T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 9

Post by FunKelly »

As soon as I returned to the bar, Becky said, "Kelly. You're doing great. Please take these drinks to the two women at that back table. That's table # 12", as she pointed. I picked up the two drinks and made my way to the back table, passing by a dozen or so people, some who were taking photos of me. I stiffened my spine and continued toward the two women, pretending the clicking of their phones was not a bother. Truth be told, I was mortified to my core.

I approached the table where the two women were seated. They must have been in their mid-sixty's. I thought, "This looks like a safe enough delivery. As I said, "Good evening ladies", and placed the drinks on the table. I was ill prepared for what I was about to hear. The silver hair woman on the left said, "You guys are really stepping it up around here". I responded, "Ma'am ?", inquiring what she meant. "Well. First topless waitresses, now full nudes", she replied.

Turning her focus to my hairless mound, she continued. "I think I'm going to be thirsty tonight sweetie. I can practically taste the salty-sweet flavor of your succulent juices from here". "Alice! You're an idiot!", came a scolding from her friend, as I stood there absolutely horrified. "Oh Blanch. I'm just teasing the sweet little thing. Besides, you know damn well, either one of us would have gladly have gone down on that (as she pointed to my pussy) ,in our younger days. In fact, I would have been happy to make my way through her forest, if she had one, to get to that treasure".

I couldn't believe my ears as I stood there, feeling more degraded and vulnerable, than I ever thought possible. Just then, the woman named Blanch, who was with her, looked up at me with empathy, and said, "I'm sorry dear. She really doesn't mean any harm". I couldn't muster a response, so I turned away and returned to the bar with what tiny shred of dignity I had left.

I was upset with Becky for not giving me a heads up about the old bitch. When I reached the bar, before I could say anything, she asked, "Kelly. If I had told you about Alice, would you have believed me?" I turned and looked at the old woman, and back to Becky, then replied, "No". "Now we all know how vulgar and specific she can be", she said about Alice. (Vulgar and specific. I couldn't have put it any better)

"Alice", Becky continued, "Has to be experienced first hand. Take a look at her drink", she instructed me. I turned to see the drink was already empty. I turned back and said, "That old woman already killed that drink?" Becky shook he head and replied, "No. She barely drinks at all. They take that table every Friday night so she can dump her drinks in that plant behind her. That way she can keep Andre, and whoever is serving topless, or in your case naked, coming back all night".

I will say this about the old coot. She spends big bucks here, and will tip both you and Andre a $100.00 each. Sometimes more, but she likes it when you don't take her shit. Meanwhile, Please take these drinks to that couple over there", as she pointed. I had been so consumed with Alice, I walked to the couple at the table, barely aware I was still stark naked. I was soon to be reminded.

I placed the drinks on the couples' table when the man asked me my name. I told him it was Kelly, and told them I hope they enjoy their drinks. That's when the woman asked me, as I was turning away, "Excuse me, Kelly". I turned back and answered, "Yes". She looked me over, then said, "I know the women servers who go topless here are temporary, or one time fill ins, but is there a specific week of the month or an occasion when they strip down completely naked, like yourself ?", with a demeaning grin on her face.

After my ordeal with Alice, I really didn't need my very next table to have someone else who was purposely trying to humiliate me. So I became determined to act empowered instead. I smiled at the woman and replied, "It's up to the individual server as to whether the go topless or naked. I prefer to go completely naked". (to use her words) I turned away and added a little extra shake in my ass, as I walked back to the bar.

Becky slid a drink across the bar to me and said, "Sorry Kelly, but this is for Alice". With my new found courage, I confidently walked to her table. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Kim was taking photos of me. I became thrilled as I had made the decision to post some on the nude in public sites I often visit. I arrived at Alice's table, place her drink in front of her and made no attempt to cover up anything. She wanted to talk about my pussy, well here it was.

