April's Debasement

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by ely »

this site is getting better than Netflix and Sky for me, every day I check if exutioner and Nikolai update their stories and then PUUM !!! new writers appear with other beautiful stories. I love you all :-)

anyway you talk about the naked ass like the girl doesn't have a pussy, it sounds weird to me. If she's not wearing panties surely the guys will be looking at her pussy or slit or whatever you want to call it. Unless she is still covered with her hands but you haven't written it down. However, really too fun and exciting xD
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by Debbifan »

ely wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:14 am anyway you talk about the naked ass like the girl doesn't have a pussy, it sounds weird to me. If she's not wearing panties surely the guys will be looking at her pussy or slit or whatever you want to call it. Unless she is still covered with her hands but you haven't written it down. However, really too fun and exciting xD
Thus far, the teacher has only had her facing the class with her back to them. She then had her dress back on to go to her desk and has now had the dress removed but remains sitting at the desk. The reveal comes in stages; it's called delayed gratification !
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by ely »

I had missed the part that all along she had his back to his teammates. This was clear in the beginning when she was with the teacher. Anyway ok, thanks, so now I imagine her sitting at her desk which is probably near the right or left wall and not centrally. :geek:
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by Executionus »

ely wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:14 am exutioner
I think I just took physical damage from this spelling of my name.

And the story is coming along nicely, although it hasn't really deviated from the original much yet. I imagine we'll get some of that here soon related to the fact that April still has her bra (which was not an occurrence for Tommy).
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by ely »

Executionus wrote: Fri Dec 10, 2021 1:14 am
ely wrote: Thu Dec 09, 2021 1:14 am exutioner
I think I just took physical damage from this spelling of my name.

And the story is coming along nicely, although it hasn't really deviated from the original much yet. I imagine we'll get some of that here soon related to the fact that April still has her bra (which was not an occurrence for Tommy).
I can't remember all these American nicknames :lol:

However, thanks to this story, the decision to read Tommy is starting to arise in me, which I already imagine is not Tom Cruise lol
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by Executionus »

ely wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:28 pm I can't remember all these American nicknames :lol:
Ironically my name is partly Italian. I use the name of one of my characters, who was an executioner-themed stripping superhero. He didn't want to just go by "Executioner" though, so he added the Latin style "us" at the end as if he was the Roman Emperor of Executions.
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by Goldie »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:46 pm The Tommy story was hard for me to read. I like these kinds of stories, but that one goes beyond embarrassing. It adds a significant level of cruelty that would screw a person up for life. I found it to be more of a sadism story than ENM. And sadism is not my thing.

The only redeeming factor for me was that he got his revenge in the sequel.

I enjoy the casual stripping and embarrassment stories, as most on this site are. But I can do without the intentional cruelty and sadism. But to each their own. I am glad that most of the stories on this site are a bit "friendlier." I think those kinds of stories are much more fun.

Just my opinion.

Totally agree.

Those stories that trade on sadism and rape / abuse revolt me. There is nothing there to interest me.

I suppose, on reflection, that it could be argued that any of the stories here would result in a lifetime of trauma for the victim, but there is a line for me, where I just stop reading and skip the story and subsequent comments.
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by ValerianXIII »

There were snickers and whispers all through out the class. April was in a state of shock for the moment but her state of undress rapidly began to sink in.

She held her legs together as best she could hoping the desk would conceal most her crotch. With both hands she crossed them across her chest hiding her obvious lack of cleavage from the class. Her bra was padded yes and it was designed to press up a little but without a shirt on it was still pretty obvious she had really, really small breasts.

Sister Judy turned back around just in time to see her blushing pale student covering up in a total panic.

She couldn't help but smirk down at the wide eyed girl as her situation began to register. She even closed back in on her desk admiring the scene she just created. Waves of euphoria crept across her whole body but she was far from through.

"No! Sit up straight. None of that! I want good posture at all times."

With her hands still in place April complied sitting up straight but knowing this exposed the pubic hair from her crotch to some of her classmates.

"Now I want you to put both hands on top of your desk, neatly." Sister Judy instructed.

April shot a glance over at Kyle who was , like everyone else, wide eyed and fully focused on her predicament. She always had a crush on Kyle and him seeing her like this made it extra mortifying. Sister Judith caught that quick glance mentally noting it for later.

With a renewed blush and and students snickering ringing in her ears, April uncrossed her arms and placed them as instructed across her wooden desk. Many of the guys including Kyle were craning there necks to get the best view while still staying seated. Most of them couldn't see the front of her bra and they could only make out a shadowy outline of her somewhat hairy crotch underneath the desk.

When April looked the to left she could see Kyle but if she looked right then it was Sally and her goon squad smirking right back at her. There was no where she could look without a wall of leering eyes and cruel smirks.

Ms. Judith was very happy about the situation in front of her and body seemed to tingle all over now in response. Students were trying to get a peek from several angles and there really wasn't anything April could do about it.

"Now keep them on the desk until class is over with." The teacher commanded.

The almost naked trembling girl shook at her desk. Not only from nervousness but from the cold air conditioning hitting her exposed skin. Goosebumps formed but April didn't dare do anything about it.

