War of the Scouts

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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War of the Scouts

Post by Executionus »

So this is my entry in the contest, which was spawned from a wild idea I had inspired by the Scouts vs Locals prompt. I liked the base concept of this prompt a lot, but the one part that I wasn't a fan of was the "locals" aspect of it. Instead, I felt this prompt would be far more enjoyable if it was done as Scouts vs Scouts, so that's where I took it with my story.

Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts. Long have they warred.

In the mountain town of Johnsville, home to vast cave networks, rivers, hiking trails, and forests, the scouting programs have both always flourished for generations in unity. The natural world is alive in those areas, full of wonder and history, so these programs are wildly popular even in the era of cell phone games. While it's generally treated as a young kid activity, in reality Scouts range in age all throughout schooling, and in Johnsville it isn't uncommon to see high school aged scouts in both programs. And as high schoolers high school, one of the things they do quite often is date. Boys, girls, theys, everybody loves dating in high school.

However...one fateful day, many months ago in Johnsville, a date between an attractive and popular Boy Scout and an attractive and popular Girl Scout went terribly wrong. Neither teenager could agree on the events which took place, but both were very successful at painting the other as Satan Incarnate. These weren't just regular members of their organizations either, they were respected leaders of their troops who the others all looked up to. Emotions ran high, as the Date From Hell was exaggerated and blown up again and again, not just by the two in question but by their friends passing on the tale via text. By the day afterwards, the entirety of the local boy and girl troops had heard tales of heinous abuse which demanded justice of some kind. This would be the first domino to fall, one of many before it all came to an end.

While nobody will ever agree which scout was responsible for the initial Date From Hell, all sides agreed that it was the girls who started the war. In an attempt to avenge their friend Mia, two of the Girl Scouts thought it would be a good idea to throw ketchup-covered french fries at Liam, the boy accused of wronging her, during lunch. This, of course, was witnessed by his friends, who proceeded to toss food at the girls. This, of course, was witnessed by THEIR friends. After a few rounds of back and forth, the cafeteria erupted in a complete food fight before the teachers could shut it all down. Liam and Mia both settled into roles of leadership in this crisis after the food fight incident, acting as generals commanding their troops in battle against the enemy. This was not going to end quickly.

With the two scout groups openly at war now, the trash talk got fierce over the next week. Very quickly the two groups were hit with labels mocking the two most famous signature items of the two groups: Girl Scout Cookies and Swiss Army Knives. The girls were mocked as "Cookies" and teased as if their only contribution in life was snack foods. Meanwhile, the boys were labeled "Swissies", a play on the word sissies, and countless jokes were thrown at them insinuating that there was a clear inverse relationship between the size of a boy's "equipment" and the size of his knife. One of the girls, who was highly talented at art, drew a Swiss Army Knife that included a fleshlight as one of its components to mock the boys for their inability to ever get the real thing. Meanwhile a boy scout, also known for earning multiple art badges, drew a large image of Cookie Monster eating tiny Girl Scouts one by one while he was in English class. Both images were shared to thousands of phones before the day was over.

When the Girl Scouts had their next troop meeting and were discussing the escalating warfare, they heard the sound of loud music approaching their hangout. "I did it all for the nookie! Come on. The nookie! Come on. So you can take that cookie, and stick it up your YEAH, stick it up your YEAH, stick it up your YEAH, stick it up your!" A group of Boy Scouts were loudly blasting Limp Bizkit music in the Girl Scout hangout parking lot just to mess with them. The boys played through the entire song and then drove off when the adult scout master came out to confront them. Not wanting to be upstaged, the girls repaid the favor at the next Boy Scout meeting later in the day. "Don't...bring...a knife...to..a gun..fight. (You'll lose!) Don't...bring...a knife...to..a gun..fight. (You'll lose!)" from Sick Puppies was blasted from the Boy Scout parking lot.

This pattern of copying tactics and one-upmanship kept continuing throughout the war over the next month. No matter what either side tried to do, the other side would retaliate with their own version of the exact same action or prank. The two scout masters began to grow very annoyed with the teenagers under their supervision, including the fact that the younger scouts were being drawn into the war as well. The adults tried everything to get Liam and Mia to stop instigating this feud, and they tried everything to get all of the other scouts to stop trying to mess with the other side. The fact that all of this chaos started over something as silly as a bad date made the entire situation even more ridiculous in the eyes of any adults or outsiders watching. Very quickly though the date had slipped far into the rear view mirror as the source of the anger, replaced with hatred for the sake of hatred and a compulsive desire among both genders to be #1 at all costs.

This all kept going until one day, one fateful day, when some of the Boy Scouts escalated things to a whole new level. Four of the Boy Scouts were walking around one of the nature trails when they happened to see Mia and one of her friends walking towards them, coming from the opposite direction. One of the boys quickly had an idea, yelling "Get her!" to the others as they sprinted forward. Mia and the other girl tried to flee, but Mia was quickly grabbed by the four boys. Using their training, Mia was very quickly restrained with her wrists tied behind her and her ankles tied together using two-column tie knots for both ends on the same rope. Any effort to struggle from Mia would only make her restraints tighter in this position, as she was now helpless and essentially hogtied.

