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Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Tue May 11, 2021 10:04 pm
by Executionus
Booty's post sums up the major reason why I've never written a blackmail story in all of my time here. Maybe it's my American DNA talking, but in half of these stories I'm just expecting the protag to pull a gun and be done with it.
The battle between Adam and Ffion is a strong point in this story for sure.
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 8:42 pm
by salen
Another way to handle blackmail stories is to have a fixed out or timeline. When it is like that, it is usually a story where the main blackmailed character starts to enjoy it or story becomes more playful. Some of my favorite examples of ones that have done that approach well are:
- Hooked6's Caught - Tammy, starts with blackmail owe 4 "favors", balloons out but becomes playful
- Darla's Games (on literotica) - blackmail style of owned for 1 month. It stays dark, but she finds she craves humiliation
- BarelySofi's Little Bastards (asstr) - earn points to get free
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Thu May 13, 2021 9:44 pm
by ENFfanatic
salen wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 8:42 pm
Another way to handle blackmail stories is to have a fixed out or timeline. When it is like that, it is usually a story where the main blackmailed character starts to enjoy it or story becomes more playful. Some of my favorite examples of ones that have done that approach well are:
- Hooked6's Caught - Tammy, starts with blackmail owe 4 "favors", balloons out but becomes playful
- Darla's Games (on literotica) - blackmail style of owned for 1 month. It stays dark, but she finds she craves humiliation
- BarelySofi's Little Bastards (asstr) - earn points to get free
Oh my. I wonder where this rabbit hole goes?
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 11:11 pm
by EthanDalton123
I strode quickly towards the canteen, checking my watch and wishing I had put on a jacket. I had spent far too long in the shower and was no running late for breakfast. It was one of those mornings when the sun tricked you by breaking through the clouds but not actually warm you up. It was times like this they my aversion to body hair disadvantaged me.
As I arrived at the canteen, I groaned at what I saw hanging across the room.
A huge, bright banner with the words "Happy Birthday Adam!" written across it. My bad start to the day was almost certainly about to get worse.
I gasped as a small, cold hand reached ice-like fingers under the hem of my t-shirt, starting at my back and moving round onto my stomach.
"Happy birthday, Adam!" I greeted the little twerp with a forced smile as he withdrew his hand, a badge shining on his chest.
"Thank you, Ffion!" he replied, addressing my breasts. He was sporting an unsettling grin, and I knew why. I had woken up that morning to a photo of myself in a compromising position pushed under the door; that was obviously the signal Adam had been talking about.
After collecting my breakfast from the hatch, I eased myself onto a bench, wincing as I sat down. I had managed to borrow some cream from first aid, but my buttocks were still sore. Sally had shot me knowing looks whenever I showed discomfort, but as no one else mentioned it, I suspected she hadn't told anyone.
Dan had expressed concern, but my feelings to tell him the truth were conflicted. I knew Adam was scared of Dan, and while it would be embarrassing to tell him what had happened that night, I knew Dan would be able to put a stop to it. But on the other hand, Adam had made this personal.
If I was going to end this, I was going to do it myself.
As I lay awake at night, the pain robbing me of sleep, the anger had grown inside me. Anger at Adam for his treatment of me, but mainly anger at myself. Why had I been so stupid to go to his cabin alone? What was I expecting to happen? That Adam would just apologise and return my possessions? Foolishly, I had given him more material to blackmail me with. My sleep deprived brain had spent many long hours assessing all options.
There were a couple of hurdles I would have to overcome. Firstly, his age. Adam was still a minor. That meant that I couldn't publicly expose him; a criminal record and a place on a sex offenders register were the last things I wanted.
Amanda's continued presence was also stopping me from pranking Adam. I was on my final warning with her, and she'd unfortunately developed a soft spot for Adam. Adam and I's feud was by now infamous, so it would be impossible to prank him without being blamed, and subsequently punished.
No, the only way to make this go away was to destroy all of Adam's evidence.
