KWC -- Sophie Digitally Naked in School -- Complete
- Executionus
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KWC -- Sophie Digitally Naked in School -- Complete
So I wasn't originally going to enter the Karen Wagner Contest simply because I couldn't think of anything original worth doing for it. The other day, however, I had an idea that I liked. I don't think I've ever seen anybody in these forums tackle this specific, extremely modern and realistic take on the idea of being naked in school, so I'm going with it even if it's only somewhat following the original contest prompt.
I'm going to attempt to finish this up before the deadline. I have a pretty good idea what my full story is going to look like and where it's going, I just need to type it up and make it pretty.
I'm going to attempt to finish this up before the deadline. I have a pretty good idea what my full story is going to look like and where it's going, I just need to type it up and make it pretty.
Last edited by Executionus on Thu Dec 02, 2021 7:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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- Executionus
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Sophie Digitally Naked in School -- Part 1
Part 1:
Imagine if your entire school and every single person (including every single one of the boys) saw the most explicit selfies that you ever took, ones that barely held anything back, which somehow got leaked everywhere. Now imagine if nobody knew you were the girl in those pictures, and your entire life has now transformed into a desperate, frantic battle to keep your identity secret before your reputation (and every remaining drop of your dignity) are utterly destroyed. Welcome to my life.
My name's Sophie, a junior who just turned 17, and I'm normally such a very good girl. I get almost all As, except for that B in Physics last year and that D in Art caused by that witch of a bitch Miss Jenkins blatantly hating me. But still, I'm smart, fairly nerdy without getting to the weird threshold, and I never get in trouble or do wild crap like most of the other kids. This picture hell is not what I wanted my legacy to be.
I should start from the beginning. Basically, I'm horny way too often. I don't talk about that normally, obviously, but yeah I am. Some days it's bad. Some days it's REALLY bad. Some days a boy sitting next to me will smell nice enough to make my eyes roll and I have to try and play it off in case somebody saw that! I'm a good girl though, I'm not running around having sex and stuff, and honestly I haven't even been on a date in about a year now. It's not of my choosing, I'm just not all that popular compared to other girls who are taller, bustier, have working eyes, or wear really exposing clothes. Whenever I like a guy they are either not into me at all or they just friend-zone me instead. I'm pretty average-looking overall, or maybe even below average on a normal day when I'm not really trying too hard. The guys who actually do try to get with me are the nasty ones, the reekers and the tweekers, and I'm not THAT desperate. This is a lot of pent-up frustration though. Like, I want some handsome and tall daddy to pin me to a wall by my wrists, bite my neck, and then command me in a deep voice like he was my master and I his slave. I swear to God if some guy hot enough did that to me I would obey. Or a girl, I am VERY not picky on gender. I would do it all right then and there no matter who was watching and I'd even do things they don't teach you in sex ed. I just can't find anyone like that! I'm horny. I'm always horny. I'm horny typing this. And I was super-duper extremely horny Sunday, the day I took those pictures. I don't even know why I did it, I was never going to send those to anyone. Somehow I just wanted to feel hot like a porn star instead of my usual invisible unwanted self for a change. I needed to feel sexy that day and the best way to do that was to turn myself into some kinda Onlyfans model for an hour essentially.
I was home alone, nobody else was going to be home for 4 hours. When I know that I'm the only person home and there's no chance of me getting caught, I like to walk through the house 100% completely naked. It's a rush and it makes my heart beat a thousand times per minute, not to mention that it makes me insanely sensitive down there and makes fun time much more "easy access". Halfway through I had this crazy idea that I felt sexy that day and wanted to feel like I was being watched and seen (without anyone ACTUALLY seeing my naked body of course.)
I was going to take a nude selfie right away, but when I noticed my hair sticking out of my signature ponytail I decided that I needed to doll myself up first. I let my hair down, something I never really do, letting my freed brownish-blonde hair really pop in the light. I also took off my glasses for once, and then put on a bunch of make-up which was all equally out-of-character for me. I did the basic foundation and stuff, but then got creative with sky blue eye shadow, black eyeliner, and some violet wing tips on the sides. It came out really popping considering I don't have a lot of practice doing that sort of thing. After brushing my hair a bit and using a little bit of product, I felt like I was looking stunning. It honestly felt like a complete transformation, and it weirdly felt like I was looking at some completely different person in the mirror. A completely different NAKED person, which reminded me how horny I was.
I took a few neck-up close-up selfies in the mirror first, but I then quickly got crazy and took a bunch of nudes. I did full frontal shots, side shots, and some boob close-ups (even though mine are only Bs and not those giant lumps some of the other girls have). I turned around for some butt pictures, which was hard to do by myself. Then I lowered the camera in the front and took several pictures of my hairless slit with my legs still closed. Next I took a couple full-frontal nudes in different sexy poses. The more pictures I took, the hornier I was getting, so I parted my legs while standing and took a couple like that from a low angle by using the camera timer. Next I got absolutely wild and bent over for an explicit shot from behind of my clam! Lastly I laid on the floor and threw my legs extremely wide apart for several intense pussy pictures from different angles, ending it with two different shots of me using my fingers to spread myself wide like a for-real porn star! My pussy was so wet during all of this that it could be plainly seen in the pictures. I was leaking slightly on the floor during those last couple shots. My clit was sticking out far enough that even the virginest boy in school would be able to find it if he got to see any of these pictures!
God, once I had taken the porniest pictures I could think of, I went to my photos app and started looking at my own pictures as if I was looking at real porn. My hand was rubbing myself like crazy while imagining the girl in those pictures was my "girlfriend" sending me nudes. Is it weird to literally get off to pictures of yourself by imagining your pics were somebody different, somebody actually sexy? Absolutely. Did I do it though? Multiple times actually. Don't judge me! I don't get a lot of action for real, and my imagination is extremely strong. That was the best session I've had in over a year, hands-down.
When I finished up for good, I deleted the pictures and cleaned myself up in the shower before my family got home. I literally had to clean the floor afterwards too, no joke. I thought everything I did was a bunch of harmless fun, just a fantasy, and that nobody would ever see any of it or know about it. Imagine my horror and shame when 6 minutes before 2nd period that Monday my best friend Ava tells me about the big news trending all over the school.... One of our classmates had her nudes leaked, and when she showed me one of the full-frontal naked pictures I immediately recognized myself!
I shrieked in shock. Ava started giggling at me, which broke my heart for a second. Before I could say anything, though, she told me "Calm down, Sophie. I know this girl is fine as fuck, but you don't have to make a scene"
I...what? I kinda muttered something in my confusion, which I guess she took as a question to be answered "Yeah it's the funniest thing really. Nobody has figured out who this girl is yet, but apparently she's supposed to go to our school. So these pictures got sent all over the place to a bunch of the guys starting around homeroom. Nobody seems to know who did the initial leaking, probably because that boy doesn't want to get in huge trouble or whatever. Braden was nice enough to hook me up too a few minutes ago. There's like 30 of them, and some of them are wild extreme girl! Like no joke, seriously top level, everything shown, make the whole school simp and cream kinda stuff. I'll send them to you now."
I was sweating. I was sweating bullets! 30 something pictures? Wild extreme? Oh my God. OH MY GOD! Once Ava sent me the entire collection I almost fainted looking through them all. It was every single one of the ones I took the day before, right up to and including the ones where I'm spreading open my pussy with my clit sticking out and juices dripping on the floor. I felt like I was going to die. My naked pictures are trending all over the entire school! And the first two pictures were clear face shots! I know I never wear my hair down, take off my glasses, or wear fancy make-up, but how long could it possibly take before somebody realized that little dorky Sophie was the girl in the pictures? I tried to keep a poker face as I looked at them all, but I was red in the face so badly that I could feel the warmth flooding over me.
Something hit my brain for a moment as I asked Ava " do people know that she goes to this school if nobody knows who she is?"
Ava answered "Never underestimate boys. So in this picture here..." she brought up the picture of me bending over and showing off both of my holes from behind, making me almost faint from the shame of being so casually shown that picture of myself by my best friend "You can see one of our class shirts laying on the floor in the corner here. This chick HAS to go to this school, it's been confirmed already. The boys are going crazy trying to figure out who she is as we speak. It's weird to me that nobody seems to know her, though. Shit, if I knew ANY girl this hot, I wouldn't forget her. Hell I'd probably have boned her by now if she'd let me, I have no shame"
*Cough cough* I almost choked from the shock hearing that come from my bestie, my "we've known each other since 2nd grade and she's like a sister so we'd never date" bestie. I'm staring at her and looking at her eyes full of blatant lust while looking at my porn pictures, openly drooling over me and being so massively candid about how sexy she finds me...only she has no idea that she's talking about me! Has she always found me sexy and hidden it, or is she only finding this mysterious "other girl" sexy? What about this "other girl" is so hot that it blinds her to it being me? Is it just the idea of her being hot at all that makes it impossible to see that woman as being little sub-average Sophie? My mind is swimming with questions and I can't ask her even one of them without revealing my identity!
It suddenly hits me that I am Clark Kent now. I can't ever take off my glasses in public ever again for the rest of my life, or else somebody might recognize me as Superslut and my whole life would be over. Dear God, the entire school is going to see me naked before the end of the school day probably, and I can never truly talk about it with anyone. I have to suffer my shame alone forever unless I want it to actually get worse. And they're not just seeing me naked either, they are seeing ALL of me bent over, spread open, and dripping in full degrading skank mode.
Ava notices the fact that I am beet red, sweating, and choking on thin air as she asks me "Hey Soph, you ok over there? I know these pictures are fucking hot and all but you look like you need a cold shower right about now. Don't forget that we're still in school, hun. Save some of that energy for when you get home..."
Crap, my cover! I just remembered that I am a famously horny awkward bisexual girl. Ava thinks that my embarrassment comes from me being horny for the "other girl". I have to play along or else she'll figure it all out. Ava isn't stupid, and it's a pure miracle that she hasn't ALREADY recognized me yet.
"Um...yeah, sorry." I mumble "I'm just not used to any of the girls here having their pictures leaked like this. And it's, you know, a lot. She really is very, um, beautiful"
Ava chuckled "Yeah that's putting it mildly. This girl has gotta be top ten in the school! I mean damn, Soph, look at how tight her tummy V is leading from those rockin' boobs down to her OTHER V, if you know what I mean. Her privates are absolute perfection, smooth and yummy. That butt is begging me to grab it. And look at her face even. She has such beautiful eyes, killer make-up job for real, and that sexy little lip pout thing going on where she looks like she was about 10 seconds from cumming the entire photoshoot. I'd kill for my body to look like that, and I'd kill twice for that body to share my bed tonight!"
The more Ava complimented the "other girl" the more red my face got. She is gushing over me with the most amazing compliments my appearance has EVER gotten in my entire life, and I know that she isn't just saying this to be nice to me because she doesn't even know that it's me in the pics. Oh my God I can't believe that my "platonic" best friend wants to fuck me so hard right now. Do I want her back? I don't even know! It would be weird, wouldn't it? She's like a sister to me, or at least like a step-sister. AAHH! NO, not "step-sister", why the hell did I even think that? Now the massive wave of step-sister porn I've watched was stuck in my head and I was associating that with Ava.
ARGH! Wait, I can never actually sleep with her because then she'd recognize me as the girl in the pictures! Just my luck, the one time somebody on this Earth actually finds me attractive and I can't even use it to my advantage in any way. Besides, it would be weird. Too weird. I need to stop thinking about having sex with my best friend damnit! Why hasn't the bell for class rung yet?
The moment I think that, the bell finally rings. Now I can't talk anymore and we all have to put away our phones. Oh my God, I just realized that almost the entire classroom was on their phones just now. Was everybody in class looking at me naked just now? I can't even deal with this embarrassment and it's killing me inside. There are so many cute boys in this class and I just know that they were looking right at my naked PUSSY just 10 seconds ago. It honestly feels just like if I was sitting in class completely nude with the whole class staring at me. Everybody is going to see me naked. Worse, everybody is going to have PICTURES of me naked!
Oh shit. OH SHIT! I just realized that everybody is going to have these pictures of my naked body, spread-pussy and all, forever. Forever and ever, they've probably all already been saving the pictures to their cloud backups and other safe places. A few of the boys might even upload my pictures to the internet. THE INTERNET!!! Dear Lord it's a guarantee that at least one of these bastards has already posted my tits, pussy, and butthole on Pornhub or Reddit by now. Maybe even my face close-ups, which I silently prayed they would have the mercy of not doing just to spare me some shred of dignity through anonymity. The whole world is going to be downloading me against my will, getting off to me again and again and there's nothing I can ever do to stop it. This is humiliating and why...why does part of me find that thought kinda sexy?
This class winds up being the longest class of my life, and I can't even remotely focus on what the teacher is saying to us. When the bell finally lets us out I run straight to the bathroom as fast as I can possibly go. I jump into the stall, collapse on my knees, and throw up right then and there. I had been holding that in for most of the class, trying not to humiliate myself any more than I already have today. This whole morning has my head spinning and my nerves shot, even though I'm trying desperately to keep up a poker face to keep anyone from figuring out that I am the girl in the pictures.
For the first time I finally bring up my own photos app, trying to figure out how this could possibly have happened. I deleted all of those pictures Sunday, I know that I did. I never sent them out to anyone and they only existed for an hour tops. How in the hell did somebody get ahold of them? How did that person know that I was a student here in order to tell everyone? And why did the person leaking my pictures seemingly not even know who I was, or at least refuse to tell anyone? I combed through my phone for answers.
The first thing I realized was that while I "deleted" the pictures, in reality they were all sitting in the trash folder for Google Photos. I had apparently forgotten to empty the trash in all of the haze of my afterglow yesterday. But still, somebody would have to access my phone to get there, or at least somehow hack my Google account. Because my little brother is a toad I make sure to never leave my phone sitting where that little freshman jerk might get ahold of it, and I can guarantee it never left my side all Sunday. As for the account, I don't even let Ava or my parents know my password, and it's not like I'm the type of idiot to just leave my account logged in on some public computer...right? RIGHT??
Frantically I sprinted over to the computer lab because a horrible thought hit me. I ran over to the computer that I had used on Friday for the graphic arts project we're doing in art class. I needed to see if I had left it logged in to my Google account over the weekend, where somebody might have found it and accessed it. A younger boy was sitting on that computer already, which was weird because we're between classes.
Actually, that reminded me that I needed to hurry and get to my next class before I was late, so I needed to take care of this issue ASAP. I looked over at the computer screen once I got close enough to him and I froze the moment I saw myself on the screen! He was zooming in on my pussy lips in one of the pictures shot from underneath with my legs parted, using the sizable monitor (much larger than a phone screen) to bring my images up to actual size right in front of his face. There was far more detail in that picture than I ever realized because I never actually looked at it with a big screen before. Oh my God there is probably the same level of insane detail in ALL of my pictures!
The moment he noticed me approaching him he jumped in fright and clicked the x on the picture, trying to pretend that he wasn't just looking up porn in the computer lab. His face turned massively red instantly, and I could tell how hugely embarrassed this younger boy was to be caught in the act like that, especially by a girl. I actually felt sorry for him somehow and felt bad for catching him a little bit, as completely idiotic as that sounds. It's not like any of my suffering or embarrassment was his fault...he was just super horny and fantasizing about a hot classmate whose nudes leaked. I can relate.
Me being the sweet, always-compassionate, clearly stupid girl that I am, I instinctually went to comfort him "Hey hey, it's ok. We've, uh...we've all been looking at those pictures today. They're really hot, right?"
He relaxed a bit for a couple seconds and then asked me "...You like looking at girls?"
Mentally splitting myself from the reality of the situation I answered "Oh yes, very much. Trust me, it's ok, I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm going to be getting a good look at these myself later when I'm alone at home. Actually I was just coming here to make sure that I didn't accidentally leave Google logged in to my account on this computer."
The boy instantly responded "You didn't. Nobody was logged in when I got here. I'm logged into my account right now to access the pictures." I breathed a sigh of relief, even though that eliminated the only lead I had as to how I got leaked everywhere.
The boy continued "Promise not to laugh at me, but the only computer at my house is in the living room where my parents would see. I never get to look at things like this because they'd see it too, and even my phone is blocked from going to most adult websites. That's why I came here in order to get a good look at her while I can"
Without warning me, he then opened one of my full-frontal pictures and hit full screen mode on it. There I was, completely naked with my hands on my hips, everything from my knees to my hairline in clear view. Meanwhile here I was, Clark Kent, standing right next to this boy hoping that he wouldn't be able to tell that it was me. When I went silent accidentally from the shock of seeing myself naked on a 40-inch screen, he must've thought that I froze out of hormones since he quickly told me "You like her too, don't you? Man, this girl is flawless, absolute perfection! She's the hottest girl I've ever seen in my life, and she supposedly goes to our school. I never thought that I'd ever get to see one of the girls here naked, especially someone even hotter than Cindy Brown! It's too bad a girl like that wouldn't even notice that I exist"
Damnit, this freshman (I think) boy raving over how he thinks that I am the most attractive girl in the school, even over Cindy freaking Brown the bombshell cheerleader who could give Barbie image issues, was making me blush so hard that I could physically feel it in my face again. My heart was beating fast, far too fast. The embarrassment was one thing, but all these compliments were actually hitting me even stronger somehow. God, I'm not used to all of this sexual attention. There's no way that I compare to that goddess Cindy for starters. Do I really look that sexy when I actually put in the effort to look good for a change? I keep looking myself over in the pictures trying to see what was so different from my usual self (aside from the hair, glasses, make-up, and being effing naked of course).
That's when the guy stunned me by suddenly apologizing "Oh! Sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about yourself or anything by talking about her like that to you. You' cute too, honest."
The way he suddenly blushed again after calling me-me cute sent a bolt of feelings through me that I wasn't ready for. My heart jumped, even though I don't even know this boy's name. He is pretty handsome at least, but now is NOT the time to be getting any random feelings for strangers. I stutter "Oh, uh, thanks. You're cute too, you know. I'll bet you could easily get a girl like that being such a sweetheart. You might even be liked by that exact girl without knowing it, trust me. But also, we need to get to class in like one minute! Maybe I'll see you later. What's your name?"
"Ben. And crap, we gotta run!" And we did. I don't think he even realized that I never actually gave him my name, but time was quickly running out. I barely got to class in time with literally 3 seconds to spare.
The entirety of 3rd period my heart was beating out of my chest. Such a pure and innocent cute boy, and seemingly really nice too even though he was a year or two younger than me, just practically declared his love for me in a way that not a single boyfriend in my life had ever done. Part of me was really tempted to tell him that I was the girl in the pictures and see where that went. Another part of me reminded that other part that I had ZERO idea if I could trust him not to tell the entire school if I did. God this was torture. The only thing worse than the stress of keeping this secret would be the absolute soul-crushing mortification that I would feel if the secret actually got out.
Looking around the class I noticed not one, not two, but three of the boys in class with their phones sitting on their laps so that they could secretly stare at their favorite pictures of me while pretending to pay attention to the teacher. One of the boys staring at his lap, Cliff, is a really good friend of mine too. Argh, I can't believe Cliff is seeing me naked right now and I can't stop him! This is so damn humiliating. He can see everything on me and it's completely not fair. I never got to see anything of his, for starters. My mind wonders what parts of me he is looking at right now and which picture is his favorite.... The answer would probably make me cringe, yet somehow my morbid curiosity still wanted to know.
Actually, this whole issue is even stupider than I first mentioned. That guy Cliff and I tried to date earlier this year sorta until he completely friend-zoned me right away and told me that he just "didn't have those kinda feelings" for me. It was a friendly split and we've remained close, but now I'm feeling very weird about the whole thing. This dude seriously rejected me-me for not getting him hard enough or whatever, yet he can't go even an hour without drooling over the "other girl"? What the actual fuck? Am I reaching the point where normal me can't even slightly compete with "other girl"? How does any of this entire stinking day make even the slightest bit of sense? I don't even know what emotions I'm feeling now. It's all a mixture of shame, embarrassment, regret, a disturbing level of horniness which is honestly making me question things about my kinks now, and a depressingly high level of jealousy. I am starting to get really jealous...of myself! This day couldn't possibly get any weirder.
And of course, the instant I think that thought, I happen to notice this toxic vile hemorrhoid named Billy staring at his phone, hidden in his math book like a pornie bookmark. I can actually see a little bit of myself on his screen, and the idea of that THING seeing me naked makes me want to vomit again right there in the classroom. Ugh! Hell no. God, that cruel, horrible, evil prick gets to see me naked too. I try to concentrate and manifest psychic powers just to somehow break his phone with my mind, but it doesn't work. People like Cliff or Ava or even that freshman boy Ben seeing me naked is embarrassing and humiliating beyond belief, but at least I LIKE those people and can maybe eventually accept over time that they've all seen my privates. I feel a new wave of shame wash over me as it really starts to dawn on me that EVERYBODY in school is going to see me naked before this day is over with, even the people I despise. Even the "people" like Billy where I would rather die than ever be used as a fleeting sexual thought in that creature's entire twisted lifespan. And now he was going to have my pictures to jerk off to for as long as he wants them. He might even keep them into old age. Gross.
The bell rings. Wait, really? Oh crap, I wasn't even remotely paying attention to the teacher and I have zero clue what the homework was. Oh well. Honestly I don't even care today, I'll take that zero. I'll probably just drop out anyway whenever I get outed as the official Whore of Southshore High. There's no way that I could ever show my face in this school again if I was ever discovered.
Suddenly I notice that Cliff has run up to see me. I'm still in my desk, moving very slowly from all of the stress. We usually walk to lunch together, so I should probably do that now. He greets me with a big smile and asks "Yo Sophie, you see the big news yet?"
Completely deadpan I answer "The leaked pics? Yep. And fyi, you should be more subtle when looking at them in your lap during class, pervo"
Cliff's mouth drops in a mixed laugh/gasp reaction as it takes him 5 whole seconds to recover from my burn "Ouch! Was it really THAT obvious?"
I respond "Not as blatant as a couple of the guys at least. I was just amused by everyone looking in their laps and other phone hiding spots. You're lucky the teachers don't know about this whole thing yet. They'll probably start confiscating everyone's phones to make us all pay attention. Billy's stupid incel ass was using his phone like a bookmark, like a complete imbecile. I don't know HOW he didn't get caught."
Cliff took my hand to lead me down the hallway, which is honestly a normal thing for us but today it felt weirder because he had just been looking at me naked a few minutes ago and I knew that he was horny for me right now (without knowing that it was me, of course). My mind had a naughty flash of wondering if he was hard right now because of me, but then I silenced that train of thinking immediately because I do NOT need more shit on my mind today!
He then asked me as we walked "So you and Ava usually know all of the good intel around school relating to the girls. You two figure out who the hot chick in the pictures is yet?"
I concentrated on not reacting "No. I don't actually think that she goes to this school since nobody seems to know her. We should probably just give up searching since it's a hoax."
Cliff then completely casually replied to me "You know the funny thing? She actually looks a whole bunch like you"
*COUGH* *GASP* Holy crap I almost forgot how oxygen works for a second. I look at him and try my best to bluff "WHAT? No way, that girl looks nothing like me! You're crazy"
He looks me over really closely from head to toe before telling me "No I'm being serious. Like if you told me that she was your sister or a cousin or something I wouldn't be surprised at all. She kinda has your basic figure and facial shape."
My heart is trying its best to bust out of my chest like a Xenomorph. I can't have him figuring it out, and he's so damn close. I push back "No she doesn't. It's pretty obvious that all the boys, and also Ava, all think that she's super hot. Nobody thinks I'm hot, not counting the incel losers. You don't even think I'm hot if you remember"
Cliff then stopped walking, forcing me to stop too since he was holding my hand. I turned to look him directly in the eye as he very seriously told me "Ok first of all, I do too think that you're hot. And you might not believe me but so do several other guys I know. I didn't want us to date because it felt awkward dating a friend, that's all. Don't you start thinking down on yourself and that you're not hot, I will fight you. I bet money that you look just as good without clothes as she does."
Why is everybody complimenting me so much today? I can't take it, somehow the compliments about my body and about me being sexy are hitting me even more strongly than the embarrassment over everybody seeing me naked in school today. This isn't my life normally, I'm not used to this. And I'm starting to seriously suspect that I might have a huge compliment kink, so this conversation is getting me WAY too hot and bothered for such a public location with a guy who just wants to be friends.