Alice looked up at me and asked, "What is you name?" "Kelly", I replied. "Well Kelly", she continued. "How often do you take a razor to your vagina?" "Damn it Alice!", Blanch barked. I looked down at Alice, put my hands on my hips, and kept my legs just far enough apart to allow her to see the gap between my inner thighs. I then responded, "About 2 to 3 times a day ma'am, but I think I'm going to stop. You know, with the need to 'save the forests' and all". Blanch snickered in her drink and mumbled, "Good girl", as I turned and returned to the bar.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 10

Post by FunKelly »

When I got back to the bar, there were several orders prepared, that needed to be delivered. My sense of business kicked in, and I was more concerned about getting the drinks to the customers, than I was about my personal sense of vulnerability, not to mention the self-consciousness, that inevitably ensues when one is, the "Only One Naked" among a group of dressed people.

I served the drinks to the tables that Becky had instructed me to. I had 5 drink orders to deliver. They would have me walking all over the pub, finding my way through the maze of dressed customers. There was plenty of small talk, along with some cute naked jokes, not meant to hurt or humiliate me. You know the kind. "I guess Brian's has really cut back on the servers' uniforms budget", one woman said, as she laughed.

"Do you wear a sweater during the cooler weather?", a middle aged man asked, eyeing my crotch, while referring to my bald pussy. I smiled and replied, "Very cute". He then quietly asked whether or not, I grew back my pubic hair during the colder times of the year, with what appeared to be a sincere curiosity. Standing naked among all the dressed customers, I leaned over, smiled at him again, then answered him privately, "I wear or grow, whatever seems right for the occasion".

The middle aged man grinned, as I allowed him to take in one last view of my now swollen mound, before I returned to the bar, posing for selfies with the customers on my way. I figured Kim was right. In all the "Only One Naked" or "Nude In Public" sites I regularly visited, I never saw a girl I recognized. The thought of others masturbating to my photos was nothing less than invigorating.

I served drinks and made small talk with the customers for another 15 minutes, always keeping Andre in my sight. Not just because he was so hot, wearing only his bright white, skin tight speedo and sneakers, but because I knew I would have to deliver each order he took. It was just past 11:00 when we finally got a few minutes where Andre wasn't taking orders, and I wasn't delivering drinks to the customers, wearing nothing but my bare skin and sneakers.

Thinking I had a small break, Becky looked at me, and said, "Sorry Kelly, but this drink is for Blanch. It's a wonder she doesn't drink more than she does, after keeping Alice out of trouble for the past 35 years". I looked at her and asked, "Alice and Blanch have been together for 35 years ?" Becky replied, "Yup. And they refuse to marry since same sex marriage wasn't allowed back then. "Kelly", she continued, "They both have told me privately", "We don't need a piece of paper to know how we feel". I was completely emotionally moved when I heard this.

I immediately picked up the drink and took it over to Blanch. Alice, could say what she wanted to me, or about me. I didn't care. My focus was on the salt and peppered haired woman, who had kept this silver haired crazy bitch, out of trouble for so long. Now that is what I call, "TRUE LOVE". Arriving at the table, I placed the drink in front of Blanch, expecting Alice to say something, "Vulgar and Specific". I was not disappointed"

"Kelly. Do you '"Squirt" or "Ooze" when you cum ?", she asked. Blanch just looked up at me, and said, "I am so sorry Kelly, but thanks for the drink". I took a deep breath and replied, "Alice. It depends on the situation. I am known to "Ooze" when I masturbate several times during the day, but I "Squirt" when I refrain from masturbating for a while, then work my pussy to a fever pitch. How about you ?"

The old woman just looked up at me, then to Blanch, and said, "Blanch. I like this girl. We should have her serve drinks at our party tomorrow night". Not understanding what the old women were talking about, I simply smiled and made my way back to the bar. When I arrived, Becky said, "Take a break, girl. You've earned it".
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 11

Post by FunKelly »

Becky had set a fresh glass of wine on the bar for me. I picked up the glass, then turned around and leaned back against the bar. I was giving the entire pub a full frontal view of my naked form, while giving myself an additional thrill. Standing there totally naked was so surreal, especially because few people even seemed to notice. If I was ever going to explore my deepest fantasy and make the giant leap of turning it into reality, this was the place to do it.

Between Alice's degrading comments, the dozens of people who had seen every square inch of my naked body, not to mention the facial expressions that came with their stares, along with my short discussion with a complete stranger about growing some pubic hair, while he stared at my clean shaven pussy from only a couple feet away, I had felt almost every emotion humanly possible. And I was "LOVING IT !"

