T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 48

Post by FunKelly »

Eric was waiting for me as I entered the front door. He was wearing blue men's jogging pants, white sneakers and a skin tight white T-shirt, with his company's logo printed on it. My first thought was he should have given me the business, even though neither of us had any idea who the other was, only a couple of days ago.

We introduced ourselves, shook hands, then he took me for the dime tour of his new facility. The entrance and waiting areas were carefully crafted to make the patrons feel relaxed, yet intrigued. The waiting area was set with wicker furniture, complete with large fluffy bright colored cushions.

Photos displayed on the walls, were a combination of serene nature photos, along with photos of the facility's different relaxation options. There was not only one, but three small saunas, a Jacuzzi room, seven massage rooms, and a door that led to the rear of the building, I was not privy too. My curiosity got the best of me, so I asked "Eric. what's in there?"

Eric was openly gay, and his demeanor was such, that there was no question about his sexual orientation. He looked at me, and said, "Kelly. That room is reserved for the women that want to climax, but are unable to do so, while in any of our other facilities". As I was staring at the door, wondering what was behind it, I heard Eric say, "Kelly. Let me show you to your locker".

He walked me back towards the front of the parlor, and pointed to a row of lockers, saying, "You can put your clothes in this one, Kelly", pointing to locker # 1. I looked at the small 12" x 16" locker, then I asked, "Do I get a towel or robe, or something?" He turned and looked at me, and replied, "We have monogrammed towels, and robes, but they are still in boxes out back. Becky told me you wouldn't wear one anyway."

I looked at him, and said, "She did. Did she?" In total defiance to proper etiquette, I slipped off my sandals, then put them in the small locker. I then removed my sundress, taking my time to fold the small dress, before putting it in the locker, on top of my sandals. My bra was next, followed by my white cotton panties. I put my purse on top of my surrendered clothing. Standing in front of Eric, totally naked, was making me moist, as I asked, "What's next?"

Hearing the locker door shut, while Eric spun the combination dial, was when I knew I was to remain naked, until he decided I was allowed to be clothed again. It was both, a bit scary, yet incredibly erotic. He then said, "Let's show you one of the massage room, Kelly". I followed him down the hall, when I noticed a photo on the wall, which included Eric, and three equally attractive and fit young men.

I stopped, then asked Eric, "Who are these guys with you in the photo?" His reply would make my knees buckle. He stopped, looked at the photo, and said, "That's Glen, Craig, and Luis, who will be the one holding the class today", so nonchalantly. "Class! What class?", I asked, feeling nervous, but intrigued.

"Becky didn't tell you?", was Eric's response. "Tell me what?", I insisted. "Kelly. Luis will be the one performing the erotic massage, while instructing the rest of us on the proper procedures, necessary to elevate our clients to their safe, yet satisfying conclusion. Some women will want to climax, while others may just want the arousal provided from the experience. It's all up to the individual client".

"Eric! Are you telling me! Luis is supposed to make me cum, while you, Glen and Craig watch? WTF ?", I exclaimed. Before Eric could respond, we heard the front door open, followed by the voices of men talking to each other. In a total panic, I looked around to find something, anything, to cover my shame, as the voices came closer. There wasn't even a box of tissues. I was about to be totally exposed to the three strange men, as Eric had no response, but to shrug his shoulders. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

"Eric, buddy! This must be Kelly!", said one of the men, who I would later find out was Glen. All three men greeted me, as I was still frozen in my total humiliation. "Hi", was all I could utter, knowing I was becoming more moist between my thighs, as the introductions continued. I found out, when you feel you can endure no more, every second seems like an hour. An hour of complete mortification, or and hour of total arousal. Either way, I was standing with four handsome, ripped young gay men, totally naked.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 49

Post by FunKelly »

Believe it or not, after meeting Luis, Glen and Craig, in the nude, I started feeling a bit more relaxed. They were all so sweet. All four men were dressed in their studio uniforms and looked, well....Delicious. Craig seemed fixated on my tits, when he just blurted out, "Kelly. The pictures Eric showed us, do not do your nipples justice. They are like perfect little gumdrops perched on your tiny breasts.

"PICTURES! What pictures?", I demanded, when instead, I should have been completely humiliated and possibly offended. Craig pulled out his phone and showed me not only pictures of me waiting tables in the nude at Becky's pub, but two of me after my massive orgasm in the pool room, after the pub had closed. I could have died of embarrassment. I became speechless.

In an attempt to end the awkward situation, Eric suggested we continue to see the rest of the facility. The four men were showing me around, when Luis said, "Well Kelly, What do you say we start with a nice relaxing massage?' I barely heard him, as my thoughts were consumed with the idea that these four men had photos of me naked, spread eagle, while covered in my own cum. The epitome of degrading.

Anyone in their right mind would have insisted that Eric return their clothes, got in their car and headed for home. But I just stood their, as they all looked upon my naked little body. In somewhat of a daze, I heard Luis suggest a change of itinerary. "Kelly. How about a bikini wax before the massage?" I had grown back a small patch of pubic hair since my trip to San Francisco, but kept the area around it, smooth and hair free.

Still speechless, I nodded in approval, having no idea why I agreed to such a demeaning procedure. I was more than capable of removing my own pubic hair. Now I had allowed myself to be put in a position, where four dressed men were going to watch my pubic hair removed by wax and tape. Eric lead us to a room with a padded table, where one half folded from flat to upright. He set the back half way up to a 45 degree angle, then patted the seat, indicating me to hop up on it.