"Okay class where were we?" Sister Judy returned to her lesson plan for now behaving as if nothing had just happened. Letting the sight of her students obvious discomfort build up more tingling feelings inside her.

Sister Judy just continued on like nothing was unusual. She read on about ancient history when the Roman empire fell and most of the world plunged into a dark age.

Time ticked along slowly. April tried to keep her focus on the teacher but she could feel eyes from all around her as they continued to stare. April felt her cheeks burning with shame as she tried to ignore her classmates.

They probably weren't paying to much to the fall of the empire and more at her humiliating circumstances. There seemed to be a constant whisper or a muffled laugh but April tried to just block it out. She only wished for this nightmare to end.

But things would only get worse. "Class I need you to open your history book to chapter four and we are going to read about the dark ages."

April was at first relieved believing this would take some of the focus of of her semi-nude state. She opened her desk like she had done so many times before just like everyone else was.

But soon to her already compounding distress the book wasn't where she left it. After shifting everything around she realized it wasn't in there at all. She couldn't of lost it because it was just here only a few hours ago. She tried to minimize her rifling through the drawer trying not to raise suspicions as she was already being watched like a hawk from every direction.

She paniciked inside a little doing her best not to show it. "Where is it?!!" She screamed in her mind biting her lip at the same time. Little did she know that while she was in the dark room and the teachers back was turned one of Sally's friends took it and hid it in the back.

"Oh no!" April whispered hoping nobody heard. So without really thinking she pulled out her math book from earlier thinking maybe no one would notice.

That idea didn't last very long though.

"April that is not your history book. Did you not hear or are you trying to be defiant once again?"

"Uhh.. I can't find it..." She stuttered.

Sister Judy had some idea Sally had something to do with it's disappearance but she pretended not to know.

"Well where is it? Did it grow legs and walk away?"

April made brief eye contact with the smirking Sally. At that moment she knew her blonde nemesis had something to do with it. "I think someone stole it."
But Sister Judith wasn't hearing it. "Another fib, another lie. Your not having a very good morning are you young lady?"

On the inside sister Judy was enjoying this new found excuse to continue her punishment but on the outside she looked down at April with a look of disappointment.

"So let me see if I have it right," She took a breath and continued. "You are already going through shame punishment , sitting in class almost completely naked and you actually have the nerve to pull out a math book and try to deceive me and the entire class. Then you lie about one of your classmates stealing it when you clearly lost it! Don't you think you are in enough trouble young lady?"

Sister Judith didn't bother waiting for her response. "Get up here right now young lady! "She barked.

April was frozen to her seat or at least it felt that way. The thought of standing let alone walking in front of the class was more than she could stand right now

"I said get up here right NOW !" She said loud enough that her voice cracked.
She pointed on a spot on the floor in front of her desk and April popped out of her seat in fear. She shuffled up to the front of the room one hand across her bra while the other cover her crotch. Sister Judith couldn't help notice how the slender teen preferred to cover her bra covered chest as opposed to her bare behind as she scurried up to the front of the room.

More giggling followed as the bottomless girl made her way up front. The teacher seemed to encourage their behavior as they openly pointed and laughed at their semi-naked class mate. For her this added to the effect enhancing the girls humiliation while at the same time increasing her pleasure.

April posed in front of her teacher with one hand now covering her bare butt while that same main arm was still draped across her chest. Kyle was seated in the second row just behind her and she was well aware of it.

Sister Judy studied the girl for a moment enjoying renewing humiliation.

Oh April now matter how hard I punish you, you still act like a naughty little girl" Sister Judith said while emphasizing the little part. "Looks like your punishment will have to be taken a step further. You can start by putting your hands at your sides."

To April's dismay the teacher secured each of her wrists and easily pried them apart exposingg her bare butt to the giggling class once again. She then took both hands and clasped them behind the girls head while forcing her elbows straight out to the sides.

April closed her eyes tightly wishing the ground would just swallow her up.

"Keep your eyes open wide young lady! I want you to feel every bit shame coming your way."

With her eyes back open April realized her teacher had stepped to the side and was reaching around to unhook the clasp of her bra.

April held her breath as the tension in her bra was released and the cups pulled forward. She had the girl unclasp her hands as well just long enough to pull the bra all the way off.

Sister Judith was careful not drop the bra's padded contents keeping that fact still a suprise for her eager classmates.

The teachers devilish grin only teased the class as they couldn't see what she could. April's face was crimson red and her cheeks were burning like never before.

"My you are really blushing now, aren't you? I think I've found your hot button or should I say buttons!" The teacher snickered at her own joke while her students were craning there necks to see what was going on.

"I might have to keep you like this all day, would you like that?"

April shook her head from side to side rather vigorously.

"We will have to see then. I certainly am enjoying your naked shameful condition and I believe your classmates are as well."

Several giggles could be heard behind her.

"For the time being you can stay just as you are while we continue on with are history lesson."

April had a miserable expression at the thought remaining naked for the rest of the day. Most of the boys had never seen a naked girl before so this was quite the sight to behold.

