Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 . . .. . .

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Thank you so much for your post. I always try to make things fun despite the humiliating things that happen to my characters. I am also glad you put a link to Debbi’s Shameful Exposures. It is one of my favorites. I hope if readers aren’t familiar with that story (site) they might check it out. There are some great ideas and scenarios that poor Debbi finds herself in.

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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Public Nudity for Points – Part Nine (Exhib, Humil, mmmfffFF)
BY: Hooked6

Filled with thoughts of doom, Carrie drove back home and finished her homework. She recounted all the things that happened that weekend that reinforced her sense of impending disaster. First and foremost, there was this tape! She wondered how many copies were out there and WHO had them. Then she spotted her computer sitting on her desk and exclaimed, “My GAWD, the INTERNET! My naked ass might be on some website!” Her heart raced as she mentally kicked herself for being so stupid as to allow herself to get into this situation in the first place. Then there was this young woman who worked with her mom. She wondered if she had said anything to her at the bank today. Carrie wouldn’t know if she was in trouble until later on when her mother returned home. Finally, there was Sara. How did she figure into all this?

When she finished her homework, she plopped on the bed and just sighed. She was screwed. Amazingly however, other thoughts fought their way into her consciousness. She had talked with Matt today! He actually seemed rather charming and though Carrie hadn’t noticed before, he also was rather cute! She fast forwarded mentally to the prom. She could see herself all dressed up walking into the dance hanging on his arm. She never in a million years thought she would EVER get asked to go to the prom. Now, if she played her cards right, there was a chance, albeit slim but at least a chance, that she might actually get a date! There was plenty of time to work on that she thought confidently. Then too there was that orgasm she had the other day. WHEW! What a rush! She found herself getting wet just from the thought of it. She just HAD to have another one of those that’s all there was to it! Yes, there were risks in all this, very real risks, but she concluded: “It was worth it after all.”

She arrived at Mandy’s house a little before 4 o’clock. “Mandy I’ve just GOT to talk with you,” she said excitedly as she burst through the door.

Mandy, who was sitting on the couch eating a candy bar, looked up at her and simply said, “Ah, aren’t you forgetting something?”

Carrie rolled her eyes as she started taking off her shirt. She couldn’t believe that she wanted her to actually get naked again when she had such important things to discuss. When Carrie was naked and had locked her clothes in the box Mandy spoke up, “Now, what was it you wanted to talk with me about?”

“Sara! She knows about the club!”

“Who’s Sara?”

Carrie sat down next to her friend and began speaking a mile a minute, “I don’t know but she goes to our school! She came up to me in the parking lot today and told me that SHE’S being initiated too! She even told me the name of the CLUB – The Civanettes!”

Mandy was dumbfounded. “She what?! That’s impossible!”

“I know that’s what I thought!” Carrie then explained everything the girl said including the security tape that Sara’s brother had shown her.

“But I made the whole thing up!” Mandy said still trying to sort things out. “There is no club . . . you know that. I just made it up to explain your nudity to Tracy and Kim. But . . . come to think of it, I have heard of the Civanettes though. You don’t suppose . . . Naw, that’s impossible.”

“What are we going to do?!” Carrie asked in a panic! There was no doubt in Carrie’s mind that her best friend would know just how to handle this. She always seemed to be in control of things and nothing seemed to get the best of her.

“First off, what did this Sara girl want anyway?”

“Nothing . . . she just wanted to talk about the initiation. She said she needed to talk to somebody about it or she would just explode.”

Mandy nodded her head. “Maybe she’s just fishing for information. If she is, I’ll call her bluff. We’ll soon sort it out.”

“I hope so because she’s coming over here at 4 o’clock.”

Just then the door opened. Both Mandy and Carrie seemed startled as Traci and Kim walked into the room. “Oh, it’s you,” Mandy said with a sigh.

“Well that certainly is a nice welcome,” Traci said a bit put out.

“Oh, I didn’t mean it that way,” Mandy said a bit distracted. She was about to tell them about this Sara person when there was a knock on the door.

“Who on earth could that be?” Kim asked as if she owned the place.

Mandy got up and opened the door. “Hi Mandy,” the young girl said. “I’m Sara Edwards. You probably don’t remember me but I was in your geometry class last year.”

“Oh yeah, Hi Sara,” Mandy said trying vaguely to recall the girl as she stood at the door.

“I’m supposed to meet Carrie.”

“Yes, she told me all about it. Won’t you come in?”

The young girl had only taken two steps inside when she spotted Carrie without clothes on sitting casually on the couch. Sara’s eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. While she was staring silently, Mandy spoke up, “So Carrie tells me that you are being initiated too, is that right?”

“Yes, that’s right and I was . . .” her voice trailed off as she finally spotted Traci and Kim. She stood there silently, obviously taken aback that others were in the room. “Um . . . perhaps I should go,” she said nervously.

“Why? We’re all friends here,” Mandy said taking the poor girl by the arm and leading her to a chair. Meanwhile Traci and Kim stood there with confused looks on their faces. Carrie was wondering how those two would react as she was sure that they were somehow behind all this. It appeared to Carrie, however, that neither of them knew the girl nor did Sara appear to recognize them.

“But . . . I . . . that is, what I have to talk with you about is rather private. Maybe I can come back another time.”

“Oh, you mean about the club? Oh, they know all about that don’t you girls?”

Traci and Kim looked at each other and then Kim spoke up, “The initiation thing? Yeah, we know about that.”

“It’s just that I’m not supposed to talk about . . . well you know. I could get disqualified.” Sara said nervously fiddling with her fingers.

“Oh, they are trustworthy,” Mandy explained. “They won’t say anything. They’ve been with Carrie for most of her tasks anyway. They can keep a secret. Can’t you girls?”

“ABSOLUTELY,” Traci and Kim said in unison.

“Oh . . .” Sara sighed looking nervously at the two girls.

Traci’s face lit up with excitement as if something finally dawned on her. “So, you are being initiated too?! How come everybody gets asked to join this club but me?” Her comment seemed to put the girl at ease and she gave a nervous laugh.

“I don’t know much about the selection process or who they invite I’m afraid.”

Mandy was still skeptical about the whole affair and looked at Sara with a jaded eye. She decided to push the girl a bit to see if she was telling the truth. “So how many points do you have then?”

“Not many,” Sara said reluctantly as she lowered her head and looked at the floor as if she was ashamed. “I only have 40 points. That’s what I want to talk with you about. I understand that you are Carrie’s monitor.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, I want to get into the club so bad but I’m having a heck of a time trying to find ways to earn points.” Sara closed her eyes and said, “Besides, I’m not that brave.” She then looked up eagerly and continued, “But when I saw Carrie’s stunt in the hotel, I knew that you two were on the ball and had your act together. I just had to talk with you.”

“You KNOW about Carrie at the Bilton?” Traci asked incredulously.

