A Lesson in Karma: Sophomore Year: Detention: Finale (finally)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer, Final Act part 3 3/28

Post by Juncker »

Yeah, that’s all fair and valid. I may take you up on writing but myself, though it’d be quite a challenge to write that while staying true to what you’ve just said about Candace. Still, even if there’s nothing fetishistic about it for her, I’m sure she could get some personal satisfaction from it under the right the circumstances.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer, Final Act part 3 3/28

Post by Nikolai »

Executionus wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 6:00 am
PS: I 100% agree that Candace would be Sahara Desert dry when stripping a boy, and she would probably feel the female equivalent of blue balls if she even attempted to do so. The exception being if he was an extremely weak, small, and effeminate boy ashamed of his tiny equipment. Only in that scenario would the boy's humiliation be strong enough to scratch Candace's itch.

Yes, that might be her only exception and even then she would be trying to imagine the frantically covered little guy to be an enf, she wouldn't treat him like one of the girls or anything but thats how she would physically try to get through it and enjoy herself, I do agree that ultimately humiliating a boy may even make her seem more rapey, as "bullying" the girls never has opposite sex tension.

Juncker wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:26 am Yeah, that’s all fair and valid. I may take you up on writing but myself, though it’d be quite a challenge to write that while staying true to what you’ve just said about Candace. Still, even if there’s nothing fetishistic about it for her, I’m sure she could get some personal satisfaction from it under the right the circumstances.
I would welcome it with open arms, if it became to much of a challenge to stay true to her arc thus far/what I've told you about, it doesn't necessarily have to be perfect canon(doesn't have to perfectly fit with the series/past or future in it)

If it became to difficult to approach it that way then you could totally make an interpretation with her name/in her universe/ but with more freedom for creativity/not being trapped in any boxes i made for you.

Once again the blessing is out there for an enm story for Candace if you wish, having it Canon and perfectly fit would be interesting, but would leave you limited/make it more difficult/ an interpretation would allow you to go where you please with subtler nods to the general story without meticulously making it make sense.

Under the right circumstances or from the right author, she may even really enjoy herself, hell you could run with it and it be the alternate plot line where she has no preference and humiliates anyone she pleases/ with boy/ boy and girl stories, I'm not really going to be stingy with the character or universe, I welcome any expansion of the universe with permission (all enm has been totally granted but enf id like to converse with/ or possibly end the series first)

Really just go for it! Canon or interpretation, have fun with it, make it work for you however need be. I appreciate your interests and thoughts,
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer, Final Act part 3 3/28

Post by Juncker »

Well, I went and started writing an ENM spinoff, which you can find here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1446

I hope it ends up being enjoyable while staying true to Candace’s character.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer, Final Act part 3 3/28

Post by Nikolai »

Juncker wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:27 pm Well, I went and started writing an ENM spinoff, which you can find here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1446

I hope it ends up being enjoyable while staying true to Candace’s character.

True to the character thus far, and I'm sure it will be enjoyable to the enm crowd, I said it on the post but ill say it again here, I really feel like you nailed the character and the writing style and made it believable to be my Candace Owens, to make the author believe in the character he created, with words he didn't write, pretty impressive, hope to see more of your stories(hopefully enf ones as well) I'll keep an eye on how the spinoff goes even if its not my thing, it's intriguing to say the least.
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A Lesson in Karma: First Summer, Final Act part 4 (First Summer Complete)

Post by Nikolai »

Warning: fairly tame violence/subpar catfight sequences(didn't realize til looking back that I need to work on my catfight scenes and bringing life to them imo, if this was a catfight series I'd be mildly disappointed in the product but as its not focused on catfights I think it went okay, just could tell I need work on it.)

This catfight stood out to me, it was so unique in a sense that no buck naked catfight happens but in staged moments, bar oil fights, naked wrestling ppv, etc. All staged, one could argue that I had staged this naked catfight, but this moment was still very real, these two girls really were about to go at eachother.

In the real world and many of the stories found on this site and similar, there's always a few simple things a catfight is built around.

The issue: why they're going to fight, how personal could drastically change several things throughout the irl fight; or the stories found here. So and so fucked so and so, "Kimmy told me that Stacy told her that you called me a slut." You get the point.

The confrontation: Water thrown in face, profanities and insults hurled, more talk, maybe some shoving, this is usually fairly drug out, compared to your standard dude fight for example.

The fight itself: punches, kickes, hairpulling, clothes ripping, totally uncoordinated but aggressive, girls fights are always so personal.

