Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
It not enn as he will get the girls naked by doing something that’s coming and did I switch to first person by error
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
Part 7
Sam eagerly joined the circle sitting between James and his sister, as the girls explained the rules. After the girls explain the rules there was a knock on the door. Jade, got up and answer it. At the door there was Patricia, Jade and James 17 year old cousin and she was more developed then the girls, that was there with tits. Her tits are 40 double D’a and she’s a blond girl, Jade called her when she left the room to make her Bro more embarrassed.
Once James saw Patricia he started blushing, cause his sister and now his sexy cousin was seeing him naked both that he have dreamed and masturbate to.
After the girls explain the rules to Patricia, the game was back on.
The girls added that, since Sam and Patricia was joing the game at a late stage, they would have to complete a Truth and a Dare from each of the existing players before the game continued. Both Sam and Patricia unwittingly agreed to the terms, and Jade began...
"Ok Sam, for truth, tell us how long you dick is."
"I guess it's about 11 or 12 inches when stiff" he replied, not looking embarrased or startled at all.
“Ok Patricia, when did you start developing your breasts.”
“I started getting boobs when I was 9 years old.” When he heard that James started blushing big time.
"And for my dare, I dare you to strip to your underwear."
Again without any sign of shock or surprise, Sam simply stood up and began removing his clothing, chucking it to the side of the room as he did. As he removed his jeans, the girls sniggered as a clear tent had already formed in his boxer shorts. He returned to his position between James and Jade.
“Patricia my dare to you is. What is your most embarrassing moment.”
“When I was 12 I was in a swimming pool going down the slide when my bikini top came flying off luckily no one saw my boobs but still so embarrassing.”
Amy’s turn was next.
"Nice tent Sam", she began, "but for my truth, I want to know how far you've gone with a girl."
Sam thought about this question for a short whilst, then spoke up, "I have gone all the way with a girl about a year ago. She was about a year younger than me, and we got together for the summer." Sam had never spoken to James about this, and He felt slightly hurt. He thought that they shared most things, but thinking back it may explain why he wasn't around so much last summer, and the only excuses he could come up with was "Dude, I'm just busy." However, this certainly made Sam more sexually experience than He was.
Amy seemed happy with the answer, and didn't ask for more details - she wanted to move onto the dare...
“Ok Patricia for your truth. How big are your boobs.”
Without hesitation, Patricia said, “they are 40 Double D’s.”
Hearing that they all blushed including James and Jade.
Jen took her turn next.
If you could be invisible, what is the first thing you would do?
Sam thought about it for a minute then said, go into the girls bathroom to spy on them.” He then started laughing
“Ok, and for Patricia. What is a secret you kept from your parents?
She needed to think to remember then said, “I let a older boy see my boobs when I was 14 and he was 20.” She started to blush a little just thinking about it.
“Ok, for my Dare. Sam Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone.”
He picked it up went to a photo and showed it. The photo was him in a cartoon underwear and he looks about 9 years old in the photo.
“Ok, for Patricia. Have you ever lied for truth in Truth or Dare? ...
“No I never lied I always answer truthfully.” She smiled as she answered it.
Gail was the last girl to ask a question.
“Sam, What is your biggest regret?
He was thinking for a minute before he said. “Not traveling enough.”
“Ok, Patricia. If a genie granted you three wishes, what would you ask for?
Patricia smiles and said. “1. A million dollars 2. A nice house 3. For the world to be all nudists.”
They all gasps on her last answer.
“Ok, Sam. Call a friend, pretend it's their birthday, and sing them Happy Birthday to You.”
Sam picks up his phone calls his friend Robert and started singing.
“Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Robert
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Robert
Happy Birthday to You.”
After he done singing he said it was a dare and he hung up.
“Ok, that was beautiful. Now Patricia, Serenade the person to your right for a full minute.”
As the person to her right was Jen she started singing until Gail said, “Time.”
When her dare was completed, Jade looked at me and said, "Your turn - what are you going to ask Sam and Patricia to do ?"
he hadn't even considered that he would get a go, so it took him a whilst to come up with a question, and even then it was a bit lame. "Sam, if you had to sleep with any of these girls, who would it be ?"
"Your sister dude", he said almost jokingly. I wasn't sure how to react, but wasn't really interested in persuing the question.
He was shocked hearing that but he moved on. Patricia, do you have a crush on anyone.”
She smiled before she said. “Yes I do.”
"Sam, your dare is...", he began, looking at the girls as he said it, " only take dares for the rest of the game !"
Patricia, your dare is to remove all of your clothes until your turn.”
When he said it they all gasps and clap as Patricia started removing all her clothes one by one until she was completely naked then she retook her seat.
He felt kind of bad for daring Sam to only take dares for the rest of the game, although he had hoped that it may help his situation slightly by playing along with the girls. And anyway, Sam had a choice as to whether to play or not, as indeed he had at the start.
When all the questions were done it was James and Patricia sitting naked in front of 4 girls and 1 guy.
As Sam and Patricia had taken a truth and a dare from all of them, it was now Sam turn to ask, and he was hopeful his victim may take a dare.
“Jade, Truth or Dare ?” he asked James sister.
“Truth.” Jade replied. Sam looked slightly disappointed at the reply, but his face soon lit up as he thought of an excellent question.
“Who would you rather fuck – me or your brother ?” he asked.
Jade looked shocked for the first time this evening, and blushed as she thought over the answer. “Not much of a choice… he’s my brother. It would have to be you.”
Sam looked satisfied, and turned to James grinning.
“Dude, your sister just said that she wanted to fuck me !”
Jade tried to clarify the situation by stating, “If I HAD to choose, and if there was NO other option.”
“You still said that you’d rather fuck me.” Sam repeated back to her. I stifled a laugh at the situation she had found herself in.
“Right then, if you wanna play dirty,” Jade said, looking slightly annoyed, “I dare you to let us shave your pubes off !”
The girls all cheered, whilst Sam looked worried. He had a lot of pubic hair, and James knew that he felt proud of it.
“Please, not that – can’t you give me another dare ?” He pleaded, but with little success.
“You could always agree to be our slave for the rest of the night,” my sister offered, “but then we’d probably order you to shave them off anyway.”
Sam looked to James for support, but he was in no position to help him. He nodded, and lowered his eyes to the floor in submission to the dare.
Jade jumped up and ran to the bathroom, returning with James shaving foam and his razor. It was one of those vibrating ones that “give the closest shave ever”. She then went to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and a bowl of water.
Sam was instructed to lay back and hold very still. Jade squirted the shaving foam all over his pubic area. She instructed Jen to come and help, who proceeded to rub the foam in, and made sure that she did a good job along his erect penis – even though it didn’t need any on there !
Sam groaned as Hen did this, and precum was forming at his slit.
Jade asked Jen to hold his dick out of the way whilst she began removing his much prized pubic hair, and clump after clump came off, floating in the bowl of warm water.
It took some time for her to finish, but as she rinsed and washed Sam off, they were all amazed on how smooth she had got it… and Sam’s dick looked even bigger than before !
All the girls leant over and stroked Sam’s pubic mound, sensing just how smooth it was. Jade invited James to feel it too, but he declined the offer.
