Dakota Devons just turned 18 when her best friend, Melanie Jenkins was over at her house. Melanie was a bit of a troublemaker. She got her first tattoo when she was 15 and had her first non-parental permitted drink when she was 16. Dakota, however, was more on the straight and narrow. She never dared to do one thing out of line. She had a full ride to UCLA, and she was excited for the start. “Hey, Dakota, have you ever worn a pair of handcuffs?” Melanie asked.
“Excuse me? Why would I wear handcuffs?” Dakota asked.
“I mean, your dad is a cop, so have you ever tried?” Melanie asked.
“No, I haven’t,” Dakota said. “He doesn’t like it when we touch his work stuff.”
Melanie rolled her eyes. “You always have to be a goody two-shoes, don’t you?”
“I am not a goody two-shoes,” Dakota protested.
“Really? When have you ever broken a rule or gotten into trouble or did anything remotely bad?” Melanie asked.
“Well, there was one time I stole a pencil from the classroom supplies,” Dakota said.
“Don’t you provide the classroom supplies every year?” Melanie raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah…” Dakota said. “But it was for the class and I took it to use for myself.”
“And you’re in the class…” Melanie said. “Come on, D. You’ve never really broken a rule before? How bad could trying on a pair of handcuffs even be?”
“I’m not like you, Melanie. I don’t like getting into trouble,” Dakota said.
“You think I like it?” Melanie asked.
“Well, don’t you? You’re always doing things you know will piss your parents off,” Dakota said. “Like the time you got a tramp stamp.”
Melanie grinned. “Well it does look good, doesn’t it,” she said as she shoved her backside into Dakota’s face, her tiger paw tramp stamp easily visible.
Dakota blushed and slapped Melanie’s butt. “Get your ass out of my face!”
“Ooh. Dakota, I didn’t know you were like that,”
Melanie teased.
“Shut up,” Dakota said as she shoved Melanie.
“Tell you what, let me handcuff you and then I’ll never bring up your untainted past ever again,” Melanie said.
Dakota frowned. “I don’t know, Mel.”
“Come on, your dad’s at work and I know he keeps a spare set of cuffs in his nightstand table because I’ve seen them with my own eyes,” Melanie said.
“Why does he keep them there?” Dakota asked.
“Oh you innocent child,” Melanie rolled her eyes. “You don’t want to know. But it doesn’t matter. Let’s just use them and then you never have to hear about it again from me.”
Dakota sighed. “Fine. Go get them.”
Melanie grinned as she jumped off the bed and practically ran for Dakota’s parents’ room. She came back with the handcuffs in hand. “Okay, hands behind your back,” Melanie said. “Stand up.”
Dakota stood next to her bed and put her hands behind her back. She felt the cold metal cuffs as they wrapped around her wrists. “Ok, now what?” Dakota asked.
“Now,” Melanie said. “I do this.”
Dakota felt hands around her waistband and couldn’t even speak as Melanie yanked her pants to the ground. “Hey!”
“Wow,” Melanie said. “You really are your daddy’s girl. Granny panties, seriously?”
Dakota looked down at her floral panties and blushed. “T-they’re cute,” Dakota said.
“Sure,” Melanie said as she grabbed them and yanked them down.
“Melanie!” Dakota yelled as she could do nothing to hide herself.
“Have you ever heard of shaving, D?” Melanie asked. “That bush has got to go. I’ll be right back.”
“Wait!” Dakota yelled as Melanie ran out of the bedroom.
Dakota stood awkwardly with her pants and underwear at her ankles, unable to do anything as Melanie came back with shaving cream and a razor.
“H-hey,” Dakota said. “What are you doing? Melanie, stop it, this isn’t funny.”
“Just lay down, D. And spread those legs,” Melanie said as she shoved Dakota onto her back on the bed.
Dakota squirmed as Melanie rubbed the shaving cream into her bush and took a deep breath as Melanie shaved her with the razor. “Melanie, is this really necessary,” Dakota said.
“Of course,” Melanie said as she took some warm water and a washcloth and wiped the hairs and shaving cream away. “Much better.”
Dakota looked to see her pussy was completely bare except for stubble. “Melanie, oh my God.”
“Wait, I’m not done,” Melanie said as she pulled out a tub of cream. “For this to work you have to hold still for a good 10 minutes. So don’t move.”
Dakota sighed as Melanie rubbed the cream into her crotch. Dakota laid sprawled out naked in front of her best friend as she waited for the cream to do whatever it was supposed to do. After 10 minutes, Melanie used the washcloth to wipe Dakota’s crotch again, this time the stubble was removed and Dakota was left bare as the day she was born. Dakota looked at her bare pink pussy and squealed. “Melanie! What did you do?” Dakota said.
“It’s hair removal,” Melanie said. “It removes the stubble so that it doesn’t grow back right away.”
“When will it grow back?” Dakota asked.
“No idea,” Melanie said. “But it doesn’t matter because bare is totally what’s in fashion right now.”
“But I’m not going to be showing off my pussy,” Dakota said. “Melanie, why is this needed?”
“Hmmm. I should have had you take your shirt off before putting the handcuffs on you… Dakota how much do you like that shirt you’re wearing?” Melanie asked.
“What? Why do you need to know?” Dakota asked.
“Just answer the question,” Melanie said.
“Um, well, it’s not my favorite shirt,” Dakota said. “But-“
“Okay, good,” Melanie said as she pulled out a pair of scissors.
“Melanie, no!” Dakota shrieked.
“Hold still,” Melanie said as she began snipping away. “I don’t want to cut you.”
