A Lesson in Karma: Sophomore Year: Detention: Finale (finally)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3.1 and 3.2 out now! Rest of part 3 coming soon)

Post by jimmythehand »

Nothing wrong with stretching it out a little longer. I don't really think of it as 'filler', personally; it's build up to the main event - literary foreplay, if you will.

It always sounds good to have humiliation after humiliation with no break, but in practice those stories are rarely enjoyable to read; probably because the story doesn't really hold together, which is the whole point of us reading erotic/fetish fiction in the first place - the introduction, the build up and the (figurative and literal) climax. When I'm looking for instant gratification, there are plenty of other sites on the internet I can go to. Some say such things even exist outside of the internet. ;) I come here for the stories!

Keep up the good work.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3.1 and 3.2 out now! Rest of part 3 coming soon)

Post by Nikolai »

jimmythehand wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 11:06 pm Nothing wrong with stretching it out a little longer. I don't really think of it as 'filler', personally; it's build up to the main event - literary foreplay, if you will.

It always sounds good to have humiliation after humiliation with no break, but in practice those stories are rarely enjoyable to read; probably because the story doesn't really hold together, which is the whole point of us reading erotic/fetish fiction in the first place - the introduction, the build up and the (figurative and literal) climax. When I'm looking for instant gratification, there are plenty of other sites on the internet I can go to. Some say such things even exist outside of the internet. ;) I come here for the stories!

Keep up the good work.
Hey thanks alot man. I agree completely and there's nothing worse than a story that blatantly runs through all the action and I try to give more stories a little depth. I mostly apologized because part 3.1 was supposed to be mostly the build up but then I realized I had alot more to fill before the climax for this part so then came part 3.2. Appreciate all the support and will be working on more parts soon! Stay posted.
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Lesson in Karma 3.3

Post by Nikolai »

I was anxious all day thinking about what I had planned for the poor Captain. By the time gym finally came around I was giddy from the anticipation. We played Dodgeball that day. I tried to participate like usual to seem natural and to make the time go by faster. It seemed like it dragged on for an eternity. But finally the time came, our gym teacher told us to wrap it up and head to shower or change. I looked at my phone to check the time. 15 minutes left until the school bell would ring, signaling the end of fifth hour and the beginning of lunch. That meant there was 5 minutes left until the girls would be arriving to initiate our(my) plan. I was a little nervous, worried it wouldn't go as I wanted it to. I had planned this so meticulously and my taking of the leadership role, depended on this mission succeeding. I was just antsy. It didn't help that I had been turned on thinking about this all of the night before and all day in class. I imagined up what I would say, what I would do, last minute changes, etc.

Just like before the after class lockeroom experience was exactly the same. Everyone quickly got dressed to head to lunch, no one bothering to shower this time. Just as before the captain insisted on being center of attention. She once again stripped off in the middle of the room to her panties, then headed to shower. She only brought her towel, panties she was wearing, and her shower bag.

I had quickly gotten dressed, I was constantly checking my clock at this point, i had to be sure everything was still on schedule. Just as expected, most of the girls had already cleared out when my friends had arrived to the lockeroom. When they came in they were met with strange looks from the remaining girls. We quickly used our power of popularity and intimidation to clear the remaining girls out.

Now it was just us, and the captain. I only had five minutes for the first stage of my humilation and another five for the second stage. We had to act fast. After we had kicked everyone out (some of them as they were still putting their clothes on) the other girls still had no idea what was going on and just looked at me like "so what the hell do we do now?"

It was at this exact moment that we heard the Captain shower turn off. All of this planning and anticipation came down to this moment, this is where the captain became a pathetic nerd, and I became the captain.

Just before she came around the corner I started up the camera. I handed it to the girl who James had cheated on and told her:

"whatever happens, don't stop filming until that lunch bell rings."

She nodded with an evil grin that made me happy. I knew the girls weren't here for the reasons I was. But something about the fact that these girls were eager to act on my perverse plan with me gave me a bit of joy.

The first thing that camera caught, was the captain coming around the corner and stopping once she saw the 5 of us waiting for her. She had her towel wrapped around her body instead of her hair this time. At first, she almost seemed nervous. That was unlike her. Was she on to us?

Then she snapped back to her cocky self.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? Don't you have something better to do then kissing in the lockeroom?" She laughed as she said this.

No one else laughed, no one said a word. I met eyes with the Captain and smiled wickedly. She frowned in confusion rather than fear.

(I was in the middle of the girls facing the teen, with two girls on either side of me. The captain hadn't noticed the camera yet.)

"Grab her." I commanded my minions.

"Wait..wait what did you just sa..." her sentence was cut short when my minions began coming towards her.

"hey, what the fuck?! what is this?!"

Her voice had became shaky and higher pitched. I could tell she was afraid. She took two steps back to retreat, but by then my girls were already on her.

The captain had put up a fight but it was useless. It was 3 on 1. The girl with the camera stayed off to the side filming, and I stayed standing where I had been, watching, laughing, and beginning to feel myself get turned on.

