Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 6 Story Trivia & AMA

A forum for general discussions relating to the subject matter of stripping, pantsing, humiliating or being on the receiving end of any of the above. (Newly registered members can't make topics).
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Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 6 Story Trivia & AMA

Post by SDS »


So it looks like I’m back and have even got my writing mojo in gear somehow! Turns out creating an updated archive and people telling me how great I am (99% of the reason I’m back! Sorry I can’t help it I’m a slut for compliments) has encouraged me to start writing again.

I have decided to take a lot of the pressure off myself and be happy with shorter, less ambitious stories than I used to write as I’m sure you’ll agree any story is better than none!

I’m currently working through a lot of my older unfinished bits giving them conclusions or rewrites where needed. No current plans for my bigger stories but time will tell.

The problem child story - Jade’s Terrible Summer

So I can’t remember how many chapters I actually posted of this story on the old board originally. It was supposed to be another epic comparable to “I’m not a little girl”. I actually wrote loads of it but didn't post it all due to my missgivings with the story. The origional chapter 1 can still be found here: https://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=967567

The story started out with Jade, our young protagonist from the city spending her summer at her conservative Grandma in the country. The story started with her getting a bit naughty and swimming in her underwear before being caught. The story had a lot of these streaking / freedom without clothing themes that I liked and felt different from my other work. However this jared with the rest of the story of typical stripping, bullying, public humiliation that the country girls put her through.

The main problem with the story was ‘the twist’ a few chapters in after saving her tormentor from public humiliation they became friends and went on some streaking adventures together. However this didn't work! The humiliation piled on Jade earlier just didn't make sense for this to work in the context of the story. The pacing was also all over the place. “I’m not a little girl” has some of this problem too but this was worse. Chapter 2s humiliation was extreme and then 3 a bit less so and 4 was actually quite fun and light hearted.

For context:

Original story outline
  • Chapter 1- Caught swimming in undies
    Bulliedteased and forced to streak
  • Chapter 2 - Forced to play a horrible confession game.
    Stripped to underwear in front of boys
    Tickled to the point of wetting herself
    Made to swim in underwear leaving her soaked and exposed
    Tortured with bugs and stinging nettles.
  • Chapter 3 - Tied to a fence post awful game number 2
    Stripped to underwear in front of boys
    Tortured with bugs
    Mud thrown at her
    Wedgied to show off her bottom
  • Chapter 4 - Forced to steak to town in underwear and vest only
    Running through the village over walls
    A few boys briefly see her
    Loses vest on a fence
    Other 2 girls (her former bullies) forced to strip by neighbourhood bullies
    Knickers rip slightly + gets given a Tshirt by a random boy
    All 3 streak (embarrassing but exiting)
    Main bully gets ambushed and bra stripped off by some rivals
    Jade rescues her before her knickers can be stolen too
    Jade gives her bully the Tshirt to cover up once they are safe
  • Chapter 5 - - Not written but planned - Jade and her Former bully are friends now
    Naughty streaking adventure
    Swim naked togeher
  • Chapter 6 - Jade and her Former bully are ambushed by meaner bullies
    Both are tied up naked at local park
I had good chapters but just couldn't find the solution I needed to make it good narrative story. I loved both aspects but they just didn't work together. Then an Idea struck me…. just write both stories. Jade’s terrible summer became Jade's Humiliating Summer Vacation and Jade's Embarrassing Summer of freedom.

Two similar stories from parallel universes. I’m just working on fixing up the chapters now but effectively these will be split with some things remaining the same but totally different chapters and finales.


- Stop reading now if you don’t want the outline plot to be spoilt below.

Jade's Humiliating Summer Vacation
  • 1. Caught swimming in undies (teased, bullied, blackmailed to uncover)
  • 2. Strip game 1 witches confession (less humiliation than first draft, keeps vest on no wetting herself but still shameful and embarrassing)
  • 3. Strip game 2 tied to fence (pretty much same as first draft but through in mud)
  • 4. Forced to play out in her childish underwear, stripped to knickers only
  • 5. Stuck in a storm shelter overnight with only her tormentors. Naked humiliation games tie up games

Jade's Embarrassing Summer of freedom
  • 1. Caught swimming in undies and vest (teased, made to streak slightly)
  • 2. Rough housing ended up covered in mud gran hoses her down (girls only)
  • 3. Forced to play out in her childish underwear, girls take her streaking to town, girls also end up stripped to underwear. Jade saves older girls
  • 4. Sleepover, Girls enjoy streaking fun, swimming naked together
  • 5. Girls take their streaking game too far and get caught by neigboruhoor roughians, tied up butt naked at the park.

