Embarrassed teacher by Sarah

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Embarrassed teacher by Sarah

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Sarah wrote: Embarrassed teacher by Sarah

My name's Sarah. I'm teacher at an all boys school. I'm shy about my body despite the fact that a lot of people (my students included) complement me on it. I know I should rebuke my students for their crude (although always complementary) comments, but the fact is I enjoy the ego boost. I'll admit I get slightly turned on that despite the fact that I'm almost 30, these 16 and 17 year old boys still think I'm hot. When I was younger I let a couple of pictures of myself find their way onto the internet, and while I've never told anyone at my school about them, I've lost count of the number of times I've masturbated myself to sleep while imagining one of my students coming across them and masturbating to it.

So anyway, on with the story. It was a fairly normal day. I was preparing the class for some exams that came up. I say normal, I had just walked in to find Michael standing on the desk in his underpants. While this may come as a shock to you, it's actually fairly typical behaviour.
"Michael get down and put your clothes back on." I said, exasperated rather than angry.
"Aww miss can't I get naked instead?". Instances like this are fairly typical in my class and I've found it's faster and simpler to just let them play out than try any special disciplinary techniques.
"No Michael, get down and get dressed"
"Miss, if I get an A in my exam can I get naked?". While highly unlikely (my class average is a C and I don't think I've seen more than two A's from this class) I couldn't be seen to support such behaviour.
"No Michael"
"Miss, if everyone gets an A can I get naked?". Now he was just being ridiculous.
"Michael if EVERYONE gets an A, I'LL get naked". Even as I said it, I felt a twinge in my nether regions at the thought of being naked in front of all those boys. I knew it was never going to happen, but how many of our fantasies actually come true? This was when one of the other boys piped up?
"Really miss?". I know I should have been straight back to miss sensible, but I couldn't help giving myself another downstairs twinge.
"Yes really". This was when one of the boys came forward with a piece of paper and put it in front of me. It was a contract which had been roughly written out, for me to sign promising to go through with what I'd just said. I looked up at him with an expression of "Oh haha very funny."
"Oh go on miss, it's not like it's actually going to happen. It's just for our own amusement." I took a moment (and another twinge) imagining exactly what they meant by 'amusement'. What the hell. It was never going to happen anyway. While the entire thing was done in jest, there was no part of it that didn't turn me on: Signing the piece of paper, have him snatch it away once I had so that I couldn't take it back and tear it up (not that I would have), watching him hold it up to show the entire class, and then watching him fold it up, put it in his pocket and walk away and sit down. The rest of the day, the class were oddly well behaved.

The next few weeks passed with no mention of what had happened, and I assumed it had been forgotten. Although I did masturbate myself on a semi regular basis at the thought of the results coming through and every single one of them getting an A. They would then look at me expectantly and I would be forced to go through with my promise and remove every single item of clothing and see their hungry eyes all over me.

I'll cut a long story short because I'm sure you can all see where this is going: it happened. I was sure they'd all forgotten about the contract. I knew nothing was going to come of it; I knew I wasn't actually going to get naked in front of my class; but that didn't stop me running upstairs to take care of myself the moment I put that last A on the paper.

So anyway I went in that day, and while I still had no plans to do what I'd said, I did turn and lock the door once everyone was seated. I wasn't planning on getting naked for them, but I just figured, if anything did happen. Like maybe I'd just take my shirt off for them. I tried to do it subtly but they noticed and suddenly looked excited. Oh god, they thought I was actually going to do this. I looked round at the excited looks on their faces and felt warmth spread through my crotch. I decided to pretend I'd completely forgotten about the contract, despite the fact that they all knew full well that I hadn't.
"Well believe it or not boys, every single one of you got an A. Give yourselves a pat on the back and try and keep up the good work. Today's lesson is going to be on...". As soon as I started speaking one of their hands shot up.
"Miss, aren't you forgetting something?". And from his bag, he pulled out the scribbled contract that I'd signed. Oh god the sight of it made me wet. This couldn't actually happen.

The words which went through my head were: "Come on now boys you're not actually expecting me to get naked are you?". The words which came out of my mouth were:
"Come on now boys, you don't actually want to see me naked do you?". The chorus of "Yes" that came from the class, flooded my panties. The realisation suddenly hit me like a climax: this was actually going to happen.

to be continued...
Sarah wrote: Embarrassed teacher (continued (2)) by Sarah

I knew it would be brought out at some point, and I wasn't disappointed. The contract I'd "hilariously" signed promising to get naked for them. Oh god I couldn't really do this could I?
"OK look I'll loose the shirt but that's it". A chorus of cheers erupted and suddenly fell silent as I undid the first button. I now had far more cleavage on show than was appropriate for a teacher. I moved my hands down and undid another one. I could feel a breeze over my chest. I looked down. Oh god my bra was fully exposed. The sight of all those boys staring fixedly at my chest was getting me wetter by the minute. I took a deep breath. I was as exposed as I could possibly be now. I undid the last few buttons and dropped the shirt. The moment the shirt dropped a cheer went up. Someone was going to hear this.
"Um boys could you keep it down please?". Both I and the boys knew that this really should not have been happening, so I didn't have to tell them why they needed to be quiet. Their voices dropped to an excited whisper instantly. I stood there with my hands by my sides, staring fixedly at the ceiling, feeling all their eyes on me.

OK time to regain a little authority.
"Right boys on with the lesson." One of the boys cleared his throat meaningfully. I knew exactly what he meant. The contract had quite clearly said naked, and they would settle for no less.
"Fine, I'll lose the trousers as well but that's as far as it goes". I reached down and undid my trousers. I swear I hadn't planned to go this far, and yet getting dressed that morning, I had still gone for french knickers rather than something less exciting. Again the boys stared fixedly at my crotch and whispered excitedly to each other. This was humiliating. I knew my panties were wet, and I was praying that this wasn't noticeable from a distance. I again stood still for a while, arms by my side, staring at the ceiling, letting them enjoy the view. After I decided they'd had enough, I spoke:
"Happy now boys?"
"Not quite miss."
"Come on now boys, underwear is one thing, naked is totally different."
"Yeah, it's also what's written in the contract miss." Oh god this was really happening. I think what was even more embarrassing than the fact that I was about to reveal my breasts to a bunch of teenage boys, was how much I wanted to. I so badly wanted their eyes, heck even their hands, all over my exposed chest. I swear my hands started moving by themselves. Driven by my irresistible desire to humiliate myself, they moved up my back and unclipped my bra. Again my eyes found their usual spot on the ceiling, as I shrugged my bra off and let it fall to the floor.

Words can not express how turned on I was at that moment in time. I didn't even make a plea this time that I'd done enough. I couldn't. I literally couldn't stop my hands from moving to my knickers. and sliding them down my bum, and dropping them to my ankles. I stepped out of them and tried to control my breathing. The boys had gone silent. They were literally just staring at me. I could feel my wetness dripping down my thighs. Everything was so surreal, and I had to keep reminding myself that I was literally completely naked in front of a bunch of school boys. Every time I did, I almost came. Especially when I reminded myself that I was going to be teaching these boys for another year.

Then, one of the boys stood up. I had no idea what he was doing. A part of me was terrified he was about to come over and have a feel. I knew if he did I wouldn't have the willpower to stop him. I would have let them do anything to me at that point. He didn't. He walked to the front, picked up my clothes, put them in his bag, and went and sat down again. I swear I must have let five minutes go by, just standing there with them staring at me, before I found my voice again. When I did, it was weak and shaky.
"Can we continue with the lesson now?"

to be continued...
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