The 3 girls managed to subdue the struggling teen and one of them got her in a full Nelson. Her arms were now trapped over her head, and the grip my girl had on her made the teen alot easier to manhandle and control.

The other two girls were at her sides ready to assist in holding her, but the girl who had her in the full Nelson had the captain stuck in place, even with the rest of her body bucking around, she wasn't going anywhere.

45 seconds had passed in this commotion. I still had 9 minutes to the bell. Plenty of time for my schemes.

The funniest part about this full nelson manuever (not part of my plan but a great touch from my friend) was that in all the struggling the captain had already lost her towel. Her perky, C cup tits were exposed and with her arms trapped she couldn't even cover herself. Her body was still wet from the shower causing her little rosy nipples to stand at attention in the chilly lockeroom.

The captain was also 6 inches taller than the girl that had subdued her. This caused her tits to not only be helplessly exposed, but also her back to be arched backwards and her tits to be presented to me and the camera.

I could feel myself getting wet, but this time I had prepared with a couple maxipads stuffed in my panties to absorb my perversion.

It was at this moment with her back arched and her arms helplessly trapped, standing in a cold lockeroom in only her little red bikini cut panties, that I finally addressed my subdued victim.

60 seconds in. 540 left to go.

"There's no use in struggling you little slut, you're not going anywhere, it's time for you to be dethroned, time for you to be judged, time for you to be punished for your actions, by a counsel of your peers." I spoke, trying to sound eloquent and mysterious. Rather than giddy and turned on.

"What the fuck is she on about? Why are you bitches listening to a god damn freshman? Let go of me! I didn't do shit, is this some kind of fucking joke because this isn't funny..." she sounded so cocky and arrogant.

The rich little bitch had always got what she wanted, she had always been the boss and in control, she must of felt helpless standing there nearly naked.

"Lets cut the shit because we don't have alot of time. Don't play stupid with me. You've always been a bitch. You've always bossed and demanded. You speak to us like we're trash, you act like your shit don't stink, you're an arrogant, stupid, and spoiled little bitch."

I had approached the teen at this point, standing directly in front of our captive. I grabbed her chin forcing her to look at me, and then turned her face to the camera. Then I continued where I left off.

"That's not why we are here though, you fucked up, and I caught you. We all know you've been fucking around with James behind *redacted's* back. The other day when I borrowed your phone, I saw everything, and you're going to pay for fucking one of your "friends" over like that. You are no longer with us, and you no longer run the show, this is our school now."

She had been to caught up struggling to even realize we were filming this. I saw the realization across her face when I had turned it. Her face went from scowled and angry, to a deep shade of red from the embarrassment and she started bucking around and panicking. It was all futile though, now she knew we meant business.

"James messaged me first! Please turn off the camera and let me go, we can talk about this, I'm sooo sorry *redacted*"

Her words were so blatantly insincere. I went to speak again but before I could James girlfriend stepped forward.

She was still holding the camera and stepped in front of me to look the captain in the eyes. She put the camera right in her face then said:

"Even if he did, you were supposed to be my friend! You know what he meant to me. How could you? I saw the nasty shit you said to him! I saw that you sent him pictures of your tits, I saw everything, Candace helped me to find the truth and prove my suspicions. Then she formed a plan to get us here, truth be told we don't even know what she's got cooked up for you, but I know whatever it is, it'll never be enough to make us even, you truly are a terrible human being, you deserve all of this and more, fuck you."

Every word was like daggers, I could tell she meant them. Her final punctuating words were spit directly into the Captain's face. Then she panned the camera down to the captain's tits and did something unexpected.

She began twisting the girls nipples for the camera. The girl bucked and moaned in pain, but she was quickly silenced with a hand over her mouth by one of my girls.(they were making me more and more proud by the minute) Her bucking around also didn't accomplish anything because the one girl still had her held tight in the full Nelson.

The captain moaned and whined in pain as she was given the viscous titty-twisters one tit at a time.

It had been 2 minutes by now. Time was growing shorter.

I had to cut off the titty torture to continue with the plan, I cherished a few extra seconds of it though. Partially because I loved the site of the queen of the school being tormented by my minions, and partially because the full nelson titty-twister ordeal wasn't planned so I had to cherish it a little more.

But time was running out, so I stepped forward and began barking orders. When I began speaking my words and demands it silenced my laughing friends, and our whining little captive, because everyone in the room wanted to know what was gonna happen next. What I said was:

"The clock is ticking ladies, time to get back to the plan, *redacted* get her hands behind her back, let's get her cuffed up, you're gonna want your hands free for this."

The captain eyes went wide at the mention of handcuffs. Her eyes began watering and her legs were shaking.

The greatest part about all this is how clueless everyone in the room was to what all was going to transpire in the next 7 minutes.

Once her hands were behind her back I took the liberty of slapping the handcuffs I had stashed in my hoodie pocket on the helpless girl's wrists.

