Ffion's summer camp
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
I slouched back into the changing room, soaked to the skin and caked head to foot in mud, but happy.
The assault course was one of my favourite activities. I could really get stuck into it and have fun, especially when torrential rain turned the ground into mud. After splashing through a stream, crawling through hollowed-out trees and under, climbing over obstacles and speeding down a zip wire, my face was caked with mud, my usually blonde hair a dirty brown colour and my clothes weighing me down heavily through a mix of water, mud and sweat.
First, I peeled my long-sleeved sports top off my torso and over my head, tosing it aside and briefly admiring myself in the mirror. Next, I crouched down and untied my trainers, my damp leggings pressing into my stomach. I slipped off my shoes and sodden socks, placing my bare feet onto the cool tiles. Shivering slightly in the chill of the room, I rolled my dark leggings down my slender legs, yanking them over my ankles and feet, and discarding them. I knew I was making a mess, but I would have time after my shower to clean up.
It was one of the wettest days I could remember in all my years coming to ENF; not even my underwear had been spared from the deluge! I unclapsed and shrugged out of my bra and finally slipped my panties down my legs, leaving me completely naked.
Scooping up my towel, I padded over to the showers. The communal shower area was partioned from the rest of the room by a wall with an archway for access, with a row of shower heads on the back wall, opposite corresponding hooks.
Hanging up my towel, I turned the dial and warm began to spray out, hammering onto the hard tiles below. Stepping underneath, I closed my eyes and let the water wash away the dirt. The water pooling around my feet turned black as I vigorously rubbed shampoo through my hair, returning it to its natural blonde colour. I also spent time scrubbing shower gel over my wet body to rid myself of the last of the dirt, but mainly spent my time rotating slowly under the water, my muscles relaxing after a stressful week.
I'd been on edge for days. I would flinch whenever Adam walked into the room or spoke to me. With every passing day without revenge, I became more and more nervous. Adam clearly knew what was making me so twitchy, but was obviously enjoying drawing out the psychological torture for as long as possible.
The worst thing was, I couldn't tell anybody. How would I even start that conversation? "Please can you help me, a little kid is going to humiliate me at some point."
The longer I stayed under the spray, the longer I stayed out of Adam's clutches. It was lunchtime, meaning I wasn't in a rush, but I did want to eat something before starting the afternoon, so I reluctantly turned off the shower, squeezing water from my hair.
I froze when my eyes fell onto the opposite wall. My towel should have been hanging there, waiting invitingly to be wrapped around my torso.
But it wasn't there.
"Hello?" I called out, the fear in my voice echoing off the walls. Receiving no reply, I padded uncertainly back into the changing area, hugging myself and shivering violently. Surveying the scene, I squeezed my eyes tight shut, refusing to believe what they'd just seen. Why weren't they working properly?
I slowly opened my eyes, and screamed in anguish. My eyes weren't broken. Everything was gone. My old, ruined clothes that had been spread around the room and my sports bag that had been waiting on the bench containing a change of clothes was nowhere to be seen.
"OK, very funny!" I called out. "Great prank, but it's time you returned my stuff!" Unsurprisingly, by the time my echo had faded away, nothing had happened. I hadn't really expected anything different.
I kicked out in frustration, swearing as my bare foot painfully wacked into the wall.
I sat down on a bench, massaging my injured appendage, mulling over my options. For one wild moment, I considered streaking. But even if I managed to avoid detection in the middle of the day running through biting cold and driving rain, where would I go? My keys had been in my bag.
It was also what Adam would have wanted. He probably had his minions outside, waiting to photograph me, or worse...
No, the only thing I could do was wait for someone to come along and rescue me. It would frustrate Adam, who was probably banking on me making a run for it, and would save me from this nightmare with relatively little embarrassment.
I had no proof that it was Adam who had left me like this, but who else would be so unspeakably cruel?
Resting my elbows on my knees and burying my face in my hands, I tapped my foot impatiently, trying to ignore the rumbling in my empty stomach and the shivers that had made themselves at home in my wet, nude body...
"Ffion? What are you doing?"
I jumped when I heard someone call my name from close by. Looking up, I instinctively threw my arms across my chest and blushed as I saw Amy standing over me, smiling and giggling. Great. Of any of the girls who could have seen me like this, Amy was the last one I wanted it to be.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" I said, standing up and moving one hand to between my legs.
"You look a bit cold!" Amy teased.
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock," I spat at her, awkwardly shifting from one small, bare foot to the other. I was only just realising how tall Amy was.
"I really wouldn't insult the person who could help you," Amy remarked, unexpectedly placing her one cold hand on my stomach, causing me to leap back and painfully wack my legs on the bench.
"Look, I'm sorry. Do you have any spare clothes?"
"Even better. We've got your actual clothes," a second voice announced.
Twisting around, I saw Sally holding my sports bag, also finding my situation hilarious. I was taken aback; why would Adam return my clothes to me?
"Some kid handed me this, said it belonged to you."
"Thanks, toss it over," I asked gratefully, but Sally shook her head.
"No, no, no. I want you to come over here and take it."
I really wasn't in any position to bargain with two girls who were taller than me, and who could abandon me if they so chose.
Fuming, I padded over to Sally (but not before Amy squeezed my naked arse), looking pathetic and trying desperately not to cry. Exposing myself to the duo was the last thing that I wanted to do, but I was out of options. Shooting Sally a black look, I reached out both hands, snatched the bag and slammed it against my torso. The whole thing had only taken a few seconds, but it had been plenty of time for Amy to snap a photo.
