My Sisters and Me - Visual Novel Episode 1 Out Now!

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by CursedSavinkov »

Hope to see another update soon! I've been checking in every day!
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

Sorry for the long delay in between chapters. I also realized I never responded to Eat Lead's question as to if I would be posting this story elsewhere and if there was a way to update when a new chapter was posted. I don't intend to post the story anywhere else as this is the only story board I visit. That being said, if anyone else wishes to post it on other forums, feel free. I just ask that you link where you post it as I'm always curious to read any feedback. I'm not sure if this board allows for alerts to be sent when new chapters are posted, but I don't believe so.


I took my time and gathered my thoughts as the ever-cooling water splashed down on my shoulders. A sense of dread had come over me. For all I knew, I could be walking downstairs to a room full of girls who now viewed me as a Peeping Tom. None of them would ever trust me again, and they would all wonder about every time they undressed while I was nearby. Whatever “games” I was playing with Katie and Maddy would be over in an instant. Jordan, my newfound friend, would never talk to me again.

My only hope was that Kelly would keep it to herself. Sure, she would hate my guts going forward. But at least my life wouldn’t be entirely ruined. I turned the water off and dried my skin. My breaths became shallow and my heart gradually began to increase its rate; it was time to face the music. I threw on a hoodie and sweatpants, and made my way back down the great room.

The first person I saw was Jordan.

“Any hot water left bro?” He asked, in a normal fashion. I took a deep exhale.

“Not really, no,” my voice came out higher pitched than normal.

“Damn.” He climbed past me.

Maddy and her friends remained chatting amongst each other on the couch. They were now wearing their robes. They looked briefly at me, before going back to their conversation.

Katie and Kelly were making some popcorn on the stove. Katie looked my direction. “Want some popcorn?”

“Sure,” I squeaked, even though the events of the last fifteen minutes had completely destroyed any appetite I had left after dinner. Kelly didn’t look up.

I plopped back down on the chair in front of the TV and sipped on the beer that I had left in the cup holder. It had gone warm, but that was the least of my concerns. I looked at my phone, and saw the snap from Kelly.

“Did they pick a movie yet?!” It read. She was in her towel and the pic accompanying the text was certainly suggestive, but nothing too revealing. God, I wished I could go back to when she sent that. And just reply to her and get the fuck out of that God-forsaken closet. There was no sense replying now. I acted busy while we waited on Jordan.

After a quick 5 minutes, he was back downstairs.

“That was quick,” Kenzie said.

“Yeah, y’all drained the hot water,” he responded, miserably.

“It was hot when I got out! Must’ve been Kelly and Drew!” Katie said. Kelly continued to focus on the popcorn. I didn’t say anything, either.

Jordan sat down in the chair next to us and the older girls divvied up the snack into bowls. They turned the lights out and Katie handed me my bowl.

“Thanks,” I said.


I couldn’t see Kelly when she sat down across the room, due to how dark it now was. The movie began, and provided a bit of light. There were a few times I thought I caught her eyes but with all the shadows and blue light, I couldn’t be sure. Of course, the movie the girls picked out revolved around a stalker who repeatedly was hiding and creeping on his victims. God-fucking-damnit. It was a miserable watch for me. I really wanted to just talk with Kelly and get this over with. But when the movie ended, she hurried upstairs and went to bed before I could speak in private.

When we awoke the next morning, Kelly and Katie were up and at it.

“C’mon dude! We only got a few hours out there, before we have to hit the road,” Katie said. Her friend was off, getting her own gear ready. Ara came out early as well.

“Hi Drew,” she greeted me.


“You guys going out already?”

“Uhh, yeah…think Kelly and Katie are.”

“Okay, cool if I just come with you guys then? I don’t know how long they’re gonna take and want to get some good runs in,” Ara asked.

“Sure, let’s go.”

Ara and I hurriedly got our equipment on and walked down to the garage. I was hoping I didn’t miss Katie and Kelly. They were still there, and Kelly greeted both of us. She had her mirrored goggles on, and I couldn’t make out her expression. The four of us skied and snowboarded our way to the lift. We hopped on the same four-person chair as the previous morning and rode up in silence.

“I’m gonna go down the double black,” Ara said. She must’ve gotten bored with her Kenzie lessons yesterday and was hoping to at least get some challenge (if even the double blacks challenged her) this morning.

“Yeah, I wanna try it too,” Katie said. She looked at Kelly and I. “You guys good on the blue from yesterday?”

“Yep,” I said, hoping Kelly would join me and we could finally rip off this band-aid. As fate would have it, she agreed.

Katie and Ara sped off, and we were now alone. Here we go. Kelly raised her goggles, and her dark doe eyes met mine. She glared at me, uncomfortably, for roughly ten seconds. Then, unexpectedly, a curious upward curve appeared on her lips.

“Soooo…ya like to watch, huh?” She said, calmly.

The way I saw it – and I had been thinking about this ever since I scurried out of that closet – I had three choices: Complete denial. Which, come on, she called me by name. She clearly saw me. Doing this would only further strain our relationship. My next option was half-truths. Basically, claim I just got up there and didn’t see anything, and ran away once I saw someone was in the room. And my last option was to just come clean, tell the full truth, and beg for forgiveness. I hadn’t yet decided which of the latter two I was going to go with.

“Kelly, I’m so sorry!” I began.

“So, you were there?”

FUCK! Maybe she wasn’t sure?
I looked at her blankly and she actually started laughing.

“Just kidding. I saw you! And heard you, you were loud as shit running out of there!”

“Uhhhh, yeah,” I nervously tugged at the collar of my jacket. “Look, the girls asked me to get you guys those robes and I really had no idea you could see into the bedrooms from that closet, I mean who invented that?!” My words raced out of me as fast as Katie and Ara were flying down the hill.

“Yeah, pretty dumb design,” Kelly shrugged. “But, why did you run?”

“I don’t know…you were startled,” Kelly’s eyes bore into me, assessing for lies, “…and undressed. I just reacted.”

“How long were you there for?” Time to make a decision. “How much did you see?”

I took a deep breath. “Longer than I should have been,” I sighed.

“I figured as much,” Kelly remained impossibly calm.

