A Tangled Web - Complete

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by Pattareth »

With the first of Ben’s videos leaked, it feels like we are rapidly approaching the climax of this story in terms of the lewd stuff. I’m getting hyped for another chapter I know I’ll never forget. Just hope Craig gets to see Bailey au-natural before anyone else does.

Speaking of things I’ll never forget, I’m still upset about Bailey and Craigs relationship being sabotaged btw :x
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by Freesub »

This is really interesting

I think Ben taking a backseat and letting things play out in order to stay safe himself is an excellent decision.

The paranoia is already created, and now it's self-sustaining.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »


Things were unraveling at Webberson High.

Alexis Wright and Hunter Dickson had been expelled for their involvement in attempting to shave Lizzie Katz’s bush. Yep, you read that right. The unfortunate sophomore girl was tied up to the goal post, stripped bottomless, and had a strip of hair shaven down the center of her box. A reverse landing strip, if you will. I saw the pics, and even though Lizzie is cute as hell, I did not find them even remotely erotic.

Shelby Patterson also got herself suspended, for whatever role she played in the ordeal. Lizzie and her friends – including Bailey – pushed hard for Shelby to be expelled. Clark claimed he couldn’t kick students out of school for mocking one another, or for failing to intervene when someone else is being bullied – otherwise he’d have to expel half the school. I’ve always got along well with Shelby, but I agree with Lizzie and crew that this was bullshit. Shelby’s been out of control.

“I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but I can’t wait to graduate and get the hell out of here,” Adira said. She, Leslie, Colton, and I were volunteering at a big cancer walk-a-thon.

“Word,” Colton said. “Shit got fucked up, real quick.”

“I’m not even going to prom,” Adira said, miserably. I looked at her with disappointment, and maybe a little pity. “Craig, stop looking at me like that,” she said.

“Like what?”

“Like you’re guilty about seeing me naked!” She laughed. Adira had been rightfully upset when the locker room recording spread, but she seemed to now be taking it stride. Leslie didn’t give two fucks about it at all. I put my arms up in mock defense.

“Don’t you two perv balls try to deny it!” Leslie accused, looking between Colton and I.

“Can we just…talk about something else,” Colton suggested.

“Oh, does us being sexually harassed bother you, Colton?” Leslie asked mockingly.

“Hey, I said it was fucked up,” he said warily.

“Yeah...it’ll prolly put me in counseling the rest of my life…” Leslie said. Despite knowing her since kindergarten, I still never knew when she was joking.

“Hahaha this is so depressing!!” Adira said, laughing at her and her friend’s misfortune. “Not at all how I envisioned the end of senior year.”

“Colton, you’re not throwing a big end of year bash?” I asked, attempting to change the subject.

“Unfortunately, not. With everything going on…it’s not a good look. I’ve still been hanging out with Naomi and once she found out that I was inviting half the people that…I’d have to invite – "

“Bryce. Brad. Shelby…” Leslie smirked.

“ – Right. She wouldn’t be happy. They’ve given her and – especially Lizzie – a really hard time. Plus, ever since someone,” he shot me an exaggerated look, “got caught sneaking into my aunt and uncle’s pool, they’ve been on alert. Don’t think they’re heading anywhere far for a while.”

“Sorry, dude,” I said sadly, as I thought how amazing things were going just six weeks ago. Adira and Leslie looked at me unhappily.

“Oh, fuck this! Craig, you and Bailey gotta fix your shit!” Leslie said.

“You guys were so cute together!” Adira said. “And happy!”

“She’s having people over next weekend. You should come.”

“I can’t just show up uninvited,” I said. “Plus, she hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you,” Leslie said. “You just broke her heart. Well….she thinks you did.”

“Honestly, I don’t see any way she could still believe you leaked that picture with everything else that’s gone on since,” Adira said. “I’ve been trying to feel her out and I think she’s coming around.”

“She’s with CJ, again,” I said.

“She is NOT with CJ again,” Leslie laughed. “I can promise you that.” My spirits lifted. “Look, you can make up as many excuses as you want but fact is, in one month, you’ll prolly never see her again the rest of your life – if you do nothing. So what’s there to lose? Honestly Craig, it was a tit pic. She’s gonna get over it. Lizzie just had her hoo-haa shaved in front of the entire track team for fuck sake.”

