The Passion of Jessica Christ
- Executionus
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The Passion of Jessica Christ
(Prompt #5: Protagonist embarrassed on stage in a play. This will be done in 5 Acts following traditional dramatic format. This is what I honestly think is the first Easter story in the history of these boards and is a story outline that I've wanted to make real for years.)
Act 1: The Exposition
Lady Evelyn Asharah is my hero...and I am her student. She is a genius of performance art, peerless across time and space. Shakespeare could write and direct, but could he act? Could he write a score? No. But she can do it all. She is legendary for getting into her characters, to the point where her previous self disappears completely when on stage. Despite past movie jobs and current offers galore, her highest love is the humble play because of its live nature. The audience is live, the performers are live, and every moment is a collision of two chaotic and unpredictable forces with exactly zero room for mistakes or hesitation. Her events on Broadway are critically acclaimed masterpieces notable for their surrealistic view of reality and the extreme and often shocking images she can paint with just a few lines of dialogue, a twist that is legitimately scary or exciting, or a frighteningly dangerous stunt. Often she will put months into a show that will only run one time, a single performance with factors beyond anyone's control, even her own, and she steers these one-time-only specials with the talent of a getaway driver. The tickets are sometimes several hundred dollars for floor level, bringing in an affluent audience which expects absolute perfection. It is this volatile make-up which inspires her to create timeless moments again and again.
Her drama school is one of the only ones in history to reject all applications. Instead she personally selects all students by watching our plays, anywhere in the country, relying on a secret network of word-of-mouth references for talent and creativity. Anybody can merely act...she requires her students to radically transform into their characters, to become inseparable from them in the minds of the audience. She wants students who could roleplay in character for months, writing lines as they live, orchestrating scenarios to tell a story using only the world around them as inspiration and given only microseconds to spin the threads of creative fate together before delivering these lines in character to those around them. Only 40 students per year are selected for her program, ranging from all ages. Her students often perform in her major plays, including her one-time-only masterpieces. A degree from Lady Evelyn is a career for life, and in many cases a very high-paying one at that. Many of her graduates have won high awards. And she selected ME to study by her side this year! I have been in heaven all year.
I'm sorry. My name is Jessica Joel, a 19-year-old short, fit, and curly brunette with stars in her eyes. More importantly, though, I want to be immortal. Not literally, but the type of immortality that only true brilliance can achieve. The works of the great ones live for centuries, possibly for eternity. So when I was offered the chance at immortality, I jumped at it, not wondering what the cost would be for even a microsecond. My dream is to portray a character so completely that it becomes impossible for anyone else to ever follow me as long as human culture continues on. Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka is a popular example of this, not even the amazing Johnny Depp could follow him in that role. My goal is to eventually find my own role, the one character that will live on in pop culture forever, always associated with me and me alone even after my time on Earth is long over with. THAT is my immortality.
So, enough backstory! On to the present....
Lady Evelyn was writing an Easter Play for her latest one-night masterpiece, and it leaked to us all that it was going to be a crucifixion story. I was confused at first...something so run-of-the-mill was completely unlike her. Rumors spread, but nothing we guessed prepared us for the final reveal. Lady Evelyn wanted to tell the story of the savior had that savior been female. That alone wasn't a major shocker, but the final note was: The woman selected to play Jessica Christ would play her role as entirely improv. The lead of a play being improv in a story designed to break barriers and cause an uproar with the evangelicals? You'd have to be crazy, or a genius, to think up such things. And as one last firecracker on the campfire, we were told that the girl playing Jessica Christ would be made to non-violently suffer for our sins, and that she would be expected to react without breaking character to her very-real anguish as our hypothetical messiah would have. The role would almost certainly be the most intense performance experience of our lives: past, present, or future. Many times she emphasized that only the truly courageous should even bother applying. She promised that nothing she did would injure us, but that alone was the singular promise or detail that she was willing to give to anyone ahead of time.
Lady Evelyn announced "I will play a female version of Pontius Pilate, Pontius Phyllis, and I will administer the torture and execution. Make no mistake, ladies...this will feel like an execution. You may even pray for actual death before I am through with you. You will learn to hate and fear me by the end, but that is perfectly natural and good for the role. We will embrace as partners after the final curtain falls, having created true art to be remembered for the ages."
Only seven of the other girls jumped up to volunteer for the role, with me standing proudly with my hand raised as well. This was my moment, I could feel it. The chance to play a character without lines, living their life complete with real emotion and real anguish...this could be my opportunity at the immortality I crave. Lady Evelyn looked among those of us who volunteered, not requiring auditions with how thoroughly she knew all of our ranges, skills, and specialties. I was the youngest volunteer by far, and nowhere close to the age of 33 that Jesus was, but I knew that I could do this anyway. No matter what I had to at-least try for it, even if it was a major long shot.
Lady Evelyn raised a hand to silence the room "I've chosen. I want the purest among us to play She Without Sin. Our appropriately-named Jessica will play the lead."
The group all turned to face me in shock, and I was nearly floored by the sudden opportunity. Part of me never truly expected her to pick me for such a difficult lead, especially over others closer to the correct age. Lady Evelyn continued speaking, not even acknowledging our reactions to her announcement "While all of you are fine actresses, Jessica's youth and innocence are precisely what I am envisioning for this character. During orientation, with all of the intimate details that were shared among us all, Jessica confessed to still being a virgin at 19 years of age. Is this condition still accurate?"
I blushed a little, but quickly reclaimed my game face as I answered "Yes ma'am. I intend to wait for marriage, and none of the boys I have dated in the past were remotely worthy of that. Right now I am not even dating anyone, I've been focused on my schooling here"
Lady Evelyn clapped "Excellent! You must focus on your purity, your innocence, and even your naivety. Nothing about this play will be told to you ahead of time, not one detail. You are dismissed from here until the day of the play. Do NOT attempt to research the Bible, do NOT attempt to read or watch other versions of the crucifixion. Your role is not to copy. You are forbidden from repeating any quote ever uttered in any other version of these events. You are likewise forbidden from any "thee" or "thou" idiocy. Your role is to BE the Lord. The words of Christ will come from you and you alone, and they will be true to both your own spirit and the spirit of Christ. Spend all of your time adjusting to yourself as Jessica Christ, do not waste one second. The rest of you should audition for Mary and the 12 female apostles, such as Judy Iscariot. Most named roles will be played by women in this production, however you boys will serve as Marcus Magdalene, extras, as well as the soldiers. The centurion guarding Jessica Christ on the cross will be a special casting of my own choosing."
Training for the role, the biggest of my life, was the most bizarre mix of hard work and doing absolutely nothing. I was told to ignore the quotes we all know and love, which was going to be a mental stretch after hearing the correct lines for so many years. I was not even allowed to be present during rehearsals for the other parts, and my time was spent mentally becoming this perfectly pure and divine being. I trained myself at being calm, stoic, and wise. I needed to radiate warmth, like the mother of all mankind. One of my ideas to train my body to radiate motherly warmth was to visit a local daycare in character and practice until the babies all smiled from my image or my voice (which I tested separately).
After a couple weeks of training, I was so in the zone as the messiah that my church had me deliver a sermon in character to prepare for the role. Afterwards I invited the entire congregation to see my performance, although warning them all that Lady Evelyn is not likely to portray this story even remotely traditionally. I invited my friends, family, and basically my entire Facebook as I was given several free tickets for front row seats. I couldn't remember Lady Evelyn ever giving a previous star so many, usually she'll give 4 or 6, but I was told to bring over 20! So as a result, everybody I knew was going to be watching, including my parents, little brother, my bff, my high school drama teacher, my local pastor plus my hometown pastor, and even a couple of guys I kinda like from back home. Luckily my home town is only a short hour drive from here, so it is no real trouble for anyone I invited to show up and watch my first ever lead role. And it's a lead role for a LADY EVELYN PLAY! My nerves were insane, causing me to have difficulty sleeping, but in the end I calmed myself every night by channeling the grace of the she-Lord and my faith that all would be wonderful...even if I had been promised that the torture scene would be legitimately horrible. I had some weird dreams imagining what Lady Evelyn might do to torture me. One night, I dreamed of being tarred and feathered, like a Bugs Bunny villain. And that was one of the sane dreams.... The dream that scared me the most was the nightmare I had about being electrocuted over and over again through the three nails holding me to the cross. Lady Evelyn only promised that I wouldn't be injured...but that left so many possibilities for a person of her incredible intellect and creativity! Part of transforming into the character of Christ, though, came with the realization that both Jesus and Jessica Christs both knew in advance about their crucifixions and knew that this terrible, unfathomably brutal experience was coming for them. Jesus never lost his faith that everything would be ok in the end. Jessica would do the same. I would do the same.
The night was finally upon us! The play was taking place on Good Friday in the middle of spring break, so we had a packed house. Tickets were kept reasonable for this event, so even scores of young people came to watch this spectacle. I was so excited that I was internally bouncing, which was just about the least Jesus-y thing I could be doing. I picked up my robe, and made sure my hair looked perfectly curly for the part. Underneath my robe I was told to not wear normal underwear, and instead I was to be wrapped up tightly in cloth covering my indecent areas. Taking my normal clothes off backstage, it was very embarrassing to be standing nude in front of our middle-aged female stagehand while she wrapped my chest and lower areas like the world's tightest bandage, but working in theater you have to get used to women seeing your body eventually. At least it's not a boy after all, I wouldn't be able to survive that level of embarrassment. My chest is not overly big to begin with as a B cup, but the tight wrap flattened me out quite a lot. It looked like the worlds tightest, thinnest tube top once it was finished. My lower half was even more embarrassing and uncomfortable, because I had to part my legs wide enough for her to thread part of the wrap between them. I couldn't even imagine what all she saw while she was down there, just thinking about it made me shiver. When it was done it looked and felt almost like a cloth diaper. I had a bad feeling that I was going to be seen on stage wearing my period-appropriate undergarments, much like how Jesus was stripped before being offered a towel to wear on the cross. I was insanely nervous about what modifications to that scene Lady Evelyn had in mind for me, but I readied myself for the inevitability that the entire crowd would see this revealing under-outfit. When I looked in the mirror at myself, though, it didn't look too bad. It was kinda sexy to be honest, so I considered myself mentally prepared after a few seconds.
Prior to the play I was given a pill to take by Lady Evelyn. When I asked what it was, she told me that I had to trust her but that she could not reveal any details to me just yet. She assured me that it was safe, nothing dangerous. Knowing that she would never actually hurt me, I took the pill and got ready to walk onto stage.
The play began with me silently addressing a crowd in Jerusalem as Lady Evelyn narrated "How different would our world be if the child of God had been a woman? There is no way to know such a thing, of course, but let's start small. What life would this Jessica Christ have lived? And how would her death have differed from the violent end shared by her male counterpart? Would the Passion of the Christ mean something very different in this universe? Observe as well all learn together. Our Jessica is portrayed by an actress who knows not what fate awaits her, only that she must suffer for us all. She is not given lines or any warnings of any kind, even the ones you all know, because this girl must live and die as Jessica Christ would have done. Her anguish and her cries will be real, as will the lesson she brings for us all: to be willing to sacrifice all that you hold precious when the time comes. Embrace Her as you would Him. This is the Passion of Jessica Christ..."
(To Be Continued....)
Act 1: The Exposition
Lady Evelyn Asharah is my hero...and I am her student. She is a genius of performance art, peerless across time and space. Shakespeare could write and direct, but could he act? Could he write a score? No. But she can do it all. She is legendary for getting into her characters, to the point where her previous self disappears completely when on stage. Despite past movie jobs and current offers galore, her highest love is the humble play because of its live nature. The audience is live, the performers are live, and every moment is a collision of two chaotic and unpredictable forces with exactly zero room for mistakes or hesitation. Her events on Broadway are critically acclaimed masterpieces notable for their surrealistic view of reality and the extreme and often shocking images she can paint with just a few lines of dialogue, a twist that is legitimately scary or exciting, or a frighteningly dangerous stunt. Often she will put months into a show that will only run one time, a single performance with factors beyond anyone's control, even her own, and she steers these one-time-only specials with the talent of a getaway driver. The tickets are sometimes several hundred dollars for floor level, bringing in an affluent audience which expects absolute perfection. It is this volatile make-up which inspires her to create timeless moments again and again.
Her drama school is one of the only ones in history to reject all applications. Instead she personally selects all students by watching our plays, anywhere in the country, relying on a secret network of word-of-mouth references for talent and creativity. Anybody can merely act...she requires her students to radically transform into their characters, to become inseparable from them in the minds of the audience. She wants students who could roleplay in character for months, writing lines as they live, orchestrating scenarios to tell a story using only the world around them as inspiration and given only microseconds to spin the threads of creative fate together before delivering these lines in character to those around them. Only 40 students per year are selected for her program, ranging from all ages. Her students often perform in her major plays, including her one-time-only masterpieces. A degree from Lady Evelyn is a career for life, and in many cases a very high-paying one at that. Many of her graduates have won high awards. And she selected ME to study by her side this year! I have been in heaven all year.
I'm sorry. My name is Jessica Joel, a 19-year-old short, fit, and curly brunette with stars in her eyes. More importantly, though, I want to be immortal. Not literally, but the type of immortality that only true brilliance can achieve. The works of the great ones live for centuries, possibly for eternity. So when I was offered the chance at immortality, I jumped at it, not wondering what the cost would be for even a microsecond. My dream is to portray a character so completely that it becomes impossible for anyone else to ever follow me as long as human culture continues on. Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka is a popular example of this, not even the amazing Johnny Depp could follow him in that role. My goal is to eventually find my own role, the one character that will live on in pop culture forever, always associated with me and me alone even after my time on Earth is long over with. THAT is my immortality.
So, enough backstory! On to the present....
Lady Evelyn was writing an Easter Play for her latest one-night masterpiece, and it leaked to us all that it was going to be a crucifixion story. I was confused at first...something so run-of-the-mill was completely unlike her. Rumors spread, but nothing we guessed prepared us for the final reveal. Lady Evelyn wanted to tell the story of the savior had that savior been female. That alone wasn't a major shocker, but the final note was: The woman selected to play Jessica Christ would play her role as entirely improv. The lead of a play being improv in a story designed to break barriers and cause an uproar with the evangelicals? You'd have to be crazy, or a genius, to think up such things. And as one last firecracker on the campfire, we were told that the girl playing Jessica Christ would be made to non-violently suffer for our sins, and that she would be expected to react without breaking character to her very-real anguish as our hypothetical messiah would have. The role would almost certainly be the most intense performance experience of our lives: past, present, or future. Many times she emphasized that only the truly courageous should even bother applying. She promised that nothing she did would injure us, but that alone was the singular promise or detail that she was willing to give to anyone ahead of time.
Lady Evelyn announced "I will play a female version of Pontius Pilate, Pontius Phyllis, and I will administer the torture and execution. Make no mistake, ladies...this will feel like an execution. You may even pray for actual death before I am through with you. You will learn to hate and fear me by the end, but that is perfectly natural and good for the role. We will embrace as partners after the final curtain falls, having created true art to be remembered for the ages."
Only seven of the other girls jumped up to volunteer for the role, with me standing proudly with my hand raised as well. This was my moment, I could feel it. The chance to play a character without lines, living their life complete with real emotion and real anguish...this could be my opportunity at the immortality I crave. Lady Evelyn looked among those of us who volunteered, not requiring auditions with how thoroughly she knew all of our ranges, skills, and specialties. I was the youngest volunteer by far, and nowhere close to the age of 33 that Jesus was, but I knew that I could do this anyway. No matter what I had to at-least try for it, even if it was a major long shot.
Lady Evelyn raised a hand to silence the room "I've chosen. I want the purest among us to play She Without Sin. Our appropriately-named Jessica will play the lead."
The group all turned to face me in shock, and I was nearly floored by the sudden opportunity. Part of me never truly expected her to pick me for such a difficult lead, especially over others closer to the correct age. Lady Evelyn continued speaking, not even acknowledging our reactions to her announcement "While all of you are fine actresses, Jessica's youth and innocence are precisely what I am envisioning for this character. During orientation, with all of the intimate details that were shared among us all, Jessica confessed to still being a virgin at 19 years of age. Is this condition still accurate?"
I blushed a little, but quickly reclaimed my game face as I answered "Yes ma'am. I intend to wait for marriage, and none of the boys I have dated in the past were remotely worthy of that. Right now I am not even dating anyone, I've been focused on my schooling here"
Lady Evelyn clapped "Excellent! You must focus on your purity, your innocence, and even your naivety. Nothing about this play will be told to you ahead of time, not one detail. You are dismissed from here until the day of the play. Do NOT attempt to research the Bible, do NOT attempt to read or watch other versions of the crucifixion. Your role is not to copy. You are forbidden from repeating any quote ever uttered in any other version of these events. You are likewise forbidden from any "thee" or "thou" idiocy. Your role is to BE the Lord. The words of Christ will come from you and you alone, and they will be true to both your own spirit and the spirit of Christ. Spend all of your time adjusting to yourself as Jessica Christ, do not waste one second. The rest of you should audition for Mary and the 12 female apostles, such as Judy Iscariot. Most named roles will be played by women in this production, however you boys will serve as Marcus Magdalene, extras, as well as the soldiers. The centurion guarding Jessica Christ on the cross will be a special casting of my own choosing."
Training for the role, the biggest of my life, was the most bizarre mix of hard work and doing absolutely nothing. I was told to ignore the quotes we all know and love, which was going to be a mental stretch after hearing the correct lines for so many years. I was not even allowed to be present during rehearsals for the other parts, and my time was spent mentally becoming this perfectly pure and divine being. I trained myself at being calm, stoic, and wise. I needed to radiate warmth, like the mother of all mankind. One of my ideas to train my body to radiate motherly warmth was to visit a local daycare in character and practice until the babies all smiled from my image or my voice (which I tested separately).
After a couple weeks of training, I was so in the zone as the messiah that my church had me deliver a sermon in character to prepare for the role. Afterwards I invited the entire congregation to see my performance, although warning them all that Lady Evelyn is not likely to portray this story even remotely traditionally. I invited my friends, family, and basically my entire Facebook as I was given several free tickets for front row seats. I couldn't remember Lady Evelyn ever giving a previous star so many, usually she'll give 4 or 6, but I was told to bring over 20! So as a result, everybody I knew was going to be watching, including my parents, little brother, my bff, my high school drama teacher, my local pastor plus my hometown pastor, and even a couple of guys I kinda like from back home. Luckily my home town is only a short hour drive from here, so it is no real trouble for anyone I invited to show up and watch my first ever lead role. And it's a lead role for a LADY EVELYN PLAY! My nerves were insane, causing me to have difficulty sleeping, but in the end I calmed myself every night by channeling the grace of the she-Lord and my faith that all would be wonderful...even if I had been promised that the torture scene would be legitimately horrible. I had some weird dreams imagining what Lady Evelyn might do to torture me. One night, I dreamed of being tarred and feathered, like a Bugs Bunny villain. And that was one of the sane dreams.... The dream that scared me the most was the nightmare I had about being electrocuted over and over again through the three nails holding me to the cross. Lady Evelyn only promised that I wouldn't be injured...but that left so many possibilities for a person of her incredible intellect and creativity! Part of transforming into the character of Christ, though, came with the realization that both Jesus and Jessica Christs both knew in advance about their crucifixions and knew that this terrible, unfathomably brutal experience was coming for them. Jesus never lost his faith that everything would be ok in the end. Jessica would do the same. I would do the same.
The night was finally upon us! The play was taking place on Good Friday in the middle of spring break, so we had a packed house. Tickets were kept reasonable for this event, so even scores of young people came to watch this spectacle. I was so excited that I was internally bouncing, which was just about the least Jesus-y thing I could be doing. I picked up my robe, and made sure my hair looked perfectly curly for the part. Underneath my robe I was told to not wear normal underwear, and instead I was to be wrapped up tightly in cloth covering my indecent areas. Taking my normal clothes off backstage, it was very embarrassing to be standing nude in front of our middle-aged female stagehand while she wrapped my chest and lower areas like the world's tightest bandage, but working in theater you have to get used to women seeing your body eventually. At least it's not a boy after all, I wouldn't be able to survive that level of embarrassment. My chest is not overly big to begin with as a B cup, but the tight wrap flattened me out quite a lot. It looked like the worlds tightest, thinnest tube top once it was finished. My lower half was even more embarrassing and uncomfortable, because I had to part my legs wide enough for her to thread part of the wrap between them. I couldn't even imagine what all she saw while she was down there, just thinking about it made me shiver. When it was done it looked and felt almost like a cloth diaper. I had a bad feeling that I was going to be seen on stage wearing my period-appropriate undergarments, much like how Jesus was stripped before being offered a towel to wear on the cross. I was insanely nervous about what modifications to that scene Lady Evelyn had in mind for me, but I readied myself for the inevitability that the entire crowd would see this revealing under-outfit. When I looked in the mirror at myself, though, it didn't look too bad. It was kinda sexy to be honest, so I considered myself mentally prepared after a few seconds.
Prior to the play I was given a pill to take by Lady Evelyn. When I asked what it was, she told me that I had to trust her but that she could not reveal any details to me just yet. She assured me that it was safe, nothing dangerous. Knowing that she would never actually hurt me, I took the pill and got ready to walk onto stage.
The play began with me silently addressing a crowd in Jerusalem as Lady Evelyn narrated "How different would our world be if the child of God had been a woman? There is no way to know such a thing, of course, but let's start small. What life would this Jessica Christ have lived? And how would her death have differed from the violent end shared by her male counterpart? Would the Passion of the Christ mean something very different in this universe? Observe as well all learn together. Our Jessica is portrayed by an actress who knows not what fate awaits her, only that she must suffer for us all. She is not given lines or any warnings of any kind, even the ones you all know, because this girl must live and die as Jessica Christ would have done. Her anguish and her cries will be real, as will the lesson she brings for us all: to be willing to sacrifice all that you hold precious when the time comes. Embrace Her as you would Him. This is the Passion of Jessica Christ..."
(To Be Continued....)
Last edited by Executionus on Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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- Executionus
- Posts: 1095
- Joined: Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:09 am
- Has thanked: 724 times
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The Passion of Jessica Christ -- Act 2
Act 2: Rising Action
The intro to the play was very cryptic, but I hid my fear as I continued to speak to my listeners. I wanted to open the play with hope, so I spoke about Heaven and how it was open to all men and women who wished to enter it. I felt that I was doing well, but it didn't take long for some of the people in my fake audience to stand up and storm away.
One of the men yelled at me "First you live like a man and now you think you know God better than Abraham and Moses? Queen of the Jews? It'll be hard to speak when the stones bust out your teeth, false queen!"
I was speechless for a second, to hear such words from a man that is normally my friend, and a character that I thought was listening to me. I knew that my shock and horror were written all over my face, and thusly I knew that Lady Evelyn's vision was going to be remembered as a masterpiece. Once I recovered, I calmly responded to the angry man "I speak not out of pride or hubris, but of hope and faith. Abraham and Moses knew God intimately, but nowhere is it written that such a relationship is unique or should be unique. And were one who truly knows the Father to lose their teeth, the words of praise would still exit their lips and find the ears of those willing to hear them." My response earned a vocal reaction from the crowd, and it took all of my training to not smile in pride.
The play continued through the usual events, starting with the Last Supper, but each one was going to be twisted in some way. All events were imaginative retellings, including much talk at the Last Supper of Jessica Christ's miracles being accused by outsiders as being the result of witchcraft. Being a woman made it so much harder for Jessica to spread her message to anyone, and my all-female disciples made it abundantly clear that very few men were willing to listen to anything Jessica Christ had said to them. Despite this, however, her message of hope and faith brought many to her side, even a handful of men like Marcus Magdalene.
I completely redid this scene from its over-played catch phrases and bread and wine nonsense, instead I preached "My Father's miracles are not the point, merely an example to follow. The true miracles are the ones humanity performs. Feeding the hungry, loving the unloved, and creating art where once was mere stone or canvas. Art is truly the most divine act of humankind, the proof that all men and women are created of the Grand Creator. No other creature can create from nothingness something that has no practical purpose but to exist and flourish, and no other creatures could appreciate and cherish such purposeless creations. Look around at all of the beauty made of mankind's hands and imagine but a fraction of the joy that was felt when God made the greatest works of art to ever be sculpted from the clay...Adam and his Eve. Teach others to see the divinity in all that they make and all that they do, and through that they will understand and love the Lord of Heaven."
The scenes for the passion were transitioning quickly, which was not something anybody bothered to warn me about. After only 5 minutes at the table the set was quickly shuffled into the garden of Gethsemane. I was left alone, with my apostles promising to stay awake for me. Of course, everyone knew that was a lie, but the part that made me nervous was walking alone into the garden itself. I knew that I was likely to find something frightening here. I told myself "Do not jump, do not scream. Christ is not going to scream and flail like an idiot no matter what."
Behind me the olive plants moved, and I barely caught it out of the corner of my eye. He had been there the whole time, camouflaged completely! Julian rose from the ground, made up as an extremely Earthen version of Satan that was half Pan, half Baphomet, and half Swamp Thing. This man is 6'6" and absolutely towered over me. I didn't jump or scream! I wanted to, but I held it in just barely.