The other girl turned to possibly face the boys and help her leader, only for the ringleader of the boys, Darrel, to command "Hey, Mia's 'Tagalong'.... Go get all the other Keebler Elves and meet us at Moonlight Falls in two hours. We're ending this war tonight, since you all are going to surrender to us in order to get this bitch back unharmed. If you don't, bad things are going to happen to her for what she did to Liam. And if you try to snitch on us, WORSE things are going to happen to her. Are we clear? Now get out of my sight!" Seeing no other alternative, the frightened girl turned and ran away, leaving poor Mia alone as the helpless prisoner of the boy scouts, who began to carry her up the trail towards the falls.

Two hours later, every member of the Johnsville Boy Scouts troop older than about 12 had gathered together at the falls in order to provide backup, and to witness the end of this war once and for all. Mia stood there hugging a tree, with her arms now securely tied together on the other side of said tree. Her ankles were tied apart slightly, such that there was a limit to how closed Mia's legs could be. She looked ridiculous with her face in the bark and her backside facing outwards.

There were close to 50 boys here, all ranging in age all the way up to the high school seniors. Well, in actuality there was one senior missing, who for some reason was not answering his phone no matter how many times he was called or texted. People were getting annoyed that they were doing all of this craziness for Liam's sake, yet somehow he was too busy to show up for the ending. Imagine their surprise when the Girl Scouts finally showed up...with a shirtless Liam in swim trunks led by his tied-up hands walking behind them!

In shock, one of the boys cried out "DUDE! How the hell did you let a bunch of girls capture you?"

Red in the face, Liam loudly answered "There were five of them, and they jumped me at the lake while I was watching my stupid little sister. She narced on me to the other girls so they knew where I was! Why didn't you assholes warn me that you were going to do this crap?"

Behind Liam, his little sister Sophie walked proudly in her Girl Scout uniform, clearly happy with her role in this event. The boy ringleader, Darrel, responded "I sent you the same group text two hours ago that I sent everybody else!"

Liam cussed "I was swimming, jackass! I don't go to shore and check my phone every 15 seconds like some girl"

Darrel just scoffed "You need to pay attention to your phone more often during a war, dude. Whatever, never mind, these girls are stupid if they think we're just going to let them keep you. Boys, they say that you can't hit a girl, but I think we can make an exception just this once."

Quickly one of the older black girls, Sheena, shouted out "Not so fast, butter knives! We came prepared for that. If you try to touch us, we brought pepper spray. Muscles won't help you when you're on the ground crying like a baby. Checkmate, Swissies."

Darrel raised his hand to stop the boys, and then asked "Ok, so what's your plan then? A trade? Sorry, but we're not going for that. We're not letting Mia go until you all surrender. There's nothing that you thin mints can do to Liam that he can't take, he's a badass. And if you try to spray him or otherwise hurt him, we'll just hurt Mia right back. Who do you think is going to give up first?"

Sheena and the others quickly tied Liam to a tree in the exact same manor that Mia was tied to hers, as the two armies of 50ish teenagers of various ages stood only 10 feet apart. The tension was think enough to cut, if only there had been some tool useful for such a thing nearby. Sheena then declared "We accept your challenge, punks."

Mia and Liam, the two scouts whose Date From Hell spiraled out of control, were both tied up hugging trees, unable to move or even see anyone behind them. The challenge had been made in such a way as to imply that the two of them were about to be messed with in an effort to get their team to give up in order to spare them. The star-crossed lovers both began to worry that this situation was getting far out of hand now, but they were still hoping that their side would come out on top no matter the cost.

Darrel started the show by grabbing a solid-looking fly swatter from one of the younger boys "So Cookies, any of your moms keep one of these handy at all times? You know what they're for, and it ain't killing flies. Last chance!"

Mia shuddered. She knew. Sheena brashly responded "Do it! I'll just hit your 'switchblade' with a switch back." With a point from Sheena, one of the other girls quickly grabbed a solid spanking stick from the ground and handed it to Sheena.

Darrel smacked Mia's shorts-covered ass hard with the fly swatter, making a loud cracking sound that greatly overshadowed the sound of the falls. Mia squealed and jumped from the sharp sting, as Darrel didn't hold back one bit. Sheena immediately responded by whipping Liam's shorts-covered butt with the switch as hard as she could, making the boy release a high pitched sound usually reserved for small girls. Back and forth the two spankers went as their victims tried to power through it.


After around 10 hard shots, Darrel handed the fly swatter to the boy who brought it and said "Ok, time to stop playing nice. The next one is from my bare hand, and I'm going to get quite the feel out of this while I'm at it...unless you have something to say?"

Mia, her butt stinging like hell, yelled out "Don't you dare you bastard!"

Darrel didn't even wait for a response from Sheena as he turned and smacked Mia's ass with his bare hand, letting it linger for a couple seconds afterwards before letting go.

Sheena then answered back "That's fine. I can cop a feel too" and then spanked Liam's ass with her hand, squeezing it in front of everybody for good measure.

Both Sheena and Darrel went back and forth a couple times more, much to the displeasure of Liam and Mia. Liam visibly cringed from the humiliation of being spanked and groped like that in front of all of the girls as well as his entire troop, and both he and Mia were experiencing huge pains in the backside from all of these huge hits they were taking. Neither one of them was backing down yet, though.

