Revengedpirate wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:01 pm
I’m loving this story, love the dual personality you’ve created too. Just out of curiosity what is an incel?
Honestly I thought it was common knowledge by now, as popular a term as "Karen", but I have also seen in the past that a lot of older guys somehow haven't heard of them before. I'll explain.
Incel is short for Involuntarily Celibate. The incel movement started online about 10 years ago and quickly became gigantic and frighteningly powerful. It's a group of guys who can't get sex and respond to this by blaming all women. They use the term "female" almost exclusively in order to dehumanize women. They are a rabid anti-female cult who are convinced that women are the enemy of men and must be destroyed. They believe that women being able to be equal to men, hold the same jobs as men, and demanding the rights of men goes against the natural order. Incels believe that men are supposed to be heartless and aspire to the peaks of toxic masculinity, and that any woman who won't fuck them is defective. Their mythology convinces them that they are actually the nice ones, which is why they are sometimes nicknamed "nice guys" sarcastically. Their self-made rival is what they call a Chad, basically a jock himbo stereotype who gets all the ladies even though he is "unworthy" in the eyes of the incels.
They are a huge and dangerous cult that launches terror attacks online and is responsible for multiple murders. They are at war with sex workers because they believe that those women victimize vulnerable men by taking their money in exchange for nude pics and vids. The incels believe that the fact that women can make money selling sex is why they aren't giving it out to "nice guys" like them. Incels will target Onlyfans models on TikTok, FetLife, Reddit, and other places where they market. The incels will then bombard the targeted girl with hate comments, insults, and abuse in a stated desire to make her kill herself. They have a signature attack related to the fathers, constantly telling sex workers that they have betrayed their fathers by taking this career and insulting the fathers as failures for raising a slut. The incel movement has a ton of hackers with no life so they are good at locating people online and learning their real names. They enjoy sending people's fathers the naked pictures of their daughters to shame them both as failures. One trick with that is to print out a girl's pics, cum on them (called a tribute picture), and then send a picture of the mess to the father. On a few occasions incels have actually tracked down and murdered girls for being popular online, trading the pictures of the dead body like it was porn. Some incels have even taken tribute pics of pictures of dead girls bodies and sent those to the girl's parents to shame them even after their daughter is dead.
Incels are extremely dangerous and growing fast. They were essential to the election of Donald Trump, waging an online war against Hilary Clinton. They were utterly against a woman president, and also they fell in love with Trump's toxic masculinity and how he embodies everything they want to be in life. They have worked with Russia to run bot programs, using huge bot farms to harass women online and spread political propaganda. The incels are convinced that society has feminized men and that they are the only "real" men left, and that it is their job to fix all women so that they learn their place and go back to serving their men like the good old days. Incels also despise all LGBT folks and blame lesbianism for why there's so few viable women in the market for guys.
So yeah, in the modern era incels are freaking everywhere online, and they are all over high schools victimizing girls who won't sleep with them. Incels feel entitled to sex and free nude pics, so any girl withholding either is treated as if they were being unfair and evil. The arguments offered by Jerry earlier are common incel talking points, even though he wasn't a full-blown violently hostile incel like Billy was. Ask any girl under the age of 35 and they will tell you about at least one major incel that they have had to deal with in the last several years. It's seriously that common. I made a comment in my generations thread that in the modern era incels should probably be used more often in ENF stories, since the old stereotype of the jock and prep bullies are pretty outdated. In an ENF scene, the incels would be the ones openly insulting the naked woman while secretly getting off to her and her humiliation.
I can't wait to see how the rest of this goes...all three of us are going to be naked in no time, and I'm getting those pictures! Man, I should get pictures of Ben's body and special anatomy too, even if those aren't shared. Those will be mine, and I will treasure them like a winning lottery ticket!
Not wasting any more time, I place my hands on the waistband of my skirt. Their eyes light up, realizing that the skirt is going down too. God this is fun, every sweat drop on their blushing faces is like a point for me...and I'm going for the high score! I'm not saying anything, just letting my actions speak for themselves. I unhook the latch and then inch my waistband down slowly, dramatically alternating between my left hand and my right, and sometimes pulling upwards instead of down just to be mean. Neither boy blinks the entire time.
I need to finish this up in style, remaining the dominant one. I know just the trick.... I part my legs wide as I pull my skirt down my thighs, finally showing off my entire panties for the horny boys. My only regret is that I'm not wearing sexy panties like Jay was earlier (just basic green hipsters), but at the start of this day I had NO IDEA that any boy was going to see them. Maybe next time, if there is one. Either way, I let go of my panties, and with the waistband unhooked they are only being held up on my thighs by the fact that my legs are parted. I pose for my audience for a couple seconds before I take two steps forward, bringing my legs together and allowing the skirt to drop to the ground beneath me effortlessly. I walk out of it without missing a beat, as if I just walked myself half naked. The result is priceless and both boys are speechless.
I sound as cocky as humanly possible when I ask "Excuse me, why are there still pants on boys?"
Ben quickly pulls his jeans to the ground, shaking the entire time. He's wearing grey briefs that are noticeably FILLED right now, bulging like crazy. It looks like it barely fits in there, stretching out so so much. Benny has D, that's for sure! God he's so embarrassed to be standing here in his underwear though, blatantly hard for me, and that's just adding to his overall adorableness. His hands are alternating between covering up his bulge and moving aside, like he can't decide which choice to make. I'm positive that this is the first time that he's ever stripped this far for a girl, any girl. And here I am, his dream girl, drinking in every drop of his gorgeousness. He is trembling with nervousness and shyness but still he did it without hesitating, unlike Jerry.
I look at Ben, openly ogling him with my mouth open "God, you STUD! Couldn't find a tighter pair of undies? I love it, you're such a tease. Tease me if you must, but you better please me too"
Ben had to look away a little bit from his shyness, since my eye contact was overpowering him, but he smiled very brightly from my compliments. HA! Two can play at the "make somebody blush with compliments" game. Jerry meanwhile, jealous of Ben getting all of my attention, finally jerked down his own pants. Once they were off, I got a good look at his white briefs. Honestly I couldn't believe that he was actually wearing tighty whiteys, since even I knew that boys are supposed to switch to something else by high school. Beautiful Ben had grey briefs, a thousand times more sexy of a color than white. I also couldn't help but notice that the fill difference was tremendous between the boys. Jerry's "glass" was only half full, so to speak, even though he's clearly rock hard for me. I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it! Jerry is acting this shy and embarrassed about stripping because his privates are teeny tiny and he's ashamed about that. Ha, perfect. Wonderful. This revenge is going to be SO GOOD!
"Very nice" I lie "Now if only you could be a little quicker on the stripping, like your friend over here. After all, I want to see all of you, taste all of you, and if you're lucky I might even feel all of you...inside of me. Are you boys ready for the final reveal?"
Ben immediately shouts "Yes ma'am!" Jerry, meanwhile, barely mutters a "Y..yeah"
Oh wait...problem. If Ben strips his underwear first after I drop my panties, then Jerry might chicken out at the end because of the clear size difference between the two boys. That would ruin my whole plan. I have to do something about that, even if it hurts me deeply in my soul...and my groin.
"Now Ben" I command with a finger on his bare chest "You have been first this whole time, which I have loved, but for this last item I want Jerry to go first instead. It's not fair that he keeps waiting on you to go first. So when I get fully and completely naked standing right here in front of you, you just have to stand there and deal with...Big Ben...straining desperately to be free for me until I finally give you my permission to release him. Is that ok?"
Ben, trembling and sweating like a death row inmate on chair day, nervously answered "Y..yes ma'am!" Honestly I'm digging the "ma'am" thing, so I hope he keeps calling me that.
"And Jerry" I announced while putting a finger on his chest now "No backing out. My panties are about to come down, adding to my clothes pile. And when they do, your undies join them. Am I clear?"
Jerry, trembling, mumbled "M..maybe we should stop. This is going too far now!"
I then whispered in his ear "We're not stopping until your cum drips from my pussy, not one second sooner."
Wooo, you should've seen the immediate change in his entire face when I whispered that to him. I'm sure Ben was wondering what I just said, because Jerry stiffened up immediately and looked like he was about to fall over in shock. He finally had the look on his face of someone willing to get naked for me. It was about freaking time!
I grabbed my panty waistband, making eye contact with both boys as I started to lower them. Sophie would be having a heart attack right now, frantic with shame and embarrassment about baring her most private place to two boys. She'd be screaming internally for me to stop this. Of course, she can't tell me what to do anymore, since Minka is in the driver's seat of this body now. The boys are staring at my hairless mound as it comes into view, but I make sure to stop with my waistband just barely about my lips in order to tease them. I then turn around, showing both boys my smooth butt as the panties start going down again. I keep my legs straight as I pull them slowly all the way to the ground, taking them fully off of me and tossing them into my pile without ever bending a knee.
Both boys are getting what they think is the best possible view of me from behind, but I'm actually about to give them a better one. I part my legs by sliding downwards toward the ground a little bit, leaning forward on my hands and forcing my hips upwards and outwards. In this position I know that EVERYTHING to do with my ass and pussy is explicitly displayed for both of them. The Sophie part of my brain screams in horror that since we've been so wet all day (and especially now with this stripping experience) that even virgin boys would be able to see that we were wet. My pussy is gushing, almost ready to relentlessly drip. Minka loves that they can see this part of me, and I hope that it makes the boys hard enough to almost bust in their briefs! This position isn't even 1% modest, and I make sure to look between my own legs back at the boys to catch their reactions. The lust is written all over both of their faces, and both of those naughty little boys had their hands on their bulges sneaking little touches when they thought I wasn't looking. Scandalous! I kinda like it, though. I've never pushed a boy so far that he started touching himself for me. That's a new experience!
I finally straighten up and turn around, showing both boys my full frontal nudity. I look at Jerry "Your turn."
Jerry shakes his head ""
Ben suddenly commented "Come on dude, stop being such a whiny bitch"
Defiant, Jerry got surprisingly high pitched as he squealed "No! I don't want some girl to see MY DICK!!"
I rolled my eyes. Here I was, completely naked for this boy offering him sex, and STILL he wouldn't take off his underwear for me. Whatever, it's time for plan B.
"Oh Ben" I coldly commanded "Put this loser in a full nelson for me, would you? And don't let him escape"
Once again, Ben didn't hesitate. Jerry tried to run but only got three steps before Ben had him, hooking his arms and trapping him. Jerry now had no ability to move, cover up, or stop me in any way. He couldn't even drop to the ground. He was trapped and helpless.
Jerry screamed "Let me go LET ME GO!! NO!! She's going to take off my underwear, Ben! Stop holding me! PLEASE!!!"
Instead of going after Jerry immediately though, I instead picked up my phone from the ground. When I switched it to picture mode and started taking pictures of Jerry in his underwear his screaming got even louder.
I couldn't wait for the chance to let him know what was about to happen to him. He just screamed that he didn't want ONE girl to see his a few minutes, every girl in this school is going to see it. And I was going to make damn sure that he knew it before it even happened. I wanted to watch him squirm in agony and hopeless anticipation.
"Jerry boy...remember how you thought it was soooo funny to leak naked pictures of me all over the entire school? Well guess what, little's your turn now. Every single girl in the school, from the freshmen to the seniors, are going to have pictures of your dick by sundown today. Surprise!"
Jerry started screaming, flailing, and fighting with all of his might when I said that, kicking and scratching and hoping against hope to escape from Ben's grip. I was actually feeling a little sorry for Ben because he was getting hit for me, but he didn't even flinch. My sexy sweet freshman is a fighter...awesome!
I grabbed Jerry's waistband with one hand while the other hand held the camera snapping pictures. I jerked down the front side far enough to see his pubes (which honestly weren't all that much) and then took a picture of them. Jerry was begging and pleading, sobbing and weeping. I thought Billy had been a pathetic mess earlier, but Jerry was a hundred times worse. This was clearly his worst nightmare ever coming true. Serves him right.
I walked behind Jerry and Ben in order to pull down the back of Jerry's underwear completely, baring his butt for the camera. Ben had to twist him a little to show it off, but I got several great pictures of it for my collection. Once I was finished with that side, I walked back to the front and started lowering both the left and right sides of his tighty whiteys. In no time at all I had his entire hips bared, snapping shots of that too. At this point only Jerry's erection was holding up the underwear in the front, as the sides were both way lower than his privates were.
Dragging this torture out, I very slightly inched the waistband down until just the base of Jerry's shaft came into view. It just now occurred to me that this is the first time that I've ever seen any part of a boy's dick in person, and even though this is pure business and revenge I still get a jolt of arousal from that detail. I take several pictures of the base of the shaft, with the rest still covered by his undies. I even turn the camera around a little bit in order to snap a picture of his tiny little balls hiding back there.
