My Sisters and Me - Visual Novel Episode 1 Out Now!

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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My Sisters and Me - Visual Novel Episode 1 Out Now!

Post by drew »

When I first heard of my parents’ divorce, I was bummed, as you could imagine any twelve-year-old boy would be. In hindsight, it wasn’t unexpected. My father was a selfish prick. He continually cheated on my mother without making much attempt to hide it. She put up with it for too long for who knows why. Maybe the money, or the security, or my dad’s rugged good looks. Or maybe it was his charm.

Nonetheless, eventually, Mom had had enough. She moved out and took my two sisters, Katie and Maddy, with her. She filed for divorce and made out like a (well deserved) bandit. She moved across the country and settled down in a cramped, but upscale condo in the city.

The three girls lived together, but unfortunately; I fell for my dad’s charisma. I begged to stay with him and was granted my wish. We got along, but he treated me like one of his buddies. I thought this was so cool at the time.

Fast forward past puberty and I realized how superficial our relationship really was. He buggered out of the country with some skank, deserting me in the process. Not knowing what to do, I joined the military, and ended up getting discharged at a young age. I had options when I got out. I had some money and could try and start a life on my own. I could find a place with some of my buddies and live a party lifestyle. Or I could re-connect with my family and move in with the girls.

I was young, single, and attractive - by conventional standards. Not to brag, but my sisters’ and I were all blessed with our parents’ stand-out looks. The city appealed to me. There was a lot to do and a lot of women to meet, and they had a badass condo that I could live in for free. To me, the choice was simple.

I moved in to mixed opinions from my sisters. Katie, older by one year, let me know on a daily basis how dissatisfied she was with my decision.
“Why do you want to live with a bunch of girls anyway?”

“Shouldn’t you be going off to college and doing something with your life other than shooting at people?”

“If I ever catch you going through my shit, I swear I’ll make your life a living hell. No girl in the city will want to touch you.”

And on and on it went. Katie was a stuck-up bitch, and had been ever since I could remember. I understood her attitude when I was young and awkward and she was the queen-bee at school. But I thought she’d have matured in the time I’d been gone as she was now 20 and past the drama-filled teen years. She graduated college early and landed a lucrative job at a big-time marketing firm. Nope. She was as bitchy as ever.

Maddy, on the other hand, was the polar opposite. Sweet and innocent, she had just turned 18 and was finishing up school. She had all the reasons to be conceited like Katie, but it just wasn’t in her nature. She was thrilled I was coming to live with them.

“It’s so nice to have you back Drew!”

“You can help me with my studies!”

“There’s sooo many times we could’ve used someone strong around!”

Katie would roll her eyes or have some snooty comeback when Maddy made these comments. My mom laughed off the interactions between us three. She was simply happy to have all of us back together again.

Needless to say, I spent the majority of my time avoiding Katie like the plague. It wasn’t worth the bickering. Maddy was much more pleasant to spend time with.

The first few months of us living together went smoothly enough. I had gotten a security job that had decent pay but odd and unpredictable hours. This made dating somewhat of a hassle, but I had been able to meet up with a few chicks I met through dating apps.

I was loving the city, but living in the constricted condo definitely had its challenges. For one, I didn’t want to bring home any of the girls I met for fear of how my family would react. I knew Katie would do her best to cock-block but didn’t really give a shit regarding her mood on it. I did, however, respect my mom and little sister’s feelings. Neither of them ever brought strange dudes around so I chose to have my hookups elsewhere, at least for the time being.

Another issue with the condo was there was only two bathrooms and my mom had hers all to herself connected to her room. That meant one bathroom for my sisters and I. As you could imagine, trying to find privacy was a pain in the ass.

“Quit jerking off Drew, I’m late for work!” Katie would scream, making sure everyone in the apartment heard her.

“Katie you’ve been in there for an hour! Victoria’s here to pick me up!” Maddy’s feisty side came out when it came to bathroom privileges.

I would try my best to be patient with them but sometimes they took a ridiculous amount of time and I would have to start banging.

“Dude! Quit trying to see me naked you little perv! Just go look at some porn if you want to fap!” Katie shouted one time. Maddy was in the hallway during this and I’m sure my face flushed red. But she simply smiled and walked into her room.

Sharing wasn’t just an issue with the bathroom. We only had one television. For the most part, I like watching sports or playing video games. Maddy and our mom prefer chick flicks and reality garbage like The Bachelor.

One time, Maddy and I reached a compromise and were watching a comedy together. Katie barged in, turned it off, and put on some horror show.
“What the heck Katie!?” Maddy protested.

“C’mon everyone’s talking about this show at work, I gotta catch up…besides, you losers can watch that stupid movie any time.” Katie responded.

I stayed out of it. As much as I knew Katie was wrong and wanted to deny her the satisfaction, I did have an interest in the show she put on. I also knew when to pick my battles. And tonight, it was either going to be this horror show, or nothing. So, I gave in.

“Drew, c’mon aren’t you gonna do anything to her? She always gets her way!” Maddy pouted.

“Let’s just watch it with her tonight, Maddy. We can finish our movie tomorrow. Besides, I did hear this show’s pretty good…”

“But I hate scary movies! I can never sleep afterward!” She argued.

“Well…now you guys got me around at night. It’ll be fine.” I said. Katie rolled her eyes as she selected the first episode of the show.

Maddy thought about leaving, but ultimately gave in.

The show began and wasn’t too bad for the first half. But I have to admit, as it continued, it got pretty disturbing. Katie was watching intently on a chair by herself. Maddy and I were on the couch and I noticed she was snuggling up closer and closer to me. Her auburn hair was long and worn down. I remember because part of it was draped across my chest. She was wearing short, cotton athletic shorts and her tanned, smooth legs brushed up against my hairy ones.