“I’m sorry, I really wanted to leave. I just…”

“How much did you see?” She repeated.


I couldn’t say it, but I didn’t have to. She knew it.

“Uhh huhh,” she read my face. There was some stillness. “So, what are we gonna do about this, Drew?”

My heart sank. There it was. Kelly didn’t seem upset while talking to me, but that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be repercussions. It was just a question of how stern she wished to be.

“I uhhh, I don’t know,” I stammered. “You want me to tell Katie?”

“Huh?” Kelly started laughing. “Why would we tell Katie? Then everyone would know!”

“I thought, you like….wanted me to learn a lesson?”

“Hahahah,” Kelly continued to chuckle. “Oh, Drew, you’re gonna learn your lesson, alright. But we obviously have to keep this between us…or you could actually get in trouble.”

“That’s not what you want?” I said, relief pouring out of my voice.

“Of course not! It was a mistake!....well, sort of.”

“Okay….so what did you have in mind?”

She took a pause. “I’m not sure yet,” she pulled her goggles back down. “But seeing as how you got to see it all, I think we start there…Come on,” She shimmied her board and took off down the blue trail. I followed her, thinking to myself that I was actually going to enjoy her “punishment.” I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. I also couldn’t help but think that if I wasn’t so blessed with my parents’ good looks – if I was some gawky, opie-looking dude – things wouldn’t have played out so well for me.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

Our long ski weekend was over and it was back to the daily grind. I’ve heard the best way to fight off the post-trip blues is to immediately start planning your next vacation once you arrive home. Unfortunately, this isn’t financially realistic for most, but now that I was living with my wealthy (by way of divorce) mother, I was eager to participate. We had convinced Mom to take us all on that spring break getaway and my thoughts had rapidly shifted from jackets and skis to bikinis and mai tais.

The future beach getaway distracted me from the fact that I now had two people holding power over me; one of which I hoped forgot about everything, and one of which I hoped did not forget. The weeks passed and Kyle had mostly settled down. He made some comments here and there, but didn’t try any more actual blackmail. Kelly hadn’t said anything at all, but she also hadn’t found herself alone with me.

Our soccer team slept our way into the championship game without much effort. We were set up for a rematch with the Rutgers player and her team. Personally, I didn’t care much whether we won or lost, which is abnormal for me as I’m typically over-competitive. I was just happy for the season to be done.

It had been nearly a month of Kyle being banned from local restaurants and bars. By now, even a complete moron could have pieced together what was happening.

“Hey! What the fuck guys?! Friday night I went to dinner with my family and the owner came over to our table and asked me to leave. Then I had to make up some BS story to my parents about why. I KNOW you guys are behind all this!” He confronted us the moment he saw us.

“Took ya long enough to figure it out,” Katie said coolly.

“You know you’re asking for it right?”

“Asking for what? Cut the shit, dude. It’s over. You think it was awkward telling daddy why you’re banned from a restaurant? Imagine telling him you’re facing 10 years in prison. You FILMED us in a locker room, asshole. So go ahead, post your fucking video. I dare you.”

God, was I glad that Katie was the one caught up in this mess with me. Kyle was dumbfounded.

“Fine,” was all he could say. Then he thought for a bit longer. “Lift the bans, and I won’t send anything. I promise.”

“Ahahahaha!” Katie burst out laughing. “I’ll have the ban lifted…in time. If you never speak another word about this. I don’t even wanna see that stupid grin on your face,” she took a breath. “If you can’t do that, things will get a lot worse for you than a bar-ban. I promise.”

Kyle agreed, and that was that. At least for now.

“Your sister’s such a bitch dude,” Kyle murmured to me once Katie was out of hearing range.

“I mean,” I scoffed, “you know how the saying goes. Mess with the bull….”

The game was underway, but the chemistry on our team was way off. You had the animosity between Kyle and Katie. You had Jordan, who was now probably picturing Maddy naked every time he saw her. Not to mention remembering Katie’s jugs. You had whatever was going on with my sisters and me. And finally, you had Kelly, knowing I had spied on her in the nude. Things were a shitshow, and we lost, 4-1.

“Well, thanks for playing everyone!” Kelly said as we watched the other team celebrate on the field and put on their championship t-shirts. Our team members just kind of grumbled. “We should play again next year, hopefully Rutgers will play in the top league where she belongs.” There was even less excitement to that proposition. But time heals all wounds, and I’m sure in one year’s time we’d all be out that pitch again. Though, maybe without Maddy….


“I have exciting news for you guys,” my mother said as Katie, Maddy, and myself joined her for dinner one night.

“What’s up, Mom?”

“Your uncle Jim is getting married!”

Katie nearly spat out her water. “To what? His gun collection?” She joked.

“That’s great news!” Maddy said.

Mom chose to address her younger daughter’s comment. “Yeah, apparently, he’s been seeing a woman for roughly the past year, but didn’t bother to mention it,” mom seemed slightly annoyed.

“How come he didn’t bring her to Kevin’s?” Maddy asked.

“Who knows!? He’s always been, rather private about that stuff. It’s like he thinks talking about relationships aren’t ‘manly’ enough.”

Katie put an exaggerated “tough guy” performance of extending her jaw and widening her shoulders.

“I’m just glad he told me about the wedding,” Mom continued. “But anyway, they’re going to join us in Cancun!”

“Nice!” Katie said. “That’ll give us plenty of time to see if she’s Roswell Material,” she referenced Mom’s family name.

“Yep! I’m very curious…” Mom said. “And some of the boys are coming, too. I also invited Nancy and her family, but she’s still being silly over the whole….Alex thing.” I put some extra focus on my food at the mention of my cousin.

“Yeah, Alex says Aunt Nancy’s been overbearing since then,” Maddy said. We all looked at her strangely. “Well….even more overbearing than normal,” she laughed.

“She’ll come around,” Katie said plainly. “Or at least she better. Alex is one year from graduating and if Nance doesn’t cool it, Alex will go to school across the country and never return.”

Wrong thing to say. Tears began to fill my mom’s eyes.

“Oh shit! Errr I mean SHOOT! Sorry mom!”

Maddy glared at Katie as our mom wiped her eyes.