Luis walked over to me, then spread my legs open, so the bottoms of my feet were touching. Almost the same position Becky had put me in, when I was laid out on the bar in her pub. He then ran his fingers through my small patch of jet black pubic hair. I was so stimulated, I began to be concerned the wetness coming from my pussy may be detected.

Luis turned to get the wax, when Glen started running his fingers through my pubic hair, asking me, "Kelly. Are you ready to be completely bald down here?" turning everyone's focus towards my soon to be bald pussy, while still running his fingers through the small tuft of hair. I continued to remain speechless.

As Luis prepared to apply the wax, Eric whispered in my ear, "This may help you to relax, Kelly", as he reached over my shoulders, then started to massage my erect nipples with some kind of stimulation cream. Barely 11:00 am, and I was naked, legs spread wide open, while one of the four dressed men was applying wax to my pubic hair, while another was massaging my nipples, and the other two were observing the entire sorted affair. Every sexual fiber of my being, was total aroused.

The rip of the tape, then seeing it with my black pubic hair stuck to it, sent shivers up my spine, as Eric continued to keep me calm, by massaging my nipples. Fortunately the waxing was over quickly, due to the small size of my pubic patch. Glen grabbed some crème and started rubbing my now red pussy lips, slipping his fingers inside my slit on occasion, as Eric never stopped my erotic nipple massage.

Luis put away the waxing materials, and asked, "Ready for a nice relaxing massage, Kelly?" I looked up at him, and asked, against my better judgement, "Can I have an orgasm first?" Luis answered, "Of course you can, Kelly. I'll be right back". Eric told Craig to continue my nipple massage, as he told me he was going to set up a face-time with his sister Becky.

Looking at Craig massaging my nipples, and Glen working on my clit, Eric said, "Kelly. I know my sister has not been this happy in years, and I can see why she's given you the pet name "Dirty Girl. You two are perfect for each other", as he made the connection with Becky. Dirty Girl was not the name I would have hoped was broadcasted, while I was being massaged by four dressed homosexual men, while naked. Luis returned to the room, holding a vaginal massage wand.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 50

Post by FunKelly »

Having surrendered my clothes, pubic hair and 100% of my dignity, for the sheer physical pleasure of an orgasm, I waited to hear the calming effects of Becky's voice. "Hey Dirty Girl!", came Becky's greeting, from Eric's phone. Happy to hear she was alone, based on Eric's conversation with her, and not broadcasting my debauchery to the customers in her pub, I replied, "Hi Becky. I miss you". "I miss you too, Kelly", she said.

Eric pointed his phone towards me, so we could see each other. As expected, her first question would heighten both my humiliation and titillation. "Why are your pussy lips so red?", she asked. Completely exposed, all eyes fell on the tender red skin of my crotch. "Luis just gave her a pubic wax", came the response from Glen. "Oh! Hey Guys!" Becky said, greeting the four gay men. "Hi Becky", they all replied in unison. "You boys take good care of my Dirty Girl. You hear?", she insisted. "Yes Becky" was their simultaneous response.

"Well look at you Kelly. Barely an hour into your visit, and you've managed to completely surrender all self respect, to fulfill your fantasies. That's why you're my Dirty Girl. I love it! And I love you!", Becky continued, knowing the aspect of humiliation was necessary to fuel my inner desires.

I almost asked her to stop because she was embarrassing me, but I knew she would instantly turn the tables, and point out that I was embarrassing myself, which would have been true. I was addicted to the sensation of public naked humiliation, and Becky knew it.

I took a closer look and realized Becky was in a parked car. "Where are you?", I asked. She casually replied, "The pub doesn't open until noon on weekdays, so I figured I pick up some supplies for the bar. I have to go if I'm going to get back to open up on time. Love you Kelly", she said, before hanging up. Suddenly I felt alone, thinking it was strange that Becky would be shopping for bar supplies, knowing I was going to be at the massage parlor at this time.

I was a bit nervous, as the attention of the four men fell back on me. Luis began to massage my clit with the stimulation wand, as I started feeling more anxious than aroused. Luis and the others were now talking about the placement of the wand, and how to best bring their clients to complete arousal. Eric resumed massaging my breasts and nipples, as Luis was finding my happy spot, with the wand. All I knew is that as good as it felt, I was really missing Becky.

I wanted the so called "Class" to go well for Eric and his friends, but I knew that although climax was possible, I was not going to have a massive orgasm, like the ones I had at the touch of Becky's talented fingers. Attempting to focus less on Becky, and more on the present situation, I heard the most wonderful sound.

"Are you boys taking good care of my Dirty Girl?", came the sound of Becky's voice, as she rounded the corner, and entered the room. Dressed in only her ultra short, black and white striped referee's shirt, black thong (I would find out later) and hi-top black Converse All Stars, she walked up to me, totally bare breasted. She leaned over and kissed me, whispering, "Hi Kelly". My eyes started to fill with tears, as I pulled her into a strong embrace.

"Your here", I said. "Of course I'm here Dirty Girl. I wouldn't have missed it for the world", she replied. In an effort the keep the scene from becoming to emotional, Becky said, "O.K. guys. I'll take it from here". She looked down at my pussy, and asked, "Was that your first pubic wax?" I replied, "Yes". "How was it?", she asked. "It was fine. I only had a small patch of pubic hair, so it didn't take long", I replied.