I need him to stop thinking so hard about me and "her" at the same time though, so I decide to try dropping the subject entirely "Ok ok, you win! I'm hot. I'm also hungry, so can you get back to walking before I start biting your hand off?"
He smirked "Don't threaten me with a good time, baby." as we finally resumed walking to lunch.
Imagine if your entire school and every single person (including every single one of the boys) saw the most explicit selfies that you ever took, ones that barely held anything back, which somehow got leaked everywhere. Now imagine if nobody knew you were the girl in those pictures, and your entire life has now transformed into a desperate, frantic battle to keep your identity secret before your reputation (and every remaining drop of your dignity) are utterly destroyed. Welcome to my life.
My name's Sophie, a junior who just turned 17, and I'm normally such a very good girl. I get almost all As, except for that B in Physics last year and that D in Art caused by that witch of a bitch Miss Jenkins blatantly hating me. But still, I'm smart, fairly nerdy without getting to the weird threshold, and I never get in trouble or do wild crap like most of the other kids. This picture hell is not what I wanted my legacy to be.
I should start from the beginning. Basically, I'm horny way too often. I don't talk about that normally, obviously, but yeah I am. Some days it's bad. Some days it's REALLY bad. Some days a boy sitting next to me will smell nice enough to make my eyes roll and I have to try and play it off in case somebody saw that! I'm a good girl though, I'm not running around having sex and stuff, and honestly I haven't even been on a date in about a year now. It's not of my choosing, I'm just not all that popular compared to other girls who are taller, bustier, have working eyes, or wear really exposing clothes. Whenever I like a guy they are either not into me at all or they just friend-zone me instead. I'm pretty average-looking overall, or maybe even below average on a normal day when I'm not really trying too hard. The guys who actually do try to get with me are the nasty ones, the reekers and the tweekers, and I'm not THAT desperate. This is a lot of pent-up frustration though. Like, I want some handsome and tall daddy to pin me to a wall by my wrists, bite my neck, and then command me in a deep voice like he was my master and I his slave. I swear to God if some guy hot enough did that to me I would obey. Or a girl, I am VERY not picky on gender. I would do it all right then and there no matter who was watching and I'd even do things they don't teach you in sex ed. I just can't find anyone like that! I'm horny. I'm always horny. I'm horny typing this. And I was super-duper extremely horny Sunday, the day I took those pictures. I don't even know why I did it, I was never going to send those to anyone. Somehow I just wanted to feel hot like a porn star instead of my usual invisible unwanted self for a change. I needed to feel sexy that day and the best way to do that was to turn myself into some kinda Onlyfans model for an hour essentially.
I was home alone, nobody else was going to be home for 4 hours. When I know that I'm the only person home and there's no chance of me getting caught, I like to walk through the house 100% completely naked. It's a rush and it makes my heart beat a thousand times per minute, not to mention that it makes me insanely sensitive down there and makes fun time much more "easy access". Halfway through I had this crazy idea that I felt sexy that day and wanted to feel like I was being watched and seen (without anyone ACTUALLY seeing my naked body of course.)
I was going to take a nude selfie right away, but when I noticed my hair sticking out of my signature ponytail I decided that I needed to doll myself up first. I let my hair down, something I never really do, letting my freed brownish-blonde hair really pop in the light. I also took off my glasses for once, and then put on a bunch of make-up which was all equally out-of-character for me. I did the basic foundation and stuff, but then got creative with sky blue eye shadow, black eyeliner, and some violet wing tips on the sides. It came out really popping considering I don't have a lot of practice doing that sort of thing. After brushing my hair a bit and using a little bit of product, I felt like I was looking stunning. It honestly felt like a complete transformation, and it weirdly felt like I was looking at some completely different person in the mirror. A completely different NAKED person, which reminded me how horny I was.
I took a few neck-up close-up selfies in the mirror first, but I then quickly got crazy and took a bunch of nudes. I did full frontal shots, side shots, and some boob close-ups (even though mine are only Bs and not those giant lumps some of the other girls have). I turned around for some butt pictures, which was hard to do by myself. Then I lowered the camera in the front and took several pictures of my hairless slit with my legs still closed. Next I took a couple full-frontal nudes in different sexy poses. The more pictures I took, the hornier I was getting, so I parted my legs while standing and took a couple like that from a low angle by using the camera timer. Next I got absolutely wild and bent over for an explicit shot from behind of my clam! Lastly I laid on the floor and threw my legs extremely wide apart for several intense pussy pictures from different angles, ending it with two different shots of me using my fingers to spread myself wide like a for-real porn star! My pussy was so wet during all of this that it could be plainly seen in the pictures. I was leaking slightly on the floor during those last couple shots. My clit was sticking out far enough that even the virginest boy in school would be able to find it if he got to see any of these pictures!
God, once I had taken the porniest pictures I could think of, I went to my photos app and started looking at my own pictures as if I was looking at real porn. My hand was rubbing myself like crazy while imagining the girl in those pictures was my "girlfriend" sending me nudes. Is it weird to literally get off to pictures of yourself by imagining your pics were somebody different, somebody actually sexy? Absolutely. Did I do it though? Multiple times actually. Don't judge me! I don't get a lot of action for real, and my imagination is extremely strong. That was the best session I've had in over a year, hands-down.
When I finished up for good, I deleted the pictures and cleaned myself up in the shower before my family got home. I literally had to clean the floor afterwards too, no joke. I thought everything I did was a bunch of harmless fun, just a fantasy, and that nobody would ever see any of it or know about it. Imagine my horror and shame when 6 minutes before 2nd period that Monday my best friend Ava tells me about the big news trending all over the school.... One of our classmates had her nudes leaked, and when she showed me one of the full-frontal naked pictures I immediately recognized myself!
I shrieked in shock. Ava started giggling at me, which broke my heart for a second. Before I could say anything, though, she told me "Calm down, Sophie. I know this girl is fine as fuck, but you don't have to make a scene"
I...what? I kinda muttered something in my confusion, which I guess she took as a question to be answered "Yeah it's the funniest thing really. Nobody has figured out who this girl is yet, but apparently she's supposed to go to our school. So these pictures got sent all over the place to a bunch of the guys starting around homeroom. Nobody seems to know who did the initial leaking, probably because that boy doesn't want to get in huge trouble or whatever. Braden was nice enough to hook me up too a few minutes ago. There's like 30 of them, and some of them are wild extreme girl! Like no joke, seriously top level, everything shown, make the whole school simp and cream kinda stuff. I'll send them to you now."
I was sweating. I was sweating bullets! 30 something pictures? Wild extreme? Oh my God. OH MY GOD! Once Ava sent me the entire collection I almost fainted looking through them all. It was every single one of the ones I took the day before, right up to and including the ones where I'm spreading open my pussy with my clit sticking out and juices dripping on the floor. I felt like I was going to die. My naked pictures are trending all over the entire school! And the first two pictures were clear face shots! I know I never wear my hair down, take off my glasses, or wear fancy make-up, but how long could it possibly take before somebody realized that little dorky Sophie was the girl in the pictures? I tried to keep a poker face as I looked at them all, but I was red in the face so badly that I could feel the warmth flooding over me.
Something hit my brain for a moment as I asked Ava " do people know that she goes to this school if nobody knows who she is?"
Ava answered "Never underestimate boys. So in this picture here..." she brought up the picture of me bending over and showing off both of my holes from behind, making me almost faint from the shame of being so casually shown that picture of myself by my best friend "You can see one of our class shirts laying on the floor in the corner here. This chick HAS to go to this school, it's been confirmed already. The boys are going crazy trying to figure out who she is as we speak. It's weird to me that nobody seems to know her, though. Shit, if I knew ANY girl this hot, I wouldn't forget her. Hell I'd probably have boned her by now if she'd let me, I have no shame"
*Cough cough* I almost choked from the shock hearing that come from my bestie, my "we've known each other since 2nd grade and she's like a sister so we'd never date" bestie. I'm staring at her and looking at her eyes full of blatant lust while looking at my porn pictures, openly drooling over me and being so massively candid about how sexy she finds me...only she has no idea that she's talking about me! Has she always found me sexy and hidden it, or is she only finding this mysterious "other girl" sexy? What about this "other girl" is so hot that it blinds her to it being me? Is it just the idea of her being hot at all that makes it impossible to see that woman as being little sub-average Sophie? My mind is swimming with questions and I can't ask her even one of them without revealing my identity!
It suddenly hits me that I am Clark Kent now. I can't ever take off my glasses in public ever again for the rest of my life, or else somebody might recognize me as Superslut and my whole life would be over. Dear God, the entire school is going to see me naked before the end of the school day probably, and I can never truly talk about it with anyone. I have to suffer my shame alone forever unless I want it to actually get worse. And they're not just seeing me naked either, they are seeing ALL of me bent over, spread open, and dripping in full degrading skank mode.
Ava notices the fact that I am beet red, sweating, and choking on thin air as she asks me "Hey Soph, you ok over there? I know these pictures are fucking hot and all but you look like you need a cold shower right about now. Don't forget that we're still in school, hun. Save some of that energy for when you get home..."
Crap, my cover! I just remembered that I am a famously horny awkward bisexual girl. Ava thinks that my embarrassment comes from me being horny for the "other girl". I have to play along or else she'll figure it all out. Ava isn't stupid, and it's a pure miracle that she hasn't ALREADY recognized me yet.
"Um...yeah, sorry." I mumble "I'm just not used to any of the girls here having their pictures leaked like this. And it's, you know, a lot. She really is very, um, beautiful"
Ava chuckled "Yeah that's putting it mildly. This girl has gotta be top ten in the school! I mean damn, Soph, look at how tight her tummy V is leading from those rockin' boobs down to her OTHER V, if you know what I mean. Her privates are absolute perfection, smooth and yummy. That butt is begging me to grab it. And look at her face even. She has such beautiful eyes, killer make-up job for real, and that sexy little lip pout thing going on where she looks like she was about 10 seconds from cumming the entire photoshoot. I'd kill for my body to look like that, and I'd kill twice for that body to share my bed tonight!"
The more Ava complimented the "other girl" the more red my face got. She is gushing over me with the most amazing compliments my appearance has EVER gotten in my entire life, and I know that she isn't just saying this to be nice to me because she doesn't even know that it's me in the pics. Oh my God I can't believe that my "platonic" best friend wants to fuck me so hard right now. Do I want her back? I don't even know! It would be weird, wouldn't it? She's like a sister to me, or at least like a step-sister. AAHH! NO, not "step-sister", why the hell did I even think that? Now the massive wave of step-sister porn I've watched was stuck in my head and I was associating that with Ava.
ARGH! Wait, I can never actually sleep with her because then she'd recognize me as the girl in the pictures! Just my luck, the one time somebody on this Earth actually finds me attractive and I can't even use it to my advantage in any way. Besides, it would be weird. Too weird. I need to stop thinking about having sex with my best friend damnit! Why hasn't the bell for class rung yet?
The moment I think that, the bell finally rings. Now I can't talk anymore and we all have to put away our phones. Oh my God, I just realized that almost the entire classroom was on their phones just now. Was everybody in class looking at me naked just now? I can't even deal with this embarrassment and it's killing me inside. There are so many cute boys in this class and I just know that they were looking right at my naked PUSSY just 10 seconds ago. It honestly feels just like if I was sitting in class completely nude with the whole class staring at me. Everybody is going to see me naked. Worse, everybody is going to have PICTURES of me naked!
Oh shit. OH SHIT! I just realized that everybody is going to have these pictures of my naked body, spread-pussy and all, forever. Forever and ever, they've probably all already been saving the pictures to their cloud backups and other safe places. A few of the boys might even upload my pictures to the internet. THE INTERNET!!! Dear Lord it's a guarantee that at least one of these bastards has already posted my tits, pussy, and butthole on Pornhub or Reddit by now. Maybe even my face close-ups, which I silently prayed they would have the mercy of not doing just to spare me some shred of dignity through anonymity. The whole world is going to be downloading me against my will, getting off to me again and again and there's nothing I can ever do to stop it. This is humiliating and why...why does part of me find that thought kinda sexy?
This class winds up being the longest class of my life, and I can't even remotely focus on what the teacher is saying to us. When the bell finally lets us out I run straight to the bathroom as fast as I can possibly go. I jump into the stall, collapse on my knees, and throw up right then and there. I had been holding that in for most of the class, trying not to humiliate myself any more than I already have today. This whole morning has my head spinning and my nerves shot, even though I'm trying desperately to keep up a poker face to keep anyone from figuring out that I am the girl in the pictures.
For the first time I finally bring up my own photos app, trying to figure out how this could possibly have happened. I deleted all of those pictures Sunday, I know that I did. I never sent them out to anyone and they only existed for an hour tops. How in the hell did somebody get ahold of them? How did that person know that I was a student here in order to tell everyone? And why did the person leaking my pictures seemingly not even know who I was, or at least refuse to tell anyone? I combed through my phone for answers.
The first thing I realized was that while I "deleted" the pictures, in reality they were all sitting in the trash folder for Google Photos. I had apparently forgotten to empty the trash in all of the haze of my afterglow yesterday. But still, somebody would have to access my phone to get there, or at least somehow hack my Google account. Because my little brother is a toad I make sure to never leave my phone sitting where that little freshman jerk might get ahold of it, and I can guarantee it never left my side all Sunday. As for the account, I don't even let Ava or my parents know my password, and it's not like I'm the type of idiot to just leave my account logged in on some public computer...right? RIGHT??
Frantically I sprinted over to the computer lab because a horrible thought hit me. I ran over to the computer that I had used on Friday for the graphic arts project we're doing in art class. I needed to see if I had left it logged in to my Google account over the weekend, where somebody might have found it and accessed it. A younger boy was sitting on that computer already, which was weird because we're between classes.
Actually, that reminded me that I needed to hurry and get to my next class before I was late, so I needed to take care of this issue ASAP. I looked over at the computer screen once I got close enough to him and I froze the moment I saw myself on the screen! He was zooming in on my pussy lips in one of the pictures shot from underneath with my legs parted, using the sizable monitor (much larger than a phone screen) to bring my images up to actual size right in front of his face. There was far more detail in that picture than I ever realized because I never actually looked at it with a big screen before. Oh my God there is probably the same level of insane detail in ALL of my pictures!
The moment he noticed me approaching him he jumped in fright and clicked the x on the picture, trying to pretend that he wasn't just looking up porn in the computer lab. His face turned massively red instantly, and I could tell how hugely embarrassed this younger boy was to be caught in the act like that, especially by a girl. I actually felt sorry for him somehow and felt bad for catching him a little bit, as completely idiotic as that sounds. It's not like any of my suffering or embarrassment was his fault...he was just super horny and fantasizing about a hot classmate whose nudes leaked. I can relate.
Me being the sweet, always-compassionate, clearly stupid girl that I am, I instinctually went to comfort him "Hey hey, it's ok. We've, uh...we've all been looking at those pictures today. They're really hot, right?"
He relaxed a bit for a couple seconds and then asked me "...You like looking at girls?"
Mentally splitting myself from the reality of the situation I answered "Oh yes, very much. Trust me, it's ok, I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm going to be getting a good look at these myself later when I'm alone at home. Actually I was just coming here to make sure that I didn't accidentally leave Google logged in to my account on this computer."
The boy instantly responded "You didn't. Nobody was logged in when I got here. I'm logged into my account right now to access the pictures." I breathed a sigh of relief, even though that eliminated the only lead I had as to how I got leaked everywhere.
The boy continued "Promise not to laugh at me, but the only computer at my house is in the living room where my parents would see. I never get to look at things like this because they'd see it too, and even my phone is blocked from going to most adult websites. That's why I came here in order to get a good look at her while I can"
Without warning me, he then opened one of my full-frontal pictures and hit full screen mode on it. There I was, completely naked with my hands on my hips, everything from my knees to my hairline in clear view. Meanwhile here I was, Clark Kent, standing right next to this boy hoping that he wouldn't be able to tell that it was me. When I went silent accidentally from the shock of seeing myself naked on a 40-inch screen, he must've thought that I froze out of hormones since he quickly told me "You like her too, don't you? Man, this girl is flawless, absolute perfection! She's the hottest girl I've ever seen in my life, and she supposedly goes to our school. I never thought that I'd ever get to see one of the girls here naked, especially someone even hotter than Cindy Brown! It's too bad a girl like that wouldn't even notice that I exist"
Damnit, this freshman (I think) boy raving over how he thinks that I am the most attractive girl in the school, even over Cindy freaking Brown the bombshell cheerleader who could give Barbie image issues, was making me blush so hard that I could physically feel it in my face again. My heart was beating fast, far too fast. The embarrassment was one thing, but all these compliments were actually hitting me even stronger somehow. God, I'm not used to all of this sexual attention. There's no way that I compare to that goddess Cindy for starters. Do I really look that sexy when I actually put in the effort to look good for a change? I keep looking myself over in the pictures trying to see what was so different from my usual self (aside from the hair, glasses, make-up, and being effing naked of course).
That's when the guy stunned me by suddenly apologizing "Oh! Sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad about yourself or anything by talking about her like that to you. You' cute too, honest."
The way he suddenly blushed again after calling me-me cute sent a bolt of feelings through me that I wasn't ready for. My heart jumped, even though I don't even know this boy's name. He is pretty handsome at least, but now is NOT the time to be getting any random feelings for strangers. I stutter "Oh, uh, thanks. You're cute too, you know. I'll bet you could easily get a girl like that being such a sweetheart. You might even be liked by that exact girl without knowing it, trust me. But also, we need to get to class in like one minute! Maybe I'll see you later. What's your name?"
"Ben. And crap, we gotta run!" And we did. I don't think he even realized that I never actually gave him my name, but time was quickly running out. I barely got to class in time with literally 3 seconds to spare.
The entirety of 3rd period my heart was beating out of my chest. Such a pure and innocent cute boy, and seemingly really nice too even though he was a year or two younger than me, just practically declared his love for me in a way that not a single boyfriend in my life had ever done. Part of me was really tempted to tell him that I was the girl in the pictures and see where that went. Another part of me reminded that other part that I had ZERO idea if I could trust him not to tell the entire school if I did. God this was torture. The only thing worse than the stress of keeping this secret would be the absolute soul-crushing mortification that I would feel if the secret actually got out.
Looking around the class I noticed not one, not two, but three of the boys in class with their phones sitting on their laps so that they could secretly stare at their favorite pictures of me while pretending to pay attention to the teacher. One of the boys staring at his lap, Cliff, is a really good friend of mine too. Argh, I can't believe Cliff is seeing me naked right now and I can't stop him! This is so damn humiliating. He can see everything on me and it's completely not fair. I never got to see anything of his, for starters. My mind wonders what parts of me he is looking at right now and which picture is his favorite.... The answer would probably make me cringe, yet somehow my morbid curiosity still wanted to know.
Actually, this whole issue is even stupider than I first mentioned. That guy Cliff and I tried to date earlier this year sorta until he completely friend-zoned me right away and told me that he just "didn't have those kinda feelings" for me. It was a friendly split and we've remained close, but now I'm feeling very weird about the whole thing. This dude seriously rejected me-me for not getting him hard enough or whatever, yet he can't go even an hour without drooling over the "other girl"? What the actual fuck? Am I reaching the point where normal me can't even slightly compete with "other girl"? How does any of this entire stinking day make even the slightest bit of sense? I don't even know what emotions I'm feeling now. It's all a mixture of shame, embarrassment, regret, a disturbing level of horniness which is honestly making me question things about my kinks now, and a depressingly high level of jealousy. I am starting to get really jealous...of myself! This day couldn't possibly get any weirder.
And of course, the instant I think that thought, I happen to notice this toxic vile hemorrhoid named Billy staring at his phone, hidden in his math book like a pornie bookmark. I can actually see a little bit of myself on his screen, and the idea of that THING seeing me naked makes me want to vomit again right there in the classroom. Ugh! Hell no. God, that cruel, horrible, evil prick gets to see me naked too. I try to concentrate and manifest psychic powers just to somehow break his phone with my mind, but it doesn't work. People like Cliff or Ava or even that freshman boy Ben seeing me naked is embarrassing and humiliating beyond belief, but at least I LIKE those people and can maybe eventually accept over time that they've all seen my privates. I feel a new wave of shame wash over me as it really starts to dawn on me that EVERYBODY in school is going to see me naked before this day is over with, even the people I despise. Even the "people" like Billy where I would rather die than ever be used as a fleeting sexual thought in that creature's entire twisted lifespan. And now he was going to have my pictures to jerk off to for as long as he wants them. He might even keep them into old age. Gross.
The bell rings. Wait, really? Oh crap, I wasn't even remotely paying attention to the teacher and I have zero clue what the homework was. Oh well. Honestly I don't even care today, I'll take that zero. I'll probably just drop out anyway whenever I get outed as the official Whore of Southshore High. There's no way that I could ever show my face in this school again if I was ever discovered.
Suddenly I notice that Cliff has run up to see me. I'm still in my desk, moving very slowly from all of the stress. We usually walk to lunch together, so I should probably do that now. He greets me with a big smile and asks "Yo Sophie, you see the big news yet?"
Completely deadpan I answer "The leaked pics? Yep. And fyi, you should be more subtle when looking at them in your lap during class, pervo"
Cliff's mouth drops in a mixed laugh/gasp reaction as it takes him 5 whole seconds to recover from my burn "Ouch! Was it really THAT obvious?"
I respond "Not as blatant as a couple of the guys at least. I was just amused by everyone looking in their laps and other phone hiding spots. You're lucky the teachers don't know about this whole thing yet. They'll probably start confiscating everyone's phones to make us all pay attention. Billy's stupid incel ass was using his phone like a bookmark, like a complete imbecile. I don't know HOW he didn't get caught."
Cliff took my hand to lead me down the hallway, which is honestly a normal thing for us but today it felt weirder because he had just been looking at me naked a few minutes ago and I knew that he was horny for me right now (without knowing that it was me, of course). My mind had a naughty flash of wondering if he was hard right now because of me, but then I silenced that train of thinking immediately because I do NOT need more shit on my mind today!
He then asked me as we walked "So you and Ava usually know all of the good intel around school relating to the girls. You two figure out who the hot chick in the pictures is yet?"
I concentrated on not reacting "No. I don't actually think that she goes to this school since nobody seems to know her. We should probably just give up searching since it's a hoax."
Cliff then completely casually replied to me "You know the funny thing? She actually looks a whole bunch like you"
*COUGH* *GASP* Holy crap I almost forgot how oxygen works for a second. I look at him and try my best to bluff "WHAT? No way, that girl looks nothing like me! You're crazy"
He looks me over really closely from head to toe before telling me "No I'm being serious. Like if you told me that she was your sister or a cousin or something I wouldn't be surprised at all. She kinda has your basic figure and facial shape."
My heart is trying its best to bust out of my chest like a Xenomorph. I can't have him figuring it out, and he's so damn close. I push back "No she doesn't. It's pretty obvious that all the boys, and also Ava, all think that she's super hot. Nobody thinks I'm hot, not counting the incel losers. You don't even think I'm hot if you remember"
Cliff then stopped walking, forcing me to stop too since he was holding my hand. I turned to look him directly in the eye as he very seriously told me "Ok first of all, I do too think that you're hot. And you might not believe me but so do several other guys I know. I didn't want us to date because it felt awkward dating a friend, that's all. Don't you start thinking down on yourself and that you're not hot, I will fight you. I bet money that you look just as good without clothes as she does."
Why is everybody complimenting me so much today? I can't take it, somehow the compliments about my body and about me being sexy are hitting me even more strongly than the embarrassment over everybody seeing me naked in school today. This isn't my life normally, I'm not used to this. And I'm starting to seriously suspect that I might have a huge compliment kink, so this conversation is getting me WAY too hot and bothered for such a public location with a guy who just wants to be friends.
I need him to stop thinking so hard about me and "her" at the same time though, so I decide to try dropping the subject entirely "Ok ok, you win! I'm hot. I'm also hungry, so can you get back to walking before I start biting your hand off?"
He smirked "Don't threaten me with a good time, baby." as we finally resumed walking to lunch.
Last edited by Executionus on Tue Oct 19, 2021 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KWC -- Sophie Digitally Naked in School
Great start. Different strokes for different folks, but my favorite stories are the ones where the ultimate humiliation is unthinkably bad. When I'm writing I always say to my self "How can I make this worse for her?" That's where I'm hoping this goes, but that's just me.