“Mom! I’m not running away! And I’ll return home plenty! IF I even decide to go to Stanford!”

The rest of the meal was spent calming Mom down.

“Thanks a lot, Big Mouth,” I muttered under my breath as we cleared the table.

“Shut it,” she said.

“Hey Mom!” Maddy called out. “I actually need to find some new swimsuits before our trip. Do you need some too?”

“Yes, I do. I haven’t had time to do any shopping yet.”

“What do you say we go tomorrow?”

“That sounds great, Maddy. I’d really enjoy that!”


The next morning, I was woken up early by my older sister.

“Drew! Come out here!” She whispered.

I was really starting to get annoyed by these two just barging into my room whenever they felt like it and acting like alarm clocks. But it was usually for something interesting and this time would be no different.

“Whaaaaat?” I said groggily.

Katie led me over to the bathroom door.

“Put your ear up against the wood,” she directed. I did as she said.


I heard a faint buzzing noise from the other side. I wasn’t alert enough to figure out what it meant. “So?”

“Maddy’s shaving her hoo-ha!” Katie giggled.

I looked at her in disbelief and a grin spread on my face. “What are you? Twelve?” I mocked. It didn’t faze her and she continued laughing.

“Yep,” she said. And with that the pulled the handle of the door and swung it open! She gave me a light push and I went sprawling face first into the bathroom, landing on the floor.

“Ahhhhhh!” Maddy screamed.

I looked up at her. Katie was right. My younger sister stood in the shower, totally bottomless, with an electric buzzer in hand. Her pubic region was lathered with shaving cream, and a razor was also present on the shower shelf.

“BAHAHAHAH!” Katie couldn’t help herself. But I was glad she hadn’t run off and deserted me. Lord knows, I didn’t need another Kelly incident with my own sister.

I slowly pulled myself up off the ground, and raised my hands in an innocent gesture. “She pushed me,” I nodded at the clown behind me.

Maddy glanced down to ensure her goodies were adequately covered with the white foam. “Get out, you guys! Mom’s home!” She shooed us away. I pulled the door shut, taking one last peek in the process. Katie exited into her room, still in a fit of laughter.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Executionus »

drew wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:02 pm I'm not sure if this board allows for alerts to be sent when new chapters are posted, but I don't believe so.
I think it might actually. At the bottom of every thread is a wrench button with options, one of which being "subscribe". I've never bothered doing that myself, but I imagine it would notify you any time a post is made in that thread.

Also it's great to see more sexy sisterly shenanigans!
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

Executionus wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 6:02 am
I think it might actually. At the bottom of every thread is a wrench button with options, one of which being "subscribe". I've never bothered doing that myself, but I imagine it would notify you any time a post is made in that thread.
Good to know, Executionus. Thanks!


My mother, sisters, and I arrived at the airport on a dreary April morning. And we couldn’t be in better spirits. Closing your eyes as your plane takes off into grayness and opening them when the wheels touch down in paradise is one of life’s underrated pleasures.

While standing around waiting for our luggage to arrive, I was rudely greeted with a kick to the back of my knee.

“Ahh Fuck!” I snapped. Mom gave me a disapproving look at my language. I turned around to see my 14-year-old cousin Brian wearing a shit-eating-grin, a Hawaiian shirt (despite us being in Mexico), and a gold chain. He looked ridiculous.

“What up, bruh!” He said, holding his hand up to greet me. I entertained him and slapped his hand. Phillip and Adam mimicked their older brother. Brian eagerly turned his attention to my sisters. “Sup, Katie,” he said, using a deeper pitched voice than 5 seconds ago.

“Heyyy Bri,” Katie smiled at him and gave him a hug. He blushed and us cousins finished saying our hellos.

That’s when I saw my Uncle Jim and his fiancée, Emily. The men in my family continued to not disappoint when it came to their choice in women. While not quite as beautiful as Amira, she was still eye-candy. She was decently older than me, but decently younger than Jim. Maybe early-to-mid 30s, if I had to guess. She had dirty-blond hair and brown eyes with a slim figure. She put on a smile, but didn’t seem overtly thrilled upon seeing Katie and Maddy. I suppose being on a beach vacation with two 10s could be intimidating. Nonetheless, she hid her inhibitions well enough and we all gathered our bags and hopped into a taxi van.

“Hola!” Phillip shouted at our driver with all the enthusiasm of a kid who had learned five phrases of Spanish. The driver looked at him through the rear-view mirror, nodded, but said nothing.

“I remember my first Spanish lessons,” Brian said loudly. He beamed proudly when Maddy looked back at him and laughed.

Our driver skillfully weaved in and out of traffic. The houses and infrastructure looked pretty run-down. There were some local kids kicking a ball around in the street, without shirts on.

“Do people live in these?” Adam asked in disbelief.

“Duh!” Phillip said.

“But they’re dumps!”

“Adam!” Jim yelled back at him from the front seat.

“Not everyone’s as fortunate as us, sweetie,” Emily said. I’m pretty sure I caught the driver rolling his eyes.

We passed through the bad part of town and the emergence of fancy hotels, pristine roads, and splotchy, overweight tourists marked the arrival at our home for the next week.

“whooooaaaahhhh!” Brian let down his “cool” persona as our driver pulled up to the grand entrance of our resort. The grass was bright green and cut as low as a golf course fairway. The flowers and vegetation were colorful and healthy appearing. The building consisted of expensive woods mixed in with gold and marble.

We got out of the van and grabbed our bags. Jim gave the driver a tip and an apologetic smile.

“Gracias!” Phillip shouted out. The driver ignored him and muttered something in Spanish over his radio.

The workers at the hotel greeted us with wash cloths and a glass of freshly squeezed juice. They were young and attractive, and I noticed my mom get extra bubbly around one of them as he took her bag. Maddy and Katie exchanged curious grins.

While Jim checked us into our rooms, Brian and his brothers went running to the back of the resort to check out the pool and beach.

“Oh, boys!” Emily shouted after them. She made a brief attempt to run after them, but quickly realized it was futile. “Aww, shoot,” she said once they were out of site.

“Don’t worry, none of us have been able to control them for the past 14 years,” Katie said. “Including Jim.” Emily smiled cautiously at her.