Dakota stared at Melanie as she snipped up her shirt from the bottom to the top and then pulled the shirt off. She quickly snipped the bra off too. Dakota blushed as she laid naked from head to toe in handcuffs. “Melanie, this is going too far. Undo my handcuffs.”
“Sorry, I don’t know where the key is,” Melanie said.
“What!” Dakota said
“Now stop being a virgin and let’s go,” Melanie said as she pulled Dakota to her feet.
“Go? Go where?” Dakota said.
“Out,” Melanie said.
“Out?! Melanie, I’m naked,” Dakota shrieked.
“And you look hot,” Melanie said. “Come on. We need to go.”
“Go where?” Dakota cried as Melanie pushed her out the door and down the stairs. “Melanie, stop!”
Melanie ignored Dakota as she pulled open the front door and pushed Dakota out the door. “We’re going shopping.”
“Melanie, someone’s going to see,” Dakota whined.
Melanie shoved Dakota into the backseat and closed the door. “You need to live a little, D,” Melanie said as she climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car. “We’re going shopping. And don’t worry. I have your dad’s credit card.”
“No no, Melanie,” Dakota said. “What do you mean don’t worry? You stole my dad’s credit card?”
“I’m borrowing it with your permission,” Melanie said.
“But I didn’t give you permission!” Dakota shrieked.
“Oh, do you not want me to use it?” Melanie said. “Okay, you can get out of the car.”
Dakota’s eyes widened as Melanie pulled to the side of the main road already miles from Dakota’s house. “What? No!”
“Get out of the car or give me permission to use your dad’s credit card,” Melanie said.
“But someone will see,” Dakota cried.
“And if you get out of the car, I will honk. Oh and I locked the door so good luck getting inside. So, can I use your dad’s credit card?” Melanie asked.
“Yes,” Dakota whimpered. “Use my dad’s credit card. Please, don’t make me get out like this.”
Melanie grinned. “Great. I’m glad we had an understanding,” she said as she continued to drive.
Dakota laid across the seats, trying to hide her nudity from anyone who might be looking inside the car. “Please, Melanie. Let’s go home,” Dakota pleaded.
“But we’re here,” Melanie said.
“Where?” Dakota said as she looked out the window and gasped. “Adam and Eve’s Emporium? But isn’t that for… adults?”
“And you are an adult,” Melanie said. “Don’t worry, I brought your ID with me.”
“My ID? No! Melanie, I can’t be seen here!” Dakota yelled.
Melanie rolled her eyes. “Come on, D. It’s not a big deal. This will be fun.”
Melanie stepped out of the car and then opened Dakota’s door. “No!” Dakota yelled.
“Fine, you can walk home. I’m going inside,” Melanie said as she shut the door and headed into the shop, with Dakota’s father’s credit card.
It Started with Handcuffs
- Humilatron
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It Started with Handcuffs
Last edited by Humilatron on Mon May 31, 2021 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It Started with Handcuffs
What does Dakota look like? What kind of body does she have and does she like her body?
I'd certainly like to see Melanie explore Dakota's body and see how she can embarrass her friend. She could play dress-up and dress Melanie in fetishism gear or as a school girl. She could take her home and give her a bath and make out with an increasingly aroused Dakota.
I'd certainly like to see Melanie explore Dakota's body and see how she can embarrass her friend. She could play dress-up and dress Melanie in fetishism gear or as a school girl. She could take her home and give her a bath and make out with an increasingly aroused Dakota.
- Humilatron
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It Started with Handcuffs - Part 2
Dakota laid naked, scared of what Melanie was buying with her dad’s card. So, she opened the car door and as soon as she did, the car alarm went off. Dakota shrieked as the car honked loudly, drawing attention to her nude self. Dakota ran for the door as Melanie stepped into view. “Wow, D,” Melanie laughed. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Turn the alarm off!” Dakota yelled, face burning red.
Melanie laughed as she hit the button on her keys and the alarm stopped. Dakota looked around to see if anyone noticed, but it seemed that the parking lot was empty. Dakota sighed as Melanie pulled her inside of the shop. Dakota’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the shelves filled with all kinds of sex toys, and not just vibrators and dildos. It had handcuffs, blindfolds, whips, and a lot of other things.
Melanie grabbed a basket and carried it around. “You can’t be serious,” Dakota said.
“What? Every girl needs a… friend. So unless you’re suddenly seeing someone, let’s indulge ourselves,” Melanie said as she headed down the aisles. “So, D, does anything catch your interest?”
Dakota looked around, speechless. “W-why would I want any of this,” Dakota said. “This is ridiculous, Melanie. Let’s leave.”
Melanie ignored Dakota and headed down the bondage aisle. She grabbed a pink ball gag and put it in along with another set of handcuffs, ropes, a whip, nipple clamps, and a lot of other supplies. “You gotta treat this like samples,” Melanie explained as she continued walking, adding more items. “You don’t know what you’re into until you try it out.”
“Can I help you?” A tall woman said, approaching the two girls.
“Oh, we have a newbie who wants to try some stuff out,” Melanie said, gesturing to Dakota who blushed.
“Oh, I see,” The woman said. “My name is Eve. I help run this store. If she really is interested, you can actually sign up for a membership. The membership is free for 30 days. Satisfaction or your money back guaranteed and you can keep anything you get. You can take one of every item. We will charge a 50 dollar interest fee up front. But if you are satisfied, you will be charged the other $50 which is a flat fee regardless of how many items you bought and their prices.”
“Oh that’s amazing!” Melanie said. “We should totally do that, D.”
