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Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:41 pm
by TeenFan
Now That's Embarrassing: Steven Stewart's Story
Steven Stewart doesn't like his stepmother. He never did.
His dad re-married when Steven was ten years old. The stepmother, during an argument with her husband, once said out loud that she married Mr. Stewart despite his baggage. The baggage mentioned during that argument was drinking to excess on the weekends, gambling to excess with his buddies on the weekends, and "that boy".
"That Boy" is Steven. He's considered part of his dad's personal and pre-marital baggage.
Steven tried to like his new stepmother. He really did. He was no more trouble than most typical boys of that age. He talked back sometimes, but just a little. He was terrible about doing his homework, but that's normal. And now, as a fourteen year old in High school he wants to do what he wants, when he wants, and to stay as far away from his family as possible. Just a typical young teenage boy in America.
The stepmother came with her own baggage. She had a lot of talkative, loud talking and foul-mouthed, lady friends she wanted to have over all
the time. She had her hangups about her looks and her weight and was constantly going on a diet plan. She put everyone else on the same diet
plan too, as if everyone in the house just loves gluten-free meat-free dairy-free cauliflower crust pizza. And there was some more baggage the stepmother dragged into the picture. It was her two daughters, Destiny and Diva. The two girls are so close to their mother, and so much like her,
it seems they are more like clones than daughters. And what mother names their child Diva, the Latin word for a goddess? Destiny is a year older than Steven. Diva is a year younger.
It was tough enough to adjust to having a new mother, let alone two girls in the house. Steven had been an only child during his dad's first marriage. The family became twice the size it was before, but the house is still small. Only one bathroom. Two teenage girls and a mom with image issues, how's a boy to get any extended time in the bathroom to do what a fourteen year old boy needs doing?
Every time Steven thought he'd have enough time to get in a quickie jerkie-off, while looking at a Playboy magazine that is way older than he is,
there'd be a banging at the door and a shout of "What's taking you so long? Give someone else a chance." Steven can't even use the computer to
look up anything sexy and titillating. The computer is in the girl's room.
Another thing about the small house, it only has two bedrooms. Of course the girls get a bedroom. Steven got to share the garage with the
family car.....until the family added two dogs and the dogs got to sleep in the garage at night, and Steven got stuck with sleeping on the sofa
in the living room. The sofa pulled out into a hide-a-bed. It's a lumpy and uncomfortable way to try to sleep each night and getting a good night's
sleep often depended on how accommodating his stepmom is when it comes to late night tv watching. Steven's dad is not there to be bothered by
it all at night. He's a night auditor at a hotel.
One might say it really sucks to be Steven. But then things got worse. Steven somehow caught a case of scabies.
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 3:53 pm
by Themarble
Interesting start Teenfan. I wonder where this will be going? Not enough privacy to jerk off? Oh my oh my!
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:54 pm
by TeenFan
Steven Stewart's Story
Part 2.
It all started when Steven got this awful itch during the night. His back itched and the area on the back of the knees itched and burned something
fierce. Steven hardly got any sleep, then nearly dozed off while eating breakfast.
"What's the matter with you?" Steven's stepmother asked.
"I didn't have a good night sleep. I just could not relax," Steven said.
All that day Steven got more itches in more places. While watching tv in the living room with Destiny and Diva, Steven can't keep his hands off of himself as he rubbed his stomach and scratched his legs. His two stepsisters could see something wasn't right.
"Why are you doing all that digging and scratching?" Destiny asked, as she caught Steven with his hand down the back of his shorts.
"Steven is picking his ass," Diva shouted out toward the kitchen.
Mrs. Stewart came out of the kitchen looking annoyed. She wanted to know what the fuss is all about. "Boys are always touching themselves, so
why is this any different?"
"I've been itching in several places for a couple days," Steven said, and he rolled up his sweats to show a rash on his calves.
A day later, after more itchy spots showed up and another night with little rest, Mrs. Stewart took her stepson to a local medical clinic.
Stripping down to nothing but underwear would have been routine, but Steven's stepmother insisted on staying in the room during the
examination. Steven had gone through a recent growth spurt. He grew six inches in height and almost that much in the length of a certain body part since his 14th birthday. Steven looked tall and slender and his legs were awkward for sports. His hips were basically the same size but everything else was growing like crazy. Steven could barely tuck his new and improved boy parts into his old and ragged Jockey underwear he's
had since he was a much smaller thirteen year old. The growing boy is overdue for a wardrobe upgrade, but for Mrs. Stewart her two daughter's
clothing fashion requirements came first.
It didn't take long for the doctor to diagnose scabies. Steven had never heard of them. They are little bugs that burrowed under the skin and they
multiply there. The skin rash is a reaction to the defecation of the little creatures. The whole thing is disgusting and nauseating.