The aftermath: the loser is insulted or mocked for losing, if the stripping is partial, this is where it will be finished fully, humiliating your defeated victim always radiates dominance. Maybe they even give her some spanks with her hair pulled back tight, forcing her to arch for every slap, then the aggressor posts the video and the victim has to deal with not only being beaten up, but dominated by the winner(irl sometimes this could be something less sexual, forcing her to kiss her shoes or something stupid idk)

I only mention these basic parts because this circumstance was so much different. These girls had no prior beef, nor did they want to fight eachother, so their only "issue" with eachother could be that, one was leaving clothed, and one of them would remain naked to be drawn on for the party's "guestbook." Also, the loser would only be found to be the loser, by receiving 17 birthday spankins on her bare ass, by her bestfriend, in front of an audience of all of her peers. So there was an issue, but it wasnt conventional, not personal, nor was it truly with eachother.

The confrontation, well there was about 5 seconds they spoke after my stupid "Are you ready, Are you ready, fight" impersonation. And it was a bit toxic, but it still wasn't much of a confrontation, neither of these girls had started this fight with the other. But they both would be forced to finish it.

The fight itself. To come shortly, I'm rambling, bare with me, if you don't like it? Skip ahead idgaf(patience is an important value, impatient pervert) but the biggest difference in the fight is that it's about to begin and ALREADY both girls are buck naked, no praying for a titty to pop out or a little too much buttcrack to stay revealed while they're too distracted to pull their pants up. Nope, none of that, already naked, even all oiled up in what was secretly actually stimulation lube. Their bodies are covered head to toe in the stuff, I know they must be suffering and anxious to be clothed, desperate enough they were willingly to battle and humiliate their bestfriend rather than suffering in such a vulnerable position any longer. 90 percent of when I've ever given two girls ultimatums like this, they've always chosen to betray the other to protect their own modesty. This was no different.

I also found this catfight interesting in that the usual "aftermath" of a girl maybe being humilated was the forefront of the entire fight, rather than an optional bonus.

To make a lot of words, less words, this wasn't your standard catfight, this was something special, and my panties were moist in response to that.

Both girls clashed in the center of the circle of teens surrounding them, and cheering for their asses to be spanked.

When they met in the middle, they began trying to get a grip on eachother, the lubricant caused both of them to be slippery and struggle. They wrestled and grappled eachother, attempting to spin the other around for a cheap spank. Neither of them made much headway. Autumn's breasts and big nipples were bouncing around alot in the scuffle, her pale body glowing in the sun, Summer's tan figure seemed so much darker in comparison.

Both of the naked girls were putting on a hell of a show. They both had to focus on the task at hand, spanking the other, without being spanked themselves. But they had no idea the views they were giving the crowd! Their jiggling naked bodies, rubbing against eachother, covered in this oily lube, their attempts to overpower the other, the angles they had to twist and flail, with every regain of balance, legs would be spread, backs would be arched, hips out with asses presented to the audience..it was a pleasure to say the least and no one have even been spanked yet! There was just no way it could be avoided, they couldn't cover, or avoid immodest angles and exposure, all they could do was fight for the chance to cover up at the end of it all.

After clashing in a standing position for awhile, neither of them really gaining much ground, Autumn decided to start playing dirty! While wrapped up in a clinche,(for anyone who doesn't watch boxing or ufc, this is basically similar to a hug, you're still trying to gain ground on your opponent, but you're essentially leaning on eachother, grappling closely) Autumn decided to reach down and pinch and twist Summer's little nipple on her right breast.

This motion caused Summer to squeal and her strength/resistance to faulter for just a moment. This moment was enough for Autumn to grab Summer's wrist and twist it behind her back.

Autumn temporarily had power over Summer and wasted no time. She quickly used her leverage from the twisted arm and spun Summer around. Autumn then took her other hand, that wasn't twisting Summer's tan arm up her bare spine, and smacked Summer's ass HARD.

Summer squealed out once more, a shrill, whiny, pained squeal, more intense then the nipple twisting.


Summer's other buttcheek is spanked, causing her to squeal again and jump in place.

Each spank is met with a roar of approval from the crowd, but even with hundreds of teens cheering, the smack echoes through the backyard.

A third and fourth come down on her ass next, leaving only 13 left until Autumn is crowned the winner.

The erotic sight of a pale naked redhead, with a little red landing strip, spanking and dominating the somewhat smaller, tan, blonde bombshell with a blonde landing strip, I admit, it was to much, and it had been building awhile, I came then for the first time that night, the crowd cheering and general focus on the catfight was enough to let me reach climax unnoticed. The maxi pads I used to absorb my fluids did their job, I looked around after I came back to earth a bit, but as before, no one noticed. I went back to watching and cheering.

If I'd of known where it was going to end up, I'd of held off a bit.