Adam wouldn't settle for a spanking. I knew he'd have all sorts of humiliating plans for me (another reason to end things ASAP) and would be giddy at the very thought out it. And as a giddy, exciteable teenager, he would let his guard down...providing me with the perfect opportunity to strike.
That opportunity would come tonight. Soon, it would all be over.
I stood outside Adam's cabin, rubbing my bare arms and shivering slightly. If I had to be Adam's plaything first to get close enough, so be it. What was one more night?
"Welcome back, Ffion," Adam beamed at me when he opened the door. "Glad to see you're wearing the clothes I left for you."
I was currently wearing a pair of white, lycra shorts, a white shirt and a pair of white trainers...and nothing else. When I saw the outfit (which had presumably been sourced from lost property) laid out on my bed earlier that day, I wasn't even surprised Adam had managed to sneak it in there; of course that little twerp knew how pick locks.
I momentarily tensed up when I saw the cabin full of kids; I had only been expecting Adam and a few of his minions; but I quickly regained my composure.
Adam was saying something about my shoes, crouched down in front of me and untying them. Before I could register what he was doing, he had already slipped them off my feet and hidden them away.
I awkwardly rubbed my calf with a bare foot as I surveyed the scene in front of me, wondering how to proceed.
The xbox was up and running again, boys crowded around it and whooping. Another group was laughing over board games, while the girls were gossiping in the corner.
"Don't be shy, make yourself comfortable."
Adam was back, pushing a plate of food into my hands.
", thanks," I said, trying to pass the plate back. The whole camp had had a huge party earlier that evening to celebrate Adam's birthday, and I was stuffed. I didn't even know any food was left over...but if Adam asked, of course Amanda would provide some for him.
"You must be hungry," Adam said, pushing me down onto the sofa and pressing down firmly on my bare left foot; just enough to make me wince, and serve as a warning.
With the plate gently warming my thighs, I picked up the first slice of pizza and began to eat.
"Fuck!" I cursed, spitting out my mouthful and coughing. It was so spicy! "What the hell have you added to that?!" I asked, my eyes watering.
"You're a big girl, Ffion," Adam laughed. "I'm sure you can manage a bit of spice."
I had a very exotic palate and was always up for a food challenge, but this was a real test even for me. Knowing that the quicker I ate it, the sooner I could cool my mouth down, I began shoveling the pizza down.
A few minutes later, I tossed the empty plate aside and flopped back onto the sofa, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I had eaten so much food so quickly that I felt ill. I was perspiring heavily, my face red, and downed in one go the blissfully cool glass of water that was offered to me. After I had thrown a few more glasses down my throat and my mouth had returned to a normal temperature, I was able to compose myself...only to see Adam approaching with a thick slice of chocolate cake.
"No...Adam, I physically don't think I can fit it in," I smiled weakly, gesturing to the strip of bloated stomach that had forced my t-shirt to ride up and expose it.
"I can force feed it to you, if you'd prefer."
I snatched the plate from him and shot Adam the blackest look I could muster, maintaining eye contact as I took a huge bite out of the rich sponge.
By this point, I had the attention of the majority of the room. This was unfortunate, as my composure was starting to slip once more. My stomach was protesting loudly, but I blocked out the cramps and continued to chew, never once breaking eye contact with Adam. I furiously blinked away the tears that were forming in the corner of my eyes, refusing to show any weakness.
After a final swallow, I slumped back onto the cushions, taking pleasure at the look of frustration on Adam's face. He obviously had expected me to give up.
I placed my hand on my distended stomach and glanced down at my torso.
"Oh, shit!"
Chocolate and grease had stained my t-shirt, and spilt water had turned it translucent, the outline of my breasts pressing against the cotton visible to all.
Giggles rippled around the watching crowd, and Adam was quick to take control once again.
"Silly girl, you've made a mess! Boys, help her out."
"Wait-" I started to protest, but they had already descended on me.
At least this time I didn't have a limited oxygen supply to conserve. I felt small hands scraping over my skin, grabbing my t-shirt and pulling it upwards. My arms were yanked over my head and despite my best efforts, I was unable to free my wrists from the half-dozen pairs of hands holding them.