She began whining and pleading with me.

"Please Candace, I don't know what you have in mind but I really don't want to find out..I'll do anything, I've learned from my choices, please just stop whatever this is.."

I looked at the teen and smiled wickedly.

"Hm, no I don't think so.." I paused to giggle like an evil villain.

"Bend her over the bench!" I commanded.

The girls followed my order and began dragging the kicking and mmmphing girl(I love that pathetic sound they make into the tape) towards one of the wooden benches that encompassed the lockeroom. I followed as did my cinematographer.

My friends got our helpless captive onto the bench and held her down. Her arms were still cuffed behind her back so she couldn't fight all that much, but they made sure to have her held in position.

The way they positioned her was perfect. Her waist was bent over the end of one of the long lockerroom benches. Her bare belly and big tits were pressed up against the wood and her face was turned sideways with a hand on her cheek holding her there.

I looked at her tearful face, I watched her take several glances at the camera and then meet eyes with me, pleading with her eyes for me not to go through with this.

Her nearly naked figure was held down on all sides. Her hands were cuffed. Her mouth was taped. The only article of clothing she had keeping her modesty was her little red skimpy panties. They weren't a thong, but they were cheeky. The pathetic sight of her was driving me wild, my clit was throbbing in anticipation. This was it, I had finally achieved my goal, I wasn't finished by any means. But I had secured my place. I had taken the captain's role at the price of her humilation. I was finally acting on the perverted fantasies I'd dreamed of. My friends were listening to my every command and seemed to be enjoying themselves as well(but maybe not in a soaked pussy kind of way like myself) I cherished this moment for just a second before continuing on with the girl's punishment.

The room was silent waiting for me, I'm sure you readers have already caught up with my scheme and I'm sure some of the girls were catching on as well, but they still waited for my next words. The only sound in the room was the nonstop "MMMPHS" of desperation coming from the taped mouth of our victim.

7 minutes left until the bell rang and lunch began.

"What do you think girls? Doesn't this homewrecking, bossy, arrogant, and disrespectful little slut deserve a good spanking?" I asked aloud looking into the Captain's eyes as I said it.

She frantically attempted to shake her head but it was still held in place with her cheek pressed up against the wooden bench.

All of my girls laughed and cheered at my question.

"She sure as hell does!" One of them hollered.

"I hope it's a punishment for her, a slut like her might get off on it." The girl holding her face said, laughing and taunting the captain then giving her a light slap on the cheek before continuing to hold her face in place.

"Now girls we got about 2 minutes for everyone to get a turn before we have to move on. But I think its only fair *redacted*(james girlfriend) goes first." I said taking the camera from the girl.

My camera girl wasted no time. She didn't even say anything or taunt the teen. She just began wailing on the panty clad girl's asscheeks. She was doing it hard as hell too. With every smack the camera girl switched cheeks. Every stroke on that girl's hind end was echoing through the lockeroom. The captain's whining mmphs had changed to screaming MMMPHs. Her round ass violently jiggled as it was spanked. Within seconds the camera girl had already given her 40 quick, and hard whacks. The bare part of the teen's ass had changed to a bright red color. I thought to myself as I was filming how ridiculous she looked. Her ass was the exact same color as her skimpy panties now! God it was so hot and hilarious, I regret it now, just like my other humilations, but before I learned my lesson..this was one of my favorite memories.

When the camera girl had finished she crouched over the captain. The captain was limp from pain and defeat. She grabbed her hair, pulling her head up slightly, then spoke into the captain's ear.

"You know what, I'm dumping that fucking loser, you can have him. Then she smacked the captain's ass once more, causing the limp captain to jump back to attention. God it was so hot, hotter than I even imagined, and I had caught it all on film.

The camera girl came back over to me smiling, and stuck her hand out to resume filming. I obliged her request and handed her the camera.

"If any of you other girl's want a chance you better be quick, I'm getting my turn in 30 seconds and then we are moving on." I said, crouching down to the captain's level. I looked at her and grinned.

"But first..." I continued as I slid my hand down the small of the girl's back.

:...first I think she might need a..WEDGIE." I said, grabbing a fistful of her waistband and ripping her red panties deep into her asscheeks and up her bare spine.

Her back arched from the pressure of the panties, and I lifted her fat ass off the bench a little. I held her there, her waist and belly dangling a couple inches off the bench by the panties in my hand.

I didn't have to direct them to start because the remaining girls that still needed a turn followed my queue. It was a bit of a frenzy but the other girls quickly got their spankings done, and even the occasional ass grope in there too. (The sight of this frenzy while I wedgied the teen was so golden when I watched this back on the camera later.)

The maxipad against my pussy was getting more soaked as we further humiliated her but I had a few in my panties so I wasn't worried.

The clock was ticking so I called the girl's off. I let go of our victim's panties, they stayed wedged up her now fully exposed asscheeks. She sank back onto the bench. She was clearly in pain and exhausted from the 60+ spankings she had received in the past 2 minutes at my minions' hands.

