salen wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:11 pm
Usually I don't care for retellings from an alternative perspective, especially if we started with the girl's perspective, but this one works really well.
Thanks for the encouragement. I normally wouldn’t like this either, but I needed to set up the rest of the story and this seemed the easiest way. I tried to present his POV by mostly focusing on the parts of the day that she skipped over.
I don’t plan on doing that again, so everything else we learn about Craig will be as told by Annie.
As I am writing out the conclusion to this story, it is about to take a very dark detour. No spoilers, just a question about tagging. Is there a list of different tags for various extreme posts? I do not really know what category this story would be considered, but if there is a list then maybe I can find something appropriate in that list. Otherwise, I will simply write out a clearly worded disclaimer when I get to part 3.
I'm enjoying the story and the additional explanations as well. The medical world and the brain is so complicated, and you're making it easy to read. It's a different story from the others I've read, in other words it's pleasantly interesting.
I stood in the water watching Craig walk back to where his friends were waiting. What am I going to do? I wondered. I mean, I have no way to get home at the moment, and I’ve been running around all day butt naked! Nobody even said anything to me!
Waves continued to push me toward the shoreline, and I kept getting exposed. I would move back into the deeper water, only to be pushed forward again. Some wolf-whistles alerted me to the fact that a small crowd of boys were gathered at the edge of the water staring at me. Humiliation is a strange sensation. My face felt hot from blushing, but my body was shivering from fear.
I moved back a little deeper so I could get covered again. Those boys, well a couple of them looked like they were in their 30’s! They kept watching to see when I would emerge and give them a show. Frantically, I looked around, but Craig and his friends were no longer in sight. Fuck!
I swam up the beach about 50’ or so before turning back toward shore. Only a few of the younger boys had followed along with me. There wasn’t much I could do about that. I walked on an angle, trying to make a way around them, but they kept walking ahead watching me the whole time. Their whistles turned to cheers as I came out of the water. They weren’t exactly blocking me from passing, but I would have to walk in between them in order to get by.
They moved slightly closer together as I approached, but there was still a space for me to squeeze between. I ended up having to turn sideways as I slipped between two guys who looked about my age. My right breast actually touched the chest of the one in front of me, which he commented on by saying, “Nice!”
The guy behind me goosed my ass. I reacted with a hard smack across his cheek. It was one motion, I didn’t want to stop and make a deal about it. As I walked away, they didn’t seem to be following me. I did here a couple of their comments though. One guy yelled out, “Can I have some fries with that milk shake?” I assumed that was the one who touched my breast. Another yelled, “Damn, how are we supposed to get that smell off of all these fish?”
They all laughed, but I was too scared to go back and scold them for being assholes. Besides, there were a lot of other people on the beach. Some of them had taken notice of me, and I realized that several other men were now following me. I headed toward the boardwalk. That was the direction I though I saw Craig and his friends headed.
My ‘admirers’ were closing in on me, and so I quickened my pace. There were three of them who sped up when I did, so I began jogging. I had to get away and I wasn’t exactly sure where my brother and his friends had gotten to. Ahead, the boardwalk led to a sidewalk when turned into a town. I had been here before and knew that once I got to the sidewalk, it would lead to a strip of shops and restaurants. Jimmy had said they were headed to eat some lunch, so everyone must be in one of those. My pursuers were no longer gaining, but they weren’t falling behind either. A lot of other people took time to point out how bouncy my boobs are when I run. I felt another blush coming on, as I all but knocked down an 8-year-old boy when I sped past him. I heard his mom yell a profanity at me, but I didn’t have time to apologize.
The little kids along the way always made sure to yell out, “Mommy she’s naked!” as I ran past. That ensured that everyone on the beach was alerted to my presence and all eyes stayed on my naked body. The guys who were chasing me kept calling out for me to slow down, that they just wanted to talk. I was not ready for any conversation with some freaks who would chase a naked girl down a beach.
The WERE getting closer. I could hear their footsteps behind me. I was rapidly approaching an intersection and the light was red in front of me. Cars were streaming past. I thought I remembered a Pizza place we used to go to when we were kids, but it was on the other side of the intersection and I would have to wait for the light to change in order to cross.
As I approached the intersection, I realized that there was no way to get past it so I made a hard right instead. I made the turn at full speed and ran right into a shirtless man. His chest was broad and he was tall. He wrapped his arms around me and I began screaming. I tried biting him and I heard him yell out, “Ouch Annie, that hurts!”
I looked up. Craig cradled me in his arms. My legs started to give way and he held me on my feet. “What is wrong with you? You’re trembling.” Craig said softly.
I looked around, the three guys who had been chasing me ran past us when they saw me in Craig’s arms. He was bigger than all of them. “Where did you go?” I cried. I was so scared. “Why did you leave me alone like that?”
“You asked me to go, remember?” He said defensively. I did remember, and I didn’t ask. I screamed at him to leave me alone. I mean, who wants their brother talking to them when they’re naked? Just the same, I made sure to hold tightly onto his arm while we walked to the restaurant.
As we walked, I could feel the eyes of all the people we passed. Men and boys were all staring openly, gaping mouths and not one of them said a thing while I held tightly to Craig’s massive arm. Women’s reactions varied from open support to hostility. The latter actively mocked me as I passed. I wasn’t offended at being called slut by a bunch of old ladies who probably graduated high school before I was even born. I was just glad my brother was there to keep the pervs away.
We got to the restaurant after a few minutes. The table that they had selected was a corner booth deep inside the restaurant. I suspected that Craig had asked for this table specifically. Normally he insists in sitting outside in the sun.
Jimmy and Scott were chatting and laughing about something didn’t hear, they didn’t noticed us until I had already slit into a seat and scooted in close enough that my boobs were now safely blocked from view by the table. Craig slid in next to me, which effectively blocked anybody walking past us from getting a clear look at how I was dressed, or undressed as it so happened. I played it off like I wouldn’t notice, and I wasn’t about to bring it up. But my big brother was protecting me and I loved him so much for it.
At this point, with me at least mostly covered, I finally had a chance to exhale. Not literally, but I was so stressed since I had stepped back onto the beach. I hoped nobody noticed that I had been crying just a few minutes before. If they did, they didn’t mention it at least.
Craig had order food for the two of us before he came to find me. Once it arrived, the four of us ate our lunch and continued talking. It was just burgers and fries, but I don’t think I have ever tasted anything so sweet and delicious as this burger. I had skipped breakfast, not knowing I would be heading out for the entire day. All of that volleyball took up most of my stored energy. Plus worry over being raped or worse also left me feeling quite empty inside.
If I wasn’t so hungry I would have ate slower. The problem was, once the food was all gone, it was time for us to go. Everyone else was getting up to leave, but I waited, trying to come up with some way to stall the inevitable. If I had my way, we would have stayed in that booth until nightfall and then taken the ferry home under the cover of darkness.
“Craig.” I said, formulating my plan as I spoke.
“What’s up sis?” He said, already standing and looking anxious to start the hike around the island.
“Can I borrow your phone?” I asked, carefully.
“What’s wrong with…” He started before remembering that I had carried it with me into the ocean. “Oh, that’s right. I guess.”
Craig unlocked his phone and handed it to me. “Thanks!” I said as I quickly popped out of the booth and sprinted into the lady’s restroom. Before the door closed, I heard him yell, “Don’t drop it in the toilet!” and for some reason Jimmy and Scott laughed. Did he seriously tell them? Jerk!
There were three women in the restroom all standing at the sink, taking with each other as I walked in. I headed straight into the first stall and closed the door.
“What did I just see?” One of them asked. “What?” another replied.
“A naked girl just ran into that stall.” She said. “Miss, are you okay?” the last was almost certainly directed at me. I tried not to answer, but when they persisted, I only said, “Occupied.”
They were still talking about me, but I was focused on my task. Fortunately, I kept Dr. Bough’s business card in my purse. I kept my thumb moving on Craig’s phone so it didn’t lock itself while I searched with my other hand. I dialed as soon as I found it.
“Hello, this is Dr. Bough.” She answered.
“Hi Dr. Bough, this is Annie.” I said.
“Did you get a new number?” She asked.
“No, this is my brother’s phone. Mine died, so I needed to borrow his.” I said sullenly.
“Annie, did you make it home okay?” She asked.
“Home, I wish!” I said. “No, we are still on Catalina until tonight.”
“What? Ah.. why…” she began, trying to find the right question. “What did your brother say when you told him?”
“I didn’t… that is, I didn’t tell him that you took me out of my hypnosis.” I whispered. Those women were still out there and I didn’t want them to hear was I was about to ask.
“Why not, Annie. I’m sure he would take you home, or at least help you find something to wear.” She said.
“I can’t.” I told her. “If Craig knew that I knew he had brought me here naked like this… I don’t know if he would ever look me in the eye again.”
I don’t know if any of that made sense to her, but she didn’t press further. Instead she asked, “What can I do for you then?”
“Can you change me back?” I asked, hopefully.
“Change you back? You mean so you don’t know you are naked?” She asked.
“Yes, that exactly. If I have to be here, I want it to be like it was this morning.” I told her.
