The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry! (Closed)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry! (Closed)

Post by Executionus »

***Having reached 20 entrants with not all that much time left, I've decided to end submissions and use those 20 for the contest since it'll be a smooth round number. This sign-up is closed now. Good luck to everyone who entered!


I have decided that it is finally time for me to begin working on The Thirst Games 2, the long-awaited sequel to my giant stripping contest from this winter. If you haven't read that story yet, it is posted here. It was an open world, battle royale, every woman for herself, survival stripping contest loosely based on the Hunger Games where 30 girls entered and 29 of them were leaving completely naked live on the internet in front of millions of viewers. The winner, however, scored a crisp one million dollars.

Now this time the entrants won't just be my own creations, they will be submitted by all of the members here! This was a popular request during the first contest and I've been itching to try it out with this one. My goal is to have a total of 20 entrants this time, but in the event that I get more entries I'll up the total to include everyone. If I end up with less than 20, I'll just fill in the blanks myself with characters I feel best fill the missing niches.

In addition to contributing to the story and allowing you all to have a personal stake in the match, this event will also function as a form of story contest in a way. There are three awards to be won by those who submit characters as the story unfolds: Best Elimination (Awarded to both girls), Most Entertaining Character, and Thirst Games Champion. The first two awards will be voted on. I haven't decided on any prizes yet (and may not end up offering any) but it'll be worth some bragging rights at least. Because I run these events using a RPG encounter system I devised many years ago for running open-world games, the reality is that despite being the author and running everything I don't actually know who is going to win or anything that is going to happen until it actually does. Last time the character that won the behind-the-scenes game was Redneck (who was also the person I expected to win from day one). I changed history to give Virgin the victory in the story instead because I didn't want any of the villain characters winning the initial contest (and because I really enjoyed the idea of Virgin winning after all of her character growth). This time, however, I will NOT be cheating no matter the results. Sadist McTwistedbitch could become the champion this time.

I'm planning to start the contest with the new year, similar to last year. I get far too busy with work during the Christmas season to do any sort of big writing (or much of anything else). I'm hoping to get lots of characters sent my way, especially from some of the more creative writers on this board. For now I'm limiting everyone to just one entry per person, although I may double that if not enough people join in for some reason. Hopefully giving a few months of time will be enough for lots of submissions.

The last contest took place in a high school and all of the entrants were using code names and gimmicks based on their cliques, hobbies, and roles in the school social order (such as Bully, Swimmer, and Goth). For this contest, however, we're doing a completely different setting and theme. The Thirst Games 2 will take place IN A MALL and all of the entrants will be based on CAREERS. The in-universe tagline for the event has multi-millionaire teenager and Thirst Trap Studios CEO Benedict Wellington declaring that the women in the match will "Shop Til They Drop, and Strip Til They Drip!"

There will be a ton of big changes to how the contest works overall, such as no longer using Loot Chests and Assassination Quests submitted by the audience (since that's impossible to balance while keeping it fair to everyone who submitted entrants). Items will not be difficult to find this time around anyway, since the mall stores will be fully stocked with usable clothing and potential weapons. The only catch is, the entrants are forbidden from taking anything outside of the store that it's sold in without buying it first using their very limited (and very steal-able) spending cash on hand. Any girl who tries to shoplift will trigger a Security Guard sent after them who will attempt to confiscate their every possession (including all of their clothing). Theoretically the entrants have the ability to eliminate the Security Guard and get away with the crime, but it's a big risk. The stolen items had better be worth it! Additionally, instead of the situation with LARPer going after the audience pick from last contest, this time a Security Guard will be sent after whichever girl is the last remaining entrant without a single elimination, for "loitering", and this detail is told to every entrant ahead of time. It is in everyone's best interest to secure at least one elimination ASAP in order to avoid that danger.

Here is the MAP of the mall that I am using for the event, including the stores that I've selected. These are all American stores (since both myself and Benedict are Americans, and the contest is held here). I chose the ones that I did because they all had some strong gimmick to them that I could use for this, and they are all wildly common in American malls. The only unrealistic part about my mall layout is that a REAL mall would've had at least 10-15 more prep clothes stores, but I really REALLY didn't want my fictional mall filled to the brim with extremely similar and boring shops. Also I am not a prep. At all. So for this I limited the prep clothes selection down to just a few, like Gap, Macy's, and A & F solely for its legendary extreme sex appeal gimmick and it's obsession with half-naked male models wearing nothing but loose blue jeans hanging down their hips, with no underwear. I intend to use that last store to tease the hell out of any girl who enters it. I'm working under a plan where every store will have something sexy or useful about it for the match, and store-specific quests. If you guys have any other questions about the individual stores, especially from all of the non-Americans here who haven't heard of many of these, feel free to ask them here and I'll explain what each one is and what kind of things they sell.

