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Re: Twats the Night Before Christmas

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 11:31 am
by Rawr112
EddieDavidson wrote: Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:15 am I guess so.

>Characters (especially the female ones) also need to be believable and well constructed within the context of the genre, yours are a little 1D and could have more nuance.

Give me some examples of how they are 1 dimensional and lack nuance.

Maybe start with my 79 chapter 551,030 Word Nude in School story? since all of my characters are 1 dimensional, it should be fairly easy to show me how the main characters in this story, from Eddie to the father to Nick are the same, and etc. If you are talking about background characters in a story with 16-20 people for a 2 hour party and 9 chapters - I can't help you if you want them all detailed and nuanced. You may be better off reading Valerian.

Are you talking about this one only? It's barely 9 chapters covering a few hours time at a party with about 20 people in it. How much nuance do you think everyone at the party can have? Jesus christ.

The main characters such as the mother WAS embaressed of being nude/found out by her son. That's a nuance - she is into it around people she knows, but not around people she doesn't want to know. It's not a one-size fits all, and her sister and daughter are quite different as well.

Let me see if I have this straight. Based on the ONE story of mine you have skimmed, all my characters are 1-sided, because unlike every other story on this forum, some of them get off on humiliation, but are still capable of getting off on it? and while Daisy is concerned her sons will be horny little devils when they find out about the tradition, another guest forbade her 18 year old to come to the party next year and her husband disagreed?

Just because some of them get off on humiliation (and not all do) doesn't mean they cant be embarrassed. there are degrees. In your world, it's all or nothing - total binary. In this one, some have different limits to what works for to humiliate them. Then there is the neighbor, who is just curious about her fantasies. Then there are some there who do it because it's a gift to the guys for putting up with them all year - etc. that's the story you think is one sided, and (checks notes) - I can solve it by copying the style of Valerian, which you claimed you did tell me to do?

I told you no. Why can't you accept that? seems you have a problem with communication, let me help.

I would imagine it's more "1sided" to be embarrassed if anyone sees you are naked, including the adults that you swing with. This is a story about humiliation and clothed men/nude females.

CMNF. Does the great Valerian write about those?

>I think your writings capture or porn in general but are not ENF.

Not really feedback, just kind of redefining the genre to indicate that there are no embarrassed females in my stories. You have read a fraction of them obviously. I've written about 200 of them. This is a story about a party. It's not the normal story for me.
Rawr112 wrote: Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:15 pm I didn’t say to write like someone else I just gave you some feedback to improve your writing. I think you have an issue with accepting feedback as well.
Here is what you said;
>I encourage you to read popular ENF for examples on how you can write with more focus on ENF, like Valerian’s Julie’s babysitting disaster.

This is literally telling me to write like Valerian Babysitter Disaster. i looked it up on here. The chapters are 3rd person and about 100 words each. no thanks. I won't be writing LIKE Valerian Babysitter Disaster.

My constructive feedback to you is that you communicate quite poorly. You literally said that I should write like another author, and then said you never said that. If you disagree, you take feedback poorly.

I think you have an issue with someone not taking your feedback. I heard what you said, thanked you for it, and respectfully disagree. Let it drop.

Now, I am going to have a reputation as fighting back against stuff like this - so either way I can't win.

"Your stories have no nuance, and are 1 dimensional, I mean it in a good way. write like someone else."

Isn't the help you think it is. Perhaps you could delete your posts and I'll delete mine/focus on writing stories without your input?