The Promotion

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Promotion

Post by Debbifan »

Revengedpirate wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:06 am Probably being a little idiotic but why doesn’t she just go sick? Then the other girl would have to do it or the shop would be shut either way she’s not being forced to be naked.
You could say with just about every story on the board 'why didn't he or she do this or that to get out of the situation?' Suspend disbelief and go with the flow, its a good story. ;)
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Re: The Promotion

Post by Revengedpirate »

My point was this girl has options to escape, she’s not really under any coercion to strip. She has a sick day or refuses at work and gets sent home. Most characters have something that persuades them into a naked scenario. Whether it blackmail (which is usually the case) or being tricked. This girl is simply going to get naked because she was told to even the newbie saw a way out. It’s just too implausible that a girl would strip naked because she was asked. Would anyone strip naked in front of people if they were politely asked? Lol
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Re: The Promotion

Post by Debbifan »

Revengedpirate wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:45 am My point was this girl has options to escape, she’s not really under any coercion to strip. She has a sick day or refuses at work and gets sent home. Most characters have something that persuades them into a naked scenario. Whether it blackmail (which is usually the case) or being tricked. This girl is simply going to get naked because she was told to even the newbie saw a way out. It’s just too implausible that a girl would strip naked because she was asked. Would anyone strip naked in front of people if they were politely asked? Lol
She wasn't politely asked. The implication was that her job or at least her promotion, was on the line. As good a scenario as most on here. But if that seems too far a stretch for you, fair enough. We have different views.
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Re: The Promotion

Post by skillbox »

Chapter 3- The First Moments
Niya had tried every possible avenue to remove herself from this humiliating situation and they'd all failed. Her normally alert eyes were tired from lack of sleep; her glasses the only thing hiding the otherwise obvious dark lines under them. She had spent the night refreshing her job posting for a nude model, but obviously nobody was dumb enough to volunteer to be practically naked in a public street for hours. Especailly with the amount of pay she was offering.

She dressed her normal work outfit instead of casual clothes, even with the embarrassing knowledge that for most of the day these clothes wouldn't be worn. With a triple check everything was in order and releasing she was creating as many delays as possible for herself, she left for the train. Somehow she couldn't help her mind from wondering how many of the people she saw at this busy station would be seeing her naked in just a couple hours. People loved to go get coffee on their lunch breaks after all.

She arrived at the store a couple hours early. That was a hour quicker than she normally would. She sneered at the hung up apron, before reminding herself it was only an apron. Even if it being only an aporn was the issue. Should she strip now? She was going to be naked for hours, anyway. Might as well get used to it when at least the store was empty. But still, even alone in the employee lounge she felt a sense of insecurity and embarrassment.

No, it was time to get it over with. She sat on a nearby couch, untying her laces hesitantly and pulling both trainers off along with plain white socks. She took a deep breath, shimmying out of her black jeans revealing long slender dark legs, thick thighs and modest black panties. Trying not to think too hard, she began unbuttoning her shirt, with a matching black bra coming into view along with a tiny bit of a belly. She stared at it for a second, cursing she hadn't been going to the gym lately and a few too many snacks. If only she knew then.

She sat in her underwear for a couple moments, already feeling exposed and silly even without anyone to see her. She stood with her small bare feet sinking a bit into the plush carpet as she picked up the clothes she should have been wearing and left them in a nearby locker. With reluctance, she glanced at her modest panties, knowing that the act was a reminder that she wasn't done yet. She quickly stripped her bra, as if doing it fast would get it over with quicker; though in fact, she'd still be naked for a long time afterwards. Now standing there with her curved but flat tits out, she put the bra with the rest of her articles.

One last thing. With great reluctance, Niya slid the panties off her tall legs. They fell to her feet and with a lack of dignity Niya pulled them off her toes; tossing the knickers into the locker to avoid the temptation to put them back on. She was naked. Her pert black bottom faced the door, her trimmed bush in the open and every goddamn inch of her skin exposed. She shrunk in on herself. Naked in the workplace! Niya always strived for professionalism and she'd taken the meaning of Casual Friday to a whole new meaning.

At least she'd given herself a couple of hours to get used to the feeling. That was why she'd arrived early, anyway. She carefully strode around the room feeling her nudity from the way her soles touched the carpet, the breeze on her skin and the way everything felt... unnaturally loose. Her tight butt bounced towards the apron on the wall. At least that would give her some amount of modesty. However as she strung the ties around her bare neck, she realised it almost exacerbated the issue. She was normally fond of her height, but the amount of revealed leg shown beneath the apron made it all too obvious there wasn't anything else on. With one wrong step, the flimsy garment would flutter wrongly and a nipple or pussy could be revealed! That's not to mention nothing was hiding her ass which was almost advertised as it stuck out.

