KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 35 Added.)

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KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 35 Added.)

Post by AllieNF »

Author's Note: This is my first time writing and posting on here. Posting has become a little erratic with some long pauses, but I am dedicated to finishing this. Thank You in advance for your kind words, patience and support.

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 1-The Meeting.

Jenna was a good student at Kentucky Central High School. A senior now, she’d paid her dues and was well known enough and respected among students and teachers. She wasn’t top of the class, but she had a good head on her shoulders and knew her future. She was going to make it in the theater. Already secured her college of choice, her roles in this year’s plays and musicals would lead to a scholarship, maybe even a full ride.

She was one of about 50 students in Drama and Stage Crew Club meeting on the second Thursday of school in early September. Lots of familiar faces and friends and even a good crop of younger freshman with dreams in their eyes.

The Theater Director, drama teacher and club advisor Mr. Elba opened the meeting and greeted the kids. He announced Jenna as the returning president of the club. Telling the younger students that if they had questions or concerns, they could talk to Jenna. While she would typically conduct the meetings for the rest of the year, he would be leading this one.

Mr. Elba started out with the bad news first, due to budget cuts the theater department didn’t have enough money to do any shows this year. The school board determined that the sports programs were more important and had leveraged the funds from the drama and band budgets to keep the sports teams able to compete and do away games. The loss of a full season of football games due to COVID had completely decimated the sports programs budget. The Board had been clear that the Drama and Stage Crew Club would have to do their own fundraising this year in order to put on their shows.

Sadly, Mr. Elba continued explaining, that meant there wasn’t time to put together a fall play. With no money in the budget so far and needing the fall to fundraise for the spring musical, which was more important in the long run.

Jenna’s heart sank. With only one show during her senior year, it would have to be a huge production. A huge production seemed less likely with no budget to start with.

The room was becoming restless, So Mr. Elba raised his hands to quiet them down.

“Look everyone, I know this isn’t an ideal situation particularly for the seniors.” He looked directly at Jenna when he said that. They’d had a good relationship and he knew her talents would take her far. He was sad to disappoint any of his students, but Jenna was going to make a career out of this and losing one show was going to be hard. Losing a second show, if it came to that, was going to be devastating. He did have a plan, however. It was definitely out of the box…or, out of the clothes if you want to be specific.

Mr. Elba continued, “But I do have an idea. We’re planning a new type of fundraiser. A Nude Fundraiser.”

Jenna obviously didn’t hear him quiet right. Thinking it would be best to try to energize everyone, when he paused after what she heard as “A NEW Fundraiser,” she started to applaud as the rest of the group was silent. It finally clicked in her mind what he had actually said.

“Wait… Mr. E…” she started, “What do you mean by Nude Fundraiser?”

Mr. Elba accepted the question. “With a lot of fundraisers, people give us money and a certain thing will happen. We’ll rock or walk or give you cookies or brownies or whatever…but this time people will be giving us money to prevent something from happening.”

“Oh, so we’ll be taking donations to keep us from being nude. Okay…” reasoned the senior student. That made more sense to her, if the premise was still a little shaky.

“No, no…that’s not quite it. You see, the idea is that you’ll start out naked and if people want you to stay that way they will donate. The more they donate, the less you’ll put on.” The teacher further explained.

One of the other students, another senior named Jacob inquired as to when this would happen. “Will it be private, like invite only?”

“Well, that is what I thought originally, but Principal McGuffin thought we could do it during a school day.” Mr. Elba answered, fully aware this would rattle some of the students.

“Naked during school?” Jenna blurted out shocked at the idea. It created quite a murmur in the crowd of theater students. She’d been outgoing all her life and her years in dance had made her a little more comfortable with her body than some of the other girls, but being naked at school felt like a bit much even for her.

Mr. Elba had to speak a little louder to be heard over the side conversations and questions of his students in order to answer Jenna. “At least homeroom…after that, it’s up to the rest of the school and your parents and family members.”

The murmur didn’t subside with his response, so he raised his arms to quiet everyone down.

“Listen, it’s simple. The day we decide to do this, we’ll all meet here. You’ll undress and put your clothes in your cubbies like we do with your bags during rehearsals and shows.