Satan addressed me "How cruel to expect you to suffer such a thing. Your Father's sadism knows no bounds. I would never demand such a humiliating fate of one of my minions, much less my own flesh and blood."
I caught the strange H word there, but ignored it for now. "You speaking of another's sadism is akin to a dog mocking the hunger of an ant. While I do not wish to suffer, and I beg for His mercy, I will respect His decision and carry out His will in all that I do. That is not cruelty. That is trust, the truest test of faith."
Satan smiled "You would not be so trusting if you knew what tomorrow held for you. With but one sentence I could shatter your false faith. One single preview will break you and send you pleading for me to save you, to carry you far away from here."
This man was scaring me to death, seriously. The suspense of what they had in store for me was almost as much torture as the torture at this point! Still, I needed to show Satan that I had zero doubts that all of this was for a greater purpose. I didn't even need to act this part, I spoke from the heart because I too was committing myself to suffer for a greater purpose by trusting in my own "God", Lady Evelyn.
I calmly countered Satan's words "I would never abandon my purpose, least of all with you. My trust is eternal! My trust is what you fear most, Beast. I could grant your silver tongue a soliloquy and it wouldn't be enough to accomplish such a thing as to wound my faith."
Satan walked very close to me and responded "I need just the one sentence, but my prophesy is not for the ears of the lessers. I will whisper just one sentence into your ear now, unless your boast was a bluff and you are too afraid to hear my simple 17 words"
Well now this prick has me stuck wondering if I should accept an offer from the literal Devil as a test of faith, or if I should cast him away as a denial of his wickedness, and I only have a second to decide. I choose to accept. No Christ would ever pass up a chance to humble the Devil. "Very well, I grant you your one sentence, because it will demonstrate to you yet again that you are history's greatest fool"
***Satan leaned in closely, almost intimately, and whispered into my left ear "She is going to strip you on stage and crucify you NAKED in front of everybody here!"
Satan walked backwards triumphantly. My eyes went wide in terror. I looked at his face and instantly realized that he wasn't lying. I looked past the character of Satan and looked deep into my classmate Julian's eyes and realized that he WAS...NOT...LYING!
"NO!" I gasped. "No I..."
I quickly stopped myself. I couldn't break character, that would almost be worse than death. My heart was racing, fear overcoming me. I was a virgin! I never let anybody see me naked ever, outside of the rare professional circumstances. It was bad enough back in the dressing room with one friendly and professional lady, but this is a crowd of thousands of people. Thousands of them are BOYS! Oh God, I just remembered that I invited almost everybody I knew to watch this performance. My family, my friends, my neighbors, my teachers, and even some of the cutest boys from my high school years. My local pastor and his congregation are here, and even my pastor from my hometown. The sweet old man who baptized me as a child is about to see my private parts up close! Lady Evelyn gave me a whole handful of free front row tickets to give out earlier and I knew that was odd. She tricked me into stacking the audience with the last people on Earth that I EVER wanted to see me naked, and to even stick them right next to the stage for a better view! Even my FATHER was about to see it all, every inch of me, and I would be powerless to defend myself or even cover up once I was hanging on the cross. How could I ever look any of these people in the eye afterwards?
I was going to faint. I could feel myself about to actually pass out from the shock and had to grab onto one of the tree props in order to hold myself up. This can't be happening. What have I done? Why did I agree to play this part? I looked at Julian with pitiful and pleading eyes, small bits of tears forming, silently begging for help somehow. I saw him, or more specifically Satan, holding his hand out sympathetically. He didn't say a word, but I knew what it meant. Everyone watching knew exactly what his outstretched hand meant. If I took his hand here and now, he would take me to safety. I knew that it wasn't a trick or a way into some alternate plot either. I knew how Lady Evelyn thinks...this was real. It needed to be real in order to tempt me. If I took that hand, I went home without losing one stitch of clothing. The play would probably end, refunds given, and I would completely and absolutely break Lady Evelyn's heart in the process. I was so afraid of either choice. They both felt unthinkable on an equal level. Both choices would destroy me inside, fill me with brutal shame that would last for years.
I was sweating bullets. I was sweating blood! This is what sweating blood felt like. My face, my arms, my chest, everything was soaked. This is the Agony of the Garden! I was feeling it. I wasn't acting, I was living. I was living my own version of the Agony of the Garden of Gethsemane live on stage. None of the people watching had heard what Satan had told me, so most of them probably thought that I was just putting on an oscar-worthy performance in my displays of shock and suffering, but this was real to me. And that was when I came to the conclusion that I must do as a Christ would do. I looked at Satan, Julian, with his hand held outwards offering to save me from all of the humiliation that was about to come my way. I was shaking, trembling, and I fell on my butt. What I was about to say horrified me, made my heart beat at a thousand beats per second from the pure unrestrained terror I was feeling.
Still, I looked at Satan dead in the eye and I told him "Your...words...have...failed! My trust, my faith, is ETERNAL! Let God's will be done"
Satan dropped an F bomb and sunk down into a fiery trap door, with his passing words taunting me "You will regret your choice long before your passion is finished, but now it is too late to escape any of it"
And I knew that once again, Satan/Julian was not lying. I was distraught and frightened, still unable to even stand. I don't want people to see me naked. I would do almost anything to get out of being stripped...just not what Satan asked of me. I couldn't break character. I couldn't betray Lady Evelyn, or my own convictions for that matter. To break character would be to die as an artist, but to stay in character requires me to be disgraced as a woman.
When my hope had hit rock bottom, an angel flew in from above. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I had honestly forgotten about the angel that was supposed to show up now. She was played by my closest friend in class, Bridget, and she looked so beautiful in her flowing blue and white dress. I needed to see someone like her right now, the face of somebody that I trusted completely.
Bridget took my hand and lifted me off of the ground to my feet. Still holding my hand, she then addressed both me and my character simultaneously as the audience behind me watched and listened "Jessica...What you are about to go though will be horrible. I'm so sorry. But don't you dare be afraid! You are stronger than anything that will be thrown at you. Nothing can ever break you, for you are unbreakable. Through this experience, you will learn what you have always known...that you are destined to be immortal! Your immortality waits for you on the other side of tomorrow, as long as you keep your faith and remember the force of your will. I love you, and when this is done, the world will love you too."
Holy hell, what words! My God, whoever wrote that was a master. It had to be Lady Evelyn. How can you address an actress and a character at the same time in front of the audience without them ever catching on? She spoke to both me, Jessica Joel, and Jessica Christ of finding our precious immortality on the other side of our fates. Bridget and Lady Evelyn both knew of my dream to find immortality in a character. This was it. This was my fate as much as it was the fate of Jessica Christ. I would suffer unspeakably for my art because that was the true price of true immortality. Jessica Joel understood now, and so did Jessica Christ. We both understood as one, I felt it. The divide between us, the real person and the character, was slipping away faster and faster by the minute.
Before I had time to say anything back to the angel, she hugged me tightly for 10 seconds before flying off into the rafters. My emotions were still on a roller coaster watching her go, and I was utterly dumbstruck when my disciple Judy Iscariot snuck up behind me and kissed me on the cheek.
(To Be Continued....)
The intro to the play was very cryptic, but I hid my fear as I continued to speak to my listeners. I wanted to open the play with hope, so I spoke about Heaven and how it was open to all men and women who wished to enter it. I felt that I was doing well, but it didn't take long for some of the people in my fake audience to stand up and storm away.
One of the men yelled at me "First you live like a man and now you think you know God better than Abraham and Moses? Queen of the Jews? It'll be hard to speak when the stones bust out your teeth, false queen!"
I was speechless for a second, to hear such words from a man that is normally my friend, and a character that I thought was listening to me. I knew that my shock and horror were written all over my face, and thusly I knew that Lady Evelyn's vision was going to be remembered as a masterpiece. Once I recovered, I calmly responded to the angry man "I speak not out of pride or hubris, but of hope and faith. Abraham and Moses knew God intimately, but nowhere is it written that such a relationship is unique or should be unique. And were one who truly knows the Father to lose their teeth, the words of praise would still exit their lips and find the ears of those willing to hear them." My response earned a vocal reaction from the crowd, and it took all of my training to not smile in pride.
The play continued through the usual events, starting with the Last Supper, but each one was going to be twisted in some way. All events were imaginative retellings, including much talk at the Last Supper of Jessica Christ's miracles being accused by outsiders as being the result of witchcraft. Being a woman made it so much harder for Jessica to spread her message to anyone, and my all-female disciples made it abundantly clear that very few men were willing to listen to anything Jessica Christ had said to them. Despite this, however, her message of hope and faith brought many to her side, even a handful of men like Marcus Magdalene.
I completely redid this scene from its over-played catch phrases and bread and wine nonsense, instead I preached "My Father's miracles are not the point, merely an example to follow. The true miracles are the ones humanity performs. Feeding the hungry, loving the unloved, and creating art where once was mere stone or canvas. Art is truly the most divine act of humankind, the proof that all men and women are created of the Grand Creator. No other creature can create from nothingness something that has no practical purpose but to exist and flourish, and no other creatures could appreciate and cherish such purposeless creations. Look around at all of the beauty made of mankind's hands and imagine but a fraction of the joy that was felt when God made the greatest works of art to ever be sculpted from the clay...Adam and his Eve. Teach others to see the divinity in all that they make and all that they do, and through that they will understand and love the Lord of Heaven."
The scenes for the passion were transitioning quickly, which was not something anybody bothered to warn me about. After only 5 minutes at the table the set was quickly shuffled into the garden of Gethsemane. I was left alone, with my apostles promising to stay awake for me. Of course, everyone knew that was a lie, but the part that made me nervous was walking alone into the garden itself. I knew that I was likely to find something frightening here. I told myself "Do not jump, do not scream. Christ is not going to scream and flail like an idiot no matter what."
Behind me the olive plants moved, and I barely caught it out of the corner of my eye. He had been there the whole time, camouflaged completely! Julian rose from the ground, made up as an extremely Earthen version of Satan that was half Pan, half Baphomet, and half Swamp Thing. This man is 6'6" and absolutely towered over me. I didn't jump or scream! I wanted to, but I held it in just barely.
Satan addressed me "How cruel to expect you to suffer such a thing. Your Father's sadism knows no bounds. I would never demand such a humiliating fate of one of my minions, much less my own flesh and blood."
I caught the strange H word there, but ignored it for now. "You speaking of another's sadism is akin to a dog mocking the hunger of an ant. While I do not wish to suffer, and I beg for His mercy, I will respect His decision and carry out His will in all that I do. That is not cruelty. That is trust, the truest test of faith."
Satan smiled "You would not be so trusting if you knew what tomorrow held for you. With but one sentence I could shatter your false faith. One single preview will break you and send you pleading for me to save you, to carry you far away from here."
This man was scaring me to death, seriously. The suspense of what they had in store for me was almost as much torture as the torture at this point! Still, I needed to show Satan that I had zero doubts that all of this was for a greater purpose. I didn't even need to act this part, I spoke from the heart because I too was committing myself to suffer for a greater purpose by trusting in my own "God", Lady Evelyn.
I calmly countered Satan's words "I would never abandon my purpose, least of all with you. My trust is eternal! My trust is what you fear most, Beast. I could grant your silver tongue a soliloquy and it wouldn't be enough to accomplish such a thing as to wound my faith."
Satan walked very close to me and responded "I need just the one sentence, but my prophesy is not for the ears of the lessers. I will whisper just one sentence into your ear now, unless your boast was a bluff and you are too afraid to hear my simple 17 words"
Well now this prick has me stuck wondering if I should accept an offer from the literal Devil as a test of faith, or if I should cast him away as a denial of his wickedness, and I only have a second to decide. I choose to accept. No Christ would ever pass up a chance to humble the Devil. "Very well, I grant you your one sentence, because it will demonstrate to you yet again that you are history's greatest fool"
***Satan leaned in closely, almost intimately, and whispered into my left ear "She is going to strip you on stage and crucify you NAKED in front of everybody here!"
Satan walked backwards triumphantly. My eyes went wide in terror. I looked at his face and instantly realized that he wasn't lying. I looked past the character of Satan and looked deep into my classmate Julian's eyes and realized that he WAS...NOT...LYING!
"NO!" I gasped. "No I..."
I quickly stopped myself. I couldn't break character, that would almost be worse than death. My heart was racing, fear overcoming me. I was a virgin! I never let anybody see me naked ever, outside of the rare professional circumstances. It was bad enough back in the dressing room with one friendly and professional lady, but this is a crowd of thousands of people. Thousands of them are BOYS! Oh God, I just remembered that I invited almost everybody I knew to watch this performance. My family, my friends, my neighbors, my teachers, and even some of the cutest boys from my high school years. My local pastor and his congregation are here, and even my pastor from my hometown. The sweet old man who baptized me as a child is about to see my private parts up close! Lady Evelyn gave me a whole handful of free front row tickets to give out earlier and I knew that was odd. She tricked me into stacking the audience with the last people on Earth that I EVER wanted to see me naked, and to even stick them right next to the stage for a better view! Even my FATHER was about to see it all, every inch of me, and I would be powerless to defend myself or even cover up once I was hanging on the cross. How could I ever look any of these people in the eye afterwards?
I was going to faint. I could feel myself about to actually pass out from the shock and had to grab onto one of the tree props in order to hold myself up. This can't be happening. What have I done? Why did I agree to play this part? I looked at Julian with pitiful and pleading eyes, small bits of tears forming, silently begging for help somehow. I saw him, or more specifically Satan, holding his hand out sympathetically. He didn't say a word, but I knew what it meant. Everyone watching knew exactly what his outstretched hand meant. If I took his hand here and now, he would take me to safety. I knew that it wasn't a trick or a way into some alternate plot either. I knew how Lady Evelyn thinks...this was real. It needed to be real in order to tempt me. If I took that hand, I went home without losing one stitch of clothing. The play would probably end, refunds given, and I would completely and absolutely break Lady Evelyn's heart in the process. I was so afraid of either choice. They both felt unthinkable on an equal level. Both choices would destroy me inside, fill me with brutal shame that would last for years.
I was sweating bullets. I was sweating blood! This is what sweating blood felt like. My face, my arms, my chest, everything was soaked. This is the Agony of the Garden! I was feeling it. I wasn't acting, I was living. I was living my own version of the Agony of the Garden of Gethsemane live on stage. None of the people watching had heard what Satan had told me, so most of them probably thought that I was just putting on an oscar-worthy performance in my displays of shock and suffering, but this was real to me. And that was when I came to the conclusion that I must do as a Christ would do. I looked at Satan, Julian, with his hand held outwards offering to save me from all of the humiliation that was about to come my way. I was shaking, trembling, and I fell on my butt. What I was about to say horrified me, made my heart beat at a thousand beats per second from the pure unrestrained terror I was feeling.
Still, I looked at Satan dead in the eye and I told him "Your...words...have...failed! My trust, my faith, is ETERNAL! Let God's will be done"
Satan dropped an F bomb and sunk down into a fiery trap door, with his passing words taunting me "You will regret your choice long before your passion is finished, but now it is too late to escape any of it"
And I knew that once again, Satan/Julian was not lying. I was distraught and frightened, still unable to even stand. I don't want people to see me naked. I would do almost anything to get out of being stripped...just not what Satan asked of me. I couldn't break character. I couldn't betray Lady Evelyn, or my own convictions for that matter. To break character would be to die as an artist, but to stay in character requires me to be disgraced as a woman.
When my hope had hit rock bottom, an angel flew in from above. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I had honestly forgotten about the angel that was supposed to show up now. She was played by my closest friend in class, Bridget, and she looked so beautiful in her flowing blue and white dress. I needed to see someone like her right now, the face of somebody that I trusted completely.
Bridget took my hand and lifted me off of the ground to my feet. Still holding my hand, she then addressed both me and my character simultaneously as the audience behind me watched and listened "Jessica...What you are about to go though will be horrible. I'm so sorry. But don't you dare be afraid! You are stronger than anything that will be thrown at you. Nothing can ever break you, for you are unbreakable. Through this experience, you will learn what you have always known...that you are destined to be immortal! Your immortality waits for you on the other side of tomorrow, as long as you keep your faith and remember the force of your will. I love you, and when this is done, the world will love you too."
Holy hell, what words! My God, whoever wrote that was a master. It had to be Lady Evelyn. How can you address an actress and a character at the same time in front of the audience without them ever catching on? She spoke to both me, Jessica Joel, and Jessica Christ of finding our precious immortality on the other side of our fates. Bridget and Lady Evelyn both knew of my dream to find immortality in a character. This was it. This was my fate as much as it was the fate of Jessica Christ. I would suffer unspeakably for my art because that was the true price of true immortality. Jessica Joel understood now, and so did Jessica Christ. We both understood as one, I felt it. The divide between us, the real person and the character, was slipping away faster and faster by the minute.
Before I had time to say anything back to the angel, she hugged me tightly for 10 seconds before flying off into the rafters. My emotions were still on a roller coaster watching her go, and I was utterly dumbstruck when my disciple Judy Iscariot snuck up behind me and kissed me on the cheek.
(To Be Continued....)
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Re: Spring Break Contest: The Passion of Jessica Christ
Love this set up can't wait for the next part!
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Re: Spring Break Contest: The Passion of Jessica Christ
Very good setup. This could be a classic in the making!
- Executionus
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The Passion of Jessica Christ - Act 3
Act 3: The Climax
Judy Iscariot just kissed me on the cheek. Before I even had time to respond, Roman guards swarmed me and grabbed my arms, roughly pulling me forward. I had no hope of escape, these guys held me tightly. The scene change behind me was masterful, and even in my dragged state I was in awe of the fluidity of how they moved the sets to convey our travels to see Caiaphas. They created an animated effect as if the garden fast-forwarded into the court.
Caiaphas waved his hand "Jessica of Nazareth is hereby guilty of blasphemy and witchcraft! She believes herself of the clouds? Our Queen? Above those of us made of mere flesh? She deserves to be reminded that her own flesh is ordinary, not unique. She possesses no parts that are not shared by all of woman kind. She deserves the shame of having all of Jerusalem witness for themselves that she has nothing celestial or royal under there, just a common woman heart and filthy woman parts like anyone else. In fact, that is precisely what we shall do with her. Jessica of Nazareth shall be BARE BEFORE ALL until she drops dead from shame! Take the condemned to Pontius Phyllis, let her administer the sentence."
The audience gasped and reacted in shock at my declared punishment. Because none of them could hear Satan earlier, only now did anybody watching know what was going to be done to me, and most of them probably didn't believe it was really going to happen yet. I didn't even get a word in, distracted by my guards tying my wrists together tightly. I was then roughly dragged through another transition scene into the Pontius Phyllis trial. I was starting to get very nervous because the play was rushing through the scenes now, skipping to the cross. We had so much time to fill, just how much of it was going to be filled by my torture if we're zipping through the filler?
There stood Lady Evelyn as Pontius Phyllis, the woman who would be stripping me and torturing me at any moment now. She was also my idol, I looked up to her so much. Never before had I experienced fear or negativity in her presence, but I felt it intensely now.
Pontius Phyllis asked the crowd of extras gathered around us "For what crime am I being asked to disrobe and display Jessica?"
The crowd of mostly boys yelled in a hateful way "Blasphemy and witchcraft. Strip the whore bare! Crucify her! Show us her tits and bush!" Them yelling that at me honestly stung, even if I knew they were in character. These were my classmates and friends yelling these things while knowing that it was actually going to happen to me.
Pontius Pilate is famous in the Gospels for resisting punishing Jesus in this scene, even though the historical Pilate was known to be cruel and to not have sympathy for any prisoners. The Gospels were written in Rome so there was a controversy related to whether they lied about the Roman Pilate to blame the Jews instead as the ones responsible for Jesus's death. I knew this fact going into the play, so I was always curious how Lady Evelyn would portray a figure that is disputed between merciful or cruel, innocent or guilty.
I looked on as Pontius Phyllis addressed the crowd "All in due time. I believe the criminal deserves a simpler punishment first. Consider it a warm-up. Jessica of Nazareth is to be spanked in the middle of the town square, without that robe!"
"What?" I asked incredulously. I did not expect that at all, but maybe I should have. I was just starting to really grasp what was going on here. This whole ordeal was going to be far worse than just being naked in public. I was going to be disgraced in every degrading way they could think up. Second thoughts flooded into my mind by the hundred, and part of me wished that I took Satan up on his offer for escape.
While I was lost in thought, my guards suddenly lifted my robe right off of me, baring so much of my skin to the audience. I was now wearing nothing except for the tight cloth wraps around my chest and panty area, but these did not cover very much skin outside of the essential areas. I gasped in shock from the sudden stripping, and I heard the crowd loudly react positively to my exposure. Next I was dragged by my shackled arms over to a horizontal post and pulled over it, tummy on wood with my butt facing the crowd. I looked behind me to see who was going to be the one to punish me, and it was Timmy. That thought made me flustered a little because Timmy is super hot.
Timmy smacked my barely-covered butt with his bare hand while standing on my side. The hit hurt, but the shame of a sexy man smacking my butt with his bare hand was more powerful than the pain by far. He made sure to avoid blocking the view of the audience too. God, I could only imagine the view that everyone was getting right now. What is my family thinking about me right now? Or my pastors? I was thankful that I couldn't see them and their looks of disapproval at least.
He was spanking me pretty hard, making me jump and making my butt wiggle with each slap. A scary mental image filled my head suddenly...what if he hits my makeshift wrapping so hard that it comes undone and falls off? Trapped like I am I wouldn't be able to cover anything or move, and bending this much over the wooden post propping up my butt meant that if my psuedo-panties fell, then everything was going to be showing back there. EVERYTHING, not just my butt. Being naked on a cross was one thing because I could keep my legs crossed, but being seen naked bent over like this would be far more explicit. I started praying that my wrap stayed on.
After the last spank hit me I felt my wrap get knocked loose a little bit. I squealed in shock and screamed "Stop! That's enough, that's enough! I'm punished enough."
Timmy responded to my begging by slapping my butt three more times rapid-fire, which hurt like hell and knocked my waistband very loose. I could feel it sagging downward, exposing a little bit of the top of my crack to the audience. They were getting a pretty good look at me, but only a few more hits would mean that they got a VERY good look at me! I was feeling the panic setting in but I knew that if I said anything it would cause him to hit me again. For now he stopped.
I was then roughly dragged again by my shackled arms back to Pontius Phyllis. My guard held my arms in place at chest level and wouldn't let me move them, which meant that I had no way of fixing my bottoms or covering up if they fell. They were sagging so far down now that they had almost reached the start of my fuzzy triangle. If I didn't do something quick they were going to fall down and leave me bottomless on a stage in front of thousands of people, many of them my friends and family!
Pontius Phyllis addressed both me and the crowd of angry Jerusalem residents "There, wasn't that fun? Now I think we need to play a little game. Since we have the so-called Queen of the Jews in our company, perhaps we should let her issue a royal pardon. But alas, she only gets one pardon and must choose. Bring forth the insurrectionist Barabbas!"
Barabbas was walked on stage from the side entrance and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. And I mean SAW him because of what little he was wearing. Barabbas was dragged onto the stage wearing only a massively undersized towel parted at the hip, letting me see that there was no way that he could be wearing anything underneath it. He was played by George, a classmate who was super cute but was so timid around women. Here George was standing in front of me, almost naked, red in the face like he was in my position. There was a distinct bulge sticking out in the front slightly, and considering how small this towel was there was the very real chance that if he accidentally got fully hard standing up here that his manhood was going to pop out from under the towel and expose itself. With his hands bound and held like mine, he wouldn't even be able to cover it. How did Lady Evelyn convince George to willingly be dragged on stage wearing so little?
Pontius Phyllis laughed at Barabbas shivering in his near-nudity. She then looked at me and said "Barabbas here was convicted of numerous treasonous acts against his fellow Jews. Jessica, of course, was convicted of numerous blasphemous acts against the Jewish God and Temple. So... 'Queen of the Jews', I grant you the power to pardon one criminal this day out of these two. One of you two will be released and allowed to leave with your coverings and your decency in tact. The other will be sentenced to die of shame and will immediately be stripped of all covering right here and now. Jessica of Nazareth, make your choice."
Oh my God the temptation. Lady Evelyn as Pontius Phyllis was seriously trying to force me to break character. My wraps were already sagging so low on my hips, threatening to fall on their own if I didn't do something fast. I could hear several of the guys in the audience cheering when she announced that I was about to be stripped naked in just a moment. Their intense desire to see me just amplified my intense desire to not be seen! One of the guards walked behind me and put his hands on my hips above my falling waistband, signifying that he was going to strip me the moment I pardoned Barabbas. Another guard stood behind Barabbas with her hands on Barabbas' hips threatening to do the same if I instead pardoned myself. If I pardoned myself I would escape without everybody seeing me naked. Not only that, but I would get to see this really hot classmate of mine stripped of his towel just 5 feet in front of me and I'd get to see his dick. I internally scolded myself for even wanting to see that, but I couldn't help myself from feeling a little bit of urges.