"Good. The next time your serve drinks in the nude at my pub, grow a little triangle right above your opening", she said. The atmosphere was a bit surreal, as we were discussing my pubic hair, while I was spread eagle in front of the four dressed men, I asked the fateful question, "Why?' Becky's reply was as many of them had been, meant to humiliate me, while heightening my arousal.

"For a talking point, Silly", she said. "It will be a conversation starter, especially for the regulars who have only seen your pussy, clean shaven". I ventured even further into the unknown, when I asked, "And the triangle?" Becky replied, "It will be like a little arrow that says, Enter Here", as she spread my pussy lips open, and started to massage my clitoris.

Becky instructed Eric to lay the back of the table flat, which he did, oh so gently. Now laying flat, I felt Eric apply more of the stimulating cream to my nipples, and resume massaging them. Expecting Becky to give instructions on how to apply her perfect technique for bringing a woman to climax, I was surprised to hear her give a recap to the men, of the outrageous shit we did, when I was in San Francisco.

She meticulously told the story of the events of that weekend, for the sole purpose of humiliating me, as she continued to work me to another heightened sexual state. She started with my naked waitress story, followed by the orgasm I had in the pool room. Each of the four men had photographic documentation of that evening, which was constantly consuming my thoughts, as I felt another orgasmic eruption coming on.

As Becky continued her telling of the events, she often reminded me to open my eyes, making sure I was seeing the expressions on the four men's faces, as she continued elevating my sexual experience. She knew being in such close proximity to the men, while the taboo of the intimate sexual encounter, being so public, would bring me to another massive orgasm. She was right.

Again she instructed me to beg her to make me cum, while making eye contact with each of the handsome gay men. I begged her, then begged each of them, to ask her to make me cum, as she feverishly worked my clitoris. My back arched, as I let out a scream, and an enormous quantity of my cum, started flowing from my pussy. As before, I collapsed in exhaustion, covered in sweat.

With what had become a pastime for Becky and I, she smeared the sticky substance all over my torso, tits, then ran her cum filled hands through my hair. She was always making sure there was a tell tale sign of my depravity.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 51

Post by FunKelly »

I laid on the table in a state of euphoria, as I watched Becky make her way around the room, hugging each of the handsome young men. She then turned her attention to me, and said, "I just can't help myself", as she leaned over and started licking my pussy. I started to violently squirm, as I called out, "Becky! You know how sensitive I am down there, after an orgasm! Please Stop!"

She laughed, as she stood up, giving me a great big smile, as her perfect breasts were on display. She grabbed my hands, pulling me up to a sitting position, then said, "I was just cleaning you up a little, Dirty Girl. You Know. So you're ready for the party". "PARTY? What Party?" I asked, as fear took over the sound of my voice. "Oh. Didn't I tell you. The official "Total Relaxation Studio Open House" starts in twenty minutes".

My eyes became wide open, as I looked at Becky, shaking my head, saying, "No Becky. No. I can't do it!" Becky made that expression of dismissal, when she replied, in a motherly tone, "Kelly. You can do it. I want you to do it. The guys are all counting on you to do it. Most of all, deep down you know "You" want to do it. Now it's an invitation only gathering of a dozen women, who are prospective regular customers of the Studio".

"We need them to see the facility, but most of all, we need you to answer any questions, they may have, since you are officially the first client, even if you're not paying", as she giggled. I pleaded with my eyes, saying, "Becky. I don't want them to see me like this. Can I take a shower?' Shaking her head, she replied, "No way! One look at you Kelly, and they'll know this is the place to come for an erotic experience".

She continued, "Besides, it's not like you'll know any of them. They're mostly wealthy, thirty something women from the area, who will use the facility to be pampered and spice up their personal lives, without feeling like they're cheating on their husbands, because the guys here are all gay! Hey Kelly. I'm going topless for the event" I looked at her, and replied, "Becky. I love that outfit on you. You look so adorable in it. Are you wearing a thong, as I pulled up the short skirt, to see for myself.

Making no attempt to pull down her skirt, she looked at me and said, "Would you feel better if I took off my thong?" I shook my head "Yes". She immediately removed the thong then turned her attention to the four men. "Guys", she said. "I know there's a strict rule about no cell phones or cameras in the studio, for privacy reasons. I respect that, but can I get one photo of you four standing with my Dirty Girl?" The men all agreed, then removed their shirts, so their company logo could not be seen.

Becky told me to turn on the bed so my legs fell over the side. Shen then instructed me to lean back on the palms of my hands, and spread my legs open. She had the four shirtless men, with their well toned physiques, stand behind me. "O.K. Everyone! Say Dirty Girl", We all called out, "Dirty Girl", then smiled for the camera, as Becky took several pictures.

I looked over my shoulder, and asked Eric, "Will you take one of Becky and I?" He smiled, then obliged. Becky and I stood next to each other, holding hands, as Eric took the picture. I now had the perfect addition to my vast collection of souvenirs, depicting the excitement and depravity, of my new found hobby.

The men put their shirts back on, as Eric placed Becky's phone and thong, in the locker with my things. Becky looked me over, then said, "Girl. You look so trashy! With that swollen, pink labia and those magnificent nipples, you're perfect!", as she kissed me. I took the opportunity to feel her breasts. I missed them, and her, more than I knew. The last hour flew by, and it was now only three minutes until noon. "O.K. people! Show time!", Becky called out.

I grabbed Becky's hand, and asked her, "What about your pub?" She replied, "Andre and his two cousins will run the pub today. They fill in when I'm sick, or just need a break. I trust them like family. I don't leave until tomorrow morning. I figured it was time I spent a night in a small Oregon town". I could barely contain my excitement.