- Executionus
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Re: KWC -- Sophie Digitally Naked in School
I vary based on how the individual story feels to me. Normally my stories will rubber-band constantly between highs of embarrassment and moments of comfort. I'd say that the only times when I really went into the "unthinkably bad" territory would be my Halloween specials (Flesh Eaters, Peter Krueger, The Manless Dick) and Maagryph 2, with some extreme scenes in Ultimate Parade Float, Jessica Christ, and parts of the Thirst Games.CityWolf wrote: Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:09 pm Great start. Different strokes for different folks, but my favorite stories are the ones where the ultimate humiliation is unthinkably bad. When I'm writing I always say to my self "How can I make this worse for her?" That's where I'm hoping this goes, but that's just me.
This story will focus primarily on the mental war of Sophie, since she knows exactly what her ultimate humiliation would be (The school realizing that she is the girl in the pictures) and she is tormented by trying to avoid that at all costs. That's the main reason that this story 100% had to be first person.
That being said, I'm wanting to make another Halloween story for this year and I have a really creepy original idea for it if I can put it all together. I enjoy putting some actual horror elements into my Halloween stories, so that should definitely fill your desire for "unthinkably bad".
Executionus Complete Story Archive
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Other Old Story Archives: Beach Club, Dreambook Board, HUGE Mega archive.
- Executionus
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Sophie Digitally Naked in School Part 2
Part 2:
After grabbing food we sat with Ava and two of our other friends, Johnny and Haylee. I made a silent wish to be able to eat in peace without all of my friends talking about my naked body the entire time, but I honestly knew that not even 30 genies and a fairy godmother were enough to grant that particular wish.
Everyone in the cafeteria was surprised when suddenly the principal loudly silenced the room. He then announced "Ladies and Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that there is a certain...trending pictorial spreading throughout the school as we speak."
Kill me now. Load the gun, put it on my forehead, pull the trigger, and be sure to double-tap. My principal is making a public announcement about my pictures, just to make sure that NOBODY is going to somehow miss the news now.
He kept talking "Let me be clear, the school harshly condemns pictures of this nature. Let today's events be a reminder forever as to why none of you should ever take such pictures of yourselves, no matter what some guy or girl says to you. Modest is hottest as they say. Now if the girl in question is upset about her nudity being shared, as if that was punishment enough on its own, just wait. We WILL identify the girl, sooner than you might think, and then her real punishment can begin. Most of the students trading these pictures now are under the age of 18, a very serious offense! If it is found out that this wanna-be model is a minor as well, she can be tried as an adult by the legal system for producing illegal content and punished accordingly. Any student caught looking at such filth on their phones during school hours will have their phones confiscated and their parents notified. That is all. Please enjoy the rest of your lunch"
I'm furious, mortified, and now terrified since the principal just tossed the "picture girl" under the bus and threatened to get her in huge trouble. I'm only 17, so he basically just threatened to send me to jail over this! None of this is my fault! I can't believe that he didn't say one single solitary word condemning the psychopath who leaked these pictures and ruined my life. He made it out like I was trash who deserved what happened to me and more.... Then again, I guess you could call me trash for taking explicit pornographic pictures of my private parts in the first place, so maybe I really do deserve some of this. On the other hand, fuck that noise, the only person who did wrong was the jerk who leaked me! My anger and shame are both probably written all over my face right now, especially my burning anger.
"What an asshole" I said out loud.
Ava backed me up "No kidding! I can't believe they're going to try and get her in trouble just for being naked and sexy. Apparently we women are only allowed to be sexy when a man gives us his permission first.
Johnny then shifted "So about the girl herself...I heard from a couple of guys in Geography that the girl in those pics might be a freshman, or is at least dating one of the freshman boys. Rumor has it one of them leaked his girlfriend all over the school"
I looked at Johnny weirdly, wondering where that rumor came from since that doesn't describe me at all. Then again, it being wrong was actually a good thing, so I was definitely hoping that people followed that bad lead the rest of forever.
Haylee jumped in "EX-girlfriend now I'll betcha. I would cut off a boy's dick and fuck his own ass with it in front of the whole school if anyone ever did something like that to me. I can't imagine how humiliated, violated, and betrayed that poor girl is feeling right now"
That was a weird sensation, as I just now realized that this was the absolute first time that absolutely anybody has expressed any sympathy for the leaked girl's actual feelings around me all day. Somehow it instantly made me feel like crying and getting a hug from her, but I held it in so as to not break my cover.
Cliff then commented "There's no way that a girl with THAT body is still a freshman, not with them hips and curves. Besides, she's clearly not a virgin either. Since nobody is owning up to being 'the guy' who shared these, I'm thinking the girl leaked herself."
Ok so me, lifelong virgin, had to butt in next "Wait wait wait. How the hell do you know she's not a virgin?"
Ava tapped me on the shoulder and answered for him "No hymen, duh. The pics where she spreads herself you can easily see that she's open for business."
Haylee then added "Except that virgins can lose their hymens too, which lots of these dumbasses around school keep forgetting in their little theory making"
Meanwhile here I sit, remembering all of my most intimate moments with "Mr Gold" over the years, my favorite metallic-colored, shiny, vibrating insertable who claimed my cherry way back when I actually WAS a freshman. Still, I liked any evidence which pointed away from me, so I had to throw Haylee under the bus even though she was right "They CAN lose their cherry, but it's still pretty rare overall. And since she was willing to take pictures like that in the first place and send them out, I agree with Cliff that it's obvious she's very experienced"
From behind me I heard Billy's voice yell out "You mean she's a WHOOOORE~!"
I turned suddenly to see him and one of his incel bro buddies standing behind our table, laughing at him butting into our conversation. The other boy then commented "Yeah, and a titless fugly one too. I'll bet her daddy is super proud!"
Billy then joked "Yeah her Onlyfans bombed so hard, SHE owed THEM money. Now she has to give it away for free to get her precious attention. It's pretty sad" as they both walked away from us.
Those words were like knives stabbed into my chest. It hurt so bad to have them talk so viciously about my body at its most vulnerable and exposed, and to accuse me of doing any of this on purpose hurt too. They didn't know that it was me in there, but I did. I knew it was me, that the "titless fugly whore wanting attention" was really me all along. I felt so dirty knowing that guys like him could see me naked any time they wanted, and that they were all going to jerk it to me in private while insulting me in public from now on. Between them and the principal, my ability to hold a poker face was breaking. I barely held on to the tears, knowing that if my identity was discovered that I would suffer abuse like that for the rest of the year, possibly the rest of my life.
Ava could clearly see that something was bothering me, and apparently bothering Haylee too, so she soothingly told us "Hey you guys, don't worry about those losers running their mouths. I'm sure most people are very appreciative of pic girl. I sure am!"
Haylee snapped "I can't believe that those punks would dare to talk that way about a victim of a sex crime! The girl in the pictures is a victim, there's no way that she ever meant for pictures THAT graphic to leak to the whole school. That's probably why she's not coming forward to claim credit. The last thing she wants is 'attention' for this"
Cliff then began speaking a paragraph that stole my oxygen with every new sentence... "Oh yeah, that reminds me, and I need you guys to settle a debate for us from on the way here. Nobody seems to be able to recognize the girl and she hasn't come forward, like you said. So a bunch of us tech guys have been trying to identify the girl by comparing her facial features to peoples' Instagram photos. Her make-up job makes that surprisingly difficult to pull off though. Yada yada, you get the idea. Anyway, while working on the facial close-ups I ended up noticing that whoever she is, she kinda looks like she could be related to Sophie over here, especially in the eyes. She says I'm crazy, though. What do you all think? Does the pic girl look a little like Sophie or no?"
Oh God I can't believe Cliff just asked that question of everybody at the table! Why couldn't he just let that argument go? I can't even react well from the lightheadedness, I simply cover my face with both hands and moan out "Uuuuuugh"
Ava laughed out loud "Yeah you WISH Sophie would leak pictures like that, horn dog. But you're right, that girl does look a little like her in the face at least."
No no no....
Johnny's voice went super serious "Sophie..."
Please noooo. The tone of his voice told me that he was seeing it now, even if I couldn't see anything with my hands covering my face. I can barely breathe and I start shivering in my chair. They're going to figure it out! They're going to find out that I'm the worthless attention whore in the pictures! My lack of a response and hiding my face wasn't helping, but I just couldn't anymore.
Haylee gasped next, almost frightened "Sophie? SOPHIE?"
Cliff harshly scooted his chair backwards in shock "Wait, oh shit, for real? Really?"
Ava put her hand on my shoulder "What's wrong, hun? That's not actually you, right?"
I can't even answer, I just start crying. Everything I've been holding in all day just erupts from my eyes like a faucet. I can't bear to come out from behind my hands, but everyone can easily tell that I am crying in shame and humiliation. It's over. My life is over. They all know. I can't muster up the energy to even attempt a poker face any more.
Haylee harshly whispered to everyone at our table, trying not to be overheard "GUYS IT IS HER! Oh my God! FUCK! Ava, we need to get her to the bathroom, now! NOW!"
I feel Haylee and Ava each grab one of my arms and jerk me to my feet to lead me out of the packed cafeteria. Haylee angrily threatens the boys "Don't you fucking dare tell anyone about this! We'll be back."
Johnny responded back "No shit! We won't. Go, help her!"
I was pulled by my arms very fast out of the cafeteria. The only reason I didn't fall down was because they held me up. I'm not even opening my eyes, letting them guide me completely. We finally stopped running and I felt them both wrap their arms around me in a tight hug. They held me like that for a couple minutes while telling me that everything is ok and they'll protect me until I calm down enough to talk.
"I..." I struggled out "I didn't mean to. God I'm the biggest slut in school. I don't know how anyone got those pictures. I never sent them out to anyone, ever! They were just for me. I just...I wanted to feel sexy for once in my life, was that so wrong? Is that why I'm being punished?"
Ava replied "You did nothing wrong, nothing!"
Haylee added "This is not your fault. We'll find out who did this to you and HE'LL be the one that's punished! I promise you"
Ava jumped back in "And Sophie dear, you've always been sexy. I didn't know you were struggling so hard with your image like this. I always thought you were so laid back about your looks."
I spat out "If I was sexy then people I like would ACTUALLY want to date me and fuck me. Instead I have to fantasize about pictures of myself to get off like the biggest loser in the world. I made myself look like a different person in order to pretend that 'other girl' was my girlfriend, ok? That's how pathetic I am."
Ava took my hands "Listen dear, I feel pretty embarrassed about all of the thirsty as fuck things I said this morning about the picture girl, but I need you to understand that I meant every word of it even before I knew that it was my best friend in those pics. Even when you're dressed normally you're very hot. You and I don't date or sleep together only because it would be weird, not because I don't think you look banging. Honestly I'm starting to have serious second thoughts about that policy after today, no cap"
My face turns a little red again. Wait seriously? These compliments are warming me up inside and I don't just mean emotionally. How did I just shift from completely depressed to depressed-yet-slightly-horny so fast? I really DO have a compliment kink. This confirms it. Every time I hear someone lusting after my body and praising me it is sending my hormones into overdrive. That right there has to remain secret no matter what, even if my last secret got out.
I mumble "Thank you."
Haylee then put her arm around my shoulders "Soph, I'm straight so I don't have a dog in the race, but TRUST ME when I tell you that the boys all over school have been going completely bananas about you. You should never ever feel unsexy ever again. Ava and I are going to do our best to keep everyone from figuring out who you are, but I think you should let yourself hear the comments people have been making about you. Just not counting Billy's incel gang, they wouldn't know good pussy like yours even if it came with an instruction manual and an extra few inches for them to borrow in order to not disappoint it"
*Cough*, well, that's a brand new sentence in my life. Haylee's humor actually makes me smile, so I confess to them both "Honestly...hearing everybody being so in love with Pic Girl has been the only good part of this awful day. It's like with you this morning, Ava... people are telling me to my face what they TRULY think about my body without knowing that I'm the girl they're talking about. It's...well I don't know how to explain it, but it's something special. But it's also utterly humiliating. I'm literally naked in school, everybody's big cliché ultimate nightmare. Everybody is going to see me naked today. Everybody. I talked with a younger boy I don't even know about it earlier today, and would you believe that he basically called me his perfect dream girl, to my face, without knowing I was the one in the pictures? They might even put my pictures in the yearbook for the fuck of it since everyone loves them so much. And I make such a whore of myself in the pics. What was it you said earlier Ava? That my pussy was 'open for business' in the pictures where I spread it open? You were right, it is. And the entire school knows it now and can see for themselves. I'm a horny sexless female involuntary-celibate who took pictures of herself dolled up and fucked myself pretending the pictures came from somebody else and were sent to me. I'm a virgin slut, a defective slut, factory-recall slut. And it's only a matter of time before the whole school knows it's me in those pictures"
Ava hugged me "Hey, that comment I made wasn't meant to be anything mean. You're not a slut either. You are refusing to settle for a loser for your first time, trying to get with somebody you truly like. A slut wouldn't be so picky. And you shouldn't feel sorry about being horny all the time. It's one of my favorite things about you honestly, you're so intense, honest, and open with such a sexy energy to you. Besides, we're all horny. The whole school is horny all day and night even before Pic Girl showed up. Most of us are just terrified of letting anyone see it because we're embarrassed."
I take a second before responding "I guess you're right. And I'm tired of calling my pictures 'Pic Girl' or 'Other Girl' and stuff like that in my brain. I made myself into a whole new person when I did this, and that woman needs a for-real name just for, I dunno, my sanity in all of this. I think I want to call her Minka. I always thought that name sounded super sexy and I used to think about getting my name changed to that one day."
Ava smirked "Ok, Minka is definitely a sexy name. It's probably a good idea to have a code word like that just in case someone else overhears us talking. And Haylee and I will both work really hard to make sure that nobody outside of our group ever figures out that the superstar Minka is really our cute little Sophie-poo"
Haylee then said "Guys, speaking of people figuring her out, we really need to get back to lunch before anyone gets suspicious. Besides, the guys probably need an explanation too"
We finally returned to our lunch table, and I was instantly showered with apologies from Cliff for accidentally outing me. I told him that it was ok, and that technically he was right all along...the girl in the pictures DID look like me after all. He promised to do his best to lead the rest of the tech boys off of my scent from now on. I was also showered with compliments from both boys telling me how beautiful and sexy I am, and how much they love every part of me. The damn compliments again! And this time they were coming from two of my favorite boys, so my messed-up brain was really putting my body into overdrive mode the more they went on. I mean they went on and on, and I noticed that it got easier for everyone to talk about "my" pictures when they were using the name Minka for them instead. Johnny specifically was in love with Minka's "professional" photography style, which was pure luck. Even for me, it was a thousand times easier for me to talk about Minka's body than it was to talk about my own...even though they're the same freaking body! I don't know why, I'm not in Psychology class. At this point I'm going to need a full team of psychologists 24/7 by the time this school year is over.
After I explained what happened to create "Minka" to the boys (leaving out a TON of details, like getting off to myself), I eventually explained to everyone at the table about how it doesn't make any sense that my pictures leaked because they never left my phone's trash folder. Nobody should have had any access to my phone or account.
Johnny looked deep in thought for a few seconds, before he harshly mumbled "I just figured it out...and you're not going to like it"
I looked at him confused "What? How?"
Johnny clapped his hands dramatically "So the rumors right now are saying that some freshman boy leaking his 'girlfriend' was the source of all of this. Your little brother is a freshman. I think he accessed your account somehow and then tried to pass you off as somebody else in order to act like a big shot. Basically Minka is his fake girlfriend"
Rage filled my eyes. "If he did, I will kill him. I will kill him so hard! Help!"
Haylee filled in the blanks "You'll use sandpaper to sand him to death, hands and feet first, continuing on until the flailing rounded torso finally stops screaming as the lungs give up forever."
I point threateningly "YES! That!" I wouldn't see my brother Arnold until after school, but I'm his ride home so that's going to be one awkward drive if he really is the one behind my suffering.
Cliff exclaimed "Jesus Christ, Haylee! You need therapy"
Haylee smiled "The last guy quit. Although truthfully there's perks to being the one person in school nobody is brave enough to bully"
I laughed. I mean, I really really laughed. I was so terrified of things being destroyed if my friends found out my identity, scared of what they would think of me, but in the end they supported me with every bit of their energy. I needed their support today. This was the most humiliating day imaginable, but maybe I could get through it now. I just needed to get through the rest of the day without the rest of the school learning about my identity as the pic girl. My friends were understanding and supporting, but if the whole school discovered who I am I would die. I would also be in mountains of trouble and never escape the consequences of my actions as long as I live.
After grabbing food we sat with Ava and two of our other friends, Johnny and Haylee. I made a silent wish to be able to eat in peace without all of my friends talking about my naked body the entire time, but I honestly knew that not even 30 genies and a fairy godmother were enough to grant that particular wish.
Everyone in the cafeteria was surprised when suddenly the principal loudly silenced the room. He then announced "Ladies and Gentlemen, it has come to my attention that there is a certain...trending pictorial spreading throughout the school as we speak."
Kill me now. Load the gun, put it on my forehead, pull the trigger, and be sure to double-tap. My principal is making a public announcement about my pictures, just to make sure that NOBODY is going to somehow miss the news now.
He kept talking "Let me be clear, the school harshly condemns pictures of this nature. Let today's events be a reminder forever as to why none of you should ever take such pictures of yourselves, no matter what some guy or girl says to you. Modest is hottest as they say. Now if the girl in question is upset about her nudity being shared, as if that was punishment enough on its own, just wait. We WILL identify the girl, sooner than you might think, and then her real punishment can begin. Most of the students trading these pictures now are under the age of 18, a very serious offense! If it is found out that this wanna-be model is a minor as well, she can be tried as an adult by the legal system for producing illegal content and punished accordingly. Any student caught looking at such filth on their phones during school hours will have their phones confiscated and their parents notified. That is all. Please enjoy the rest of your lunch"
I'm furious, mortified, and now terrified since the principal just tossed the "picture girl" under the bus and threatened to get her in huge trouble. I'm only 17, so he basically just threatened to send me to jail over this! None of this is my fault! I can't believe that he didn't say one single solitary word condemning the psychopath who leaked these pictures and ruined my life. He made it out like I was trash who deserved what happened to me and more.... Then again, I guess you could call me trash for taking explicit pornographic pictures of my private parts in the first place, so maybe I really do deserve some of this. On the other hand, fuck that noise, the only person who did wrong was the jerk who leaked me! My anger and shame are both probably written all over my face right now, especially my burning anger.
"What an asshole" I said out loud.
Ava backed me up "No kidding! I can't believe they're going to try and get her in trouble just for being naked and sexy. Apparently we women are only allowed to be sexy when a man gives us his permission first.
Johnny then shifted "So about the girl herself...I heard from a couple of guys in Geography that the girl in those pics might be a freshman, or is at least dating one of the freshman boys. Rumor has it one of them leaked his girlfriend all over the school"
I looked at Johnny weirdly, wondering where that rumor came from since that doesn't describe me at all. Then again, it being wrong was actually a good thing, so I was definitely hoping that people followed that bad lead the rest of forever.
Haylee jumped in "EX-girlfriend now I'll betcha. I would cut off a boy's dick and fuck his own ass with it in front of the whole school if anyone ever did something like that to me. I can't imagine how humiliated, violated, and betrayed that poor girl is feeling right now"
That was a weird sensation, as I just now realized that this was the absolute first time that absolutely anybody has expressed any sympathy for the leaked girl's actual feelings around me all day. Somehow it instantly made me feel like crying and getting a hug from her, but I held it in so as to not break my cover.
Cliff then commented "There's no way that a girl with THAT body is still a freshman, not with them hips and curves. Besides, she's clearly not a virgin either. Since nobody is owning up to being 'the guy' who shared these, I'm thinking the girl leaked herself."
Ok so me, lifelong virgin, had to butt in next "Wait wait wait. How the hell do you know she's not a virgin?"
Ava tapped me on the shoulder and answered for him "No hymen, duh. The pics where she spreads herself you can easily see that she's open for business."
Haylee then added "Except that virgins can lose their hymens too, which lots of these dumbasses around school keep forgetting in their little theory making"
Meanwhile here I sit, remembering all of my most intimate moments with "Mr Gold" over the years, my favorite metallic-colored, shiny, vibrating insertable who claimed my cherry way back when I actually WAS a freshman. Still, I liked any evidence which pointed away from me, so I had to throw Haylee under the bus even though she was right "They CAN lose their cherry, but it's still pretty rare overall. And since she was willing to take pictures like that in the first place and send them out, I agree with Cliff that it's obvious she's very experienced"
From behind me I heard Billy's voice yell out "You mean she's a WHOOOORE~!"
I turned suddenly to see him and one of his incel bro buddies standing behind our table, laughing at him butting into our conversation. The other boy then commented "Yeah, and a titless fugly one too. I'll bet her daddy is super proud!"
Billy then joked "Yeah her Onlyfans bombed so hard, SHE owed THEM money. Now she has to give it away for free to get her precious attention. It's pretty sad" as they both walked away from us.
Those words were like knives stabbed into my chest. It hurt so bad to have them talk so viciously about my body at its most vulnerable and exposed, and to accuse me of doing any of this on purpose hurt too. They didn't know that it was me in there, but I did. I knew it was me, that the "titless fugly whore wanting attention" was really me all along. I felt so dirty knowing that guys like him could see me naked any time they wanted, and that they were all going to jerk it to me in private while insulting me in public from now on. Between them and the principal, my ability to hold a poker face was breaking. I barely held on to the tears, knowing that if my identity was discovered that I would suffer abuse like that for the rest of the year, possibly the rest of my life.
Ava could clearly see that something was bothering me, and apparently bothering Haylee too, so she soothingly told us "Hey you guys, don't worry about those losers running their mouths. I'm sure most people are very appreciative of pic girl. I sure am!"
Haylee snapped "I can't believe that those punks would dare to talk that way about a victim of a sex crime! The girl in the pictures is a victim, there's no way that she ever meant for pictures THAT graphic to leak to the whole school. That's probably why she's not coming forward to claim credit. The last thing she wants is 'attention' for this"
Cliff then began speaking a paragraph that stole my oxygen with every new sentence... "Oh yeah, that reminds me, and I need you guys to settle a debate for us from on the way here. Nobody seems to be able to recognize the girl and she hasn't come forward, like you said. So a bunch of us tech guys have been trying to identify the girl by comparing her facial features to peoples' Instagram photos. Her make-up job makes that surprisingly difficult to pull off though. Yada yada, you get the idea. Anyway, while working on the facial close-ups I ended up noticing that whoever she is, she kinda looks like she could be related to Sophie over here, especially in the eyes. She says I'm crazy, though. What do you all think? Does the pic girl look a little like Sophie or no?"
Oh God I can't believe Cliff just asked that question of everybody at the table! Why couldn't he just let that argument go? I can't even react well from the lightheadedness, I simply cover my face with both hands and moan out "Uuuuuugh"
Ava laughed out loud "Yeah you WISH Sophie would leak pictures like that, horn dog. But you're right, that girl does look a little like her in the face at least."
No no no....
Johnny's voice went super serious "Sophie..."
Please noooo. The tone of his voice told me that he was seeing it now, even if I couldn't see anything with my hands covering my face. I can barely breathe and I start shivering in my chair. They're going to figure it out! They're going to find out that I'm the worthless attention whore in the pictures! My lack of a response and hiding my face wasn't helping, but I just couldn't anymore.
Haylee gasped next, almost frightened "Sophie? SOPHIE?"
Cliff harshly scooted his chair backwards in shock "Wait, oh shit, for real? Really?"
Ava put her hand on my shoulder "What's wrong, hun? That's not actually you, right?"
I can't even answer, I just start crying. Everything I've been holding in all day just erupts from my eyes like a faucet. I can't bear to come out from behind my hands, but everyone can easily tell that I am crying in shame and humiliation. It's over. My life is over. They all know. I can't muster up the energy to even attempt a poker face any more.
Haylee harshly whispered to everyone at our table, trying not to be overheard "GUYS IT IS HER! Oh my God! FUCK! Ava, we need to get her to the bathroom, now! NOW!"
I feel Haylee and Ava each grab one of my arms and jerk me to my feet to lead me out of the packed cafeteria. Haylee angrily threatens the boys "Don't you fucking dare tell anyone about this! We'll be back."
Johnny responded back "No shit! We won't. Go, help her!"