I felt a welcoming tingling sensation around my groin. What the hell…. I thought to myself. Any straight guy with hot sisters who says he isn’t intrigued, even a little, about them is a bold-faced liar. Plus, it had been years since we’d been around each other. I’m not saying I was trying to fuck my sister or anything, but being young and horny and having Maddy seek shelter next to me in her skimpy little shorts certainly piqued my curiosity.

I gathered myself before Katie realized anything was happening. Maddy stayed near me for the rest of the show, doing this cute thing where she covered her eyes with her hands and only caught part of what was on the screen.

Once it ended, she got up in a hurry and went into the bathroom to shower. Most likely in an attempt to avoid being the last person up at night. Katie got up and didn’t say anything as she went to her room. With the living room to myself, I touched myself a little bit and was surprised to see my dick stiffen rather easily as I thought of Maddy. I didn’t fully rub one out, knowing the disgrace that would occur should Katie decide to come back out of her room.

I went back to my room and waited for my turn to shower. Once clean. I went to bed, but didn’t fall asleep right away.

I couldn’t get the images of my little sister’s toned legs casually brushing against me. Fuck. I thought to myself as I realized what I needed to do. I walked down the dark hallway to our bathroom and quietly closed the door. I pulled my shorts down, and jerked off. The post-nut shame came afterwards. I washed my hands and turned off the light. I made my way back to my room, but something stopped me on my way back.

Tap Tap Tap

I heard a faint knocking coming from downstairs. At first, I thought I imagined it as I was admittedly a little jumpy from the show. I got back my room and opened my door when I heard it again.

Tap Tap Tap

My curiosity got the better of me and I crept down the stairs to investigate the knocking.

Tap Tap Tap

I saw a figure right outside my mom’s bedroom door. It was too dark to make out the details, but the shadow looked much smaller than myself. I tip-toed toward it, attempting to catch the mysterious person off guard. Once I got close, I switched the hallway light on and rushed onward, only to be greeted…by Maddy.

“Ahhh!” She shrieked at the sudden appearance of her big brother. She didn’t immediately recognize me as her light eyes squinted, and took some time to adjust.

My dark eyes gave me an advantage and quickly were able to focus on Maddy – and what little she was wearing. She had on an old t-shirt from school. The shirt was long enough to cover her stomach, but did not hide the fact that she was only dressed in panties below the waist. I surveyed even more of her athletic thighs and hips than I got to see earlier that night. My gaze drifted upward and I noticed Maddy’s nipples, sitting high on her chest and protruding through her t-shirt – giving away the fact that she was not wearing a bra.

She finally came to her senses, and recognized me.

“Drew!” She whispered. I’m pretty sure she realized where my eyes were but I quickly darted them upward to meet hers. She didn’t seem to care. “What are you doing?!” she said excitedly, smiling. Her cheeks gained some color.

“I…uhhh” I couldn’t help myself, and couldn’t hold my stare. My eyes fell back down to my sisters’ chest and waist. Luckily, I had just orgasmed like 5 minutes ago otherwise my penis definitely would’ve betrayed me. Maddy noticed, but continued to grin, almost laughing as she moved an arm across her breasts and the other down to try and pull her shirt past her underwear. I regained my composure. “I heard a noise and wanted to see what was up.”

“Oh…you couldn’t sleep either then?” She asked curiously.

Shit. I wonder if she heard me in the bathroom? Was my initial thought. I stumbled over my words again.

“That show was so scary right?!” Maddy saved me from responding. “Anyway, I couldn’t sleep and was looking for some melatonin but couldn’t find it anywhere. I know Mom keeps some on her nightstand and was hoping to get some.”

Our mother’s door finally opened. She appeared in the doorway wearing her nightgown. She looked groggy, and slightly annoyed.

“What are you two doing out here?” She whispered.

Maddy continued to try and pull her shirt down in the front to cover her modesty. I was standing behind her now, and got a glimpse of her bikini cut underwear, pink in color, emerging for the first time.

“Oh for God’s sake Maddy, who are you covering from?” Mom asked. “If you don’t want your brother to see either put some more clothes on or at least pull your shirt from the back.”

“I well….I don’t know!” Maddy giggled and turned her back against the wall to face both of us. “He startled me.” She continued to cover her nips and pull the shirt down.

My mother looked at me with interest. I didn’t dare look at Maddy.

“Oh whatever, it’s too late for all this.” Mom replied. “What do you two want?”

“I just wanted some melatonin.” Maddy replied quickly. “Katie made us watch some horror show and I couldn’t sleep.”

“I heard a noise down here and didn’t know what was going on so I came to check on her...err…I mean it.” I corrected myself.

“Okay, Maddy, come get your pill. Drew, off to bed. And no more horror shows at night!”

“Got it!” We replied in unison.

I ran back upstairs into my room. I don’t think I slept at all that night as I lie there thinking of my little sister’s ass in those panties…
Last edited by drew on Sun Dec 29, 2024 1:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

Time passed and we all gradually settled in to our new living arrangement. Katie went from constantly being a brat, to more or less ignoring me altogether. I was fine with that. Though, it’s funny, when she needed me, she became…dare I say…. pleasant?

The first time this happened is when her car broke down. Living in the city, we only had two cars between the four of us, but Katie traveled a lot for her work and thus, the spare car was deemed as “hers.” Maddy and I didn’t protest too much as we could get everywhere we wanted to go by walking or taking the rail. And it was usually quicker.

It was a Friday afternoon when my phone lit up with a text from my big sister. At that time, I didn’t even have to scroll to see the complete number of texts we shared between each other.

“Drew, what are you up to?” It read. I thought it was odd, but I was bored and had nothing going on at the time so I let her know I was free. I expected a snarky “of course you are, loser” or something of the sort, but it didn’t come. Instead, Katie was up front with me, saying she was nearby, but her car got a flat and she needed help with it.

