Ffion's summer camp

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Ffion's summer camp

Post by EthanDalton123 »

I hopped off the bus, dragging my suitcase behind me.

The Escape to Nature & Fun adventure camp was like a second home to me. I'd spent many summer holidays as a child there, and when I grew up and realised I couldn't scrounge off my parents any more, I got a job there.

It was a bittersweet feeling to be walking through those familiar gates, large letters spelling out "ENF" above the entrance. This would be my final summer here. I was leaving for university in the autumn, meaning these final few weeks would be the last chance to enjoy myself before the next chapter of my life began.

I staggered and almost fell over and someone barged past me. Recovering, I saw a group of young boys racing away, not bothering to apologise to the other arrivals they charged through.

"Hi, Ffion!" I looked around as I heard my name and saw a friendly face waving me over. I had known Dan almost as long as I'd been coming to ENF. Despite only seeing him for a few weeks every summer, he was one of my closest friends.

"Hi," I smiled up at him. We used to be of similar heights until a few summers ago, when Dan shot up, leaving me waiting for my own growth spurt, which at this point I suspected was not coming.

But he was in no mood for small talk.

"You better come quickly, Ffi," he said. "There's a new gaffer here and she wants a staff meeting ASAP."

Entering the staff cabin, I slipped into one of the few remaining empty seats in the staff room, wedging my suitcase below my chair. I received a few hellos from old colleagues, as well as some stares from the newer members of the team.

I was used that by now. While I hadn't sprouted upwards (I was barely 5 foot in height), I had developed in other ways. Long blonde hair, an aversion to any body hair resulting in smooth, slender limbs, a cute arse and a pair of 36C breasts meant I had regularly drawn the eye even when just minding my own business at school. It wasn't like I was deliberately trying to distract people. If wearing short denim shorts and a short sleeved t-shirt (as I was doing at that moment) happened to show off my body, it wasn't my fault. It was simply the most appropriate way to dress in the hot weather. At least I didn't have my small feet out. I had never understood that particular fetish, but I knew it was a surprisingly common turn on.

It was only then, looking around at the rest of the staff, that I realised I was the only one not wearing the red t-shirt with ENF stitched over the left breast, which counted as uniform for an activity leader like myself. Before I could make a move to correct my error, the door opened again and our new boss walked in.

"Good morning," she addressed us all. Wearing her hair in a tight bun, she looked like someone who shouldn't be messed with. "My name is Amanda Glover. We're all here to have fun, but that doesn't mean there aren't rules we all need to follow. I expect the staff to make an example of that for the children to follow."

While Amanda rambled on, I fell into a daydream. Great, just what I needed. My final summer here, and by the sounds of it, all the joy was going to be sucked out. Was it so hard to ask for a couple of easy weeks work, with a big paycheck at the end of it?

I started when I realised that Amanda was talking to me directly.

"Why aren't you in uniform?" she looked at me sternly.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I smiled weakly. "I didn't realise I had to arrive wearing it."

"Well put it on now, please."

I dived into my suitcase and dug around until I found the correct garment, trying not to let the watching room catch a look at my underwear. With the t-shirt retrieved, I made to pull it on, but Amanda stopped me again.

"That's not your uniform, is it? Wear it properly, please."

I blushed when I realised what she was asking me.

"What...here?" Had this woman never heard of privacy?!

"If you don't mind."

Still kneeling on the carpet, my bare knees and lower legs pressing into the soft material, I pulled my t-shirt over my head, exposing my bra and slightly toned-stomach to the room. With just three small items on my body above my ankles, my skin crawled, far too much of it exposed. I hastily pulled on the correct t-shirt and resumed my seat. Looking round at some of the faces, it dawned on me that I'd just given everyone a clear view of my substantial cleavage for a few seconds.

Dan was trying to catch my attention from across the room, but I was resolutely ignoring him, my face still feeling hot. Its not like he hadn't seen me in my bra before. In fact, he'd seen me in a lot less. Playing, living and later working in close quarters for years, we'd seen each other stark naked on more than one occasion. While we always tried to maintain a strictly platonic relationship, there had been that one time when skinny dipping after a few too many beers...our lips locked together...a hand teasing my right breast underwater...curious fingers exploring his stomach...but fortunately we had come to our senses before it went any further. The rest of that summer had been incredibly awkward, and we cherished our friendship too much to risk messing it up.