Becky was so in tune with my life, I became overwhelmed, as she continued, "Kelly. I know you have an order to get out. So I figured, we'll get a bottle of wine, maybe two, order out, and I'll ride your new saddle, naked of course, while you print the T-shirts. It'll be fun". My heart melted, as I could see Becky needed to see me, as much as I needed to see her. I think she set this whole thing up, just so we could be together, which made her that much more endearing to me.

Both our eyes became glassy, when she said, "Pull yourself together Kelly. We have twelve women coming. Women who will want to know why your pussy is so red and swollen, and you look like you have a coating of pancake syrup all over you". We both laughed, dried our eyes, and prepared for the arrival of the invited guests.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 52

Post by FunKelly »

By this time, Eric, Glen, Luis and Craig had turned their focus to the incoming female guests. Becky and I waited, while we listened to the voices of the incoming women, and the greetings they received, from the four handsome, gay young men. I started to become anxious, listening to the twelve women question the men, about the facility itself, and the services provided. Just then, I heard one of the women ask, "So gentlemen. We ladies have the privilege of being your very first clients?"

I thought I would be sick, when I heard Eric's response. "Well......Actually ladies, we have a young lady friend here, who just received both a pubic wax, and erotic massage. She was part of a small in-house class we held, just moments ago. Her name is Kelly. She's here with my sister, Becky. Let me get the girls, so I can introduce them to you. But first I must tell you, the girls are lesbians, and Becky prefers to go topless, when she can". This was the first time anyone referred to me, as a lesbian.

I could hear the women talking to each other, explaining how they had no problem with us being lesbians, and asked Eric to bring us out to the reception area, to meet them. I looked at Becky in horror, knowing how I must have appeared. She gave me her reassuring look, the said, "Relax Kelly. These women are here to find out if they can reach whatever level of sexual arousal that stimulates them. You'll be fine".

Eric called out, "Girls. Why don't you come out and meet our prospective new clients?" Becky pranced out wearing only her ultra short skirt and sneakers, and said, "Hello ladies". I watched her from around the corner, greeting the women, seemingly oblivious to the many windows in the entrance and waiting areas. "What if someone sees her from outside?", I thought to myself.

Eric joined me, then turned to watch his bare breasted sister, mingle with Luis, Glen, Craig and the twelve women. He must have been reading my mind, when he said, "Those windows all have a very expensive invisible shade, that allows us to see out, but passer-byes can't see in. We also placed our plants and shrubs to prevent anyone from walking right up to windows outside, attempting to get a glimpse inside. It's completely private.

"Why don't you join us?", he asked me. I must have looked pathetic, when I answered, "Look at me Eric. I look so trashy and cheap". Before Eric could respond, I heard one of the women ask, "Becky. Where's your friend?" Becky's reply was heartwarming, but also meant to set the stage for my continued humiliation. "Kelly's not just my friend. She's my lover, soulmate and my Dirty Girl". You could hear the smile in her voice.

She came over to where I was hiding, grabbed my hand, and said, "Come on Kelly. Don't be shy", as she marched me out in front of the twelve women and four men. The women's eyes all became big, and some of their mouths fell open, as they laid eyes on me for the first time. Becky led me to the sturdy wood coffee table in the middle of the room, then sat me down, as the women circled around me. I could not have been more humiliated and utterly ashamed.

Becky attempted to reassure the women, and said, "Don't be concerned ladies. Kelly's had a full pubic wax, and an erotic massage that concluded with a massive orgasm, just moments before you all arrived". She then continued my debasement by spreading my legs open, then pointing out the redness left from the pubic wax. "You can see there is some redness associated with a full pubic wax, but feel how smooth the results are", as she took one woman's hand, and guided it to the tender pink skin of my pussy lips.

The woman was rubbing my pussy, as she turned to the others, and said, "That is smooth. Not the least trace of stubble". Another woman took it upon herself, to get her own feel, and placed her fingers on my pussy, as I was about to die of embarrassment. All told, four of the women had run their fingers across my tender pink lips. Feeling like I might pass out from the humiliation, Becky gently and discreetly pulled my inner thigh, opening my pussy even further, allowing everyone to see right inside the most private of area of a woman's anatomy.

When I felt I could take no more, another woman said, "She has the breasts of a twelve year old, but look at those nipples! She looks like she's been stung by two bees", That only served to make them even more erect, as everyone started laughing at me. Some of the women even went as far as to rub my nipples, while giving little thought about how uncomfortable it was making me. Then the focus which had gone from my pink swollen pussy, to my erect nipples took another turn for the worse.

"Is that some kind of massage cream all over her, and why is it in her hair?", came a question from yet another member of the "Open House' guest list. Becky immediately chimed in. "Oh no ladies. My Dirty Girl makes her own cream. I can attest to that". The women all looked at me in disbelief. Before I knew what was happening, there were hands all over my torso, tits and nipples.

"That's not....No it can't be....Is it?", came a question from the group. "Is that really.....Well you know.....Cum?", was another question asked, while I sat there feeling like I was being molested by a human octopus. "Yup!", Becky proudly answered. "Kelly can cum in buckets, when she has an audience".
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 53

Post by FunKelly »

Finally, Becky put an end to my public debasement. She took my hand, and said, "O.K. Let's go take a sauna, Dirty Girl", as she smiled, then bid farewell, to the twelve women, dragging me behind her. I could now finally relax, as we made our way to the back hallway, out of the view of the four men and twelve women. Becky and I went into one of the few sauna rooms, already prepared and hot. I could feel my own juices dripping off me, as Becky removed her short skirt and sneakers, then placed them outside the door of the sauna.