Now it was my turn. I really had to be quick with it if I wanted the second stage of the humiliation to even be possible.

Just before I began I spoke to our captive directly. I asked her one simple question:

"You do know you deserve this right, that you got yourself into this position? (Looking back this is the exact question I asked myself when those nerds got their revenge on me)

The captain nodded sadly, with her cheek still pressed up against the bench.

"Good, it's not a punishment if you don't learn anything from it." I said.

I beckoned the camera girl to come closer. Then I grabbed the waistband of the teen's stretched out panties. Her asscheeks clenched in what I assume was anticipation of another brutal wedgie.

But that wasn't the goal. Instead I ripped her panties to the back of her thighs, exposing our ex-leader's entire fat, red ass in all of its glory. It was definitely a sight for sore eyes. Her tanned legs that used to transition to bare white ass, now transitioned to two bruised and bright red asscheeks.

Then I took my turn. It was so glorious. I had fantasized about the moment I would spank a victim for the first time, all this year I had read stories of it and imagined how it felt. I never expected my first spanking victim to be the captain but I was glad it was. It was so much hotter than I could of even anticipated. The way her ass jiggled with every smack, the way my hand stung, the way her ass squished in my hand when I groped it in between spanks, the way her face contorted in pain and humilation, the fact that she had a very sexy ass in the first place, and the sight of her panties rolled down under her asscheeks was to much.

Just as I had before with the titless girl hanging on the fence by her childish panties, i came in front of all of my friends mid humiliation. I bit my lip and clenched my brows, holding in what would of surely been a loud moan, and being sure to not make a cum face. I looked around, no one had noticed once again. I really don't know how but I suppose it was because our victim was already the center of attention?? Anyway, I had definitely soaked through atleast one or two of the maxipads when I came. I checked my pants but once again by some luck and a little planning I hadn't soaked through and my secret was still safe. I decided to move on quickly.

I then motioned the camera girl to get really close to the girl's raw asscheeks. She did so and began documenting a very close up view of how we had left the would be captain's ass when we were finished spanking her. Then, when the camera was in frame and ready, I gave the video a finishing touch, courtesy of my twisted mind, and many of the stories on this forum.

I grabbed a full handful of each red and raw asscheek, and slowly peeled them apart to make her pale little shaved asshole the focal point of the camera lens. It was such a perfect ending to this film. My camera girl and the others laughed at the action I had just taken. The camera girl made sure to zoom in for an extreme close up, and then back out for the full view.

When the handcuffed teen realized what I was doing, she had attempted to clench her cheeks in stubborn determination to hide her asshole. This didn't stop me and just made me pull them further apart with more force.

It was actually kind of a funny, her body was so tan, her once pale white ass was now the color of her panties that I had been pulled down, but her little asscrack was still pale as the day she was born. I don't know why I found this color collage on this poor girl's bruised lower half, so funny, but I really did. I looked at it and laughed maniacally while I held her ass spread.

The captain's shame had reached new levels with her most private orifice being documented so closely by a camera. She looked broken, defeated, humiliated, in pain, I knew I had won, I knew that this bossy popular bitch was ruined. It was perfect and better than I could have imagined, but I wasn't finished. I released the teen's asscheeks letting her asshole once again be hidden from the world.

I stood back up and checked my phone. I was amazed to see that there was four minutes to the bell. Only two and a half minutes had passed since I told my girls to bend her over the bench.

There was still just enough time for the other twisted scheme I had planned for the poor captain.

Everyone in the room had assumed this was it, including the victim, but no she wasn't going to get off that easy. There were still many others who were going to be lucky enough to see her exposed body that day..and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Just got part 3.3 done today! 3.4 should be done soon but I don't expect that part to be to long, hope you all enjoy let me know what you think! Stay posted for more
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3.3 out now! 3.4 coming soon then on to new chapters!) 10/30/20

Post by Jimmyjohnson5555 »

Love your writing. Especially when you describe the shock and despair the humiliated victim feels when they realise its on camera. Wondering where the footage will turn up. I wonder is it worse them seeing who can see them exposed or would it be worse if they were blindfolded and had no idea who has witnessed the event and who has the footage till after the event
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3.3 out now! 3.4 coming soon then on to new chapters!) 10/30/20

Post by Nikolai »

Jimmyjohnson5555 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:00 pm Love your writing. Especially when you describe the shock and despair the humiliated victim feels when they realise its on camera. Wondering where the footage will turn up. I wonder is it worse them seeing who can see them exposed or would it be worse if they were blindfolded and had no idea who has witnessed the event and who has the footage till after the event

That could definitely of happened in one of the many humiliations that Candace acted upon, and I plan on telling atleast a few more of her tales before candace gets what's coming to her. Or possibly in one of my other stories. Thanks for the feedback and glad you like it. More coming soon
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3.3 out now! 3.4 coming soon then on to new chapters!) 10/30/20

Post by Divhim »

Hey Nikolai,

Another classic piece just like your schoolyard brawl story, very excited to see where you take the series this time!

