T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 75

Post by FunKelly »

Sharon was back at the cabin with my mom, when I got there. "How did your little 'Campground Tour' go Kelly?', she asked, in a tone infused with ridicule. "Fine", I replied, as I walked up and hugged my mom. "Oh, sweetheart", my mom said, as she hugged me back. She then continued, "Sharon has money for any needed supplies you two may need, and Beth knows to let you charge at the store, within reason, and I'll pay her when I return on Friday afternoon. I left your sunscreen, along with your shampoo, soap and toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet. I'm going to miss you honey", she said, while still hugging me.

"I'm sure you probably won't need them, but I left you a rain coat, sweatshirt, sweatpants and socks, incase it rains or gets cold. I figured you wouldn't use your swim suit. summer clothes or panties, so I packed them in the car, to take home with me". I couldn't utter a single word of protest, as my imposed public nudity, had been sealed for the second time, in less than an hour. Mom was now certain in her belief, that I was a nudists, and had convinced everyone else at the campground. Only Sharon, my cousin Cathy and I, knew the truth.

"Knowing you just had your period last week honey, I figured you could ask Sharon, if you need any feminine products". I could have died of embarrassment, as Sharon started laughing. "Mom!", I complained. "Oh don't be so sensitive, Kelly", Sharon said. "We all know you've been getting your period for a while now. You must have what?, twenty or thirty public hairs on your vagina?", as she continued laughing at me. "Mom!", I complained again. "Sharon. Stop teasing your sister", my mom said, but not very convincingly.

Sharon and I said goodbye to our mom, then watched her drive away. As her tail lights disappeared in the distance, Sharon said, Kelly. You know I'm just teasing you, sis. If anyone gives you any shit about being naked, you come and get me. I'm the only one allowed to do that", in a genuinely empathic tone. The clock on the wall of the cabin, read 2:15. I told Sharon I was going to see Doris, down at the stables, and would be back by dinner time. She of course, had to get in one last dig, before I took my naked little ass down to the stables. "Kelly. I was just kidding about your pubic hair. I'm sure you have at least 50 down there", she said, as she grabbed me and gave me a hug.

She then looked down at me, and said, in a motherly tone, "Be back here by 5:00". Then, unable to control herself, added, "I'll be wearing my swimsuit down at the pool if you need me, as she snickered. I was passing the General Store, on my way to the stables, when 'None Other' than Alex, came out of the store. He said, "Kelly. Wait up". "What do you want Alex?", I asked, as I let out a sigh in frustration. We were standing on the side of the store, when he looked up at me, and said, "I'm sorry I called you a slut before". I asked him, "Did you talk to Christopher about your little attitude problem, Alex ?" "Yes", he replied. "Christopher said he's going to mentor me this week". "Good", I replied, as I started to walk away.

"Kelly", he continued. "What Alex?", I answered, somewhat exasperated. "Thanks for letting me look at your pussy", he said. without a trace of hostility or aggression in his voice. Rather, he stood there displaying a quirky little grin. "Alex!", I replied, in a stern but low tone. "No really Kelly", he interrupted, "I like looking at your pussy", he said, while revealing his cute but naughty smile. "Oh yeah?" I said, as I grabbed him by his T-shirt and drug him around the back of the store, out of the view of anyone nearby. Using both hands, I grabbed the back of his head, then pulled his face right into my crotch, saying, "Is this a good enough look for you Alex?, You little pervert". I pulled his head up, just to see a hazy look in his eyes, and a crooked smile on his face. "No one will believe you, if you say anything about this. Now go back to your campground you little twerp!", I insisted.

Alex stumbled back to the side of the store, then turned towards me for one last look, at my naked form, looking a bit tipsy. "Go on!" I said, as I watched him start walking down the trail, to his group's campground. The tingling between my legs was in full force, as I had to restrain from running to the stables to meet Brenda. I got there about 2:45, to find Doris preparing a horse for a trail ride. She continued fastening the saddle, and said, "Hello Kelly. I'm heading out to ride this young guy. He's young and needs the workout". She led the horse outside, mounted him, then turned to me, and said, "Brenda's in the tack room, waiting for you", as she winked, then road off.

I ran into the tack room, closed the door behind me, leaned back against it, and let out a sigh. Brenda looked at me, and asked, "So Kelly. How did your little tutorial go? Were your young recruits well behaved?", as she snickered. "You're not going to believe it, Brenda", I replied. I then told her the whole story, including the details of both encounters I had with Alex. She just looked at me, eyes wide open, and asked, as if she wasn't sure whether to believe me or not. "You pulled Alex's face right into your pussy ? Are you kidding me, Kelly ?" I just shook my head, and said, "No", Barely believing it myself.