The boys returned about 5 minutes later.

“Dude, Drew! You GOTTA come check out the pool. It’s dope!” Phillip said in-between breaths. “It’s got FIVE pools, two hot tubs, a basketball hoop, and a volleyball net!”

“And a big slide!” Adam pitched in.

“Slides are for little kids,” Phillip brushed him off.

“And BABES!” Brian said.

“So MANY babes!” Phillip agreed. Katie and Maddy laughed at them.

“Please try to not bother the girls out there!” Emily said.

“Oh, I’m not gonna bother them,” Brian started. “I’m just gonna beat Drew’s ass in basketball in front of them!”

“Language,” Emily responded in a hopeless, going-through-the-motions manner.

“If you really wanna get smoked and cry in front of everyone out there, you’re on,” I said.


“This trip is gonna be so sick!”

“Alright boys, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We gotta check out our rooms and drop our stuff off and then get something to eat before we do anything else.” Jim had finished checking in, and, in typical dad fashion, seemed to take pleasure in hampering the boys’ excitement and delaying their fun. They let out groans before begrudgingly following us to the elevators.

The elevators were all glass and looked out into the promenade. Phillip made some inappropriate gestures toward the guests below (hiding them from the adults, of course.) We rode up to the 11th floor and walked down the hallway toward our adjacent suites. We split into our two families and inspected the rooms.

The suite that Mom, Katie, Maddy and I would be sharing was everything I came to expect since moving in with them. Massive in size, luxurious features, multiple bathrooms and 4 king sized beds. It had a balcony that overlooked The Caribbean.

“Jesus,” Katie exclaimed as she took in the breathtaking view.

“Well, your father’s money has to go somewhere,” Mom said, sheepishly. Maddy and Katie laughed.

We all claimed a bed and unpacked some of our luggage. It didn’t take long before we heard some yelling from the balcony next to ours. Brian and his gang were shouting for me to come out and join them. I walked out to see Brian mooning me. I had forgotten how relentlessly obnoxious these kids were.

“Katie and Maddy come out here, quick!” I yelled. Brian furiously pulled his shorts up before the girls could get outside. “Yeah….that’s what I thought,” I said. I mouthed “Pussy” to him once the girls went back inside.

After getting settled, we all went down to one of the grills in the hotel and grabbed some lunch. As soon as Jim took his last bite the boys began pleading to go to the pool. There was no more delaying the inevitable. We went back to our rooms, put on our swimsuits and sunscreen, and made our way back down to the outdoor pools.

The area was crowded, but was so large that there was still plenty of space up for grabs. Brian wasn’t kidding about the number of cute girls. They were every direction you turned. Mom and Emily noticed and kept their swimsuit dresses on. Katie and Maddy weren’t fazed and unashamedly stripped down to their bikinis. Brian and Phillip tried to slyly check out their cousins, but they didn’t have enough practice to do so without being obvious. Adam was curious, but not quite old enough to really appreciate my sisters’ curves.

“Last one in’s a homo!” Brian shouted and took off sprinting into the water, followed closely by his younger brothers.

I removed my shirt and casually sauntered over to the pool’s edge.

“Drew, try and teach them some manners would ya?” Uncle Jim asked. “This week is meant for us,” he cozied up next to Emily.

“Ha! Drew and manners!” Katie laughed. I brushed her off.

“I’ll do my best. Kind of a lost cause at that age though.”

Katie and Maddy laid in their chairs and caught some rays. Once the heat caught up to me, I dipped into the water and swam over to my cousins.

“Dude, your sisters are so hot,” Brian said.

“They’re your cousins. You know…your FAMILY,” I was such a hypocrite. “Also, everyone in the vicinity now knows you feel that way,” I laughed.


“You really think everyone over there didn’t see you guys drooling over them?”

Brian blushed a bit.

“If you can’t be subtle, at least get yourself some shades,” I said. “You’re gonna creep out all these girls if you eye them up the way you eyed up Katie and Maddy,”

“They didn’t say anything,” Phillip said.

“They were being nice.”

“Whatever,” Brian said. He glanced around, and it didn’t take long for him to find a target. He pointed toward a hot short girl with curly hair and mocha skin. “Alright, Mr. Know-it-all, why don’t you go over and flirt with her. Try and pick her up. Let’s see it.”

“Yeah, bruh. Let’s see it,” Phillip parroted.

“Again, subtlety, dude. Stop pointing at her, for one. For two, we literally just got here. It looks so desperate to run over and start annoying the first chick you see.”

“She doesn’t know we just got here,” Brian responded.

“You don’t know what she knows. Or where she’s looking. Because she’s wearing sunglasses. Like you two should be.”

“Sounds like excuses to me,” Brian started making some chicken clucking noises.

“Ugggghhh,” I groaned. “I need a drink if I’m gonna hang out with you guys any longer.”

I swam over to the bar and ordered a beer and lime. It was nice to not have to carry a fake ID or know the bartender in order to get a drink. Miguel was his name. He poured the golden lager into a clear plastic cup. I took a sip and somehow, it just tasted better than back home.

I stayed over at the swim-up bar for a bit, enjoying the sunshine and cerveza and soaking it all in. There were a few older guys, fat and balding, who sat next to me. They sipped on tequila and puffed cigars, not paying me much attention. Until Brian’s girl, the mocha-skinned beauty, strutted past us, looked my way, and smiled.

“Whooo-Wheee!” One of the men exclaimed. “What I wouldn’t give to be your age, kid,” he said, looking at me. I chuckled.

“But you’re just gonna let her walk away?” The other man questioned.

“Haha, I’m with my family,” I said, a bit awkwardly.

“You’re married?! Way too young for that!”

“No, I mean…well, my sisters, mom, uncle, and cousins.”

“So, no girlfriend? Well, what the hell are ya waiting for, she’s getting away!”

I sighed. All these girls were making everyone around here crazy. Why didn’t they go talk with her instead of constantly badgering me to do it? Living vicariously, I suppose.

“Trust me, son. You’ll remember all these missed opportunities once your hair and abs go. They build up over time, gradually. Until it’s one massive pile of regret.”

