New dares for the dice dare series

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New dares for the dice dare series

Post by SDS »

I had some good feedback from others about my recent RNG story: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1611 It was suggested that some more variety in the dares would have been nice espesially in the dual dares. So I wanted to open it up to the public for ideas to help fill in the below gaps. We can tweak them around so they should be the lower the card the easier the dare. It's also supposed to be a naughty game for teens not an adult sex game so nothing too far that way :D

This is not a promis of a sequal but I might use this one day haha!

The Dare:

A - Skip the dare
2 - Nothing (Other than undress per the second card)
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
J -
Q -
K - Winner's Choice
Joker - Winner's Choice + Second dare! (the higher clothes card drawn is kept for both dares)


A - Skip dare
2 - Fully clothed
3 - barefoot
4 - Underwear showing
5 - Top lifted up
6 - Skirt/trousers around ankles
7 - Skirt/trousers off
8 - Top off
9 - Mooning
10 - Underwear + Bra/vest only
J - Topless
Q - Underwear only
K- Naked
Joker - Naked + Second dare! (Naked for the second dare too)

Dual Dares

A - Skip dare
2 - Both players hug - (Both Draw undress card)
3 -
4 -
5 - Both players kiss on lips (Both Draw undress card)
6 -
7 -
8 - Both players passionately kiss - (Both Draw undress card)
9 -
10 -
J -
Q -
K - Both players must do a dare of the group's choice - (Both Draw undress card)
Joker - Both players must a dare of the group's choice + draw another dare - (Both Draw undress card)
Moderator - So behave!

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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by Executionus »

Well I mentioned three dual dare ideas in the other thread quickly, but I'll kinda expand on them here. I feel that overall the dual dares should almost always center around direct contact or interaction between the two players, making them a far more intimate experience than the singles dares.

3 - Both players cuddle sitting next to each other, arms around each other, for 1 minute - (Both Draw undress card)

For teenagers, sustained romantic contact like that would be a rush of nerves the entire time, especially in a boy/girl cuddle and double-especially if it was mostly skin contact. It would also be quite embarrassing as the other two players were watching and teasing them. Of course, there's also the potential of one person trying to embarrass the other by making it as intimate as possible (or letting hands roam). All-in-all a fun dare that is tame enough for the players to not quit out.

J - Both Draw undress card. Whichever player drew the higher card must give a lap dance to the other (to sexy music) for 1 minute.

Quite an extreme dare, but one that they just might be willing to go through with. Almost certainly they wouldn't be grinding against laps or anything that extreme, but it would be quite the show for everyone watching to see two of the players face to face, one of them deliberately moving their hips and torsos in a sexual manor inches above the lap of their partner while the other two are watching from the sidelines.

Q - Both players get into a scissor position with their groins touching and hold it there for 1 minute - (Both Draw undress card)

This level of dare fits the queen spot. This is a very intense level of intimate sexual contact even while fully clothed. Any players drawing this dare are going to have massive second thoughts and consider taking a penalty, but at the same time they will understand the high risk of making that decision. If they go through with it, they likely would directly feel the physical arousal of their partner and vice versa.

Another idea I had would fit for 7

7 - Both Draw undress card. Both players then remove the stripped items from the other player instead of stripping themselves.

I don't want to just fill up the entire thing myself, but those were some that I thought up. The other game had a "both players switch all clothes" dare that never got used which should absolutely be kept though. There is a world of possibilities for that, especially with wildly-different body sizes.
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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

Not technically a dare in itself, but I’m sure you could find a way to make the suits of the cards have some effect on the dares/going first (time; increased penalty for non-completion; more chances for the other players to add extras to the dares; etc./priority as in bridge?).

And, as a dare, possibly the return of hide-and-seek clothes from the OG games? Perhaps for 8&9? (It makes sense to keep them as adjacent numbers as they’re quite similar.)

And maybe the option to sacrifice an item of clothing for the rest of the game as a penalty to not have to move one less space every turn?

And, for that matter, chance cards feel like a good fit for this game as well. (And possibly even some all-play ones?)
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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by edithdick »

A - Skip dare
2 - Hug a player to your right
3 - Kiss a player to your left
4 - Pass (Choose who draws next)
5 - The player across from you gets to grope you for 1 minute (Their choice where)
6 - Lose one article of clothing for the rest of the game
7 - Run 1 lap around the house topless
8 - Hold this card until someone draws a joker
9 - Run 1 lap around the house bottomless
10 - Underwear only for rest of game
J - Trade clothes with another player (If any player is naked, you must trade with them)
Q - Naked for 1 turn
K - Naked for 4 turns
Joker - Free Dare - (If someone has a Hold, then they are the victim, if noone has a hold, then choose your victim & choose a dare for them to complete)

There is 1 scenario where a player ends up naked for the rest of the game. A player draws a 10 and then later draws a 6.