Darrel started to say something else, but was quickly interrupted by Sheena "No you listen, you 4-inch blade with a 3-inch cock, I'm not just going to keep copying you all day. So here's my ultimatum: You give up right here and now, otherwise we're turning King Swissie around and he's getting the next spank on the front side. You boys can't copy THAT!"

Liam nervously cried out "WHAT??"

Darrel looked very nervous for once, wondering how he was going to respond to such a dire threat against his friend. While he hesitated, the Girl Scouts untied the frantically struggling Liam just long enough to turn him around to face the crowd before tying his arms and legs behind him and around the tree. With his legs parted slightly and held firmly this far apart, Liam's groin was 100% unprotected and would take the entirety of any shots aimed at it.

As Sheena raised her hand threateningly, aimed at poor Liam's precious tenders, Darrel quickly spat out "If you hit him in the balls, I'm cutting off Mia's top!"

Everybody froze.

After 3 seconds of shocked silence, Mia finally squealed "You can't do that! I'll tell. I'll tell everyone!"

Darrel answered back "We boys will all say you were lying. Nobody will believe you because of this war. Meanwhile, we all get to see your tits. It's up to you, ladies"

Sheena couldn't speak as she held her hand in the air frozen from what Darrel had just threatened to do to her best friend. The boys wasted no time untying Mia and turning her around, as she begged and pleaded for them to stop every second of the process, until she too was tied with her arms and legs secured around the tree. Darrel brought out his Swiss Army Knife from his pocket, opened it, and pointed it at Mia's flimsy pink sports bra. Mia's perky breasts pointed outwards towards everybody now, her nipples poking forward for all to see, and she was helpless to protect her modesty in any way if Darrel actually cut her top off. Darrel and Sheena both stared deeply into one-another's eyes, waiting for the other one to back down. Mia and Liam shivered nervously, terrified of what was just seconds away from happening to them in front of the entire crowd. Everyone stood there quietly for several intense seconds.

The silence was eventually broken by one of the younger boys suddenly giggling and laughing to himself like he just heard a great joke. When all of the boys and even the girls looked at him in confusion, the boy chuckled and said "It just came to me. Darrel's knife is now a 'cookie cutter'"

Many boys, including Liam, laughed in response. Enraged, Sheena yelled "That's IT! I've had it with you little shits" as she took her swing and smacked Liam between the legs as hard as she could. Liam gasped in agony and lost the ability to breathe for several seconds. Sheena followed up with "Laugh at THAT, Swissie"

Darrel was furious after what he just witnessed, so he immediately turned toward Mia, stuck the knife inside her cleavage under her sports bra, and started cutting through the center of it from the bottom up. He was at least willing to avoid cutting in the direction of Mia's skin, but that was the extent of his mercy at this moment.

As her bra was being sawed in half in front of everybody, Mia screamed "WAIT DON'T!! Please, I'm sorry! I didn't do it! Don't let everyone see my tits, please Darrel!"

Over halfway through, the fabric began to pull apart. The view of Mia's cleavage was getting more and more racy by the second. Darrel responded "Too late. Now every single Boy Scout in town is gonna see you topless"

Mia pulled against her arm restraints, even knowing how useless that was, as loudly she cried out "NO PLEASE! I GIVE UP! I SURRENDER! YOU WIN! I GIVE UUUUUP!"

Darrel stopped cutting with only the top 10% of the bra remaining, somehow caught off guard by Mia quitting right then. Mia's tight sports bra was only barely holding itself together at this point, and given enough time it might even bust open and her breasts pop out all on their own. Darrel coldly asked "You promise? Full surrender to us?"

Before Mia could say anything, Sheena shouted "Mia don't! If he doesn't stop stripping you, then I'll let everyone see Liam's dick!"

Now it was Liam's turn to panic, as he whined and pleaded "NO! No you guys, that's going too far! It's just her top, it's not like he's showing us her pussy!"

Darrel then joined in "Yeah! You show everyone Liam's dick and I'll show everyone Mia's pussy! Do you really wanna go that far, chocolate chips?"

Mia could feel the thin remaining fabric of her sports bra beginning to tear slightly little by little. If she didn't get untied soon, her breasts were going to escape with or without Darrel's help. And as soon as the threats were escalated to downstairs too, this sent her into a brand new level of panic. Mia wailed and begged "STOP IT YOU GUYS! ENOUGH! This needs to stop now, please! Everybody needs to stop!"

Sheena, however, was not backing down. She especially hated it when the Boy Scouts called her 'chocolate chips' because of her black skin, so Darrel using that term to refer to her just sent her into a new level of determination. She was going to win this war at ANY cost, even if that cost was her best friend's dignity and modesty. She walked to Liam's side and grabbed onto his waistband, declaring "You won't embarrass Mia that much. You boys have fantasized about her for years, stripping her now will just show off how good she looks. Meanwhile, Liam over here is about to show everybody that the rumors are true about how absolutely teeny tiny his dick is, and no girl in town will ever date him again as long as he lives! Call my bluff, I DARE you"

Fear was written all over Liam's face in this moment. He knew that the rumors were just the Girl Scouts talking trash based on absolutely nothing, but he also knew that secretly...the rumors were true. The last thing that he ever wanted in the entire world would be for a crowd full of girls to see how small his dick really was, destroying his popularity around school. He also couldn't take all of the boys from his troop seeing how puny his manhood was and humiliating him over it from then on. Liam tried to beg "You guys, I give up. We both give up! It's over!"