“Okay but Lizzie hasn’t exactly gotten over that..or forgiven –"

“Shut up Craig!”

“Just saying it’s a bad comparison,” I laughed. “But thank you. I’ll plan on coming,”

I left the relay later that night in the best mood I’d been in since before Bailey and I broke up. I had one last shot at this.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »



The doorbell rang on a Saturday night. I got up to let Leslie in. She had texted me, letting me know she was on her way.

“Who is that?” Ben shouted down from his computer room.

“None of your business,” I snapped.

“You’re not allowed to have people over!” He argued. “I’m gonna text Mom and Dad.”

“And YOU’RE not allowed to hide cameras in your sister’s room!” I whispered, making sure Leslie wouldn’t be able to hear me through the door. “Yet, here we are. Don’t think I didn’t get evidence for that, by the way,” I bluffed. Ben’s expression didn’t change. I greeted my friend.

“Beeeee!” Leslie said. Adira was with her. Leslie held up a bottle of rum. “We need this!”

“Agreed,” I laughed, as if I hadn’t only drank one time in my life.

Leslie and Adira stepped into the living room. “Nice house, Bailey!” Adira said, looking around before settling down on the couch.

“Where’s little Benny at?” Leslie asked. She had put the bottle of rum in the freezer and came back from the kitchen.

I nodded at our mid-level, where the computer room was. “Same spot as always,” I sighed.

Leslie, Adira, and I chatted for a bit, as we awaited the other girls to show up. Eventually, Ben emerged to try and sneak some food.

“Hi Ben!” Adira smiled at him kindly. If she only knew…

Ben stared at her. “Hi,” he muttered.

“Hey Big Ben, got any exciting plans for tonight!?” Leslie asked, heavy on the sarcasm. Ben didn’t answer, but gave her a glare. “Oh, my apologies, that’s right, things are prolly awkward between us now! You’ve known me all your life….” she switched to a mock-serious tone, “…and now you’ve seen me naked.”

Ben tried to fake confusion.

“Was hoping to save that moment for our wedding night, but alas…” she sighed. “Oh! By the way, that thing, between my legs in the video, that’s called a VUH-JINE-UH.”

“Leslie!” Adira swatted her arm at our friend. “Stop!” She rolled her eyes. In the past, I would have aided Adira in coming to my little brother’s defense. But I am all out of sympathy.

“Shut up, I know that,” Ben retorted. He quickly escaped back into his den.

Jamie, Maria, and Nikki showed up. Twenty minutes later, Naomi and Lizzie arrived. Leslie broke out the rum and we moved outside to the back patio.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »


I was pissed at my sister. She invited seven girls over to our house when she was supposed to be grounded. I wouldn’t mind it that much, except Leslie was one of them and was acting like a stupid cunt as always. She thinks she’s so funny trying to embarrass me in front of the other girls. Unfortunately for her, Adira is too mature for her bullshit and didn’t laugh.

I thought about telling my parents on Bailey, but the girls went outside and stopped bothering me once all of them showed up. Bailey tried to threaten me with “evidence” that I was spying on her, but I saw through it. I still have the recording you dumb bitch! I know everything you did once you saw the cam.

Nonetheless, if she was having people over, I was going to as well. I had nothing planned, but this was an opportunity to try and make things right with Arnie. Who knows, maybe once Bailey got drunk, her guard would be down, and we could bust in on her undressing before bed.

“My sis has all her hot friends over…no parents”

I sent the text to the guys. Everyone responded quickly, not wanting to miss out on another show. Within 20 minutes, they all pulled up in the driveway.

“Sup Ben,” Neil greeted me, unable to withhold a smile.

“Benjamin,” was all Arnie said.

The guys settled into the living room where the girls were previously sitting.

“Where’s the ladies at?” Peter asked impatiently.

“Outside on the back patio, hear them?”

When we were quiet, you could hear the occasional outburst of laughter, or Leslie being her normal, loud, annoying self.

“Alright, what’s on the agenda?” Arnie drawled.