My face glowed as the girls high-fived and left. I sank onto the bench once more as I heard them roaring with laughter.
Knowing the next group could arrive at any moment (and not wanting to be seen naked by anyone else), I quickly unzipped my bag and pulled out my clean clothes and my towel. Hastily rubbing by myself dry, I scanned through my belongings for my underwear; but of course the little creep had kept it. I wriggled into my t-shirt and jeans, the sensation of not wearing a bra or panties underneath an alien and unwanted experience.
As I was lacing up my trainers (my socks also conspicuous by their absence) I noticed a few scraps of paper at the bottom of my bag.
First, a hand written note. "If you want the rest of your things back, come to my cabin after lights out."
And underneath that...oh God...photos. Photos of me in the shower, helpfully turning 360 degrees to give the perv shots of me from the front, back and sides.
He also had my phone, and therefore complete access to my Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and any other site he wanted to post the images to.
I was well and truly screwed.
After fashioning my still damp hair into respectability, I hastened from the changing rooms and started towards the canteen. But I'd barely gone 20 paces when Amanda intersepected me.
"Fiona? Where on Earth have you been? Your group has been waiting for 20 minutes!"
"I'm sorry, I just need to grab some-"
"You're not going anywhere," Amanda informed me, seizing my arm and marching me to my group. Because of the horrendous weather, all afternoon activities would be taking place inside.
As the hours rolled by, I was thankful that I'd been provided with an Enf-branded hoody. Without it, my unrestrained breasts would have bounced around even more than they were doing so. Adam smiled sweetly at me whenever I made eye contact. How many of the kids knew I was going commando on an empty stomach?
I hadn't dared confront Adam and demanded my phone and underwear back in case he loudly revealed by secret to anyone else. Infuriatingly, I spotted by bra strap dangling out of his bag, but had no way to retrieve it without everyone else seeing. That would only have led to awkward questions that I had no wish to answer.
By the time we sat down for dinner, I was ravenous. I'd managed to acquire a few chocolate bars from Tilly, but without my purse (which was also safely in Adam's possession) I couldn't buy any other food.
"Hungry, Ffion?" Dan asked me, raising an eyebrow as I loaded my plate and heartily dug in.
"Starving," I said, my mouth full of meat and vegetables.
"Hey, where were you at lunchtime?" he asked.
"I...err...went for a nap," I lied. Despite the closeness of our friendship, I didn't feel comfortable telling him the truth, even though he may have been able to help me. But I could tell by the look he gave me that he didn't believe me.
I bounced up and down on my feet in nervous anticipation, standing outside Adam's cabin. After dinner, I'd been able to sneak off and put on some underwear and socks, which immediately made me feel better. As Dan and I were packing up the games from the evening's entertainment, he invited me to a gathering the rest of the activity leaders were having.
"I'd love to, but I'm not feeling too well," I lied. "I think I'll turn in early tonight."
As we said our goodbyes, I knew he knew that I was still lying.
I had sat alert on my bed as I heard the camp shutting down for the night, psyching myself up for what I was about to do. When the camp fell silent, I hurried through the compound, making a bee line to Adam's cabin. While the staff were technically allowed to be out at night, I didn't want to meet anybody and have to think of new lies as to the reason for my late night wanderings.
I knocked again, and after a few seconds, the door opened. Adam was stood there, beaming at me.
"Ffion! You came!" he exclaimed, as if there was the possibility that I wouldn't turn up and would allow him to expose me to friends, family and the whole world.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside...
The assault course was one of my favourite activities. I could really get stuck into it and have fun, especially when torrential rain turned the ground into mud. After splashing through a stream, crawling through hollowed-out trees and under, climbing over obstacles and speeding down a zip wire, my face was caked with mud, my usually blonde hair a dirty brown colour and my clothes weighing me down heavily through a mix of water, mud and sweat.
First, I peeled my long-sleeved sports top off my torso and over my head, tosing it aside and briefly admiring myself in the mirror. Next, I crouched down and untied my trainers, my damp leggings pressing into my stomach. I slipped off my shoes and sodden socks, placing my bare feet onto the cool tiles. Shivering slightly in the chill of the room, I rolled my dark leggings down my slender legs, yanking them over my ankles and feet, and discarding them. I knew I was making a mess, but I would have time after my shower to clean up.
It was one of the wettest days I could remember in all my years coming to ENF; not even my underwear had been spared from the deluge! I unclapsed and shrugged out of my bra and finally slipped my panties down my legs, leaving me completely naked.
Scooping up my towel, I padded over to the showers. The communal shower area was partioned from the rest of the room by a wall with an archway for access, with a row of shower heads on the back wall, opposite corresponding hooks.
Hanging up my towel, I turned the dial and warm began to spray out, hammering onto the hard tiles below. Stepping underneath, I closed my eyes and let the water wash away the dirt. The water pooling around my feet turned black as I vigorously rubbed shampoo through my hair, returning it to its natural blonde colour. I also spent time scrubbing shower gel over my wet body to rid myself of the last of the dirt, but mainly spent my time rotating slowly under the water, my muscles relaxing after a stressful week.
I'd been on edge for days. I would flinch whenever Adam walked into the room or spoke to me. With every passing day without revenge, I became more and more nervous. Adam clearly knew what was making me so twitchy, but was obviously enjoying drawing out the psychological torture for as long as possible.