Actually, I was feeling a LOT of urges. This was unusual, and I had been noticing it for a little while now. All of the boys starting with Satan have felt much sexier to me than usual, and I've been feeling a much stronger sense of excitement when looking at them. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that the pill Lady Evelyn had me take at the start of the play must have been some form of female viagra. Whatever the cause, I was getting very horny standing here staring at George as Barabbas in a tiny towel, nervously shaking his head left and right and silently begging me for mercy with his eyes. This temptation was intense! I wanted to see what he was hiding under that towel so badly that I could almost justify this in my head. With one word I could keep my clothes on and strip a hot man instead! I would be safe and I would get to see his package, a complete win-win. would be an innocent and defenseless man that I would condemn out of cowardice and lust. I couldn't do such a thing as Christ. I just couldn't. The pitiful look on George's face alone made it impossible for me to expose him in public like this, either as Jessica Christ or as Jessica Joel. He's always been so shy even just talking to girls, and now he was seconds away from being naked in front of thousands of us! He looked like he was about to pass out in fright. Even if it didn't break character I wouldn't order him stripped naked in public, that would be too cruel. Most likely he has friends and family watching in the audience too just like I do. I felt the hands on my waist and felt my bottoms close to failing. I knew that by pardoning Barabbas I was about to order my own stripping. Pontius Phyllis was forcing ME to sentence MYSELF to public nudity while literally and metaphorically washing her hands of the choice right in front of me. The cruelty of this whole dilemma filled me with a little bit of anger to be honest, followed by a mountain of shame and dread.
"I pardon Barabbas!" I said out loud finally, biting my teeth together and shivering wildly from what was about to happen. My knees feel like they are about to give out.
Instantly my guard yanked down my bottoms to the ground, baring my bush to George and anyone else in that direction! Behind me the guard and that half of the audience could see my bare butt as well. The guard forced off my wraps and my sandals, leaving my body covered by only the wraps tied around my chest. I screamed. I tried to hold it in but I still screamed loudly at being stripped bottomless on stage in front of everybody. My hands were held in place by the other guard, making it impossible for me to cover myself. I pressed my legs together as tightly as I could to hide any anatomical details, but my natural bushiness is now on complete display. Before I even stop screaming I feel the guard grab my top. He quickly unties it and pulls it off of my chest, causing my B-cup breasts to bounce out and stick out in front of everybody. I'M NAKED! Oh God oh God I'm naked on stage! This can't be happening. It's a dream, just a bad dream like the electrocution nightmare was. I try so hard to wake up but it's not working. I can't breathe. My lungs forgot how to work after my scream stopped and I cough suddenly. I can feel the rush of air on my lady parts and it sends a shiver through me. I feel my nipples stiffen from the excitement, even though I try to will them to stay down. Thousands of eyes are staring at me right now with nothing on. Thousands of people are seeing me naked!
George was still only five feet in front of me, and I stared at his eyes as he looked at my completely naked body up close and personal. My classmate, my cute classmate in a tiny towel, is staring at me COMPLETELY NAKED!! He can see my small breasts and he can even see my little bush. I look away from his eyes just long enough to be reminded about the thousands and thousands of people to my left that can also see me. I can hear the loud cheering and hooting from many of the boys watching me right now. Thousands of people are looking at me nude, completely naked! I am turned sideways slightly, trying to diminish how much of me is seen, but the wild sounds and whistling from the audience tells me that they can all see enough of me. This crowd, and the people I love who are in that crowd, all probably think that I'm nothing but some porn star now. My face is red and I feel as though my life is over already, even though my torture has clearly only just begun.
I look back towards George only to notice some movement from his towel. Barabbas, aka George was getting hard right in front of me. He's getting hard BECAUSE of me, because of my naked body. Just thinking that thought sends a tingle down my spine. He seems to be enjoying his view at least, even if I feel like dying right now, but with how short his towel was he was about to pop free and expose himself to me and everyone else watching. Still feeling the urges, despite my extreme guilt over them, I stare at his groin without blinking hoping to get to see it break loose! I watch as the towel hem inches up higher and higher while his guard is busy untying Barabbas' hands, only to be heartbroken when he covered himself at the last second with his now-freed hands and held the towel in place over his package. Wasting no time, Barabbas sprints to safety offstage before his flimsy covering gives way.
I had saved my classmate George from public exposure. Part of me actually regretted saving him now, while the rest of me screamed in my head to condemn me for having such wicked and perverted thoughts while knowing how mortifying it is to be naked on stage in front of thousands. I couldn't save myself from this humiliation, but it would be evil to wish it onto somebody else so innocent just to satisfy my urges. Inside my head I curse myself for being such a slut. Meanwhile I can barely breathe, I'm red in the face, I'm feeling very faint, and I'm shivering as I look around and see everybody looking at me. Pontius Phyllis is taking her sweet time advancing the plot just to make me stand here awkwardly for over 15 seconds. I can feel thousands upon thousands of eyes locked onto my every inch. I knew that this was coming, but I wasn't prepared. I wasn't prepared at all for this horrible feeling of vulnerability and helplessness.
Finally she speaks "Now that you're naked, I hereby sentence you to be crucified and tormented in public until you literally die of shame. But first, another round of public spanking is in order. Give her ten slow smacks."
I squeal "No! No please, don't do that when I'm naked! Everyone will see..."
I am dragged towards the flogging post again, trying to dig in my heels to resist somehow. If the guard bends me over that wooden post again while I'm naked, I will be on complete display downstairs. They can see my bush right now, but that's all they can see down there. The whole audience will be able to see my pussy lips themselves effortlessly bent over that far, I would practically be in the doggy position. I start pitifully begging "No no no no, please don't do this. This is too much! They'll see everything."
I fight and resist as my belly makes contact with the wooden post, but I'm not strong enough to stop this guy. He pulls me over the post while I scream in shame. My head is pulled lower than my waist, and I can feel my butt and even my private lips sticking out from behind. The guard locks my arm shackles in place and now I can't even move. I try to keep my legs together just to somewhat keep an ounce of dignity left, but I know without doubt that I am extremely exposed. I'm hyperventilating now, they can see everything! My family, my pastors, my friends, my neighbors, and thousands of boys are all looking at my exposed pussy sticking out pervertedly between my legs as if it was begging to be filled. I hear some of them clapping behind me and it makes my whole body shiver. And then I noticed Timmy, the spanker. Oh God, I can't even imagine what kind of a view Timmy is getting standing only 2 feet behind me!
Timmy the flogger then suddenly spoke "If you have difficulty seeing the witch's sin box in the back of the crowd, I have brought with me a magnifying glass to ensure that everyone here can see it all"
Magnifying glass? I panic, wondering what he's talking about. I look back and he's holding a very tiny magnifying glass shaped object, but that isn't enough to accomplish anything. Suddenly the two huge 90 inch 4k LED screens on the left and right walls turn on and I can see the stage displayed on them in real time. Timmy is actually holding a camera, and is streaming whatever he points his magnifying glass at onto two massive screens on the side of the stage. Oh God, oh God...if he points that thing at my pussy then my pussy and all of its details are going to be displayed close-up on a screen the size of a van!
I start shaking and whimpering "Nooo! No don't, please! Not that. Don't do it...Have mercy! I'm begging you don't do this to me! Don't let everyone here see that!"
While I'm still pleading and begging, I watch on the screen as my pussy comes into view, clear as day, and I moan in humiliation. In this position my lips look swollen and puffy, making it look like I am aroused and waiting. I feel so degraded and exposed. No boy has ever seen this view of me, not one single person in history, and now it's being shown to thousands by a hot guy watching it up close. Timmy moves the magnifying glass right up next to me so that my pussy fills the entire screen, followed by moving it up a little bit to show off an extreme close-up of my butthole next. God, I wasn't even thinking about that part yet, but the humiliation of the inside of my butthole being displayed is almost more intense than my pussy being shown. He finally moves the camera into a spot that shows off my entire lower area, pussy lips and butt, as he gets ready to spank me.
Timmy spanks me slowly, taking his time between all ten smacks, trying his best to make me jump and wiggle with each strike. Timmy is touching my naked butt with his bare hand! This is the most intimate of contact that I have every had from a boy in my life, but I never wanted it like this in front of a gigantic crowd of people watching. The camera is moved around to different angles for each smack, trying to show me off the best possible way. After spank number 4 his hand lingers on my butt for far too long, sliding across until his fingers graze over my pussy lips. A BOY JUST TOUCHED MY PUSSY!!! I can barely breathe, I'm dripping sweat, my face is red and burning hot, and I'm starting to wonder if it really is possible for a person to drop dead from shame alone. If it is, then this is going to be my last night alive, as I whimper and moan in pain and utter mortification from every spank. Each spank now is followed by a flagrant grope, and with the last couple times he traces his fingers down my butt crack and over my slit. Every single time that he touches me down there I jump and squeeze my legs together out of reflex. I hate this so much, but Timmy is also a very sexy man and I feel myself getting far too aroused from having the first man in my life to ever touch my genitals. It feels nice somewhat, but I despise myself and curse myself for enjoying it at all. If this keeps up I am terrified that I'll get wet and he'll feel that during one of his touches! It feels like it takes forever to reach ten. When ten hits I pray for that to be the end of it, because I can feel myself starting to produce moisture down there. The last thing I want right now is for him to see that or get that on his hand.
Finally I am pulled off of the wooden post, allowed to stand up again. The magnifying glass is pointed at my front now, showing my fuzzy triangle as well as my boobs and my nipples. One of the guards lifts my arms above my head in order to display my chest better for the camera. Timmy and all of my friends playing guards are enjoying my humiliation far too much, or at least their characters are. Five total guys, friends of mine from class, are openly ogling my nude body while holding me in place in such a way that I can't even cover up or hide anything. This cursed magnifying glass keeps displaying my parts on the big screens too, for the entire audience to see in close-up detail. I squeeze my legs together to hide that area as much as possible, but then one of them reaches between my legs to part my thighs slightly. The front of my lips are displayed on the big screen for just a second before I close my legs again. I can't even tell if they're acting or not, but they are showing zero sympathy or concern for me what-so-ever and it makes me feel like a dirty piece of meat. I always used to feel safe around my classmates, but now safety is far from what I feel being surrounded by them.
The background transitions back to Pontius Phyllis's court. If I wasn't so naked and distressed I would probably enjoy these thousand-piece moving background transitions more because they truly are spectacular every time and must've taken ungodly levels of practice to get right. The actor side of my brain is only a slight whisper right now, though.
Pontius Phyllis, played by my idol and mentor Lady Evelyn Asharah, walks directly in front of me while I am held in place naked. Lady Evelyn is studying my naked body, inspecting me. The person I look up to the most in the entire world is methodically inspecting my naked body on stage and I am powerless to cover up or hide. This moment is somehow the worst so far, even worse than the stripping and the spanking, because my hero is staring at my disgraced body shivering like this.
The next thing I know, Lady Evelyn as Pontius Phyllis and her perfect womanly figure mocks me "Such a tiny little thing with tiny little tits. In my homeland of Rome, we believe demigods are supposed to have perfect bodies, not...this. This is just a little girl"
And then without warning it instantly gets so much worse as Pontius Phyllis grabs me by the pussy and holds my entire groin in her right hand! I jumped and screamed, while she holds me like this and tells the crowd "And for someone that is supposedly the daughter of the Jewish God, her bush sure doesn't seem to be burning. It's not even soft like a real woman's, it's all sharp and thorny. Very thorny to be honest. That won't do at all"
My heart sunk. I know that it's just a character, but my hero just groped me and then mocked my private parts in front of thousands of people. The insult hurts worse than the shame. For the first time since I have been up here I actually feel a little unsexy and inadequate, which just makes being naked in front of everybody ten times more humiliating. It was one thing when I was being lusted after, but being degraded by the person whose approval I seek most in this word just crushes me even if I know that it's just her character talking. The boys in the crowd seem to be enjoying themselves from my misery at least.
Pontius Phyllis then commands "Guard, hand me the grooming strips."
One of the guards hands her three semi-thin pieces of what looks like paper. Pontius Phyllis then sticks the three strips onto my bush side by side. Oh no. OH NO! These are wax strips. Pontius Phyllis is going to wax my pussy bald live on stage before putting me on the cross! I was hoping that my bush was going to keep my intimate details hidden while I was up there, but she's taking that away from me.
I panic and gasp "Wait-wait-wait-WAIT!" and then I scream bloody murder as she violently rips the wax strips off of me. It hurts so bad, like a million bee stings on my crotch only in reverse. I almost swore, I was half a second away before I caught myself. The torture is all for nothing if I break character. I look down at my own groin to inspect the damage, and she got every bit of hair that I had down there in one single go. My mound is red and irritated though and very sore. I try to free my hands just to rub it better, but the guard stops me. When I whimper in pain, Pontius Phyllis suddenly rubs my mound better for me. She just rubbed my crotch! I'm a virgin, she's a woman, that's never happened before in my entire life. To have it happen like this, from a woman, and from a woman I admire so completely after she just humiliated me, is a mixture of a hundred conflicting emotions of shame, disgust, and a small bit of arousal. I blush all over again from her touching me.
Pontius Phyllis then stuck the edges of the sticky strips together to make a circle, with all of my removed pubes facing outwards. She placed this circle of hairy strips on my head before announcing "Behold! A Crown of Thorns for the Queen of the Jews!"
I can't even believe how degrading this is. My pubic hair was just ripped off and turned into a decoration that I'm wearing on my head like a crown. The part of me that would appreciate her version of the Crown of Thorns is too busy wanting to cry. The actors in the crowd are laughing at me, as are many of the people in the real audience. My virgin pussy went from being mocked as inadequate to forcibly waxed, and now I am wearing my "thorny" pubes on my head. Being waxed bald didn't make me feel any more adequate, it just made me feel more exposed and humiliated. I'm frantically trying to figure out how I am going to limit how much of my newly-shaved pussy the people can see.
It is then that I see what is being hauled onto the stage next...the cross. My cross. Upon seeing it I had this horrible feeling that this was about to get a thousand times worse somehow.
(To Be Continued....)
Judy Iscariot just kissed me on the cheek. Before I even had time to respond, Roman guards swarmed me and grabbed my arms, roughly pulling me forward. I had no hope of escape, these guys held me tightly. The scene change behind me was masterful, and even in my dragged state I was in awe of the fluidity of how they moved the sets to convey our travels to see Caiaphas. They created an animated effect as if the garden fast-forwarded into the court.
Caiaphas waved his hand "Jessica of Nazareth is hereby guilty of blasphemy and witchcraft! She believes herself of the clouds? Our Queen? Above those of us made of mere flesh? She deserves to be reminded that her own flesh is ordinary, not unique. She possesses no parts that are not shared by all of woman kind. She deserves the shame of having all of Jerusalem witness for themselves that she has nothing celestial or royal under there, just a common woman heart and filthy woman parts like anyone else. In fact, that is precisely what we shall do with her. Jessica of Nazareth shall be BARE BEFORE ALL until she drops dead from shame! Take the condemned to Pontius Phyllis, let her administer the sentence."
The audience gasped and reacted in shock at my declared punishment. Because none of them could hear Satan earlier, only now did anybody watching know what was going to be done to me, and most of them probably didn't believe it was really going to happen yet. I didn't even get a word in, distracted by my guards tying my wrists together tightly. I was then roughly dragged through another transition scene into the Pontius Phyllis trial. I was starting to get very nervous because the play was rushing through the scenes now, skipping to the cross. We had so much time to fill, just how much of it was going to be filled by my torture if we're zipping through the filler?
There stood Lady Evelyn as Pontius Phyllis, the woman who would be stripping me and torturing me at any moment now. She was also my idol, I looked up to her so much. Never before had I experienced fear or negativity in her presence, but I felt it intensely now.
Pontius Phyllis asked the crowd of extras gathered around us "For what crime am I being asked to disrobe and display Jessica?"
The crowd of mostly boys yelled in a hateful way "Blasphemy and witchcraft. Strip the whore bare! Crucify her! Show us her tits and bush!" Them yelling that at me honestly stung, even if I knew they were in character. These were my classmates and friends yelling these things while knowing that it was actually going to happen to me.
Pontius Pilate is famous in the Gospels for resisting punishing Jesus in this scene, even though the historical Pilate was known to be cruel and to not have sympathy for any prisoners. The Gospels were written in Rome so there was a controversy related to whether they lied about the Roman Pilate to blame the Jews instead as the ones responsible for Jesus's death. I knew this fact going into the play, so I was always curious how Lady Evelyn would portray a figure that is disputed between merciful or cruel, innocent or guilty.
I looked on as Pontius Phyllis addressed the crowd "All in due time. I believe the criminal deserves a simpler punishment first. Consider it a warm-up. Jessica of Nazareth is to be spanked in the middle of the town square, without that robe!"
"What?" I asked incredulously. I did not expect that at all, but maybe I should have. I was just starting to really grasp what was going on here. This whole ordeal was going to be far worse than just being naked in public. I was going to be disgraced in every degrading way they could think up. Second thoughts flooded into my mind by the hundred, and part of me wished that I took Satan up on his offer for escape.
While I was lost in thought, my guards suddenly lifted my robe right off of me, baring so much of my skin to the audience. I was now wearing nothing except for the tight cloth wraps around my chest and panty area, but these did not cover very much skin outside of the essential areas. I gasped in shock from the sudden stripping, and I heard the crowd loudly react positively to my exposure. Next I was dragged by my shackled arms over to a horizontal post and pulled over it, tummy on wood with my butt facing the crowd. I looked behind me to see who was going to be the one to punish me, and it was Timmy. That thought made me flustered a little because Timmy is super hot.
Timmy smacked my barely-covered butt with his bare hand while standing on my side. The hit hurt, but the shame of a sexy man smacking my butt with his bare hand was more powerful than the pain by far. He made sure to avoid blocking the view of the audience too. God, I could only imagine the view that everyone was getting right now. What is my family thinking about me right now? Or my pastors? I was thankful that I couldn't see them and their looks of disapproval at least.
He was spanking me pretty hard, making me jump and making my butt wiggle with each slap. A scary mental image filled my head suddenly...what if he hits my makeshift wrapping so hard that it comes undone and falls off? Trapped like I am I wouldn't be able to cover anything or move, and bending this much over the wooden post propping up my butt meant that if my psuedo-panties fell, then everything was going to be showing back there. EVERYTHING, not just my butt. Being naked on a cross was one thing because I could keep my legs crossed, but being seen naked bent over like this would be far more explicit. I started praying that my wrap stayed on.
After the last spank hit me I felt my wrap get knocked loose a little bit. I squealed in shock and screamed "Stop! That's enough, that's enough! I'm punished enough."
Timmy responded to my begging by slapping my butt three more times rapid-fire, which hurt like hell and knocked my waistband very loose. I could feel it sagging downward, exposing a little bit of the top of my crack to the audience. They were getting a pretty good look at me, but only a few more hits would mean that they got a VERY good look at me! I was feeling the panic setting in but I knew that if I said anything it would cause him to hit me again. For now he stopped.
I was then roughly dragged again by my shackled arms back to Pontius Phyllis. My guard held my arms in place at chest level and wouldn't let me move them, which meant that I had no way of fixing my bottoms or covering up if they fell. They were sagging so far down now that they had almost reached the start of my fuzzy triangle. If I didn't do something quick they were going to fall down and leave me bottomless on a stage in front of thousands of people, many of them my friends and family!
Pontius Phyllis addressed both me and the crowd of angry Jerusalem residents "There, wasn't that fun? Now I think we need to play a little game. Since we have the so-called Queen of the Jews in our company, perhaps we should let her issue a royal pardon. But alas, she only gets one pardon and must choose. Bring forth the insurrectionist Barabbas!"
Barabbas was walked on stage from the side entrance and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. And I mean SAW him because of what little he was wearing. Barabbas was dragged onto the stage wearing only a massively undersized towel parted at the hip, letting me see that there was no way that he could be wearing anything underneath it. He was played by George, a classmate who was super cute but was so timid around women. Here George was standing in front of me, almost naked, red in the face like he was in my position. There was a distinct bulge sticking out in the front slightly, and considering how small this towel was there was the very real chance that if he accidentally got fully hard standing up here that his manhood was going to pop out from under the towel and expose itself. With his hands bound and held like mine, he wouldn't even be able to cover it. How did Lady Evelyn convince George to willingly be dragged on stage wearing so little?
Pontius Phyllis laughed at Barabbas shivering in his near-nudity. She then looked at me and said "Barabbas here was convicted of numerous treasonous acts against his fellow Jews. Jessica, of course, was convicted of numerous blasphemous acts against the Jewish God and Temple. So... 'Queen of the Jews', I grant you the power to pardon one criminal this day out of these two. One of you two will be released and allowed to leave with your coverings and your decency in tact. The other will be sentenced to die of shame and will immediately be stripped of all covering right here and now. Jessica of Nazareth, make your choice."
Oh my God the temptation. Lady Evelyn as Pontius Phyllis was seriously trying to force me to break character. My wraps were already sagging so low on my hips, threatening to fall on their own if I didn't do something fast. I could hear several of the guys in the audience cheering when she announced that I was about to be stripped naked in just a moment. Their intense desire to see me just amplified my intense desire to not be seen! One of the guards walked behind me and put his hands on my hips above my falling waistband, signifying that he was going to strip me the moment I pardoned Barabbas. Another guard stood behind Barabbas with her hands on Barabbas' hips threatening to do the same if I instead pardoned myself. If I pardoned myself I would escape without everybody seeing me naked. Not only that, but I would get to see this really hot classmate of mine stripped of his towel just 5 feet in front of me and I'd get to see his dick. I internally scolded myself for even wanting to see that, but I couldn't help myself from feeling a little bit of urges.
Actually, I was feeling a LOT of urges. This was unusual, and I had been noticing it for a little while now. All of the boys starting with Satan have felt much sexier to me than usual, and I've been feeling a much stronger sense of excitement when looking at them. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that the pill Lady Evelyn had me take at the start of the play must have been some form of female viagra. Whatever the cause, I was getting very horny standing here staring at George as Barabbas in a tiny towel, nervously shaking his head left and right and silently begging me for mercy with his eyes. This temptation was intense! I wanted to see what he was hiding under that towel so badly that I could almost justify this in my head. With one word I could keep my clothes on and strip a hot man instead! I would be safe and I would get to see his package, a complete win-win. would be an innocent and defenseless man that I would condemn out of cowardice and lust. I couldn't do such a thing as Christ. I just couldn't. The pitiful look on George's face alone made it impossible for me to expose him in public like this, either as Jessica Christ or as Jessica Joel. He's always been so shy even just talking to girls, and now he was seconds away from being naked in front of thousands of us! He looked like he was about to pass out in fright. Even if it didn't break character I wouldn't order him stripped naked in public, that would be too cruel. Most likely he has friends and family watching in the audience too just like I do. I felt the hands on my waist and felt my bottoms close to failing. I knew that by pardoning Barabbas I was about to order my own stripping. Pontius Phyllis was forcing ME to sentence MYSELF to public nudity while literally and metaphorically washing her hands of the choice right in front of me. The cruelty of this whole dilemma filled me with a little bit of anger to be honest, followed by a mountain of shame and dread.
"I pardon Barabbas!" I said out loud finally, biting my teeth together and shivering wildly from what was about to happen. My knees feel like they are about to give out.
Instantly my guard yanked down my bottoms to the ground, baring my bush to George and anyone else in that direction! Behind me the guard and that half of the audience could see my bare butt as well. The guard forced off my wraps and my sandals, leaving my body covered by only the wraps tied around my chest. I screamed. I tried to hold it in but I still screamed loudly at being stripped bottomless on stage in front of everybody. My hands were held in place by the other guard, making it impossible for me to cover myself. I pressed my legs together as tightly as I could to hide any anatomical details, but my natural bushiness is now on complete display. Before I even stop screaming I feel the guard grab my top. He quickly unties it and pulls it off of my chest, causing my B-cup breasts to bounce out and stick out in front of everybody. I'M NAKED! Oh God oh God I'm naked on stage! This can't be happening. It's a dream, just a bad dream like the electrocution nightmare was. I try so hard to wake up but it's not working. I can't breathe. My lungs forgot how to work after my scream stopped and I cough suddenly. I can feel the rush of air on my lady parts and it sends a shiver through me. I feel my nipples stiffen from the excitement, even though I try to will them to stay down. Thousands of eyes are staring at me right now with nothing on. Thousands of people are seeing me naked!
George was still only five feet in front of me, and I stared at his eyes as he looked at my completely naked body up close and personal. My classmate, my cute classmate in a tiny towel, is staring at me COMPLETELY NAKED!! He can see my small breasts and he can even see my little bush. I look away from his eyes just long enough to be reminded about the thousands and thousands of people to my left that can also see me. I can hear the loud cheering and hooting from many of the boys watching me right now. Thousands of people are looking at me nude, completely naked! I am turned sideways slightly, trying to diminish how much of me is seen, but the wild sounds and whistling from the audience tells me that they can all see enough of me. This crowd, and the people I love who are in that crowd, all probably think that I'm nothing but some porn star now. My face is red and I feel as though my life is over already, even though my torture has clearly only just begun.