Brenda said, "I can't believe you pulled Alex's face into your pussy, Kelly", as she started taking her clothes off. "I think I'm a little jealous", she continued, while giggling. About and hour later, we both emerged from the tack room with two fresh smiles of sexual satisfaction, and slightly swollen and sticky pussies. The difference was that Brenda had her panties and shorts to conceal hers. Doris was back from working out her young horse, and was out back giving him a bath. We walked out to see her, and thank her for letting us use the tack room.

Doris immediately looked at my crotch, knowing what we had been doing, and noticed the results of our little lesbian encounter, back in the tack room, and said, "Kelly come over here dear". I let out a small screech, as she turned the ice cold water from the garden hose, directly onto my pussy. "I see no harm in you two experimenting a little bit. After all, at one time I was a young teenager too, but Kelly you really need to clean up the evidence if you're going to be naked all the time. Other adult women will probably notice the same way I just did, given enough time". Brenda and I were completely silent, as she gave me a quick pubic wash. She then said, "Now go get a terrycloth towel from the tack room, and dry off before you two girls head back to your cabins.

I did as instructed, then both Brenda and I said goodbye to Doris, and headed back towards our cabins. The entire journey back, people I had never seen before, were saying, "Hello Kelly", then smiling at Brenda, and saying "Hello". It happened four times, as we passed the general store, office, pool area and on the trail leading to our cabins. Brenda seemed surprised that I was able to appear so nonchalant about the attention, but this was day three of my public nudity. I had seen practically every facial expression, one might encounter while walking around totally naked, in surroundings where everyone else was fully clothed.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 76

Post by FunKelly »

Brenda and I were approaching my cabin when we saw Alex walking down from the pool area, wearing his swim trunks and carrying a towel, apparently on his way back from the pool. "That's him Brenda! That's Alex!", I exclaimed to her, in a whisper. "Kelly....He's a little cutie", she replied, also in a whisper. I attempted to casually walk away from him, when he ran to catch up with us. He stopped, and said, "Hi Kelly". "Hi Alex. Getting back from the pool ?", I asked, as though it wasn't obvious. "Yeah. I'm meeting Brandy and the others back at our campsite for dinner", barely able to take his eyes off my pussy. I just pretended I didn't notice.

Knowing I had pulled his cute little face, right into my crotch, just a short time before, was getting my adrenaline going again. "Well....See you later Alex", I said. He looked at me and licked his lips. I gave him a dirty look, but didn't say a word, as I headed for my cabin, with Brenda in tow. Fortunately, Brenda didn't see Alex's obscene gesture, or so I thought. Jimmy and Jane were sitting in their lawn chairs outside their cabin, when we arrived. "Hi Kelly", they both said. "If you or Sharon need anything, Jimmy and I will be here all week", Jane declared. "Thank you", was my short and sweet reply.

Brenda pointed to her families cabin, the fifth one on the left, just down the trail, and said, "I'll see you later Kelly", as she mockingly licked her lips, just as Alex had done. She then walked down to rejoin her family, laughing on her way. I was mortified. I went into our cabin, flopped on my bed and laid there staring at the ceiling. I started reminiscing about the crazy events of the day, especially the intimacy of having Alex's face buried in my pussy. Brenda was right, he is a cutie, even if he is only ten years old.

Present Day

Still working on my latest T-shirt order, I noticed Becky was looking something up on her cell phone. "What are you doing?", I asked. "Seeing if I can find your little friend, Brenda", she replied. "Why?", I asked. "I believe I owe a debt of gratitude, to the young girl who had such a prominent role in the development of my "Dirty Girl", she replied, still searching on her phone. "Becky! I haven't seen or talked to Brenda in years", I said, in protest. Her response was 'Classic Becky'. "Well Dirty Girl. It won't hurt to find her, so I can send her some 'Nude in Public' photos of you, with the a little note, thanking her for supporting your hobby, in it's infancy". I was starting to regret telling Becky, Brenda's last name. In an attempt to distract Becky from her search, I continued telling the story of my naked week, at the campground.

Back to the campground

Just as I was reliving my "Moment with Alex" behind the general store in my mind, while picturing him licking his lips on the trail back from the pool moments ago, feeling both mortified and aroused at the same time, Sharon walked into the cabin. She was looking phenomenal in her swim suit as usual. I was so jealous of her fantastic body, yet hopeful I would look like that someday. "How was horseback riding, Sis ? Did you have another orgasm on Chestnut's back?", she asked, as she chuckled. "I didn't go horseback riding, smart ass", I replied. "Well I'm sure Chestnut was relieved about that", she said, still snickering.