I made my way to the juke box where, Ashley and Kayla (Still stripped down to their bra and panties), Kim (Now without her leather halter top on) and Andre (Still casually wearing nothing but his size to small men's briefs) were gathered. They all started waving and taking more photos of me, as I happily pranced over to them. This new found intense euphoria I was experiencing, was now over flowing.

In just a few hours time, I had become just like the women, posted on my favorite internet websites, who I had earlier harbored some hidden feelings of jealousy. Kim pulled the photos of me up on my phone, while I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful size "D" tits. They put my little, barely size "B's" to shame. But I still had my "Half Inch Nipples!", and they continued to proudly standing at attention.

As we all viewed the photos, I became totally focused on the facial expressions of those around me. I could barely contain myself, as I viewed the proof, that I had stripped down completely naked in a pub full of dressed people, who were from all walks of life. There was only one word to describe the emotion I was feeling, as I stood there, bare-assed in the pub, and examining the evidence. "INTOXICATING !"

I asked Kim if she was going to remove her shorts, and spend the rest of the evening in her thong. She casually replied, "No. That leather halter top can make my boobs sweaty, so I took it off. But this is all I'll be displaying tonight", as we all looked at here bare, size "D" tits.

Andre looked up from the photos, and said, "More customer's Kelly. I guess it's back to work for us". I was relieved that Andre was always the first to greet the customers, since he was taking their drink orders. I felt less anxious having them meet him, before I showed up at their tables with my smooth pussy lips right at eye level.

The turn over of customers was relatively light. Most seem to have chosen this place to spend their entire evening, while having the occasional influx of new customers would heighten my awareness of my nudity. Trust me when I tell you. Every new pair of eyes, along with inevitable countenance that follows, is incredibly stimulating. Even looks of ridicule or contempt stir up intense emotions. When confronted with those type of people, no matter how few, I have learned to think to myself. "I am permitted to be naked! So I decided to be naked!"
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 12

Post by FunKelly »

I stood at the bar talking with Becky and the guys from the auto shop, while waiting for the drink orders to come in. I remained at my post, anxious to deliver them, with my new found sense of adventure and eroticism. Without a doubt, one of my favorite activities became squeezing between the close seating, in hopes I might feel the fabric of some random customer's clothing, rub against my bare skin. This inevitably would make me moist and perk up my nipples.

I heard the ding on Becky's I-phone, indicating an order had come in. It was difficult not to appear too eager to get back in close contact with the customers. I wanted so badly for my physical attributes to be available for their closer inspection. I was rapidly becoming addicted to being the only one naked. It was more than I could have ever hoped for. Or so I thought.

The drinks were on the bar, and I was off to continue living out my fantasy. For almost a solid hour, I served drinks, engaged in small moments of chatter, posed for photos, including some with the auto shop boys. In one photo, they all held me up in the air. Laying across those ten arms, and feeling their rough hands on my bare skin, while being suspended about five feet above the floor, while every eye in the pub was on me, may have been the highlight of my evening.

I even had fun bringing Alice her drinks. She talked about everything from being able to hang her keys on my erect nipples, to asking me how often I achieved multiple orgasms. She even asked me to bend over with my back to her, so she could see both my nice ass and clean shaven pussy lips all at once, while Blanch just sat there, shaking her head. That request I had to decline. It had become a game of wills between us, and I believe we were both enjoying it.

The woman who earlier, had that sinister grin on her face, while asking me why I was, "Completely Naked", not just "Topless", made several attempts to humiliate me. With one comment, she succeeded, but I was careful not to let on. She actually said, in ear shot of some other customers, "You know Kelly, with those little baby breasts and your immaculately shaved beaver, I would have thought you were only 12 years old. If it wasn't for your nicely formed ass, and those incredibly long nipples, I'd still think so".

Her husband was visibly embarrassed by her statement. I, on the other hand, stood there fighting back what I felt was going to be the unwanted expression of utter humiliation. Humiliation that certainly follows when someone publically points out flaws in your physique, while you're standing there naked, for all to see.