Being in the armed forces, I had a lifetime’s experience fixing broken down vehicles and so a flat tire was a breeze. I obliged, and walked to her location.

“Hey!” Katie said at the sight of me. She was actually kind of awkward when in a vulnerable position. “Yeah, so I don’t know what happened. I just started hearing this janky sound and it wasn’t going…you know…smoothly anymore. Do you think I hit something?” Katie had her dark brown hair pulled up tight in a high ponytail. She was dressed in her work attire with a black skirt suit and white top. She always looked good, but I had never really seen her dressed professionally because she would always come home and immediately change into lounge wear.

“Eh, probably not, I would think you’d know if you hit something?” I shrugged and gave her a crooked smile.

“Oh…yeah, probably.” She looked kind of embarrassed.

I began fixing her tire. “you gonna be in trouble for being late?” I asked, as I was finishing up.

“Nah, I just don’t like being late for stuff you know?” She responded. There was a short pause. “I’m in charge of my work pod and so there’s not much I could do to get into trouble.” She wasn’t necessarily bragging, but it did sound almost as if she was trying to impress me?

“Alright, well, you’re all set. Just make sure you get to a service center to get you off this donut.”

“Huh?” She asked. I nodded toward the spare. “Oh..right.” I still don’t know if she knew what I was talking about. “Well…thanks.” She didn’t say my name or make eye contact with me.

She got in her car and drove off. Later that night, she stayed mostly in her room, but did run into me in the hallway as she was going out.

“Hey,” she said. I think it was the first time she acknowledged my presence in the condo for weeks. She was dressed fashionably, maybe a bit slutty. Her top was cut low showing a lot of cleavage. She gave a half smile and made her way out the door. I went out myself for some drinks.

Coincidentally, we both got in around the same time in the wee hours of the morning. I heard Katie walking to her room as I was still getting settled to sleep. The light to my room was on and my door was cracked open, so there’s no way she didn’t know I was still awake.

I got undressed and shut my light off. My door was still open and I could see out into the hallway. Right after I climbed into bed, I heard Katie emerge from her room. She turned on the dim-light of the hallway and I heard her footsteps approaching my room.

I looked out into the hall and saw her. It was immediately evident she was naked, sans for a pair of little yellow booty shorts. I watched her from behind and ogled her taught ass bouncing back and forth as she moved closer to the bathroom. Her naked back showed a light skinned tan line where her bikini strap had been. Her arms swung at her sides as she didn’t bother to cover her breasts which I could not see. She disappeared into the room.

Stunned, I positioned myself to better see and lay there as quietly as possible. I heard the toilet flush and the sink water turn on and off. My heart had some palpitations. Katie exited the restroom and I received a split-second side view of her large naked tits before she crossed her arms and squished them against her chest. Damn. I thought to myself, though was I really hoping she was gonna walk out with her rack on show? I enjoyed the views of her cleavage formed by her arm bra as well as her tight stomach and shapely legs as she walked toward me. She looked into my room blankly and turned the corner back into her own quarters. She shut the door.

Did that really just happen? I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep. I couldn’t recall Katie ever being even remotely undressed around the house. Sure, I wasn’t always awake and creeping at four in the morning but I’m almost positive she knew I was awake in my bed. Nonetheless, neither of us even acknowledged it happening the next morning and we went about our daily lives.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

Maddy, in contrast to her older sister, was constantly parading around the house while scantily clad. She would come home from school, most of the time wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and immediately change into short shorts, sleeveless shirts, sometimes even just her sports bra if she was working out.

She would do yoga or other exercises right in the middle of the living room if no one else was around or watching the television. I noticed, if I was watching TV, she would politely not interrupt me and would stay in her room. Subconsciously - or probably consciously if I’m being honest with myself - I liked seeing her do her workouts and so I made a habit of not being out in the living room when Maddy would get home from school.

She would put on her workout outfit and I would come out for various “reasons” such as getting something to eat, grabbing whatever I conveniently “left” in the living room, or even just to say hi. She would always greet me in her bubbly fashion.

“Hey Drew!” she said one afternoon. She was sweating and breathing heavily while taking a break between exercises. Her brownish-red hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail and she was wearing a thin elastic teal headband.

“gettin after it again huh?” I responded.

“Gotta keep that bikini figure,” she said while smiling.

“It’s September,” I said. “doesn’t it get cold soon?” I asked, legitimately not knowing as I had lived my entire life in a warm climate.

“We got another month,” she winked at me. “Hey, are you able to come help me with some school stuff once I’m done?” Despite me not going to college, I did well in high school. I could still be of help to her, and was more available (and willing) than Katie.

“Sure,” I said. “Just find me once you’re ready.”

“Okay!” She continued her workout for about another half hour or so.

I was in my room doing some reading when she walked by, still sweaty, and still in her workout outfit.

“Hey Drew, I’m all set. It’s just a few problems so I shouldn’t keep you long. You want to come to my room?”

“yup,” I said. I got up and lumbered down the hall into her room. I hadn’t been in there much. Her walls were off-white in color but covered with pictures, posters, and award certificates. Her room was relatively clean, with a bit of loose laundry lying around. She had a bunch of pillows on her bed, and the bed was made with floral patterned sheets. Her dresser had some athletic medals, perfumes, jewelry, and even more pictures around it.

“My humble abode,” she said as she saw me surveying her room. She walked over to the corner. “Hey, don’t look over here real quick,” She said. But she didn’t give me enough time to realize why. She whisked her sports bra up and over her head exposing her bare back to me. I got a quick hint of her round side-boob.

“Oh shit,” I blurted out. “Sorry.” I looked away. She laughed.