I look back towards George only to notice some movement from his towel. Barabbas, aka George was getting hard right in front of me. He's getting hard BECAUSE of me, because of my naked body. Just thinking that thought sends a tingle down my spine. He seems to be enjoying his view at least, even if I feel like dying right now, but with how short his towel was he was about to pop free and expose himself to me and everyone else watching. Still feeling the urges, despite my extreme guilt over them, I stare at his groin without blinking hoping to get to see it break loose! I watch as the towel hem inches up higher and higher while his guard is busy untying Barabbas' hands, only to be heartbroken when he covered himself at the last second with his now-freed hands and held the towel in place over his package. Wasting no time, Barabbas sprints to safety offstage before his flimsy covering gives way.
I had saved my classmate George from public exposure. Part of me actually regretted saving him now, while the rest of me screamed in my head to condemn me for having such wicked and perverted thoughts while knowing how mortifying it is to be naked on stage in front of thousands. I couldn't save myself from this humiliation, but it would be evil to wish it onto somebody else so innocent just to satisfy my urges. Inside my head I curse myself for being such a slut. Meanwhile I can barely breathe, I'm red in the face, I'm feeling very faint, and I'm shivering as I look around and see everybody looking at me. Pontius Phyllis is taking her sweet time advancing the plot just to make me stand here awkwardly for over 15 seconds. I can feel thousands upon thousands of eyes locked onto my every inch. I knew that this was coming, but I wasn't prepared. I wasn't prepared at all for this horrible feeling of vulnerability and helplessness.
Finally she speaks "Now that you're naked, I hereby sentence you to be crucified and tormented in public until you literally die of shame. But first, another round of public spanking is in order. Give her ten slow smacks."
I squeal "No! No please, don't do that when I'm naked! Everyone will see..."
I am dragged towards the flogging post again, trying to dig in my heels to resist somehow. If the guard bends me over that wooden post again while I'm naked, I will be on complete display downstairs. They can see my bush right now, but that's all they can see down there. The whole audience will be able to see my pussy lips themselves effortlessly bent over that far, I would practically be in the doggy position. I start pitifully begging "No no no no, please don't do this. This is too much! They'll see everything."
I fight and resist as my belly makes contact with the wooden post, but I'm not strong enough to stop this guy. He pulls me over the post while I scream in shame. My head is pulled lower than my waist, and I can feel my butt and even my private lips sticking out from behind. The guard locks my arm shackles in place and now I can't even move. I try to keep my legs together just to somewhat keep an ounce of dignity left, but I know without doubt that I am extremely exposed. I'm hyperventilating now, they can see everything! My family, my pastors, my friends, my neighbors, and thousands of boys are all looking at my exposed pussy sticking out pervertedly between my legs as if it was begging to be filled. I hear some of them clapping behind me and it makes my whole body shiver. And then I noticed Timmy, the spanker. Oh God, I can't even imagine what kind of a view Timmy is getting standing only 2 feet behind me!
Timmy the flogger then suddenly spoke "If you have difficulty seeing the witch's sin box in the back of the crowd, I have brought with me a magnifying glass to ensure that everyone here can see it all"
Magnifying glass? I panic, wondering what he's talking about. I look back and he's holding a very tiny magnifying glass shaped object, but that isn't enough to accomplish anything. Suddenly the two huge 90 inch 4k LED screens on the left and right walls turn on and I can see the stage displayed on them in real time. Timmy is actually holding a camera, and is streaming whatever he points his magnifying glass at onto two massive screens on the side of the stage. Oh God, oh God...if he points that thing at my pussy then my pussy and all of its details are going to be displayed close-up on a screen the size of a van!
I start shaking and whimpering "Nooo! No don't, please! Not that. Don't do it...Have mercy! I'm begging you don't do this to me! Don't let everyone here see that!"
While I'm still pleading and begging, I watch on the screen as my pussy comes into view, clear as day, and I moan in humiliation. In this position my lips look swollen and puffy, making it look like I am aroused and waiting. I feel so degraded and exposed. No boy has ever seen this view of me, not one single person in history, and now it's being shown to thousands by a hot guy watching it up close. Timmy moves the magnifying glass right up next to me so that my pussy fills the entire screen, followed by moving it up a little bit to show off an extreme close-up of my butthole next. God, I wasn't even thinking about that part yet, but the humiliation of the inside of my butthole being displayed is almost more intense than my pussy being shown. He finally moves the camera into a spot that shows off my entire lower area, pussy lips and butt, as he gets ready to spank me.
Timmy spanks me slowly, taking his time between all ten smacks, trying his best to make me jump and wiggle with each strike. Timmy is touching my naked butt with his bare hand! This is the most intimate of contact that I have every had from a boy in my life, but I never wanted it like this in front of a gigantic crowd of people watching. The camera is moved around to different angles for each smack, trying to show me off the best possible way. After spank number 4 his hand lingers on my butt for far too long, sliding across until his fingers graze over my pussy lips. A BOY JUST TOUCHED MY PUSSY!!! I can barely breathe, I'm dripping sweat, my face is red and burning hot, and I'm starting to wonder if it really is possible for a person to drop dead from shame alone. If it is, then this is going to be my last night alive, as I whimper and moan in pain and utter mortification from every spank. Each spank now is followed by a flagrant grope, and with the last couple times he traces his fingers down my butt crack and over my slit. Every single time that he touches me down there I jump and squeeze my legs together out of reflex. I hate this so much, but Timmy is also a very sexy man and I feel myself getting far too aroused from having the first man in my life to ever touch my genitals. It feels nice somewhat, but I despise myself and curse myself for enjoying it at all. If this keeps up I am terrified that I'll get wet and he'll feel that during one of his touches! It feels like it takes forever to reach ten. When ten hits I pray for that to be the end of it, because I can feel myself starting to produce moisture down there. The last thing I want right now is for him to see that or get that on his hand.
Finally I am pulled off of the wooden post, allowed to stand up again. The magnifying glass is pointed at my front now, showing my fuzzy triangle as well as my boobs and my nipples. One of the guards lifts my arms above my head in order to display my chest better for the camera. Timmy and all of my friends playing guards are enjoying my humiliation far too much, or at least their characters are. Five total guys, friends of mine from class, are openly ogling my nude body while holding me in place in such a way that I can't even cover up or hide anything. This cursed magnifying glass keeps displaying my parts on the big screens too, for the entire audience to see in close-up detail. I squeeze my legs together to hide that area as much as possible, but then one of them reaches between my legs to part my thighs slightly. The front of my lips are displayed on the big screen for just a second before I close my legs again. I can't even tell if they're acting or not, but they are showing zero sympathy or concern for me what-so-ever and it makes me feel like a dirty piece of meat. I always used to feel safe around my classmates, but now safety is far from what I feel being surrounded by them.
The background transitions back to Pontius Phyllis's court. If I wasn't so naked and distressed I would probably enjoy these thousand-piece moving background transitions more because they truly are spectacular every time and must've taken ungodly levels of practice to get right. The actor side of my brain is only a slight whisper right now, though.
Pontius Phyllis, played by my idol and mentor Lady Evelyn Asharah, walks directly in front of me while I am held in place naked. Lady Evelyn is studying my naked body, inspecting me. The person I look up to the most in the entire world is methodically inspecting my naked body on stage and I am powerless to cover up or hide. This moment is somehow the worst so far, even worse than the stripping and the spanking, because my hero is staring at my disgraced body shivering like this.
The next thing I know, Lady Evelyn as Pontius Phyllis and her perfect womanly figure mocks me "Such a tiny little thing with tiny little tits. In my homeland of Rome, we believe demigods are supposed to have perfect bodies, not...this. This is just a little girl"
And then without warning it instantly gets so much worse as Pontius Phyllis grabs me by the pussy and holds my entire groin in her right hand! I jumped and screamed, while she holds me like this and tells the crowd "And for someone that is supposedly the daughter of the Jewish God, her bush sure doesn't seem to be burning. It's not even soft like a real woman's, it's all sharp and thorny. Very thorny to be honest. That won't do at all"
My heart sunk. I know that it's just a character, but my hero just groped me and then mocked my private parts in front of thousands of people. The insult hurts worse than the shame. For the first time since I have been up here I actually feel a little unsexy and inadequate, which just makes being naked in front of everybody ten times more humiliating. It was one thing when I was being lusted after, but being degraded by the person whose approval I seek most in this word just crushes me even if I know that it's just her character talking. The boys in the crowd seem to be enjoying themselves from my misery at least.
Pontius Phyllis then commands "Guard, hand me the grooming strips."
One of the guards hands her three semi-thin pieces of what looks like paper. Pontius Phyllis then sticks the three strips onto my bush side by side. Oh no. OH NO! These are wax strips. Pontius Phyllis is going to wax my pussy bald live on stage before putting me on the cross! I was hoping that my bush was going to keep my intimate details hidden while I was up there, but she's taking that away from me.
I panic and gasp "Wait-wait-wait-WAIT!" and then I scream bloody murder as she violently rips the wax strips off of me. It hurts so bad, like a million bee stings on my crotch only in reverse. I almost swore, I was half a second away before I caught myself. The torture is all for nothing if I break character. I look down at my own groin to inspect the damage, and she got every bit of hair that I had down there in one single go. My mound is red and irritated though and very sore. I try to free my hands just to rub it better, but the guard stops me. When I whimper in pain, Pontius Phyllis suddenly rubs my mound better for me. She just rubbed my crotch! I'm a virgin, she's a woman, that's never happened before in my entire life. To have it happen like this, from a woman, and from a woman I admire so completely after she just humiliated me, is a mixture of a hundred conflicting emotions of shame, disgust, and a small bit of arousal. I blush all over again from her touching me.
Pontius Phyllis then stuck the edges of the sticky strips together to make a circle, with all of my removed pubes facing outwards. She placed this circle of hairy strips on my head before announcing "Behold! A Crown of Thorns for the Queen of the Jews!"
I can't even believe how degrading this is. My pubic hair was just ripped off and turned into a decoration that I'm wearing on my head like a crown. The part of me that would appreciate her version of the Crown of Thorns is too busy wanting to cry. The actors in the crowd are laughing at me, as are many of the people in the real audience. My virgin pussy went from being mocked as inadequate to forcibly waxed, and now I am wearing my "thorny" pubes on my head. Being waxed bald didn't make me feel any more adequate, it just made me feel more exposed and humiliated. I'm frantically trying to figure out how I am going to limit how much of my newly-shaved pussy the people can see.
It is then that I see what is being hauled onto the stage next...the cross. My cross. Upon seeing it I had this horrible feeling that this was about to get a thousand times worse somehow.
(To Be Continued....)
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Re: Spring Break Contest: The Passion of Jessica Christ
Great chapter can't wait for the next. I love a good tied up naked finalee!
Just need to see if the cross is set up the traditonal T or they use abit of creative licence and have it tilted to X for some extra fun for tying up!
Just need to see if the cross is set up the traditonal T or they use abit of creative licence and have it tilted to X for some extra fun for tying up!
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Re: Spring Break Contest: The Passion of Jessica Christ
Not that I would try an influence the author in any way but I agree with SDS - the x would be ever so creative.
- Executionus
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Re: Spring Break Contest: The Passion of Jessica Christ
Yeah so apparently we evil geniuses all think alike, because this was always the plan. I actually foreshadowed it a few times in Act 3 by how many times Jessica was comforted by the cross keeping her legs together. You all know how much I enjoy giving a victim false hope and then stealing it away from them.
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- Executionus
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The Passion of Jessica Christ - Act 4
Act 4: Falling Action
Pontius Phyllis then ordered "Normally we would have the condemned carry their own crosses to the hill, but with this tiny little thing that could take days. I'll order the rookies to move it. You boys here should carry HER to the hill instead."
As soon as I hear that I panic, not wanting my four male classmates to manhandle my bare body like that. I try to break free, but that doesn't work at all. They quickly untie my arms which have been tied since Caiaphas, and then each one of them grabs one of my limbs and lifts me into the air. I try to struggle some as the boys spread my arms and legs out like a X above their heads. I freak out because my legs are wide open right now, but thankfully nobody is looking that way and I am being held sideways relative to the audience. We walk through another transition scene, but this one moves much slower than the others.
After a couple seconds something feels wrong, and the guards start very slowly turning towards the left with each step. The left is the side where the audience is. If they keep turning we are going to be facing the crowd while we walk. If they keep turning my PUSSY is going to be facing the crowd with my legs held apart!
I fight to escape, flailing with all of my strength now. I beg them "No, no please! Guards don't turn me towards the crowd!"
We keep turning, and the people on the very edge of the seating area can see between my legs now. I scream "PLEASE OH PLEASE CAN YOU AT LEAST CLOSE MY LEGS BEFORE EVERYONE SEES???"
We keep turning, and now we are facing the audience with my arms and legs still held wide apart. My freshly-waxed pussy lips are now facing forwards and everyone can see them. I groan in horror as the boys walk in place, shuffling my body back and forth with every exaggerated step. I look forward towards the audience for the first time in a while and I make eye contact with some of the people there. I can't stand the sight of them looking at my nakedness, though, so I turn my head to look away.
I watch the stagehands slide the cross underneath me. In seconds I am laid on top of it, with my wrists locked into clear plastic straps on either side at the top. My ankles are both individually locked in place as well, right next to each other on the bottom part of the cross. Thankfully this cross has foot holds, so my weight won't be pulling me down. They wanted to humiliate me, not actually hurt me. I guess I can be thankful for that tiny favor. The way the cross is facing right now, I realize that once it's lifted I'm going to be directly facing the audience. I'm going to be forced to stare out into the crowd of thousands of onlookers all examining my entire full-frontal nudity on display.
The moment of truth finally comes, as the guards lift up the cross with me on it until it stands tall. They do it so slowly, inching my body vertical as if this "wood" cross actually weighed hundreds of pounds. I try to say something, but all that comes out is a stutter and some moans of anguish. Being lifted up into view is agonizing, with every second my body being pulled more and more into view. When it finally reaches the top the base locks into place on some form of track stand. Here I am, completely naked, even waxed smooth down there, and I am held up high and on display facing the entire audience. I am several feet off of the ground, but low enough that others on the ground can reach me. A tall enough person could probably touch my face with their hand. I try to pull my arms free of their restraints, but the straps are so tight that I can't even wiggle my wrists at all. The entire audience now can see my boobs and they can see my hairless kitty. I feel so humiliated and helpless right now. Everyone on stage could do whatever they wanted to me now and I would have no power to protect myself or defend my body from assault. The only thing I have to be thankful for is that I can keep my legs together like this. My stuttered moaning hasn't stopped, and only now was I afraid of my noises sounding sexual to the people watching me.
I look out into the crowd for the first really long time without turning away. Right in front of where I am on the cross sat my family, and to their sides were my friends to my left and my clergy to my right. I look into their eyes ashamed of being seen like this. My father looks angry and upset with me. His face is red and hard, like he regrets spending so much money on my education just to have a whore for a daughter. My mother looks like she is about to be sick, like she's disgusted by what I've become and what she is seeing. My little brother, who is only 13, had a face as red as my own. Oh...oh God, I just realized that this is probably the first time that my brother has ever seen a naked woman before. He's probably feeling naughty things looking at me and is ashamed. Both of his hands are trying to cover up his lap, and I can't help but notice him shifting around from my gaze on him in a helpless attempt to hide what I was doing to him. Damnit. I just made my own brother get an erection in front of me and while sitting next to mom and dad! I actually feel overwhelmingly guilty for putting him through that embarrassment for a moment, but then I remember that I am the one completely naked in front of everybody here. My whole family is looking at my naked breasts and pussy. Looking to my right I see both of my pastors (childhood and current) and my local church congregation, all with their hands over their mouths in shock. They were never going to come to this show if I didn't drag them out here, and now they can see every inch of me. They probably think that I did this on purpose, that I knew that I was going to be stripped while they watched. Everybody I care about can see me naked, and so can countless boys and former classmates of mine right now. My friends are sitting to my left, the boys and the girls, and their faces range from concern to blatant lust. Ugh! I look up and see thousands upon thousands of others staring at me, a see of horny men and boys. This theater has a capacity well over 10,000, and it looks like it's sold out. I see children who were brought to see a church play their parents thought would be wholesome! So many little boys and girls with wide eyes and wider smiles as their parents cringe uncomfortably. All of them, all of the people here must think that I'm some form of deviant. That I'm an exhibitionist who gets off on people seeing me, even though this is one of my worst fears made real. I feel so dirty. I feel so ashamed. I used to have nightmares about going to class in my underwear. This is a billion times worse than that and it's all real! I can barely breathe and my lack of oxygen is the only reason that I can't cry or scream right now. I'm just hanging here hyperventilating and moaning in shame while everyone watches me. I hang there for an entire two minutes without anything happening, being put on display for their amusement. The whole play went dark and silent just to let my pitiful whimpers and shivers take center stage. In my head I'm screaming for help, even though I know none will ever come.
Sitting right next to my little brother is my best friend Cassie. I've known her for most of my life, and both of us are heavily-involved in drama and plays even though she wasn't selected as a student of Lady Evelyn. I notice a spotlight move and point her out in the crowd so I look over towards her. I think the screens on the wall start showing her as well for some reason. My eyes go wide with horror when I see that she has her phone in her hand! That's impossible! All cell phones and other cameras are confiscated at the gate in a Lady Evelyn production, how did Cassie get one in here? Cassie smiles and waves at me before lifting her phone up and pointing it at me to take a picture. I start shaking my head violently as Cassie takes picture after picture of my naked body on a cross. She turns the phone around to show me the pictures each time and they show everything I have. Why is she doing that to me? Is she getting revenge on me for being selected for Lady Evelyn's school when she wasn't? I don't understand. I trusted her! I trusted her with my life....
I don't want to break character, but I moan out almost crying "Please everyone, please look away. Don't look at me like this. Stop looking at me I beg of you. I don't want anyone to see me hanging here naked. This is humiliating!"
Cassie then waves again and shows me her phone screen, which clearly shows Snapchat. clearly shows MY Snapchat account! Cassie knows my password, that's how much I've always trusted her. Why is she on my Snapchat right now? Oh no. Oh God! She wouldn't post those pics she just took of me on Snap would she? I have over ten thousand followers! They'd see everything, my breasts and my pussy! I choke from the shock. I can't break character to beg somebody to stop her, I just start moaning "no" over and over again. Why won't my family and friends stop her? Everyone can see what she is doing right now, it's on the big screens. Why won't anybody stop her? Why won't anybody help me??
I watch as she loads up her favorite picture of me and then shares it on my story! I scream, and then I watch as she does it again and again and again. The spotlight on Cassie makes the audience watch what she is doing and only now do I realize that she must be working for Lady Evelyn. How could they? I trusted both of them with every fiber in my soul, only for them to betray me so utterly and even go out of their way to expose my nakedness to people online who won't even understand the context of the pictures! This isn't part of a play, this is just them ruining my reputation and ruining my life for nothing. Why? Why are they doing this to me? I loved them both so much. And what if somebody screencaps those pictures and starts posting them on a porn site somewhere? My naked body, face included, is showing in all of these pictures! Millions of people might see me naked now, and they'd have the pictures forever. FOREVER! Once a girl's naked pictures are on the internet it's impossible to get them down completely no matter what. Boys who aren't even born yet are going to be getting off to my humiliation decades from now. That thought makes me almost throw up in anguish.
I start crying. I've been holding it in so long, but my humiliation and betrayal is so great that the tears start flowing now. That was when Pontius Phyllis walked over to me finally. I looked at her and then gasped in horror at what she was holding in her right hand: The magnifying glass camera!
I can barely talk anymore and I cough when I try, but I manage to force out " please. No more...I can't...I can't take any more!"
Pontius Phyllis laughs. She actually laughs at me! She then tells me "Oh girl, you're not even close to done. Our next step, witch, is to inspect your body for witches marks. These are spots of skin that are abnormal, usually hidden in areas where clothes would normally cover them. I brought the magnifying glass so that all of those in attendance can assist me in my search of your flesh"
Pontius Phyllis pointed it at my pussy, bringing it up on the screens in gigantic detail for all to see. She then took her left hand and placed her thumb and forefinger on opposite sides of the top of my pussy lips near my clit.
I freak out "NO DON'T SPREAD ME!! OH GOD NO!!!"
She spreads me open anyway, completely exposing my clit to the magnifying glass camera. I wail in humiliation as I watch her bring it closer, almost touching me. The detail the screens have must be unbelievable, but I cannot bear to turn behind me to see. All I could do was look at the audience in front of me, and they were all clearly shocked at what they could see. The thousands of boys were openly drooling over my clitoris throbbing over here from the shame of public nudity and the arousal drug that she made me take earlier. Oh fuck! OH FUCK! I forgot about that. Please don't let the camera see any wetness down there. If the audience knew that I was aroused right now it would be a thousand times worse than it already is. Oh God, what if my FAMILY notices!
Pontius Phyllis then moves her hands lower and tries to spread open my vaginal canal, but this time I hold my legs together and block her. That area HAS to be visibly wet, 100%. I will die before I let her open that up, I don't care anymore. She will have to kill me.
As if she could read my mind, she puts her hand on her hip before pouting "See, this is why we use X crosses in Rome usually instead of T-shaped ones. Luckily I thought of this. It's a good thing you're not the only carpenter in town, Jessica. Guards! Convert this cross into an X"
I look at Pontius Phyllis...Lady Evelyn...with tears in my eyes. I harshly but softly moan "How could you?" as I feel the boys start to pull the bottom half of the cross apart. This cross was designed to convert, that's why both of my ankles were secured separately. I fight with all of my leg muscles as the four strong boys very slowly pull me apart. I feel myself opening up and I scream over and over again. The lower half of the cross splits wider and wider, and in doing so my legs are pulled far apart now in front of everyone. Now no matter how hard I try I can't close my legs. I can't even move my legs at all. Pontius Phyllis had the magnifying glass pointed at my privates the entire time, meaning that this entire audience just watched my pussy lips open up for them. They watched as my labia parted and bloomed like a flower. They watched as my womanhood was exposed. Meanwhile, with horror I watched as Cassie took pictures of the entire spreading process, posting every couple seconds to my Snap feed. There must be dozens of explicit pictures up there right now.
Phyllis savors my misery for a little while, resting her fingers on the sides of my labia. I can't stop her, I am completely powerless. She holds her fingers there without moving just to torture me, to kill me with the anticipation. I know what she is about to do. She knows that I know. The audience knows. After 10 agonizing seconds of just sitting there with her fingers on my sensitive labia lips, she finally spreads my vagina open in its entirety! I am now only 10 feet in front of my father and little brother who can easily see deep up into my body from their vantage point, no need for the camera screens. Once she forces open my vaginal cavity, the magnifying glass starts displaying my actual insides on the big screen. I know that I'm wet. I've been getting wet little by little since I was first stripped, even though I hate ever second of this. The camera makes it look like I'm enjoying myself. Like I'm just a slut hanging here. I can't bear to look behind me at the screens, but I know that everybody in here can see things that even my doctor has never seen before. Nobody would ever respect me or love me again, I would always be the naked whore on a cross for the rest of my life.
It was then that Pontius Phyllis told everyone "Ah, what do you know? She really is a virgin. I can see her precious membrane sitting there. Take a look!"
I start coughing, almost throwing up right then and there. How could she do this to me? She is trying to film my Hymen! I can't even stomach something so private being shown off to thousands of boys like this. I then notice Cassie getting out of her seat and walking up directly in front of me, directly between my legs. Pontius Phyllis just ignores her, as does my family and friends. The phone is held only one foot away from my anatomy. Please God, why won't anybody stop her? This isn't part of the show! She's destroying my life, letting the entire internet see my private parts. MY PRIVATES! Cassie, my once-trusted best friend on Earth, takes a picture of my virgin's hymen and makes me watch her as she posts it on Snap. She smiles naughtily and holds the phone directly in front of my face and shows me the picture that she just took. I could clearly see deep in me, membrane and all. She then skips back down to her seat as if playing a game. I think to myself that I couldn't possibly be more humiliated or emotionally destroyed than I am right now. It doesn't take very long to find out that I was wrong...dead wrong.
Pontius Phyllis pulls her hand back from holding my opened suddenly and says "Ew, gross. Looks like the witch enjoys my touch a little too much."
She then wipes her hand off on my tummy and I feel my own wetness rubbed against me. My virgin pussy's liquids got all over my idol's hand in front of countless people! That pill from earlier is really kicking in now, and all of the exposure, spreading, and touching is causing a mortifying and significant physical reaction even though nothing could be farther from my mind right now than sexual pleasure. Getting my private leakage on her hand was the most intimate moment of my life so far by far, and I couldn't even enjoy one microsecond of it. I then watch Pontius Phyllis grab a small, multicolored round object from her pocket, with no clue what that is.
She proudly tells us all "Considering what time of year it is, we're celebrating spring with the goddess Proserpina...called Istar/Easter in your Jewish culture. I propose that we follow ancient traditions and I should hide this here Easter Egg in a special hiding place...where it won't easily be found."
Pontius Phyllis turns on the egg now and it starts buzzing. I suddenly find my voice one more time "No no! That's too much, that's too far, THAT'S TOO FAR, OH MY GOD DON'T PLEASE!!"