“Well…I didn’t really think of anything myself, but they’re drinking. A whole bottle of rum. So that’s a start. Thought we could brainstorm in here.”

“Hmmmm….” Neil said. “How many are out there again?”

“A lot,” I counted in my head. “Eight, including Bailey.”

“Gonna be hard to sneak up on them with that many,” Peter said.

“Is Adira there?” Jared asked greedily.

“She is,” I smiled. His eyes lit up.

“And they’re not wearing bikinis or anything? Like you don’t have a pool or hot tub or anything back there, right?” Neil asked.

“Unfortunately, not.”

“Hmmm….” He pondered.

I heard the patio door slide open and my sister entered back into the house in a cheerful manner. Paying closer attention due to Neil’s bikini question, I saw she had on a pair of short jean shorts and a tight t-shirt. Somewhat revealing, but difficult to have any shenanigans go down in. She saw my friends and instantly looked uncomfortable. She caved into herself, like she did many times when she was caught nude.

“Hi…” she said, timidly.

“Hi Bailey!” Peter and Neil said with excitement. She gave them an awkward, half smile then went into the kitchen.

“Ben, can you come in here a second?” She asked.

The guys raised their eyebrows at me as I got up and wandered into the kitchen.

“What’s up,” I asked, feeling much more in charge of things than I did earlier when I was alone with Bailey and her friends.

“Ben, who said you could have friends over!?” My sister whisper screamed at me.

“Who said you could?” I asked.

“You NEVER have friends over, not once!”

“Well, I did one time…” I smirked.

“That doesn’t count!” She said furiously, punching me hard on the arm.

“Ow! Bitch!”

“Why do you have to be soooo annoying!? Like, why do you HAVE to have them over here tonight? When my friends are here!”

“Well tell your stupid cunt friends to stop picking on me and maybe I wouldn’t have had to invite my friends over.”

“You deserved it. BIG TIME.” Her voice went even softer. “Don’t think I don’t know it was you who filmed that soccer video!” She hissed.

Even though I figured this would be the case, I still felt a brief panic when she dropped that on me. I’m sure my face showed it. She has no evidence, she has no evidence, she has no evidence, I kept telling myself.

“Yeah…that’s right!” Bailey now laughed. “And you saw what happened to that Elliott kid, and Lizzie, and who knows who else by now. If I tell Leslie, you’ll be stripped naked and tied up in the middle of town square by the end of the night so you and your friends better not be trying anything!”

“We’re just hanging out, shut up!” I said.

Bailey looked out one of the front windows. “Ben, you let them park here!? Idiot! People are gonna know we have friends over!”

“Mom and Dad never said I wasn’t allowed to!”

“Okay, but what if other kids from school drive by and see…” she looked closer out the window and counted, “FOUR freaking cars?! Do you guys not know what a carpool is?!”

“Who cares if people see them?”

“Well, no one would care if they think it’s your friends,” she scoffed. “But if they think I’m having people over, they’re gonna think there’s a party or something that they weren’t told about, and then next thing you know 20 more people are knocking at our door.”

“Oh yeah cause you’re soooo cool and popular,” I mocked.

“Uggghhhhh!” She groaned. “Can you just please tell them to move their cars to the street behind us? They could use a good walk, anyway.”

“See, why do you have to be such a stuck-up bitch?” I asked.

“Cause YOU…and ALL of your friends deserve it!” She shook both hands with fury, kind of reminding me of when she lost her shit and ended up spreading her legs for me in her room. “You’re the freaking Twatarazzi!!!” She spat. Then turned and strutted out of the room and out of the house to rejoin her friends.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by CursedSavinkov »

Feel like it's coming to a head! Can't wait for the climax!
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »


With exception of my annoying little brother inviting his friends over, the night was going well and I was having a lot of fun. Finally, my friends and I could chill without any of the drama that had become so commonplace during the past year at school. We spent the night airing out our grievances and gossiping about feelings regarding peers. The conversation eventually veered toward some of the guys.

“Bailey…” Adira began with caution.


“Leslie and I have a confession.”

Me?” Leslie asked.

“Yes…you did this too!” Adira directed toward Leslie. She turned back to me. “Would you be mad if we told you that we invited Craig over tonight?”