After the fifth unanswered spanking to her bare ass, delivered from her naked bestfriend, Summer must of had an adrenaline surge, rather than allowing anymore abuse to her derrière, she used Autumn's grip and position to her advantage.

When Autumn reared back for her sixth spanking, Summer twisted her body to draw Autumn closer and throw her off balance, she then used her free arm to hip toss the naked ginger.

This move stunned Autumn and with one hand caught in trying to regain control over Summer, she was sent tumbling face first over Summer's hips and to the grass below.

Rather than trying to go for full control over Autumn, Summer opted to go for a cheaper route, while Autumn was face down, with her big ass facing the sunny sky, Summer dove on top of her and rapidly delivered 4 hard spanks, two to each cheek. The key to this was she was trying to get it over with, she had hit Autumn hard(loud enough for the smacks to be heard over the crowd) but she hadn't got caught up in theatrics or trying to deliver the hardest one she could, rather she was just trying to get that number to 17 as fast as possible.

This route succeeded in a few quick spanks to get her numbers closer to her once-bestfriend, turned rival.

Now Summer had delivered 4, but she had received 5.

But Autumn wasn't going to allow some machine gun spankings to eliminate her so quickly. Once she felt her stinging cheeks and heard the laughter from her peers, she too gained the wherewithal to fight back.

Autumn swung her leg across the grass. This motion swept Summer's legs out from under her, she collapsed hard on her back, the breath knocked out of her.

She lay flat on her back attempting to regain her breath. Autumn capitalized on this, but she seemed to be less focused on the task at hand. She seemed more angry, less deliberate, rather than diving on Summer to spank her once more, she stood there deliberating on something.

Autumn thought for a second or two, not long, but she had plenty of time as Summer was trying to recover from her breathe being knocked out of her.

Autumn got this wicked grin then grabbed Summer by the ankles. Her next move caught me by surprise, but I suppose she was caught up in the moment, maybe truly angry with Summer, maybe just trying to take the focus off herself and remain dominant. Regardless what she did next was..

She stood over the girl, legs on either side of her and her ass facing Summer's face. She grabbed both ankles of the naked blonde teen, pulled them straight up so the girls toes were facing the sky,(while she had a coughing fit and could do little to resist) and then peeled them apart obscenely.

My jaw dropped, my pussy throbbed in my bottoms even though I'd just came, the cheering crowd was almost silent in disbelief.

Only one side of the circle truly got the A1 view of this helpless teen's spread pussy. Autumn had clearly thrown their friendship to the wind, this catfight seemed more personal now than ever.

When I say spread eagle, I'm talking her pussy lips bloomed to us like a flower, her lips parted, her clit was standing at attention, swollen(probably from the unwanted arousal). Autumn had gripped and raised each leg to her chest level, then proceeded to stretch her arms out as far as she could, while still keeping a grip of Summer's ankles. This also gave whoever was lucky enough to be standing in the right position a perfect view of Summer's asscrack and butthole, both were pale, I guess there's places the sun don't shine on Summer after all.

Summer finally regained her breath and was already screaming in anger and embarrassment.

"AUTUMN WHAT THE FUCK, let me go, everyone can see my pussy!"

She attempted to close her legs but Autumn kept a death grip on her ankles, continuing to force her legs apart and bare Summer's pussy to the teens and their cameras.

At the time I was confused but satisfied with how the catfight and betrayal was turning out, but I was definitely confused. I wasn't sure if the lubricant had Autumn turned on from dominating her former friend, or if she was trying to humiliate Summer enough so to lessen the impact on her own naked exposure.

Summer must of decided the group had gotten enough of a view of her open pussy for a lifetime, she sat up slightly, Autumn's back was still to her and her main focus was keeping Summer's legs open, she hadn't even bothered replying to Summer's yelling and whining.

Summer did the only thing she could think of in her predicament, she fought dirty. While Autumn was standing over Summer, back turned, legs slightly parted to have a foot on each side of Summer's torso, Summer reached upwards and delivered a karate chop to Autumn's nether regions!

This low blow instantly caused Autumn to lose her grip on Summer's ankles as she quickly cupped her sore pussy with both hands. The pussy chop had also caused Autumn's knees to buckle as she collapsed to the grass. She ended up on her knees, hunched over herself, cupping her pussy and howling in pain.

Summer's quick thinking had rewarded her with the ability to close her spread legs, but the damage was done, there was no bouncing back from what just happened, but her next moves told me she was focused on the task at hand, getting dressed and getting the fuck out of here.

Summer stood up and walked to stand over Autumn. Hate was fueling her every step and there was a fire in her eyes. Summer took control from there.

She shoved her kneeling opponent's face into her own yard. This caused Autumn to be involuntarily forced into the classic "face down, ass up" position. Then Summer crouched down placing her weight on Summer's head and neck, she used her knees on either side of Autumn's head, to brace herself. She wasn't trying to suffocate the girl, but rather trap her in place.