The worst thing was, I couldn't tell anybody. How would I even start that conversation? "Please can you help me, a little kid is going to humiliate me at some point."
The longer I stayed under the spray, the longer I stayed out of Adam's clutches. It was lunchtime, meaning I wasn't in a rush, but I did want to eat something before starting the afternoon, so I reluctantly turned off the shower, squeezing water from my hair.
I froze when my eyes fell onto the opposite wall. My towel should have been hanging there, waiting invitingly to be wrapped around my torso.
But it wasn't there.
"Hello?" I called out, the fear in my voice echoing off the walls. Receiving no reply, I padded uncertainly back into the changing area, hugging myself and shivering violently. Surveying the scene, I squeezed my eyes tight shut, refusing to believe what they'd just seen. Why weren't they working properly?
I slowly opened my eyes, and screamed in anguish. My eyes weren't broken. Everything was gone. My old, ruined clothes that had been spread around the room and my sports bag that had been waiting on the bench containing a change of clothes was nowhere to be seen.
"OK, very funny!" I called out. "Great prank, but it's time you returned my stuff!" Unsurprisingly, by the time my echo had faded away, nothing had happened. I hadn't really expected anything different.
I kicked out in frustration, swearing as my bare foot painfully wacked into the wall.
I sat down on a bench, massaging my injured appendage, mulling over my options. For one wild moment, I considered streaking. But even if I managed to avoid detection in the middle of the day running through biting cold and driving rain, where would I go? My keys had been in my bag.
It was also what Adam would have wanted. He probably had his minions outside, waiting to photograph me, or worse...
No, the only thing I could do was wait for someone to come along and rescue me. It would frustrate Adam, who was probably banking on me making a run for it, and would save me from this nightmare with relatively little embarrassment.
I had no proof that it was Adam who had left me like this, but who else would be so unspeakably cruel?
Resting my elbows on my knees and burying my face in my hands, I tapped my foot impatiently, trying to ignore the rumbling in my empty stomach and the shivers that had made themselves at home in my wet, nude body...
"Ffion? What are you doing?"
I jumped when I heard someone call my name from close by. Looking up, I instinctively threw my arms across my chest and blushed as I saw Amy standing over me, smiling and giggling. Great. Of any of the girls who could have seen me like this, Amy was the last one I wanted it to be.
"Stop laughing! It's not funny!" I said, standing up and moving one hand to between my legs.
"You look a bit cold!" Amy teased.
"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock," I spat at her, awkwardly shifting from one small, bare foot to the other. I was only just realising how tall Amy was.
"I really wouldn't insult the person who could help you," Amy remarked, unexpectedly placing her one cold hand on my stomach, causing me to leap back and painfully wack my legs on the bench.
"Look, I'm sorry. Do you have any spare clothes?"
"Even better. We've got your actual clothes," a second voice announced.
Twisting around, I saw Sally holding my sports bag, also finding my situation hilarious. I was taken aback; why would Adam return my clothes to me?
"Some kid handed me this, said it belonged to you."
"Thanks, toss it over," I asked gratefully, but Sally shook her head.
"No, no, no. I want you to come over here and take it."
I really wasn't in any position to bargain with two girls who were taller than me, and who could abandon me if they so chose.
Fuming, I padded over to Sally (but not before Amy squeezed my naked arse), looking pathetic and trying desperately not to cry. Exposing myself to the duo was the last thing that I wanted to do, but I was out of options. Shooting Sally a black look, I reached out both hands, snatched the bag and slammed it against my torso. The whole thing had only taken a few seconds, but it had been plenty of time for Amy to snap a photo.
My face glowed as the girls high-fived and left. I sank onto the bench once more as I heard them roaring with laughter.
Knowing the next group could arrive at any moment (and not wanting to be seen naked by anyone else), I quickly unzipped my bag and pulled out my clean clothes and my towel. Hastily rubbing by myself dry, I scanned through my belongings for my underwear; but of course the little creep had kept it. I wriggled into my t-shirt and jeans, the sensation of not wearing a bra or panties underneath an alien and unwanted experience.
As I was lacing up my trainers (my socks also conspicuous by their absence) I noticed a few scraps of paper at the bottom of my bag.
First, a hand written note. "If you want the rest of your things back, come to my cabin after lights out."
And underneath that...oh God...photos. Photos of me in the shower, helpfully turning 360 degrees to give the perv shots of me from the front, back and sides.
He also had my phone, and therefore complete access to my Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and any other site he wanted to post the images to.
I was well and truly screwed.
After fashioning my still damp hair into respectability, I hastened from the changing rooms and started towards the canteen. But I'd barely gone 20 paces when Amanda intersepected me.
"Fiona? Where on Earth have you been? Your group has been waiting for 20 minutes!"
"I'm sorry, I just need to grab some-"
"You're not going anywhere," Amanda informed me, seizing my arm and marching me to my group. Because of the horrendous weather, all afternoon activities would be taking place inside.
As the hours rolled by, I was thankful that I'd been provided with an Enf-branded hoody. Without it, my unrestrained breasts would have bounced around even more than they were doing so. Adam smiled sweetly at me whenever I made eye contact. How many of the kids knew I was going commando on an empty stomach?
I hadn't dared confront Adam and demanded my phone and underwear back in case he loudly revealed by secret to anyone else. Infuriatingly, I spotted by bra strap dangling out of his bag, but had no way to retrieve it without everyone else seeing. That would only have led to awkward questions that I had no wish to answer.
