Many thanks to Superevil for allowing me to step into his universe and write about one of his minor characters.
Also I hope you all will pardon the shifts in the dialogue infrastructure. It mostly depends on how much energy I want to put into making HE SAID, SHE SAID non repetitive. In addition, I am lazy and don't want to think up names for minor characters. Hence names like MomZ (Mom of Zayden) and DadD (Dad of Doug).
The story is all written, but since girlspns does not have a character countdown on how big the file can grow, there will be 3 or 4 parts.
The setup
Little John has invited Gloria and her friends to go to a multi-cultural parade on his side of town.
Saturday Morning
Several family vans went to the festival, Gloria's group, Zayden's group, and a mix of curious others. When the Zayden family started out, MomZ had to convince her daughter to wear clothes. At least a simple dress because they were leaving the safe area of their neighborhood.
"There's no telling what the attitude of the festival attendants will be like." MomZ explained. "You and I will have to wear something. We can take it off later if it seems appropriate."
The parade of cars carrying the two groups to the Multicultural festival pulled up to the parking lot. DadZ paid the attendant to allow his and the four following cars in. There were plenty of cars already parked, as workers for the myriad of booths were already working to get ready for opening. Fortunately, the main parking lot still had room for them, but soon the later arrivals would have to use the remote lot half a kilometer away.
The festival used about one mile of a public street, lined with booths selling food, native clothes from various regions, and booths selling trinkets of all kinds. Along the street there were small grassy parks and playground areas that were scheduled to be used for more active performances. Most of the booths were not ready yet, still getting stocked with boxes from the sellers’ cars.
Carib Dance
The first venue with any sign of public accessible activity was in a small grassy area with a stage. A troupe of dancers dedicated to Carib culture was practicing for their first morning performance. Male and female dancers were moving around, dressed in casual clothes. Gloria looked around and decided to go talk with an older lady standing off to the side, next to a screened pavilion. Soon, Gloria had a big smile, turning to her friends and with wild arm waving she called the rest of her group over.
Gloria excitedly called out "Hey guys. This place will let us join their dance! The adults are professional representatives of a Caribbean tour company and travel around the state helping school culture clubs to preserve their history. They have high school kids do a talent show type of thing. Let’s go join them."
As the group was led to the back of the area, they glanced at some display photos of past performances. Most of them were of various festivals from around the USA, but several were photos across Central America, even a few from Cuba.
At the back were some curtains to hide back-stage activities where the booth setup was finishing. A donation bucket was assembled at the entrance area, trinkets for sale were laid out on tables, and dancers were practicing. Gloria and friends arrived at just the right time to get instructions on basic steps for the performance. Nothing complicated, just ‘stand where we point’ and follow a basic lead.
With that sorted out, the male dancers went behind a separate screen to get into their costumes. The girls in the troupe also dressed up. Local girls from school culture clubs around the area ended up in a variety of white skirts, similar to tennis or gym skirts. Their tops were white training bras, halter tops, or for the more adventurous, scarves tied in a bandeau style.
Gloria, Cathy, and Zayden were told to pick out spare costumes from a big box. After selecting items that mostly fit, Cathy looked over to the other end of the change area where the adult women were changing. These ladies were a core of the cultural organization that traveled around several states to festivals to help Caribbean culture clubs get back to their roots. Cathy nudged her friends to look over there.
These adults were wearing white (of course) loincloths, but also topless. Gloria and her two friends were a bit confused, as these women were not making any attempt to find a top. This oddity was compounded when a man poked his head around the corner of the screen and said “30 seconds”.
The women promptly went out past the screen onto the stage, followed by the girls from school clubs, then the stage manager motioned for Gloria’s group to follow. Gloria’s mind flashed back to the pavilion entrance with the pictures of past performances. Some of them had topless dancers, which gave Gloria the idea that tops were optional. As she stopped to take off her halter top, Cathy and Zayden bumped into her. Of course they did the same.
Stepping out from behind the curtain, the stage manager started giving instructions on where to stand as he turned to them. “What? Where are your tops? I know you just had them on … nevermind, it’s too late now. You two short ones, stand over here. Tall girl, go across the stage and stand behind the girl with the headband. All of you, follow her lead. Now go.”
