UK middle school mixed changing for PE. by SDS

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UK middle school mixed changing for PE. by SDS

Post by PhilMarlowe »

SDS wrote: UK middle school mixed changing for PE. by SDS

Personally I was in the two tier system (Jr school aged 4-11 -> high school 11-16) but my partner was in an old style 3 tier school system: (first school 4-9 -> middle school 9-13 -> highschool 13-16)

anyway I remember being in JR school and getting changed with girl up to being about 9 maybe, but apparently my partner got changed with boys all the way though even middle school.

She remembers how embarrassing it was once she got to the later years being like 11 and upwards and having to get dressed into her PE kit with the boys only across the classroom watching eager to see the girls in their underwear.

Most of the girls would put their shorts on underneath their skirts before taking the skirt off, but if you came in trousers you wasn't so lucky. My partner did on several occasions, mainly in the winter as it was hard to justify skirts. She said it was very embarrassing as the boys from across the room would be all staring at the girls in trousers knowing they had to expose their knickers to them. Most would wear really short pairs of shorts underneath to hide their panties but on many occasions girls were caught out forgetting these precautions.

The worst part however was that most girls at 12/13 had started or had developed breasts and this was much harder to hide especially if they had forgotten to put a vest on underneath their school tops. She told me of this one time she had totally forgotten it was a PE day when she got dressed in the morning.

She had confided in a friend but soon before PE everyone knew that all she had on was a bra and panties under her school top and trousers, usually girls would let the unfortunate ones stay as far to the back as possible hiding them somewhat from the boys view, however My partner didn't have that luxury coming in late and she found herself only a few meters away from the closest boys who were eager to get a good look at her knickers and small bra. I find it amazing that this was allowed to happen.

Does anyone else have similar experiences? Mostly i've heard about this kind of thing happening 20+ years ago but this was only about 10 years ago now!
Janie wrote: Changing in the classroom by Janie

Until we moved I attended Junior High in a rural area, and we played PE mostly in our street clothes. As we got older, and more serious about sports, we changed into our PE outfits in the classroom. Outfits were tops and shorts, with ankle socks, white Converse tennies. Typically the teacher ushered the boys out first to playing, before we would start changing. Most of us girls who changed out of jeans or under dresses did so after they were gone. Boys wore regular clothes during PE, but they would strip off their shirts if it was hot. It was a conservative ranching region, which limited the money spent on schools. No change rooms. For social reasons I didn't understand at the time, we still wore dresses pretty much -- that was the dress code where I lived. On PE days twice a week, most of us wore shorts under our dresses to avoid the problems of changing.

Anyhow, changing into our PE clothes was either ignored, taken for granted as a private girl thing, or you maybe stood on the side during sports or participated only lightly on the days you forgot your shorts, or you just played and ignored what followed -- who saw what you wore underneath, I mean. Up until fourth grade it didn't matter too much, I mean. I remember two times distinctly, though, that betrayed more than my modesty to the boys, I think. The first was playing PE in fourth grade one day when I forgot my shorts, and played in a dress instead. My panties showed under my shift, along with the fact that I distracted the boys we played with. I noticed that more than anything. I imagine everyone did.

The second time was in fifth grade. We were changing for a special field events day, and everyone brought special clothes, shorts and a top for the field day. Girls were on one side, boys on the other side of the classroom. The teacher was out in the hall talking with another teacher. Everyone was waiting for the other side to start changing, but no one did. Finally I took off my jeans and just started to change in front of everyone, while all my friends started to shriek, OMG!!! OMG! Janie there's still boys in here!!!! But I just did and a couple moments later everyone else did, too. It happened so quickly that some just stood there in shock, but after that suddenly everyone did. By then I was very cool. Being the first to change into my shorts in my underpants while the boys looked was not something that girls still did without embarrassment by then.

luv, Janie
Princess shame! wrote: Accidently changed in front of boys. by Princess shame!

Accidentally changed in front of boys. I remember a really humiliating time at school, I had terrible eye sight at distance and wore really high prescription glasses. I remember one day my mum woke up late and so we had missed the start of school I was in a massive rush as I was a proper goodie too shoes at the time and was terrified of being late.

I quickly dressed and jumped in the car, I was half way to school when I noticed I had forgotten my glasses. I didn't want to go back for them as I was already late, luckily being short sighted I still would be able to write and read texts books if I explained to the teachers. I had missed morning registration and I had PE first thing. I was massively still rushing as I knew if I was late for changing the room would be locked.

I was determined not to get a late mark and so quickly pushed into the changing room thankfully finding it unlocked. There was an empty peg by the door, I noticed a lot of fully dressed kids in PE kit kids across the room ready to leave via the outside door. Now what I should point out is that with the quick glance and my lack of vision I assumed the mass of blurry figures in white PE tops, navy shorts and bare skin were girls. I should have probably also noticed the silence as the boys suddenly became aware of me.

I quickly pulled my skirt down my legs unaware that all the boys in my class where looking at my pany clad bottom. That day in my haste I was wearing an embarrassing small pair of pink Disney princess panties that I probably should have thrown away by now. Still unaware I quickly pulled my white school shirt over my head not even bothering to unbutton it properly. Still oblivious to the situation I was now also flashing the boys my small un-padded grey bra. Now at this age I was fairly scrawny and didn't have much to show but there I was exposing my undies to the boys of my year. I had just pulled the top fully off my head when I heard the gym teacher shout. "Whats going on here!" The male gym teacher.

I turned froze in confusion facing all the boys in my year still not covering up my little cleavage and humiliating panties that showed off the sides of my checks. I remember thinkingwhy is the male teacher int he girls locker room then I realized and screamed, the room erupted into laughter as I had finally noticed. The gym teacher shouted all the boys out but they made sure to take their time getting one last good luck as I quickly tried to get dressed. The whole experience was humiliating and both boys and girls teased me for years to come. I remember being 16 and storming out of a house party after some of the boys suggested I strip for them again like I did at school. Looking back it's kind of funny now but at the time I was refered to as the stripper or princess panties for years
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