“I’m sorry, but it doesn’t work that way.” She said sadly. “At least not the way you are hoping for.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, I can’t make you forget you are naked. Your eyes clearly work. All I did was convince you that your nudity was normal. You knew you were naked, but you believed that was just how you were supposed to behave.” She explained.
That sounded right. When I first was brought out of my hypnosis, I wasn’t surprised to be naked. I was surprised that I came HERE naked. It was two realities merging, one where naked was normal, and the other where normal was normal. I had stepped from one to the other and experienced a culture shock.
“The problem is that now, especially now, you are too aware on a subconscious level that your being naked outside is absolutely not normal. It would take me weeks or even years to undo the damage that was caused when you were woken from your hypnosis the way you were.” She said. Dr. Bough didn’t sound sad exactly, but concerned.
“Is there ANYTHING you can do to help me get through today?” I asked.
“I ah…” She began and paused for an uncomfortable time. “I’m not sure it would be ethical for me to do anything in this state.” She told me.
“Please! I don’t care what, just make it so I don’t have to feel like a freak the rest of my life!” I told her.
“There is one thing that might help.” She told me. “Let me know when you are ready.”
I knew what that meant. The toilet in the restroom didn’t look very dirty, but just the same, I slid one of the seat liners out of the container and placed it on the seat. I then sat down, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Ready.” I told her, already closing my eyes for the next step.
Dr. Bough walked me through the trance exercise. Since my eyes were always closed when we did this in her office, it really felt about the same sitting her on a public toilet. I let go of all of my emotions, cleared my head and focused on one thing. Then I heard her counting from three backward down to one. Then…
“THREE!” Dr. Bough said. My eyes opened up.
“Wha?” I started. Looking around, I was still clearly naked and that was NOT normal. “Did it work? What did you do?” I asked.
“I couldn’t make you feel like being naked is normal. Not now. But I tried to implant the idea that it is okay.”
“What’s okay?” I asked, unconvinced.
“Everything.” She told me.
“I don’t get it.” I told her.
“The ideas I planted in your head should help you feel more comfortable with reality. You can’t change everything, so you can accept the things you can’t change, right?” She said.
“Like that stupid prayer they say at AA?” I asked.
“Something like that. Instead of altering your perception of reality, I tried to help you accept it. That way you won’t be a nervous wreck the rest of the day. Plus, when you get home you will want to get dressed, so that is a big plus.” She told me.
“I think I understand.” I told her skeptically.
“This type of therapy doesn’t last long.” She said. “Nerves and worries have a way of overwriting this in your head after a while.”
“How long?” I asked.
“It depends on the person and the situation.” She confided.
“So… an hour?” I asked nervously.
“More than that, I’m sure. It could last days in a relatively stress free environment. For your circumstances, it might wear off after 12 hours or so. Tough to say.” She told me.
I thanked her for her help, though I didn’t see it as being helpful, and headed back out to meet Craig and his friends. They were waiting outside of the restaurant.
I handed Craig back his phone, he said, “Took you long enough.” And poked me in the rib, not hard… more like a tickle. I poked him back and swatted his ass. We laughed and headed to the trail.
The walk to the trail took about another 15 to 20 minutes. I remember passing by a number of people, and the occasional car drove by honking its horn. I didn’t really care now. It seemed like Dr. Bough’s treatment might have helped. I still was naked, I still wanted to get dressed. But until I was able to, things would be okay.
It was interesting seeing the guys we passed on the street though. With three huge football players as my escort, men and boys didn’t have the nerve to approach me or even make so much as a wolf whistle. But the expressions on their faces were priceless. I was genuinely being admired. Some of these guys were pretty hot too! And they were excited for a peek at ME. That honestly made me feel kinda good. I even caught my brother checking me out when he thought nobody was looking. Did my brother? OMG, and I can’t even tease him about it!
When we got to the trail, it was generally wide enough for two people to walk side by side, but with people coming down as we were going up, it meant we spent most of the walk single file. Scott was in front, then Craig, then me and finally Jimmy was last. My brother was wide enough that people walking past us on their way down couldn’t see me until the very last second. They would focus on me, their eyes would widen to the size of teacups, but before they could say something to me, they would see my brother and his friends and quickly look away.
After a while, I started to have fun with it. I would step to my brother’s left when I saw people coming so they would have more time to focus on me. Then when they noticed me, I would duck behind my brother and not let them get another glimpse. Or I would ask for a break so we weren’t moving when the people passed by, giving them more time to stare. I tried every scenario I could think of, tease, flirt, hide.
For about a mile, I pretended to be stretching my arms. I pulled my elbows as far back as they could go, which caused my breasts to stand out more firmly. Scott and Jimmy both noticed that one and Craig looked like a deer caught in the headlights, trying to figure out which way to run. Oh, I found a way to tease my brother after all.
“Craig.” I said in a child’s voice.
My brother glanced back at me suspiciously, “What, sis?”
“My legs are tired.” I told him.
“So?” He asked. Too late though, I had already decided what I wanted to do. Bounding forward I yelled, “Piggyback!” as I jumped onto his back.
He had given me piggyback rides since we were little kids. I had done thing exact same maneuver to him multiple times. But this time it looked like he wanted to jump out of his skin. Fortunately, his muscle memory kicked in and he caught me just in time. I clunk to his back with my breasts and bush pressed firmly into him. He had to feel it and it had to drive him nuts!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not into incest, but I will never get this chance again and to me this was so funny! He was awkward around me because I am naked. He can’t say anything to me because he thinks I am hypnotized. Now I can tease the shit out of him and he won’t even know I’m doing it on purpose.
As Craig carried me, my breasts bounced softly against his back. I noticed that my nipples were getting hard. Craig must have noticed it too because he asked if I was cold. That did make me shiver for a second. Suddenly Craig set me down and motioned me to stop.
“Wait here.” He said. “I see some people I know up ahead.”
He said it so casually, like it made sense that he didn’t want to introduce his baby sister to people he knows or something. If I was unaware of my present state, I might have argued, but all things considered I knew that he was going ahead to explain things to whomever it was before they could ask me about it.
“Okay.” I said. “I’m going behind that bush to pee.”
He looked at me weird, I normally don’t pee outside after all. “Nobody look!” I said as I stepped around to the other side of the bush.
I actually did need to pee. It took me a minute to check and make sure there were no snaked or spiders waiting to jump on me when I squatted down. It is an odd feeling peeing outside. Even after walking around naked all day, I just feel so unnatural urinating on the ground. By the time I had finished, I heard my brother and his friends talking with some girls.
I stepped back into view and approached as casually as I could. “Annie, this is Tabitha and Heidi. This is my sister Annie.” Craig said.
“Nice to meet you, Annie.” Tabitha said sweetly.
“Hi.” Heidi said, not so sweetly.
“Hi.” I told them. “I think I’ve see you at school before.”
“Hmpf.” Said Heidi. “I think I would remember seeing you!”
Tabitha elbowed her softly and they both giggled for some reason. At least Tabitha was pretending to be nice to me, but it was pretty clear that they didn’t like me. I didn’t give it much mind, except that they decided they wanted to walk the rest of the way with us.
I kept my distance as best I could. Tabitha was clearly flirting with Craig and Heidi was into Scott. Jimmy took the lead and I went second, followed by Craig, Tabitha, Heidi and Scott. When I would look back, they were occasionally walking side by side, but not always in the same pairing. Sometimes Tabitha would be walking next to Craig talking with Heidi walking next to Scott. Other times Tabitha and Heidi were walking next to each other and Scott and Craig were either ahead of them or behind.
I did my best to ignore what they were saying to one another. Instead, I went back to my game of surprising other hikers. It was still fun to see the expression on their faces. I was starting to get turned on by the whole thing.
I heard Heidi yell out, “Annie, think fast!” I’d seen enough volleyball practices turn into an ad hoc dodgeball game that my reflexes were to duck first and then look. Jimmy, on the other hand saw what was coming a moment too late.
The blur that flashed over my head turned into a snake as it hit Jimmy in the shoulder and bounded off. His own reflexes kicked in and he jumped high and to the left. This was a mistake as the trail had narrowed right there. He slipped and began tumbling head over heels as he quickly descended the steep sandy slope into the bottom of the ravine.
Everyone was shocked at what just happened. After Jimmy finally came to a stop, we watched to see if he was moving. It was about a 60’ drop, mostly sand and small stones along the way with an occasional tree. He didn’t seem to be moving. Craig and Scott jogged ahead while the tree of us kept an eye on Jimmy.
“Who threw it?” I demanded.
“Don’t look at us!” Heidi said coldly. “That thing must have fell out of a tree.”
“Nothing falls sideways!” I said, angrily.
“Wind” Tabitha said.
“He could be really hurt and you two are making jokes!” I scolded.
“The only joke here is you, slut!” Said Heidi.
I was taken aback. I got that some women didn’t like me being naked, but it was explained to them. Why were they such bitches about it? Well Heidi was at least. Maybe Tabitha was being nice to me because she likes my brother, but Heidi… I did my best to block out whatever they were talking about. Though I heard Heidi use the word “fake” a few times during all their ‘jibber-jabber’.
I continued watching Jimmy. Had he rolled over? I couldn’t remember if he was face down or on his back the last time I saw him. Somehow my brother and Scott had found a way to climb down there and were looking at their fallen friend.