The girls and Sam returned to their positions, and the game continued. Sam decided that picking on my sister was not a good option, so he tried Amy. “Truth or Dare, Amy ?” he asked.
“Truth,” Amy replied – no surprise for James, but again Sam looked disappointed.
“Errr, ok. When you orgasm, what sounds do you make ?” Sam asked. This was quite clever, as although it was a truth, it could also be considered as a dare, as the only way to answer the question would be to demonstrate.
“I usually start breath heavily like this,” Amy began, and started breathing in and out deeply – her bra covered chest expanding with every intake of breath. She continued, “and sometimes I whisper stuff like ‘yessss’ and ‘oh, god’”, whispering each word in a very erotic way. James also, along with the rest of the group, noticed that Amy hand had unwittingly began sliding its way downward, past her belly button and to the top of her panties, and she slowly slid her fingers in.
“Yessss, yessssss, oh god yesssssss…….” She continued, almost oblivious to the fact that they were there. She continued rubbing herself for some time, as they all watched with erotic fascination, and then she suddenly stopped as she realised that, in fact, they were all there watching her.
She looked somewhat flustered, and her face was full of colour as she tried to regain her composure and move the game quickly along.
After Sam finish asking everyone it was Patricia turn so she got dressed then asked each person one by one until her turn was over.
Sam eagerly joined the circle sitting between James and his sister, as the girls explained the rules. After the girls explain the rules there was a knock on the door. Jade, got up and answer it. At the door there was Patricia, Jade and James 17 year old cousin and she was more developed then the girls, that was there with tits. Her tits are 40 double D’a and she’s a blond girl, Jade called her when she left the room to make her Bro more embarrassed.
Once James saw Patricia he started blushing, cause his sister and now his sexy cousin was seeing him naked both that he have dreamed and masturbate to.
After the girls explain the rules to Patricia, the game was back on.
The girls added that, since Sam and Patricia was joing the game at a late stage, they would have to complete a Truth and a Dare from each of the existing players before the game continued. Both Sam and Patricia unwittingly agreed to the terms, and Jade began...
"Ok Sam, for truth, tell us how long you dick is."
"I guess it's about 11 or 12 inches when stiff" he replied, not looking embarrased or startled at all.
“Ok Patricia, when did you start developing your breasts.”
“I started getting boobs when I was 9 years old.” When he heard that James started blushing big time.
"And for my dare, I dare you to strip to your underwear."
Again without any sign of shock or surprise, Sam simply stood up and began removing his clothing, chucking it to the side of the room as he did. As he removed his jeans, the girls sniggered as a clear tent had already formed in his boxer shorts. He returned to his position between James and Jade.
“Patricia my dare to you is. What is your most embarrassing moment.”
“When I was 12 I was in a swimming pool going down the slide when my bikini top came flying off luckily no one saw my boobs but still so embarrassing.”
Amy’s turn was next.
"Nice tent Sam", she began, "but for my truth, I want to know how far you've gone with a girl."
Sam thought about this question for a short whilst, then spoke up, "I have gone all the way with a girl about a year ago. She was about a year younger than me, and we got together for the summer." Sam had never spoken to James about this, and He felt slightly hurt. He thought that they shared most things, but thinking back it may explain why he wasn't around so much last summer, and the only excuses he could come up with was "Dude, I'm just busy." However, this certainly made Sam more sexually experience than He was.
Amy seemed happy with the answer, and didn't ask for more details - she wanted to move onto the dare...
“Ok Patricia for your truth. How big are your boobs.”
Without hesitation, Patricia said, “they are 40 Double D’s.”
Hearing that they all blushed including James and Jade.
Jen took her turn next.
If you could be invisible, what is the first thing you would do?
Sam thought about it for a minute then said, go into the girls bathroom to spy on them.” He then started laughing
“Ok, and for Patricia. What is a secret you kept from your parents?
She needed to think to remember then said, “I let a older boy see my boobs when I was 14 and he was 20.” She started to blush a little just thinking about it.
“Ok, for my Dare. Sam Show the most embarrassing photo on your phone.”
He picked it up went to a photo and showed it. The photo was him in a cartoon underwear and he looks about 9 years old in the photo.
“Ok, for Patricia. Have you ever lied for truth in Truth or Dare? ...
“No I never lied I always answer truthfully.” She smiled as she answered it.
Gail was the last girl to ask a question.
“Sam, What is your biggest regret?
He was thinking for a minute before he said. “Not traveling enough.”
“Ok, Patricia. If a genie granted you three wishes, what would you ask for?
Patricia smiles and said. “1. A million dollars 2. A nice house 3. For the world to be all nudists.”
They all gasps on her last answer.
“Ok, Sam. Call a friend, pretend it's their birthday, and sing them Happy Birthday to You.”
Sam picks up his phone calls his friend Robert and started singing.
“Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Robert
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Robert
Happy Birthday to You.”
After he done singing he said it was a dare and he hung up.
“Ok, that was beautiful. Now Patricia, Serenade the person to your right for a full minute.”
As the person to her right was Jen she started singing until Gail said, “Time.”
When her dare was completed, Jade looked at me and said, "Your turn - what are you going to ask Sam and Patricia to do ?"
he hadn't even considered that he would get a go, so it took him a whilst to come up with a question, and even then it was a bit lame. "Sam, if you had to sleep with any of these girls, who would it be ?"
"Your sister dude", he said almost jokingly. I wasn't sure how to react, but wasn't really interested in persuing the question.
He was shocked hearing that but he moved on. Patricia, do you have a crush on anyone.”
She smiled before she said. “Yes I do.”
"Sam, your dare is...", he began, looking at the girls as he said it, " only take dares for the rest of the game !"
Patricia, your dare is to remove all of your clothes until your turn.”
When he said it they all gasps and clap as Patricia started removing all her clothes one by one until she was completely naked then she retook her seat.
He felt kind of bad for daring Sam to only take dares for the rest of the game, although he had hoped that it may help his situation slightly by playing along with the girls. And anyway, Sam had a choice as to whether to play or not, as indeed he had at the start.
When all the questions were done it was James and Patricia sitting naked in front of 4 girls and 1 guy.
As Sam and Patricia had taken a truth and a dare from all of them, it was now Sam turn to ask, and he was hopeful his victim may take a dare.
“Jade, Truth or Dare ?” he asked James sister.
“Truth.” Jade replied. Sam looked slightly disappointed at the reply, but his face soon lit up as he thought of an excellent question.
“Who would you rather fuck – me or your brother ?” he asked.
Jade looked shocked for the first time this evening, and blushed as she thought over the answer. “Not much of a choice… he’s my brother. It would have to be you.”
Sam looked satisfied, and turned to James grinning.
“Dude, your sister just said that she wanted to fuck me !”
Jade tried to clarify the situation by stating, “If I HAD to choose, and if there was NO other option.”
“You still said that you’d rather fuck me.” Sam repeated back to her. I stifled a laugh at the situation she had found herself in.
“Right then, if you wanna play dirty,” Jade said, looking slightly annoyed, “I dare you to let us shave your pubes off !”
The girls all cheered, whilst Sam looked worried. He had a lot of pubic hair, and James knew that he felt proud of it.
“Please, not that – can’t you give me another dare ?” He pleaded, but with little success.