The dance lasted five to six minutes and was a rather energetic affair. Two boys and a man kept the pace with quick drum beats and the other male and female dancers ran, hopped, and moved around the stage. When it was all over every participant took a quick bow and rushed off the stage, except for Gloria and her friends. Just as the dance ended, the topless women promptly went into hand-bra mode as they took their exit.
Gloria was puzzled by how the topless dancers suddenly became shy at the end. “(It’s like they went into a time warp when the dance started. No problem being topless while in character, but when the music stops they are dumped back to the present and have to cover up.)”
As Gloria, Cathy, and Zayden had not been given any instructions on what to do now, they were left standing on the stage in front of the modest sized audience. Not knowing what to do, Gloria hammed it up by striding up to the front of the stage and taking a deep bow, with a few flourishes. As she received a big cheer from the spectators, Cathy and Zayden also stepped up to make their own bows.
With the noise that the audience was making, the dancers that rushed off the stage came trickling back out to see what was going on. As the boys and girls came back to take their own bows, our three topless girls stepped back to give them room to soak up the attention. A short time later the formerly topless women dancers also came out from behind the curtains, but they had put on white halter tops. The applause for these women was not as energetic as what came before.
When all the outro activities, bows taken, and encores honored were done, only Gloria and her two friends were left on the stage, the manager came over to them.
“Hi girls.” the Manager said. “Thanks for taking part in our dance presentation. Our crew was very surprised that you all elected to come out here without tops. We never had any local school girls your age do that.”
Gloria explained “Backstage I saw the senior women dancers come out with just loin cloths, and remembered going past your pictures of past dances showing all the girls topless. So we did the same.”
The Manager told the girls “Those pictures were all taken in Caribbean islands where customs are different. The core group here, minus the local school culture clubs, are all impressed and grateful for your willingness to go back to roots that are not your own. By the way, you can go backstage and get dressed now. No need to stay out here dressed as you are.”
“Oh, we’re OK.” Zayden assured him.
“No problem.” The Manager suggested, “Say, if you want to keep those costumes it’s not a problem. They are only two small towels attached to a short rope. You all walking around the festival like that would be great advertisement for this project. Well, I have to go back to work. Your clothes are behind the curtains. Thanks for everything and you are welcome back here any time.”
The three girls changed back into their original clothes and started walking deeper into the festival. They took in the sights of several pavilions before a conversation of their just finished dance experience started.
Gloria observed “That Caribbean dance was really different. It’s not like any dance we see normally.”
Zayden agreed, “Way different from disco or twerking or the Twist.”
Cathy joked, “‘The Twist’? I think my great grandma used to talk about that. How old are you again?”
This led into a discussion of all the dance types the girls could think of, and what the purpose of each might be. They came up with some categories.
Gloria: The Can-Can is sexy for an audience.
Cathy: The Flamingo is sexy for the partners.
Zayden: Who is a Ballet sexy for? Square Dancing is … I guess to be part of a party.
Gloria: The most exotic dance I’ve ever seen is Samba. The Carib stuff we did seems more like tribal bonding.
Tahitian dance
The girls had slowly walked down the road, passing booths selling food and candy, handmade crafts, and some carnival activities like Ring Toss. Eventually they came to another small grassy field, very similar to the Caribbean pavilion.
This time Zayden called out, “Guys! Look! They do the Hula Dance here. Let’s go see it.”
Gloria observed “The sign says it's a Tahitian Club thing. I wonder how different it is from Hawaii’s Hula.”
Cathy called them over. “They have pictures behind these tables, and brochures. Here is a signup sheet for some kind of contest. Let’s go ask. Maybe they will let us dance here, too.”
As the girls browsed through the pictures and pamphlets a few dancing girls were practicing their moves.
Cathy was impressed. “Look at that girl dance. This is wild. Hula is much slower, telling a story with hands. Moving like a mix of light wind and mild surf. These dancers are really moving, shaking their hips like crazy. Lordy, I don’t think my spine is flexible enough to do that. Maybe Zayden is up for it.”
Zayden excitedly implored “Let’s go ask. Maybe they’ll teach us and let us dance with them.”
“Sounds good.” Gloria acknowledged. “I’m sure if we can’t twist with the wild stuff there will be some beginner moves we can do.”
