Lexine’s Bikini

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: Lexine’s Bikini

Post by swguy123 »

Great start, love your writing!

Since you are asking for suggestions, here are some of my suggestions/wishes for the story:

I agree with keeping the situation playful and more of a game/prank at first, but then slowly escalating and getting more humiliating.

Not a big fan of the idea of her friends stripping themselves, or of her starting to enjoy being naked - I'd prefer a story where she is the only one naked and gets more and more embarrassed and humiliated (also not a fan of diapers that some people suggested).

Maybe at some point more people arrive and see her naked, preferably some people she also knows like another group of friends (male and female). They keep her naked and make her/convince her to do embarrassing/humiliating activities in front of everyone.

A thing I always like to see in ENF/ENM stories is someone getting a camera or a phone out and the victim getting photographed naked - their nudity being immortalized really adds to the humiliation. It can be kept light-hearted with the photos just used for teasing the victim but nothing malicious, or used for blackmail to get the victim to humiliate themselves further (like posing for more explicit photos with her legs spread etc.).
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Re: Lexine’s Bikini

Post by Revengedpirate »

I think all authors and readers have different tastes, different styles of writing and different personality’s which all come out in the diversity on this board.

So although it is good asking for opinions on posts you’ll never get a general consensus of what’s good and what’s bad. Every story I’ve read has interested me in some way. They either give you ideas or learn from them. But at the end it’s your story and it’s how you want to write it 😊
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Lexine’s Bikini: Part 3

Post by Juncker »

Lexine was now completely naked and her options to keep from being exposed to her two best friends were becoming increasingly limited. If she turned her back to them to cover herself up while rest at the far end of the pool, she wouldn’t be able to see them properly, giving them the opportunity to get away and hide her swimsuit (not that she’d be able to stop them anyway). If she swam to rest on the edge near to them, it would be all to easy for Fiona and Millie to drag her out of the water and pulled back her arms and legs, revealing Lexine’s underserved body and completely destroying her dignity. As it was, she felt the best thing to do for the time being was to cup one hand over her crotch and press the other arm tight against her nearly flat chest, right at the nipple line. Of course, without the use of arms, she’d soon tire from treading water with only her legs.

“Guys, what the *fuck*?” Lexine demanded, being well past the point of avoiding colourful language. “Give me back my swimsuit! All of it!” Fiona and Millie pouted, their lips curled out and their eyebrows knitted toward genuine concern and confusion. To them, this was just a little fun. “Lexine, what’s gotten into you?” Asked Fiona, defensively.
“What’s gotten into me is that, because of you two, I’m left swimming naked! What if somebody sees me here? I could get arrested! Or some pervert with a phone might come by and start snapping pictures of me!”
“Lexine, we’ve hung out here for years and we’ve never seen another soul around here.” Millie replied. “Besides, if anyone gets too close I’ll use these babies to make them get lost.” She punctuated this statement with a tensing of her biceps, the sunlight glistening on her wet arms.

“Gah, still! Don’t you get how embarrassing this is? Fi? Mil?” Lexine pleaded to their sensible sides. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to be home right now. However, Fiona’s next words managed to take her by surprise. “Lexine, you’ve been real tensed up lately, you know that? That’s part of the reason why we came here today, to unwind. And...we know how you feel about your body. Believe me, we’ve known since it became apparent you’d finished...growing. But it’s just us here! We’d never want to let you get hurt!”

Lexine felt a stab of guilt in her heart. Fiona was right, she had been feeling the pressure of college lately, and for almost ten years now these two had always had her back. Sure, she still wasn’t thrilled about the idea of being naked around them, but she realised that if she’d lost her bottoms in the company of anybody else, she’d probably die of embarrassment while waiting for the ground to swallow her whole.

“...you’re right. I’m sorry guys. I know I’ve been moody lately, and you guys are only trying to have a bit of fun...but right now, I’d really like my bikini back - I’m feeling really overexposed and embarrassed right now.” Lexine finally seemed to be regaining some control over the situation. Fiona looked at the garment in hand, then seemed to be about to toss it back to Lexine... “Wait.”