“No worries, it’s just so uncomfortable in the sports bra.” I heard her maneuvering clothing on the floor. I didn’t look back at her mainly because I could feel my groin stirring again…

”Okay, I’m dressed.” She said. I turned back around to find that she was partially telling the truth. She did have a top on, but, just like the horror show night, she was clearly not wearing a bra. She had changed into a loose fitting, white, v-neck t-shirt. Her nips poked upward and met my eyes as I did a quick up-and-down.

Maddy noticed and a shy smile spread across her face. She bent over in front of me to grab her bookbag off the floor. Her bell-shaped cleavage swung freely beneath her shirt. When she stood back up, I saw her glance down at the enlarging bulge in my shorts. Her smile widened and her icy blue eyes met mine.

“So…I just needed help with these statistics questions.” She made her way over to her bed and sat down. “Oh, sorry, I don’t have another chair in here. You can just come sit on the bed with me.”

I made my way over to the bed; thankful I could now hide my growing erection from my sister. Beads of sweat dripped down her exposed chest into her shirt. Time passed, and I was able to help with most of her questions, though my memory of the subject didn’t come back instantly. Throughout the session, Maddy would maneuver to face me and I couldn’t help but sneak multiple partial glimpses of her breasts. What am I doing? I thought to myself. Better yet, what is she doing?

“I really think I’m starting to get this stuff!” Maddy exclaimed when we were finishing up. “Thanks Drew!”

“No problem, good luck with the test next week.” I got up quickly and turned my back to her, making my way out of her room.

“Alright, I’m finally gonna shower,” she said. “Sorry for being all sweaty!”

I ignored her and walked into my room. She went into the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear clothes hitting the floor. It was impossible not to think about Maddy stripping down in there. At this point in time, I was suspicious Maddy was teasing me on purpose. A few weeks later, I was sure of it.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by enfanon »

intriguing start, looking forward to more!
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drtickle »

Indeed, liked this one so far. It reminds me of one those graphic interactive game sex novels. A young man escapes from hospital and is stuck at home with a mother and her three daughters.....
drtickle :mrgreen:
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Revengedpirate »

Tbh, getting a bit too much incest and not enough enf for me, but each to their own I guess.
Mick Gesitt
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Mick Gesitt »

Interesting start. Hoping to 'see' a bit more in the next installment.
-Mick Gesitt of the Mountain
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and Maddy had just finished working out. She and I were the only two home and she made her way into the bathroom to shower once she completed her workout set.

“I’m gonna go shower Drew!” She said. I’m not sure why she felt the need to announce that she was going to shower, but she was doing it more and more frequently as of late.

I heard the door close and the water turn on as I relaxed and played some video games. A few minutes later I was disrupted.

“Ahhhhh! Drew!” I head Maddy scream from the other side of the door.

Startled, I paused my game and hurried over to the bathroom. “What’s up?! Are you okay?”

“Yes. Come in, it’s unlocked.” Maddy said.

I turned the door knob not knowing what I was about to walk into. My heart skipped a beat at the scene in front of me.

Maddy was backed up against the wall and facing the entryway of the bathroom. She was only wearing a camo sports bra, and was otherwise nude. Her left hand casually draped over her vagina, shielding it from my sights. Her toned stomach and bare hips were on show.

“Jesus, Maddy!” I exclaimed. I made a demonstration of turning my head away from her.

“What!?” She said. “I’m covered.” I turned back to her.

“What are you doing?” Since she didn’t seem to mind, I took a good look at her smooth hips. Her fingers remained splayed across her cooch. I couldn’t see much detail, but saw enough to give me an instant hard-on. There was no hiding it this time. My dick jumped up in my shorts. Maddy noticed, and her eyes lit up.

“There’s a spider,” She explained. Her eyes remained rested on my erection. There was a brief pause before she just came out and said it. “What’s going on down there?”

“For fuck sake, Maddy, c’mon. I can’t control that.” My face felt so hot. I can’t imagine the shade of red I was. I clumsily tucked my boner under the waistband of my shorts.

Maddy simply laughed. “Come here, it’s in the shower.” She shuffled her feet to continue facing me.

I walked over to the shower and saw what all the commotion was about. It was a harmless daddy-long-legs and it was right by the drain of the tub. She could’ve killed it by simply turning the water on. If this was the first time she did something like this, I wouldn’t have thought much of it. But by now, there was no way she wasn’t doing this shit on purpose. But what was I supposed to do? Act on it? Nah. I wanted to see how far she’d go with her teasing, but I definitely wasn’t going to be the one to push us over the edge. So, I continued to play dumb.

“Ahh, I’ll get him.” I grabbed the spider and flushed it down the toilet.

When I looked back at my sister, she continued to cover her front side, but what she hadn’t realized or had she? was she was no longer backed up against the wall and her ass was now exposed to me in the mirror. I’d seen it plenty of times in her yoga pants, but turns out she didn’t need those pants to hold its shape. It was round and perky and my cock stiffened even harder than it had already been.

“Thanks Drew!” She said excitedly. “Okay, I’m actually going to shower now.”

But she wasn’t. At that moment, our mother walked down the upstairs hallway toward us. In all the spider excitement neither my sister or I had realized she had gotten home.

“What’s going on here?” She said, bursting her way into the bathroom.

Now Maddy was unquestionably embarrassed. She tensed up, and shot her right hand over her vag, joining the left. She instantly moved her ass back up against the wall. It was her turn to flush beet red.

“Mom!? You’re home early?” Maddy squeaked.

Our mother made her way further into the bathroom and saw me standing over by the shower. Luckily, my boner was still concealed safely beneath my waistband.

“Why is Drew in here?!” The question was directed toward Maddy.

“Ummm, there was…a spider,” She answered sheepishly. “He helped me get rid of it.”

“Where is it?” Mom didn’t look too convinced.

“He…well he flushed it.” Maddy continued. I could see from the corner of my eyes that she was desperately hiding her pussy with both hands. I didn’t dare look directly at her. But my mom did.