I couldn't help but comment "I see your balls, little boy! The camera sees them too. I can see a little bit of your little dick too. How far should I pull down this waistband before stopping I wonder?"
I looked him in the eye "Anything I want? So you can erase all of my pictures from the phones of the entire school, and then make them all forget that they saw me naked? Oh wait, no you can't! Because of you, EVERY boy saw my boobs and pussy and they have pictures of it to keep forever."
I pull his underwear down more, exposing more of his tiny shaft until the waistband is resting directly on the head, nothing else. The slightest pull would make his dick pop out completely. I take more pictures of him like this, savoring Jerry's desperation to keep that last little inch of his hidden, the only private inch he has left on his exposed dick.
I put my face in his face for dramatic effect "It's just pictures, man. You know, share the wealth. It's like the Fappening! What's the big deal? That's what you said to me, right?"
The horror on his face as I repeated his own words back at him was priceless. He knew that I would have no mercy on him. He knew that he didn't deserve mercy.
My sadist side came out then in that moment "I think we need a countdown, little boy. I will count down from five. When I hit zero, I'm pulling your underwear off completely and tossing it into the pile. Are you ready?"
He squealed like a baby
I counted down while he squealed helplessly simultaneously "5..(NO) 4..(NO) 3..(NO NO) 2..(NO NO) 1..(NONONO) ZERO!!"
The instant I hit zero I jerked downward until the undies came to his ankles, finally baring his little dick completely. I didn't have a ruler on me, but there's no way that this thing was any bigger than 4 inches, and it wasn't all that thick either. I yanked his tighty whiteys off of his legs, tossing them into the pile of his clothes. He tried to twist free and escape, humiliated beyond belief that his little secret was out in the open like this. Worse, he watched as I began taking picture after picture of it. I took close-ups from every angle, including a few from underneath it and one from between his legs behind his balls looking outwards. I made sure to get several full body pictures too, including some face shots. I didn't want there to be any confusion as to the identity of THESE naked pictures. He didn't get to hide like Sophie did.
The entire time that I was taking pictures of him I kept saying things like "Aww, it's so teeny! You know girls sure do love tiny versions of items, it's cute. Well, maybe they don't love tiny versions of THIS item exactly. Oh well. That's your problem, not mine! I didn't realize that when you gave people the middle finger that it was actual size. Have you tried pills for that little thing, or is that what it looks like WITH the growth pills?"
After mocking his size enough, I switched over to humiliating him over his coming exposure level "I hope you know that every single girl in school is going to see your dick now. Do you have a crush on anyone right now? Well, she's about to see you naked and see how little of a boy you are. I doubt she'll be interested now. Any friends of yours are about to see your dick too and are going to laugh at it. Your friends sisters will all see it too, even the hot ones, guaranteed. Your classmates, your neighbors, everybody you ever talk to or hang out with is going to see your eleventh finger today. Even the teachers are going to see your tiny dong probably. Hell I'll bet your MOM will see it eventually. God, that'll be so embarrassing for you. Can you even imagine the entire school knowing how pathetic your dick is and having the pictures on their phones? They'll probably make memes with it and send them to you."
I then finished my mockery by singing "Eeny Teeny Tiny Foe, a Little Dick is Now on Show. Will Girls Like It? That's a No. My Mom Told Me To Pick the Very Smallest One And You Are Iiiiiiiiit!"
When I finally had enough of torturing the weeping Jerry, I told Ben to let him go finally. Jerry fell to the ground on his hands and knees, utterly broken. One last time he begged me to not send out those pictures, offering to be my slave for the rest of his life. This was clearly his biggest fear, the source of his most horrific nightmares. He would rather die than have his small anatomy trending in HD all over the entire school. And he's just a freshman, so he has to share classes with these students for three more years after this one. He would have to endure several years of small dick jokes and watching as girls giggled and pointed at him in the hallway. He would never be able to get a girlfriend with the reputation of being Little Dick Jerry. I could see it in his face, he would do anything to avoid this fate. This boy would do prison time if it meant keeping his modesty intact.
He was so completely destroyed and desperate that I almost felt bad when I hit send. I sent the entire collection to Ava, Haylee, and Rachael with instructions to wait until I gave the signal this time before we let them spread everywhere (to avoid my earlier mistake in the gym). When I told Jerry, he looked down and broke out in tears again. It was pathetic, but he earned every ounce of his punishment. I ordered him to grab his clothes and get out of here before we did something even worse to him, and I told him to never tell anyone about Ben's role in this punishment or else I would make him nostalgic for the "light" punishment of today. He quickly pulled his clothes back on and ran away outside looking like an absolute mess.
Part of me actually felt bad about what I did, but my suffering and humiliation today was so intense that I would never forgive myself if I didn't get him back for that. This was required before I could ever find closure with today's buffet of stress and shame. I really hoped that Ben didn't think less of me after seeing me act like that.
Of course, once Jerry was completely gone...suddenly I realized that I was standing here with Ben, alone, completely naked. And he is standing next to me almost naked, with only his bulging briefs hiding his massive fun toy from me. We're alone...nobody else is here to bother us. I'm so FUCKING horny that if he asks, I won't say no. Seriously, he could ask me anything right now and he would get it, no matter how bizarre or kinky it was, as long as I got to feel him inside of me and could finally lose this insufferable V-Card. I might even tell him my real name if he asks, just to hear him moan it. I have to calm down and find a way out of this situation before I go too far and do something I might regret later. I want my first time to be romantic and memorable with somebody I trust completely. I literally only met Ben a few hours ago, this is a bad idea. A bad idea. A SEXY idea...but a bad idea. I have to escape this sexual tension before he asks anything of me.
"So..." Ben spoke, breaking the silence "Do want me know, strip naked for you?"
Half-naked Ben just asked me if I wanted to see him finish stripping for me now that we were alone. I was so horny right now that not only was the answer to THAT question a resounding "yes", but I would also say yes to anything else he asked of me right now. If he asks for my virginity, it's his. I don't have the willpower to say no to such sexiness right now. The fact that he's such a sweetheart and I feel like I can trust him completely is just eliminating all of what's left of my inhibitions. But am I ready for this? As Minka I talk a big game but I've never actually done anything sexual with a boy. That shit with Billy didn't count, and I will stab anyone who says otherwise. This would be for real. This is a huge line to cross, but if he asks me for it or makes any moves to take me right now, then I am all his. ALL his. My fate hinges on what Ben does right now, because if he ever figures out the power that he has right now then he will get every single deep carnal desire he has and then some.
I can't let him know how in heat I am, so I try to be at least somewhat cool with my reply to him asking if I wanted to see him finish stripping "There is nothing that I want more. Follow me backstage first, though. I don't want us to be disturbed"
That wasn't a lie in any way. If this is happening, I don't want to risk somebody catching me and ruining it. This is my first time, I want it to be amazing and perfect. We gather up our clothes in our arms, not putting any of them on, as we walk backstage. I lure him into the girls changing room and we shut the door behind us. Here I stand, in a closed private room, completely naked, with my sexy sweet freshman boy who was about to also get naked for me. Nobody would ever catch us in here. We could do anything, absolutely anything we wanted to each other. If I touched him I'd never stop. If he touched me I'd never let him stop. Once his underwear gets removed, I might not be able to stop no matter what. But nothing on this Earth could keep me from watching him pull it down for me, absolutely nothing.
Ben was visibly shaking with nerves of his own. It was very obvious that he was also a virgin and just as inexperienced as I was, if not more so. I think the exact same thoughts I was having were running through his own brain right now. And here I am, his dream girl, completely naked in a room with him. He called me "flawless" and "the hottest girl in the school" earlier today in the computer lab. It made me shiver way back then, and it still makes me shiver every time I replay that conversation in my memory. At the time he thought he didn't have a chance of ever even being NOTICED by Minka, yet now here I am, naked with him in this room, waiting to watch him strip. And maybe...maybe a hundred other things after that.
Ben's hands went to his waistband, blushing madly, as he softly whispered "I'm...sorry, I'm really nervous. I've never done this before. No girl has know, seen me naked"
I respond to that "Ben, darling, you are crazy hot. If you had any idea how freaking sexy you are or how wet I am right now just from the anticipation of seeing you naked, then you wouldn't have an ounce of nervousness left. You called me the hottest girl you've ever seen in your life earlier today. Looking at you now, you're the hottest boy ever...both in looks and in your personality. Now I want to see your hottest part for myself!"
The look on Ben's face got really confused for a second, and then went bright like a lightbulb went off "Oh my God, that WAS you! In the computer lab earlier today, that was you! I knew it!"
Oops. Crap, duh! Stupid stupid stupid. I forgot that I was Sophie when he called me that! At least I never gave him my name at the time.
I stutter "Um..y..yeah it was. That's...uh...what I look like normally, without the make up and all that. Please don't tell that to anybody, I like to stay hidden unless it's on my terms."
Ben quickly vowed "I won't, I swear it. I knew it, I had this crazy feeling that you were that girl from earlier when I saw you walk into the auditorium. You both had the same beautiful eyes, and your body types were the same."
I nervously smirk "Would you believe that you're one of the only ones who could tell just from looking? really like my eyes?"
Ben blushed as he replied "Minka, I love everything about you. Every inch, every part, your voice (especially without the fake accent), the things you say, and how badass you are. You've been so kind to me even though when we first met you caught me looking at your nude pictures. I can't believe that you caught me looking at your private pics, which were leaked against your will, and instead of yelling at me for being a pathetic pervert you were so cool about it and wanted to look at them with me. I can't even imagine any other girl being like that. You're amazing."
Compliments still make me horny, even as Minka, and I was already very close to the edge of pouncing this boy and taking him whether he wanted it or not. If he doesn't stop I'm going to do that to him, no joke. I'm serious. But truthfully...I don't want him to stop. I'm tired of being cautious and responsible. In fact, fuck it, I'm going to dare him to continue! I'm giving him complete power over me now.
I reply "It's weird. Everybody seeing me naked was embarrassing as hell and humiliating, but some parts weren't so bad. I really like when a boy or girl I like is admiring my body. I never got that before today from anyone, and then suddenly I was getting it from everyone at once. Earlier today when I saw how much you were enjoying my pictures, it didn't make me mad one made me feel special, like I was this big sexy superstar. I was scared that you would recognize me or that you wouldn't like my body, but then you said the things that you did. Before today I honestly thought I was unattractive. I have that huge fear moment with everyone when I see them looking at my pictures btw. I'm completely terrified that they'll recognize me, make fun of me, or insult me, and then I'm filled with pleasure when they tell me how much they love me instead. When people don't know that it's me, they tell me the raw unfiltered truth about their desires for my body and it's such a rush! Honestly...I love hearing everyone compliment me about how hot they find me and my pictures. I love it so much. SO MUCH! Don't tell anyone please,'s a massive turn on when somebody compliments me sexually. Huge, gigantic, you don't even know. It drives me wild and makes me crave naughty things. I think it's a fetish that I didn't know I had until today. Even though it's embarrassing and humiliating and stressful as fuck, somehow being a public fantasy for everyone in the whole school gives me a rush that is almost like a drug high. And the more explicit the compliment, the more it turns me on. I could actually lose control and do...something crazy...if I endured too many sexy compliments at once. I'm not even joking."
Ben's face said it all...he wanted to test me. It was killing him. He wanted to see what would happen if he pressed his luck, but at the same time he was shy and nervous and didn't want to offend me, scare me away, or seem too forward. He stayed silent, but I could see his internal dilemma. His goodness was torturing him. I needed to give him a reminder that I really like him and that it's ok.
I continued "I love everything about you too by the way. You're sweet and caring, you're trustworthy, your eyes make me shiver, and god damn those ABS my man! The only thing that I hate about you right now are those briefs. They need gone ASAP."
Reminding Ben that he's supposed to be stripping for me made him suddenly break eye contact and look towards the wall. The tension in the air was thick enough to drown on, and when he tried to say something in response it just came out as a couple awkward noises. He was terrified of letting me, his dream girl, see him naked, but on the other hand he wanted so badly for me, his dream girl, to lust over his body. I knew that exact feeling, that's been my whole day.
Without ever giving me a real verbal response, he just closed his eyes and started slowly lowering his underwear for me. Ben's abs now led into a tight V that traveled all the way down until the hair appeared. I watched without blinking as the base of his shaft came into view. His was so much bigger and better than Jerry's fail earlier. I stopped breathing, my entire body freezing to memorize every nanosecond of this moment. As the underwear came fully off, Big Ben popped out and stood pointing right at me, solid as stone with a tiny wet spot on the tip from how horny he was. This was the first time ever that a hot boy had ever stripped for me, and it was perfect! I think I legitimately almost came from witnessing it.
I gasped, remembering to breathe finally. "Oh my God that is SO HOT!! You are so hot. So hot. Super hot. Ben I'm shaking, seriously. Thank you!"