"So what were you doing down there then ?", Sharon inquired. "Just helping out around the stables. I like to hang out with Doris", I replied, thinking, "If only Sharon really knew". "Well, Sis. I don't feel like starting the grille, so we're having dinner at the Mess Tent tonight". I don't want to eat at the Mess Tent", complained. "Why not ?", she asked. I just gave her an "Isn't it obvious" expression. Sharon starting changing into her shorts and T-shirt, as she replied, "Kelly. Everyone at the campground has heard about you, and actually believe you are a 'True Nudist', and most have seen you naked, somewhere at sometime. We're just going to eat, then we'll come right back", she told me. "Alright", I grumbled.

The walk to the Mess Tent was uneventful, other than the occasional stares from the other campers, which I had become accustomed to. When we arrived, I suddenly found myself surrounded by the largest group of clothed people, I had been exposed too, especially in such close proximity. I tried to maintain my composure, as Sharon and I picked up our trays and stood in line. A few of the teenage actors from the play were there, so that helped calm me down a little. After our trays were filled with barbeque chicken, corn and green beans, we took our seats at one of the extra long picnic tables, they had in the Mess Tent. Each table held twenty people, ten on each side, and had cups and pitchers of iced tea in the centers.

The tent was so crowded, I didn't notice that Brandy and Christopher had brought six of the twelve kids, to the Mess Tent for the 5:00 serving of dinner. Of course, Alex was one of them. In fact, I didn't notice right up to the point where the eight of them were standing in front of us, holding their dinner trays. "Hi Kelly", Brandy said, in her usual high-spirited tone. "Do you mind if we sit here?" Not waiting for an answer, the eight of them took places across the table from Sharon and I. Alex naturally took the seat directly across from me. In a feeble attempt to ignore him, I introduced Brandy and Christopher to Sharon.

We all settled in for our dinner, when Brandy explained that Dennis and Lynn (the other two adult chaperones from the group) would be bringing the remaining six kids to the 6:00 serving of dinner. Meanwhile, I noticed Alex was struggling not to stare at my erect nipples. They were rock hard, and I was unable to get them to a state of relaxation. I could have died, when Brandy asked me, "Kelly dear. Are you cold ?" Sharon practically spit out her drink, while trying to keep herself from laughing out loud. "Maybe a little", I replied, restraining from covering them up, knowing that when it came to Brandy, no answer would only lead to her rephrasing her question.

Brandy continued, "Well honey, it's still 85 degrees outside. I'm sure they'll relax when you get back out in the sun". I couldn't believe the topic of conversation at the dinner table, was my erect nipples. I was experiencing a level of shame and humiliation, that no one should ever have to endure. The thing about the entire degrading situation was, Brandy meant no harm. No harm at all. It's just the way she was. Sharon started a conversation with Brandy concerning her, and the other chaperones, involvement with the twelve kids, to take the spot light off of me and my erect nipples.

Brandy and Christopher, were more than happy to talk about their progressive ideas, and how they enjoyed helping mold the minds, and assist in releasing the inner free spirits of young people. All I knew was that I was relieved Sharon had diverted their attention from me. I continued eating my dinner, avoiding eye contact with Alex. When I did finally look at him, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue across the lower half of his upper lip. When I glared at him, and mouthed the words, "Stop It", he did it again.

There were over one hundred people eating in the Mess Tent during the 5;00 serving. The noise of the dishes, silverware and conversations provided a background distraction that gave Alex the time and courage to attempt the oldest trick in the book. Believe it or not, he actually dropped his fork on the floor under the table. I immediately scanned the area to see if anyone was watching us, as Alex got under the table to retrieve his fork. No one was. "Fine Alex!", I thought to myself. " You want to see my pussy ? I'll show you my pussy!"

Not only did I 'NOT' cross my legs, but I spread my thighs slightly further apart, giving Alex a clear view of my now aroused pussy, as I could practically feel his breath between my legs. Just as it was with Stan and Irene's grandsons, I was completely turned on, having this boy who was two years younger than me, only inches from my mound, which was covered only by my small patch of pubic hair. Alex returned to his seat with his fork, then looked at me. That's when I slid my tongue across the lower half of my upper lip, just as Alex had done to me. Turnabout is fair play you know.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by karotte »

Thank you so much for this AMAZING story. I really appreciate your effort writing such a long, enjoyable, well-written story.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 77

Post by FunKelly »

The look on Alex's face, as I licked my own lips, was priceless. The ten year old boy, who was having so much fun tormenting the naked twelve year old girl, was now completely out of his element. He turned right to his dinner, started eating, and was unable to look up at me. "Alex. Does it taste good?", I asked, knowing only he knew what I was really talking about. He continued staring down at his plate, shoving the food into his mouth, and mumbled, "Mm-Hmm". I was enjoying teasing Alex so much, I almost forgot I was naked, and my erect nipples began to relax.