“And you couldn’t have put some clothes on before he came in do that?” Mom responded coolly, looking my sister up and down.

“….I was startled and screamed. He uhh…was here before I could get anything on.”

“Okay, whatever. Drew, let’s go.” Mom directed. I didn’t hesitate and motioned toward the door, still remaining silent. “Funny, how you were so concerned with your ‘privacy’ when it was only girls living here but the second your brother moves in this…” She paused. I took one last look behind me. Mom pointed at my little sister in her bottomless state “…happens on a weekly occurrence!”

I escaped down the hallway and into my room as fast as I could. I heard the bathroom door slam shut and my mother thundered back downstairs.
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by drew »

The next few weeks were quiet around the house. That is, with the exception of Katie. Maddy and I had an unsaid agreement to avoid each other and let things simmer down. But somehow, Katie had found out what happened and obviously wasn’t going to let it go.

She was around more than ever now and every time I saw her, she wore the same shit-eating, devilish grin.

“You guys take any more showers today?”

“Any bottomless bashes happening tonight? I want in!”

“Hey Drew, can you come over here real quick? I think there might be a spider in my pussy!”

The insults were relentless and every time she told a joke she would burst out laughing at herself.

It was getting old, and I came very close to bringing up the night Katie walked down the hallway topless, but decided against it. Even if I was sure she did that on purpose, she obviously would deny it. And nothing like it happened since so I didn’t really have grounds to back up a claim that she was doing the same shit she was making fun of her younger sister for doing. Plus, I didn’t want to bother her anymore as the two of us now had some common friends and would occasionally run into each other when out and about.

I met one of my new main friends, Jordan, through the sister of one of Katie’s close friends. Jordan and his sister Kelly were Filipino? I think. Some type of pacific islander, anyway. They were a fun and adventurous duo. Good looking, too. Jordan was ripped and his arms were covered in tats. He had a bad boy appeal and Katie had undoubtedly taken notice of him. Kelly was more innocent appearing on the outside, with dark, doe eyes and flawless skin. But she had a wild side when she partied. I had a small crush on her. But being one of Katie’s best friends, she was pretty much off limits.

Kelly and I got along well, but I didn’t really see her much. Jordan and I had gotten pretty close though. One Saturday afternoon we were watching some football and Jordan brought up a party.

“What do you think? It’s over at my buddy Ed’s apartment in the brewery district. His place is dope and he meets a lot of chicks working at Thimble and Hops. Should be a good time.” He asked.

“Sounds good, I got nothing else going on. You care if I come over to your place beforehand?”

“Yeah that’s cool.”

“Aight. I’ll be over around 9 or so.”


9’oclock came and I met Jordan at his place. We had a few beers and smoked a joint, then made our way down to the brewery district. It was about a 20-minute walk, but worth it. The brewery district was sick. It sat right along the water and its bars were almost all newly renovated. Thimble and Hops, where Jordan’s friend worked, was an impressive three-story brewery that had a night club atmosphere on its top floor. The place was always crawling with hot girls. It turns out Ed’s apartment was in the adjacent building.

Jordan texted Ed and we were buzzed in. The atrium of the complex was badass. It was large with an modern-industrial feel to it. It had brick walls with windows that reached the ceiling and looked out into the lake. We made our way to the elevator and Ed’s place was on the 11th floor, which also happened to be the top.

“What’s up brother.” Ed greeted Jordan. Ed already looked boozed up. He had on a raggedy shirt with holes in it. His eyes were blood shot and his long shoulder length hair was greasy, and all over the place. He had neck and face tattoos, multiple piercings. If Jordan pulled of the bad-boy look, this dude took it to the next level. He also looked to be at least a few years older than us.

I stepped inside. “What’s up Ed, my name’s Drew.” I said. Ed’s place was incredible. It was massive inside and furnished with a 20’s style throughout. He had at least three bedrooms and three bathrooms. He had a huge outdoor balcony hanging over the brewery and the water below. The entire apartment was wood-floored. I can’t even begin to imagine how much it cost or how Ed afforded it on a bartender’s salary. I figured he had family money or something.

“Drew, what’s going on. We raging tonight or what.” Ed greeted me.

“You bet,” I said. Suddenly, everything that came out of my mouth sounded lamer than it did prior to meeting Ed.

There was already a decent amount of people at the party. Ed had some music going and the lights were dimmed. The air inside his living room was cloudy with smoke from the bong. Jordan and I took a few shots and settled in.

I spent the early part of the night flirting with a cute girl with pink streaks in her hair. She looked a few years older than me and had a weird confidence about herself. I noticed even Ed was taking instructions from her. She seemed into me though, so I went with it. Her name was Amy.

Amy and I played some beer pong and bantered with one another. She had some molly, and asked if I wanted any. I declined, and was worried she’d be off-put, but it didn’t faze her. I eventually distanced myself, not wanting to seem too eager. Neither of us seemed like we’d be going anywhere for a while.

Taking a step back, I noticed my surroundings and was shocked at the number of people that had shown up. The crowd had grown to over 50 and it was now just past midnight.

As I was grabbing another beer, I saw two smoke shows walk into the party. They were both tanned with dark, shiny hair. They had nice little athletic bodies, and were both wearing form-fitting dresses that accentuated their curves. One wore her hair down in waves, and the other had hers braided. Both of them had nice sized tits and asses for their slim figures.

I briefly stopped eye-fucking the two new-comers and looked over to Jordan, who has laughing at me. I grinned back at him and nodded back at the two girls as if to ask him you see these two? He continued to laugh at me and now had an almost curious look on his face. I looked back at the girls and saw why.