The individual stores will be given a high focus and most of the battles will probably take place inside of them. Being out in the hallways for too long is very risky because they will be very exposed and out in the open. Sitting in the same store for too long, however, will get the girl kicked out of it under the threat of a Security Guard being called on her. All stores have a population display on the front showing how many entrants are currently inside, but not which entrants they are. The stores have all sorts of items to be used, and every single store will have its own mini-quest that is given to the entrants phones when they walk inside. Once an elimination takes place inside of a store, that store is closed as a result. The person who scored the elimination is allowed to take one free item, ANY item of their chosing, as a victory prize before heading back out into the hallways. Spending Cash can also be used to buy anything at any time, such as replacement clothing, weapons, or tools. The entrants start with some Spending Cash and assorted extra bills are hidden all around the mall. Cash can be stolen from other girls, including defeated girls, since it's a physical object stored in the leg holster where the phones are kept. It is still against the rules to actually steal another girl's phone, however.

One very interesting new dynamic is going to be Map Kiosks. Located in a couple of places in the hallways are big map displays showing where all of the stores are located. These kiosks will also display little dots where all of the entrants are located (but no names). Standing in front of a Map Kiosk will allow an entrant to know the exact locations of the rest of the girls, including strategic details such as which areas are highly populated and which ones aren't. The risk, however, is that the Map Kiosks are way out in the open and there are very few of them, meaning that they are the perfect place to setup an ambush against some unsuspecting girl.

As before, eliminations occur when one entrant takes an explicit picture of another entrant's open pussy. This is worth $1000 prize money (digital and separate from Spending Cash) and $20 in Spending Cash. Getting the first butt or breasts picture on someone is worth $100 each as an extra, just to give the ladies incentive to go for full-nude exposure of their targets. Audience tips in the prize money account are given to the girls at any and all times for doing anything that the fans enjoy, but will primarily be used to reward girls who put on a very good show in stripping and eliminating their opponents. Many entrants will probably focus on making as much prize money as possible, even though it has no actual effect on the match itself.

All of the girls will begin the contest in a randomized store. Nobody will begin in the hallways. It is possible for multiple girls to begin in the same exact store, however this will likely be pretty rare since I have 32 stores (counting the food court as one store). Staying in the starting store alone for too long will get an entrant kicked out, especially if she doesn't buy anything.


For this match I am trying out a new system where the girls can choose between three different starting situations. They can be Normal (Start fully dressed, $100 Cash, No special advantage). They can be Gifted (Start without underwear, $0 Cash, special advantage of your choosing which fits with their career gimmick). Or finally, they can be Daring (Start wearing nothing but a small towel, $200 Cash, special advantage). The advantages can range from free items, to automatically starting in a certain store, or even a special app on their phone that the others don't get. The girls without clothing have the option of buying some right away from whatever store they start in (assuming that store even SELLS clothing of course). I leave this decision entirely up to you guys based on whichever you think is the best choice for your own character. I will try to balance characters well, including their special advantages, in an attempt to avoid anyone being too overpowered. Much like with any other RPG, you have the option of min-maxing a character by loading it with flaws and weaknesses to balance out a really strong advantage of some sort. I will likely adjust several characters in this way myself to bring them in line with the others.

On that note, I don't want a whole bunch of characters trying to copy Redneck's overpowered design by the way (stealthy, tactical, strong, gritty, handy, experienced, no glaring weaknesses). The moment I made Redneck I knew that she was overpowered, but it made sense for a major redneck to be extremely good at a contest like that since most of them spend their entire lives preparing to one day go all Rambo First Blood. I tried to balance her out by making her anti-social with nobody in the match that liked her even a little to increase the priority of targeting her, but that was clearly not enough of a weakness. Redneck, Fighter, and Bully were mostly meant to be boss characters for the others to take down. It just so happens that 2 of them made it to the final 5 because their weaknesses weren't crippling enough. Bully in particular had a huge weakness programmed into her that NEVER got discovered...she was secretly massively ticklish. True story, that was part of her design the entire time. We just never had anyone who tried that on her, so it never ended up mattering.

Either way, for this contest I'm hoping to get a wide variety of fighting styles, tactics, and characters in general in order to make the match very fun. I enjoy gimmicky and ridiculous styles and will let anything even slightly plausible fly as long as it makes sense and feels right (Last match I had a girl with a lab coat full of improvised chemical weapons for crying out loud). Let's just say that as a writer I will give preferential treatment to creative and interesting characters.

