The Thirst Games -- (Part 44) Complete!

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 29)

Post by Revengedpirate »

[*]Oh the other thing is that red neck gangster and gamer don’t know about the belt currently on virgin so whichever eliminates bully is hardly going to ask for the code first and it’s not in bully’s interest to help the others win also it’s not in larpers interest to let that slip either.

It’ll be interesting how this plays out.
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 29)

Post by Executionus »

The belt is designed to be strong, but it's not indestructible. It would be extremely hard to remove during a fight, but it's only a matter of time when dealing with a subdued opponent. It's no more durable than a normal belt. Half the tools in woodshop or autotech could cut it off if you weren't overly worried about the wearer's safety. A screwdriver would do the trick given enough time and elbow grease.

And just as a correction, Redneck is nearby Virgin, Bully, and LARPer at the vocational building in the south. Originally Gamer and Hacker's plan for defeating Bully involved Redneck joining in, but Redneck ignored the text and sat on her butt instead. Gamer is currently a big distance away from the others in northwest, with Gangster the closest to her right around the middle of the school grounds.
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 29)

Post by Revengedpirate »

Cant gamer see them on her map? Why would gamer at this point walk into gangster or red neck? Surely when she saw gangster and pixie together she would’ve avoided that fight. She also saw larper go after bully on her map. She also saw virgin not move from wood shop I thought gamer was meant to be smart? Lol
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 29)

Post by Executionus »

Revengedpirate wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 11:58 pm Cant gamer see them on her map? Why would gamer at this point walk into gangster or red neck? Surely when she saw gangster and pixie together she would’ve avoided that fight. She also saw larper go after bully on her map. She also saw virgin not move from wood shop I thought gamer was meant to be smart? Lol
In the final five everyone can see the others on the map, in order to prevent a lull in the action and too much camping. This means Gangster and the others know that one of them is all alone up in the gym. If one of them chooses to go after her, Gamer wouldn't be able to run forever. This is part of why the original plan of Team Nerd involved keeping Pixie in the match to delay the final five as long as possible. With Pixie and Hacker gone before the plan wanted them gone, this has exposed Gamer to potential attacks.
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 29)

Post by Revengedpirate »

Doesn’t gamers map tell gamer who is who? I thought she had that advantage teaming up with hacker in the first place. Gamer always goes for easy targets. Ones who have either been involved in a big fight or catching them by surprise in a double cross. So it’s now totally out of character to sit and wait for gangster or red neck when she’s got two easy targets with bully or virgin.

It’s gamers personality to go for easy pickings rather then sit still or camping to wait for someone stronger. It just seems out of character for her to sit in the gym
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 29)

Post by Executionus »

For Gamer the ideal situation now is for the other four girls to Highlander it out in the south until there can be only one, then take out that last one. If she went south to go after Bully or Virgin she would also be in range of the other two. Gamer would also have to practically walk right past Gangster to get to the others.
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The Thirst Games -- (Part 30)

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*Part 30

(Disclaimer: This part is much harsher than the others because of LARPer)

The five remaining girls all had their own special things going on right now. Virgin and Bully were unable to look at their phones because they were a little tied up right now, so the update did neither of them any good.

Gamer was watching the map (hers now updated with names), noticing that Gangster was by-far the closest person to her in the gym on the northwest end of the school. The other three (Bully, Virgin, Redneck) were all close to one-another at the vocational building in the south. Gamer was perfectly content to sit around and not fight any more until the end, but she figured that most likely Gangster was coming her way. She started setting up a bit of a trap using her new remote camera.

Gangster herself, however, was undecided. She did notice one girl alone in the north, but she also knew that Bully was in the south. Gangster wasn't overly worried about any girl who wasn't Bully, even the fairly-strong Redneck didn't scare Gangster. She didn't even remotely fear Gamer or Virgin and was honestly surprised either of them made it this far, figuring out that they clearly hid most of the match like Pixie did. She couldn't make up her mind: Go south to eliminate Bully and LARPer in the middle of their battle for bonus money and to eliminate the only true dangers left, or go north to take out the girl by herself and then fight whoever wins in the south in the final fight one on one. Gangster literally located a nickel on the floor and flipped it, landing on heads...for north. She was going after the lone girl in the gym. The million dollars was more important than the $10k for LARPer anyway.