The two girls turned out to be none other than Kelly and Katie. Fuck! I was drunk, and they were both dressed to a t with a full face of makeup and I hadn’t even recognized them. Luckily, the two gathered a bunch of looks and no one saw my foolish moment. Other than Jordan, of course.
Well, a booze and drug fueled party is not exactly where you want to run into your sister, and I sobered up quickly after their arrival. I did my best to avoid them, but it was inevitable that we would see each other.

“Why you keep looking at those two?” Amy asked me, as we sat on the couch together. She was curious, and had a slight grin on her face. There wasn’t a hint of jealousy.

“That’s mine and Jordan’s sisters,” I said.

“Huh. And you’re not gonna say hi? C’mon, Drew!”

“Oie! Katie!” Amy yelled across the room. I’m not sure how she knew her name. Katie and Kelly looked over and noticed who was shouting at them, and who was sitting next to that girl. A brief oh shit flickered in Katie’s eyes, before she returned to her normal expression with that mocking smirk.

“Hey little bro!” She slurred. She was a bit tipsy herself.

“Hi Drew!” Kelly smiled warmly at me. Katie whispered something in her ear. Both girls started laughing.

“Hi Amy, thanks for having us!” Katie seemed a lot more sober when greeting Amy.

“Having us?” I looked curiously between Katie and Amy.

“Yeah dude, this is her place.” Katie said.

“I thought this was Ed’s…” I looked over at Jordan who had joined us.

“I’m Ed’s sister, Drew.” Amy explained. Suddenly things made a lot more sense.


“Ahhhhh” Katie mocked me.

“Be nice to your little brother, Katie. He’s been very sweet.” Amy scolded her. I felt like an idiot. Sweet. She thinks I’m “sweet.” Great. I thought to myself.

“So how do you two know each other, then?” I asked, attempting to change the subject.

“This is my boss, Drew.” Katie said.

“Sort of.” Amy corrected. She looked me in the eyes. “My parents own the firm. I oversee a lot of it, but don’t have too much interaction with employees.”

“We know each other from partying. Is what she’s trying to say.” Katie said. The girls laughed.

The party raged on and I was having a surprisingly good time hanging out with my sister and her friend. I had pretty much given up on trying to hook up with Amy at this point, given the circumstances. But flirting with her and Kelly was still fun. That is….until Katie decided she hadn’t had enough fun.

“Hey!” She blurted out. She was quite drunk by this point. Did you guys hear about Drew and my sister’s shower they took?”

“whaaaaat?” Kelly said. She smiled at me curiously.

“Maddy?” Jordan perked up.

“Yuuup.” Katie went on to tell the whole story. She was nearly in tears by the end of it. Kelly and Amy were laughing, but not really mean spirited toward me. More so laughing sympathetically.

“Hey man, I won’t knock ya for looking. Maddy is …” Jordan mouthed the word “whooo” and shook his head to indicate his attraction to my younger sister. I saw jealousy creep onto Katie’s face. Ha. Serves ya right for trying to be a bitch. I thought.

“She’s in high school bro.” Kelly said.

“She 18.” Jordan laughed.

“Alright, alright, alright. Enough about my little sister. You guys are gross.” Katie said.

“Now, now, we’re not gonna be kink-shaming.” A deep, raspy voice said from behind me. I hadn’t even realized Ed was sitting there. He moved around so effortlessly. Katie looked at him wide-eyed and expressionless. She was suddenly speechless. “In fact, we gotta little trio right here.”

I looked around and realized Ed was referring to us three sibling pairs. I also realized that we were the only people left in the entire room (who weren’t passed out, that is.) I looked at my watch and saw it was already 4 AM.

“This is a good-looking bunch.” Amy agreed, smiling at me. “anyone want some?” She pulled the molly back out. Ed instantly took some as did Jordan and Kelly. Knowing Amy a little better now (and knowing that she was a huge marketing firm heiress) it didn’t seem as shady as before and I stuck out my hand. Katie was hesitant, but wasn’t going to be the only one to decline and she took some as well.

“so what do y’all say the real party started,” Ed said. “Little strip cards?” He pulled out some cards and cleared the table. He wore an indifferent look on his face. But I saw some life when he glanced at Katie.

“No wayyyy,” Katie said, rolling her eyes.

“Cummmon K!” Kelly said. “Live a little.”

Jordan looked at my sister stone-faced. He nodded his head a bit as if to ask “how come”. He put his large, tanned, tattooed forearms onto the table in front of her. She looked at them with desire.

“Thought you’d rather have Maddy here?” Katie asked him in a shy, but accusatory manner.

“I’d rather it be you,” he said, calmly, still not smiling. His response hung in the air as we awaited Katie’s decision.

“Fuck it. Fiiiiiine!” She said after about a minute.

“Yeah!” Kelly exclaimed. Amy smiled.

“But if Drew’s the only one with his little cock out, I’m out!” Katie said. Everyone laughed. I gave her the finger.

Ed spent the next five minutes or so clearing out the room and getting the passed-out folks into bed. The music changed from loud, EDM style to a more soothing acoustic mix. I felt Kelly’s dark legs brush up against me. She was so warm. The ecstasy was definitely kicking in.

“Alright folks, here’s the deal. We’ll play presidents and assholes, everyone know how?” Ed asked. We all nodded. The buy in for each round is an article of clothing. We play till somebody,” he paused and looked around at everyone for dramatic effect, “is ass-naked.” Katie raised her eyebrows and made a little “kissy face” at Jordan.

Ed began dealing the cards.

“Whoah, whoah, whoah, hold up Eddy,” Amy began. He stared at her, clearly not happy with the “eddy” moniker. “I got an even better idea.”

“Go on…” I said. She smiled at me.

“Loser of each hand has to be stripped of their clothing article by someone different than before.” She said.

“Oooh I like it!” Kelly exclaimed. The molly had taken full effect on everyone by this point and we all agreed upon the idea.