“Yeah, that’s how I knew she was being initiated. The selection committee doesn’t reveal who the initiates are so we are pretty much on our own, something about keeping the whole process secret.”

Mandy got an evil grin and interrupted. “Say, since you’ve only got 40 points why don’t you strip off and work on getting a few more while we visit?” Mandy was sure the girl was all talk and was just trying to get her friend into trouble. She was going to find out just how truthful and serious this girl really was. There was no way she thought that Sara would humiliate herself by getting naked in front of them. She was sure she only wanted to watch her friend get into trouble.

“Um . . .” Sara said as she looked around the room, “Okay. That’s a great idea! I could use the points. You’ll have to give me a note though so I get credit.” Sara said then quickly, though obviously quite anxiously, began taking off her clothes. Traci and Kim couldn’t believe their luck and stood there with their mouths hanging open as they eagerly watched.

Carrie too was surprised as well. She never expected that the girl would be telling the truth or would go through with it but there she was standing in her birthday suit. Carrie was surprised at how the sight of another classmate standing naked there affected her. She was almost as nervous as the poor girl appeared to be. She could tell that Sara was having a hard time trying not to cover herself as everyone stared. No, she definitely WASN’T used to this at all!

Sara was pretty too – VERY pretty and much more endowed than Carrie was. She had a full bush too so Carrie thought she wasn’t the trendy, popular type. All those trendy girls usually shaved or at least trimmed down below she thought, or at least that’s what she had heard was popular among the young crowd these days. Still, Carrie couldn’t help but admire the girl both for her body AND her courage. After all, except for possibly Mandy, the girl didn’t appear to know anybody in the room and yet she bared all.

Sara finally spoke up, “So Carrie, how may points do you have?”

“She has 125 points,” Traci spoke up proudly.

“Wow, already?”

“So, what have you done to get your 40 points, Sara,” Mandy asked skeptically.

“Not much really. I usually hang out at my monitor’s house naked and sometimes she brings people over to see me. I flashed the pizza guy a couple of times and once she had me hang around the locker room naked for half a day at school. Boy was THAT hard to explain. I got a lot of points for that one.”

“Sounds like you’re on your way,” Mandy said flippantly. “So, what do you need us for?”

“Ideas,” Sara quickly replied. “I need ideas and well, truthfully I need company. I’m not that brave to do these things alone. I REALLY want to get into the club but I need someone to help me. I don’t think that’s cheating – not if we BOTH do this together. There isn’t a rule against that is there?”

Mandy hemmed a bit and replied cautiously, “No . . . not that I know of.” Mandy looked at Carrie a bit then back at Sara. “So, let me get this straight, you want to JOIN Carrie in her tasks so you can earn points too is that it?”

“Well . . . yeah, that and I need help with the Mandatories too.”

“The Mandatories?”

“Yeah, you know, the things we absolutely MUST do regardless.” Sara explained. Mandy looked at Carrie with a puzzled expression.

“Just in case they are different for each initiate, what are YOUR Mandatories, Sara?” Mandy asked cautiously.

“Oh, they are the same for everybody. I thought you would know that being a monitor and all. Oh, I get it. You’re testing me to see if I’m really telling the truth, aren’t you? Okay, well there are only two Mandatories actually. First is to appear topless for two hours at a large public place but beaches and swimming pools are EXCLUDED. And the second is worse. You have to appear completely naked at a public event for at least three hours and beaches or swimming pools don’t count.”

“And you want to do this with Carrie, the two of you together?” Mandy asked once more to be sure she understood.

“That’s right. I feel I could do them if somebody with as much courage as Carrie were with me. Otherwise, I’ll fail for sure.”

Mandy couldn’t believe her ears. None of this made sense unless there really WAS a club. Why on earth would she want to humiliate herself and do these things if she wasn’t really trying out for the club? But there WASN’T a club!! She could understand it all if she only wanted to HELP humiliate her friend, but she actually wanted to DO the tasks too! And how did she know about the format that she created for Carrie. It was almost identical. What were the chances of a real club coming up with the same rules and point system? It all seemed terribly suspicious to her.

Traci and Kim were practically giddy with excitement. A new girl wanted to join Carrie in earning points AND the very thought of them doing the two Mandatories was better than they could have hoped for.
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Public Nudity for Points – Part Ten (Exhib, Humil, mmmfffFF)
BY: Hooked6

Carrie thought for sure she was in an episode of The Twilight Zone. Any minute now she would wake up and discover this was only a nightmare. Sara couldn’t be serious about the Mandatories as she called them. Carrie had flashbacks to Traci’s original suggestion about streaking the football game at school. Finally, she blurted out, “You can’t be serious! What are we supposed to do streak the mall or something? We’d get arrested for sure!”

“I see you haven’t told her about the Mandatories yet,” Sara said looking regretfully at Carrie. “Sorry, I thought you knew. Besides we can’t streak anything to complete the Mandatories. We have to do the tasks for several hours! No, it’s got to be some sort of public event and that we can do for a couple of HOURS not just a few fleeting minutes. And we BOTH know time is running short. We only have until the end of this month.”

Carrie just shook her head. This was insane! There was no way they could pull this off! Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t think of a thing they could do without ending up in jail!

Mandy could sense Carrie’s frustration and decided to intervene. “Sara,” she interrupted, “We can talk about how to do that later. Right now, I think you have a more pressing problem.”

“I do?”

“Yes, you need more points. And from what I understand you want our help in reaching your goal.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Sara said confidently.

“So why don’t we start right now.” Mandy was sure that Sara was still only bluffing. The way Mandy figured it was easy to get naked in the relative safety of her home. She wondered if she would really go through performing some task naked when there was a little more risk to it. She was going to throw down the gauntlet and see if she picked it up.

Sara swallowed hard and said, “Okay as long as we are out for only an hour or so. I have to get back home and do my chores before too long.”

Now it was Mandy’s turn to be surprised.

“Okay, this is what I have in mind. Let’s all ride down to Johnson’s Mill.” Mandy said with a sly grin.

Carrie gave Mandy a scowl but Mandy secretly mouthed to her friend “Just trust me.”

There were those words again! Every time Mandy said them, Carrie ended up in a compromising situation.

“I’ll go along with whatever you suggest. Just remember I’m not THAT brave but I really DO need the points so whatever you’re planning please help me through it, Okay?” Sara said with her voice cracking a wee bit.

Mandy smiled, “No problem. I’ll drive. Traci? You guys want to follow us out?”

“HECK YEAH!” they both replied excitedly.

Mandy led the two naked girls out to her garage and they both got in the car. Carrie, being experienced got in the back seat leaving Sara the more visible front passenger seat. “Ever go for a car ride naked in broad daylight?” Mandy asked with a chuckle.

“Nnnnnnooooo,” Sara replied nervously.

“It’s not so bad,” Carrie said relishing the fact that Sara was squirming a bit. “You get used to it after a while.”

“I forgot. How many points do I get for doing this ride?” Sara asked.

