Pokemon Battle Strip: The Ashley Chronicles Part 1 by Nathaniel Keam

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Pokemon Battle Strip: The Ashley Chronicles Part 1 by Nathaniel Keam

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Nathaniel Keam wrote: Pokemon Battle Strip: The Ashley Chronicles Part 1 by Nathaniel Keam

Welcome to my new series! Here's the front cover to the whole weekly saga:

Blast from the Pallet Town Past

Pokemon is a world of monsters and intriguing characters. It’s a world for the adventurers and the doers of the world. Today, a new generation of trainers begin their foray into this strange world. In the former house of Red, one trainer prepares to begin her travels…eventually.

“Wake up,”
“Go away, I’m sleepy.”
“If you don’t wake up all the Pokemon will be gone.”

Ashley snapped up and out of bed. What was that? This was the day she would begin her Pokemon journey. It would be the first time she left the quiet of Pallet Town. This was the journey she hadn’t stopped talking about, and now her mother was standing next to her bed with her arms crossed.

“You know I don’t want you to go, but you haven’t shut up about it for weeks, so get up. If you’re going to do something you’d better do it properly.”
“Yeah, okay,” Ashley said sulkily.

Ashley was an 18-year-old girl primed and ready for the world of Pokemon. Things had changed since the time of Red and Gold, however. Most of the male trainers had left Kanto. Kanto was a land where female trainers would enter the Pokemon world for the first time. Pokemon battles were now strip battles and women really did have to put everything on the line if they wanted to succeed.

There was nothing particularly remarkable about Ashley. Her black hair flowed down to her shoulders and her breasts were pretty average for girls her age. The only part of her body she really couldn’t stand was her backside. It stuck out painfully. She’d inherited her giant bubble butt from her mother; something she could never forgive her for.

Her first order of business was to find Professor Oak. He’d promised her a Pokemon for her to get started on her journey. It’s her first meeting with Professor Oak that we join her journey proper.

Professor Oak was an old man now. He wore a white lab coat and was known the world over as an authority on Pokemon. Trainers often sought him out for information on Pokemon and new phenomena. Ashley appeared at his lab dressed in a blue jacket with gold trim, a red and white trainer hat, green fingerless gloves, dark blue jeans with brown leather belt, and a pair of black and white sneakers.

“Professor Oak?”
“Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon. My name is Oak. People call me the Pokemon prof. This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon. For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself…I study Pokemon as a profession. First, what is your name?”
“Ashley…? You’ve seen me a hundred times. In fact, you’ve known me since I was born.”
“Right! So your name is Ashley. You’ve seen my grandson before. He’s been your rival since you were a baby. Erm, what is his name again?”
“I don’t have a rival and I don’t know who your grandson is.”
“Erm, what is his name again?”
“How can you not know what your grandson’s name is?”
“Erm, what is his name again?”
Ashley sighed, “Cockface. His name is Cockface.”
“That’s right! I remember now. His name is Cockface.”
“Ashley. Your very own Pokemon legend is about to unfold. A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits. Let’s go!”

Ashley waited and waited. Professor Oak continued to look back at her as if he was expecting something else to happen.

“Professor Oak? You were talking about a Pokemon for me?”
“Ah yes, here’s one I caught earlier. It’s not tame yet. It’s a Pikachu.”
“Yeah, great, can I go now?”
“I have a request for you. On the desk there is my invention, Pokedex. It automatically records data on Pokemon you’ve seen or caught. It’s a hi-tech encyclopaedia. Ashley. Take it with you. To make a complete guide on all Pokemon in the world, that was my dream. But I’m too old. I can’t do it. So I want you to fulfil my dream for me.”

Ashley looked over at the red device on the table and back at the clearly mental old man.

“How about no?”
“What? How can you do this, I gave you a Pokemon!”
“Red completed the damn Pokedex in the 1990s you senile old walnut. You completed your dream years ago, now can I just go now?”

Professor Oak licked his lips, attempting to draw a memory from somewhere. Ashley ignored his spiel and stalked off with her new electric mouse Pokemon. She was unsure whether Professor Oak was even a professor at all.

When she got outside she turned around and almost knocked a poor girl off her feet. She had straight red hair, which almost reached down to her butt. The girl had a kind face and apologised for getting in the way.

“Wait, is it Ashley?” the girl asked.

Ashley nodded.