Now then, each of you will copy this Character Sheet and then send it to me in a PM filled out with your character's information.


Code Name:
Sexual Orientation:
Fighting Style:
Quest Interest:
Willingness to Steal:
--Cost of Special:


You're not limited to just this stat sheet of course, I just consider this a convenient baseline. You could send me an entire backstory if you wanted to, or give me a list of specific stripping types that the character wants to do to her victims. Theoretically you could tell me how you would most like for your own character to be stripped, which I will try to incorporate as long as it fits the other girl involved. You could include if you girl's a beggar and a crier if she loses, or if she'll try to maintain her dignity. You can also include what she wants to do with the million dollars if she wins, although that's not a required detail and probably won't come up in the story.

Next I'm going to describe the terms in the stat sheet, just to avoid any possible confusion. Code Name is what the entrant will be known as, since real names are confidential. It should be the woman's career, so pick whatever careers you think are the sexiest and/or most likely to be victorious. Picture is a link to a good character picture for the album. Pictures should focus mostly on the girl's physical appearance as opposed to her clothing, but it's always a bonus to make that match well too. I recommend searching stock photos or using Google Images "find more like this" option over and over again until you locate a picture that fits your mental image of the character. Ages should probably be 18-30 for this match up and should fit the career (so no 18-year-old Doctors). Body is a description of the girl's race, hair, height, muscle mass, and anything else distinct. Privates is a description of the girls hidden zones, including cup size, pubic hair, butt size, and anything else distinctive of those areas. I would prefer a good variety of ethnicities, builds, and private types to keep the match interesting like I did last time, but go with whatever interests you the most.

Outfit is what the girl is wearing at the start of the match. Every item must be listed including underwear, and nobody should really be wearing more than 4-5 items total. Much like last contest, shoes are not included by default because they interfere with pulling off bottoms, so unless a girl is granted footwear as a special advantage (like Track Star was last time) she will be barefoot.

EDIT: Also nobody starts with a belt by default, because belts are extremely powerful in this type of event and make it far more difficult to pull somebody's pants down. Belts can be purchased from several stores, however.

The next group of traits (Personality, Sexual Orientation, Physical, Mental) help me to understand the character herself. Give me details about the girl and what she's like in these categories, both strengths and weaknesses if they apply. As a general rule a character should not be super strong in both physical and mental traits, so use those two to balance each other.

Fighting style describes how the girl fights, of course. There are many basic styles to choose from (wrestling, cat-fight, dirty fighter, kickboxing, slaps, throws hands, grappling, likes chokes, likes to tickle, bites when angry, flails comically, etc). Customize how your entrant prefers to do battle here. It's best if these fit the gimmick some whenever appropriate.

Shyness, Sadism, Caution, Quest Interest, Trustworthiness, and Willingness to Steal are all very important to define in terms of Very Low, Low, Medium, High, or Very High. This is your AI programming, since these traits will define what decisions your character makes in the field. Quest Interest is a measurement of how far out of their way an entrant will go to complete quests. The others are pretty self-explanatory. Add little details after the ranking to elaborate more, such as what could possibly motivate a character to switch from her default (Such as what it would take for a goodie girl to steal something and risk fighting a Security Guard).

Special is whatever advantage you want to give to your entrant, followed by the cost (underwear and cash, start in towel). Extremely overpowered advantages can be enabled with extra costs added, such as "is a complete dumbass" or "reckless". I can tell you right now that "reckless" is a pretty huge weakness in a contest of this nature, since those types of characters are likely to take big risks and get into lots of battles where they might lose.

Strategy is what gameplan the entrant is working with at the start of the match. This might change over the course of the match, but everybody starts with some plan in mind. Some basic options include "Head to store X to buy Y", "Try to make an alliance", "Stay hidden and setup an ambush", "Use Map Kiosks to target isolated enemies", and the ever-popular "Stay on offense hunting victims for big prize money". A key part of strategy would be any items that the entrant wants to buy from any of the stores as soon as she can. For example, Spencers being an adult store will have handcuffs and vibrators in stock for any girl that wants them, while Buckle sells all sorts of belts which can be used to make pantsing much more difficult (or used for spanking enemies). If the girl doesn't want to pay for an item, she can attempt to steal it or try to eliminate another girl inside of that store in order to get it for free.

Advantages and Weaknesses should be a brief basic overview of everything about the character that either helps or hurts their chances. Every character should have these two lines fairly even. There's a lot of room for flavor here.