Redneck was walking outside when the map update hit, locating all nearby entrants. She noticed one girl was in woodshop and assumed that was Bully being tormented by LARPer, because the original crusade announcement told her Bully was there. Another girl was quickly moving away towards the bridge, and a third girl was in the main building not too far from the bridge. The fourth girl was way over in the gym, so Redneck didn't even care about that one. Redneck decided that she would head to woodshop to mess with the girl there, who she thought was Bully.

***Bully and LARPer continued***

The real Bully was being carried away by LARPer towards the stocks that had been quickly set up by the support crew outside nearby the bridge over the creek between the two school buildings. Bully was attempting to break free with her angry worm shuffle, but having her hands and feet tied together tightly with flex cuffs made any serious escape attempt impossible even for her. All Bully was able to accomplish was shaking her naked booty for all of the cameras watching as she essentially humped LARPer's shoulder.

LARPer mocked Bully as she walked towards the stocks "You know, some of my friends and I have been debating for years, literal years, over who would win in a real fight: a barbarian or a paladin. Well, thanks to you, I think it's pretty-well finalized that my side was correct and the paladin is superior. I mean, I don't even have healing magics and I still schooled your 'Orc Smash!' little behind"

When the two of them finally reached the stocks, Bully was roughly shoved into the neck hole and the wooden top slammed shut on her, trapping her in place. LARPer didn't bother to free Bully's arms cuffed behind her back. Some quick knee braces were slapped onto both knees, making it impossible to bend them even slightly. Bully was standing leaning forward until her back was horizontal, displaying her backside completely and even showing off her pussy lips from behind. To make that aspect even worse, LARPer freed Bully's ankles just long enough to shackle them again to two ankle-high posts with restraint cuffs spread wide on the ground. Now Bully's legs were tied apart, with one of the cameras and a spotlight on the ground pointing upwards between her legs. This camera could see a great view of Bully's anatomy from underneath, but that wasn't even the worst part. There was a camera on a tripod mounted directly behind Bully, giving a mortifyingly explicit view of her butthole and pussy lips from behind.

As if the video cameras weren't enough, LARPer pulled out her own version of the special phones that the players all had. She then teased Bully "Wow, I can't believe how exposed your privates are right now, especially since you waxed it all. I need to take some HD pictures of this to make sure that everybody watching can see every single detail."

LARPer took a few shots from behind, and a couple with the phone held between Bully's legs from underneath. LARPer also got two shots of Bully's dangling tits hanging downwards before putting away her phone.

After 10 seconds of nothing happening from Bully's point of view, LARPer boldly announced "So your five minutes of hell!" as she set a clock down to display a countdown.


Bully jumped from a surprise smack on her butt from a paddle. LARPer was not holding back as she followed up with another huge smack. And then another and another. These hurt very bad, even with Bully's high pain tolerance. Bully tried to tough it out, but by smack number six she yelped in pain. Seven and eight made her yell out more and more as the pain got to her.

LARPer taunted her "Awww, the little baby gonna cry on live TV in front of everybody? Not so tough now, huh?"

More and more LARPer smacked Bully's ass hard with her torture paddle trying to make the tough girl bust into tears. Bully screamed and wiggled her hips wildly with every shot.


The entire first minute was spent whipping that ass red. At the one minute mark on the countdown LARPer finally stopped. She walked over to the front of the stocks to look her victim in the face. Just as she expected, Bully was openly sobbing now, tears running down her face like sink faucets. Her tormentor snapped a close-up picture of her face covered in tears, making sure that image would last forever. LARPer then placed a finger under one of Bully's eyes to soak it in her tears. She put the finger in her mouth to seductively suck on it right in front of Bully's face.

"Mmmm, salty" LARPer taunted. "Remember oh-so-long ago when you told me you were going to shove my sword deep inside a very rude place? I really wanted to make sure that you remembered saying that to me while you were here crying. Your crybaby tears are so yummy. You were over here acting like a big girl, but you are really just a little baby. It's just too bad that I don't have a diaper for the baby, especially considering that water pill you took a minute ago."

Bully, through her tears, asked "Water pill?"

LARPer answered "Yep, you're surely feeling that by now. Feel that sudden urgency in your bladder? In a minute or two you will not have the strength to fight it any longer. Meanwhile, let's get you into an even more humiliating position."