The complete opposite of Liam's face was Darrel's face. He didn't even flinch. Darrel kept eye contact with Sheena without breaking it for a second, while his knife hand went back inside Mia's bare cleavage. With one quick hard jerk, the knife split the last centimeter of Mia's top, sending the tight fabric to the left and right of her chest. Both of her sizable breasts popped out for everyone to see, hard pink nipples and all. Mia loudly screamed, as did most of the helpless girls watching in horror. The boys of all ages had their eyes light up in joy as they gasped in happiness and surprise at seeing a real live hot girl's naked tits right in front of them all. For most of the boys here, especially the middle schoolers, this was the first time they had ever seen a topless girl of any kind.

Darrel turned to get an eyeful of Mia's perky breasts for a few seconds, before turning back towards Sheena and saying "Bluff called"

Mia was in shock, her face beat red from the shame of nearly 100 of her peers (half of them boys) all looking right at her bare chest. She couldn't believe it. Everyone was looking at her breasts, and with her arms tied behind her she couldn't even cover up. She didn't even know if any of the boys had their phones out yet or not, but she knew that every second she remained exposed increased the horrible risk that one of these horny teenagers was going to snap a picture of her boobs! If one of them got a picture, it could be all over the school or even the internet in no time.

Mia pitifully begged with tears in her eyes "Please let me go! Let me go! Untie me! I quit, I give up, just let me go please! I'm sorry for everything I did! Untie my arms now and I'll do anything you say."

Sheena couldn't believe that Darrel actually did it, actually stripped her best friend topless in front of everyone here. She and the other girls could barely imagine anything more humiliating in the entire world than being tied up naked in front of 50 Boy Scouts. Suddenly the boys started reaching for their phones in their pockets, clearly intending to take pictures of poor Mia like this! The girls cried out for mercy for their friend.

Loudly Sheena screamed "Put your phones away RIGHT NOW! If any of you losers try to take a picture of her, we will spray you in the face with pepper spray and stomp your testicles into the mud!"

The boys froze with their hands in their pockets as the girls all drew their weapons, ready to defend what remained of their friend's honor. It became pretty clear even without being said: Any boy with a phone in his hand was going to get sprayed and beaten. As much as they all wanted a picture of this, none of them were ready to suffer the pain of trying to take one just yet, so the boys all put their hands up. Still, both sides knew that it was only a matter of time before somebody managed to get a picture of her somehow, unless something happened fast. The standoff was only buying the girls a little bit of time.

Darrel then teased "Here's the deal, missie. You surrender to us right now and I'll free Mia's arms so that she can cover herself before anybody gets any pictures of her tits. If you keep fighting us, one of my boys is bound to sneak a picture or two before this is all over. The whole town will have a copy of it in no time."

Mia pleaded "Sheena please, just do what he says! I'm begging you, this war isn't worth it any more!"

To that, Sheena yelled "Don't you DARE quit on your sisters! We've all been fighting so hard for you this entire time, and we're not about to let these barbarians win just because they are exploiting your modesty. Let's see how THEY like it when their own leader is stripped naked!"

Sheena grabbed hold of the side of Liam's swim trunks with both hands. Liam began squealing in a panicked high voice "No no no no nonononono!" as he felt his swim trunks jerk down his legs to his knees, exposing his white briefs to everybody. Most of the crowd, including Sheena, were surprised to see that he had any underwear on under his swim trunks, but in this case it saved him from the full reveal (for now at least). The boys watching almost had a heart attack from the pure horror of watching their fellow boy almost forced to show every girl here his dick. That thought scared all of them on some level, it's the most stressful part of a boy's body which they protect at all costs. They are judged as men almost entirely based on the quality and size of that one single area. And for poor Liam, he had always been extra shy and ashamed of being seen because of his small penis. He could never bear to risk somebody pantsing him while swimming, so he always wore undies underneath just in case. Still, Liam knew that he couldn't stop Sheena from just pulling his briefs down next, as he was completely helpless thanks to the rope tying his wrists together behind the tree.

Liam, his life flashing before his eyes a second ago when he didn't know if his briefs would stay up or not, was now practically hyperventilating. He knew that what Sheena had said earlier was true, that the worst they could do to Mia was just show everybody how hot she was. For Liam, the stakes were far higher. If everybody saw his tiny dick like this, he would die socially. Liam wasn't wanting to risk it anymore, he was done. No feud with any ex was worth this ultimate humiliation. He was willing to toss aside all of his pride and ego in this moment if it would get her to show him mercy.

"Sheena please" Liam begged "You win, ok? I'm serious, you win. I quit. I give up. I messed up the date, I mistreated Mia. I'm sorry! I really am. Just...don't do this to me, please. I don't want everyone I know to see me naked"

Darrel couldn't believe that his friend and leader was shamelessly begging right now, so he yelled at him "DUDE! Man up! She's not going to pull down your underwear, because then I will pull down Mia's panties! Girls would rather die than let every boy in school see their pussies, and Sheena knows that. But since she pulled down your shorts...."

