Magic (New 3-6-2025)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic Part 18: Monday Is A School Day (A multi-chapter mini saga Part 3)

“Here.” I said, reaching the Science room door.
I opened the door, and everyone turned to look at us.
Ms Sampson turned and looked at us, then at the clock, then back at us.
I quickly held up the note, and Ms Sampson sighed and held out her hand.
The girls entered and sat in some empty desks by the window.
As I walked to Ms Sampson, I could hear my classmates giggling.
I got to the front of the class and handed Ms Sampson the note.
I turned to go to my seat as she started reading it, but she spoke.
“Hold it.”
I froze, standing naked in front of my classmates as she read the note.
I looked at my classmates who had just seen AND drawn me while my penis was the smallest it had ever been!
I then looked down.
My penis was flaccid, and still red in some places from the ice pack, even though Christine really HAD helped warm me up.
“So, you’ve already had problems controlling yourself then?” Ms Sampson shook her head.
She then looked at my penis.
She set the note down and opened her desk drawer.
She rummaged around for a moment, then pulled out a white tube of some kind.
She read the label, then walked over to stand next to me.
“Mmmmhmm.” She undid the cap and squeezed some if the white substance into her hand.
“This will help prevent any damage.” Ms Sampson then reached down and grabbed my penis with both hands!
She gently pinched the head and slightly stretched my shaft out!
With her other hand, she began rubbing the lotion along my shaft!
The feeling had returned, and the lotion was indeed easing the pain.
As she rubbed the lotion along my shaft, her grip combined with the returning feeling was having an effect.
Ms Sampson moved her hands to my balls and massaged the ointment in with gentle circles.
My penis maintained it’s rejuvenated bloodflow, sticking straight out from my body in a semi-erection.
Ms Sampson pulled her hands away and wiped the remaining lotion on my abs and ass!
She looked down at my semi-erection and smirked.
“Good. That certainly looks better. There doesn’t appear to be any-“ she paused. “Problems.”
There were giggles from my classmates.
“That should feel better. Right, Mark?” Ms Sampson asked.
“Y-yes ma’am.” I said.
“Now, take your seat.” She motioned to the series of 2 seat lab tables spaced throughout the classroom.
I walked passed my classmates to my seat in the middle of the room next to Kai, of course, all eyes were on my semi-hard cock which swung from side to side as I walked.
Kai smiled wide as I sat down next to her.
“Pssst.” Kai whispered as Ms Sampson began her lecture. “I haven’t stopped thinking about Halloween night.”
“O-oh yeah?” I whispered nervously.
“Yeah. I bet the party was fun.” She whispered.
“I-it was. I mean, you know what happened. I-I can’t believe this.” I whispered.
Kai reached under the desk and placed her hand on my thigh.
“I’m glad I sit next to you. Especially now.” She whispered.
While taking notes with her right hand, her left hand moved up my thigh.
She let her finger tips gently run across the head of my penis and along my shaft.
I shifted in my seat.
Ms Sampson looked up from her lecture.
“Mr Grayhart, is there a problem?” She asked.
“N-no ma’am.” I said.
She narrowed her eyes at me, but continued her lecture.
Kai continued gently caressing my penis, causing me to get harder and harder, until she was able to grip my shaft firmly under the desk!
“Kai! Please!” I whispered.
Anna and Kat turned around and looked at us suspiciously.
I glanced at Emily and her friends along the side of the classroom. They were watching!
They couldn’t see anything other than my face and Kai’s hand under the desk, obviously in my lap!
I continued taking notes, occasionaly pushing Kai’s hand away.
(Don’t move) My sister’s whisper echoed in my head.
I was frozen.
I shot me eyes over to Emily and her friends.
They were smiling and staring at me!
Kai again placed her hand on my thigh, but this time quickly gripped my penis and began stroking!
I couldn’t stop her this time, so she took my non-resistance as an invitation to keep going!
“Oooooooh!” She quietly moaned.
“So, in other words, effect is the result of cause, and-“ Ms Sampson paused. “Mark, Kai, is there a problem?” Ms Sampson asked.
Kai quickly released my penis and put her hand back on top of the desk.
“No, Ms Sampson.” We both said in unison.
Ms Sampson narrowed her eyes at me.
“Mr Grayhart, could you please stand up a moment?” Ms Sampson asked.
(Release) Emily’s voice echoed in my head.
I reluctantly scooted back from the desk and stood beside it.
The class began giggling as my semi erect penis was put on display.
Ms Sampson sighed.
“Mr Grayhart, please come up here.” She motioned for me to come to the front of the class.
I walked passed my classmates, doing my best to keep my penis under control, but it swung from side to side with each step.
I stood beside Ms Sampson’s desk.
She looked down at my penis, which was plump and pointing straight out.
Ms Sampson shook her head, then her eyes widened.
“Ah! Yes!” Ms Sampson stepped next to me and put her hands on my hips, pushing me to the side a bit.
“I think this will make for a fine experiment.” Ms Sampson again pulled out the ointment from her coat pocket.
“Now then, let’s take Mr Grayhart’s body here as an example. Specifically, his penis.” Ms Sampson gestured to my cock.
My classmates giggled.
“Now, can anyone take a guess as to what might happen if I were to touch Mark’s penis right now? Hmm?” She asked.
I started trembling.
Kai raised her hand.
“Yes, Kai?” Ms Sampson addressed her.
“He would probably get a boner.” Kai said.
The class giggled.
“Inappropriate, but correct. Mark’s penis would react, and he would most likely get an erection. The ‘cause’ of my hand touching his penis would have an ‘effect’.” Ms Sampson looked around at the class. “Cause- and Effect.”
Ms Sampson squeezed more ointment into her hand.
“As an experiment, let’s see if your hypothosis is correct.” Ms Sampson then gripped my penis in her hand and gently started stroking!
The class watched in shock as Ms Sampson began giving me a handjob!
Why was she doing this?!
Weren’t the instructors told that I WASN’T supposed to have an erection?!
I looked at the faces of my classmates-at the faces of my sister and her friends-everyone had wide eyes and huge smiles.
The pleasant rubbing of Ms Sampson’s hand had an instant effect.
I felt my penis stiffen and begin to grow.
Ms Sampson stopped stroking and held my penis at the base as it lengthened and arched upward in a full on erection.
“Looks like Kai was correct.” Ms Sampson released my now fully erect penis and the class filled with gasps, giggles and “ooooooos”.
“Now then,” Ms Sampson placed her hands on her hips. “Mr Grayhart, I do believe you are violating the new school rules right now. You shouldn’t have an erection in front of your classmates like this.”
My jaw dropped in protest, but Ms Sampson raised her hand.
“We’re going to do this ‘old school’ then.” Ms Sampson walked over and reached into a box under her desk and rummaged around for a moment.
She stood up again holding a long pointed red paper hat.
The class began giggling.
Ms Sampson walked back to me and pushed me to stand beside the white erase board at the head of class.
She examined my hard penis and I could have sworn she bit her lower lip!
She then lifted and turned the pointed red hat, displaying the word ‘Dunce’ down the side.
She placed the paper cone onto my erect penis, completely obscuring my genitals from view, causing a collective sigh of disappointment from the class.
“Now, stand facing the corner until you can control yourself.” Ms Sampson pointed to the front corner.
I walked to the corner, the red Dunce cone swinging from side to side as I walked.
The class giggled.
I turned my back to the class and heard more giggles and gasps as I exposed my bare ass to my classmates.
“Hands on your head, Mark.” Ms Sampson said.
I placed my hands on my head and heard giggles as my shoulders flexed.
I felt myself trembling and knew my body was turning red with shame.
This was humiliating.
Ms Sampson carried on her lecture as I stared either up at the corner or down at the pointed hat.
I did my best to pay attention while still following instructions.
I looked down at the dunce cap.
The tip of the hat was starting to point straight out instead of the slight upward angle it had been.
I flexed my cock and watched the hat move slightly.
I was probably still at a semi-erection.
When I flexed, my butt muscles must have tensed as well, as I heard gasps from my classmates.
“Mr Grayhart, keep your hands on your head and turn to face the class please.” Ms Sampson said.
I stepped back from the wall, realizing the tip of the hat had been resting against the wall.
The hat tilted down and slid off of my, still plump, yet no longer erect penis.
The class giggled.
I bent over and picked up the hat.
I held it out to Ms Sampson, who regarded my “less” erect state.
She nodded in approval.
“Good, please go take your seat and CONTROL YOURSELF.”
I quickly walked back to my seat next to Kai, my classmates’ eyes watching as my cock bounced slightly with each step.
Emily, Christine and Tanya were all smiling and winking at me.
I pulled out my seat and went to sit down, but as I sat, Kai slid her upturned hand under my ass!
I jumped in shock and loudly hit my knees on the bottom of the desk, causing everyone to turn and look at us again.
Ms Sampson shot me a look and narrowed her eyes.
Kai chuckled as I sat back down on her hand.
She gently squeezed my butt cheek and slid her hand out from underneath me.
The rest of Science Class was pretty normal, aside from me doing my best to NOT get another erection.
The bell rang, and I decided to remain seated and let the rest of my classmates exit before me, but after everyone gathered their things, Emily popped up next to me.
“Come on, Mark! What class is next?” She said.
“Yeah! Come on!” Christine began tugging on my arm.
“We don’t want to be late again. Haha!” Tanya laughed.
I stood up and my classmates giggled as my flaccid penis and balls came into view again.
“History.” I sighed.
Christine and Tanya hooked their arms under mine.
“Lead the way! Haha!” Emily said, swinging my bag over her shoulder.
I walked down the row of desks, my classmates giggling and eyeing me up and down.
They stood as I passed by their desks to follow us out.
“Mr Grayhart,” Ms Sampson said.
I paused to look at her, as my classmates passed with giggles. “DO remember to control yourself, yes?” She nodded at my penis.
I blushed and nodded nervously.
“Y-yes ma’am.”
I hurried into the hall with my sister and her friends following close behind me.
Kai, Kat, Sam and Erica were waiting in the hall.
“Wow! Haha!” Kai laughed. “Sorry for getting you in trouble, Mark!”
“I’m not.” Sam said. “You’ve got a nice ass!”
Kai adjusted her glasses.
“So you get in trouble if you get hard, huh?” Kat asked, smiling at my flaccid penis.
Christine popped up beside me.
“And you get hard a lot, too!” “Looks like school is going get harder for you from here on out, too, huh, big bro?” Emily laughed.
“Are you guys going to be in ALL of Mark’s classes today?” Kai asked.
“That’s the plan!” Tanya chirped.
“And I don’t think we want to be late to History, do we? Haha!” She laughed.
With that, my classmates, my sister and her friends and myself all walked down the hall to the History room.

