Vast poll of general kinks.

A forum for general discussions relating to the subject matter of stripping, pantsing, humiliating or being on the receiving end of any of the above. (Newly registered members can't make topics).

What are your top story interests?

Naked in School or in Front of Peers
Small Penis/Breast Humiliation
Age Play, Diapers, Kids Clothes
Restrained Naked on Public Display
Blackmailed/Tricked/Threatened to Humiliate Self
Nervous Public Exhibitionism/Streaking
Naughty Strip Games/Dares/Bets/Pranks
Authority, Slave Abused and Humiliated
Strip Catfights/Stripping Wars/Bullying
Total votes: 615

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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by Executionus »

edithdick wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 4:02 am
I wonder if the changing tastes of this poll are evolving as a result of our online personas are being more flushed out.
It's probably the exact opposite, since the early votes came from established members and the later votes come from newer members that joined over the last year. The shifts in trends probably reflects more on the type of new people most often lured to this site.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by edithdick »

I think one of the reasons that the “Naked in School” story is so popular is because of the innocence of the subject. Most school girls and boys for that matter have never been naked in front of the opposite sex, except possibly in a medical setting.

That fact makes them easy targets for ENF style humiliation.

For adults and particularly older adults (30+) the experience expectations are a lot different and therefore the overall humiliation is a lot less, unless you can find a reason within the story for that not to be the case.

These stories still work, but the author has to jump through a few hoops and by that time some segment of the audience has lost internet.

I say all of that to say this. There is a humiliation that older women face that young women rarely deal with. It requires a very specialized kink and would be damn near impossible to pull in much of an audience.

When a women goes through breast cancer treatment, one of the most permanent and uncomfortable procedures is the mastectomy. Either a single or double mastectomy can be a great source of shame. (Great as in terrible, not great as in good)

If a woman who had this done was then forced to be naked in public, it would have the same dramatic effect as the school girl in the same situation.

A) has this ever been done on any of the boards you are aware of and
B) please do not update the poll for this awful idea.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by Executionus »

That's roughly what I've always said relating to using teens and schools as part of ENP stories.

As for the mastectomy question, the closest I've ever seen was using fantasy drugs to shrink breasts (or dicks for that matter). It was pretty unpopular.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by MissAriel »

Stripper Stebson wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:29 pm I hear what you say but I think it's more humilating for skinny guys. When I'm in the gym I can see guys of 155lbs and less looking very uncomfortable with their skinny arms and sunken chests. I'm not particularly big - only 210lbs, but these little guys look terrified.

It's pretty about the whole package. A skinny guy or an outta shape guy even at only the same weight as me will be embarrassed about their substandard body with or without a small pens.

Women want an athletic muscular guy not a little man-boy.
I know I'm resurrecting a comment made like a year ago, but I vastly prefer a skinny/only slightly muscular guy. Super athletic muscular guy is so not my type. I guess my preferences in men is more on the feminine side - limited body hair, skinny, somewhat athletic is fine, but no big muscles. A pretty big kink for me to be dominated by such a nerdy, skinny guy who I think should be "easy" because he doesn't fit society's ideal of what a manly man is (even though it's exactly my type).

I know a lot of guys think "athletic muscular guy" is what women want, but I've actually had many of my lady friends tell me the same thing - some of them are very turned off by the big muscle vibe. For the gym bros, sorry, your biggest fans are usually other guys wishing they were you :lol:

It's interesting to me on both sides of the coin. Women often do feel self conscious about having small booba (admittedly I did too when I was younger) but men seem to agree by and large that it's not a huge deal to most of them. And I think most of my lady friends agree, by and large, athleticism and penis size is largely a preference thing as well. I have lady friends that say large size is preferable, but I also know several who say big dicks are a huge turn off because it's uncomfortable.