I was pulled by my arms very fast out of the cafeteria. The only reason I didn't fall down was because they held me up. I'm not even opening my eyes, letting them guide me completely. We finally stopped running and I felt them both wrap their arms around me in a tight hug. They held me like that for a couple minutes while telling me that everything is ok and they'll protect me until I calm down enough to talk.
"I..." I struggled out "I didn't mean to. God I'm the biggest slut in school. I don't know how anyone got those pictures. I never sent them out to anyone, ever! They were just for me. I just...I wanted to feel sexy for once in my life, was that so wrong? Is that why I'm being punished?"
Ava replied "You did nothing wrong, nothing!"
Haylee added "This is not your fault. We'll find out who did this to you and HE'LL be the one that's punished! I promise you"
Ava jumped back in "And Sophie dear, you've always been sexy. I didn't know you were struggling so hard with your image like this. I always thought you were so laid back about your looks."
I spat out "If I was sexy then people I like would ACTUALLY want to date me and fuck me. Instead I have to fantasize about pictures of myself to get off like the biggest loser in the world. I made myself look like a different person in order to pretend that 'other girl' was my girlfriend, ok? That's how pathetic I am."
Ava took my hands "Listen dear, I feel pretty embarrassed about all of the thirsty as fuck things I said this morning about the picture girl, but I need you to understand that I meant every word of it even before I knew that it was my best friend in those pics. Even when you're dressed normally you're very hot. You and I don't date or sleep together only because it would be weird, not because I don't think you look banging. Honestly I'm starting to have serious second thoughts about that policy after today, no cap"
My face turns a little red again. Wait seriously? These compliments are warming me up inside and I don't just mean emotionally. How did I just shift from completely depressed to depressed-yet-slightly-horny so fast? I really DO have a compliment kink. This confirms it. Every time I hear someone lusting after my body and praising me it is sending my hormones into overdrive. That right there has to remain secret no matter what, even if my last secret got out.
I mumble "Thank you."
Haylee then put her arm around my shoulders "Soph, I'm straight so I don't have a dog in the race, but TRUST ME when I tell you that the boys all over school have been going completely bananas about you. You should never ever feel unsexy ever again. Ava and I are going to do our best to keep everyone from figuring out who you are, but I think you should let yourself hear the comments people have been making about you. Just not counting Billy's incel gang, they wouldn't know good pussy like yours even if it came with an instruction manual and an extra few inches for them to borrow in order to not disappoint it"
*Cough*, well, that's a brand new sentence in my life. Haylee's humor actually makes me smile, so I confess to them both "Honestly...hearing everybody being so in love with Pic Girl has been the only good part of this awful day. It's like with you this morning, Ava... people are telling me to my face what they TRULY think about my body without knowing that I'm the girl they're talking about. It's...well I don't know how to explain it, but it's something special. But it's also utterly humiliating. I'm literally naked in school, everybody's big cliché ultimate nightmare. Everybody is going to see me naked today. Everybody. I talked with a younger boy I don't even know about it earlier today, and would you believe that he basically called me his perfect dream girl, to my face, without knowing I was the one in the pictures? They might even put my pictures in the yearbook for the fuck of it since everyone loves them so much. And I make such a whore of myself in the pics. What was it you said earlier Ava? That my pussy was 'open for business' in the pictures where I spread it open? You were right, it is. And the entire school knows it now and can see for themselves. I'm a horny sexless female involuntary-celibate who took pictures of herself dolled up and fucked myself pretending the pictures came from somebody else and were sent to me. I'm a virgin slut, a defective slut, factory-recall slut. And it's only a matter of time before the whole school knows it's me in those pictures"
Ava hugged me "Hey, that comment I made wasn't meant to be anything mean. You're not a slut either. You are refusing to settle for a loser for your first time, trying to get with somebody you truly like. A slut wouldn't be so picky. And you shouldn't feel sorry about being horny all the time. It's one of my favorite things about you honestly, you're so intense, honest, and open with such a sexy energy to you. Besides, we're all horny. The whole school is horny all day and night even before Pic Girl showed up. Most of us are just terrified of letting anyone see it because we're embarrassed."
I take a second before responding "I guess you're right. And I'm tired of calling my pictures 'Pic Girl' or 'Other Girl' and stuff like that in my brain. I made myself into a whole new person when I did this, and that woman needs a for-real name just for, I dunno, my sanity in all of this. I think I want to call her Minka. I always thought that name sounded super sexy and I used to think about getting my name changed to that one day."
Ava smirked "Ok, Minka is definitely a sexy name. It's probably a good idea to have a code word like that just in case someone else overhears us talking. And Haylee and I will both work really hard to make sure that nobody outside of our group ever figures out that the superstar Minka is really our cute little Sophie-poo"
Haylee then said "Guys, speaking of people figuring her out, we really need to get back to lunch before anyone gets suspicious. Besides, the guys probably need an explanation too"
We finally returned to our lunch table, and I was instantly showered with apologies from Cliff for accidentally outing me. I told him that it was ok, and that technically he was right all along...the girl in the pictures DID look like me after all. He promised to do his best to lead the rest of the tech boys off of my scent from now on. I was also showered with compliments from both boys telling me how beautiful and sexy I am, and how much they love every part of me. The damn compliments again! And this time they were coming from two of my favorite boys, so my messed-up brain was really putting my body into overdrive mode the more they went on. I mean they went on and on, and I noticed that it got easier for everyone to talk about "my" pictures when they were using the name Minka for them instead. Johnny specifically was in love with Minka's "professional" photography style, which was pure luck. Even for me, it was a thousand times easier for me to talk about Minka's body than it was to talk about my own...even though they're the same freaking body! I don't know why, I'm not in Psychology class. At this point I'm going to need a full team of psychologists 24/7 by the time this school year is over.
After I explained what happened to create "Minka" to the boys (leaving out a TON of details, like getting off to myself), I eventually explained to everyone at the table about how it doesn't make any sense that my pictures leaked because they never left my phone's trash folder. Nobody should have had any access to my phone or account.
Johnny looked deep in thought for a few seconds, before he harshly mumbled "I just figured it out...and you're not going to like it"
I looked at him confused "What? How?"
Johnny clapped his hands dramatically "So the rumors right now are saying that some freshman boy leaking his 'girlfriend' was the source of all of this. Your little brother is a freshman. I think he accessed your account somehow and then tried to pass you off as somebody else in order to act like a big shot. Basically Minka is his fake girlfriend"
Rage filled my eyes. "If he did, I will kill him. I will kill him so hard! Help!"
Haylee filled in the blanks "You'll use sandpaper to sand him to death, hands and feet first, continuing on until the flailing rounded torso finally stops screaming as the lungs give up forever."
I point threateningly "YES! That!" I wouldn't see my brother Arnold until after school, but I'm his ride home so that's going to be one awkward drive if he really is the one behind my suffering.
Cliff exclaimed "Jesus Christ, Haylee! You need therapy"
Haylee smiled "The last guy quit. Although truthfully there's perks to being the one person in school nobody is brave enough to bully"
I laughed. I mean, I really really laughed. I was so terrified of things being destroyed if my friends found out my identity, scared of what they would think of me, but in the end they supported me with every bit of their energy. I needed their support today. This was the most humiliating day imaginable, but maybe I could get through it now. I just needed to get through the rest of the day without the rest of the school learning about my identity as the pic girl. My friends were understanding and supporting, but if the whole school discovered who I am I would die. I would also be in mountains of trouble and never escape the consequences of my actions as long as I live.
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Sophie Digitally Naked in School Part 3
Part 3:
After lunch I went toward my 5th period class (lunch was my 4th period class, the younger students have lunch for 5th period). As I walked through the hallway and approached the door to English, I was flagged down by a boy I know from chess club and other nerd adventures, named Tyler.
"Sophie! Don't walk in there yet" he yelled to me.
I'm over here wondering how this day could possibly get any worse, so I nervously ask him "...whyyyy not?"
He answered me "I need a favor from you, a huge one! And Miss Hook is ordering all phones turned in when we walk into class because of the announcement at lunch."
Of course. The principal told everyone about my pictures being sent all over the school, so now we have teachers trying fruitlessly to control several hundred horny teenagers in their classrooms to stop them from drooling over Minka. Good luck. Still, I had no idea what any of this had to do with a favor. "What favor?"
He gave me some really pitiful baby eyes "Can you send me these nude pictures everyone is talking about all of the sudden? Every time I ask any of the guys I know they either don't have them yet, are scared of getting in trouble now, or they're just keeping them from me on purpose to be a jerk. Apparently there's some big effort from the big shot boys to keep any of us in Science Olympiad from getting to see the pictures at all, which is total bullshit."
My mind jumps in loops from this request, but I also get a little mad from the news that the popular punks are supposedly trying to gatekeep my pictures. I mean seriously, what kind of bastard would do that just because someone is smarter than they are? In what alternate universe did they think they had that right?
Wait hold on, am I actually getting offended about my pictures NOT being sent out to enough boys? ...Yes, yes I am. I'm mad about that not being fair, and many of my friends are in the nerd community. I don't want any of the boys AT ALL to see me naked and I wish I could just destroy all the pictures with a Thanos Snap, but at the same time in the real world where we are now it would honestly piss me off if the people sending out my stolen images left and right were purposely keeping them away from horny nice boys like Tyler. God this is the weirdest goddamn day.
When I went too long without saying anything, Tyler asked "So can you help me out? I know you've managed to get them by now. You're you! And once I get them all I can start sharing them with the rest of us in S.O."
I, it's so hard to say no to Tyler, but he's literally asking me to send him all of my nude pictures! I don't want him to see me naked, but I also don't want him to feel left out and bullied. And this is a line that I haven't crossed yet...ME sending out my pictures. So far I have never sent out my pictures to anyone ever. This would mean that I sent my nudes to a boy, that me, REAL me sent them directly. They weren't stolen, they weren't obtained indirectly through the grapevine, this time I would be directly giving a boy I know very well and have known for years the most humiliatingly explicit collection of pictures of me that has ever existed (or WILL ever exist I can promise you that). I'm not emotionally prepared for crossing that line. To do so would make me no longer just a victim...I'd be involved too.
I go to tell him no, trying to think of a kind way to let him down without being suspicious, but the look in his eyes just fills me with regret. He really is a nice boy that is always getting treated like crap by other boys and even many girls just because he's in Science Olympiad and chess club instead of the "manly" clubs and sports. From what I know he has even worse luck with dating than I do. I just can't break his heart like that by refusing his request.
"Ok" I said to him while slightly trembling "I'll send them all to you now quickly before class"
I bring up my phone. Ironically I have my album twice...the originals and the ones Ava sent me this morning. Ava's collection was grouped nicely in a folder so I go with that choice. I move to text them all to Tyler but my hand is freezing up at the send button. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves but it isn't helping in the slightest. I'm about to flash a boy! I'm about to flash him top, bottom, back, and spread wide. He's going to see everything I have and he's going to have the pictures to keep forever. This is so scary. It's so damn stupid that the idea of me trying to send pictures to one boy myself is so frightening when hundreds of other boys already have my pictures, but it is. And besides, he plans to share them with all of the other nerds, so it's more than one boy that I'm flashing if I do this. It's a whole crew of them.
I need to reset my brain. "THIS IS NOT ME!" I scream silently inside my head. These are pictures of "Minka", not me. Minka Minka Minka. She's a beautiful sultry woman without inhibitions, who talks with a sexy Eastern European accent like a boss (because why not?), walks dominatingly in high heels, makes boys submit to her, and she loves getting off to boys looking at her and complimenting her body. ...Ok that last part might be me too, not just Minka. Either way, thinking about this as if Minka was a different person helps me far more than what it would have done if I was sane. I finally click send, which transfers all 30ish pictures of me to Tyler. There's no turning back now, he's going to see it all and share it all with his friends. Many of them are my friends too, and now they're all going to be drooling over my privates. Erm..Minka's privates. Whoever's privates, my face is still turning red as I can't believe that I just did that.
Tyler starts browsing the album right there in the hallway and his eyes are bulging out of his skull, and that's not the only thing clearly bulging. His face is turning red and I notice sweat forming on his forehead. With each scroll his heart seems to be jumping at the new reveal, most of which are more explicit than the ones before them. I'm watching him react to my body in real time and it's honestly so fascinating in addition to filling me with shame. Still, his silent reaction isn't giving me the tingles that I need right in this embarrassing moment. I prod him for a verbal reaction "So...what do you think of her? Is she worth the hype?"
"Hell yeah!" he yells pretty loudly. "Oh my God I'm in love, this girl is so beautiful. No wonder everybody is going nuts, she's gotta be the hottest girl in the whole school! ...No offense"
The fact that this dude just hit me with a "no offense" as a comparison between me and Minka legitimately almost made me start laughing, but I caught myself just in time. His compliments are filling me with that warm happy feeling again in my chest, face, and groin. Still, I need more. I'm starting to feel a little bit like a junkie, but fuck it...I don't care.
I prod him some more "So what's your favorite area on her, your favorite picture, and why? I've heard there's a big debate raging right now with the boys about that. Don't be shy, I want to hear your FULL opinions. My group was all talking about this at lunch earlier but I wanna hear your naughty little thoughts too, just for fun"
He turns his phone around to show me the last picture in the album: my pussy spread wide apart with my fingers, clit sticking out, and wet to the point where my pussy is drooling on the floor. "That picture, definitely! This girl's pussy is fucking hot, like holy hell! I love a girl who shaves for starters, and I love it when pussies have that hot pink color on the inside. Also I really like it when a woman is visibly aroused and not just faking it like what you usually see in porn. Like look, you can even see her clit right here" as he pointed to it on the screen "not to mention how wet she is, looking tasty as hell. I just want to lick her until she runs out of juice, no matter how long it takes or how loudly she screams. ...So how's that? Naughty enough for you?"
Yes. Yes yes. Yes yes very yes! Wow my hormones are swimming right now. Hearing him fantasize about my pussy was making me sweat and shiver, making my face solid crimson, and making my heart speed up to the point where I could almost hear it beating. I even felt myself getting a little wet down there from him talking about my wetness, like he somehow summoned it by speaking of it. And little nerdy Tyler from chess club knows how to locate a clitoris and even loves giving a woman oral! Goddamn, why haven't I ever asked him out yet? That was obviously a big gigantic mistake. I made a serious mental note right there that even if he isn't the biggest or prettiest of guys, Tyler might be seriously good in bed and worth a shot.
Ok damnit, I need to stop lusting over everybody so hard once they start complimenting me like this or else my first time is going to be a gang bang! I WANT a gang bang with a dozen or so beautiful men and women all there to service me and me alone in a fever of unending pleasure that never ends because my servants can just rotate in and out when they get tired or sore? Could Minka actually make that a reality? If I dressed up as her one day, could I lure Tyler, that Ben guy, Cliff, Ava, and anyone else I could ever want to grant me 12 hours in a row of orgasmic bliss? AHH! No, bad Sophie, you're too horny right now! Dial it down right now before you have to change panties!
I have probably gone far too long without answering his question to me. "Yes! Yes that's good. Whew, that kinda got me hot a little bit, naughty boy"
Tyler looked away from me shyly "Heh. So what about you? I know you like girls. What do you like best about her?"
Oooook, that's a question that I don't know how to answer. Lusting after myself is a little weird, especially with all of my insecurities and the flaws that only I can see apparently. Then again, lusting after myself is exactly how this whole thing started. Besides, I have to keep up my cover, and normal Sophie would not be too shy to describe in great detail how much she loves a girl like Minka.
"Well..." I started "I agree with you, her pussy is to die for, and that last picture is...well wow, it's just wow, right?"
I didn't want to admit it to him for a multitude of reasons, but my very last picture was the first one that I got off to during my fun session. The explicitness was such a turn-on, as I just imagined the extreme intimacy of a girl actually sending that picture to someone, a picture of ultimate pornographic vulnerability that could only be shared with a person's true love. The fact that the entire damn school is seeing that view of me right now is such a massive source of embarrassment.
Then again, there was one other picture that I used the most as that day went on so I confessed honestly "Still, my favorite picture is this one from the front which shows her whole body with her hands behind her head. She looks so confident, so intense, and so sure of her own sexiness here. I just imagine her stripping for me, posing like this to make me weak, and then giving me a lap dance all to seduce me and turn me into her slave." I wasn't making that fantasy up either, that was what kept going through my mind on Sunday and why I kept going back to that particular image. While I am such a blatant sub, in my mind Minka is a dom who could bend anyone to her desires.
Tyler smiled "You're so cute when you hit subspace, anyone ever tell you that?"
I gasp "WHAT??? What...what do I look like when I do that? IS IT THAT OBVIOUS??"
He started laughing at me, yet here I am blushing like mad. I didn't realize that anybody could tell when I slipped into subspace fantasizing about someone being dominant to me! Also the revelation that Tyler knew what "subspace" was just tipped me off that he must be just as into kink stuff as I am. Not to mention he just called me cute, and I was already riding a horny high from his earlier compliments to Minka. Now I'm imagining Tyler pinning me to the wall behind me and having his way with me right here in public. I need to stop letting my horny mind run amok today before I go crazy!
Finally he answered "It's not super duper obvious, no, but your face gets really red, your eyes get glossy, and your entire body language changes to make yourself smaller. Like, you pull your arms towards your chest usually and lower your head. It's something I've noticed in the past."
I reply "Well no, nobody has ever told me that before. Thanks, I suppose."
Tyler giggled again "Don't mention it. Although if you want, I'll totally buy you a collar for your birthday next month and you can wear it around school, staying in subspace all day"
Ok, there's no way that he could've known that being collared in public actually WAS one of my biggest fetishes, but there's also no chance that I'm admitting to that right now. I quickly answer him "Let's not!"
Actually sitting through 5th period was uneventful and overall boring, especially since the teacher took all of our phones. Honestly I enjoyed the break from my every minute being about my naked parts and the fact that everyone was looking at them. In a weird way, though, part of me was missing the feeling of being the center of everyone's attention. It doesn't make sense since I am so massively ashamed of everyone being able to see me naked like this, but somehow it feels good that everybody WANTS to keep looking at me now that they can. It makes me feel wanted and attractive. It would honestly feel worse if my pictures were out there but nobody cared to see them. I would be horrified if I was so ugly that people would reject my free nudes.
When class was over and I finally got my phone back, I noticed a whole bunch of text messages that came in while I was in there. That's a pretty odd thing in general since I don't text during classes and neither do my friends usually. I had messages from Cliff, Ava, and apparently something from my brother Arnold. I really wasn't ready for whatever Arnold had to say to me if he really was the person who leaked me, so I checked Ava first. Her message read "Just thought you might be interested in knowing that some of the cutest boys in school, Roger, Lloyd, and Albert, are all totally in love with Minka now. They're in my 5th period class and they wouldn't stop fawning over her. Lloyd even told me that if I ever found out Minka's identity that I was to ask her out for him since he's single right now. I had a feeling you might enjoy hearing that"
She's not wrong! Wow, I would sell a kidney to get a night alone with Roger, Albert, or Lloyd, and they all think that I'm sexy now. Lloyd is even trying to ask me out! I sorta squeal inside my head for a second. On the other hand, I start to get really embarrassed at the realization that all three of them, TOTAL supermodels, have seen me naked now. They're probably looking at me naked right at this very second. I no longer have absolutely anything that they haven't seen now. And honestly, how could I ever actually date any of them without revealing my identity? There's no way. I'm trapped again, stuck in the weird state where Sophie is forever alone while Minka is the hottest attraction in the school.
Ok ok, I need to move on. I bring up Cliff's messages next. There were three in a row: "I talked with a freshman I know from chess club and he doesn't think your brother was the leaker. I asked about a couple different freshmen to avoid tipping him off to what I know, but he didn't think any of them had done it"...."Nevermind, now he's telling me that he asked around and a bunch of people are saying that the leak started in Miss Wilson's class, which is your brother's first class. It looks like he might be guilty"...."So my friend apparently just went and asked your brother directly, even though I asked him not to do that sort of thing yet. Your brother is denying that he did anything and says he was sent the pictures just like anyone else. He might just be trying to avoid getting in trouble though now that the principal is on the warpath"
Great, what a fun little sequence of texts that was. I figure I might as well bring up Arnold's text now, which says "We need to talk. I'll meet you at your locker after class". Perfect, absolutely perfect. This will give me the chance to execute my sibling before 6th period. Unless somehow he is innocent, but then why else would he be texting ME? Oh crap...what if he's actually innocent and instead he just recognized me from the pictures? Ugh, that would be utterly humiliating. Now I don't know which option is worse.
I rush over to my locker, figuring that I need as much time as I can get before I have to book it toward gym for 6th period. As soon as I see Arnold rage fills me. All of my humiliation and agony today just floods to the surface even before he says a word. The look of guilt is written on his face. I somehow manage to calmly speak one word without exploding "Explain"
I must've looked extremely scary in that moment, because he put up both hands to defend himself while whispering "It wasn't my fault! It was Jerry!"
I repeat myself, but louder "EXPLAIN!"
Arnold made sure to be extremely quiet in the crowded hallway as he told me "You forgot that your tablet is logged into your Google account, and I brought both of our tablets to Jerry's house yesterday, remember? We were playing a new game and his computer sucks. You agreed to it! I didn't know that you were going to start taking naked pictures while we were gone!"
Fuck. Fuck fuck, he's right! I didn't even think about the fact that he had my tablet yesterday! It would've brought up a notification every time I took a picture. Whichever one of them was using my computer would've been linked to each picture the moment I took it.
I closed my eyes "And then what?"
He continued "I was using your computer and he was using mine. I was actually trying to AVOID him snooping through your stuff, but I kept getting those annoying notifications while we were trying to play a match. When we finished I clicked on it to see what it was about. I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO SHOW ME A BUNCH OF YOUR NAKED PICTURES! And Jerry was sitting right next to me when I did it, so he saw everything."
Wonderful. Jerry was always a little brat, and now that little brat has seen me naked just like everyone else.
Arnold kept explaining "But here's the problem...I didn't recognize you at all at first, because you looked so different from usual. We actually thought you were taking pictures of a secret new girlfriend that you were screwing at home once you got the house to yourself. I didn't actually figure out that it was you until after I got home and really looked at the pictures closely."
He looked at my pictures closely. UGH!!! Oh my God, I do NOT want to know if my brother was getting off to me. Nope, nope, NOPE! Just the fact that I know my perverted little brother was looking at my boobs, butt, and pussy is mortifying and horrifying enough by itself. If he was actually jerking to me, then I sincerely hope that he recognized me right as he neared the edge just so that the shock gave him horrible blue balls and he couldn't finish! I don't care if that sounds petty.
I harshly whispered "So you're telling me that you and Jerry saved my pictures thinking it was my non-existent girlfriend? Do you understand how wrong that was on, like, multiple levels?"
He snapped back "Hey! If you stumbled across a schoolmate's naked pictures, you would've saved them. You were the one acting all thirsty when that one dude's dick pic leaked last year. Don't act innocent."
I mean he's not wrong, but still. "Ok yeah fine, but this is crossing the line Arnold! I would've kept the pictures in secret, I NEVER would've leaked them to everyone everywhere like this."
Arnold pitifully apologized "I'm sorry! I didn't do it, he did. Even before I knew it was you I told him not to show those pictures to anybody or else you were going to kill us, but he didn't listen. He told a few people that the pictures were of HIS girlfriend, but most people knew that was a lie. I never actually told him it was you because... Well ok, promise not to laugh or make fun of me, but I said lots of things that I now super duper regret saying, if you get my drift. Not being weird...but you look good, and I didn't know that shit was you! I'm embarrassed enough as it is. I didn't want him to know that I said that stuff about my own sister because he would tease me for the rest of my life."
I snapped "Boy I don't even want to HEAR about YOUR embarrassment after today! Fine, nobody else can recognize me in those pictures either. Even you took several hours and you live with me. So you're saying that Jerry had all of my pictures from yesterday, not knowing that it was actually me, and that he was the one who started sending them all over the mother fucking school?"
He softly answered "Yes. I'm really sorry, Sophie, I swear it. At least nobody else seems to know that it's you. People keep asking me and Jerry who you are though, so word is getting out that we started this. I keep denying it but I'm worried that Jerry might spill the beans about your 'girlfriend' if they put enough pressure on him"
In a voice of pure stone cold serial killer level calmness I told Arnold "I will get even with your friend, no matter what it takes. If you don't want to join him, you'd better never tell a soul about me being Minka."