I was staring at the ceiling, doing my best to ignore the taunting and staring from my classmates as we walked, but suddenly, I felt it.
That intense sexually pleasurable feeling.
“Aaaaaaaah!” I trembled as my penis rapidly sprung up in a full erection!
Reflexively, I grabbed it and gripped it tightly around the shaft!

Emily’s perspective:
We were following Mark to the History room, giggling at his classmates reactions as well as giggling at Mark’s naked body, when there was a sudden-AMAZINGLY STRONG- pleasurable pressure in my pelvis!
My little clit felt like it was vibrating!
If I hadn’t been carrying Mark’s bag, I would have thrown my hands to my crotch to try and relieve the tension.
Christine, Tanya and Mark all stopped walking for a second and trembled.
Mark grabbed his penis while Tanya and Christine trembled and rubbed their legs together uncomfortably.
We all shared a nervous look.

Mark’s perspective:
I squeezed my cock, trying to releive the sensation.
A Sacral Feeder?!
I looked back at my sister, she was trembling, blushing and panting.
Tanya and Christine were doing the same.
“Whoa! You ok there big guy?” Sam gasped as I held my erect penis.
“Shit!” I gasped.
I glanced again at my sister.
She had a concerned, determined look in her face.
“Mark, here.” She thrust my backpack into my arms.
“Is that the History room up there?” She nodded a little ways down the hall.
“Y-yeah.” I stammered.
“We’ll meet you there.” Emily said bluntly.
“Everything ok?” Kat asked.
“Yeah. We just need to go check something with Headmistress Beckinsale. We’ll be there in a few.” Emily said.
I was actually impressed with how quickly and convincingly she was able to lie.
Emily, Tanya and Christine quickly made their way back down the hall and disappeared around the corner.
“Come on. Don’t want to be late again.” Sam and Victoria hooked their arms in mine, barely giving me a chance to sling my backpack on.
“You’re gonna be in trouble showing up with a boner like that though.” Victoria giggled.
We made our way to the History classroom, which was more of a small library than an actual classroom.
I slipped in behind the girls, holding my hands over my genitals, doing my best to conceal the fact that I had an erection.
I made it to my desk, and was just about to sit down when Ms Waller called me.
“Mr Grayhart, is there a reason you feel the need to cover yourself? I do believe you were told NOT to cover up, correct?”
I stopped walking as my classmates giggled and took their seats.
“I’m sorry, Ms Waller.” I said. “I would just like to sit down so that class may begin.” I hoped that by expressing a desire to learn, my erect state would go unmentioned.
“I appreciate that, Mark, but rules are rules. Please place your hands at your sides.” Ms Waller said.
I sighed and did as I was told.
My classmates giggled as my erect penis was put on display.

Emily’s perspective:
Tanya, Christine and I rounded the corner into an empty hallway.
“Where is it?” Tanya asked.
“It’s gotta be close, right?” Christine asked.
We stood in the hallway, looking at the ceiling and the windows.
There was a sudden, sharp pleasurable pressure in my clit!
I felt a rush of wind under my skirt and looked down to see a small light pink glowing winged creature zip between my legs.
It glided to the end of the hall and shot up to the ceiling!
The little pink ‘fairy’ looking thing flapped it’s little wings and let out a highpitched giggle.
“There!” I gasped.
The small female figure smiled wickedly and began rubbing itself, placing one tiny hand between it’s legs and one on it’s little bump of a breast!
I felt an intense pressure in my vulva!
It felt like my energy was being pulled out from my tiny slit!
“Aaaaaah!” Tanya and Christine moaned in unison.
“Fight it!” I exclaimed.
We threw our bags to the side.
I lifted my skirt and thrust my hand down my panties.
I ran my finger along my slit, parting my sparce pubic hair up to my clit.
I focused my energy and began rubbing myself.
My aura began glowing purple.
Tanya and Christine were doing the same.
Tanya glowing yellow and Christine glowing red.
The perverted little creature squeeled and rubbed itself faster!
I let the situation and the ‘naughtiness’ take over.
The warmth in my pelvis intensified, along with the pleasure and I let out a long moan in unison with Christine and Tanya.
My purple aura shot forward along with the yellow and red ones from Tanya and Christine.
The light converged on the Sacral Feeder and it let out a pained, highpitched screech as it dissolved into nothing.
My breathing slowed and I looked at the ground.
Between my feet lay the burned remains of my panties.
“Did it just talk?!” Christine gasped.
“Maybe? Who cares. We beat it.” I panted.
I bent down and picked up my burned panties, Christine and Tanya doing the same.
“At least that one seemed weaker than the other one earlier.” Christine said.
“Yeah, but the frequency is concerning. That’s 2 already today.” I said.
“We knew it was a possibility, with Mark being naked all day.” Christine said, examining her own burned out panties.
“Yeah, but we can’t keep this up. It’s exhausting and-“ Tanya sighed, “costly.”
We went to our bags and pulled out yet another pair of panties.