After a minute or so, Jimmy was on his feet, but he was standing weird. I saw Scott run off to the left and return after a few minutes. My brother waited with Jimmy and was doing something to his left arm.
I watched them for another 10 minutes before Scott returned. The three of them stood down there talking and I saw my brother head back to the right. I walked up ahead, keeping pace with him down below for about 50 paces. The drop had changed here from sand to rock. I watched as Craig scaled up the side of the cliff. He is an experienced rock climber, though I was quite terrified watching him hanging off the side of this rocky slope without a guide rope or any supports whatsoever.
It took him less than 10 minutes to make it to the top. I didn’t noticed when Tabitha and Heidi had walked up behind me. They couldn’t have been there very long, or I would have heard them talking. It took a few minutes for Craig to catch his breath.
“Is Jimmy okay? I saw him get up, but is he hurt?” I asked, genuinely concerned.
“He’s a bit bruised, but the worst of it is a dislocated shoulder.” Craig explained. “There’s no way for him to make the climb back up here like that.”
“Well you’re not going to try carrying him are you?” I asked, incredulously.
Craig looked at me like I was an idiot. “No way we could carry his dumb ass up that cliff! Scott found a way back to the path that doesn’t require climbing. It should actually put us back near the beginning of the hike.”
“So we’ll meet them there?” I asked. It didn’t seem right making Jimmy way for us with a dislocated shoulder and all, but at least we didn’t need an airlift or something.
“He really needs to get to a hospital to reset his arm.” Craig said.
“I understand.” I nodded. Jimmy and Scott could head back and we’ll walk down together.
“Good, thanks for understanding.” Craig said before turning to Tabitha, “Can you please take my sister home?”
“Wait, what?” I asked. While Tabitha and Heidi shared an evil looking glance before announcing, “We’d be happy to!”
“Thank you so much.” Craig and immediately started heading back down the slope.
“Craig, stop. Don’t leave me here again!” I pleaded.
He turned back and saw that I was almost in tears again. Whatever Dr. Bough did for me, it seemed not to work without my brother nearby. At least I wasn’t near as confident I could complete this hike if he isn’t here with me.
“Sis, you’ll be okay. Tabitha and Heidi will take you home.” He assured me.
“Why can’t we go together?” I asked.
“I really need to get Jimmy to the hospital.” He told me.
“Scott can manage.” I said.
“I drove, remember?” he asked.
Of course I remembered. I mean, it felt like a week ago, back when I still thought everything was normal and all. I nodded. “I’ll climb down with you then.” I told him.
“I can barely make that climb. You never climbed anything outside of the gym, and half the time you need them to lower you with the rope.” He told me. It isn’t half the time… well, maybe half.
Craig was right. I hated to admit it, but there weren’t a lot of options. Jimmy was lucky to have survived the fall and he’d be lucky if all he did was dislocate his shoulder. All I could do is watch with tears streaming down my cheek as my brother descended the cliff one more time and disappeared from sight.
I turned to follow Tabitha and Heidi, but they had already started walking up the path. I had to jog a bit to catch up to them and when I was about 15 paces behind, I slowed to a walk. They were taking me home, but there was no friendship starting.
They seemed to be arguing about something. I heard Tabitha mention something about “Leave her.” I assumed they were talking about me, so I moved in a little closer to see if I could hear more. Heidi said something about “faking it” and Tabitha doubted anyone would fake something like that. Finally, they noticed I was right behind them and so they stopped so abruptly that I ended up walking into Heidi.
So I am a 5’2” girl. On a good day I weigh around 118 pounds. I am reasonably fit, considering how much time I spend playing and practicing volleyball. Tabitha is about an inch taller, but probably weighs as much as me. For Heidi though, I’d guess she is at least 40 pounds heavier than Tabitha or I. It’s not that she is fat, but just thick. Where I wear a B cup, Heidi is at least a D. She also has hips like a grown woman and is maybe 5’6 or 5’7.
So when I bumped into her, it felt more like she bumped into me. I bounced back a couple of steps and nearly tripped over my own feet in the process. “Watch where you’re going, faker!” Heidi yelled at me.
“I’m sorry.” I said. “I didn’t expect you to stop like that.”
“We should just leave you here!” Heidi continued. “It’d serve you right for being such a slut!”
I didn’t want to pick a fight with these two. I needed a ride home after all. I tried apologizing again, “I said I’m sorry!”
“Sorry my ass. Fakers aren’t sorry for anything. Maybe you’ll be sorry if you have to walk home that way!”
This wasn’t getting me anywhere. I decided to try a different tactic. Tabitha was the one who told my brother she would take me home. Besides, she did seem to be into him. She wouldn’t want to ruin her chances with Craig by abandoning his only sister.
“Tabitha, will you please take me with you?” I asked.
Tabitha glanced at Heidi and then said to me, “I told your brother that I would take you home. Do you think I would lie?”
“No, I…” This was a trap. “Thank you for agreeing to bring me home.”
“I don’t think you’re being honest.” Tabitha said coldly.
“It’s true!” I told her. “I don’t think you would lie to my brother.”
“Is that all?” She asked.
“I… Yes?” I didn’t know what she was asking about.
“So are you a faker?” She persisted.
“A faker? Fake what?” I asked, genuinely confused.
Tabitha looked over to Heidi who grumbled, “Oh she is so fake!”
This again wasn’t going anywhere, but there wasn’t another person I could turn to, so I waited for them to move on. “Well, you can’t prove it?” Tabitha asked.
“I would bet on it!” Heidi boasted.
“Really?” Tabitha asked. “What are the terms?”
“Like for like?” Heidi said questioningly.
Tabitha thought on it for a minute before agreeing “Like for like.” Whatever that meant.
“How long?” Tabitha asked.
“How long can we keep her?” Heidi asked.
The smile on Tabitha’s face was not at all friendly. I waited for the answer, but instead Tabitha turned back to me and said, “If you are coming with us, you need to be obedient. If I tell you to do something, you do it and if I tell you not to do something then you don’t do it. Do you understand?”
Obedient? Am I her dog now? This is not something I would normally agree to under any circumstance. But since I didn’t have a lot of options for getting home I agreed. I can be obedient for a couple of hours anyway.
“Okay, well, your first order is to walk ahead of us. Do not turn around to see how far back we are. I don’t want you listening to my conversation with Heidi, so you will be far enough that you can’t eavesdrop on us again.” Tabitha told me firmly.
I would rather walk behind them, so I can keep an eye on them in case they decide to ditch me. If I walk ahead and am not allowed to turn around, what happens if I get too far ahead? I wanted to argue, but I had just 10 seconds earlier agreed to be obedient. I wasn’t going to throw that away on this. If they ditch me, well, there are only 2 ways off of this hill and the way we are headed is by far the quicker. If they ditch me, I just have to wait until they come out the other side.
I nodded my agreement to Tabitha’s demand and began walking. I didn’t want to look back, but it was hard to not at least try. More hikers would be walking toward me, and I would monitor their sunglasses trying to catch a glimpse of my two stalkers. Now that I was walking alone, the men and boys on the hiking path were a lot bolder to try to talk to me.
Without Craig there, I didn’t dare try flirting with them, and the erotic feeling I had when I felt safe had turned to fear of rape or kidnapping. To make things worse, every time I managed to get a glimpse behind me, there was no sign of Tabitha or Heidi. I continued walking to the bottom of the hill.
There, I waited to see if Tabitha and Heidi would ever come out…
Last edited by edithdick on Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I have the first draft for chapter 4 complete. I hope to have a publishable rewrite ready by tomorrow. I’m hoping that it will conclude in part 3, but the final chapter in this story may be posted in 2 parts.
Last edited by edithdick on Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Warning from the Author. The rest of this story takes a darker theme. It includes mental torture, bullying and abuse. If you are sensitive to these types of stories, I adivise you to not read ahead.
This is the first half of Part 3 of this story. I will post the rest as soon as it is finished.
I made it to the bottom of the hill and back to where we started about an hour I watched Craig scale down the hill. From what he told me, they were probably already on the ferry and headed back to shore.
The place I chose to wait for Tabitha and Heidi was right at the entrance where the two trails forked, one going to the left and the other to the right. I guess it was one trail, as it looped around the island. Either way you go, you come out here.
There was no sign of Tabitha or Heidi in either direction. There were however, plenty of other people. Mostly it was people returning from their hike around the island. Everyone had taken notice of me. At this point I was just tired and didn’t feel like teasing anyone. I stood there while everyone from young boys to old men all seemingly decided that they needed a selfie right in front of me.
They didn’t even ask, like a reverse photo bomb. Even some teen girls got into it. Nobody talked to me, it was as if I were part of the scenery. I just stood there, boobs and bush on display and people stopped to take a photo. Some didn’t even bother with the selfie, and just snapped a few pics of me. When one guy tried getting a close-up of my pussy, I asked him to leave.
After around 30 more minutes, I saw Tabitha and Heidi finally emerge from the path. “There she is!” Screamed Heidi.
“Why did you run off?” Demanded Tabitha.
“I didn’t run off.” I insisted. “You told me to walk ahead of you and not look back.”
“”You’re a fucking idiot!” Heidi told me. “We are responsible for you and you go wandering off?”
