Halloween contest: the devils daughter

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Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

It was a cold day in October. The wind and rain lashed at the windows. The leaves blew down every street. The sky was a dark grey. Every now and then you would hear a thunder clap and see a flash of lightning which lit everything in sight. Emily was staring out of the classroom window wondering how long it would be before she battled the storm to get home.

It was just a few seconds later when the bell for end of lesson went off. Emily packed her books in her bag. She left the ruler and rubber on her desk, stood up from her blue chair, and pushed the chair under her desk.

“Lift your chairs, don’t scrape them.” Shouted the infuriated teacher.

Emily bent down, picked up her bag, and walked slowly to the door. There was already a crowd in front of her, so she patiently waited her turn.

Emily was 15, she was 5 feet and 5 inches tall with red hair, and freckles covered her nose. She was fairly pretty and slim for her age. Emily was wearing her red school jumper, red and blue tie and white blouse. Her skirt was black and came down to just below her knee and her white socks were just above her ankles. Emily’s legs were fairly pale, and she was wearing a pair of black shoes.

Emily always dressed properly for school, and was a bit of a nerd. Though she was one of the more popular girls. She was always friendly and bubbly and was quite athletic. She loved swimming and running just to keep her in shape.

Emily followed the crowd into the corridor. It was dark in the corridors and the lit corridor lamps did nothing to improve the darkness. Emily walked along the dimly lit corridors towards the entrance hall.

Emily looked out the front doors onto the dark playground which was absolutely soaked. She looked into the sky, the rain didn’t look like it would ease up. Her parents were out of town, and she didn’t have bus fare meaning she would have to walk for miles in the rain till she got home.

“I would do anything to get home dry.” Emily said to herself more then anyone else.

“I can make that happen.” Said a girl who was suddenly stood next to her.

Emily hadn’t noticed this girl before, it was like she had come out of nowhere. The girl was about a year older then her. She had dark black hair, deep red eyes. No that must be a trick of the light, Emily thought to herself. They were probably brown. She was probably the prettiest girl she had ever seen. The girl had a red dress which came down to her mid thigh and long black boots which came up above her knee.

“Pardon?” Asked Emily forgetting what the girl had just said.

“I can get you home dry. But it’ll cost you.” Said the girl.

“Who are you?” Asked Emily.

“I’m Lucy, but my name is not important. Do you want my help? I’m in a rush others want my help you know.” Said the girl.

“What’s the cost?” Asked Emily.

“Oh don’t worry, it’s something you can afford, but like I said you’ve got 30 seconds or you can walk home in the rain, and get very wet.” Said Lucy.

“I accept your help.” Said Emily.

“Oh good. Here you are , this coat will keep you 100 percent dry. I’m off now but I’ll see you soon for my payment.” Said Lucy.

Lucy handed Emily a red coat. Emily looked down at it as she took it. When Emily looked back up Lucy had vanished. Emily put the coat on. It was warm and made of a nice soft material. She pulled the hood over her head.

Emily stepped out into the rain and started her long walk home from school. Emily was amazed that the coat never let in a single drop of rain. It was like the water couldn’t touch her. After an hours walk she finally made it home.

Emily walked up her driveway and was amazed to see Lucy standing on her doorstep waiting for her. Emily walked up to the doorstep.

“Hello Lucy.” Said Emily.

“Hello Emily, was your walk enjoyable?” Asked Lucy.

“Yes , thank you so much, how did you know where I live?” Asked Emily.

“I know everything. Your welcome.” Said Lucy.

“Would you like to come indoors?” Asked Emily.

“No I’m still very busy, I’ve just come to tell you that payment will be due tomorrow at noon. I will meet you outside Pizza Hut.” Said Lucy.

“O.K. I’ll see you Saturday at noon.” Said Emily.

Emily unlocked her door, and turned to thank Lucy again but the girl had vanished again.

Emily got inside, and related her story to her younger brother. They had dinner then at 11 pm both went off to bed.

Next day at noon Emily waited outside Pizza Hut. Lucy was nowhere to be seen.

“Hmm maybe Lucy’s forgotten?” Emily thought to herself.

“No I’ve not forgotten, just been busy. Now give me your hand and follow me.” Said Lucy.