This was Millie’s command. It wasn’t said harshly, or with much emotion at all really. Her voice was just...neutral. Likewise, her eyes were plain, glazed over as she seemed to look through Lexine rather than at her. Lexine had come to know this as her thinking face when the trio were still freshly forged friends. And when the focus and intent returned to Millie’s eyes, Lexine knew she’d soon be finding out what it was she was thinking. “Okay, so what Fiona said got me thinking. We know you’re not entirely happy with your body, and to me this seems like the perfect opportunity to get you over that. Or at least we can have some fun and make some naughty new memories.”

Lexine had a pretty good idea of where this was going, and she had a pretty good idea that she wouldn’t be a fan of Millie’s proposal. Millie had always been the most rebellious of the trio. It wasn’t like she was a bad person, or did messed up stuff, but she’d always been pretty good at deciding which rules she would and wouldn’t follow. Hell, even her impressively chiselled physique was partly motivated out of spite for what she felt society wanted her to be. So yeah, Millie had always lived her life by making her own fun and giving her friends thrills and scares as she did so.

And now came Millie’s latest taboo breaking idea. “How about you show us your body? Like, all of it. And when you do, we’ll give you our thoughts on it. Trust me, it can’t be as bad as you think it is.” Lexine seemed to genuinely consider this for a second. She knew she couldn’t change her body, so the best thing that she *could* do would be to learn to accept and love it. But like this...? “I...no. Millie, I’m sorry, but I can’t. I know you two are my best friends, but I’m not going to let you guys see me naked. I...I just can’t, okay?”

Millie looked down at Lexine, treading hard in the clear water of the natural pool. Even now, there wasn’t any offence in her, nor malice. She was just thinking. After a moment, she snapped back to reality once more. “Okay.” She turned towards the rocks that formed makeshift stairs and began to scale them, her long, toned legs making easy work of them. “Come on, Fiona!” She called to the sweet red head, seemingly catching her off guard for a second. “O-oh, okay!” Fiona called out as she skipped after Millie, her enviable rack bouncing vigorously as she did so.

“H-hey! Where are you guys going?” Lexine called from the pool, to no response. They were just going to leave her here, were they? No, that couldn’t be right. Millie was mischievous, but she’d never do anything to hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it, and she certainly wasn’t about to make Lexine walk the three miles back to campus in the buff. Still, she didn’t like not knowing what was going on. Once her two friends were out of sight, Lexine took her hands away from her privates and scrambled out of the pool.

Despite the air being warm thanks to last vestiges of summer still being present, Lexine had acclimated to the water and found herself cold outside of it. No sooner had her chest risen out of the water when her nipples began to stiffen from the coolness. As soon as Lexine was on her feet, her hands reassumed defensive positions as she hastily tip-toed over to the ascending rocks, hoping to catch a glance of what was happening. From here, she could just about see the surrounding area; the sandy rocks that formed the floor and the wall of foliage that kept the outside world unaware of the girls’ paradise.

Finally, there was Millie’s car, parked just past the gate that served as the spot’s secret entrance - a gate that Millie had erected at age 14 with leaves covering the outside face, camouflaging the entrance and all but ensuring nobody could ever just stumble upon the mermaid pool unless they knew to look for it. Right now, Millie and Fiona were heading over to the old car - a restored classic model from the 80s or 90s that Millie had gotten for 18th birthday thanks to her dad running a garage. Millie held one half of the loose bikini (Lexine couldn’t tell which) in her left hand and the keys to the car in her right. Meanwhile, Fiona held the other half of the bikini in her right hand and Lexine’s bag in her left.

“W-wait! You guys aren’t just gonna leave me here, are you?!” Lexine’s desperate shouts caught the attention of Fiona, her stopped and turned her head and upper body round to Lexine, showcasing a full rump and the backside of her right tit. After looking blankly at Lexine for a second, Fiona turned back and called out to Millie. “Hey, Millie - we’re not just gonna leave her here, are we?”

With her arm still practically glued to her chest, Lexine brought her head down into a face palm. Fiona didn’t even know what Millie’s plan was and she was just going along with it? Then again, it made sense that after they’d all spent so much time together, Fiona would know she could trust Millie, considering she wasn’t the one naked on the coast.

Finally, Millie told Lexine what she needed to hear. “Nah, chill out, sister. You don’t really think we’d leave you naked and alone out here, do you? What kind of monsters do you take us for?” For the first time since she’d lost her bottoms, Millie breathed a sigh of relief. It counted for something that she wasn’t being forced to walk home naked. She’d really be reconsidering her friendships at that point.