He smiled, but couldn't bear to hold eye contact with me as he asked "Am I really that good compared to all the others you've seen?"
I decide to tell him Minka's biggest secret "Ok don't tell anyone, because it ruins my image, but...I'm actually a virgin. You are the first boy ever to strip naked for me, and you're perfect. Ben I've been thinking about you since this morning...seriously, I have. I never thought I'd get lucky enough to have you standing naked right in front of me like this! And that thing is so freaking big, I don't even think it would fit in me."
Fit in me. DID I JUST SAY "Fit in me" OUT LOUD? Well, the Sophie part of my brain just passed out from the shock, but at least I don't have to worry about her complaining anymore.
Ben, trembling after I said that, merely replied "I...I don't know about that. I'm also a virgin. But I'm the lucky one here, I have the most beautiful girl in the entire school standing in front of me completely naked. The pictures don't do your body justice."
More compliments, the sly boy. I slide my feet out of my heels now, because I no longer want even the slightest clothing item on my body right now. They would only get in the way of what my mind is thinking right now anyway. At this point I'm subtly rubbing my legs together because of my arousal, but my naked pussy is screaming at me for more direct attention. It doesn't want my hand this time, though. It wants that tasty treat two feet in front of me!
Still, I need more from him first "Tell me...what makes me the most beautiful girl in the school? Please, tell me everything, every detail. Don't hold back, even talking about my body parts. In fact, make sure to tell me everything you love about them, don't you dare be shy. You can mention my pictures too. Tell me everything you love about me, all of me, and don't stop until I make you stop"
I watch his penis twitch upwards when I order him to compliment me. I just told him a minute ago that it was a huge turn on for me. I told him that I might lose control if he kept doing it. I think he might suspect the truth...that I'm right on the very edge of fucking his sweet brains out. I hope he figured it out. I hope he understands that all he needs are a few choice words in this moment. I hope he realizes that if he says the right thing to me, I am going to burn both of our V-cards in a fire of passion right here on the floor of this dressing room and not even Superman would be strong enough to pull me off of Big Ben.
Shaking, blushing, Ben answered me "Your eyes are gorgeous, super energetic and expressive. I love their unusual color, that shiny faded green. I've never known anyone else whose eyes looked like yours. They're how I recognized you earlier, because there couldn't be two girls with eyes like that...that beautiful. Your hair is so bright and smooth and I love the way it looks on you right now. Your face, your body, everything about you is perfect. Your boobs are amazing, the perfect size and...and I wish I could touch them...and squeeze them. I could stare at your naked body all day, for real. I mean, I HAVE been staring at your naked body all day to be honest, and I never get tired of it. Your legs are smooth and sexy. Your tummy is flat and really hot, like you have no fat at all. is.... I'm sorry, I don't know what to say here without sounding weird or creepy, but... Your pussy looks like heaven. In the uh...was amazing. I really want to touch it"
He's extremely nervous trying to say the right thing without crossing any lines, which I admit is still cute, but him holding back is giving me slight frustration. His lustful words are sending me over the edge now, but I need something raw and intense to break my inhibitions forever! I'm breathing heavily, trembling, pussy throbbing between my legs pressed tightly together. He can see how horny I am right now, it is blatant. I need this. I need this more than I have ever needed anything else in my life. I would trade oxygen for that dick right now, but I need him to give me that last little push. I need it, I need his words to give me the confidence and courage to actually go through with this for real. Not a fantasy, the real thing. I can't do it without that last push. He can easily see how his compliments are driving me completely crazy in a fog of hormones but I have to make him stop holding back right freaking now and ask me directly for what he wants!
"Ben" I softly whisper while my hands twitch and I shake back and forth "Don't hold back. Don't be shy. Don't be afraid. Tell me how you feel, tell me what you'd LIKE to feel, and tell it to me plainly. You can be crude and direct. I want your animal, your dark side. I want to know what your gorgeous dick is reacting to right now and what it wants from me. Look me in the eyes and tell me your deepest desire. I am your genie...make a wish right here and now and I will grant it immediately, every single word to the letter with no limit no matter what you ask of me!"
He swallowed hard, and I watched as his dick started to drip from the tip a little bit. He had to be just as horny as I was. I could tell that he was just as nervous as I was. We're both shaking and sweating, both of us standing naked in front of somebody we're attracted to for the first time in either of our lives. We're both thinking of just one thing, the same thing, on repeat in our brains. I knew he was thinking of that thing right now, it was written all over his dick. I just desperately needed him to say it out loud for me. If he didn't ask me for things, I was going to chicken out, even as Minka. But anything he asked of me he would get, I did not lie about that. Anything. Literally anything.
Ben took four whole anxiety-rising seconds to think, took a deep breath, and then told me "I wish you were mine! I wish for your heart, your soul, and your body. I want every perfect inch of you from your head to your toes mine forever. I want to touch you, kiss you, and make love to you. You're so damn sexy, the hottest woman in the world! I've never been this horny before in my life. I wish to explore your amazing body and touch every part of you with every part of me. I want to feel your skin and my dick wants to feel your insides. I want to go deeper inside of you than any camera could ever hope to reach! I want all of you Minka.....starting right this moment because I wish for your virginity!!!"
OOH!!! FUCK!!! YES!!! Mmmmmmm. That is what I needed! God I feel tingles all over, my body overwhelmed with lust and pleasure. My eyes rolled into my head halfway through his declaration of love and lust for me as I started to lose control by the end. My mouth is open breathing very loudly. My pussy is pulsing now, swelling in happiness and leaking down my legs. My hands can't hold still, they're desperately screaming at me to touch the naked guy in front of me.
I catch my breath just long enough to moan to him "Your wish is my command!"
I sprint forward and crash into his naked body, grabbing him tightly and kissing him. I run into him so fast and so hard that he trips backwards a little bit and we both fall into a locker door. His raging hard-on presses firmly against my thigh and hip area, which is a turn-on that I never even knew that I had before. My hands start roaming his bare back and his chest, I'm like a frantic animal. At first he's nervous about touching me with his hands, but soon he starts lightly rubbing my bare back. His touch lights my senses on fire, making me gasp and accidentally break the kiss.
While his hands explore my nude back, I grab his head and pull his right ear close to my mouth in order to aggressively whisper to him "Your hands don't ever stop touching my body until I say so. Do you hear me? Your hands do NOT leave my body for any reason! Touch everything!"
That did the trick. Ben's timidness evaporates immediately after that order, fully groping up and down my back firmly. When his hands reach down to grab and squeeze both of my butt cheeks at once, I moan for him. That one wasn't a performance for his feelings, that one was 100% real. I return the favor, grabbing his butt and pulling his pelvis up against my body. I could feel his dick throbbing, I could literally FEEL it pulsing against my thigh and nothing in my entire life has ever felt sexier. It's not even touching my pussy yet and already I feel like I might cum. His hands, not leaving my body, trace a path from my butt to my front, rubbing and squeezing my breasts now. I still have him pinned against the locker and our lower halves are pressed together, but now our upper halves part just enough for fondling fun. My hands are running all over his chest, shoulders, and his abs, touching everything he has up there. He feels amazing. My hands are starving for this hunk of man meat and they demand the chance to sample every inch.
After a minute or so I can't take my crotch being so close and yet so far anymore, so I turn my hips just enough to move my pussy lips towards where his dick is. It takes a few seconds, but when I get it finally into position resting on the top of his shaft the sensation is instant, wild, and INTENSE! He freezes up a little bit again when that line is crossed, but I don't give this boy more than a single second to get timid and shy on me again. My pussy was dying to touch his dick, so now I'm rubbing it up and down against it and grinding all over the topside. I can feel it pulsing against me, straining to push inside if only we were even close to the right angle for that. The desire to enter my body is driving it completely crazy, giving it so much power in its throbbing that it feels like it's trying to push me backwards. I feed off of that hunger with every passionate thrust.
Ben suddenly shocks me as he joins in with his hips grinding against me repeatedly in response to me grinding against him.!! Oh boy. Oh yeah. This innocent boy has no idea what he done now. He's not ready for this, guaranteed, but he's getting it anyway after that mistake.... I grab his back with both of my arms and I squeeze tightly while I wrap my right leg around the back of his legs to get extra leverage to my thrusts. Now I'm hitting it as hard as I can, sliding my lips and clit hood all over his huge cock like a crazed maniac. I feel myself mimicking what Jay did to me earlier today, but a thousand times more intensely. I'm sure it would look awkward as hell to any non-virgins watching, but to me this was the sexiest sex to ever sex so far in my desperately horny little life and I'm not even being penetrated yet! I easily cum from this while making a ton of moaning and squealing noises that were not even remotely dignified. It's a good thing that I can go many times, and I plan to push that number to a new record.
Three seconds after I came, Ben suddenly pushed me off of his dick in a hurry and had this intensely afraid look on his face. I got super self-conscious for a second wondering if I had just squirted on him or something and grossed him out, but looking at his dick for evidence of that theory showed that he was reacting to a whole different problem. Even without either of us touching it, his dick was dancing and throbbing wildly, tensing up like it was about to explode. God it was mesmerizing, absolutely the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life. He held me away from him for five seconds until it calmed down, and I realized that he just approached within maybe half of an inch of cumming by accident from me grinding on him so wildly.
He looked as guilty as possible as he stammered "I'm..I'm sorry, I..uh...I mean I almost..."
My poor boy. I quickly walked to the side of his twitching titan to avoid accidentally stimulating it and I kissed him quickly before comforting him "Ben! Ben! It's ok, It's ok. I love that I got you so close so fast. It's hot! You're hot. I love how much you love my body, Ben. Please never stop being this horny for me and all of my little parts no matter how long we live. Promise me!"
Ben smiled shyly "I promise. Minka, that is the easiest promise that I've ever made!"
I smile back "Good. And I promise the same, tiger! Also...I'm going to let you in on two little secrets. weren't the only one of us to get close. You were just the only one of us strong enough to stop before they came"
The look of proud bewilderment on my virgin boy's face was worth billions. He quickly asked "You came???"
I nodded "When I made all that noise right before you pulled us apart. Thank you so much for waiting until after I fully came by the way haha. Seriously, that was amazing, I've never felt anything quite like that type of orgasm, and it's only the first of what I hope will be many before we're done."
Ben looked down "I...I hope I can do that for you, but I don't have a clue what I'm doing. And...if know...I won't be able to do any more for you. I don't even have any condoms, so it's probably a really bad idea for me to go inside at all when I can't fully control myself. I don't think I'm going to be good enough to give you multiple."
In order to playfully get his mind back in the game, I place the tip of my index finger on the top of his dick, just holding it there for a few seconds as I watch him shiver for me and feel it aggressively unconsciously thrust upwards to push my finger. I then tell Ben "Trust me, you are good enough. You are unbelievable. I'm just as inexperienced as you are. Everything that I know about sex comes from about 10 terabytes of grade-A 4K quality pornography. Please don't worry about going off inside, I've been on the pill for quite a while so it's safe. And boys have more than just one tool for pleasuring a woman you know. We're not leaving here until I try them all. We'll give your dick a break or two and it'll be fine. And speaking of this dick? Your body? RAWR!! If you give me permission to take some pictures of you right now while you're naked, hard, and lubricated with a little bit of my juice 'marking my territory' on this work of art sticking out here, then I swear to you on my soul that you never have to worry about not giving me enough climaxes. Pictures of you will give me thousands of orgasms again and again every time I bring up the pictures during my alone time. My pussy will never forget your name."
My Ben, my sweet shy Ben, his mouth just dropped completely from my request. I hoped and prayed that he would say yes, even though I know it's a huge thing to ask of somebody. I wasn't lying about what I would do with those pictures, nor how frequently.
He finally answered me "Oh...ok. I guess that's fair since I have yours."
JACKPOT! You'd better believe that I wasted no time grabbing my phone. I looked briefly at my screen and it had something like 100 notifications, mostly Telegram messages to Minka, some texts, missed calls, and other stuff that I didn't care one jack squat diddly about right now when it is time to take naked pictures of Adonis in human form! I went straight into the camera and snapped like 50 pictures of him from every angle and in every pose in the span of a minute. Full frontal, his chest, his abs, his shoulders, his arms, his back, his sweet ass, and you'd better believe I snapped a couple dozen of that cock alone. His dick never stopped being rock hard for my camera, which I loved. Actually I've never seen it less than max hardness yet what-so-ever, which fills me with a naughty sense of pride. I could feel myself smiling like a little girl on Christmas morning the entire time I was snapping pictures of him, and Ben seemed to be a little turned on by my frantic lusting over his body even if he was also looking a little embarrassed about, you know, a girl taking naked pictures of him.