Mark’s perspective:
My classmates giggled as my erect penis was put on display.
Ms Waller gasped.
“I see. Mark, please come here.” She motioned for me to come stand beside her at the front of the class.
I did as I was told, walking sheepishly and hanging my head, trying not to look at my classmates.
I stood beside Ms Waller and continued looking down at my erect penis.
“As many of you know, Wicker Creek is a unique place. We know that this was a settlement, founded by women, but there is a detail about the founders that very few people acknowledge.” Ms Waller paused.
“Wicker Creek was ‘supposedly’ founded be witches.”
My mouth dropped open in shock.
Ms Waller continued.
“Wicker Creek falls along a very specific ley line. Some believe that these founding ‘witches’ used this special location for various rituals.”
The intensely pleasurable sensation had left my pelvis and cock, but I was still fully erect.
Did the girls beat the Sacral Feeder?
“These founding witches-women, sorry- would inevitably travel outside the colony for the explicit purpose of conceiving a child.” Ms Waller continued.
“Inexplicably, the vast majority of babies that resulted from these pilgrimages would be female. Thus, the colony naturally became- and continues to be- a ‘Womens’ Colony’. Now, male babies were occasionally born, but that was quite the rare occurance. I’m sure many, if not all of you have noticed that Mark is the only male student here at Wicker Creek High.”
My classmates looked at one another with a strange new realization, then back at me.
The door to the classroom opened, and Emily, Tanya and Christine quietly entered, moving to the back of the class.
Ms Waller eyed the girls as they took seats at the back.
Emily mouthed the word “Sorry.”
Ms Waller nodded and continued.
“Now, there isn’t a lot of documented info on the subject, but it is believed that the founding women of Wicker Creek used male members of the community in different rituals and practices for purposes that, to this day, remain unclear.”
I watched as Emily and her friends sat down at the back of the classroom.
“Now, Mr Grayhart, back to you and your-“ Ms Waller looked down at my erect penis. “predicament.”
Ms Waller placed her hands on her hips.
“While I agree that your new uniform provides both the other students and yourself a unique learning experience, it also comes with certain ‘distractions’.” Ms Waller looked directly at my penis.
“As you heard Headmistress Beckinsale say this morning, the ‘handling’ of this situation falls to the discretion of us instructors. So, what should be done?” Ms Waller asked, patting her finger on her lips.
“I’m not a fan of corporal punishment, so this will require some creativity.” She added, continuing to think.
“In some of the older texts I’ve read, Wicker Creek had a few different ways of dealing with law breakers or criminals, but I’m not sure any of those punishments would apply to this situation.”
Ms Waller again patted her finger to her lips.
“Mark, can you not make it go down on your own?” She asked.
I closed my eyes and tried to picture ANYTHING to help make my erection subside.
“I-I don’t know. I’m sorry.” I said.
For some strange reason, I felt shame at both my aroused, naked state, as well as the fact that I was unable to force it to go down.
Could my sister and her friends do something?
So far, the only sure way to get rid of my erections was ejaculation, but given the spell they’d cast, would ejaculating be enough?
I looked to the back of the class to Emily, Christine and Tanya.
They were smiling and seemed to be eager to see whst punishment awaited my ‘insubordination’.
Ms Waller walked to the large storage closet and opened the door.
She disappeared inside, and we could hear things being moved and Ms Waller muttering to herself.
“Ah!” We heard Ms Waller exclaim, followed by the sound of something heavy being dragged across the floor.
Ms Waller emerged from the closet dragging a large wooden contraption if some sort!
“This punishment is called the stocks.” She said, positioning the wooden frame in front of the class.
It looked like the upper part of a ‘T’ placed on top of the lower part of an ‘X’.
“Wheels were not an original feature, but the museum that donated this contraption to us added them for ease of movement.”
Examining the large wooden contraption more closely, the lower ‘X’ portion was set slightly further back than the upper ‘T’ portion.
“Mark, please come here.” Ms Waller commanded.
I stepped next to Ms Waller.
“Step onto the platform please. Here.” Ms Waller gestured for me to put my feet at the base of the legs of the lower ‘X’.
I did as I was told, spreading my legs and placing my feet where she pointed.
My genitals hung inside a hollow curve at in the center of the contraption.
“Good. Now lean forward slightliy and rest your wrists here.” Ms Waller gestured at the 2 outer half circle cut outs on the upper ‘T’ portion.
I again did as I was told.
My chin ended up resting in the center cut out of the top of the ‘T’.
Ms Waller went back into the closet and brought out another thick board with 3 more half circle cut outs.
She laid the board across my wrists and the back of my neck.
I heard 2 loud ‘clicks’ as she latched the board in place.
“And there we go. This, ladies, is the stocks.”
This was incredibly uncomfortable.
The way it slightly contorted my body made it so my legs and arms were constantly trading off supporting the majority of my weight.
I couldn’t relax at all.
Ms Waller grasped the side of the boards holding my wrists and neck.
Thanks to the wheels on the base of this contraption, she was able to easily turn me to the side, giving everyone a view of my erect penis as well my ass from the side.
Every muscle in my body was flexed, and I could do nothing to cover myself.
Ms Waller continued to rotate the platform a full 180 degrees, so now my bare ass was facing my classmates.
I heard gasps, whispers and giggles.
I felt myself turning bright red with shame.
I was shaking uncontrollably, both from shame AND exhaustion.
I heard more satisfied gasps and giggles.
My thighs, calfs and buttocks were on fire thanks to my trembling and unnatural position.
Ms Waller stood beside me.
“Stocks like these would be placed throughout the villages, on street corners and in parks. Criminals would be put on display for various lengths of time, depending on the severity of the crime.” Ms Waller continued her lecture.
“Townsfolk were encouraged to torment those individuals who found themselves being sentenced to the stocks.”
Sam raised her hand.
“Yes, Sam?” Ms Waller acknowledged her.
“What kind of ‘torment’ did the townsfolk use?” She asked with a smirk.
“Verbal abuse and having spoiled food thrown at them were most common. As well as other demeaning acts.” Ms Waller said.
Carly raised her hand next.
“Yes, Carly?” Ms Waller acknowledged her.
“What kind of ‘demeaning acts’?” She asked.
The class quietly giggled.
Ms Waller cleared her throat.
“As you can imagine, if the law breaker was female, seeing as the the town was majority female, the ridecule and demeaning acts were less severe, but for male law breakers, the demeaning acts would almost ALWAYS involve physical touching of sorts. Spankings, poking or striking with sticks, even tickling were common acts.” Ms Waller paused and examined me.
“Obviously, ridecule of the man’s genitals were all but guaranteed.” Ms Waller seemed to pause for a moment.
She bent down and looked at my hard penis before straightening up again.
“Though, in some instances, it could also just result in putting the man’s body on display for the womens’ - ‘entertainment.’”
I could have sworn Ms Waller tried not to laugh!
I could feel my cock touch my abs with every breath I took.
“I know!” Ms Waller exclaimed. “As a demonstration, let’s have our special visitors come up and roleplay a bit. Act out how young women might react to someone being forced to endure this punishment.”
Ms Waller motioned for Emily, Christine and Tanya to come up from the back of class!
The 3 girls were all smiles as they walked up to stand around me.