My ears perked up and I’m sure my expression changed but I tried to act aloof. “Errr it was supposed to be a girls’ night but whatever,” I replied. I had been thinking more about Craig since the soccer team video leaked – and since I caught my little brother spying on me. If Ben was depraved enough to hide cameras in locker rooms and bedrooms, then he was also depraved enough to break into phones. For the past week or so I had this slow, dreadful realization that I had made a massive mistake. Hearing that Craig was still interested – and may even want to come over tonight – was music to my ears.

“So, you don’t care if he comes?” Adira asked.

I stared at her, wondering how I should play this. Eventually I just said “No, as long as you guys don’t care.”

“I don’t care but…do you care if Colton comes over then?” Naomi asked, sheepishly. “I accidently told him you were having people over so he’s been asking,” she admitted.

“Well, actually….we kind of told him, too,” Leslie said.

“Haha, how many people did you guys invite?!” I laughed.

“That’s it,” Naomi said.

Leslie wore a guilty expression.

“…Leslie?” I asked.

“Anita and Kaila wanted to know what I was doing. I swear that’s it though!” She said.

“They probably would have figured out anyway,” I muttered. “Ben invited Anita’s little brother over – idiot.”

Leslie looked at me curiously. “Ben…has friends?”

“I guess.”

“Huh,” she wandered.

“Whatever,” I sighed. “As long as we stay out here, keep quiet, and don’t make a mess then they can come. No one else though.”


Welp, I should have known better. Three people can’t keep a secret, much less 12 (or 17, if you count Ben and his friends.) Kaila and Anita arrived. I waited anxiously for Craig, and when the next ring at the doorbell came, I basically sprinted over to answer it. But it was not my former – and current – crush who stood on the front porch.

“Bailey!!!!” Alicia Winston, Danielle Rodrick, and a couple of my other soccer teammates, along with some of their boyfriends, greeted me briefly before inviting themselves into my house.

“Awesome of you to have a party, B! Everyone’s been so lame lately!” Danielle said.

“It’s not actually a party, you guys have to – "

“Yeah, everyone’s afraid to do anything after Principal Clark’s threats – and then Alexis and Hunter getting expelled.” One of the guys interrupted me, ignoring the fact that I was trying to shoo them off.

“Yeah, Hunter actually got arrested,” one of the girls – Jillian Drucker, who I always found opinionated and annoying – said. “Heard Lizzie’s pressing charges. Kind of blowing it out of proportion if ya ask me.” The group helped themselves into my kitchen, stocking the fridge with beer and liquor they had brought over.

“Lizzie’s here,” I said. “And I don’t think she’s blowing anything out of proportion. He assaulted her.”

“Meh, he didn’t actually shave her. That was all Alexis. Our generation’s kinda soft. My mom said there were people streaking and pulling pranks like this all the time in school. Like you couldn’t go a full week without seeing one your classmates naked.”

“Now ya get caught with a tit pic on your phone and you’re on some predator list the rest of your life,” one of the guys said.


“Crazy world.”

“Oh shiiiiiiit, hey ladieeeeeees!” Jillian announced when she saw the growing group of girls on the back patio. “OOOOHH-WEEEE OOOOOH-WEEEEE!” She shouted out.

“You guys have to be quiet!” I said, fearful that the night was getting away from me.

“This blue tooth?” One of the guys asked, checking out my parent’s sound system. Some EDM music began blasting through the speakers. “Nice!” He exclaimed. “We gonna do this shit or what?!”

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang again. Still not Craig. Or even Colton.

Twenty minutes after that, Bryce Ovello, Brad Wood, Shelby Patterson, Taylor Powell…and Landon Miller waltzed uninvited into my backyard and I knew I was in deep shit.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »


“The fuck are all these dickheads doing here, Ben?” Peter asked, as the five of us looked out one of my upstairs windows and spotted Bryce and Brad – amongst others – walking up the driveway.

“I…I don’t know,” I said, pissed that Bailey had invited these assholes into our home.

“Man, this blows!” Neil voiced our collective frustration. “We’ll never get anywhere near those chicks now.”