I also made sure to take several pictures of us together naked as well, including two of us kissing. Because I don't know when to quit, I even grabbed his dick for the very first time ever and took pictures of it in my hand so that I could always remember the very first time that I actually held it. It felt so warm and firm, pulsing outward in every direction as if it was trying to stretch my hand open. I couldn't close my hand completely while holding it, which was crazy hot but also made me start to worry about how exactly this thing was supposed to actually fit inside of my little bitty hole.
While I'm holding him, Ben then nervously asked me "You''re not going to show or send them to other people though right? Please?"
I move my hand up and down his shaft extremely slowly to tease him. The twitching against my fingers is hypnotic! I then answer "I would never do that to you, I swear it. I was traumatized by Jerry doing it to me. And that brings me to secret number 2...and this is the hard one, the one I hope you don't hate me for...."
Suddenly Ben kissed me! The brat caught me completely off guard. He then told me "I could never hate you, even if you turned out to be a serial killer."
I giggle at that a little, but then I let go of him and walk over to the desk to grab one of the make up remover cloths. I take a deep breath before I use it to clean my face completely, removing every trace of Minka from both my face and my looney little mind.
I turn back towards him and before I even say anything he tells me "You're beautiful even without make up, Minka. You didn't have to worry about that"
Sweet boy. Still, he misjudged the point of me doing that. I calmly tell him "Thank you, but no that isn't my secret. The secret is that I use the make up as a disguise. My real name isn't actually Minka. I'm sorry about that. Minka was a cover story to hide my true identity from the public because I was so embarrassed and ashamed when my pictures leaked. My greatest fear is that people will recognize me as the girl in the pictures and that my life will be destroyed by them. I'm terrified of being made fun of, judged, arrested, or any of a thousand other life-ruining consequences of my pictures being out for everyone to see. Not to mention, everyone's worst fear in the world is being naked in school...and now I am naked for the whole school, with pictures, forever. My one and only solace is that almost nobody knows that I am the person they're all staring at.
Minka was somebody I invented to take the credit, in order to lure people away from the real me. My real Sophie. Sophie Vos, Arnold Vos's older sister. I'm the girl Jerry thought was dating Minka because he stole her pictures from my Google account yesterday. I'm nothing like Minka, not really. She's just an act. She's who I fantasize about being, who I wish I could be. I'm not some badass dominant extrovert that loves her body and gets off to making boys and girls happy. The real me is a shy and nervous introvert loser afraid of being looked at who's horny all day and night but couldn't get laid by a decent guy to save her life. The girl you met in the computer lab, that's the true me. I'm not a superstar. Hell I'm a nerd. I'm a nerd who took pictures of herself dolled up like a superstar so that I could pretend that the girl was real and that she was my girlfriend sending me nudes. I then got off to my own nudes. How lame is that? I just...I needed you to know the REAL me before we went all the way, so that you wouldn't hate me if you found out later. I had to tell you in case you wanted to back out before it was too late."
Ben eventually spoke "It's ok, Sophie. Don't worry so much about not being 'good enough' for me. Trust me, your kindness and sexiness are so great that I would fight for you if I had to. I understand completely why you made a fake persona, so now I want to know every single bit about the real you over the next few days and weeks. I don't care if your name isn't Minka, or if you're an introvert. I'm a shy introvert too if you haven't noticed. I still love you, I always will, and I will never want to back out. And TRUST ME when I say that you do not have the slightest problem getting laid by a guy, which I intend to prove to you here and now"
I was so glad to hear all of that and it sent chills through me. This sweet boy...MY sweet's as if every moment I spend here with him destroys all of my insecurities. I am standing before him completely naked and vulnerable. No...I am standing here COMPLETELY naked and vulnerable, stripped even of my mask of Minka. I realize in this moment that the entire school may have seen Minka naked, but Ben is now looking at Sophie's naked body. Ben is the first person ever to see HER naked. That thought makes me shiver a little. I really like the idea of calling him the first boy to see me naked, as if Minka was truly a different person from me entirely. He is the first person to truly see ME, no masks, no lies, no secrets...just me at my truest level. He saw the real, 100% naked version of Sophie Vos, body, heart, and soul, and he responded with three special words: he loves me. And I think that I love him...for real.
Ben then walked right up in front of me with an extremely wicked look on his face. I was trying to figure out what he was thinking and how it related to "proving" how easily I can get laid right now, when suddenly he reached out and grabbed my soaked pussy with his right hand! I gasped like I was being murdered and grabbed onto his shoulders to stop from falling from the shock. God his cocky smirk as he did it too, the sheer audacity! This was clearly payback for me touching his dick earlier, but this boy has no clue what he just did. I'm back in Sophie mode now, and one of Sophie's BIGGEST FANTASIES is a man grabbing me and taking me by force without asking like that. Sophie wants to be absolutely dominated. Holy fuck holy fuck it takes me just half a second to shoot right back up to the level of arousal I had before we took a break!
Last edited by Executionus on Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Even though he had this extremely naughty and horny look on his face from touching his first pussy, my pussy, Ben clearly couldn't see just HOW intensely aroused he had made me by grabbing me by surprise and holding me by my crotch like that. I am his now, he just bought me with that down payment! There was one thing missing with this though...Ben, the good boy that he is, was only holding the outside of me. He didn't dare slide any fingers inside without asking me or do anything else without my permission. This outer level grope was his limit. On the one hand I really appreciated that and how he respected my feelings and consent. On the other hand, it frustrated me greatly and made me crave being truly and completely ravaged and taken. I wanted him to grab my pussy by the inside and then drag it and the rest of me kicking and screaming onto that huge dick of his. I want to be his conquest, I want to be at his mercy! And damnit, I'm just horny enough to actually tell him this.
While holding on to his shoulders tightly, I grabbed enough of my wits to talk, hastily yet hoarsely telling him in a throaty voice "Ben...Ben my love, sexy boy, you beautiful genius you: I have a third secret. Sophie Vos has an intense, unstoppable, insane, massive, fucking overpowering fetish for being grabbed, held, slammed against a wall, groped, restrained, pinned on the floor, dominated, and molested with merciless penetration by a man who just takes my body without asking! And you just grabbed my pussy without warning.... Break time is over! Take me. Kiss me. Bite me. Taste me. Fuck me. Don't ask. Don't apologize. Don't hold back. Don't fucking stop. Don't let me move or escape. Make me your toy. Make me cum over and over again until my pussy breaks. Touch me everywhere, grope every inch of me inside and out until I scream for you and even then don't you...fucking...dare...stop! Do you understand me?"
After I got done saying all of that, I had a momentary bout of regret worrying that I came on too strongly. I knew that I sounded psycho. Honestly I am psycho today. He was sweating bullets after my depraved ranting, but I could physically feel the intensity of his arousal in that moment through his fingers on my most sensitive anatomy. His grip on my pussy tightened and his hand twitched as a response to my raving. His dick throbbed upwards with such an intensity that it took 5 whole seconds to relax back down into it's "rested" hard-as-a-rock position.
He looked me dead in the eye, both of us afraid to blink, as he answered me "Yes ma'am"
My regret vanished in a flash when Ben lifted me up a foot or so with one hand under my arm pit and the other hand still holding my pussy. He just lifted me into the air BY MY PUSSY! God, even my wild perverted imagination never managed to dream up something like that to fantasize about it, and my sweet innocent boy just did it to me anyway. It didn't even hurt really, it felt hot as fuck. With me airborne for a few seconds, he carefully slams my back into one of the lockers making sure to not hurt me in the process. With his left hand he grabbed both of my wrists, pinning them above my head against the locker. God yes. I tried to struggle free, just to see how trapped I was, and my arms didn't move at all. I then pulled as hard as I could, but still I couldn't break free. Yes yes yes! Ben then started rubbing my pussy up and down with his right hand. YES YES YES!!!
I moaned loudly "Yes, perfect! I love you!"
Ben then kissed me, holding my lips in place with his lips as he lightly began to try out using his tongue. Meanwhile his hand switches from rubbing my pussy to instead trying to sneak inside of it. He explores my mouth with his tongue while his hand is exploring the outside of my lips. He gets dangerously close to the entrance only to miss it, either by accident or just to tease and torture me. I didn't know which and I didn't care. I wasn't going to help him, I wanted him to find my hole on his own and be the first human being on this entire earth besides me to ever stick part of their body inside of it. I wanted him to claim my vagina as his own. He kept naively returning to the middle regions of my pussy lips which was just a little bit too high, and it was driving me crazy with anticipation waiting for him to go just one inch lower. Weirdly enough, though, I found myself wiggling my hips around and around as I tried to dodge his hand and its actions, because I was finding the chase and the anticipation irresistible.
My boy let go of his kiss for a second to ask me " we need a safe word first? You know, some way for me to know if you really want me to let you go and aren't just playing?"
That is probably a really good idea that me, in my desperation, never even considered. I answer "You're right. Um..Coffee. I'll use that as an easy-to-hear word. But until I say that word, you don't stop no matter what I say, what I do, how hard I struggle, or how loudly I it? I want to try my hardest to escape and save myself, but I want to lose and lose badly to your power. I want you to conquer me! Is that ok?"
I could see that Ben was extremely new to this type of depraved fantasy, it was written all over his face, but some part of him was finding the idea just as sexy as I was. He answered me back "Yes ma'am!"
He then slammed my restrained wrists up against the locker to make a loud noise, sending a shiver through me, as his other hand resumed trying to find its way inside of me. I moaned to him "I love that you keep calling me 'ma'am' when you answer me, that's turning into a HUGE turn-on very quickly"
Ben bites the side of my neck, sending me to the moon and back with intense pleasure. He chomps and nibbles me as my eyes roll back into my skull. He is going to leave a mark if he doesn't settle down, but if it happens I will wear that mark as a badge of honor! His mouth starts exploring my collar, nibbling and kissing me. This is amazing. I love this. I thrash about trying to escape his sexy bites and kisses, but it's all play. That mouth is sucking the stress out of my body with every sinful contact on my bare skin.
After a few more seconds of his hand feeling around and searching, I finally felt the tip of his finger breach me slightly. I jump in shock, not even playing this time, just pure animal preservation instincts. He noticed that he finally found my entrance and returned to that area. I am twisting my hips forwards and backwards, side to side, trying desperately to evade his finger. I kick my legs around and pull my arms with every ounce of strength that I have. Nobody has ever put any part of themselves inside of my body. This was about to be the first time ever! I'm trembling with excitement while fighting the inevitable. I'm trying to win yet I'm praying that I lose. God I put everything I have into trying to escape or stop him somehow from getting that finger inside of my pussy, but still this strong man holds me in place. I'm helpless, truly helpless, 100% at his mercy. AND I LOVE IT!!!
As his finger finally finds the entrance again I play-beg him frantically "Oh no! Nobody has ever touched me there before, never ever! Don't stick your fingers in my virgin pussy, that's private. If you go inside of me you'll be the first person EVER to do so!"
I was honestly trying to act scared, but I couldn't have failed worse if I tried. I emulated the worst kind of porn acting without meaning to do so. I could see Ben getting into the roleplay now, though, and the moment his middle finger found the sweet spot it slipped RIGHT inside of my vagina. It went straight in with how lubricated I was, clear passed the knuckle. BEN'S FINGER IS INSIDE OF MY PUSSY!! I feel it part me, feel it dig into my flesh and claim it like a flagpole claims the moon. OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod! I gasp and make some shrieking sound that sounded like a singer trying to hit a high note only for her voice to crack. I think I scared Ben with the noise thinking he actually hurt me, because he froze suddenly. Not wanting him to worry, I immediately follow that up with a sexy moan to signal that this feels amazing. And it does! Feel amazing. A piece of a boy's body is inside of me! Am I still a virgin now? Maybe? Pointless question, I'm getting that dick too before this afternoon is over with.
Ben starts moving his finger in and out of me and it's sending shivers through me. His technique is amateur as hell, but the pure rush of being touched inside of my vaginal cavity by a sexy naked boy's finger more than makes up for any skill deficit Ben had. My pussy is erupting in pleasure, to the point where I can't even pretend to fight back any more. Ben could hold my arms with a finger. Actually my knees are weakening so I have to lean way backwards against the lockers to not fall down. This has the side effect of thrusting my pelvis out for him, which lets him get even more leverage penetrating me. He starts speeding up and the moaning and whining coming from me speeds up as well. The faster he goes, the faster I make sounds. Suddenly he slows down, so I feel myself slowing down and quieting in my moaning as well. Next he speeds back up, only to once again slow down, with my moans following suit. I think this brat of a boy is seriously trying to play my pussy like a musical instrument! And even knowing this, I'm still singing him a song with every movement of his finger in me.