Several men and women around us piped in saying things like, "Girl you have a great body!", and, "Kelly, that's an adorable figure. Don't you change a thing!", as they took even more photos of me. I did my best to smile for the cameras, but couldn't help but feel that my little baby boobs, and what must have looked like a pre-adolescent teen's pussy, were under additional scrutiny. Another round of drinks were on the bar, providing me the excuse to vacate the area, even if just for a moment.

It was near midnight and I had now been naked for almost two hours. For the last hour, I had only stopped serving drinks for a minute. Just time enough to take a quick pee break. It's amazing how quickly a woman can pee when she's not wearing any clothes. The pub was open until 2:00 am, and I was hoping to serve the customers while naked, right up to the closing bell.

By this time of the night, most in the pub were up and about, socializing throughout the place. Believe it or not, that included Alice and Blanch. This made it fun for me, because I got the cheap thrill of brushing against all the different kinds of fabrics, as I followed people around to deliver their drinks.

Just about 12:15 am, I noticed two nice looking men with beards, enter the pub. They seemed pleased when Andre showed them to the only vacant table in the place. A table for two, right in the center of it all. I noticed one of the men checking out Andre's nice tight ass. He took their order, so I made my way to the bar to collect them for delivery. After all, it was two more sets of eyes to see my naked flesh. Not to mention two more facial expressions to experience, with the opportunity to try and decipher them.

I noticed the two men looking at me and talking to each other privately. One of them pointed in my direction. I took my time delivering their drinks, stopping for just a second or two to chat, allowing them time to get used to the idea, that a fully naked woman would be the one serving their drinks. I smiled, placed the drinks on the table, then heard those fateful words. Words I least expected to hear, nor did I want to hear, while standing naked in a public place. "Kelly! Is that you ?"
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 13

Post by FunKelly »

Frozen in time and place, while feeling each and every goose bump that was pushing out from under my normally smooth skin, I gasped for air. I became petrified to look down, and see the man behind the voice that had recognized me. Every fiber in my being told me to cover up my public shame, yet I desperately fought the urge, and forced myself to put my hands behind my back.

Afraid to bring more attention to my nudity by covering up, I stood there and tried to smile. My right hand fingernails were almost cutting through the skin of the palm of my left hand, as I finally mustered the courage to look at the face of the man who could identify me. It was Scott! I dated Scott a couple times, while we were juniors in college, but we ended up becoming friends, without benefits.


Let me give you some back ground from my college days, so you can understand how grave my situation had become. I enrolled in a college two hours from my parent's house, so I could drive home for the weekends. I worked hard to get my business degree, but after the weeks classes, I would go home and spend the weekends making T-shirts and delivering them to my customers.

I would place my stock orders (blank, colored T-shirts) from my phone, then have them delivered to my parents house. Turning their garage into my little printing shop, I would work tirelessly all weekend, then put the money away in a savings account. I would then deliver the T-shirts to little league teams, girl's softball teams, fire departments, etc.

I would then return to school by Monday morning. All through my college years, I worked at achieving the goals I had set for myself, while having what some would say was a boring lifestyle. I had my life plan and for the most part, kept to it. Many in my classes looked at me, as if I was a snob. I declined invitations to parties and events, in order to keep to my schedule. Straight laced and focused. Now Back to the Present Time and Place.


To this day, I'm not sure if actual words came out of my mouth at that moment. The moment when I looked down at Scott, and tried to acknowledged that I remembered him. He then quickly introduced me to his friend, Patrick. Patrick said hello, but was obviously more interested in Andre, than he was in me, or my bare pussy that was just feet from his gaze.

This was fine with me, since I wanted to crawl into a hole and die anyway. Someone who actually knew me, was seeing me completely naked in a public bar, and I knew I had no words to explain it away. Scott said abruptly, "Kelly! I wasn't sure if it was you! You've cut your hair!" (my hair was shoulder length in college) "All of it!", he continued, as he stared at my bald pussy lips.

Scott was one to ask questions, then answer them himself, and go on and on, leaving little opportunity for anyone else to get a word in edgewise. Things hadn't changed, as he said, "So what about you plan? Obviously you're not building your T-shirt business. You were going to be retired by forty. Remember? Well I can see that didn't pan out". He went on and on, unwittingly peeling off layer after layer after layer of my self-respect, self esteem and my dignity, as I just stood there, hoping to come up with some reasonable explanation as to why I was totally naked in a public bar, in San Francisco.