The three girls went over to one of the older dancers that was taking a break, to inquire if they could participate for a performance or two. The lady said “Sure. Do you know how to do our dances?”
“No. We don’t expect to do a full routine.” Gloria replied. “Can you show us some simple easy moves and we can be like background dancers?”
“Yeah, we can do that. We have a few extra costumes in the back. Come over here and I will show you how to swirl your hips. After you learn that, you only need to wave your arms like you see that dancer over there doing.”
The girls tried their best to follow the teacher but she had to give up on ‘swirls’ for lack of time and settle for simply rocking their hips back and forth. Then the dancer led the girls off to a tent to change.
The Dancer pointed off to the side. “This box has extra costumes … and I see we have three grass skirts … but I can only find two tops.”
The dancer looks at all three girls, then picks out Zayden since she is the youngest and has no significant boob development.
“Young lady, what is your name?” Dancer asked. "Zayden? How motivated are you to join our dance? Back in the home islands, a top is usually optional for this dance. But here in this big city nobody has ever done it that way. I can understand if you want to sit this one out.”
Cathy answered for Zayden, “Zayden is the one that brought us all in here. We just came from the Carib show and they let us do their dance topless. We’ll go topless with Zayden if that’s what it takes to get us all in.”
Dancer was surprised. “Really? You all will be the first I’ve seen. I suppose it’s OK, this being an Equal Rights state and all. Here are your skirts.”
The three girls promptly slipped out of their clothes getting naked before wrapping the grass skirts around their waists.
This flummoxed Dancer, “(You were supposed to go INTO the change tent to do that. Well, I guess they won’t chicken out of dancing topless in front of the audience.)”
The show went on for about 30 minutes. Several professional quality dancers performed, followed by some talent from the local culture club. Then everyone took a break.
Zayden gushed, “I almost got into the rhythm at the end. Let’s do another show.”
“There’s a schedule posted on this board … we have 30 minutes.” Gloria mentioned. “There’s an ice cream booth across the way. Anyone else hungry?”
Cathy sadly replied, “We don’t have any money.”
Zayden saw some familiar faces coming up the street. “Oh look. Here comes my brother and Ray. And Gloria, is that John? Let’s get the money from them.”
The three boys were oblivious as they ambled along the path, looking the wrong way as they strolled by the Tahitian booth.
Zayden called out “BUZZ! OVER HERE! How can you just ignore your sister?”
This startled the three boys. Buzz and Ray were used to seeing Zayden and Cathy run around their neighborhood naked, so what the girls were wearing was not an eye-catching anomaly. Little John had no such experiences. “(Shit! I almost passed them by. How far has my head been up my ass that I didn’t see three topless girls?”)
Buzz jumped. “Whao! Sorry about that. Nice costume. Did you just finish dancing with them?”
“Yeah, but we’re hungry.” Zayden said. “We need to bum some money off you for ice cream.”
Little John volunteered “I’ll pay. Let’s all line up at the window and put in our orders. Since you’re still topless and in a costume skirt, will you be doing another dance?”
Gloria informed them “Yeah! Are you going to stay and watch us?”
“Absolutely.” Little John confirmed. “When is it?”
Zayden put in “About one ice cream cone of time.”
The six kids made their selections and walked back to the Tahitian area. Sitting on some benches, they started chatting about everything they saw at the carnival. Gloria was not paying enough attention to her cone, and it dripped. Down her chin and in between her bare breasts.
As she scooped the little stream off her chest with a finger, Little John softly made a whimsical but randy comment to Gloria, “Someday I hope you will let me lick that off you.”
Gloria gave him a big smile and said back, “Oh how sweet.” as she laced her arm through his.
Zayden saw the ice cream drip from Gloria’s cone. She stood up and unhooked her costume skirt, sitting back down naked. “I don’t want to get this dirty. It’s not ours and we can’t wash it here.” The other two girls saw the logic of that and followed her example.
With the ice cream cones finished, they all stood up and the girls reached for their skirts. But Gloria had a problem.
“John, my fingers are all dirty and sticky. Can you please wrap me up?” Gloria invited.
While the seating area was somewhat hidden from passers by on the carnival path, it was still out in the open. Three naked girls standing and moving about, getting ‘dressed’ caught the attention of a group of local boys.
