edithdick wrote: Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:43 am
It was certainly abusive. My only defense is that you inspired me to try to ramp up the tension in the story, and while I was working on that the story sort of took a dark turn.
While I'm glad to be an inspiration, darkness is not the same thing as tension (and can often break the tension). My comment earlier was probably too vague, which is why it got misunderstood. Your issue with tension isn't a lack of severity of content. It's that your stories frequently lose focus during sexy scenes and wind up sidetracked by other stuff. The character's inner monologue is usually distracted, not paying attention to their own nudity at all and being more concerned with everything else going on near them. The sexual tension isn't able to build up.
I'll give an example: In the last part you began a promising scene where Sophie/Annie ran into neighbor boys Annie knew. It started off with Annie remembering the boys and feeling uneasy about it, only for that memory to fade away instantly. More dog stuff happened, until Sophie started being petted all over her body. She even commented that Annie had never been touched like this before and how weird Sophie thought that was. The very next paragraph shifted the focus away from the touching, so it didn't get any chance to stay center stage for long. The sexy concepts are accompanied by unsexy clueless dog parts at an almost 1 to 1 ratio. This overall pattern kinda repeats for the entire arc of the neighbor boys.
If you're wanting to enhance tension in a story, you'll want to stay locked on a particular feeling (usually shame, nervousness, or embarrassment in this community) and shift around more slowly. It's also best if the character being humiliated actually experiences shame in their thoughts during their big moments instead of being more concerned with "being good" or getting a job. To build tension you have to portray the character as being stressed out and/or nervous about their situation, because you're trying to lock onto an adrenalin high for both them and the audience. I often describe my own style as being a hybrid of snuff and ENF porn, with the stripped character frantically acting as if they are about to literally die from shame. Other authors have different styles for that, so you can look over some of the greats. A top king of raw sexual tension would be CaughtofLore who has a new story on here now, so checking through that can give you some pointers.
You have a good talent for details and creative plots, so with some practice you'll figure out a good style to use for tension building as well.