LARPer turned a crank on the side of the stocks, causing them to lower and turn slightly on a circular arc. With Bully's legs unable to bend or move, her only response was to bend over more and more as the wood around her neck pulled her downward. She was bending farther and farther with no mercy, giving the camera behind her an extreme view deep inside of her parting-open lips now. By the time the crank stopped, Bully's face was between her ankles. Bully could actually see her own displayed pussy by looking up at it, humiliated by how exposed it was in this direction (and knowing that the back view was 1000x worse).

Bully was also feeling the intense build-up in her bladder from the water pill and was horrified by what was coming. She was going to pee in front of the entire world, there was nothing that could stop it now! Bully tried everything to hold it back, but nothing was having any effect any more. With her face like this she was deathly afraid of actually hitting herself in the face with her urine stream, which was clearly LARPer's intention! The camera and spotlight placed between her legs was also going to see everything like this. Bully's last ditch effort to retain one tiny bit of dignity was to try and angle her pussy away from her face and the camera, but this was stopped by LARPer, now wearing a surgical glove on her right hand, grabbing her hips and lips with her hands. To Bully's extreme shock, LARPer used her gloved hand to part Bully's Pussy lips in the top half. LARPer grabbed Bully's tiny urethra with her index and middle fingers, angling it right at Bully's face. Bully looked on with horror in her eyes as she felt her bladder start to release. Suddenly a bright yellow stream of pee sprayed out while the camera watched and saw everything! LARPer controlled the spray like a fire-hose, hitting Bully in the face and mouth as the humiliated girl shook around and screamed in horror and shame. Thanks to the pill, the pee stream lasted an entire 10 seconds before stopping. LARPer even made sure that the stream hit the camera on the ground directly just for the epicness of that shot. LARPer sure hoped that the people watching the show appreciated that.

When the pee stream finally died out, LARPer took off her dirty pee-soaked glove and set it down on Bully's stretched-out butt crack like it was a table. Bully was absolutely humiliated, knowing that there was no way she could ever run through the school like a bad girl anymore after being dominated like this. Her whole face was soaked with her own warm pee, stinging her eyes and nose while her mouth was tainted by the terrible taste of it. Bully wondered how much time she had left. She would not have been happy to know that her torture was only halfway done.

Back in woodshop, the topless Virgin was experiencing her own torture hanging from the ceiling while the remote vibrator inside of her continued to buzz. The experience over several minutes had brought her right up to the edge of an orgasm, but no matter how desperately she tried she just couldn't go over that edge. Every ten seconds a new name was read out as that was the newest person making her toy vibrate, and Virgin recognized so many of these names. They were her neighbors, her classmates, friends of her parents, and a large number of boys she liked. The personal nature of her audience both destroyed her inside and turned her on at the same time. She was humiliated and without much dignity left, openly trying to cum even though the whole world was watching her. Her only solace was that the chastity belt was barely keeping her pussy covered and out of sight, but this also made it impossible for her to ever get the toy out even if she somehow got free.

This was the scene that Redneck walked in to see. Redneck loudly asked "What the holy hell is going on here?"

Virgin screamed as loudly into her panty gag as she possibly could "PLEASE HELP ME!!! UNTIE ME FROM THE BENCH, I'LL DO ANYTHING! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAVE ME!!"

Redneck was not in a big hurry to save an opponent, but she didn't really have any beef with Virgin and this setup was torturous even compared to what she did to TikToker earlier. Redneck noticed the chastity belt, though, and knew that she couldn't easily eliminate Virgin without that combination. Cautiously, Redneck asked "Why should I let you down when you're my enemy?"

Virgin squealed "I'll help you win! I don't care anymore! I'll help you take down those FUCKING SATANIC DICK SUCKING BITCHES Bully and LARPer! They did this to me!! Please, PLEASE LET ME DOWN I'M BEGGING YOU!!"