Suddenly very confused, he asked me "Wait, who?"
Oops. Idiot.... Why did I say that? That was a complete accident! I'm not wanting everyone to know my code name, but I guess I might as well tell Arnold at this point. "Minka is the codename I came up with for 'the girl in the pictures' so that I could talk about them in public with a couple of my friends who know without worrying about people over-hearing us. To put it in nerd terms, Sophie is Clark Kent, Minka is Superman. Don't go telling that to people though"
He smirked "You really should use 'Supergirl' in your metaphor, but I get it." He then very softly told me "I really am truly sorry, Sophie. I never meant for any of this to happen."
I put my hand on his shoulder "Look, it's ok. I understand, and I'm not mad at you. Today has just been so humiliating for me. Every boy in school (and the girls too) have all gotten to see me naked and they even get to keep the pictures. Could you imagine if every girl in school had pictures of your dick? Imagine seeing them everywhere you look, following you around, mocking you. That's my life right now. These pictures might last for my entire life, my whole life. If people find out that it's old life is over. Even just people seeing those pictures of me anonymously makes me want to just jump off a bridge. I feel like such a dirty trashy slut, and those pictures aren't even SLIGHTLY tasteful. Some of them are straight porn. If I do get found out...I might actually go jump for real just to make it all end."
Arnold suddenly hugged me, which I was not expecting one ounce since we never hug. It was surprisingly comforting. He then told me "Don't ever joke about hurting yourself, that's not cool and you know it. Nobody will ever find out who you are, you made yourself look massively unlike yourself in the face in those pictures. And even if they did, then the whole school would just finally start to appreciate how good you look, that's all. It wouldn't be a bad thing, you'd honestly be the most popular girl in school if they knew."
I hugged him back "Maybe...but that doesn't make me feel like any less of a degenerate loser. I don't want everyone laughing at me and making fun of me, or treating me like an object...."
He then added "Trust would be fine. Basically all of my friends want to bang you now. Jimmy offered me $100 cash for your phone number because of the rumors that I know you. I don't even know where he got that much money. Not gonna lie...I almost gave it to him."
I stared at my brother "Don't you dare, little man!"
Arnold laughed "You know actually, you should setup a fake Telegram account for, what was it? 'Minka'. Yeah that way you and I could get paid for hooking people up with her, without having to give anybody your actual phone number or anything. And then you can just ghost them if they get weird or whatever"
I basically think out loud "Damnit. That's not a bad idea! Wait, then how would I explain the fact that I know this girl when nobody else does? Bah, that would never work it would be too suspicious."
Arnold then told me "You might as well make the account and just tell everyone 'nunya beezwax' if they ask."
I roll my eyes "Smooth, boy. Reeeeeal smooth. They'll never suspect a thing, totes legit. Look I think I am going to make a fake account for Minka just to have it and maybe use it as some kinda decoy away from me in some way, but for now we really do need to get to class before we're late. Bye!"
On my way to class I texted Cliff and the others informing them that Arnold's friend Jerry was responsible for the leak but that he didn't know who I was either. I told them that I wanted to make him suffer for that somehow and wanted their help with ideas. Haylee's idea was the best one: Eye for an eye, I needed to leak HIS naked pictures all over the school to get even. I have no clue how to make that happen though.
Weirdly, I also felt myself filled with an odd desire to actually create the chat account for Minka, so I signed up for a basic account quickly before I reached the classroom. I can't explain it well, but I think part of me actually wants to be able to roleplay as Minka in a safe environment where nobody knows that it's really me behind the keyboard. But could I pull this off without it backfiring against me and ruining it all?
After lunch I went toward my 5th period class (lunch was my 4th period class, the younger students have lunch for 5th period). As I walked through the hallway and approached the door to English, I was flagged down by a boy I know from chess club and other nerd adventures, named Tyler.
"Sophie! Don't walk in there yet" he yelled to me.
I'm over here wondering how this day could possibly get any worse, so I nervously ask him "...whyyyy not?"
He answered me "I need a favor from you, a huge one! And Miss Hook is ordering all phones turned in when we walk into class because of the announcement at lunch."
Of course. The principal told everyone about my pictures being sent all over the school, so now we have teachers trying fruitlessly to control several hundred horny teenagers in their classrooms to stop them from drooling over Minka. Good luck. Still, I had no idea what any of this had to do with a favor. "What favor?"
He gave me some really pitiful baby eyes "Can you send me these nude pictures everyone is talking about all of the sudden? Every time I ask any of the guys I know they either don't have them yet, are scared of getting in trouble now, or they're just keeping them from me on purpose to be a jerk. Apparently there's some big effort from the big shot boys to keep any of us in Science Olympiad from getting to see the pictures at all, which is total bullshit."
My mind jumps in loops from this request, but I also get a little mad from the news that the popular punks are supposedly trying to gatekeep my pictures. I mean seriously, what kind of bastard would do that just because someone is smarter than they are? In what alternate universe did they think they had that right?
Wait hold on, am I actually getting offended about my pictures NOT being sent out to enough boys? ...Yes, yes I am. I'm mad about that not being fair, and many of my friends are in the nerd community. I don't want any of the boys AT ALL to see me naked and I wish I could just destroy all the pictures with a Thanos Snap, but at the same time in the real world where we are now it would honestly piss me off if the people sending out my stolen images left and right were purposely keeping them away from horny nice boys like Tyler. God this is the weirdest goddamn day.
When I went too long without saying anything, Tyler asked "So can you help me out? I know you've managed to get them by now. You're you! And once I get them all I can start sharing them with the rest of us in S.O."
I, it's so hard to say no to Tyler, but he's literally asking me to send him all of my nude pictures! I don't want him to see me naked, but I also don't want him to feel left out and bullied. And this is a line that I haven't crossed yet...ME sending out my pictures. So far I have never sent out my pictures to anyone ever. This would mean that I sent my nudes to a boy, that me, REAL me sent them directly. They weren't stolen, they weren't obtained indirectly through the grapevine, this time I would be directly giving a boy I know very well and have known for years the most humiliatingly explicit collection of pictures of me that has ever existed (or WILL ever exist I can promise you that). I'm not emotionally prepared for crossing that line. To do so would make me no longer just a victim...I'd be involved too.
I go to tell him no, trying to think of a kind way to let him down without being suspicious, but the look in his eyes just fills me with regret. He really is a nice boy that is always getting treated like crap by other boys and even many girls just because he's in Science Olympiad and chess club instead of the "manly" clubs and sports. From what I know he has even worse luck with dating than I do. I just can't break his heart like that by refusing his request.
"Ok" I said to him while slightly trembling "I'll send them all to you now quickly before class"
I bring up my phone. Ironically I have my album twice...the originals and the ones Ava sent me this morning. Ava's collection was grouped nicely in a folder so I go with that choice. I move to text them all to Tyler but my hand is freezing up at the send button. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves but it isn't helping in the slightest. I'm about to flash a boy! I'm about to flash him top, bottom, back, and spread wide. He's going to see everything I have and he's going to have the pictures to keep forever. This is so scary. It's so damn stupid that the idea of me trying to send pictures to one boy myself is so frightening when hundreds of other boys already have my pictures, but it is. And besides, he plans to share them with all of the other nerds, so it's more than one boy that I'm flashing if I do this. It's a whole crew of them.
I need to reset my brain. "THIS IS NOT ME!" I scream silently inside my head. These are pictures of "Minka", not me. Minka Minka Minka. She's a beautiful sultry woman without inhibitions, who talks with a sexy Eastern European accent like a boss (because why not?), walks dominatingly in high heels, makes boys submit to her, and she loves getting off to boys looking at her and complimenting her body. ...Ok that last part might be me too, not just Minka. Either way, thinking about this as if Minka was a different person helps me far more than what it would have done if I was sane. I finally click send, which transfers all 30ish pictures of me to Tyler. There's no turning back now, he's going to see it all and share it all with his friends. Many of them are my friends too, and now they're all going to be drooling over my privates. Erm..Minka's privates. Whoever's privates, my face is still turning red as I can't believe that I just did that.
Tyler starts browsing the album right there in the hallway and his eyes are bulging out of his skull, and that's not the only thing clearly bulging. His face is turning red and I notice sweat forming on his forehead. With each scroll his heart seems to be jumping at the new reveal, most of which are more explicit than the ones before them. I'm watching him react to my body in real time and it's honestly so fascinating in addition to filling me with shame. Still, his silent reaction isn't giving me the tingles that I need right in this embarrassing moment. I prod him for a verbal reaction "So...what do you think of her? Is she worth the hype?"
"Hell yeah!" he yells pretty loudly. "Oh my God I'm in love, this girl is so beautiful. No wonder everybody is going nuts, she's gotta be the hottest girl in the whole school! ...No offense"
The fact that this dude just hit me with a "no offense" as a comparison between me and Minka legitimately almost made me start laughing, but I caught myself just in time. His compliments are filling me with that warm happy feeling again in my chest, face, and groin. Still, I need more. I'm starting to feel a little bit like a junkie, but fuck it...I don't care.
I prod him some more "So what's your favorite area on her, your favorite picture, and why? I've heard there's a big debate raging right now with the boys about that. Don't be shy, I want to hear your FULL opinions. My group was all talking about this at lunch earlier but I wanna hear your naughty little thoughts too, just for fun"
He turns his phone around to show me the last picture in the album: my pussy spread wide apart with my fingers, clit sticking out, and wet to the point where my pussy is drooling on the floor. "That picture, definitely! This girl's pussy is fucking hot, like holy hell! I love a girl who shaves for starters, and I love it when pussies have that hot pink color on the inside. Also I really like it when a woman is visibly aroused and not just faking it like what you usually see in porn. Like look, you can even see her clit right here" as he pointed to it on the screen "not to mention how wet she is, looking tasty as hell. I just want to lick her until she runs out of juice, no matter how long it takes or how loudly she screams. ...So how's that? Naughty enough for you?"
Yes. Yes yes. Yes yes very yes! Wow my hormones are swimming right now. Hearing him fantasize about my pussy was making me sweat and shiver, making my face solid crimson, and making my heart speed up to the point where I could almost hear it beating. I even felt myself getting a little wet down there from him talking about my wetness, like he somehow summoned it by speaking of it. And little nerdy Tyler from chess club knows how to locate a clitoris and even loves giving a woman oral! Goddamn, why haven't I ever asked him out yet? That was obviously a big gigantic mistake. I made a serious mental note right there that even if he isn't the biggest or prettiest of guys, Tyler might be seriously good in bed and worth a shot.
Ok damnit, I need to stop lusting over everybody so hard once they start complimenting me like this or else my first time is going to be a gang bang! I WANT a gang bang with a dozen or so beautiful men and women all there to service me and me alone in a fever of unending pleasure that never ends because my servants can just rotate in and out when they get tired or sore? Could Minka actually make that a reality? If I dressed up as her one day, could I lure Tyler, that Ben guy, Cliff, Ava, and anyone else I could ever want to grant me 12 hours in a row of orgasmic bliss? AHH! No, bad Sophie, you're too horny right now! Dial it down right now before you have to change panties!
I have probably gone far too long without answering his question to me. "Yes! Yes that's good. Whew, that kinda got me hot a little bit, naughty boy"
Tyler looked away from me shyly "Heh. So what about you? I know you like girls. What do you like best about her?"
Oooook, that's a question that I don't know how to answer. Lusting after myself is a little weird, especially with all of my insecurities and the flaws that only I can see apparently. Then again, lusting after myself is exactly how this whole thing started. Besides, I have to keep up my cover, and normal Sophie would not be too shy to describe in great detail how much she loves a girl like Minka.
"Well..." I started "I agree with you, her pussy is to die for, and that last picture is...well wow, it's just wow, right?"
I didn't want to admit it to him for a multitude of reasons, but my very last picture was the first one that I got off to during my fun session. The explicitness was such a turn-on, as I just imagined the extreme intimacy of a girl actually sending that picture to someone, a picture of ultimate pornographic vulnerability that could only be shared with a person's true love. The fact that the entire damn school is seeing that view of me right now is such a massive source of embarrassment.
Then again, there was one other picture that I used the most as that day went on so I confessed honestly "Still, my favorite picture is this one from the front which shows her whole body with her hands behind her head. She looks so confident, so intense, and so sure of her own sexiness here. I just imagine her stripping for me, posing like this to make me weak, and then giving me a lap dance all to seduce me and turn me into her slave." I wasn't making that fantasy up either, that was what kept going through my mind on Sunday and why I kept going back to that particular image. While I am such a blatant sub, in my mind Minka is a dom who could bend anyone to her desires.
Tyler smiled "You're so cute when you hit subspace, anyone ever tell you that?"
I gasp "WHAT??? What...what do I look like when I do that? IS IT THAT OBVIOUS??"
He started laughing at me, yet here I am blushing like mad. I didn't realize that anybody could tell when I slipped into subspace fantasizing about someone being dominant to me! Also the revelation that Tyler knew what "subspace" was just tipped me off that he must be just as into kink stuff as I am. Not to mention he just called me cute, and I was already riding a horny high from his earlier compliments to Minka. Now I'm imagining Tyler pinning me to the wall behind me and having his way with me right here in public. I need to stop letting my horny mind run amok today before I go crazy!
Finally he answered "It's not super duper obvious, no, but your face gets really red, your eyes get glossy, and your entire body language changes to make yourself smaller. Like, you pull your arms towards your chest usually and lower your head. It's something I've noticed in the past."
I reply "Well no, nobody has ever told me that before. Thanks, I suppose."
Tyler giggled again "Don't mention it. Although if you want, I'll totally buy you a collar for your birthday next month and you can wear it around school, staying in subspace all day"
Ok, there's no way that he could've known that being collared in public actually WAS one of my biggest fetishes, but there's also no chance that I'm admitting to that right now. I quickly answer him "Let's not!"
Actually sitting through 5th period was uneventful and overall boring, especially since the teacher took all of our phones. Honestly I enjoyed the break from my every minute being about my naked parts and the fact that everyone was looking at them. In a weird way, though, part of me was missing the feeling of being the center of everyone's attention. It doesn't make sense since I am so massively ashamed of everyone being able to see me naked like this, but somehow it feels good that everybody WANTS to keep looking at me now that they can. It makes me feel wanted and attractive. It would honestly feel worse if my pictures were out there but nobody cared to see them. I would be horrified if I was so ugly that people would reject my free nudes.
When class was over and I finally got my phone back, I noticed a whole bunch of text messages that came in while I was in there. That's a pretty odd thing in general since I don't text during classes and neither do my friends usually. I had messages from Cliff, Ava, and apparently something from my brother Arnold. I really wasn't ready for whatever Arnold had to say to me if he really was the person who leaked me, so I checked Ava first. Her message read "Just thought you might be interested in knowing that some of the cutest boys in school, Roger, Lloyd, and Albert, are all totally in love with Minka now. They're in my 5th period class and they wouldn't stop fawning over her. Lloyd even told me that if I ever found out Minka's identity that I was to ask her out for him since he's single right now. I had a feeling you might enjoy hearing that"
She's not wrong! Wow, I would sell a kidney to get a night alone with Roger, Albert, or Lloyd, and they all think that I'm sexy now. Lloyd is even trying to ask me out! I sorta squeal inside my head for a second. On the other hand, I start to get really embarrassed at the realization that all three of them, TOTAL supermodels, have seen me naked now. They're probably looking at me naked right at this very second. I no longer have absolutely anything that they haven't seen now. And honestly, how could I ever actually date any of them without revealing my identity? There's no way. I'm trapped again, stuck in the weird state where Sophie is forever alone while Minka is the hottest attraction in the school.
Ok ok, I need to move on. I bring up Cliff's messages next. There were three in a row: "I talked with a freshman I know from chess club and he doesn't think your brother was the leaker. I asked about a couple different freshmen to avoid tipping him off to what I know, but he didn't think any of them had done it"...."Nevermind, now he's telling me that he asked around and a bunch of people are saying that the leak started in Miss Wilson's class, which is your brother's first class. It looks like he might be guilty"...."So my friend apparently just went and asked your brother directly, even though I asked him not to do that sort of thing yet. Your brother is denying that he did anything and says he was sent the pictures just like anyone else. He might just be trying to avoid getting in trouble though now that the principal is on the warpath"
Great, what a fun little sequence of texts that was. I figure I might as well bring up Arnold's text now, which says "We need to talk. I'll meet you at your locker after class". Perfect, absolutely perfect. This will give me the chance to execute my sibling before 6th period. Unless somehow he is innocent, but then why else would he be texting ME? Oh crap...what if he's actually innocent and instead he just recognized me from the pictures? Ugh, that would be utterly humiliating. Now I don't know which option is worse.
I rush over to my locker, figuring that I need as much time as I can get before I have to book it toward gym for 6th period. As soon as I see Arnold rage fills me. All of my humiliation and agony today just floods to the surface even before he says a word. The look of guilt is written on his face. I somehow manage to calmly speak one word without exploding "Explain"
I must've looked extremely scary in that moment, because he put up both hands to defend himself while whispering "It wasn't my fault! It was Jerry!"
I repeat myself, but louder "EXPLAIN!"
Arnold made sure to be extremely quiet in the crowded hallway as he told me "You forgot that your tablet is logged into your Google account, and I brought both of our tablets to Jerry's house yesterday, remember? We were playing a new game and his computer sucks. You agreed to it! I didn't know that you were going to start taking naked pictures while we were gone!"
Fuck. Fuck fuck, he's right! I didn't even think about the fact that he had my tablet yesterday! It would've brought up a notification every time I took a picture. Whichever one of them was using my computer would've been linked to each picture the moment I took it.
I closed my eyes "And then what?"
He continued "I was using your computer and he was using mine. I was actually trying to AVOID him snooping through your stuff, but I kept getting those annoying notifications while we were trying to play a match. When we finished I clicked on it to see what it was about. I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GOING TO SHOW ME A BUNCH OF YOUR NAKED PICTURES! And Jerry was sitting right next to me when I did it, so he saw everything."
Wonderful. Jerry was always a little brat, and now that little brat has seen me naked just like everyone else.
Arnold kept explaining "But here's the problem...I didn't recognize you at all at first, because you looked so different from usual. We actually thought you were taking pictures of a secret new girlfriend that you were screwing at home once you got the house to yourself. I didn't actually figure out that it was you until after I got home and really looked at the pictures closely."
He looked at my pictures closely. UGH!!! Oh my God, I do NOT want to know if my brother was getting off to me. Nope, nope, NOPE! Just the fact that I know my perverted little brother was looking at my boobs, butt, and pussy is mortifying and horrifying enough by itself. If he was actually jerking to me, then I sincerely hope that he recognized me right as he neared the edge just so that the shock gave him horrible blue balls and he couldn't finish! I don't care if that sounds petty.
I harshly whispered "So you're telling me that you and Jerry saved my pictures thinking it was my non-existent girlfriend? Do you understand how wrong that was on, like, multiple levels?"
He snapped back "Hey! If you stumbled across a schoolmate's naked pictures, you would've saved them. You were the one acting all thirsty when that one dude's dick pic leaked last year. Don't act innocent."
I mean he's not wrong, but still. "Ok yeah fine, but this is crossing the line Arnold! I would've kept the pictures in secret, I NEVER would've leaked them to everyone everywhere like this."
Arnold pitifully apologized "I'm sorry! I didn't do it, he did. Even before I knew it was you I told him not to show those pictures to anybody or else you were going to kill us, but he didn't listen. He told a few people that the pictures were of HIS girlfriend, but most people knew that was a lie. I never actually told him it was you because... Well ok, promise not to laugh or make fun of me, but I said lots of things that I now super duper regret saying, if you get my drift. Not being weird...but you look good, and I didn't know that shit was you! I'm embarrassed enough as it is. I didn't want him to know that I said that stuff about my own sister because he would tease me for the rest of my life."
I snapped "Boy I don't even want to HEAR about YOUR embarrassment after today! Fine, nobody else can recognize me in those pictures either. Even you took several hours and you live with me. So you're saying that Jerry had all of my pictures from yesterday, not knowing that it was actually me, and that he was the one who started sending them all over the mother fucking school?"
He softly answered "Yes. I'm really sorry, Sophie, I swear it. At least nobody else seems to know that it's you. People keep asking me and Jerry who you are though, so word is getting out that we started this. I keep denying it but I'm worried that Jerry might spill the beans about your 'girlfriend' if they put enough pressure on him"
In a voice of pure stone cold serial killer level calmness I told Arnold "I will get even with your friend, no matter what it takes. If you don't want to join him, you'd better never tell a soul about me being Minka."
Suddenly very confused, he asked me "Wait, who?"
Oops. Idiot.... Why did I say that? That was a complete accident! I'm not wanting everyone to know my code name, but I guess I might as well tell Arnold at this point. "Minka is the codename I came up with for 'the girl in the pictures' so that I could talk about them in public with a couple of my friends who know without worrying about people over-hearing us. To put it in nerd terms, Sophie is Clark Kent, Minka is Superman. Don't go telling that to people though"
He smirked "You really should use 'Supergirl' in your metaphor, but I get it." He then very softly told me "I really am truly sorry, Sophie. I never meant for any of this to happen."
I put my hand on his shoulder "Look, it's ok. I understand, and I'm not mad at you. Today has just been so humiliating for me. Every boy in school (and the girls too) have all gotten to see me naked and they even get to keep the pictures. Could you imagine if every girl in school had pictures of your dick? Imagine seeing them everywhere you look, following you around, mocking you. That's my life right now. These pictures might last for my entire life, my whole life. If people find out that it's old life is over. Even just people seeing those pictures of me anonymously makes me want to just jump off a bridge. I feel like such a dirty trashy slut, and those pictures aren't even SLIGHTLY tasteful. Some of them are straight porn. If I do get found out...I might actually go jump for real just to make it all end."
Arnold suddenly hugged me, which I was not expecting one ounce since we never hug. It was surprisingly comforting. He then told me "Don't ever joke about hurting yourself, that's not cool and you know it. Nobody will ever find out who you are, you made yourself look massively unlike yourself in the face in those pictures. And even if they did, then the whole school would just finally start to appreciate how good you look, that's all. It wouldn't be a bad thing, you'd honestly be the most popular girl in school if they knew."
I hugged him back "Maybe...but that doesn't make me feel like any less of a degenerate loser. I don't want everyone laughing at me and making fun of me, or treating me like an object...."
He then added "Trust would be fine. Basically all of my friends want to bang you now. Jimmy offered me $100 cash for your phone number because of the rumors that I know you. I don't even know where he got that much money. Not gonna lie...I almost gave it to him."
I stared at my brother "Don't you dare, little man!"
Arnold laughed "You know actually, you should setup a fake Telegram account for, what was it? 'Minka'. Yeah that way you and I could get paid for hooking people up with her, without having to give anybody your actual phone number or anything. And then you can just ghost them if they get weird or whatever"
I basically think out loud "Damnit. That's not a bad idea! Wait, then how would I explain the fact that I know this girl when nobody else does? Bah, that would never work it would be too suspicious."
Arnold then told me "You might as well make the account and just tell everyone 'nunya beezwax' if they ask."
I roll my eyes "Smooth, boy. Reeeeeal smooth. They'll never suspect a thing, totes legit. Look I think I am going to make a fake account for Minka just to have it and maybe use it as some kinda decoy away from me in some way, but for now we really do need to get to class before we're late. Bye!"
On my way to class I texted Cliff and the others informing them that Arnold's friend Jerry was responsible for the leak but that he didn't know who I was either. I told them that I wanted to make him suffer for that somehow and wanted their help with ideas. Haylee's idea was the best one: Eye for an eye, I needed to leak HIS naked pictures all over the school to get even. I have no clue how to make that happen though.
Weirdly, I also felt myself filled with an odd desire to actually create the chat account for Minka, so I signed up for a basic account quickly before I reached the classroom. I can't explain it well, but I think part of me actually wants to be able to roleplay as Minka in a safe environment where nobody knows that it's really me behind the keyboard. But could I pull this off without it backfiring against me and ruining it all?
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Sophie Digitally Naked in School Part 4
Part 4:
As soon as I sat down in my chair for art, I quickly sent Minka's Telegram account info to Arnold and my friends. I explained that it was meant to handle any issues with needing a decoy, or if people were offering us money for contact information and what not. I told them all to keep quiet that any of us knew Minka in order to avoid suspicion.