Emily looked at Lucy. Emily took Lucy’s hand, and was guided into Pizza Hut.

“You want me to buy you pizza as payment?” Asked Emily.

“No, I’m buying you pizza. Kind of anyway.” Said Lucy.

“What payment do you want from me? It was so nice of you to give me that coat. It was lovely and dry.” Said Emily.

“We’ll order pizza first then talk about payments. Lending you a coat was no big deal.” Said Lucy.

The waitress came to them next and seated them down in a window seat. She then went back to the door after giving Emily and Lucy their menus.

“Emily can I order for you? Don’t worry I know what you like.” Said Lucy.

“Urm yeah sure I guess.” Said Emily.

“A few minutes later the waitress had returned and Lucy had ordered their food.

“How did you know what I order?” Asked Emily.

“Well Emily, I know everything.” Said Lucy.

“How can you know everything? You’re just a girl.” Said Emily.

“My father has a very unique job. I’m learning from him.” Said Lucy.

“What does your father do?” Asked Emily.

“Let’s just say he makes people’s wishes come true.” Said Lucy.

“What he’s like a genie?” Asked Emily.

“Hahahaha. No dear girl. He’s nothing like a genie.” Said Lucy laughing.

“So how does he make wishes come true?” Asked Emily.

“If I tell you who my father is, you have to promise not to tell anyone. You don’t want to get on his bad side.” Said Lucy.

“Seriously what’s the worse your father can do? Tell me off for being a naughty girl?” Laughed Emily.

“He can make your life a living hell.” Said Lucy seriously.

“O.K. I promise.” Said Emily.

Lucy eyed her suspiciously for a second contemplating her answer.

“My father is the devil.” Said Emily.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

“The Devil? Haha yeah right.” Said Emily.

“Oh so you don’t believe me?” Asked Lucy.

“Of course I don’t, the Devil isn’t real. He certainly doesn’t have a daughter.” Said Emily.

“I can prove it.” Said Lucy.

“Ok. How?” Asked Emily.

Lucy looked around the restaurant. There were several tables full of people. One table close to theirs had several teens sat around it. Four were girls and three boys. Lucy smiled.

“See that table over there.” Lucy pointed at the table with the teens on it.

“Yes, oh god I recognise them. They go to school with me. That girl with the brown hair. She’s a massive bully. Michelle’s her name. She likes to humiliate anyone she can. One time she snuck up behind me, I was deep in conversation with my crush at the time. She grabbed the waist band of my knickers and gave me a wedgie. But before I could do anything, she then pulled my knickers and skirt to the floor, around my ankles. The whole corridor started to laugh at me including my crush. He got an eyeful of my freshly shaved vagina. Then if that weren’t bad enough, she then shouts out that I haven’t reached puberty yet. I now get called “Toddly.” After she joined Toddler and Emily together.” Said Emily.

“I know the story, I told you I know everything. Well you wanted proof that I’m the Devils daughter. I can make Michelle’s nightmares come to life.” Said Lucy.

“You can?” Asked Emily.

“Yes, watch this.” Said Lucy.

Emily watched Michelle’s table. The pint of coke Michelle had been drinking suddenly fell over off the table and onto Michelle’s light blue dress. Michelle was startled, Dave, Michelle’s boyfriend tried to help by grabbing the glass. The glass was now lying empty in Michelle’s lap. As Dave grabbed it he caught Michelle’s dress. The dress ripped right up the back, and Dave now held the glass and the dress aloft. Michelle was left sat there in her pink thong and matching bra.

Michelle let out a shriek, and stood up in shock. Dave and the others at her table starred at Michelle who was bright red.

“WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WEARING???” Shouted the waitress stood next to Michelle.

Emily was about to ask who the waitress was, when Lucy hushed her down.

“It’s Michelle’s aunt. She works here.” Whispered Lucy to Emily.



Claire grabbed Michelle by her ear and sat down on Michelle’s recently vacated chair pulling the scantily clad teen over her lap.



Claire pulled the thong down to Michelle’s ankles, and everyone in the restaurant saw the poor girls bare bum and bald vagina. Michelle started to kick and scream in embarrassment as her aunt started to spank her. Every spank was accompanied by a scream of pain from the embarrassed girl.