With that said, it was hard to find relief in anything else that was happening. Fiona and Millie had now reached the latter’s car and were throwing all of Lexine’s stuff into the trunk. Her bikini, the bag with her clothes, towel and mobile in... Whatever Millie had planned, she wasn’t about to give Lexine an easy way out of it.

After taking their time sauntering back from Millie’s car, the pair perked up at seeing Lexine out of the water upon their return, albeit with her hands on lady parts, her legs bowed together at the knees and an indignant scowl on her face. “Hey now, there’s a start!” Millie said, encouragingly.
“Yeah great, here I am, you’ve seen my body, now tell me it’s unimpressive like I already know and *please* let me put something on again for God’s sake!” Millie tutted with disappointment at Lexine’s notable lack of self-esteem. “Sweetie, that’s not the right attitude at all! Besides, I asked to see your *whole* body, which means no covering up.” Lexine opened her mouth to protest exposing herself any further when Millie quickly stopped her before she could start. “Not that it matters, since you already said no. So now I’ve had to come up with something else to get your comfortable in your skin. Now come on up here!”

Lexine’s mind was racing, trying to figure out what Millie had planned. She was frozen in place, paralysed by the embarrassment of her current predicament and the terror of what it could turn into. However, Millie didn’t feel like taking her time now she was back. “Come on, Lexine. All your stuff is in my trunk. If you want to get your modesty back, you’re going to have to do what I say.”

Reluctantly, Lexine climbed the rock-steps out of the recess that contained the pool. She was careful not to let her hands move out of place, but with her short stature, the climb proved to be difficult with just her legs. Somehow, Lexine managed to get up and out without any disasters, and followed her two friends as they pushed through the leafy perimeter, still led by Millie.

As soon as Lexine could see where they had exited to, she froze in terror once again. Millie had brought them out onto the beach! What was she thinking?! It wasn’t packed, but she could definitely see some people out there; mostly older men and women who were sunbathing or walking dogs. Lexine felt that they’d all turn around at any moment, as if they could sense the presence of this nude and embarrassed college student not 200 meters away.

Turning her attention back to Millie, Lexine could see that her friend was spinning her car key round her pinky finger by its key ring. Once she was sure Lexine was watching, she caught the key in her hand before giving it a good hard throw, hurling it onto the beach. After sailing through the air for a few seconds, the key dropped and silently hit the sand, Lexine’s heart dropping at the same time. She knew exactly what all this meant, but that didn’t stop Millie from explaining things to her.

“Alright, sister. My car key’s landed...hm...let’s say a hundred meters away from us on the beach? If you want to get some clothes back on, all you’ve got to do is a bit of streaking on the sands so you can grab the key and bring it back. We won’t even ask you to uncover! It’s time for you to find your wild side, Lexine!”
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Lexine’s Bikini: Part 4

Post by Juncker »

Lexine stared ahead of her into the distance while doing her best to stay concealed in the brush. She could hardly make out they keys to Millie’s car - the keys to regaining her modesty, but she knew the general area of where they had landed. Millie had always been a brilliant thrower, so even if Lexine had known what she was about to do when she threw the keys, it would’ve been ignorant to expect them to land close by.

Lexine took another step back into the foliage, soft leaves embracing the soles of her bare feet. She looked down at herself. Yes, she was still naked. Yes, she still had one hand plastered to her crotch and the other arm covering practically all of her itty bitty titties. In truth, some small part of her was still clinging to desperate hope that this was some kind of fever dream and that she’d wake up in a cold sweat any moment now, but of course there was no such luck.

“Mil, do I really have to do this?” She whimpered, practically pleading for her friend to take pity on her and go to collect the car keys herself. Millie, to her credit, was as supportive as ever. There was no impatience in her tone, no scorn in her eyes. For her this was just three friends having a laugh and being scandalous. “Lexine, you can’t expect to love your body if you don’t spend some time outside your comfort zone first.” She responded. “And besides that, you need to learn to live life on the edge a little! Sure, some people could see you but that’s where the rush comes from! Besides, you’re covering up anyway, so it’s not like anyone can really see anything that wouldn’t be showing if you were still wearing your bikini.” At this point Millie leaned backwards behind Lexine, examining her up and down to test this statement. “I mean, except your crack and cute little ass.”