As the carnival was in a rough part of town, these local boys were, well, ruffians. As they moved in for a better look, the girls had already headed off to the change tent.
The Dancer came by. “Oh, there you are. I wondered where you had gone without your clothes.”
Zayden explained, “We just went across the way to get some ice cream, and we want to do another show. Is that OK?”
“Sure. Be ready to get on the stage in five minutes.”
This dance went much better as the girls had at least learned how to rotate their hips, even if they could not match the pace of the pros. When the program ended, the three girls traded the costumes for their regular clothes. As they left the area that local gang of boys were waiting. They gave out a stream of cat calls, wolf whistles, “nice tits”, and the like.
This caught the attention of some men that had seen the show. They stepped between the boys and girls, privately conflicted between sympathy for the girls and “(this is why you don’t do shit like dance topless in this neighborhood)” Unfortunately the boys were not cowed, only taking a step back but still making trouble. That is until a Marine Drill Sergeant sized man with ‘SECURITY’ embroidered on his shirt chased them away.
The Sunday parade started at 10:30, with preparations beginning early and going all morning.
Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2, C, and 4 - At The Multicultural Parade
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Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2, C, and 4 - At The Multicultural Parade
Last edited by LittleFrieda on Mon Mar 10, 2025 2:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Gloria - 03 - part 1 At The Multicultural Parade
The Sunday parade started at 10:30, with preparations beginning early and going all morning.
The high point of the festival is the parade down the main street of the neighborhood. A park very near the start of the parade was commandeered as an assembly area for the various contingents. Gloria, Zayden, Little John, and their families zig-zaged through the grass until they found the staging area for their section.
There were large boxes lined up labeled BOYS or GIRLS that held costumes for the marchers. Boy costumes were mostly colorful pantaloons, shorts, and vests that were bedazzled with sequins. Girls’ boxes had similarly decorated items but were thongs, crowns, and bras.
A third set of boxes contained frames and harnesses that can be worn by the marchers. The sizes went from large “angel wings” (think Las Vegas showgirls) to bras. The bras were open outlines that usually were decorated with accessories to cover the nipples, like inserts, feathers, tassels, and hanging jewelry.
A number of small boxes had smaller accessories like feathers, costume jewelry, pendants, and other trinkets that could be attached to the outfits.
As the girls were picking through the boxes to assemble their costumes, Gloria was the first to find a serious problem. When she picked up one of the bra frames, it was entangled with some other items in the box. Having separated the bra, Gloria put it on to test it out.
"Ouch." Gloria winced in pain. "There’s a broken wire in this bra that’s sticking me. I can’t wear it. I need to grab another."
Searching through all the other garments in that box, it became evident that whoever packed it up last year did a very bad job. Everything was torn, broken, or hooked together. Many of the other girls asked their mothers for help in repairing the damage. A few girls were lucky when their bras were made usable. Most of the other girls had a choice to make. Either wear your underwear bra or go without.
Past parades had usually included one or two brave topless young ladies, but they were college age. These were women that had outgrown the overbearing fear that they would be mercilessly razzed by their young peers for showing so much skin, especially by the boys. Somehow the young teen girls were not at all reluctant to wear a barely there bra that showed off their newly developed bust and cleavage, as long as it didn’t go TOO far. Zayden was the first girl, naturally, to decide that lack of a usable top was not an obstacle.
Since the wardrobe had become a problem, Zayden called out “Little John, can we skip the costume and go naked?”
“Sorry Zayden. This parade uses Rio’s rules for Carnaval.” John informed her. “Topless is OK, nude is not. There should be lots of thongs and G-strings available to wear.”
Cathy was still looking through the box for a usable bra when she saw Zayden peel off her sundress, step into a G-string, and declare herself “done”. Chiding herself for not thinking of that first, Cathy did likewise. Then the two went over to Gloria, still searching the boxes with Little John, hoping against hope to find an unbroken top.
Gloria grumbled in irritation, "There’s nothing here that will work."
Zayden called out, "I have an idea. Gloria, forget the bra. Get into one of those G-strings and then let’s all get oiled up. We were going to do that anyway, and get sparkle dust applied. After that we grab some of those fake jewels and glue …"
It was then that Zayden saw that all the girls who missed out on getting a workable bra were looking at her. Some with blank faces, some with irritation, and some that might decide to simply drop out. None looked enthusiastic about parading topless.