“You could always agree to be our slave for the rest of the night,” my sister offered, “but then we’d probably order you to shave them off anyway.”
Sam looked to James for support, but he was in no position to help him. He nodded, and lowered his eyes to the floor in submission to the dare.
Jade jumped up and ran to the bathroom, returning with James shaving foam and his razor. It was one of those vibrating ones that “give the closest shave ever”. She then went to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and a bowl of water.
Sam was instructed to lay back and hold very still. Jade squirted the shaving foam all over his pubic area. She instructed Jen to come and help, who proceeded to rub the foam in, and made sure that she did a good job along his erect penis – even though it didn’t need any on there !
Sam groaned as Hen did this, and precum was forming at his slit.
Jade asked Jen to hold his dick out of the way whilst she began removing his much prized pubic hair, and clump after clump came off, floating in the bowl of warm water.
It took some time for her to finish, but as she rinsed and washed Sam off, they were all amazed on how smooth she had got it… and Sam’s dick looked even bigger than before !
All the girls leant over and stroked Sam’s pubic mound, sensing just how smooth it was. Jade invited James to feel it too, but he declined the offer.
The girls and Sam returned to their positions, and the game continued. Sam decided that picking on my sister was not a good option, so he tried Amy. “Truth or Dare, Amy ?” he asked.
“Truth,” Amy replied – no surprise for James, but again Sam looked disappointed.
“Errr, ok. When you orgasm, what sounds do you make ?” Sam asked. This was quite clever, as although it was a truth, it could also be considered as a dare, as the only way to answer the question would be to demonstrate.
“I usually start breath heavily like this,” Amy began, and started breathing in and out deeply – her bra covered chest expanding with every intake of breath. She continued, “and sometimes I whisper stuff like ‘yessss’ and ‘oh, god’”, whispering each word in a very erotic way. James also, along with the rest of the group, noticed that Amy hand had unwittingly began sliding its way downward, past her belly button and to the top of her panties, and she slowly slid her fingers in.
“Yessss, yessssss, oh god yesssssss…….” She continued, almost oblivious to the fact that they were there. She continued rubbing herself for some time, as they all watched with erotic fascination, and then she suddenly stopped as she realised that, in fact, they were all there watching her.
She looked somewhat flustered, and her face was full of colour as she tried to regain her composure and move the game quickly along.
After Sam finish asking everyone it was Patricia turn so she got dressed then asked each person one by one until her turn was over.
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
Part 8
After Patricia finish James sister dared him to kiss her friend Amy which he did once he returned to his position It was his turn to ask a truth (or a very unlikely dare !) to one of the girls now, but it took him a whilst to try and come up with something original. he wanted to better Sam’s, last attempt, when he managed to ask a truth, but in the process managed to get Amy to fake an orgasm.
He racked his brains trying to think of something, and his sister, Jade, obviously saw him struggling, so she interjected with a suggestion.
“How about, to keep the game moving along, we work in teams now – boys vs girls ? You ask us to do a truth or dare, and we all have to do it or answer it – or if it’s a dare, you can choose who does what, to whom. You know that you can only take dares, nothing changes there, other than you both have to do them.” Jade suggested. “So, how about it ?”
They were in a difficult situation. They had already been set up, and they both new that – and yet they still were enjoying the game. Plus, the thought of even the slightest chance of getting these girls to do what they wanted was incredibly tempting. Even though they knew that there was practically no chance of achieving this, James dick pulsed out of his clothes and Sam dick pulsed in his clothes at the proposal.
Sam said, “Well girls, as you want to change the rules now, I want to add some. We’ll both agree to your terms – we’ll continue only doing dares, and you’ll probably keep on asking for truths, and we’ll accept that. To give us the slightest chance of payback, you have to write a word on a piece of paper, as obscure as you want, and if we say that word before midnight, you all become our slaves and have to do whatever we want you to.
Also, if you fail to tell the truth on any of our questions, you again become our slaves. Likewise, if we fail to complete a dare, we will become your slaves.”
Amy spoke up, adding to the debate. “Ok, we’ll agree to that on the condition that if you fail to do a dare, you are our slaves for the rest of the month – and have to do what we ask, whenever or wherever you are.”
This was a big stake – they were only into the first week of the month, so they could potentially be slaves to these girls for another three weeks. James was about to persuade Sam to pull out of the deal, but he stopped him and simply said to the girls, “Deal !!”
The girls all smiled gleefully at each other – they knew, as well as James did, that they had them over a barrel. How on earth could they get out of this ?
Jade went to the telephone, and brought over a pen and a sheet of notepaper from the phone pad. She clarified, “So, this can be ANY word ?”
“So long as it’s in the English dictionary.” Sam replied.
The girls huddled round, and whispered suggestions to each other. After a few giggles and smiles, Jade wrote down something on the paper. James tried to watch, trying to get clues as to how many letters there were, but Gail spotted him and hunched round blocking his view.
Jade folded the piece of paper, and placed it on the sideboard next to her.
Again, Sam stated the terms of this new agreement, just so that all the girls were sure. “So, if either myself or Jamie-Boy here say the word that is written on that piece of paper at any time before midnight, you all become our slaves for the rest of the night. Is that all agreed ?”
All the girls looked at each other, and nodded confidently. They were sure, as James was, that they had little chance of guessing just one word from the English Language.
Finally James turn resumed, but with the added bonus that He would be asking all the girls… “Truth or Dare” He asked them all. Almost simultaneously, they all said “Truth !”
“If you had to give oral sex to one of us, who would it be ?” He asked.
Jade spoke up first, “Sam – like I said earlier, you’re my brother and that’s just gross.”
Sam looked happy, “1 – 0” he said to James.
Jen chirped up next, “You” she said to James, smiling. He returned the smile, whilst whispering to Sam, “1 – 1”.
Gail said, “I’d choose you too”, also with a sweet smile. The unofficial scorecard, not that James was counting, was 1 – 2 to him, and with just Amy and Patricia to go, the he could either win or lose.
“Jade”, said Amy. “I’d choose her !” That took all of them by surprise. He had meant for the girls to choose between him and Sam, but thinking back he had not specified that in the question.
Jade blushed at the response.
“Are you sure you’re telling the truth ? If not, you all become our slaves !” Sam suggested, but Amy confirmed that she was telling the truth.
The girls huddled round for the second time in five minutes whilst they discussed a dare for them. When they looked up, Gail spoke for the group.
After Patricia finish James sister dared him to kiss her friend Amy which he did once he returned to his position It was his turn to ask a truth (or a very unlikely dare !) to one of the girls now, but it took him a whilst to try and come up with something original. he wanted to better Sam’s, last attempt, when he managed to ask a truth, but in the process managed to get Amy to fake an orgasm.
He racked his brains trying to think of something, and his sister, Jade, obviously saw him struggling, so she interjected with a suggestion.
“How about, to keep the game moving along, we work in teams now – boys vs girls ? You ask us to do a truth or dare, and we all have to do it or answer it – or if it’s a dare, you can choose who does what, to whom. You know that you can only take dares, nothing changes there, other than you both have to do them.” Jade suggested. “So, how about it ?”