“Well, that’s 20 points for being out naked during daylight. But with what we’re going to do you have a chance to earn a lot more. Still want to go along and do this?” she asked as she started the car. She was expecting Sara to chicken out as soon as she heard the engine running.

Sara swallowed hard, looked back at Carrie and replied trying to sound confident, “Sure. As long as Carrie can do this with me, I can do this too!”

Carrie was shocked at what she could only describe as idol worship from her classmate. That was weird, she thought to herself. Here’s a girl that’s trying to be more like me and I would rather be anybody else but me!

As they drove along Carrie could see that Sara was extremely nervous and she began to feel badly for her. It was quite obvious that it was taking all of Sara’s fortitude to not cover herself. Carrie was nervous as well as she too was naked in Mandy’s car but all her thoughts seemed to center around this mysterious girl. Besides Carrie was in the somewhat secluded and more shaded back seat with only a little side window. Sara, on the other hand was right up in the sunlit front seat with the wide windshield and passenger side windows. She was the more exposed one. Still, it unnerved her whenever they slowed down or were approaching a traffic light. Mandy was an expert at making those. She always seemed to time it right so that the light was green by the time they reached the intersection. Before long they were off the main road and traveling down a small country lane.

“Here we are,” Mandy said as she stopped the car, “Johnson’s Mill.”

As they got out of the car Sara looked around, “Gee, it’s beautiful here. Look at all the trees and greenery.”

“Yeah,” Mandy started to explain. “It belonged to old man Johnson. It’s been abandoned for years. Someday a developer will buy all this land and turn it into a housing development. Until then, I like coming up here and just chill. It’s pretty secluded.”

Sara began to visibly calm down a bit. Based on what Mandy had just said, whatever they were going to do, the chances of the being seen seemed pretty remote. After all they were way off the beaten path. Suddenly she didn’t seem as concerned at being so far away from her clothes.

Carrie however was scared to death. She knew Mandy wouldn’t have brought them way out here for a hike in the woods. No, she was up to something. She just couldn’t figure out what it was.

Just then Traci and Kim caught up with them and got out of their car.

“Hi guys. I see you made it.” Mandy remarked. “I wasn’t sure you knew where it was or that you’d catch up after getting stuck at that traffic light.”

“I lost for you for a minute but then I spotted you and saw where you turned off,” Tracy said.

“So, what do you want us to do?” Sara asked obviously seeming more relaxed than she had been in the car.

“To get all your points all you have to do is follow me to a spot that I like and then I want you to stand, legs wide apart, and arms behind your head for 20 minutes.”

“That’s it?” Sara asked certain there was more.

“Sure, that’s it. You never know, you might be seen and if you are that will be extra points,” Mandy said slyly.

That didn’t sound so bad. Who could possibly be way out here except for a maybe a stray hiker or something, Sara thought to herself.

“Okay guys, follow me and oh one more thing, no talking.” With that she walked on with the two naked girls in tow followed by Traci and Kim who were bringing up the rear. They walked for about 10 minutes or so down a well-worn dirt path. It was beautiful. Several squirrels ran up the trees as they passed by and once, they even saw a rabbit. Carrie would have to remember this place. It was very relaxing except for the fact that she was naked!

“We are almost there,” Mandy explained. “It’s just around the bend and when we get there, I want you two to assume the position I described earlier. No talking, no balking, just stand there proudly for 20 minutes. If you leave before then you get nothing.”

Both girls nodded and Mandy started off ahead of them again.

As they rounded the bend, the path suddenly opened up into a clearing, and to the absolute HORROR of both girls was the Interstate highway running past them not 15 yards away! There they were in the clear view of all the rush hour traffic and today of all days it was moving at a crawl so congested by the volume of going home vehicles on the road.

Carrie’s eyes almost popped out of her head and Sara appeared to be close to fainting herself as her legs were literally trembling.

“Okay girls, you know what to do,” Mandy prompted to the giggles of Traci and Kim.

Sara looked at Carrie for encouragement waiting to see what she was going to do. Kim started chanting, “Carrie, Carrie, CARRIE” over and over again. Buoyed by the adrenalin rush from the cheering, Carrie took a couple of steps forward into the clearing, put her hands behind her head and spread her legs out wide.

Sara smiled admirably and said, “I don’t know how you do it!” Eventually, after much hesitation, she too then did the same and before long they were both standing side by side showing everything to the oncoming traffic.

The clearing was actually a small bluff so the girls were up higher than the passing cars making them much more visible than they normally would be. The guardrails didn’t hide a thing as the girls were at least 10 feet above them.

At first no one seemed to notice then it happened. Someone began honking his car horn which literally sent chills up the spine of both the girls!! They had been spotted!!

“WOO HOO!” Kim exclaimed loudly, “Extra points for being seen!”

Soon almost everyone was honking. Truckers sounded their horns an extra-long time drawing the attention of everyone else as to what they were on about.

“Don’t worry girls,” Mandy said calmly. “The chain link fence below us at ground level will keep anyone from stopping and walking up to you and the next exit ramp is 20 miles away. Even if a cop passes by, it we’ll be long gone by the time they get here. Just relax and enjoy yourselves I think THEY are!” Everyone laughed at her comment except Carrie and Sara.

So, there they were out in the sunshine in broad daylight exposing themselves to literally hundreds and hundreds of passing motorists!

Sara was especially obvious as her dark pubic hair contrasted so well with her pale skin drawing attention to the fact that she was naked!

“HEY BABES, need a ride?” some jerk yelled out his window as he slowed his car to get a better look.

It was all so embarrassing. Sara was trembling but she didn’t move a muscle. Carrie figured it was because she was paralyzed with fear. Still, everyone had to give her credit as she indeed was true to her word and went along with it like she had said she would.

Carrie on the other hand was getting aroused – VERY aroused. She liked the attention and crude remarks of the passersby. She felt safe separated by the guardrails and fence that extended along the Interstate highway. The girls were there to protect her as well, so someone couldn’t sneak up on them from behind. As strange as it may seem she began to relax and enjoy the moment. She pushed out her chest to accentuate what little she had up top and even thrust out her pelvis in the odd chance that someone may see how turned on she was by all of this. Of course, at that distance it would have been impossible for any motorist to see how wet she was. But that didn’t matter. There was still the possibility that existed in her own mind and that was all that mattered. She even closed her eyes once and imagined that Matt was passing by and saw her like that. That thought almost gave her an orgasm right then and there – so strong was the pressure building below that she forced herself to think of something else lest she embarrass herself in front of the others. THAT would too horrible to even think about!

All too soon, at least as far as Carrie was concerned Mandy announced that time was up and they could leave. Sara immediately wasted not even a nanosecond and covered herself with her arms and scampered back into the woods like a cat running away from a dog. Carrie hesitated for a few last lingering seconds before she too reluctantly made her way back to the safety of the trees.