Michelle stopped trying to cover her bare bum and pussy. Her embarrassment was such that Michelle just tried to hide her face in her hands instead. Michelle could hear the laughter of everyone. There were people shouting that she should be hit harder. The teens at the table with her all had their phones out recording the bully’s shame.

Claire suddenly stopped spanking Michelle. Michelle thought it was over but Claire had only stopped to unclasp Michelle’s bra. Michelle felt her bra go loose. Michelle quickly put her hands over her chest and tried to hold her bra in place as Claire resumed the relentless spanking on the girls extremely red bottom.

“NO AUNTIE PLEASE IM SO VERY SORRY.” Screamed Michelle almost pleading now.


Michelle let go of her bra and placed her hands on her head.

“HMM IM NOT SURE. REMOVE YOUR BRA.” Shouted Claire still fuming with her niece.

“Please anything but that.” Whimpered Michelle.


Claire resumed spanking the 16 year old teen girl.

Suddenly the restaurant was filled with a deep red blinding light. It was like a camera flash. Emily was still staring at the bully’s table. Everything was back before the drink got spilled. Michelle was sat in her blue dress laughing at Henrietta’s joke which Henrietta had just told.

Emily turned back to Lucy.

“What happened?” Asked Emily.

“I showed you just how powerful I am. What you saw was a glimpse of one possible future. I can make the outcome a reality but I think it was the best way to prove who I am. Don’t you think?” Asked Lucy.

“Y-Yes, but did it really happen or did I imagine it?” Asked Emily.

“BING BING” said Emily’s phone, indicating she had a text.

Emily opened the text and laughed.

“It’s as real as you want it to be.” Said Lucy.

“Is this picture what would’ve happened if you let it continue?” Asked Emily.

“Yes,” said Lucy.

“Ok I believe you.” Said Emily.

“Good. Any more questions before we discuss payment?” Asked Lucy.

“How long will this photo stay in my phone? Can I show it to people without anything bad happening in return?” Asked Emily.

“That is entirely down to you. Think of it as a gift. You can show or send it to whoever you like without consequences. Now can we discuss payment?” Said Lucy.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

“Do you want my soul?” Asked Emily.

“Hahaha, no only my dad collects souls, I want something only you can give freely.” Said Lucy.

“Something I can only give you? What is it you want?” Asked Emily.

“I want you to, er...” said Lucy.

“What?” Asked Emily.

“I want you to be er my date to your prom.” Said Lucy.

“What?” Asked Emily.

“I want to date you, and take you to the prom.” Said Lucy.

“You want to date me?” Asked Emily.

“Only for prom, I’ve never been to a prom and I’ve always wondered what it would be like to date, and be treated like a princess.” Said Lucy.

“But I’m a girl too you’re meant to take a guy. I’m not into dating girls.” Said Emily.

“Do you forget I know everything about you?” Said Lucy.

“Urm no, stop probing my thoughts. I meant I’m already the laughing stock of school and if I show I’m a lesbian I’ll get it even worse.” Said Emily.

“Is no you’re final answer?” Asked Lucy.

“I thought you knew everything about me?” Said Emily.

“Well the prom is in two weeks. And I’m sure if you change your mind give me a shout.” Said Lucy.

“I will if I change my mind.” Said Emily.

“Good, oh and by the way, you still owe me, so I’ll be taking your trousers as a temporary payment.” Said Lucy.

Lucy clicked her fingers and Emily’s trousers vanished. Lucy gave Emily a wink before vanishing too. Emily was left in Pizza Hut, in her white T, her trainers, pink ankle socks, and Barbie girl panties.

Emily’s T wasn’t long enough to cover her panties. Emily looked around, no one had noticed her yet. She grabbed the menu, and held it over her panties. Emily quickly stood and tried walking quickly to the door.

Emily got to the door, gave the cashier her menu and darted off up the crowded street in just her underwear and T-shirt. People turned to stare at the oddly dressed girl. Most people just gave her funny looks though some did laugh.