“Why? Melanie, please I just want to go home,” Dakota said. “And my dad is going to see these charges and totally freak out.”
Melanie thought for a moment. “Okay, fine. You’re right,” Melanie said.
“Thank you, I’m glad we-“
“Can I pay with cash?” Melanie asked as she pulled out her wallet.
Dakota’s eyes widened. “Yes, you can,” the woman said. “I will need to put your information in the system, but as long as you have the money, any form of payment is acceptable.”
“Great,” Melanie said as she pulled out a 50 dollar bill. “So we’ll make the account under Dakota Devons.”
“Alright,” Eve said. “We’ll need to include a photograph of her, full body. It’ll go into our system and begin the trial.”
“No,” Dakota protested. “I don’t want to do this, please.”
“Come on, D. It’ll be fun. Besides, you’re not really in a position to fight back, are you?” Melanie asked.
Dakota sighed as Melanie pushed her to a station where Eve had a camera all set up. Dakota had no choice but to stand there as Eve took a photograph of Dakota naked from head to toe, hands cuffed behind her back.
Melanie handed Dakota’s ID to Eve. “Dakota Devons. Age 18. Sex Female. Class D. Born August 08 1999. Residence 6942 Oxford Dr, Huntington Beach, CA. Height 5’5”. Weight 156 lbs. Eyes Green. Hair Brown,” Eve read as she typed it all into the system.
Dakota blushed as she stood there. “Also, breast size 32 B. Status: Virgin. Single. And very bare down there,” Melanie added.
“Mel!” Dakota yelled. “Shut up.”
“I’m just giving Eve the information she needs, relax,” Melanie said. “I think we need to add something to your attire.”
Melanie pulled out the ball gag and started to wrap it around Dakota’s head as she started to push it into her mouth. “Mel!” Dakota shrieked as the gag went in, her yells muffled as Melanie quickly buckled it.
“There we go,” Melanie said.
“Mmmm,” Dakota whined. “Mmm mmm MMMm.”
“Yeah yeah, but you’ll appreciate it some day,” Melanie said as she turned to Eve who handed her a few bags. “Thank you so much for your assistance. I’ll make sure she gets the full treatment.”
Melanie pushed Dakota out the door and into the car while she loaded the car with the large bags of supplies. “Mmmm,” Dakota said into Melanie’s ear.
Melanie rolled her eyes and lowered the ball gag out of Dakota’s mouth. “What is it, D?”
“My parents are going to kill me,” Dakota mumbled.
“Hey, don’t worry about your parents,” Melanie said. “I’ll deal with them for you if they become a problem. You should be able to be yourself without fear. You’re an adult now, Dakota. They can’t baby you anymore.”
“But this isn’t who I am,” Dakota protested.
“How do you know? Have you ever tried it?” Melanie asked.
“Well no, but-“
“Then there’s no way you know if this is who you are or not,” Melanie said.
“Melanie, I can’t do this!” Dakota shouted. “Please, undo my handcuffs and let me go.”
“I already told you, I don’t know where the key is. Besides, we’re having fun,” Melanie said.
Suddenly there was a flash of blue lights and Dakota’s eyes widened. Melanie sighed as she pulled over. “No no no,” Dakota cried.
“Shut up, D. If you know what’s good for you, just shut up. Let me do the talking,” Melanie hissed.
A male officer approached the car as Melanie lowered her window. “License and registration, please,” he said.
Melanie handed her license and registration. “Is there a problem officer?”
“This is a 25 mile zone, and you were driving 40. You need to be careful around the turns,” the officer said.
“Oh, I’m sorry, officer,” Melanie said. “I should have been more careful.”
“Who is the naked girl in the backseat?” The officer asked.
“That’s none of your business, sir. Can you write me the ticket so I can proceed?” Melanie asked.
“I dunno,” the officer said. “I’m going to have to process your vehicle. Why don’t you and the lady step out of the car?”
“No, sir. Not unless you’re planning on arresting us, and without probable cause or a warrant, that would be illegal and against your policies,” Melanie said. “Now, please, can we hurry this along?”
“You giving me sass, young lady? How about you step out of the vehicle and I don’t have your friend arrested for public indecency,” the officer said.
“Maybe I should report you to Captain Devons and tell him you were harassing two innocent young ladies,” Melanie responded. “I’ve got your badge number and name, Officer Brooks.”
The officer sighed and handed the license and registration back. “Just be careful and be on your way.”
“Thank you,” Melanie said as the officer walked back to his vehicle and Melanie began driving again.
Melanie glanced in the rear view mirror as Dakota had her knees up, head buried. “He probably recognized me,” Dakota cried. “He’s gonna tell my dad. He’s gonna know. I’m so dead. I’m so grounded.”
“Hey,” Melanie said. “That officer was nothing but an asshole. He didn’t know shit. So please, D, don’t worry about it. You know I wouldn’t do that to you, right? Because I wouldn’t. And if something goes south, I have your back.”
Dakota nodded. “Right,” she said and then looked up and grinned. “That was kinda badass, Mel. The way you talked to him. I didn’t know you could be so polite.”
“Shut up,” Melanie said.
Dakota smirked. “Make me.”
Melanie reached over and put the ball gag back inside Dakota’s mouth. “As you wish,” she said just as she pulled into the driveway.
Melanie emptied the car as she pulled everything inside the house before she walked over to Dakota and helped her out. Dakota blushed as Melanie goosed her. “MMM!”
“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” Melanie laughed. “Now let’s get you inside so we can start experimenting for real.”