Of course if someone else gets a jack then they trade.
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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

edithdick wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:13 am A - Skip dare
2 - Hug a player to your right
3 - Kiss a player to your left
4 - Pass (Choose who draws next)
5 - The player across from you gets to grope you for 1 minute (Their choice where)
6 - Lose one article of clothing for the rest of the game
7 - Run 1 lap around the house topless
8 - Hold this card until someone draws a joker
9 - Run 1 lap around the house bottomless
10 - Underwear only for rest of game
J - Trade clothes with another player (If any player is naked, you must trade with them)
Q - Naked for 1 turn
K - Naked for 4 turns
Joker - Free Dare - (If someone has a Hold, then they are the victim, if noone has a hold, then choose your victim & choose a dare for them to complete)

There is 1 scenario where a player ends up naked for the rest of the game. A player draws a 10 and then later draws a 6.

Of course if someone else gets a jack then they trade.
All very good ideas, Edith, but there’s just one problem: The clothes level is a separate card, so can’t be specified within the dare itself (so Q and K would just be “stay this dressed at most for 1/4 turn(s)”; 7 and 9 would unite and be just one dare [so one of them would need replacing as their only difference has been removed]; and 10 and 6, while good dares in themselves, would unfortunately need replacing here).

Feel free to make your own story like this, though, if you want!
Last edited by DrWhoFanJ on Sun Apr 10, 2022 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by edithdick »

DrWhoFanJ wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:49 am
All very good ideas, Edith, but there’s just one problem: The clothes level is a separate card, so can’t be specified within the dare itself (so Q and K would just be “stay this dressed at most for 1/4 turn(s)”; 7 and 9 would unite and be just one dare [so one of them would need replacing as their only difference has been removed]; and 10, while a good dare in itself, would unfortunately need replacing here).

Feel free to make your own story like this, though, if you want!
My apologies, I should have read the original story before responding. The list was somewhat inspired by a game of Jenga Truth or Dare we owned when I was younger. ☺️
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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by edithdick »

Worst party game idea of all time. If anyone wants to use this or any variant of it, go ahead, though I’m probably not selling you the idea very well.

Incest Dating Game

The rules are simple, brother and sister teams only. The game consists of a deck of challenge cards and a 6 sided dice.
  • Starting the game
    1. Decide the order of play by having each team roll the dice. Highest roll wins. In the event of a tie, the tying teams will continue to roll until a winner is decided.
    2. Game play proceeds clockwise thereafter.

    Game play
    1. The team whose turn it is will roll the die and draw the top challenge card. The higher the number the more difficult the challenge.
    2. If the team completes the challenge they get the difficulty level added to their points total and then it is the next team’s turn
    2a. Then can one time downgrade their difficulty by 1 point. If they complete that challenge then they get to keep the downgraded points.
    2b. if they cannot complete a challenge, then they are out.
    2c. If all teams are eliminated before reaching 50 points then all teams renter the game.

    Optional rule
    If a team rolls 6 three times is a row, they don’t draw a card, but must have sex to full completion. They may use their one time downgrade to avoid this.
Okay, those are the basic rules. You will still need to decide what the challenges are. Kisses stripping each other etc. incest themed, but really anything embarrassing goes.

In theory, each card would have 6 challenges listed on them. The higher the number, the harder & more humiliating the challenge.

FYI sorry for the excessive posting. This is what happens when I am running on 2 hours of broken sleep over the past 2 days. COVID blows!
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Re: New dares for the dice dare series

Post by DrWhoFanJ »

Returning to this two months later with another thought:

In honour of the ace’s ambiguous status as either high or low, should it not also represent a similarly-variable concept for dares? Namely, it would represent a duplicate of the previous drawn card. (That is, if the card drawn immediately before it, whether as part of the same dare or the last one, were low, the Ace will be safer than if said previous card were high.)

The exception being that, if a player is lucky enough to draw two aces in the same turn, then they can still skip having to do a dare (the function a single ace does in the original).

Does that make sense or I have written that too confusingly again?
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