Lexine blushed. She was certainly feeling adrenaline coursing through her body, but it wasn’t enjoyable to her at all. She felt weak and faint, as though she were on a rollercoaster going so fast that it could shoot off the tracks at even the slightest bend. Still, it seemed Fiona was enjoying things enough for the both of them, having piped up with her own unique encouragement. “Say, Lexine. If you do this, then before you get dressed again, Millie and I will strip off too!” Lexine stared at her friend blankly.
“Why would I want that? Even fully dressed, it’s clear to see you two have bodies way better than mine. What’s the point in making me even more inadequate?”
“No, silly! The point is that it’ll be the three of us, getting naked and living life on the edge together. It’ll be our secret, and it’ll mean you won’t have been through this alone!”

The words offered little comfort. It was all well and good for Fiona to say this when she had the bombshell body of a Victoria’s Secret model. Part of the reason why Lexine was so humiliated to be naked was because she had nothing to her. Sure, being completely exposed outdoors in of itself played a large part in her feelings, but being so keenly aware of just how much she was lacking in comparison to her besties was just depressing.

Not that Lexine had long to contemplate such things, as Millie had said all she felt was needed. “Come on, it’s time for you to GO!” She cheered, slapping Lexine’s right butt cheek *hard*, causing her to jump forward as she squealed, and right out of the cover of the leafy trees. Her eyes widened as she realised that, save for her hands, she was now completely exposed, naked as the day she was born.

Lexine looked back at her two friends as they motioned for her to go and grab the car keys. “To hell with it.” She thought, beginning to sprint towards the area where they had landed. She was already out of her cover and at this point she just wanted to get some kind of fabric covering her body again. If she was fast, Lexine stood a chance at getting to the keys and then back to the mermaid pool before anybody saw her.

Of course, the kind of track star Lexine wished she was right now generally had the advantage of several inches and longer legs over Lexine’s short, stubby limbs. Still, she was an active young lady, and what she lacked in stride length she made up for in pace. However, running isn’t as easy when you’ve got on hand between your legs and the other wrapped round your chest. Lexine had the disadvantage of being unable to pump her arms to assist her running, but you couldn’t pay her to uncover. If somebody *did* see her, then she’d make damn sure that they’d see her hands in place of anything more intimate.

Before long, Lexine found herself approaching the keys. She could see them clearly now, having formed a tiny crater in the sand when they landed. In just a few more seconds, she’d be there. But of course, things were never so simple. As Lexine pried her hand away from her chest to scoop up the keys as she ran (she figured she’d prefer her bumps and nipples to be exposed rather than her most sacred of womanly treasures), a bird swooped by before her very eyes, startling her to a stop. Though it had only been there just an instant, Lexine could see that when it flashed past her, it had picked up the keys to Millie’s car, and Lexine’s ticket to recovering her decency.

“NO!” She shouted as the avian fiend ascended back to the sky and flew out to sea. Big mistake. Lexine had been doing a fine job of not drawing attention to herself until her outburst. Now, as she turned her attention back to the beach, she could see all eyes were on her. Singles, couples, some that were her age and many that were much older, all taking in the sight of the five foot tall young Asian lady with not a stitch on her and baring her washboard chest for all to see.

Shit, her tits! Lexine slapped her arm back into place as quick as she could, but her audience had already gotten an eyeful. Several of them started whistling and catcalling and, although Lexine was too far away to see, there were more than a few tents forming among the men, impressed and aroused by such a bold display.

Lexine stood in a state of shock for a few seconds. She was completely naked in front of at least twenty complete strangers, and now they had seen her breasts, or lack thereof. Slowly at first, the bashful young woman stumbled backwards towards her friends, though she quickly sped up as she came to, choking back tears as the crowd now got to watch her tight, trim butt jiggle about just a bit as this strange girl retreated towards the trees at the far end of the beach.

Not seeing Millie and Fiona at the edge of the tree line, Lexine ran all the way inside to the mermaid pool. When she finally came to a stop, her breath dogged and tears rolling down her cheeks, she could see her two friends sitting on the ground, Millie with head in her hands and Fiona trying to comfort her with hands on her shoulders. Clearly they didn’t need Lexine to confirm what had happened to the keys.