“Yeah, no way I’m going down there with all those cocksuckers,” Peter shuddered. “You’ve seen the shit they pull at school with teachers around – imagine what they’ll do with no adults in site.”

“Benjamin,” Arnie sighed. “This is looking like a colossal failure.”

“Wait!” I pleaded desperately. Not only was I hard pressed to get on Arnie’s good side, I was also afraid of my friends leaving me alone in this house with the worst bullies in school. I’d be a sitting duck.

“Ben, face it,” Neil said. “We got nothing.”

“Hey, Bailey still needs to come up here tonight – eventually. And she’ll be drunk. You guys saw first-hand in that video you stole what she did last time she was drunk. That was the first time she willingly showed herself to me. She’ll be way drunker tonight, who knows what she’ll do!”

“So...what, we just sit up here in your room for six hours?” Peter asked.

“Yeah it’s only 9:30 Ben,” Neil said.

I thought quickly. I was losing them. “We can go in her room now!” I announced.

“And do what?” Peter asked.

“Her panties are in there…”

Jared, Neil, and Peter were unimpressed, but Arnie perked up. Perhaps he had some underwear thing. “I suppose there are worse ways to pass the time as we strategize,” he said, attempting to sound blasé.

“Right! Nice, let’s go!”

I led the guys over to Bailey’s room. No surprise she had locked the door, but that was a minor hindrance. I stuck the wire key inside the handle and swung the door open.

“Whoah….” Peter said with awe as he stepped inside. “Just like the videos!” He grinned.

“Yup, this is where it all goes down,” I smirked. “Well – went down.”

“Nice,” Neil said, taking in the sites.

Arnie, likely having memorized the layout from all the recordings, went right for the underwear drawer. He pulled the handle and revealed a collection of colorful bras and panties. Thongs, booty shorts, bikini cut – Bailey had it all. Arnie began rummaging through her underwear, pulling some out, inspecting them, even holding them up close to his nose. Personally, I thought what he was doing was disgusting but he looked like he was in heaven and that was the whole point of this trip.

“Would you guys mind sparing me five minutes,” he requested.

“Are you gonna….jerk off?” Neil laughed.

A nasty smile spread across Arnie’s face, but he said nothing.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »


The night had spiraled. Big time. There were probably over fifty people at my house – and none of them were Craig. What was taking him so long?! I thought about texting him. Telling him I wanted him to come over. I’m sure he felt intrusive, if he still thought it was a small get together, but everyone else had apparently heard this was a rager – I’m sure he had gotten word as well.

People had brought their own set of party cups and ping pong balls and there were multiple matches of beer pong and flip cup and other drinking games taking place simultaneously. I looked on nervously as kids used my parents’ dinner table, patio furniture, and whatever else they deemed necessary to fuel their fun.

“Careful!!” Maria shouted as two dudes began play-wrestling in the middle of the living room. They crashed into the entertainment center with no regard.

“It’s a lost cause…” I said. Earlier in the night I was trying to clean up spills and messes as they arrived but that quickly became futile.

“I’ll stay over and help you clean tomorrow morning,” Maria said.

“Thanks,” I smiled. I let out a huge sigh as one of the wrestlers body-slammed the other onto the couch where two sophomores were making out. The girl looked at them with annoyance then got up and led the boy she was kissing down to the basement.

“Ayyyy….sorry B,” Leslie approached me. “I don’t think this is what any of us planned for tonight. You want me to call the cops? They’d come over and break it up.”

I had thought about doing this myself, but concluded it wasn’t a good decision. “It’s risky. They’d wanna talk to an adult, and would end up calling my parents – not that they’re not gonna find out anyway with this many people here. Might as well enjoy the night cause I’ll prolly be grounded all summer after this,” I bemoaned. “C’mon, let’s do a shot!” I tried to sound more upbeat.

“You read my mind!”

Maria, Leslie and I forced our way into the kitchen and poured three shots of rum.

“To a quick cleanup tomorrow morning!” Maria said.

“Cheers to that!” I cried out before forcing the icy liquor down my throat.

“Let’s bust this bad boy open!” Brad Wood announced as he rushed into the kitchen holding up one of my parents’ prized bottles of aged scotch that they only used for display and never touched.