Art class was sure to be "fun". Somehow I had this huge feeling of fear going into this class specifically today. It was most likely due to the fact that Mr Bergson is guaranteed to talk about today's big news, because he was always big on incorporating daily moments, memes, and images into his lectures, even if the content was adult in nature. It doesn't help matters that he's really smoking hot for an older guy and he's only around 30 years old or so. Let's just say that I'm extremely nervous about what he's going to say about my pictures.
I'm also quite worried about him recognizing me. While everyone else was fooled by make up, no glasses, and my hair being down, Mr Bergson has an impeccable eye for detail and talks about how no two faces are identical and that sort of thing. Out of all of the people in this school, he is BY FAR the most likely to recognize me. I'm going to make it a point to not look directly at him all class today in the hopes that he doesn't pick up on my secret, assuming he hasn't already.
"Greetings and salutations, classmates!" he opened, as usual. "I'm sure that every single one of you is aware of what today's Current Event discussion is going to feature. Yes, you guessed it. THOSE pictures. Now what you're not expecting, I'm sure, is that we're actually going to spend the entire class today focused on them. Not just for tittilation purposes, boys. No, this incident has given me a wonderful excuse to compare and contrast depictions of the nude female throughout the various millennia, showcasing how very little has truly changed while highlighting those key few differences that make all the...difference."
Damnit! I knew we were going to discuss my pictures, but I didn't know we were going to devote the entire freaking class to them! Great, just great. What more can this day throw at me?
As if to answer my question, Mr Bergson continued "Now, quite obviously the only real way for us to discuss the artistic applications and references of today's new model will be for me to bring up the pictures in question on the big screen, including the more risqué and uncensored ones." Are you KIDDING ME??? He just kept going on as if he didn't just say the craziest damn sentence in high school history "Please try to behave yourselves. Any lewd comments or inappropriate actions will be punished, and if needed I will send you all one by one to see our esteemed principal. I will also accept zero comments which are disrespectful or derogatory towards the model in these pictures. She is to be treated the same as if she modeled the Mona Lisa, without any toxic efforts to put her down or call her immoral. Now, without further ado...our first picture."
Casting from his phone to the TV, the first picture he chooses comes on the screen. There I am: Naked, sideways shot that still shows both boobs and my kitty, and me gently biting my finger. Friggin' hell, he couldn't start off with a more tame shot? My face turns red as hell just staring at myself on the big screen like that, and I quickly look around to see the entire class staring at my nakedness. Many of the boys give a light cheer and hoot of approval of me, despite the warning to behave earlier. Mr Bergson ignored that for now.
Suddenly I realize that with the high resolution and size of the 70 inch TV screen that I was suddenly in huge danger of being recognized by anyone here! I have to avoid looking directly at anyone during this class in order to avoid them noticing that the girl on the big screen and me both have remarkable similar facial shapes. Mr Bergson is sure to notice, I know it. There's no way that someone like him is going to miss this, there's no way. This man memorizes shadows and tiny beauty marks when painting people he knows from memory! He's going to recognize me, out me, and then turn me in to the principal and the cops. I'm doomed!
Mr Bergson gestured towards the screen "There she is. Quite the beauty, am I right?" Most of the class verbally agrees with him all at once, which sends a tingle down my spine. Whoa. I wasn't quite ready for that feeling to be as intense as it was. There's something extremely sexy about an entire classroom of 30+ students simultaneously saying that I am beautiful. I have to be careful not to allow myself to get too overwhelmed by any compliments this class, however. My concentration has to remain on trying to avoid being recognized.
After calling me a beauty, Mr Bergson continued "Now, it has come to my attention that the rumors declare this young lady to be a student at our exceptional school, but that whoever she is has chosen to remain anonymous. I cannot be certain of the validity of this claim, obviously, but let's just say that I have my doubts that these belong to any of our students. Whether that story turns out to be true or false, the original story itself intrigued me. You can see the extensive use of colored eye shadow on this model, working akin to a mask in a way. It reminds me of Robin from Batman and Robin, hiding nothing but the eye region yet somehow functioning as a form of identity concealment. Perhaps this model truly was intending on remaining anonymous, however it would quite frankly be impossible to remain unknown once the pictures were sent out to their original recipient. Caller ID has been a thing since before any of you younglings were born."
Everybody is focusing on my face now, including Mr Bergson. How has he not recognized me yet? How long can I possibly escape him figuring it all out? I'm trembling in my seat as the anticipation is killing me of him or one of the other students identifying me. I can't take this pressure, I almost feel like fainting.
He continued on "No, I believe the heavy make up was used to hide flaws that the model feels insecure about. That's generally how make up is used in regular life after all. There was a clear intention by the model to transform herself into an ideal beauty, and the use of such extensive coloring and design in both the eye region and the overall face areas suggests that this transformation was a significant one overall. It really gives off a vibe that this woman, who we all agree is very pretty and sexy, does not see herself in that same light at all. The masking effect of the make up tells me that this girl is consumed with feelings of inadequacy that she is powering through by use of transformation into "someone else". Someone she believes to be better than her, or an idealized version of herself that she doesn't believe she could ever equal in real life. Her posing reflects this as well, as the model is very tensed and presenting herself instead of using a more neutral or relaxed positioning. She hides her true self away from the controls possible behind the lens. This is the great power of photography when done correctly."
Wow. I honestly can't believe he pegged me so well just by looking at my face. Luckily he still hasn't recognized me in there, but aside from that he just unpacked my personality to the entire class with ease. I'm getting more and more worried as he talks about the disguise aspect of my make up though, because he practically just came out and said that the pic girl doesn't look anything like that in real life. That was honestly my biggest advantage towards avoiding detection.
Once Mr Bergson finished commentary on my face, he switched up to my body "Next we have her body itself. Yes yes, we will be discussing the nudity of these pictures directly. Simmer down, people. Now before I begin with my own observations, who here would like to offer theirs first? Please try to conduct yourselves with dignity at all times. Yes, this woman is extremely attractive and sexy, but crude comments are not productive. Jason, you first"
A boy I don't know at all named Jason spoke "My comment is that there is extreme sexual energy here, not just from the nudity. Like, she's shaven bald, her nipples are pointing out like an inch, she's biting her finger, and she's giving the camera eff-me eyes. Some of the other pics she's spreading herself or bending way over. This girl wants people to look at her and she's basically getting off to the camera. A lot of time women taking naked pics for money just look bored and it's a turn off. This woman is ABOUT IT. I think that's one of the reasons everyone's so into her. Well that, and she's basically flawless."
Wow Jason-guy-I-don't-know, wow. Me flawless? Not even close, but thanks for saying it at least. Him saying that gave me a warm feeling. He's not wrong about how horny I was taking those and how I seriously was getting off to the camera though. Is that really the secret to why everyone loves Minka more than Sophie? Maybe as Sophie I need to stop hiding my constant horniness so desperately all of the time if other people find it a turn on.
Mr Bergson smiled "Ha, flawless for this generation, yes. I want to come back to that because that was my take and I need to elaborate on what I mean by that, but yes thank you for that statement. The rest of what you said is accurate as well. There is a profound sexual energy in this picture and the others as well. Sexual arousal of the target audience was clearly the goal of this photoshoot, and the model's genuine feelings of sexual arousal herself lent themselves to the final whole. This is why I have always said that as artists you should always pull from your heart, from your true feelings and experiences. As Jason said, it's a 'turn off' if the artist and the work are not aligned completely. I am very glad that he made that connection. Two more student observations before I comment on her 'flawlessness', who wants to go next? Linda."
Linda I know and have done group projects with. She is a sweet freshman girl innocent as an angel. I'm suddenly uneasy about her looking at me naked and making comments on it because I just can't imagine her connected to sexual things at all. She's like a child in my mind.
Still, she spoke "What I got from all of these pictures was a major vibe of her being lonely. She's taking her own pictures, instead of having a boyfriend take them, and all of them feel like a cry for attention, affection, and love. She's so amazingly beautiful that she comforts herself by being the model in front of the camera, but deep inside she is desperate for the viewers on the other side of the camera to come join her and love her. Her face didn't just give me sexual vibes, there was sadness mixed in from her not having access to a man at that moment. A couple of the pictures at the end were extremely graphic...basically the type of pictures no girl would ever take unless they were desperate for somebody to compliment them and want them. I think the model is single, maybe recently dumped, and all of this was a revenge coping mechanism. She may have even sent these to her ex to show him what he was missing, only for them all to be leaked all over school."
Freaking hell, I didn't sign up to be roasted for my desperation today. I mean she's mostly right, but damn. The fact that Linda is talking about my FULL album means that she's already been perving on all of the pictures like everyone else, which made me cringe a little bit out of embarrassment. It's just so weird to think of such a young and pure girl looking at porn, especially porn of me!
Mr Bergson nodded "An interesting theory. I'll admit that I saw bits of that loneliness in a few of the pictures myself. I don't feel like commenting directly on how 'desperate for sex' a young girl is, especially considering that nearly all adolescents are thinking about that subject all day every day. Still, there is clearly a longing for it, which goes back to Jason's point about the model's authentic feelings carrying into her photography so well."
He then waved his hands wildly "I'm going to take one more comment, but this time I'm picking one of you shy ones with your hand down trying to hide. Sophie! You look like you're quite embarrassed to be looking at a picture of a naked girl, purportedly a classmate even. No need to be so shy, tell us what you think."
Mother of shit! I can't believe he just called on me. I have to say something and try to avoid the entire class, and Mr Bergson himself, all realizing that I'm Minka the picture girl! "Um, I don't know. It's embarrassing know...she's hot...and naked... and it's awkward looking at it in class, that's all"
He tilted his head "Oh come on, I know you better than that. Everyone who knows you is aware that you are openly and proudly bisexual, which I admire you for, so you have no reason to be afraid of enjoying the view on screen too strongly. Some of the boys are making it quite clear how strongly they appreciate our model, even if they aren't aware of just how obvious that interest is right now. Please, give me your real insight. Nobody will judge you"
Damnit. I'm trying to get the attention off of me before it's too late! Fine, I have to just say something quickly "Ok yeah, she's hot as hell and flawless like Jason said, and clearly pissed off about being all alone that minute like Linda said. I guess the main thing I noticed that hasn't been said yet is that....the model starts off tame, but then becomes more and more horny with every picture until she's just basically gushing by the end. Taking those pictures was obviously foreplay. She only stopped because she was about to explode"
Dear Lord why the hell did I just answer with the truth? Jesus I could have said anything, literally anything. Why did I just fess up to that being foreplay? Why the hell did I just admit that I was close to cumming by the end? I couldn't think of anything else to say in the moment. Am I just terrible at speaking under pressure? My heart is racing. Everyone was looking at me, and I have no way of knowing how many of them recognized me!
Mr Bergson laughed at me "Hahaha. Well, I have to say that was something that I had noticed as well. The progression was very fluid (no pun intended) both in content and exposure levels, with the model reacting physically to the increases in both. This is how professional nude pictorials are framed most commonly as a technique for building tension and sustaining a build-up from start to finish...or start to climax if I dare say it."
Funny man. Reeeeal funny. That's the 3rd time I've heard my pictorial described as "professional" though, but at least this time he included a reason for it, which made sense. I swear that was just an accident though.
He then went on while he cycled through many of the pictures in my album "So, going back to her being 'flawless', you can see several staples common in modern beauties in our model that are products of our time and reflective of our current standards. For example, you mentioned her pubis being hairless, as this trend has grown massively in popularity over the last two decades even though it was basically unheard of for millions of years of human history. Search all you want, you'll never find a classical painting that features a woman, or man, hairless in the groin region. And yet, in the modern era it is considered by many to be a flaw if a woman possesses too much hair there, or even any hair at all. Likewise, you can see how skinny this model is in the waist region as her abs are nearly completely flat going from her chest to her pubis without any bulge. This was very uncommon in older art and would be seen as unnatural in their times. Part of the wonder of cameras allows models to suck in their tummies before taking pictures, attempting to present themselves as being skinnier than they are naturally because thinness is viewed as extremely important in our era. Artwork from before the camera age did not use this concept, because changing a person's appearance for a few seconds was not seen as useful for painting or sculpting them. Sure, artwork often changed and stylized the appearance of the models in question, but that was not one of them usually. There is also the model's breasts, which are on the smaller size but having the advantage of being perky and pointing out without any artificial assistance. This body type has been very popular nowadays, where just a few decades ago huge breasts were seen as essential. Older art varied wildly on what sizes of breasts were seen as ideal, varying based on time period, region, and the artist themselves. Still, for the current year, this girl's size and lack of sag would be considered 'flawless'. Another key area is her butt. Modern women are expected to have very rounded butts despite thin waists and thighs allowing for thigh gap and that sort of thing. This model is lucky enough to have all of the criteria. She is nearly perfect in every way for you Gen Z types. Twenty years from now, Gen Alpha may disagree. That's why artistic female nudes have always fascinated me, because you can identify the era and region of a nude picture just be looking at certain targets in the models. It's really neat"
I'm blushing so hard right now. He did it so casually and academically, but this hot teacher of mine just told the entire class a detail by detail analysis of how 'flawless' of a model I am and the whole time I'm just sitting here getting warmer and warmer. I've never seen myself as being anything but average at best my whole life, so all of the attention from today has truly shattered a lot of my negative self-image. It's also making me horny again, damnit! I really don't need to be having naughty thoughts about a teacher, even if he's hot and not all that much older than I am. He displayed some classical nude female works next to compare to me, such as Birth of Venus. It was unreal to have a professional art teacher compare little me to the Goddess of Love and other artworks that have been loved for centuries.
Mr Bergson then switched it up "So I mentioned specifically female nudes changing over time. Well, that's because the male ideal in art has remained remarkably the same for thousands of years. It's only very recent that the ideal started to switch around to things like pretty boys, or guys with lumberjack dad bods. All throughout history men were depicted with muscles because nobody really asked the women their opinions quite frankly. It was more the male power fantasy pushed forth. Now we're learning that many body types appeal to women, which includes muscles of course."
On the screen during his speech were several nude men from art, including things like the statue of David, a bunch of Greek art, some African and Asian men, and even some pictures of male models from the last several decades with various body types. All the naked men were really sexy, not going to lie, and I was not ready for the sudden shift from looking at myself in embarrassment to suddenly looking at major eye candy. I guess for everybody else it was eye candy to eye candy, but that's not the point. I was already getting horny from all of the compliments and attention on my own pictures, so now I was crossing over into the deep realm where my mind is lost in lust. I need to catch myself before I embarrass myself!
None of us though were ready for the next big shocker as a picture of a slightly younger Mr Bergson himself came on the screen wearing only a towel, skin covered in mist, harsh lighting with shadows, looking SMOKING hot. This man has abs to kill for, something that I never knew until now because he has to wear shirts to teach (a stupid rule I now completely disagree with!) The whole class erupted in squeals and hoots from the sudden reveal, including me by accident. So much for catching myself! Consider the horniness line of no return crossed.
Mr Bergson waved everyone down "Ok ok, I expected that would get a reaction from you all. It may surprise some of you to learn that I have done some extreme photography myself, especially when I was in college. And this brings me to my next point, and it's going to be a very controversial point indeed. Nude photography, and nude selfies included, are NOT a dirty thing or something to be ashamed of. They are an expression of a person's artistic vision just the same as any other, merely using the human body as the canvas. Especially in the modern era it has become massively common for people to take nude pictures of themselves and then share these pictures with loved ones or even just friends. Being honest, no of hands, how many of you here today have sent someone a selfie in the nude, tasteful or otherwise, parts covered or exposed?"
I kept my hand down. I was lying after what I did earlier with Tyler, but in a way I was sending Minka's pictures so it didn't count. Either way, I just couldn't bring myself to raise my hand here. I was amazed at how many of the other classmates rose their hands though, since it was over half of them. And holy crap, "innocent" Linda was one of them! What? How? Have I just been misreading that girl this entire class somehow?
Our teacher proudly clapped "Very good, very good. I am one of them myself, and in fact have modeled for several nude photos. I've done the selfie thing, but I've also been to actual studios for a handful of modeling photoshoots done by a professional. This picture here is one of my favorites from one of my professional albums.
Mr Bergson then shocked us all with the next words out of his mouth "The next picture that I'm going to show you all is one without the towel. Yes, with everything I have showing. I figured that this last image of the day required adequate build-up before I clicked over to it, to ensure that you were all ready for such a thing"
Oh my! Ok! I never in a million years ever imagined that I was ever going to get to see my hot art teacher naked. The anticipation drives me crazy as I can't even blink waiting on this stunning man to click to the next one in the line. He takes his time too, enjoying the suspense. Bastard. Finally he clicks over and there he is on the big screen in his birthday suit, naked head to toe, still wet all over his skin, one hand on his hips, one hand on his chest, with at least 8 inches of pleasure sticking straight out of his midsection. WOW!!! I covered my mouth with my hands in shock, but nothing was ever covering these eyes as long as that picture remained on the screen. The other girls seemed just as happy as I was. Most of the boys seemed unhappy, but they don't matter right now.
Mr Bergson then asked "Now, I'm going to ask the same three students for their observations of my own nude picture, comparing them directly to the girl model from earlier. Let's all pay attention to these responses carefully. Jason?"
Jason, who I'm guessing is straight by his look of pure horror and overall uncomfortableness, responded "Uh..I guess I'll say that yours looks more professional than the girl's pics did, but you also look authentically horny or whatever"
Mr Bergson smirked "Oh yes. You should've seen the woman who was taking the pictures. She wanted as authentic a physical reaction as possible from me, so she and I had matching outfits for this pictorial even if she was behind the camera the whole time. It most certainly helped. Linda?"
In contrast to Jason, Linda was on cloud nine and absolutely bouncing, red in the face with obvious arousal "I just want to begin with WOW! You look good, Mr Bergson. Flawless, to steal Jason's word. Any chance you can send me this picture for my own little art collection?"
He giggled "Believe it or not, no. Normally I wouldn't have an objection in theory to sharing my nude artwork with others, but it would not be appropriate given the student/teacher dynamic here, nor your age. I will comment, however, that this picture and others do exist on my photographer's professional webpage, and that I can't be held responsible if any of you were able to locate them on your own. Still, I need your observations on the picture, not just compliments."
Linda tried to get herself together ", you look like you're being directed is one thing. You don't look as natural as she does in that type of pose, as if the camera lady was telling you what to do"
Mr Bergson nodded "Accurate. Oddly enough, I find myself enjoying her poses more than my own natural poses, even though that may be a reflection of my own insecurities. Relinquishing control to her was very liberating in the moment, allowing my body to be the canvas for her vision instead of my own. I was happy with the results, and this shot was among my all-time favorites. And now onto Sophie. What is your take over there with your face covered?"
Crap, I forgot I was still sitting here in a state of shock looking like a low-budget ninja. That's embarrassing, so I threw my hands down. I could feel myself obviously blushing just as hard as Linda was, but I was not wanting to make a fool of myself. At least this time I had warning that I was going to be called on and had thought up a decent response.
"You have so much confidence. I mean dang man, you just showed all of us here your naked picture like it didn't phase you at all! Even in the picture you don't look even slightly afraid of being seen or judged. I can't even imagine being like that. The picture girl doesn't have that at all, she's just pretending. And it's probably crushing her that her pictures leaked for everyone in the entire school to see them."
Mr Bergson frowned "I would hope that the model would come to accept her own public nudity and cast aside any fears or doubts, but you are correct in that there is a significant difference in confidence level. This was not some magic trick on my part, though. It just came from experience, as by this point I had already done several nude works either by myself or with others. Modeling for a live figure drawing class was the really scary experience, trust me on that one."
As he shut off the screen, finally hiding his nudity from us all, he worked to close out the class "Either way, I think my overall point for all of this class today is to ensure that all of you come to see artistic nudes as something that has existed for as long as human beings have been making art at all. I have heard some unpleasant things said about the model in these new pictures, questioning her character and the like. Even our principal has said things that I found wholly inappropriate and I have confronted him about this. Taking nude selfies is a natural part of teenage years and young adulthood. Many young people take them even if they never share them with anyone else. It's a form of expression, as well as foreplay as Sophie put it earlier, and no person should be judged for such things. I, your role model, have taken many nude pictures myself and I even shared one with you all here and now to make the point that there should not be any negativity revolving around such pieces of unfiltered uncovered beauty. So your homework assignment tonight, which is going to be a very weird one that I obviously can't grade in any way, but your homework assignment is to learn to appreciate your own nude selves tonight. You can take selfies of yourself as part of this, or just model in front of a mirror if you aren't brave enough for that. I would recommend not sending pictures out to anyone that you don't fully trust, unless you're willing to risk being our next class model, but the act of taking the pictures and looking at yourself in the nude is an important step towards appreciating the work of art that each of your bodies represents. Even if you don't feel 'flawless' right now, understand that the definition of flawless changes with the wind in many cases. Enjoy what you have, and one day you will find your perfect audience...and to that person or persons, you will indeed be without flaw. That's my class for today, you may chat among yourselves for the next few minutes before the bell rings."
I don't know how to react to that homework assignment, considering that was the EXACT thing that got me in this mess in the first place. I don't want to speak up about it though for fear that it would be too suspicious. I thought about asking Linda to explain to me about her sending nudes to somebody in the past, since I'm still not completely over that shocker, but Mr Bergson suddenly called me up to his desk to ask me a private question. Crap! What could he possibly want to talk to me about?
I walk next to him on the side of his desk "Yes Mr Bergson?"
He smiled warmly "I hope my lecture today was helpful for you in dealing with today's events"
Warning! Warning! Red flag! I meekly whisper "Today is weird, yes, with some unknown girl's pictures leaking all over and all"
Mr Bergson chuckled "Come on, I know. I knew immediately. Your eyes are a fairly distinctive silvery hazel shade, and I recognized the shapes of your nose and jawline together easily. Make up and doing your hair differently wasn't going to work on me"
OH NO!! I knew it! I knew he would figure it out! It's over, my life is over. He's going to report me to the principal, I'm going to be arrested, all the other students will find out, and I'm going to be the laughing stock token whore from now on. I can't even speak as tears start to form in my eyes.
He noticed my shock and spoke to me in a calm and comforting voice "It's ok, Sophie. I don't plan to tell anyone, not even my superiors. I designed this class today around helping you to cope with your situation, letting you see that being nude in front of others was not the end of the world or anything. I even exposed myself to make that point. It's especially not a terrible occurrence when you can be described as 'flawless' by your classmates, I might add. But still, I know this is hard for you right now and that you probably feel very alone. I wanted you to know that if you needed somebody to talk to about your current stress, discreetly, that you should always feel free to come see me."
I...don't know how to respond to that. His offer is so kind though, it makes me want to cry out of happiness instead of worry. And I felt a wave of relief when he told me that he wasn't going to tell anyone about me. The only thing I can manage is to softly whisper "...Thank you"
He then told me "You're welcome. And if one day you find the courage to take credit for your anonymous artwork, I can help you avoid some of the pitfalls associated with this choice. For example, let's just say that the principal has been told by myself and others who work here that he will not, in fact, be using the threat of legal retaliation against a student for this sort of thing ever again. Miss Moon practically drilled him a new one over that fiasco of an announcement at lunch, and she was ready to bring an entire horde of women's rights advocates to join her. It was pretty funny. You should know that you are not completely alone in all of this, and that many of us will work to ensure that no harm comes to you."
I respond truthfully from the heart "Wow that's...amazing. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much the police thing has been weighing on me today...especially because my pictures were stolen without my consent in the first place! I never sent them out, they were just for me like what you said for the homework assignment. Somebody accessed my account and copied them all. I'm so ashamed and humiliated. I'm so terrified of people finding out who I am and the police thing was one of the biggest reasons, although not the only reason by far. I wish I could be as brave and fearless as you are about your nude pictures, but I will never be that confident. I know you told me that it's all ok, but I can't help but feel like a dirty slut and I don't want my entire reputation to become 'that dirty naked slut'. I'm never going to claim my pictures, ever. I'm praying that they remain anonymous forever."
He nodded "I understand. I do have one request of you though: I want you to try from now on to never think of yourself as a 'dirty slut' any more. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your photos were very well done for an amateur self-shot album, and you looked fantastic in them. You are an artist, nothing less. People sending you negativity is an unavoidable part of all forms of art, but it's the positives that outweigh it by far and make it all worth creating in the first place. You should take a couple minutes to relax before your next class. If you wish to see me after school is out, I'll be here for an extra hour or so. Take care, Sophie!"