So now the naked Summer has her naked pussy sitting on the back of naked Autumn's head. Naked Autumn is stuck with her face in the grass, her knees on the ground, and her ass in the air, naked Summer is facing naked Autumn's backside with her thighs pressed against the side of her redhead.

Once Summer is happy with her position and her subdued opponent, she begins wailing on Autumn's pale round asscheeks. She smacks them each a few times. The girl below her is hardly audible, just whining into the ground while her pale ass turns a crimson red and Summer's little handprints become welts along Autumn's naked buttcheeks.

Summer gets to 16 spankings quickly, everyone in the crowd had helped her keep count, cheering numbers and counting aloud as Summer literally beat on Autumn's badonkadonk.

I was ready to crown ourselves a spanking champ and gather the champion's clothes to return to her, while my girls got Autumn into place for our guestbook.

But.. (no pun intended)

After the 16th spank, I guess Summer wanted a little more payback before this ended, because rather than deliver the final spank that would earn her clothes back, and free her from this prolonged exposure and forced naked catfight, instead she felt obligated to return the favor to Autumn.

She was in no position to spread Autumn eagle, nor did she want to lose the advantageous position she had trapped Autumn in, so rather than attempting to spread her legs wide, Summer locked her knees hard into Autumn's ears/side of her head, leaned forward until her bare tits were nearly touching the small of Autumn's back, took an asscheek in each of her little hands, and forcibly peeled each of the once pale, now reddened asscheeks in different directions.

The result wasn't quiet the view the audience had just witnessed with Summer, but nevertheless it was still a pornographic, X rated, undeterred view of both Autumn's asshole, and her pussy lips from behind. Summer even decided that more than just one side of the group deserved to see this.

Using the grip her knees held on Autumn's head, and the leverage she had on Autumn's asscheeks,
Summer succeeded in turning Autumn to spread her holes to a different portion of the crowd. She did this a couple times using her strength and leverage to position Autumn where she pleased.

To say I was satisfied with the result thus far would of been an understatement, I expected a pathetic scuffle, both girls attempting to spank the other, one girl winning quickly and the next step of the plan to begin, I had not expected these girls to turn on eachother, and further humiliate eachother more than I had requested. I expected some good shots and angles as they wrestled(and was granted them) but I hadn't expected full blown forced spreading! I was beside myself watching it unfold. I was getting more and more turned on by the second, I knew I was going to have to cum again soon.

Summer's little 360 degree manuever on Autumn would ultimately end up costing her. As she attempted to turn Autumn the last 90 degrees, and deliver the last spanking to secure her victory, Autumn gained enough strength or maybe desperation to fight back. She must of known that last spank was coming and that she'd lose and all of her exposure and humiliation would be for not, or maybe she was just desperate to get the fresh summer breeze out of her intestines, her arms were useless in the position she was in, which had caused her to be womanhandled around and spread open doggy style, but she didn't free her arms to escape, no, she made the only move that she had. She used her knees and legs to force a somersault, bucking Summer off in the process and resulting in Summer once again flat on her back, but now Autumn was on top of her, with her pussy resting against Summer's chin! If summer leaned her head forward at all, her lips would be against Autumn's uh..lips..

Autumn must not of expected that little roll to succeed, or she was in a daze at this point, it took her just a moment to collect herself and her surroundings, Summer was in more of a daze, having gone from spinning her opponent around to show everyone her holes, to being trapped beneath her. She really looked like she didn't know who she was let alone what just happened, maybe she had knocked her head in the midst.

Autumn came back to first, looking down at Summer's face so close to her pussy, realizing she had quiet an advantage and needed to finish this, she quickly spun around to face Summer's legs. When Autumn had turned around to face the other way..her ass was now inches from Summer's face.

Summer's eyes went wide, she started repeatedly saying:

"No..no..no no no..no. please noo..."

Autumn answered Summer's pleas by resting her asscrack directly against Summer's nose and her pussy lips against her mouth. Summer pleading was muffled by Autumn's round ass instantly.

Then Autumn grabbed Summer's ankles once more, just as she had done earlier, but now from a sitting(naked on Summer's face) position. To this day I don't know why Summer didn't start biting pussy, but from the second that ass hit her face it was like she didn't have fight left in her. She lay their limp, for a moment I feared Autumn had aphyisciated Summer in her crack, but she would occasionally lift her ass enough for us to here Summer gasp for breath before being silenced with the stinkface once more.

Rarher than spread Summer open again, Autumn opted to keep her legs together and just pull them towards her. This caused Summer's asshole and pussy to once again be the center of attention.