Well, anyways, it's no secret what my kinks are. #1 vote for me is the strip games/bets/pranks.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by Executionus »

MissAriel wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 7:17 pm It's interesting to me on both sides of the coin. Women often do feel self conscious about having small booba (admittedly I did too when I was younger) but men seem to agree by and large that it's not a huge deal to most of them.
I've noticed a few amusing patterns on this subject over the years. For starters, most Millennial men seem to prefer small boobs over large ones, and for many of us it's actually a MAJOR preference. There's a significant number of us (including seemingly the majority of male writers on this site) that actually find a petite, flat, boy-chested girl with specifically cute-over-sexy features to be the absolute ideal body type. I used to think this was an unusual preference of mine but through talking with guys and seeing certain highly popular porn stars it's clearly not as rare of a preference as pop culture would have you believe.

I suspect that one of the main reasons for why Millennial men often dislike large breasts is because we grew up in the 90s and basically 100% of porn stars back then had gigantic, monstrous, fake-as-fuck tits while the girls in school that we all crushed on looked nothing at all like them. Most of us grew to vastly prefer the girls we knew personally over the weirdos in porn. Our brains just lost the ability to be all that interested in those fake bodies which wound up killing some interest in natural large breasts too.

And here comes the weird part: notice how I always specify "men" every time? This is because I've noticed that Millennial les/bi women on average greatly prefer HUGE boobs over the small ones! In my personal experience it is 100% of them. Bi chicks are so boob-crazy it's hilarious as hell to listen whenever one talks about them. Even when a girl is fat and not all that attractive to guys, other girls are always saying "but her boobs!" I think when women judge themselves poorly for small breasts, it's partly because the women in question find small breasts less attractive on others. They don't get that men see women in vastly different ways, even if both find women sexually attractive.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by MissAriel »

Bi chicks are so boob-crazy it's hilarious as hell to listen whenever one talks about them.
As a bi-chick (and yes, I know I'm a sample size of one), I do appreciate the booba. :lol: Though my type tends to be skinny/athletic regardless of gender, so most of my girlfriends have had small chests. The thing that really makes me melt, though, is a girl with a six pack, which generally means small boobs. But at the end of the day, I'm like a guy, as long as there's boobs, big or small, I'm not complaining. I do prefer them to be proportional, though.
I suspect that one of the main reasons for why Millennial men often dislike large breasts is because we grew up in the 90s and basically 100% of porn stars back then had gigantic, monstrous, fake-as-fuck tits while the girls in school that we all crushed on looked nothing at all like them
The fake/real thing is not a huge deal to me personally; few women will advertise having augmentation since there's so much stigma attached to fake boobs, but there are a lot of women out there with modestly sized implants. I don't think oversized bolt-ons are as common as modest augmentations, but the bolt-ons are the ones people tend to notice. There have been times where I've been able to tell a woman has likely been augmented in porn pictures (what can I say, I'm a connoisseur of art). The trend I've seen in the comments, though, is that men tend not to complain unless it's quite obvious. Either because they can't tell or it doesn't bother them.

There are also some reasons beyond just being a lesbian/bisexual that women enjoy bigger boobs. At least in my experience, people notice cleavage, and it definitely gets me attention. Even the most mundane t-shirt on a small chested girl can look sexy/scandalous on someone bustier. Though there are the obvious downsides, too. But those with big booba privilege don't talk about that!
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by Executionus »

MissAriel wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:26 am The fake/real thing is not a huge deal to me personally; few women will advertise having augmentation since there's so much stigma attached to fake boobs, but there are a lot of women out there with modestly sized implants.
Yeah most look fine, I wasn't meaning to sound like I was bashing all augmentation. It's that in the 90s it was specifically the trend for them to be excessive, gravity-defying, rock solid with no jiggle, with the skin and areolas stretched out to the max. Lots of them were able to bounce up and down on a dick without their breasts bouncing even slightly. If you grew up on Red Shoe Diaries, Striptease, Beverly Hills Bordello, and that sort of thing you didn't have much variety in your porn. Even the girls in pro wrestling were all getting gigantic implants, with some (like Chyna, Marlena, and Lita) going so overboard it was ridiculous. Double Ds were treated as the minimum acceptable size if you wanted to get on camera.