It wasn't like I was a slut and regularly enjoyed exposing myself. Sure, I'd had a couple of sexual partners at school and until recently a long-term boyfriend (Ethan and I had mutually agreed to end things before we went our separate ways), but I was still pretty sexually inexperienced, and definitely didn't look showing off more of myself than I absolutely had to.

"What is your name?" Amanda asked.

"Ffion," I responded.

"Well, Fiona. I expect you dress appropriately from now on."

It wasn't the first time someone had said my name wrong and I knew it wouldn't be the last. Just because I was Welsh and they were English, was it so hard to pronounce? Stop making it harder for yourself to say!

An hour later, we emerged from the cabin, a number of male eyes still burning into me. Flashing my colleagues wasn't the way I'd have liked to have started my time working with them, but if I could use their weaknesses (namley, being sexually frustrated teenagers) to bend them to my will, I didn't mind. Another thing I had plenty of past experience with.

The activity leaders would each by assigned to a group, and by this point I could practically plan out the month's activities in my sleep. As I greeted the kids I would be taking under my wing, I had a strange feeling that I'd be getting exposed a few more times before the camp finished.

I shook my head, throwing back my blonde hair in the process. I needed to pull myself together, and focus on the job.
Last edited by EthanDalton123 on Sat Apr 24, 2021 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by EthanDalton123 »

Hey guys, this is my first story on here, so don't judge me too harshly haha.

I've got a rough idea of where I want to go with this, but any suggestions would be welcomed.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by SDS »

Seems good so far keep it up!

Try not to worry too much we all started somewhere and practice makes perfect.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by Debbifan »

Firstly, always good to see a new writer. Secondly, you say that you have a rough idea of where you want to go with this. So stick to your own ideas unless /until you dry up completely. You will enjoy writing more and write better if it is something that you want to write.

You have already introduced some possibilities for her downfall with the fearsome camp supervisor, jealous female colleagues, unruly boys. It's quite a familiar setting but that doesn't mean there isn't any more mileage to be got out of it. It is good that Ffion appears not to be totally clueless ! Maybe avoid some of the over used tropes like putting all her clothes in the laundry at the same time or walking through the woods and having her clothes snag on a twig ;)
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by EthanDalton123 »

"Adam! How many times do I have to tell you?!"

It was just my luck that I get stuck with the mischievous kid; the same one who'd nearly knocked me over when I arrived. They say first impressions are important, and he wss certainly living up to his. It was obvious that Adam didn't want to be here. While uncommon, it wasn't unknown. Parents wanted a brat out of their hair, so would ship them off to us for a few weeks. Other times the parents thought a summer camp would bring out a different, more confident side to their child. Adam was clearly of the former category, and was seemingly determined to cause as much trouble as possible.

I was secretly impressed by him. He couldn't have been older than 12 or 13, and yet was able manipulating and control kids years older than himself. While I could make use of my looks to bend people to my will, Adam could do so simply with words. Unfortunately, having a posse of kids following him everywhere only inflated his ego. And the more confident he got, the harder he was to control.

Not that Amanda would be much help. After my apparent act of insubordination on the first day, she'd been very stern with me. I suspected she was wondering how someone so out of control and reckless had been employed there for so long, and had assigned Adam to me as a test. Well, I wasn't going to give in that easily and ask for a swap.

A small hand tugged on the hem of my t-shirt.

"Miss Ffion, we need your help."

I looked down at a young girl, squinting up at me and smiling, my mood instantly lifted.

I had decided to make Tilly my pet project. She was only 11, but threw herself into every activity with as much gusto as everyone else, sometimes even more. She often wasn't very good, but her confidence or demeanour never wavered. She was also one of the few who hadn't fallen under Adam's spell.

My group were currently attempting a crate stacking challenge. Working in teams, two kids at a time would attempt to build a tower of plastic crates as high as possible, while standing on it and not falling off. Others on the ground would be either holding the other end of the rope they were harnessed to, or passing up crates. It was a great way to build teamwork, with clear communication the key.

The pair currently on the tower had reached a height that was making it difficult for their teammates to pass up more crates. While I was still pretty short for someone of my age, I was still much better equipped for the task. I walked over and picked up the nearest crate.

"Ready?" I called up to the two boys suspended high above me.