“What a rush!” Sara said as they walked back to their vehicles. “I could NEVER have done that if you weren’t there with me, Carrie. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! And Mandy, I’m glad you didn’t tell us what you were planning. I would have chickened out for sure! I just knew that hooking up with you was the right thing to do!”

Mandy still wasn’t convinced the girl was on the level. A little voice kept saying that she only went through with it because she had to. Now that she had felt the sting and true embarrassment of real public exposure, surely there wouldn’t BE a next time. Mandy, on the other hand, was going to make sure there WAS a NEXT time!
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Public Nudity for Points– Part Eleven (Exhib, Humil, mmmfffFF)
BY: Hooked6

Upon arriving back at Mandy’s house all Sara could think about was her point total. “How many points did I get? Please Mandy, figure it out I need to know! How many points, Mandy?” She was like a little kid on her birthday so excited she was over what she had accomplished she was talking a mile-a-minute.

“Okay, okay, settle down,” Mandy said as she got her clipboard and began looking over the papers attached to it. “Let’s see that’s 20 points for being naked outside during daylight, 5 points for being seen by others, 5 bonus points for being seen by more than 10 people, 10 bonus points for it being a risky public exposure . . . that’s 40 more points!”

Sara’s eye’s widened and she let out an audible gasp. She could hardly believe it. “FORTY POINTS, why that’s as many points in an hour than I have earned in all of the last two weeks! Thank you guys soooooo much!”

Sara was practically giddy with excitement. She went around hugging everyone and thanking them. Her gratitude appeared genuine which surprised Mandy to no end. Either this girl was a flawless actress or she was the real deal. Still, she was skeptical about this mysterious girl. What was her angle? She had to find out one way or another. Too much was at stake here. She needed more information and she was definitely going to challenge her again.

Mandy sat down with paper and pen. “Sara, who do I make this letter out to detailing your points you earned today? Who is your monitor?”

“Oh, address it to Amy Harkins. She’s my monitor. I hope she’ll accept this letter. I REALLY need the points.”

“Amy Harkins . . . I don’t believe I know her,” Mandy mused. Then, turning to the others asked, “Any of you guys know an Amy Harkins?”

“I don’t,” Carrie replied. “Me neither,” Traci added.

“I think maybe . . . yes, she’s in my history class” Kim noted.

At least Mandy was now sure of one thing, there really was such a person. Though the school was large, she was going to have to make a concerted effort to find her and check this out. She gave Sara her paper and eventually everyone departed.

Over the next several days the girls lost track of Sara. It was like she disappeared into the woodwork or something. No one saw her at school. Mandy was also having no luck tracking down the Harkins girl. She even went so far as to have Kim to ask Amy to contact her, which Kim insisted she did, but no contact was ever made.

Finally, one day almost a week later the girls were hanging out a Mandy’s house when there was a knock on the door. Carrie, as was now her custom, was sitting on the couch naked. “Could you see who that is, Carrie?” Mandy asked with a grin.

“You’re evil,” Carrie said laughing and got up to do as she was asked. She looked through the peephole then flung the door wide open exclaiming to the girls, “Why look what the cat drug in. It’s SARA!”

Mandy got up and looked the girl over. “Well, well . . . So, Sara’s back. I was beginning to think you were abducted by aliens or something.”

Sara just laughed as she began taking off her clothes. “You guys, you’re such kidders. No, I’ve just been stuck doing things at home. My mom is on the warpath about my room and my grades have been slipping. I’ve practically had no time to myself at all these last few days. In fact, I’ve only earned 2 points since I last saw you.”

“So, you decided to come back to get a bunch more is that it?”

“Well, yeah and to see you guys again. That’s Okay isn’t it?” Sara asked as she handed her clothes to Mandy. Looking over the naked girl before her Mandy smiled and invited her to sit down and make herself comfortable.

Softening her tone Mandy continued “Sure, you’re welcome here anytime. Did you have any trouble with the letter I gave you? I tried contacting your monitor several times to explain it all to her but so far I’ve had no luck.”

“Oh, no trouble at all, though she did say you got the points wrong?”

“Oh, she DID, did she?”

“Yeah, she said you forgot to give me 1 point for the hour I spent naked at your house. So, I actually got forty-ONE points, not forty.”

Mandy wrinkled up her face. How on Earth did she know that, she wondered to herself? “She’s right. Sorry I didn’t mean to cheat you. I’ve got to adjust Carrie’s total too then.”

“So . . .” Sara sighed excitedly. “What are we going to do today? I still need a lot of points and I practically lost a week with very little to show for it.”

“My you’re keen on this aren’t you?” Mandy said with a giggle. “As a matter of fact, I’ve got just the thing and it’s worth 100 points! That is IF you two are up for it.”

“WOW! A HUNDRED points! Yeah, I’m in. Carrie?”

Carrie was ready. She was always ready. But lately her inner most needs had gone unfulfilled. As usual her body was full of emotions and inner conflict. She had grown almost addicted to these special tasks and secretly yearned for more. She was totally dependent upon Mandy to give legitimacy to these things. Her patience had been wearing thin, though she dared not say anything. She was eager all right, but knowing her friend wasn’t about to just GIVE 100 points away she felt a growing nervousness deep inside. “Yeah, I suppose.”

Let’s get to the car. I’ll drive. I thought we’d go back out to Johnson’s Mill.”

“Are we going to flash the motorists again?” Sara asked.

“No. I’ve got something better in mind.”

Carrie was left pondering what her friend was up to. So lost in her thoughts was she, that she failed to notice that Sara had already taken the back seat leaving her the more exposed front passenger position. She had to hand it to her, Sara was a quick learner. Carrie sat nervously in the car for the drive out to the mill. The more cars that passed by the more worked up she got. Having been almost a week since they had done anything exciting, she was filled with hormonal stimulation. She began wishing that she had brought a towel along to protect the car seat!

When they reached their destination, the girls got out and Mandy retrieved a small cloth bag from the trunk. Soon they found themselves heading down the familiar dirt path. “I thought you said we weren’t going to stand and flash the cars.” Sara remarked.

“You’re not.”

Nothing else was said as the girls continued their trek with Traci and Kim bringing up the rear. When they were only a few short steps away from the clearing, Mandy stopped and looked the girls over. “Well, you’re probably wondering what you have to do to earn so many points.”

“The thought had crossed my mind, yes,” Carrie said flippantly.

Mandy smiled, “Oh come on you’ll enjoy this.” Carrie and Sara looked at each other nervously – each trying to draw courage from the other. “To get the 100 points you have to walk out to clearing like the other day and masturbate yourselves to an orgasm. Once you have gotten yourself off you can leave. If you fail to bring yourself to climax you get nothing.”

Both girls looked at Mandy with total terror. “You . . . you can’t be serious?” Sara protested.

“Of course I am. Imagine all those people out there passing by watching you two do something so intimate, so personal, so . . .”

“So SHAMEFUL you mean!” Sara snapped a bit angrily.