You can touch up with make-up here if you need to…anything to make you comfortable. Then you will all head out to your homerooms with your envelopes and collect money.

You come back here at the first bell and what you made is what you get to put back on.

If your envelope is empty, you get to get dressed. After that, for each $25 range, you’ll have one less article of clothing you can wear…up to $100. At $101, you’ll stay naked. “

Jenna did some quick computing in her head and responded “That’s only 4 articles of clothing. I’m wearing 8 right now. Shouldn’t that naked price be higher?”

“I thought about it and I think to prevent cheating we have to equalize things,” her teacher explained, “sock and shoes are each 1 thing and not 4 separate items. It has to be socks that day, not panty-hose or stockings. Underwear including bras are 1 thing. Bottoms are 1 thing regardless of if you wear pants, shorts, skirts, leggings. Whatever top you wear is 1 thing, even if you decided to get sneaky and do a t-shirt with a sweatshirt. So, at a donation level from one dollar to twenty-five dollars you’re topless. At twenty-six to fifty dollars, you are bottomless. At fifty-one to seventy-five dollars, you’re in just your shoes and socks. At seventy-six to one hundred dollars, you’ve only in your socks. Past One hundred and one dollars, you’re completely naked.”

After more murmurs, Jenna lifted her voice again “Okay, so how is that fair? We’re basically naked at $51.”

“Yes, but you’re overestimating how much money the other kids will have with them. No high school student is carrying the kind of cash they can throw away at this. You’ll all be mostly dressed by first period.”

“Then why are we doing it, if you don’t think we’ll make money?” shouted a voice from the back.

Jenna figured it out and turned to the group. “…Because he knows the other teachers will pay.”

“Didn’t he say something about parents? Family?” A young voice shouted. Jenna didn't recognize it, but she thought it might have some from the little blonde girl with the pixie cut.

“Yes! He did!” More of the kids were getting involved and indignant now. “That’s right!” “What’s that about!?”

Mr. Elba motioned to calm the group down again. “Look, okay… you’re right. Cards on the table, I know the money is coming from the teachers. Yes…I’m also going to accept donations from parents and family. Covid did a great thing in getting cameras in all the class-rooms, so Principal McGuffin said we can use that system on a kind of pay-per-view basis with people outside. They can get the code cheap, but they’ll have to donate to one of you as well. I’ve got the Technologies class working on setting up a web-page and donation system already. The school board was excited that we found a way to make it educational too.”

There was a lot of stunned silence in the room. This was bigger than any of them had imagined…and it sounded like it was a done deal already.

After a moment of quiet and staring, Jenna spoke out angrily “What if we don’t participate?”

“Then you won’t be cast in the show.”

He chose the nuclear option. The brief silence his statement created was as deafening as the din of the protests and complaints that followed it.
He raised his arms once more to calm them down. “Gang, look…we are severely underfunded, if we don’t do this there will be no show. Our options are limited. Our hands are tied. This is the best chance we have to do the best spring musical this school has ever seen!”

The group looked to Jenna as she looked out at them. It was a room of scared faces for the most part. Some of the boys were smirking. Jacob damn near had a smile. It was going to be harder on the girls and she knew it.

It was going to be hard on her. She wasn’t a virgin anymore, but that wasn’t a well-known fact. No one saw her as a slut. She hadn’t been the goodie-two-shoes many people had taken her for throughout her years, but being naked in front of people was something she’d never done. She could actually still count on one hand the number of people who had seen her in the all-together. Being put in a position that she would have to be nude in front of so many friends and teachers and faculty she had grown up amongst…the thought shattered her. …but, if this was truly the only way, then what choice did they have? She needed this show. The scholarships she could earn from being in the musical this year could mean a free ride to college, which would make life afterwards so much better. It would give her a real shot at making it in New York City. She was going to have to agree…but that meant taking all these other kids with her down this path.

She looked at them and saw the faces. She saw them waiting for her response. With a deep breath and a sigh so heavy it would sink in the ocean, Jenna spoke, “Being onstage is about entertaining people. Making them smile. We do this because we know it brings joy to others. We do this for the applause and adulation of friends…and family…and strangers. We do this thing called theater because we like to show off, to present ourselves on the stage… how is what he is proposing that different? I’m sure it is, I know it is. It feels different…it almost feels wrong…but if this fundraiser is the only way we can do the theater we love to do, how can we say no? How can we turn it down?”