As I underwent the sensation of the hem of my t-shirt passing over my stomach and reaching my breasts, I accepted my fate, but knew I could still fight back. I knew what Adam wanted to see (and touch) above all else, and I was determined to prevent that.
As the cotton continued to rise up my torso, I yanked my wrists free and pulled my arms through the sleeves. By the time the garment had been held aloft like a trophy and thrown around for all to admire, I had both arms firmly slammed across my chest. My legs were itching to curl up into the fetal position, but I resolutely kept them lowered.
"OK, everyone, calm down!" Adam called out, as my ruined t-shirt disappeared from my sight. "Ffion, you want to play some games?"
"No." I glared at him, daring him to pull me off the sofa and force me into more of his games.
But Adam didn't dare. While he had spent many collective hours staring at me, and was happy to steal my clothes or order his accomplices to strip me, he seemed hesitant to actually touch me when I was half naked.
Maybe he knew that it was wrong touch someone intimately without consent. Or was my anger intimidating him? He had my clothes and blackmail materials, more than enough leverage to control me. But still, he hesitated. Even at his age, he must have realised what sort of trouble he could get into if he distributed those photographs.
"O-okay," he shrugged at me. "You stay there if you want."
Adam joined his friends, leaving me alone on the sofa. I knew I wasn't out of the woods yet, and his smile had been unsettling, but at least I knew my life wouldn't be ruined if I continued to disobey him.
I settled down into the cushions, making myself comfortable. Adam couldn't make me move. I would stay there all night. If I didn't interact with them, the kids would soon become bored and forget about me.
I shivered slightly, a blush rising up my cheeks. Yes, my torso was chilly, but at least no one had seen my chest.
And if everything went to plan, no one would...
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 8:15 am
by SDS
Great chapter!
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 11:29 pm
by EthanDalton123
I shuffled around on the sofa, trying to lighten some of the work my hands were doing. My arms were becoming tired after being held over my chest for so long, my bare shoulders starting to ache. I readjusted my posture, attempting and failing to extract more warmth from the cushions below and behind me. For someone wearing nothing but a pair of tight lycra shorts, it really was very cold.
But my exhausted arms and low body temperature were hardly my most pressing concern.
I hadn't been to the toilet since the party earlier that evening, and my body was telling me it was time to go again.
As I'd predicted, the kids had grown bored of me, but they would quickly take an interest again if I moved. And if Adam knew it was because I needed the toilet...
No. I had decided to remain where I was and wait for an opportunity to sneak to the bathroom unnoticed.
But my bladder wasn't as large as I thought it was. Or maybe I'd just consumed far too much food and drink. I crossed over my right leg over my left, bare toes repeatedly curling and uncurling. Pursing my lips, I fidgeted uncomfortably where I sat, trying to placate my swollen bladder.
I threw my head back and looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of something, anything, to take my mind off distended bladder, pressing up on my stomach, fit to burst...
No! I had to distract myself I cast my gaze around the room, looking for something to focus all own my attention on. But out of the corner of my eye...a bare shoulder. Mine. Because Adam had stolen my t-shirt. However, the embarrassment of that would be nothing compared to the humiliation I would feel if my bladder released like an out-of-control fire hose, like a river breaking through all dam. A river...water. Liquid. So much liquid inside me, threatening to explode out-
It was no good. If I sat there, I would wet myself sooner or later (probably sooner). Reluctantly, I rose unsteadily to my bare feet, not wanting to disturb my insides too much. I spotted the bathroom on the far side of the room. Checking that my arms were still crushing my large breasts, hiding them from view, I padded over.
Shifting one arm to cover both breasts, I used my free hand to reach for the door handle: it was locked.
I knocked repeatedly on the wood.
"Can you hurry up in there, please?"
"There's no one in there, Ffion."
I spun around, bare back resting against the cold door, kicking insistently with my left foot, hoping that Adam was bluffing.
"Why is the door locked than?" I asked, registering the panic in my voice.
"So you have to wet yourself, dur," Adam rolled his eyes at me as his friends laughed.