I have never had an orgasm from just internal stimulation before in my life. I've always needed to rub my clit to get that happy finish. Somehow, though, somehow this sexy boy ravaging me speeds up like crazy and pushes me to the point where I suddenly cum without even remotely expecting to do so. I screamed, and I mean I SCREAMED when it hit. There's no way that he didn't notice that one. I'm actually really afraid that there might be somebody outside that noticed that one! And my legs went out in the process. Ben wasn't ready to catch me, even though he was holding my arms above my head and had his finger in my pussy. When I unexpectedly went dead weight, I went down and took him with me as we stumbled sideways.
Once we hit the ground, I was on my back and the very naked, very hard Ben had fallen on top of me facing me. Ben was on top of me! NAKED Ben was on top of NAKED me! Ben's dick was pushing hard into my upper thigh, only a couple inches away from my pussy which had just reached the highest point of pleasure from just a mere finger. You could fit a half-dozen of those fingers inside that beautiful dick. I couldn't even begin to imagine how intense that was going to feel once it was in me.
I pitifully apologized "Um...sorry for falling. But this is nice!"
Ben smirked "Yes, yes it is"
He then wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a deep kiss. His left hand, meanwhile, started RUBBING THE TOP OF MY CLIT! Holy crap this boy found the sweet spot instantly. I don't know how he did it. Maybe he's seen as much porn as I have, I don't know. But oh my God his hand is rubbing the top of my clitoral hood in circles like a goddamn pro! His finger-insertion technique was good-ish, but his clit rubbing is straight FIRE! I am moaning into his mouth like crazy, and I'm struggling to regulate my breathing at all. I try breathing out of my nose but it is so hard to keep it together when my body is lost in bliss like this. I'm 100% done with fighting to escape, that game is over now. I wrap my arms around him and hold on for dear life as his hand takes my virgin pussy on a roller coaster of ecstasy with no breaks quickly.
I break the kiss just so that I can scream frantically "Oh fuck that is perfect, that's perfect! Keep doing that, don't stop, oh my God that is fucking amazing, you are so fucking good at this!"
It occurs to me that I am swearing like a sailor. It also occurs to me that I don't give a fuck. Ben obeys my request and keeps doing exactly what he was doing, and before I knew it I experience orgasm #3. This one is intense, but at least I was ready for it and didn't make a complete fool of myself during it like I did the other two. Unfortunately (or fortunately) me not making a scene meant that he didn't know that I came this time, so he never stopped rubbing me at full speed. My clit was getting very sensitive, but this continued contact still felt really good. It didn't take long until I was back to moaning and squeezing him with my arms, holding on until #4 finally hit me.
Immediately after orgasm #4 all pleasure down there instantly shifted to pain from my overstimulated love button, so I had to cry out "COFFEE!"
Ben quickly let me go completely, sitting up with both arms up in the air. I don't think he realized at first why I said that just then so he just reflexively quit all contact at once to be on the safe side.
I closed my eyes shyly, moved my hand to gently massage my pussy down from the burning, and meekly told Ben my embarrassing situation "Owie. Cumming that much made it start to hurt."
"Are you ok?" he asked me, real concern in his voice. "Did I do something wrong?"
I opened my eyes to look at him and replied "No not one bit. The opposite! I'm fine, I just need a time out. You are amazing! Seriously Ben, I almost don't believe that you're a virgin with how good you are at rubbing my clit, that was perfect. Literally perfect. Dude, I usually have to go like 10 minutes between climaxes when I'm by myself. You just gave me 3 in like 4 minutes. I didn't think that was possible. And you gave me the one just from the inside only, which I ALSO didn't think was possible. Including the first one from us grinding that's 4 for me. I'm a little sore right now, but this is the happiest several minutes of my life. You have no idea how much I love you right now."
He blushed the entire time, but REALLY blushed when I said that I loved him. He then softly whispered "I love you too. For real, not just saying it. No woman could ever surpass you. Today is the best day of my life and I never want it to end"
As we laid there together naked after my trio of pleasure, both myself and Ben just gave each other heartfelt declarations of love again. We've been doing that a lot, but these last ones during my post-nut clarity somehow felt more "real" to me, as if we were seriously requesting the chance to share our lives with one-another. Is that crazy considering we just met this morning? Absolutely. Hell, that was the plot to Frozen! But still...I think I really do want to spend my life with him forever. This feeling of bliss in all ways combined is like nothing I've ever felt before, or even imagined. I can only pray that he feels the same as I do, and all indications are that he does.
As my soreness wore off a little, I then asked him "Are you enjoying yourself as much as I am? I know I haven't been touching you much, although I could feel your 'friend' pushing and throbbing into my thigh the whole time you were rubbing me and that felt like it felt good for you. Do you want some attention now too?"
Ben looked downwards at his dick, which was now in a position where the tip was poking my inner thigh. I couldn't help but look down too, and that's when I realized just how amazing his view of me must be right now. My legs are parted slightly and he is between them. My pussy is right there, opened wide and dripping all over. I can feel the puddle underneath me so I imagine I must look absolutely soaked down there. And his dick is poking my thigh only about an inch and a half away from my opening. It is seriously that close! We both kinda notice at the same exact time, but neither of us moves.
He finally answers my question "If...if I told you that I was really nervous know...the next step...the final step...would you be disappointed in me?"
Instantly I respond "No! Ben, I'm scared too. I'm always scared to be honest. But this moment is perfect. I want this to be the moment where we take our physical relationship to that ultimate level. I've waited years for the perfect moment to lose my virginity and for the perfect boy to take it from me. You are that boy. What can I do to make you more comfortable?"
Ben thought for a second, and then answered back "I think...maybe I'm so extra nervous because I'm supposed to be in control 'conquering you'. I'm worried about messing up your first time, especially if I cum too fast or hurt you or something. I know you've been enjoying everything so far, but it's a lot of pressure. Sophie...if we reversed it, and had YOU conquer ME instead, I think that would be better and probably even hotter. You're such a fearless badass, I would love for you to take me as your plaything."
Stunned I reply " yeah, I think I can make that work. You are the only person ever who thought I was 'fearless', but I'm glad you think I'm that cool. That could be a lot of fun. Oh God, I just remembered a game from one of my favorite naughty videos that I could do with you. Whew, um, ok. I'd never be strong enough to hold your arms down, though. I'd need to tie them up behind your back."
He smirked "Ooo, kinky. Well there are several belts lying around here. Do you know how to make a figure 8 belt cuff?"
My eyes lit up "My boy, you and I clearly watch the same videos! I could make a belt cuff in my sleep."
I take this naked masterpiece and quickly tie his wrists behind his back using a belt, looping around itself several times into a figure 8. I then secure it with the belt loops as tightly as possible, and there is no way that he can escape from this now. I playfully push him onto his back next, which makes his big bad dick stick straight up into the sky like the Leaning Tower of Please-Her. I can't help but stare at it, bobbing around and twitching, practically begging me to touch it and do intimate things to it. Ben is helpless now, after all, it's not like he could stop me. I can do anything that I want! I have to remind him of the rules, though.
"So beautiful" I begin, channeling as much Minka energy as possible "We'll use the same safe word for you, 'coffee'. If you say that word, I stop everything. But until you say that word your body is mine and mine alone to do with however I please, even if you scream and beg for mercy. So I want to play a little game against you, but I'm only going to tell you the rules of the game after I get on you. Are you ready to feel the first pussy on your dick?"
He quickly answered "Yes ma'am!"
I wasn't done teasing him "The pussy you lusted after all day in those pictures, my pussy, are you ready to know what it feels like?"
The boy stuttered "Y..yes!"
I finished "Are you ready to officially lose your virginity to me? Because I'm ready to lose mine to the greatest guy in this school. Hell, the greatest guy on Earth!"
Ben didn't even speak this time, he just nodded, both with his head and somehow also with his dick. With him lying on his back, dick straight up, I sat on his thighs facing him, with my legs parted to either side of his body. If I was just a little bit higher up on him, we'd be having sex already. And that's where I plan to move. He's trembling and breathing out of his mouth, nervous as hell but twice as excited. His dick is dripping down itself. I didn't even know that it was possible for guys to get almost as wet as a girl, but somehow this guy is pulling it off. The view of him is so sexy that I want more pictures of it. Without even asking I lean over to grab my phone again and start taking a few pics of his naked body lying on his back with his hands tied behind his back. I enjoy the little power trip, as there's no way for him to cover it up at all or somehow stop me from taking pictures at this point. He doesn't seem to mind, though. In fact, I clearly noticed his dick twitching for me from being the star model of my photoshoot. It turns him on how much he turns me on...which in turn turns me on more!
I go full dominance mode as I tell him "So sexy little Ben.... we only get the chance to lose our virginities once ever. I want to record an HD video close-up of my first penetration so that I can keep it forever and watch it over and over again any time that I'm home alone without you there and I need something to make me cum. I'm going to film the mutual end of our virginities, giving us both a copy to fap to. I'm going to move extremely slowly down onto you in order to make sure the camera captures every detail perfectly. And you can't stop me from doing it."
He didn't have one ounce of desire to stop me. I mean after all, I just told this boy that I was going to send him a video of my pussy being penetrated by a dick (his dick as a bonus). That's such a scary, embarrassing thought in theory, and yet it doesn't fill me with shame at all. To think, this whole day began with me being ashamed of my naked pictures, but this would be different. The whole school may have my other pictures (as explicit as they were) but only Ben and Ben alone would have THIS particular viewing experience, which far exceeded anything those other pictures showed.
I sat the camera down on his abs, held at the right angle by a sock I placed to hold it, while pointed at this man's beautiful dick. The camera is reversed so that I can watch myself climb onto him in real time like a mirror. I turn on the video recording. Oh God this is it...I'm really about to do this. I'm about to have sex! This isn't some fantasy, this is real. And I'm about to have sex with the hottest guy ever, who is also a sweetheart that makes me melt inside and fills me with complete trust. If I wasn't so massively horny right now I might almost cry from the excitement.
I lift myself up off of his legs and onto my knees, but quickly realize that this isn't high enough to mount his rocket. I instead stand slightly and squat directly over him, with my pussy just 4 inches above his dick. I can see my own pussy lips reflected in the camera screen at the top of the video that I'm recording and it makes me extremely excited. I can see how wet I am right now, and also how opened up I am. My labia have parted so much just from anticipation and hand stimulation that it's going to be crazy-easy to slide that thing inside of me right now. My kitty looks like a bloomed rose! I start lowering myself downwards, watching that sexy dick tremble and twitch madly underneath me. Ben's dick is dancing in horny desperation because of my soaked and splayed pussy heading right for it, which the camera catches in complete detail. I'm using the camera reflection to aim my decent, lowering my wide-open vagina itself directly towards Ben's dick head.
We touch. My heart goes crazy! My pussy touched his dick! We're touching we're touching! I feel a tingle travel from the contact point of my pussy lips all the way through my entire body. I look at Ben's face and he clearly felt the tingle too. His dick throbs passionately into the side of my labia, just one millimeter off from the entrance point. All it will take is one tiny shift to align us and I can begin sliding down on top of him. This is it. This is really it! My heart is about to explode, my nerves are on fire, I can't even breathe or think right now. I'm afraid of fainting because this moment is such a mix of pure uncontrolled desire combined with pure unrelenting terror and anxiety. Fear or not, though, nothing on this Earth could ever stop me from sliding down this pole. I don't even care if the entire school opened up the dressing room door to watch me do it right now. I am going to lose my virginity to Ben right this instant!
I shift over, feeling his head touching both halves of my pussy lips now. Finally I start to slide down, as slowly as I can possibly go. I want to put on a show for the camera, plus I want to savor this moment as it happens and don't want to risk hurting one of us by messing it up somehow. I lower down an inch and feel his head go inside. It's inside of me! It's pushing my inner skin and parts aside, Ben's dick is parting me open and pushing its way into me! Oh God. Already this feels incomparable to anything my young life has felt before. I can't stop now, can't stop EVER!
Another inch down, Ben is moaning for me. Jesus that's hot, his sex noises mixed with the feeling of him two inches inside are overwhelming me with lustful feelings. I can't take any more excitement, I am at my maximum emotional capacity, and yet I'm not done yet. I have several more inches to go. I didn't measure him or anything but he's got to be around 8 inches total. That's six more inches to go before he's all the way in.
I lower one more time, the third inch claimed by my hungry pussy, and already I'm starting to feel filled up and full in there. I'm not even halfway there yet! This is unbelievable. Will I even be able to fit 5 more inches inside of my tiny little body? Is there a limit to a young petite girl's capacity? I don't even honestly know!
Inch number 4 enters me, the halfway point, and now I can intimately feel it as it throbs and pulses. It's like Ben's dick is trying to do the dance from earlier, but the interior of my pussy is holding it in place. I feel myself squeezing tightly against him in response to his throbbing. When my pussy gives him a big squeeze, he gasps and releases another moan for me. Damnit damnit, SUPER HOT! I make sure to remember that: squeezing tightly = boy ecstasy. He's going to get every squeeze that magnificent dick can handle before I let him leave my vagina today.