“Shitshitshitshitshit, what am I gonna do?” Millie muttered, more to herself then anybody else. “Dad put so much into restoring this car for me, and now I can’t even drive it back to campus!”
“Please try to calm down, Millie” Fiona sighed. “We’ll think of something, but not if we’re too worked up to do so.” When they noticed her presence, the two looked up at their nude best friend. “Oh, Lexine, I’m so sorry.” Millie croaked, her voice full of guilt. “This was all my idea, and now look where it’s gotten us.” After pausing for a moment, Millie tugged the shoulder straps of her one piece down her arms, before push the suit as a whole down her body, finally rolling it off of her feet as she stepped out of it before dangling the garment out towards Lexine. “Here. This is my fault, so you wear my swimsuit until we figure something out.”

Lexine couldn’t help but let her eyes wander over her friend’s body. Millie’s chest was mostly muscle, but even her toned pecs provided more contours than Lexine’s lacking bust. On the surface of each breast feeding was light pink nipple, the areola a little puffy and the teat little more wide than it was tall. Millie’s rock hard abs transitioned smoothly into her pubic mound, itself decorated by a dark blond landing strip that was trimmed close to the skin. Christ, even her choice in pubic hair style seemed enviable in its execution. Presently, Lexine pulled herself away from the distraction before addressing Millie’s offer.

“Thanks for the gesture, but I’m a lot more petite than you. Your swimsuit would probably fall right off of me. And besides, this isn’t your fault.” Lexine paused to consider. “Okay well it is your fault I ended up naked and went streaking on the beach before being seen by several people, but the bird stealing the keys wasn’t your fault, and it’s not like you’re not suffering from it.”

In truth, Lexine could tell her friend never meant any harm and was really torn up about leaving Lexine naked with her clothes locked up in Millie’s trunk. Sure, a bit of forethought and consideration could’ve avoided all of this, but Lexine wasn’t about to kick her friend while she was down.

“Wait a minute...” Fiona piped up. “Don’t you always keep a spare car key with you, Millie?”
Millie didn’t even look up as she put her swimsuit back on, pulling it up over her trimmed pussy, firm abs and muscular chest before putting her arms back through the shoulder straps, one after the other. “Yeah, but it’s in my bag, which is locked in my car. Christ, I’m such a friggin’ idiot!”

“I see...” Fiona sighed, closing her eyes and creasing her brow as she tugged one of the cups of her bikini top away from her boob. As she pulled out her phone from the garment, she briefly revealed one of her own nipples, this one more rounded in its shape than Millie’s flatter specimens, the teat poking out into the space where the cell had been.

“Well, it’s not ideal, but I’m going to have to call Mitch.”
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Re: Lexine’s Bikini

Post by Executionus »

The character development in this story has been great so far. The light-hearted feel of it definitely works wonders, and it'll be interesting to see where this goes from here.
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Lexine’s Bikini: Part 5

Post by Juncker »

“Mitch?! You’re getting Mitch to come *here*? Anybody seeing me like this is bad enough but *him*?”

Lexine knew about Mitch. Everybody knew about Mitch. Unwashed, a heavy-smoker and completely uninterested in anything college had to offer him, Mitch was a creep and inarguably the most hated person on campus. Regaling tales of his exploits to anybody unlucky enough to catch his attention, Mitch’s bragging had caused his reputation to precede him. Looting charity collections, hot wiring and crashing the cars of other students, stealing underwear and swimsuits from ladies’ lockers, only to return them with new suspicious smells and stains... Mitch had not a single redeeming quality to his person and was company that nobody wanted to be associated with.

But for Lexine, right now, it was worse than that. If Mitch came here and saw her naked, she wouldn’t just be worried about the embarrassment of exposure, not the jeering comments about her barely there tits and ass. No, Lexine was seized by the terror of being raped by Mitch, unfettered by inhibition and common decency as he was. Just thinking about it, Lexine could feel her chest tightening as she hyperventilated. “No...no...he can’t come here...don’t let him.”

Rightfully concerned for their friend, Fiona and Millie rushed over to comfort her. “Listen, Lexine...” Fiona began. “I wouldn’t bring this up without a good reason, but we all know Mitch’s history. Unfortunately he’s the only person we know with the specific...skill set...to sort things out. But we won’t let him see you, I promise. You can hide out down by the pool and we won’t let him anywhere near you.”
“And if he tries anything, I’ll put him in a full damn body cast.” Added Millie, her voice and eyes harsh at the thought of anybody endangering one of her friends.