Scott finally shut up. He then looked over my naked body, as I stood there, cemented in my exposed, and utter public humiliation, then asked, "So Kelly. Tell me. Why are 'You' naked?" All of the time I stood there, listening to him dissect my life goals, (many of which I had already achieved), I came up with nothing. "NOTHING!".

I mean really! What could I say? "Scott. I have some underlying, depraved fantasy to be naked in front of a group of clothed people? I get sexual arousal from being naked in public, and even more so when I experience the total humiliation, that can come from being so exposed ? I had nothing to say!

I mean really. Do I tell him, I'm only 26 years old and my house will be paid off by the time I'm thirty ? Do I tell him, I will be retired about the age of forty, if I choose. Seeing me standing there in a San Francisco pub, totally naked, except for my sneakers and ankle socks, He wouldn't believe it. SHIT! I wouldn't believe it !
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 14

Post by FunKelly »

Trying desperately to verbally form and speak out a syllable, any syllable!, I was thankful that my catatonic state was being briefly interrupted. Patrick looked up at me, and asked, "What is that guy's name?", as he turned his eyes toward Andre. I answered, "That's Andre", then mentally returned to the task of finding a solution to my naked predicament.

I must confess, I was temporarily distracted by this feeling of being slighted. Patrick had been, and was still, looking passed my bald pussy, positioned only feet from his view, in order to observe Andre. Andre, of course was still dressed in only his skin tight, white briefs and sneakers. I had recognized immediately that Patrick was gay, or bi-sexual, when he and Scott entered the pub. I couldn't help but noticed how he was checking out Andre's ass, when they arrived.

"BUT COME ON MAN!" At least acknowledge the fact that my most personal and intimate body part (not to mention, the rest of me) is on display right before your very eyes!", I thought to myself. The sense that this small intermission of my naked humiliation was coming to and end, I again attempted to derive a reasonable explanation to explain away my public nudity.

Fortunately for me, Scott's attention had been diverted, when he noticed Ashley and Kayla wearing only their bra and panties, and Kim of course was working the room with her size "D" tits on display, for all to see. I felt a sense of relief, if only for a moment. With all of these distraction, you'd think I would be able to come up with some rational explanation for my public nudity. I could not.

Scott returned his attention back to me, again staring at my clean shaven pussy, and said, "Kelly. You never did tell me why you are naked". Totally out of options, I was about to have a complete emotional breakdown. Then Scott, became Scott again, unable to keep a train of thought for more that a few seconds. He looked up to me, and said, "You never used to shave your snatch. Why the big change in personal grooming ?" I mean really. What do you say to that?

Explaining why I shaved my pussy, (as so many other women do) would be much easier, or so I thought, than explaining why I was naked in a public bar, in San Francisco. Still. I had no answers. By this time, everyone in the pub was witnessing my naked quandary. Scott again presumed he knew the answers, as he always does, and said, "Don't tell me. You wait tables in the nude and shave your pussy, so you can get bigger tips. Still trying to retire by forty, huh ? Am I right?"

To validate Scott's version of my present circumstance, would be admitting to a false narrative of my life. I just couldn't do it, even if it meant putting and end to my emotional torment. I was just about to admit the perverted truth to him, when Alice walked up and stood beside me. I was terrified she was about to say something that would completely eradicate my remaining shreds of dignity.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 15

Post by FunKelly »

Alice completely surprised me, as she said in a much softer tone, than I was used to. "Well Kelly. I hope you've learned your lesson about betting. Blanch and I are going home now. Please consider attending our party tomorrow evening. Becky has all the details. Now remember our agreement! Not a stitch of clothing until 2:00 am! I'll know if you get dressed before then". She then gave me a motherly hug, and headed for the door.

Blanch stepped up and also gave me a hug, as she whispered in my ear, "Thanks for such a great time Kelly. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone keep Alice at bay. I know she enjoyed it too. I hope to see you tomorrow night", as she smiled, then followed Alice out the front door of the pub.