By the time we sat down for dinner, I was ravenous. I'd managed to acquire a few chocolate bars from Tilly, but without my purse (which was also safely in Adam's possession) I couldn't buy any other food.
"Hungry, Ffion?" Dan asked me, raising an eyebrow as I loaded my plate and heartily dug in.
"Starving," I said, my mouth full of meat and vegetables.
"Hey, where were you at lunchtime?" he asked.
"I...err...went for a nap," I lied. Despite the closeness of our friendship, I didn't feel comfortable telling him the truth, even though he may have been able to help me. But I could tell by the look he gave me that he didn't believe me.
I bounced up and down on my feet in nervous anticipation, standing outside Adam's cabin. After dinner, I'd been able to sneak off and put on some underwear and socks, which immediately made me feel better. As Dan and I were packing up the games from the evening's entertainment, he invited me to a gathering the rest of the activity leaders were having.
"I'd love to, but I'm not feeling too well," I lied. "I think I'll turn in early tonight."
As we said our goodbyes, I knew he knew that I was still lying.
I had sat alert on my bed as I heard the camp shutting down for the night, psyching myself up for what I was about to do. When the camp fell silent, I hurried through the compound, making a bee line to Adam's cabin. While the staff were technically allowed to be out at night, I didn't want to meet anybody and have to think of new lies as to the reason for my late night wanderings.
I knocked again, and after a few seconds, the door opened. Adam was stood there, beaming at me.
"Ffion! You came!" he exclaimed, as if there was the possibility that I wouldn't turn up and would allow him to expose me to friends, family and the whole world.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside...
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
Couple suggestions for Ffion, one she has to compete against Adam in some event of something of that nature, if she loses she has to strip down to her bra and panties and do some embarrassing task.
I’m sure Adam will laugh about the fact that Ffion doesn’t currently have a thong on and want to give her a wedgie to where she has “a thong on”. Potentially making this into a permanent wedgie of some sort.
Adam will probably want to give Ffion a HUGE spanking and make her pick out the tree branch he uses on her.
I love this story! Great job writing it so far!!
I’m sure Adam will laugh about the fact that Ffion doesn’t currently have a thong on and want to give her a wedgie to where she has “a thong on”. Potentially making this into a permanent wedgie of some sort.
Adam will probably want to give Ffion a HUGE spanking and make her pick out the tree branch he uses on her.
I love this story! Great job writing it so far!!
- mikewozere
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
He could blackmail her into performing a striptease for him and his friends.
Last edited by mikewozere on Sun May 02, 2021 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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My stories: https://ravishu.com/forums/index.php?topic=44916.0
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
Have her caught by Amanda in a compromising situation and receive a punishment for the rest of camp. An example, she is caught without underwear and forced to go the rest of camp without any.
- Executionus
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
Honestly I'm just impressed by a young boy having access to a camera in the woods capable of producing instant physical pictures in the modern era. We are dealing with a supervillain.
Jokes aside, this story has been fun so far. I'd imagine that Adam's revenge against Ffion would involve twisted versions of camp activities, since the camp activities had been weaponized against him by Ffion the entire rivalry. For example, making her climb the ropes course with the safety bungee hooked to her underwear instead of a harness, meaning that if she falls she is dangled by a wedgie until she somehow pulls herself back up or until the undies rip off, whichever comes first. There's also a ton of possibilities for arts and crafts using her as the canvas.
Jokes aside, this story has been fun so far. I'd imagine that Adam's revenge against Ffion would involve twisted versions of camp activities, since the camp activities had been weaponized against him by Ffion the entire rivalry. For example, making her climb the ropes course with the safety bungee hooked to her underwear instead of a harness, meaning that if she falls she is dangled by a wedgie until she somehow pulls herself back up or until the undies rip off, whichever comes first. There's also a ton of possibilities for arts and crafts using her as the canvas.
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Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
I stood there awkwardly as I surveyed the room, the five boys Adam shared a cabin with all grinning from ear to ear.
"Let me take your jacket," Adam was saying, and before I could stop him, he'd slipped it off my shoulders.
"No, wait!" I called out instinctively, receiving a round of laughter in response.
"Come in, make your self comfortable," Adam smiled innocently, and I gingerly sat down on the sofa, stroking my thighs and trying to remain calm.
"So...can I have my things back now, please?" I asked.
"Maybe later, if you're good," Adam said, fiddling with something. I hadn't expected a different answer, but it was worth asking.
Adam threw an xbox controller at me, which I just managed to catch before it collided with my face.
"Toby is the best FIFA player here, so let's see how you go against him," Adam informed me, as a boy squeezed onto the sofa next to me, giddy with excitement.
I looked at the controller in my hand. I'd seen my ex-boyfriend play this game for hours on the same console, but didn't have a clue how to play it myself. As the game loaded up, Toby hurriedly explained the controls, but it was too much information and I didn't absorb any of it.
"Sorry, what?" I asked him, but he was already busy selecting his team. I didn't have a clue about football, so selected a team that had high ATT, MID, DEF and OVR, whatever that meant. The next screen was even more confusing. 11 players arranged on a pitch, with more players listed underneath. Toby was busy changing the order around, flicking from one tab to another. None of it msde any sense to me, but I reasoned that the game default was probably the strongest side, so I selected confirm and waited for Toby.
A cut scene. Players walking out onto the pitch, shaking hands, the teams being displayed; just like what I'd seen on TV. There was also a commentary for added realism.
Finally, we were ready to go.