“Turn the alarm off!” Dakota yelled, face burning red.
Melanie laughed as she hit the button on her keys and the alarm stopped. Dakota looked around to see if anyone noticed, but it seemed that the parking lot was empty. Dakota sighed as Melanie pulled her inside of the shop. Dakota’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the shelves filled with all kinds of sex toys, and not just vibrators and dildos. It had handcuffs, blindfolds, whips, and a lot of other things.
Melanie grabbed a basket and carried it around. “You can’t be serious,” Dakota said.
“What? Every girl needs a… friend. So unless you’re suddenly seeing someone, let’s indulge ourselves,” Melanie said as she headed down the aisles. “So, D, does anything catch your interest?”
Dakota looked around, speechless. “W-why would I want any of this,” Dakota said. “This is ridiculous, Melanie. Let’s leave.”
Melanie ignored Dakota and headed down the bondage aisle. She grabbed a pink ball gag and put it in along with another set of handcuffs, ropes, a whip, nipple clamps, and a lot of other supplies. “You gotta treat this like samples,” Melanie explained as she continued walking, adding more items. “You don’t know what you’re into until you try it out.”
“Can I help you?” A tall woman said, approaching the two girls.
“Oh, we have a newbie who wants to try some stuff out,” Melanie said, gesturing to Dakota who blushed.
“Oh, I see,” The woman said. “My name is Eve. I help run this store. If she really is interested, you can actually sign up for a membership. The membership is free for 30 days. Satisfaction or your money back guaranteed and you can keep anything you get. You can take one of every item. We will charge a 50 dollar interest fee up front. But if you are satisfied, you will be charged the other $50 which is a flat fee regardless of how many items you bought and their prices.”
“Oh that’s amazing!” Melanie said. “We should totally do that, D.”
“Why? Melanie, please I just want to go home,” Dakota said. “And my dad is going to see these charges and totally freak out.”
Melanie thought for a moment. “Okay, fine. You’re right,” Melanie said.
“Thank you, I’m glad we-“
“Can I pay with cash?” Melanie asked as she pulled out her wallet.
Dakota’s eyes widened. “Yes, you can,” the woman said. “I will need to put your information in the system, but as long as you have the money, any form of payment is acceptable.”
“Great,” Melanie said as she pulled out a 50 dollar bill. “So we’ll make the account under Dakota Devons.”
“Alright,” Eve said. “We’ll need to include a photograph of her, full body. It’ll go into our system and begin the trial.”
“No,” Dakota protested. “I don’t want to do this, please.”
“Come on, D. It’ll be fun. Besides, you’re not really in a position to fight back, are you?” Melanie asked.
Dakota sighed as Melanie pushed her to a station where Eve had a camera all set up. Dakota had no choice but to stand there as Eve took a photograph of Dakota naked from head to toe, hands cuffed behind her back.
Melanie handed Dakota’s ID to Eve. “Dakota Devons. Age 18. Sex Female. Class D. Born August 08 1999. Residence 6942 Oxford Dr, Huntington Beach, CA. Height 5’5”. Weight 156 lbs. Eyes Green. Hair Brown,” Eve read as she typed it all into the system.
Dakota blushed as she stood there. “Also, breast size 32 B. Status: Virgin. Single. And very bare down there,” Melanie added.
“Mel!” Dakota yelled. “Shut up.”
“I’m just giving Eve the information she needs, relax,” Melanie said. “I think we need to add something to your attire.”
Melanie pulled out the ball gag and started to wrap it around Dakota’s head as she started to push it into her mouth. “Mel!” Dakota shrieked as the gag went in, her yells muffled as Melanie quickly buckled it.
“There we go,” Melanie said.
“Mmmm,” Dakota whined. “Mmm mmm MMMm.”
“Yeah yeah, but you’ll appreciate it some day,” Melanie said as she turned to Eve who handed her a few bags. “Thank you so much for your assistance. I’ll make sure she gets the full treatment.”
Melanie pushed Dakota out the door and into the car while she loaded the car with the large bags of supplies. “Mmmm,” Dakota said into Melanie’s ear.
Melanie rolled her eyes and lowered the ball gag out of Dakota’s mouth. “What is it, D?”
“My parents are going to kill me,” Dakota mumbled.
“Hey, don’t worry about your parents,” Melanie said. “I’ll deal with them for you if they become a problem. You should be able to be yourself without fear. You’re an adult now, Dakota. They can’t baby you anymore.”
“But this isn’t who I am,” Dakota protested.
“How do you know? Have you ever tried it?” Melanie asked.
“Well no, but-“
“Then there’s no way you know if this is who you are or not,” Melanie said.
“Melanie, I can’t do this!” Dakota shouted. “Please, undo my handcuffs and let me go.”
“I already told you, I don’t know where the key is. Besides, we’re having fun,” Melanie said.
Suddenly there was a flash of blue lights and Dakota’s eyes widened. Melanie sighed as she pulled over. “No no no,” Dakota cried.
“Shut up, D. If you know what’s good for you, just shut up. Let me do the talking,” Melanie hissed.
A male officer approached the car as Melanie lowered her window. “License and registration, please,” he said.
Melanie handed her license and registration. “Is there a problem officer?”
“This is a 25 mile zone, and you were driving 40. You need to be careful around the turns,” the officer said.
“Oh, I’m sorry, officer,” Melanie said. “I should have been more careful.”
“Who is the naked girl in the backseat?” The officer asked.
“That’s none of your business, sir. Can you write me the ticket so I can proceed?” Melanie asked.
“I dunno,” the officer said. “I’m going to have to process your vehicle. Why don’t you and the lady step out of the car?”