Where is your avatar picture from if I can ask?
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3.3 out now! 3.4 coming soon then on to new chapters!) 10/30/20

Post by Nikolai »

Divhim wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:48 am Hey Nikolai,

Another classic piece just like your schoolyard brawl story, very excited to see where you take the series this time!

Where is your avatar picture from if I can ask?
Thats awesome that you know and enjoy my work! I just posted a Halloween contest entry if you haven't read it yet, but more will be coming to this story soon. I really appreciate the kind words, as for my avatar I found it on the "Hentai Bullying" subreddit. I recommend that subreddit for somewhat similar art to what is written here, but sometimes its a bit out there as well. Here's a direct link to my avatar where i downloaded it from:
. https://www.reddit.com/r/HentaiBullying ... plz_bulli/
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Part 3.4

Post by Nikolai »

I sat our little victim up. I looked her in the eyes and then spoke slowly and clearly.

"Now I'm going to give you three options on how this ends, you and only you will decide how many people see you naked."

She seemed dazed and confused.

"Option 1, I post every nude on your phone to your socials, and send them to every one in your contacts, I leave you here, tied naked for the janitor to find."

She shook her head no, she hadn't even heard the other options yet. She must have been thinking how creepy the janitor was and who all was in her contacts.

"Option 2, I uncuff you and let you get dressed and leave, I keep this video and hold that blackmail over your head the rest of the year and your life, you do or say anything I don't like and this gets posted online and you know what happens when something goes online right? It never ever goes away, no matter how much you try to avoid it. Your little ass being spanked and your asshole will be forever documented on the interwebs, so this option would leave you doing anything I say indefinitely or risk me leaking our footage."

She really debated on that one, she almost looked as if she wanted to take it. The option of getting dressed and this video staying between us..with her compliance that is, must of been tempting. I almost wish she would have taken this one because she could of been my blackmailed little plaything. But I was into the physical aspect of humilation and the resistance, a submissive slave wasn't quiet my thing.

"...option 3, the only one with even a chance of your naked body not being exposed somewhere. This one is my favorite..this option you would have to take a very high risk for a high reward. A challenge in a sense, if you succeed in this challenge, then you get dressed, I keep the video in case you snitch..but their won't be any blackmail, we pretend none of this happened other than you no longer running the show around here, we will even give you a chance to rejoin us, having learned from your mistakes I hope."

The "chance" at saving her modesty and anyone else from seeing her naked body had our little captive eyes lighting up and frantically nodding before I even finished explaining the third option.

"Now, *redacted* how could you be agreeing to an option without even hearing the challenge you must accept?"

She stopped nodding and paused, seemingly worried at what I'd say next.

"This challenge would have you risking it all to save yourself from this video getting out. What you'd have to do is..a walk. Through the math hallway.."(the math hallway was the largest and where everyone headed to lunch from.)

She gulped at the thought of that.

"..in only a towel. Your clothes will be at the end of the hallway, if you reach them without losing your towel, then you can put them back on, we will consider it lesson learned and we will move on with all of our lives, you no longer being in charge, but forgiven. If you lose your towel..well then we leave you naked in the hallways for all the students to see. And I keep the video as blackmail on top of it. Choose wisely sweetheart, because your future and your modesty depends on it."

That had really thrown her for a loop, none of the options were very tempting. One of them involved her socials being filled with her naked body and everyone in her contacts including family and close friends being sent her slutty pictures. The second one would let her be free for now, but forever imprisoned by the power we would hold over her with our footage. She would be our little bitch, and up until 10 minutes ago, she was the head bitch, so I didn't see her going for that one. The third one had an opportunity to escape this madness, at the risk of being seen naked by the entire school.

I removed her tape to here her answer.

"Option uh..3" she managed to choke out

"What a fantastic choice! Now no time to waste you have 3 minutes until that bell rings. Stand her up girls!" I commanded.

The girls listened and the teen was soon standing in front of me, she was basically naked at this point. The only article of clothing still covering her exposed body was her panties. They had been pulled down to below her ass in the back and still remained that way, but they remained clung to her hips just slightly, with her pussy inches from being revealed.

"Before I put your towel on you, it wouldn't really be high risk if I let you keep these now would it?" I mocked the teen as I crouched to grab her waistband.

She frantically tried to stop me but her words meant very little to me at this point, as time was wasting.

"Please no, let me keep my panties for the challenge, please don't take them off, you can even leave them like this, with my ass hanging out, just please not my pussy..its..its.." she begged

I slapped tape back on her mouth, I was tired of hearing her pleading voice, it was giving me a headache.

"Its what?" I said, yanking her panties to the floor.

What was hiding under those panties was truly unexpected.

And no it wasn't a dick lol.

When I had pulled her panties to her ankles and revealed her pussy to the room for the first time..it was not the Cheerleading Captain perfect teen pussy I had imagined. I don't know why but I envisioned a bald, smooth, coinslot box. You know what I mean, like this was the most popular girl at school and what I'm sure many guys dreamed of seeing..and it was well.. not that.