They were in a difficult situation. They had already been set up, and they both new that – and yet they still were enjoying the game. Plus, the thought of even the slightest chance of getting these girls to do what they wanted was incredibly tempting. Even though they knew that there was practically no chance of achieving this, James dick pulsed out of his clothes and Sam dick pulsed in his clothes at the proposal.
Sam said, “Well girls, as you want to change the rules now, I want to add some. We’ll both agree to your terms – we’ll continue only doing dares, and you’ll probably keep on asking for truths, and we’ll accept that. To give us the slightest chance of payback, you have to write a word on a piece of paper, as obscure as you want, and if we say that word before midnight, you all become our slaves and have to do whatever we want you to.
Also, if you fail to tell the truth on any of our questions, you again become our slaves. Likewise, if we fail to complete a dare, we will become your slaves.”
Amy spoke up, adding to the debate. “Ok, we’ll agree to that on the condition that if you fail to do a dare, you are our slaves for the rest of the month – and have to do what we ask, whenever or wherever you are.”
This was a big stake – they were only into the first week of the month, so they could potentially be slaves to these girls for another three weeks. James was about to persuade Sam to pull out of the deal, but he stopped him and simply said to the girls, “Deal !!”
The girls all smiled gleefully at each other – they knew, as well as James did, that they had them over a barrel. How on earth could they get out of this ?
Jade went to the telephone, and brought over a pen and a sheet of notepaper from the phone pad. She clarified, “So, this can be ANY word ?”
“So long as it’s in the English dictionary.” Sam replied.
The girls huddled round, and whispered suggestions to each other. After a few giggles and smiles, Jade wrote down something on the paper. James tried to watch, trying to get clues as to how many letters there were, but Gail spotted him and hunched round blocking his view.
Jade folded the piece of paper, and placed it on the sideboard next to her.
Again, Sam stated the terms of this new agreement, just so that all the girls were sure. “So, if either myself or Jamie-Boy here say the word that is written on that piece of paper at any time before midnight, you all become our slaves for the rest of the night. Is that all agreed ?”
All the girls looked at each other, and nodded confidently. They were sure, as James was, that they had little chance of guessing just one word from the English Language.
Finally James turn resumed, but with the added bonus that He would be asking all the girls… “Truth or Dare” He asked them all. Almost simultaneously, they all said “Truth !”
“If you had to give oral sex to one of us, who would it be ?” He asked.
Jade spoke up first, “Sam – like I said earlier, you’re my brother and that’s just gross.”
Sam looked happy, “1 – 0” he said to James.
Jen chirped up next, “You” she said to James, smiling. He returned the smile, whilst whispering to Sam, “1 – 1”.
Gail said, “I’d choose you too”, also with a sweet smile. The unofficial scorecard, not that James was counting, was 1 – 2 to him, and with just Amy and Patricia to go, the he could either win or lose.
“Jade”, said Amy. “I’d choose her !” That took all of them by surprise. He had meant for the girls to choose between him and Sam, but thinking back he had not specified that in the question.
Jade blushed at the response.
“Are you sure you’re telling the truth ? If not, you all become our slaves !” Sam suggested, but Amy confirmed that she was telling the truth.
The girls huddled round for the second time in five minutes whilst they discussed a dare for them. When they looked up, Gail spoke for the group.
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
Part 9
“We dare you guys to each kiss one of the girls you think is the hottest.”
Sam and James, looks at each another then they got up. Sam went to Jade and kisses her passionately. James thought as both his sister and cousin is hot but as their in the same family would it be right so he went over to Gail and kisses her.
Both Jade and Gail was shocked they didn’t expect they would be kissed and it was Gail first kiss from a boy.
After Sam and James sat back down Sam smile at James. He didn’t know what he had in mind but he knew his friend was cleaver and wouldn’t smile like he did if he didn’t have a plan.
“Girls, for your Truth, I want to know… what word Jade wrote on that piece of paper !” he said, pointing to the neatly folded sheet on the sideboard.
The girls all gasped, taking in a deep breath as the colour drained from their faces. The sudden realisation that they had fallen into a trap sunk in – they could not lie, as that would result in them all becoming our slaves for the rest of the night. Alternatively, if they told the truth, that would have the same result.
“No,” Jade said in a deeply pleading way, “that’s not fair – you can’t ask us that.”
“Please don’t.” Gail said, almost close to tears.
“I can, and I did… and I want a truthful answer… or you can pay the penalty – the choice is yours !!” Sam said, without mercy.
James was still amazed that Sam had come up with this plan on the spot – it was simply brilliant !!
“Orgasmn… the word is orgasmn” Jen said, also close to tears.
“I’ll have to check that you’re telling the truth,” Sam said as he leant across Jade and took the piece of paper. He slowly unfolded it and showed it to James. “orgasmn” was written across it in James sister’s handwriting.
“orgasmn !” Sam said. “orgasmn IS the word, and I claim you as our slaves for the rest of the night !”
The girls all looked shocked, worried and even upset at the turnabout in the circumstances. Just minutes ago, James sister and her friends and their cousin had him and his best friend virtually under their complete control. Yet thanks to some fast thinking and cunning gameplay by Sam, the game had turned in the opposite direction, resulting in the girls now becoming our slaves for the rest of the night.
Amy was the first to say something other than pleading and calling them cheats.
“Well, I’ve got to hand it to you… you caught us out fair and square.” She said, hoping that by admitting this, they may go easier on her and her friends. The other girls looked at her sternly, but she continued.
“How about one of us blows each of you off, and we’ll call it evens ?” She suggested.
Of course, Sam had been expecting some sort of plea bargain, and quickly came back with a response.
“You’ll be blowing us off, and much more anyway for the rest of the night… a deal is a deal.”
“Fine… but it stays here.” Sam just nod and said “AGREE” “Whatever has happened, and whatever will happen will stay within these walls.”
The girls looked somewhat relieved, after all, this was just one night… and it was clear that they had already played with each other in ways that more than friends did anyway.
James suggested to Sam that he should retrieve his clothes, or at least his underwear, but his sister interrupted, “No way – your dare was to stay naked until midnight, and that still stands.”
She had a point, and although she was in no position to argue the point, Sam held James arm and nodded.
“Fair enough,” he said. “That just means that we can get things underway a little bit sooner. Drink anyone ?” he asked, to which all the girls said yes, and got a new bottle of alcopop each, hoping that alcohol would make it easier for them to fufil our requests.
Sam turned to James and asked what He’d like the girls to do first.
“Well, since we’re naked, I think that it’s only fair that they should be too. But I’d like to see them undress each other.” James said. Jen and Amy had were still in their underwear, James sister, and cousin however was still fully clothed, wearing their jeans and t-shirt proudly.
Sam smiled, and said to the group of girls, “Ok, you heard him. Jen, why don’t you undress Gail, and Amy, strip Jade for us whilst we watch. And Patricia you wait and be stripped by Jade after.
Amy, Jen and Gail stood up immediately, and Jen, began removing Gail panties, revealing a small amount of pubic hair. Jade, however, remained firmly seated. Sam let this go for now, whilst they enjoyed watching Gail getting stripped naked by her friend.
Once Gail was naked, Sam turned his attention to James sister. “Why are you still sitting there ? You should be naked by now !”
“I can’t strip in front of my brother… I just… can’t.” she sobbed.