“No, sir. Not unless you’re planning on arresting us, and without probable cause or a warrant, that would be illegal and against your policies,” Melanie said. “Now, please, can we hurry this along?”
“You giving me sass, young lady? How about you step out of the vehicle and I don’t have your friend arrested for public indecency,” the officer said.
“Maybe I should report you to Captain Devons and tell him you were harassing two innocent young ladies,” Melanie responded. “I’ve got your badge number and name, Officer Brooks.”
The officer sighed and handed the license and registration back. “Just be careful and be on your way.”
“Thank you,” Melanie said as the officer walked back to his vehicle and Melanie began driving again.
Melanie glanced in the rear view mirror as Dakota had her knees up, head buried. “He probably recognized me,” Dakota cried. “He’s gonna tell my dad. He’s gonna know. I’m so dead. I’m so grounded.”
“Hey,” Melanie said. “That officer was nothing but an asshole. He didn’t know shit. So please, D, don’t worry about it. You know I wouldn’t do that to you, right? Because I wouldn’t. And if something goes south, I have your back.”
Dakota nodded. “Right,” she said and then looked up and grinned. “That was kinda badass, Mel. The way you talked to him. I didn’t know you could be so polite.”
“Shut up,” Melanie said.
Dakota smirked. “Make me.”
Melanie reached over and put the ball gag back inside Dakota’s mouth. “As you wish,” she said just as she pulled into the driveway.
Melanie emptied the car as she pulled everything inside the house before she walked over to Dakota and helped her out. Dakota blushed as Melanie goosed her. “MMM!”
“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” Melanie laughed. “Now let’s get you inside so we can start experimenting for real.”
- Humilatron
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It Started with Handcuffs - Part 3
Melanie helped Dakota into the house and up to the bedroom. Melanie took the time to set up a tripod and camera while Dakota laid gagged and handcuffed on the bed, watching Melanie set up. Melanie even attached a large microphone so that everything could be picked up in detail.
“Mmm,” Dakota said.
“Hush, I’m almost done,” Melanie said. “Just relax, D.”
Melanie then pulled out the rope. “Mmmm!”
“Please, I’m just trying to figure out how to tie this on you. Haven’t you ever seen those girls in born that get all tied up and everything? That’s what I’m going to do to you, D,” Melanie said.
“MMMMM,” Dakota moaned.
“Come on, you’ll probably love it.”
“Mmm mmm.”
“You don’t know that. You haven’t even tried.”
“Mm mmm mmmm.”
“Oh shut up and hold still.”
Melanie climbed on top of Dakota’s naked body and began wrapping the ropes around her body. Dakota laid silent as Melanie tied the knots as tight as possible until she was done. “There we go. That looks good, don’t you think?”
Melanie rolled her eyes. “It’s supposed to be against your pussy, D. That’s the whole point.”
“Mm mmmm?”
“Yes, it’s supposed to dig into your clit. I think… well that’s what this tutorial said anyways,” Melanie said.
“We’ll see,” Melanie said as she pulled a small vibrator out. “This is where the fun begins.”
Melanie worked around the ropes and inserted the small vibrator into Dakota’s vagina and turning it on with a remote.
“Mmmmmmm. MMMMMMM!!!!”
“Oh that means it’s working,” Melanie said excitedly as she pulled out a whip. “Now tell me if this hurts or turns you on.”
“Oh… so you are turned on?”
“Ok, this is getting a bit hard to understand now. Blink twice if it turns you on. Shake your head if it doesn’t.”
Dakota paused for a moment and then blinked twice.”
Melanie laughed. “You naughty girl. Ok ok. Good to know. Do you want to talk now?”
Dakota nodded.
“Will you be a good girl?”
Dakota nodded again.
Melanie sighed and removed the ball gag.
Dakota breathed and sighed. “You’re crazy. You know that?” Dakota said. “Absolutely crazy.”
Melanie laughed and wrapped her arms around Dakota. “And that’s why I’m your best friend and no one else. So what’s been your favorite right now?”
Dakota thought about it and blushed, nibbling her bottom lip. “No judgements?”
“Of course not, babe,” Melanie said, leaning closer to Dakota.
“The whip,” Dakota said.
Melanie’s eyes widened in surprise and then she laughed. “I knew you were a masochist in disguise, D. You think you like pain?”
“I… I’m not sure. I guess when you do it, it’s kinda… sexy.”
“Hmmm. Do you want to try the nipple clamps?”
Dakota’s eyes widened and she shook her head rapidly. “N-n-no. Don’t. I-I-I…”
“Hey calm down,” Melanie said, taking hold of Dakota’s shoulders. “Breathe, Dakota, breathe. I’m not going to do it if you don’t want to. I know this is all big and huge. But… I want you to still be comfortable. Please, trust me, D. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”
“I…” Dakota said. “I’m scared, Melanie. What if… what if I’m some freak. Who gets turned on by the pain? How is that normal? How is that okay? What will people think…. I’d be shunned. An outcast. I don’t want to be a masochist, Mel. I don’t want to be… a freak.”
“Hey, hey. Breathe. Breathe. It’s okay. You’re not a freak if you get turned on by the pain. Please, D. Don’t be scared. I’m here to protect you. I will never do anything if I think it’ll damage you or hurt you. I’m sorry if we’re going too fast. I’m sorry. We can slow down. Let’s maybe try something else. You are not going to be an outcast. I am here for you, Dakota. Now, what do you want to try? Please, don’t be afraid,” Melanie said, wrapping her arms tightly around her friend.