Jenna looked around at the students again. Their reactions seemed mixed. She’d won a few of them over. That made her feel dirty. Here she was standing in front of them, not sure she wanted to do it herself and trying to convince them that they should do it. She felt kind of evil…like she was someone else. And that brought up another idea, “Theater, for me, has always been about doing something different. Being someone I’m not. Taking all of me and making it someone else for a time. Maybe we can think of this as an exercise, a theater game…When we’re naked in school, maybe we can pretend to be someone else, someone who would come to school naked. I don’t know. Think of it as a chance to explore a different character.”

If she was looking for a reaction from the group, she got one as the tension obviously deflated substantially. Not entirely positive but definitely not negative. More of the kids were nodding an affirmative. There was sadness and understanding. There were sighs of relief and sighs of fear. If one had to put an overall feeling on the room, it would be one of reluctant agreement. The nods of approval and the comments of “Okay,” “Sure,” “Why not” and others started to fill the room.

“When do we do this?” Jenna asked…

“Monday.” Replied Mr. Elba, as he started handing out information packets and release forms. “I’ll need these signed and returned tomorrow. You guys won’t regret it.”

As she collected her packed from her teacher, Jenna already began to feel like she already did regret it.

Her heart sank again as she began to wonder how she was going to explain this to her parents.

More than that, she wondered if she could go through with it herself.

Thank you for reading. I know I didn't get to the nudity, but next chapter we will.
Last edited by AllieNF on Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:22 am, edited 37 times in total.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser

Post by AllieNF »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:38 pm I think this is real fun, particularly having been a theater person myself in school! I'll look forward to reading more. Obviously, you should write the story you want to write. I do kind of feel that it's a little unbelievable that this would happen in high school. If the setting were in a college theater program, I think I might be more drawn into it, just because I wouldn't have to strain my willful suspension of disbelief. (Frankly, at some colleges, I could see where this could actually be a real thing! Maybe you'll start a trend!) But certainly, you should write it in the way that resonates most with you. In either case, I'll look forward to reading the next part.
Thank You.

My understanding was that for the Karen Wagner Contest, it could be as low as High School. I assume at some level none of them for that contest are believable, so I went with High School because I feel the environment is easier to control than in college where students bounce from building to building and may not see some of the same students or teachers. High School felt like a better way to create a better field of recurring characters with more personal relevance.

My pre-reader had some of the same concerns, and I can respect that. I think that's why I chose to make the main character a senior. Putting her at least in a more comfortable age group for some readers. Plus, again, I think it can add to the personal relevance to the characters in a way that a college atmosphere may not. ...but I do get what you're saying. I assume the whole thing is patently unbelievable, so I was hoping to ground it better with details.

Thank you so much for reading and for the feedback. I'll definitely make future stories more possible. There's fun in that too.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser

Post by AllieNF »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:41 pm ... Either way, I will look forward to reading about what comes next!
Thank You. It's all good. I do appreciate the feedback. Still new to this style of writing and going deeper in this kink.

I'll post Part 2 here in the morning.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser

Post by Executionus »

Great start to this for sure. The gimmick to the donation system seems a little convoluted, but should be fun. Although clearly these guys are massively underestimating how little $51 is in a class of 30 when the students all have to pay like $4 for lunch every day normally. Even back when I was in school everyone had at least a 20 on them at all times. Add in the teachers and the parents and this low goal is easy peasy. They'd better hope it's a warm day Monday.

Also I personally felt high school was far more plausible than college for this story because colleges don't really do fundraisers (they just charge each student their life savings). A college theater class that wasn't holding shows would probably have people demanding refunds.

Meanwhile in high school they will get students to do ANYTHING for an extra buck. High school fundraising gimmicks are insane and many of them are straight selling sex appeal (like swimwear car washes). A very real thing that really actually happened in a nearby town to me about a decade ago was their HS football team got hired by a rich woman to give lap dances in speedos at her daughter's 15th birthday party (which she then filmed and tried to get on MTV). I'm not even kidding. This made the news and everything.