"What were you doing four or five days ago?" the doctor asked.
It's not an easy question to answer, especially since the stepmother is there.
Steven was at band camp the previous weekend. The last day the boys were challenged by the girls to play "Strip King of the Hill".
There was a small rise, a grassy knoll next to the field where some of the band practices took place. The girls surrounded the grassy knoll, and
they watched as each boy tries to knock the other boys off the top of the hill. The boys were enthusiastic about this and everyone wanted to win
the event. The winner gets to kiss each and every one of the girls, on the mouth. It was a great reward for winning, though only half the girls
there could be considered pretty. Many of the girls are a bit overweight, but the five or six super hot band girls made it all worth it. Steven could close his eyes when he kissed the not so pretty chicks.
All the boys wrestle each other on the top of the hill and try to knock the others down to the bottom. To stay in the competition, each boy
knocked down has to take off something that he's wearing. Shoes and socks don't count. Most boys gave up after getting tossed down the slope
two times. That means a shirt off and jeans or shorts off. Any boy continuing the battle would do so wearing underwear and risk having to strip naked upon being thrown down a third time.
Steven got tossed down the hill two times, just like the other boys, but Steven was determined to win. He wanted those kisses. After removing
his shirt after getting tossed down once, then taking off his sweatpants after being thrown down a second time, Steven bravely strode up the hill just wearing his tight Jockey briefs, to engage the enemy combatants. There were only two others left to contend with. A long battle ensued,
with no boy gaining an advantage. Finally, the two other boys ganged up on Steven and coordinated their efforts in tossing Steven down the slope. The girls were ready, and they pounced immediately. They didn't wait for Steven to voluntarily remove his underwear. It was unceremoniously yanked down off his body and raised up like a trophy. The last two wrestling boys stopped their actions to laugh along with the entire group of
band campers at the greatest loser.
The band girls wouldn't give back the clothes, so Steven had to run back to his cabin holding his crotch while he ran.
All Steven told the doctor and his stepmom is he and the other boys played king of the hill.
The doctor figures that's probably when he caught it, when he made physical contact with all those other boys. The doc then tells him what needs
to take place over the next several days.
1. All his clothing worn during the last week needs to be gathered up, washed, sterilized.
2. His bedding needs to be washed and sterilized.
3. He needs to avoid contact with other people's clothing and avoid contaminating furniture.
4. A cream will be prescribed, and this cream is to be applied daily to every inch of his body for a couple days, perhaps longer.
After picking up the medical cream to kill the little buggies, Steven and his stepmother return home. Destiny and Diva are requested by their mother to come to the living room wearing their bikini swimsuits. Normally, seeing Destiny and Diva in their bikinis is a nice moment for Steven.
The two girls are his stepsisters, but both of them are slender and fine looking, neither one looking chunky like their mother. Perhaps that shows
up when they get closer to eighteen or twenty years old. A few times Steven had gotten a hard one when nearly seeing one of them naked after a shower or while changing in their room. Their mother examines the two girls for signs of rash, asked the girls if they have any itches. Then the
girls are informed their stepbrother has scabies and picked it up at band camp. But no worries, this will all be under control and fixed soon. Mrs. Stewart takes the prescribed lotion out of the pharmacy bag.
Steven holds out his hand to take the lotion. "I'll go put it on. Once a day, right? For two or three days."
Mrs. Stewart shakes her head and holds onto the bottle.
"No Steven. I'm going to put this on you."
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:58 pm
by Themarble
Every inch of his body?!?! I'm sure Steven will be putting two and two together. I doubt his stepsister will be watching too! Oh the worries. Let's hope Steven keeps his hormones under control. Or alternatively, I hope his hormones get out of control quick. How embarrassing. Perfect cliffhanger too!
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 8:16 pm
by Trundle
This is a fantastic concept for a story.
Endless possibilities for embarrassment, hopefully his step sisters get involved. Can't wait!
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:29 pm
by Thesyguy
Good job, Im seeing another epic story taking shape.
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:07 pm
by TeenFan
Steven Stewart's Story
Part 3.
"I'm going to put the medicinal lotion on you, Steven. Get those clothes off...Now quit making faces like some little spoiled child."
Steven thought it was embarrassing enough getting a case of a nasty skin burrowing bug called scabies. Worse he had to have his clothes gathered up and treated for the little monsters, the bed sheets too that he spread on the sofa at night. These things hadn't been done yet. Steven has to
get his first treatment applied, but he never thought he would have to strip now. Right there in the living room? Strip down all the way naked?
"But right here? But...but Destiny and Diva are right over there," Steven complained, looking over to see the smiling faces of his two stepsisters.
"And I'm not spoiled. I'm not a child."
"I'm not a child," Destiny mockingly repeats and she laughs.
Steven is fourteen, old enough to be treated like...well, a teenager.