She walked awkwardly to the main storefront, it was early enough that the open windows shouldn't reveal her to too many passerbys on the street. That'd happen in a hour or two. Anyway, she had a job to do. And she'd do it, even if she was naked. That was the ethic Niya strived for. She made the coffee bare, getting a bit distracted by the work as she tested the machine. With a sip of the result which slighlty woke her up, she nodded dutifuly. At least that's one thing that was normal today.

She moved into the back to grab a couple of promotional posters to put on the store window. Thankfully she could do that from inside, rather than outside. Though she tried to ignore the folded table in the corner of the storeroom which was meant to be stood on the street. She scurried her feet towards the window in order to put up one of the papers, when she noticed her reflection in the window.

She felt ridiculous. With her only covering being a flimsy green apron (with no strap to join at the back), the company's name printed across it in large white letters and thick unfashionable glasses. She blushed as she took a side view of herself, while her boobs were small they weren't small enough that you couldn't see a clear outline of the bare shape of them from the side. She imagined if she was in motion, her tits would become even more obvious; and there would be a good chance she'd be showing everything down there too. Talking about down there, she turned around, allowing herself to get a reflection of her ass. And yes, that was a butt. It was completely exposed and there was absolutely nothing she could do about that. No careful walking or tactful angling to avoid people seeing her pert bare ass.

"WOAH! Niya!" A bubbly blonde yelled appearing on the street, fully dressed and giving an awful catwhistle at the sight, "Wooo! I can't believe you're actually doing this!"

Eliza had arrived for work. The day had officially started.
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Re: The Promotion

Post by Executionus »

Revengedpirate wrote: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:00 am I’m not sure if the word “ah” was correct I had to mentally change it to “i” sometimes to make sense.
Revengedpirate wrote: Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:06 am Probably being a little idiotic but why doesn’t she just go sick? Then the other girl would have to do it or the shop would be shut either way she’s not being forced to be naked.

This seems like a major culture difference between England and the American south. Trust me, southern boys usually mispronounce their "I"s as "Ah"s. You ever watch a Foghorn Leghorn cartoon? Believe it or not, he actually undersells the Appalachian accent.

And it's the same cultural difference with the job thing. In southern American states, if you take a sick day off of work during your first month of working your ass is fired, guaranteed. These states are called "Right to Work" states which is a fancy term for "You can be fired for literally any reason since you as a laborer have no rights". I was once fired immediately from a job once the boss learned that I had a mild hearing disability (which would not have affected my job). You don't take sick days in America if you work in the service industry unless you want to have your hours cut or just fired outright. Where I work they were smuggling people with fevers past the security temperature check during Covid because employee health means nothing, they just want a warm body physically there to do the labor. I know somebody who TESTED POSITIVE and her job tried to order her to come into work anyway and just "wear a mask". If you are a new manager and you leave a new trainee who barely knows jack squat as the only person running the store? Oh yeah, your ass is grass for that too.

Niya has two choices here: Be naked, or be unemployed. There ain't a third choice. Welcome to America lol.

And to skillbox, I'm enjoying this story so far, although I am surprised that Niya didn't try to rig her apron closed in the back with safety pins or something.
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Re: The Promotion

Post by RollTiideRoll2 »

Executionus Hit that square on the head. Especially in the south. You don’t show up? Alright, don’t bother showing back up. I’ve had that one thrown at me a time or two for taking a day off for whatever valid reason.
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Re: The Promotion

Post by Revengedpirate »

in England must be more lenient. people turn up late its frowned upon but not sackable. if you're sick its also allowed. promotions and sackings in England are rarely job related. usually do something major for a sacking like blow up the business. promotions are given because people deserve them. maybe that's why I'm struggling with the concept of this story, its unheard of in England to get the sack for calling in sick.
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Re: The Promotion

Post by skillbox »

Heh, yeah! I didn't want to comment too much on this specficially and let the story speak for itself but I'm also trying to give the impression that Niya cares way more about making sure she does the job whatever it is. She takes a lot of pride in her work ethic and is stubbornly determined; even if that determination leads to a situation like this! I'm also trying to show that the company is a bit shitty and they absolutely would be consequences for both Joe/Niya if she just didn't show up to work or didn't do the promotion.

Either way, it's a little unrealistic but I was hoping that the premise worked both to explain the character and made a fun situation! And, oh, she probably would've tried to connect it at the back! (I'm just not as smart as Niya, lol.) I'll input a little paragraph next chapter about her trying to adjust the apron. Which may make things worse :P

Anyway, glad people are enjoying the story. Been a while since I've wrote things that aren't as disconnected. There's probably... Two chapters left? I've got a couple of things I want to happen, but hey, we're at the big day of the event. If anyone has any suggestions/requests, then now is the time to make them!
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Re: The Promotion

Post by Debbifan »

skillbox wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:56 am There's probably... Two chapters left? I've got a couple of things I want to happen, but hey, we're at the big day of the event. If anyone has any suggestions/requests, then now is the time to make them!
I'm not a great fan of making suggestions / requests unless an author is really stuck for how to proceed. It too often leads to the author trying to shoehorn in something that their heart is not in and then it comes out half baked.