“You don’t HAVE to do it,” Mandy replied. “It’s just a way to earn ONE HUNDRED points in one easy step that’s all. I thought you wanted my help?”

“I do but . . .”

“I suppose you all are going to watch too,” Carrie said half-jokingly, half hopefully.

Traci and Kim burst out laughing almost uncontrollably. “Wouldn’t miss it for the WORLD,” Traci said emphatically.

“You’re actually going to go through with it, Carrie?” Sara asked almost in shock.

“Yeah, I guess so. A hundred points is after all 100 points.” Truth be told, she was so desperate for relief that she NEEDED to release the pressure. This was as good of an opportunity as any despite how mortifying it might be to do it in front of her classmates.

Mandy looked at Sara’s every expression studying her to learn of her true intent. She was certain that this challenge would be the straw that was too hard to carry. Any minute now she was certain Sara was going balk and show her true colors. She hated to humiliate her friend Carrie by putting her in such an awkward position without explaining why, but she felt once again that too much was at stake here to take any chances. She just didn’t trust Sara for some reason.

Everyone got quiet as they awaited Sara’s next move. The tension was palpable. Finally, she opened her mouth . . . but nothing came out. She swallowed and tried again. “I . . . I guess if Carrie is going to do it, I can too!”

“That a girl!” Kim said slapping her on the back for support. “I KNEW you wouldn’t wimp out!”

Everyone now looked at Carrie as it was clear that she had to make the first move. Sara wasn’t going to seize the initiative by any means. Carrie thought it was a good thing that she did have the front seat on the way over as there was no way she would have had the wherewithal to go through with it if she wasn’t already so aroused and her hormones doing the thinking.

Taking a deep breath, Carrie nervously walked out into the clearing purposely moving several steps farther away from the tree-line than she had done the last time they were out here. She secretly wanted to show herself. No sense hiding in the shadows she thought.

Sara, taking baby steps, followed her out and stood right next to her, so close to her in fact that her arm was touching Carrie’s. The sunlight felt good on their naked bodies though it meant that they were much more easily seen.

Carrie looked at Sara then at Mandy and finally at Traci and Kim, who had now taken up positions in front and at the side to afford themselves a great view of the show but not so obtrusive so as to block the view of oncoming traffic. Doing this in front of the distant motorists was somewhat exciting, at least to Carrie, but, having their friends so close at hand was truly embarrassing.

Carrie blushing profusely closed her eyes, thrust her pelvis forward, slowly lowered her had between legs and began making circular motions with her fingers across her already prominent, slippery clitoris.

“OH MY GOSH! What in the heck is THAT thing?” Sara blurted out innocently as she spotted Carrie’s engorged and oh so obvious clit making Carrie blush and gush – blushing because she was totally humiliated that Sara called attention to part of her anatomy that she hated; and gushed lubrication because Sara had called attention to part of her anatomy that she hated! It was almost as if Carrie was turned on by being humiliated and this made Carrie finger herself with incredible enthusiasm.

Sara, observing her friend getting right to it, eventually followed suit, though her technique was quite different – more of a back and forth rubbing after she licked her fingers. She was nowhere near as aroused as Carrie. In fact, she was scared to death!

Carrie was suddenly startled out of her trance by the sound of a bag rustling. She opened her eyes to see Mandy pulling out a video camera. “What the hell are you doing?!” Carrie protested pulling her hand from between her legs and flailing her arms about excitedly.

Mandy giggling her response, “Just making sure that you don’t try and FAKE an orgasm. Wouldn’t want one of you to cheat and pretend to get off just to get out of this situation quicker. Wouldn’t be fair to the other would it?”

Sara started to panic! “Oh, please don’t put this on tape!! I would just DIE if anybody saw that!!! I don’t know if I . . .”

“Relax,” Mandy said calmly. “We’ll all watch it together back at the house and if everyone agrees the orgasms were genuine, I’ll delete the file. Besides it would mean so much to me if you let me do this.”

Carrie just shook her head in disbelief. She couldn’t refuse her friend so she just closed her eyes and resumed making circular motions between her legs with her finger tips before she lost the moment and the excitement building down below.
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Public Nudity for Points – Part Twelve (Exhib, Humil, mmmfffFF)
BY: Hooked6

Sara stuck her hands down below but she was too distracted by all the traffic, her classmates and that darn video camera! Why did she have to insist on that anyway, she wondered?

Carrie meanwhile started to get into it. Her thoughts were on Matt imagining that he was watching her just like the girls were at that moment, hoping that he too was getting off on seeing her like that. Oh, what a thought! With the cool breeze stimulating every nerve ending on her skin reminding her she was outside naked, it didn’t take long, being as worked up as she was, for her breathing to quicken and get deeper and deeper and then she exploded into one of her vaginal pulsating orgasms like the one she experienced before only THIS time, she squirted a strong stream of something onto the ground each time she had a vaginal contraction. She was so very embarrassed yet she had no idea what was happening to her or how to stop it – not that she wanted to. Every muscle down below contracted with such violence that it was visibly obvious to all the girls that this was indeed a very genuine climax!

Her friends all howled at seeing her squirting. Kim was laughing so hard she actually felt to the ground as she lost her balance and just looked up at the helpless Carrie making sure she didn’t miss a single nanosecond of Carrie’s orgasm. The look on Carrie’s face was priceless! It was a combination of absolute pleasure and total confusion sprinkled with genuine horror.

Carrie almost fainted when she was through. It was hard to go through such a thing while standing. Her legs wanted to give out but she found the strength to stand. When she finally opened her eyes, they were met by the sight of a trucker leaning out his window giving her a big ‘thumbs up’! Oh Gawd, she thought! He saw me do that! Coming to her senses after her breathing returned to normal and her brain began working again, she then turned her attention to poor Sara.

Everyone watched as Sara tried to relax. Carrie could have retreated for the safety of the tree-line, but she didn’t. In a weird sort of way, like people looking at an accident, she wanted to see Sara get off. She was curious having never seen anyone actually do that before. She thought that it was good to be first. Now she could enjoy herself without worrying about all the attention being focused on her.

After 15 minutes of playfully rubbing, sliding, stroking, gyrating, and squeezing her boobs, Sara finally seemed to get into it. She was obviously wet now and appeared to be enjoying herself. “Oohhhh, please don’t make me do this,” she exclaimed as she continued furiously rubbing. “I . . . I, ooohhhhh!!!”

Sara finally climaxed. Sara’s orgasm was much more subdued and she moaned a lot when it happened but to Carrie it did seem genuine, not that she had any experience watching other girls climax, mind you. When it was through, Sara sat on the ground completely worn out.

Mandy managed to record the whole thing – all of it and she savored her good sense to keep filming until the very end. She wanted the tape for two reasons: first to satisfy her own erotic fantasies and second to use as leverage in case she was right about Sara and things took a turn for the worse. She had absolutely no intention of EVER erasing the file.