Trying to come to grips with what had just occurred, I watched as Scott sat cockily back in his chair, and said, "So. You lost a bet, huh? I can't wait until Stacy and Sue get here". Even Patrick pulled his attention from Andre, long enough to show his amusement. OMG! Stacy Brewer and Sue Croft were my biggest critics in college. Could Scott be referring to them? I was to find out the answer was a demoralizing "Yes".

Alice meant well, but her clever escape plan for my naked dilemma, had now become an almost two hour naked sentence. A sentence that was to be carried out in front of the two people in my life, who had outright disdain for me, even if it was unfounded. I excused myself and went to see Becky at the bar.

Kim, Ashley and Kayla had been happily keeping up with the drink deliveries. They were enjoying their buzzes, the exposure, but most of all, they were enjoying watching me attempt to explain away my public nudity to Scott, right in the center of the pub. Becky slid a fireball shot across the bar and said, "You look like you could use this". I gratefully downed the shot in a second.

The front door opened and Stacy and Sue entered the pub. I turned away, concealing my face, while catching a glimpse of my clothes on the counter behind Becky. The girls met up with Scott and Patrick, then found two vacant chairs to pull up to the their table. Andre went to greet them and take their drinks orders, much to the delight of Patrick.

I could tell Scott was letting the girls know how he had found me at the pub, serving drinks in the nude. Becky caught me eying my clothes, slid another shot to me, and said, "Don't let them get the best of you Kelly. If you can handle Alice, you can certainly handle those two lightweights. I downed the second shot, picked up the girls' drinks, mustered all the courage still available to me, and walked over to their table.

Hoping to avoid making eye contact, I placed the drinks on the table. All four at the table were snickering, or outright laughing, while taking photos of me with their phones. The awkward silence was only broken when Stacy said, "Hey Kelly. Long time no see. I certainly didn't expect to see "This" much of you, especially in a public bar, if ever our paths had crossed after college. How's your business doing?", all the while still laughing and taking photos of me.

Just when I felt I could take no additional debasement, Kim, Ashley and Kayla came to my rescue. Kim put her arm around me, and asked, "How's the biggest loser of our card game doing?" Not understanding what she meant, I remembered what Alice had said about learning a lesson from my betting. I kept quiet, hoping Kim would continue, leading me to an understanding of her strategy. I didn't have to wait long, since Sue came right out and asked, "What card game?"

"Well", Kim continued, "Our crazy old millionaire friend Alice, put up $10,000.00 for the four of us to play a game of strip poker at her house. The first one naked has to serve drinks from 10:00 pm to 2:00 am here, while fully naked. That would be our friend Kelly here. (As she tapped me on the head) The next two to loose all their clothes would have to assist our naked little waitress, wearing only their bra and panties". Ashley and Kayla stepped forward with great big smiles, as they stood there modeling their lingerie.

Uninterrupted, Kim went on with her fabricated story. "The winner, won both the money and the opportunity to watch her exposed friends serve drinks for four hours". "Who won?" Patrick asked, the bare breasted Kim. "I did! Of course!" Scott asked, "Then why are you topless?" Kim's response was priceless. "Because I have nice tits and I like to show them off, silly!" Stacy and Sue started to chuckle, when Kim leaned on the table, allowing her size "D's" to dangle in front of the group. She looked down at the two women, and said, "Let's see your tits, ladies!"

Both women looked horrified, as they put their hands over their already covered breasts. "Can I get anyone anything else?", Kim asked, putting her hands on her hips, purposely leaving her tits exposed for further inspection. Stacy and Sue had been completely stifled, and for the first time in his life, Scott was speechless. Kim then turned her attention to Patrick.

"What's your name handsome?", she asked him. Patrick softly replied, "Patrick". "Well Patrick. I know what you want, but unfortunately, Andre is working right now", as she turned her focus to Andre and his sleek tan skin, still taking drink orders. She turned her attention back to Patrick, and said, "But I'll put a good word in for you", as she winked at him and walked away.

Ashley and Kayla went back to mingling with the crowd, but stayed close by, just to add a bit of additional intimidation, in case Stacy and Sue decided to persist in degrading me in my public surroundings. I smiled at the group and returned to serving drinks to the customers, thinking how brilliant Kim's deliverance of me from my naked predicament was.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 16

Post by FunKelly »

Having Scott and the girls watching my every move, (not Patrick so much, since I didn't know him before) was.....well how can I put this....."Cramping My Style!". Even if, serving drinks to total strangers, while completely naked, had only become part of "My Style", about two hours ago. New customers were filtering into the pub, and the constant stares of the four, was taking the fun out of being the only one naked, for me.