Now obviously American culture is anal about nudity and everyone freaks out about it as if seeing skin is actually worse than being murdered, especially in a place like Kentucky. We generally ignore that type of thing in the majority of stories involving ENFs because it would ruin the fun otherwise.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser

Post by AllieNF »

Executionus wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:40 am Great start to this for sure.
Thank You.
Executionus wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:40 am The gimmick to the donation system seems a little convoluted, but should be fun. Although clearly these guys are massively underestimating how little $51 is in a class of 30 when the students all have to pay like $4 for lunch every day normally. Even back when I was in school everyone had at least a 20 on them at all times. Add in the teachers and the parents and this low goal is easy peasy. They'd better hope it's a warm day Monday.

Yeah, I don't disagree with this. That's something I think I meant to go back and change but didn't. BUT... I also have plans to force it to be changed in story for reasons. So... We'll see where it goes. It's been a little while since I was in high school.
Executionus wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:40 am Also I personally felt high school was far more plausible than college for this story because colleges don't really do fundraisers (they just charge each student their life savings). A college theater class that wasn't holding shows would probably have people demanding refunds.

Not something I had considered, but a fair point.

Executionus wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:40 am Meanwhile in high school they will get students to do ANYTHING for an extra buck. High school fundraising gimmicks are insane and many of them are straight selling sex appeal (like swimwear car washes). A very real thing that really actually happened in a nearby town to me about a decade ago was their HS football team got hired by a rich woman to give lap dances in speedos at her daughter's 15th birthday party (which she then filmed and tried to get on MTV). I'm not even kidding. This made the news and everything.

:o :o :shock: :? :lol:
Executionus wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:40 am Now obviously American culture is anal about nudity and everyone freaks out about it as if seeing skin is actually worse than being murdered, especially in a place like Kentucky. We generally ignore that type of thing in the majority of stories involving ENFs because it would ruin the fun otherwise.
I just grabbed Kentucky for the school because...well, that's in Part 3 I think. lol. ...I appreciate all of this. Thank You.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser Part 2

Post by AllieNF »

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 2- The Rehearsal

When Jenna got home, she went straight to her room. She was already sweating with nerves. How could she tell her parents? What were they going to say? She didn’t even think she could muster saying the words naked and nude out loud to her mother, much less both. And then saying them in reference to her and being that way in school and seen by so many people? She didn’t think she could be more embarrassed.

That’s when she decided to forge her parent’s signatures. She’d never done such a thing before. She’d never even considered such a thing before. It was so out of character for her that Mr. Elba wouldn’t even bother to check to see if they matched. Her parents would never have to know.

As Jenna pulled out the paperwork packet and started making sure it was signed and ready, she realized that maybe she was more correct than she thought this afternoon. She was becoming a different person. Deep in her, she knew this was a bad person but found it just a little thrilling.
She thought about it a little more and then said to herself, “If this is a role, I need to practice” and started stripping down in room.

Kicking off her white sneakers and quickly pulling down her black leggings and teal bikini cut panties she started breathing harder. Her hands grasped the bottom of her red school sweatshirt and pulled it off over her head. Without a thought her hand went to the front clasp of her black bra, undoing it, she shrugged it off her shoulders and then bent down to remove her socks. As always, they were mismatched, light blue on her right and a more vibrant pink on her left. There she stood, in front of her mirror, completely naked.

She smiled as she looked at her body, maybe in a way she hadn’t for a long time. She was 5’6” more or less, the doctors always said 5’5”, but she measured different. Her body was nice and athletic with gently rounded muscles from her years of dancing. The soft tan of her flesh was only broken by the tan lines of her bikini. It was the end of summer, so the lines were still strong enough to see clearly. Her wavy brown hair came down just past her shoulders and accented her matching brown eyes. Her pussy was shaved generally, but it could do with a little trim…definitely by Monday morning she’d take care of that. With a sigh of relief, she looked at her best feature, if you asked anyone, her 34C breasts with nice pink nipples. There at the top of her breasts, where they blend into the neckline, she had dotted an ample handful of freckles.