I turned and looked into the pool, peering through the boomers’ clouds of smoke. I saw Katie and Maddy had made their way into the water. They were splashing with Brian and the boys. Laughing, and having a good time, looking gorgeous in the Mexican sun. The old men’s words sunk into my chest. Would I one day regret not making a move with one of them? My own sisters? I had plenty of opportunities by now, and the girls would soon be out of the horniest years of their lives – and would likely realize how messed up our relationship was. But it wasn’t that simple. After all, I had made a move with Maddy. Or at least didn’t back off her advances. And we knew how that turned out…

My gaze shifted between my sisters and the mocha-skinned girl. I had good genes and – deservedly or not – would be inheriting a nice bit of money. I probably had a good thirty years of getting with girls like her. Or at the least the hope of doing so. But my sister window was rapidly closing. And once that shut, it was done. Forever. I certainly didn’t want to turn into some fat slob, sitting by a pool on Mars, telling a kid to go fuck his sister or he’d regret it.

“Another cerveza, amigo?” Miguel asked. I hadn’t even realized I had finished my first one. I ordered a second, thanked the old guys for (unintentionally) clarifying things for me, and swam back over to my family.

“Thanks for grabbing me one,” Katie said, nodding at my beer.

“Yeah bro, me too,” Brian was back to using his “deep voice”.

“Saw you horndogs creeping on the other poor guests earlier,” Katie started laughing. I made an “I told you so” look at Brian.

“You can be my wing-man, Katie,” Brian said. “Cause, Drew’s a pussy.”

I smirked and rolled my eyes. God, was I glad to have grown out of the stage of life where you’re constantly acting like a hard-ass to impress girls.

“How bout I make it easier on ya, Bri,” Katie paused and nodded at Brian’s baggy swimsuit and chain. “Cause you’re a bit of a lost cause right now,”

“Am not!”

“It’s okay though! You should’ve seen Drew at 14!” Katie giggled.

“YOU barely saw me at 14,” I said. “Couple times a year, MAYBE.”

“That was enough.”

“Well, how are you gonna make it easier on me then? What’s the trick?” Brian asked, eagerly.

“Ya see her over there?” Katie muttered under her breath, turning her head towards Maddy, who had her back turned.


“Quiet….See the strings on her bikini?”

“Yeah!” Brian squeaked, not any quieter.

“All it takes is one pull….and you’ll see your first pair of BOOBS,”

“I saw Alex’s,” Brian corrected.

“and you’ll see your SECOND pair of boobs.”

I looked at Katie. Seriously? But I wasn’t going to interfere. I was curious to how this would play out.

“But I’ll get busted on the first day of vacation,” Brian said.

“Pussy” I stooped back down to his level. He flicked me off.

“It’s Mexico Bri! Tits are legal down here. I’ll take the blame off your shoulders,” Katie said, wickedly.



While Brian was clearly desperate to see some boobs, he also wanted the approval of Katie. I could tell he was gonna go for it. He swam over to Maddy and tread water.

“Just one, little, string….” Katie whispered.

The Cheshire grin on Brian’s face couldn’t be spread any wider. He also couldn’t be any more obvious. He at least waited for Maddy to swim around an edge over near a faux-waterfall. She would be out of sight from most of the sunbathers, including our family.

He crept up to her, reached out his thumb and index finger, and pinched a neck string of her bikini top.

“Ahh ahh ahh!” Maddy caught on to what he was doing and spun around swiftly. Her spin did cause Brian to pull her knot loose, but she gathered the top of the material before her breasts spilled out. “Bad Brian!” Maddy laughed it off and kicked away from the little hellion. She nonchalantly tied her strings back together.

“Katie told me too!” Brian instantly ratted out his older cousin. Both he and Maddy looked over at Katie.

“Snitches get stitches,” she said, with sarcastic menace.

“Well, that’s enough swimming near you two,” Maddy said. She dipped down under the water one more time and emerged to the surface back over near our mom. She got out, relaxed back down in her chair, and pulled out a novel.

“Very smooooooth, Bri,” Katie muttered.

“It was your idea!”

“I mean yeah, but ya gotta pick the right moment.”

“We can try to get her again, right?” Brian said hopefully.

“I don’t know, she’s gonna be more alert now.”

Brian turned toward his younger brothers. “You guys should’ve distracted her! Why didn’t you help me!?” He took his frustrations out.

“I didn’t even know what was happening,” Phil said.

By the end of afternoon, the boys, being too cool to reapply sunscreen, were turning pink, signaling it was time to pack up. We showered, and decided that tonight would be a chill evening, no fancy restaurants. Katie threw on some jean shorts and tank, and Maddy wore a loose skirt. They both were already developing some nice color.

We walked across the street to a local bar and ordered up some tacos. My mom and sisters began digging for the details on Emily, and her and Jim’s engagement.

It turns out Emily works as a physical therapist, and she met Jim when he was rehabbing a shoulder injury last summer. While I thought about doing it, Katie actually came out and joked about inappropriate relationships with patients. But she did it tactfully, and Emily didn’t seem the slightest bit offended. I’m sure if I said it, I would’ve heard crickets.

But this confirmed that the two had been dating for some time prior to our Thanksgiving get together. The girls of course had to grill Jim on that.

“Awww C’mon!” He laughed. “With Nance and all her nonsense!? Had to make sure Emily said ‘yes’ before I brought her into all that.”

“I really wanted to come!” Emily said. “But I got where he was coming from. Had I known he was gonna propose so soon afterward, I would’ve insisted!”

“Yeahhhh don’t worry, you just missed a few Aunt Nancy explosions, not much else,” Katie said.

“What’re you talking about not much else,” Adam began. “How bout when Alex was naked in front of everyone!?” Brian gave him an elbow nudge.

Most of us went silent for a bit, not knowing what to say. Jim, who had had multiple tequila shots by know started laughing.

A cautious smirk arose on Emily’s face. “Who’s Alex?”

“Our cousin,” Maddy explained. “She had a…wardrobe malfunction in front of us during a storm. I felt so bad for her!”

“Oh, that poor thing, I would’ve died!”

“Awww, I don’t know about that!” Jim slurred with a mischievous grin. Emily rolled her eyes and nodded her head.