Then once she had Summer locked in, she began spanking her in this position.

In case I haven't explained well enough or you didn't follow. Summer is flat on her back naked in front of a circle of her peers in Autumn's backyard for their combined birthday party. Her entire tanned body is covered in lubricant and sweat, her legs have been forced vertical, making her ass and pussy be presented to the crowd of guys and girls.

And resting on her face is Autumn's big pale and also reddened ass, her pussy is surely present on her former best friend's face as well, near her little mouth.

And the girl smothering her in her asscheeks, the girl who was her bestfriend no more than a half hour ago, was now spanking her ass in some sort of perverted diaper changing position.

So, hopefully the visual is there, if not, well I'm not allowed to show the video footage, so I suppose you'll just have to use your imagination ;)

Summer's ass quickly receives the remaining spankings to net Autumn the win, the crowd counts as Autumn wails on Summer's ever reddening ass, but she doesn't stop at 17. She keeps spanking the poor blonde trapped beneath her.

As she spanks Summer, over and over, Autumn's hips begin to rise and fall? At first I think nothing of it, maybe its just Summer struggling a bit more than she had been, then as it continues and increases in tempo I realize something both incredible and more than unexpected, Autumn was grinding against Summer's face! Her eyes were rolling in her fucking skull! Dear God she was enjoying this! I couldn't believe my eyes. I suppose the mixture of unwanted arousal from the lubricant, all the rubbing and struggling they had done against eachother, and possibly just the power of dominating poor Summer, had driven Autumn into a state of arousal she couldn't return from without release. Maybe they were secret lesbians all along? Hell I don't know. All I know is Autumn had already won, the 17 spankins had been delivered to Summer's naked ass, it was over, but yet Autumn was still grinding on Summer's face as she spanked her. They were both still naked, but only one of them had to be.

Everyone there was in a state of shock and disbelief at what they were witnessing, it was no longer subtle at this point, Autumn was full blown humping and grinding her pussy and ass on Summer's lips and nose, like the first time I humped my teddy bear(aggressive and uncoordinated)

Everyone was too entranced in the XXX lesbian scene developing in front of them to stop it, all eyes were on them, I subtlety rubbed myself hidden by the crowd, I'm sure there was plenty of guys and maybe even girls doing the same with me.

While aggressively grinding on Summer's face, with no regard to any of the world around her, Autumn was getting close, her breathing was getting more rigid, her eyes rolling, her spanks no longer had much force, many of them missing as she blindly continued spanking and grinding against Summer's face.

Then it happened.

Autumn moaned aloud, dropping one of Summer's legs to reach behind her and push Summer's face deeper up her crack..then she screamed out in ecstacy, her whole naked body bucking on top of Summer's own naked body. She shuttered and came right there in front of all of us. She collapsed off of Summer still shaking on the grass next to her.

Summer's face was covered in Autumn's juices, her hair was matted, her lips looked moisturized, the ginger's pussy juice ran down the blonde's cheeks and into her hair.

Summer had also came at that exact moment..which made three of us.. (possibly more in the crowd but I can only say me and them to be sure) she must of been one of those girls who likes to be dominated and used, like I said before, maybe they had fooled around before this..I'm not sure, but whatever it was, something about having her ass spanked, her pussy exposed, and her face being used to orgasm by Autumn..had caused something in the blonde to break, while Autumn was regaining her breath and shivering in ecstasy next to her, Summer was doing the same lying there. Both girls pussies were swollen and throbbing, their overly stimulated(by the lube) bodies finally experiencing release, neither made a move, they likely were both realizing what they had really just done, or had done to them, and how many eyes witnessed this impromptu lesbian domination. I let them lie there for a moment(I was recovering from a pretty intense orgasm myself, struggling to stand, I had came with them, my maxipad was soaked and I felt gross but so satisfied with the results of the day. And excited to add this one to my film collection and view it later)

I let the girls sulk in what they had done and recover from their ecstasy, truly in disbelief myself at what I had just witnessed, and from the look of the stunned(and much quieter) crowd, I wasn't the only one.

I don't think it could have gone better than that, but I had to announce a winner now after all, and remind everyone that this was my doing even if they volunteered to cum together for us.

I walked to the two naked girls. Both had managed to sit up at this point but remained on the ground. Neither were looking at eachother, or the crowd, both I guess still trying to process and accept what'd they'd just done in front of everyone.

"Alright sluts..if you wanted to bang it out, you could of waited til tonight in private don't ya think?" I mocked them aloud

"I mean really Autumn, you rode this little slut like a jockey and she was SeaBiscuit..what the hell got into you?"

She shook her head slowly, she didn't have an answer, maybe she didn't even know.