Cathy rather bluntly told those other girls, "Hey girls, you all have three choices. One, you can drop out. Two, you can wear your underwear bra and look silly. Three, do the parade topless and not look silly."
"Well, there is one more option." Zayden offered. "Any girl that really feels the need to cover up a little, there are boxes over there with accessories and a bit of body adhesive you can use instead of a bra. Stick something on your lady parts, it’s better than nothing. Gloria, John, where do we go to get oiled up?"
"Back over here. I’ll lead the way."
The three of them trundled off behind John, and arrived at a set of tables. Since the boys in the parade had not been delayed by searching through damaged bras, they were already crowded around the station. The girls stopped short of the tables, taking in the situation and figuring how to push in for what they needed. They were followed by a few of the braver girls that decided they REALLY wanted to be in the parade even if there was no bra to wear.
Zayden reached through the crowd grabbing three bottles of the oil, passing the extras along to her friends. Gloria took one of the offered bottles and turned right around, pouring a bit on Little John’s palm. Then she turned her back and said with a wicked smile, "Grease me up, big guy."
Zayden startled a 13yo boy by walking right up to him, putting her bottle in his hand and commanded him to start on her back. Cathy followed her friend’s lead, choosing a mid-high school lad to help her. All three boys went along with this, spreading the shiny oil on the girls backs.
It all went as expected until Zayden’s helper declared that he was done. To his amazement, she turned around, spread her arms out and told him "That was only my back. Keep going. Do my arms, shoulders, and keep going down until you reach my toes."
This got the attention of every boy within earshot. Then Cathy turned around and told her helper the same thing. The older boys in the crowd understood what a whopping great privilege those lucky three were gifted with. More girls without bras were finally filtering over to this station, looking around for oil. Two had already started to help apply it on each other’s back.
A few of the younger boys started sniggering at Zayden and Cathy.
When Gloria heard this undercurrent of rude comments and giggles, it brought out her old personality to give the miscreants a beat down, or at least a stern talking to.
Gloria boomed out at the offenders, "You four! See that bunch of little boys over there? That’s the Bachelor Herd. You’re out. Go join them. The rest of you boys listen up. This is your chance to have the best day of your life so far. Helping a willing girl to oil up might even be the Best Day you’ll ever get until college. To get this Best Day you have to be One Thousand Percent respectful, and gentle. And smile a lot. Real genuine smiles. No leers, no sneers. Any boy that can’t handle that will get kicked back to the bachelor herd. Is that understood?"
After that outburst, one of the new girls complained that she didn’t want boys feeling her up.
Cathy sort of sympathized, "I understand, but change your perspective. It’s not about what the boys get out of this, like they are stealing some of your virtue. It’s about what we get from the boys. They are here to serve and pleasure us, and believe me, getting oiled up by a boy means a lot of pleasure."
Cathy’s helper had paused at Gloria’s outburst and she needed to remind him to keep going. She turned to her helper boy, put on a big smile, and spread her arms just like Zayden had. This kid put on an unbelieving smile and knew exactly what to do. Or at least exactly what he wanted to do without getting himself kicked to the curb.
Cathy and Gloria were enjoying to the max their boy’s helper hands as they spread the shiny liquid over their breasts and tummies. Cathy’s big smile and Gloria’s skill at putting boys in their place convinced a few of the other girls to pick a helper of their own. Starting on the back, of course, to make sure the boy had the right mental attitude for the task.
Suddenly an angry snarl from Zayden blasted out. Nobody saw or heard what started the outburst, but she was already in motion. Stepping away from her helper, Zayden told him in no uncertain terms to go back to the Bachelor Herd. She picked another boy from the crowd, one that was waving his arms “Pick me! Pick me!” This new kid took no chances, even though he was a little disappointed that his girl was almost flat, with no boobs big enough to press.
Cathy had a wonderful time with her helper as he dripped the oil across her shoulders and spread it down her chest. Stretching out the time he had his hands on her, he went as slow as he dared. Cathy’s big smile gave him the confidence to run his oily hands from under her armpit, across the area where her breasts start to swell, and then back the other way. The oil on his hands ran out, so thinking fast he put just a small amount on his palm. This way it would take many applications to finish the job.