“But you were more than happy for him to strip and more in front of you.” Sam replied. “I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you don’t let Amy strip you within the next minute or so, I’ll tie you up and both me and your brother will cut your clothes off with scissors.”
Jade thought about this briefly, and decided that allowing her best friend to strip her would be far less humiliating that letting her older brother do it. Personally, James wouldn’t have minded at all, despite his conscience telling him that having these thoughts about his own sister was wrong.
Jade stood up, and nodded to her friend to continue. Amy began by removing James sister’s t-shirt and discarding it to the side of the room. Next she unbuttoned his sisters jeans, one button at a time. Once this was done, she pulled her jeans down to her ankles and helped her step out of them. Both Sam and James sat there, amazed at his sisters body, as she looked incredibly sexy in her black bra and black thong. Amy gave his sister a reassuring look as she went behind her and unfastened her bra, slowly removing it and chucking it with the ever increasing pile of clothes that was forming.
Then, returning to the front, she knelt down and put her fingers at the sides of his sisters thong, and slowly pulled downward, revealing his sister in her natural, naked state.
As with Gail, his sister had a small patch of pubic hair, which looked as though she trimmed to keep neat.
“Ok, switch partners now,” Sam said, at which point the naked girls began undressing their partially clothed friends.
Gail removed Jen’s bra and panties, revealing her bald pussy for the second time tonight.
Jade had regained her composure and began stripping Amy from her underwear. Amy feigned modesty as her bra and panties were removed, and being the second oldest girl in the group was obviously more developed. Her breasts were very well developed, and she had a nice tidy patch of pubic hair.
After they all work naked Jade walked to Patricia and she stood up letting James sister strip her. She removed her shirt first then pants then bra then panties. As she the oldest of the girls she was the most developed. With her DD breasts and a big patch of pubic hair.
Now that they were all naked, Ed got the girls to stand in a line, with their hands on their heads so that we could get a good look at them, and decide the next task that lay ahead of them…
Both Sam and James spent quite some time just looking at, and admiring, the bodies of these five girls standing naked in front of them with their hands on their heads. Sure, James was also naked, and both him and Sam sporting erections, but that fact paled into insignificance now that they were in control of both the situation and the girls.
Sam then went over to the girls and encouraged James to follow. He reminded the girls that they were in complete control of them, and added, “but for now, I just want you to keep your hands on your heads whilst we feel your bodies.”
Sam started feeling his sister’s body, running his hands all over her breasts, ass and pubic area. James followed his lead, and began feeling Gail up. I was amazed just how smooth her skin felt under his touch. Although her breasts didn’t show much form of development, as he ran my his hands over her chest he could feel the small mounds underneath.
James lowered his hands and stroked below her belly button, and continued the downward motion until he was stroking her slit. He was really turned on by now, and slid his finger just ever so slightly into her, making her gasp slightly and bite her lower lip. He didn’t want to push this approach too soon, so he ran his finger back up her body.
As Sam moved onto Amy, he moved across and began touching Jen, Although he had given her oral sex earlier in the evening, this strangely seemed so much more erotic. Again, he concentrated on the parts of her body that only the people she would be closest too would ever get to feel. As he moved his fingers around her slit, he noticed how wet she was, and this made him happy knowing that she was actually turned on by all of this.
Sam moved over and began touching Jen at the same time that he was, and even though his finger was only just inside her, he could feel her muscles contract as she was even more turned on by being felt up by two guys. Despite this, James moved onto Amy.
Amy was the second oldest and second most developed of the girls, and he really took this chance to feel her breasts. Prior to tonight, his sexual activity was extremely limited, and most of the girls that he had seen had been between the covers of his magazines or on internet pages. Or even when he was eight playing I show you mine if you show me yours. To actually be able to feel almost fully developed breasts was amazing. He held them, softly squeezed them and stroked the nipple, that was already perked.
As with the others, he also took this time to feel between the girls legs, and again Amy was also very wet down there.
By now, Sam had moved onto Gail at the far end, and he stepped away from Amy to move onto the next girl. He looks at his cousin body as she’s the oldest she was the most develop. He moves across her chest feeling her boobs the biggest one that he ever saw he spent most of his time feeling it up then he moved onto the rest of her body before he start touching her slit. After he was done with his cousin he took a step back to move on to the next girl in line. It was then that it hit him that the next in line was Jade… his sister. He hesitated, wondering if he should go ahead with this… if he could go ahead with this. He had fantasised about her before, and now he had seen her naked. Actually touching her – intimately – was taking this game to a new level.
He looked at her, as if for approval, but she remained motionless. He glanced at the other girls, and they were looking back at him wondering if he would do it.
So many thoughts were going through his mind, but the most predominant thought was all the stuff that she had made him do earlier in this game.
He took another step towards her, and she still did not move. He slowly moved his hands towards her body – he had decided that if she had protested he would stop, but she did not. As his hands made contact, she took a sharp breath of air as if his hands were icy cold. They were not of course – in fact after the past few minutes of touching the other girls, his hands were positively warm and clammy, with a slight covering of juices from the others.
He ran his hands over her breasts first, looking directly in her eyes. She still showed no emotion as he gently squeezed and rubbed her nipples. He moved his hands to the sides of her body and held her for a moment, before running his hands down the contours of her body onto her ass cheeks. From there, he moved them behind her, feeling the crack of her ass, before returning his hands back to the side of her body.
Then, ever so slowly, he moved them towards her pubic area, her most private and sensual area. Still she made no protest, so just to be sure he whispered to her, “Are you ok ?”
She nodded, still emotionless, so he continued his journey and ran his fingers through her patch of pubic hair. He then moved them downward and along her slit. As with the other girls, Jade was also very wet. He continued stroking for a short time, then started to slide hid finger inside her. With the other girls, he had stopped just inside of them, yet for some unknown reason he pushed deeper into his sister. Again she took a deep breath of air as he continued sliding his finger in as far as it would, and then he just held it there.
he had a strong feeling as he held hid finger inside hid sister – part of it was sexual, yet he had felt that with Gail, Jen Patricia and Amy also, but the strongest feeling he had at that moment was a feeling of overwhelming power.
This night would come and go, and would never be talked about outside of this group, yet the knowledge of knowing this position that James and his sister were in now, with him probing her most sensitive area would live with them both for the rest of their lives.
As he thought about this, Sam coughed to catch hid attention. He had now finished with Gail, and was just waiting for James to continue. All the other girls eyes were on then too, and as he looked up at Jade again, they both blushed profusely. He quickly withdrew hid finger, causing Jade to gasp once more. Sam was taken pictures of the girls naked bodies and video’s “This could come in VERY handy later…” he laughed.
“I want you all to go and get your phones and hand them to me, then return to your current position.” Sam said, as he sat in the chair.
The girls all headed towards the discarded pile of clothes and accessories,
Sam got all the phones in his hands. He was scrolling through Gail’s contact list, and taking notes of some names and numbers. James saw that he already had some numbers under Jen’s name, and continued this procedure with all of the girls phones whilst they stood watching him.