Once inch number 5 is claimed next, it seriously feels like I've run out of room. I'm full. I feel so amazing, blissfully savoring the experience of his dick pushing me open inside omnidirectionally, stretching my limits and simultaneously stimulating my everything up in there. But I still have 3 more inches to am I going to do this? I have to keep pushing it somehow. I'm not going to quit until I take it all into me. God help me.
Inch...number...6. The stretching is very noticeable, but it doesn't hurt or anything. It feels better and better with every inch that my pussy swallows of him. His face is priceless right now. His eyes have rolled back, his mouth wide open, his cheeks red and very darkened, and his entire existence is a sea of magic and orgasmic pleasure. That face of his, that enjoyment, it motivates me to keep going. It gives me the push I need to take all 8, because this beautiful loving boy of mine deserves complete and total penetration of his dream girl until my vulva touches his pubic skin and not one millimeter less.
I feel stuck, so I move upwards just barely in order to work back downwards again. The result of me changing direction up and down gets an audible reaction from Ben, which makes me smile. Oh my sexy boy, just you wait until I'm doing that for real. I wiggle and slide downward, taking that delicious 7th inch into me next. One more to go. I can do this! I will do this. God this majestic model of a man is rubbing up against parts of my insides that I didn't even know I had, parts where none of my toys have ever reached before. Mr Gold has been demoted to Mr Silver Medal now!
One last inch, I feel it splitting my deepest depths and exploring untouched territory. I keep going downwards until my vulva hits his body, pressing flat against his groin and holding him here with 100% of his dick inside of my vagina now. It is mine! I...I can't even make words, I feel so amazing right now. My virginity is slain! Our virginities...our virginities are gone. We did this together. I stop the video before it gets too large in file size, saving it for us to keep forever. My first-ever penetration, my official deflowering, recorded as a keepsake that I will use to get off with again and again.
I'm not moving yet, I'm sitting here savoring this experience. Every pulse and twitch of his dick feels heavenly. How do people even survive moving during sex without dying of pleasure overload??? Just holding still completely filled with Ben's sexy throbbing dick is a thousand times better than I ever thought all of sex combined would be. Ben's entire body is tensing up and thrashing gently underneath me, as if he is locked in the same level of maximum enjoyment and sensation overload. I'm not ready to move. Movement would be too much, I might pass out. I stay here for a long time, at least 30 seconds, just enjoying every single twitch and throb inside.
I have to say something "This feels so much better than I was expecting! I never want to move or leave or stop or anything. Let me stay here all night, right here all night please! Are you feeling as amazing as I am right now?"
Ben answered me very loudly "YES! Oh God yes! Sophie I can barely take how unbelievable your pussy feels on me. You don't know what you do to me, my sexy superstar."
Ooo, I kinda like that nickname. His words make me want to be just a tiny bit naughtier, so I wiggle my hips side to side and even up and down slightly without warning just to watch his entire body thrash again and his eyes go white for a split second from rolling so hard.
I tease him "Well if I don't know what I'm doing to you, then you'll have to explain it to me, sexy man."
Ben tried to control his breathing in order to talk "Sophie I...I don't know how much I can take. I feel so good right now and I can't control myself. I'm trying to calm down but this feels too amazing. Please don't move too fast or else...I' know."
I lean forward, changing the angle of our contact slightly, and look him in the eye with a sly mischievous grin "You'll do what exactly, naughty boy?"
Ben began to look shy again "I'll...lose control on accident"
I tease him "I don't know what that means, lover. You need to tell me in plain English...saying the word itself."
The shy little boy Ben finally said it "I'm going to cum if you move too fast, ok? I can't help it. It's embarrassing"
I ran my hands across his solid, muscular chest "Please stop being worried and embarrassed by that. I'm completely overwhelmed by all of this too. This is just our first time, first of MANY I might add. If it happens, it happens. I won't be disappointed, and it doesn't make you less of a fantastic lover."
Ben grinned, but it was an insecure grin "I want to be really good for you and satisfy you though."
I lean in with a kiss before telling him "We're sharing the loss of our virginities right now. This is amazing and scary and overwhelming and fucking HOT! We're both going to have massive trouble controlling ourselves. You are doing great. I know for a fact that you will do your best to not go off too early, even if it feels right now like you will. But don't you get it? Even if you do accidentally cum pretty quickly, you've ALREADY satisfied me beyond my wildest dreams. You've already made me cum four times you know. I'm just lucky enough to be able to go off repeatedly. I can't imagine trying to hold an orgasm in right now while we're having sex, I'd never succeed. God, I came earlier just from the humping, I never would've stopped back then even if that was my only one for the day. You're stronger than I am for making it this long. Seriously, I'm not kidding. I'm so weak it's insane, being touched in any way by your flawless naked body is turning me into a cum factory. I would probably cum AGAIN very quickly right now actually if I went and rubbed my clit basically at all while I'm sitting here on you. Just sliding down on you has me on the edge again already."
Ben's eyes lit up "Oh...oh really?"
I caught that little hint of interest in his question...hehe...time to blow this man's young mind. I make my voice very seductive "Mmhmm. So Benny boy...yes or no, should I rub myself with you inside of me or not? Do you want to experience one of my orgasms while your dick is inside of me, feeling every single muscle in there tense and squeeze you as I lose control?"
Not one ounce of hesitation, he yelled out "YES MA'AM!"
That enthusiasm gave me quite a jolt, and I'm not wasting that jolt. I use my right hand to start rubbing my clit as fast as I can, being careful not to move my body up and down in order to avoid overstimulating my boy's overly-sensitive private part. It occurs to me, this is the very first time that I have touched MYSELF with Ben watching, and his unblinking eyes on my body as I rub my clit are making me exponentially more horny by the second. With the excitement of sliding onto him fresh on my mind, with his dick pulsing and throbbing inside of my tight and filled pussy every second, and with him watching my every move with such an intense look of lust written all over his entire face and body, it only ends up taking me about 15 seconds for me to cum again, my fifth today. I thrash and squirm a little on his body, and I feel my Kegel muscles grip tightly and begin contracting over and over again. Ben moans and wails, almost as if my orgasm felt even better for him than it did for me! I don't usually go as high as five a day unless I am super duper horny. Today though, the idea of stopping at 5 would be blasphemy. I can still get at least one more before we finish...but my clit is going to need a good break again first.
I seductively ask him "So darling...tell me how that felt for you."
He stuttered "A..amazing! That was amazing. Wow. was like your whole pussy was moving and massaging me all at once. I had no idea it would feel like that when a girl came! How the hell do guys not notice if their girl fakes it??"
I shrug "Asking the wrong person, my friend. Anyway, I have a question for you...are you ready to play my sexy little game? If you win the game, I will give you a prize beyond your wildest fantasies."
Curious little Ben immediately asked me "What kind of prize?"
I couldn't contain my excitement as I answered "If you win the game, then you win the power to take me at will, to have sex with me whenever and wherever you want just by asking me for it, no matter what else I am doing at that moment or who else I'm with...any day, any place, any style, any fetish, or any fantasy you can dream up, once per day...for the next year!"
He gulped and gasped. I had a feeling that he was going to do his absolute best to win my game.
My face was full of pure naughtiness as I explained my game to Ben "So the point of this game is to see which one of us gives up first, and it is going to be VERY HARD for both of us to resist giving in. I am going to start moving now, sliding up and down, up and down, and finally letting us experience the full maximum and intense pleasure of sex. Once I start, I won't want to stop, not one bit. You've probably noticed that I'm...a little crazy when I get too horny. BUT...we don't want you to cum too early from me riding too passionately, so here's how the game works:"
I paused a moment for dramatic tension, then resumed "I fuck your sexy little brains out until you get too close to the edge. When you're losing control and getting to the point of no return, you have to yell out 'I'm going to cum!' and I am forced to stop immediately to let you calm down and recover. You have to use those exact words though, shy boy, no stuttering. I want to hear you say those exact naughty words again and again to me as I stop you from actually doing it, just barely, over and over again. If I get so horny that I just can't stop any more, then you win. If you go off without saying anything or if you wait too long to speak up and go off even if I do stop, then I win. It'll be like Red Light Green Light, but for sex. And if you win, then you get the power to get more sex out of me at will for the next year and I can never refuse you. So, wanna play?"
My heart thumps in my chest having made such a perverted challenge with such an extreme prize, but in reality that prize is more a reward to me than him. I want to give him the power to take me at will, to not even need to ask my permission first. I want him to come to me every time that he gets horny from now on, or every time that a naughty idea or fantasy comes to mind for him. The explosively sexy possibilities are endless and I will NEED that rush again and again.
Ben answered me "More than anything in the world, beautiful. But what do you get if you win?"
I honestly didn't even think about that, since I want HIM to win so badly. Still, this game needed a second prize so I reply "Well...I guess if I win, then I earn that power over you. I'd have the power of getting sex from you at will, any time, any place, just by telling you that I wanted it"
He snickered "Jokes on you, you already have that power. But let's do it!"
Cheeky bastard! I guess he's right though. This prize we're fighting over is a mere formality. Neither of us is ever likely to say no to the other after this, prize or no prize.
At long last I start moving up his long shaft, then down again. Just doing it once sends a shiver through me, and I didn't even go that high yet. This is going to be unbearably intense and I cannot wait. I rise up on him slowly again, then slide right back down. And then I do it again. My boy's eyes roll into his skull, as he slips into heaven from me riding him. His look of extreme sexual pleasure is so hot, as if I needed any more turn ons in this moment.
After several up and down movements going slowly, I carefully speed up now really going at it. God my everything down there feels amazing. I didn't realize that every time I moved upwards that my pussy would fill the gap made, causing every thrust immediately afterwards to have to part me open inside again and again. My sensitive areas are being massaged and I'm losing my mind with lust. My speed keeps going faster, my eyes are closed, and my breathing is turning into a constant siren noise announcing my ecstasy to anyone in hearing range. I try to keep my volume down at least, but even that little bit of control is wearing away fast. How long am I riding this man? Seconds? Years? I can't even remember anymore. Upper brain functions have turned off. There is no think, only fuck.
"I'm going to cum!" Ben suddenly yells out.
Damnit! Shit. I freeze, stopping cold as per the rules of the game. Man, that was hard. The very first "red light" and my entire body is already screaming at me to keep going and just lose. The sudden stop gives me a feeling of...I dunno what to call it. Girl blue balls. Blue lips? Either way, over the next few seconds Ben catches his breath, clearly having waited almost too long before telling me to stop.
I tease my sexy stud "You almost lost, didn't you? But so did I, so we're even."
He giggled at me "Yeah...yeah."
I then told him "You yelling that to me though? HUGE turn on! I didn't think this through at all, because your command for me to stop is so sexy that it reduces my willpower to actually do it"
Suddenly my shy boy was replaced by a naughty sensual-voiced tiger who asked me " like it that much when I tell you that you're about to make me cum in you?"
OOOOO! His voice shifting into sexy mode like that was a rush. I'm pretty sure that he noticed me blush and shift my neck from that.
I respond with my own sexy voice "Oh my God, I think I finally woke up the Ben-gal tiger inside of you. I like that. Are you ready yet for green light?"
This freaking man then responds to me with "If you think you can handle it, sure", and I am SHOOK!
I start moving once again, up and down, returning to the bliss of heaven in flesh form. I loosen up a lot this second go after a few seconds, moving my hips around while I pump him in order to make the sensations reach an even higher level. I've been watching hardcore porn since I was 10, you had better believe that I took notes about how to properly ride cowgirl! I remembered how much he loved being squeezed, so I tightened my Kegel muscles on him several times in order to drive him wild. Hell, I get cocky at one point, putting my hands on top of my head and rocking my hips in a full 360 a few times while he watched me. Even though his whole damn world is being rocked by me right now, he's still holding out on me longer than I expected, as if he's starting to get the hang of this himself. I start getting a little nervous about not being ready to stop when the time comes, since it feels like it'll happen any second now.
"I'm going to cum!" Ben suddenly yells out again.
I freeze. My pussy is furious with me for stopping, but I did it. I feel his dick throbbing inside of me harder than ever before, trying to hold it in at all costs. God, how close did he cut that one? It feels like it would only take one single pump of my pussy to finish him off right now. I'm not going to lie about my intense temptation to test that theory, but I also didn't want this to end just yet. We both sit in silence for 30 seconds to recover and cool off.
I tell my boy "I'm so happy right now. I've waited my entire teenage life for this, and you have been far better than I ever expected my first time to be. Just you wait, I'm telling the entire school that you are the undisputed king of sex after today."
He smiled for me, then said "And you are my worthy queen. It's funny...I can't really tell anyone that I got with Minka, the girl the entire school wishes they had. Instead I'll just tell them all that I made love to my new girlfriend Sophie, her superior."