“So there has to be an even standing from the get go…everyone have five articles of clothing on?” Amy asked. “Ed I know you probably only have like two so go put some underwear or something on.” She laughed. He got up and walked to his room without saying a word.

“How do you know he’s not wearing underwear?” Katie questioned Amy.

“Look at him,” she responded, simply. The table laughed. “Okay, everyone else, make it so you have five…Jewelry can count.” She added when she saw Katie and Kelly looking at each other and giggling.

And so, the game began. Amy was the first one to lose.

“oooooooh!” The table exclaimed. Amy rolled her eyes, and laughed. She threw her jeaned legs up onto the table and stuck her feet toward Ed. He looked vacantly at her.

“Take them off…” She said.

“Oh,” he replied. He slid her bright blue socks off her feet. Amy wiggled her exposed toes for us. And we were underway.

A few rounds continued and all of us except Jordan had lost a few articles of clothing. If he didn’t lose the next round, someone would be stripped to their underwear.

Fortunately, that someone was Kelly.

“Oh no!” She exclaimed. Despite her natural tan, I could make out shades of pink forming in her cheeks. She looked around the room while nervously smiling. She had already had Jordan and Ed remove clothing from her. “Okay…Drew?” She reached her arms up over her head and turned her back to me, revealing the zipper on her dress.

I didn’t hesitate. I put one arm on her bare shoulder and slowly slid the zipper down, milking it for the crowd. They all cheered.

“Stop it!” Kelly laughed. “Drewwww c’mon just get it over with!”

The zipper passed the hook of her black, strapless bra. I pushed it further, down to the small of her back. I reach my hands on the dress material and pulled it over her bra-encased tits.

“Oooooh lah-lah!” Katie yelped. Ed, and even Jordan locked their eyes of Kelly’s cleavage. I couldn’t see anything from my current point of view but refocused on getting her dress off.

“Alright, here we go!” I told her. She was standing up now and getting the dress down and off her hips was a bit of a struggle. I was disappointed as she was wearing a pair of spandex shorts beneath the dress, over her underwear.

“Boooo!” Amy exclaimed at the lack of panty exposure. The rest of the crowd joined in.

“What?!” Kelly questioned. “C’mon all you guys have pants on, this is my version of that!”

As she contested, I took in the nice views of her thick, shapely ass. Eventually, she turned to face me.

“Whoah….get enough?” She asked, smiling at me. Finally, I got a look at her smaller tits, pushed up in her bra to show some decent cleavage. I wasn’t shy about staring. “Oh my gosh you guys!” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her bra and sat back down in the chair.

Kelly remained embarrassed, but it wasn’t long before the rest of us joined her. I was now down to my underwear, and getting nervous. Ed and Jordan both had jeans on, but were shirtless.

Amy was wearing a green bra and thong – though she quickly sat down before I could see her ass. She had a nice slim runner’s body with a flat chest and stomach. Her skin was pale and creamy. She had a couple of tats scattered throughout her back, arms, and below her right breast. They suited her. She sat tall, and confident, as if she did this every weekend.

Katie, on the other hand, was a giggly, blushing mess - similar to Kelly. She kept making eye contact with the guys, and I even saw her meet my own a few times. She didn’t know whether to cover herself, or try and act natural. But I hate to say it, she probably looked the best of three girls. Her skin was a warm olive color and flawlessly smooth. Her red bra and panties fit perfectly, hugging her body as if they were a natural part of her curves. When she lost her next round, I was secretly thrilled.

“Noooo!” She cried out. “No way!” Her big brown eyes darted around the room, looking for help. But the crowd erupted in excitement.

“Time to see some puppies!” Jordan yelled out. Katie ignored him. “Unlesss….” He kept moving his glance down to her panties, suggesting she take them off.

“As if!” She responded. She continued to nervously laugh, but it sounded much more on the worried side at this point as opposed to the amused version from before.

On top of things, I’m not sure she or anyone else had realized, but Katie had been making crucial mistakes in her choices of who stripped her. Instead of going with the most awkward person first, Katie chose the two girls, before having Ed take off her dress. She was now down to two people to choose from: Jordan, with whom there was a lot of sexual tension, and myself. Her decision making didn’t get any better, as she asked Jordan to do the favors of unhooking her bra.

“Okay fine, just get it over with!” She turned her back to Jordan and closed her eyes, grimacing from the embarrassment that was about to come…
“Well this isn’t how I envisioned this happening,” he said.

“Shut up!” She replied.

“Ta da!” Jordan was quick and efficient and held Katie’s bra up in the air. He waved it around cheering. Katie instantly crossed both her arms over her breasts before anyone could see anything. “Let’s see what size we have!” Jordan began inspecting Katie’s bra.

“Stop it!” Katie laughed and reached at him with one arm, but carefully kept herself covered with the other. Jordan taunted her for a bit before tossing her bra next to her other clothes.

Katie played the next couple of rounds wearing her arm bra. I continued to catch her sneaking glances at me, so I didn’t dare try and peak at her chest. Jordan and Ed finally lost their jeans. All three of us guys had chubs forming in our underwear by this point.

With four people on the brink of being stripped completely, it finally happened.

“OOOOOHHHHHHHH!” Jordan screamed and jumped out of his chair when Katie was stuck with the losing hand.

Kelly was laughing, with her hand over her mouth, a look of relief on her face. Even Amy and Ed looked excited, a break from their blasé moods earlier in the game. I tried my best to conceal my own enthusiasm. There’s a chance, maybe even a decent one, that I’ll eventually hook up with Amy or Kelly and get to see them. But Katie was off limits. Forbidden. Which made what was about to happen all the more thrilling.

Katie sat with fear on her face, though she will wore an anxious smile. “Oh my gosh, how is this happening right now!?” Her arms crushed into her breasts, pushing them up near her chin. She took a deep sigh and grimaced. “Do I have to!?”