“Now, imagine. You girls are walking through town, just minding your own business, when you see that a young man is bound in the stocks. How would you girls react, knowing that this young man was being punished? Go.” Ms Waller leaned back on her desk.
My sister and her friends approached me.
Emily stood in front of me, Tanya at my side, and Christine stood behind me.
“Ooooooo. Someone’s been naughty!” Emily began, not missing a beat.
“Oh my! You can see his weiner! Haha!” Christine said, feigning naivety.
“Haha! He’s trembling! Look at his butt shake!” Tanya giggled.
My classmates giggled.
“He can’t cover up with his hands and feet shackled like that, can he? How embarassing!” Emily said.
“If he’s being punished, do you think we should spank him?!” Christine asked.
“Yeah! I think so! He clearly deserves it.” Tanya said.
I then felt Christine and Tanya’s hands gently caressing my ass!
I flashed back to this morning, when Ms Beckinsale had spanked me and made me cum in front of everyone!
Were they about to try making me do that again?!!
Emily reached her hand up and gently caressed the side of my face.
She ran her soft hand up into my hair and grabbed firmly.
It hurt and made me yelp, but she didn’t pull, thankfully.
It seemed she wasn’t going to be THAT mean.
“If he’s being punished for being naughty, I don’t think it’s working, look at his weiner! It’s still hard!” Christine said.
“I think you should spank him then.” Emily said. “For being SOOOO naughty.” She smiled wickedly at me.
She then grabbed the sides of the wooden frame and turned me sideways, giving my classmates a view of my body and penis from the side!
My entire body was still trembling from exhaustion and my muscles were tensed.
My classmates gasped and giggled.
I again felt Christine and Tanya’s hands on my ass, rubbing in gentle circles.
Emily stepped back and placed her hands on her hips.
Still in character, she looked at my classmates.
“What say yee, dear townsfolk? Should we spank this naughty criminal as further punishment for his crimes? Heehee!” Emily couldn’t help but chuckle at her own fake accent.
“Yay!” My classmates cheered in unison.
Ms Waller then spoke up, also deciding to take up a character.
“As Mayor of this township, I approve of said punishment!” She then laughed!
“How many spanks seem appropriate, Ms Mayor?” Emily asked.
Ms Waller thought for a moment.
“As many as it takes for this criminal to learn his lesson-“ Ms Waller bent down to examine my erect penis.
“And for him to stop displaying his naughtiness!”
Ms Waller straightened up.
“You may begin.”
Emily walked back behind me to join Christine and Tanya.
I felt a sharp, but not too painful slap across my right butt cheek!
Christine then walked around to face me.
“We’ll teach you to show the town your big weiner! Haha!” She chuckled.
I felt another slap on my ass and Christine stepped around me again.
It was now Tanya in front of me.
“This is what you get for being naughty! The entire town gets to see you get spanked!”
I felt another VERY hard slap across my ass.
Tanya stepped aside as Emily stepped in front of me.
They were circling me and spanking me!
“I hope this teaches you a lesson, you perv!” Emily said, stepping behind me again.
This continued for a while, much to the amusement of my classmates AND my teacher.
As Christine stepped back in front of me, I noticed that her skirt flipped up!
It was breif, but I still caught a glimpse of her tiny pink panties!
As she twirled around to be replaced by Tanya, my eyes locked on to Tanya’s skirt, and sure enough, it flipped up, letting me see her own purple panties!
Another spank, and Emily was now in front of me.
Another spank and my sister twirled away, letting me see her tiny black panties!
The girls continued like this.
Spanking, teasing, then inadvertently flashing me their panties.
The spanks were beginning to have an effect!
That, coupled with the occasional gentle bounce of my balls on the smooth wooden curve of the rack, had me slowly approaching orgasm!
I turned my head to glance at my classmates.
The excited expectant faces told me that everyone was waiting for me to lose it.
Another smack, and I felt that ripple of pleasure shoot from my ass, through my pelvis and into my cock!
Another smack-another ripple of pleasure.
My penis twitched and I could feel a bit of precum between the bottom of my cock and the smooth wooden groove.
Another smack sent the bottom of my shaft rubbing against the smooth wood.
“No, no, no, no!” I muttered.
I could hear my classmates whispering and gasping.
My body was shaking violently now, not just from exhaustion, but from fighting back orgasm.
The rack began creaking and clacking as I trembled.
“Mr Grayhart,” Ms Waller adressed me. “Have you learned your lesson?”
I shook my head in agreement.
“Y-yes ma’am! I-“ I was cut off as Christine landed one final smack on my ass.
The wave of pleasure that shot it’s way through my pelvis was too much.
I clenched everything as I tried to hold back.
Ms Waller stepped to my side and was about to release me, but then, she stopped.
“Wait. Let’s make this more authentic.” Ms Waller turned to the class.
Still in her ‘Mayor’ character she said “Townsfolk, I believe EVERYONE should be in on the punishment of this criminal. Please line up and give Mark one good spank!”
My heart sank as my classmates excitedly lined up at the side of the classroom!
I could no longer see them as they had passed beyond my limited line of sight.
Emily, Christine and Tanya leaned against the desks in front of me, smiling and laughing.
“Alright girls, let’s begin. Class is almost over and we BARELY covered any actual ‘history’ today.” Ms Waller called out.
“But I SUPPOSE a reenactment of a historical punishment counts.” She chuckled.
I heard whispering and giggling behind me.
I felt a sharp smack across my ass!
My hips bucked forward and the bottom of my hard penis rubbed against the smooth wood of the stocks.
Anna walked around to my side.
“Naughty, naughty!”
Another smack, another rub against the smooth wood coupled with another wave of pleasure.
Victoria’s slender frame came around to stand next to Anna.
All my classmates got in one good smack across my ass.
Each smack reminded me of my nude, aroused and exposed state, filling me with shame.
Each smack also brought me closer and closer to orgasm!
I was trembling with embarassment.
You could hear the metal clasps rattle and the wood frame creek.
Kat and Sam were the last 2 in line.
My ass was now half numb, half on fire from the varied degrees of smacks.
“Awwwwwww! Mark, your butt is all red! I’ll try and hit a spot that hasn’t been hit yet. Haha!” Kat laughed.
Her hand connected low.
Much lower than I’m sure she intended, striking the lower part of my ass, right around my butthole!
Her fingers grazed the back of my ballsack, and the pleasure was almost too much!
I moaned and tensed my body!
I was trembling so hard, I thought the rack might break!
Sam stepped up behind me.
“Here we go, naughty boy!” She taunted.
I felt her rest her left hand on my lower back.
Then, the swiftest, hardest smack yet caught both cheeks perfectly!
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!” I yelped in pain.
My pelvis slammed against the wood frame, along with my knees and my wrists ached from the strain!
I was panting.
Ms Waller stepped in front of me.
“Alright, I think that’s a good place to end todays lesson.”
She knelt down and undid the feet shackles.
Then she stood and undid the lock on the board across my wrists and neck.
She lifted it and my body immediately fell backwards against the wall at the front of the class.
“Ah!” I quickly rolled onto my side to keep from resting my ass on the hard floor.
My classmates laughed and made comments.
“Sorry, Mark!”
“I don’t think the punishment worked, he’s still rock hard!”
“That was fun!”
“Best History lesson ever!”
Ms Waller stepped in front of me.
Emily, Christine and Tanya appeared and helped me up.
My penis was rock hard and pulsing!
“Well,” Ms Waller looked down at my hard cock. “It certainly does appear that Mark has NOT yet learned his lesson after all.”