As I prepared to throw, it happened. Quick as a flash, I felt two hands firmly grip my shorts and pull down, hard. Next thing I knew, I had the sensation of my shorts speeding down by thighs, over my knees, down my calves and finally settling around my ankles.

Surprised, the crate flew out of my hands, crashed into the tower and sent it all tumbling to the ground. Gasping, I crouched down and yanked my shorts back up the my waist. My dark underwear had only been exposed for a few seconds, but it was still a few seconds too many.

"Who did that?!" I spun around, furious, my cheeks reddening. Adam was laughing, but he was too far away for him to have done it. It will have been one of his many followers, and judging by the look on Mike's face, he was the guilty party.

"How could you do that to somebody?" I turned on him. "Would you like it if someone did that to you?" he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Ffion. I thought it would be funny..."

"And it was!" Adam called out.

"Adam. Come here." Still grinning to his mates, he slouched over. "Let's see how you get on. You're up next. Mike seeing as you're in cahoots with Adam, you can hold the rope."

"Who am I going up with?" Adam asked.

"No one. But I'm sure you be fine."

One hand firmly gripping my shorts, I stepped back to watch. Because Adam didn't want to be there, I couldn't punish him by making him sit out. That's what he wanted. Instead, I decided to put him front and centre, but engineer the situation where he would fail. Not quite as humiliating as having your underwear exposed, but it was the best I could do.

Unsurprisingly, Adam didn't last long before the tower collapsed. The activity was designed to be a two person job, and with Mike subdued on the end of the rope, Adam didn't stand a chance. I walked over and helped him out of his harness. As I was untying him, I leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"How about I yank your pants down right now?" I threatened him. "Expose you to all the girls?" I could feel Adam tense up in fear. "Don't mess with me again."

I watched him walk sheepishly back to his friends, confident that he was firmly back in his place, and would respect me from now on.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by mikewozere »

Looking forward to what Adam and his friends have planned for their victim. Hopefully her total exposure.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by EthanDalton123 »

Despite the sun beating down, a slight breeze was making me shiver. But to be fair, I was only wearing a matching red bikini and as usual, had religiously shaved off all of my body hair.

I was supervising my group splashing around in the pool. No structured activity per say, just a chance for them to let their hair down. But as the trained lifeguard and first aider present, there was no respite for me from my work. I did derive some pleasure from seeing a number of the boys awestruck by their beautiful, blonde instructor dressed in only her swimwear.

"Everything going OK, Fiona?" I turned around to see Amanda walking towards me, actually smiling at me for once.

"It's Ffion, and yeah, everything's great."

"I've been reviewing your work, and it seems my first impression of you was wrong. I hear you're going to university in a few months?"

As Amanda engaged me in small tank, I gradually began to feel more uncomfortable. I felt ridiculously under-dressed compared to her. From her position towering above me, she once again had a view of my cleavage, but this time, also most of my butt and my bare feet. I tried to appear confident and at ease with my near-nudity, but I couldn't stop myself from fidgeting. An awkward rub of a bare shoulder, hugging my sides, bare toes twitching on the smooth concrete.

"Anyway, I should probably get back to it," I smiled, indicating the pool. Thankfully, Amanda agreed and moved away.

I turned back to the pool and saw Tilly waving frantically at me. I climbed in and swam over to her. She had ventured too deep for comfort, so I helped her back to safer waters.

A loud splash was followed moments later by water droplets cascading down over us. Rolling my eyes, I mads my way over to the troublemakers, ready to give them a piece of my mind.

"Adam, other people have to u-"

But the rest of my sentence was drowned out by water flooding into my mouth as my head was forced underwater.

I twisted around trying to free myself, but despite being a strong swimmer, I couldn't throw off the half-a-dozen boys holding me down. I kicked out furiously with my bare feet, but to my horror, I felt fingers untying the strings of my bikini top.

"No!" I cried, accidentally swallowing more water and trying to grab the garment, but too late; my hand landed on bare breast, and my top was gone. I felt my bikini bottoms sliding over my buttocks, but despite my oxygen supply having been nearly extinguished, I still had enough sense and energy left to grab hold and hoist it back into position.

My kicks were becoming weaker, my lungs screaming for oxygen that I was unable to provide. Stripping me was one thing, but drowning me was taking the prank too far!