"OK, very funny," I remarked, both hands back across my chest "Unlock this door right now," I commanded with as much authority as I could muster, but too late; Adam had control of the room.
"You're a big girl, I'm sure you can hold it," he teased. "But if you show me your boobs, I'll let you in."
"Not happening!" I stated, glaring at Adam and crossing my legs tightly.
"I guess you'll be wetting yourself then," Adam shrugged, his statement greeted by more laughs.
"Fine," I huffed, refusing to give in to his wishes. He was right, I was a big girl. If I could hold my bladder for exams, I could hold it now.
I strode backwards and forwards on bare feet, twitching and fidgeting in a vain attempt to placate my full bladder. My arms rose and fell as I breathed deeply, struggling to retain control of my body.
I was soon perspiring with the effort, and bent double in pain. My eyes became blurry with tears, but I furiously blinked them back. Despite completely losing my composure, I was impressed with myself that I'd managed to keep my arms folded over my breasts.
"Please, Adam," I begged as I sagged against the bathroom door. I didn't care that I had resorted to begging, I needed to get into that bathroom!
"Move your arms and I'll let you in!"
"Come on! You're taking this too far!" I felt tears splashing down onto my forearms. My shoulders were screaming, but still I kept my arms in position.
"And it wasn't too far when you made me wet myself?" Adam asked my coldly.
"Look...Adam...I'm so sorry about that...I shouldn't have acted that way...please don't do this..."
"You're the one making me do this. All you have to do-"
But the words died in my throat. My bright red face rapidly drained of all colour, a whimper escaped my lips and I looked down, terrified.
Finally, my bladder gave way. Like a dam bursting, a torrent of piss flooded into my shorts, weighing them down. My calfs were doused in a waterfall which cascaded onto my feet.
I don't know how long it went on for. It felt like hours. Roaring laughter rang in my ears as for the first time since I was a little girl, I wet myself.
Utterly defeated, I sank to my knees, before flopping forwards and curling tightly into the fetal position, not caring that I was lying in a pool of my own pee.
Adam had won.
I'm not a religious person, but at that moment, I prayed to God, any God, for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 1:22 am
by EthanDalton123
I don't know how long I lay there, curled into a tight ball in a pool of my own making.
I flinched when I felt a hand stroking my bare shoulder, but it was only Adam, brushing my blonde hair to one side.
I pushed him away, twisting around and awkwardly sitting up, an arm in its usual position across my breasts. I struggled to my bare feet, slipping in my puddle and eliciting more laughter from the watching crowd.
"W-what the fuck is wrong with you?" I spat at Adam with as much venom as I could, but it came out as a high-pitched squeak. "Out of my way, I'm taking a shower," I declared, pushing past Adam and marching to the bathroom...which I had forgotten was locked.
I jumped as Adam stepped up behind me and stroked my bare back; utterly degrading had clearly given him the confidence to touch me.
"Get the fuck away from me!" I shrugged him off. "Open this door."
"Only if I can see your-" he began, eyes fixed on his heart's desire.
"How many times, you're not seeing my tits!"
"Fine, your shorts, then."
I didn't even want to think about what Adam was going to do with them, and I wanted to get them off as soon as possible. So one handed, I awkwardly peeled the ruined garment down my sticky legs, kicking them away after untangling them from my feet. My free hand immediately slammed between my legs, but I knew they had seen. I just had to hope that they weren't old enough to fully understand what they had seen.
Adam pulled out a key and finally allowed me access to the bathroom.
"Take as long as-" Adam started to say, but I slammed the door in his face and locked it. My emotions were threatening to overwhelm me, but I couldn't let that happen yet.
Stepping into the shower, I yanked the temperature dial to the lowest possible setting, started up the spray and sank to the floor. Only then, when the sound of running water blocked out everything to any potential eavesdroppers, I let it all out.
Why was this happening to me? Why did Adam have to choose me to humiliate? I thought Adam would have pulled one of his standard pranks on me that night, not forced me to wet myself!