Emily kept running till she saw a clothes shop. She ran inside huffing and puffing. She grabbed a dress off the rack and ran into the nearest cubicle.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

Emily hurriedly took the blue dress off its hanger and tried putting it over her head. The dress seemed to be shrinking, the more she tried the smaller it would get until eventually the dress wouldn’t even fit her leg.

“Lucy” whispered Emily.

Lucy appeared in the cubicle.

“Can I help you?” Asked Lucy.

“Please, this dress I tried on started shrinking magically. Have you put a curse on me or something?” Asked Emily.

“Oh yes, I forgot to mention, because I took your trousers in payment you won’t be able to wear any bottoms.” Said Lucy casually.

“What do you mean?” Asked Emily.

“Well, basically it means, other then knickers, panties or any other undergarment of your choosing, you will not be permitted to cover your aforementioned underwear for the foreseeable future. There is however a condition where you could trade your payment with something else if you do desire? But of course it would have to be a fair trade.” Said Lucy.

“What would be a fair trade?” Asked Emily.

“Hmm, I think letting your friend see you like this would be a fair trade.” Said Lucy.

“Ok I’ll trade.” Said Emily.

Click. Lucy snapped her fingers.

“There sorted, see you laters. Toddly.” Said Lucy.

Emily hated the nickname and cursed. The dress was still too small but at least she could now try on clothes without them shrinking she hoped. I wonder which friend will see me like this? Thought Emily to herself.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by theoneandonly »

This is very good! Can't wait for more
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

Emily opened the cubicle door and came face to face with the “friend” Lucy had mentioned. Emily couldn’t believe her eyes it was Michelle.

Michelle looked Emily up and down before bursting into laughter at seeing Emily’s barbie girl panties.

“Where’s your trousers Toddly? Asked Michelle.

“There uh, I was trying on this dress but I uh got the wrong size.” Said Emily Blushing crimson .

“Oh, then I can help you Toddly. Go back in the cubicle and I’ll bring you some clothes to try on.” Said Michelle cheerfully.

Emily thought it strange Michelle of all people trying to help her but she went back into the cubicle and waited.

It was a few minutes later when Michelle got back to the cubicle.

“Ok Toddly I’m back, open the door and let us in.” Said Michelle.

Emily undid the latch before registering what Michelle had said. “Let us in” who was us? Michelle pushed the door open wide and into the cubicle came Michelle, Dave, Robert, John, Lindsay, and Tina. Other then Hannah who had gone home it was everyone from Michelle’s table.

All six walked casually into the cubicle, Dave was last to enter and he shut the door. All six giggled at Emily’s outfit.

“Right Toddly let’s get you changed shall we? Into something more suitable I think.” Said Michelle grinning.

Michelle walked over to Emily, and grabbed the bottom of Emily’s white T. Michelle started to lift it. Emily grabbed her top and pulled down. It was bad enough the six newcomers seeing her in her barbie panties but if they saw her matching bra she would surely die of embarrassment.

“Oh come on Toddly don’t be shy.” Said Michelle.

“STOP CALLING ME THAT YOU BITCH.” Shouted Emily feeling humiliated.

“You had better watch your mouth Toddly or I might have to teach you some manners too.” Said Michelle struggling against Emily.

“How can we dress the wittle girl if she won’t take her dirty clothes off first? I’ll give you a hand Michelle.” Said Lindsay.

Lindsay walked over and tried to lift Emily’s top too, but Emily wasn’t giving up her dignity that easy. She clung on and pulled even harder down on her top.

“You know I’ve an idea. Here you go Toddly.” Said Tina.

Tina walked behind the three struggling girls. Tina smiled as she slowly reached her arms forward underneath Lindsay and Michelle’s grips. Before Emily could readjust her hands, Tina grabbed the waistband of Emily’s panties and in one quick motion pulled them down to Emily’s ankles.

The three boys stared at the freshly exposed vagina open mouthed. Emily’s shock made her let go of her top. Michelle and Lindsay’s hands shot skywards with Emily’s top. Emily’s top flew straight over the cubicle wall and out of sight. Emily covered her bare hairy red vagina with her hands.