"Oh, by the way," Adam said as Toby kicked off, "we're playing strip FIFA."
I'd been to enough house parties to know what that meant. I hadn't expected Adam to allow me to stay clothed for long, but he could at least have given me some warning!
By the time I had composed myself, Toby had run past my entire team and scored. Half-a-dozen pairs of eyes looked at me excitedly, so I untied and kicked away my left trainer. I did a quick calculation in my head and worked out the maximum number of goals I could concede to save myself from humiliation.
It wasn't many.
There seemed to be so many different ways to pass, shoot, tackle or move players. No game should be this complicated! I was down to bare feet by the time I realised you could switch which player you were controlling!
I didn't know how long this game lasted, but I kept the rest of my clothes until half time. But if Toby scored four more times, I'd be in my birthday suit.
Blocking out everything around me, I focused all my attention on the piece of plastic in my hand and the TV opposite me.
At least I tried to. The horror of knowing I would soon be completely naked in front of all of them nagged at back of my mind, and because I wasn't fully concentrating, disaster soon struck.
Grabbing the hem of my t-shirt, I pulled it over my head and threw it into the waiting arms of Adam as Toby's players ran off celebrating.
I used the anger I had for myself, and against the odds, managed to score two goals. But I made the fatal mistake of getting cocky. Passing the ball around quickly, I lost it and Toby scored from a long way out.
Standing up, I unfastened my jeans and slid them down my legs. As I resumed my seat, I realised how cold it was; or was it my fear that was making me shiver?
The little clock in the corner of the screen was showing 84, so I knew the game was nearly over. I just had to hold out a while longer. In his excitement to deprive me of even more of my clothes, Toby's play became more ragged. I managed to score again, teasing Toby as he removed his shirt as well. I was about to be completely humiliated, so I decided to get in jibes whenever I could.
I was perspiring now. The only thing that mattered in the world right now was not conceding again. The clock reached 90...but play didn't stop. And then...
"Penalty!" the shout went up.
The screen showed my goalkeeper facing us, Toby's player facing the other way. Was there a tactic for this? I guessed right...and so did Toby!
"Yes!" I cried, standing up and fist bumping the air as the game ended. I'd done it!
"Sorry, boys!" I gloated to the disappointed room. "Better luck next-"
"Why aren't you wearing a thong?"
"I thought girls wore thongs." Another of the boys was pointing at my dark underwear.
"Err..." How on Earth was I supposed to answer that question?!
I jumped as a cold hand toyed with the waistband of my panties from behind.
"Some girls like covering their butt, Steve," Adam's voice sounded in my ear.
"No, that's not-"
"Let's have a vote! Who wants to see Ffion's butt?"
"Hang on, those weren't the-"
Six boys threw their hands in the air.
"And who doesn't?" Adam was in his element.
I weakly raised my hand. Not that it would make any difference.
"Hmm, that's six for and one against. Sorry, Ffion, out voted!"
I expected Adam to yank my panties down, but instead he pulled up. Hard. I gasped as the material was forced up into my arse crack, my eyes streaming with pain. I very rarely wore a thong, and never like this!
Adam spun me around, exposing my behind to the rest of the room. It was the first time any of them had seen a girl's butt up close, and they each took time prodding, poking and squeezing.
And then the words I'd been dreading.
"Can we spank it?"
I shivered as I stood outside the cabin, undecided on which way to go.
Adam had devised the rules. Each of us had 5 minutes to go and find a stick to spank me with. Myself included. Unfortunately, Adam had decided not to provide me with any additional clothing.
So there I was, stood outside in the cold night air, a bra on my chest and my panties wedged up my butt. If I took them out, Adam would leak the photos. If any of the boys were caught and I didn't get them out of trouble, Adam would leak the photos. If I wasn't back in 5 minutes...
Not like I could go anywhere. My keys had been in my jacket, and turning up at anyone else's cabin dressed like this would take a lot of explaining.
Venturing into the trees, the rough ground cutting into my bare feet, I picked up the least painful looking stick I could find. I hurried back as fast as I could, relived to be back inside.
Adam had moved a table into the middle of the room. Plucking the stick from my hand, he instructed me to bend over, pressing my torso into the table top. He also stuffed my stolen panties into my mouth.
One my one, the boys returned. I couldn't make out what they were whispering before I was suddenly wacked. My cry of surprise was muffled by the gag. I couldn't see what the boys had collected but they all felt larger and more painful than mine. At least one of them was wrapped in nettles!
I had never personally seen the appeal of BDSM; you'd have to be a twisted person to derive pleasure from pain! I bit down hard on my panties, the material muffling my screams, wondering how anyone could possibly enjoy this. Every blow jolted me against the table, my breasts being repeatedly crushed into the wood.
We all paused at a loud knock at the door.
"What's going on in there?"
Sally! I relaxed, knowing she would rescue me. Yes, I was in a compromising and humiliating position that I'd never live down, but at least the blackmail, physical and psychological torture would be over.
I twisted my head round to see Adam grinning at me as he opened the door. Sally walked in and surveyed the scene in front of her: six boys all clutching branches, a half naked girl laying face down on a table, her exposed buttocks red raw and bleeding.
I made eye contact with her, pleading through blood shot eyes to save me. She held my gaze for a long time, no hint of emotion on her face. And then-
"Everything seems to be in order her. Just keep it down boys."
I screamed unintelligibly into my gag as Sally withdrew, heart broken at the betrayal.