Redneck was shocked at hearing such coarse language from such a goodie two shoes, which drove home the point of her hatred. Seeing Virgin and hearing the desperation in her voice, and the rage when she mentioned Bully and LARPer, convinced Redneck that she might be able to trust her after all. Redneck went over to where the flag rope was tied to the wooden bench and untied it, letting Virgin drop down. Virgin's knees were jelly at this point, however, so Virgin collapsed onto the ground in a heap very pitifully. After removing her panty gag, she crawled on all fours to where Bully's phone was right as it read out the name "Lori Dewellyn". Virgin fiddled with the phone as her pussy was hit with yet another huge jolt of the strong stuff, but Virgin couldn't shut off the vibrator from the phone without a password. Bully had set it up that way, and Virgin had no clue what the password was. The rules were very clear about how bad the punishment would be for breaking another player's phone as well, so Virgin wasn't willing to risk that yet.

Redneck tried to help Virgin to her feet, but the vibrations were too much and she basically fell over. Virgin desperately clawed at her own groin, trying to rip her chastity belt off with her bare hands even with all of the cameras watching her. Virgin no longer cared about modesty, she would let the entire world see her pussy in high definition just to make this stop. The whole world was already enjoying the sight of her tits after all, and Virgin even gave up any effort to cover them up at this point. When she couldn't rip the belt off, she begged Redneck "Please help me! I can't take it any more!"

Redneck suddenly smacked Virgin's barely-covered pussy hard, making a loud slap sound. Virgin screamed from the shock and sudden pain of the impact. The only silver lining was that it knocked Virgin way back away from the edge she had been trapped on. Redneck then told her "Get up! The faster we eliminate Bully, the faster her phone will be disabled. That's the quickest way to shut it off. Time to woman up and move it!"

Virgin's eyes lit up. She knew Redneck was right, that eliminating Bully was clearly the best way to get the vibrator to stop. Not to mention that LARPer had the leather shears. Virgin gathered all of her strength, grinding her teeth together in anger, and stood up to her feet at last. Virgin then stumbled towards the window sill where Bully had ditched her sticky foam grenade earlier, picking that up for use in the fight. She also picked up the paddle used so well by Holy Roller earlier.

Virgin then grabbed the 9 inch vibrating dildo, looked at Redneck with eyes of pure hatred and told her "This is for Bully after everything she did to me and my friend. Before we eliminate her, I am going to FUCK HER in front of EVERYBODY!!"

Hell hath no fury like an innocent girl scorned and tortured. As the final five roll into their final battles, Redneck and Virgin crash LARPer's torture of Bully next!
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The Thirst Games -- (Part 31)

Post by Executionus »

*Part 31

Gangster walked through the hallways heading towards Gamer in the gym. Gamer, meanwhile, was heading into the girl's locker room as part of her plan. She knew that Gangster was scary as hell, in some ways even scarier than Fighter or Bully. Gamer was 100% certain that Gangster would put an opponent into a grave for a million dollars and wouldn't even be burdened with a single nightmare. Gamer knew that if her plan messed up in any way that she was in huge, huge trouble. Three of her four remaining opponents are Bully, Redneck, and Gangster, who were three of the baddest bitches in the entire 30 girl match. It was pretty safe to assume that there would be no more easy fights like Hacker and Goth were, and that Gamer was going to need every single tool at her disposal to win this thing.

Elsewhere, Virgin and Redneck were sprinting down the hallway towards the door facing the bridge. Virgin, naked except for the chastity belt holding the remote vibrator inside of her, was determined to reach Bully as fast as possible in order to stop the torment of being held on the edge of orgasm endlessly without relief. Virgin was shamefully smacking herself as hard as she could right on her clit every 5 seconds or so with the paddle, just trying to fight her own intense arousal long enough to keep some level of game face on. Her walking was so wobbly that she looked drunk from the outside. She hoped and prayed that Redneck would be strong enough to take out LARPer and avenge her, but Virgin didn't actually trust Redneck one single ounce after what she witnessed from the TikToker video earlier. Redneck was highly amused by the display of Virgin's stumbling and clit-slapping, and she was hoping to use Virgin as a completely expendable minion in this upcoming fight. Neither girl considered the other an "ally" per se, but they saw each other as useful against their common enemies.

Meanwhile, Bully remained in her stocks, a complete mess with most of her dignity gone at this point. She still had two minutes left of her five minutes of hell. Bully could barely imagine what more could be thrown her way at this point, but then she saw LARPer pick up a can of itching powder! Bully, still trapped bending over and looking backwards between her own legs, also saw two people coming that LARPer didn't see yet. Bully chose to stay quiet about this, hoping they were coming after LARPer.