He look at them and said “I got a lot of photos’s and videos evidence to humiliate you all if you don’t do what me and James say. He smiled
“Just so you know that I’m not bluffing,” he said, tapping away at his phone, “I’m sending a photo of each of you to someone in your contacts list. Don’t worry – you will not be identifiable in them as I’m only sending the close ups – and I’m sending it from my phone with the number withheld, so it really is anonymous.”
“Jen, your friend John now has a photo of your pussy.” Sam said. Jen blushed, but was relieved that at least she could not be identified from it.
“Gail – your older brother has just received a picture of your slit, Amy, a picture of your tits has just been sent to your dad.” Even though Amy’s photo was also anonymous, she looked horrified at the thought of her dad seeing her breasts.
“Jade your pussy was sent to your friend Peter. And Patricia I didn’t forget about you. Your breasts were just sent to, your best friend Brian.” Although Patricia had a crush on him she was hoping he see it but not this way now that it was midnight and the game ended James got dressed and they all went upstairs to bed after they sang Jade Happy birthday song.
“We dare you guys to each kiss one of the girls you think is the hottest.”
Sam and James, looks at each another then they got up. Sam went to Jade and kisses her passionately. James thought as both his sister and cousin is hot but as their in the same family would it be right so he went over to Gail and kisses her.
Both Jade and Gail was shocked they didn’t expect they would be kissed and it was Gail first kiss from a boy.
After Sam and James sat back down Sam smile at James. He didn’t know what he had in mind but he knew his friend was cleaver and wouldn’t smile like he did if he didn’t have a plan.
“Girls, for your Truth, I want to know… what word Jade wrote on that piece of paper !” he said, pointing to the neatly folded sheet on the sideboard.
The girls all gasped, taking in a deep breath as the colour drained from their faces. The sudden realisation that they had fallen into a trap sunk in – they could not lie, as that would result in them all becoming our slaves for the rest of the night. Alternatively, if they told the truth, that would have the same result.
“No,” Jade said in a deeply pleading way, “that’s not fair – you can’t ask us that.”
“Please don’t.” Gail said, almost close to tears.
“I can, and I did… and I want a truthful answer… or you can pay the penalty – the choice is yours !!” Sam said, without mercy.
James was still amazed that Sam had come up with this plan on the spot – it was simply brilliant !!
“Orgasmn… the word is orgasmn” Jen said, also close to tears.
“I’ll have to check that you’re telling the truth,” Sam said as he leant across Jade and took the piece of paper. He slowly unfolded it and showed it to James. “orgasmn” was written across it in James sister’s handwriting.
“orgasmn !” Sam said. “orgasmn IS the word, and I claim you as our slaves for the rest of the night !”
The girls all looked shocked, worried and even upset at the turnabout in the circumstances. Just minutes ago, James sister and her friends and their cousin had him and his best friend virtually under their complete control. Yet thanks to some fast thinking and cunning gameplay by Sam, the game had turned in the opposite direction, resulting in the girls now becoming our slaves for the rest of the night.
Amy was the first to say something other than pleading and calling them cheats.
“Well, I’ve got to hand it to you… you caught us out fair and square.” She said, hoping that by admitting this, they may go easier on her and her friends. The other girls looked at her sternly, but she continued.
“How about one of us blows each of you off, and we’ll call it evens ?” She suggested.
Of course, Sam had been expecting some sort of plea bargain, and quickly came back with a response.
“You’ll be blowing us off, and much more anyway for the rest of the night… a deal is a deal.”
“Fine… but it stays here.” Sam just nod and said “AGREE” “Whatever has happened, and whatever will happen will stay within these walls.”
The girls looked somewhat relieved, after all, this was just one night… and it was clear that they had already played with each other in ways that more than friends did anyway.
James suggested to Sam that he should retrieve his clothes, or at least his underwear, but his sister interrupted, “No way – your dare was to stay naked until midnight, and that still stands.”
She had a point, and although she was in no position to argue the point, Sam held James arm and nodded.
“Fair enough,” he said. “That just means that we can get things underway a little bit sooner. Drink anyone ?” he asked, to which all the girls said yes, and got a new bottle of alcopop each, hoping that alcohol would make it easier for them to fufil our requests.
Sam turned to James and asked what He’d like the girls to do first.
“Well, since we’re naked, I think that it’s only fair that they should be too. But I’d like to see them undress each other.” James said. Jen and Amy had were still in their underwear, James sister, and cousin however was still fully clothed, wearing their jeans and t-shirt proudly.
Sam smiled, and said to the group of girls, “Ok, you heard him. Jen, why don’t you undress Gail, and Amy, strip Jade for us whilst we watch. And Patricia you wait and be stripped by Jade after.
Amy, Jen and Gail stood up immediately, and Jen, began removing Gail panties, revealing a small amount of pubic hair. Jade, however, remained firmly seated. Sam let this go for now, whilst they enjoyed watching Gail getting stripped naked by her friend.
Once Gail was naked, Sam turned his attention to James sister. “Why are you still sitting there ? You should be naked by now !”
“I can’t strip in front of my brother… I just… can’t.” she sobbed.
“But you were more than happy for him to strip and more in front of you.” Sam replied. “I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you don’t let Amy strip you within the next minute or so, I’ll tie you up and both me and your brother will cut your clothes off with scissors.”
Jade thought about this briefly, and decided that allowing her best friend to strip her would be far less humiliating that letting her older brother do it. Personally, James wouldn’t have minded at all, despite his conscience telling him that having these thoughts about his own sister was wrong.
Jade stood up, and nodded to her friend to continue. Amy began by removing James sister’s t-shirt and discarding it to the side of the room. Next she unbuttoned his sisters jeans, one button at a time. Once this was done, she pulled her jeans down to her ankles and helped her step out of them. Both Sam and James sat there, amazed at his sisters body, as she looked incredibly sexy in her black bra and black thong. Amy gave his sister a reassuring look as she went behind her and unfastened her bra, slowly removing it and chucking it with the ever increasing pile of clothes that was forming.
Then, returning to the front, she knelt down and put her fingers at the sides of his sisters thong, and slowly pulled downward, revealing his sister in her natural, naked state.
As with Gail, his sister had a small patch of pubic hair, which looked as though she trimmed to keep neat.
“Ok, switch partners now,” Sam said, at which point the naked girls began undressing their partially clothed friends.
Gail removed Jen’s bra and panties, revealing her bald pussy for the second time tonight.
Jade had regained her composure and began stripping Amy from her underwear. Amy feigned modesty as her bra and panties were removed, and being the second oldest girl in the group was obviously more developed. Her breasts were very well developed, and she had a nice tidy patch of pubic hair.
After they all work naked Jade walked to Patricia and she stood up letting James sister strip her. She removed her shirt first then pants then bra then panties. As she the oldest of the girls she was the most developed. With her DD breasts and a big patch of pubic hair.
Now that they were all naked, Ed got the girls to stand in a line, with their hands on their heads so that we could get a good look at them, and decide the next task that lay ahead of them…
Both Sam and James spent quite some time just looking at, and admiring, the bodies of these five girls standing naked in front of them with their hands on their heads. Sure, James was also naked, and both him and Sam sporting erections, but that fact paled into insignificance now that they were in control of both the situation and the girls.
Sam then went over to the girls and encouraged James to follow. He reminded the girls that they were in complete control of them, and added, “but for now, I just want you to keep your hands on your heads whilst we feel your bodies.”