Finally! About 12:30 pm, the group of antagonists, were preparing to leave. Stacy said, she meant no harm earlier and would like to get a photo of me, with her and Sue. I naively agreed. I stood between the girls, while Scott took the picture. Stacy took the phone from Scott and examined the photo. "This will be perfect for our "Alumni Five Year Reunion" invitations! See you around Kelly!", as she sneered at me, while they all walked out of the pub.

OMG! She was going to make sure those who graduated college with me, were going to see me naked in a bar in San Francisco! I would be known as the graduating class slut! I was contemplating the possible ramifications of the event, when Andre grabbed my arm and said, Kelly! Snap out of it! We have a photo request". My last photo request may have just exposed me as, "The Tawdry Tramp of Southwest Oregon", I thought to myself. I was skeptical of the invitation.

He took my hand and led me to the juke box area. I was so consumed with Stacy's statement, I had almost forgotten I was naked. Noticing that the customers had formed a half circle around the area, I became unnerved. All their eyes seemed to be concentrated on my exposed physique. That was until Andre started speaking. "Thank you everyone for being here tonight. It's been quite a while since we've had a fully nude server, so I would like to extend my personal appreciation to Kelly".

In unison, everyone in the pub said, "Thank you Kelly!", as they began to applaud me. Watching so many clothed people clapping their hands, some blowing me kisses and everyone showing a genuine appreciation for me serving them while naked, was overwhelming. The exuberance of being the only one naked, was rapidly returning, as I smiled back at the crowd, acknowledging the appreciating audience.

Andre turned to me, and said, "Kelly. They want you to get on my shoulders, so they can get some photos". I looked at Andre, and replied, "Sure! Why not?" Deep down, the thought of my bare pussy resting on the neck of this 5' 10", 180 pound, bronze specimen, was definitely appealing to me. I stepped up on a chair, then put my left leg over his shoulder, while he was bent over. I followed with my right leg, then Andre stood up straight.

He held onto my knees, and paraded me around the pub, as the customers were taking photos of us, at a feverish pitch. I fought the urge to start gyrating my hips, as my moist pussy was rubbing against the back of Andre's neck. Can you imagine the humiliation of climaxing right there in the pub? Right there, In front of everyone? Believe it or not, I actually thought to myself, "If I had and orgasm right now, would Andre know, or would he think it was his own sweat running down his back?"

I started to focus on the facial expressions of the surrounding customers, in order to take my mind off my ill-timed, yet completely aroused state. Seeing the authentic gratitude in the faces of those taking our photos, I began to feel more relaxed, and less horny. Andre and I had made several trips around the pub, allowing everyone to take all the pictures they wanted. Finally, Andre stopped at the bar, where Becky was waving an envelope for me to see.

Andre squatted down, allowing me to shimmy off his shoulders, and onto the bar. As he stepped aside, I was left sitting there, legs still spread wide open, as the crowd continued to take photos of me. You would think I would have done something to conceal my inner vaginal region, but I waited a few seconds, allowing anyone who wanted photos of my most private female parts, to have them.

Leaning back on the palms of my hands, while sitting on the bar on total display, was as I had said earlier, "Intoxicating!". I 'Had' become the "Tawdry Slut of Southwest Oregon", and I was loving it!. By this time it was almost 1:00 am, and more customers were entering the pub. I hopped off the bar, and anxiously waited for Andre to send the drink orders. Becky took this opportunity to hand me the envelope she was holding.

"What's this?", I asked. "It's a personal invitation to serve drinks at Alice's party for tomorrow night", Becky replied. I remembered Alice has been writing something at her table, between our little sparring sessions, concerning my nudity. I looked at the envelope, then back toward Becky. Becky looked back at me, and said, Well. Open it". I opened the letter of invitation, and it read as follows:

"Dear Kelly,

I first wanted to thank you for a wonderful time. Blanch and I thoroughly
enjoyed our visit to "Brian's", this evening. You're great charm and wit, provided
us with superb entertainment, and I trust you feel the same.