"You heard her lads, let's keep it down."
Adam walked around the table, retrieved my stolen bra and stuffed it into my already full mouth. "It's your own fault for having big boobs," he laughed as my eyes widened and cheeks expanded.
I lost track of time. The spanking could have lasted 5 minutes or 5 hours. But eventually, it did stop.
I was just starting to relax before pain shot through my butt again. Adam was running his hands up and down my buttocks, admiring his handiwork.
"I'm no doctor, but am I right in thinking rubbing salt into wounds helps them heal?"
"No, no, no!" I shook my head frantically, but too late. The pain was worse than the spankings. I thought I was going to pass out. I don't know where he'd got the salt shaker from, probably pilfered from the canteen.
I flailed about, writhing around on the table top, to much laughter from the boys.
Sobbing in pain, I didn't even realise Adam was pulling my jeans back on until the material passed over my buttocks. I could feel his fingers caressing the front of my underwear as he fastened my jeans around my waist again, and tickling my feet and he tied my trainers.
Adam helped me unsteadily to my feet, wiping away my tears, patting my blonde hair back into position and readjusting my bra.
"There, all done," he smiled kindly at me as I pulled my saliva-soaked underwear out of my mouth. "Oh, one more thing."
He handed me my phone, purse and keys; but my t-shirt and jacket were nowhere to be seen.
"Don't bother trying to log onto anything, we've changed your passwords. From now on, you'll report back here after lights up if we give you the signal in the morning."
"Wait, what signal?" I asked him as he pushed me out the door, but it slammed closed in my face.
The night was still dark, but getting lighter all the time. Hugging my sides and shivering, I set off back towards my cabin, hoping to grab a few hours sleep. My progress was very slow. My panties were still wedged up my arse and my butt was throbbing, so a slow hobble was all I could manage.
When I finally reached my destination, I eased myself wearily inside and locked the door behind me. Stripping off my shoes and jeans, I umwedged my panties, removed them from my body and collapsed face down onto the bed.
I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. The constant aching made sleep almost impossible, but when I finally drifted off, my last, terrified thought was wondering what Adam had planned for me next...
"Let me take your jacket," Adam was saying, and before I could stop him, he'd slipped it off my shoulders.
"No, wait!" I called out instinctively, receiving a round of laughter in response.
"Come in, make your self comfortable," Adam smiled innocently, and I gingerly sat down on the sofa, stroking my thighs and trying to remain calm.
"So...can I have my things back now, please?" I asked.
"Maybe later, if you're good," Adam said, fiddling with something. I hadn't expected a different answer, but it was worth asking.
Adam threw an xbox controller at me, which I just managed to catch before it collided with my face.
"Toby is the best FIFA player here, so let's see how you go against him," Adam informed me, as a boy squeezed onto the sofa next to me, giddy with excitement.
I looked at the controller in my hand. I'd seen my ex-boyfriend play this game for hours on the same console, but didn't have a clue how to play it myself. As the game loaded up, Toby hurriedly explained the controls, but it was too much information and I didn't absorb any of it.
"Sorry, what?" I asked him, but he was already busy selecting his team. I didn't have a clue about football, so selected a team that had high ATT, MID, DEF and OVR, whatever that meant. The next screen was even more confusing. 11 players arranged on a pitch, with more players listed underneath. Toby was busy changing the order around, flicking from one tab to another. None of it msde any sense to me, but I reasoned that the game default was probably the strongest side, so I selected confirm and waited for Toby.
A cut scene. Players walking out onto the pitch, shaking hands, the teams being displayed; just like what I'd seen on TV. There was also a commentary for added realism.
Finally, we were ready to go.
"Oh, by the way," Adam said as Toby kicked off, "we're playing strip FIFA."
I'd been to enough house parties to know what that meant. I hadn't expected Adam to allow me to stay clothed for long, but he could at least have given me some warning!
By the time I had composed myself, Toby had run past my entire team and scored. Half-a-dozen pairs of eyes looked at me excitedly, so I untied and kicked away my left trainer. I did a quick calculation in my head and worked out the maximum number of goals I could concede to save myself from humiliation.
It wasn't many.
There seemed to be so many different ways to pass, shoot, tackle or move players. No game should be this complicated! I was down to bare feet by the time I realised you could switch which player you were controlling!
I didn't know how long this game lasted, but I kept the rest of my clothes until half time. But if Toby scored four more times, I'd be in my birthday suit.
Blocking out everything around me, I focused all my attention on the piece of plastic in my hand and the TV opposite me.
At least I tried to. The horror of knowing I would soon be completely naked in front of all of them nagged at back of my mind, and because I wasn't fully concentrating, disaster soon struck.
Grabbing the hem of my t-shirt, I pulled it over my head and threw it into the waiting arms of Adam as Toby's players ran off celebrating.
I used the anger I had for myself, and against the odds, managed to score two goals. But I made the fatal mistake of getting cocky. Passing the ball around quickly, I lost it and Toby scored from a long way out.
Standing up, I unfastened my jeans and slid them down my legs. As I resumed my seat, I realised how cold it was; or was it my fear that was making me shiver?
The little clock in the corner of the screen was showing 84, so I knew the game was nearly over. I just had to hold out a while longer. In his excitement to deprive me of even more of my clothes, Toby's play became more ragged. I managed to score again, teasing Toby as he removed his shirt as well. I was about to be completely humiliated, so I decided to get in jibes whenever I could.