***Bully vs LARPer vs Redneck vs Virgin***

Virgin set her items on the ground (because no pockets), closed her eyes, looked away, and covered her ears. Redneck then tossed her stun grenade at Bully and LARPer from behind LARPer's back and then covered up as well.


The intense flash and sound of the flashbang stun grenade disoriented and blinded both Bully and LARPer. It was so loud that Virgin screamed and froze when it went off even with her ears plugged. Redneck, however, was used to loud noises from guns, explosions, and bigass trucks. She ran full-sprint after LARPer who had collapsed onto the ground from the shock and the dizziness caused by the grenade. Redneck quickly disarmed LARPer, tossing both the foam sword and the shield towards the creek. She then started yanking off LARPer's shoulder pads and chain mail shirt. LARPer's undershirt was stripped off as well. The formerly-armored warrior started to get her bearings eventually though and was able to save her bra from being unclasped. This resistance resulted in Redneck pulling her winch-rope snare out of her pocket and tightening the snare around LARPer's ankles. With a knight on a rope, Redneck started dragging the dizzy girl by her feet a little bit in a show of dominance.

Watching her momentary ally's success, the pitiful Virgin picked up her paddle and dildo leaving the sticky foam grenade for now, and then stumbled her way towards Bully in the stocks. The mixture of having her head upside down and getting hit point-blank with the stun grenade caused Bully to lose her lunch all over. Mixed with the pee, her general vicinity was utterly gross and degrading and she hated it. Virgin finally reached Bully, but noticed the can of itching powder on the ground where LARPer had been. Just as another intense jolt of high dollar vibrations hit her deep inside her tormented vagina, Virgin grabbed the small spice-shaker-sized can and started shaking itching powder all over Bully's exposed vagina and butthole. Virgin made absolutely certain that some of the powder got deep inside of both cavities.

The forcefulness of the vibrations inside of her chastity belt caused Virgin's arousal to reach a peak again, which caused Virgin to fall over and barely catch herself with her hands on the wooden stocks. While she held on to the stocks like a drunk holds onto a bar stool, Bully next to her started shaking and thrashing wildly. Bully screamed "Oh God! That itches so bad! Oh God oh God, make it stop right now!!"

Virgin then took her paddle, whacked herself in the clit to hurt herself out of arousal, and then frantically spanked Bully over and over again with it. While Virgin's spanks were far softer than LARPers, Bully's beet-red butt was already so sore that it still caused Bully to scream in pain each shot. To make it even worse, Bully was twitching and thrashing like a caged animal because of the torture of the itchiness down there that she couldn't scratch.

Meanwhile, Redneck was dragging LARPer by her feet to make her dizzy and disoriented. LARPer shocked her, however, when she reached forward while being dragged and managed to unhook both of her feet, freeing herself. Redneck watched as LARPer stood up to fight. LARPer was missing her weapons and armor, but she was still willing to throw down.

What LARPer didn't know, however, is that several of the toughest entrants in this match have had their one signature offensive move. Bully loved slams, Fighter loved leg kicks and submissions, Gangster loved slaps, Goth loved chokes, JROTC loved suplexes, and Troublemaker loved her boxing jab. But Redneck? Her signature move is the overhand right haymaker to the jaw! One of those huge punches crashes into LARPer's chin like a car wreck, sending the roleplay geek reeling and sending the message right quick that LARPer does not want to trade hands with this lady. The frantic LARPer turns and runs toward where her shield was thrown earlier.

Nearby, Virgin smiled a very evil smile, one devoid of the goodness she had always radiated before, while holding the 9-inch dildo in her hand and standing directly behind Bully looking her in the eyes between her legs. She then asked the question "So tell me...have you ever been penetrated before? That's what you asked Janie, Holy Roller, isn't it?"

Bully frantically fought against all of her restraints, from her ankle cuffs to her flex cuffs on her hands and all the way to the wooden board holding her neck in place. Nothing was budging, although her left wrist was starting to slip out of the flex cuffs slightly. It wasn't enough, though. Her itching was killing her, her butt was killing her, but her fear of what was about to happen managed to actually be worse than both.

Virgin continued "Now what was it you said next to her? Oh yes...Open wide and say 'aaaaah'!"