She ignores my pleading once again and shoves the vibrating egg into my vagina, pushing it up against my hymen and letting it stimulate my insides. It feels so good. It feels unimaginably good and I HATE how good it feels. I hate that I want it. I feel like dirt, like the lowest form of trash imaginable as I actually enjoy the buzzing for a little bit. The shame of being sexually stimulated in public, though, kills my enjoyment quite quickly. I look at the face of my father right in front of where I am hanging and I am overcome with intense shame at knowing that he can see me being vibrated. My brother...Oh God, my little brother is rubbing himself through his pants to this display. This is the most sexual thing he's ever seen before at his age. My own baby brother is getting off to me. That thought is so gross I can't even comprehend it. My pastors, dear Lord my pastors are watching me. They can see my pussy throbbing from the pleasure! So can everyone else, including Cassie posting pictures of it on my Snap account.
I watch as Pontius Phyllis walks away from me, calling for a centurion to guard me in her place while she leaves me hanging to suffer. How long is she going to keep this vibrating egg inside of me? Forever? I can't take this much longer. I'm going to pass out from the shame.
When the centurion walks onto stage my heart is instantly broken. I cannot even believe it when I recognize who Lady Evelyn brought in to play this role. It was the sexiest young man in Hollywood, the world-famous movie star Thomas Netherlands. And he's not wearing a shirt, just wearing nothing but tight spandex shorts! I've had a star crush on him for years. A picture of him is my phone background. Lady Evelyn knew I thought he was a dream, so she called in a favor to bring in my favorite celebrity crush just so that he could humiliate me even more than I already am. I try once again to escape from my shackles because I don't want Thomas Netherlands to see me like this. I don't want him to see me naked, tied to a cross, with my pussy being vibrated. I spent years fantasizing about kissing him, holding his hands, and maybe a romantic sensual encounter or two. I planned to meet him at a con one day to feel the butterflies. I don't want to meet him like this...not like this. My escape attempt fails as I watch him on my right side moving closer and closer to my front side where he could see it all. He walks in front of me and starts looking me over, inspecting my parts. Oh my God oh my God my biggest celebrity crush is shirtless in skintight shorts and is looking at me naked! I am mortified beyond belief but also unimaginably turned on. The egg inside of me vibrating my pussy, and the arousal pill from earlier, are filling me with an embarrassingly strong lust right now.
The centurion kneeled down between my legs, posing his body as monumentally hot as he possibly could while getting a birds-eye view of my wet pussy. He doesn't say a word, he's just sitting there staring at my privates. I can feel myself getting unimaginably wet having my fantasy man kneeling between my naked legs, only 2 feet lower than my soaked pussy. After 30 seconds of this I can feel whole streams of wetness running down both of my legs, and globs of goo just leaking down from me right in front of him. My pussy is dripping. It is gushing obscenely like some whore. My pussy is dripping in front of Thomas Netherlands, my family, my friends, everyone I've ever known, and thousands of stranger boys. I can't take any more embarrassment, I can't! Nobody says a word for several minutes while everyone just watches me writhing in agony and leaking everywhere. With every large pussy loogie that I drop down to the ground I feel such a burning and intense shame of my body, everyone looking at it, and me losing control over it. My inner thighs and calves are drenched as well. Some of my liquid runs all the way to my feet even. I don't know how it is possible for my pussy to even produce this much fluid. It has to be aided by the drug, but nobody watching this play even knows about that. They all think that I'm the sluttiest woman alive right now. My biggest celebrity crush now thinks of me as nothing more than a deviant, a sex addict, an object to be looked at. At one point he holds his hand out to catch one of my globs! He then makes me watch him bring his fingers, soaked in my juices, up to his mouth in order to taste me. I watched him taste what my vaginal fluids taste like! Everybody watched him do that. I even watched as Cassie grabbed a picture of him tasting me, just so that the entire world it seems could witness my agony. My entire body is sweating, I am soaked from my hair to my toes as if I just got out of the pool.
I barely even react at first when the cross starts slowly leaning backwards, originally thinking that I was imagining it. Then I realize that I wasn't, that the cross was leaning backwards on a motor. Oh no! By leaning me backwards it just brought my pussy more into view than ever before, as it was now sticking out towards the audience and the centurion. I only lean back 20 degrees, but the difference in my exposure level is very significant. Everybody keeps watching me like this, and I have to stop myself from looking out into the crowd. Seeing their looks of lust and disgust is the worst part of this all. Eventually I just close my eyes and pray for the end. They leave me hanging like this, with him between my legs, for 15 minutes as I leak all over the place, thrashing and bucking wildly from the vibrating egg inside of me.
When Pontius Phyllis finally came back I was actually glad. I hoped that I was done, that she'd let me down now. Even if she was going to try some new horror on me, nothing she could possibly think up could be more shameful than the last 15 minutes, I just knew it. I saw something long and thin in her hand, however. My intense pussy stimulation was putting me much closer to orgasm than I would ever want to admit, which also made it difficult for me to see thanks to blurry vision and trouble keeping my eyes open. My head was bobbing around back and forth mumbling, and it was so hard keep my eyes open or to make words right now thanks to the vibrator in me.
Pontius Phyllis then announced "It may be time to finish off the condemned. Towards this goal I have brought two tools. The first is the Spear of Destiny, which I will grant to our brave centurion to use as he sees fit"
I open my eyes fully to see what she's talking about, and that's when I really notice what is on the end of the spear. It's basically a dildo on a stick! The centurion takes the Spear of Destiny in his hands and places the tip against my gushing , wide-opened pussy.
I scream as loudly as I can until my voice goes out from vocal cord stress "NOOOOO! I'M A VIRGIN, I'M A VIRGIN!! DON'T PUT THAT IN ME, YOU'LL BREAK MY HYMEN!! PLEASE, JUST THIS ONE THING, LET ME KEEP MY VIRGINITY OH GOD...Help me. HELP ME!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! Please God don't let them take my virginity like this....not like this"
The centurion smiled at me sobbing, shaking, and screaming, before turning to Pontius Phyllis and saying "Wow, this girl sure is a screamer. That's kinda hot"
I started coughing again. The lack of sympathy in my torturers was making me physically ill and dizzy, which was such a weird mix with how horny I was and how close to the edge I was getting from the egg being inside of me for so long. No sooner had he finished talking did Pontius Phyllis reach inside of my pussy and pull out the egg. I gasped, finally free of the torture device even though on a physical level my body was upset with the denial. She then held the magnifying glass up against the dildo on the end of the Spear of Destiny. I realized that they wanted to give everybody watching an extreme close-up POV shot of my deflowering. I couldn't even muster the will to beg for mercy anymore.
I felt the head slide inside extra slowly, parting my lips aside like it was Moses and effortlessly plunging deeper thanks to my gallons of wetness. I heard the squishy sounds of me being penetrated, and so did probably everybody near the front row. It hit my hymen a couple inches in, and I felt the sharp pain as the centurion broke through my hymen and pushed it all the way inside of me. He didn't stop until it was all the way inside of me and pushing against the end of me! I had never had a dildo or other object this deep in me, not ever! I was humiliated so much to be hanging here with a dildo pushed all the way inside of me like this. When the centurion quickly pulled the Spear of Destiny out in one fast motion, a stream of blood and my juices followed and hit the floor.
Pontius Phyllis exclaimed "The centurion pierced her with his lance and immediately there came out blood and water! Thank you, soldier. You are dismissed."
I was trembling in horror and embarrassment. My favorite actor just took my physical virginity in front of my family and friends, using a dildo on a stick, and then caused me to expel the blood and skin from that onto the floor underneath me while they all watched. This has to be the end finally. It has to! What more could be done to me? I have nothing left for her to take from me. Or so I thought.
Pontius Phyllis then pulled out a tiny little bunny-shaped object from her pocket and said "Now that you have been penetrated by the Spear of Destiny, the only thing remaining is to finish you off. That is where this 'Easter Rabbit' comes in."
I didn't understand what she was talking about at first. I jumped a little bit, though, when I felt the cross start moving closer to the edge of the stage. It was set up on some type of track that allowed it to move right up against the lip itself. There must be some type of support post behind me that I can't see. Me tied to the cross my legs were now actually hanging off of the stage slightly! The only thing below me was my family and many others in the front row seats. My youth pastor was right there next to my dad, looking up into me. This man that I've known since I was a kid, who watched me grow up, is now staring at my sex. Did I turn him on? Did I break his heart in disgust? I don't know which option would be worse. Why did I invite everyone I knew? Why? They could all see right up between my legs now, including Cassie who took and posted yet another picture, this one taken directly under my hanging body and between my legs. I kept praying for somebody to stop her, my dad was sitting right there! Nobody ever did, though, as if she was just a part of the play. They acted like she was only pretending, but I watched her add all of these pictures one by one to my story where anybody could see them or even save them.
I looked to my left and saw all of the hot boys that I had invited from my hometown, all of them watching my pussy drip for their entertainment. Some of these guys I always wanted to ask out, but was too afraid of doing it. Now I was showing them all my naked body, my wet pussy, and everything else that they have seen. I could never show my face in town again. How could I ever talk to these guys ever again? And thanks to Cassie, all of them would be able to download pictures of my body after the show in order to get off to me like this for the rest of their lives. Even my little brother was in on it, although he wasn't moving his hands anymore and was even redder than he was before. Jesus...I think he must have gone off in his pants earlier watching me. am I ever supposed to look him in the eye again now?
Pontius Phyllis finally walked behind me and the cross, reached her hand around my waist, and placed the tiny ears of the Rabbit toy directly on either side of the top region of my erect clit. Suddenly I knew what this thing was for, right as she turned it on and it started vibrating. The egg from earlier was internal stimulation, but this was twice as powerful and was directly on my most sensitive spot. The tiny ears were designed to wrap around my anatomy for maximum pleasure and enjoyment. With how wet I was, dripping, vibed, drugged, and tormented for seemingly an eternity, I instantly felt myself growing close to an orgasm. Dangerously close. Too close!
No. No, that was one thing I wouldn't let her do to me. That was the only thing left private about my body, the one singular last shred of modesty I had left. I fought it and fought it, thrashing at my restraints, trying to focus on anger and rage, sadness and despair, trying to think of anything possible to stop myself from getting closer. With horror I realized that it wasn't working. If she didn't stop vibrating my clit I was going to cum in front of everybody. There would be no hiding it either, not with how much fluid I have been producing all evening thanks to that arousal pill earlier. I thrashed my arms and legs wildly like a caged animal, releasing a roar of helpless desperation and humiliation as I tried somehow to escape from this cross. My cries of anguish echoed off of the walls, but still nobody helped me. It wasn't working. Nothing was working. It wasn't going to work. I was at her mercy. Whether I came or not was all up to her now, and we both knew it. Everybody knew it. I had to try somehow to make her spare me, even if it hasn't worked all day. I had nothing else. I was so desperate.
"Please" I whimpered "Please stop, you have to stop right now! You're going to make me cum. This is the last thing I have left private as a woman.... Just give me this, just this one thing, this one tiny speck of mercy I beg of you. I'll do anything."
Pontius Phyllis whispered in my ear "Don't pray to me, pray to your so-called God to save you with one of his miracles. Otherwise you squirt for a crowd of thousands"
I am openly sobbing and trembling "Please don't make me cum! Don't make me squirt in front of everybody like this. My God, please God, please God don't make me cum in front of all of these people. I can't hold it in any longer. Please you have to stop her now! Right now!"
Pontius Phyllis answered "No" in my ear sexually. My pussy was throbbing in pleasure, mere moments away from explosion.
I screamed "Please you have to stop now! I'm going to cum! You have to stop now! NOW!! STOP!! RIGHT NOW STOP PLEASE!!!"
Pontius Phyllis again answered "No." I could feel all of my vaginal muscles intensifying and tingling, all of my leg muscles shaking and tensing up. I wouldn't last 10 more seconds.
I howled and hyperventilated as my orgasm started to begin "NOOOO!! PLEASE!!! STOP!!! DON'T!! MAKE!!! ME!!! CUUUUUUUUM!!! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!"
My pussy exploded with pleasure as my orgasm hit, and it also exploded with fluid. I moan furiously and start loudly panting in ecstasy as I cum. All of the buildup over this entire process caused me to spray forward several feet. I sprayed wide and constant, unleashing close to two liters worth of fluid everywhere in front of me. I bucked and thrashed against the cross, banging my head and elbows against the wood as the intensity overcame my entire body. It took me 30 full seconds to fully finish cumming, and at least 15 more seconds to catch my breath before I could even open my eyes.
What I saw next haunted me to my core: Because my father, mother, little brother, and youth pastor were all sitting directly in front of me and my cross, only a handful of feet away underneath me, when I opened my eyes I realized that I just sprayed all four of them with the vaginal fluids from my public orgasm. I watched as all four of them were frantically trying to wipe it all off of their faces, hair, and clothes. What have I done? How could I ever live this down? Nothing, nothing on Earth could be more shameful than this. I just came on my family in front of thousands of people. My life is over. I want my life to be over.
I felt myself going faint. I notice Pontius Phyllis tightly pinching a pressure point on my leg by my knee, trying to hide it from the audience. The loss of blood pressure mixed with my already faint state caused me to black out completely and go limp from head to toe. The last thing I hear as I pass out is Pontius Phyllis telling the audience "And thusly did Jessica Christ die on that cross from her shame."
(To Be Continued....)
Pontius Phyllis then ordered "Normally we would have the condemned carry their own crosses to the hill, but with this tiny little thing that could take days. I'll order the rookies to move it. You boys here should carry HER to the hill instead."
As soon as I hear that I panic, not wanting my four male classmates to manhandle my bare body like that. I try to break free, but that doesn't work at all. They quickly untie my arms which have been tied since Caiaphas, and then each one of them grabs one of my limbs and lifts me into the air. I try to struggle some as the boys spread my arms and legs out like a X above their heads. I freak out because my legs are wide open right now, but thankfully nobody is looking that way and I am being held sideways relative to the audience. We walk through another transition scene, but this one moves much slower than the others.
After a couple seconds something feels wrong, and the guards start very slowly turning towards the left with each step. The left is the side where the audience is. If they keep turning we are going to be facing the crowd while we walk. If they keep turning my PUSSY is going to be facing the crowd with my legs held apart!
I fight to escape, flailing with all of my strength now. I beg them "No, no please! Guards don't turn me towards the crowd!"
We keep turning, and the people on the very edge of the seating area can see between my legs now. I scream "PLEASE OH PLEASE CAN YOU AT LEAST CLOSE MY LEGS BEFORE EVERYONE SEES???"
We keep turning, and now we are facing the audience with my arms and legs still held wide apart. My freshly-waxed pussy lips are now facing forwards and everyone can see them. I groan in horror as the boys walk in place, shuffling my body back and forth with every exaggerated step. I look forward towards the audience for the first time in a while and I make eye contact with some of the people there. I can't stand the sight of them looking at my nakedness, though, so I turn my head to look away.
I watch the stagehands slide the cross underneath me. In seconds I am laid on top of it, with my wrists locked into clear plastic straps on either side at the top. My ankles are both individually locked in place as well, right next to each other on the bottom part of the cross. Thankfully this cross has foot holds, so my weight won't be pulling me down. They wanted to humiliate me, not actually hurt me. I guess I can be thankful for that tiny favor. The way the cross is facing right now, I realize that once it's lifted I'm going to be directly facing the audience. I'm going to be forced to stare out into the crowd of thousands of onlookers all examining my entire full-frontal nudity on display.
The moment of truth finally comes, as the guards lift up the cross with me on it until it stands tall. They do it so slowly, inching my body vertical as if this "wood" cross actually weighed hundreds of pounds. I try to say something, but all that comes out is a stutter and some moans of anguish. Being lifted up into view is agonizing, with every second my body being pulled more and more into view. When it finally reaches the top the base locks into place on some form of track stand. Here I am, completely naked, even waxed smooth down there, and I am held up high and on display facing the entire audience. I am several feet off of the ground, but low enough that others on the ground can reach me. A tall enough person could probably touch my face with their hand. I try to pull my arms free of their restraints, but the straps are so tight that I can't even wiggle my wrists at all. The entire audience now can see my boobs and they can see my hairless kitty. I feel so humiliated and helpless right now. Everyone on stage could do whatever they wanted to me now and I would have no power to protect myself or defend my body from assault. The only thing I have to be thankful for is that I can keep my legs together like this. My stuttered moaning hasn't stopped, and only now was I afraid of my noises sounding sexual to the people watching me.
I look out into the crowd for the first really long time without turning away. Right in front of where I am on the cross sat my family, and to their sides were my friends to my left and my clergy to my right. I look into their eyes ashamed of being seen like this. My father looks angry and upset with me. His face is red and hard, like he regrets spending so much money on my education just to have a whore for a daughter. My mother looks like she is about to be sick, like she's disgusted by what I've become and what she is seeing. My little brother, who is only 13, had a face as red as my own. Oh...oh God, I just realized that this is probably the first time that my brother has ever seen a naked woman before. He's probably feeling naughty things looking at me and is ashamed. Both of his hands are trying to cover up his lap, and I can't help but notice him shifting around from my gaze on him in a helpless attempt to hide what I was doing to him. Damnit. I just made my own brother get an erection in front of me and while sitting next to mom and dad! I actually feel overwhelmingly guilty for putting him through that embarrassment for a moment, but then I remember that I am the one completely naked in front of everybody here. My whole family is looking at my naked breasts and pussy. Looking to my right I see both of my pastors (childhood and current) and my local church congregation, all with their hands over their mouths in shock. They were never going to come to this show if I didn't drag them out here, and now they can see every inch of me. They probably think that I did this on purpose, that I knew that I was going to be stripped while they watched. Everybody I care about can see me naked, and so can countless boys and former classmates of mine right now. My friends are sitting to my left, the boys and the girls, and their faces range from concern to blatant lust. Ugh! I look up and see thousands upon thousands of others staring at me, a see of horny men and boys. This theater has a capacity well over 10,000, and it looks like it's sold out. I see children who were brought to see a church play their parents thought would be wholesome! So many little boys and girls with wide eyes and wider smiles as their parents cringe uncomfortably. All of them, all of the people here must think that I'm some form of deviant. That I'm an exhibitionist who gets off on people seeing me, even though this is one of my worst fears made real. I feel so dirty. I feel so ashamed. I used to have nightmares about going to class in my underwear. This is a billion times worse than that and it's all real! I can barely breathe and my lack of oxygen is the only reason that I can't cry or scream right now. I'm just hanging here hyperventilating and moaning in shame while everyone watches me. I hang there for an entire two minutes without anything happening, being put on display for their amusement. The whole play went dark and silent just to let my pitiful whimpers and shivers take center stage. In my head I'm screaming for help, even though I know none will ever come.
Sitting right next to my little brother is my best friend Cassie. I've known her for most of my life, and both of us are heavily-involved in drama and plays even though she wasn't selected as a student of Lady Evelyn. I notice a spotlight move and point her out in the crowd so I look over towards her. I think the screens on the wall start showing her as well for some reason. My eyes go wide with horror when I see that she has her phone in her hand! That's impossible! All cell phones and other cameras are confiscated at the gate in a Lady Evelyn production, how did Cassie get one in here? Cassie smiles and waves at me before lifting her phone up and pointing it at me to take a picture. I start shaking my head violently as Cassie takes picture after picture of my naked body on a cross. She turns the phone around to show me the pictures each time and they show everything I have. Why is she doing that to me? Is she getting revenge on me for being selected for Lady Evelyn's school when she wasn't? I don't understand. I trusted her! I trusted her with my life....
I don't want to break character, but I moan out almost crying "Please everyone, please look away. Don't look at me like this. Stop looking at me I beg of you. I don't want anyone to see me hanging here naked. This is humiliating!"
Cassie then waves again and shows me her phone screen, which clearly shows Snapchat. clearly shows MY Snapchat account! Cassie knows my password, that's how much I've always trusted her. Why is she on my Snapchat right now? Oh no. Oh God! She wouldn't post those pics she just took of me on Snap would she? I have over ten thousand followers! They'd see everything, my breasts and my pussy! I choke from the shock. I can't break character to beg somebody to stop her, I just start moaning "no" over and over again. Why won't my family and friends stop her? Everyone can see what she is doing right now, it's on the big screens. Why won't anybody stop her? Why won't anybody help me??
I watch as she loads up her favorite picture of me and then shares it on my story! I scream, and then I watch as she does it again and again and again. The spotlight on Cassie makes the audience watch what she is doing and only now do I realize that she must be working for Lady Evelyn. How could they? I trusted both of them with every fiber in my soul, only for them to betray me so utterly and even go out of their way to expose my nakedness to people online who won't even understand the context of the pictures! This isn't part of a play, this is just them ruining my reputation and ruining my life for nothing. Why? Why are they doing this to me? I loved them both so much. And what if somebody screencaps those pictures and starts posting them on a porn site somewhere? My naked body, face included, is showing in all of these pictures! Millions of people might see me naked now, and they'd have the pictures forever. FOREVER! Once a girl's naked pictures are on the internet it's impossible to get them down completely no matter what. Boys who aren't even born yet are going to be getting off to my humiliation decades from now. That thought makes me almost throw up in anguish.
I start crying. I've been holding it in so long, but my humiliation and betrayal is so great that the tears start flowing now. That was when Pontius Phyllis walked over to me finally. I looked at her and then gasped in horror at what she was holding in her right hand: The magnifying glass camera!
I can barely talk anymore and I cough when I try, but I manage to force out " please. No more...I can't...I can't take any more!"
Pontius Phyllis laughs. She actually laughs at me! She then tells me "Oh girl, you're not even close to done. Our next step, witch, is to inspect your body for witches marks. These are spots of skin that are abnormal, usually hidden in areas where clothes would normally cover them. I brought the magnifying glass so that all of those in attendance can assist me in my search of your flesh"
Pontius Phyllis pointed it at my pussy, bringing it up on the screens in gigantic detail for all to see. She then took her left hand and placed her thumb and forefinger on opposite sides of the top of my pussy lips near my clit.
I freak out "NO DON'T SPREAD ME!! OH GOD NO!!!"
She spreads me open anyway, completely exposing my clit to the magnifying glass camera. I wail in humiliation as I watch her bring it closer, almost touching me. The detail the screens have must be unbelievable, but I cannot bear to turn behind me to see. All I could do was look at the audience in front of me, and they were all clearly shocked at what they could see. The thousands of boys were openly drooling over my clitoris throbbing over here from the shame of public nudity and the arousal drug that she made me take earlier. Oh fuck! OH FUCK! I forgot about that. Please don't let the camera see any wetness down there. If the audience knew that I was aroused right now it would be a thousand times worse than it already is. Oh God, what if my FAMILY notices!
Pontius Phyllis then moves her hands lower and tries to spread open my vaginal canal, but this time I hold my legs together and block her. That area HAS to be visibly wet, 100%. I will die before I let her open that up, I don't care anymore. She will have to kill me.
As if she could read my mind, she puts her hand on her hip before pouting "See, this is why we use X crosses in Rome usually instead of T-shaped ones. Luckily I thought of this. It's a good thing you're not the only carpenter in town, Jessica. Guards! Convert this cross into an X"
I look at Pontius Phyllis...Lady Evelyn...with tears in my eyes. I harshly but softly moan "How could you?" as I feel the boys start to pull the bottom half of the cross apart. This cross was designed to convert, that's why both of my ankles were secured separately. I fight with all of my leg muscles as the four strong boys very slowly pull me apart. I feel myself opening up and I scream over and over again. The lower half of the cross splits wider and wider, and in doing so my legs are pulled far apart now in front of everyone. Now no matter how hard I try I can't close my legs. I can't even move my legs at all. Pontius Phyllis had the magnifying glass pointed at my privates the entire time, meaning that this entire audience just watched my pussy lips open up for them. They watched as my labia parted and bloomed like a flower. They watched as my womanhood was exposed. Meanwhile, with horror I watched as Cassie took pictures of the entire spreading process, posting every couple seconds to my Snap feed. There must be dozens of explicit pictures up there right now.
Phyllis savors my misery for a little while, resting her fingers on the sides of my labia. I can't stop her, I am completely powerless. She holds her fingers there without moving just to torture me, to kill me with the anticipation. I know what she is about to do. She knows that I know. The audience knows. After 10 agonizing seconds of just sitting there with her fingers on my sensitive labia lips, she finally spreads my vagina open in its entirety! I am now only 10 feet in front of my father and little brother who can easily see deep up into my body from their vantage point, no need for the camera screens. Once she forces open my vaginal cavity, the magnifying glass starts displaying my actual insides on the big screen. I know that I'm wet. I've been getting wet little by little since I was first stripped, even though I hate ever second of this. The camera makes it look like I'm enjoying myself. Like I'm just a slut hanging here. I can't bear to look behind me at the screens, but I know that everybody in here can see things that even my doctor has never seen before. Nobody would ever respect me or love me again, I would always be the naked whore on a cross for the rest of my life.
It was then that Pontius Phyllis told everyone "Ah, what do you know? She really is a virgin. I can see her precious membrane sitting there. Take a look!"