Sitting back in my chair I try to get my mind back into a better place. Maybe he's right and that I do need to start seeing the positives of my "art" more often. If nothing else, it has done wonders for my overall self-image to have people all day describe me as "beautiful", "dream girl", and "flawless". Either way, I only have one more class for the day: Gym. I've never been a big fan of gym, especially having it dead last in the school day. Somehow today I knew it was going to be so much worse than usual.
As soon as I sat down in my chair for art, I quickly sent Minka's Telegram account info to Arnold and my friends. I explained that it was meant to handle any issues with needing a decoy, or if people were offering us money for contact information and what not. I told them all to keep quiet that any of us knew Minka in order to avoid suspicion.
Art class was sure to be "fun". Somehow I had this huge feeling of fear going into this class specifically today. It was most likely due to the fact that Mr Bergson is guaranteed to talk about today's big news, because he was always big on incorporating daily moments, memes, and images into his lectures, even if the content was adult in nature. It doesn't help matters that he's really smoking hot for an older guy and he's only around 30 years old or so. Let's just say that I'm extremely nervous about what he's going to say about my pictures.
I'm also quite worried about him recognizing me. While everyone else was fooled by make up, no glasses, and my hair being down, Mr Bergson has an impeccable eye for detail and talks about how no two faces are identical and that sort of thing. Out of all of the people in this school, he is BY FAR the most likely to recognize me. I'm going to make it a point to not look directly at him all class today in the hopes that he doesn't pick up on my secret, assuming he hasn't already.
"Greetings and salutations, classmates!" he opened, as usual. "I'm sure that every single one of you is aware of what today's Current Event discussion is going to feature. Yes, you guessed it. THOSE pictures. Now what you're not expecting, I'm sure, is that we're actually going to spend the entire class today focused on them. Not just for tittilation purposes, boys. No, this incident has given me a wonderful excuse to compare and contrast depictions of the nude female throughout the various millennia, showcasing how very little has truly changed while highlighting those key few differences that make all the...difference."
Damnit! I knew we were going to discuss my pictures, but I didn't know we were going to devote the entire freaking class to them! Great, just great. What more can this day throw at me?
As if to answer my question, Mr Bergson continued "Now, quite obviously the only real way for us to discuss the artistic applications and references of today's new model will be for me to bring up the pictures in question on the big screen, including the more risqué and uncensored ones." Are you KIDDING ME??? He just kept going on as if he didn't just say the craziest damn sentence in high school history "Please try to behave yourselves. Any lewd comments or inappropriate actions will be punished, and if needed I will send you all one by one to see our esteemed principal. I will also accept zero comments which are disrespectful or derogatory towards the model in these pictures. She is to be treated the same as if she modeled the Mona Lisa, without any toxic efforts to put her down or call her immoral. Now, without further ado...our first picture."
Casting from his phone to the TV, the first picture he chooses comes on the screen. There I am: Naked, sideways shot that still shows both boobs and my kitty, and me gently biting my finger. Friggin' hell, he couldn't start off with a more tame shot? My face turns red as hell just staring at myself on the big screen like that, and I quickly look around to see the entire class staring at my nakedness. Many of the boys give a light cheer and hoot of approval of me, despite the warning to behave earlier. Mr Bergson ignored that for now.
Suddenly I realize that with the high resolution and size of the 70 inch TV screen that I was suddenly in huge danger of being recognized by anyone here! I have to avoid looking directly at anyone during this class in order to avoid them noticing that the girl on the big screen and me both have remarkable similar facial shapes. Mr Bergson is sure to notice, I know it. There's no way that someone like him is going to miss this, there's no way. This man memorizes shadows and tiny beauty marks when painting people he knows from memory! He's going to recognize me, out me, and then turn me in to the principal and the cops. I'm doomed!
Mr Bergson gestured towards the screen "There she is. Quite the beauty, am I right?" Most of the class verbally agrees with him all at once, which sends a tingle down my spine. Whoa. I wasn't quite ready for that feeling to be as intense as it was. There's something extremely sexy about an entire classroom of 30+ students simultaneously saying that I am beautiful. I have to be careful not to allow myself to get too overwhelmed by any compliments this class, however. My concentration has to remain on trying to avoid being recognized.
After calling me a beauty, Mr Bergson continued "Now, it has come to my attention that the rumors declare this young lady to be a student at our exceptional school, but that whoever she is has chosen to remain anonymous. I cannot be certain of the validity of this claim, obviously, but let's just say that I have my doubts that these belong to any of our students. Whether that story turns out to be true or false, the original story itself intrigued me. You can see the extensive use of colored eye shadow on this model, working akin to a mask in a way. It reminds me of Robin from Batman and Robin, hiding nothing but the eye region yet somehow functioning as a form of identity concealment. Perhaps this model truly was intending on remaining anonymous, however it would quite frankly be impossible to remain unknown once the pictures were sent out to their original recipient. Caller ID has been a thing since before any of you younglings were born."
Everybody is focusing on my face now, including Mr Bergson. How has he not recognized me yet? How long can I possibly escape him figuring it all out? I'm trembling in my seat as the anticipation is killing me of him or one of the other students identifying me. I can't take this pressure, I almost feel like fainting.
He continued on "No, I believe the heavy make up was used to hide flaws that the model feels insecure about. That's generally how make up is used in regular life after all. There was a clear intention by the model to transform herself into an ideal beauty, and the use of such extensive coloring and design in both the eye region and the overall face areas suggests that this transformation was a significant one overall. It really gives off a vibe that this woman, who we all agree is very pretty and sexy, does not see herself in that same light at all. The masking effect of the make up tells me that this girl is consumed with feelings of inadequacy that she is powering through by use of transformation into "someone else". Someone she believes to be better than her, or an idealized version of herself that she doesn't believe she could ever equal in real life. Her posing reflects this as well, as the model is very tensed and presenting herself instead of using a more neutral or relaxed positioning. She hides her true self away from the controls possible behind the lens. This is the great power of photography when done correctly."
Wow. I honestly can't believe he pegged me so well just by looking at my face. Luckily he still hasn't recognized me in there, but aside from that he just unpacked my personality to the entire class with ease. I'm getting more and more worried as he talks about the disguise aspect of my make up though, because he practically just came out and said that the pic girl doesn't look anything like that in real life. That was honestly my biggest advantage towards avoiding detection.
Once Mr Bergson finished commentary on my face, he switched up to my body "Next we have her body itself. Yes yes, we will be discussing the nudity of these pictures directly. Simmer down, people. Now before I begin with my own observations, who here would like to offer theirs first? Please try to conduct yourselves with dignity at all times. Yes, this woman is extremely attractive and sexy, but crude comments are not productive. Jason, you first"
A boy I don't know at all named Jason spoke "My comment is that there is extreme sexual energy here, not just from the nudity. Like, she's shaven bald, her nipples are pointing out like an inch, she's biting her finger, and she's giving the camera eff-me eyes. Some of the other pics she's spreading herself or bending way over. This girl wants people to look at her and she's basically getting off to the camera. A lot of time women taking naked pics for money just look bored and it's a turn off. This woman is ABOUT IT. I think that's one of the reasons everyone's so into her. Well that, and she's basically flawless."
Wow Jason-guy-I-don't-know, wow. Me flawless? Not even close, but thanks for saying it at least. Him saying that gave me a warm feeling. He's not wrong about how horny I was taking those and how I seriously was getting off to the camera though. Is that really the secret to why everyone loves Minka more than Sophie? Maybe as Sophie I need to stop hiding my constant horniness so desperately all of the time if other people find it a turn on.
Mr Bergson smiled "Ha, flawless for this generation, yes. I want to come back to that because that was my take and I need to elaborate on what I mean by that, but yes thank you for that statement. The rest of what you said is accurate as well. There is a profound sexual energy in this picture and the others as well. Sexual arousal of the target audience was clearly the goal of this photoshoot, and the model's genuine feelings of sexual arousal herself lent themselves to the final whole. This is why I have always said that as artists you should always pull from your heart, from your true feelings and experiences. As Jason said, it's a 'turn off' if the artist and the work are not aligned completely. I am very glad that he made that connection. Two more student observations before I comment on her 'flawlessness', who wants to go next? Linda."
Linda I know and have done group projects with. She is a sweet freshman girl innocent as an angel. I'm suddenly uneasy about her looking at me naked and making comments on it because I just can't imagine her connected to sexual things at all. She's like a child in my mind.
Still, she spoke "What I got from all of these pictures was a major vibe of her being lonely. She's taking her own pictures, instead of having a boyfriend take them, and all of them feel like a cry for attention, affection, and love. She's so amazingly beautiful that she comforts herself by being the model in front of the camera, but deep inside she is desperate for the viewers on the other side of the camera to come join her and love her. Her face didn't just give me sexual vibes, there was sadness mixed in from her not having access to a man at that moment. A couple of the pictures at the end were extremely graphic...basically the type of pictures no girl would ever take unless they were desperate for somebody to compliment them and want them. I think the model is single, maybe recently dumped, and all of this was a revenge coping mechanism. She may have even sent these to her ex to show him what he was missing, only for them all to be leaked all over school."
Freaking hell, I didn't sign up to be roasted for my desperation today. I mean she's mostly right, but damn. The fact that Linda is talking about my FULL album means that she's already been perving on all of the pictures like everyone else, which made me cringe a little bit out of embarrassment. It's just so weird to think of such a young and pure girl looking at porn, especially porn of me!
Mr Bergson nodded "An interesting theory. I'll admit that I saw bits of that loneliness in a few of the pictures myself. I don't feel like commenting directly on how 'desperate for sex' a young girl is, especially considering that nearly all adolescents are thinking about that subject all day every day. Still, there is clearly a longing for it, which goes back to Jason's point about the model's authentic feelings carrying into her photography so well."
He then waved his hands wildly "I'm going to take one more comment, but this time I'm picking one of you shy ones with your hand down trying to hide. Sophie! You look like you're quite embarrassed to be looking at a picture of a naked girl, purportedly a classmate even. No need to be so shy, tell us what you think."
Mother of shit! I can't believe he just called on me. I have to say something and try to avoid the entire class, and Mr Bergson himself, all realizing that I'm Minka the picture girl! "Um, I don't know. It's embarrassing know...she's hot...and naked... and it's awkward looking at it in class, that's all"
He tilted his head "Oh come on, I know you better than that. Everyone who knows you is aware that you are openly and proudly bisexual, which I admire you for, so you have no reason to be afraid of enjoying the view on screen too strongly. Some of the boys are making it quite clear how strongly they appreciate our model, even if they aren't aware of just how obvious that interest is right now. Please, give me your real insight. Nobody will judge you"
Damnit. I'm trying to get the attention off of me before it's too late! Fine, I have to just say something quickly "Ok yeah, she's hot as hell and flawless like Jason said, and clearly pissed off about being all alone that minute like Linda said. I guess the main thing I noticed that hasn't been said yet is that....the model starts off tame, but then becomes more and more horny with every picture until she's just basically gushing by the end. Taking those pictures was obviously foreplay. She only stopped because she was about to explode"
Dear Lord why the hell did I just answer with the truth? Jesus I could have said anything, literally anything. Why did I just fess up to that being foreplay? Why the hell did I just admit that I was close to cumming by the end? I couldn't think of anything else to say in the moment. Am I just terrible at speaking under pressure? My heart is racing. Everyone was looking at me, and I have no way of knowing how many of them recognized me!
Mr Bergson laughed at me "Hahaha. Well, I have to say that was something that I had noticed as well. The progression was very fluid (no pun intended) both in content and exposure levels, with the model reacting physically to the increases in both. This is how professional nude pictorials are framed most commonly as a technique for building tension and sustaining a build-up from start to finish...or start to climax if I dare say it."
Funny man. Reeeeal funny. That's the 3rd time I've heard my pictorial described as "professional" though, but at least this time he included a reason for it, which made sense. I swear that was just an accident though.
He then went on while he cycled through many of the pictures in my album "So, going back to her being 'flawless', you can see several staples common in modern beauties in our model that are products of our time and reflective of our current standards. For example, you mentioned her pubis being hairless, as this trend has grown massively in popularity over the last two decades even though it was basically unheard of for millions of years of human history. Search all you want, you'll never find a classical painting that features a woman, or man, hairless in the groin region. And yet, in the modern era it is considered by many to be a flaw if a woman possesses too much hair there, or even any hair at all. Likewise, you can see how skinny this model is in the waist region as her abs are nearly completely flat going from her chest to her pubis without any bulge. This was very uncommon in older art and would be seen as unnatural in their times. Part of the wonder of cameras allows models to suck in their tummies before taking pictures, attempting to present themselves as being skinnier than they are naturally because thinness is viewed as extremely important in our era. Artwork from before the camera age did not use this concept, because changing a person's appearance for a few seconds was not seen as useful for painting or sculpting them. Sure, artwork often changed and stylized the appearance of the models in question, but that was not one of them usually. There is also the model's breasts, which are on the smaller size but having the advantage of being perky and pointing out without any artificial assistance. This body type has been very popular nowadays, where just a few decades ago huge breasts were seen as essential. Older art varied wildly on what sizes of breasts were seen as ideal, varying based on time period, region, and the artist themselves. Still, for the current year, this girl's size and lack of sag would be considered 'flawless'. Another key area is her butt. Modern women are expected to have very rounded butts despite thin waists and thighs allowing for thigh gap and that sort of thing. This model is lucky enough to have all of the criteria. She is nearly perfect in every way for you Gen Z types. Twenty years from now, Gen Alpha may disagree. That's why artistic female nudes have always fascinated me, because you can identify the era and region of a nude picture just be looking at certain targets in the models. It's really neat"
I'm blushing so hard right now. He did it so casually and academically, but this hot teacher of mine just told the entire class a detail by detail analysis of how 'flawless' of a model I am and the whole time I'm just sitting here getting warmer and warmer. I've never seen myself as being anything but average at best my whole life, so all of the attention from today has truly shattered a lot of my negative self-image. It's also making me horny again, damnit! I really don't need to be having naughty thoughts about a teacher, even if he's hot and not all that much older than I am. He displayed some classical nude female works next to compare to me, such as Birth of Venus. It was unreal to have a professional art teacher compare little me to the Goddess of Love and other artworks that have been loved for centuries.
Mr Bergson then switched it up "So I mentioned specifically female nudes changing over time. Well, that's because the male ideal in art has remained remarkably the same for thousands of years. It's only very recent that the ideal started to switch around to things like pretty boys, or guys with lumberjack dad bods. All throughout history men were depicted with muscles because nobody really asked the women their opinions quite frankly. It was more the male power fantasy pushed forth. Now we're learning that many body types appeal to women, which includes muscles of course."
On the screen during his speech were several nude men from art, including things like the statue of David, a bunch of Greek art, some African and Asian men, and even some pictures of male models from the last several decades with various body types. All the naked men were really sexy, not going to lie, and I was not ready for the sudden shift from looking at myself in embarrassment to suddenly looking at major eye candy. I guess for everybody else it was eye candy to eye candy, but that's not the point. I was already getting horny from all of the compliments and attention on my own pictures, so now I was crossing over into the deep realm where my mind is lost in lust. I need to catch myself before I embarrass myself!
None of us though were ready for the next big shocker as a picture of a slightly younger Mr Bergson himself came on the screen wearing only a towel, skin covered in mist, harsh lighting with shadows, looking SMOKING hot. This man has abs to kill for, something that I never knew until now because he has to wear shirts to teach (a stupid rule I now completely disagree with!) The whole class erupted in squeals and hoots from the sudden reveal, including me by accident. So much for catching myself! Consider the horniness line of no return crossed.
Mr Bergson waved everyone down "Ok ok, I expected that would get a reaction from you all. It may surprise some of you to learn that I have done some extreme photography myself, especially when I was in college. And this brings me to my next point, and it's going to be a very controversial point indeed. Nude photography, and nude selfies included, are NOT a dirty thing or something to be ashamed of. They are an expression of a person's artistic vision just the same as any other, merely using the human body as the canvas. Especially in the modern era it has become massively common for people to take nude pictures of themselves and then share these pictures with loved ones or even just friends. Being honest, no of hands, how many of you here today have sent someone a selfie in the nude, tasteful or otherwise, parts covered or exposed?"
I kept my hand down. I was lying after what I did earlier with Tyler, but in a way I was sending Minka's pictures so it didn't count. Either way, I just couldn't bring myself to raise my hand here. I was amazed at how many of the other classmates rose their hands though, since it was over half of them. And holy crap, "innocent" Linda was one of them! What? How? Have I just been misreading that girl this entire class somehow?
Our teacher proudly clapped "Very good, very good. I am one of them myself, and in fact have modeled for several nude photos. I've done the selfie thing, but I've also been to actual studios for a handful of modeling photoshoots done by a professional. This picture here is one of my favorites from one of my professional albums.
Mr Bergson then shocked us all with the next words out of his mouth "The next picture that I'm going to show you all is one without the towel. Yes, with everything I have showing. I figured that this last image of the day required adequate build-up before I clicked over to it, to ensure that you were all ready for such a thing"
Oh my! Ok! I never in a million years ever imagined that I was ever going to get to see my hot art teacher naked. The anticipation drives me crazy as I can't even blink waiting on this stunning man to click to the next one in the line. He takes his time too, enjoying the suspense. Bastard. Finally he clicks over and there he is on the big screen in his birthday suit, naked head to toe, still wet all over his skin, one hand on his hips, one hand on his chest, with at least 8 inches of pleasure sticking straight out of his midsection. WOW!!! I covered my mouth with my hands in shock, but nothing was ever covering these eyes as long as that picture remained on the screen. The other girls seemed just as happy as I was. Most of the boys seemed unhappy, but they don't matter right now.
Mr Bergson then asked "Now, I'm going to ask the same three students for their observations of my own nude picture, comparing them directly to the girl model from earlier. Let's all pay attention to these responses carefully. Jason?"
Jason, who I'm guessing is straight by his look of pure horror and overall uncomfortableness, responded "Uh..I guess I'll say that yours looks more professional than the girl's pics did, but you also look authentically horny or whatever"
Mr Bergson smirked "Oh yes. You should've seen the woman who was taking the pictures. She wanted as authentic a physical reaction as possible from me, so she and I had matching outfits for this pictorial even if she was behind the camera the whole time. It most certainly helped. Linda?"
In contrast to Jason, Linda was on cloud nine and absolutely bouncing, red in the face with obvious arousal "I just want to begin with WOW! You look good, Mr Bergson. Flawless, to steal Jason's word. Any chance you can send me this picture for my own little art collection?"
He giggled "Believe it or not, no. Normally I wouldn't have an objection in theory to sharing my nude artwork with others, but it would not be appropriate given the student/teacher dynamic here, nor your age. I will comment, however, that this picture and others do exist on my photographer's professional webpage, and that I can't be held responsible if any of you were able to locate them on your own. Still, I need your observations on the picture, not just compliments."
Linda tried to get herself together ", you look like you're being directed is one thing. You don't look as natural as she does in that type of pose, as if the camera lady was telling you what to do"
Mr Bergson nodded "Accurate. Oddly enough, I find myself enjoying her poses more than my own natural poses, even though that may be a reflection of my own insecurities. Relinquishing control to her was very liberating in the moment, allowing my body to be the canvas for her vision instead of my own. I was happy with the results, and this shot was among my all-time favorites. And now onto Sophie. What is your take over there with your face covered?"
Crap, I forgot I was still sitting here in a state of shock looking like a low-budget ninja. That's embarrassing, so I threw my hands down. I could feel myself obviously blushing just as hard as Linda was, but I was not wanting to make a fool of myself. At least this time I had warning that I was going to be called on and had thought up a decent response.
"You have so much confidence. I mean dang man, you just showed all of us here your naked picture like it didn't phase you at all! Even in the picture you don't look even slightly afraid of being seen or judged. I can't even imagine being like that. The picture girl doesn't have that at all, she's just pretending. And it's probably crushing her that her pictures leaked for everyone in the entire school to see them."
Mr Bergson frowned "I would hope that the model would come to accept her own public nudity and cast aside any fears or doubts, but you are correct in that there is a significant difference in confidence level. This was not some magic trick on my part, though. It just came from experience, as by this point I had already done several nude works either by myself or with others. Modeling for a live figure drawing class was the really scary experience, trust me on that one."
As he shut off the screen, finally hiding his nudity from us all, he worked to close out the class "Either way, I think my overall point for all of this class today is to ensure that all of you come to see artistic nudes as something that has existed for as long as human beings have been making art at all. I have heard some unpleasant things said about the model in these new pictures, questioning her character and the like. Even our principal has said things that I found wholly inappropriate and I have confronted him about this. Taking nude selfies is a natural part of teenage years and young adulthood. Many young people take them even if they never share them with anyone else. It's a form of expression, as well as foreplay as Sophie put it earlier, and no person should be judged for such things. I, your role model, have taken many nude pictures myself and I even shared one with you all here and now to make the point that there should not be any negativity revolving around such pieces of unfiltered uncovered beauty. So your homework assignment tonight, which is going to be a very weird one that I obviously can't grade in any way, but your homework assignment is to learn to appreciate your own nude selves tonight. You can take selfies of yourself as part of this, or just model in front of a mirror if you aren't brave enough for that. I would recommend not sending pictures out to anyone that you don't fully trust, unless you're willing to risk being our next class model, but the act of taking the pictures and looking at yourself in the nude is an important step towards appreciating the work of art that each of your bodies represents. Even if you don't feel 'flawless' right now, understand that the definition of flawless changes with the wind in many cases. Enjoy what you have, and one day you will find your perfect audience...and to that person or persons, you will indeed be without flaw. That's my class for today, you may chat among yourselves for the next few minutes before the bell rings."
I don't know how to react to that homework assignment, considering that was the EXACT thing that got me in this mess in the first place. I don't want to speak up about it though for fear that it would be too suspicious. I thought about asking Linda to explain to me about her sending nudes to somebody in the past, since I'm still not completely over that shocker, but Mr Bergson suddenly called me up to his desk to ask me a private question. Crap! What could he possibly want to talk to me about?
I walk next to him on the side of his desk "Yes Mr Bergson?"
He smiled warmly "I hope my lecture today was helpful for you in dealing with today's events"
Warning! Warning! Red flag! I meekly whisper "Today is weird, yes, with some unknown girl's pictures leaking all over and all"
Mr Bergson chuckled "Come on, I know. I knew immediately. Your eyes are a fairly distinctive silvery hazel shade, and I recognized the shapes of your nose and jawline together easily. Make up and doing your hair differently wasn't going to work on me"
OH NO!! I knew it! I knew he would figure it out! It's over, my life is over. He's going to report me to the principal, I'm going to be arrested, all the other students will find out, and I'm going to be the laughing stock token whore from now on. I can't even speak as tears start to form in my eyes.
He noticed my shock and spoke to me in a calm and comforting voice "It's ok, Sophie. I don't plan to tell anyone, not even my superiors. I designed this class today around helping you to cope with your situation, letting you see that being nude in front of others was not the end of the world or anything. I even exposed myself to make that point. It's especially not a terrible occurrence when you can be described as 'flawless' by your classmates, I might add. But still, I know this is hard for you right now and that you probably feel very alone. I wanted you to know that if you needed somebody to talk to about your current stress, discreetly, that you should always feel free to come see me."
I...don't know how to respond to that. His offer is so kind though, it makes me want to cry out of happiness instead of worry. And I felt a wave of relief when he told me that he wasn't going to tell anyone about me. The only thing I can manage is to softly whisper "...Thank you"
He then told me "You're welcome. And if one day you find the courage to take credit for your anonymous artwork, I can help you avoid some of the pitfalls associated with this choice. For example, let's just say that the principal has been told by myself and others who work here that he will not, in fact, be using the threat of legal retaliation against a student for this sort of thing ever again. Miss Moon practically drilled him a new one over that fiasco of an announcement at lunch, and she was ready to bring an entire horde of women's rights advocates to join her. It was pretty funny. You should know that you are not completely alone in all of this, and that many of us will work to ensure that no harm comes to you."