“Oh Toddly, you really should shave you know. Anyway now we have your top off, let’s get you dressed shall we? Oh Tina, since you have her dirty knickers, around her ankles, you might as well, take them off her legs. Oh don’t worry Toddly, I have clean underpants for you.” Said Michelle.

Emily held her naked crotch as Tina pulled Emily’s knickers completely off her legs. Emily was now stood in just her bra, trainers and socks. The boys continued to stare at her. They were drinking in her naked vagina looking like Christmas and their birthdays had come early and all at once.

“Right Toddly, first things first. Come over here and lie down on this bench.” Said Michelle pointing at the bench.

Emily shook her head no, tears in her eyes.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice! Now come over here or I’ll make you.” Said Michelle.

“N-no, I’m not letting you humiliate me further. Stop calling me Toddly. My name is Emily you fucking bitch.” Said Emily letting her embarrassment and humiliation talk for her.

“Ok have it your way. DAVE, AND ROBERT.” Michelle shouted their names.

Dave and Robert walked over to Emily as Michelle sat on the bench. Dave grabbed Emily’s left arm whilst Robert grabbed her right arm. They then pulled the semi naked girl over to where Michelle sat. All Emily’s struggling achieved was showing her fully naked and hairy pussy to everyone as her arms were pulled. She wasn’t able to cover a thing and John got to see Emily’s charms without obstruction. Robert and Dave then forced Emily over Michelle’s lap.

“Boys do you think you could remove her bra? It’s kinda sticking in my leg.” Said Michelle.


Emily was lying across Michelle’s lap her bum and vagina facing the wall were the door is. She started pleading with the boys, but it was no use, Dave unclasped the bra as Robert pulled it off her arms. The bra dropped with a thud on the floor.

Lindsay and Tina squealed in delight.

“Oh this is absolutely priceless. Emily stuffs her bras.” Squealed Lindsay in ecstasy.

“Did the wittle princess want to hide her babba lumps?” Laughed Tina.

“You bitches leave me alone.” Cried Emily.

“Oh you definitely need a spanking you rude WITTLE GIRL.” Shouted Michelle as she started to spank the defenceless girl.

It took only seconds for Emily, to start crying, as she lay naked, apart from her trainers and socks, over Michelle’s lap, being spanked.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

“Michelle please stop, I’m sorry I’ll be a good girl and do as you say.” Begged Emily.

“Hmm - I - don’t - believe- you.” Said Michelle in between strokes.

“Please Michelle I’m sorry.” Screamed Emily her bum getting redder with every spank.

“You -know - what - happens - to - naughty - wittle- girls?” Said Michelle keeping to her rhythm.

“”They get spank owww.” Said Emily as Michelle’s slaps got harder.

“They - get - their- Spanks - in - front- of - everyone- Lindsay - open - the - door- unless - her - next - words - are - I’m - a - naughty - little- girl - and - I - deserve- to - be - punished.” Said Michelle punctuating her words between spanks.

“No please LINDSAY.” Screamed Emily.

Lindsay reached for the door, but her hand froze halfway there. The boys were also frozen in laughter. Michelle had also frozen mid spank. Tina stood with a dumb laugh etched on her face.

Lucy was stood there looking at Emily with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Did you call for me Emily?” Asked Lucy lazily.

“I shouted Lindsay.” Said Emily in shock.

“Oh ok, I’ll let you carry on then.” Said Lucy turning to go.

“No wait. I do need you Lucy.” Said Emily.

“What do you need? I mean you’re already paid up with your last swap.” Said Lucy still grinning mischievously.

“Can you rewind time like you did in the restaurant?” Asked Emily.

“I could but it’ll cost you. The date with me like I want.” Said Lucy.

“No I won’t date you.” Said Emily firmly sticking to her guns.

“Well I can’t rewind time either.” Said Lucy.

“Please can you do anything to help me that doesn’t require me to date you?” Asked Emily.

Lucy casually strolled over to the door and peaked out without opening the door. Her head went straight through it.

“My what a big audience out here. They must have heard your screams. Humans are certainly curious creatures. I mean none of these people look like they want to help, ease your embarrassment. In fact some look really keen.” Said Lucy.

“Please help me Lucy.” Emily said almost begging.