I'm not going to get grotesque or anything and really alot of vaginas are far from perfect so who am I to judge, but when its the most popular girl at school you don't expect to see..

A decent amount of pubic hair, unkept and dark, growing not only on her pubic mound but along her lips as well making her pussy look greasy and gross.

She also had unnaturally big pussy lips, and they sagged from gravity and our victim's standing position, and last but not least she had an uncomfortably large clit. It wasnt massive by any means but it stuck out of her clitoral hood like a sore thumb. Now if any ladies are reading this I hope none of you grow self conscious if you have any of these things with your own vagina, once again, all vaginas are natural and there's no such thing as perfect, but when its the most popular girl in school and your totally not expecting her coochie to be ugly and repulsive, you can't help but laugh.

And so I did, as did my friends.

The teen recoiled at our laughter and began crying, her face was more red than ever before. This must have been her most kept secret. This was the reason she always kept her panties on when she disrobed, and why she always had them on when exiting the shower, this is why she doesn't send pussy pictures to guys and instead resorts to her shaved little asshole. So to make a very descriptive paragraph shortened.

The captain had an ugly box and she knew it, and she was ashamed of it, but here it was for all of us to see. I continued laughing and mocking the teen.

"Jeez this shits a ratnest, haven't you ever heard of trimming? Your lips about hang to the floor, and your clit looks like a micro penis! Make sure to get a close up of this shit! This is way better blackmail than spanking her! You better hope you can keep this towel on girl."

My friends laughed with me at the Captain's pussy and the camera girl got a close up of her ugly box.

Then when I felt like I'd mocked her pussy enough, I wrapped a towel around our victim's naked body and tucked it tightly above her tits. I made sure to actually secure the towel tight to give our victim a false sense of confidence. When I was done our victim's body was covered for the first time in several minutes. She seemed relieved at this fact. Her ugly pussy, sore and red asscheeks, and C cup titties were hidden away in the white towel for now. She was still cuffed, which made this challenge the most risky, if she lost her towel..well then she'd be buck naked and unable to cover herself in a hallway that would soon be crowded by her peers.

I told my friends to gather her clothes and marched our victim out of the safety of the lockerroom.

I pushed her forward quickly making her walk somewhat faster. The hallways were barren but would soon be bustling with students of all grades. We reached the beginning of the math hallway.

"Just remember you chose this not me. Lets see if you can pull it off without the whole class seeing that hideous pussy. "

She shivered in fear of that.

I handed the girl with the pile of clothes one of the handcuff keys.

I then sent her to the very end of the straight hallway.

"If she loses this towel, you take her clothes and run, if she ends up naked, she stays naked."

The captain gulped at that statement.

"You got 2 minutes to reach the end of the hallway, without losing this towel. If you can do that, then you can have your clothes and the handcuff key at the end, you will have learned your lesson and we will forgive you and not speak of this. The footage will remain in my possession just in case. But if it falls..I pull the fire alarm and send everyone out here early to see you naked in the hallway. AND I post the video. 2 minutes better move quick... but not to quick! I smacked the captain on the ass making her jump and begin her walk through the hallway. "

She started off very slow. The towel was pretty snug and secure but she couldn't risk moving to fast and causing it to fall off.

The hallway took about 30 seconds to walk through at a normal pace, so the pace she was at would of probably taken like a minute at most. I was getting antsy and excited, my plan was coming to a close.

We all watched her very slow and deliberate walk. My friends seemed slightly disappointed.

"You're really gonna let her go if she does it? And what was that shit about forgiving her?"

"Couldn't you of just ripped the towel off and pulled the fire alarm?"

They asked me.

"Patience ladies..patience." I replied.

"60 SECONDS LEFT BETTER HURRY! I hollered down the hallway.

The captain turned to stare daggers through me, she hadn't liked the loud noise that could potentially draw attention to her helpless state.

She began walking at a more brisk pace. She was desperate to make the end of the hall before the bell could ring. She wanted to escape so badly from the nightmare I was putting her through. She was 20 feet from freedom. If she could just get to the clothes there was a bathroom to duck into, uncuff herself and get dressed as if she hadn't been subjected to any humilation by us.

She must have tasted the freedom, or been fearful of running out of time because her brisk pace turned to walk running. She was right there..but thats when I decided to end this charade and show my friends what trick I had up my sleeve..

I smiled at my friends and said:

"Patience pays off ladies."

This literal trick of my sleeve was a last minute addition, on the off chance that the captain succeeded in reaching her clothes, like she was nearly about to do.

My last trick was a fishing line spool sitting in my hoody pocket, it had been fed under my hoody but over my under shirt, and then down my sleeve. I had attached a fishing hook to the end of that line, and I had attached that to the captain when I smacked her ass and pushed her forward to begin her walk. The "invisi-line" was a very thin but strong fishing line my dad used. It was meant to help the fish not see it.