I respond truthfully from the heart "Wow that's...amazing. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much the police thing has been weighing on me today...especially because my pictures were stolen without my consent in the first place! I never sent them out, they were just for me like what you said for the homework assignment. Somebody accessed my account and copied them all. I'm so ashamed and humiliated. I'm so terrified of people finding out who I am and the police thing was one of the biggest reasons, although not the only reason by far. I wish I could be as brave and fearless as you are about your nude pictures, but I will never be that confident. I know you told me that it's all ok, but I can't help but feel like a dirty slut and I don't want my entire reputation to become 'that dirty naked slut'. I'm never going to claim my pictures, ever. I'm praying that they remain anonymous forever."
He nodded "I understand. I do have one request of you though: I want you to try from now on to never think of yourself as a 'dirty slut' any more. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Your photos were very well done for an amateur self-shot album, and you looked fantastic in them. You are an artist, nothing less. People sending you negativity is an unavoidable part of all forms of art, but it's the positives that outweigh it by far and make it all worth creating in the first place. You should take a couple minutes to relax before your next class. If you wish to see me after school is out, I'll be here for an extra hour or so. Take care, Sophie!"
Sitting back in my chair I try to get my mind back into a better place. Maybe he's right and that I do need to start seeing the positives of my "art" more often. If nothing else, it has done wonders for my overall self-image to have people all day describe me as "beautiful", "dream girl", and "flawless". Either way, I only have one more class for the day: Gym. I've never been a big fan of gym, especially having it dead last in the school day. Somehow today I knew it was going to be so much worse than usual.
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Re: KWC -- Sophie Digitally Naked in School
I LOVE the concept. In this digital age of social media and blatant stupidity, this probably happens hundreds of times a day in various parts of the world. What makes this different than the obvious "Oh, No, I was careless" storyline is the mystery you have managed to create surrounding the "How did this happen," scenario. Then you made this much more endearing by creating a character that is not only introspective but truly has no idea how pretty she really is to others and that combination made the plot much more intense. To top it off you vividly described the coed calmly walking the halls of her school seeing all her classmates looking at her nude body in all its digital glory yet she remained anonymous. And then . . . it gets interesting.
VERY original in that respect and clever as well. Thanks putting this together. Looking forward for more.
VERY original in that respect and clever as well. Thanks putting this together. Looking forward for more.
- Executionus
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Re: KWC -- Sophie Digitally Naked in School
Thanks. I've been enjoying working such a mental internal dilemma story style, as half the plot is Sophie's thoughts. I was wanting her to seem very lost and confused at first before learning how exactly this all happened. Actually part 3, where she talked with her brother and learned the truth, kicked my ass. I rewrote that part 3 times because I was unsatisfied with it, which is why there was a delay. That section kept feeling like soulless exposition until I made it better.
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- Executionus
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Sophie Digitally Naked in School Part 5
Part 5:
Gym ancient nemesis. At least Ava, Haylee, and Johnny are in this class with me, although I have a few other friends here too who don't yet know my secret identity and I'd like to keep it that way. In the locker room while we changed, I was oddly less ashamed than usual about stripping to my underwear in front of the other girls. I guess compared to spreading my bits in public this was a cakewalk.
Haylee was still focused on my revenge plot, but we had to talk in code in case anyone else overheard us "So this Jerry boy needs payback for spreading pics of who he thought was your girlfriend, but we don't want him to blab about you knowing 'Minka' either. Maybe I could hurt him and get what we want, and then share HIS pictures all over the school"
I touched her shoulder "Haylee I appreciate that, but you get in too much trouble as it is. I don't want you getting expelled over me. Honestly they'd probably expel anyone who did what we're talking about doing. It'll never work, he'd just turn us in afterwards and get us in huge trouble"
Ava then whispered to me "I'd like to see him try to get Minka in trouble, if you catch my drift"
With a raised eyebrow I reply "I really don't. How is Minka going to help here?"
Ava answered "What if you disguised yourself as Minka in order to get your revenge on that boy. That way he'd be tattling on a person who doesn't even exist."
Haylee joined in "Actually that could work. We'd just need to sneak you out of class early to change and do makeup, maybe have you pretend to get sick"
I finally waved them down "Guys...guys! This is crazy and would never work, and we need to stop talking about this in public"
Honestly most of the other girls were preoccupied with sharing and chatting about my pictures, so they weren't paying us much attention, but I was still very nervous. I've been recognized far too often already, and I was hoping to somehow make it to the end of the day without being completely exposed. Truthfully though, part of me was kinda wanting to actually walk around school as Minka for once, just for the thrill of it. Still, it was far too risky and I'd probably end up getting caught or recognized immediately.
As I left the girls locker area I was almost immediately met by Johnny who informed me "So fyi, Billy is now telling people that he's slept with Minka before, but he claims he dumped her for being a 'dead fish' in bed. He's also been saying a lot of other nasty things about her. You should just stay far away from him, Sophie, so that he doesn't hurt you again"
I lowered my head and nodded in disbelief. Haylee, however, heard what he said and practically sprinted forward to find Billy. I tried calling out her name, but she wasn't going to listen to me. Haylee made a pretty big scene of roasting Billy in front of the entire gym class for being a lying little shit for two minutes straight. He kept doubling down on his lie though.
Finally Haylee had enough and called him out "Boy, you don't even know that girl's NAME. But guess what, Tinkerbell? I do. So come on, tell me and the rest of the class her name if you know her so well, I dare you!"
Ok Haylee, going too far! Dial it back dial it back! CODE RED!!
Billy tried to scoff "You don't know her..."
Haylee used one hand to push his chest "Yes I do, moron. I know everyone who matters in this city. So go on, tell me her name. You have 5 seconds."
Billy was pretty frozen, but finally blurted out "J..Jessica"
Haylee clapped her hands "Wrong! Her name is Minka. So like I said, you don't know shit. Sit down, shut up, and quit embarrassing yourself"
Haylee walked away triumphantly, but myself and everyone else in hearing range just stood staring at her in shock. This was the first time that anybody had publicly named the pic girl, and now suddenly everyone was frantically responding to what Haylee had just said. People started hitting her up with follow-up questions while others were looking up the name on Google and Facebook trying to find her. Just what I needed, my psycho little friend... now everyone knows "her" name and that we are connected to her.
One of the other girls I know, Rachael, tapped me on the shoulder and asked "Hey wait, you guys were talking about a Minka in the locker area. Does that mean you three ACTUALLY know who the naked girl really is and she's not just bluffing?"
Why not, time to add more layers to my big lie "Sorta, but we are NOT supposed to say anything and I can't believe she just did that. She's not from our school but a few of us have hung out with her before. Please try to keep it quiet."
Rachael put her hand up to point at Haylee's crowd "Too late for that now probably. If you see her, though, tell her that I'm a huge fan of hers, and I'm single right now if she's looking for some girl-girl adventures. Be my wing-girl, Soph."
Whoa. Ok, I didn't even KNOW that Rachael was into girls, so that was a revelation by itself. But she also just basically asked me out, without knowing that it was me. That made me shiver a little bit, because Rachael is pretty cute. I meekly reply "Um...ok, but I probably won't see her. It's complicated"
Haylee finally escaped her horde of curious horny teenagers to see me again, quickly looking guilty and saying "I'm sorry, Sophie. I just couldn't let him keep running his mouth like that."
I gave her a silly look "I guess it's ok. It was pretty funny to watch Billy die inside in front of everyone. What did you say to all of the people asking you about Minka though?"
Haylee then looked REALLY guilty and confessed "...So you know that Telegram account of hers?"
I gasped "You didn't!"
She sheepishly said "She's going to have several new friends to shower her with affection and marriage proposals in the next few minutes. Sorry!"
I very loudly groaned.
Later in class while we all had to do our opening run (which I hate and suck at), that incel walking turd Billy slowed down some to be side by side with me. Great. Super great. Now what?
He asked "Hey, is it true that you guys actually know that girl in the pictures?"
Argh, I knew it. I coldly answer "Yes, unlike you and your loser bullshit earlier."
Billy then asked "Can you hook me up with her?"
Grooooooss! I snap back "Billy I would rather drink piss than help you try to get laid."
Getting angry he responded "Come on! Don't be a bitch. You don't need to hold out on me just because you're jealous that you'll never be half as hot as she is"
My man, my man...the multiple layers behind what you just said to me would be enough to make a psychologist jump out a window. Still, I am not in the mood for him today "Go away. Why would I ever help you?"
Billy actually begged me "Come oooon! Look, I've got $50 on me. Hook me up and it's yours. Easy money" I was starting to get a little worried about this conversation getting out of control to be honest.
Suddenly Ava caught up with us both from behind and joined in "Hey dude! Give me the cash and I'll get Minka to meet you in the boys locker room a few minutes after school, as long as you tell nobody else and you wait for her alone with her friend Johnny there as a bodyguard. Deal?"
Billy looked at her and smiled "Deal! But if you don't do it, I'm getting my money back"
As Billy sped up and left us poor, slow, absolutely not athletic girls behind, I turned to look at Ava and ask her "Whyyyyyy?"
Ava then replied "So you know how we were planning to have you dress up as Minka to get Jerry back? Imagine getting even with Billy and his years of toxic BS at the same time."
I retorted "This is a stupid plan. Why do I keep letting you and Haylee talk me into things?"
Speaking of things that my friends thrust upon me this class, after the run I check my phone quickly just to see the damage from Haylee giving out Minka's Telegram account. I almost drop my phone in shock when I see 124 new friend adds. There's only about 40 students in this entire gym class, so it's fairly obvious that these guys are giving out Minka's information to their friends as well. Wonderful. Fantastic. There's no possible way this could all backfire. Joy!
Honestly I might as well just roll with it. Maybe somehow this will end up being a good thing. If everyone in school thinks Minka and Sophie are two completely different people, then isn't that what I want? I can play the part of Minka in online chats just fine for a while. It might even be a bit of naughty fun. I figure there's no point in putting it off, so I accept all 124 friend adds and brace myself mentally for the wave of greetings and comments that I'm likely going to get on there. I'm really hoping that it's mostly positive and doesn't turn into a huge source of additional stress for me right now.
Suddenly from behind me I hear "Sophie Vos you lying little BRAT!", scaring me so badly that I almost dropped my phone.
I turn around to see Rachael standing there, looking amused but somewhat upset. I am freaking out a little bit right now, so I cautiously ask "..What? What did I do now?"
Rachael answered "So I just heard from my younger sister that the latest gossip of the underclassmen is that the pic girl is the girlfriend of Arnold Vos's older sister. That's you! Coincidentally, you and Haylee knew her real name of Minka when nobody else did. Are you telling me that you are dating that freaking supermodel and you were trying to keep it a SECRET? Also when I asked you to put in the good word for me, you said you would...lying little brat!"
Oh crap oh crap. Jerry must've finally blabbed about Minka's pictures being taken at my house, and that he thought she was my secret girlfriend! No no no, I really didn't want that rumor to get out, because linking me and Minka together will make it far FAR too easy for people to finally figure out that we're the same person. Damnit no! Argh. Rachael is at least 20 decibels too loud to be saying these things in public right now!
I have to think fast, there's no time for hesitation now. I quickly wave her voice down and whisper "Not so loud! And just for the record no, I'm not dating her, but the bastard who leaked her pictures all over school did steal the originals from me. That's why he thinks we are a thing, but she's just a friend me and the others know from out of town. Yes, I helped with the original pictures, it's a long story. That is a HUGE secret that we don't want anybody knowing, such as my parents for one! Please don't tell anyone and please try to squash that rumor for me. The leaker Jerry is an asshole and Minka wants to hurt him very badly for what he did. She is super depressed right now and wants it all to blow over before HER school finds out about it. I'm begging you, Rachael, help us out! If you help keep this quiet...well, I'm sure Minka would really appreciate it."
I'm honestly proud of my lie, but I don't know if she bought it or not. I'm standing here shivering from nervousness! Rachael suddenly put her hand on my shoulder. I must've looked frantic with fear, and I could feel my heart beating fast enough to beat the Flash in a footrace.
She calmly told me "Hey Sophie, I'm sorry. I didn't know about all of that. No wonder you guys have been trying to keep things secret, since she doesn't want her pics spreading through her own school. If I was her I'd be scared out of my mind...there's nothing in the world more embarrassing than that. Could you even imagine the ENTIRE SCHOOL looking at your nude pics? I'd just die. I'll do what I can to help you guys, including getting my sister to tell the other younglings that you're single and that whoever said otherwise is full of it."
I actually had tears in my eyes "Thank you!"
Seeing my tears, she consoled me "It's ok, Sophie, no need to get so emotional! I can tell she means a lot to you, and she's really lucky having a friend like you looking out for her like this."
A friend like me? I'm the one that got"us" in this mess in the first place by taking those pictures at all, much less forgetting about Arnold and Jerry having my tablet at the time. Honestly though, it is a big comfort to have my friends looking out for me, even if ones like Rachael don't know the entire truth. I'm starting to wonder if I even remember the whole truth myself anymore. I part from Rachael hoping that she keeps her word and tries to smash the growing rumor, but what if the damage has already been done? My head was still spinning, realizing that I am extremely close to being outed to the entire school at any moment now. I'm feeling nauseous again.
I don't know what to do to give me more distance between Sophie and Minka, and the entire time that we're playing battleball my mind is completely distracted thinking about it. I was getting tagged out far too easily, embarrassingly so to be honest. Ava came to check on me after getting herself eliminated one round shortly after I did. I filled her in on the newest details, and she came back to me with a hard truth that I couldn't deny: Minka HAS to confront Jerry today, immediately after school, or else he could continue to run his mouth and ruin everything. I no longer had a choice. Between him and Billy, not to mention the horde of people in the chat program, Minka was about to have an extremely busy after school adventure.
Gym ancient nemesis. At least Ava, Haylee, and Johnny are in this class with me, although I have a few other friends here too who don't yet know my secret identity and I'd like to keep it that way. In the locker room while we changed, I was oddly less ashamed than usual about stripping to my underwear in front of the other girls. I guess compared to spreading my bits in public this was a cakewalk.
Haylee was still focused on my revenge plot, but we had to talk in code in case anyone else overheard us "So this Jerry boy needs payback for spreading pics of who he thought was your girlfriend, but we don't want him to blab about you knowing 'Minka' either. Maybe I could hurt him and get what we want, and then share HIS pictures all over the school"
I touched her shoulder "Haylee I appreciate that, but you get in too much trouble as it is. I don't want you getting expelled over me. Honestly they'd probably expel anyone who did what we're talking about doing. It'll never work, he'd just turn us in afterwards and get us in huge trouble"
Ava then whispered to me "I'd like to see him try to get Minka in trouble, if you catch my drift"
With a raised eyebrow I reply "I really don't. How is Minka going to help here?"
Ava answered "What if you disguised yourself as Minka in order to get your revenge on that boy. That way he'd be tattling on a person who doesn't even exist."
Haylee joined in "Actually that could work. We'd just need to sneak you out of class early to change and do makeup, maybe have you pretend to get sick"
I finally waved them down "Guys...guys! This is crazy and would never work, and we need to stop talking about this in public"
Honestly most of the other girls were preoccupied with sharing and chatting about my pictures, so they weren't paying us much attention, but I was still very nervous. I've been recognized far too often already, and I was hoping to somehow make it to the end of the day without being completely exposed. Truthfully though, part of me was kinda wanting to actually walk around school as Minka for once, just for the thrill of it. Still, it was far too risky and I'd probably end up getting caught or recognized immediately.
As I left the girls locker area I was almost immediately met by Johnny who informed me "So fyi, Billy is now telling people that he's slept with Minka before, but he claims he dumped her for being a 'dead fish' in bed. He's also been saying a lot of other nasty things about her. You should just stay far away from him, Sophie, so that he doesn't hurt you again"
I lowered my head and nodded in disbelief. Haylee, however, heard what he said and practically sprinted forward to find Billy. I tried calling out her name, but she wasn't going to listen to me. Haylee made a pretty big scene of roasting Billy in front of the entire gym class for being a lying little shit for two minutes straight. He kept doubling down on his lie though.
Finally Haylee had enough and called him out "Boy, you don't even know that girl's NAME. But guess what, Tinkerbell? I do. So come on, tell me and the rest of the class her name if you know her so well, I dare you!"
Ok Haylee, going too far! Dial it back dial it back! CODE RED!!
Billy tried to scoff "You don't know her..."
Haylee used one hand to push his chest "Yes I do, moron. I know everyone who matters in this city. So go on, tell me her name. You have 5 seconds."
Billy was pretty frozen, but finally blurted out "J..Jessica"
Haylee clapped her hands "Wrong! Her name is Minka. So like I said, you don't know shit. Sit down, shut up, and quit embarrassing yourself"
Haylee walked away triumphantly, but myself and everyone else in hearing range just stood staring at her in shock. This was the first time that anybody had publicly named the pic girl, and now suddenly everyone was frantically responding to what Haylee had just said. People started hitting her up with follow-up questions while others were looking up the name on Google and Facebook trying to find her. Just what I needed, my psycho little friend... now everyone knows "her" name and that we are connected to her.
One of the other girls I know, Rachael, tapped me on the shoulder and asked "Hey wait, you guys were talking about a Minka in the locker area. Does that mean you three ACTUALLY know who the naked girl really is and she's not just bluffing?"
Why not, time to add more layers to my big lie "Sorta, but we are NOT supposed to say anything and I can't believe she just did that. She's not from our school but a few of us have hung out with her before. Please try to keep it quiet."
Rachael put her hand up to point at Haylee's crowd "Too late for that now probably. If you see her, though, tell her that I'm a huge fan of hers, and I'm single right now if she's looking for some girl-girl adventures. Be my wing-girl, Soph."
Whoa. Ok, I didn't even KNOW that Rachael was into girls, so that was a revelation by itself. But she also just basically asked me out, without knowing that it was me. That made me shiver a little bit, because Rachael is pretty cute. I meekly reply "Um...ok, but I probably won't see her. It's complicated"
Haylee finally escaped her horde of curious horny teenagers to see me again, quickly looking guilty and saying "I'm sorry, Sophie. I just couldn't let him keep running his mouth like that."
I gave her a silly look "I guess it's ok. It was pretty funny to watch Billy die inside in front of everyone. What did you say to all of the people asking you about Minka though?"
Haylee then looked REALLY guilty and confessed "...So you know that Telegram account of hers?"
I gasped "You didn't!"
She sheepishly said "She's going to have several new friends to shower her with affection and marriage proposals in the next few minutes. Sorry!"
I very loudly groaned.
Later in class while we all had to do our opening run (which I hate and suck at), that incel walking turd Billy slowed down some to be side by side with me. Great. Super great. Now what?
He asked "Hey, is it true that you guys actually know that girl in the pictures?"
Argh, I knew it. I coldly answer "Yes, unlike you and your loser bullshit earlier."
Billy then asked "Can you hook me up with her?"
Grooooooss! I snap back "Billy I would rather drink piss than help you try to get laid."
Getting angry he responded "Come on! Don't be a bitch. You don't need to hold out on me just because you're jealous that you'll never be half as hot as she is"
My man, my man...the multiple layers behind what you just said to me would be enough to make a psychologist jump out a window. Still, I am not in the mood for him today "Go away. Why would I ever help you?"
Billy actually begged me "Come oooon! Look, I've got $50 on me. Hook me up and it's yours. Easy money" I was starting to get a little worried about this conversation getting out of control to be honest.
Suddenly Ava caught up with us both from behind and joined in "Hey dude! Give me the cash and I'll get Minka to meet you in the boys locker room a few minutes after school, as long as you tell nobody else and you wait for her alone with her friend Johnny there as a bodyguard. Deal?"
Billy looked at her and smiled "Deal! But if you don't do it, I'm getting my money back"
As Billy sped up and left us poor, slow, absolutely not athletic girls behind, I turned to look at Ava and ask her "Whyyyyyy?"
Ava then replied "So you know how we were planning to have you dress up as Minka to get Jerry back? Imagine getting even with Billy and his years of toxic BS at the same time."
I retorted "This is a stupid plan. Why do I keep letting you and Haylee talk me into things?"
Speaking of things that my friends thrust upon me this class, after the run I check my phone quickly just to see the damage from Haylee giving out Minka's Telegram account. I almost drop my phone in shock when I see 124 new friend adds. There's only about 40 students in this entire gym class, so it's fairly obvious that these guys are giving out Minka's information to their friends as well. Wonderful. Fantastic. There's no possible way this could all backfire. Joy!
Honestly I might as well just roll with it. Maybe somehow this will end up being a good thing. If everyone in school thinks Minka and Sophie are two completely different people, then isn't that what I want? I can play the part of Minka in online chats just fine for a while. It might even be a bit of naughty fun. I figure there's no point in putting it off, so I accept all 124 friend adds and brace myself mentally for the wave of greetings and comments that I'm likely going to get on there. I'm really hoping that it's mostly positive and doesn't turn into a huge source of additional stress for me right now.
Suddenly from behind me I hear "Sophie Vos you lying little BRAT!", scaring me so badly that I almost dropped my phone.
I turn around to see Rachael standing there, looking amused but somewhat upset. I am freaking out a little bit right now, so I cautiously ask "..What? What did I do now?"
Rachael answered "So I just heard from my younger sister that the latest gossip of the underclassmen is that the pic girl is the girlfriend of Arnold Vos's older sister. That's you! Coincidentally, you and Haylee knew her real name of Minka when nobody else did. Are you telling me that you are dating that freaking supermodel and you were trying to keep it a SECRET? Also when I asked you to put in the good word for me, you said you would...lying little brat!"
Oh crap oh crap. Jerry must've finally blabbed about Minka's pictures being taken at my house, and that he thought she was my secret girlfriend! No no no, I really didn't want that rumor to get out, because linking me and Minka together will make it far FAR too easy for people to finally figure out that we're the same person. Damnit no! Argh. Rachael is at least 20 decibels too loud to be saying these things in public right now!
I have to think fast, there's no time for hesitation now. I quickly wave her voice down and whisper "Not so loud! And just for the record no, I'm not dating her, but the bastard who leaked her pictures all over school did steal the originals from me. That's why he thinks we are a thing, but she's just a friend me and the others know from out of town. Yes, I helped with the original pictures, it's a long story. That is a HUGE secret that we don't want anybody knowing, such as my parents for one! Please don't tell anyone and please try to squash that rumor for me. The leaker Jerry is an asshole and Minka wants to hurt him very badly for what he did. She is super depressed right now and wants it all to blow over before HER school finds out about it. I'm begging you, Rachael, help us out! If you help keep this quiet...well, I'm sure Minka would really appreciate it."
I'm honestly proud of my lie, but I don't know if she bought it or not. I'm standing here shivering from nervousness! Rachael suddenly put her hand on my shoulder. I must've looked frantic with fear, and I could feel my heart beating fast enough to beat the Flash in a footrace.
She calmly told me "Hey Sophie, I'm sorry. I didn't know about all of that. No wonder you guys have been trying to keep things secret, since she doesn't want her pics spreading through her own school. If I was her I'd be scared out of my mind...there's nothing in the world more embarrassing than that. Could you even imagine the ENTIRE SCHOOL looking at your nude pics? I'd just die. I'll do what I can to help you guys, including getting my sister to tell the other younglings that you're single and that whoever said otherwise is full of it."
I actually had tears in my eyes "Thank you!"
Seeing my tears, she consoled me "It's ok, Sophie, no need to get so emotional! I can tell she means a lot to you, and she's really lucky having a friend like you looking out for her like this."
A friend like me? I'm the one that got"us" in this mess in the first place by taking those pictures at all, much less forgetting about Arnold and Jerry having my tablet at the time. Honestly though, it is a big comfort to have my friends looking out for me, even if ones like Rachael don't know the entire truth. I'm starting to wonder if I even remember the whole truth myself anymore. I part from Rachael hoping that she keeps her word and tries to smash the growing rumor, but what if the damage has already been done? My head was still spinning, realizing that I am extremely close to being outed to the entire school at any moment now. I'm feeling nauseous again.
I don't know what to do to give me more distance between Sophie and Minka, and the entire time that we're playing battleball my mind is completely distracted thinking about it. I was getting tagged out far too easily, embarrassingly so to be honest. Ava came to check on me after getting herself eliminated one round shortly after I did. I filled her in on the newest details, and she came back to me with a hard truth that I couldn't deny: Minka HAS to confront Jerry today, immediately after school, or else he could continue to run his mouth and ruin everything. I no longer had a choice. Between him and Billy, not to mention the horde of people in the chat program, Minka was about to have an extremely busy after school adventure.
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