“I...okay, okay...I just...I just need some time to calm down first though. Please don’t call him yet.” Lexine relented, choking back tears. With the help of Fiona, she staggered down the steps and sat with her back to the wall in such a manner that nobody would be able to tell she was there by looking from the entrance. For a few minutes, Fiona stayed with her, clasping her tightly and pulling Lexine into her huge bosom. For her part, Lexine felt oddly comforted. Being adults, none of the girls had really broken down or embraced one another like this in years. Despite being at her most vulnerable, Lexine felt like she was reconnecting with her friends again, just as they’d wanted her to.

Once they’d made sure Lexine had regained her composure, Millie made the call on Fiona’s cellphone. Telling Mitch the situation without revealing Lexine’s presence or nudity, she told him to arrive at the nearby surf shop with whatever he’d need for unlocking the car. From there, Millie had him keep his eyes shut tight as she led him to her car. Of course, Millie needed to employ some seduction and swimsuit titivation to gain Mitch’s compliance, something that made her throw up in her mouth just thinking about, but finally she led him with into the three friends’ personal paradise.

Lexine tensed up as she heard the gate open. Even from her hiding place, she could hear everything. “Fuck me, you sluts want me to pry open this old pile of scrap? Are you sure you didn’t just find this here?”
“Yes, Mitch. Yes we do.” Millie replied icily, doing her best to bury her pride and ignore the insulting comments toward Mitch’s sexist comments and insults toward her most treasured possession. “Hmmmm, yeah I could do it. I mean of fucking course I can. Shit like this? All I need is paper clips and hair pins. As for payment...” Mitch ran one hand through his greasy, shoulder length hair while flashing a grin that bore stained and yellowed teeth. Lexine was lucky that she could only hear Mitch.

“Look, Mitch, my purse is in the car, along with everything else.” Fiona offered. “Once it’s unlocked I’ll give you whatever’s in there.” Mitch stroked the thin and patchy hair on his unshaven, pimpled chin, as if considering Fiona’s offer. Of course, he had no intentions of making any of this pleasant for the girls. “But how do I know you’ve even got anything in there? You could just be using me for a free service, and that isn’t how the world works, sweetie. Sorry, but I need payment up front.” Millie was beginning to lose her cool. If this was Mitch’s logic, did he really only come out here just to ogle at condescend to girls in swimwear? “How the hell do you expect us to pay you if all our stuff’s in the car?! You’re just going to walk away with nothing if you act like that, you prick!”

To the surprise of the girls, Mitch didn’t even acknowledge Millie’s temper and barbs. He knew she was desperate to get her car back, and that gave him leverage. “Hey, I never said it needed to be money. Come on, even two bimbos like you must be able to figure out what I’m after here. Those swimsuits, for example, are a bit too obscuring for my tastes...” Fiona’s eyes widened as Millie’s upper lip curled in disgust. Who the hell did this pervert think he was? “No. Absolutely not.” Millie replied bluntly, growing ever closer to laying Mitch out with a broken nose. Mitch shrugged and chuckled, taking back control of the situation. “Jeez, I’m only asking you to strip for me, maybe give me a handjob too or something. I’m sure it’s nothing a couple of sluts like you haven’t done a thousand times for other men. But, if you don’t want me to get your car open...”

Lexine could read the situation like a book. Neither of her friends wanted to give Mitch what he wanted, but they couldn’t get back onto campus without the ID cards in Millie’s car, not to mention just how much the car itself meant to Millie. Lexine’s heart was pounding in her chest. Also she had to do was just sit tight and her friends would figure something out. She could hear Mitch’s footsteps getting further and further away. Why was nobody saying anything? She had to do something!


Everybody turned towards the noise that seemed to come from the ground. The girls in terror, Mitch out of curiosity. “I...” Lexine couldn’t even begin to figure out what she was meant to say next.
“Hey, what are you doing?” Fiona asked, concerned about what might come next. Mitch began to walk over to the pool to inspect the noise, but was stopped when Millie inserted herself in front of him, glaring with steely eyes. “I think that’s far enough, assuming you don’t want any broken bones.”
“Well now, that’s just making me more curious. Who’s hiding behind there, then?”
“Maybe you weren’t listening, you creep...” Millie began.

“No, Millie, stop! It’s okay, I’m coming out.” Lexine cut her off as she climbed out of the recess that housed the pool, still covering her privates. Millie’s face was twisted with guilt while Fiona was at a loss for what to do. Meanwhile, Mitch’s eyes lit up with lustful intrigue.