I was perspiring now. The only thing that mattered in the world right now was not conceding again. The clock reached 90...but play didn't stop. And then...
"Penalty!" the shout went up.
The screen showed my goalkeeper facing us, Toby's player facing the other way. Was there a tactic for this? I guessed right...and so did Toby!
"Yes!" I cried, standing up and fist bumping the air as the game ended. I'd done it!
"Sorry, boys!" I gloated to the disappointed room. "Better luck next-"
"Why aren't you wearing a thong?"
"I thought girls wore thongs." Another of the boys was pointing at my dark underwear.
"Err..." How on Earth was I supposed to answer that question?!
I jumped as a cold hand toyed with the waistband of my panties from behind.
"Some girls like covering their butt, Steve," Adam's voice sounded in my ear.
"No, that's not-"
"Let's have a vote! Who wants to see Ffion's butt?"
"Hang on, those weren't the-"
Six boys threw their hands in the air.
"And who doesn't?" Adam was in his element.
I weakly raised my hand. Not that it would make any difference.
"Hmm, that's six for and one against. Sorry, Ffion, out voted!"
I expected Adam to yank my panties down, but instead he pulled up. Hard. I gasped as the material was forced up into my arse crack, my eyes streaming with pain. I very rarely wore a thong, and never like this!
Adam spun me around, exposing my behind to the rest of the room. It was the first time any of them had seen a girl's butt up close, and they each took time prodding, poking and squeezing.
And then the words I'd been dreading.
"Can we spank it?"
I shivered as I stood outside the cabin, undecided on which way to go.
Adam had devised the rules. Each of us had 5 minutes to go and find a stick to spank me with. Myself included. Unfortunately, Adam had decided not to provide me with any additional clothing.
So there I was, stood outside in the cold night air, a bra on my chest and my panties wedged up my butt. If I took them out, Adam would leak the photos. If any of the boys were caught and I didn't get them out of trouble, Adam would leak the photos. If I wasn't back in 5 minutes...
Not like I could go anywhere. My keys had been in my jacket, and turning up at anyone else's cabin dressed like this would take a lot of explaining.
Venturing into the trees, the rough ground cutting into my bare feet, I picked up the least painful looking stick I could find. I hurried back as fast as I could, relived to be back inside.
Adam had moved a table into the middle of the room. Plucking the stick from my hand, he instructed me to bend over, pressing my torso into the table top. He also stuffed my stolen panties into my mouth.
One my one, the boys returned. I couldn't make out what they were whispering before I was suddenly wacked. My cry of surprise was muffled by the gag. I couldn't see what the boys had collected but they all felt larger and more painful than mine. At least one of them was wrapped in nettles!
I had never personally seen the appeal of BDSM; you'd have to be a twisted person to derive pleasure from pain! I bit down hard on my panties, the material muffling my screams, wondering how anyone could possibly enjoy this. Every blow jolted me against the table, my breasts being repeatedly crushed into the wood.
We all paused at a loud knock at the door.
"What's going on in there?"
Sally! I relaxed, knowing she would rescue me. Yes, I was in a compromising and humiliating position that I'd never live down, but at least the blackmail, physical and psychological torture would be over.
I twisted my head round to see Adam grinning at me as he opened the door. Sally walked in and surveyed the scene in front of her: six boys all clutching branches, a half naked girl laying face down on a table, her exposed buttocks red raw and bleeding.
I made eye contact with her, pleading through blood shot eyes to save me. She held my gaze for a long time, no hint of emotion on her face. And then-
"Everything seems to be in order her. Just keep it down boys."
I screamed unintelligibly into my gag as Sally withdrew, heart broken at the betrayal.
"You heard her lads, let's keep it down."
Adam walked around the table, retrieved my stolen bra and stuffed it into my already full mouth. "It's your own fault for having big boobs," he laughed as my eyes widened and cheeks expanded.
I lost track of time. The spanking could have lasted 5 minutes or 5 hours. But eventually, it did stop.
I was just starting to relax before pain shot through my butt again. Adam was running his hands up and down my buttocks, admiring his handiwork.
"I'm no doctor, but am I right in thinking rubbing salt into wounds helps them heal?"
"No, no, no!" I shook my head frantically, but too late. The pain was worse than the spankings. I thought I was going to pass out. I don't know where he'd got the salt shaker from, probably pilfered from the canteen.
I flailed about, writhing around on the table top, to much laughter from the boys.
Sobbing in pain, I didn't even realise Adam was pulling my jeans back on until the material passed over my buttocks. I could feel his fingers caressing the front of my underwear as he fastened my jeans around my waist again, and tickling my feet and he tied my trainers.
Adam helped me unsteadily to my feet, wiping away my tears, patting my blonde hair back into position and readjusting my bra.
"There, all done," he smiled kindly at me as I pulled my saliva-soaked underwear out of my mouth. "Oh, one more thing."
He handed me my phone, purse and keys; but my t-shirt and jacket were nowhere to be seen.
"Don't bother trying to log onto anything, we've changed your passwords. From now on, you'll report back here after lights up if we give you the signal in the morning."
"Wait, what signal?" I asked him as he pushed me out the door, but it slammed closed in my face.
The night was still dark, but getting lighter all the time. Hugging my sides and shivering, I set off back towards my cabin, hoping to grab a few hours sleep. My progress was very slow. My panties were still wedged up my arse and my butt was throbbing, so a slow hobble was all I could manage.