Once your sheet is completely filled out, PM it to me. You don't want to post the sheet here in this thread because the other players might use that information against your character.

That being said, I am posting the character sheet for my own character in this match so that you all can use it as an example. I designed this character to be a boss character and the spiritual successor to Bully, so she is deliberately overpowered in some aspects with big weaknesses to counter-balance this. Part of the reason that I am claiming this career right off the bat is because I feel like this entire profession ran the risk of being crazy-overpowered if I let anyone else pick it.

Code Name: Cop
Picture: HERE
Age: 28
Body: White, medium dyed blonde hair in a "Karen cut", tall, fit build.
Privates: B-Cups, very brown trimmed bush, solid butt.
Outfit: Reflective sunglasses, navy police shirt, navy police pants. No underwear.
Personality: A bully, power-mad and cruel without much empathy. Sees most people as beneath her and feels they deserve what they get for being "deviants".
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual with a dominance fetish. She gets turned on by using force on perps and keeping them handcuffed helpless, even outside of this contest.
Physical: Very strong and in great shape due to her training. Extremely skilled in subduing suspects who are resisting.
Mental: Emotionally weak, cannot withstand mockery or disrespect, very little restraint or discipline. Puts on a front of being tough.
Fighting Style: Takedowns and restraint holds. Will put opponents face down with arms behind their backs to dominate them.
Shyness: High. She can dish it out but not take it. She believes very strongly that her privates shouldn't be seen like some prostitute.
Sadism: Very high. Her desire to act out her every sexual fantasy without the risk of getting in trouble is actually higher than her desire to win.
Caution: Very low. She is used to being untouchable wearing that uniform and will overestimate it's power in this contest.
Quest Interest: Medium. She will take slight risks for money, but her chief focus is on humiliating the other girls.
Trustworthiness: Ahahahahahaha, no.
Willingness to Steal: None. That would go against everything she stands for, and turn her into one of "those types".
Special: Starts with handcuffs.
--Cost of Special: Starts without underwear and with $0 spending cash. Also emotionally weak and massively overconfident.
Strategy: Patrol the hallways looking for a vulnerable target. Once secured and cuffed, carry victim to secluded area for fun time. Repeat until victory.
Advantages: Strong and extremely well-trained in taking down and restraining others. Almost nobody will be able to beat her in a fair unarmed brawl.
Weaknesses: Reckless, overconfident, and far too focused on her dominance fetish. Will make lots of mistakes if she loses her temper, which is not hard to accomplish.

So this is the first character entered into The Thirst Games 2. Ideally she would be my only character assuming I get enough submissions from all of you guys. Every time that an entrant is approved by me I will post their code name, their creator, and their picture. The rest of the details will be kept secret, but this way I won't have to worry about 15 different people trying to make "Teacher".

Speaking of which, if you are having difficulty thinking up a good career choice for a character, here's a quick list of some popular sexy careers for women that would be entertaining in here:
Yoga/Aerobics/Fitness Instructor
Delivery Girl/Mail Girl
Businesswoman/Real Estate Agent
Don't feel limited to this list, you can submit crazy careers like animal trainer if you want and can make it interesting.

And one final new detail for this contest which I am heavily looking forward to messing with: There is going to be an Ultimate Quest announced at the very start of the match. The girls are all told ahead of time about the reward for the Ultimate Quest, but the quest itself is not revealed until the start of the match itself (and will be extremely risky). Whichever entrant is the first one to complete this quest is going to be rewarded with a wish. This girl can make any wish she wants (within reason) to change the rules of the contest itself. The wish cannot be something self-centered or too much of a cheese, and it has to be something that affects the entire match and everyone in it equally (or close to it). There is massive potential here for anyone creative enough and crazy enough to seize this opportunity. For example: one of the only things off-limits is removing the elimination condition of pussy picture, however...a sneaky girl could potentially add in a second requirement (within reason, such as 10 bareass spanks or possibly verbal submission) that must be fulfilled as well before someone is actually gone. Changes could also be made relative to the store system or for universal phone functionality. A weird girl could wish for the sprinkler system to rain water on the entire mall the rest of the match if this fit her strategy somehow. An aggressive hunter could wish for all the stores to close, forcing everyone into the main hallway and into a huge brawl. A girl without shame could even wish for all clothing to be banned for the rest of the match, taking advantage of the shyness of her suddenly-naked opponents. I've implemented wish rewards in my RPG contests like this is the past and trust me when I say they can be absolute game changers. If any of you can think of a groundbreaking wish for your character to make, feel free to include it in the character sheets.

