pussy rapidly now, the lips glistened with the lube making it look like Mona was horning up for them. Things only got better for them as Mona stuck her middle finger tentatively in and started working it in and out, the first thing to ever enter her precious gash.
By the time Ashley let her stop Mona’s pussy was leaking the fake wetness and it was time for her to act. Ashley leaned in close to the girl’s ear and whispered “You better convince us all you’re having fun. I want to hear moaning bitch, or the boys leave with their wank material, and don’t break eye contact with the camera.”.
Ashley moved back and focused the camera on the naked girl, with that Mona started slowly pushing the hairbrush into her unspoilt slit. It felt sore as it stretched the tight hole. However seeing Ashley give her a “hurry up” and “you’re dead” signals though she quickly started shoving the object in and out, trying her best to make her wincing face look like enjoyment.
The camera captured the girl’s shameful display, as well as the slopping sounds of her over-wet vagina. After a couple of minutes of this Mona decided she better start pretending to cum.
“Oo oo”, she said unconvincingly.
Ashley’s eyes were like daggers as she signalled for more and before long Mona was playing her part desperate to make up and get the boys videos back, she squeezed a boob and said.
“Oh god yes I love playing with my pussy...yes film this little slut...I’m cumming, fuck!”.
This was all Ashley needed and she stopped the recording, allowing Mona to stop. Mona didn’t dare remove the hairbrush without Ashley’s say so, and after a few seconds Ashley allowed one of the boys to pull it out. He took the opportunity to pull it in and out a few times before wiping it off on Mona’s tit and placing it back on the night-stand unwashed. Ashley like this touch and ordered Mona to leave it unwashed so it would smell of her pussy.
Ashley was happy with her knew evidence, adding extra security to her control of the bitch. Plus she’d make a pretty penny later selling Mona’s debasement back to the boys. She loved it when Mona did all the work and all the risk, and she got all the reward. She wondered casually whether they might find their way onto the internet.
Ashley made the boys show Mona them deleting their photos one at a time, giving them a knowing wink.
Without being allowed to clean herself up, Mona as made to kiss the boys goodbye. A small peck wasn’t good enough though, and Ashley made her snog each boy for as long as they wanted. Since they were allowed to feel up Mona’s ass as they did this, they didn’t rush.
This was another blow for Mona, who had only ever kissed one boy before she thought she loved. Kissing these random boys made her feel like a cheap tart.
The boys finally left, smiles on their faces and boners in their pants. Ashley turned to Mona, “you’ll be pleased to know that those guys paid $40 each to be hear tonight, and since you did some of the work, we’re going to cut you in on a quarter of that” she gave an evil smile “so that’s $30 of your debt to us!”.
She was of course omitting the more than double that from the life ruining videos, but Ashley didn’t care, she was so horny thinking of all the ways she could control and destroy this girl now.
“Alright get yourself some shut-eye babes, we’re off to the mall tomorrow!”.