“DON’T!” I yelled. He looked slightly ashamed. “Brad, don’t! Give it to me,” I reached out and he handed me the bottle.

“Only since you were cool enough to host this thing. Never would’ve guessed that even a month ago,” he said.

I gave him a fake smile and then headed upstairs with the bottle, grabbing some of my parents’ other expensive possessions along the way. I stopped in the bathroom where I had hidden one of the small wire keys to unlock my bedroom door. It’s a good thing I didn’t have the delicate items in my hand when I unlocked my door because I would have one hundred percent dropped them on the floor when I saw what was awaiting me.

“WHAT THE FRICK!!!!! EEEEWWWW!!!! EWWWWWW!!!! EEEEEWWWW!!!!” I blurted out. I was face-to-face with my brothers’ friend Arnie Roberts whose shorts were at his knees as he stood there masturbating with my underwear in his hands!!

“Ohhhhh errrrr sorry I ummmm…..I was looking for bathroom!” His face was beet red. He furiously struggled to pull his shorts back up.


Ben and his other friends came rushing in, but my screams also attracted others. Arnie tried to escape out of my room, one hand down his pants, and the other holding his shorts up, when the worst person imaginable spotted him. Bryce Ovello.
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Re: A Tangled Web

Post by drew »


Not gonna lie, when Arnie got caught by my sister jerking off into her panties, I was secretly loving it. I mean the situation alone was hot, having her catch him like that and know that he was in her room going HAM on her underwear. But also, fuck that kid. I loved seeing him get taken down a peg. And the worst was about to come.

“The fuck is Archbishop Arnie doing here?” Bryce laughed when he spotted Arnie trying to escape down the stairs.

“Archbishop Arnie?” I whispered to my friends.

“They think they’re cute, but it really doesn’t even make much sense,” Neil said, but he was chuckling.

“Wait a second….what’re you hiding under there?” Bryce asked. Arnie tried to bullrush past him, but Bryce grabbed him.

“LET ME GO!!!!” Arnie squealed. He began thrashing wildly. His typical, too-sophisticated-for-everyone persona was suddenly dropped, and soon, his shorts were as well. Bryce swiped them down and Arnie’s penis – now totally flaccid – and my sister’s jizz-soaked underwear were exposed for the growing crowd.

“NOOOOO!!!!!!” Bryce and the others exploded with laughter. “Grab his shorts! Grab his shorts!” Bryce commanded, and the crowd snatched Arnie’s shorts and underwear and began throwing them around the house.

“GET THE FUCK OFF ME ASSHOLE!!!” Arnie was having a conniption. “NEIL! JARED!” He cried for help but there was nothing we could do for him. He had managed to make it to the first floor and we were still in the middle of the stairs with plenty of people blocking our path. I could see his fat, pimpled, pale ass on display for the whole party.

“Bahahahahaha!!!” The party goers were loving Arnie’s humiliation. “There’s shit stains in his underwear!”

“Look, he nutted into Bailey’s panties!!!!” Bryce cackled and everyone erupted louder than ever when they saw my sister’s underwear still being smashed against Arnie’s cock as he tried to cover up.

“Were they hooking up?!?!?!?!” Shelby’s shrill voice cut above the others.

“I don’t know maybe!!!!” Bryce yelled.

“Oh, fuck off, you guys know damn well she was down here 30 seconds ago,” Leslie said. Shelby just shrugged.

“Might have been all it took! Hey Shelbs, what do ya think of this!?” Bryce, who already had one of Arnie’s wrists secured, reached out and grabbed the other one and pulled it away from him. Arnie’s penis was revealed to everyone in sight.

I couldn’t see from my angle, but judging from the crowd’s remarks, it must not be very big.

“It’s literally one inch!!!” Brad Wood yelled.

“Not even, bahahahaha!” Taylor Powell joined in.

“AAAARRRRRGGGGGHGHHHHHH!!!!!!” Arnie continue battering about like a madman to no avail.

“It’s a teeny wittle helicopter!!!”

Meanwhile, Brad Wood had managed to secure Bailey’s underwear. He threw them up in the air behind him as if they were a bouquet at a wedding.

“YOU GUYS, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!” Craig Anderson arrived at the party.
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