I closed my eyes for a second to collect my thoughts. They want me to obey, so I obey. Now they scream at me? WTF for real!
“I’m here now.” I told them.
“You are not to wander off again.” Tabitha insisted.
We walked back to the town. I was still upset. Had I actually done something wrong or were they just crazy? They didn’t speak to me for the walk back or during the ferry ride back to Long Beach. Plenty of others did.
The ferry boat was absolutely loaded. There were seats inside the cabin, but up on the top deck it was just a corral of people milling about. It didn’t feel safe, since, unless you were by one of the guide rails along the outside of the boat, there was nothing to hold onto. I felt like a pinball, being bounced around between other passengers.
Whenever someone offered a hand of support to keep me from falling or slipping, their hands always seemed to be about chest level. Before today, nobody had ever gotten to second base with me. Now, like 40 people had. Not all men!
Tabitha and Heidi stood near the guide rail and watched me get molested by all of these people. I’m sure it wouldn’t have happened had I been dressed. It definitely wouldn’t have happened if Craig let me come with him! But they just stood there silently watching me get felt up by strangers. Heidi had a smirk on her face.
“Just admit it.” She told me when we got back to shore. She never mentioned what she wanted me to admit, and walked off before I could have responded anyway. I followed them back to a 2-door sedan. Tabitha pressed a button on her keys and it honked. Heidi pulled open the passenger door and stood there looking at me.
When I didn’t move right away, she ordered, “Get in the back, dog!”
I bit my tongue to avoid another fight. I climbed into the back and she almost took my foot off with the front seat. I quickly slid into my seat quietly and buckled in for the ride home.
Tabitha was already in by the time Heidi had closed the door. “Ready?” She asked no one in particular.
The car reversed out of the parking spot and then lurched forward. It had been such a long and tiring day, so I just closed my eyes and tried to rest during the car ride back to my house. I actually fell asleep in the back of her car.
The change from the running engine to it being shut off woke me up. “Are we here?” I asked. “Wait, where are we?”
I looked around, we were in some sort of parking structure and they had opened the door to get out.
I followed them out of the car, protesting, “I thought you were taking me home!”
“We are going to go shopping first.” Tabitha said with a smile. Heidi was smirking too. What are they up to?
“I don’t want to go shopping. Can you please take me home first?” I pleaded, but they were already walking toward the mall entrance. I had little choice but to follow them.
We walked in through one of the department stores and out into the main mall. The girls wandered around from shop to shop, all but ignoring me. Of course, the rest of the shoppers took notice of the naked girl wandering around, but nobody stopped me.
Each time it was the same. They would walk us into a store, pass through all of the displays without paying much attention or really looking at what clothes were there and then walk out. The longer it lasted, the more people seemed to notice me. A lot of cell phones and other cameras were getting their fill of me. They kept a quick enough pace that nobody really tried following us. I was pretty sure the point of this exercise was to display me.
Finally, they found a store that seemed to interest them. At least this time they actually looked at the clothes.
“Oh, this is cute!” Tabitha said to Heidi, holding up a tiny pink half-shirt.
“Oh yes, and check out this wrap-around!” Heidi exclaimed.
“These will be perfect for her.” Tabitha agreed. “Hey Annie, come here.”
Naturally I was suspicious. “Can we go now?” I asked.
“What do you think of these?” Tabitha asked. “Aren’t they adorable?”
To me, any clothes would look adorable. “They’re fine.” I said.
“You should totally have them.” Heidi said.
I looked at the price. “I really can’t afford this place.”
“My treat!” Tabitha said, pulling out her credit card.
“I really can’t…” I started before Heidi chimed in.
“You two hurry and make up your minds. I want to go now.” Heidi headed toward the door.
“Here, go try these on.” Tabitha said. “I’ll take the same set to the register and pay for them, that way you can just walk out.”
I really didn’t trust these two, but if I was going to have a chance to get dressed now, I wasn’t about to pass it up. I did as I was told and headed to the fitting room. Before going in, I waited until I saw Tabitha actually pay for the outfit. I stepped into the fitting room, dawned the wrap-around skirt and the half shirt that barely covered my boobs.
It felt wonderful to be covered again. As much fun as I had had teasing my brother and his friends, being without clothes all day was simply too terrifying.
Tabitha was no longer in sight, but I could see Heidi standing outside of the store. I quickly headed toward her. As I get to the entrance I heard Tabitha yell out, “Hey, she’s stealing that outfit!”
“What are you…?” I started, right as the security guard grabbed me.
“Come with me miss.” He told me.
“She bought these for me!” I told him. “I watched her pay! Tabitha, tell him the truth!”
“I bought these for me.” She said, holding up the bag with the store logo on it. “She must have watched what I bought and is trying to get one over on you.”
“Please don’t do this!” I cried.
“Just admit it!” Tabitha snarled. “Admit it and this will be over with.”
“I didn’t steal anything.” I told her. And then to the guard, “This was a prank.” I said. “My friends told me they were buying this outfit for me and wanted to get me in trouble as a joke.”
The guard gave me a flat stare. “Open the bag, miss” he said to Tabitha. Sure enough, she had the identical outfit I was wearing. She also held out the receipt showing that she paid for it.
“I don’t know what is going on here, but one of you needs to return the merchandise.” He said.
“I bought this, so I am not returning anything.” Tabitha said. “Heidi, let’s go!”
They turned and took about ten steps away while the guard looked at me sternly.
“Fine!” I said. “It’s an ugly outfit anyway!”
I plucked off the half-shirt. The guard’s eyes bulged as he saw what I was doing. “I don’t mean for you to walk out naked!” he said.
As I unwrapped the skirt and handed it to him, I said loudly enough for Tabitha to hear, “I’m not naked. I am fully dressed.” I then stalked after them as they headed to the car.
“That was so funny.” Tabitha told me. Heidi added, “Did you see the look on the guard’s face when you handed him back the skirt?”
“It was NOT funny. I could have been arrested!” I said. “Please take me home now.”
“Not just yet.” Heidi said. “We just have a couple of more stops to go.”
Tabitha continued on to what appeared to be a small hardware store. “Are you coming?” She asked me as they waiting outside of the car for me to follow them.
“No thanks, I’ll just stay in the car.” I said. After the fiasco at the mall, I wasn’t about to trust these two in another store.
“Suit yourself.” Came the reply. They shut the door and headed into the store.
After 15 minutes or so, the two of them left. Tabitha set a bag of something in the trunk before getting back in the car and heading to the next stop. The next stop turned out to be a mid-sized condominium building off the maid street we had been driving down. “This is my house.” I just need to drop a couple of things off.
This time I decided to get out. Knowing these two, they could spend hours in the house just to spite me, so I’d rather go with them. Instead, Heidi turned to me, “Where are you going?” she asked.
“With you.” I said flatly.
“I’m sorry, but my parents don’t like strange people coming into our house.” She said.
“Fine. Then I guess I’m waiting in the car again.” I told her and turned back.
Just then the car beeped and Tabitha said, “Sorry, it’s already locked. You can just wait her. We won’t be long.”
“Please just let me in the car.” I said.
“Nope. You need to learn obedience. So you are to stand by the car until we return. We won’t be long.” She said, ending with her cheerful tone from earlier.
“Where am I going to go?” I asked, sarcastically.
“Just do as you’re told, that’s all we’re saying.” Heidi said harshly.
The headed inside and I waited by the car. I mean, where else would I go? After several minutes, a car passed by. I didn’t pay much attention to it approaching, but when it got near where I was standing, the drive blasted his horn. I about jumped into the air with surprise from the sudden sound.
I watched nervously as shortly after they passed their brake lights came on. It stopped for a second and then sped away. After I could breathe again, I noticed the stop sign. I didn’t know anything about this neighborhood, and that suddenly made me nervous. I mean, what if they had lived near here? Do I really want to deal with a pedestrian at this moment?
I looked around for anything I could use to disguise myself with. The only thing I could see nearby was a stand up placard that advertised “New Units Available” and had some photographs presumably of the interior of the condos that they were selling. It was just standing on the sidewalk, in front of the unit marked Demo.
I walked over to it, turned it sideways and pulled it into the doorway. Then I crouched behind it. Every few minutes, I would hear a car pass by. I kept an eye out for Tabitha and Heidi to make sure they didn’t sneak back to the car and abandon me here.
One of the cars stopped. I stayed hidden, but it sounded like a family of 4 had gotten out and were headed to their home nearby. They stood around about 15’ from where I was hiding, talking about some movie that they youngest boy wanted to see this weekend. The older boy was complaining that he never got to pick the movie and it almost turned into a fight between the two boys before the father separated them and made them walk home.
I was actually shaking from panic. If they had discovered me here, I don’t know how I would have explained myself. I checked, fortunately Heidi and Tabitha hadn’t returned while those kids were arguing, or I would probably have missed them and been left here.
It was easily another 20 minutes before they returned. In that time, several more cars had driven by and 4 groups of pedestrians. I stayed hidden, and didn’t come out until I heard Heidi yell my name.
“Annie, where the fuck did you go?” Heidi had said.
I stepped out from my hiding spot and said in a loud clear voice, “I’m over here. I’ll be there in a sec.” I then all but sprinted over to the car.