Good luck to everyone who enters this contest! I doubt anything of this nature with user-submitted entrants in a strip game has ever even been attempted before, so I'm looking forward to the challenge of it. And remember, there will be awards for Best Elimination (Awarded to both girls), Most Entertaining Character, and Thirst Games Champion, so this does count as a type of weird story contest in a way. The more you give me, the more I can use to make your character a superstar.

EDIT: New Members need 3 posts before they can send PMs
Last edited by Executionus on Tue Dec 14, 2021 1:58 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Thirst Games 2 Character Lineup

Post by Executionus »

Here is the list of all characters currently entered into the Thirst Games 2. I will edit this post whenever I get a new one submitted to me.

Cop -- Executionus
Video Blogger -- Humilatron
Horse Jockey -- PBQ
Waitress -- Nikolai
Author -- Skillbox

Photographer -- JohnJacobs
Teacher -- ENFLover
Stylist -- Lady Lucia
Pro Wrestler -- Mick Gesitt
Landscaper -- Divhim

Boxer -- Xeno
Heiress -- RedMermaid
Intern -- Fluffy94
Gymnast -- Joy to the World
Lawyer -- MasterGepetto

Babysitter -- Revengedpirate
Doctor -- TheBlushingPrincess
Arborist -- FumblingGaze
Fitness Instructor -- Ely
Accountant -- Baseball101913
Last edited by Executionus on Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:13 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by ENFLover »

Hey, lurker here who would love to submit a character, but the message board is saying my account is too new to PM you. Any suggestions how to PM you?
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Executionus »

ENFLover wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:06 am Hey, lurker here who would love to submit a character, but the message board is saying my account is too new to PM you. Any suggestions how to PM you?
I didn't even know that was a thing to be honest. Most likely your account will get full powers after you've made a few posts (possibly even just the one).

I'm going to PM you first and you can attempt to reply to my message. If that doesn't work then make a couple comments on people's stories and that should free you up quickly. If even THAT fails we could have you just post it here


I've been getting a bunch of characters so far that are weak physically with low strength, but strong in plotting. At this point we probably have enough of that specific archetype.
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Humilatron »

I've been getting a bunch of characters so far that are weak physically with low strength, but strong in plotting.
In part, us sabotaging our own characters. ;)
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Executionus »

Humilatron wrote: Sat Sep 18, 2021 6:43 am
I've been getting a bunch of characters so far that are weak physically with low strength, but strong in plotting.
In part, us sabotaging our own characters. ;)
In all fairness, last contest the small and weak girls vastly out-performed the tough girls, the athletes, and even the strong girls. Part of that was because the map was WAY too big last event and it was so easy to avoid combat that it was almost trivial. That's the major reason for why I shrunk the map down to a fraction of the overall size this event and put an occupant count on the door. That should balance things better.
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Xeno »

Looking forward too it!, I was a big fan of the original games, I'll see if I can think of an interesting character to play in the games, I can't seem to PM people just yet though.
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Executionus »

Xeno wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 9:24 pm Looking forward too it!, I was a big fan of the original games, I'll see if I can think of an interesting character to play in the games, I can't seem to PM people just yet though.
It looks like new accounts need at least one post before they can PM. I know that ENFLover was able to message me after making the post up there.
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Mick Gesitt »

This sounds fun!

Well done, Ex. You finally got me to bite the bullet and actually make an account after lurking in the background for nearly 2 years.

I've got a fun character :idea: that I think you'll enjoy.
-Mick Gesitt of the Mountain
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Re: The Thirst Games 2 -- Character Sign-up and Contest Entry!

Post by Executionus »

Haha, I'm loving that this contest has inadvertently been pushing lurkers to make accounts in order to join the fun.

All of the characters I've been getting so far have been excellent, with most of them leaning HEAVY into their gimmicks for added entertainment value. I've worked around with a few of the characters to refine them or balance them, but overall I haven't modified anyone all that much yet. So far the high score for "Out of left field, but awesome" would have to be Horse Jockey, but all of them have been great so far.

One of the things that I've enjoyed is that all of the characters have detailed strategies that they're going for, and many of them are wildly different and focusing on different things. I've been randomizing everybody's confidential starting locations ahead of time as I receive each character (just to make it easy to start the game when it's time) and so far most of the locations have been pretty advantageous for the character and their plots.

Also I won't say which two, but we have two entrants so far who have selected to take the big risk by starting the match wearing only a towel in exchange for more spending cash. The others are split evenly between normal entrants and ones without underwear.
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