“Hi, I live across the street from you. I’m Cockface’s sister. I was told to come here and tell you how everything works.”
“Go on,” said Ashley, who was inwardly confused as to how there really was someone called Cockface in the world.
“Professor Oak told me to tell you all this. All the male gym leaders in Kanto were replaced by female gym leaders from abroad. They left their Pokemon behind as gym Pokemon, which you’ll have to face. You need eight badges to progress to the Pokemon League at Indigo Plateau. If you make it that far, you’ll have to beat the all female Elite Four and the Pokemon League champion.”
“Eight badges. Elite Four. Pokemon League champion. Got it.”
“Every gym battle will have your Pokemon face off against however many Pokemon that gym leader has. The only goal is to strip your opponent down to their underwear. Your Pokemon are there to defend you. They can strip your opponent or you can get them yourself. Anything goes, so you’ll have to find out about how each gym leader prefers to fight before you go in. Anyway, I have to go now. Good luck on your journey!”

The girl inexplicably ran away after her explanation. Ashley remembered why she’d always wanted to leave Pallet Town. It was full of crazy rednecks with learning disorders. Checking everything was in her backpack, she turned towards the long grass of Route 1. It was time to begin the Pokemon Strip Battles!

To Be Continued…
Nathaniel Keam wrote: Pokemon Battle Strip: The Ashley Chronicles Part 2 by Nathaniel Keam

A Rocky Way to Win

Ashley had endured a crash course in the world of Pokemon since she left Pallet Town. Her journey had taken her to Viridian City, where she found a gym, but only trainers with seven badges were allowed to compete at it. She’d continued her journey through the maze-like Viridian Forest. Only when she’d concluded she was completely lost did she emerge on the other side to encounter Pewter City. The destination of her first gym.

Her relationship with Pikachu was still rocky, but after fighting off a herd of Spearow it was gradually warming to her. Already the young trainer had added new members to her team. On Route 1, she captured a Pidgeotto, which was the evolved form of Pidgey.

With three solid members of her team, she was more than ready to take on her first gym. It was time to make her debut in strip battles. She was still worried about having her pants removed, though. The last thing she wanted was to have someone else seeing her giant ass.

The Pewter Gym was decorated to look like a giant boulder from the outside. Ashley entered it with trepidation. It was almost completely bathed in darkness. She was unsure whether anyone was there until a voice called her name.

“Who’s there?” she asked warily.
“My name’s Kelly. I’m the photographer for Pokemon Magazine. The official Pokemon League publication for gym battles.”
“Right. I see. How do you know who I am?”
“It’s my job,” said Kelly, who finally came out of the shadows.

Kelly had short(ish) blond hair with dark pink highlights. She was dressed in a punk style with heavy black boots adorned with spikes. She was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight black t-shirt with the official Pokemon League logo on it. Her clothing contrasted drastically with her pale skin and the silver skull jewellery on her fingers and wrists.

“Still doesn’t explain how you know who I am,” Ashley continued.
“Easy enough to find out. Your details were submitted to the League by Professor Oak.”

The increasingly irritating photographer lifted the camera hanging around her neck and snapped a shot of her. The flash dazed her momentarily.

“Anyway, I’m also here to advise trainers as they travel to each gym.”
“Do I have to have your advice?”
“Yes. I’m staying here whether you like it or not. Now this is the rock type gym. Roxanne took over from Brock and his family. She’s a scholar from Hoenn. A little arrogant, but she’s not much when it comes to physicality. You can try to get close to her this time. If I were you I’d let your Pokemon take control of everything. You’ll be fine.”

Ashley thanked the photographer and moved onto the battlefield. The arena was a flat arena made from solid rock, with small mountains on the sides, ideal for finding some extra cover.

A spotlight switched on and the gym leader Roxanne appeared. She was carrying a book under her arm, the other rested on her hip.

“Greetings, trainer, I’m Roxanne. My intellect knows no bounds. I hope you’re ready for your first challenge. Just because this is the first gym doesn’t mean I’m a pushover. I’m smarter than your average gym leader and know almost enough to become a Pokemon professor. Firstly, what is your name?”
“Ashley, this will be a two-on-two Pokemon battle. That means you can only use two of your Pokemon in this battle. I will assume you know the rules as I’d rather not waste further time explaining them to you. If you don’t know them, now would be the time to say so.”