Jenna began to list in her head things she would need to do between now and Monday. She looked closely and noticed scars, cuts and bruises that may be visible. The thought about the places that may need a better lotion or more of it between now and then. She debated getting a hair-cut. She knew for certain she’d have to shave or maybe finally try an over-the-counter wax, which she’d always been hesitant to do. Each of these thoughts made her nervous again. She shook them off. It was time to practice.

What are some of the things she’s going to have to do in school?

She started with standing and sitting. Trying different ways to sit down and sit for periods of time in her chair, ways that didn’t show off too much. Ways that were lady-like but not slut-like. Though, she did try some of the latter for fun.
She bent down to pick things up, like she would her pencils and pens and books on Monday. How much does that show versus crouching? The mirror was her audience for this rehearsal.

She decided her room was not enough when she thought of all the stairs in the school. Jenna walked out into the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs. Had she really never gone up or down stairs completely naked before? She was almost certain she never had. This was a new experience as the skin between her legs felt opened and brushed with air at each step. Her breasts lightly bouncing both down and up.

Her third time she thought, this is all on carpeted surfaces. There are no carpeted surfaces at school. She wandered towards their tiled kitchen, then the hardwood floor of the living room, before venturing down into the basement to let her naked feet touch the cold concrete. Yes, her feet had felt all of these before, but each new surface sent a shockwave through her full body as a new tactile experience. It was almost as if clothing works in a way that makes the feelings spread, but just flesh makes it come out more concentrated. In a way, it’s kind of like dragging your finger along your teeth. Your teeth touch things every day, but when your fingers touch your teeth, both have a different sensation.

It was all about sensations. She started to feel a little more alive with all kinds of sensations tingling her in her skin and bones and other more sensitive places. As she stood in her basement, she noticed her nipples were hard. She hadn’t been thinking about it, so she absently pressed her right hand between her legs and felt a warm wetness there. Her hand lingered there perhaps a little longer than it should.

Jenna wanted to be alone in her room now, so she started up the stairs from the basement. She walked into the living room and headed for the stairs to the second floor as she heard the keys in the door. She ran quickly up the steps, not sure if it was mom or dad coming in.
Stopping at the top to look back, she saw her mother crossing at the foot of the steps, which caused Jenna to dart down the hall. Her mother called up… Had she been seen? Jenna shook it out of her head and went into her room. Closing the door for privacy.

Jenna grabbed a long t-shirt and set it by the door. She promised herself that whenever she left her room tonight, that’s all she’d wear. That would be pretty daring for her, but not for the role she was going to play. For that person, wearing a shirt was pretty near conservative.

Dinner was uneventful. Her father was late and she was back to her room by the time he got there. While she had nothing on underneath, wearing just the t-shirt around her mother didn’t feel as daring as she thought. She wasn’t nervous or embarrassed. Maybe she could do this after all.
As she laid naked in her bed, something she had done before, she smiled with a little more confidence. Drifting off to sleep shattered that little piece of mind, however.

When you’re home and naked or nearly naked, it’s different. In school there will be lots of pervy boys and teachers; pervy girls and people who don’t like her for one reason or another. Jenna’s head started tumbling through names of people she’d want to avoid… As the restless sleep over took her, the nightmares started. Her broken sleep made her more anxious than ever.

The saddest part was tomorrow wasn’t Monday. Tomorrow was Friday. Tomorrow was the day the other kids would find out. Monday would definitely be humiliating, but Friday was going to be a whole new ballgame….
Last edited by AllieNF on Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 2 added.)

Post by nachtmuziek »

I love stories like this! Sure they’re not the most realistic, but neither are most ENF stories :lol:

I’m definitely looking forward to the rest of this story, and count me as interested in the alternative story too. Great job so far!
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 2 added.)

Post by AllieNF »

nachtmuziek wrote: Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:00 pm I love stories like this! Sure they’re not the most realistic, but neither are most ENF stories :lol:

I’m definitely looking forward to the rest of this story, and count me as interested in the alternative story too. Great job so far!
Thank You.