When I finally reached my destination, I eased myself wearily inside and locked the door behind me. Stripping off my shoes and jeans, I umwedged my panties, removed them from my body and collapsed face down onto the bed.
I wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. The constant aching made sleep almost impossible, but when I finally drifted off, my last, terrified thought was wondering what Adam had planned for me next...
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
Very much enjoying this so far and looking forward to seeing Ffion's increasing exposure and embarrassment.EthanDalton123 wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 10:24 am Any suggestions for what Adam has planned for Ffion?
If you're still looking for suggestions, I think it's unlikely that Adam would let the fact Ffion forced him to publically wet himself go by unanswered. I'm not suggesting peeing should become significant a focus of the story, but I do think it would be a good plot device in the near future for him to insist she purposely wet herself during one of the group activities (though pretending she's had an accident). Alternatively he could just not let her go to the bathroom until she actually loses control, the same as she did to him. In either case, it could then go better than Addam planned if Amanda came along to inspect them and is so angry/disappointed at Ffion's seeming immaturity that she makes her take off her pants and panties right there and finish the activity bottomless. That would also expose her obviously spanked butt to everyone present.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp
Adam could make Ffion take him and his friends on nature hike only wearing a white shirt and white Lycra shorts have Adam bring an esky filled with soda forcing Ffion to carry it and drink until she begging to pee but only let her squat in front them she would try hold till she relents and pee like a fire hose when she finally gives in while the boys record then they go swimming but don’t allow her to remove her clothes but be forced continue the hike in see through shirt and shorts 
Re: Ffion's summer camp
For what to do next, honestly that's the reason I don't like blackmail stories. There's not much that Ffion can do right now besides submit to they boys' increasingly depraved and obscene whims. The conflict is too one sided to be engaging, and the conflict was honestly one of the most engaging parts of the story up until now. It's like you're watching a horror show where a minor and possibly unnamed character has run into the monster. You know he's going to die, so you're not shocked when he gets killed. Ffion is a blackmail victim in an ENF story, so we know she's going to get stripped, humiliated, and depending on your fetishes, diapered, spanked, groped, or whatever else you try to come up with to up the ante and restore tension, but that's exactly the wrong way to restore the tension.
The right way is to give Ffion a chance. If all you want is an excuse to put Ffion through the ENF ropes, ignore this, but there are a thousand stories like that already and you've put more effort into her as a character than most of the stories on this board, so I'm assuming that you're aiming for something that stands out. Honestly my favorite part so far was when she lost her top while swimming. Even though she wasn't completely exposed, the fear of exposure and the near exposure was gripping enough, and she proved herself to be a creative and proactive character, using the resources at hand and coming up with a solution. And as a rule, proactive characters are more interesting to read about than passive ones. In this current scenario, in contrast, Ffion blithely strolled into the proverbial lion's den, hoping that everything would work out.
And honestly, that's a cliche in these kinds of stories that always annoys me. This kid has naked pictures of her that he can send to her friends and family (because she left her phone unlocked for some reason), so she lets him do whatever he wants to her hoping that, one, he won't do anything worse than send out those pictures anyway, and two, not send them out anyway when he's done with her. I mean, what is Ffion's plan here? She doesn't have one.
Honestly she should have asked Dan for help, called Adam's bluff, or tried to negotiate with him. Anything would have been better than going to see him and his friends alone and submit to his every whim. Though you can't exactly go back and change it now. Her best bet would be to blackmail him back (I think he's like twelve or thirteen, so I wouldn't recommend it), steal his camera and delete the pictures (by using her feminine wiles, maybe, but she can't exactly bribe him with anything he can take for himself, though she might be able to "convince" another kid to help her out), or bribe him with pictures of one of the other camp councilors.
Throughout this story, there has bee a lot of back and forth between Ffion and Adam. She's proven herself to be someone who can and will fight back, and the last thing you want to do is stop now.
The right way is to give Ffion a chance. If all you want is an excuse to put Ffion through the ENF ropes, ignore this, but there are a thousand stories like that already and you've put more effort into her as a character than most of the stories on this board, so I'm assuming that you're aiming for something that stands out. Honestly my favorite part so far was when she lost her top while swimming. Even though she wasn't completely exposed, the fear of exposure and the near exposure was gripping enough, and she proved herself to be a creative and proactive character, using the resources at hand and coming up with a solution. And as a rule, proactive characters are more interesting to read about than passive ones. In this current scenario, in contrast, Ffion blithely strolled into the proverbial lion's den, hoping that everything would work out.
And honestly, that's a cliche in these kinds of stories that always annoys me. This kid has naked pictures of her that he can send to her friends and family (because she left her phone unlocked for some reason), so she lets him do whatever he wants to her hoping that, one, he won't do anything worse than send out those pictures anyway, and two, not send them out anyway when he's done with her. I mean, what is Ffion's plan here? She doesn't have one.
Honestly she should have asked Dan for help, called Adam's bluff, or tried to negotiate with him. Anything would have been better than going to see him and his friends alone and submit to his every whim. Though you can't exactly go back and change it now. Her best bet would be to blackmail him back (I think he's like twelve or thirteen, so I wouldn't recommend it), steal his camera and delete the pictures (by using her feminine wiles, maybe, but she can't exactly bribe him with anything he can take for himself, though she might be able to "convince" another kid to help her out), or bribe him with pictures of one of the other camp councilors.
Throughout this story, there has bee a lot of back and forth between Ffion and Adam. She's proven herself to be someone who can and will fight back, and the last thing you want to do is stop now.
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