Drawing my legs close to my torso, I buried my face in my hands and sobbed, tears squeezing between my fingers and mixing with the shower water. I would have loved nothing more than to stay there forever, but I eventually, I uncurled my legs, rose to my feet and turned off the shower. I don't know how long I'd been in there, but I hoped Adam's friends had all left. It was very late, after all.
I stepped out onto the tiled floor, hugging myself and shivering violently. I rolled my eyes as I looked around the small room; of course there weren't any towels...or in fact anything I could use to dry myself.
I padded over to the door, and with my one arm cradling my breasts, I opened it...before immediately slamming it shut.
Adam was stood on the other side of it, grinning excitedly.
"You look a bit cold, Ffion! Would you like a towel?"
I was about to answer in the affirmative, but quickly bit back my words. No doubt he would use this as another attempt to clap eyes on my breasts and even if he didn't, I knew he'd see it as a victory if I accepted his offer.
But there was something more to it. Was I...enjoying this?
"No, I'm fine, thanks," I said, opening the door and stepping confidently out...or as confidently as one can be with an arm across their chest and the other hand between their legs.
Most of Adam's friends had gone, just those sharing his cabin remained; and all of them were staring open mouthed at me.
And why wouldn't they? They were excited, teenage boys; and I was a naked, barefoot, soaking wet, freezing cold, shivering, beautiful and embarrassed young woman.
"W-what's w-wrong, boys?" I asked coolly, my teeth chattering. "Never seen a naked girl before?"
Ignoring them, I shuffled over to the sofa, slumped down onto it and turned on the TV, curling my legs close to my torso. It didn't matter what was on TV, I just had to put on a brave face and act as if being stark naked and fresh from a cold shower in front of a bunch of boys didn't phase me. I knew I should find some cover, but my pulse was racing and I was no longer thinking straight.
After a while, Adam was brave enough to approach. Sitting down gingerly next to me, he reached out and tentatively stroked my wet, bare foot. When I didn't push him away, his fingers explored my ankle and calf.
My chest was heaving beneath my arm. It was so fucking cold, Adam's fingers like ice on my skin...but fuck, was it-
I had to bite my lip to stop me moaning and it took all of my willpower not to plunge the fingers protecting my pussy deep inside it. Adam's fingers were nearly at my knee...I was going to explode-
Suddenly, Adam withdrew.
"Look, Ffion...err...we're going to go to bed now. There's a free bed if you want it, or you can have your towel and clothes back if you want to go back to your room."
I'd never heard Adam be so polite with me. He was surely too young to understand what my body had been doing, but he was clrsly unnerved by it.
As I uncurled my frustrated body and slipped myself under the bed sheets, I started to come to my senses. What was I doing?! I'd nearly let a little kid make me cum! And why had I just climbed into a bed naked and soaking wet when I'd just been offered the thing I craved?!
The bed sheets were already damp and I had to hug myself tightly to retain whatever heat I could in my frozen body. Plus, if my hands weren't kept busy, they would drive me to a loud and violent orgasm, which even in my aroused state I knew wouldn't be a good idea.
I knew I should leave. I knew I could leave. Fully clothed. In panties, bra, shorts, t-shirt, shoes and socks. There would be a lot of awkward questions if I was spotted leaving the cabin the following morning.
But I stayed. In the morning, I would have to be a sensible, mature adult again.
But for now, I would bathe in the eroticism of my new found, twisted fetish.
Re: Ffion's summer camp
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:17 pm
by EthanDalton123
I woke up the following morning shivering. It took me a few seconds to realise why I was in an unfamiliar bed, wearing nothing at all and wrapped in a damp bedsheet.
Looking around, I jumped when I saw half a dozen boys stood over me, staring.
Not wanting to think about how long they had been watching me sleep, I groggily sat up, clutching the white sheet to my chest.
"Err...hi, guys," I smiled weakly, regretting not taking their offer the previous night. "Any chance I could have my clothes back now?"
I swung my legs around and off the bed, but the appearance of my small, bare feet only seemed to excite them more.
"Come on, guys, leave her alone!"