While we sat on the wooden bench, Becky casually poured a ladle of water on the coals, then asked me, "Well Kelly. How has your experience been so far?" My recent public humiliation, had aroused me to yet another new level, but I replied, "It's been fine", yearning to have another orgasm, but not letting on. "Are you sexually satisfied, or does my 'Dirty Girl', want to have another public orgasm?" "I'm fine", I replied, desperately hoping she would pursue the other option.

Out of nowhere, I had a flashback from my childhood. This was a time I had buried deep within my psyche, but now I was realizing how it had effected my more recent activities. I looked at Becky and asked, "Becky. Can I tell you a story about what happened to me when I was twelve years old?" She looked at me, a bit apprehensive, but replied, "Kelly. Not only can you tell me anything, but I want to know what makes my Dirty Girl tick".

Alone in the sauna, I felt this was the time to bring my past to the surface. I sat back and told Becky the story of my very first, "Only One Naked, Nude in Public. Public Exposure and Humiliation Experience". I started telling her about the "Weekend at the Campground". I looked at her, then closed my eyes, and said, "When I had just turned twelve years old, my mother, my seventeen year old sister Sharon, and I, went on a camping weekend with our family and friends, while my dad was away, serving in the military".

We arrived at the campground on Friday afternoon, met up with our friends, then made our way to our cabin. As we were unpacking, I heard my mom say, "Kelly. I'm sorry sweat heart, I forgot to bring your swimsuit. I will pick you one up, when I'm in town tomorrow morning". I didn't give it a second thought, until the next morning. We woke up, had our breakfast, at what was called the "Mess Tent", and went back to our cabin, to plan out the days itinerary.

Mom told us to go have fun, and she would be back with whatever provisions we needed, along with a new swimsuit for me. Sharon and I knew everyone that was at the campground for the weekend getaway, so we decided to explore the area. We walked past the swimming pool, saw the horse stables from a distance, went into the little country store, then ended up at the lake. I didn't have any girl friends, since I spent my time with the three boys I had grown up with since childhood.

When Sharon and I got to the lake, we saw my three twelve year old guy friends, swimming in the lake. It was already about 80 degrees at 10:30 am, and I was wishing I had a swimsuit, so I could go swimming too. The boys were calling out for me to join them, but without a swimsuit, it was not possible. They were telling me they wanted to have chicken fights and needed a fourth person. You know....When one person sits on the shoulders of another, and the two on top pushed each other, until one of them falls over, into the water.

There were others at the lake, including my older cousin Cathy, and her two year old twins. The twins were naked, and she was standing in ankle deep water, watching over them, as they were enjoying the cool water. One of the others at the lakefront was my aunt Barbara, my mom's sister. She was looking through her binoculars, hoping to get a glimpse of some rare bird or something.

The boys kept egging me on to join them, when Sharon said, "Kelly. It's no big deal. Give me your clothes, and go have fun with your friends". I turned to her, and angrily asked, Are you kidding me? I can't go swimming naked!" "Why not ?", she asked. No one will care". Sharon then turned to my aunt Barbara, and called out, "Aunt Barbara! Do you think it's O.k. if Kelly goes skinny dipping, since she doesn't have a swimsuit?" My aunt, casually replied, "Sure. Why not?"

Sharon had enjoyed embarrassing me in front of her friends, and at times, my friends, in the past, but for some reason, I had forgotten all that, and asked her, "Are you sure it will be O.k. Sharon?" She looked at me and replied, "Kelly. It will be fine. Give me your clothes, go have fun with your friends, and I'll be here when you're ready to go back to the cabin.

Like I said, I had just turned twelve years old. My breasts hadn't matured whatsoever, but my nipples were growing outward. I had asked my mom for a training bra, but she said I wasn't ready yet. I had started growing a small patch of pubic hair, just above my slit, which made me feel more apprehensive about going swimming naked, with my three guy friends. Watching the three boys having so much fun, I looked to Sharon for reassurance.

She looked at me, as if there was nothing to worry about, then said, "It's up to you Kelly. Why don't you go have fun with your friends ?" The guys were still calling, so I kicked off my sandals, took off my halter top, slid my shorts and panties down my legs, then handed them to Sharon. I ran into the lake, totally naked, and joined my three guy friends in about three feet of water, deep enough to keep my pussy concealed. With my short black hair and no tits to speak of, I probably looked like just another young boy in the water, to anyone passing by.

I swam around with my guy friends, forgetting that I was the only one completely naked, other than my older cousin's two year old twins. We had our chicken fights, where I was totally exposed to those in the area, but we spent most of the time under the water level. I was having so much fun, when I heard my mom call out, "Kelly! Get over here!" I turned to see my mother, standing on the beach, holding a few shopping bags, with a look that could kill.

I said to my friends, "Sorry guys. I've got to go". I timidly made my way to meet my mom, who could not have looked more pissed off. When I got to her, Sharon threw me under the bus. "I told her not to go skinny dipping mom, but she insisted", giving me a sinister grin, without letting my mother see. Standing on the beach, dripping wet and totally naked, I tried to explain to my mom, that I was just swimming with my friends, but she was having none of it.