She could see the glare from a boy named Timmy's glasses who sat at the far end of the room as he tried to lean forward to see her front. Only a few weeks ago she had called him a dork in front of his friends embarrassing him.

April turned away from him slightly so he couldn't see her front but this was noticed by Sister Judy and she decided to capitalize on the moment.

"Timmy, would you like to come up to the front of the class and read aloud from your history book?"

Timmy was one of the better students in her class and this was like winning the lottery in his eyes as he stuttered.

"Y-yes Sister." He almost forgot to grab his book as walked briskly to the front of the room.

In reaction to this April unclasped her hands and went to cover her chest and crotch but Sister Judith stopped this immediately.

"April don't you dare cover! Get those hands behind your head this instant!"

Timmy looked over the naked girl still shielding her privates from his leering grin.

"Here is how this is going to work young lady. Every time you cover up I will be adding an additional thirty minutes to your naked time. So far that's a half an hour if you want we can make it a whole hour or we can make this all day and the next."

Not wanting to spend anymore time naked than she had to April slowly un cupped her chest and groin much to Timmy's delight.

The sight before him got his heart racing although he was quite surprised at what he saw. Her dark bush was thick and full yes but it what was up top that really shocked him.

Timmy had always thought April was one of the bustier girls in class and always wondered how her big breasts looked on her thin frame.

That wasn't the case at all as he stared at her bare chest in bewilderment. Just two quarter sized dark brown areoala with a golf ball sized swell behind each nipple.

Certainly not the proud chest of a high school senior. More like she had just started puberty one day and then suddenly stopped.

It was her deepest most humiliating secret. Up until this point nobody had seen her bare breasts.

Timmy actually had to stop himself from laughing as April's red face was a mix of horror and humiliation.

"Are you going to be able to read for us Tim?" The teacher asked trying not to laugh either.

"Y-yes sister it's just...what happended to..her..her boobs?" he said sounding comically hoarse . The question brought out a roar of laughter from the class who still didn't know exactly what he was talking about.

April fought the urge to cover reveling in shame as he actually laughed at her nude form.

"April it seems your..bare chest.. is distracting Timmy a bit. Perhaps you can turn away and face the class so he won't be preoccupied."

April shook her head no with her face flushing beet red at the comments.

"That wasn't a question April. Turn around right now!"

April braced herself as she did a slow about face toward her classmates. but as she turned the urge to cover was too great and she found herself covering up again before she faced them.

"April! I said no covering up young lady!" Her teacher yelled

April didn't know what to say. "Turn and face me when I'm talking to you, young lady!"

April turned to face her teacher once again.

"Another thirty minutes of naked humiliation time has been added. Now put you hands back behind your head right now!"

April did so slowly revealing her self to the grinning nerdy boy who looked over her naked front freely once again. His eyes were glued in facination to her bare nearly flattened chest as her arm positions revealed it so fully.

"Now repeat after me girl." Her teacher instructed.
"I will keep my naughty hands away from my little boobies." The class roared with laughter at this.

"I will keep my hands away from my boobies." The girl repeated somehow hoping she wouldn't notice her changes.

"No April that isn't what I said say it word for word."

"I-I I will keep my naughty hands away from my.. my little boobies." The class laughed even harder when she said it.

That's right April now say it loud enough so everyone could hear.

"I will keep my naughty hands away from my little boobies!!"

"Great ! Now I want you to go up to the blackboard and write that fifteen times while keeping your free hand on top of your head.

April did as she was told flushing red with shame the whole time.

She could feel the stares and hear the snickers as everyone got to ogle her naked bottom while she wrote the embarrassing sentence over and over.

Timmy was sent back to his seat and Sister Ruth was enjoying a silent bliss while the humiliated girl did her bidding. She couldn't believe just how perfect this girl was as a victim to her debauchery. Since the first day Sister Judith laid eyes on April she had the desire to humiliate the snotty girl.

April was so pretty all dressed up an her ego was a bit much. Sister Judith always pretended not to pay attention to the social lives of her students. April was lusted after by all the guys while being despised by many girls. Secretly she always kept an eye on the slender girl biding her time until the moment was right.

As the naked girl wrote "little boobies" for the last time Sister Judith pondered her next move.

She signaled the girl to walk back over to her and it was quite the spectacle to watch the naked teen walk backwards while keeping her hands away from her body.

"Both hands on your head now, elbows out all the way. Stand up straight young lady."

She did so stretching her body to it's fullest while still keeping her bare front away from the class.

Sister Judith looked the red faced teen up and own with delight. Looking over the girls front while the class, besides Timmy, still had not seen it.

Sister Judith kept cool on the outside but inwardly she was burning up.

"You must show the class your front, don't you think so?"

April was breathing harder as her anxiety grew.

"Now just like you are hands behind your head. Turn around and show your classmates what you have been hiding............"
Last edited by ValerianXIII on Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by SDS »

Wonderful chapter! I love the tension as shes reluctant to fully reveal herself to the class!
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Re: April's Debasement /Gender Swap Story

Post by mikewozere »

Really enjoying the story!
I may be just being stupid, but what makes it "gender swap" ?
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