Before she could say anything else, the bell rang!
“Oh! Alright, for homework, I want you all to do some research on a Wicker Creek legend!” Ms Waller called out as the class gathered their things.
“Mark,” Ms Waller approached me as Emily, Tanya and Christine gathered our things.
“Yes, Ms Waller?” I asked, stretching.
“I’m sorry if that punishment seemed severe. It was just such a good opportunity to test out that replica rack! Haha!”
She then composed herself, brushing her gray hair behind her ear.
“You are exempt from the homework assignment, as repayment for playing a key roll in today’s lesson.”
“Thanks, Ms Waller.” I said, gently rubbing my ass.
The class began exiting.
Christine, Emily and Tanya popped up beside me.
“What class is next?!” Christine asked excitedly.
“Lunch.” I said. “And then a study period.”
“Oh good! I’m actually kind of hungry! Haha!” Tanya said.
“Me too!” Christine said.
“Lead the way, bro!” Emily said, smiling down at my hard penis.
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

Things are ramping up. I can't wait to see what happens next. How will he get punished next? I can't wait.
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

Brilliant chapter, NudeBaG! That was a very interesting history lesson indeed! How he didn't cum after all that punishment is beyond me. Looking forward to lunch and study period with Mark at the mercy of all those girls.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic Part 19: Monday Is A School Day (A multi-chapter mini saga Part 4)

“What class is next?!” Christine asked excitedly.
“Lunch.” I said. “And then a study period.”
“Oh good! I’m actually kind of hungry! Haha!” Tanya said.
“Me too!” Christine said.
“Lead the way, bro!” Emily said, smiling down at my hard penis.
We actually had a full hour for lunch and ‘studying.’
It was a policy put in place when I was a freshman.
Some of my more serious classmates ACTUALLY studied, but for the most part, it was just an hour in the middle of our day used for socializing.
I lead the way out into the hallway towards the cafeteria.
My classmates were waiting and eagerly grouped around us, following close behind, or walking just in front of us.
My erect penis pointing straight at the ceiling.
“Emily, could I have my backpack?” I asked.
Emily gave me a confused look.
“Why? I thought you’d be happy having your little sister carry your bag for you all day.”
I looked down at my hard penis.
Emily immediately figured it out.
“Oooooh. No, I’ll keep holding it for you. I don’t mind.” She winked at me.

We made it to the cafeteria, and were the first in line.
Ms Colson greeted us with a smile as my classmates filed in behind us.
“Hello there, Mr Grayhart. What would you and your guests like?” She smiled at me and then at my sister and her friends.
Fortunately, the way the counter was set up, she couldn’t see my hard penis.
She took our orders and placed the food on our trays.
We continued to the school cashier.
Her name was Ashley and she was a volunteer from Wicker Creek University.
She was 19 and had beauitiful straight red hair and green eyes.
Like a ‘grown up’ version of Christine.
She hadn’t been at the assembly this morning.
“Oh. My. GOD!” Her mouth dropped open in a wide grin as she looked down at my hard penis.
Her eyes devoured my entire body.
“Ms Colson told me about you and your new ‘uniform’, but seeing it in person, oh WOW! Haha!” Ashley laughed.
I lowered my tray to shield my genitals from view.
Emily was in line behind me.
She pulled my ID badge off my backpack to scan for payment.
After scanning, she gently lifted my tray away from my crotch.
“Now, now Mark. You know you aren’t supposed to cover up. Haha!” Emily laughed.
“But you aren’t supposed to have a boner either! Naughty boy!” Christine taunted.
My classmates in line behind us leaned around one another to get a view of my erect state.
Ashley laughed and fanned her hand in front of her face, as though cooling herself off.
I looked around to see if any of the instructors were around.
Fortunately, it was lunch as usual.
The instructors all ate lunch in the lounge or in their classrooms.
This meant the students were allowed to eat in the cafeteria or in the courtyard for their lunch hour.
“Wow! You should try and get that under control before your next class. Haha! Don’t worry, though.” Ashley said. “I won’t tell on you.” She winked.
“Th-Thanks.” I muttered.
I quickly turned and walked to the dining area.
I sat at a corner table, which would usually put me far away from the congregating areas of my classmates.
But, after Emily sat across from me, Christine beside me, and Tanya next to Emily, my classmates surrounded me, sitting at the tables closest to us.
I tried to just focus on my meal, but as I ate, I could feel my classmates’ eyes all over my body.
“High school is fun!” Emily said.
“Yeah! Especially with Mark showing us around!” Tanya added.
“I wish we could go to school with you every day, Marky.” Christine said.
She looked at my lap and saw that I still had a raging hard on.
“And I bet you do too! Haha!”
We finished our meals and over the course of our lunch period, my classmates approached in waves, talking with my sister and her friends or taunting me about getting in trouble for having a boner.
I tried to keep it hidden under the table, but the seats were attached, so there was really only so much I could do.
While I ate, I was pretty much on full display to those around us.
From the side, you could plainly see my fully erect penis sticking straight up in my lap.
Christine kept staring and laughing all while she ate.
We finished eating and Emily stacked up our trays.
“Here, Mark. I’m assuming you need to take these back up to- what was her name? Ashley?” Emily smirked.
I sighed and picked up the trays.
Standing, I heard audible gasps from my classmates.
I quickly walked to the cashier stand, my cock was throbbing and rock hard.
I pressed my abdomen against the counter to hide myself.
I could feel the head of my penis pressing against the bottom of the counter.
Ashley popped up from behind a large cooler behind the counter.
“Returning our trays.” I said, holding them up to her.
She took them and said “Thanks! I appreciate it when you guys bring them back. It saves me the trouble of having to collect them after lunch.” She actually leaned a bit further over the counter than necessary and blatently looked at my waist.
She frowned when she saw that I was hidden.
I quickly turned and ran right into Victoria, who had been holding a cup of pudding.
A cup of pudding which now covered my abs and cock!
“Oh! Mark! No! My pudding!” Victoria yelped.
The now empty pudding cup also comically hung from the tip of my penis.
All my classmates eyes now turned to me.
“Mark! What did you do?!” Emily stood up from the table.
“Oh, Marky!” Christine said in mock disappointment.
Ashley picked up a walkie-talkie from beside the register.
“Ms Inez, we have a bit of a mess in the cafeteria.” She said.
Victoria reached out and took the pudding cup off of my penis.
“Hahaha! Oh no!” Victoria laughed. “Awwwww! It looks like a melting pudding-pop now!”
Emily, Tanya and Christine were at my sides now.
“Oh Mark! You’ve messed up your new uniform! Haha!” Emily said, causing my classmates to laugh as well.
Ashley had walked up behind me.
She had her hands on her hips and shook her head.
“Mr Grayhart! You’ve made quite the mess, haven’t you? You’re gonna have to clean that up.” Ashley walked back to the kitchen area.
I looked around at the tables looking for some napkins.
A few moments of my classmates laughing at my pudding covered cock, and Ashley reappeared with towels a bucket of water.
“Get started on the floor, I’ll be right back.”
I did as I was told, getting on my hands and knees and sopping up the pudding as my classmates watched.
“Nice ass, Mark!”
“Maybe we should smack it again. Haha!”
The comments kept coming as I finished cleaning the floor.
I stood up tossing the towels in the bucket.
Ashley was back and standing next to Ms Colson, who had come out to see what the commotion was.
Ms Colson looked at my hard, pudding covered cock.
“Oh my! Mr Grayhart, you know the rules.” She shook her head, but smirked. “We need to get you clean as well.”
Ms Colson turned to Ashley and whispered something in her ear.
Ashley’s face lit up with excitement.
“Really?! Ok!” Ashley grabbed the bucket and headed back to the kitchen again.
Ms Colson took her walkie talkie off her hip.
“Ms Inez, don’t worry. The mess has been handled.” She placed it back on her hip and grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the kitchen as well!
My sister, her friends, and my classmates followed behind us.
We reached the kitchen entrance, and Ms Colson turned to them.
“Go back around to the lunch line, you can watch from there.”
My classmates sighed, but quickly moved back to the lunch line, giving thrm a clear view into the kitchen area.
Ms Colson took me over to a large industrial sink.
“I can’t let you go to your next class like that.” Ms Colson looked at my pudding covered penis. “I’m not technically an instructor, but rules are rules. As punishment, Ashley is going to wash you.”
Ashley turned on the sink.
“Now, put your hands on your head.” Ms Colson commanded and stepped back.
Shaking, I did as I was told.
I turned to see all the girls watching from the lunch line.
I turned back to Ashley, who was smiling wide.
“Hold still.” She said.
She pulled the hanging industrial sink hose over to me and blasted my lower torso, penis and balls with the warm water.
It was powerful and the pudding washed off in no time.
She turned the water off.
“Chocolate is bad for the skin, so I’m going to scrub you with soap as well.” Ashley pumped some pink soap into her hand.
“It’s safe for sensitive skin, so it should be fine.” She smirked.
Without warning, Ashley wrapped one soapy hand around my shaft and placed her other soapy hand on my balls!
(Don’t move!) I heard Emily’s voice in my head.
Ms Colson watched as Ashley began rubbing soap along my hard penis and balls!
I looked at my classmates who were watching in stunned silence.
“Oh!” Ashley gasped as my penis twitched and got even harder!
I was fully erect and the young cafeteria cashier was now essentially giving me a handjob in front of the entire student body!
Emily was smiling, while Tanya and Christine actually looked a little upset.
After the teasing of the previous classes, I was already on edge.
My body tensed and began shaking.
“Hold still. I’m just trying to clean your-“ Ashley paused and chuckled.
“Ooooooooh!” A sudden realization spread across her face.
She gripped a little tighter, and changed the position of her hand.
She was now BLATENTLY giving me a handjob!
Suddenly, my body trembled as I felt that almost painful orgasmic pressure in my pelvis!
I looked at Emily, Tanya and Christine, but they had vanished.