Sara looked faint as she sat there breathing hard, her face a crimson red and sweat running down her cheeks. “Wow!” she finally managed to whisper through her gasps for fresh air. “I’ve never done THAT before, well not in public, anyway!”

The girls all laughed. “We’ve never SEEN that before either!” Traci said honestly pointing at Carrie with a HUGE grin on her face. The others all laughed as Carrie blushed a deep red once again.

“We’d better get going,” Mandy advised. “We’ve been here way too long as it is.”

“Yeah, she’s right,” Traci concurred as she helped Sara to her feet. The girls all made their way back through the dirt path and headed for home.

Neither Carrie nor Sara spoke a word on the drive back to town. They were focused on the tape hoping Mandy wasn’t serious about watching it with them present. It was bad enough to do it once; neither wanted to relive it all over again!

Once in the house Kim patted Sara on the back, “ONE HUNDRED POINTS; Not bad for a day’s work, eh?”

Sara smiled wide realizing that she had made a huge stride toward her total. “I wouldn’t want to do that again, but I’m glad that I went through with it.”

Mandy filled out another letter for Amy, Sara’s monitor, and handed it to her to take when she left.

The girls all got involved chatting with each other about the usual stuff. Finally, Sara announced she had to leave. “Before I go though, I’m still worried about the Mandatories. I haven’t a clue what we can do to fulfill them. Do you Carrie?”

Carrie shook her head. “No, there really isn’t anything I can think of that won’t get us thrown into jail and I’m not about to do that - club or no club!’ she said emphatically mostly for the benefit of Mandy hoping she got the message.

To everyone’s surprise Mandy spoke up confidently, “Oh I already have that all worked out and I guarantee that it’s all perfectly legal. Trust me,” she said looking at Carrie, “It’s all arranged.”

“What do you mean, it’s all arranged?” Carrie asked cautiously.

“Like I said, I’ve taken care of everything. In fact, you’ll both get to do your topless Mandatory at a public event this Thursday.”

“But that’s only TWO DAYS AWAY!” Sara protested. “You mean you’ve arranged for us to be topless at a public event for at least two hours and it will all be legal? You do know we can’t use a beach or a pool, right? What in the hell are we going to be doing - no wait never mind. I don’t want to know!”

Carrie knew that Mandy had something up her sleeve but had absolutely no idea what it could be. Secretly, just the thought of being topless in public terrified her as she was somewhat ashamed of her obvious lack of endowment. Being naked was one thing as there were other things for someone to look at besides her boobs. But just topless, oh she was going to hate that!

“I’ll tell you both Thursday just prior to the event. Just trust me.” Mandy said with a sly smile. There were those words again. Carrie thought.

Wednesday night Carrie didn’t sleep a wink, didn’t even close her eyes once. She was so worked up over what might happen the next day.

All morning at school she hardly concentrated on her class work. Her mind was on what might happen later that day. At lunch she had no appetite. Minutes after her first afternoon class started, the intercom interrupted her teacher: “Will Carrie Thomas and Sara Edwards please report to the administrative office – Carrie Thomas and Sara Edwards, thank you.”

Carrie picked up her books and excused herself not having a clue what was going on. The fact that they called her name to the office was no big deal. They were always calling people out of class for some trivial thing. What scared her was that Sara’s name was also called. She began to worry that the Principal had found out about the club or that someone reported her – someone that perhaps saw her on the Interstate naked! Or worse, maybe the Principal saw the Bilton security tape! Her legs began to grow heavier with each step she took towards the office. She had to force herself to try and stay calm and not assume the worst. Just play it cool, she told herself, just play it cool.

As she entered the office door, she saw Mandy standing there all smiles and next to her was the assistant principal, and two ladies nicely dressed that she didn’t know. Sara Edwards entered just after she did and they both looked at each other as confused as ever.

“You wanted to see us?” Carrie asked the Assistant Principal.

“Yes, yes, please come right in,” she said. “I want to thank you two for volunteering today. I’m very proud of you and you are doing a wonderful thing.”

“We are?” Carrie asked still having no idea what was going on.

“Yes, you did volunteer to help out didn’t you?”

Mandy gave her a wink and she knew that this must be it. Carrie regained her composure and answered, “Oh, yes. . . we did. I, that is, we didn’t realize that’s why you called us here.”

“Yes,” the Assistant principal explained, “Well, I figured it best for us all to go in together. If you’ll all follow me please,” she instructed and led the group out of the office. Mandy was carrying a box of some sort of printed material and the two professionally dressed ladies followed close behind. They all entered a classroom that was literally full of students which all got quiet at seeing the Assistant Principal enter the room.

After setting the box down, one of the women addressed the all-girl group of students. “Thank you, girls, for coming to this special and most important class. I’m sure this will be an informative and immensely useful event for you all.”

The Assistant Principal then pointing to the other ladies continued, “As you know this is something special that the school is doing this year and hopefully will do again if there is enough interest. Now, I would like to introduce Mrs. Kimmons and Mrs. Potts, both are nurses with the American Cancer Society. I’m sure you all know your fellow students, Carrie Thomas and Sara Edwards. These students have both volunteered to be models for these nurses as they teach you the very important skill of self-breast examination – a technique that is a vital tool in the early detection of breast cancer. You are never too young to start using good health practices which is why the school has voluntarily chosen to do this. Mandy, if you will close the door and Carrie and Sara please take off your blouses and bra’s, we’ll get started.”

Carrie’s eyes almost popped out of her head! She was going to be topless in front of all those students! She was going to show her teeny tiny tits to her fellow classmates – her peers – people she would see every day, people who would now know her deepest secret! Now she was going to have to reveal her pitiful boobs to all of them for inspection! All through high school she had managed to carefully conceal the naked reality of her lack of endowment - preferring instead to leaving that to the imagination of the beholder. Now she was going to reveal everything! There would be no secrets anymore. She gave Mandy the most hateful look.

Sara wasn’t doing much better. She looked as if she was going to faint.

One of the nurses started speaking as Mandy passed out the literature. She began telling them how the girls should all become familiar with their breasts and to recognize the subtle changes that occur during that time of the month. While she was talking Carrie kept getting that “get a move on” stare from Mandy as she made her way around the classroom. She just stood there dumbfounded not knowing what to do and pretended to be listening to the nurse as she talked – then Mandy made her infamous puppy-dog eyes and that sealed the deal; well that, and the Assistant Principal also looked concerned as to why she was just standing there.

Carrie was committed, like it or not. She fumbled with the buttons on her blouse and had just taken it off leaving her standing there in her padded bra when she heard the nurse say something about demonstrating the proper technique. When Carrie looked over and saw the nurse was moving toward her, she quickly reached back and undid the clasp on her bra and let it fall.

Many of the girls snickered and some outright giggled after Carrie exposed her tiny breasts.

“Now class,” The nurse chastised, “this is a serious matter. Let’s all give our volunteers the respect they deserve, shall we?”