“I don’t know.”
Melanie sighed. “Maybe we moved too fast. I’m sorry, Dakota.”
“I don’t hate what I’ve experienced so far. But… I just don’t know what my parents will think. What if they find out? What if they disown me?”
“That’s not happening. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I’m not going to abandon you. And your parents…. your parents aren’t going to disown you.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ll be honest. I don’t. But you’re not doing anything wrong, Dakota.”
Dakota nibbled her bottom lip. “Do what you want with me. I want you… I want you to dominate me. I want you to really take control. I trust you, Melanie. I know you won’t do anything you think is wrong and… I want to do this. I’m just scared. But if I get it over with, at least I will know. So do it Melanie. Take control. Humiliate me, do whatever you think needs to be done. And don’t let me stop you.”
“Are you sure?” Melanie asked.
“Ok, but we should have a safe word,” Melanie said.
“Our safe word will be… my dad’s home,” Dakota said
Melanie grinned. “Okay, then. Let’s really get started then.”
“Mmm,” Dakota said.
“Hush, I’m almost done,” Melanie said. “Just relax, D.”
Melanie then pulled out the rope. “Mmmm!”
“Please, I’m just trying to figure out how to tie this on you. Haven’t you ever seen those girls in born that get all tied up and everything? That’s what I’m going to do to you, D,” Melanie said.
“MMMMM,” Dakota moaned.
“Come on, you’ll probably love it.”
“Mmm mmm.”
“You don’t know that. You haven’t even tried.”
“Mm mmm mmmm.”
“Oh shut up and hold still.”
Melanie climbed on top of Dakota’s naked body and began wrapping the ropes around her body. Dakota laid silent as Melanie tied the knots as tight as possible until she was done. “There we go. That looks good, don’t you think?”
Melanie rolled her eyes. “It’s supposed to be against your pussy, D. That’s the whole point.”
“Mm mmmm?”
“Yes, it’s supposed to dig into your clit. I think… well that’s what this tutorial said anyways,” Melanie said.
“We’ll see,” Melanie said as she pulled a small vibrator out. “This is where the fun begins.”
Melanie worked around the ropes and inserted the small vibrator into Dakota’s vagina and turning it on with a remote.
“Mmmmmmm. MMMMMMM!!!!”
“Oh that means it’s working,” Melanie said excitedly as she pulled out a whip. “Now tell me if this hurts or turns you on.”
“Oh… so you are turned on?”
“Ok, this is getting a bit hard to understand now. Blink twice if it turns you on. Shake your head if it doesn’t.”
Dakota paused for a moment and then blinked twice.”
Melanie laughed. “You naughty girl. Ok ok. Good to know. Do you want to talk now?”
Dakota nodded.
“Will you be a good girl?”
Dakota nodded again.
Melanie sighed and removed the ball gag.
Dakota breathed and sighed. “You’re crazy. You know that?” Dakota said. “Absolutely crazy.”
Melanie laughed and wrapped her arms around Dakota. “And that’s why I’m your best friend and no one else. So what’s been your favorite right now?”
Dakota thought about it and blushed, nibbling her bottom lip. “No judgements?”
“Of course not, babe,” Melanie said, leaning closer to Dakota.
“The whip,” Dakota said.
Melanie’s eyes widened in surprise and then she laughed. “I knew you were a masochist in disguise, D. You think you like pain?”
“I… I’m not sure. I guess when you do it, it’s kinda… sexy.”
“Hmmm. Do you want to try the nipple clamps?”
Dakota’s eyes widened and she shook her head rapidly. “N-n-no. Don’t. I-I-I…”
“Hey calm down,” Melanie said, taking hold of Dakota’s shoulders. “Breathe, Dakota, breathe. I’m not going to do it if you don’t want to. I know this is all big and huge. But… I want you to still be comfortable. Please, trust me, D. I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”
“I…” Dakota said. “I’m scared, Melanie. What if… what if I’m some freak. Who gets turned on by the pain? How is that normal? How is that okay? What will people think…. I’d be shunned. An outcast. I don’t want to be a masochist, Mel. I don’t want to be… a freak.”
“Hey, hey. Breathe. Breathe. It’s okay. You’re not a freak if you get turned on by the pain. Please, D. Don’t be scared. I’m here to protect you. I will never do anything if I think it’ll damage you or hurt you. I’m sorry if we’re going too fast. I’m sorry. We can slow down. Let’s maybe try something else. You are not going to be an outcast. I am here for you, Dakota. Now, what do you want to try? Please, don’t be afraid,” Melanie said, wrapping her arms tightly around her friend.
“I don’t know.”
Melanie sighed. “Maybe we moved too fast. I’m sorry, Dakota.”
“I don’t hate what I’ve experienced so far. But… I just don’t know what my parents will think. What if they find out? What if they disown me?”
“That’s not happening. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I’m not going to abandon you. And your parents…. your parents aren’t going to disown you.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ll be honest. I don’t. But you’re not doing anything wrong, Dakota.”
Dakota nibbled her bottom lip. “Do what you want with me. I want you… I want you to dominate me. I want you to really take control. I trust you, Melanie. I know you won’t do anything you think is wrong and… I want to do this. I’m just scared. But if I get it over with, at least I will know. So do it Melanie. Take control. Humiliate me, do whatever you think needs to be done. And don’t let me stop you.”
“Are you sure?” Melanie asked.
“Ok, but we should have a safe word,” Melanie said.
“Our safe word will be… my dad’s home,” Dakota said
Melanie grinned. “Okay, then. Let’s really get started then.”