“Oh my gosh, be quiet!” She said.

“What are you referring to, Jim?” You could always count on Katie to ask the desired questions.

“Nothing!” Emily said, blushing a bit.

“You see, when Emily was a young gal,”

“Ohmigod!” Emily was now as red as the sun-burnt boys. She put her hand over her face. “Not around the boys, Jim!” She pleaded.

Jim looked at his sons and pondered. “Make yourselves scarce guys, here, take this,” he whipped out a crisp $20 bill, “and go play some arcade games.”

“No way!” Brian argued. “We wanna hear!”

“Yeah, c’mon dad, just tell us!” Phillip agreed. Adam looked as if he wanted to go play, but he wasn’t about to go against his older brothers.

Emily shook her head at Jim and he got the message. “Alright, it’ll have to wait for another time,” he sighed.

“Boooo!” Katie and Maddy jeered.

I was disappointed as well, but figure we’d get the story eventually.

The rest of the night’s conversation steered back toward more appropriate topics. Once our stomachs were filled, we walked back to our resort. Mom, and Uncle Jim and his family packed it in early. Katie, Maddy, and I stayed out for a night cap.

We sat on the outside portion of an indoor-outdoor bar and listened to the waves crash in.

“So, this is what you’re leaving us for, huh Mads?” Katie said, sipping on a paloma.

“Not quite this level of paradise,” Maddy gave a short response, while staring at her own drink. “Do we really wanna talk about this now?”

“No, you’re right. But whatever happens, let’s make a deal to take AT LEAST one trip like this every year,”

“Deal! Drew?”

“Of course,” I said. I looked across the bar and noticed the girl who had caught my eye at the pool earlier that day. She was sitting with a couple of her friends, or, possibly family. She saw me looking, and flashed a smile. I never really know how to respond to a hot stranger smiling at me, so my response always comes as a forced, awkward smirk. My sisters noticed the interaction.

“Ooooh what’s going on there, Drew?” Katie questioned.

“Yeah, I saw that too,” Maddy looked at me.

“Nothing,” I chuckled. “Just a girl Brian was trying to get me to hit on earlier.”

“Huh. Gotta say, not bad taste for an 8th grader.” Maddy said. “She definitely looks like your type!”

“What?” I was perplexed. “Didn’t even know I had a ‘type’.”

“Oh, you definitely have a type, dude,” Katie began. “Dark features, non-white. You’re a sucker for the ‘island girl’ look….like Kelly,” I could hear the classic Katie jealousy creeping into her voice.

“And Ara,” Maddy said.

“Ara?” While I did find Ara attractive, we didn’t have that much interaction together.

“Yeah! I saw you two vibing during our trip.”

“I’ll give you guys Kelly, that’s obvious. But I don’t remember much going on between Ara and I.”

“So, you don’t think she’s cute?” Katie asked.

“I mean…yeah, but that’s a different - "

“Ha! See! She thinks you’re cute too,” Maddy said.

Well, that’s nice to know

“Uggggh, Mads. Why would you tell him that? Just gonna inflate that ego more than it already is,” said Katie.

“I think they’d be cute together!”

“Eh, think Kelly’s a better match. Well anyway, our point’s made. THAT girl,” Katie pointed over at the girl from the pool. “Is definitely your type. You should go talk to her.”

“Yeah, Drew. Let’s see your game! But first I gotta go to the bathroom,” Maddy got up, patted me on my back, and walked to the restroom.

Katie and I stared at each other in silence for a bit.

“You really want me to try and hook up with that girl?” I finally asked.

She held my stare, but dug her tongue into her cheek as she pondered her response. “No,” she eventually said.

“That’s what I thought,” I said, probably too smugly. “How about Kelly?”

“What about her?”

“Do you want me to hook up with her?” I already knew the answer, of course. But my ego wanted to hear Katie say it.

“No…I don’t.” Katie struggled. “Is that bad to say? I know she’s my best friend and I really do think you guys would be good together. But deep down, I….” Her voice trailed off.

“You what?”

I want - “

“What’d I miss?! Did Drew make his move yet?” Maddy returned. Fuck…I’d never been so unhappy to see her. Was Katie about to say what I think she was?

“Nah, he pussed. Think she’s already lost interest over there,” Katie stood up. “Now I gotta go.”

Once she was out of sight, I figured I’d try the same game with my other sister.

“You really want me to go hang out with that girl?”

“Do YOU want to?”

Well shit. She turned it on me. And I was used to Katie being the most clever amongst us.

“Well, if I wanted to, I supposed I’d have done so by now,” I replied.

“Would you have?” She said, plainly.

“I errr….” I stammered as I tried to figure out what she meant. “I mean I’ve never had issues going after girls I’m interested in.”

“Uhh huhh.”

What did that mean?

“Drew, you know why Stanford was my ‘dream school’?”

“I don’t know…good education, beautiful location, hot coeds. I could name off a million reasons.”

“Yeah…all that stuff is great…” She began. “But I really just wanted to try the west coast out…cause you were there.”

“Me?” I gulped on my drink. “But we barely saw each other when I was out there.”

“I know. But everything I heard about your life over there, and then when I DID get to see you…everything seemed so much fun. And free. And adventurous…I thought of what it would be like to go to school out there and have you nearby. But now you’re here.” Her icy blue eyes cut through me. “And I’ve created this ‘image’ where Stanford is my dream school, and everyone wants me to go there, and it’s ‘all I’ve talked about’ for these past few years. But the real reason I wanted to go in the first place isn’t there anymore.” She held her stare, not blinking.

If this was…not my sister, it would have been the perfect time to take a shot.

Katie returned.

“What’s up with you two?” She said. “Both got this glossy look on your faces.” We shrugged. “Welp, I see Drew’s not going to make a move anytime fast, so I’m gonna head up to bed.”

“Yeah, I’m spent too, you coming Drew?”

I looked down at the full beer the bartender had just poured me. I didn’t feel like chugging it. “You guys go on. I’ll be up once I finish.”

“You sure? We can wait for you?” Katie asked.

“Nah, yeah, I’m good.”