Roxanne had dark brown hair tied into two pigtails. They went half way down her back. She was wearing a simple dark blue dress with a white collar and pink tie. The dress went down to mid-thigh level. Underneath was a pair of rich, light pink leggings. A simple pair of dark blue slip-on shoes completed her look.

Ashley wore a red and white trainer hat, blue jacket with gold trim, green fingerless gloves, dark blue jeans, a dark brown leather belt, and black and white sneakers. She was ready. She wasn’t thinking about what could happen if things went wrong.

The rock gym leader finally stopped talking and officially started the battle. The floodlights increased in intensity and the entire battlefield was illuminated.

“Go, Geodude,” Roxanne said, opening the book she was carrying and throwing the Pokeball secreted inside.

The small Pokemon bounced along the ground. Ashley looked at it curiously. It was essentially just a boulder with two arms. Its fists were strong and powerful.

“Pidgeotto, I choose you!”

Ashley knew she had no type advantages. This was a difficult gym to start with for someone in her position. The flying Pokemon took off into the air and darted around the room. The mean looking Geodude attempted to follow it around the best it could.

“Gust attack, Pidgeotto!”

Pidgeotto began to flap its wings, creating a wall of wind that barrelled into the rock Pokemon. It wasn’t strong enough to lift it away.

“You’re not very smart. You should know rock Pokemon aren’t affected by wind attacks.”

Ashley clenched her jaw, attempting to think of another plan of attack.

“Use gust on Roxanne.”

Pidgeotto changed its target and directed the wind towards Roxanne. The scholar didn’t expect the challenger to think about her so early. The gust managed to knock her off her feet onto her ass.

Ashley didn’t know what to do now. Roxanne was too far away for her to do anything. Roxanne climbed back to her feet, smoothing her dress down again and readjusting her hair.

“That was your only chance at defeating me gone. You won’t get another one like that. Your ineffective attacks won’t work again.”
“We’ll see about that. Sand attack!”

Pidgeotto released a burst of sand at Geodude, who was still trying to follow the pink hair of the great bird as it flew through the sky. The sand hit Geodude in the eyes, blinding it momentarily.

Ashley tried to take her chance and dived forward into the arena. She made it half way across, then past the blind Geodude, and towards Roxanne. The scholar was ready for her and grabbed her wrists as she came in. The challenger pushed and pulled at her, attempting to knock her over. After a few seconds of struggling, Roxanne hit the ground. Geodude was already on its way back to defend its trainer. Ashley saw it out of the corner of her eye. She had to be content with taking Roxanne’s dark blue shoes, leaving her barefoot.

“Oh no, oh no, that’s not happening,” Roxanne yelled from the ground. “You want to start that already, fine. Geodude, tackle attack!”

The Geodude moved quicker than Ashley thought possible and struck Pidgeotto in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her Pokemon.

“Now, Geodude, bring me her pants.”

The realisation of the battle she was in dawned upon her for the first time. The slow moving Geodude was chasing after her. Ashley fled back to the centre of the battlefield and attempted to hide behind a rocky outcropping. Geodude followed and Pidgeotto was recovering slowly. The rock Pokemon launched itself at her and managed to get its rocky fist on the top of her jeans. It pulled back and Ashley could already feel her pants coming away. She screamed for Pidgeotto to help her.

Her ally answered her just when her fingers were about to be torn away from her pants. It came flying in, tackling Geodude and forcing it away. Ashley’s heart raced. She’d realised just how close she’d come to being humiliated.

“Wing attack, Pidgeotto!”

Pidgeotto dived in for Geodude and cracked it in the face with its iron wing. The boulder Pokemon flew a few feet and skidded across the arena. Ashley looked on waiting for it to get up again. It didn’t. It remained prone. She’d defeated Roxanne’s first Pokemon.

Despite her inexperience, she didn’t wait around to celebrate her victory. Pidgeotto understood the rules of the game and dived in at Roxanne, knocking her to the ground. Roxanne turned over onto her stomach and attempted to get to her feet, presenting her ass as a tempting target for the rushing Ashley.

She immediately grabbed the scholar’s dark blue dress from the bottom and stripped it up her body. The rest of her thick pink leggings came into view, followed by her white skin and finally her lacy aqua blue bra. Roxanne screamed, more in surprise than embarrassment, as the dress came sweeping over her head and into the challenger’s hands. Not knowing what to do, Ashley made off back into the battlefield with the dress, leaving the teacher, with her uninspiring chest, to survey the damage.