"And you.." I pointed down to the blonde as I stood over her..

"..get off to being used like a sex doll and spanked in front of all these guys and girls? What're you some kind of freak? I mean I knew you were a little sub slut but damn, the minute you felt her juices run down your cheeks, you were bucking around with her, the shame you must experience right now is unimaginable, but that seems to be your thing isn't it?"

She also shook her head, too humiliated from her ordeal to speak.

"Maybe I got it all wrong, maybe you ladies put up this little act nightly and just never graced an audience with your little slutty lesbian dom/sub play, truth be told..I don't give a shit. My request has been more than granted and I'm a girl of my word, Autumn I pronounce you the winner, you're free to get dressed, rejoin the party, leave, go to your room and cry, whatever it is you want to do, feel free to do it. Your debt has been fulfilled and we no longer have beef, but if you ever cross me again, it'll be much worse, and not pleasurable..Are we clear girl?"

Autumn nodded, once again not making a sound, seemingly disconnected from the world at the moment.

Her legs carried her lifeless body inside, where I assumed she was heading to her room to get dressed and sulk.

Then with a motion of the hand, I had my girls stand Summer up to look at me.

"You thought I got off on this shit..yet look at you here, your pussy juices down your leg, clit swollen out of your little coin slot, and your bestfriend's pussy juices, dried to your face. Tell me Summer, how did she taste?" I laughed in the teen's face.

"..and to think, all I had to do was get you naked, the rest of your humiliation was either delivered from our kind audience and their balloons..or from your friend and opponent herself. You ladies blew my expectations out of the water with your little show..but alas..a loser is a loser..and you girl..are the loser. So without further ado..." I said coldly.

One of the girls handed me a rope.

I bound it around Summer's wrists as my girls held her in place. She wasn't struggling at all at this point, letting her arms fall limp when I wasn't holding them up.

Once I had the ropes around her wrists, I let the excess fall to the ground at her feet. Then I decided to use one last power move before leaving her subdued. She was just too dead to the world at the moment, I wanted a bit more life in her, a pep to her step if you will.

So, I reached down, grabbed her blonde pubes, that she had cut into a well manicured strip, and took a step forward, she yelped (making her first real sound since orgasm) and hopped forward. I continued marching her like this with her hands bound together in front of her, and little she could do but follow my every step to relieve the pressure from her pubic region. I marched her around the circle a couple times by her little blonde landing strip, enjoying these last couple moments, then I decided to finish this.

I grabbed the excess rope, pulling her forward like a dog on a leash. I ultimately ended up choosing a clothesline/ T pole that was in Autumn's backyard.

I threw the excess rope over the T pole, then tightened and tied the slack until Summer was left with her arms raised above her, trapping her to the pole and presenting her entire naked body, head to toe, without her able to cover an inch of it, the pole even allowed her to be tied far enough away that her entire body was available for the markers to draw on her.(rather than her back being pressed against the pole and half of our canvas being tucked away)

Her bondage must of been enough to slap her out of her trance because she began whining and pleading not to be left tied naked.

"Please don't let all those people close to me..dont let them draw on me..don't let them touch me.."

She pleaded.

"Oh, don't worry girl, we would never let anyone touch you! This is a humilation, a lesson, not some gangbang grope session from everyone here, I would never allow such a thing, not only because the perverts here would take it much to far, but also because I don't want a slut like you to enjoy herself more than you already have. So no, they won't be touching you, none of my victims will ever be violated on my watch." She seemed relieved at the knowledge that she wouldn't be molested by the crowd.

"..but every last one of them is going to get the chance to get an upclose view, take pictures, and sign and draw all over you, you're gonna be a work of art by the end of tonight! And sharpie too! Enjoy the rest of your night girl! I'll have a girl here to keep watch, but I'm going to go enjoy the rest of this party, drink some beer, have some fun, maybe even take a dip in the pool, enjoy hanging out!(sam giggled at this comment) I'll be back to see how our little art project ends up..toodles.." I laughed and said the last word in her own snobby tone.

"..oh and I can't believe I almost forgot.." I got closer to the girl, close as I could get, close enough so others might not notice what I was about to do, I pulled a tiny balloon I had saved in my bikini top out. I gently pressed it against her clit as she winced and held her breath. Then I pressed it against her hard enough to pop it and it to run all over her lips and even down towards her holes. Her eyes went wide and the familiar warming/tingly feeling of fresh lubricant on her clit, stimulating her without her consent.

"Enjoy the rest of your night..I'm sure you will." ;) I winked at her and walked away to enjoy the rest of the Birthday Bash, only with one of the birthday girls now locked in her room, sulking and waiting for everyone to leave, with no power to make them after her little show, and the other birthday girl hanging, naked, from the clothesline pole in the backyard,, with a single file line forming to draw all over her.