“Let me see, so putting your clothes back on won’t help, they’ll only strip you again. Stripping them will only make them mad. I could glue the door shut until they’ve dressed you?” Said Lucy.

“Can’t you erase their memories or something?” Asked Emily.

“I’m not doing any big magic. You’ll just ignore my payments. I’m going to glue the door shut until you are dressed. You’re payment is this outfit their going to put you in. You’ll look absolutely adorable. Toddles Toddly.” Said Lucy.

Lucy clicked her fingers and vanished from sight. The others in the cubicle unfroze in the same instant.

“Right I think you’ve learned your lesson now let’s get you dressed.” Said Michelle who seemed to have forgotten about opening the door.

Michelle pushed Emily off her lap and Emily Landed with a thud on the floor.

“Will you do as your told or do I need to get the boys to help you dress Toddly? Asked Michelle.

“I’ll do as you say.” Said Emily starting to feel a little defeated.

“We’ll see, lie on your back, legs spread nice and wide, with your hands above your head.” Said Michelle commandingly.

“Please Michelle, like that the boys will see everything.” Begged Emily.

“Do it now, unless you need a little help?” Said Michelle.

Emily rolled over onto her back. She knew Lucy wouldn’t help her now unless she gave Lucy what she wanted. Emily started to cry harder as she started to spread her legs. Emily then slowly uncovered her pussy and breasts with her hands and reached above her head.

The laughter from everyone as they saw Emily’s naked bare breasts for the first time unobstructed. They weren’t just small they were tiny. Without her hairy red bush and vagina she could have easily been mistaken for a boy.

Emily blushed harder then ever going the same colour as her freckles.

“Right Lindsay, can you remove Toddly’s socks and trainers? I mean Toddly might as well bare all.” Laughed Michelle.

Lindsay removed the girls trainers and socks, revealing the small teen girls painted red toe nails.

“Aww don’t her feet look pretty.” Laughed John.

“I prefer her hairy Vag.” Said Robert.

“Eww” said Dave.

“It’s a shame we haven’t got anything to trim her bush with. It looks like a wildfire.” Said Tina.

Everyone broke into more laughter. Emily wished she could die right then and there.

“Well let’s get the wittle bubba dwessed shall we?” Said Michelle in a mock baby voice.

Lindsay passed the bag of clothes over to Michelle. Michelle took it and rummaged through it.

“I got this for a laugh but I think it might suit her.” Said Michelle.

She pulled a baby pink baby’s dummy out of the bag and shoved it in Emily’s open mouth.

“Aww she looks so cute.” Said Lindsay.

The others laughed harder. Emily was openly crying as she could do nothing but watch her humiliation unfold.

“Right next let’s get baby dressed. Let’s start with her ....... NAPPY.” Yelled out Michelle in delight.

Emily shot even redder. Michelle was holding an actual nappy. It had Care Bears print all over it. Across the bum it read, care bear princess. Michelle placed it under Emily’s bottom. Emily started to squirm. It was embarrassing, lying here naked, with three boys and girls laughing at her, naked body, but now, getting a nappy put on her, was too much. Emily didn’t care, about the consequences anymore. she couldn’t let herself be put into nappies.

Emily tried to stand, to get away. Even exposing herself, naked in front of, goodness only knows, but she tried to bolt for the door. Dave and Lindsay grabbed her. Dave had a low hold around Emily’s waist, his hand had accidentally grabbed her vagina. Emily screamed as he caught her. Lindsay had both boobs and was digging her nails into Emily’s bare small breasts. Emily continued struggling towards the door.

Robert dived at Emily’s legs. He lifted her up and John caught the falling girl from behind. John had Lindsay’s hands in a tight grip and the three of them toppled onto the floor. Emily landed with her arms pinned down behind her back. Emily’s legs were spread wide and flailing and thrashing about.

Michelle took her chance and put the nappy on Emily fastening it in place.


“No hold her there. She obviously wants to do this the hard way.” Said Michelle.

Michelle took hold of Emily’s left foot and forced a bright pink care bear sock onto it.

“No stop, please.” Cried Emily.

Michelle ignored her pleas and put the matching right sock on.
Michelle then took bright red Mary Jane shoes out of the bag and put them on the half naked girl.