I start coughing, almost throwing up right then and there. How could she do this to me? She is trying to film my Hymen! I can't even stomach something so private being shown off to thousands of boys like this. I then notice Cassie getting out of her seat and walking up directly in front of me, directly between my legs. Pontius Phyllis just ignores her, as does my family and friends. The phone is held only one foot away from my anatomy. Please God, why won't anybody stop her? This isn't part of the show! She's destroying my life, letting the entire internet see my private parts. MY PRIVATES! Cassie, my once-trusted best friend on Earth, takes a picture of my virgin's hymen and makes me watch her as she posts it on Snap. She smiles naughtily and holds the phone directly in front of my face and shows me the picture that she just took. I could clearly see deep in me, membrane and all. She then skips back down to her seat as if playing a game. I think to myself that I couldn't possibly be more humiliated or emotionally destroyed than I am right now. It doesn't take very long to find out that I was wrong...dead wrong.
Pontius Phyllis pulls her hand back from holding my opened suddenly and says "Ew, gross. Looks like the witch enjoys my touch a little too much."
She then wipes her hand off on my tummy and I feel my own wetness rubbed against me. My virgin pussy's liquids got all over my idol's hand in front of countless people! That pill from earlier is really kicking in now, and all of the exposure, spreading, and touching is causing a mortifying and significant physical reaction even though nothing could be farther from my mind right now than sexual pleasure. Getting my private leakage on her hand was the most intimate moment of my life so far by far, and I couldn't even enjoy one microsecond of it. I then watch Pontius Phyllis grab a small, multicolored round object from her pocket, with no clue what that is.
She proudly tells us all "Considering what time of year it is, we're celebrating spring with the goddess Proserpina...called Istar/Easter in your Jewish culture. I propose that we follow ancient traditions and I should hide this here Easter Egg in a special hiding place...where it won't easily be found."
Pontius Phyllis turns on the egg now and it starts buzzing. I suddenly find my voice one more time "No no! That's too much, that's too far, THAT'S TOO FAR, OH MY GOD DON'T PLEASE!!"
She ignores my pleading once again and shoves the vibrating egg into my vagina, pushing it up against my hymen and letting it stimulate my insides. It feels so good. It feels unimaginably good and I HATE how good it feels. I hate that I want it. I feel like dirt, like the lowest form of trash imaginable as I actually enjoy the buzzing for a little bit. The shame of being sexually stimulated in public, though, kills my enjoyment quite quickly. I look at the face of my father right in front of where I am hanging and I am overcome with intense shame at knowing that he can see me being vibrated. My brother...Oh God, my little brother is rubbing himself through his pants to this display. This is the most sexual thing he's ever seen before at his age. My own baby brother is getting off to me. That thought is so gross I can't even comprehend it. My pastors, dear Lord my pastors are watching me. They can see my pussy throbbing from the pleasure! So can everyone else, including Cassie posting pictures of it on my Snap account.
I watch as Pontius Phyllis walks away from me, calling for a centurion to guard me in her place while she leaves me hanging to suffer. How long is she going to keep this vibrating egg inside of me? Forever? I can't take this much longer. I'm going to pass out from the shame.
When the centurion walks onto stage my heart is instantly broken. I cannot even believe it when I recognize who Lady Evelyn brought in to play this role. It was the sexiest young man in Hollywood, the world-famous movie star Thomas Netherlands. And he's not wearing a shirt, just wearing nothing but tight spandex shorts! I've had a star crush on him for years. A picture of him is my phone background. Lady Evelyn knew I thought he was a dream, so she called in a favor to bring in my favorite celebrity crush just so that he could humiliate me even more than I already am. I try once again to escape from my shackles because I don't want Thomas Netherlands to see me like this. I don't want him to see me naked, tied to a cross, with my pussy being vibrated. I spent years fantasizing about kissing him, holding his hands, and maybe a romantic sensual encounter or two. I planned to meet him at a con one day to feel the butterflies. I don't want to meet him like this...not like this. My escape attempt fails as I watch him on my right side moving closer and closer to my front side where he could see it all. He walks in front of me and starts looking me over, inspecting my parts. Oh my God oh my God my biggest celebrity crush is shirtless in skintight shorts and is looking at me naked! I am mortified beyond belief but also unimaginably turned on. The egg inside of me vibrating my pussy, and the arousal pill from earlier, are filling me with an embarrassingly strong lust right now.
The centurion kneeled down between my legs, posing his body as monumentally hot as he possibly could while getting a birds-eye view of my wet pussy. He doesn't say a word, he's just sitting there staring at my privates. I can feel myself getting unimaginably wet having my fantasy man kneeling between my naked legs, only 2 feet lower than my soaked pussy. After 30 seconds of this I can feel whole streams of wetness running down both of my legs, and globs of goo just leaking down from me right in front of him. My pussy is dripping. It is gushing obscenely like some whore. My pussy is dripping in front of Thomas Netherlands, my family, my friends, everyone I've ever known, and thousands of stranger boys. I can't take any more embarrassment, I can't! Nobody says a word for several minutes while everyone just watches me writhing in agony and leaking everywhere. With every large pussy loogie that I drop down to the ground I feel such a burning and intense shame of my body, everyone looking at it, and me losing control over it. My inner thighs and calves are drenched as well. Some of my liquid runs all the way to my feet even. I don't know how it is possible for my pussy to even produce this much fluid. It has to be aided by the drug, but nobody watching this play even knows about that. They all think that I'm the sluttiest woman alive right now. My biggest celebrity crush now thinks of me as nothing more than a deviant, a sex addict, an object to be looked at. At one point he holds his hand out to catch one of my globs! He then makes me watch him bring his fingers, soaked in my juices, up to his mouth in order to taste me. I watched him taste what my vaginal fluids taste like! Everybody watched him do that. I even watched as Cassie grabbed a picture of him tasting me, just so that the entire world it seems could witness my agony. My entire body is sweating, I am soaked from my hair to my toes as if I just got out of the pool.
I barely even react at first when the cross starts slowly leaning backwards, originally thinking that I was imagining it. Then I realize that I wasn't, that the cross was leaning backwards on a motor. Oh no! By leaning me backwards it just brought my pussy more into view than ever before, as it was now sticking out towards the audience and the centurion. I only lean back 20 degrees, but the difference in my exposure level is very significant. Everybody keeps watching me like this, and I have to stop myself from looking out into the crowd. Seeing their looks of lust and disgust is the worst part of this all. Eventually I just close my eyes and pray for the end. They leave me hanging like this, with him between my legs, for 15 minutes as I leak all over the place, thrashing and bucking wildly from the vibrating egg inside of me.
When Pontius Phyllis finally came back I was actually glad. I hoped that I was done, that she'd let me down now. Even if she was going to try some new horror on me, nothing she could possibly think up could be more shameful than the last 15 minutes, I just knew it. I saw something long and thin in her hand, however. My intense pussy stimulation was putting me much closer to orgasm than I would ever want to admit, which also made it difficult for me to see thanks to blurry vision and trouble keeping my eyes open. My head was bobbing around back and forth mumbling, and it was so hard keep my eyes open or to make words right now thanks to the vibrator in me.
Pontius Phyllis then announced "It may be time to finish off the condemned. Towards this goal I have brought two tools. The first is the Spear of Destiny, which I will grant to our brave centurion to use as he sees fit"
I open my eyes fully to see what she's talking about, and that's when I really notice what is on the end of the spear. It's basically a dildo on a stick! The centurion takes the Spear of Destiny in his hands and places the tip against my gushing , wide-opened pussy.
I scream as loudly as I can until my voice goes out from vocal cord stress "NOOOOO! I'M A VIRGIN, I'M A VIRGIN!! DON'T PUT THAT IN ME, YOU'LL BREAK MY HYMEN!! PLEASE, JUST THIS ONE THING, LET ME KEEP MY VIRGINITY OH GOD...Help me. HELP ME!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! Please God don't let them take my virginity like this....not like this"
The centurion smiled at me sobbing, shaking, and screaming, before turning to Pontius Phyllis and saying "Wow, this girl sure is a screamer. That's kinda hot"
I started coughing again. The lack of sympathy in my torturers was making me physically ill and dizzy, which was such a weird mix with how horny I was and how close to the edge I was getting from the egg being inside of me for so long. No sooner had he finished talking did Pontius Phyllis reach inside of my pussy and pull out the egg. I gasped, finally free of the torture device even though on a physical level my body was upset with the denial. She then held the magnifying glass up against the dildo on the end of the Spear of Destiny. I realized that they wanted to give everybody watching an extreme close-up POV shot of my deflowering. I couldn't even muster the will to beg for mercy anymore.
I felt the head slide inside extra slowly, parting my lips aside like it was Moses and effortlessly plunging deeper thanks to my gallons of wetness. I heard the squishy sounds of me being penetrated, and so did probably everybody near the front row. It hit my hymen a couple inches in, and I felt the sharp pain as the centurion broke through my hymen and pushed it all the way inside of me. He didn't stop until it was all the way inside of me and pushing against the end of me! I had never had a dildo or other object this deep in me, not ever! I was humiliated so much to be hanging here with a dildo pushed all the way inside of me like this. When the centurion quickly pulled the Spear of Destiny out in one fast motion, a stream of blood and my juices followed and hit the floor.
Pontius Phyllis exclaimed "The centurion pierced her with his lance and immediately there came out blood and water! Thank you, soldier. You are dismissed."
I was trembling in horror and embarrassment. My favorite actor just took my physical virginity in front of my family and friends, using a dildo on a stick, and then caused me to expel the blood and skin from that onto the floor underneath me while they all watched. This has to be the end finally. It has to! What more could be done to me? I have nothing left for her to take from me. Or so I thought.
Pontius Phyllis then pulled out a tiny little bunny-shaped object from her pocket and said "Now that you have been penetrated by the Spear of Destiny, the only thing remaining is to finish you off. That is where this 'Easter Rabbit' comes in."
I didn't understand what she was talking about at first. I jumped a little bit, though, when I felt the cross start moving closer to the edge of the stage. It was set up on some type of track that allowed it to move right up against the lip itself. There must be some type of support post behind me that I can't see. Me tied to the cross my legs were now actually hanging off of the stage slightly! The only thing below me was my family and many others in the front row seats. My youth pastor was right there next to my dad, looking up into me. This man that I've known since I was a kid, who watched me grow up, is now staring at my sex. Did I turn him on? Did I break his heart in disgust? I don't know which option would be worse. Why did I invite everyone I knew? Why? They could all see right up between my legs now, including Cassie who took and posted yet another picture, this one taken directly under my hanging body and between my legs. I kept praying for somebody to stop her, my dad was sitting right there! Nobody ever did, though, as if she was just a part of the play. They acted like she was only pretending, but I watched her add all of these pictures one by one to my story where anybody could see them or even save them.
I looked to my left and saw all of the hot boys that I had invited from my hometown, all of them watching my pussy drip for their entertainment. Some of these guys I always wanted to ask out, but was too afraid of doing it. Now I was showing them all my naked body, my wet pussy, and everything else that they have seen. I could never show my face in town again. How could I ever talk to these guys ever again? And thanks to Cassie, all of them would be able to download pictures of my body after the show in order to get off to me like this for the rest of their lives. Even my little brother was in on it, although he wasn't moving his hands anymore and was even redder than he was before. Jesus...I think he must have gone off in his pants earlier watching me. am I ever supposed to look him in the eye again now?
Pontius Phyllis finally walked behind me and the cross, reached her hand around my waist, and placed the tiny ears of the Rabbit toy directly on either side of the top region of my erect clit. Suddenly I knew what this thing was for, right as she turned it on and it started vibrating. The egg from earlier was internal stimulation, but this was twice as powerful and was directly on my most sensitive spot. The tiny ears were designed to wrap around my anatomy for maximum pleasure and enjoyment. With how wet I was, dripping, vibed, drugged, and tormented for seemingly an eternity, I instantly felt myself growing close to an orgasm. Dangerously close. Too close!
No. No, that was one thing I wouldn't let her do to me. That was the only thing left private about my body, the one singular last shred of modesty I had left. I fought it and fought it, thrashing at my restraints, trying to focus on anger and rage, sadness and despair, trying to think of anything possible to stop myself from getting closer. With horror I realized that it wasn't working. If she didn't stop vibrating my clit I was going to cum in front of everybody. There would be no hiding it either, not with how much fluid I have been producing all evening thanks to that arousal pill earlier. I thrashed my arms and legs wildly like a caged animal, releasing a roar of helpless desperation and humiliation as I tried somehow to escape from this cross. My cries of anguish echoed off of the walls, but still nobody helped me. It wasn't working. Nothing was working. It wasn't going to work. I was at her mercy. Whether I came or not was all up to her now, and we both knew it. Everybody knew it. I had to try somehow to make her spare me, even if it hasn't worked all day. I had nothing else. I was so desperate.
"Please" I whimpered "Please stop, you have to stop right now! You're going to make me cum. This is the last thing I have left private as a woman.... Just give me this, just this one thing, this one tiny speck of mercy I beg of you. I'll do anything."
Pontius Phyllis whispered in my ear "Don't pray to me, pray to your so-called God to save you with one of his miracles. Otherwise you squirt for a crowd of thousands"
I am openly sobbing and trembling "Please don't make me cum! Don't make me squirt in front of everybody like this. My God, please God, please God don't make me cum in front of all of these people. I can't hold it in any longer. Please you have to stop her now! Right now!"
Pontius Phyllis answered "No" in my ear sexually. My pussy was throbbing in pleasure, mere moments away from explosion.
I screamed "Please you have to stop now! I'm going to cum! You have to stop now! NOW!! STOP!! RIGHT NOW STOP PLEASE!!!"
Pontius Phyllis again answered "No." I could feel all of my vaginal muscles intensifying and tingling, all of my leg muscles shaking and tensing up. I wouldn't last 10 more seconds.
I howled and hyperventilated as my orgasm started to begin "NOOOO!! PLEASE!!! STOP!!! DON'T!! MAKE!!! ME!!! CUUUUUUUUM!!! OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH!!!!"
My pussy exploded with pleasure as my orgasm hit, and it also exploded with fluid. I moan furiously and start loudly panting in ecstasy as I cum. All of the buildup over this entire process caused me to spray forward several feet. I sprayed wide and constant, unleashing close to two liters worth of fluid everywhere in front of me. I bucked and thrashed against the cross, banging my head and elbows against the wood as the intensity overcame my entire body. It took me 30 full seconds to fully finish cumming, and at least 15 more seconds to catch my breath before I could even open my eyes.
What I saw next haunted me to my core: Because my father, mother, little brother, and youth pastor were all sitting directly in front of me and my cross, only a handful of feet away underneath me, when I opened my eyes I realized that I just sprayed all four of them with the vaginal fluids from my public orgasm. I watched as all four of them were frantically trying to wipe it all off of their faces, hair, and clothes. What have I done? How could I ever live this down? Nothing, nothing on Earth could be more shameful than this. I just came on my family in front of thousands of people. My life is over. I want my life to be over.
I felt myself going faint. I notice Pontius Phyllis tightly pinching a pressure point on my leg by my knee, trying to hide it from the audience. The loss of blood pressure mixed with my already faint state caused me to black out completely and go limp from head to toe. The last thing I hear as I pass out is Pontius Phyllis telling the audience "And thusly did Jessica Christ die on that cross from her shame."
(To Be Continued....)
Last edited by Executionus on Sat Jan 14, 2023 6:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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- Executionus
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The Passion of Jessica Christ - Act 5
Act 5: Resolution
I woke up backstage.
I was lying on the ground, wrapped up in a thick blanket, very dizzy and unsure of what was going on. Some of my classmates were there with me in tears. I couldn't see straight or think straight. I could hear the narrator on the stage describing the burial of Jessica Christ. Suddenly I remembered what all had just happened to me, it all hit me at once like a tsunami. I lost control of my stomach, grabbing a bucket next to me and throwing up all inside of it. When I finished, I noticed that this wasn't a was a hat. Ew.
Some of my closest friends in class came in close to hug me all at once, including my angel Bridget. They were all saying things like "Are you ok?" and "I'm so sorry" over and over again, but I was in no mood for any of them. I pushed and kicked everyone off of me.
I raged "GET OFF OF ME! How could you? How could you all do that to me? I trusted you! I trusted all of you! You just ruined my entire life, and for what? FOR WHAT?? What did I ever do to any of you to deserve that? ANSWER ME!"
Everyone backed away from me, and they all looked so hurt, as if I was the one who just tortured THEM for the last hour.
That's when I noticed Lady Evelyn Asharah standing there. She wasn't wearing her Pontius Phyllis outfit anymore, having changed into a white silk robe and let her hair down. I couldn't have been asleep for more than 30 seconds, so how did she already change clothes? And why did she bother? I started to wonder if she changed right here in front of the rest of the cast, but something like that would be beneath a woman like her. Honestly I didn't even care anymore though.
I looked her dead in the eye with murderous intent. My voice was so weak from all of my screaming, but I hoarsely barked out "I hate you. I hate you! I trusted you, I worshiped you, I did everything you ever told me to do and you betrayed me! You made me suffer just to make your stupid play. You ruined my life. I hope you die! I hope somebody cuts your wicked head off!"
Only after I said all of that did I notice her tears. She was crying. This woman who radiates dignity and class in everything that she ever does is openly crying while standing over me, my frail body wrapped in nothing but a blanket.
Lady Evelyn nodded and softly told me "It's ok. You deserve to hate me. Don't hate all of them, hate me. I did this to you. I made them play their roles."
I looked to my side and happened to notice the DVD cases for The Passion of Jessica Christ. I gasp and hoarsely shriek "You recorded all of this? You're going to sell DVDs of me like I was just some miserable porn star? My body, my privacy, and my virginity were all violated just so you could make some more stupid money? You defiled me on camera without my consent and then you want to sell it? To give every guy out there a hard copy of my humiliation to keep forever just so that they can jerk off to my agony again and again? How low can you go?"
I could see the utter pain written all over Lady Evelyn with my every word. She looked like I was crushing her. She looked so in pain it was like she was on fire, but I had lost any and all ability to feel sympathy for her by now.
I wasn't done "My family. You made me...ugh...ON MY FAMILY! And everything else you did to me. Everybody just saw me naked, watched me get molested, while I begged you and screamed for you to stop over and over and over and over again! And you laughed. YOU LAUGHED at my suffering you twisted BITCH!"
Lady Evelyn and most of the others nearby were crying buckets now as Evelyn said "I'm so sorry. This was the only way. This was the role, the star had to suffer unspeakable agony while everyone watched on helplessly. I spent months planning a sexual torment so complete that it could cause the star to plausibly die for real on stage in the eyes of the audience. And you were amazing, I couldn't possibly be more proud of you."
I squealed "Proud? PROUD? How could anyone be proud of that?"
She answered "Because you never broke character. Never, not once. I brought you to the point where you prayed for death. You were ready to die out there on that stage, but not for one second were you willing to mess up the role or ruin the play itself. Almost every other actor alive would have broken by the end, even those with Oscars. They would have called for help. Your friends, your church, and even your father were all right in front of you the entire time and not one time did you ever break character to address them and ask them to save you. It killed them all to stay seated watching that, unable to help you. With just one break of character most of them would have jumped out of their seats to save you from me. But you didn't break, never. You played the role of the suffering Jessica Christ so completely that you forgot to be Jessica Joel at all in the heat of the moment. I am so unfathomably proud of you. You were perfect!"
I coughed several times, and then whimpered "Why? Please, just tell me why? Why did you pick me for this role? What did I ever do to you?"
Lady Evelyn wiped the tears off of her face, held her finger out to point at me, and then lovingly told me "Pick you? Honey, I wrote this whole play with you specifically in mind all along. You were the only person who could have played Jessica Christ, the only woman on Earth that would feel the right way, fear the right way, think the right thoughts, and understand the deeper metaphors. You are the only person in this room full of exceptional actors who will understand, without being told, the scene in the play that you and I are playing right now"
The scene? We're playing a scene? But we're backstage, nobody in the audience can see or hear any of this. I looked at her in confusion for a second, until I finally allowed myself to actually look at her properly. She wasn't Pontius Phyllis anymore, she purposely changed out of that costume. She was wearing a pure white robe. Most of the rest of the cast wore ivory off-white garments, but here now she wore the purest silky white that she could find. Pure white has one symbolization that just hit me: She was playing God now! Lady Evelyn knew how much I idolized her, but I always tried to keep it cool and hide that she was truly my God. I worshiped her. She was God to me just as Yahweh was God to Christ. Jessica Joel and Jessica Christ were still as one, we were still living as one even now! Even with nobody watching I was still playing Jessica Christ, and backstage symbolized Heaven. This is Christ meeting God moments after death! This scene is hidden from the audience because this scene is hidden in the Gospels too. Nobody ever sees it. No human ever witnessed that first meeting between God and Christ to tell the story.
And God was played by the same woman as Pontius Phyllis. No, reverse that. God was playing Phyllis all along! Phyllis was the hand of God. All along, right from the start, the point was that the humans didn't crucify either Christ...God did. It was all God's will, even the angel in Gethsemane made that clear. God made Christ suffer unspeakable, unimaginable agony at her hand. God brought Christ right up to the utter edge of despair and hopelessness, of anger and anguish. But Christ never broke. With his powers he could have escaped. Both of us could have escaped at any time if we dishonored ourselves and our purpose. We could have renounced the Holy Lord and begged Satan/my dad to save us in that moment. We trusted our version of God with everything beforehand, we both willingly refused the various escapes offered to us before our fates came, and we both refused to violate that trust even at the end when we hated our Lord with every inch of our being. Lady Evelyn knew that. She must have always known that she was my God, and that I would be the only one capable of seeing her in that light. To everyone else here she was just a person to look up to, but not to me. She was beyond the limits of humanity in my heart. She needed the person playing the character of Jessica Christ to feel betrayed by God Herself, to feel tortured and humiliated by God Herself. I was the only person that could do that. Does that mean that my intense admiration for her inspired this entire play?
But what is the point of the suffering? Why did either God torture and humiliate either Christ? The story in church never made sense, it was always so meaningless. God could snap his fingers like Thanos and erase all sin from the Earth. That couldn't be the reason that Christ had to suffer. I had so much anger and hatred in my heart right now, what purpose did my suffering have? What meaning was behind it? How could Jesus have forgiven God so easily? ...What if he didn't? What if it took him...three days to forgive God? Jesus took three whole days before he was willing to go back on stage for the final act. Oh shit. That's the message of this scene! Neither Christ could forgive their Gods so easily. Both woke up in Heaven angry and broken, feeling betrayed and traumatized. Both cast off the loving embraces of the angels in a fit of rage, lashing out against their Gods. Both of us said horrible, evil things to our Gods, openly wishing harm onto our Gods. They never tell that part in Church, because that part happened backstage.
The point of it all, the point of the ENTIRE Passion...was for the two Christs to forgive their Gods. Oh crap, that is it! That is what Lady Evelyn's vision was! The Christs are the judges of mankind. They decide who to forgive and who to condemn, because God could never be a fair judge. Just like in human courts, we must be judged by a jury of our peers. The Christs are that jury! And then to make sure that the Christs were the perfect jury who would offer compassion and forgiveness to almost all but the most heinous of men, the Gods were forced to betray us and torture us in unspeakable ways. If we could forgive the Gods for what they did, the unholy agony that they unleashed upon us that we would never forget, that would fill our nightmares forevermore, that we would never for one microsecond ever be completely free from, then we could forgive humans for all sorts of things. No human could ever wrong the Christs more than the Gods did. It wasn't possible. And both Gods knew that. They cried and cried, overcome with the guilt of what they had done. Every moment that they tortured us was pure agony for them as well, even though they used their peerless acting skills to hide it behind the smile of a sociopath. The Gods asked us Christs for our forgiveness even though they would never, ever, in billions of years be able to fully forgive themselves for what they had done to us. In that moment I understood my religion greater than every moment spent in Church put together. If we Christs forgave our Gods after everything they did to us, then we would be the perfect judge and jury for the humans. This took Jesus three whole days to do before he was ready to go back on stage for the final act. I didn't have three days. I only had five more minutes according to the timer on the wall.
I...I forgave her. After everything she did to me, in that moment I forgave her. The beauty of my pain, the realization of its deeper meaning, it just overwhelmed me. My face must have changed 20 times over as I silently ran through all of the metaphors and symbols in my head, coming to such a profound realization of the art we had just created. She had this look in her eyes as though she could read my mind, and could hear my every thought. I looked her in the eyes and my own tears started to flow. I understood now. I understood all of it. We created something amazing together just now that only the two of us would ever truly appreciate. Even if I told the others, which I surely would do in due time, they would never experience the feelings that she and I shared in that instant.
I was sobbing now "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I said all of that to you."
Lady Evelyn quickly sat next to me and hugged me, motioning the others nearby to do the same. She then told me "No, you had every right. You deserved to hate me. You deserve to hate me forever, but you understand what this was now."
I whimpered "I...I do, but nobody else does. How can I share this feeling with them?"