It wasn't until I got access to the internet as a young teenager that I was able to actually find porn of small breasted women. I developed such an instantaneous preference for it that I legit thought other guys were crazy for disagreeing.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by MissAriel »

Executionus wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:48 am
MissAriel wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:26 am The fake/real thing is not a huge deal to me personally; few women will advertise having augmentation since there's so much stigma attached to fake boobs, but there are a lot of women out there with modestly sized implants.
Yeah most look fine, I wasn't meaning to sound like I was bashing all augmentation. It's that in the 90s it was specifically the trend for them to be excessive, gravity-defying, rock solid with no jiggle, with the skin and areolas stretched out to the max. Lots of them were able to bounce up and down on a dick without their breasts bouncing even slightly. If you grew up on Red Shoe Diaries, Striptease, Beverly Hills Bordello, and that sort of thing you didn't have much variety in your porn. Even the girls in pro wrestling were all getting gigantic implants, with some (like Chyna, Marlena, and Lita) going so overboard it was ridiculous. Double Ds were treated as the minimum acceptable size if you wanted to get on camera.

It wasn't until I got access to the internet as a young teenager that I was able to actually find porn of small breasted women. I developed such an instantaneous preference for it that I legit thought other guys were crazy for disagreeing.
Admittedly, I'm no expert in porn from the 90s. :lol: But I get what you're saying. There were pretty clearly some trends in porn, and augmentation wouldn't be as popular as it is if there wasn't some sort of belief amongst women that bigger booba is more attractive. It's pretty clear that there is some friction between what media tells us is attractive versus our individual preferences. This girl, though, gives a big thumbs up for the itty bitty titty committee. :D
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by superevil7 »

Interesting idea for a pole Executionus.

I've always thought of my top thing as forced nudity, so of course I chose Authority and Blackmail. Naked in school/peers also plays into that with the authority aspect. Usually I like to portray it that the authority has the belief that nudity will be of benefit to them in some way. I feel like doing that keeps cruelty to a minimum.

I also chose Nervous Public Exhibitionism/Streaking, but I like it in a much different way than it is usually portrayed. I don't really like all the sneaking around, near misses or hiding in the shadows. I like for the victim (for lack of a better term) to just be right out there, naked in front of everyone, going about their business like normal without the ability to hide themselves from everyone present.

The final choice I made was Revenge/Hatred, but that is because I love when girl A has been teasing girl B for being naked, and then girl A ends up naked at a later time. I love that kind of comeuppance.
Executionus wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:48 am It wasn't until I got access to the internet as a young teenager that I was able to actually find porn of small breasted women. I developed such an instantaneous preference for it that I legit thought other guys were crazy for disagreeing.
MissAriel wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:26 am The fake/real thing is not a huge deal to me personally; few women will advertise having augmentation since there's so much stigma attached to fake boobs, but there are a lot of women out there with modestly sized implants. I don't think oversized bolt-ons are as common as modest augmentations, but the bolt-ons are the ones people tend to notice. There have been times where I've been able to tell a woman has likely been augmented in porn pictures (what can I say, I'm a connoisseur of art). The trend I've seen in the comments, though, is that men tend not to complain unless it's quite obvious. Either because they can't tell or it doesn't bother them.
I agree with this here. Size doesn't matter to me as long as it's not obvious bolt-ons. I will add the thing I usually first notice about a woman is her hip to waist ratio. That's probably the #1 thing that attracts me.
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Re: Vast poll of general kinks.

Post by Executionus »

My #1 attraction element in a woman is large overly-expressive eyes and cute-over-sexy faces, and my level of this specific attraction is so blatant that you can predict my attraction to a woman very easily based on this alone. Second place is petiteness/smallness/shortness/flatness as the type of girl that you can fit in a suitcase drives me crazy for whatever reason. In fact, tiny girls in tiny spaces is one of my weirder turn ons lol.

I tend to not have much interest in traditional "sexy" girls, especially if they are trying too hard to be sexual. I don't mind big breasts within reason, but I don't like breasts that are too big for the body they're attached to as a general rule. I really, super-dislike the modern trend around large asses twice the size of the waists, and I actually prefer those small too. A woman who plays the hyper and expressive blushing cute little girl part well with a tiny body and big eyes is going to make me toss rings at her faster than Sonic the Hedgehog.

Of course, that being said it's not like I'm going to reject anyone who varies from that ideal or anything. Most of my exes were overweight, for example. I also dated one girl long ago that was 6 ft tall and that girl is still totally hot even to this day.
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