I fell a little ill yesterday due to my Covid Booster and Flu shot, so Part 3 won't drop this morning (but later today.) I'll try to drop part 4 early as an apology. :D

And I'll keep you posted if/when I drop the alternative version. It's a slower burn with, most likely less humiliation.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser Part 3

Post by AllieNF »

The Nude Fundraiser: Part 3 - The Bus Ride

Waking after her mostly restless sleep, Jenna couldn’t tell if it was intelligence or exhaustion talking when the idea to go to school without panties and bra came to her. Going without them was not unheard of, but she was pretty sure she’d never done both together.

The temperatures were still very warm, almost summer-like, so shorts and a t-shirt would work as her normal outfit if she wanted.

Though, shorts felt too protective. Part of doing this was because she wanted to feel like she was wearing less. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt would make her as covered as she was on any normal day, like wearing that long t-shirt to dinner.

She looked in her closet and after just a few moments of no and maybe she found the perfect skirt. It was tan and pleated, past her butt but not as low as mid-thigh. She’d be “open” like she wanted but wouldn’t have to worry about every little move she made.

She moved on to a white blouse from a t-shirt. She had to laugh because overall it covered more, but the material was thinner and a little more see-through. Plus, if she wore it untucked, she could probably get away with a few buttons undone and showing off her belly button.

She grabbed her converse sneakers for today, and of course, she wouldn’t be Jenna without her mismatched socks. Green on the left and white with pink and orange stripes on the right.

Jenna looked at herself in the mirror, and flipped the front of the skirt up. She still could use a shave down there, but it’s not like people were going to see that today.

She waved off breakfast and kissed her mom good-bye before stopping at the front door.

“Mom,” Jenna said, a little tentatively as she raised her hand with her car keys and began working her house key off the chain, “I think I’m going to take the bus today.” Jenna hung her car keys by the door.

Alexandra was surprised. Jenna hadn’t taken the bus for…well, Covid hit when she was a sophomore and had just gotten her license, so a few years really. “Are you sure you can still catch it honey?”

Peering out the window Jenna could see 3 or 4 kids at the stop about a third of a block down. “Yeah, it hasn’t come yet.”

“Okay dear. If that’s what you want to do.” Mrs. Jenkins replied. “You’ll have to tell me why later.”

“Sure,” Jenna said a little sadly, knowing full well that she wouldn’t. “Love you mom.” She exclaimed as she bounded bra-less and pantie-less out the door to the bus stop.

It wasn’t long before she was at the bus stop with 3 others from the neighborhood. The 2 boys she’d known for a long time, Mike and Dennis, and Lauren the girlfriend of the “star actor/athlete at Kentucky Central High School.

Mike was the first to greet her. “Hey Jenna. Car problems today?”

She chuckled uncomfortably. “Yeah, a little. The bus will still take me though, right?”

“Sure.” Mike said.

“It’s not all that full anymore. Since Covid. Some of the families went to home schooling and a few moved away cause of jobs.” Offered Dennis. He was a grade behind them due to a bad year in one of the earlier grades, but he was the same age as Mike and Jenna.

The boys went back to talking amongst themselves as Jenna looked back at Lauren.

Lauren smiled wryly, more of a smirk. It was definitely loaded and Jenna wasn’t sure what with. “So, I heard about this theater fundraiser you guys are going to be doing. Wild!” After widening her smiled Lauren continued, “So, are you participating?”

Jenna tapped her backpack tentatively. “My forms are in here.”

Jenna thought the rumor would get out quick, and was certain that Jacob had been the one to tell Lauren. In fact, any student outside of the theater program who knew could probably be tracked back to Jacob’s big mouth. If Jenna was the top of the theater food chain for girls, then Jacob was that for the boys. He’d been a lead in every show since he was a freshman, except for the one he missed when the football team went to the state championships. Widely regarded as one of the best running backs the school had seen, it turned out he was a pretty capable actor as well. His outgoing nature and popularity made him the exact wrong person to trust with a secret. Lauren probably got the information from him first hand, as she was his girlfriend at the moment. Hell, Jenna thought, he probably pranced around her naked all night. She doubted he could wait to get his cock out in front of all the girls at school.

“Nervous?” the redheaded Lauren inquired her smirk returning.