Darrel quickly jerked Mia's shorts to her knees, exposing her thin, cotton, baby blue bikini briefs. Mia screamed again, fully aware that she only had one item left protecting her little virgin pussy from 50 pairs of horny teenage boy eyes. She also fully agreed with what Darrel had said earlier: She would rather die right here and now than have her pussy exposed to them all.

Mia was shaking and crying "God damnit Sheena, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!! I'm almost NAKED!! Stop stripping Liam and just let them win. It's not worth it! Girls please, this is humiliating. How would all of you feel if all of the boys got to see your bare kitty?"

Many of the girls watching felt so horrible for Mia, living every girl's worst nightmare right in front of them, half naked and helpless while 50 boys stared at her exposed body. Some of the girls were begging Sheena to do something to save Mia before it was too late. Out of pity for her best friend's suffering, Sheena was very close to surrendering in order to save her. What stopped her from doing so was Liam's frantic begging.

"She quits, I quit, we both quit! The war is over, let us go right now!" Liam said with pure fear written all over his face. Liam looked white as a ghost, and actually looked far more terrified of being stripped naked than Mia was. He had zero poker face in this moment.

Sheena stood to Liam's side in order to not block the view of his briefs, and then placed her fingers of each hand on both sides of Liam's underwear. She then told him "Convince the boys to surrender to us right now, or else these are going down. Even if Mia gets stripped too, every girl is still going to see your dick! And I'll even take pictures of it and send it all over town unless you get the Swissies to get on their knees in the next 30 seconds!"

Feeling pure panic, Liam begged to Sheena "No, no no no you guys, no! Sheena please don't do this, I'm begging you. Think about Mia, your friend! Your best friend, right? Don't you want to save her?"

Sheena coldly answered "25 seconds"

Liam then looked at Darrel "Darrel please, just give up! For me, please do it for me! I don't want the girls to see my dick, ok? You gotta stop this please! This whole thing has gone crazy. It was just a bad date! It's not worth every girl in Johnsville getting to see my DICK! You're going to turn me into a laughing stock for the rest of my life if you don't surrender."

Darrel then hooked his fingers into the sides of Mia's panties, giving him the power to pull them down at literally any moment. With her legs still pulled slightly apart by the ankle ropes, her losing her panties right now would show off everything she had and she wouldn't even be able to close her legs for that tiny bit of cover. As the scared little girl shook her head back and forth and pleaded, Darrel told her "Make Sheena stop and give up right now without stripping my friend or else we ALL get to see your pussy, and I'll make sure that every boy here gets as many pictures of your naked body as he wants! You'll be all over the internet with millions of views!"

Mia screamed "SHEENA STOOOOP! Please you have to give up or else he's going to strip me naaaakeeeed!! Somebody, anybody please stop her. I don't want naked pictures of me all over. I don't want to be naked!!!"

Sheena tugged Liam's waistband down, exposing a ton of skin and the top of his pubes but not his cock just yet. She then shouted "I'm not playing! You boys better give up now or else!"

Darrel responded by pulling Mia's panties down even lower down her hips than where Liam's underwear was, making it very clear to everybody that she had no pubes down there of her own. Darrel commanded "Do it! Do it and her pussy comes out to play."

The Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts watching this were stunned into a frozen silence as they could only stare, wondering if this was going to truly be it. Both sides were hoping for their leader to be spared somehow, while also secretly praying for the chance to get to see the genitals of the other gender's leader. Both sides, the boys and the girls, were staring right at the lowering underwear worn by the two struggling, begging, and whining sexy seniors, with everyone afraid to blink and risk missing anything.

Sheena pulled Liam's waistband down all the way to the base of his shaft, where just one more slight tug would pull them off of his dick and expose it to everyone. After recovering from the hard slap earlier, Liam had grown completely hard from all of this intimate contact and public embarrassment, not to mention Mia getting stripped right in front of him. But still, even while hard he knew that he only measured 4 inches long and that it would be very easy for Sheena to pull his tighty whities over his little dick. She then angrily shouted "Liam, make him give up right now or I'm pulling this down all the way!"

Liam squealed, barely breathing clearly from his own hyperventilation. "Darrel...Darrel stop...Oh God...Please stop...I'll do anything...anything you ask! ...I'll give you $100...I mean it, $100! I'll give Sheena $100 too. DON'T LET HER PULL OFF MY UNDERWEAR PLEASE!!"

Darrel, stone-faced, pulled Mia's panties down so far that her entire mons pubis was showing. Her bare ass was touching the tree, completely uncovered now. The elastic waistband of her panties was now rubbing against her clit, and just the slightest twitch on Darrel's part would leave her bottomless. Darrel ordered "Mia, last chance, make Sheena quit or else every boy here, and millions around the world, are going to see your pussy in about 10 seconds!"

Mia hit a level of volume so loud that she drowned out the sound of the waterfall as she screamed "GOD FUCKING DAMNIT SHEENA LET HIM GO! Please, don't let everybody see me naked like this."