The teenage actor that was attracted to Sharon, walked up to our table, and asked her, "Sharon. Would you like to take a canoe out on the lake with me ?" Sharon hesitated, then looked to me. "Go ahead Sharon. I think I can walk back to the cabin by myself", I said. She turned to to the handsome young actor (who's name was Tyler) and said, "Sure. Why not ?" Sharon stood up, looked down at me, and said, "I'll meet you back at the cabin, Kelly. Jane and Jimmy should be around", then walked out of the Mess Tent with Tyler.

Since I was finished eating, I stood up, and said, "Nice to see you all again. I'm going to go back to our cabin now. I'll see you guys later". Before I was able to walk away, Brandy said, "Kelly. Let Alex walk you home. He's finished eating". Both Alex and I looked at each other with bug eyes, and started giving the dozens of reasons he didn't need too walk me back to my cabin. Amidst all the noise and chaos of the Mess Tent, Brandy barely heard a single word we were saying in opposition, and sternly insisted, "Alex! I would like you to walk this young girl back to her cabin". Christopher added, "Yes Alex. Be a gentleman and walk Kelly home".

Once out of the Mess Tent, I said to Alex, "Before you say or do anything stupid Alex, don't forget I can beat you up". We had made it to where the clearing narrowed to the trail leading to the cabins, when we ran into Jimmy and Jane, walking away from their cabin. "Hi Kelly. Who's your little friend?" "This is Alex", I replied, not really considering Alex to be my friend. "Well Hello Alex", both Jimmy and Jane said, while Jimmy extend his hand to Alex. To my surprise, Alex shook Jimmy's hand, while responding, "Hello. It's nice to meet you both". "What a perfect little gentleman", Jane said, with a motherly smile on her face, just as they continued on their way.

"Perfect little gentleman, my ass", I muttered, as we walked to my cabin. Alex had fallen a few steps behind me. on our way down the trail, when I started getting an eerie feeling. I stopped, turned around, and asked, "Alex. What are you doing back there? You're giving me the creeps !" He replied, "If I tell you, you'll just get mad at me again". "Tell me what, Alex?", I insisted. "I was just checking out your awesome little butt, Kelly". "Alex!....You have got to stop gawking at me!", I demanded. His reply was somewhat flattering, in it's own juvenile way. "I can't help it Kelly! You are so 'Hot', and your 'Naked'! It's a dream come true for me!", he said, in an attempt to explain his otherwise rude behavior.

I just sighed in exasperation, and said, "Let's go you ten year old little pervert". "Oh by the way Kelly, I just turned eleven", he replied. We walked the remaining way back to the cabin in relative silence, as I was thinking how Alex could be such a jerk sometimes, but there was no denying how cute he was. We arrived at our cabin, and I said, "Goodbye Alex". He was obviously stalling, when I asked, "What are you waiting for Alex ?" He seemed apprehensive when he asked me, "Do you want to play a game or something?" "What?" I barked. "You know. Like checkers or cards or something", he replied, revealing his oh so cute smile.

I was dumbfounded and unsure how to respond, when I found myself actually replying, "We have a deck of "UNO" cards". "I know how to play "UNO", he said, with a trace of genuine excitement in his voice. "You stay out here, while I get the cards", I said. I walked into the cabin to get the cards, completely consumed with mixed emotions. On one hand, I knew what a jerk Alex could be. On the other hand, he was so cute, and I got so turned on, displaying my naked body in front of him. I decided not to overthink the situation, retrieved the cards and returned to our picnic table, where Alex was anxiously waiting.

I sat down, started dealing the cards, and said, "Don't you cheat, Alex". By this time, my nipples were erect again, but I decided if Alex started staring at them, I wasn't going to say anything. I would just let him stare. Five minutes into our UNO game, both segments from Alex's group, crossed paths in front of our cabin. Brandy, Christopher and the five kids who had dinner with us, were heading back to their campsite, while Dennis, Lynn and the remaining six kids were on their way to the 6:00 serving. They all stopped, and observed Alex and I, for a moment. Most seemed amazed that we were actually getting along.