Adam walked over, and I was delighted to see a bundle of clothes in his arms. A surprisingly large bundle. I guess he'd stolen more of my clothes than I thought.
The disappointment on his friends faces was evident; they clearly wanted to keep their beautiful, blonde activity leader without clothing for as long as possible.
But being wrapped only in a thin bedsheet in front of half a dozen boys had set my heart racing again (what was wrong with me?!) and I once again wasn't thinking clearly.
"Adam, come here," I beckoning him over. I leaned forward and whispered into his ear.
"You've been so clever with your pranks, but haven't pushed your boundaries. I think you've earned your reward. Tell your friends to leave and I'll give you what you want."
" m-mean I c-can...?" he was more flustered than I had been at any point during our feud.
"Yes. But only if you promise to stop pranking me."
"D-deal," he answered, without a moments hesitation.
Adam was immediately business-like. He dropped the pile of clothes she chivvied his friends towards the door.
"OK, guys, time for breakfast!"
"Wait, what about-?"
"Don't worry, I've got something else planned," he winked at them, locking the door as they exited.
Silence fell over the room as he paused.
"Adam?" I asked. "You OK?"
"Yeah," he croaked. "I've imagined this, I just never thought..."
Pulling himself together, he walked back over and positioned himself in front of me, eyes already lasered onto my chest.
My clothes where lying right there. I only had to bend down, pull them on and walk out the door. My hands opens and the sheet fell onto my lap.
For a long time, the boy simply stared. Committing to memory every curve, the shape of my areolas, the way my nipples stiffened in the coolness of the cabin.
Slowly, very slowly, Adam raised him arms and delicately places his hands on my boobs. I flinched at his cold touch, but his hands remained firmly placed.
They were overflowing. There was too much breast for two small hands to envelop.
I don't know how long we stayed in that position. Naked girl sat on the bed, young boy holding her breasts.
Without warning, he squeezed, hard.
"Did...did u hurt you?" Adam asked, genuinely concerned, as I gasped.
"No!" I giggled, amused by his naivety.
Carefully and meticulously, Adam squeezed, poked, pushed, pulled and prodded my boobs into all sort of directions, clearly ticking things off a mental checklist.
My stomach rumbled, but I didn't protest. We were both enjoying this far too much. My breathing had become ragged, and Adam was enjoying my chest heaving into his hands.
At long last, Adam was finished. One last twist, and he released.
"Thank you very much, Ffion," he said, looking me in the eyes for the first time since our session started. "You have very nice boobs. I have deleted all the footage of you that we have, and all your clothes are here," he pointed.
"So what did you think?" I asked him, standing up and pulling on the nearest pair of panties.
"They're big and squishy!" he said, politely averting his eyes.
"Yes, I suppose they are!" I chuckled, noticing that Adam wasn't interested in seeing my pussy, and that I didn't feel embarrassed to be naked in front of him...or maybe that was just the adrenaline racing through my horny body.
"I think you should go, Adam," I suggested, pulling on a t-shirt. "It wouldn't look good if we were seen leaving together."
"OK," he said, turning around to face me again. "Bye, bye, Ffion's boobs," he smiled, heading towards the door with a spring in his step.
I watched him go, socks in my hands. It felt strange to have given a kid his first sexual encounter, but there was a warm glow inside me when it occurred to me that Adam's scheming and desperation to see me naked was his way of paying my a compliment, and that he would always be tinged with disappointment at every other breast he saw.
Double checking that I hadn't left a stray sock or bra behind, I awkwardly sidled out of the door. Fortunately, the camp was quiet at the moment, so I was able to hurry back to my cabin without being spotted.
Dumping my bundle onto my bed, I dropped onto the toilet to relieve myself, having been holding back a pee since early in Adam's exploration.
I had missed breakfast, so knew I would have to wait a few hours to please my complaining stomach. I would also surely be missed, so had no time to satisfy my aching loins.
I brushed my blonde hair, and slapped on the usual makeup to make myself presentable and went to find my group.
My bare skin tingled in the cool breeze. I felt like a new person.