Sam started feeling his sister’s body, running his hands all over her breasts, ass and pubic area. James followed his lead, and began feeling Gail up. I was amazed just how smooth her skin felt under his touch. Although her breasts didn’t show much form of development, as he ran my his hands over her chest he could feel the small mounds underneath.
James lowered his hands and stroked below her belly button, and continued the downward motion until he was stroking her slit. He was really turned on by now, and slid his finger just ever so slightly into her, making her gasp slightly and bite her lower lip. He didn’t want to push this approach too soon, so he ran his finger back up her body.
As Sam moved onto Amy, he moved across and began touching Jen, Although he had given her oral sex earlier in the evening, this strangely seemed so much more erotic. Again, he concentrated on the parts of her body that only the people she would be closest too would ever get to feel. As he moved his fingers around her slit, he noticed how wet she was, and this made him happy knowing that she was actually turned on by all of this.
Sam moved over and began touching Jen at the same time that he was, and even though his finger was only just inside her, he could feel her muscles contract as she was even more turned on by being felt up by two guys. Despite this, James moved onto Amy.
Amy was the second oldest and second most developed of the girls, and he really took this chance to feel her breasts. Prior to tonight, his sexual activity was extremely limited, and most of the girls that he had seen had been between the covers of his magazines or on internet pages. Or even when he was eight playing I show you mine if you show me yours. To actually be able to feel almost fully developed breasts was amazing. He held them, softly squeezed them and stroked the nipple, that was already perked.
As with the others, he also took this time to feel between the girls legs, and again Amy was also very wet down there.
By now, Sam had moved onto Gail at the far end, and he stepped away from Amy to move onto the next girl. He looks at his cousin body as she’s the oldest she was the most develop. He moves across her chest feeling her boobs the biggest one that he ever saw he spent most of his time feeling it up then he moved onto the rest of her body before he start touching her slit. After he was done with his cousin he took a step back to move on to the next girl in line. It was then that it hit him that the next in line was Jade… his sister. He hesitated, wondering if he should go ahead with this… if he could go ahead with this. He had fantasised about her before, and now he had seen her naked. Actually touching her – intimately – was taking this game to a new level.
He looked at her, as if for approval, but she remained motionless. He glanced at the other girls, and they were looking back at him wondering if he would do it.
So many thoughts were going through his mind, but the most predominant thought was all the stuff that she had made him do earlier in this game.
He took another step towards her, and she still did not move. He slowly moved his hands towards her body – he had decided that if she had protested he would stop, but she did not. As his hands made contact, she took a sharp breath of air as if his hands were icy cold. They were not of course – in fact after the past few minutes of touching the other girls, his hands were positively warm and clammy, with a slight covering of juices from the others.
He ran his hands over her breasts first, looking directly in her eyes. She still showed no emotion as he gently squeezed and rubbed her nipples. He moved his hands to the sides of her body and held her for a moment, before running his hands down the contours of her body onto her ass cheeks. From there, he moved them behind her, feeling the crack of her ass, before returning his hands back to the side of her body.
Then, ever so slowly, he moved them towards her pubic area, her most private and sensual area. Still she made no protest, so just to be sure he whispered to her, “Are you ok ?”
She nodded, still emotionless, so he continued his journey and ran his fingers through her patch of pubic hair. He then moved them downward and along her slit. As with the other girls, Jade was also very wet. He continued stroking for a short time, then started to slide hid finger inside her. With the other girls, he had stopped just inside of them, yet for some unknown reason he pushed deeper into his sister. Again she took a deep breath of air as he continued sliding his finger in as far as it would, and then he just held it there.
he had a strong feeling as he held hid finger inside hid sister – part of it was sexual, yet he had felt that with Gail, Jen Patricia and Amy also, but the strongest feeling he had at that moment was a feeling of overwhelming power.
This night would come and go, and would never be talked about outside of this group, yet the knowledge of knowing this position that James and his sister were in now, with him probing her most sensitive area would live with them both for the rest of their lives.
As he thought about this, Sam coughed to catch hid attention. He had now finished with Gail, and was just waiting for James to continue. All the other girls eyes were on then too, and as he looked up at Jade again, they both blushed profusely. He quickly withdrew hid finger, causing Jade to gasp once more. Sam was taken pictures of the girls naked bodies and video’s “This could come in VERY handy later…” he laughed.
“I want you all to go and get your phones and hand them to me, then return to your current position.” Sam said, as he sat in the chair.
The girls all headed towards the discarded pile of clothes and accessories,
Sam got all the phones in his hands. He was scrolling through Gail’s contact list, and taking notes of some names and numbers. James saw that he already had some numbers under Jen’s name, and continued this procedure with all of the girls phones whilst they stood watching him.
He look at them and said “I got a lot of photos’s and videos evidence to humiliate you all if you don’t do what me and James say. He smiled
“Just so you know that I’m not bluffing,” he said, tapping away at his phone, “I’m sending a photo of each of you to someone in your contacts list. Don’t worry – you will not be identifiable in them as I’m only sending the close ups – and I’m sending it from my phone with the number withheld, so it really is anonymous.”
“Jen, your friend John now has a photo of your pussy.” Sam said. Jen blushed, but was relieved that at least she could not be identified from it.
“Gail – your older brother has just received a picture of your slit, Amy, a picture of your tits has just been sent to your dad.” Even though Amy’s photo was also anonymous, she looked horrified at the thought of her dad seeing her breasts.
“Jade your pussy was sent to your friend Peter. And Patricia I didn’t forget about you. Your breasts were just sent to, your best friend Brian.” Although Patricia had a crush on him she was hoping he see it but not this way now that it was midnight and the game ended James got dressed and they all went upstairs to bed after they sang Jade Happy birthday song.
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
Fun_Writer wrote: Sat May 08, 2021 4:13 pm Probably the story that inspired me to write this if I’m right not sure what story you read
dublinjohn wrote: Sat May 08, 2021 5:31 pm The Friend gets to use a question to take control of the "party" and goes on to the weekend
Fun_Writer wrote: Thu May 20, 2021 4:07 am Part 8
Sam said, “Well girls, as you want to change the rules now, I want to add some. We’ll both agree to your terms – we’ll continue only doing dares, and you’ll probably keep on asking for truths, and we’ll accept that. To give us the slightest chance of payback, you have to write a word on a piece of paper, as obscure as you want, and if we say that word before midnight, you all become our slaves and have to do whatever we want you to.
Also, if you fail to tell the truth on any of our questions, you again become our slaves. Likewise, if we fail to complete a dare, we will become your slaves.”
Fun_Writer wrote: Fri May 21, 2021 5:02 pm Part 9
“Girls, for your Truth, I want to know… what word Jade wrote on that piece of paper !” he said, pointing to the neatly folded sheet on the sideboard.
Its more of a rewrite than an inspired by
- Executionus
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
I'm just amused by the fact that they chose "orgasm" as their secret word. They would've lost that game legit for sure.
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
Haha! I was thinking the exact same thing!Executionus wrote: Sat May 22, 2021 12:04 am I'm just amused by the fact that they chose "orgasm" as their secret word. They would've lost that game legit for sure.