“No obedience!” Heidi said scornfully toward Tabitha.
“Agreed. No obedience.” Tabitha responded.
“What are you talking about?” I demanded.
“We are talking about your promise to be obedient. That was the condition you made when you asked us for a ride back.” Heidi said fiercely.
“I just want to go home!” I pleaded again.
“Not until you learn to obey.” Heidi said firmly. Then I noticed that Tabitha was now holding a silver chain with a loop on either end.
I winced, “What is that for?”
“This?” she said, swinging it around for a second. “This is for you.”
I wanted to run, but suddenly Heidi had grabbed my arms behind my back and was holding me tightly. I struggled, but she was stronger than me. I could only watch as Tabitha took the chain and fed it through one of the loops, making a thick necklace out of it. She then slid it over my head and attached a dog collar to it.
Panicked, I had not noticed that Heidi had bound my elbows together behind my back. There was enough slack that my hands could just reach out to the front of my chest. They then bound my hands across my chest and I was stuck.
I tried struggling, but it was no use. After a few seconds, I felt a sharp tug on my neck. Tabitha was pulling on the leash and the chain had suddenly collapsed and began choking me. Black flecks began to fill my vision and I had the sensation of falling.
When I woke up, the two of them were standing over me. “She won’t learn. She’s too stupid!” Heidi proclaimed.
“Oh,” said Tabitha, “She will learn.”
I looked around. I was lying on the sidewalk, still bound and that silver collar was around my neck connected to the leash in Tabitha’s hand. “Stand” she commanded.
It was a struggle to get up with my hands bound as they were, but I managed to get up.
“What a good girl you are!” Tabitha said, a new delight in her voice I hadn’t heard before. “Okay, now let’s get into the car.” She commanded. Her voice HAD changed. It had gotten a higher pitch, as if she were talking to a dog.
I didn’t want to be choked again, so I did as I was told. Though, climbing into the back seat was also a challenge without the proper use of my hands for balance. I tried just stepping in, but the floor mat wasn’t secure on the floor and it slipped across the car, causing me to go into a split. After that I sort of bounced my butt up onto the seat and pulled my legs back together. That hurt!
“See?” Heidi said. “She’s an idiot!”
“She’ll get the hang of it.” Tabitha said cheerfully, now both of them seated in the car.
“I doubt it.” Heidi said glumly. So did I.
Tabitha drove us around for half an hour before we reached out next stop. It was a parking lot that I was intimately familiar with. “Why are we at my school?” I demanded.
Instead of answering, they led me out of the car by the leash. Getting out was a bit more graceful than getting in had been. We waited for Tabitha to lock the car before she spoke to me.
Tabitha had taken the time to move around to stand directly in front of me, making eye contact. “I’m going to instruct you now.” Tabitha told me. “When I tell you to walk, you walk forward, one step in front of me. If you go further or if you fall behind, you will get the choker. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” I told her.
“Good.” She continued. “Now when I tell you to stop, you stop immediately, or you get the choker.”
“Got it.” I said.
“When I tell you to sit, you are to crouch down like this.” She said, then squatted all the way down so her butt was almost resting on her ankles. “And when I say Stand, you will stand up immediately. No hesitation. Understand?”
I nodded.
“Repeat the commands back to me.” She said smoothly.
“Walk, stop, sit, stand.” I repeated.
“Good, good.” She told me and moved to stand next to me on my right side. “Walk.” She said, as she touched my shoulder. I began walking and within a few steps felt the ‘choker’ as she called it pull tight around my neck, causing a sharp pain. It was released immediately, but the pain lasted for a minute or so.
“You’re too fast. Slow down to my pace.” She told me. That wasn’t exactly easy when I was a step ahead of her. “Now walk.” She repeated, touching my shoulder again as she said it. Again I felt the choker pull tight against my neck. It took a few strands of hair with it this time. I screamed from the pain.
“I said walk slower!” she told me, pay attention to me.
Over and over again, taking several steps and then stopping for some correction. Sometimes I got the choker and sometimes I didn’t, but Tabitha was displeased with my performance; that was certain.
She walked me out to the football field. It was late at night, and school wasn’t currently in session anyway, so nobody was around for my humiliation. Just Tabitha and Heidi, marching me around the track that wrapped outside of the football field. It went on for hours like this, “Walk” after several steps, “Stop” then “Sit” then “Stand”.
I complied as best I could. When I did it well, Tabitha would pat me on the head and say in that high pitched voice, “You are such a good girl!” when I didn’t please her, I would get a tug on the leash. They also discovered that, having spent the entire day running around in the hot sun without a stitch of clothing on, that I was completely sunburned from head to toe. Heidi especially liked giving my back a hard smack when I messed something up.
We walked, stopped, sat, stood. As time went on, she added “Left” and “Right” commands as well. Then we walked across the grassy football field and she worked on those commands. I realized that the touching on my shoulder was slightly different for each command. She was teaching me a hand signal. I seemed to respond to that quicker than the voice commands. At some point a few hours into the training, she stopped saying the commands all together and just used the hand signals.
When Heidi would walk me, she used the voice. Tabitha told us it would confuse me if Heidi didn’t do the hand signals exactly the same as she had taught me. Besides, I don’t think Heidi liked touching me anyway.
Finally, we took a break. “I need to pee.” I told them. They had each gone to the restroom while the other was walking me, but I was never given a break. Tabitha said, “Okay, I’ll take you to pee.”
She gave me the signal to walk forward. We were not headed directly toward the restrooms, and when I attempted to change direction I was given a hard smack across my back. “Bad girl!” she said as he hit me.
A stab of fear took hold as I looked over at Tabitha. It had been some times since I needed to be corrected, and she never hit me before. “I didn’t command you to turn.” She explained.
“But the restrooms are over there.” I said, pointing at the obvious.
“Those are for people.” She told me firmly. “I see that I have indulged you too much, letting you speak freely to me like this.”
“No, Tabitha.” I said. I heard my voice shaking as I spoke.
“Before you can go pee, you will learn a new command. When I say ‘Speak’, you may speak to me. Otherwise, you will remain silent.” Tabitha told me coldly. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, Tabi…” WHACK! Heidi’s smack across my back sent me reeling. I’d never been hit that hard before and with the sunburn on top of it, it was several minutes before the stinging stopped.
“I said, do you understand?” Tabitha repeated.
“Yes, but...” WHACK! The second one was just has hard.
“She’s not going to get it.” Heidi laughed.
“She will, won’t you my pet?” Tabitha said, warmth when she said ‘my pet’ entering her voice. I felt my jaw begin to tremble, and managed to nod my understanding.
“What a good girl you are!” Tabitha said in that high pitched voice. “You deserve a treat!” She fed me a piece of chocolate she had from her purse. I didn’t recognize the brand, and it tasted a little off, but since I hadn’t had a bite to eat since lunch I gobbled it up.
Again, I eyed the restrooms. I really did need to pee. “Okay, time to take you potty.” Tabitha said. She then gave me the hand signal to walk forward. Again we were not headed to the restrooms, but I didn’t dare deviate from the path she had set me on.
We left the football, and she guided me around the bleachers. Beyond that was a fence with an unlocked gate. Tabitha stopped me and had me sit while she unlocked the gate, then she guided me out of the stadium and into a small patch of woods.
There she stopped and told me “Okay girl, go pee.” I looked nervous, not because I was worried about peeing in the woods, but because this was not a command she had instructed me on and I didn’t want to do it wrong. “It’s okay, girl, go pee.” She repeated.
I squatted down and relieved myself right there. It had had to go for quite a while, but was afraid to ask while they were training me. It took a few minutes for it all to come out. Now that I was squatted down, I didn’t know if I needed her permission to stand back up, so I looked over at her.
“What a good girl you are!” Tabitha commended. I actually liked hearing her say that too me. I never got choked or smacked when I was a good girl. “You need a name!”
My name is Annie, I didn’t need another one. But I was not told I could speak, so I kept silent. Tabitha continued to pet my head and praise me. “How about Sophie? Do you like that name girl?” I didn’t, but I had no idea if I was allowed to disagree so I nodded.
“Sophie is a good girl! Yes you are!” Tabitha told me. “Want to go walking again?”
Her high pitched excited voice made me feel good. I wanted her to be pleased with me. So I nodded vigorously. Tabitha instructed me to stand, and walked me back to the stadium. She introduced ‘Sophie’ to Heidi and let Heidi take me for my walk around the stadium. When we had finished out lap, Tabitha was still holding onto her cell phone.
“Sophie, I have great news for you!” I looked at her expectantly. “I’m taking you home soon!”
I felt a sigh of relief pass through my body. This would be over soon. “Craig is still at the hospital with Jimmy. He said you will need to do his chores tomorrow, so I need to take you home tonight to get ready.”
HIS CHORES? He is trying to get out of taking out the trash and weeding the flowerbed? No way! But I get to go home, so I will agree to anything. “Do you want to go home?” Tabitha asked.
I nodded excitedly.
“Okay, walk!” she commanded. She guided me once more around the track before we headed back to the car. I was getting really good at walking on a leash. Heidi held the door for me and I was able to navigate my way into the back seat without falling this time. Once inside, they took the leash off of me. I sat up straight and watched the cars go by as we drove. I was smiling and excited. I was going home.