She took my clothes from Sharon, put them in her shopping bag, then held out the yellow (my favorite color) swimsuit she had just bought, and said, "I guess you won't be needing this". I was putting my sandals on, when she continued, "Take a good look at those sandals Kelly, because that's all you'll be wearing for the entire weekend". I protested, saying, "Mom! You can't make me stay naked all weekend!", as our argument was now catching the attention of everyone on and near the beach.

"I can, and I am, Kelly! You want to run around like some kind of little nudist, well then you can just get used to it! Now let's go back to the cabin". My eyes were filling with tears, as I was forced to take the long walk back to our cabin, completely naked. Everyone was staring at me, as my mom was reassuring them this was my punishment for not waiting for her to return with my new swimsuit. I could not have been more humiliated or ashamed.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 54

Post by FunKelly »

Mom stopped at the little country store on our way back to our cabin, turned to me, then said, "Kelly. You wait out here. I'm sure they have a 'Clothing Required' policy here". She then turned to my sister, and said, "Sharon. Keep and eye on our little nudist here. I yelled out, "Mom! I'm not a nudist!" Just as the words left my mouth, the screen door of the country store opened. Two friends of my mom walked out, and had heard every word of our altercation. Both women looked over my thin, twelve year old body, as one asked me, "If you're not a nudist, Kelly? Why are you naked ?"

The other woman looked at my mom, and said, "Word travels fast around here, Phyllis. (my mom's name) Stick to your guns. You need to teach this one the meaning of the word, modesty", as both women gave a demeaning look over, then walked away. I was covering my pussy with both hands, when I said to my mom, "Can we go now? I want to get back to the cabin". She looked at me, and replied, "You're right Kelly. We have to get ready for horseback riding at 1:00", then walked into the store, leaving me naked for all to see.

I looked at Sharon, and asked, "Why Sharon. Why?", still covering my pussy with both hands. She seemed empathic, when she responded, "I'm sorry Kelly. It wasn't on purpose, but when mom walked up and saw you swimming naked in front of everyone on the beach, I panicked. You know. It was a matter of self preservation". At the age of twelve, I had no idea what she was talking about, but somehow she seemed sincere.

As people, most of whom we somewhat knew, entered and exited the store, were stopping to get a good look, not to mention a big laugh, at the expense of the naked girl standing outside, my sense of shame became almost unbearable. I didn't know what was happening, but the level of shame was being eclipsed only by some new tingling between my legs. I knew it couldn't be my period. I had my first period four months ago. and my last was only last week. "If it wasn't my period ? What was it?", I thought to myself.

Mom finally came out of the store holding a watermelon. She handed it to me, Saying "Here Kelly. You can carry this", then turned and went back into the store. As I was holding the large fruit, I realized I would be unable to cover my pussy with my hands, so my few first sprouting pubic hairs, were on display for all to see. I was mortified, yet still, the tingling between my legs continued.

Mom came back out of the store with the shopping bags from earlier, and another bag filled with groceries she had just purchased at the country store. She handed the groceries to Sharon, and said, "Let's go girls", as we continued the humiliating walk, back to the cabin.

As we approached the horse stables, Mom said, Let me introduce you two to Doris. She runs the stables and will be our guide on the horse trails later. Still holding the watermelon, I protested again. "Mom! I can't go riding around the trails, Naked! I just can't!" She casually dismissed me, and replied, "You can put the watermelon and groceries on that bench girls", then started up the dusty road to the stables.

The road was only about 150 feet, so it only look a minute or two, to reach the stables. A woman in her forties walked up, said hello to my mon, then looked me over, obviously wondering why I was naked. My said, "Doris. Can I speak to you for a moment?" The woman replied, "Sure Phyllis", then they walked about 20 feet from where we were standing. Mom turned and called Sharon and I to join them.

Doris looked at me, and said, "So Kelly. You're going to be our little "Lady Godiva" today, huh?" "Who's Lady Godiva?", I asked. The women started laughing, when Doris continued, "Come with me. I have just the thing you'll need, if you're going to be horseback riding in the nude". Sharon was mostly quiet, as we followed Doris to the tack room. This room is where the saddles, bridles and other equipment necessary for riding, were kept.

Doris reached up and pulled down a leather strap with stirrups attached. "This is what we use for beginners who are training for bareback competitions. The stirrups and grip will give her stability, without the leather saddle chaffing her tender young skin", she said to my mom. "Thanks for understanding Doris", my mom replied.

Doris returned the stirrups to their hook, then leaned over, looked at my pussy, and said to my mom, "So she reached puberty about four or five months ago?" Mom replied, "Exactly". Doris then said, "Well Phyllis. She's turning into a young woman. I'm sure she's anxious to show others. She'll probably grow out of this exhibition stage soon". I couldn't help it. I just burst out, "All I did was go swimming!"

"Hush! Kelly!", my mother barked out. Doris went on to tell us their would be five others joining us on the trail ride, along with herself. She went on to assure my mom, that she would inform the others that I would be riding naked, and was sure they would be fine with it. Mom said, Thanks again, Doris. We'll see you at 1:00".

As we headed down the dusty road toward the path that connected the different areas of the campground, it became obvious that my mother was set on keeping me naked for the weekend. She continued to fabricate the storyline of me wanting to be a nudist, while she was attempting to discourage the practice. She was promoting the idea that she was having me experience the reality of being a nudist, so I would loose the desire of leading that lifestyle. All I knew is that the constant public humiliation, was always accompanied by the tingling between my legs, and I had no idea why.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 55

Post by FunKelly »

Sharon grabbed the grocery bag, as I picked up the watermelon. It wasn't a very large watermelon, just big enough where I needed both hands to carry it, keeping my pussy exposed to whoever wanted to take a look. Mom, on the other hand, never left her shopping bags out of her sight. I think she thought I was going to grab my clothes, then run off somewhere to cover up.