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Re: Family contest Sister’s sleepover Truth or Dare
Part 10
The next morning they all woke up. When the girls went to get dressed both James, and Sam stop them. Once they were downstairs Sam secretly calls the pizza place to order pizza to end the sleep over but he had a little plan for it. They sat around chatting, like any group of friends would... except that five of them were naked and two was dressed. Sam reassured them all by saying that whatever he would get them to do, he will not intentially get them into trouble or harm, and indeed would look out for them.
After about half an hour of this banter, the conversation was interuppted by the door bell. James glanced through the window, and noticed that it was the paper boy, collecting the weeks money. He told Sam not to worry, and he would come back tomorrow, but Sam decided to put his new powers to the test. He asked James sister, "Jade, Truth or Dare ?". As planned, his sister replied "Dare", and Sam said, "You are to answer the door to the paperboy... naked !"
His sister jumped up from her chair and ran to the door, appearing to be quite excited by the challenge. It may be due to the fact that their paperboy was in the year above her at school, and he knew that she liked him.
He watched out of the window, as he heard the front door open.
"Hi, I'm here for the..." James heard, as his face simultaniously changed from a mundane smile to complete shock. Unlike when he had been forced to answer the door naked to Sam, his sister had obviously not hidden behind it.
"Paper money ?" he heard his sister ask. The paperboys expression didn't change, other than he nodded.
"I'll just get it... don't go anywhere," his sister said.
His sister reappeared in the living room, and asked James if mum had left the money. He smiled and pointed at the small pile of change that mum always left on the fireplace for the papers.
His sister grabbed it and was about to rush back out when Sam stopped her.
"I dare you to drop it so that you have to pick it up in front of him." Sam said.
Again, James sister smiled and nodded, and rushed back out into the hallway. He heard a patter of coins fall on the floor, and his sister apologise to the boy on the step. This kid couldn't believe his luck. He looked around to make sure that no one else was watching, and continued to enjoy the show as his sister began picking up the coins.
"I dare you to go and help her." Sam said to Jen. Jen looked a little more concerned than his sister did, but did go out into the hallway.
"Is everything ok ?" he heard Jen ask. "I thought I heard you drop something."
That was about it for the paperboy. He had already noticed that he had a tent in his trousers, and seeing two hot, naked girls bending down to pick up the coins must have sent him over the edge.
"Errrr... don't... worry........ Back.... tomorrow...." He heard him stutter as he turned to walk away, but still looking over his shoulder anxious to capture as much of the scene as he could.
As he disappeared up the street, he heard the front door close, and both Jen and his sister came in laughing hysterically.
"Did you see his face ?" his sister asked the room.
"I thought his mouth had stuck open !" Jen replied.
I agreed it was both extremely funny and quite a turn on... and the whole room agreed. Sam looked pleased with the outcome of his first real test.
They sat around chatting, again then another half an hour the door bell rang again. This time it was the pizza delivery guy James and the girls knew they didn’t call so James looks at Sam who was winking and grinning like a fool so James knew he called them he looked at James cousin and said, “Patricia, Truth or Dare !” Patricia smiles at him and as expected she said, “Dare.” He smiled back at her “I dare you to answer the door naked.” Sam replied to her. She got up feeling a little nervous she took the money and open the door James heard the guy say, “that will be...” then he started blushing after he seeing a teen girl boobs and probably the biggest he ever saw. She Handed him the money and he slowly counted her change to look at her more. After he left Janes heard the door closed. Sam was grinning cause his tests was working out wonderful the girls are doing what is told of them. After they all ate the girls were allowed to dressed as they all went up until their next adventure.
Hoped my story was good I will think about other adventures for them to do unless anyone have suggestions
The next morning they all woke up. When the girls went to get dressed both James, and Sam stop them. Once they were downstairs Sam secretly calls the pizza place to order pizza to end the sleep over but he had a little plan for it. They sat around chatting, like any group of friends would... except that five of them were naked and two was dressed. Sam reassured them all by saying that whatever he would get them to do, he will not intentially get them into trouble or harm, and indeed would look out for them.
After about half an hour of this banter, the conversation was interuppted by the door bell. James glanced through the window, and noticed that it was the paper boy, collecting the weeks money. He told Sam not to worry, and he would come back tomorrow, but Sam decided to put his new powers to the test. He asked James sister, "Jade, Truth or Dare ?". As planned, his sister replied "Dare", and Sam said, "You are to answer the door to the paperboy... naked !"
His sister jumped up from her chair and ran to the door, appearing to be quite excited by the challenge. It may be due to the fact that their paperboy was in the year above her at school, and he knew that she liked him.
He watched out of the window, as he heard the front door open.
"Hi, I'm here for the..." James heard, as his face simultaniously changed from a mundane smile to complete shock. Unlike when he had been forced to answer the door naked to Sam, his sister had obviously not hidden behind it.
"Paper money ?" he heard his sister ask. The paperboys expression didn't change, other than he nodded.
"I'll just get it... don't go anywhere," his sister said.
His sister reappeared in the living room, and asked James if mum had left the money. He smiled and pointed at the small pile of change that mum always left on the fireplace for the papers.
His sister grabbed it and was about to rush back out when Sam stopped her.
"I dare you to drop it so that you have to pick it up in front of him." Sam said.
Again, James sister smiled and nodded, and rushed back out into the hallway. He heard a patter of coins fall on the floor, and his sister apologise to the boy on the step. This kid couldn't believe his luck. He looked around to make sure that no one else was watching, and continued to enjoy the show as his sister began picking up the coins.
"I dare you to go and help her." Sam said to Jen. Jen looked a little more concerned than his sister did, but did go out into the hallway.
"Is everything ok ?" he heard Jen ask. "I thought I heard you drop something."
That was about it for the paperboy. He had already noticed that he had a tent in his trousers, and seeing two hot, naked girls bending down to pick up the coins must have sent him over the edge.
"Errrr... don't... worry........ Back.... tomorrow...." He heard him stutter as he turned to walk away, but still looking over his shoulder anxious to capture as much of the scene as he could.
As he disappeared up the street, he heard the front door close, and both Jen and his sister came in laughing hysterically.
"Did you see his face ?" his sister asked the room.
"I thought his mouth had stuck open !" Jen replied.
I agreed it was both extremely funny and quite a turn on... and the whole room agreed. Sam looked pleased with the outcome of his first real test.
They sat around chatting, again then another half an hour the door bell rang again. This time it was the pizza delivery guy James and the girls knew they didn’t call so James looks at Sam who was winking and grinning like a fool so James knew he called them he looked at James cousin and said, “Patricia, Truth or Dare !” Patricia smiles at him and as expected she said, “Dare.” He smiled back at her “I dare you to answer the door naked.” Sam replied to her. She got up feeling a little nervous she took the money and open the door James heard the guy say, “that will be...” then he started blushing after he seeing a teen girl boobs and probably the biggest he ever saw. She Handed him the money and he slowly counted her change to look at her more. After he left Janes heard the door closed. Sam was grinning cause his tests was working out wonderful the girls are doing what is told of them. After they all ate the girls were allowed to dressed as they all went up until their next adventure.
Hoped my story was good I will think about other adventures for them to do unless anyone have suggestions
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