With a new load on his hand, he rubbed over the top of Cathy’s breasts. As he passed over her nipple, he made sure to let his pinky’s finger web catch and gently tug her nipple. Down the valley and up the other breast, giving her other nipple a slightly firmer pull. When Cathy giggled he knew that he was doing this just right.
The next application was along her underboob. This time he let his tumb’s web catch her nipples, and at the same time gave her breasts a bit of squeeze. He had a hard time giving up watching her flesh depress and bounce back under that gentle pressure when he reached the other side. Damn, he wanted to do this all day. But duty called and he did not want to attract unwanted attention.
Eventually the three girls were done and John led them to the next station for the application of sparkle dust. It was really just small bits of shiny thin colored vinyl. Grab a small handful and blow while it drops in front of your mouth. It would stick to the oil that the boys had just put on the girls.
Zayden found a mid-sized costume jewel ruby in the grass. While picking it up she wondered what could be done with it. Wiping it off with a tissue, she thought maybe it would stick to her skin in the same fashion as the sparkles. So into the belly button it goes. While it was only just sticky enough to stay in for 30 seconds, it did give her an idea.
When Cathy and Gloria were all sparkled up, Zayden let them back to the costume boxes. With a bit of costume glue on the jewel, she stuck the ruby in her belly button again. This time it was firmly attached. Cathy saw this and decided to put small fake diamonds in a circle around each nipple with a large topaz piece in the center.
Most of the other girls in the troupe who searched in vain for a usable bra saw this and promptly started sticking feathers, tassels, and beads to their breasts. That was their way to save some modesty and still participate in the parade.
Gloria went with a different style. She found about twenty long loops of beads, divided the loops equally, and wore them sling style hung from each shoulder. As they crossed in the front of her chest, they left her breasts open.
Little John mused, (“With a little imagination they look like Mexican bandoleros.”)
At the end of all the preparations, about a third of the girls from 10 up had decided to parade some form of topless. The few girls that found workable bra frames left out the inserts that would hide their nipples. Costume paste and trinkets took care of most of the rest, while two girls couldn’t bring themselves to march without a normal bra. Very young girls that still looked like boys went without tops.
A final bit of organization as the parade started was that Zayden was given the privilege of marching at the head of the crew, helping to carry the banner with the club name.
Sunday Parade
The parade was old hat for Little John as he had helped since shortly after learning to walk and this was his 10th of these annual events, but his three new friends had only experienced completely different style parades, which was sitting on the sidewalk as staid veterans marched and walked past on their own separate 4th of July outings.
This parade was closely modeled on Rio’s parades. The girls only had a basic understanding of how this one would run. Any mainstream media reporting they had seen of Carnaval was pictures of masses of sexy and colorful blocks of participants, sure, but not like THIS.
Not long into the start of this crew’s march down the street, with the band playing behind them, something almost magical started. A modest number of little kids, from toddlers to about 10 years old, would jump out of the spectators behind the modest barricades on the sidelines, stand in front of a sexy dancer and raise their arms up. The dancer would take the hands and help the kid do a few simple dance steps with them. Even let the kid twirl around. Then the kid went back to their parents who were taking pictures.
Little John noticed that something changed this year. In previous times it was mostly girls that wanted to dance with the marchers. This year there were many more boys, and the boys were a few years older. Instead of a few dance steps, the boys tried to stay much longer. In fact, they stayed for as much time as the boy could get away with. The dancers had to let go of the boy’s hands and dance off to the side on her own leaving the boy behind. John figured it was because of all the topless girls.
parade dancers dance a few steps with kids along the route
Not long into the parade, Gloria spent a little time showing Little John the Samba dance moves she had learned.
Duck Pond
With the parade over, all the kids went off to play in the surrounding area while the adults set up the pavilions and tables for a picnic style buffet lunch/dinner. DadD seemed to have just a bit more organization than the others, so at the appropriate eating time he set out to round up the kids.
[DadD] Oh! Zayden! Could you please go find Doug? He’s wearing a bright red shirt. It’s past time to eat dinner.
The Sunday parade started at 10:30, with preparations beginning early and going all morning.