The giggles subsided but Carrie could still see the looks on the majority of faces – not to mention the smiles they all had as they looked at her. They may not have voiced anything out loud, but she KNEW they were making fun of her on the inside. She could almost imagine what they would be saying to each other when the class was over. Girls can be so cruel to each other sometimes!

Carrie glanced over at Sara and to her surprise saw that she too had disrobed baring her boobs to the class. Carrie was blushing and her heart was pounding. She wanted out of there! Then something amazing happened – she felt the nurse touching her breast and gently massaging it working her way slowly towards her nipple area as she explained to the class what she was doing and why. For some inexplicable reason it felt good! All those classmates were watching as some woman was touching her! It felt sensual, it was erotic, it was . . . arousing. Her nipples popped out making themselves quite obvious. Carrie began to feel ashamed that she was having such feelings and even felt worse when she began to get wet!

But that wasn’t the half of it. All of a sudden, the nurse asked for a volunteer and Cindy, one of the students that Carrie knew and despised, came forward. “Here, now you try it. Stand behind her like this . . . that’s it, now work from the outside towards the nipple.” Cindy did as instructed and began gently working her fingers around Carrie’s right breast as she thought she was supposed to do. “That’s it . . . not too fast and don’t press too hard.”

Carrie was mortified and electrified at the same time. She never really thought of herself attracted to other women per se but this felt awesome! Her breathing quickened and she grew even wetter. She began to worry that someone might detect her sweet smell of arousal. She blushed all the more.

“Do you feel that spot there?” the nurse asked. The student nodded. “That’s the glandular element of the breast. This part here,” the nurse explained as she moved Cindy’s hand to a different location “is normal fatty tissue. Feel the difference?” Cindy nodded and felt the two areas again. All that palpation was really getting to Carrie. She began to forget all about her embarrassment at revealing her AA-cup boobs and felt glad she was there!

After the student finished her exam of both breasts the nurse then announced, “Now I’d like all of you to try this while you have the opportunity. Who’s next?”

Carrie then realized most all the girls she knew were literally going to feel her up! Two thoughts came to her mind. First, she was mortified that her classmates were going to touch her so intimately on an area she wasn’t proud of. The second thought was growing louder and louder in her head -, What a rush this was going to be! She wondered if she could hold out without embarrassing herself. She looked over at Sara and she recognized that look – the same one she saw the other day at Johnson’s Mill as she masturbated. Yes, she too was struggling with this. It didn’t matter that this was a serious subject, for these girls anyway, they were in heaven!

Things were going along pretty smoothly for the first hour then it happened. The door to the classroom suddenly opened and everyone looked to see who it was.

(Author's note: Comments very much appreciated and inspire my work.)

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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12 . . .

Post by TheRevenant »

Your writing is amazing! I truly wish I had your imagination!
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12 . . .

Post by mcenf »

I like all your stories, I had read them before and I always love them.
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12 . . .

Post by Executionus »

This saga continues to be great. The concept of a blatantly noticable and unhidable she-boner every time Carrie gets aroused is brilliant all on its own.
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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Thank you Executionus. That means a lot.

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Re: Public Nudity for Points Ch 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12 . . .

Post by Hooked6 »

Public Nudity for Points – Part Thirteen (Exhib, Humil, mmmfffFF)
BY: Hooked6

There standing at the door was Billy Jacobs, one of the maintenance men. Billy was only 20 years old and got his job right after graduating.

Billy stood there gawking at the girls with his mouth wide open. Finally, after many moments of awkward silence the nurse asked politely, “Yes . . . Can we help you?”

“Oh, I thought this room was empty. I need to clean it.” Billy finally said still looking at the half-naked girls.

“Well, it’s not,” one of the nurses replied.

“But it usually is,” Billy said trying to explain himself. “I always clean this room at this time every day.”

“Yes well . . .” the nurse said trying to be courteous but growing impatient. “We’re having a special class in here today.”

Carrie couldn’t believe they were actually having a conversation while the two girls were exposed! Sara had covered herself with her hands while Carrie, either consciously or unconsciously just stood there looking at him.

“Well, I just didn’t want you to think I was, you know purposely interrupting,” Billy continued. “I’m really sorry.” With that he gave Carrie a wink, nodded his head and backed out of the room. Carrie blushed furiously and lowered her head realizing that she had been standing there exposed the whole time and that SHE was the one he had been looking at, tiny tits and all.

After the door closed most of the students started laughing and looking at Carrie and Sara with twinkles in their eyes. Of course, they all thought it was hilarious that the models had been seen by a guy! Everyone could be heard whispering something to that effect embarrassing Carrie and Sara even further. Little did they know that the two girls had been seen a lot over the past few weeks by many guys and girls alike!

The frivolity was interrupted by the sound of the bell announcing the change of classes. The nurse explained that since this was a special class that would last for two periods, everyone could remain if they so desired or those had had finished practicing breast self-examination could leave and attend their next class, if that was their choice. The sounds of the increasing number of students talking in the hallway unnerved the two girls and they realized that the possibility of being seen just increased tremendously.

Several students decided to leave having finished their examination. The door opened and closed several times and several of the girls seemed to deliberately delay closing the door as they said a parting “thank you” to the nurses for the class or fiddled with their books before finally closing the door. Naturally it all looked innocent so no one seemed to get called down for keeping the door open which emboldened a few more girls to join in the stunt. smiling at the hapless volunteers the whole time. Girls can be such bitches sometimes. During that time, Carrie could see students walking the halls as She and Sara stood there topless being groped in the name of science. A couple of times they saw people looking in and doing a double-take as they passed. The fear factor was horrible.

When the bell rang a second time the class continued until all the girls had been given an opportunity to practice on either Carrie or Sara – some even managed to palpate both of them. Most of the students seemed genuinely grateful for the opportunity to learn something so important to women’s health. A few just snickered at Carrie or Sara as they left. Those were the ones they had to watch out for.

“I would just like to thank both of you for making such a wonderful sacrifice,” the Assistant Principal said. “You are both upstanding students and I would be happy to add my recommendation to any scholarship applications you might be submitting. I won’t forget you.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” Carrie said as she began to get dressed. After everyone left Mandy came up to her friends. “So, how was it?”

“I wanted to just DIE!” Sara said as she flopped on a chair. “That was so HUMILIATING!”

Carrie just stood there smiling. Everyone knew that Carrie really liked it. Later when they were alone after school, she confided in Mandy. “Listen I just want you to know that I really think my self-image is improving. If you had told me that I would be doing this a few weeks ago I would have thought you had lost your mind. I really do believe I have grown some thanks to you and look forward to maybe growing some more.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that,” Mandy said with a smile.

The next day Carrie and Sara were the talk around campus. Everywhere they went, they overheard people talking about the “boob class.” Not all comments were bad as some clearly were bragging about how brave the two girls had been or how useful the class was. Still there were enough comments from girls like, “I can’t believe Carrie would want to show off her teeny boobs in front of everyone like that. She must really be mental or something.”