When we arrived, the door was still locked. My keys were in my purse, draped over my shoulder, but I couldn’t reach it because my hands and elbows were still bound. Heidi unfastened the clasp, releasing the shoulder strap and took my purse from me. She rummaged through it until she found the keys. After a couple of attempts, she opened the door and we all went inside.
“Sophie.” Tabitha said, “Show us your room.” I led them up stairs and into the corridor that led to my bedroom. “Okay, we’ll sleep here. Sophie, you can sleep downstairs. Understand?” I nodded slowly. I wanted to sleep in my own bed, but if they were in it, I would have to sleep down stairs.
We all walked back down to the living room. I couldn’t do much with my hands and arms tied up as I was, but I plopped down onto the couch. Suddenly, everything happened at once. “No! Bad Sophie” Tabitha yelled, while Heidi began smacking me all over. I jumped off of the couch, but they kept scolding me. “No! Not on the furniture!” Tabitha yelled. “Bad girl!”
I was shocked. This was my house. I’ve always been allowed on the furniture, haven’t I? “Now sit!” Tabitha ordered. I crouched down and dropped my eyes in shame. “Stay.” She said firmly. Stay was a new command. I wasn’t nervous because I was certain that it only meant do nothing.
Heidi brushed off the couch where I had been sitting. As if I had left fur on the couch or something. Tabitha left the room for a minute and then came back in with the leash. “Heidi, can you please take Sophie for a walk? She needs to pee before bedtime.”
Heidi took the leash and led me out into the yard. I had only eaten the chocolate since lunch, but my belly was really getting upset. I needed to ask for some toilet paper or something, but I was afraid to speak. Heidi walked me to the front lawn. I didn’t want to go here. It was too embarrassing to poop on my lawn, so I shook my head no. We walked a little further and eventually made it out to the sidewalk by the street.
It was really late out, so I wasn’t afraid of any neighbors passing by, but too many of them had doorbell cameras and I didn’t want to get spotted pooping one someone else’s lawn either. Finally I settled on a house that was up for sale. Likely any camera system would have been taken with them or at least not checked. I squatted down and did my business. It was really messy. That chocolate did NOT agree with my stomach.
When we came back to my house, Tabitha had lain out a blanket and pillow next to the couch. I really needed to go clean myself, but my hands were still bound. “Lie down.” Tabitha instructed. I laid down and she turned off the lights. I really was exhausted. As soon as my eyes were closed I drifted off to sleep.
“Wake up, Sophie!” said Tabitha. I opened my eyes. The sun was already up and the wall clock indicated it was just past 8:00 AM. Heidi was holding the magnetic whiteboard that is normally attached to the refrigerator. “Well, it looks like you have some chores to do. Hurry and finish them and we’ll make your breakfast.” Heidi said.
Chores. My chores were done. These must be Craig’s chores. “First,” Continued Heidi, “You need to take out the trash.”
I didn’t want to do Craig’s chores on top of mine. But she did say they would make me breakfast if I finished them, so I got up sullenly and headed toward the kitchen. Three large black garbage bags and one white kitchen bag were already sitting by the kitchen door. “Tabitha and I already rounded up the trash, so all you need is to take them to the curb before the garbage truck gets here.”
I don’t remember us having this much garbage before, but I wanted to get it out there before my neighbors came out and saw me running around naked. The only problem was, I couldn’t do much with my arms bound. I tried lifting one of the black bags, but I couldn't do it one handed.
“Hmm.” Tabitha said. “If I take these off of you, will you be a good girl?”
I nodded vigorously. I would be a good girl. I don’t need to be tied. Heidi left the room for a few minutes and came back with a large knife from the kitchen. She began sawing at the restraints and one by one they were removed. I moved my arms and wrists, getting used to being untied. I stopped pouting and smiled eagerly. I would show them I could be a good girl. I don’t need restraints.
One by one, I carried each bag out to the curb and then went back inside. Tabitha was full of praise again. “What a good girl you are! Sophie is such a good girl!” I was so happy.
“Okay, next you need to weed the garden.” Heidi read off of the board. That meant the flower garden around the front of the house. I really would be mortified if my neighbors saw me pulling weeds in the nude, but Sophie was a good girl, so I eagerly went outside and began Craig’s chore.
It took an hour or so. I didn’t count how many cars had passed by, but I did hear 4 of them honk when they saw me out there. Worst was when the garbage truck stopped and the guy who got out to pick up the bags was only 4 feet from me. I was so afraid that he was going to try to pet me. But he just watched me as he works and then left after a couple of minutes.
Sophie was a good girl and did her chores. My hands and arms were pretty muddy when I got back inside. “Are you ready for breakfast?” Tabitha asked. I could smell bacon and scrambled eggs coming from the kitchen. I nodded happily, but looked worriedly at my dirty hands.
Following Heidi into the kitchen, I saw the table had 2 plates set up for each of them. Confused, I looked around for my spot. There on the floor next to the sink were 2 bowls. One was filled with water, and the other had scrambled eggs and bacon.
My hands were filthy and I had no utensils, so when they told me to go eat, I kneeled down and ate without using my hands. “What a good girl you are, Sophie. I am so proud of you!” Tabitha exclaimed. I was proud of me too. I didn’t know why, but Tabitha was proud of me so I was proud of that!
We all finished eating, I drank as much of the water as I could lap up, but it is hard drinking out of a bowl without using your hands. When we finished eating, Tabitha and Heidi washed my hands. “We have one more chore for you before we leave.” They are leaving? I didn’t know if I should be happy or nervous.
Using the hand signals, Tabitha walked me back upstairs. “You need to make the bed before we go.” She told me. Not my favorite chore, but I wanted her to be proud of me. Sophie is a good girl!
When we got to my room, something was wrong. The closet door was wide open as usual and all of the dresser drawers were pulled out. Everything was gone. All of my clothes were missing! I looked terrified at the empty closet and back at Tabitha.
“What’s wrong, Sophie?” Asked Heidi.
I didn’t dare speak, so all I could do was whimper.
“Oh, the clothes? You won’t need them anymore. You are already dressed, remember?” Heidi taunted.
Tears streaked down my chin as I understood. Those black bags were filled with my clothes. They had me take them out to the curb! Sophie was a good girl. I didn’t speak.
“Do you want them back?” Asked Tabitha. I nodded.
“Well, maybe if we hurry, we can find out where the truck went and see if we can get them. Hurry and make the bed and we’ll take you with us.” Heidi said.
Last edited by edithdick on Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Final disclaimer. Though if you have gotten this far, probably the rest of this is not going to bother you, but this final chapter ups the ante regarding her physical safety. The abuse turns from mental and emotional to physical, specifically in a sexual way.
I made the bed so quickly that I didn’t even straighten the sheet under the blanked. Tabitha insisted that I do it correctly and tore the blankets and sheets off before making me start over. By the time I was done, I was shaking with excitement. I was so eager to go that she decided to put the leash back on me for the short walk to the car.
“I don’t want you running off.” She told me. I got into the car and kept shifting from the left to the right. We need to go now! I thought.
We drove from street to street looking for the garbage truck. It was almost an hour since I had seen them picking up my clothes, how far had they gotten? We drove through my entire neighborhood, every street, but the truck was gone. With no idea where it would have gone next, Tabitha drove back to my house.
When we pulled into the driveway, I felt tears streaming down my chin. “It’s okay, Sophie. Sophie is a good girl.” Tabitha assured me. It was comforting to know she still thought I was a good girl, but all of my clothes are gone.
Sophie and Heidi walked me back inside. Since there were no more chores to do, they decided to go. I realized that they were leaving me here alone and I panicked. “What’s wrong Sophie?” Tabitha asked. “Do you need to go for a walk?”
She didn’t tell me I could speak, so I nodded. Not that I wanted a walk, I just didn’t want to be left alone. Heidi held my leash and the three of us headed out of the house. I was so happy that they wanted to stay with me a little bit longer. We walked down my neighborhood street. I could see people waving at us as cars drove by. Some even honked. I was so proud of how good I walked. Heidi never had to tug on the leash one time. Sophie is a good girl!
One of my neighbors was working in his yard. He said “Hi” as we walked past. Of course, I didn’t say “Hi” back, I am not allowed to speak. But Heidi decided to stop and talk to him for a minute. I knew him, he is friends with me dad. He asked about me, but Tabitha laughed and said we were just playing a game. There was a voice in my head that wanted to scream, but I didn’t. Sophie is a good girl.
We kept walking, at the end of the block we turned to the right. There were some boys that Annie knows playing. There were three of them, all a few years younger than Annie. They wanted to come talk to us too.
“Do you like my dog?” Tabitha asked, as they approached.
“That’s not a dog, that’s Annie.” One of them said, a memory just out of reach knew his name was Billy, and the others were Andrew and Josh. They were all 12. Sophie didn’t know how she knew that, but she was sure it was true.
“Oh no, this is my dog, Sophie.” Tabitha told them firmly. “Would you like to pet her?”
“Yes!” Billy exclaimed. The other boys chimed in too. They were excited to pet Sophie. Sophie was excited. There was a distant voice in Sophie’s head screaming that this wasn’t right, but Tabitha said it was okay, and Sophie trusted her.