Roxanne got back to her feet, covering her bra. The colour in her cheeks had risen as she realised for the first time she was only one piece of clothing away from being defeated.

Wordlessly, she threw out another Pokeball. Ashley and Pidgeotto were forced to flee back to the other end of the battlefield as Onix appeared. The great rock snake filled up most of the gym. They were tiny compared to this rocky giant. It roared loudly, intimidating Pidgeotto, and making Ashley think twice about what she should do next.

“Wing attack,” she ordered nervously.

Pidgeotto faithfully attacked Onix, but Onix snapped its head to one side and head butted the bird. Pidgeotto shot back at Ashley and hit the wall behind her. She knew it never really stood a chance against Onix.

Ashley had a decision to make. It was either Butterfree or Pikachu. Neither of them was particularly ideal. She decided Pikachu was the best trained Pokemon availale, plus Butterfree was another flying type and that hadn’t worked. Either way, this battle was far from over.

The yellow mouse Pokemon entered the battle confidently. It was already charging its electric attacks. The red spots on its cheeks already had sparks flittering around them.

“Pikachu, use thunder shock.”

Pikachu released a large bolt of electricity at the great snake. It shocked it, but it wouldn’t conduct. Any damage was minimal, if there was any at all. Onix seemed to get angrier.

“Idiot girl. Don’t you know electric attacks can’t hurt rock Pokemon?”

Ashley was too engrossed in the battle to try to reply.

“Pikachu, use quick attack.”

Pikachu drove towards the Onix, but the rock snake moved quickly and managed to grab Pikachu in a crushing embrace.

“Bind it, Onix,” Roxanne urged.

It squeezed and squeezed, making Pikachu grunt and do everything it could to fight back against it. As the life was squeezed out of Pikachu, Ashley could feel her Pokemon ambitions ebb away. She was going to be exposed. With no defenders, Roxanne could have her way with her and she would have to wait a whole year to challenge the gyms of Kanto again.

Ashley looked around frantically for any way to help her Pokemon. She saw it high above her. There was a pipe weaving high above the area. Ashley picked up a rock from the ground and threw it as hard as she could into the air. The rock disappeared into the shadows and hit something. It wasn’t long before a deluge poured from above onto Onix.

“Pikachu, shock it as hard as you can!”

Pikachu screamed with all its might and released the last of the electricity in its arsenal. The water conducted the electricity over Onix, sending the jolts straight through it. For the first time, Onix knew what it was like to be electrocuted.

Onix released its bind and Pikachu fell to the ground. Onix also collapsed. Before Roxanne could say anything else, Ashley was leaping towards her again. The teacher attempted to back away, but nothing could stop the hungry trainer. She kept going, running the scholar over onto her back. Roxanne couldn’t fight back as Ashley grabbed the sides of the pink leggings. Ashley pulled and the leggings came flying down her legs. Her aqua bra and matching panties were revealed, and Kelly had also made her way over to start taking pictures of the fallen gym leader.

Ashley finished removing the pink leggings. She threw them above her head in a victory pose, which Kelly gratefully captured. Roxanne frantically looked around her, confused as to whether she should run or not. Even in her embarrassment, she knew she had a duty as gym leader. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t been defeated before as the first gym leader.

“Nice job, I suppose, now just take the badge and go away.”

Roxanne held out the Boulder badge. The grey, metallic badge was shaped to look like a polished stone. Ashley didn’t care about embarrassing Roxanne. All she cared about was her grand victory and her first triumph on the road to stripping and defeating all the Kanto gym leaders.

The Pewter City gym leader fled from the scene as soon as she’d handed the badge over.

“Wow, I didn’t think you’d do so well,” Kelly congratulated her. “Most trainers lose at least one piece of clothing in their first battle.”
“Thanks…now where’s the second gym leader?”
“Misty. She’s a water trainer in Cerulean City. It’s a long way from here and you’ll have to go through Mt. Moon first. Anyway, I’ll see you there. I’ll have to send these pictures away. You’ve done a really great job. See ya later!”

Kelly disappeared and Ashley was left alone to contemplate her success. She had performed even better than she’d expected. It was time to move on out of Pewter City and onto the next stage of her journey.

To Be Continued…
Nathaniel Keam wrote: New Series Front Cover by Nathaniel Keam

Apologies for the broken link to the front cover. I have no iddea what might have happened. Here's a revised version:

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