Darrel and Sheena stood there staring at each other, hands in Mia and Liam's underwear threatening to pull. Both of them knew that they couldn't escalate any more without going all the way. One tug from either of them meant full and complete exposure of that person's private parts, followed immediately by the exact same thing happening to their friend and leader. They both stood there for 15 seconds waiting for the other one to quit, not wanting to be the one to make that last final move which would render the leaders completely naked. Mia and Liam never stopped shaking and breathing hard, with every second feeling like an eternity. They felt like condemned criminals in the electric chair watching the warden's hand resting on the power switch. Everyone stood in silence waiting to see what would happen next, but nobody seemed willing to make the next move because of the extreme consequences for doing it.

After 15 seconds of tense silence, Sheena softly asked "Truce?"

Darrel calmly responded "Truce" as he took his hands off of Mia's panties, which were still resting right on her lips barely hiding anything.

Sheena then did the same, letting go of Liam's waistband but leaving it resting on the base of his shaft still.

It was at this point when Liam's little sister Sophie angrily yelled out "NO!" and reached for Liam's underwear. Liam gasped in fright but no words came out as he felt his bratty little 13-year-old sister grab the front of his briefs and yank downwards hard, causing his rock hard tiny 4 inch penis to pop out in front of all 100 teenagers watching him. Liam was naked! He couldn't believe it, everyone could see his dick sticking out now. All of the girls, and even the other Boy Scouts, could all see how small he was. This was his greatest fear, and now it was happening. Sophie started laughing uncontrollably at what she had just done to humiliate her big brother while pointing right at his privates. Even at her age she knew that boy parts were supposed to be a lot larger than that, as did the swarm of other girls staring at it now without blinking. Liam felt like he was about to pass out from the shame, even though the humiliation was somehow making his dick harder than its ever been before.

Nearly all of the girls squealed in delight at seeing a naked boy from school, the first time most of them had ever done so. Even if he wasn't too big, it was still a unique, amazing sight attached to a popular hot guy. One of the younger girls loudly cried out excitedly "Oh my God we can see his WIENER!!"

Enraged, Darrel grabbed Mia's panties again. Mia shrieked in fright even before it happened, but then she screamed even louder when she felt her panties pulled down to her knees. Suddenly her bare, bald pussy was out in the open in front of 50 boys from school! With her legs parted like this, her lips were very exposed, and the arousal from all of the stripping excitement had made it so that even her clit was swollen and visible to anyone looking at it. Mia tried to squeeze her legs closed with all of her might, desperate for just that one little tiny drop of mercy, but it was all for nothing as her ankles wouldn't budge. Her face was bright red, humiliated beyond belief. Mia's most private place was now very, very public.

The boys all cheered and stared, most of them with their mouths wide open. The vast majority of the boys had never actually seen a vagina in person before, even if some of them had seen boobs before. Several of the boys simultaneously shouted lustfully "Dude! Look at her PUSSY!!"

Because the girls were now so distracted by Liam's nudity, several of the boys quickly grabbed their phones out of their pockets and began to load up their camera apps. Most of the Girl Scouts weren't even paying attention to the Boy Scouts any more, meaning there was no longer enough armed girls to protect her from the boys trying to take pictures of her nakedness.


Mia whined in shame as dozens of camera phones were pointed at her, all of them snapping pictures from every angle. Darrel himself made sure to grab some choice shots for his own personal enjoyment, making sure that many of them contained Mia's face and body parts in the same shot. Once the girls realized what was being done to Mia, they knew it was too late to stop the boys any more. Instead, they started grabbing their own phones and aiming them at the pitiful and begging Liam and his throbbing four inches. In no time all of the girls had at least one picture of his little pecker, and most of the girls took several from different angles just to make sure they got a good one.

A boy was the first to try and bring up the internet, whining out loud "Dang it, there's never any signal anywhere near the falls"

The evil little sister Sophie, her phone loaded with pictures of her brother in an attempt to humiliate him completely, told the other girls "We have to get back to the fork, we can get wifi there and upload the pictures to the internet!"

When Sophie tried to run, one of the boys her age tackled her, grabbing the phone out of her hand and tossing it away. While he hadn't intended to aim for the creek, Sophie's phone flew into the water anyway. A few seconds later and it went over the falls, a drop of over 20 feet. That phone was clearly toast, and all of the pictures on it gone forever.

Darrel loudly commanded "Grab them! Get rid of their phones! You four, run to the fork and upload Mia's pictures."

Several girls started to scatter to escape, while others ran to intercept the boy runners in an attempt to save poor Mia from the ultimate humiliation. Sheena shouted "Take them all down, no boy leaves here with his phone! Toss them all into the falls!"

A wild melee erupted full of tackles, slaps, pepper sprays, body slams, and phones being hurled like baseballs left and right. Some of the phones didn't even make it to the water, instead being smashed on a rock or other nearby item. The boy who had tackled Sophie, the girl responsible for both Liam's capture and his dick being exposed, decided that revenge was in order. He grabbed the bottom of her uniform top and yanked upwards, exposing her bra to anyone who happened to be looking that way. No longer enjoying this, Sophie screamed like a banshee and tried to flee, but nothing was getting her out of this mess now.

One of the other boys yelled out "Take their clothes! Strip them all butt naked!"

Sheena then responded by ordering her troops "Pull down every single last one of their pants!"