“Sophie, sit.” Tabitha said, taking the leash from Heidi.
I crouched down. “Sophie, would you like for these boys to pet you?” she asked. I looked up at Tabitha, she smiled back down at me. I was so happy when she smiled at me, so I nodded to her.
“Okay boys, you can stroke her head like this.” She told them as she petted my head. The boys then did as she showed them. They were not as gentile as Tabitha was, but Sophie was happy.
They continued to pet my head, but some decided to rub my back as well. Tabitha didn’t say anything, I stayed in place while they continued rubbing me. It felt nice to have my back massaged.
“Does she do any tricks?” Josh asked.
“Tricks?” Tabitha mused. “What would you like to see her do?”
“Roll over!” Andrew said loudly.
“Okay, we can try and see if she knows it. Sophie, lay down.” Tabitha said. I didn’t know how she wanted me to lay, so I looked at her questioningly. It was better to wait than to do the wrong thing. “Lay on your tummy.” Tabitha clarified.
I pushed forward onto the grass and laid down on my stomach. “Sophie is a good girl!” Tabitha said. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t think I was allowed. Instead I wagged my tail, or wiggled my but at least.
“How cute!” Billy exclaimed.
“Now roll over, Sophie. Roll over!” Tabitha instructed. I rolled to the left, first onto my back and then back to my stomach.
“Good girl!” Tabitha cheered. “Sophie is a good girl!”
The boys cheered and joined Tabitha in announcing my status as “Good Girl!”
Sophie was so proud that she did a good job. Sophie was so happy she wanted to roll over again, but fear of doing it without permission kept her still. Sophie is a good girl!
“Sophie needs a treat.” Tabitha said. I wasn’t hungry, but it turned out that she wasn’t talking about that kind of treat. I still lay on my stomach. “Sophie, when I say ‘Up’ I want you to get up on all 4’s. Do you understand?” I nodded happily.
“Up!” Tabitha said. I quickly scrambled to my knees, with my body leaning forward and resting on my hands. “Good girl! Sophie is such a good girl!” Sophie was so proud she did this correctly.
“Okay boys, you can pet Sophie if you want.” Tabitha said. Heidi and Tabitha watched as the three boys began rubbing me all over. My back, my butt, my neck. Eventually they started to explore the areas below. I winced as they began rubbing my belly and breasts. It felt good to be stroked, but I thought it was wrong to let them do this. Sophie is a good girl.
Tabitha let them continue petting me for some time. They explored everywhere on my body. It felt exhilarating to have these three boys touching me all over. Nobody had touched me like this before. Why did nobody every touch me before? Was Annie a bad girl? Sophie was a good girl and Sophie like to be touched.
After a while, Heidi got bored with this and told Tabitha, “I think someone needs a bath.”
Tabitha wrinkled her nose a bit and said, “You’re right! Sophie smells bad. Do you boys want to help give Sophie a bath?”
“Yeah!” they all agreed. Tabitha let the boys take turns walking me back home. Once inside she and Heidi headed upstairs to run the bath. The boys continued ‘petting’ me. They instructed me to lay down, which I did. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to follow their commands, but I thought maybe I would get into trouble if I didn’t. Then Billy said, “Up.” And I climbed back into all 4’s again.
The boys must have thought I was a cow, because they kept trying to milk my breasts. Of course, nothing came out. I just stayed still, panting quietly while they massaged my boobs. I did growl when one of the boys tried sticking his finger into my pussy. Even Sophie knew that was not OK. Not unless Tabitha said it was.
After about 20 minutes of petting and playing, Tabitha came down and had the boys walk me up stairs to take my bath. Sophie was such a good girl. She didn’t even complain when the boys got soap in her eyes. They were very generous with the soap and Sophie was very clean. Tabitha was so proud of Sophie for how calm she was with these boys.
One of the boys reached up and pulled the choker off of Sophie’s neck. Sophie began trembling. She was naked, fully naked. She didn’t know if she would get into trouble. Sophie didn’t do it, but it was off.
“Why are you shaking, Sophie?” Tabitha asked. Sophie looked at the boy with the chain. “It’s okay, Sophie is a good girl. You don’t need the choker in the bath. Actually, you don’t need the choker anymore at all.”
I looked at her, hopeful that I would be done playing the dog. Tabitha left the room while the boys continued to rub soap over my naked body. When Tabitha returned, she was carrying a long strap with a buckle on one end. It was a normal dog collar. She fastened it around my neck and buckled it. I relaxed, as I was no longer naked. I had my collar and it would keep me safe.
“Why is she so hairy?” Andrew asked.
“What do you mean?” Asked Heidi.
“Down there… I don’t have hair down there.” Josh stated.
“Let’s see.” Heidi said. There was a moment of confusion as they thought she was talking to the boys. Heidi said, “Sophie, stand up.”
I stood up and face Heidi. “You’re right, Andrew, she is pretty hairy down there. What should we do about that?”
“Can we cut it?” Asked Billy.
“Hmmm, I have a better idea.” Heidi said, and began rummaging through the bathroom drawers until she found a razor and some cream. “Let’s shave her!”
I didn’t like this. Heidi was not nice to Sophie and I was afraid she would cut me. I gave Tabitha a concerned look and dropped my eyes. Tabitha said, “Okay, let’s shave her. I will handle the blade though. Who wants to lather?”
Three boys all clamored to be the one to do it, finally it was decided that all three could apply the shaving cream. They were very thorough. They put shaving cream all over Sophie’s pussy and up to he belly button. Tabitha said it was okay, so Sophie didn’t growl or anything. Sophie is a good girl.
Once the cream was applied, Tabitha began using short strokes, taking clumps of hair with each one. In between strokes, she cleaned the excess hair off of the razor before continuing. Within minutes, Sophie had no more hair. Well, she had the hair on her head, but her pussy was bare and shiny like when she was a little girl. The boys wanted to feel it, now that it was clean. Tabitha said it was okay, so Sophie spread her legs and let them feel her.
Once Tabitha determined that Sophie was clean enough, she drained the tub so Sophie could dry off. The boys were silly, they tried drying Sophie with their bare hands. Tabitha brought a towel and Sophie was dried off.
Now that Sophie was clean and dry, Tabitha sent the boys away. She announced again that it was time to go home. Sophie ran to the door to wait for Tabitha to bring the leash and take her for a ride. Once outside, Heidi locked the door and stuck the keys back into Annie’s purse. They walked Sophie to the car and let her crawl into the back. It was easier to crawl in when her hands were free. Sophie sat still and waited for the car to move. Sophie was so happy they didn’t leave her at home all alone.
Tabitha dropped Heidi off at her house. Sophie stayed in the back seat as the drove the rest of the way to Tabitha’s house. The leash was placed back on Sophie’s collar and they walked up to the door. Sophie was so excited, she was getting to go home with Tabitha!
Tabitha opened the door and led Sophie inside. Sophie was excited. She wanted to explore her new home. “Stay off the furniture!” Tabitha reminded her, and then let her off of the leash. I knew I wasn;t allowed on the furniture. Sophie began exploring the house. Tabitha disappeared upstairs while Sophie was looking around the living room.
When Sophie realized that Tabitha was gone, she panicked. Where did she go? Sophie went upstairs to try to find her. Maybe it was another game. Sophie bounced on her heels as she excitedly searched for Tabitha upstairs. She went into one bedroom after another but didn’t see anybody there. Suddenly she heard a shower turning on behind a closed door. Was Tabitha in there? Or was somebody else?
Sophie had to know. Who was it? She sprinted over to the door and turned the knob. She opened it up and saw a human form behind the barely opaque shower curtain. Bouncing into the shower, Tabitha about screamed as she realized that Sophie had joined her.
“Sophie! What are you doing in here?” Tabitha demanded.
Sophie backed away. She was playing the game and found Tabitha. Seeing the sad look on her face, Tabitha said, “It’s okay. You just surprised me is all.” The joy returned to Tabitha’s voice and to Sophie’s heart as well. “Do you want to shower with me?” Tabitha asked. “Stand up!”
Sophie stood up and waited for the next command. Tabitha let Sophie rub soap on her back and then rub shampoo and conditioner into her long blond hair. Sophie was so happy to help. Next, Tabitha told Sophie to soap the rest of her. Sophie used soap and a luffa to scrub Tabitha clean. Then Tabitha asked her to rinse her off with her hands. Her skin was soft and smooth. It felt nice to touch.
When they were finished, they dried each other off. Tabitha got dressed into some kind of fast-food uniform. She told Sophie she had to go to work. Sophie was crushed. How would she be alone all day without anybody to walk her? Sophie pouted and tried to let Tabitha know she didn’t want her to leave.
“Don’t make a nuisance of yourself.” Tabitha told her. But Sophie felt afraid. How can I be alone? It’s not safe!
But Tabitha was determined to go to work, and wouldn’t let Sophie sidetrack her. “Do you need to walk before I go?” Asked Tabitha. Tabitha took Sophie for a walk. She found a spot on the neighbor’s yard to pee. Once finished, Tabitha led her back to the house. But instead of going inside, she led her to the back yard. There was a dog kennel there, it was a long narrow cage with a dog house on one end and a door on the other. There was a top to it that was about 4’ high, meaning Sophie had to duck down to go inside.