The high point of the festival is the parade down the main street of the neighborhood. A park very near the start of the parade was commandeered as an assembly area for the various contingents. Gloria, Zayden, Little John, and their families zig-zaged through the grass until they found the staging area for their section.
There were large boxes lined up labeled BOYS or GIRLS that held costumes for the marchers. Boy costumes were mostly colorful pantaloons, shorts, and vests that were bedazzled with sequins. Girls’ boxes had similarly decorated items but were thongs, crowns, and bras.
A third set of boxes contained frames and harnesses that can be worn by the marchers. The sizes went from large “angel wings” (think Las Vegas showgirls) to bras. The bras were open outlines that usually were decorated with accessories to cover the nipples, like inserts, feathers, tassels, and hanging jewelry.
A number of small boxes had smaller accessories like feathers, costume jewelry, pendants, and other trinkets that could be attached to the outfits.
As the girls were picking through the boxes to assemble their costumes, Gloria was the first to find a serious problem. When she picked up one of the bra frames, it was entangled with some other items in the box. Having separated the bra, Gloria put it on to test it out.
"Ouch." Gloria winced in pain. "There’s a broken wire in this bra that’s sticking me. I can’t wear it. I need to grab another."
Searching through all the other garments in that box, it became evident that whoever packed it up last year did a very bad job. Everything was torn, broken, or hooked together. Many of the other girls asked their mothers for help in repairing the damage. A few girls were lucky when their bras were made usable. Most of the other girls had a choice to make. Either wear your underwear bra or go without.
Past parades had usually included one or two brave topless young ladies, but they were college age. These were women that had outgrown the overbearing fear that they would be mercilessly razzed by their young peers for showing so much skin, especially by the boys. Somehow the young teen girls were not at all reluctant to wear a barely there bra that showed off their newly developed bust and cleavage, as long as it didn’t go TOO far. Zayden was the first girl, naturally, to decide that lack of a usable top was not an obstacle.
Since the wardrobe had become a problem, Zayden called out “Little John, can we skip the costume and go naked?”
“Sorry Zayden. This parade uses Rio’s rules for Carnaval.” John informed her. “Topless is OK, nude is not. There should be lots of thongs and G-strings available to wear.”
Cathy was still looking through the box for a usable bra when she saw Zayden peel off her sundress, step into a G-string, and declare herself “done”. Chiding herself for not thinking of that first, Cathy did likewise. Then the two went over to Gloria, still searching the boxes with Little John, hoping against hope to find an unbroken top.
Gloria grumbled in irritation, "There’s nothing here that will work."
Zayden called out, "I have an idea. Gloria, forget the bra. Get into one of those G-strings and then let’s all get oiled up. We were going to do that anyway, and get sparkle dust applied. After that we grab some of those fake jewels and glue …"
It was then that Zayden saw that all the girls who missed out on getting a workable bra were looking at her. Some with blank faces, some with irritation, and some that might decide to simply drop out. None looked enthusiastic about parading topless.
Cathy rather bluntly told those other girls, "Hey girls, you all have three choices. One, you can drop out. Two, you can wear your underwear bra and look silly. Three, do the parade topless and not look silly."
"Well, there is one more option." Zayden offered. "Any girl that really feels the need to cover up a little, there are boxes over there with accessories and a bit of body adhesive you can use instead of a bra. Stick something on your lady parts, it’s better than nothing. Gloria, John, where do we go to get oiled up?"
"Back over here. I’ll lead the way."
The three of them trundled off behind John, and arrived at a set of tables. Since the boys in the parade had not been delayed by searching through damaged bras, they were already crowded around the station. The girls stopped short of the tables, taking in the situation and figuring how to push in for what they needed. They were followed by a few of the braver girls that decided they REALLY wanted to be in the parade even if there was no bra to wear.
Zayden reached through the crowd grabbing three bottles of the oil, passing the extras along to her friends. Gloria took one of the offered bottles and turned right around, pouring a bit on Little John’s palm. Then she turned her back and said with a wicked smile, "Grease me up, big guy."
Zayden startled a 13yo boy by walking right up to him, putting her bottle in his hand and commanded him to start on her back. Cathy followed her friend’s lead, choosing a mid-high school lad to help her. All three boys went along with this, spreading the shiny oil on the girls backs.