The next stop of my naked journey back to the cabin, was the swimming pool. By this time if was full of late morning swimmers, of all ages. I was hoping to just walk by, but it was not to be. Mom had us follow her right up to the chain link fence, surrounding the pool area, then called the owner of the campground over. I was a spectacle, standing there naked, while holding the watermelon. Every eye was on me, when the man waved to my mom, then started walking over to us.

When he was within ten feet, he said, "Hi Phyllis. So good to see you". She returned the greeting by saying, "Hello Bruce. It'd been too long", as the two hugged over the four foot fence. "I'd like to introduce you to my girls, Bruce", mom said. "You may remember Sharon", turning to my sister. Bruce replied, "Hello Sharon. Look at you. You were about this high the last time I saw you", as he held his hand about three feet above the ground. Sharon looked perplexed, when mom said, "That's right, Bruce! We brought Sharon here when she was about four years old".

Mom, then turned to me, and said, "This is my youngest daughter, Kelly". Bruce looked down at me, a pathetic twelve year old girl, holding a watermelon, while completely naked, and said, "Nice to meet you Kelly. I hear your considering the nudist lifestyle". No one had listened to me so far, when I told them I was only swimming with some friends in the lake, so I decided to say nothing.

"How did you know that Bruce?", mom asked, with a note of curiosity in her tone. Bruce replied, "One of the kids who works here for the summer, was preparing the canoes for the day, down at the beach, when he overheard a bit of your conversation, earlier. He told me that you, said to Kelly, "You want to be a nudist. Then you can be a nudist", or something like that. I just didn't know it was you and your daughter, he was talking about, Phyllis".

With so many eyes on me, I felt that any additional protest on my part, would only serve to humiliate me even further, so I kept quiet. "How old is she?", Bruce asked my mom. "She's twelve", my mom replied. Bruce looked at me and said, "Kelly. Why don't you put the watermelon down on the grass. It looks like it's getting heavy". In defiance, I just stood there. Mom took the watermelon from me, then laid it on the grass, leaving me totally exposed to this complete stranger, who she apparently knew.

"Well your in luck, Kelly. If you were thirteen, "The first age considered on the way to adult maturity", from a socially acceptable viewpoint, I'd probably have to say "No", in order to keep within any local or state bi-laws. But since you're only twelve, you can continue your lifestyle experiment". I had absolutely no idea what this man just said to me. Sharon, seeing how confused I was, whispered in my ear, "That means you can stay naked, Kelly".

"Why wasn't anyone listening to me? I didn't want to be naked!", I thought to myself. Bruce told mom to make sure she caught up with Lauren (his wife) while we were here. All I knew is that I had to get back to the cabin, so I could try to reason with my mom. I wasn't a nudist. I didn't want to be a nudist. All I wanted, was to have my clothes back! I had to convince her, that she was blowing this whole thing out of proportion. I had to convince her to let me put on something. Anything! To cover my shame!

I picked up the watermelon, then started back to our cabin, knowing everyone could see my bare little butt cheeks, and hoping mom and Sharon were behind me. As I walked along, I could hear them talking. Suddenly, Sharon asked my mother, "Mom. Are you sure Kelly wants to be a nudist ?". What I heard next, would certainly seal my fate for the rest of the weekend. "Of course I'm sure, Sharon. I know my little girl, and I don't have a problem with Kelly wanting to be a nudist. I just want to make sure your sister understands the ramifications of her decision".

Afraid to turn and see the expression on my sister's face, I continued walking toward our cabin. When we arrived, I ran into the cabin, in the hope of concealing my unbelievable shame and humiliation. I was routing through my suitcase, hoping to find something to wear, when my mom walked in and pulled it from my grasp. "Kelly. I know you want to live the nudist lifestyle, and I have no problem with that. If you still want to be a nudist by tomorrow afternoon, I get rid of all your clothes. If not, I will return them to you, sweat heart. I just want you to be happy".

Sharon and I just looked at each other, wondering if our mother had lost her marbles. We both stood back, as we watched our mother, put every stitch of my clothing in the trunk of her car, shut the trunk lid, then turned to us, saying, "O.k. girls. We're ready!", she exclaimed. "Ready for what, mom?", Sharon asked. "Ready to go horseback riding, of course", our mother replied.

We weren't supposed to be at the stables for over an hour. Sharon and I started to get very worried about that state of our mother's mental state, when she said, "Girls! What do you say we walk around the campground, until the time we need to be at the stables. Kelly. If I were you, I would choose more appropriate footwear for horseback riding", as she pointed to my sneakers and hiking boots, placed neatly by my bunk. The only things, she didn't lock if the trunk of the car.

"Mom. We need to talk", I said, as I could see the apprehension on Sharon's face. My mother was busy packing a beach bag, when she replied. "Kelly. I want you to know, I support your decision to try the nudist lifestyle. I'm a little disappointed that I had to find out for myself, instead of you confiding in me, but I understand. You're a grown woman now, and should be allowed to make your own life choices, without any interference from your mother".