I cracked open a cold one, lowered myself into the jacuzzi, and enjoyed the rest of the party. The summer was coming to a close, and I was nervous to return to school and lose the freedom I'd gained in humiliating over the summer..but looking at the dangling naked teen across the yard, and thinking back on the catfight I had just created and witnessed, I had a feeling this school year was going to be good, I couldn't wait to get back to work, my thirst for humiliating girls and ripping their clothes away..would never be quenched, I would never be satisfied..I would always need more...

I dismissed those thoughts and truthfully just enjoyed the rest of their party and got drunk, we had a designated driver and the girls were rotating in protecting little miss Summer from groping, so I had little to worry about.

I was tanked when I returned to Summer at the end of the party. I laughed obnoxiously at her and took pictures of the final product. The teens hadn't left an inch of her naked body without some sort of vulgar drawing/insult/or phrase on it. I snapped a few photos of both her front side, and ass side, making sure to get a 15 second clip of a video 360 degree version.(even being drunk, documentation for later was so important.)

Then my last words to her were..

"Well..Sluut, didyu lern ur lesson?"(I get a bit of an accent when I'm drinking)

"Uh..yes.." Summer choked out, desperate for this ordeal to be over.

"Okay, thenur free to go." I cut her binds and she began rubbing her wrists where rope indentions were.

"Um..uh..Candace..what about my clothes?" She asked me, tip toeing her words in an attempt to not upset me.

"Wat boutem?" I slurred.

"..ah..right..nevermind.." she dropped her head and began walking out of the backyard in what I assume was the direction of her house. Sam honked at her creeping through the woods on the way home, that was a half mile down, hard telling how far she had to go that night.

That was the last I saw of Summer, the school year was coming, and she would not be attending, she was either home schooled or moved away after that night, and you'd think I'd feel bad for uprooting her life and humiliating her and maybe even making her question her sexuality..but I don't. She crossed me, and when bitches cross me they pay..

To be continued...

Coming soon:(hopefully)

Candace gets Detention! (Antics ensue, boundaries are pushed, another milestone is made in Candace's reign of terror. Who will she get ahold of next?)

This will be the end of the Summer series, wanted to end it with a bit of a "bang" ;) first orgasm scene in the series, but not at Candace's hand, she couldn't even of expected that, ill be moving on to the next school year and after the detention tale I'm not quiet sure where I'm going next, but filling in the blanks along the way and just going with some shit is how I roll anyway, I dont know how long I plan to run her stories before Candace receives her comeuppance but as long as I have ideas and you guys support and enjoy the story I'm going to continue this saga, thank you for all the kind words and following Candace's story thus far, I hope you all enjoyed the Summer chapter as a whole with its various tales, and I hope you all continue to enjoy it moving forward, as always feedback/requests/thoughts/speculations/and thanks as well as really anything is welcome and without atleast the thanks system and occasional positive word I don't know if I'd have the drive/not feel crazy putting time into these, have a goodnight/good morning all. Lmk what you think, sorry for the wait, and stay posted for more of this saga, as well as hopefully some other works/contest entries soon.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer(complete) 4/5/21

Post by Anonymoose »

Hey Nikolai, I wanted to comment on your story since no one else has until it fell off the first page, which seemed a shame. I think the last couple chapters at the pool and the birthday party are maybe your best work, which is saying something since you've written some of the most exciting stuff on the board(s) in the last couple years. Also, as far as I'm concerned you can keep the parts with Candace embarrassing undeserving girls going on forever, since those kind of stories always appealed to me more than "comeuppance" type ones (though I've no doubt you'll make that part interesting as well). For the same reason I'd love to get a chapter on Rachel's birthday spanking from "Pushed Out" (and kudos to you for adding to one of the old classics, by the way), though I guess this isn't technically the right thread to talk about that. Anyway just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you've been writing and I look forward to whatever you put out in the future.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer(complete) 4/5/21

Post by Nikolai »