“There wittle Emily all done. It wasn’t so bad was it.” Said Michelle mockingly.

“What about my top?” Asked Emily.

“Well you really have absolutely nothing there that requires a top. We can take you home dressed exactly as you are.” Said Michelle.

Emily looked absolutely aghast.

“Please Michelle I’ll be a really good girl, don’t make me leave the cubicle dressed like this.” Said Emily.

“Lindsay let her up. And we can walk baby home.” Said Michelle.

“No LUCY.” Shouted Emily.

The scene froze again as Lucy reappeared next to Emily.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

“Hello Emily, see I said you’d look good in that outfit.” Said Lucy smiling.

“Please you’ve got to help me. They want to walk me home.” Said Emily.

“But don’t you want to go home?” Asked Lucy.

“Yes. But not dressed like this!” Said Emily.

“You look so cute. What is it your wearing anyway?” Asked Lucy.

“A nappy, and a pair of socks.” Said Emily.

“Oh, we’ll it’s cute and I love your shoes.” Said Lucy smiling.

“Can you help me?” Asked Emily.

“With what?” Said Lucy.

“You know you’re rather annoying at times Lucy. You say you can read my mind, but I think you can only read it when you want to.” Said Emily.

“You want me to help you, so you don’t have to walk home dressed as you are. Well I suppose I could change your outfit what about your outfit would you like me to change?” Asked Lucy.

Emily looked incredulously at her.

“Of course I want to change it. I want you to get rid of this ridiculous nappy, and give me something to cover my small chest.” Snivelled Emily going red as she said it.

“Ok I’ll do that free of charge.” Said Lucy happily.

Lucy clicked her fingers and the room came back to life. Lucy stayed this time to watch. Michelle reached into the bag again and pulled out a baby’s bib. The bib had Minnie Mouse on the front. Michelle tied it around Emily’s neck. The bib came down to just above Emily’s bare chest. Her nipples were still exposed. Emily looked at Lucy with daggers.

Michelle then pushed Emily forward and out of the cubicle door which Lindsay had now opened. There was a crowd outside the door as the seven teens emerged from the cubicle. ( Lucy was still with them.) the crowd started to laugh as they saw Emily dressed in just shoes socks nappy and bib. Emily wanted a hole in the ground to open and swallow her whole.

Michelle pushed Emily into the middle of the crowd. Lucy clicked her fingers. Emily began to pee uncontrollably into the nappy. The yellow stain quickly spread. Emily started to cry. The nappy was getting heavier and heavier. As the nappy got heavier with pee the lower it drooped on her body.

“Oh my god Lucy’s going to make me remove my nappy in front of everyone.” Thought Emily to herself.

“Lucy” Emily whispered.

The nappy was getting very heavy and could drop at any moment. Lucy reappeared.

“Yes, miss Emily?” Asked Lucy in a sweet toned voice.

“Please , I’ll do anything you want, just please let this embarrassment end.” Said Emily.

“So, you’ll take me on a date, to your prom?” Asked Lucy.

“Yes. Just please don’t strip me naked. Especially in front of everyone here.” Said Emily.

Lucy clicked her fingers and Emily immediately stopped peeing.

“Could you turn back time like you did with Michelle?” Asked Emily.

Lucy clicked her fingers. Emily was now sitting back in Pizza Hut next to Lucy. Emily was fully dressed in her clothes again.

“Thanks Lucy. I’m sorry for saying no to you. Of course I should take you as my date to the prom. You’re beautiful, and I’d love to come out of the closet for you.” Said Emily.

“Why thanks.” Said Lucy.

“So can you pick me up around seven on prom night?” Asked Emily.

“I’ll be out front by seven in my dads limo. Oh, I would love you to wear this outfit under your clothes on prom night. you looked so cute in it.” Said Lucy.

Emily took a brown paper bag from Lucy. She went to open it but Lucy stopped her.

“No don’t open it here . Open it before you get ready on prom night.” Said Lucy.

“Ok.” Said Emily.