So just as the captain was about to reach the end of the hallway, her discarded clothes, and the key to free her hands, I pulled that line tight and yanked.

Even with a couple hundred feet of slack, the line grew taunt and my yank had given enough strength to pull the towel away from the Captain's naked body. She stopped in her tracks now fully naked and handcuffed in the busiest hallway in school.

Even from a distance I could see the captain was desperate and helpless. I thought to myself how humiliated she would be when everyone seen her naked body. She had ran this school for years now and was the envy of many girls and the fantasy of many guys. And she had an ugly pussy! She was never gonna live this down.

When the towel was removed and she had gotten over the first shock of it,, She turned back to the pile of clothes and started walking towards them. My friend at the end of the hallway took my queue and snatched the discarded clothes back into a pile in her arms running off with the teen's clothing and the key that she was meant to escape her binds with.

Once the captain realized the clothes were no longer an option she turned back to face us. We were all facing her a couple hundred feet away. I had left the towel where it fell after I yanked it. She began stepping towards it. The towel was her last hope of being covered before the bell. But just as she got within a couple feet, I pulled on the fishing line. Causing the towel to move across the floor and another 10 feet away from the captain and closer to me and my friends.

I did this a couple more times, pulling it further towards us every time she got close to the towel.

This left a hilarious visual of the naked, cuffed, and fully exposed captain in the middle of her high school hallway, chasing a towel across the floor like a cat with a laser pointer. She was so desperate to cover herself, she was panicking and looking around for an escape, a place to hide, something to cover herself. She looked manic in her desperate search. She kept following the towel though, it was really her only hope.

I was pulling faster on it now, causing the towel to rapidly slide across the floor back towards us. The captain was sprinting at this point. Her tits and thighs were violently jiggling as she sprinted at the retreating towel. Her haste was even causing her saggy pussy lips to bounce around comically.

My friends were rolling on the floor laughing at the trick I'd kept up my sleeve and the sight of the desperate captain sprinting through the hallways naked.

It was at this moment, naked, cuffed, out of breath, and failing to retrieve the towel that she reached the center of the hallway, halfway between us, and where her clothes had been waiting for her.

It was also at this moment that the bell rang.

The captain froze in shock and looked around 360 degrees panicking. She was looking for a place to hide, something to cover her body with, an escape from this hallway before everyone would pile out of their classrooms..she found none of these things. I reeled the towel the rest of the way in as she was distracted.

Seconds later, to my glee, and the captains dismay, students began piling out of their classrooms and into the hallway. Even the students that didn't have class in this hall would soon be passing through it on the way to lunch. Everyone at *redacted* High would see the most popular girl in school, buck naked today.

I had to escape with the towel and fake innocence, so I can't say for a fact exactly what all happened next. But let's just say as my friends were high fiving me for my humilation brilliance and a successful and complete plan, I made eyes with the captain one last time.

She had tried to run but the students had piled in from every direction.

The last I saw at her she looked at me, while hundreds of students started to encompass her, and while they began mocking her for her ugly pussy and pinched and filmed her naked body, she met eyes with me then. She seemed sad, broken, defeated, in that moment without words we came to an understanding. I had won, she had been defeated, and I ran the show now.

Thats the last time I saw her, naked and surrounded by her peers in a crowded hallway, handcuffed and unable to cover herself. she moved towns immediately and was never seen around ours again.

Her immediately moving and not being around to defend herself lead the teachers to believe our story and us to never see any trouble. We told them it was a senior dare and since she planned to move anyway she had taken it. The blame fell on her and our hands were clean.

Since I didn't witness what happened in the crowd once they descended on her, I figured I'd give you all a couple excerpts of what happened from the many short videos I collected that day.

In this video from snapchat the captain's back is against the concrete wall with a half circle of students surrounding her and many others piled behind them trying to get their chance at the view of a lifetime

Multiple people are mocking her ugly pussy as the teen visibly squirms in place and cries with tears flowing over her taped mouth.

"She looks like she's gotten a tiny dick!" One guy calls out.

"She has the harriest pussy lips I've ever seen! Another girl can be heard over the laughing crowd

"They're soooo saggy ewww!" One girl responds to the first.

"Does your pussy hang low, does it hang down to the floow." Someone starts singing, mocking that stupid song from like 10 years ago, others join in singing the remixed song.

The cheering goes on as the video zooms in on the ashamed teen's biggest secret, that she had kept hidden in her panties until now.

Her ugly pussy fills the screen.

The video cuts there.

Another resumes just as the Captain decides shes had enough and tries to push through the crowd.

They push her back towards the wall and she faces it attempting to cover her pussy from the crowd and cameras.

Her ass is now the center of attention.

You can still see visible handprints in the video. Her ass is red and bruised in places. Even so, its a way sexier sight than her front half.

You can hear several wolfwhistles and the sound of camera phones going off nonstop in the video.