My one comment would be not to rush the ending and make it too truncated. It could easily run to another three or four chapters rather than two with a little space given. There's no rush ;)
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Re: The Promotion

Post by skillbox »

Chapter 4 - Setting Up

Niya stood in shock, brown ass facing Eliza and her uncontrollable blushing face turned around, glasses ascew and jaw dropped.

"Damn! You got a nice ass, girl!" Eliza said, with a laugh at her expense. This finally made Niya turn the other way, with now only an apron for modesty. In her rush to turn however she nervously felt a flutter, hoping that she didn't accidentally expose more to her co-worker.

If she did, the blonde never mentioned it. Coming inside the store, her face nearly as shocked as Niya, "I'd never take you to do something like this! You look so embarrassed! Are you sure?!" She said, her concerned tone at odds with the massive grin on her face. She found this hilarious, after all.

Niya didn't know what to say, of course she wasn't sure, "Well... It is embarrassing..." Niya nodded, before continuing with a wish to give a good impression to her trainee, "But I was asked to do it by corporate. And I'll put the store before a little bit of... Erm..."

"Dignity?" Eliza teased, elbowing Niya's naked side, "Look! I think it's totally cool! But it's going to be hard to call you boss today, hehe!"

Niya russled her hair anxiously, "Yes, yes... Well, you'll be inside the store and I'll be-"

"Outside, right? Oh god, you're so brave! I'd, like, die!" She responded and Niya had to consider if she was saying these type of things on purpose. Though she doubted the girl had it in her to be actively malicious.

"O-Of course. Outside..." Niya mumbered, realising she still needed to set-up the stall, "E-Er... Eliza... Would you mind setting up the table outside for me? It's in the storeroom."

"Will do, boss!" She said cheerily, still delighted by the turn of events. Who would've thought her prude boss would be secretly so carefree? This promotion was awesome! She was absolutely tempted to give Niya's cute bum a slap as she passed, but realised that'd probably end up getting her reprimanded.

This day had been great so far. As she went towards the staff room, she took one last look at the awkward gangly woman setting up the store entirely naked. She noticed that Niya had a constant frazzeled energy to her, seeming a lot less in charge and confident than she had every other day in charge. As she leaned over to wipe up a table, her small butt stuck in the air and wiggled a little which made Eliza snort. This led Niya to clamp her spare hand over her buttcheeks, which did little to hide anything.

This day had been terrible so far. She'd just had her sort-of apprentice laugh at her. And the store hadn't even noticed! It just felt so natural to walk around in this state. Especially when Eliza was joking like usual, in her normal outfit. Niya turned to see her co-worker struggling with bringing the heavy table through the door. She realised that, oh god, she was going to have to help her.

"A-A little bit of help here!" Eliza sung out, as Niya cringed, making her way to lift the other part of the desk. Of course, she was the one who was holding from the wrong end. She stumbled backwards on petite bare feet, ass pointing backwards as they led towards the door. Just as Niya was about to let go, turn around and open the door... Eliza pushed, leading to Niya bumping her nude butt against glass window. She went red as her bum moved the door open, squishing against the cold glass before she finally opened the door wide enough for the table to get through.

Now the only issue was that Niya was naked. On the chilly streets in the morning. She tipped her head from side to side, neck craning to see anyone. And she internally cursed as she saw a hanful of people walking in the morning. A tall man glanced at her ass and gave a grin, obviously signaling his approval. An older lady looked shocked to see her; she supposed she would've been shocked at this turn of events a week ago too.

Soon Eliza and Niya stood behind a small table, Niya using it for cover and finally facing the street with her exposed back to an empty store. The cool air slunk around her body, making it all the more clear how exposed she was. Her toes flexed nervously on the concrete sidewalk. She scampered back inside the store but she knew she'd have to return soon; with the store opening in nearly ten minutes.

She waited for the streets to empty down a bit before placing the promotional samples she'd hand out during the day on the table. She was now stuck outside as she couldn't leave them unattended. She shrunk in on herself, giving Eliza the orders.

"Well, not much left now..." She started, trying to give an air of confidence, "You'll have to run the inside by yourself I'm afraid. And it might be... Busier today..." She didn't want to explain or acknowledge the reason why, "I'm sure you can do it. You know how to open up now.."

"Of course!" Eliza gave a mock salute and again avoided the temptation of a butt slap.

That was that. Store was opening and Niya was not inside. Instead she stood in the crisp morning air in one of the mainstreets in this city with barely a stitch on. She checked the time. It was only ten minutes until the real morning rush started. And with that, countless people would see her.
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