I'm not sure if I should rename the girls in one story or if it'll work with just keeping them the same? Happy for readers input on this idea.

With Love SDS xx
Last edited by SDS on Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:46 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 1

Post by Executionus »

Sounds like a fun time!

I'd recommend changing names in one universe though to avoid confusion. RevengedPirate often uses the same names in multiple different stories and sometimes this makes it difficult to remember which events happened in which story when new updates drop.
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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 1

Post by SDS »

Executionus wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:43 pm Sounds like a fun time!

I'd recommend changing names in one universe though to avoid confusion. RevengedPirate often uses the same names in multiple different stories and sometimes this makes it difficult to remember which events happened in which story when new updates drop.
Thanks yes I see your point, I think I probably will change the names then. People will just have to get used to the two stories being very similar of a first chapter however as I can't face rewriting that haha!
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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 2

Post by SDS »

FNM - Embarasssed Nude Memes







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Post by Executionus »

I mean, if we're posting self-burn memes, I should probably toss some in aimed at myself.


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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 1,2 Memes added

Post by SDS »

Amazing :lol:

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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 2

Post by Hooked6 »

SDS wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:19 pm


GEE . . . I've never been mentioned in meme before. I like it. :lol:
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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - Familiar settings

Post by SDS »

Ok so just seen a summer camp story posted on this board and thought to myself "oh yes another one ..". thinking it was one of the classsic ENF scenario along with naked in school etc.

However now I really think of it I can't think of any others! Whats your favorite summer camp stories?

I've drafted a few but never posted them (I don't think)

- Bare bottoms in Bear Cabin - A girl joins a summer camp and is invited into Bear cabin, they seem to have a tradition of going to the first day with no knickers on. However our poor protagonist soon finds its all a set up.

- Three weeks in lace - A girly looking and very shy boy is mistaklen for girl and goes through a very confusing and embarassing three weeks at camp pretending to be a girl camper.
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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 1,2 Memes added

Post by salen »

Jappio had a whole series of them way back when that were a nice playful sort (looked it up, was the start of Mary's story).

I remember one that was of the sort of "one of the guys" type stories where she tries swimming topless and it eventually comes out that the camp is in a town that is nudist friendly. Don't remember the name or author of that one though, thinking it was on IO's board.

Viredae has a good thread in the Erica CHYOA that has been getting some recent updates

I also feel like I've read a lot of them, but those are the only 3 that come to mind now.
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Re: Random ramblings and updates from SDS - 1,2 Memes added

Post by Executionus »

I don't remember the name of that "one of the guys" story you mentioned from IO's board but I do remember that it was loooooong with like 50 parts and much of the plot centered around the girl being so flat that she legitimately passed off as a boy in swim trunks every time they got seen or went into a public building. It was posted near the end of that board and was pretty good (although it tended to drag on badly).

Another one that hasn't been mentioned yet is my own camp story, Summer Camp of Playville, although it did end up being unfinished in the end.

The Mary saga is legendary so I imagine most older readers remember it.

In September there was the very-well-done story Teen ENF Camping Trip from ShortStories.

I remember another summer camp story from back in the day (but not it's name or anything) where a camper lost her swimsuit at the beach and was terrified of the boys her age seeing her naked. The only camp councilor on site (a guy) couldn't just leave the boys unattended in order to take the girl back to camp, nor could he send her walking back alone. He ordered all of the boys to walk in a single file line behind the girl as they all went back to camp together, with him walking backwards to make sure that none of the boys tried to sneak a peak of the naked girl in front of them all. Because the girl kept both her hands covering her butt so that the boys couldn't see that either, this meant that her full-frontal nudity was exposed for the councilor the entire walk. Much of that story centered around how the girl was willing to show the adult guy everything if it meant that the boys her age never got to see any of her.

There was also a magnificent summer camp story that I remember reading a very long time ago, like 15 years or so, and I have no idea where any copies of that would be now nor do I remember the name of it. It was told from the POV of the 18-year-old only male councilor of an all-girls summer camp who was constantly finding himself seeing or touching things that he was not supposed to from the heavily shy-yet-horny campers, usually completely innocently. Some of the scenes included him accidentally discovering and then spying on the campers and female staff skinny dipping via his binoculars, one of the girls dared to sneak into his bunk naked when he was asleep and play with herself (only he wasn't asleep yet and secretly watched the entire thing), girls losing swimsuits, and one scene where he had to administer first aid to one of the girls pubic area as he was the only med-certified staff member. There were a lot of very old very great stories from the peak of php forums in the mid 2000s that are long gone by now.
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