Emily’s perspective:

We leaned over the counter with the rest of Mark’s classmates as he was taken over to a large sink.
The lunch lady stood by, while the cashier sprayed him down with a hose!
“Awww! Such a waste of pudding!” Sam moaned.
“What else were they gonna do?” Carly asked.
“I mean, Victoria DID say it looked like a pudding pop-“ Sam shrugged.
The students, as well as the 3 of us looked at her.
“What?! Oh come on! Like I’m the only one who’s thought about that?!” Sam looked indignant.
“Oooooooh! Haha! I get it!” Christine laughed.
“Wow!” Carly gasped.
I looked back at Mark, and Ashley appeared to be giving him a handjob!
I felt that sudden, intense orgasmic pressure in my crotch!
I gasped and looked at Tanya.
She was already falling back into the audience of students.
I looked at Christine, who had a knowing yet frustrated look on her face.
But she too slipped backwards into the group of girls.
I gave one more look at Mark.
He was trembling a lot now.
I felt another wave of almost painful orgasmic pressure twist within my pussy.
“I feel weird.” Kat said.
“Me too.” Carly replied.
I looked at them as I slipped backwards.
They appeared to be breathing heavy.
I looked around.
All the girls seemed to be strained.
Some of them even had their hands tucked into or under the fronts of their skirts!
It seemed like a Sacral Feeder was using this situation as an all you can eat buffet!
I glanced at Mark one more time.
It would be strange if he stayed frozen after all of that.
(Release.) I thought in my head.
I then slipped backwards through the group of girls and headed to join Tanya and Christine at the cafeteria entrance.
“I think it’s this way!” Christine said.
“No, I think it’s over there!” Tanya pointed down a hallway that was in the complete opposite direction.
I felt the pressure in my pussy again.
“It feels like it’s right outside the cafeteria!” I said.
“Is there more than one?!” Christine asked.
The thought of multiple Sacral Feeders coming through at once hadn’t occurred to me.
“Shit!” Tanya gasped.
“No choice!” I said. “We each take one. Hopefully, they’ll be as weak or weaker than the others we’ve faced so far.”
The 3 of us nodded at eachother.
Christine then reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties!
She stepped out of them and clenched them in her fist.
“What are you doing?!” Tanya gasped.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m getting tired of burning up my panties.” Christine said, tugging her short skirt down.
“Plus, it’ll be easier to trigger my attack on the Sacral Feeder now.”
She had a good point.
I quickly removed my own panties and tucked them in my bra under my shirt.
It felt naughty, but also kind of good.
Tanya sighed and reluctantly pulled down her own panties.
She stood and trembled, tugging her skirt down.
“Alright. Let’s get this done!” I said.
The 3 of us each headed in different directions, preparing to each take down a Sacral Feeder…alone.

Mark’s Perspective:

(Release.) I felt my sister’s voice in my head, and my body trembled as I regained control.
I kept my hands on my head as I had been told, but I reflexively tried to pull my pelvis away from Ashley.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Ms Colson scolded.
“I’m still in charge here and we aren’t done yet! Now hold still and let Ashley finish cleaning you!”
I looked at my gathered classmates and scanned for my sister and her friends.
They were gone.
(That sensation a moment ago- they must have gone to deal with the Sacral Feeder.) I thought to myself.
My eyes then drifted back to my classmates who were all smiling and giggling as they watched Ashley ‘clean’ me.
Another intense wave of pleasure shook me and I trembled.
“Hold still, Mark. This pudding is really sticky.” Ashley said.
She was slowly and teasingly rubbing my hard cock now, and I had to follow instructions.