The moment the boys released me, I threw myself upwards. Breaking the surface, I took a gigantic inhale of cool, oxygen-filled air, before coughing up half the pool.

"What the fuck?!" I was finally able to gasp, both arms slammed across my chest. "Where's my top?!"

"Over here!" came the taught.

I twisted around to see Adam stood triumphantly by the pool, proudly brandishing my bikini top like a trophy.

"Adam! Give that back!" I attempted to put as much authority in my voice as possible, but at a higher pitch than I would have liked.

"Come and get it!" he said playfully, swinging my top around to the amusement of his friends.

Allowing Adam to take control of the situation was the last thing that I wanted, but I had no choice but to play along if I wanted to reclaim what was mine. Besides, what would Amanda think if she found me topless in a pool, begging with a kid 6 years my junior?

Cradling my breasts in one arm, I awkwardly climbed out of the pool and stormed over to Adam, blinking back tears and blocking out the laughter.

"Hand it over. Now." I held out my free hand, fury etched onto my face. But Adam had built up a head of steam and was more interested in seeing how far me could push me.

"Not so fast. Both hands, please," he grinned, pointing at the arm sheltering the prize he desired most of all.

"Yeah, not happening."

I snatched for my bikini, but Adam had anticipated that and danced away from me.

"No! You little-!"

Despite my predicament, my health & safety brain kicked in. Wet feet on a smooth surface...it would be unwise to charge him. But it I waddled slowly, that would only send more laughter around the group. While I fumed at the howling brat, I crossed my legs, paranoid that one of his disciples would yank down my only remaining garment from behind.

I had to make a move. The crowd was getting riled up more by the second, plus my arm was pretty tired. Fortunately, I was spared from doing so by the appearance of a Good Samaritan who stopped Adam in his tracks.

"What are you doing with that?" Dan asked him, plucking my top from the scared boy's fingers. At least there was someone who he still feared! "OK, guys! Time's up!" he called to my group. They reluctantly pulled themselves out of the pool and headed for the showers, Dan's group soon replacing them. Once he was satisfied that order had been reestablished, he approached me.

"Thanks," I smiled weakly up at him, but Dan's smirk had me worried. I knew how pathetic I must have looked. Blonde hair plastered to my head and shoulders, shivering violently, water droplets clinging to my skin, both arms shielding my breasts, my face bright red. The only surprising thing was the droplets weren't turning to steam.

"That Adam really is a piece of work, isn't he?" Dan grinned.

"Tell me about it. Can I have my top back please?"

"There's always one every summer, isn't there? Doesn't want to be here, causes trouble, often get bounced around groups. I'm surprised you've been able to tolerate him for this long."

Dan knew exactly what he was doing. He was fully aware how embarrassed I was, my eyes following the path of my top as he tossed it from hand to hand, but showed no interest in helping me out.

"Dan, please can I have my top?" I asked again, more urgently this time. Two dozen kids had already seen me shivering topless; I needed to get dressed before anyone else saw.

"Hi, Dan!" a nearby voice cried, making me jump and cower behind him. One advantage of being small, I suppose.

Sally had wondered over. She'd been looking to get in his pants all week, and was obviously not going to pass an opportunity to oggle Dan in just his swim shorts.

It was a few terrifying seconds before I realised that Dan was offering me my top behind his back. I quickly snatched it, slammed it into place and hastily re-tied the strings.

"Oh, hey, Ffion," Sally remarked, giving me a funny look. "I didn't see you there." Had she seen me topless and terrified, or had I rescued myself just in time.

"Hi, Sally," I replied, not making eye contact. Once again, I had the feeling of wearing far too few clothes. "I should probably get going."

Excusing myself, I hurried back to the staff changing rooms, bare feet slapping on the smooth concrete, thanking my lucky stars that Dan had been there to save me.

But I might not be so lucky in the future. As I rinsed off the excess pool water still on my body and dressed in more appropriate attire, I knew I would have to be on my guard from now on.

I knew that Adam would stop at nothing to see my breasts. And now that he knew how desperate I was for that not to happen, he would only be more determined to do so.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by Executionus »

Excellent start to this! The tension aspect and the rivalry with Adam are both very well done.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by EthanDalton123 »

Over the next few weeks, our spat became a full blown vendetta against each other.