As Dennis and Lynn led the their group of six kids to the Mess Tent, Brandy asked Christopher to take the others back to their campsite, and she would be right behind them. Never knowing what Brandy might say or do, I was strangely relaxed, since Alex would be the only witness to any unintended humiliation, she may thrust upon me. "Kelly. Stand up and let me see you sweetheart!", Brandy said. I stood up from the table, turned towards her, and waited for the enthusiastic delivery, of what I knew would be a heavy dose of humiliation, delivered unwittingly.

"There's nothing quite so special as when a young woman's body starts to develop, while sprouting her first crop of pubic hair. Don't you agree ?", she asked, while staring at my pussy. I didn't say a word, but knew Alex must have been loving this. "You are absolutely adorable, Kelly. You have the most delightful little figure. I could just eat you up", she continued. At first, I thought Brandy must have lost all of her marbles, until I realized she was enamored with the idea that if one is willing to be completely naked in the company of others, they must have nothing to hide, and therefor can be trusted. Her next declaration confirmed my theory.

"Kelly. When I was a girl, my parents took me on vacations to Nudists Camps. They're called 'Naturists Resorts' or 'Clothing Optional Retreats' now", she said, as she rolled her eyes, "But they're all the same thing", she assured me. "A place where you can be free of your inhibitions, find your true inner self, and be liberated from the bonds of clothing, and society in general. I visit 'Clothing Optional' venues, as often as possible to this day. There's a 'Spiritual Awakening and Cleansing' that can only occur, if you are willing to be completely exposed and vulnerable, to all who may be around, with no insecurities", she continued. Brandy was about fourteen years older than me, which meant her parents were most likely hippies from the sixties.

Brandy was so thrilled to have met, what she thought to be, a 'True Nudist'. She was under the impression that I was as excited as she was, to display my totally naked body in front of anyone and everyone, who might want to observe it, no matter what their reasons. So much so, she spun me around so I was facing Alex, and said, "Alex! Doesn't Kelly have the most adorable figure?", she asked, holding me by my biceps. The level of the utter shame and humiliation I was feeling, was eclipsed only by the soreness of my rock hard nipples, and the total arousal and wetness, of my soaked pussy. Alex stared down at his UNO cards, and replied in a mumble, "I guess".

Brandy spun me back around, and said, "Prepubescent boys. What do they know?", with an attitude of dismissal towards Alex's response. She then took one last look at my naked body, and said, "Courage and Fortitude. Sheer courage and fortitude. That's what you have, Kelly". She then released me, and started walking away, saying, "Enjoy your little card game kids". It was then that I realized that both my mother and Brandy, were reliving their childhood nudist adventures, and nudist camp experiences, vicariously thru me. The problem was.....We were not at a nudist camp, and I was the only one naked.

When Brandy was out of earshot, I walked to the end of the picnic table, making sure my pussy was within two feet of Alex's view, and said, "I guess? I guess? Are you kidding me, Alex? Just moments ago you told me I was 'Hot. Now which is it ?", I demanded, desperately needing to know the real answer. Alex did not disappoint. He looked up at me, and said, "What was I going to say Kelly ? I love looking at your naked body? I love seeing your pubic hair and pussy? Brandy would have told me to come back to our campsite with her!" "Good answer", I replied.

"Come into the cabin and get some lemonade, you little perv", I said. Alex told me he couldn't. "Why not?", I asked. That's when I realized, and blatantly asked out loud, "OMG! Alex! Do you have a boner?" He sternly said, "No", but I knew he did. "You do!", I exclaimed. "Alex!....I am so flattered! Let me see it". "No", he replied. "I let you see mine, so you should let me see yours", I responded. "You let everyone see yours", he replied, while giggling. Still....I pushed him emotionally, so he might show me his little boner, and understand, the humiliation I had been going through all weekend.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by FunKelly »

After 77 chapters, I will be taking a small break from "T-shirts for sale". Look for "KWC. The election". Coming soon.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by computerphoto »

I hope you continue this, This has been a great story, and can't wait to see what happens and how it continues.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by Debbifan »

computerphoto wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:18 pm I hope you continue this, This has been a great story, and can't wait to see what happens and how it continues.
Rather than unnecessarily bumping these stories you would like to be continued, it might be better to send a PM to the authors signaling your appreciation and hopes for a continuation ? Just a suggestion, otherwise new stories get pushed down the board and can get overlooked.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by computerphoto »

it been a long time for this one
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by randomlygenerated »

I'm confused, where is part 1?
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by computerphoto »

randomlygenerated wrote: Tue Sep 17, 2024 4:58 pm I'm confused, where is part 1?
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