On Labor Day the events at the Lewis's started early. Cindy had to make sure the ladies rest rooms were stocked with Always Discreet Incontinence Pads, certainly not because any of them were inconstant, but because they were moist if not outright wet because of the things they saw being done to so many of the male genitals as if seeing a lot of naked males was not enough to do it. Of course, none of the ones using these pads would ever let a male know that they were the reason they needed them. Several of the younger girls got moist just because they were seeing so many nude males all without having to expose themselves and they got excited just thinking of that and how privileged they were as females to be able to see males without being seen themselves. Little did they know the males felt it was their privilege to be able to expose their genitals while the girls could not, at least most of them felt that way.
JoAnn Armstrong and the three ladies on her staff from the Eaton Academy along with their husbands found that not all males were willing to strip. Upon their arrival, the first thing the men noticed was the water fountain. Dennis Armstrong (JoAnn's husband) cried out.."is that a naked man and is the water coming out of his PENIS? All of the men said how can they display that in the front yard no less. JoAnn and the other women were thinking "wait until they find out the dress code at this party" The four men declared that it could not be worse than this...this fountain in the front yard. Think so? Just wait.
At the same time the special guests were arriving. Mayor Doris Winston arrived with police chief Donald Seemore and the chief saw the fountain and he said "see what this city has come to? There was a time when we would arrest any perverts that showed their penis and balls like that but now males can go naked anywhere they want. I am glad we can least keep women from going nude. What is this world coming to? Doris just thought "wait until we go inside. The day before the told Donald that this would be a major breakthrough on his run for the state DA and that he needed to keep an open mind regarding the increasing number of sports that have the male members going nude. When she told Donald that, he thought at least the females keep their cloths on. He did say he would go along with going to this party as he knew it was by a very influential family in society who could help him in his goal.
The Mayor, the police chief and the eight from the Eaton Academy all came to the front entrance at the same time. It was than that the men saw this sign:
https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.4pfDw74k3 ... ImgDetMain
All six men went ballistic at the same time. "What is this? They expect us to get naked just because we are males? What about the women? Now I can understand why THAT fountain in front. JoAnn told her husband that this family was going to make a very large grant to the Eaton Academy and she would make it worth while for all four men to accommodate them this one time. Besides, there can't be that many women who will see them can there? One of the men said, well the other women here have not see me. This went on for about a half hour. Finally Donald (the police chief) reluctantly said he would do it this one time and he started taking his shoes off, than his socks came off one at a time his tie was next and as each item came off, the ladies all looked intently and the women from the academy told their husbands, if he could do it, they could besides all of the women present have seen naked men before , it is not like a girl seeing a penis for the first time is it?
Donald finally got down to his tighty whities and he looked at all the women staring excitedly at him although the other four men were starting to disrobe too thinking they have driven so far and it could help their wives in their careers at the academy so what if a dozen women see the nude.
Donald turned around and had his back to the women as he kicked his underwear off. Doris said "turn around Donald:" When he did, he had both hands covering the parts none of the women had. The other four men did the same although they all knew they could not spend the whole day like this.
Cindy and Ralph both came to the door, Cindy in a modest by lovely pant suit, and Ralph was of course naked and half erect for all the women to see. Cindy said it was nice to see all of you without thinking of the pun she just made now that she could actually see ALL of the males.
About a dozen other guest arrived and the men who were sill covering their genitals noticed that the women were all modestly dressed while the males in the groups quickly stripped naked without a concern for who was around, including when the Lewis daughters came and and suddenly three girls 10 and under were looking at the men from the academy and the police chief all who were still covering their groins and were even redder than ever before and even more so when Karen asked "why are you covering your cocks, my daddy does not cover his as she reached out and grabbed his now fully erect penis pulling it down and letting it spring back up with a THUMP as his penis hit his abdomen.
Cindy said "Come on in ladies and gentlemen. As you can see, we do not believe males should hide anything from the ladies and we think males should not have any secrets even from young girls like Karen here. JoAnn thought "so this is the 10 year old that is going to teach our girls all about males and I see she has things well in hand. Now to get these males around us to loosen up and get their hands away from their dicks.