Carrie couldn’t help but notice all the sly grins as she passed girls in the hallway. She even got a few from some of the boys she knew. She was convinced that it was all related to word getting out about her exposure in class.

The fact that even some of the girls were making fun of her tormented her greatly. She began to get a little depressed. Mandy caught up with her in the parking lot Friday after school. “Gee, you look a bit down. Are you Okay?”

“Oh . . . I’m all right I guess,” Carrie said with a sigh.

“I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up. What we need is a distraction – something to do that’s just fun! Meet me at my house tomorrow at ten o’clock. I’ll call Sara and we’ll make a day of it.”

“Oh alright, I guess taking a break from all this might do me a world of good,” Carrie said as she got in her car.

The following day Carrie felt better. It was Saturday after all and there was no school – no one to torment her for the next two days. She was looking forward to hanging out with her friends and having a little fun. She had no idea what Mandy had planned but a little girl time – maybe shopping or seeing a movie – might be fun.

Carrie and Sara arrived together at Mandy’s and once inside Sara began taking off her clothes. “Oh, there’s no need for that,” Mandy said much to Carrie’s relief. “I’ve got a SURPRISE for both of you!” she said musically. “Look, tickets to the ROCK-Stock Concert at Heritage Park!”

Both girls screamed with excitement! “ROCK-Stock!! How in the world did you get tickets?! That’s been sold out for weeks!” Sara asked in amazement.

“Make that months,” Carrie added with a squeal. “That’s like THE hottest thing that’s EVER happened! I’ve never been to an outdoor concert before. Mandy you’re the GREATEST!” Carrie said as she hugged her friend.

“I know,” Mandy replied smugly. “We’d better get a move on though. It’s an hour and a half away and it starts at 1 o’clock.”

The girls all piled into the car and headed out. Both Carrie and Sara were thinking the same thing – that it was good to wear clothes in Mandy’s car for a change!

Upon arriving at Heritage Park, the girls were shocked to see all the people. Traffic was at a slow crawl as people converged on the parking areas. It took almost as long to find a place to park as it did to drive to the Park itself. After walking among the throngs of people headed towards the concert entrance, the girls discovered that the warm-up band had just started playing as they entered the gate.

The venue was an open-air event. People just spread out a blanket on the ground wherever they wanted or stood near the stage. Many just mingled around checking out the many vendor tents while listening to the music. There were no bleacher seats. “It’s all so informal – just like the sixties my dad is always talking about!” Sara noted.

The girls walked around the Park checking out the various displays when Carrie suddenly exclaimed, “OH MY GAWD! That girl is topless!”

“Look at the body paint on that other one!” Sara added giggling as she pointed to another topless girl.

“Yeah, you’ll see a lot of that,” said a familiar voice. “They’re all over the place. I even saw a naked guy too!”

“Traci!” Sara said as both Traci and Kim approached holding concert programs. “I can’t believe it! You have tickets too?!”

“Of course, silly. How do you think we got in here?” Kim remarked.

Carrie noticed Mandy just standing there smiling. “Mandy . . .” she asked skeptically, “what’s going on . . .?”

“Okay, I owe you an apology.” Mandy admitted with a smile.

“What?” Sara asked naively.

Mandy put her arm around both girls and explained. “I bought these tickets because I just thought this was the perfect place to do your last Mandatory.”

“Are you out of your mind?! We can’t get naked in front of all these people!” Carrie protested.

“Sure, you can! It’s legal. Nobody will care. Look around, everyone’s not paying a bit of attention to those topless girls. And look over there,” Mandy said pointing to a tent. “There’s a body-painting booth Just look at all the girls lining up to get their boobs painted.”

“Well . . . I guess a little body paint wouldn’t be too bad,” Sara replied cautiously. “It might even be kind of fun!”

“Ah . . . Sorry guys, no body paint. Your Mandatory says NAKED not covered with paint,” Mandy explained.

“You want us to walk around this Park completely naked! There must be 50,000 people here!!” Carrie said totally shocked with her eyes opened wide.

“Yeah, it’s GREAT isn’t it?” Traci squealed.

Carrie looked around and sure enough she did indeed notice several topless girls – one even walked right by a uniformed police officer and he just waved at her and kept on walking without doing anything!”

“Well . . . I don’t know. . .”

“Oh, come on Carrie,” Mandy persisted, “You KNOW you WANT to.”

“FINE!” Carrie snapped back as she began unbuttoning her blouse. She hated it when Mandy was right. She was ALWAYS right.

Sara looked at her friend as she took off her blouse. She just giggled for a minute or two then asked, “You do know this concert lasts until midnight, don’t you, Carrie?” Sara continued to watch as her friend undressed until she was standing in just her bra and panties. “Oh, why not, we’re 100 miles from home anyway.” Sara said finally relenting and began to undress as well.

Both girls handed their clothes to Mandy who put them in her backpack. The sun felt good on Carrie’s body and the music was intoxicating. All the girls stood there giggling. Carrie blushed a bit and said mockingly, “Well . . . how do I look?” She then did a twirl to show off her new ‘outfit’ and all the girls laughed.

“You look fine to me,” Mandy remarked with a wink. “Come on let’s walk around and see what’s here.”

Carrie felt weird. People were passing by everywhere. Most looked and smiled appreciatively. There seemed to be an air of acceptance among those that saw her naked. No one seemed judgmental in the least and that helped reinforce her confidence.

A couple of topless girls wearing body paint came up to them and started a conversation. “Great concert, huh?”

“Yeah,” Carrie said as she checked out their painted boobs. “Nice design.”

“Thanks. I’ve never done this before. It’s kind of cool!” One girl said giggling. “Maybe someday I’ll get as brave as you guys and go all the way!”

Carrie was filled with pride. Someone actually thought she was brave. It felt good to be admired for a change. “I can’t wait until the Bandaleros start playing. They’re my favorite group!”

“Yeah, they’re good,” the other girl said. “I think they play later on though.” The girls stood there talking for a while as people walked by and looked at them appreciatively. Both Sara and Carrie felt like celebrities themselves.

Later as the group continued their stroll Carrie began giggling almost uncontrollably. “Look at that . . . a naked man!” All the girls immediately glanced over and watched as the man waked casually by. Of course, they weren’t looking at the man, just his manhood. It was purely out of curiosity of course but they couldn’t help but look! Carrie began to get aroused. This was all too much for her – being naked surrounded by clothed people, half-naked people and a completely naked man! Before long, her clit began poking its way out into the sunshine becoming quite obvious.

“See Carrie,” Mandy said jokingly, “I told you that you would have a good time!” Carrie just blushed at the obvious reference to her arousal.

Suddenly from behind them the girls heard someone remark, “Why would you look at that! It’s Carrie and Sara!” The girls all turned around and there approaching them was a group of boys from their school and MATT was among them!! Carrie wanted to just die!! Try as she might she couldn’t make her clit retract or her vaginal secretions dry up. She was screwed.
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