I gasp "Boy, you better be careful saying things that sweet to me when I have your dick in my pussy. I might just have to start trying to make you blow your load for real."
The Ben-gal tiger replied "Bring it on"
Oh I brought it on! I sped up to maximum this time, rubbing his chest with my hands while I pumped and wiggled my hips. I pulled sounds out of him that were pure animal in nature. I squeezed my Kegel muscles tightly and held them there, gripping Ben's dick firmly for maximum pleasure all up and down his shaft. I didn't hold back one ounce, this was full power! I was bringing myself scarily close to being in danger of cumming again myself at this rate.
Without warning Ben quickly yelled "I'm going to cuuuum!!"
I wasn't ready for him to yell that so fast, so I almost couldn't stop in time. I kept going for three more full pumps before I was able to cease moving. Those last extra strokes of his hypersensitive love muscle were pushing him, testing him, and required every last ounce of his willpower to hold in and resist. I could feel it the entire time, with his legs dancing underneath my body as a desperate effort to gain even a single extra drop of hope. I had to hold absolutely perfectly still like a statue, because even just shifting my weight could finish him off.
Somehow, somehow he made it and didn't cum, but his dick was now stuck pushing outwards against my vaginal walls with a fierce intensity. I could feel every single twitch, every drop of blood pumping into it sending waves of pleasure through my own hypersensitive lovers lane. I could tell...this time he was really right on the edge, and I mean that ultimate edge that people reach during edge play. His breathing is almost just hyperventilating right now. Just feeling my pussy squeezing his dick was holding him at maximum, it didn't take any movement any more at this level of sensitivity. I don't think he's coming down from this level. This is it, if I start again anytime soon he's going to blow. I can feel it.
I look at him, his eyes still closed and breathing rapidly for me "Sorry for not stopping right away. Are you enjoying yourself, sexy boy? It feels like you are experiencing maximum pleasure right now"
He can't even talk or open his eyes at first, he just nods. After maybe 30 whole seconds he finally gathers himself enough to say "That was so good, but I can't take any more. If you move fast at all from now on I'm done, it's over. If we're going to keep playing the game you have to only move very slowly or else I'm going to lose."
I was enjoying this feeling of power, and truly I was savoring this entire moment. Here he is, completely naked, arms tied behind his back with a belt, lying on his back on the floor underneath me under my complete control. At any moment I could make him cum and there isn't a single thing he could do to stop me. And me? I'm perched up on his midsection, sitting high and proud, with every single inch of his huge dick inside of me swallowing it whole to the point where his pubes are tickling my hairless pubis. I used to fantasize about just SEEING a moment like this for myself...but now I'm here living it.
It was then at this precise moment when the door to the dressing room opened up, and our mutual friend Haylee walked in on us!
I couldn't believe it when it happened. Here we were, Ben and I, having sex, losing our virginities to one-another, and we were inching very close to the final explosion of lust and pleasure. And then we both hear the door open, jumping in shock as we look and see Haylee walk in on us. I was facing the doorway and her directly, sitting on Ben's dick. Ben had to tilt his head upwards to see her, which he did instantly when we heard the noise.
I screamed and threw my hands over my chest and crotch, suddenly massively self-conscious and aware of my own nudity in the middle of the school building. Ben screamed "HAYLEE!!!" in a voice of pure embarrassed terror, his voice actually cracking and going high pitched. Haylee herself froze with her mouth open as she saw us there, and there was no hiding what we were doing...or the fact that we were both completely naked with her looking at us.
Ben started struggling to free his hands pinned and tied behind his back, but that was futile. Haylee being Haylee, she didn't stop staring at us at all as that girl has zero ability to be subtle. I watched her eyes and they were locked firmly on Ben's chest and abs...and possibly where our two groins were interlocked (although I had that spot covered with my right hand). Haylee wasn't the type of shy girl to just avert her eyes and back away. Now that we were caught, she was going to enjoy the view and savor our embarrassment for a little bit. That's just the kind of nutjob she is. I knew it, and I think Ben knew it too.
I started to adjust in order to get up and start moving to some form of cover when Ben suddenly yelled frantically "SOPHIE! DON'T MOVE!"
The nervousness in his voice stunned me, and at first I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. And then suddenly it hit me: My pussy was the only thing covering his dick right now. If I moved off of him, then he'd be naked in front of Haylee and she'd see it all, including how hard it is right now so close to the edge. Because his hands are still tied behind his body, he wouldn't even be able to cover up his nakedness at all if I got off of him. My body is the only thing that this almost-naked boy is wearing as clothes right now. Wow...this boy is literally using my pussy as clothes. Why is that thought such a MAJOR turn on?
I looked at Haylee again and she was blushing straight scarlet, something that she normally doesn't do. I know that Haylee isn't attracted to me because she's straight, absurdly straight, she's so hetero that she doesn't even qualify as a homo sapien any longer. I think Haylee is actually the only person I talked to all day that had zero sexual interest in my leaked pictures. But right now she is jumping right up into horndog mode at almost ME speeds. It's Ben! She's reacting to seeing Ben under me, naked as the day he was born save for wearing my pussy right now. Her eyes are locked right on Ben's lower abs and my hand covering our physical connection. She's trying to x-ray vision a peek at his penis! Remember, Haylee cannot subtle, her entire face is screaming "Let me see it!" in silent ways that are paradoxically very loud.
Haylee finally manages to speak "Um...hey guys! Neither of you were answering your phones so we all got really worried. Whatcha doin' in here?"
The sass in her fake question was deep, considering all three of us knew exactly what the sex we were doing before she walked in!
We didn't answer, so she continued "I guess you both finally handled that virginity problem you both kept worrying so much about. And wow, Ben. You grew up! I remember way back when I used to babysit you, and also how you were always biking all over the neighborhood all the time. I never thought I'd someday see you like THIS"
Ben was trembling a little under me and pitifully pleaded "Haylee! Stop looking at me! Sophie, don't let HAYLEE see me naked! Please!"
His emphasis on her name caught my attention. He's not just worried about "a girl" seeing him naked, it's this specific girl which is embarrassing the hell out of him. It just now occurred to me that I didn't really know the extent of their relationship. Apparently they were neighbors who had known each other for years. Funny, I've also known Haylee for years and even been to her house, but I never met Ben before. She apparently babysat him when they were younger, since Haylee and I are two years older than he is. Did he have a crush on her? Did SHE have a crush on HIM that I didn't know about? Hell, I don't know anything about how close they are or what. All I knew for certain was that they were important enough in each others lives for the act of her seeing (or not seeing) him naked to be a huge deal to them both.
Something about Ben's reactions seemed more ashamed of himself than anything else though, and that's when it hit me that Haylee had at one point been an authority figure over him. This wasn't like letting me, a mutual peer and love interest see him naked, even if I'm the same age as Haylee. This was somebody that he saw as above him, and this was making him worry that this is all wrong, that she was judging him, or that she would make fun of him for this. I knew Haylee better than that, she would be hugely supportive to both me and Ben for hooking up. I needed Ben to get that too, and that's when I knew what I had to say in order to diffuse his stress.
"Hey Haylee" I announced "What do you think of my new boyfriend's body here without any of his clothes to block the view? Go on, tell me what you're thinking right now. It's written all over your face."
Oooo, both of them blushed. It was great. Haylee then answered me "Wow,'s weird. I've known him since he was little. I never noticed how much of a HUNK he became! Ben you need to start not wearing a shirt when you play outside like half of the other boys do. Me and the other girls in the neighborhood deserve some really nice eye candy from time to time."
I watched Ben's reaction closely, and he noticeably averted his eyes from Haylee and got a mix of shy and happy when she called him a hunk. It was adorable. It also helped him relax just a tad and not be so tense about being about 99% naked here in front of her. Meanwhile, I could still feel his dick pulsing inside of me. It had calmed down a little from its earlier absolute edge, but it's still very close to losing all control. Not wanting to let the mood completely die off here, I wiggle my hips a little bit for him, with Haylee clearly watching me do it.
Ben twitched and shivered, inside and out, as he was not expecting that. Haylee's mouth just dropped and she lost the ability to keep talking it seemed. Ben was looking at me and his face was somehow torn between "please don't let her see me naked" and "I'm so horny that I don't actually care as long as I bust this nut in you". I don't think even he knew for sure what he wanted right now.
I can't explain it. I can't. Something about this moment, something about the look of perverted lust in Haylee's face and the look of shame/arousal in Ben's face, something about all of it together gave me the strongest, craziest, most insane desire that I've had all day. This desire doesn't even make sense, and yet I felt it overwhelmingly strongly.... I wanted to let Haylee see Ben naked.
Why do I want that? Why do I want another girl seeing my boyfriend naked? And this is a hot girl, with years of history with both him and me, and I'm pretty sure he had/has a crush on her. Why? WHY do I want her to see him naked right now? The thought of her seeing his dick doesn't make me jealous at all, or possessive. If anything, it's the opposite feeling, as if I have this deep rooted animal need to make HER jealous of ME. I'm riding it right now, she's not. I want her to imagine herself swapping places with me. Part of me wants her to regret letting this boy go and not pouncing him when she had the chance. I'm not normally so petty. I've never hated my friends for getting more action than me. I would never want to actually break Haylee's heart in any way. Is this just subconscious revenge for how many times I wished I could swap places with her or my other friends who were sexually active? I honestly don't know.
This is just something inside of me where I NEED to somehow show off what a sexy man that I caught. I needed somebody, anybody in my circle of friends to really grasp and understand how hot Ben is and how awesome it was that I got to have sex with him, but the only way for me to DO that would be to let somebody see his not-so-little secret down there. It's so stupid, yet it was a compulsion that flooded my mind. I might have subconscious insecurity issues related to my friends being so amazing, as if I need something like this to earn their respect (which is crazy talk). After years of being the "loser", I needed at least one close friend to finally see me as a winner, a BIG winner! I know that physical attractiveness isn't everything...but this is high school, so that's all anyone cares about here! Fishermen show off the size of the fish they catch. I needed to show Haylee the size of the "fish" that I caught today.
And somehow...somehow Ben begging me not to let her see him naked was also turning me on. How completely messed up is that? But it did, it really did. I've watched videos about that sort of thing and it always excited me like crazy with the taboo of it all, the idea of showing off a tied naked guy to a bunch of girls. Ben being so shy around Haylee and seeing her as one of the last people alive that he would ever want to see him naked was somehow making me want her to be THE person to see him naked. It's idiotic, it's wrong, it's mean, and it's deviant as hell. And somehow I still want to do it. I'm so horny, lost in my own lust, almost as close to the edge as Ben is, and my brain just isn't thinking clearly. I know this. But still I want to do it. I'm going to do it.
I make myself a promise born of madness: If Ben calls out the safe word "coffee", then I'll keep him covered up and protect him. But if he doesn't....
I shock both of them by suddenly removing my hands from my girl parts, letting them hang by my side and allowing Haylee to see me naked in person for the first time. As her eyes bug out in surprise, I tell her "Well if you're just going to stand there watching us, naughty Haylee, then I'm going back to what I was doing. Don't stare TOO hard now"
Ben's mouth dropped at my brazenness. I started to slowly wiggle my hips in a circle, performing for both of them truthfully. Meanwhile Haylee's brain froze up. Seriously, I'm 90% certain that I saw the YouTube loading graphic spinning in front of her face as she slowly attempted to process what was happening just now.
Ben very quietly whimpered "Sophie what are you DOING?"
I replied "Going back to our hot little game. I'm gonna let her watch. I'm in control right now sexy boy, remember?"
"But...but" he began to mutter. He looked very nervous and ashamed, but I could also see how good my hip movements were feeling for him. Part of him didn't want to stop me. That part of his brain, however small, was preventing him from calling out the safe word. I looked up at Haylee's eyes and they were glued solidly on the physical connection between me and Ben. She was staring right at my clit and pussy lips trying to see the dick hidden in there, but I was purposely holding myself as close to Ben's skin as possible to draw this out and tease her.
After about 5 full circles around with Haylee not blinking even once, I was ready to up the ante a little bit. I stopped moving around and instead rose upwards one inch up his long dick before immediately coming back down. Haylee gasped. She had just seen a tiny bit of Ben's dick with her own eyes!
Meanwhile Ben was shaking "Don't! She's gonna see my dick if you do that!"
I lean forward and whisper into his ear so that only he can hear me "I think you want her to see your dick almost as badly as she wants to see it. If I'm wrong, you have one word that can stop this. But only that one word"
He went red, solid red, face and chest too. This boy didn't blush even half that hard for me seeing him naked! I guess it's different when it's a girl you've known for so many years instead of somebody you met that morning. Still, he laid there staring at me, nervous shy eyes, but he wasn't saying the word. I rose up one inch again, but this time I held myself up at that height for two seconds before lowering again, making absolutely certain that Haylee saw the base of his shaft that time. Ben was hyperventilating and shivering like he was cold, but still...he didn't say the word. I felt his dick applying pressure on my insides. I knew it! This was turning him on too, even if it was scaring him to death. Maybe the fear itself is a turn on for him, the fear of a close female friend seeing him naked. I guess you could say that the same fear has been a turn on for me all day.