“If it means he’ll open the car, then I’ll let Mitch see me.”
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Re: Lexine’s Bikini

Post by mikewozere »

Story is shaping up nicely 🔥👍
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Lexine’s Bikini: Finale

Post by Juncker »

Lexine stood pitifully in front of her friends and Mitch. She was bow-legged and pigeon-toed, wet hair clung to her face and shoulders. Her hands were plastered across her flat chest and precious womanhood. She tried to look defiant, but her watery eyes and pouring lip betrayed her vulnerability.

“Hey, looks like you were already getting naked before I got here! Are you girls freaks or do they not sell adult’s swimsuits for people that small?” Mitch chuckled to himself, a smoker’s cough attacking him as he did so. Fiona could only look on despairingly, clutching her arm in guilt, squeezing her huge tits together as she did so. Millie looked about ready to punch Mitch in the face, but Lexine knew they all needed that car unlocked.

“Look, you’ve seen a naked girl, now can you unlock the goddamn car?” Lexine demanded.
“What are you talking about? All I see here is somebody wearing their hands. With a chest like that, you could be a boy for all I know. Nah, you’re going to need to uncover.”
“You little-!” Millie began striding over to Mitch before he stopped her by raising a scrawny, greasy hand. “Watch it. I can leave anytime I like, and I wonder how the college staff would react to you taking your aggression out on me, hm?” Millie backed off to show she understood, her face still a storm. “So here’s what’s gonna happen. Because I’m a nice guy, I’ll take your offer and just see you naked, but you’re going to uncover AND I ain’t doing shit until I’ve got off either.

All three of the girls’ faces twisted in nauseous disgust, but none more stronger than Lexine’s. She had to strip off and let a guy get jerk his cock right in front of her? He wasn’t even a nice looking guy either. Scrawny, riddled with acne scars and with teeth yellowed or even blackened by smoking, to say Lexine didn’t want to even think about what this creep’s penis looked was an understatement. And yet, she had no choice. “You promise you’ll get the Millie’s car unlocked if I do this?”
“Please, you really think I wouldn’t honour my word?”
“YES.” All three girls said icily in unison.
“Fair enough. But yeah, I’ll get the car open. Won’t even damage it. I’m good with my hands like that, as you’ll soon see.” Mitch leered.

“Lexine, you don’t have to do this.” Fiona protested. “None of this is worth letting this incel wank over you naked.”
“Well, I’m naked anyway, so I may as well take control of something today, right?” Lexine sighed, then took a deep breath. She expected herself to just let her hands drop to her sides, casually and without emotion, but the idea that other people were about the see her naked for the first time. She ended up forcing her arms down, bolted straight and with her hands clenched into fists so tight her knuckles turned white.

And there she was, in full glory. Slightly puffy nipples lay on small areola that lay on mounds that barely raised up from her rib cage, looking more like some invisible hands were pinching her chests and pulling her breasts what few millimetres they could away from her chest. Her tummy was as flat as her chest, but at least slightly toned to give Lexine a sense of shape somewhere on her body. The waist barely transitioned into hips that suggested only the subtlest of curves, and from Lexine’s tightly closed pussy lips grew a somewhat thin pubic strip, but one that was noteworthy in the length of its hair. If not for the fact it was wet, Lexine’s pubes would likely have stood out a while centimetre from her crotch. Otherwise, her body was hairless, something Lexine had privately been thankful for many a time - if almost nothing grew on her, she never need to bother shaving, hence the length of what was there. Still, this was the last thing on her mind right now. Finally, the relative lack of hair exposed a mole on the left of her smooth, almond coloured pubic mound, just above the line of where her slit became a dimple.

“Wow, there really is nothing on you, is there?” Mitch crowed, causing Lexine’s face to turn fluorescent. “Seems to me like you know this though, and you don’t like it, and that’s getting me going.” Without warning, Mitch loosened his jeans let them drop to the ground, exposing his already semi-erect dick, and the tiny, shrivelled balls that hung beneath. He wasted no time beginning to jerk himself off.