The frantic frenzy erupted with clothing being tossed every which way next, with body parts popping out as far as the eyes could see. Some of the boys and girls tried to escape before it was too late, not even trying to upload pictures anymore...only wanting to save their own bodies from being seen. Unfortunately, any boy or girl that tried to run away was pounced to the ground, helpless to prevent their phones from being destroyed or their clothing from being ripped off of them. Some of the bigger, older teens started getting ganged up on by multiple smaller teens in order to get them naked as well. Even the ringleaders responsible for all of this stripping insanity, Darrel and Sheena, had both been robbed of every item of clothing they had aside from their shoes.

One little girl desperately tried to save her modesty by climbing a tree, pleading for mercy from the already-naked boy chasing after her. When he grabbed her foot and started pulling her down, however, it was clear that none were going to be spared today. One of the smallest boys hid behind a bush, only to scream in fright when a girl snuck up behind him and quickly tied his arms behind his back. When the tiny boy was stripped piece by piece until nothing remained, he was powerless to even use his hands to cover up his dick while girls all over the field saw him. Because so many of the scouts, boy and girl, had brought ropes with them in case they were needed, scores of teenagers wound up partially or completely restrained as their nudity was displayed. One of the absolute hottest of the girls was held down on the ground naked by three boys (one on her arms, one on each leg) as she was spread wide open for them to eyeball. A fully naked boy swam to freedom across the creek, which isn't even safe due to the waterfall nearby, but he didn't care as he ran away from all of his peers wearing nothing but his shoes in the hopes that it would stop most of them from seeing his privates.

So many of the phones were being used to snap pictures of naked scouts in every direction, until soon everybody was attacking the remaining phones indiscriminately in the hopes of saving themselves and their friends from ending up all over school. One sneaky girl tried to stash her phone full of pictures under some weeds in order to retrieve it later, only for an eagle eyed eagle scout to notice it while stripping that girl naked. He grabbed the phone out of the weeds, took multiple close up shots of the girl's exposed parts, and then took off running with the stolen phone. The naked girl had no choice but to chase after him and break her own phone in order to save herself.

Each scout reacted differently once they were naked. Some of them switched to offense in order to get revenge by stripping others back, leading to a whole ton of the ones still wearing clothes being stripped by one or two fully naked members of the other team (which was equal parts mortifying and hot). Many of them tried to hide while using their hands to cover up their front sides, although most of these shy ones wound up with their hands forcibly pried off of their bodies by the more horny members of the other side who wanted a good look at what they were hiding. Several boys and girls tried to grab clothing from the ground to put on, which led to a few of them being stripped multiple times in the melee. One particular super-shy Girl Scout was cornered by a very horny naked Boy Scout who was holding a random pair of panties from another girl. That boy offered those panties to the girl in front of him if she would use her fingers to spread herself open for him to see. Shamefully, she agreed to the deal and did what he wanted, only for her to lose her newfound panties 20 seconds after putting them on from yet another boy who wanted to see her skin.

As the horde of fighting scouts hunted down the last of the people still wearing clothing, one mischievous brat of a boy was running around the area grabbing up as many discarded clothing items as he possibly could. Instead of putting them on himself, however, he just kept grabbing them all one by one until he had almost all of them in his arms. When the rest of the boys and girls noticed him with his arms loaded with lost clothing, some of them started running towards him, with their hands covering their bits, in order to get something to wear no matter the cost. All eyes froze in fear when the clothing hoarder ran next to the creek bed at the top of the falls.

A naked girl with her face bright red and her arms gripping her nudie parts tightly begged him "Stop! What are you doing? Don't do that! You're crazy! This is madness!"

With a wild look on his face, the unashamed naked clothing hoarder loudly responded "Madness? THIS...IS...BOY SCOUTS!!!!" before tossing all of the stripped clothing he was holding into the creek and over the falls, far out of range for anyone to recover.

With this one action, there were now precious few clothing items left on the ground, and nearly 100 naked teenagers who would have to fight over them in order to have anything to wear in order to go back home. All semblance of order was quickly lost as all of the naked scouts tried to grab at least one form of bottoms and escape if possible, only to be tackled and stripped all over again before they could escape. Many of the more humiliated and desperate teens were even willing to strip clothes off of their own team mates in the hopes of being one of the lucky few who wouldn't leave this place and head back into the crowded city completely naked.

Still tied and helpless, both Liam and Mia were burning with humiliation and shame both for their own exposure and for the chaotic state of the scouting program, all of which was entirely their faults and they knew it. They felt lucky to still have their bottoms at their knees, a luxury that most of the others did not have anymore. At this point the tied duo merely prayed that somebody would untie them before this was all over.

Suddenly a deep voice erupted like thunder "WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?"

The nearly 100 scouts all froze in terror (most of them mid-grapple) at the loud question asked by the Boy Scout Master, a scary man in his 40s. Next to him stood the Girl Scout Master, a stern woman around the same age. Being seen naked by each other was bad enough, but somehow having their main authority figures catch them all like this, engaged in a gigantic naked battle royale brawl, was actually far more humiliating. Everybody quickly let go of each other and put all of their efforts into covering up their exposed bodies. After a few seconds of complete terror, all of the students turned around and fled into the woods to escape the adults. Only 4 of the boys and 1 of the girls had any clothing on at all, and it wasn't much, but at this point escaping became everyone's #1 priority. Everyone fled while screaming, hands over their privates hoping to somehow sneak home without getting caught in the crowded town. Everyone except Liam and Mia, who had no choice but to stand there completely exposed with their arms still tied behind them around the trees. The two leaders couldn't even bring themselves to make eye contact with their masters knowing that both grown adults were seeing them completely naked and helpless like this.