She answered "By acting. You are a world-class actor, and this is your ultimate role. This is your immortality, darling. I know how much that means to you. You've earned your place among the immortals. Nobody else could ever follow in your footsteps in this role. It would be impossible to go in blind as you did, but more than that you were the perfect actress to embody everything that made Jessica Christ the wonderful savior that she was. All that remains is to seal the deal with your resurrection."
The others backstage were very clueless as to how I just went from wishing Lady Evelyn's death to hugging her. Timmy, my spanker earlier, kneeled right in front of me with tears in his eyes and told me "I'm so sorry that I had to do that. Please, hit me. Hit me in the face as hard as you can, I deserve it"
I was stunned and gasped "No! No, I'm not going to hurt you, Timmy"
Timmy then said "But everything that I did..."
I stopped him "I forgive you! I forgive all of you!"
That was when I noticed Cassie emerging backstage, my best friend forever who had just posted my humiliation and explicit anatomy all over Snapchat to torture me. Her face was covered in even more agony than what Lady Evelyn had on her face. She ran up to me with her phone in her hand and collapsed on the ground by my side. It wasn't graceful.
She then whimpered "I know that you hate me, that I betrayed you. I never should've agreed to this part, I just couldn't say no to her.... I did so many terrible things to you and I understand that you will never want to speak to me again. I'm so sorry, Jess. I just needed to show you this first"
She turned her phone around to show me her Snapchat account, and the first picture I see is her completely naked, spread eagle, on the floor of the bathroom of this theater. She must've just taken that picture and posted it on her account! Cassie is just as shy and pitiful as I am around boys and that sort of thing, so having a nude picture of her body (especially an explicit pornographic one like that) leak to the internet was always one of her biggest fears in life.
I squeal "Cassie no! What are you doing? Take that down right now before somebody sees it!"
"No!" She told me "No I owe you this. I posted your pictures online, and it made me sick. I was smiling outside for the role but inside I was in agony, Jess. I can't forgive myself. I have to do this. Later I'm going to take a hundred more, a thousand more, and post them all. Tell me anything you want me to post and I'll post it, no matter how extreme"
I grab her hands "Stop! Stop now! Cassie, I forgive you. Don't do this!"
She pulls away and whimpers "Jess, you're still in character. I know how deeply you get into roles. I don't need Jessica Christ to forgive me"
I then shake her a little and tell her "No I'm not! Shit fuck piss bitch cunt! I'm not in character, I'm Jessica Joel. And Jessica Joel forgives you. I understand everything. I had to suffer for real, truly and completely suffer for this role. I understand that. You were helping Lady Evelyn do that to me, not because you wanted to, but because I had to feel betrayed. You were the Judas in this story, not the girl who played Judy Iscariot. Judy was a misdirect because her 'betrayal' was always expected. It was all part of Evelyn's amazing vision, this masterpiece. I forgive you! And I think Jesus forgave Judas too...he had to have forgiven Judas for helping God in that moment."
Cassie took my words to heart, and then told me "I love you, girl. Deeply. I know things won't be the same, but I do still want to be your friend"
I scolded her "You are! Forever! And delete your picture on Snap right this instant. How could you ever think that I wanted you to suffer for me? I want you happy for me"
The next person to appear back here was Keith, one of the boys I knew from high school. Keith sat in the front row watching all of that. I bushed just thinking about the views that this ultra-cute boy had of my defenseless body just a few minutes ago. He pushed his way past security and looked dead at Lady Evelyn. He then called out "You, get off of Jessica RIGHT NOW! Woman or not I am going to beat the shit out of you for what you just did to her!"
I had to hold out my hand and scream "No stop! Keith, it's ok! I forgave her."
Keith stopped pushing security, but then loudly asked me "Forgave her? FORGAVE HER? She just fucking tortured you for a solid hour! At first I thought you might just be in on it with your acting, but by the end we could all tell that you weren't acting at all. Mike is ready to burn this bitch's car to the ground if we can find it, and when I'm done with her I'm calling the police."
I instantly stood up now, which accidentally dropped my blanket to the ground. I didn't even have time to react to being suddenly naked again...not that it really mattered much at this point. "Keith! I volunteered to be tortured, that was the point. I didn't know that it was going to be that bad, not even close, not even in my worst freaking nightmares was it even close to that...but I still volunteered for it. Don't hurt Lady Evelyn. Don't hurt anyone for me! Never hurt anyone for me, that's not what I want, ever. I have to go back out on stage really soon. Please, just go back to your seat and enjoy the final part. It's ok."
Kieth visibly blushed from seeing me naked again, which kinda made me feel proud inside a little bit. It's weird, but the feeling that I could still make him blush even though he had just seen literally absolutely everything in graphic detail...that somehow boosted my confidence quite a bit. I also realized something as I stood there and Kieth walked out...I wasn't covering up. I wasn't even trying to cover up my nudity. Why wasn't I trying to cover up?
The answer came to me as the timer counted down the last 30 seconds before my cue, and I said out loud "Jesus conquered death...Jessica conquered shame. I have to walk out there naked, free of shame, don't I?"
Some of my classmates tried to tell me no, that I had done enough, but Lady Evelyn touched my shoulder and told me "Yes. And I knew you would realize that in time. This is your moment, Jessica Christ...rise from the grave of your shame and embarrassment, and walk forward with your immortality"
I looked myself over quickly, noticing that my body was completely dry. Somebody must have toweled me off before I regained consciousness, which I was thankful for. I needed to look my best. I grabbed a hair brush and fixed my hair in five seconds flat without a mirror, hoping that it looked perfect. It occurred to me that I honestly didn't listen to one single word that the narrator was saying earlier or what scenes were going on, so I was walking out there blind. I didn't even have a remote clue what I was expected to do out there for a resurrection scene, but I knew exactly what I was GOING to do whether they liked it or not. I knew what Jessica Christ would do. I felt it now, deeply inside of me. I didn't have any more time as the timer hit 0 and I walked back out onto stage completely and 100% nude. Jessica Joel would never have done that, never. I was Jessica Christ completely right now. My former self vanished without a trace as I hit the zenith of acting itself.
The girls playing my disciples clearly did not expect me to return still naked. The looks on their faces was priceless, and the shocked reaction of the audience was amazing as well. I waved all of them into seated positions on the ground facing me, so that I could stand on the top of the grassy hill they had set up now and address them and the audience as one. My body was fully exposed and I made zero effort to hide it now. Even though just 10 short minutes ago I was screaming and begging for mercy as I came, now I stood proudly with a bright smile that lit up the room as if nothing had happened to me.
I gave them all my final address "Thank all of you for being here, for never leaving my side. For sharing this experience with me, however horrible it was at the time. I appreciate the love you all gave to me in those moments, and the love you offer now. My shame destroyed me, but I rise again having conquered shame in order to prove to the faithful that it can be done. That there is peace on the other side of misery. My story, and any other similar story that you might have heard before, is one that is going to be told and retold for all of time, and many of those who tell it are going to get some things wrong. It's not their fault, it's just the way things work.
There are things that you humans never saw, details from Heaven that cannot be explained via mere words. They must be felt, and one day you will all feel them too I promise you that. I trusted my God with every drop of my soul, only for my God to torture me, humiliate me, and cause me to experience suffering so great that I cursed God in my mind. I cursed all of you, everyone watching me. I cursed those who helped torture me and those who didn't do enough to save me from it all. I was angry and hurt, and I lashed out at God within the sanctity of Heaven itself far from human eyes. I looked my beloved God in the eyes and brought God to tears of anguish and sorrow with my every syllable until I realized with grief that this was not what I wanted. I didn't want God to suffer, and God never wanted me to suffer, but God had no choice. I had to experience absolute betrayal and agony in order to learn to forgive those things in someone who truly, truly regretted their actions. Forgiveness is what I had to learn, ultimate forgiveness, so that I could forgive you all of your sins when your time of judgement comes. That is why I had to come back. I had to teach all of you here to forgive and seek forgiveness in all that you do.
People have tried to ask that I harm them as punishment for their wrongdoings, but that is not what I want. I never want to harm anybody, and I try to avoid hurting people at all times. People have also tried to harm others in my name and in my defense, but this can never be allowed or encouraged. Causing harm to others, violent or otherwise, will always break my heart every single time that I witness it across this wonderful Earth. I do not require defending, and I do not require avenging. I require goodwill and brotherhood across all people, all faiths, all types of human, and across all of the borders and barriers that those who miss the point will attempt to place between the loving members of humanity. Lastly, people have tried to harm themselves as punishment for their guilt, but that is never my wish. I want to see the world smile, free of guilt. Nobody is beyond forgiveness, nobody! Some may misunderstand Iscariot's role, ignoring the massive guilt that is felt by the one whom God used to betray me. I've already forgiven Iscariot, and I will forgive all of you for all of your own sins as long as you truly, fully seek it out. I don't require ritual, words, or self-abuse...I just need the love of your heart and the purity of your spirit. If you feel truly sorry for your deeds, I will forgive you as I have forgiven those who wronged me most of all. Just wanting to be worthy of my love makes you so if your intentions are pure.
Love yourselves and love each other. There is nothing to be ashamed of, that is the greatest lesson of all! I was ashamed of my body before, ashamed of my own sexuality, but those are natural parts of the human experience. They should be shared, not hidden. All people have things that they hide from others out of shame, or that they judge others for in an attempt to shame them. We must be free of this. There is nothing wrong with our bodies, and we should enjoy the sight and feel of them at all times. There is nothing wrong with our desires, those we choose to love and how we choose to express this love. If what you like to do brings yourself and others happiness, it should be cheered from the highest mountains instead of hidden away out of fear that others will mock it. And never again should any human judge another, shame another. None are above or below anyone. Even me, I'm not above any of you. I'm not perfect, no matter how many times people will say that I am. I tried to be perfect, truly and completely, but not even God is without mistakes or flaws. Shame is holding back our entire species, preventing us from reaching a true higher level of happiness and compassion. So share your secrets, share your bodies, share your desires, and share your feelings about those who you love. Be free of shame as I am now, and experience the wonderful bliss that it is to be rid of the many tons of baggage holding us down every day.
The shame of sex and nudity in particular is a debilitating burden that must be cast off. Show me your ugliest parts and I will tell you with honesty in my heart how truly beautiful they are. Tell me your deepest fantasies and I will tell you how sexy they sound. Tell me stories about the man, woman, or nonbinary that you wish to be with, and I will whisper in your ears the encouragement to tell that person everything that you just told me. There is nothing wrong with sex, nudity, and love. It is horrible that humans shame other humans over their bodies, their interests, or their kinks. Our bodies are God's finest works of art, just as I said at our last supper. What our bodies are used for is also art worth celebrating and sharing. Society told us all that sex was bad and required strict rules in order to control us, to keep us timid and obedient, but this is not humanity's natural state. Adam and Eve were always naked and always making love, pure love in deep complete ways that would amaze anyone who witnessed it. They never knew shame until they ate from the Forbidden Fruit. The Fruit of Sin infected them with shame in order to humble and destroy them. Free yourself of this shame forever and you will reach your own personal Eden. I hid my body my entire life behind a mask of shame, a shame so powerful that it killed me when my body and its inner workings were exposed to everyone. Don't make my mistake, don't let your shame shorten or lessen your life. I no longer require clothing of any kind, nor do I need privacy for my womanly urges or needs. You can all be the same. Let go of your fears and never feel humiliated again!
I am Jessica of Nazareth, called by some Jessica Christ. Pray to me and I will pray for you back. Gaze upon my flesh, free of the shame which ended my mortal life, and take note that you can all do the same, with no exceptions. Farewell, until we all meet again. And we will meet again, every single one of you beautiful peoples across all of time."
My speech completed, I walked off stage into the back area skipping and floating, riding the last little drops of Jessica Christ's essence as I reached the safety of backstage. Once I was fully out of view, I fell backwards against the wall and put my hand against my heart to feel it beating a thousand times per second. I just gave an entire speech naked on stage! I felt myself returning to Jessica Joel fully at this point, as the play was over now. I just gave a speech...about nudity...while naked...ON STAGE! My heart feels like it's about to explode. Somehow it feels weirder for me to have done that then the whole crucifixion did. At least there I was forced into it. This time I did it myself, fully, freely, and never even covered up. How the hell did I ever get the courage to do that? Something about the Jessica Christ character gave me the strength to do that, and I realized now that she would always be a part of me. If I ever needed help overcoming my fears or my shame, I could channel her and release all of that weight completely. I should just make it a mental note to not channel her too much, because I have this lingering suspicion that Jessica Christ might be a nudist now, even an exhibitionist, and tapping into that side of my schizophrenic brain too much could lead to lots of trouble...and jail time. But those were concerns for later.
Suddenly I turned around with surprise and shock when I saw all of my disciples running backstage in the nude! My mouth hung open as they ran past, all of these women so beautiful but completely and totally naked. What the hell did I just miss after I went backstage?
Kaitlin, who played St Penny (Peter) took my hand and said "Oh damn girl, that was such a RUSH!! I can't believe I just did that in front of the entire audience like that."
I stuttered "Why...why are you all naked? What happened?"
Jenny (St Paula) answered "You just gave the most amazing speech that I've ever heard in my life, all about freeing ourselves from shame and loving our bodies and stuff. How could we, your closest disciples, NOT strip naked in front of everyone after hearing that?"
I was in disbelief. Did I really just inspire all of these women to lose their clothes ON STAGE? Is that possible? Did I have that power? I looked over to my side to see all of our male classmates openly admiring all of us naked girls. I noticed that they weren't they weren't ashamed to look at us anymore. They were openly enjoying the sight of us all, all with huge smiles.
That's when Lady Evelyn grabbed the side of her pure white robe and undid the clasp, letting it fall to the ground in front of all of us. Because she changed so quickly earlier, there was nothing underneath that robe. Despite her age of 49 her body was still absolutely killer, and her large breasts still retained most of their perkiness even without anything holding them up. I think we all stopped breathing for a few seconds from the shock of this legendary and dignified woman stripping naked in front of us all like that.
She then smirked like the most sensual cougar I've ever seen in my life before saying "Come on, boys and girls. We have our final curtain call ahead of us. You wouldn't want to be the only one here still afflicted by shame, would you? Off with it all, let's go!"
My brain went fuzzy goo goo hearing her say that. What? I watched as every single member of the class, all of these super-sexy men stripped down right in front of me. Timmy's smoking body was exposed to my eyes now, making me slightly remember the sensation of when his fingers touched my pussy earlier, which made me shiver. Julian, the sexy Devil, stood proudly as every single one of his muscles were showing, including his most sinful one. All of the boys got naked for me, inspired by me. Even the super-shy George who barely escaped me and everyone else seeing his dick earlier was now standing here with it on full display ready to walk back out on stage. And then I notice the centurion...famous movie star Thomas Netherlands...and even he is completely naked! Ok, it's official. Lady Evelyn is my freaking hero again!
We all walk behind the closed curtain as the music plays for the final curtain call. I can already hear the audience clapping madly, but they have no idea what they are going to see when this curtain rises. The entire cast stands hand in hand with me in the center, with Lady Evelyn holding my right hand. The curtain slowly rises, torturously slow. I'm positive that the stagehand is doing that on purpose just to torment everyone. I look around at the boys especially and most of them are shivering with nervousness. Most of them have also gotten hard enough to stab a person to death with their hip thrusts, so I find myself enjoying every second of this little exhibition.
When the curtain finally rises, the audience hoots and hollers in appreciation. We all stand there and take a bow as the roars of our standing audience overwhelming us. Everybody on stage is naked, but doing their best to hide any and all shame that they are feeling. Caiaphas, the guards and all extras move forward to bow in a group, followed by the disciples. Both get a grand reception. Cassie my photographer is next, clearly shivering but still taking her bow in front of thousands of men happy to see her like this. Bridget my angel and Julian my devil both bow together to huge fanfare. Timmy and Thomas are next, my torturers, and some of the ladies absolutely shriek from both of them. I was about to move next, but I was stopped by Lady Evelyn who took her bow before me. That never happens, she always goes last because she is the big star and the writer/producer of these shows. The naked goddess Lady Evelyn gets a response that shakes the entire building. They love her, they love what she created here. Even for her this was a huge cheer.
Last up is me, little Jessica. When I stepped forward the building filled with an explosion of sound the likes of which I've never heard before. I felt it, I felt the sound itself knock me back a step. This audience was louder for me than they were for Lady Evelyn! That's...that's just impossible. Isn't it? I look around at the faces of my family and friends, my churches and neighbors, and all I see in their eyes is a wealth of positivity and amazement. I was so scared earlier about how I was ever going to look these people in the eyes ever again. And now I know how I will do it...with pride! With my head held high that all of the people I love most were here to share my masterpiece with me. My moment of true immortality. I took my bow, crying again for the hundredth time tonight, but this time tears of the purest joy. I've never known a moment in my life that filled me with more happiness than this one right here, and to think that it so closely followed the worst moments of my life.
As time went on, copies of The Passion of Jessica Christ DVD became huge sellers. Eventually we ported it to streaming services as well, and the contract for royalties every month for life that was offered was far bigger than I had expected! I was never going to have to worry about paying rent ever again, that's for sure. And don't even get me started on the merch sales. I graduated from Lady Evelyn's school with flying colors, moving on to countless stage and film roles of multiple genres. I even won a couple awards, but never again did I ever reach the zenith like with Jessica Christ. I started wearing a custom-made crucifix necklace featuring Jessica Christ instead of Jesus and was floored when that trend caught on and spread around the globe. Women especially took to wearing Jessica Christ jewelry, all carved to resemble me in the nude, as my character and I had become these icon for female empowerment and spirituality. As the years and decades went on, I still found myself filled with intense joy every time that I was recognized by a fan in public, or when somebody asked me to autograph their picture of Jessica Christ. At first it felt a little awkward to sign pictures of me naked on a cross, but I got used to it surprisingly fast. The exact moment that I came and sprayed on the X was the most common picture that the boys liked to have me sign for them, which was always so incredibly naughty and exciting for me each time. The girls preferred my moment on the hill, so I had a little game where I would dare the girls getting my autograph to find their own hill somewhere in order to recite my speech themselves, while wearing the same outfit. Many of them actually did it, and a few even went so far as to invite me to watch as they did it. Constantly I saw tributes online of girls and also boys reenacting my scenes, although I always told my fans to try and focus more on the pleasure side of sexy things as opposed to the unpleasant parts. The lessen from my final speech about tolerance and celebration of all that humanity has, that none are lesser and all are worthy, spread like wildfire even among the actual religion that I was parodying. Mainstream Christianity actually began to accept the idea that Judas went to Heaven to be with his friend, reversing 2000 years of popular culture depicting him as going to the deepest most horrible corner of Hell. Jessica Christ actually began being treated as a real messiah in many ways, as if my interpretation of the feelings and thoughts of the Child of God was in-fact the most accurate interpretation of all. Many of the bigotry groups that defiled the name and teachings of Jesus with their hatred of the "lessers" lost their support over time as the overall culture shifted towards my version of Jesus instead. I don't know if I was ever fully comfortable with being treated as literally Christ by some folks when I'm but a mere human, but on some level I felt that Jesus would understand. I was his tool to help people better understand him and his desires. Much as God had made him suffer in order to fulfill his purpose, so too did Jesus require me to suffer in order to spread his truest message which had gotten so lost over time among the noise and confusion.
Even as I neared my most elderly years, I still found myself greeted by young fans from time to time. Many of them admitted to me all of the naughty thoughts they had watching my body, and even some of the things they had done while watching me. Boys and girls, I had lusters all across the full gender spectrum. I always told each and every one of my fans that this was the point, to not be ashamed of such things. I was happy to be lusted after, that my body could bring their bodies such happiness and pleasure. Anything that makes a person feel good and happy should be celebrated, not treated as something to deny or hide. I always wanted people to be open about how they felt and who they felt it for. My husband understood this completely, as did our children and grandchildren. As I grew closer and closer to meeting the real Jesus face to face, I had such a naughty desire to run naked through a crowded street of Heaven with him, holding his hand. I knew that he would understand, and I really hoped that he would agree to it. My work would outlive me. I had reached true immortality through the character of Jessica Christ, my fondest dream. I looked forward to watching from high above as she lived on forever as my legacy. I was also going to make it a point to watch all of the many, many, beautiful naked humans left behind on Earth as much as I could, doing all of the things that naked humans do. I would be an invisible spirit by then, so they'd never ever know they were being watched. Hehe.
The End!
I woke up backstage.
I was lying on the ground, wrapped up in a thick blanket, very dizzy and unsure of what was going on. Some of my classmates were there with me in tears. I couldn't see straight or think straight. I could hear the narrator on the stage describing the burial of Jessica Christ. Suddenly I remembered what all had just happened to me, it all hit me at once like a tsunami. I lost control of my stomach, grabbing a bucket next to me and throwing up all inside of it. When I finished, I noticed that this wasn't a was a hat. Ew.
Some of my closest friends in class came in close to hug me all at once, including my angel Bridget. They were all saying things like "Are you ok?" and "I'm so sorry" over and over again, but I was in no mood for any of them. I pushed and kicked everyone off of me.
I raged "GET OFF OF ME! How could you? How could you all do that to me? I trusted you! I trusted all of you! You just ruined my entire life, and for what? FOR WHAT?? What did I ever do to any of you to deserve that? ANSWER ME!"
Everyone backed away from me, and they all looked so hurt, as if I was the one who just tortured THEM for the last hour.
That's when I noticed Lady Evelyn Asharah standing there. She wasn't wearing her Pontius Phyllis outfit anymore, having changed into a white silk robe and let her hair down. I couldn't have been asleep for more than 30 seconds, so how did she already change clothes? And why did she bother? I started to wonder if she changed right here in front of the rest of the cast, but something like that would be beneath a woman like her. Honestly I didn't even care anymore though.
I looked her dead in the eye with murderous intent. My voice was so weak from all of my screaming, but I hoarsely barked out "I hate you. I hate you! I trusted you, I worshiped you, I did everything you ever told me to do and you betrayed me! You made me suffer just to make your stupid play. You ruined my life. I hope you die! I hope somebody cuts your wicked head off!"
Only after I said all of that did I notice her tears. She was crying. This woman who radiates dignity and class in everything that she ever does is openly crying while standing over me, my frail body wrapped in nothing but a blanket.
Lady Evelyn nodded and softly told me "It's ok. You deserve to hate me. Don't hate all of them, hate me. I did this to you. I made them play their roles."
I looked to my side and happened to notice the DVD cases for The Passion of Jessica Christ. I gasp and hoarsely shriek "You recorded all of this? You're going to sell DVDs of me like I was just some miserable porn star? My body, my privacy, and my virginity were all violated just so you could make some more stupid money? You defiled me on camera without my consent and then you want to sell it? To give every guy out there a hard copy of my humiliation to keep forever just so that they can jerk off to my agony again and again? How low can you go?"
I could see the utter pain written all over Lady Evelyn with my every word. She looked like I was crushing her. She looked so in pain it was like she was on fire, but I had lost any and all ability to feel sympathy for her by now.
I wasn't done "My family. You made me...ugh...ON MY FAMILY! And everything else you did to me. Everybody just saw me naked, watched me get molested, while I begged you and screamed for you to stop over and over and over and over again! And you laughed. YOU LAUGHED at my suffering you twisted BITCH!"
Lady Evelyn and most of the others nearby were crying buckets now as Evelyn said "I'm so sorry. This was the only way. This was the role, the star had to suffer unspeakable agony while everyone watched on helplessly. I spent months planning a sexual torment so complete that it could cause the star to plausibly die for real on stage in the eyes of the audience. And you were amazing, I couldn't possibly be more proud of you."
I squealed "Proud? PROUD? How could anyone be proud of that?"
She answered "Because you never broke character. Never, not once. I brought you to the point where you prayed for death. You were ready to die out there on that stage, but not for one second were you willing to mess up the role or ruin the play itself. Almost every other actor alive would have broken by the end, even those with Oscars. They would have called for help. Your friends, your church, and even your father were all right in front of you the entire time and not one time did you ever break character to address them and ask them to save you. It killed them all to stay seated watching that, unable to help you. With just one break of character most of them would have jumped out of their seats to save you from me. But you didn't break, never. You played the role of the suffering Jessica Christ so completely that you forgot to be Jessica Joel at all in the heat of the moment. I am so unfathomably proud of you. You were perfect!"
I coughed several times, and then whimpered "Why? Please, just tell me why? Why did you pick me for this role? What did I ever do to you?"
Lady Evelyn wiped the tears off of her face, held her finger out to point at me, and then lovingly told me "Pick you? Honey, I wrote this whole play with you specifically in mind all along. You were the only person who could have played Jessica Christ, the only woman on Earth that would feel the right way, fear the right way, think the right thoughts, and understand the deeper metaphors. You are the only person in this room full of exceptional actors who will understand, without being told, the scene in the play that you and I are playing right now"
The scene? We're playing a scene? But we're backstage, nobody in the audience can see or hear any of this. I looked at her in confusion for a second, until I finally allowed myself to actually look at her properly. She wasn't Pontius Phyllis anymore, she purposely changed out of that costume. She was wearing a pure white robe. Most of the rest of the cast wore ivory off-white garments, but here now she wore the purest silky white that she could find. Pure white has one symbolization that just hit me: She was playing God now! Lady Evelyn knew how much I idolized her, but I always tried to keep it cool and hide that she was truly my God. I worshiped her. She was God to me just as Yahweh was God to Christ. Jessica Joel and Jessica Christ were still as one, we were still living as one even now! Even with nobody watching I was still playing Jessica Christ, and backstage symbolized Heaven. This is Christ meeting God moments after death! This scene is hidden from the audience because this scene is hidden in the Gospels too. Nobody ever sees it. No human ever witnessed that first meeting between God and Christ to tell the story.