“Suit yourself.” My sisters got up and waltzed over to the elevators. They got in and Maddy relaxed right up near the glass. As the elevator rose, she waved down at me from above. I lifted my beer up to salute. Katie snuck up behind Maddy with a grin on her face. She grabbed her sister’s skirt and lifted it up. My eyes lit up for a second, until I saw Maddy was wearing tight shorts on underneath. She swatted at her older sister, but laughed it off. Some of the resort guests witnessed the prank. The men chuckled; the women shook their heads in disapproval. A few of them looked in my direction, piecing together that the girls were with me. I ignored them and went back to finishing my drink.

Once I was done, I tipped the bartender and walked over to the elevator. The pool girl was standing nearby. Alone. Her chocolate eyes met mine.

“…Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” she smiled.

“I uhhhhh, saw you at the pool earlier,” I blurted out, stupidly.

“Oh, yeah? I don’t remember seeing you.”

Yes, you do. Why do girls always have to do this shit?

“I’m Drew,” I decided not to engage with her stupid game.

“Nina. So, where’d those girls you were with head off to?”

“Ahh, just back to our room. We had a long day.”

“You just get here?”

“Round noon, yeah.”

“Cool, I got here yesterday. Who’d you come down here with?”

“My uhhh…family and friends.” I don’t know why I added the “friends” part. Maybe because I didn’t want this girl calling me out for seemingly flirting with my family earlier.


“Nah. You? Err, boyfriend, I mean? Or girlfriend! Not to assume,” man, I normally wasn’t this awkward.

“No,” Nina laughed. “It’d be boyfriend, by the way.”

“Right on,” I tried to be a bit smoother. “Well, I’m pretty beat from a long day, maybe I’ll see ya around the pool tomorrow?”

“Maybe. Nice to meet you, Drew.”
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

I woke up late the next morning and headed down for breakfast. Most my family had already ate. They were getting ready for a day at the beach. I scarfed down some eggs and caught up with them. We headed down past the pool. I was on lookout for Nina, but didn’t see her around.

“Looking for your crush?” Katie said. “Let it go, Drew. She’s gone.” A fake, overly sad expression arose on her face.

“Yeah, he pussed out with a girl yesterday!” Brian said. His parents were out of hearing range.

“I heard,” Katie said.

“I actually caught up with her while you guys were all in bed,” I said with pride.

“Bull!” Brian spat.

“Her name’s Nina. She’ll be here as long as we are. Plenty of time for me,”

Katie gave me a side-eyed expression. “I don’t buy it.”

“Well, you guys don’t have to. But today, it’s your turn. I’m finding both of you someone to hit on,” I said.

“Please,” Katie started. “You really think I’d even have to try? Look at all these thirsty mo-fos out here creeping on us,”

I caught Brian being one of them, looking his cousin up and down in her bikini.

“Alright, well you’re not off the hook, Bri. Let’s see if you can back up all that talking that you do.”

“Psssh, I’ll be kissing half these hunnies out here by the end of the week.”

“Ugggh. Never say the word ‘hunnies’ again Brian. It’s gross,” Katie said.

“Sorry,” he said guiltily, though, with a grin on his face.

“It’s okay, you’re young. But if you don’t watch it, you’re gonna end up on the same road as one of Drew’s douchebag friends.”

Former friends,” I corrected.

“You and Kyle aren’t friends anymore?” Maddy interjected. “What happened?”

“Uhh,” I paused to think, “we’re still friends, I guess. He’s just…well…a douchebag haha. It can get annoying. He’s alright when no girls are around.”

We picked out a spot on the beach and laid out our towels. The boys and I started tossing a football around, while the girls sunned themselves. Once they turned on their stomachs, they untied their tops. Brian and Phillip noticed instantly and suddenly there became quite a few “overthrows” landing near my sisters. Every time they did it, they would burst into a concealed, immature laughter.

“We know what you’re doing, Brian!” Katie called out after the 4th time.

“Not gonna work!” Maddy said.

I bent over and picked up the ball. When I turned to throw it back to the boys, I noticed what looked to be a cute girl around Brian’s age. Maybe a year or two older. She was walking along the beach with a little boy, probably her younger brother. My turn I thought. I reared back and launched the ball well past the boy’s reach and they turned to chase it down. The ball landed right near the girl’s feet. Perfect.

She picked it up and gave Brian a smile. He didn’t appear to say anything. She tossed him the ball and he dropped it. I began chuckling to myself. Little fucker talked so much trash. The girl gave him another smile and then continued on her walk. Brian watched her go. After about 15 feet, she turned around and looked at him. He saw her, but still did nothing. She gave up, and walked away for good.

“Bahahaha!” I cackled.

“What happened?!” Maddy sat up, holding her top with her hands.

“Hotshot over there blew it,” I said, loud enough for the boys to hear me.

“Didn’t blow anything! Except your mom!”

“That’s your aunt, dipshit,” I said.

“Oh. Yeah,” his guilty grin reappeared. “Dude, she had a lot of acne, I can do better.”

“No, she didn’t!” Phillip said. “She was hot!”

“Shut up, Phil!” Brian shoved his younger brother, who went quiet.

“Hot or not, that was bad, man,” I laughed. “Even dropping her pass!”

“Her ugliness distracted me!” He whined.

“Oh jeeze, it’s ALWAYS the girls’ fault,” Katie had rolled over. “You really are turning into Drew’s friend!”

“Nuh uh,” Brian looked at the sand for a bit, before looking back up at Katie. She kept her doe eyes locked on him and it was too much. “Okay, fine,” he began in an ashamed tone, “next one, I’ll talk to. Even if she’s not hot.”

“Sure ya will,” I said.

Alas, Brian never got another chance that day. While plenty of other girls came by, none were close to his age range. We spent the next few hours in the water, playing around with some skim boards the boys had brought. Katie and Maddy joined us, and surprised us by how good they were. Guess their ski skills translated.

“Alright, that’s enough sun for one day,” Katie said after a while. “I’m gonna head up and get ready for dinner.”

“Sounds good, I’ll follow after a bit,” Maddy said.

Katie gathered her belongings and walked back to the resort as the rest of us continued playing on the beach.