- Humilatron
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It Started with Handcuffs - Part 4
After Melanie set everything up and she had untied Dakota reducing her to handcuffs again, Dakota’s room looked like an old torture chamber except with BDSM and kinky supplies rather than murdering devices. Dakota gulped as she saw everything that was purchased laid out. “Dakota, I’m going to undo your handcuffs,” Melanie said. “But don’t you dare try to escape.”
Dakota nodded as Melanie brandished the key and slipped off the metal wrists. “Finally my hands can breathe,” Dakota sighed.
“Not so fast,” Melanie said.
Melanie held up some rope and smiled. “M-mel, come on now,” Dakota blushed. “Again?”
“Hold still,” Melanie said.
Dakota sighed as she allowed Melanie to tie the ropes around her until the rope hugged her breasts and wedged into her pussy and ass, her arms pinned to her sides, and the small vibrator pressed against her clit.
Melanie smiled as Dakota’s face was bright red. She had never felt so vulnerable and so turned on at the same time. Was she embarrassed? Yes… but she was also… aroused?
“You’re so naughty, D. I can see the look on your face,” Melanie teased.
Dakota blushed.
“Should I spank you?” Melanie whispered as she lighty slapped Dakota’s right butt cheek.
“Mmm,” Dakota groaned as the ball gag had been replaced.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Melanie said as she slapped Dakota’s left butt cheek, this time a little harder. “How about I whip you again.”
Melanie smirked as she pulled out the black flogger and a riding crop. “Moan louder to indicate which you prefer.”
Dakota moaned as she felt the flogger smack her across the butt. But her eyes widened and she gasped when the riding crop left a sting but also felt strangely good. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it still stung. Dakota moaned louder causing Melanie to raise her eyebrow and laugh. “Mmmm.”
“Wow, D. You really are a kinky bitch. Okay then, I guess the riding crop it is,” Melanie said as she smacked Dakota again.
Dakota felt a blindfold wrap around her eyes making the room go pitch black and suddenly she felt the vibrator do its job as it buzzed. She felt more smacks across her bare butt as it pointed out for Melanie’s pleasure. Dakota moaned and moaned not believing she was actually doing this. Suddenly the blindfold was torn off and she saw a camera pointed at her. The gag was also removed.
She twisted her head as she failed to resist the smacks. She looked back to see the camera blinking indicating it was recording. She had forgotten about it previously. She looked to see Melanie was wearing something… different. She wasn’t naked but she was in a black lace corset that was very sheer with thigh high boots. “Where did you…”
“Shhh,” Melanie said as she leaned into Dakota.
Dakota gulped at how… intimidating Melanie felt. The power she held was indescribable. Melanie smiled and kissed Dakota passionately. “Mel… I… I love you,” Dakota whispered.
Melanie grinned. “I love you too, babe. I don’t want you to feel ashamed anymore. You’re too concerned about-“
Suddenly they heard the door slam. Dakota’s eyes widened in fear. “No…”
“Shhh!” Melanie hissed. “Don’t say anything Dakota.”
Melanie acted quickly as she undid everything in hyper speed. “Dakota? Are you home?” Dakota heard her father call out.
Dakota started to hyperventilate, stuck tied naked and whipped. Melanie cursed as she quickly threw the covers over Dakota’s body and cleared the rest for the room. She threw on an outfit over her corset and said. “Dakota, you need to trust me. Just go along and you’ll be fine,” Melanie hissed.
Dakota nodded as she laid still while she heard her father making his way up the stairs. “Hello?”
“Oh, hey, Mr. Devons. I was just taking care of Dakota. She hasn’t been really feeling well,” Melanie said, greeting Dakota’s father at the door to Dakota’s room.
“Oh, really? What’s wrong?” Mr. Devons said.
“She’s been cramping and having a bit of a fever. I’ve just been helping her out,” Melanie said.
“Oh, okay. As long as she’s okay,” Mr. Devons said. “Mind if I come in?”
“Sure,” Melanie said.
Mr Devons pushed his way inside and seemed to look around and his eyes laid on Dakota who definitely looked pale and red somehow at the same time. “How are you feeling Kota?”
Dakota groaned in response, unable to say words in fear of getting caught.
“Well, I hope you feel better. I wanted to check in on you because I’m going go be working all day today. There’s a big case at the station. I probably won’t be back until tomorrow. It’s going to go late. I’m glad you have Melanie here to take care of you,” he said.
Dakota nodded.
“Thank you for checking in, Mr Devons. But I promise you Dakota is in good hands,” Melanie said.
“I see that. Well, I’ll let you girls get back to it. I’ll grab my handcuffs and then I’ll be on my way…” he said as he walked towards his bedroom.
Dakota thought she was doomed but her father seemed to find them back where they were and headed out the door. Dakota finally let out a deep breath. “Oh my God,” Dakota groaned. “My father almost caught me…”
“I’m sorry, D. But hey, we handled it pretty well,” Melanie said.
“He probably knows,” Dakota cried.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Like I said you’re in good hands. I’m not going to let you drown, D. It’s okay,” Melanie said. “Besides… now we have the whole house to ourselves for the whole day…”
“I dunno, Mel… I feel sick,” Dakota said.
Melanie sighed. “Alright, if you really want to, we can end it all right now. I’ll return the stuff and we can just hang out.”
Melanie helped Dakota out of the ropes and cleaned up everything. “Wait,” Dakota said. “Maybe… maybe it doesn’t have to end…”
Dakota nodded as Melanie brandished the key and slipped off the metal wrists. “Finally my hands can breathe,” Dakota sighed.