When the family came together, when Steven was ten years old, he often had to take his bath with others in the bathroom. He rarely got any
alone time. Either his father needed to shave before going off to his night job, or his new sisters would be brushing their teeth, curling their hair,
or playing around with makeup. A few times he had to share the bath with Diva, the sister a year younger than him. Destiny, being a year older, would hang around all the time wearing white cotton underwear and nothing else on as she barked orders about how to properly wash and to put
the dirty clothes in the hamper, as if she were the "Mom" of the house and can treat Steven like a little boy.
Upon reaching a certain age and development, somewhere during her 12th year, Destiny started covering up when she was around Steven.
It took a couple more years before Steven started getting a bit more privacy, when he sprouted hair late in his 12th year. No more sharing the tub
with his younger sister, which Steven is thankful for. Any interest in seeing his eleven year old sister naked was outweighed by the need for some
personal space. For the last couple years Steven had mostly been successful in keeping his sister's eyes off of his developing body. He's been growing a lot down there and not just hair growth. At fourteen, Steven's pubic hair isn't that thick and spread out. What's more significant is how
much his genitals had enlarged. Steven can't be sure of it of course, but he thinks he might be bigger down there than any other boy he's seen at school. Many other boys in his grade look tiny in comparison.
One day at school, Steven slipped into the bathroom. Having a raging hardon much of the day, his pants felt so damn tight around the groin area. Steven had a ruler with him, and he took the time to measure himself. Steven could hardly believe his eyes when the tip of his head came to the 8 inch mark on the ruler. Steven was so thrilled he jerked off standing up and shot off all over the toilet seat. He didn't even wipe the stuff off the seat. Steven got a big chuckle at the thought some poor schmuck might come along in a big hurry to take a dump, dropping the slacks and undies
to sit right down on the mess left behind. The white cum blended in so well on the white of the porcelain the next boy might sit down his jism. Steven was late to his next class, but he didn't care at that moment. He was beaming like he just won the lottery, and he had won. He was a winner of the genetics lottery. Steven is certain no other Freshman in his school could have a bigger dick.
But Steven is shy. He doesn't show his dick off to others, not to the other boys at school, and not to his sisters. Steven is not in athletics and the
boys in Marching Band don't have to take a PE class, so Steven was able to keep his huge dick a secret from his schoolmates until he was seen
naked during the Strip King of the Hill event at band camp.
Word of the "Big Dick" sighting had gotten around of course. Destiny and Diva heard it through the grapevine and now they both seem eager to see
if the rumors were true. Did their stepbrother really have one that huge? Steven looks over at his two stepsisters, and besides smiling they are
both looking down in anticipation of the jeans and underwear coming off.
"You don't deserve privacy, Steven," his stepmother says. "You brought this thing into the house. You contaminated the clothes and the furniture
which has to get cleaned now. It may be a discomfort to you, but you are the cause of it. Now if I have to tell you again, I'll put you over my knee
and belt you, and then your sisters will help me strip you. You can make this easy or hard. Your choice."
Though neither option is his "choice", Steven knows the better option is to just strip. He takes off his shirt. He puts the shirt into a plastic garbage
bag. All the clothes are going into the bag so to not contaminate anything else. Next the shoes and socks go in. The giggles from the sisters start
at this point, mainly from Diva. His stepmother holds out the bag with an impatient expression. Steven pulls down his jeans and tosses them
into the bag and he's down to just his small and tight briefs. The giggling gets louder. The girls can see that Steven does indeed have something
big tucked away down in his underwear. He can't keep it hidden anymore. Like two explorers on an expedition to the Amazon in search of the mysterious anaconda, the two girls creep closer to get a glimpse.
"Steven, now or never. Don't hold this up."
Steven bends down as he slips off the jockey briefs. Coming up, he covers himself with one hand as he drops the jockeys into the black bag.
Mrs. Stewart closes up the bag, tosses it down on the floor next to the sofa. Next, she puts on latex gloves and she takes hold of Steven's wrists.
"Keep your hands to your sides. I'll get your lotion out and this won't take long. No sniveling or crying."
Glancing quickly over at the two stepsisters is one glance too many. They are grinning like they just spotted some mythical creature long thought
to be extinct, and they can't wait to document their findings. It's's true...giant snakes do live in this part of the jungle.
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:13 pm
by Themarble
My oh my, Steven is a big boy. Can't wait to read how things go on from here on!
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:37 pm
by Trundle
Oh wow I absolutely love this so far.
It's combining many of the things I love about this genre, one boy being the only one naked, him having a large penis and being surrounded by mischievous family members who are hell bent on embarrassing him. Any kind of long term forced nudity is also a big plus for me.
Finding this story instantly becoming a big favourite on here, cannot wait for more.
Re: Now That's Embarrassing
Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:43 pm
by TeenFan