Scouts at Girl Camp
Chapter 10. First Dinner in Camp Bush
The laughter was mercifully short lived. Mrs. Deener shushed her girls after a short moment of giggling and snickering.
"Behave yourselves, girls. It's only a twelve year old boy. Nothing to get so worked up over. If Ritchie was wearing one of our Camp Bush
swimsuits, the modest one piece suits, he wouldn't look much different from our other twelve and thirteen year olds."
"You're right. He does look like a girl," Atlanta says, as she pulls Ritchie up close to her. Atlanta pulls out a small hairbrush, and she gets Ritchie's
long brown hair all straightened out and pretty. "With his chubby cheeks, little nubby man boobs topped by those big brown nipples, he'll fit
right in with the rest of the gals. Don't worry about a little teasing, Ritchie. They might bark but they won't bite."
The girls laughed some more, and Mrs. Deener pulls out a whistle, blows it loudly. That got everyone to shut up.
"Attention, now I must go over some important details about the sleeping arrangements. As you might have heard, only one Sleeping Barracks
is open this week. There are 20 beds in the cabin, and we just happen to have exactly 20 girls here this week. The three youngest, smallest
girls will have to double bunk with someone. Stacy, Margot, and Jezebel are our three twelve year olds. You gals work it out who they will
sleep with."
"Hey Stacy, don't you want to sleep with Ritchie? I heard you say he so cute." one of the other young girls shouts out.
This is what Ritchie looks like, before he lost everything. ... e34487.jpg
He does have pretty hair
All the girls start laughing again. Ritchie turns beet red, and Vance has had enough.
"We are going to sleep in our own beds, or I'm sleeping outside," the irate boy shouts. "I may have to wear this silly loincloth. I might have
to pee outside. But I'm not letting no little girl share a bed with me. Hell no."
Mrs. Deener blows her whistle again. "Nobody is going to be forced to share a bed. I'm sure our young ladies can work out some suitable
arrangement. Now you all take off and play for half an hour. It's almost dinner time, which will be at exactly 6:00 O'clock, so don't run off too
far. In the meantime, I want Dora to take our three guests over to the sleeping quarters. Use the three beds at the far end of the barracks,
the ones marked 18 through 20."
* * * * *
The girls ran off to do whatever they wanted for the next half an hour. However, a number of them did follow along as Dora escorts Bogy, Vance,
and Ritchie to where they can check out the sleeping situation. Ritchie walks with hands over his crotch. Bogy and Vance walk in a slightly
different fashion, walking with shorter steps to keep their leg gaps and movements to a minimum. The several girls who tagged along kept
peering over at the loincloths of the two boys, probably hoping to be the first girls in the camp to get a glimpse of what the new members
have to offer for visual treats besides seing their nice bodies and muscles.
At a long cabin Dora opens the door. The three boys file inside. The barracks is sort of like a long room with nothing but beds on both
sides with a walkway down the middle. A small dresser is next to each bed. At the far end there is a single door.
"Through that door is the bathroom. It has four stalls, four sinks, and a shower room that can fit five at a time, more if the girls are willing to
share a showerhead. This door is locked as you can see." Dora tugs on the doorknob, tries to turn it, and it won't budge. "Each girl has a key to
this bathroom. You boys are not allowed in there. Don't get caught trying. You won't like the consequences. You guys get these three beds here next to each other on the far left side of the barracks.
Dora pulls open the top drawer of the two drawer dresser next to the last bed, the number 20 painted on the headboard.
"Any personal items you have, which I'm guessing you don't have any since you all lost your gear, would be placed in these drawers. I suppose
you can put your shoes in there since you don't have anything else of value. Now come back toward the front door of the see
along that wall there are twenty-three hooks. Each hook has a girls name posted above it, written down on a strip of masking tape. You see
that you already have a hook with your names written down. It's so much easier to add hooks than it is to add extra beds, which we don't have room for."
The three male guests stare at the long row of hooks on the wall, each hook appearing to be screwed into the wall, just a shiny golden hook.
"What are these hooks for?" Vance asks, as he points to the one with his name written above it.
"These cabins used to be a mess till we started using the hooker method," Dora explains. "The girls would leave their uniforms lying about on
their beds or on the floor. Girls were constantly losing a shirt here, or shorts there. It was too much trouble. So we started using a hook
for each member to hang up her uniform when it's time to get ready for bed each night. Each girl places her camp shirt and shorts on the hook,
then the uniforms will stay clean and safe for the next day. It works wonderfully, as you will see."
"But I don't have a uniform to hang up," Ritchie butts in, and he does have a point.
"Yes, this hook was set up before it was determined you were ineligible to get a camp uniform. But Vance and Bogy can use the hook. Will you
look at the time. We need to head back over to the main building. Must not be late for dinner. If you are late you will have to sing for it. Right
out in front of everyone you'll have to sing for your supper. So don't be late."
Back at the main building, supper was a nice feast, if mostly vegetarian cuisine can be called a feast. Spinach and mushroom, carrots and corn,
three bean salad for starters. The only bit of meat protein was shrimp and grits. Despite the less than manly food fare, Bogy and Vance eagerly
devoured everything on their plate. Ritchie took a lot longer to eat his meal. Ritchie found out how hard it is to eat one handed. He uses his
right hand to hold the fork, or to reach for his cup of tea, but his left hand he uses to cover his crotch with.
At the long dinner table, Mrs. Deener deemed it best to split the boys up, not have them sitting together. Each boy has at least two girls
sitting on either side of him. The girls on either side of Ritchie spent a considerable amount of time glancing down toward his lap, waiting for
that moment when Ritchie loses his concentration and moves the hand away.
Half-way through dinner, Mrs. Deener decides to stand up and move around the table.
"Ritchie...Ritchie...young man. You should not be touching yourself that way during dinner. You have not had a shower. You didn't take a bath.
Or did you?"
Ritchie shakes his head no.
"You stand up and march yourself over to the kitchen. You go through that door right there. Wash your hands at the sink and return to the
table. Touching your genitalia will not be tolerated during eating. That's a nasty habit and it makes your hands filthy. Go on now. Get up and
get washed."
Ritchie pushes his chair back. He stands up, turns toward the kitchen door. Ritchie continues to hold his hand over his junk.
"Stop touching yourself!" Mrs. Deener shouts. "I will not abide no nasty dirty boy playing with himself in front of others. Stop touching yourself
Shamed into dropping his hand to the side, Ritchie steps through the kitchen door. A couple minutes later he comes back into the dining room,
face blushing. Not being allowed to cover up gives every girl at the dinner table a full frontal view of the twelve year old. Ritchie doesn't have
a single hair yet, his dick most definitely regular sized for a boy his age (small, but not totally pre-pubescent tiny). He's ordinary in just about
every way, but he is the only naked boy in Camp Bush and every girl has her eyes glued to him.
Walking briskly to cover the distance quickly, Ritchie's flaccid penis bobs about, causing the younger girls to giggle. Mrs. Deener helps push
the boy's chair back near the table after he sits down.
"I forgot to mention it earlier. The camp does have an outdoor shower. I hereby rule that Ritchie...since he has nothing to cover his bottom from
making contact with our chairs here in the dining room, that Ritchie must have a shower before lunch and dinner. He can skip a shower before
breakfast since he should still be clean enough. I doubt he'll get dirty while lying in bed. Let's see...somebody needs to keep an eye on him.
How about you, Amanda. Would you like to be Ritchie's shower monitor. Yes, I can see you nodding your head. Okay, it's settled then. Right
before lunch and dinner, Amanda will meet Ritchie at the outdoor shower. If need be, you can help wash the poor boy."