Emily’s perspective:

I looked back towards Mark one more time before heading in the direction I felt the Sacral Feeder’s ‘pull’ from.
Running down the halls of this highschool without panties felt incredibly naughty, but I decided to focus those feelings in preparation for taking on a Sacral Feeder by myself.
I turned a corner a little ways passed the cafeteria and saw it!
A little pink winged creature floating near the ceiling, looking through one of the vents to the cafeteria.
It was about 3 feet tall and had the features of a petite female figure.
It turned away from the vent and looked at me.
It seemed surprised to see me, but smiled wickedly.
It floated down until it was hovering about a foot off the floor.
In an instant, it vanished and I felt a rush of air pass under my skirt and between my legs, along with a gentle caress down my slit coupled with that intense feeling of my energy being pulled from my pussy!
I gasped and quickly turned around to face it again.
It raised it’s hand to it’s face and sniffed before letting out a highpitched giggle!
This Sacral Feeder just touched me in my most private area and then SMELLED ME?!!
I felt a surge of sexual energy and focused it!
I lifted the front of my skirt and began caressing myself, focusing my energy.
I felt the warm tingle spreading rapidly and noticed that I was glowing purple!
The little pink creature still held one hand up to it’s face while the other was pressed into it’s crotch!
I felt another strong pull from my pussy and my body shook!
I fought it off and let the realization that I was essentially masturbating in the halls of this highschool take over.
The naughtiness overwhelmed me and I felt that orgasmic sensation build to release!
I moaned as my light purple aura shot forward!
The purple light hit the creature and it screamed as it dissolved into nothing!
“Tooooooooooo muuuuuuuch!” It’s highpitched voice faded out.
I caught my breath and hoped that Christine and Tanya were able to handle their targets.
I pulled my panties out of my shirt and slid them back on.

Tanya’s perspective:

We split up and I ran in the direction I felt the pull from.
I hated the idea of splitting up!
What if I couldn’t beat the Sacral Feeder on my own?!
I ran down the hallways and corridors towards the pull I felt.
It led me back to the library!
I hesitantly opened the door and stepped inside.
No one was here, thankfully.
I felt that intense sensation in my pussy and almost collapsed on my knees!
“Where is this intense embarassment coming from?!” I heard a highpitched, voice squeel.
“Wha-?” I couldn’t help but audibly gasp at the fact that this Sacral Feeder just spoke?!!!
I walked cautiously down the rows of bookcases trying to figure out where that voice had come from.
I passed a couple empty rows, and then, there it was!
A glowing blue creature with huge ears was crawling along the tops of the bookcases, it’s long tail was hanging down, dragging along the top shelf of the bookcase it was on!
It didn’t appear to have wings.
(Good, this should be easy then) I thought.
I began to focus my energy.
The skinny little blue creature turned it’s glowing pink eyes towards me!
“Wha- Is it coming from you?!” The creature squeeked in it’s cartoonishly highpitched voice.
The creature then stood and hopped off the shelf to land in front of me.
I had to do a double take!
It hadn’t been it’s tail hanging down, but it’s disgustingly long and slender penis!
The creature stood straight in front of me.
It was only about 3 feet tall, but it’s penis hung between it’s legs and coiled on the floor!
I was taken aback in shock and disgust at the disturbing proportions of this Sacral Feeder!
The little blue creature then gripped it’s penis at the base and began swinging it around in a circle, knocking books off shelves and scattering shelf dividers all over the floor!
It slapped the linoleum tile of the library floor with a disturbing fleshy sound.
If the creature was only 3 feet tall, it’s penis must have been at least 4 or 5 feet long!
I felt a that sharp, sudden and intense orgasmic sensation in my pussy and snapped out of it!
I reached down and parted my sparce pubic hair and began rubbing myself, focussing my energy.
The creature let out a highpitched squeel and began swinging it’s penis around even faster!
I focussed on the pleasure I was giving myself, as well as the naughty thought of masturbating in a school library!
I felt the warm tingle spreading from my pelvis and looked down.
I was glowing a faint yellow!
The Sacral Feeder let out another high pitched squeel!
“You! You can’t!” It squeeled.
I ignored the fact that it was talking and kept focussing on my clit!
It’s penis was now making the sound of a fleshy propeller as it swiped the floor!
“I-I can!” I declared as I felt the intense pleasure reach the point of orgasm!
I couldn’t help but let out my own barely stiffled moan as my bright yellow aura shot forth.
The creature’s ludicrously long penis began dissolving at the tip and I watched as the disintegration carried up the creatures body until it dissolved completely.
I fell to my knees, breathing heavy.
I composed myself, stood, and slid my panties back on.
I was still damp, but I’d have to deal with it.
I headed back to the cafeteria, hoping Emily and Christine were also successful.

Christine’s perspective:

We split up and I ran in the direction I felt the ‘pull’ from.
I ran down the main entrance corridor.
“I know it came from here!” I whispered to myself.
“Where is it?!” I heard a highpitched, almost whimper coming from the courtyard.
(There it is!) I thought as I pushed the doors to the courtyard open.
I was expecting another small winged creature to be hovering around the windows, but what I got was the exact opposite-well, it DID have wings.
The Sacral Feeder knelt in the center of the courtyard, peering down into the windows.
It was on it’s hands and knees looking in the lower windows.
It had to be at least 12 feet tall, and it was covered in rippling muscle!
It was glowing a deep red.
It’s wings, however, were barely noticable.
2 worthless little flaps on it’s massive shoulders.
“Oh come on!” I gasped without thinking.
The creature turned it’s head to look down at me.
“Is it you?!” The giant Sacral Feeder said in a comically highpitched cartoonish voice.
It then stood up.
It was definitely over 10 feet tall and MADE of muscle!
I began gathering my energy, feeling the pleasant warmth spread from my pussy.
I looked down and couldn’t quite make sense of what I was seeing.
The creature was huge!
Hanging between it’s legs was an enourmous ballsack with 2 proportionally large testicles.
But on top of that ballsack were 2 small penises!
Small in proportion to the size of the creature.
Like, REALLY small.
“Ooooooooooh!” The giant Sacral Feeder squeeked in that comical falsetto. “Is it you?!”
The creature then pinched one penis in the fingers of each hand.
It began moving it’s massive arms in short, quick motions, like tugging small udders.
I felt like my energy was being pulled from my pussy!
“Ahh! No!” I gasped.
I quickly composed myself and began massaging my clit, focussing my energy.
I focussed until I felt the intense, pleasant warmth and sensation spreading through my body.
I looked down and noticed that I was glowing bright red!
“Gyaaaaaaaaaaah!” The giant Sacral Feeder squeeked.
I focussed and pictured Mark touching me like he had during the ‘ritual’.
“Ooooooooooh!” I moaned in orgasmic pleasure as my bright red aura shot forward onto the creature.
It’s giant body began flaking apart, but it kept tugging on it’s dual penis’ stretching them away from it’s body like rubber bands.
In 2 final tugs, the small, stretchy penis’ snapped off and the giant Sacral Feeder collapsed and dissolved.
As it faded into nothing, the creature let out one final highpitched squeek.
“You little Witch-Biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!”
And it was gone.
I fell to my knees, breathing heavy and watched my aura fade away.
I stood up on shaky knees and pulled my panties out from under my shirt.
As I slid them up my legs, I couldn’t help feeling an intense sense of both accomplishment and exhaustion.
“We probably should have fought that one together.” I sighed.
I sat back down on the ground a moment to compose myself.
I chuckled to myself.
“Did it just call me a ‘Witch-Bitch’? Haha!”
I stood and headed back to the main corridor, hoping Emily and Tanya were ok, AND hoping that we didn’t miss too much of the show taking place in the cafeteria!