I rose upwards 3 inches this time, showing off a ton of Ben's private skin, but still not even half of it. When I came back down, Haylee had this knowing look on her face. She realized what I was doing. She knew that I was deliberately exposing him to her and she couldn't believe it. She was blatantly wondering to far does this thing go in her?" I was going to enjoy drawing out answering that question.
Ben pleaded "You guys! Haylee is looking at my dick! She can see it!"
Smiling at Ben, I then slowly, teasingly rose up 5 inches on this large manhood in me. Haylee's breathing was getting very irregular as she stared at it, realizing that she still can't see where the head starts yet even with as much of it as she can see already! It was torturing her trying to figure out just how exactly long Ben's dick truly was. Her entire brain was focused on wondering just how high I was going to go with this. His dick was getting harder and harder pushing against my vaginal cavity from the thrill of his embarrassment, stretching me in all the right ways. I wondered if Haylee could see Ben's dick pulsing when it's exposed.
Ben pleaded again "SOPHIE!! Haylee can see my dick! If you go any higher she's going to be able to see the whole thing! You're letting her see me naked."
He wasn't acting. He was panicking and scared out of his mind about Haylee seeing his dick. And yet, still he never said "Coffee" to end this peep show. He was getting off on being my victim here now, just like I had done earlier when he "forced" his way into me. And I wasn't done yet with this.
I rose 7 inches, to the base of his head so that only his head remained in me still. Haylee could now see seven inches of beautiful boy cock sticking out underneath me and that still wasn't all of it. Her face was a mix of shock and wonder.
Before I even came back down Haylee blurted out "God damn how big IS that thing?"
Ben inhaled sharply when she said that, and then when I came back down he loudly moaned from the intense sensation of me sliding down almost his entire pole in one movement like that. He was still right on the edge, even with me moving so slowly for showing off purposes. Ben's body shot all-over crimson again, which I realized was from Haylee commenting about the size of his equipment. He liked that! He really, really enjoyed Haylee implying that the size of his dick was sexy. And I was going to let her see all of it very soon.
Ben once again tried to beg "Sophie please! If you go any higher at all she's going to see the whole thing!! You're right at the edge of it!!"
Ignoring his pleas I rose up to the base of his head again, only to drop back down as a tease. I knew Haylee expected me to go higher this time, and it tortured her that I didn't. It also tortured my sweet shy Ben, plus the stimulation on his dick was clearly moving him back towards that absolute edge again. I then super-slowly rose up to inch #7 once again, only to go back down without going any higher. Ben is throbbing like crazy inside of me. I'm starting to think that being forcibly exposed like this might be a fetish for him based on how strongly he's reacting to this game of mine.
Finally I rise up and up, inch 6, inch 7, letting the head start to pop out, and then finally inch 8! I raise myself up and off of his dick completely, baring all of him to Haylee. I just showed Haylee Ben's dick in its entirety!
Haylee squeals "JESUS CHRIST!"
Ben whimpers "NO! No, no, Haylee can see my dick! Sophie, don't just hover there, cover me back up! Hurry!" His dick twitching there in the air tells me that he's enjoying this, at least enough to let it keep going.
I look at Haylee "Go on. Tell my boyfriend what you think about it, about all of his body, now that you can see everything. Don't hold back, he needs to hear what you think. How would you rate his body 1-10?"
Haylee was super red, covering her mouth with her hands but making sure to not block her eyes. She answered me "10! Total 10! That's the biggest dick I've ever seen, even bigger than Landon's. I can't believe you, you lucky bitch, getting such a hot guy for your first time. And Ben, why didn't you ever let me know that you had abs like that? I think all of us girls deserve to see those more often."
I watched as Ben smiled a shy smile at Haylee complimenting his naked body like that. He was experiencing that compliment high that I kept being affected by all day. Perfect! Now that he's riding that feeling of warmth mixed with being edged by my pussy this whole time, his penis must be unfathomably sensitive. I grab it with my hand in order to lure it back inside of me, feeling Ben thrash from the pleasure just of my hand touching it right now. When I slide down that shaft again, inch by inch, Ben is experiencing pure heaven. I am too, having brought myself extremely close to one last orgasm myself with all of this teasing and excitement.
While Haylee watches I rhythmically move my body up and down Ben's shaft, moving slightly faster than I was doing earlier but still slow enough to not push Ben too far. Despite that, I could feel his potential orgasm building up inside of him, inside of me. I was inching him there step by step and he was already remarkably close.
Ben whispered to me "Ok Sophie you need to stop now! It's time"
I smirked "What? That's not the stop command" I torture him by speeding up a little bit.
He looked horrified "Sophie! Don't make me say THAT with HER standing there!"
I teased him "Well if you don't say it, and loud enough for us both to hear you, then she's about to witness it isn't she? And you'll lose the game too" I sped up again, feeling the throbbing of his dick inside of me pushing outwards solidly fighting against my Kegels and winning.
Ben was louder this time "Grrr, I'm going to cum! Happy now?"
Haylee loudly gasped, having heard that perfectly clear. She was once again in shock, but couldn't take her eyes off any of this. Was something like that really about to happen?
I kept moving up and down on Ben, smiling naughtily, feeling his private part skating right up to the ultimate edge again.
Ben was frantic now "Sophie I'M GOING TO CUM!! STOP!"
I never stopped fucking him, and instead I sped up. I looked at my thrashing naked boy barely holding in his climax, with Haylee watching every microsecond of it, and I told him "Hey win!"
I sped up my movements up and down on him, pushing my hips back and forth like a wave machine as I humped him. I wasn't going to stop until I earned my final prize from his special friend. I took my right hand and started rubbing my clit as fast as I could. I wanted to make myself cum right when he did. I wanted to cum to the feeling of my pussy being filled! Ben screamed loudly like a tiger's roar as all of the build-up, teasing, stimulation, and exhibition had finally led to this intense first-non-virgin orgasm deep inside of a woman's pussy, my pussy. The roar was the last step for me as I came as well. As my orgasm was hitting me I felt him go off over and over again, repeatedly. It felt like it would never stop. I felt my body run out of space to put all of that cum but still more came with how excited he was. It was dripping out the sides. This was the hottest feeling of my life, the feeling of being filled by my boy's pure intense pleasure.
I massively underestimated how filled I was going to be though. Five seconds after we both finish cumming I can feel the goo running down the inside of both legs, having escaped from my pussy. Only now, only now does it occur to me that we're going to get in huge trouble if we stain the floor. I look over to the make up wipe dispenser and realize that it's the only tissue that I can see right now.
I quickly hop off of him and stand up in one movement, commanding "Don't move! We can't stain the floor!" I have my left hand between my legs trying to hold it all in for a few seconds while I grab a tissue. Once grabbed, I clean myself off as thoroughly as I can, tossing several make up cloths into the trash. It is crazy embarrassing to be wiping myself with both of them in the room, especially because I have to get really deep in there in order to get it all out and stop me from dripping. This is double or even triple the volume that I was expected! I feel a little proud about that, but I'm suddenly super self-conscious about having to clean myself while they watch.
When I turn over to look at poor Ben, however, he is blushing like crazy at being forced to lie there on his back, naked, hands tied behind his back, his dick standing straight up still, and it covered all over with goo from both of us mixed together. Ben can't even make eye contact at all with Haylee, who is standing there staring at his trapped immobile naked mid section covered in various cum juices. It only just now occurs to me that while I may have been embarrassed wiping myself, Ben here had it far worse and I was just leaving him to endure it.
I rush over to Ben and clean off his dick for him. Honestly it's kinda hot cleaning off a boy's anatomy after sex, although I could tell that it was very embarrassing for Ben. The look on Ben's face was starting to sour a bit, which suddenly filled me with this intense wave of guilt.
"Haylee" I softly called out "Show's over. Can Ben and I get some privacy for a few minutes? We'll be out later"
She replied "Yeah sure, no problem. Thanks so much for that you guys, seriously. That was SPICY!! And congratulations, I'm super happy for you both." She then closed the door behind her.
I looked at Ben and this overwhelming dread flooded inside of me. Did I go too far? I get crazy when horny, but did I just betray Ben's trust in me? How could I? He was so sweet to me all day yet I used him to get off without any concern for him in the moment. I felt a huge weight on my heart.
"Ben I'm so sorry" I whimpered, "I don't know what came over me or why I did that. I would've stopped if you said 'coffee', I swear! I mean it! I shouldn't have pushed you into letting me do that to you. It was stupid, I was stupid. I just...I lose my mind when I get horny and I don't think. Please don't hate me, I'll make it up to you somehow"
Ben looked at me and quickly said "Sophie! It's ok, don't worry about it"
I replied "It's not though. Ben you trusted me and I humiliated you. Why did I do that? What's wrong with me? I showed you off against your will to our friend, a hot girl that you're super close to and probably had a crush on from the looks of it, and I just got off to your embarrassment. What kind of freak does that to the boy she loves? I ruined everything."
He softly asked "Can you untie my arms please? I need them" Without saying anything more I unhooked the belt and released him.
Ben then suddenly grabbed me and pulled me onto the ground next to him in a snuggle position. He calmly told me "Sophie, I trusted you, completely, and I still do. That's why I didn't say the safe word and I let you push my boundaries like that. If it was anyone else I would have ended it, but with you I knew you would make everything perfect no matter what. And you did. The whole experience was intense, but in a good way. You never broke my trust. It was scary and embarrassing, but it was also a huge rush. You weren't the only one that got off to her seeing me naked. It was really hot flashing her like that and having her like me. She called me a hunk and a 10! Nobody has ever called me a 10 before, ever. She was even talking about how I need to go shirtless more often to give all the girls I know eye candy! I've known her for years and she's never said anything like that to me before. You told me that you feel super nervous when somebody sees you naked, and then you get this rush of euphoria when they like what they see and compliment your body. I think I just experienced what you've been going through all day, and it was amazing. Also...that was, BY FAR, the best orgasm of my life. Just overall the best feeling, this has all been the best moment of my life. Good lord just remembering it gives me goosebumps. Don't worry so much or feel guilty. There's nothing wrong with you, you're not a freak. You're sweet and caring, caring so deeply that you actually stress out over if you were caring enough when letting a boy like me have SEX with you. You are literally divine...and I love you."
I really enjoyed this comforting cuddle, and his words were just melting me away. "God, I love you too. You have no idea how much. How did a girl like me wind up with the perfect man? Haylee called you a 10 earlier but that number doesn't do you justice, either your body or your soul. And you actually like me, ME, the real me. Nobody loves Sophie, trust me. I have a permanent residence in the friend zone and everyone's invited. My naked body apparently looks much better than I though it did since everyone fell in love with Minka so easily, but you're the only one to really love me as Sophie, the awkward sex-obsessed loser with basically no self control."
Ben giggled "Sophie, you being awkwardly sex-obsessed is one of my favorite things about you. You feel everything so passionately and intensely at all times and it's a major turn-on. Those moments where you fully lost control and you just COMMANDED me to give you what you needed in a wild rant, those moments were amazing. I've never experienced anything like it before. Every time you lost control it made me want you twice as strongly."
My eyes were full of tears, mostly of joy but my emotions were overwhelming me all over the spectrum right now. "My love...I don't even know your last name yet, but I already want it for myself. For real, I'm completely serious. My whole heart is yours. But...I don't really know anything about you, at all. Honestly, for all I know you could actually love Haylee more than you do me, or even some other girl I've never met. How could this possibly work? What if it doesn't?"
He kissed me with no warning and held me there for at least a minute. When he finally broke it, he answered me "THAT is how this could possibly work. My name is Ben Connelly, and I'd be honored to one day make you into Missus Sophie Connelly. And no I don't love Haylee, she's just my friend and neighbor, even if she is really awesome and super hot. I'd still always choose you"
I chuckle a little "Yeah Haylee is red hot, and she clearly agrees with me that you are too. God it's a shame she's so damn straight or we could've invited her to join us one day"
Ben choked on thin air "*Cough*, uh, what??"
I turn to face him and look him right in the eye "Mr Connelly, I'm bi as fuck. You're crazy if you think I haven't always fantasized about sleeping with a boy and a girl at the same time."
He stares at me for a few seconds, then asks "Woman is there any part of you that ISN'T complete perfection?"
I smirk "Tons honestly, but I have hope that you'll see through it all and stay with me forever. And speaking of staying with us forever, we should really get dressed and go out to meet Haylee again before she or someone else walks in on us again."