Anonymoose wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 8:55 am Hey Nikolai, I wanted to comment on your story since no one else has until it fell off the first page, which seemed a shame. I think the last couple chapters at the pool and the birthday party are maybe your best work, which is saying something since you've written some of the most exciting stuff on the board(s) in the last couple years. Also, as far as I'm concerned you can keep the parts with Candace embarrassing undeserving girls going on forever, since those kind of stories always appealed to me more than "comeuppance" type ones (though I've no doubt you'll make that part interesting as well). For the same reason I'd love to get a chapter on Rachel's birthday spanking from "Pushed Out" (and kudos to you for adding to one of the old classics, by the way), though I guess this isn't technically the right thread to talk about that. Anyway just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you've been writing and I look forward to whatever you put out in the future.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate you and your kind words, I'm glad you've enjoyed the past couple chapters of Candace's tales and although I'm pretty slow to write at times; I plan on dragging her series out for quiet awhile, her comeuppance won't be coming anytime soon and I may make her series my main "legacy" ish series as I haven't attempted to keep continuing on a universe for as long as I have hers, I like writing out chapters for her and then letting some other stuff come to fruition before returning here and there so expect more updates! As for your words on Pushed out, I'm glad you liked it and it was always one of my favorites expanding upon it while remaining true to the original story as much as possible was fun and a different challenge as I've never tried to mold a story to a prompt so specifically and usually just roll with it(which has lead to some of my best work and even Candaces entire plot was because I thought up her comeuppance and then spiraled into why a girl could deserve such a thing and here we are. And by the end idek if ill still have the same way she gets whats coming to her.)

Rachel's story if I get time to write it, and you've shown your support which helps persuade..lol. will probably be a somewhat short story but to the point and should be fun

I have a few more that are forever just in the works or just started or never concluded and I hate that but I work on everything as it goes.

I also really appreciate your comments on some of my previous works as well, I've kinda came a long way and wrote more erotica then I ever expected to but as this is my only real kink and I've meticulously read everything here for so long, it just comes natural and when I have time to write it pours out never a block or slump or not knowing where I wanna go, time is the only issue.

I suppose soon enough I'm going to have to get around to my own masterpost but I believe all of my work has made it to this site or been posted here, I'm glad we still have this board, if I was only writing this stuff for me and not putting it out there, I might just be crazy lol. Glad you enjoy thank you so much really.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer(complete) 4/5/21

Post by Executionus »

This is definitely a worthwhile series to push as your legacy, and it will probably be sought after by future fans searching future archives. It's a classic in the making. I still plan on writing my own spinoff chapter for this now that I have finally (finally...) finished the Thirst Games. Remind me to never commit to another 4 month long project. Anyway, I had a pretty good idea earlier this month for a strip sequence when I was brainstorming spinoff ideas and I was inspired for this story specifically by what I see as a unique aspect of Candace's derangement. I wound up really liking the idea, so I still plan to do it.

It also amuses me that we got a spinoff for Trisha the Terrible considering that she and Candace are clearly the premier female stripping bullies on these boards.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer(complete) 4/5/21

Post by Nikolai »

Executionus wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 4:57 am
This is definitely a worthwhile series to push as your legacy, and it will probably be sought after by future fans searching future archives. It's a classic in the making. I still plan on writing my own spinoff chapter for this now that I have finally (finally...) finished the Thirst Games. Remind me to never commit to another 4 month long project. Anyway, I had a pretty good idea earlier this month for a strip sequence when I was brainstorming spinoff ideas and I was inspired for this story specifically by what I see as a unique aspect of Candace's derangement. I wound up really liking the idea, so I still plan to do it.

It also amuses me that we got a spinoff for Trisha the Terrible considering that she and Candace are clearly the premier female stripping bullies on these boards.

Highly anticipating your spin off and what you have in mind for Candace!

Congrats on finishing thirst games and while I hope to see some sequels, maybe save yourself some work with a little bit less characters to keep up with, still incredible work and not only a classic in the making, but a future to come with that idea and universe.

As for Trish and Candace, I agree they both are equally wicked, imagine how miserable a victim would be at the hands of both of them? I digress. Lol.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma: First Summer(complete) 4/5/21

Post by Executionus »

Nikolai wrote: Thu Apr 29, 2021 5:07 am
Highly anticipating your spin off and what you have in mind for Candace!

Congrats on finishing thirst games and while I hope to see some sequels, maybe save yourself some work with a little bit less characters to keep up with, still incredible work and not only a classic in the making, but a future to come with that idea and universe.

As for Trish and Candace, I agree they both are equally wicked, imagine how miserable a victim would be at the hands of both of them? I digress. Lol.
Yeah any future Thirst Games style events are going to be smaller, and I won't bother with full epilogues next time. I'm not even convinced that the epilogues were popular at all to be honest. I had the weird thought the other day about how it's entirely possible, and moreover probable, that the Thirst Games is longer word for word than the rest of my entire ENF board library combined.

Also I am pretty certain that Trisha and Candace would never get along. They're both deranged alphas that would never submit to the other. They'd both probably target the other for stripping just to establish dominance and eliminate any competition to their thrones. Amusingly enough, typing that sentence gave me the idea for a story prompt that I'll never write up: Two bullies engaged in a proxy war, afraid to fight one-another so they compete through innocent victims Vietnam style, trying to one-up the other endlessly.
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