And God was played by the same woman as Pontius Phyllis. No, reverse that. God was playing Phyllis all along! Phyllis was the hand of God. All along, right from the start, the point was that the humans didn't crucify either Christ...God did. It was all God's will, even the angel in Gethsemane made that clear. God made Christ suffer unspeakable, unimaginable agony at her hand. God brought Christ right up to the utter edge of despair and hopelessness, of anger and anguish. But Christ never broke. With his powers he could have escaped. Both of us could have escaped at any time if we dishonored ourselves and our purpose. We could have renounced the Holy Lord and begged Satan/my dad to save us in that moment. We trusted our version of God with everything beforehand, we both willingly refused the various escapes offered to us before our fates came, and we both refused to violate that trust even at the end when we hated our Lord with every inch of our being. Lady Evelyn knew that. She must have always known that she was my God, and that I would be the only one capable of seeing her in that light. To everyone else here she was just a person to look up to, but not to me. She was beyond the limits of humanity in my heart. She needed the person playing the character of Jessica Christ to feel betrayed by God Herself, to feel tortured and humiliated by God Herself. I was the only person that could do that. Does that mean that my intense admiration for her inspired this entire play?
But what is the point of the suffering? Why did either God torture and humiliate either Christ? The story in church never made sense, it was always so meaningless. God could snap his fingers like Thanos and erase all sin from the Earth. That couldn't be the reason that Christ had to suffer. I had so much anger and hatred in my heart right now, what purpose did my suffering have? What meaning was behind it? How could Jesus have forgiven God so easily? ...What if he didn't? What if it took him...three days to forgive God? Jesus took three whole days before he was willing to go back on stage for the final act. Oh shit. That's the message of this scene! Neither Christ could forgive their Gods so easily. Both woke up in Heaven angry and broken, feeling betrayed and traumatized. Both cast off the loving embraces of the angels in a fit of rage, lashing out against their Gods. Both of us said horrible, evil things to our Gods, openly wishing harm onto our Gods. They never tell that part in Church, because that part happened backstage.
The point of it all, the point of the ENTIRE Passion...was for the two Christs to forgive their Gods. Oh crap, that is it! That is what Lady Evelyn's vision was! The Christs are the judges of mankind. They decide who to forgive and who to condemn, because God could never be a fair judge. Just like in human courts, we must be judged by a jury of our peers. The Christs are that jury! And then to make sure that the Christs were the perfect jury who would offer compassion and forgiveness to almost all but the most heinous of men, the Gods were forced to betray us and torture us in unspeakable ways. If we could forgive the Gods for what they did, the unholy agony that they unleashed upon us that we would never forget, that would fill our nightmares forevermore, that we would never for one microsecond ever be completely free from, then we could forgive humans for all sorts of things. No human could ever wrong the Christs more than the Gods did. It wasn't possible. And both Gods knew that. They cried and cried, overcome with the guilt of what they had done. Every moment that they tortured us was pure agony for them as well, even though they used their peerless acting skills to hide it behind the smile of a sociopath. The Gods asked us Christs for our forgiveness even though they would never, ever, in billions of years be able to fully forgive themselves for what they had done to us. In that moment I understood my religion greater than every moment spent in Church put together. If we Christs forgave our Gods after everything they did to us, then we would be the perfect judge and jury for the humans. This took Jesus three whole days to do before he was ready to go back on stage for the final act. I didn't have three days. I only had five more minutes according to the timer on the wall.
I...I forgave her. After everything she did to me, in that moment I forgave her. The beauty of my pain, the realization of its deeper meaning, it just overwhelmed me. My face must have changed 20 times over as I silently ran through all of the metaphors and symbols in my head, coming to such a profound realization of the art we had just created. She had this look in her eyes as though she could read my mind, and could hear my every thought. I looked her in the eyes and my own tears started to flow. I understood now. I understood all of it. We created something amazing together just now that only the two of us would ever truly appreciate. Even if I told the others, which I surely would do in due time, they would never experience the feelings that she and I shared in that instant.
I was sobbing now "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I said all of that to you."
Lady Evelyn quickly sat next to me and hugged me, motioning the others nearby to do the same. She then told me "No, you had every right. You deserved to hate me. You deserve to hate me forever, but you understand what this was now."
I whimpered "I...I do, but nobody else does. How can I share this feeling with them?"
She answered "By acting. You are a world-class actor, and this is your ultimate role. This is your immortality, darling. I know how much that means to you. You've earned your place among the immortals. Nobody else could ever follow in your footsteps in this role. It would be impossible to go in blind as you did, but more than that you were the perfect actress to embody everything that made Jessica Christ the wonderful savior that she was. All that remains is to seal the deal with your resurrection."
The others backstage were very clueless as to how I just went from wishing Lady Evelyn's death to hugging her. Timmy, my spanker earlier, kneeled right in front of me with tears in his eyes and told me "I'm so sorry that I had to do that. Please, hit me. Hit me in the face as hard as you can, I deserve it"
I was stunned and gasped "No! No, I'm not going to hurt you, Timmy"
Timmy then said "But everything that I did..."
I stopped him "I forgive you! I forgive all of you!"
That was when I noticed Cassie emerging backstage, my best friend forever who had just posted my humiliation and explicit anatomy all over Snapchat to torture me. Her face was covered in even more agony than what Lady Evelyn had on her face. She ran up to me with her phone in her hand and collapsed on the ground by my side. It wasn't graceful.
She then whimpered "I know that you hate me, that I betrayed you. I never should've agreed to this part, I just couldn't say no to her.... I did so many terrible things to you and I understand that you will never want to speak to me again. I'm so sorry, Jess. I just needed to show you this first"
She turned her phone around to show me her Snapchat account, and the first picture I see is her completely naked, spread eagle, on the floor of the bathroom of this theater. She must've just taken that picture and posted it on her account! Cassie is just as shy and pitiful as I am around boys and that sort of thing, so having a nude picture of her body (especially an explicit pornographic one like that) leak to the internet was always one of her biggest fears in life.
I squeal "Cassie no! What are you doing? Take that down right now before somebody sees it!"
"No!" She told me "No I owe you this. I posted your pictures online, and it made me sick. I was smiling outside for the role but inside I was in agony, Jess. I can't forgive myself. I have to do this. Later I'm going to take a hundred more, a thousand more, and post them all. Tell me anything you want me to post and I'll post it, no matter how extreme"
I grab her hands "Stop! Stop now! Cassie, I forgive you. Don't do this!"
She pulls away and whimpers "Jess, you're still in character. I know how deeply you get into roles. I don't need Jessica Christ to forgive me"
I then shake her a little and tell her "No I'm not! Shit fuck piss bitch cunt! I'm not in character, I'm Jessica Joel. And Jessica Joel forgives you. I understand everything. I had to suffer for real, truly and completely suffer for this role. I understand that. You were helping Lady Evelyn do that to me, not because you wanted to, but because I had to feel betrayed. You were the Judas in this story, not the girl who played Judy Iscariot. Judy was a misdirect because her 'betrayal' was always expected. It was all part of Evelyn's amazing vision, this masterpiece. I forgive you! And I think Jesus forgave Judas too...he had to have forgiven Judas for helping God in that moment."
Cassie took my words to heart, and then told me "I love you, girl. Deeply. I know things won't be the same, but I do still want to be your friend"
I scolded her "You are! Forever! And delete your picture on Snap right this instant. How could you ever think that I wanted you to suffer for me? I want you happy for me"
The next person to appear back here was Keith, one of the boys I knew from high school. Keith sat in the front row watching all of that. I bushed just thinking about the views that this ultra-cute boy had of my defenseless body just a few minutes ago. He pushed his way past security and looked dead at Lady Evelyn. He then called out "You, get off of Jessica RIGHT NOW! Woman or not I am going to beat the shit out of you for what you just did to her!"
I had to hold out my hand and scream "No stop! Keith, it's ok! I forgave her."
Keith stopped pushing security, but then loudly asked me "Forgave her? FORGAVE HER? She just fucking tortured you for a solid hour! At first I thought you might just be in on it with your acting, but by the end we could all tell that you weren't acting at all. Mike is ready to burn this bitch's car to the ground if we can find it, and when I'm done with her I'm calling the police."
I instantly stood up now, which accidentally dropped my blanket to the ground. I didn't even have time to react to being suddenly naked again...not that it really mattered much at this point. "Keith! I volunteered to be tortured, that was the point. I didn't know that it was going to be that bad, not even close, not even in my worst freaking nightmares was it even close to that...but I still volunteered for it. Don't hurt Lady Evelyn. Don't hurt anyone for me! Never hurt anyone for me, that's not what I want, ever. I have to go back out on stage really soon. Please, just go back to your seat and enjoy the final part. It's ok."
Kieth visibly blushed from seeing me naked again, which kinda made me feel proud inside a little bit. It's weird, but the feeling that I could still make him blush even though he had just seen literally absolutely everything in graphic detail...that somehow boosted my confidence quite a bit. I also realized something as I stood there and Kieth walked out...I wasn't covering up. I wasn't even trying to cover up my nudity. Why wasn't I trying to cover up?
The answer came to me as the timer counted down the last 30 seconds before my cue, and I said out loud "Jesus conquered death...Jessica conquered shame. I have to walk out there naked, free of shame, don't I?"
Some of my classmates tried to tell me no, that I had done enough, but Lady Evelyn touched my shoulder and told me "Yes. And I knew you would realize that in time. This is your moment, Jessica Christ...rise from the grave of your shame and embarrassment, and walk forward with your immortality"
I looked myself over quickly, noticing that my body was completely dry. Somebody must have toweled me off before I regained consciousness, which I was thankful for. I needed to look my best. I grabbed a hair brush and fixed my hair in five seconds flat without a mirror, hoping that it looked perfect. It occurred to me that I honestly didn't listen to one single word that the narrator was saying earlier or what scenes were going on, so I was walking out there blind. I didn't even have a remote clue what I was expected to do out there for a resurrection scene, but I knew exactly what I was GOING to do whether they liked it or not. I knew what Jessica Christ would do. I felt it now, deeply inside of me. I didn't have any more time as the timer hit 0 and I walked back out onto stage completely and 100% nude. Jessica Joel would never have done that, never. I was Jessica Christ completely right now. My former self vanished without a trace as I hit the zenith of acting itself.
The girls playing my disciples clearly did not expect me to return still naked. The looks on their faces was priceless, and the shocked reaction of the audience was amazing as well. I waved all of them into seated positions on the ground facing me, so that I could stand on the top of the grassy hill they had set up now and address them and the audience as one. My body was fully exposed and I made zero effort to hide it now. Even though just 10 short minutes ago I was screaming and begging for mercy as I came, now I stood proudly with a bright smile that lit up the room as if nothing had happened to me.
I gave them all my final address "Thank all of you for being here, for never leaving my side. For sharing this experience with me, however horrible it was at the time. I appreciate the love you all gave to me in those moments, and the love you offer now. My shame destroyed me, but I rise again having conquered shame in order to prove to the faithful that it can be done. That there is peace on the other side of misery. My story, and any other similar story that you might have heard before, is one that is going to be told and retold for all of time, and many of those who tell it are going to get some things wrong. It's not their fault, it's just the way things work.
There are things that you humans never saw, details from Heaven that cannot be explained via mere words. They must be felt, and one day you will all feel them too I promise you that. I trusted my God with every drop of my soul, only for my God to torture me, humiliate me, and cause me to experience suffering so great that I cursed God in my mind. I cursed all of you, everyone watching me. I cursed those who helped torture me and those who didn't do enough to save me from it all. I was angry and hurt, and I lashed out at God within the sanctity of Heaven itself far from human eyes. I looked my beloved God in the eyes and brought God to tears of anguish and sorrow with my every syllable until I realized with grief that this was not what I wanted. I didn't want God to suffer, and God never wanted me to suffer, but God had no choice. I had to experience absolute betrayal and agony in order to learn to forgive those things in someone who truly, truly regretted their actions. Forgiveness is what I had to learn, ultimate forgiveness, so that I could forgive you all of your sins when your time of judgement comes. That is why I had to come back. I had to teach all of you here to forgive and seek forgiveness in all that you do.
People have tried to ask that I harm them as punishment for their wrongdoings, but that is not what I want. I never want to harm anybody, and I try to avoid hurting people at all times. People have also tried to harm others in my name and in my defense, but this can never be allowed or encouraged. Causing harm to others, violent or otherwise, will always break my heart every single time that I witness it across this wonderful Earth. I do not require defending, and I do not require avenging. I require goodwill and brotherhood across all people, all faiths, all types of human, and across all of the borders and barriers that those who miss the point will attempt to place between the loving members of humanity. Lastly, people have tried to harm themselves as punishment for their guilt, but that is never my wish. I want to see the world smile, free of guilt. Nobody is beyond forgiveness, nobody! Some may misunderstand Iscariot's role, ignoring the massive guilt that is felt by the one whom God used to betray me. I've already forgiven Iscariot, and I will forgive all of you for all of your own sins as long as you truly, fully seek it out. I don't require ritual, words, or self-abuse...I just need the love of your heart and the purity of your spirit. If you feel truly sorry for your deeds, I will forgive you as I have forgiven those who wronged me most of all. Just wanting to be worthy of my love makes you so if your intentions are pure.
Love yourselves and love each other. There is nothing to be ashamed of, that is the greatest lesson of all! I was ashamed of my body before, ashamed of my own sexuality, but those are natural parts of the human experience. They should be shared, not hidden. All people have things that they hide from others out of shame, or that they judge others for in an attempt to shame them. We must be free of this. There is nothing wrong with our bodies, and we should enjoy the sight and feel of them at all times. There is nothing wrong with our desires, those we choose to love and how we choose to express this love. If what you like to do brings yourself and others happiness, it should be cheered from the highest mountains instead of hidden away out of fear that others will mock it. And never again should any human judge another, shame another. None are above or below anyone. Even me, I'm not above any of you. I'm not perfect, no matter how many times people will say that I am. I tried to be perfect, truly and completely, but not even God is without mistakes or flaws. Shame is holding back our entire species, preventing us from reaching a true higher level of happiness and compassion. So share your secrets, share your bodies, share your desires, and share your feelings about those who you love. Be free of shame as I am now, and experience the wonderful bliss that it is to be rid of the many tons of baggage holding us down every day.
The shame of sex and nudity in particular is a debilitating burden that must be cast off. Show me your ugliest parts and I will tell you with honesty in my heart how truly beautiful they are. Tell me your deepest fantasies and I will tell you how sexy they sound. Tell me stories about the man, woman, or nonbinary that you wish to be with, and I will whisper in your ears the encouragement to tell that person everything that you just told me. There is nothing wrong with sex, nudity, and love. It is horrible that humans shame other humans over their bodies, their interests, or their kinks. Our bodies are God's finest works of art, just as I said at our last supper. What our bodies are used for is also art worth celebrating and sharing. Society told us all that sex was bad and required strict rules in order to control us, to keep us timid and obedient, but this is not humanity's natural state. Adam and Eve were always naked and always making love, pure love in deep complete ways that would amaze anyone who witnessed it. They never knew shame until they ate from the Forbidden Fruit. The Fruit of Sin infected them with shame in order to humble and destroy them. Free yourself of this shame forever and you will reach your own personal Eden. I hid my body my entire life behind a mask of shame, a shame so powerful that it killed me when my body and its inner workings were exposed to everyone. Don't make my mistake, don't let your shame shorten or lessen your life. I no longer require clothing of any kind, nor do I need privacy for my womanly urges or needs. You can all be the same. Let go of your fears and never feel humiliated again!
I am Jessica of Nazareth, called by some Jessica Christ. Pray to me and I will pray for you back. Gaze upon my flesh, free of the shame which ended my mortal life, and take note that you can all do the same, with no exceptions. Farewell, until we all meet again. And we will meet again, every single one of you beautiful peoples across all of time."
My speech completed, I walked off stage into the back area skipping and floating, riding the last little drops of Jessica Christ's essence as I reached the safety of backstage. Once I was fully out of view, I fell backwards against the wall and put my hand against my heart to feel it beating a thousand times per second. I just gave an entire speech naked on stage! I felt myself returning to Jessica Joel fully at this point, as the play was over now. I just gave a speech...about nudity...while naked...ON STAGE! My heart feels like it's about to explode. Somehow it feels weirder for me to have done that then the whole crucifixion did. At least there I was forced into it. This time I did it myself, fully, freely, and never even covered up. How the hell did I ever get the courage to do that? Something about the Jessica Christ character gave me the strength to do that, and I realized now that she would always be a part of me. If I ever needed help overcoming my fears or my shame, I could channel her and release all of that weight completely. I should just make it a mental note to not channel her too much, because I have this lingering suspicion that Jessica Christ might be a nudist now, even an exhibitionist, and tapping into that side of my schizophrenic brain too much could lead to lots of trouble...and jail time. But those were concerns for later.
Suddenly I turned around with surprise and shock when I saw all of my disciples running backstage in the nude! My mouth hung open as they ran past, all of these women so beautiful but completely and totally naked. What the hell did I just miss after I went backstage?
Kaitlin, who played St Penny (Peter) took my hand and said "Oh damn girl, that was such a RUSH!! I can't believe I just did that in front of the entire audience like that."
I stuttered "Why...why are you all naked? What happened?"
Jenny (St Paula) answered "You just gave the most amazing speech that I've ever heard in my life, all about freeing ourselves from shame and loving our bodies and stuff. How could we, your closest disciples, NOT strip naked in front of everyone after hearing that?"
I was in disbelief. Did I really just inspire all of these women to lose their clothes ON STAGE? Is that possible? Did I have that power? I looked over to my side to see all of our male classmates openly admiring all of us naked girls. I noticed that they weren't they weren't ashamed to look at us anymore. They were openly enjoying the sight of us all, all with huge smiles.
That's when Lady Evelyn grabbed the side of her pure white robe and undid the clasp, letting it fall to the ground in front of all of us. Because she changed so quickly earlier, there was nothing underneath that robe. Despite her age of 49 her body was still absolutely killer, and her large breasts still retained most of their perkiness even without anything holding them up. I think we all stopped breathing for a few seconds from the shock of this legendary and dignified woman stripping naked in front of us all like that.
She then smirked like the most sensual cougar I've ever seen in my life before saying "Come on, boys and girls. We have our final curtain call ahead of us. You wouldn't want to be the only one here still afflicted by shame, would you? Off with it all, let's go!"
My brain went fuzzy goo goo hearing her say that. What? I watched as every single member of the class, all of these super-sexy men stripped down right in front of me. Timmy's smoking body was exposed to my eyes now, making me slightly remember the sensation of when his fingers touched my pussy earlier, which made me shiver. Julian, the sexy Devil, stood proudly as every single one of his muscles were showing, including his most sinful one. All of the boys got naked for me, inspired by me. Even the super-shy George who barely escaped me and everyone else seeing his dick earlier was now standing here with it on full display ready to walk back out on stage. And then I notice the centurion...famous movie star Thomas Netherlands...and even he is completely naked! Ok, it's official. Lady Evelyn is my freaking hero again!
We all walk behind the closed curtain as the music plays for the final curtain call. I can already hear the audience clapping madly, but they have no idea what they are going to see when this curtain rises. The entire cast stands hand in hand with me in the center, with Lady Evelyn holding my right hand. The curtain slowly rises, torturously slow. I'm positive that the stagehand is doing that on purpose just to torment everyone. I look around at the boys especially and most of them are shivering with nervousness. Most of them have also gotten hard enough to stab a person to death with their hip thrusts, so I find myself enjoying every second of this little exhibition.
When the curtain finally rises, the audience hoots and hollers in appreciation. We all stand there and take a bow as the roars of our standing audience overwhelming us. Everybody on stage is naked, but doing their best to hide any and all shame that they are feeling. Caiaphas, the guards and all extras move forward to bow in a group, followed by the disciples. Both get a grand reception. Cassie my photographer is next, clearly shivering but still taking her bow in front of thousands of men happy to see her like this. Bridget my angel and Julian my devil both bow together to huge fanfare. Timmy and Thomas are next, my torturers, and some of the ladies absolutely shriek from both of them. I was about to move next, but I was stopped by Lady Evelyn who took her bow before me. That never happens, she always goes last because she is the big star and the writer/producer of these shows. The naked goddess Lady Evelyn gets a response that shakes the entire building. They love her, they love what she created here. Even for her this was a huge cheer.
Last up is me, little Jessica. When I stepped forward the building filled with an explosion of sound the likes of which I've never heard before. I felt it, I felt the sound itself knock me back a step. This audience was louder for me than they were for Lady Evelyn! That's...that's just impossible. Isn't it? I look around at the faces of my family and friends, my churches and neighbors, and all I see in their eyes is a wealth of positivity and amazement. I was so scared earlier about how I was ever going to look these people in the eyes ever again. And now I know how I will do it...with pride! With my head held high that all of the people I love most were here to share my masterpiece with me. My moment of true immortality. I took my bow, crying again for the hundredth time tonight, but this time tears of the purest joy. I've never known a moment in my life that filled me with more happiness than this one right here, and to think that it so closely followed the worst moments of my life.
As time went on, copies of The Passion of Jessica Christ DVD became huge sellers. Eventually we ported it to streaming services as well, and the contract for royalties every month for life that was offered was far bigger than I had expected! I was never going to have to worry about paying rent ever again, that's for sure. And don't even get me started on the merch sales. I graduated from Lady Evelyn's school with flying colors, moving on to countless stage and film roles of multiple genres. I even won a couple awards, but never again did I ever reach the zenith like with Jessica Christ. I started wearing a custom-made crucifix necklace featuring Jessica Christ instead of Jesus and was floored when that trend caught on and spread around the globe. Women especially took to wearing Jessica Christ jewelry, all carved to resemble me in the nude, as my character and I had become these icon for female empowerment and spirituality. As the years and decades went on, I still found myself filled with intense joy every time that I was recognized by a fan in public, or when somebody asked me to autograph their picture of Jessica Christ. At first it felt a little awkward to sign pictures of me naked on a cross, but I got used to it surprisingly fast. The exact moment that I came and sprayed on the X was the most common picture that the boys liked to have me sign for them, which was always so incredibly naughty and exciting for me each time. The girls preferred my moment on the hill, so I had a little game where I would dare the girls getting my autograph to find their own hill somewhere in order to recite my speech themselves, while wearing the same outfit. Many of them actually did it, and a few even went so far as to invite me to watch as they did it. Constantly I saw tributes online of girls and also boys reenacting my scenes, although I always told my fans to try and focus more on the pleasure side of sexy things as opposed to the unpleasant parts. The lessen from my final speech about tolerance and celebration of all that humanity has, that none are lesser and all are worthy, spread like wildfire even among the actual religion that I was parodying. Mainstream Christianity actually began to accept the idea that Judas went to Heaven to be with his friend, reversing 2000 years of popular culture depicting him as going to the deepest most horrible corner of Hell. Jessica Christ actually began being treated as a real messiah in many ways, as if my interpretation of the feelings and thoughts of the Child of God was in-fact the most accurate interpretation of all. Many of the bigotry groups that defiled the name and teachings of Jesus with their hatred of the "lessers" lost their support over time as the overall culture shifted towards my version of Jesus instead. I don't know if I was ever fully comfortable with being treated as literally Christ by some folks when I'm but a mere human, but on some level I felt that Jesus would understand. I was his tool to help people better understand him and his desires. Much as God had made him suffer in order to fulfill his purpose, so too did Jesus require me to suffer in order to spread his truest message which had gotten so lost over time among the noise and confusion.
Even as I neared my most elderly years, I still found myself greeted by young fans from time to time. Many of them admitted to me all of the naughty thoughts they had watching my body, and even some of the things they had done while watching me. Boys and girls, I had lusters all across the full gender spectrum. I always told each and every one of my fans that this was the point, to not be ashamed of such things. I was happy to be lusted after, that my body could bring their bodies such happiness and pleasure. Anything that makes a person feel good and happy should be celebrated, not treated as something to deny or hide. I always wanted people to be open about how they felt and who they felt it for. My husband understood this completely, as did our children and grandchildren. As I grew closer and closer to meeting the real Jesus face to face, I had such a naughty desire to run naked through a crowded street of Heaven with him, holding his hand. I knew that he would understand, and I really hoped that he would agree to it. My work would outlive me. I had reached true immortality through the character of Jessica Christ, my fondest dream. I looked forward to watching from high above as she lived on forever as my legacy. I was also going to make it a point to watch all of the many, many, beautiful naked humans left behind on Earth as much as I could, doing all of the things that naked humans do. I would be an invisible spirit by then, so they'd never ever know they were being watched. Hehe.
The End!
Last edited by Executionus on Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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