I quickly learnt which activities were Adam's least favourite, so I rota'd us to keep him thoroughly miserable. If any of the other children complained about the repetitive and dull sessions I ran, I engineered a way to blame in on Adam, driving a wedge between the two parties. I'd make him stay behind to clean up at the end of every session, and kept him away from his friends as much as possible. With Adam's influence over them starting to wane it was becoming easier to control the group.

In response to my harsh treatment, Adam's retaliations became more and more inventive. He started with the classic pranks: tying my shoe laces together, tripping me up in the canteen. But before long, he was turning off the hot water supply or pulling the fire alarm when he knew I was in the shower, or stuffing his freezing cold hands up my shirt when I was distracted.

In fact, the kid couldn't keep his hands, or eyes, off me. While he no longer tried to strip me during swimming sessions, he did stare longingly at my slightly toned torso, fingers itching to run over my bare stomach or squeeze a breast. One of his favourite activities was taekwondo, as it allowed him to get up close and personal to my bare feet. He would find any excuse to stand close to me, taking his opportunities to squeeze my buttocks or toy with the hem of my shirt, his fingernails grazing over the bare skin below.

I didn't know if Adam knew that I was aware of what he was doing, and our relationship had frayed to such an extent that we wouldn't have been able to talk about it, even if I'd wanted to. Was he just playing a long game, slowly putting the pieces into place for a grand and humiliating finale, or was he genuinely attracted to me?

I supposed I shouldn't be too surprised if it was the latter. He was a young boy starting his journey through puberty, meaning I must have looked to him like a feast for the eyes. Blonde hair; an athletic figure; smooth, slender limbs; a cute arse; flawless skin that had begun to tan; and best of all, a sizeable pair of breasts, perfect for filling his hands with. I must have been the poor kid's wet dream.

But I wasn't going to change the way I dressed just to get Adam to stop ogling me at every opportunity. And as his pranks were continuing, I saw no reason to dial down my punishment.

In fact, I began to dial it up. Until I went too far.


"Ffion, I really need the toilet." Adam was hopping from one foot to the other, his legs crossed tightly and hands pressed into his crotch.

It was the day after he'd unexpectedly turned my warm shower into a deluge of ice, resulting in me blinding myself with shampoo, slipping over on my fallen towel and banging my head on the edge of the sink. Fortunately, I was in the bathroom of my private cabin. But while Adam hadn't seen me, the laughs coming through the walls informed me that he'd heard it all.

In response, I'd made sure to keep Adam busy. So busy, in fact, that he didn't even have time to slip away to the bathroom. It was approaching lunchtime, when I'd be unable to stop Adam from reliving himself, but it looked like he wouldn't make it that far. Which was to be expected after all the water I'd made him drink. Its important to keep hydrated after exercise!

"It's nearly lunchtime, Adam. You're a big boy, I'm sure you can hold it."

"Please, Ffion, I'm bursting!"

I pushed him back out onto the football field, chivvying him as he hobbled back to his teammates.

A few minutes later, it happened. A roar of laughter went up and I smirked as I pushed through the crowd.

But when I saw the young boy on his knees, shorts soaking wet and bawling his eyes out, I felt awful. What had I done? I was supposed to be a responsible, caring adult. I'd just forced some kid to wet himself!

"It's OK, Adam," I said kindly, helping him up. "You go off and get yourself cleaned up."

I shivered at the expression he shot at me. I knew immediately that I'd fucked up. The question wasn't would people see me naked when Adam enacted his revenge. The question was how many.


The next few days were awful. Adam hadn't yet responded, but I knew that now he'd made it clear than nothing was off the table, he could strike at any moment. More disturbingly, he no longer paid me any attention at all. He no longer stripped me with his eyes, no longer willed my bikini to fly off my body. He didn't even track my bare feet whenever they padded past him.

But this only made me more paranoid. I was constantly tracking Adam's movements, making sure I knew where he and his comrades where at all times.

Adam also knew that I couldn't punish him any further. Word of my treatment of him had reached Amanda. Furious, she had yelled at me for an hour, warning me that if I put another toe out of line, or continued to make Adam's life miserable, I'd be out of a job.

So there I was: a sitting duck, just waiting for Adam to pick me off.
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Re: Ffion's summer camp

Post by RollTiideRoll2 »

I can’t wait to see how Adam enjoys payback!
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