“Sit.” Tabitha ordered and Sophie crouched down. “Stay!” Tabitha commanded. Sophie was crushed, but she stayed. The door was left open, but Sophie stayed and Tabitha went back into the house. A few minutes later, Tabitha returned with a small round mattress and a blanket. “You can sleep while I’m gone. Then when I get home we can play some more.
Sophie didn’t like it, but she had no choice. She helped Tabitha lay the mattress inside the kennel and then laid down the blanket on top. It was warm outside, so she decided to sleep on top of the blanket as well. Tabitha brought out a bowl of water and another bowl that had some potato chips in it. She then latched the cage and went back into the house.
After around 20 minutes, Sophie heard Tabitha’s car pull out of the driveway. She had no idea how long Tabitha’s work shift was or what time it was or really anything other than it was warm outside and she was lonely. Sophie decided to take a nap to pass the time.
There was a loud bang that rattled against the cage. My eyes popped open in time to hear some neighborhood kids arguing outside the fence.
“You get it, you hit it over!” One of them yelled. “I’m not going back there, I got yelled at last time. It’s your turn.” Another kid said. I looked around and saw what the issue was. One of them had hit a baseball over the fence and it was sitting about 10’ away from the cage.
Finally, I heard the creek of the gate as one of them decided to come into the yard to get their ball back. Not knowing what to do, I hit myself under the blanket.
“Oh my god!” I heard the kid yell as he ran back through.
“What happened? Where’s the ball?” a third kid asked.
“I didn’t get it. I think Tabitha got a new dog!” the first kid exclaimed.
“Nu uh.” Came the response from the collection of who knows how many kids. I tried to stay hidden.
“Let’s go see!” said a 4th kid.
After a minute or so, I could hear them gathering outside of the cage. “See? There’s something hiding under that blanket!” said the first kid.
Suddenly the kids were pounding on the side of the cage. It was loud and scary. I lay there trembling in fear. Sophie was a good girl. “Look! The blanket is shaking.” Said another kid.
“You’re scaring it.” Said a new kid, this one sounded like a girl.
“No we’re not. I just wanna see what it is.” Said one of the boys. Suddenly, I heard the latch unlock. Sophie is a good girl! I thought frantically.
The blanket was pulled away and I lay there, dressed in my collar. Unable to hide anymore, I decided to get up on all 4’s like Tabitha told me when the other boys were petting me.
“Oh my god! It’s not a dog. It’s a naked girl!” soon enough the yard was crowded with a dozen or so boys and girls all coming in to see Sophie. Sophie was a good girl.
“What’s your name?” asked one of the girls, cautiously. Sophie smiled but didn’t say anything. One of the boys noticed my collar and used it to pull me out of the cage. Soon all of the kids, well, all of the boys and some of the girls, were petting Sophie. I tried to move, but it was too crowded for me to do more than wiggle. I kept myself on all 4’s while they petted me like the other boys had.
Looking around, these kids seemed to range from about age 9 at the younger end up to age 13 or so at the older. They were all fascinated with my breasts and pussy. All of them were petting and playing with me. Eventually even the shyer girls wanted to try petting me. I didn’t say anything.
When the sound of Tabitha’s car pulled into the driveway, Sophie became frightened. It was fun having some children to play with, but Tabitha left Sophie in the cage and I was in the yard. Most of the kids seemed scared too, as all but four of them ran out the back gate.
The three that remained, 3 boys and one girl, stayed and continued petting me when Tabitha came in. “What the hell are you doing?” She screamed.
“Is this your dog?” the girl asked.
Another boy jumped in, “We just wanted to play with her.”
“All of you out, NOW!” Yelled Heidi. Sophie scrambled back into the cage and hid under the blanket, trembling. I heard the kids go running away and the gate closed behind them.
“Sophie, come here now!” Demanded Heidi. I slowly came out on all 4’s with my head low.
“Why did you let those kids into Tabitha’s yard?” She asked. Sophie wasn’t told she could speak, so I could only whimper and what for my punishment. “Bad Girl!” Heidi said. Sophie want to be a good girl.
Tabitha walked over and found the baseball. “I bet this is what they were after.” She said softly. Heidi looked and nodded. “Sophie, did you tell them anything?”
I gave my head a low shake. “Did you say anything?” Tabitha said firmly. “Speak.”
“No Tabitha. You said I am not allowed to speak unless you tell me to.” I said carefully.
Tabitha smiled, “Sophie is a good girl! Sophie is a very good girl. Sophie makes me so proud of how good she is”
Joy returned to my heart with those words. Sophie is a good girl!
Heidi shook her head. “I’m starting to think she may actually be hypnotized. I’ve never seen anyone break this quickly or this completely before.”
“Are you ready to concede your bet?” Tabitha asked. “Is Sophie obedient enough?”
“She’s obedient.” Heidi agreed.
“Then let’s go.” Tabitha said. Heidi looked perplexed, but all Sophie heard was ‘go’ and she was bounding toward the door. Instead of heading toward the driveway, Tabitha went inside to change out of her work uniform and into the wrap around skirt and half-shirt that they had picked up at the mall yesterday.
Sophie waited patiently for Tabitha to put the leash on her and then led her to the car. They drove for a short while to a beach that Sophie didn’t recognize.
Tabitha and Heidi led Sophie to the sandy beach. The sun was setting soon, and some of the beach goers had started a bon fire.
“Okay Heidi, it’s your bet, so you ask.” Tabitha said.
Heidi gave me a very scornful look and then said, “Sophie. Tell me the truth. Are you naked right now?”
Sophie was confused. Of course I’m not naked. I have my collar on! “Speak!” Heidi commanded.
“I am fully dressed.” I said cautiously.
“Satisfied?” Tabitha asked.
“You win.” Heidi conceded and promptly began stripping out of her clothes. One by one she handed every stitch she was wearing to Tabitha. Once in hand, I heard Heidi’s breath catch as Tabitha dumped the entire pile of clothes into the fire.
Tabitha then reached into her purse and said coolly, “Like for like.” She then produced the choker collar that helped turn Sophie into a good girl. Sophie was excited. Heidi was going to be a good girl too. Sophie wasn’t going to have to be alone anymore!
“I didn’t agree to THAT!” Heidi protested.
“Just put it on.” Tabitha said. “You said ‘Like for like’ remember?”
Heidi nodded her head and slipped the choker over her head. “There, see? It’s on!” She then went to slip it off, but Tabitha was too quick, she fastened the leash to the end of the choker and gave it a sharp tug. Too late though, as Heidi managed to get her hand inside the choker and keep herself from being choked out.
“Sophie, help me!” Ordered Tabitha. Sophie is a good girl!
I stepped in and pulled Heidi’s arms behind her back. With both of us holding her down, and the choker pulled tight, Heidi calmed down. Next Tabitha took the restraints out and fastened Heidi’s wrists and elbows, the way Sophie’s were when she was being trained.
After a couple of minutes, Heidi came to and was shocked. She was bound and leashed. Heidi looked horrified at Sophie. “Help me, please!”
Sophie is a good girl. Sophie smiled at Heidi. She would be a good girl too!
“Sophie, please help me!” Heidi said.
Sophie is a good girl!
“Annie, please!” Heidi pleaded.
Sophie is a good girl!
Sophie is a good girl… Annie
Sophie is a good girl… Annie
Sophie is a…
Sophie is a.
Sophie is Annie!
My world shook. It reminded me of the snap I had felt when I first talked to Dr. Bough on the beach. I looked up and saw Tabitha standing there brushing the sand off of her wrap around skirt. I charged full speed right into her, knocking her into Heidi. Heidi grabbed Tabitha by the hair while I slipped the collar off of my neck.
I took the collar and wrapped it around Tabitha’s neck and held on until she went limp. I then stripped her of all of her clothes and tied her up with the remaining restraints. I then tied the two of them together.
I looked down at the clothes that Tabitha had been wearing. She did tell me she was buying them for me. I slowly got dressed and waited. The other beach goers had called the police while we were fighting.
It took some time to explain what had happened to me over the past 2 days, but it turned out that all of the social media activity from my having to walk the streets naked made collaborating most of my story pretty east.
Now that it is over, I just need to take some time to heel. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I’m looking for a new therapist.
********** The end of book one************
Last edited by edithdick on Thu Jul 13, 2023 10:02 pm, edited 6 times in total.
This story started as a one-off attempt to practice hiding a secret in plane site. The original ending was much happier and frivolous and boring. When someone suggested that I work on adding more tension into my stories, I decided to take the experiment into a different direction.
I apologize if this story was offensive or upsetting to anyone on this board. I do hope some people enjoyed the journey.
It was definitely interesting, that's for sure. The way that the "ok" programming glitched when faced with an absurdly not-ok situation was a very unique concept. It was an understated warping, but still clearly the case.
I wouldn't call the story all that sexy though, mostly because the dog section really dehumanized Annie/Sophie to a strong degree, and the last parts were largely just abuse as opposed to embarrassment. Annie stopped feeling embarrassed in any way fairly early into her captivity, even before being collared.
Ironically, while Annie has likely been cured of her body issues after all of that, she's going to need a whole bunch of therapy for the rest of her experiences now. It's like an endless cycle.