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Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 26

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:17 pm
by TeenFan
The Chocolate Factory Fiasco
Chapter 22. Wonka's Personal Private Space

Charlie, Helga, and Mike Teevee stood with the remaining parents in a corner of the room. Veruca's father is no longer with the group. So
distraught and overcome with emotion he was (Willy Wonka said the chute went directly to the furnace), that he ran over to the Eggdicator and
dove down the chute head first. The Oompa Loompas are busy cleaning up the mess left behind when Veruca had her emotional chocolate
covered meltdown. Willy Wonka watches and inspects the cleanup job, then he saunters over to the tour group. Wonka is singing a song. It's an
old song, one that is very appropriate to the current state of events in the factory, specifically to the condition of the tour group. Wonka sings
with eyes gleaming bright as he quotes several modified verses of "Ten Little Indians".

"Six little candy kids playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.
Five little candy kids going in for law,
one got in Chancery and then there were four.
Four little candy kids going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three."

Wonka looks at each of the faces of the three contestants still standing. He gives Charlie a pinch on the cheek. He gives Mike a pull on the nose.
Wonka gives Helga a slap on the bare ass.

"You know, Helga. That shiny moon of yours is getting brighter every minute. Charlie Ol' boy has been staring at it ever since you fumigated
the Lickable Art Room. I'm sure he's also interested in your peaks and valleys. Perhaps soon you'll be able to satisfy his curiosity."

Wonka turns to look at Mike, "Mikey here is the only one who still has an unspoiled cotton candy lab suit. Amazing...where does he get his
self control from? He, along with Charlie and Helga, have made it past the halfway point on our tour. Lots of mysteries to expose. Maybe more
than that to expose."

Again, Wonka turns toward Charlie. "My dear Charlie, how is that mushroom shaped pedestal of a penis holding up? Not a raging fiery tempest
in a teapot I see, but still percolating nicely. Not too droopy...but believe me...nobody like a droopy dicky."

Mrs. Teevee is shaking her head. Apparently the only mom left in the tour group is stepping up to defend a child when an adult is being too belligerent and belittling. "Are you not picking on these kids a bit much, Mr. Wonka. Why do you use the term mushroom as you talk about
Charlie's um, um, unfortunate condition...caused by you I might add."

Amazingly, Mr. Wonka is silent for a moment, then he speaks in a somber tone, "You may be right. I'll try harder to let their mouths run a mile a minute as they ignore everything every adult says to them. I'll do better to let them get away with childlike behaviors and push adult caregivers around with obnoxious and incessant chatter."

"He can't be talking about me," Mike shouts out. "Everything I have to say is important. You said so yourself mom."

"Shall we get this tour on the road again?" Wonka says, and without waiting for a reply he heads straight for an escalator.

As the group clambers onto the escalator everyone has a hard time standing. As the escalator goes up, the individual steps move up and
down. Only by gripping the side rails for support can anybody stay on their feet.

At the top of the escalator is a small door. Actually it's a skinny door. Very tall in height but narrow. If Augustus Gloop was still with the group
there is no way he could fit through that door.

"What's up here, Mr. Wonka?" asks Grandpa Bucket.

"This is one of the highest points in the factory. This room here is the perfect place to test and study the effects of a number of natural
substances. Truth be told...I like to get high."

The door swings open. Charlie goes first, then the rest of them squeeze through the doorframe. Inside is a square room with kalaidescope
walls and stobe lighting in the four corners. Pillows and plush animals and bean bag chairs are scattered throughout the room, all sitting on
top of shag carpeting colored green like unmowed grass. Large paintings of planets and rainbows cover the ceiling. After the chocolate
waterfall room this is the most colorful and exotic room they've been inside.

Charlie appears to be impressed, "Wow. This is awesome."

Wonka pulls on a rope near the door. First the door closes, then a waterbed slides out from the far wall, the thin blanket rolling as the water
swooshes with the bed's movement.

"What in the blazes is this room all about?" Grandpa Bucket wants to know, as he looks around in total amazement.

Willy Wonka has a sly look about him, looking like a cat who just talked the canary out of its cage. Wonka takes off his top hat, and he tosses
it onto the large waterbed. "This room, my dear little boys and girls...and various members of the older people population...this wonderful,
colorful, stupendous room is...well, this is my bedroom."

Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 29

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:44 pm
by olneenio111
I neeeed more of this lmao

Re: The Chocolate Factory Fiasco_New July 29

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:50 pm
by TeenFan
olneenio111 wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:44 pm I neeeed more of this lmao
Thanks for liking it, olneenio
As most of you know, ENM is what I specialize in. Doing ENF stories is more difficult to maintain a steady progress for me.
This story wasn't getting that much attention, so I went back to doing what comes easily. I do get my ENF kicks by tossing
naked girls into my boy stories (and vice versa).

Every incomplete story of mine still potentially will be given a conclusion.