"Grown woman! grown woman! I was barely twelve years old, and had just reached puberty four months ago! What is she talking about?", I thought to myself. Instinctively, I knew it was best to humor my mother, and not make any waves. If she wanted me to be a nudist, I was going to be a nudist. At least until Sharon and I could figure out, what was going on. All I could do, was say, "Thanks for understanding mom", and never let on the fact, that she was putting me in the most incredibly humiliating circumstances, all of which were in public.

Sharon signaled me with her eyes to meet her outside the cabin. We both discretely made our way outside, then each of us took a deep breath. I looked to Sharon for some sort of explanation, as to why mom was acting this way. We were both at a loss, but decided it was best to go along with mom's version of reality. "Kelly. I can't imagine the humiliation you feel, but you must play along, until we get a grip on this situation.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 56

Post by FunKelly »

Mom came out of the cabin, and said, "Come on girls. Let's get ready. Sharon. Be sure to wear your swimsuit under your shorts and T-shirt, in case we stop at the pool on the way back, after horseback riding. Kelly. I would wear your hiking boots if I were you. But your sneakers would probably be alright too, honey". Sharon and mom both put their swimsuits under their shorts and T-shirts, while I was left with only the choice of hiking boots or sneakers, with ankle high socks. I chose the hiking boots

For some reason, I waited outside the cabin while they got ready, leaving myself exposed the those in the surrounding area. I was still unable to detect the source of this tingling between my thighs. The one thing I did notice, is that the tingling became more intense when someone would walk by, or those in cabins close to ours, would stop and stare at me. Mom and Sharon finally emerged from the cabin, and just like that, we were on our way.

We followed mom, as she started walking in the opposite direction of the pool and stables. Sharon and I looked at each other, wondering what route, mom was taking us on. After walking past all the guests cabins, and being exposed to all who were there, I realized my mom was taking me on an exhibition tour. For some warped reason, she wanted to make sure everyone at the campground would have the opportunity to see her twelve year old daughter, totally naked.

Sharon had told me multiple times, "Do not cover up your pussy, Kelly. You will only be humiliating yourself by bringing additional attention to your nakedness. If mom, Doris and Bruce, and whoever else, believe you are experimenting with the nudist lifestyle, you must behave like a nudists. Stop covering up your pussy!" I listened to Sharon, and decided to adhere to the nudist lifestyle. I found myself acting as if I was totally at ease being in public without any clothing whatsoever, even though that was far from being true.

We were walking on the path that surrounded the campground, when we arrived at an outdoor stage area. There were a little more than a dozen kids, from about the age of eight, to sixteen years old. Give or take. The only adult with them, a woman about my mom's age, started walking over toward us. The kids were all talking with each other, and pointing towards me. I had to fight the urge to cover my pussy with my hands. I just stood there, acting as if it was natural to be naked, trying to let on that their stares, didn't bother me, but they did.

The woman hugged my mom, as she said, "It's so good to see you Phyllis. I was so glad to hear from you the other day". Mom replied, "You too Lauren. We've already seen Bruce". "Yes he told me", as she turned to Sharon and I, saying, "These must be your girls. I remember meeting you Sharon, when you were just about four years old", as she hugged my sister. She the turned her attention to me.

"So you must be our little nudist, Kelly", she said, as she hugged me. I'll never forget how the tingling between my legs, became more intense, as I felt the fabric of her clothing, against my bare skin, while all the kids were still staring at me. I knew then my fate was sealed. Both members of the husband and wife team, that owned and operated the campground, were under the impression they had given me permission to explore the nudist lifestyle. What they actually did, was give my mother permission to humiliate me for the entire weekend.

Mom told Lauren she would catch up with her and Bruce later, since we had to be at the stable for 1:00. What Lauren would suggest next, would leave me stunned. "Before you go Phyllis, I'd like to extend an invitation to Kelly", she said. She then turned to me, and said, "Kelly. Along with running the campground, I am a play-write. That means I write the scripts for small plays, performed in local theatres and campground around the area".

"I have written a light hearted comedy about a girl who was supposed to be dropped off at a nudist campground, to meet some family and friends. Instead she is accidentally dropped of at a regular campground, with nothing but her sneakers and socks. The storyline follows the girl, as she is forced to spend the weekend totally naked, while everyone else is clothed. It allows for some good comedy, with a touch of naughtiness.

I never thought the play would see the light of day, until Bruce told me you were experimenting with the nudist lifestyle. A bold decision for someone at such a tender age, by the way. Your mother must be very proud to have a daughter with such courage. Kelly, you'd be perfect for the lead role. Have you ever considered acting?", she asked. I just stood there, shocked and unable to reply.

"Well anyway, you could spend the week here, and we could work on the play with the others actors, and have it ready for a show next weekend. Your mom and sister could come back and pick you up, and get to see the first public production. I want you to take your time thinking about it, and I'll talk to all later. Mom and Lauren hugged again, and we went on our way, while I was getting this feeling that this entire weekend was a set up.

But why would my mom purposely set me up to be so humiliated. Not to mention, she couldn't have possibly have known I was going to go skinny dipping with the guys, while she was shopping. Since that was the trigger that started this entire chain of events, I kept hoping mom wasn't exposing me in public, for her own entertainment, or the entertainment of others. Still, I was totally confused, as the tingling between my legs, continued.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by Zauberer »

I had read this story since a few days. I like all the situations when Kelly is the only one naked, a little less when there is lot of sexual situations. I'm surprise by the way this story is going, but the chapters from her adventure when she was younger are rather funny and harmless.
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