Lexine hadn’t want to see Mitch’s junk, but it all happened so fast that she wasn’t able to look away before it was too late, and now the image was etched into her mind. Mitch’s cock was tiny (like, microscopic) and crooked, maybe from some kind of substance abuse. Even as it quickly became erect, it couldn’t have been more than two or three inches. Did Mitch know just how tiny he was? Or was he too deluded and full of himself to accept that fact? What did Lexine care anyway? She just wanted this nightmare to be over. “Just...let me know once you’re done.” She demanded, her whole body tensing rigidly as she fixed her gaze on the tree line above. If Mitch’s cock was that grotesque, Lexine sure as hell didn’t want to see whatever came out of it.

Though it seemed like an eternity to Lexine, the whole thing didn’t take more than thirty seconds. Mitch panted for a bit and gurned and rubbed himself vigorously, and then let out a gasp, which Lexine took to mean he had done it. Wait for Mitch to give her confirmation, Lexine wasted no time in covering herself up again as Mitch put his pants back on and began walking towards the exit. “Well, that was fun, hope you guys can get back to campus. Laters.”

Lexine was gobsmacked. Seriously? After all he’d put her through, he wasn’t even going to honour his word? She shouldn’t have been surprised, but she still couldn’t help her indignant shock. Her friends, however, were having none of it, both of them moving to block the exit. “Yeah, no.” Millie said flatly. “You *are* going to get my car open.”
“And what makes you think you can make me?” He replied smugly. “I’m hardly going to be in a state to work if you rough me up.”
“Who said she’ll need to?” Fiona chirped. “While you were so focused on getting yourself off, I recorded the whole thing!” And just like that, Mitch’s smugness evaporated as he stood agape. “You know, Mitch, for everything you said to Lexine, I’d say you’re much more lacking in size. Even with such little length to work with, I’m surprised your pecker could still be so misshapen! And, maybe I’m not expert in boys, but I don’t think cum’s meant to be that colour.” Mitch could only stammer as he tried to find a response. Fiona didn’t slow down though, and continued to spin the situation with her deceitfully innocent, sing-song voice. “I bet it’d be really embarrassing if this video happened to go on Facebook. And the best part? You’re the only one in the clip, so Lexine’s completely safe? I guess you’d better make a start getting Millie’s door open, hm?” Mitch could only gulp.

By the time Mitch had finished his work, he’d recovered from his shock enough to start running his mouth again, but his sorely bruised ego still shone through. “There, your shitty door’s open. I hope you enjoyed yourself, Lexine, because with a body like that, I’m the only guy you’ll ever make cum.” And with that, Lexine lost her patience. Removing her arms from her unmentionables to make her next motion as efficient as possible, Lexine drove her knee into Mitch’s crotch. Hard.

As Mitch crumpled over, Millie caught him by the shoulders and began to walk him outside, each step crossing over the other as his knees buckled together. “Now, if you tell anyone about today, or about this place, or if you try and go after any of my friends, that clip not only goes to Facebook, but also onto the college website. And after that, I will personally come and rip your dick off and crush your balls between my thumb and finger like the garden peas they are, assuming Lexine didn’t just pop them for me. Now get out.”

Although Lexine felt a bit more at ease with a pair of white cotton panties covering up her most intimate area with an area of light pink stars, she couldn’t help but look down and “cup” her tiny titties in her hands. “Oh, don’t worry about what Mitch said.” Fiona comforted her, herself now naked as she got changed out of her swimsuit. Her own E cup honkers fell to the top of her ever so slightly chubby belly when unsupported, and her largely untamed bush was a kind of pinkish orange, nestled between thick thighs. “I’m sure there are plenty of people who’ll love you regardless of how your body looks. I mean, I think your flat chest is cute! If only you were into girls, then you could make me cum any time you like!” She giggled, making her boobs wobble around like jelly.

And while Lexine couldn’t say the feeling was mutual, it gave her some comfort knowing that if somebody as well endowed as Fiona could find her tiny titties attractive, then there had to be others.
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Re: Lexine’s Bikini

Post by Executionus »

I gotta say, that's probably the most detailed description of a grotesquely ugly man that I've read since way back when English class forced me to read The Red Pony. Fun chapter though! Glad to see this continued at last.
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Re: Lexine’s Bikini

Post by Juncker »

I think Rhoal Dahl left quite an impression on me with regards to that, in the idea that if a person is bad, they’ll become ugly as a result. For a real, absolute slime ball like Mitch, I wanted to make people as repulsed by him as possible.
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