“Oh, hell yes.” Sarah replied without hesitation, causing both girls to laugh.

Mike and Dennis were confused, since they hadn’t heard most of the conversation and even if they had, neither girl had said enough to let on.

“What’s funny?” Mike inquired.

Jenna got quiet, but Lauren answered for them both. “I think you’ll find out in announcements during home room today.”

Dennis saw the bus and alerted the others.

“Can I sit with you today, Jenna?” Lauren placed her hand on Jenna’s shoulder making eye contact while she asked.

Jenna wasn’t sure this was about. She nodded yes, just as the bus pulled up and opened its door. Dennis entered first, followed by Mike and then Lauren. Jenna stepped on last, surprised to see Mrs. Stewart was still driving the bus after all these years.

“Well, well, Ms. Jenkins, haven’t seen you on my bus in a few years.” The driver asked.

“Yeah, just having car problems today.” Was Jenna’s retort. “It’s good to see you though.”

“Will I be seeing more of you?” Mrs. Stewart’s follow up question was more than Jenna could handle and she started to laugh.

“Probably.” Jenna said and then she sauntered down the aisle and sat with Lauren about midway back on the bus.

Lauren reminded Jenna that with all the stops it’s probably about 30 minutes to get to the school, not the 12 minutes or so it takes when she drives.

“I bet Jacob is looking for to the fundraiser, isn’t he?” Jenna asked the cheerleader, catching her a little off guard.

Lauren laughed. “Of course. He’s already begun a fitness cleanse to try to give his muscles more definition by Monday.”

“And how do you feel about it all?” Asked Jenna, honestly curious.

Lauren thought for a second more than Jenna imagined she would, and then answered, “To be honest Jenna, and don’t take any offense to this. I’m looking forward to seeing you sluts and whores get humiliated.”

Jenna was shocked and turned beet red. “What…what do you mean?” She stammered.

“At first,” Lauren started, “I was upset because everyone would get to see him naked. But he’s going to let me write my name on his penis that morning, so everyone knows he’s mine.”

Jenna couldn’t help but notice that Lauren, while not yelling was also not worried about keeping her voice down. He last responses seemed to get a few sets of ears to perk up.

“Then I started thinking about you girls in the drama club and how much time you’ll get to spend with him during the shows. And I thought about all the other girls he’s dated…mostly theater girls. Even you. Only like one other cheerleader like me.” Lauren continued laying out her case. “So, that means you all think you’re pretty hot stuff if you can get a man like that to look at you and not at a cheerleader. On Monday, we’re all going see how wrong you are.”

With that thought, Lauren reached down and lifted Jenna’s skirt to see her panties…except there weren’t any.

Jenna reacted quickly, swatting Lauren’s hand away and pushing her skirt back to normal.

“Well, my…my…my,” Lauren smiled with a little lilt in her voice as she spoke. “I do believe you’re ready to pop those clothes off a day early Jenna Jenkins.”

Jenna was caught, stunned and scared, a tear on her cheek.

“You just may be a real slut after all,” the cheerleader cackled.

It was then that the bus stopped again to pick up another passenger. Roger, a quiet loner, got on the bus and started walking farther back to a seat. Jenna thought this was a great time to switch seats and stood, but Lauren grabbed her hand.

“Oh no. It’ll be better for you if you stay. Changing your seat now would make me angry.” Lauren explained.

Jenna sat down, hurt and lost.

As the two settled in again, Lauren let her hand begin to fumble with the hem of Jenna’s skirt. For her part, Jenna tried not to swat at the redhead, she didn’t try to stop her. Here in the seat no one else could really see.

Lauren eyed up her prey. “Didn’t think I knew you and him had gotten together during that musical your freshmen year.”

No one really knew, Jenna thought. While she made no illusions in her mind that Jacob was not boyfriend material, there was definitely an attraction between the two from time to time. It had kind of spilled over during that musical, when each had gotten a better part than they should have for someone in their grade. The older kids were upset and Jenna and Jacob were easy enemies for them. They had bonded over that, in a way that led to a few make-out sessions in the wing curtains backstage. They never really went on a date and had decided not to pursue a relationship before the show even opened. Since then, there had been a handful of other make-out sessions. If she were being fair to the situation, Jenna would have to admit that Jacob was the first guy to her shirt off, but it was dark and she didn’t think he’d seen anything.