"She got spanked like a child!" Laughed one teen

"Someone really didn't hold back on her ass, whatever she did im sure it was deserved, this was a crime of passion." Another girl says.

"Thats gotta hurt, it looks like you could cook an egg of that thing!" One dumb jock said, at first I didn't understand this but I guess he was referring to how red it was and it must of felt hot to her, I dont know what he meant by that but thats my guess and I'm just the messenger.

"This is so hot." A nerdier guy can be heard saying, he clearly had never seen a girl anywhere near this state of undress and the little perv probably was touching himself.

That video ends there.

The last one is my favorite.

I dont know why the crowd had gotten so brave and brazen in tormenting the teen, but I assumed lots of hormones mixed with the fact that the teachers had yet to interrupt them lead to this next video.

The captain can be seen collapsing to the ground in a fetal position.

The crowd must have decided they weren't going to allow the humiliated teen to hide her exposed body and rob their cellphones of being able to document her humilation forever.

Two girls (whom I later recruited to my crew for this) grabbed the teen's feet and forced her flat onto her back, and stretched back out. Then they did the unthinkable:

They each lifted the leg they had grabbed ahold of. This left the teen in an upside down L shape with her back on the floor and her legs in the air. Then the two girls both pulled the captain's legs towards her shoulders. The captain was pretty flexible so it wasn't all that difficult. This brought her ass and ugly pussy back into view for the camera but now with her legs folded against her. Once the teens could pull the legs as far vertical to the teen's shoulders as possible, they went horizontal and spread her wide open. She struggled but it was useless. Those two girls gave the crowd more of a show, while I had to retire to start planning alibis. The last 30 seconds of the video is just the captain's naked body being helplessly spread open to a crowd of her peers roaring in laughter and further insulting her vagina. Her shaved asshole can be seen in contrast to her hairy ugly pussy. They held her wide open like that allowing many people to get close up pictures in that short time span. I'd usually cum to this part in a video if it was someone else but trust me when I say seeing the captain spread eagle like that..wasnt necessarily a turn on, maybe her shaved butthole but her pussy definitely ruined the moment.

To this day I don't know why those girls took such initiative, but when I befriended them later they told me they had "never liked that bitch and figured she had it coming."

The video ends with a couple of teachers finally making it through the crowd and the crowd rapidly dispersing to avoid being caught up in the trouble.

Thats all I know of the captain's time in that hallway as I wasn't there, but I figured I'd give you guys a little insight even if it wasn't first hand.

That was a legendary day.

That day was the day that I took the reigns as the leader of my friends, that day I finally truly humiliated a victim, that day spiraled into many more humiliations with all my new power on my hands, and being backed by my friends who were far more inclined to humiliate now. From there on out I didn't hold back, I basically had a license to do what I wanted and what I wanted was to strip girls naked and humiliate them. I'll tell you a few more of my favorite tales before I speak of my comeuppance..but this victim was important because the captain was the beginning of my reign of terror and I got pretty carried away after that..

This is the end of the Captain's story and part 3 moving to a new chapter with new victim(s) soon. Stay posted and thanks for all the kind words up to this point. Excited to work on new chapters/parts. Let me know what you think of part 3s finale.
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3 finale out now, new chapters soon!)

Post by jimmythehand »

Excellent finale. It was obvious there was something the Captain wanted kept hidden under her panties but you did well at keeping us guessing exactly what it was and I wasn't dissapointed!

I've always been a fan of authority figures / people with power (teachers, babysitters, police officers etc) getting humiliated by or in front of the people they're 'better' than - especially when they deserve it and even more especially when they have some sort of flaw to hide (bra stuffing being my particular favourite). I don't think I've encountered quite this scenario before so that's another plus.

Looking forward to the next part when you get around to it but there's no rush; you can relax and enjoy a job well done!
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Re: A Lesson in Karma. (Part 3 finale out now, new chapters soon!)

Post by Nikolai »

jimmythehand wrote: Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:51 pm Excellent finale. It was obvious there was something the Captain wanted kept hidden under her panties but you did well at keeping us guessing exactly what it was and I wasn't dissapointed!

I've always been a fan of authority figures / people with power (teachers, babysitters, police officers etc) getting humiliated by or in front of the people they're 'better' than - especially when they deserve it and even more especially when they have some sort of flaw to hide (bra stuffing being my particular favourite). I don't think I've encountered quite this scenario before so that's another plus.

Looking forward to the next part when you get around to it but there's no rush; you can relax and enjoy a job well done!
Thanks man! I'm glad you liked it, I'm excited for more parts but like you said I'm trying not to rush it either, the whole ugly pussy thing I was a little hesitant about because I didn't want to describe something unattractive and take away from the story, bra stuffing or something is easier to roll across but I thought it would be a good touch to have the "perfect" popular girl, be not so perfect. I tried to be subtle with the hints at it so it could maybe be remembered but not focusing hard enough to foreshadow.

As for the authority figures being humiliated..I have a part(maybe not the next) in mind for just that! Stay posted and thanks again
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