“Hey, you guys wanna help me get Katie back?” Maddy said, once our older sister was gone. The boys perked up. I was also intrigued, but didn’t say anything. “C’mon Drew! She deserves it. Keeps trying to mess with me and thinks I’ll never try to get revenge. She won’t be expecting anything!”

“I’m down.”

“Nice!” Brian exclaimed. We looked at him. “We can come too, right?”

“Of course, Bri!” Maddy answered. “The more the merrier.”

The adults were busy reading and relaxing on the beach and so the boys, Maddy, and myself were able sneak away pretty easily. We walked briskly back to the elevators and piled on in hushed excitement. We got off on our floor and tiptoed down the hallway to our suite.

“Shhhh!” Maddy mouthed, as she slid the key card over the fob. The green light flashed and she slowly opened the door. She held a hand up, directing us to hold on. We remained in the doorway while she walked over and checked the bathroom. She hurriedly waved us over. Brian took out his phone. Maddy looked at him sternly, but then gave me a grin and shrugged her shoulders at me, as if to say, why not? “Okay, we’ll open the door quietly. Don’t wanna ruin the surprise.”

But Brian couldn’t wait any longer. He pushed open the bathroom door and barged in. The water was on, and the shower curtain drawn.

“Hello?” Katie’s voice came from behind the curtain. “Maddy?”

“Hey Katie,” I said.

“Drew?....Whaaaaat are you doing?”

“Oh, just wanted come see ya.”

“Oh…uhhh, okay…”

“But I brought some friends with me!” I said quickly, before Katie revealed too much of our relationship.


“Sup Katie!” Brian said. He had his phone out, and had started to film.

“Hey Cuz!” Phillip said. We could make out Katie’s dark silhouette behind the curtain.

“You guys! Get out of here!” Katie said. “Drew, what the fuck?!”

“Hi Katie!” Maddy announced herself. “We ended up finding Brian a target after all!...You!”

“You guys, stop! I swear!”

I was inches away from the shower. I reached out my hands and clutched on to the curtain.

“Drew DON’T!”

“VENI VIDI VICI!” I cried, as I yanked the curtain to the side, baring my butt naked sister!

“DREW!” Katie squealed my name as she was exposed. Both her arms were clutched up against her tits, her hands at her face and fingers rubbing her eyes. The soapy water splashed down from her dark hair to her tanned, nude body. “Get out! There’s soap in my eyes!”

“See, that’s just…perfect,” Brian exclaimed with glee as his camera captured a high-res view of his cousin’s razored smooth vagina.

And he wasn’t lying. Wet and soapy, tan-lined and pubeless. Hot little slit right down the middle with tight lips completely displayed. But I wasn’t about to go voicing approval of my sister’s flawless genitals. I’d leave that to my hormone raged cousins.

“Ohmigod!” Katie screamed when she saw Brian’s phone and where it was recording. She initially tried to hunch over but soon understood that was pointless. She 180ed and showed us all her bare ass. Her sharp tan-lines gave it a cute “cotton tail” appearance.

“You gotta pull your bikini down tomorrow, Katie. Get some sun on that butt!” Brian said.

“Fuck off! GET OUT!”

“After this!” Phillip reached into the shower and turned the faucet knob all the way to the right.

“AHHHHHHHHH!” Katie let out a blood curling scream as the icy water met her skin. She jumped, turned, and shuffled to the far end of the tub. I pulled the curtain further to ensure she remained on show. While trying to avoid the cold, her slippery tits bounced free of her arms and we got some brief nipple shots before she regained control of her jubblies. But she continued to neglect her snatch and we all welcomed its encore performance.

“Whooooh! Look at that!” Brian howled. I saw his camera had a head-to-toe view of Katie and her exposed pussy. Even Maddy was enjoying the sights, blushing and giggling as she did so. Once Katie blinked the water from her eyes, she dropped a hand to shyly hide her kitty. She squished her boobs tight against her chest with her other arm and a lot of flesh spilled out, though, no more nip slips.

I don’t think any of had any intention of leaving, but nothing lasts forever. Maddy heard the unmistakable sound of Jim’s voice walking down the hallway.

“Crap! Everyone out!” She instantly shifted to a serious tone and rushed us all out of the bathroom over to the TV area.

“Shitheads!” Katie cried out in a muted manner as I swung the bathroom door shut.

I jumped onto the couch and just barely got the TV turned on when my mom entered the suite.

“Oh, there you guys are, we didn’t realize your already came up,”

“Yeah, needed to get out of the sun,” Maddy said. “And figured we should probably start getting ready for dinner since Katie and I take longer than the boys.”

Speaking of the boys, all three of their faces were beet red. But I doubt that was merely the sun. Mom looked at them with sympathy.

“Yeah, you guys did get a little too much sun today. I have some aloe if you want some?”

“I don’t need that,” Brian said.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Phillip said. Adam obviously agreed with them.

After about 10 minutes, Katie emerged into the room, dressed in a t-shirt and cotton shorts. Her hair remained wet. We all stared at her, attempting to hide our smirks.

“Quit looking at me like that, creepers,” she said.

“Like what?” Phillip laughed.

“Like you’ve seen me naked!” She muttered. We all sat in silence on the couch for a bit, but the boys burst into snickers once Mom had entered her room. “Uggggghh,” Katie groaned. “Y’all better watch your backs…” she warned.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Mick Gesitt »

Oh Drew, it's adorable that he still has hope.

It's not a matter of IF he'll be cock blocked while going after Nina it's a matter of who and when.

Glad to see this is back.

I guess part of the fantasy is the cast being able to go on all these expensive vacations.
-Mick Gesitt of the Mountain
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by CursedSavinkov »

Goddamn I had almost given up hope and then I come back to a veritable wall of updates, this made my day. Once I finish work I’ll read em, can’t wait!
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Rawr112 »

Man this story is the shit……

Edit: updated as I missed a word 😊
Last edited by Rawr112 on Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Executionus »

Rawr112 wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 12:04 am Man this story is shit……
It's pretty sad that your entire post history is just shit-talking writers.

It's also sad that you are so hilariously, objectively incorrect seeing as how this story has amassed 242 separate thanks (and still counting). It might have the highest single-story thank count in the entire board.
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