Mark’s perspective:

“Hold still, Mark. This pudding is really sticky.” Ashley said.
She was slowly and teasingly rubbing my hard cock now, and I had to follow instructions.
Ms Colson was leaning against one of the metal counters, watching Ashley’s ‘handy work’ approvingly.
Ashley smiled wide as she had stopped ‘cleaning’ me and was now just giving me a slow, teasing handjob!
“My goodness, Mr Grayhart. You really do have self control issues, don’t you?” Ms Colson shook her head. “Ashley, I think it’s time to hose him off now.”
“Are you sure? I want to be sure he’s clean.” Ashley said.
Ms Colson caught on and quickly responded.
“I’m sure. Hose him off and let him get back to his lunch hour. You have other things to clean.”
Ashley sighed and let go of my penis.
I breathed heavy and relaxed.
She had actually gotten me pretty close to orgasm, and part of me REALLY wanted her to finish.
Ashley grabbed the sink hose and aimed it at my crotch.
“Hold still Mark.”
She blasted me with the powerful (and cold) spray of water.
“Ah! Cold!” I gasped.
I turned towards her, making sure she hit everything.
Fortunately, the cold had an effect, and my erection subsided to my normal, but respectable flaccid size.
“Awwwwww.” Ashley sighed.
I held out my hand for the towel, but she moved passed my outstretched arm and began vigorously drying my crotch, flopping my limp penis around making everyone laugh.
I was at a firm, plump semi-erection by the time she stopped.
“Enjoy the rest of your lunch hour.” She winked.
I turned to leave the kitchen area, and she snapped my bare ass with the towel.
I hurried back out into the main cafeteria.
My classmates greeted me with laughs and comments.
“Good! You’re all clean!”
“Awww! What happened to that big boner you had?!”
“You owe me a pudding!” Victoria said stepping in front of me.
“S-sorry.” I stammered. “I’ll get you one tomorrow?”
I looked around for my sister and her friends.
Had they dealt with the Sacral Feeder?
They must have, I no longer felt that sensation.
Just shame at being surrounded by my classmates again.
Sam and Kai each grabbed a wrist.
“Come on Mark! Let’s go ‘study’ in the courtyard.” Sam said.
“Yeah! We still have like, 20 minutes left in lunch. Let’s get some fresh air!” Kai said.
“Let me grab my bag.” I turned to go back to the table I’d been sitting at with Emily and girls.
“I got it!” Carly turned and ran to the table.
She returned holding my bag.
I reached for it, but Carly slung it on her back with her own bag.
“I’ll carry it for you. No worries!” She smiled down at my semi-hard penis.
Sam and Kai began pulling me towards the main hall and towards the courtyard.
From the hallway to my right, Emily came around the corner.
She did a double take when she saw me with my classmates, but quickly shrugged and ran to join us.
As she reached us, Tanya came from the hallway in the direction of the library.
She gave a thumbs up and joined us as we walked.
We rounded the corner to the main entrance corridor and Christine almost ran right into us.
“Oh! What’s up?” She asked before smiling down at my penis.
“We’re gonna get some fresh air and study in the courtyard for a while before Gym Class.” Carly said.
“Well, it’s all clear, so let’s go!” Christine smiled.
Carly, Sam and Kai looked confused by her statement.
“I mean, I was just checking it out, and it’s really nice out!” Christine recovered.
We proceeded to the courtyard.
Emily, Tanya and Christine all grouped together at the back of my classmates, talking, presumably, about handling the Sacral Feeders.
We got outside and Sam, still holding my wrist, ran towards the 3 foot tall raised brick garden wall in the center of the courtyard.
I stumbled behind her.
“H-Hey! Sam! What the hell?!” I gasped as I tried not to hurt my bare feet on the paved ground.
She twirled me around and pushed me onto the wall.
I caught myself so I didn’t fall back into the dirt.
I did NOT want another sink shower!
Sam looked around.
“Good! No instructors!” She sighed.
Kai smiled and sat on the wall next to me.
“Ok, girls!” Sam said. “Let’s ‘study’.”
My classmates giggled.
Sam knelt in front of me.
“Do you guys prefer Mark’s cock limp? Or hard?” Sam reached out with her hand and flipped my semi hard penis to point up.
“I like it hard! Haha!” Kat laughed.
“I kind of like it when it gets plump and sticks straight out, kind of like it’s doing now.” Carly said.
“Definitely NOT like it was after Ms Becker put the ice pack on it! Haha!” Victoria chuckled.
One by one, my classmates answered.
“Soft, but not tiny! Haha!”
After everyone had answered, Sam wrapped her fingers around my penis.
“Well, looks like everyone prefers you to have a hard cock, Mark.” She smiled slighly.
“So let’s get you hard!”
Sam began gently tugging my penis!
She’d given me a handjob at the party already, and it didn’t seem like she’d forgotten how to yet!
After only a few tugs, I was fully erect!
Sam stopped and let go, revealing my hard penis to my classmates.
“Jeez!” She sighed.
“Haha!” Kat laughed sitting beside me.
“Look you guys!” Kat placed her elbow on my hip and laid her slight forearm along my abdomen, next to my penis, giving everyone a good example and idea of how big my cock is!
Everyone whistled and laughed, and I felt like a piece of meat.
The bell rang and everyone sighed, standing to gather their things.
Emily, Christine and Tanya popped up in front of me.
“Wow! Are you going to be in trouble showing up with a boner like that?!” Tanya giggled.
“Probably, but I’m sure there will be an entertaining punishment to go along with it!” Emily smirked.
“What class is next?” Christine asked.
“Gym.” I sighed.
“Oooooooooh! This should be fun!” Emily said. “Lead the way!” She adjusted my bag on her shoulder along with her own.
I stood and followed my classmates to the gymnasium as my sister and her friends followed behind.
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

Perfect. Truly an amazing chapter for both Mark and the girls. I cannot wait to see what you have planned for Mark now that the girls have made him hard for his next lesson. I wonder if he will lose it this time!
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Thank you Marble😅
I’m finding switching perspectives between Mark and the girls to be quite challenging, but given the nature of the Sacral Feeders and how the girls need to deal with them, I think it’s necessary.
I’m really trying to take things in a specific direction and it’s presenting me with different “issues” to deal with.
But, really, thank you for your support.
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

I can definitely see where you are coming from with the trickiness from switching perspectives but I can tell you that it is really well written in and as a result almost seamless. I really can't wait to see where this is going and I finish every chapter wanting more! It's just that good (:.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Thank you very much😊
I have a pretty good idea of where I’m going to take things, but I don’t want to rush to get there.
It started out just wanting to do something different, but now, I’m kind of treating this as an anime.
We’re out of the “Halloween Arch” and have moved into the “Sacral Feeders Arch”.
I still have a lot planned and now that I’m figuring out the world these characters inhabit and what can be done, I have BIG plans.
Part of those plans is still Mark’s embarrassment, but someone else might be dealing with some embarrassment at some point as well😏
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

I think that is what makes this series so good. There is no rush and the pace is set perfectly. It really is like an anime in that regard. One with a good director. It seems like you really do have a good thing planned and I cannot wait to see it. I can't wait to see who will be controlling Mark's strings. I cannot wait.
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

Thanks, NudeBag, for another great entry. This story continues to surprise and entertain us. Kudos!
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