It was Amy who pointed it out. “Well…technically…” she looked over at me, “Drew has to.” The group erupted louder than ever.

“Noooo way!!!!” Jordan yelled out and he and Ed drummed their hands on the playing table. Kelly kept her hand over her mouth but I could see those cute dimples indicating her face wore a giant grin.

“What!? No!” Katie cried out. “No, no, no…Drew took my earrings off!” She pleaded with Amy, who clearly had the authority in the room. Amy looked at Kelly.

Kelly betrayed her friend. “I took those off K,” she said, apologetically – though laughing at the same time.

Eventually, Katie realized she had no choice. Sure, she could refuse. It’s not like any of us were gonna force her into this or anything. But her “boss” was there, who she wanted to impress. She definitely wanted to look cool in front of Jordan and Ed. And Kelly was a free spirit and wasn’t going to let up on the peer pressure.

“Fine.” Katie muttered to more cheering. She stood up and faced me. I was actually a bit nervous myself at this point. “Okay, Drew, but you have to look me in the eyes!”

“Okay, as if I’m gonna look anywhere else.” I remained in my chair. My eyes were right at about her little belly button.

“In the eyes!” She exclaimed.

“I am!” I yelled back. Her eyes were so dark at this point, pupils dilated with dread. She kept both arms over her rack and God it was difficult to not have my eyes on that. My trembling hands struggled to find her underwear as I blindly maneuvered them around her waist.

“What are you doing!?” She said. I heard laughter.

“Well..I can’t see anything!” I shouted back.

“Fine! Fine! Just do it!” She gave in.

My eyes scanned back over her arm bra and down to her hips. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband. I pulled the material away from her skin and paused…

“Oh my God I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Katie said.

I slid the underwear further past her mound and down to her athletic thighs.

“I hate you! I hate you!” Katie cried out, but there was joking in her voice, it wasn’t malicious.

I dropped her panties past her knees and let them slide to the floor. For a brief moment, Katie stood slightly hunched forward with both arms still covering her boobs and her underwear helplessly around her ankles.

I remained inches away and knew I shouldn’t stare at it. I knew I would regret it once we sobered up. But it was bare and bald…and on display. I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. As my sister caught me surveying her little cooch, she shot me a look as if to ask “really?”

At my age, I could get hard from seeing a pair of feet. So, I had zero chance at controlling myself when seeing my buck-naked sister only inches away from me. My cock sprung alive, and it didn’t take long for everyone to notice.

“uhhhh Drew…” Kelly said, sheepishly. She motioned her eyes toward my boner.

“Ohhh dude…” Jordan said, he waved away as if to tell me to take it away. I tried to rearrange myself, which was difficult with no shirt on.
Katie had regained her composure. She had dropped one hand to cover her box, as the other remained over her chest. Her bare ass was exposed for a bit, and Jordan made sure to take in the sights. But it was all brief before she sat back down. She quickly crossed her legs. I swore I saw her sneak a peak at my erection before facing the others. She had the slightest hint of a smirk on her face…

“Okay happy?” She said, addressing the others.

“Nah nah nah…you gotta at least drop your hands!” Jordan protested.

“That was never a rule!” Katie argued.

As much as I wanted to, I was in no position to join Jordan’s campaign. I had already been a little too eager at seeing my sister.

Kelly had had her fun as well and said “No you perv, you’ve seen enough! Let her be!” She hit Jordan on the arm before standing up to collect her own clothes. Her spandex shorts had been taken off by this point and I enjoyed my first looks of her round ass in her thong. She timidly placed her clothes over her rump and walked to another room.

“Yeah, think it’s best we get cleaned up,” Amy said. She gathered her own clothes but didn’t bother to walk away. She got dressed right in front of the rest of us. Ed and Jordan began to gather their stuff as well, Jordan clearly not happy with the others. He continued to dart his eyes back at Katie, waiting for her to make a move.

I got up and dressed myself and noticed Katie sliding her feet on the ground to maneuver her clothes closer to where she sat. In one quick motion, she released her hand over her crotch and gathered her articles. I made sure to get one last glimpse of her smooth triangle, but couldn’t see much. She sprung up like a cat and jolted across the room, covering her front side.

“Wow,” Jordan said aloud. I didn’t need to look at him to know what he was referring to. I myself drooled over my sister’s bouncing bare butt as she scurried into the bathroom.

Katie and Kelly ended up leaving quickly after they got dressed. They said “bye guys!” as they quickly exited the condo. Amy made her way to her room as well. I didn’t bother to try and make a move, as the vibes were all off by this point.

“Welp… don’t feel like crashing here with all these people. You wanna grab an Uber?” Jordan asked me. Having no desire to wake up and face a sober Ed and Amy after the nights’ events, I willingly approved. The two of us remained quiet during the car ride, as we tried to etch the visions of Katie into our memories…
Mick Gesitt
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Re: My Sisters and Me

Post by Mick Gesitt »

My thoughts on the spider-shower incident with Maddy are that the mom's totally onto them. Horny teenagers/20-somethings vs rational adult who has the hindsight of once BEING a horny teenager/20-something. It's really no contest. Ten years down the line when the kids have gotten a little more mature, she'll eventually tell them that she was aware of what was going on the whole time and that they weren't being nearly as discrete as they thought they were. She basically came out and said as much at the end of the chapter anyway.

As for the party with Katie, it was interesting to see two other brother-sister sibling pairs introduced. The way Amy casually brought up Ed's lack of underwear makes me believe that Drew might not be the only sibling that has gotten an eyeful of their corresponding sibling counterpart. I wonder if Drew might try to actually pursue and date Amy or Kelly in spite of Katie's relationship with them and then find the relationship failing due to some kind of interference from one of his sisters.
-Mick Gesitt of the Mountain
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