Virgin turned on the vibrating dildo and shoved it all the way inside of Bully's gaping pussy with one harsh monster thrust. Virgin literally put her shoulder into thrusting this as deeply inside the power-lifter as it would go, and to Virgin's surprise Bully's pussy took all 9 inches of the toy all the way to the handle. Bully screamed like an animal from being fucked no-lube like that, especially because the vibrations were mixing with the itching powder to make a very extreme sensation down there. It was almost pleasurable, but also hurt from the roughness of it all.

Virgin let go of the toy and left it stuck inside of Bully's pussy for all to see. Virgin then took her paddle, screamed like a maniac, and started spanking the handle of the dildo hard like she was trying to hammer in a nail. Bully shrieked with every hit, both from the pain and the shameful pleasure of her deep internal itchiness being scratched. Wasting no time after doing that a few times, Virgin took her phone and snapped a picture of Bully's filled privates. To the surprise of both girls, however, this did not actually count as an elimination picture because the dildo was blocking the view of Bully's pussy.

LARPer picked up her shield and used it to block Redneck's next punch. Thinking quickly, LARPer grabbed the leather shears from her sash and quickly snipped the tiny bridge in the front of Redneck's bra. Redneck's bra split apart in the front as her naked boobs busted out. The country girl shrieked and covered her chest with her hands, which turned out to be a huge mistake. LARPer used that opening to stick the shears into Redneck's jeans and cut the waistband of both the jeans and Redneck's panties! While both were still staying on at this point, it would be extremely easy to pull them down and render Redneck nude.

Redneck had no choice but to uncover her breasts, letting them dangle and flop around for all of the cameras, as she punched LARPer in the face again. LARPer fell onto the ground from the hit, and Redneck jumped on her. Grabbing the leather shears out of LARPer's hands, Redneck quickly used them to cut LARPer's bra off in retaliation for her doing it first. Now LARPer's breasts popped open into view.

LARPer pleaded in panic "No, no, stop! I'm not supposed to get stripped naked, only you people are!"

Redneck responded "Too bad! First comes the titty, then comes the kitty!"

Redneck started cutting LARPer's waistband as the master of medieval torture started flailing and begging "No please, stop! Stop taking off my clothes! I give up, ok? I'm not even an entrant! I'm not even IN this stupid contest! LET ME GO NOW!!!"

Redneck had no mercy in her as she stood up and pulled LARPer's pants and panties off of her legs, leaving the formerly-armored roleplay girl as naked as a level one baby. LARPer knew that she couldn't afford to sit around covering up, so she had no choice but to stand up, completely naked with her perky nipples bubbly butt, and fluffy bush on full display in order to defend herself from Redneck's continued attacks. LARPer quickly picked back up her foam sword, and she readied her shield to block more of those vicious haymakers.

Meanwhile, Bully was desperate and full of humiliated rage far beyond anything she ever felt possible. She was pulling so hard on her wrist cuffs now that her thumbs were bright red, and still she pulled harder. Suddenly she felt her left hand slipping free finally. With one last huge pull she jerked her left hand free of the flex cuffs! Instantly her freed hands went to unlatch the wooden stocks, freeing her head and letting her stand back upright. When Virgin tried to stop her from escaping she ate a backhand to the face that knocked her down. Five seconds later, Bully had unlatched both of her ankle cuffs.

Bully walked free of her former prison. She was naked, itchy all over her groin and butt, covered in her own urine, extremely sore, with a 9-inch dildo shoved all the way up her vagina, and more humiliated than she had ever felt in her entire life. Despite all of that she was free once more to earn her revenge on everyone nearby! Bully actually roared like a lion, gaining the attention of both LARPer and Redneck as well. Bully wiped off her face and scratched her lady parts furiously. This included pulling out the dildo that was inside of her and tossing it at Virgin, hitting that girl right in the face with it.

The beast is back!

Five entrants still remain, plus LARPer. Bully, Virgin, Redneck, LARPer...which, if any, of these four girls will escape without their intimate anatomy being photographed in high definition?
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 31)

Post by Revengedpirate »

I don’t get your question? All four apart from virgins vagina has been seen by the cameras. But hey ho... wrestling is definitely where this story is based... I would like to see more fighting and less wrestling but it’s kl makes a good story 😊
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Re: The Thirst Games -- (Part 31)

Post by Fantastic 4 »

Damn after seeing how vicious virgin can be I REALLY want her to win. She turned really savage
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