At this point, Jenna figured, Lauren probably knew all of that. Jacob is obviously a kiss and tell kind of guy, though she herself had never even heard a whiff of rumors about herself, Jenna assumed if Lauren knew Jacob had obviously told others.

“I…I didn’t think anyone knew.” Jenna said softly, gaining control of her skirt again.

Lauren grabbed both of Jenna’s hands and pushed them down to her side. “No. Your skirt is mine.” Lauren’s hands moved to the hem once more…and flipping it up almost fully, she tucked and rolled as much as she could into the waist of the skirt, revealing as much of Jenna’s naked thighs and stubble covered pussy as possible.

It was during this maneuver that Lauren realized Jenna was without a bra as well. “You really did choose to under-dress for school today, didn’t you Jenna.”

Embarrassed and red, with another tear on her cheek, Jenna nodded yes.

“Say it out loud Jenna, to me…” Lauren implored forcefully.

“Yes.” The quiet mousy voice that came out of Jenna would have felt foreign to anyone, and to Jenna herself it seemed truly a different person.

The smirk on Lauren’s face finally made sense. It was a vindictive smirk. Jenna felt truly scared now, for the first time today as Lauren began unbuttoning her blouse until all the buttons were undone.

“Please, don’t…” Jenna begged.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t open my shirt here, on the bus.” Jenna’s whole face now begging Lauren, the fear fully upon it.

Lauren laughed. “Why not, it will all be on display Monday. All of your unsexy ugly body.”

The bust came to a stop at the school and Lauren opened one side of Jenna’ shirt enough to expose her perky breast and even the freckles…

The kids began to bounce off the bus, passing Jenna and Lauren. She was sure a few of the boys saw as they paused on their way by. Some offered to let them go first, but Lauren waved them all on…until they were the last ones on the bus.

“When your feet touch the sidewalk, Jenna, you may cover yourself back up…but not until then.” Lauren said in Jenna’s ear. “No get up and walk off this bus as if this is natural.”

Jenna stood, doing as she was told, and she nervously walked off the bust, trying to keep herself at an angle, so Mrs. Stewart didn’t see…but she did.

“I guess I will be seeing more of you,” the bus driver said with a laugh. “Another victim, Lauren?”

“You could say that, Mrs. Stewart.” Lauren replied. Then putting her finger to her lips she continued with “Shhh.”

“Just like always.” The old woman agreed with a nod.

“Jenna, stop,” said Lauren as her ‘victim’ reached the landing and had turned to face the door, her shirt undone, both sides flapped over so her breasts were fully visible to anyone looking inside, her pussy and upper this revealed by the state the cheerleader left her tan skirt in. Jenn was truly frightened now, knowing that this was no an isolated incident for Lauren and the bus driver that had known Jenna since she had started to going to school in this district nine years ago. Jenna was frightened as Lauren grabbed the back side of her skirt and lifted, letting Mrs. Stewart see her ass.

Mrs. Stewart reached over and smacked Jenna’s naked ass.

“Now, get to homeroom you slut.” Lauren commanded. “I’ll see you in second period for history. You’ll have homeroom and first to wonder what happens next…”

Jenna quickly stepped off the bus and as soon as her feet hit the sidewalk, she quickly fixed her skirt, listening to the two laughing on the bus. She moved away quickly as she buttoned her shirt realizing what a dreadful mistake it was that she didn’t even pack a spare pair of panties or a bra in her bag. That was bad planning.

She made her way to Mr. Elba’s room to give him her paperwork. She wondered if she could go through with the fundraiser after what she had just experienced. She truly wasn’t sure. Maybe with her trusted teacher there might be answers…
Last edited by AllieNF on Tue Dec 21, 2021 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KWC- The Fundraiser (Part 3 added.)

Post by jimmythehand »

Interesting part 3. I've seen plenty of ENF stories where the protagonist evetually turns from embarrassment to exhibitionism, but I don't think I've seen it go the other way before. I'm looking forward to seeing where things go next.

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