“Not so fast,” Melanie said.
Melanie held up some rope and smiled. “M-mel, come on now,” Dakota blushed. “Again?”
“Hold still,” Melanie said.
Dakota sighed as she allowed Melanie to tie the ropes around her until the rope hugged her breasts and wedged into her pussy and ass, her arms pinned to her sides, and the small vibrator pressed against her clit.
Melanie smiled as Dakota’s face was bright red. She had never felt so vulnerable and so turned on at the same time. Was she embarrassed? Yes… but she was also… aroused?
“You’re so naughty, D. I can see the look on your face,” Melanie teased.
Dakota blushed.
“Should I spank you?” Melanie whispered as she lighty slapped Dakota’s right butt cheek.
“Mmm,” Dakota groaned as the ball gag had been replaced.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Melanie said as she slapped Dakota’s left butt cheek, this time a little harder. “How about I whip you again.”
Melanie smirked as she pulled out the black flogger and a riding crop. “Moan louder to indicate which you prefer.”
Dakota moaned as she felt the flogger smack her across the butt. But her eyes widened and she gasped when the riding crop left a sting but also felt strangely good. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it still stung. Dakota moaned louder causing Melanie to raise her eyebrow and laugh. “Mmmm.”
“Wow, D. You really are a kinky bitch. Okay then, I guess the riding crop it is,” Melanie said as she smacked Dakota again.
Dakota felt a blindfold wrap around her eyes making the room go pitch black and suddenly she felt the vibrator do its job as it buzzed. She felt more smacks across her bare butt as it pointed out for Melanie’s pleasure. Dakota moaned and moaned not believing she was actually doing this. Suddenly the blindfold was torn off and she saw a camera pointed at her. The gag was also removed.
She twisted her head as she failed to resist the smacks. She looked back to see the camera blinking indicating it was recording. She had forgotten about it previously. She looked to see Melanie was wearing something… different. She wasn’t naked but she was in a black lace corset that was very sheer with thigh high boots. “Where did you…”
“Shhh,” Melanie said as she leaned into Dakota.
Dakota gulped at how… intimidating Melanie felt. The power she held was indescribable. Melanie smiled and kissed Dakota passionately. “Mel… I… I love you,” Dakota whispered.
Melanie grinned. “I love you too, babe. I don’t want you to feel ashamed anymore. You’re too concerned about-“
Suddenly they heard the door slam. Dakota’s eyes widened in fear. “No…”
“Shhh!” Melanie hissed. “Don’t say anything Dakota.”
Melanie acted quickly as she undid everything in hyper speed. “Dakota? Are you home?” Dakota heard her father call out.
Dakota started to hyperventilate, stuck tied naked and whipped. Melanie cursed as she quickly threw the covers over Dakota’s body and cleared the rest for the room. She threw on an outfit over her corset and said. “Dakota, you need to trust me. Just go along and you’ll be fine,” Melanie hissed.
Dakota nodded as she laid still while she heard her father making his way up the stairs. “Hello?”
“Oh, hey, Mr. Devons. I was just taking care of Dakota. She hasn’t been really feeling well,” Melanie said, greeting Dakota’s father at the door to Dakota’s room.
“Oh, really? What’s wrong?” Mr. Devons said.
“She’s been cramping and having a bit of a fever. I’ve just been helping her out,” Melanie said.
“Oh, okay. As long as she’s okay,” Mr. Devons said. “Mind if I come in?”
“Sure,” Melanie said.
Mr Devons pushed his way inside and seemed to look around and his eyes laid on Dakota who definitely looked pale and red somehow at the same time. “How are you feeling Kota?”
Dakota groaned in response, unable to say words in fear of getting caught.
“Well, I hope you feel better. I wanted to check in on you because I’m going go be working all day today. There’s a big case at the station. I probably won’t be back until tomorrow. It’s going to go late. I’m glad you have Melanie here to take care of you,” he said.
Dakota nodded.
“Thank you for checking in, Mr Devons. But I promise you Dakota is in good hands,” Melanie said.
“I see that. Well, I’ll let you girls get back to it. I’ll grab my handcuffs and then I’ll be on my way…” he said as he walked towards his bedroom.
Dakota thought she was doomed but her father seemed to find them back where they were and headed out the door. Dakota finally let out a deep breath. “Oh my God,” Dakota groaned. “My father almost caught me…”
“I’m sorry, D. But hey, we handled it pretty well,” Melanie said.
“He probably knows,” Dakota cried.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Like I said you’re in good hands. I’m not going to let you drown, D. It’s okay,” Melanie said. “Besides… now we have the whole house to ourselves for the whole day…”
“I dunno, Mel… I feel sick,” Dakota said.
Melanie sighed. “Alright, if you really want to, we can end it all right now. I’ll return the stuff and we can just hang out.”
Melanie helped Dakota out of the ropes and cleaned up everything. “Wait,” Dakota said. “Maybe… maybe it doesn’t have to end…”
- Humilatron
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Re: It Started with Handcuffs
I’ve never ventured into BDSM before so I hope you guys are enjoying it thus far. I’m honestly unsure of where I’m gonna take this story, so I guess we’ll find out together.
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Re: It Started with Handcuffs
Very nice read so far. I do like how it’s less mean spirited than the initial set up and more two girls discovering themselves. Perhaps the end up getting locked out to bring the ENF back into it?
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Re: It Started with Handcuffs
I wonder if they remembered to put the handcuffs back and if not how much trouble they going to get into for using them, and can't wait to see what the punishment will be if they are caught.
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