We would very much like to have you serve the cocktails at our formal
gathering tomorrow evening. You're attire would be much as it was this evening,
total nudity with the exception of a bow tie and heels, which will be provided.

The hours are from 8:00 pm until 12:00 am, and pays $1000.00, You possess
such an adorable little figure, it would be a shame to pass on this opportunity to
put it on display one more time, while you're in town. My hope is that you may
enjoyed exhibiting your charms, as I'm sure our quests will enjoy partaking in viewing

Kelly. See Becky for the details and any questions you may have. We hope
to see you there.

Sincerely. Your new friends,

Alice and Blanch

I read the letter several times, then looked to Becky for advice on how I should proceed. Becky
said, "Here Kelly. Go deliver these drinks, and I'll fill you in on what you can expect at one of Alice's
formal affairs".
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 17

Post by FunKelly »

I brought the tray of drinks to the three young men sitting at the center table, Scott, Patrick and the girls, had vacated just a short time earlier. Realizing I was down to just an hour of my public nudity adventure, I smiled down at the three, and asked. "So what brings you guys in here tonight?"

I wanted to make small talk with the three young men, so I could continue leaving myself exposed to their gazes, as long as possible. I guess I was trying to get in some last hour cheap thrills, before the pub closed at 2:00. I was to find out the three had been viewing my naked body for some time.

"You did!", one replied, enthusiastically. "I did?", I responded. Another answered, "Yeah. We've been watching you through the front window for a while now". OMG! The front windows were so shaded, it never occurred to me that people could see in, better than they could see out. Who knows how many had witnessed my naked, public spectacle. I became engulfed with feelings of shame and humiliation, while becoming even more aroused.

The third young man started telling me what the three of them had witnessed. My arousal, brought on by my sense of shame and humiliation, was the only thing allowing me to stand there and listen to him, as he and his two friends, never took their eyes of my bare flesh.

"When we first arrived, you were serving four people who were sitting right here. You seemed very uncomfortable, so we all wondered why you were naked, if it made you so uneasy. But after they left, and your rode on that guy's shoulders, (as he pointed to Andre) around the pub a few times, then sat on the bar with your legs spread open, we figured you actually liked it, and those four must have been assholes".

Hearing about my naked antics from the perspective of these three eye witnesses, was bringing my arousal to new heights. Every sense of propriety, along with my own moral code, told me to excuse myself and call it a night, but I just couldn't.

With fully erect nipples, I remained standing in front of the three exuberant faces, with my now moist pussy, right at eye level. It was all I could do, to keep myself from sliding my fingers into my slit, and massaging my clit right there.

I was hoping the young men wanted to further inspect my naked body, as much as I wanted them too. They seemed so young and juvenile, yet full of anticipation, that I made every effort to continue the conversation, remaining on display.

One of the young men asked, while never taking his eyes off my clean shaven pussy, "Will you be here tomorrow night?" I was so flattered, that it made it difficult for me to tell him, "No", as I noticed I had more drinks to deliver. I told the three I needed to return to work, but that I'd be back.

I returned to the bar and I met Becky, as she giggled, and said, "That's co cute! You have a fan club!" Unable to control my excitement, I took her into my confidence. I quietly told her how much I was enjoying being naked, and equally as important, how turned on I was. She responded by saying, Then you should serve drinks at Alice's party tomorrow night.

I took the drinks to the appropriate table, then made a detour back to see the three young men. I sat down in the empty chair at their table, and spent a few minutes chatting, before returning to Becky, to get the details of the upcoming formal (and I'm sure, sorted) affair. All I knew so far is that I would again, be totally naked while serving drinks to clothed people.

The pub had thinned out to about twenty-five people. Becky, Kim, Ashley, Kayla, Andre and I, plus the three young men and about fifteen others. Becky leaned in over the bar to fill me in on the details of Alice's party. I took the opportunity to kneel up on a bar stool, strategically keeping a small gap between my thighs. I wanted to display my ass and smooth pussy lips to my audience of three, along with any of those remaining, who wanted to see my most private parts, on exhibit in this most public venue.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 2

Post by Revengedpirate »

I’m really enjoying this story, it’s really well written
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