Lucy clicked her fingers and vanished. Emily opened her eyes. The restaurant had vanished instead she was stood in her bedroom looking in the mirror.
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Re: Halloween contest: the devils daughter

Post by Revengedpirate »

Emily a little dazed, looked into the full length mirror. Emily realised almost immediately that she was head to toe naked. Her vagina was clean shaven now, her legs waxed. There was no sign of her painted nails. Her feet and hands looked plain. Her hair was tied back in a pony tail.

“EMILY, YOUR DATE WILL BE HERE SOON ARENT YOU READY YET? GEORGE, GO SEE IF YOUR SISTER IS READY.” Emily’s Mum’s voice carried up the stairs in a shout.

“OK MUM.” Shouted George her brother.

Emily heard her brother coming down the hall from the direction of his bedroom. If she didn’t cover quick George would see everything she had, or rather didn’t have. She quickly looked around, there were no clothes or towels about. Her bed was on the opposite of the room, but she wouldn’t get there before George entered.

Emily quickly threw herself down behind her vanity chest, just as George entered her room.

“Emily where are... wow, nice bum sis.” Said George.

“George get out.” Said Emily.

“Mum asked are you ready yet?” Said George now grinning.

Emily covered her naked rear with her hands. Although the vanity chest was hiding her from full frontal exposure. Her rear was reflected in the full length mirror behind her.

“You’re staring at my full naked body in the mirror and your asking am I ready yet? You little perv.” Said Emily.

“Well that wasn’t a yes or no. I’m sorry sis I need a clear answer.” Said George still grinning.

“No, I’m not ready yet. Now leave.” Said Emily.

“Ok, thank you for your answer.” George turned on his heel and walked to the door, pulling it too behind him.

“MUM SHES NOT READY YET.” Shouted George down the stairs.

Emily stood back up. She looked around for any sign of her clothes. She had taken two steps towards the middle of the room, when the door opened again and George was back.

“Mum asked. Woah nice body sis. Your a bit small though aren’t you?” Said George.

Emily shot bright red and put her hands over her chest and pussy before running back to her hiding place behind the vanity desk.

“Small what do you mean? What did mum ask?” Asked Emily.

“I meant your breasts. I thought you were bigger then that. You always fill your bras. Oh and mum wants to know if you want anything to eat before prom?” Said George.

“If you must know, I stuff my bras, you perv. That way everyone sees a big chested girl, rather then this horrible looking skinny one. No I don’t feel hungry. It’s prom tonight? But I thought it was in two weeks.” Said Emily.

Emily was embarrassed talking about her breasts in front of George but it was the best and quickest way to get rid of him.

“No prom is tonight. Did you hit your head. Maybe you should ask your friend Lucy, instead of getting you a coat, she should get you a breast enlargement.” Laughed George as he left.

Emily humiliated picked up her hairbrush off her vanity chest and threw it at the door, George had just walked out of.

Emily got back up, and noticed the bag, Lucy had given her last time the two of them met at Pizza Hut. She opened it. Emily looked disgusted at the contents. Lucy couldn’t possibly expect her to wear this. Emily thought back to Lucy humiliating her just to get her to date Lucy. What would she do if she didn’t wear this.

Emily resigned, she took the nappy and socks from the bag and put both on her skinny frame. If George saw her now he would definitely be in fits of laughter. Emily examined herself in the mirror.

Emily looked like a rather tall toddler. No wonder people called her Toddly. Her hair was in a ponytail her small breasts looked absolutely minuscule in comparison to the rather large care bear nappy. Her socks also had Care Bears on them.

Emily looked back at the vanity chest. Emily now noticed a dark blue top, and long black skirt. She picked up the top and a silky white cami fell to the floor. Emily picked up the silky white cami and placed it over her head. Emily then picked up the blue top. On closer inspection it was a blue blouse. Emily put it on and did up the third and fourth button from the top before tying the bottom together.

Emily then picked up the skirt and put it on. Emily walked over to the mirror. You couldn’t tell she was wearing just a nappy underneath her clothes. Her nipples poked through the thin white cami but the blue blouse covered her top well.

Emily then saw bright red converse high tops,which she carefully slipped on and tied up her laces. She looked absolutely stunning as the doorbell sounded.

“That must be Lucy.” Emily said to herself blushing slightly.


Emily took one last look in the mirror before gliding down the stairs to open the door.

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