The Girl Scout Master harshly scolded Liam and Mia, not averting her gaze even slightly from either of their exposed parts "Are you all nothing but animals now? Is that it? Fighting naked in the woods? What would the other students at school think if they could see all of you right now, like this? Would you two like that if the whole town saw you standing here like this? Hmm?"

Mia begged "Please ma'am, let us go. We're sorry for everything, seriously"

Liam joined in "We are, for real. We both apologized to each other earlier. The others just wouldn't stop no matter what we said"

Mia whined "I've never been more humiliated in my life! I'll never do anything like this again, I promise"

Liam added "Same! Please untie us"

The Boy Scout Master smirked "Good. I'm glad to hear it. Now maybe you both, and all of the others who WILL be getting a good talking to at our next troop meeting, have learned a little thing about the stupidity of war. If neither side cares about anything else but the other side's total destruction, then all that happens in the end is both sides wind up destroyed and nobody wins. That's why you needed to sit down and TALK things over, like adults"

The two Masters finally went to untie Liam and Mia, freeing them from their extreme humiliation at last. The former lovers could only pray that somehow none of the phones, loaded with all of their naked pictures, had managed to get out of the dead zone and upload backups to the cloud. If even one of them did, it could spell disaster for them in the future. They both spent the rest of the school year terrified of their pictures leaking if they existed.

The End.
Last edited by Executionus on Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
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SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by Executionus »

By the way, this is apparently the 300th ENF Stories thread. I didn't even know that prior to including a 300 reference in my story, but now that coincidence makes me laugh even harder.
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by SDS »

Oh Wow! Great job Executionus!!

Amazing story! Truely wonderful, I just loved both leaders trying to stop the game but the others pride forcing it more and more humiliating!

Very well written and I loved the characters just enough personality to carry the story. The 300 reference gave me a chuckle also.

SDS xx
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by dublinjohn »

Great work
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by mikewozere »

Nicely told and very hot!
Although I'd have preferred it if only Mia & Liam had been stripped.
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by ENFfanatic »

mikewozere wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:00 pm Nicely told and very hot!
Although I'd have preferred it if only Mia & Liam had been stripped.
I enjoyed it. Though i kinda considered it a different story altogether for the part after the leaders got stripped.
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by Executionus »

ENFfanatic wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:12 am
mikewozere wrote: Tue Jul 27, 2021 10:00 pm Nicely told and very hot!
Although I'd have preferred it if only Mia & Liam had been stripped.
I enjoyed it. Though i kinda considered it a different story altogether for the part after the leaders got stripped.
I needed a proper conclusion for the war, and I had been working since the beginning under the theme of "both sides copy the other and then escalate, repeat forever". It felt appropriate for the war to degenerate into a feral madhouse once they started running out of sane ways to escalate the conflict. I wanted the big shift in pace from slow stripping of the leaders into a rapid-fire strip fest of everyone else in order to give the story itself the feeling of acceleration.

Originally I considered putting far more details into the frenzy scene and many more of its individual victims, but I decided instead to write it up more like a stream of consciousness jumping around for a few reasons: the story was already pretty long, I was running out of time in the contest, and I somewhat felt that the story held together better if Mia and Liam remained the focus at all times, even while they were in the background.

I enjoyed the image of the ending itself, the idea that when they got caught by the adults, all of the scouts were full of extreme unbearable shame in that moment not only from being naked, but from what they had become during all of this mess. I wanted the final humiliation to be everyone realizing that there were no winners, only 100 losers and it only dawned on all of them as they fled for what little dignity they had left, naked as the day they were born.

PS: Another reason that I didn't want to stick completely to just Liam and Mia being stripped while tied to trees facing each other and a segregated audience of boys and girls was because I had previously done that style of scene in the Playville saga already. I wanted this story to be its own unique experience.
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by SDS »

I often don't like big groups of stripping and prefer a small number of victims however I actually loved this scene and the madness it portayed! I enjoyed some of the younger shyer ones just trying to get away, everyone getting jumped and pepper sprayed and stripped. Felt a real mob mentality.

My only addition would have been a couple of more detailed snapshots of some of the events and more humiliated victims. I loved the small line about the girl trying to climb a tree and a few more like this or more detailed desciptions of their exposure would have been the icing on an already perfect cake xxx

This isn't shying away from this being one of my favorite stories I've read in ages however!
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by Executionus »

SDS wrote: Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:06 am My only addition would have been a couple of more detailed snapshots of some of the events and more humiliated victims. I loved the small line about the girl trying to climb a tree and a few more like this or more detailed desciptions of their exposure would have been the icing on an already perfect cake xxx
I agree honestly, which is why I decided to go back and edit that section to include many more snapshots of events. The section between the start of the stripping fest and the appearance of the Clothing Hoarder has now been expanded upon.
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Re: SSC 2021: War of the Scouts

Post by SDS »

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Amazing! Great edit really topped off the story for me! Also the "...this is boy scouts" line made me laugh even on second reading

I do love the edit function on this website! I often go back and add in a few missing juicy details!

SDS xx
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