This one happened to me for real when I was little. Though it's not very interesting when I think what exactly happened but it could be interesting.
I have a twin brother. We both are michevious when together but I am more of a nerd, shy, introverted while he is opposite to me. People used to compare us to zack and Cody. I am from India and I don't know but it's fine to bath outdoors even for a 5th grade boys in those days. I never done that myself but my brother did. We both get into trouble if we together. So, my parents thought I should be in different school.
My class notes are one of the most wanted things in my class since I was a the topper of the class. (Now, I am not but those days, education used to be easy for me). Plus I hate giving my notes to other students to their home because firstly, I always obsessed with having my things with myself and I hate it when they spoil the pages of my book. There was this new girl who came to our school mid year. She asked if she can take my notes. Being shy, I couldn't say no but I said I need it for some reason and I can't give her to her home. She said, no problem, she can come to my home and write it down in my home itself. I couldn't say no again and I said ok. I gave her my address.
Those days, days when mobiles were very rare, she didn't tell which time she was going to come. I too forgot if she was going to come. I just was busy watching tv the next day since it was Sunday. Just chilling. Meanwhile my brother taking a bath outdoor like he usually does in the backyard. When she rang the bell to my house, I was a bit slow to open the door.
What happened in the time gap between me opening the door and she ringing the bell is worst. My brother who was bathing walked nude to the front gate. Basically our backyard is like outside the house in a loop. They can directly walk to the front gate of housse from backyard. I exactly don't know what happened but by the time I went out to check the door, there was no one. but I could hear my brother talking to a girl from the side. I went to see who she was and there she is, my classmate watching my brother.
Since we are twins and she didn't know I had a twin brother, she literally thought it was me and my brother being evil was pretending it to be me and showing off his bits. Unfortunate for him, I showed up and told her that he is not me. My brother then tried to convince her that he is me and I was his twin brother. I was cursing my brother for being shameless. He was cursing me something else and was asking me don't act like being him. I was pissed off. I told I would never bath outdoor like my shameless brother. Meanwhile this girl was just laughing out loud. Finally I convinced my classmate by telling her about notebook which my brother didn't know about. Eitherway, it was pretty embarassing thinking she saw my twin brother naked who exactly looks like me. Does that make it same as she saw me naked? She did say this incident in school and her friends said they wanted to meet my brother. I know they meant to tease me. But those days, I felt really embarassed when she said this story to others. She told them like she initally thought It was me and was shocked to see me totally naked. She even said line by line conversation that happened between her and my brother.
Anyways those days, I didn't really care about his size nor my size. But I kept fantasizing this real incident in a bit different way.
1. By taking revenge with my brother by getting naked when his friends up which backfired and I ended up being more humiliated by easily getting identified as being myself in front of my family relatives and cousins.
2. When my classmate came, trying to prove that I am her classmate and asking my mother to prove. While my mother also being mischievous, she acted like she can't figureout and mentions that her classmate has smaller penis than the other. Which lead to me showing my smaller penis to my classmate.
Years later, me being a shy guy had these fantasies and my brother who was weirdo shameless don't have any kinks like these. What's wrong with this world? When did I start to enjoy getting embarassed ? That's another different topics though.
Tell me your idea and I will write it
Re: Tell me your idea and I will write it
Will you be able to write my story a bit more embarassing, creative and most humiliating? I am not really good with English. I just wrote an overview but I would like somehow to fill in the gaps in English and enhance it to the point that we all can enjoy it
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