It all went as expected until Zayden’s helper declared that he was done. To his amazement, she turned around, spread her arms out and told him "That was only my back. Keep going. Do my arms, shoulders, and keep going down until you reach my toes."
This got the attention of every boy within earshot. Then Cathy turned around and told her helper the same thing. The older boys in the crowd understood what a whopping great privilege those lucky three were gifted with. More girls without bras were finally filtering over to this station, looking around for oil. Two had already started to help apply it on each other’s back.
A few of the younger boys started sniggering at Zayden and Cathy.
When Gloria heard this undercurrent of rude comments and giggles, it brought out her old personality to give the miscreants a beat down, or at least a stern talking to.
Gloria boomed out at the offenders, "You four! See that bunch of little boys over there? That’s the Bachelor Herd. You’re out. Go join them. The rest of you boys listen up. This is your chance to have the best day of your life so far. Helping a willing girl to oil up might even be the Best Day you’ll ever get until college. To get this Best Day you have to be One Thousand Percent respectful, and gentle. And smile a lot. Real genuine smiles. No leers, no sneers. Any boy that can’t handle that will get kicked back to the bachelor herd. Is that understood?"
After that outburst, one of the new girls complained that she didn’t want boys feeling her up.
Cathy sort of sympathized, "I understand, but change your perspective. It’s not about what the boys get out of this, like they are stealing some of your virtue. It’s about what we get from the boys. They are here to serve and pleasure us, and believe me, getting oiled up by a boy means a lot of pleasure."
Cathy’s helper had paused at Gloria’s outburst and she needed to remind him to keep going. She turned to her helper boy, put on a big smile, and spread her arms just like Zayden had. This kid put on an unbelieving smile and knew exactly what to do. Or at least exactly what he wanted to do without getting himself kicked to the curb.
Cathy and Gloria were enjoying to the max their boy’s helper hands as they spread the shiny liquid over their breasts and tummies. Cathy’s big smile and Gloria’s skill at putting boys in their place convinced a few of the other girls to pick a helper of their own. Starting on the back, of course, to make sure the boy had the right mental attitude for the task.
Suddenly an angry snarl from Zayden blasted out. Nobody saw or heard what started the outburst, but she was already in motion. Stepping away from her helper, Zayden told him in no uncertain terms to go back to the Bachelor Herd. She picked another boy from the crowd, one that was waving his arms “Pick me! Pick me!” This new kid took no chances, even though he was a little disappointed that his girl was almost flat, with no boobs big enough to press.
Cathy had a wonderful time with her helper as he dripped the oil across her shoulders and spread it down her chest. Stretching out the time he had his hands on her, he went as slow as he dared. Cathy’s big smile gave him the confidence to run his oily hands from under her armpit, across the area where her breasts start to swell, and then back the other way. The oil on his hands ran out, so thinking fast he put just a small amount on his palm. This way it would take many applications to finish the job.
With a new load on his hand, he rubbed over the top of Cathy’s breasts. As he passed over her nipple, he made sure to let his pinky’s finger web catch and gently tug her nipple. Down the valley and up the other breast, giving her other nipple a slightly firmer pull. When Cathy giggled he knew that he was doing this just right.
The next application was along her underboob. This time he let his tumb’s web catch her nipples, and at the same time gave her breasts a bit of squeeze. He had a hard time giving up watching her flesh depress and bounce back under that gentle pressure when he reached the other side. Damn, he wanted to do this all day. But duty called and he did not want to attract unwanted attention.
Eventually the three girls were done and John led them to the next station for the application of sparkle dust. It was really just small bits of shiny thin colored vinyl. Grab a small handful and blow while it drops in front of your mouth. It would stick to the oil that the boys had just put on the girls.
Zayden found a mid-sized costume jewel ruby in the grass. While picking it up she wondered what could be done with it. Wiping it off with a tissue, she thought maybe it would stick to her skin in the same fashion as the sparkles. So into the belly button it goes. While it was only just sticky enough to stay in for 30 seconds, it did give her an idea.
When Cathy and Gloria were all sparkled up, Zayden let them back to the costume boxes. With a bit of costume glue on the jewel, she stuck the ruby in her belly button again. This time it was firmly attached. Cathy saw this and decided to put small fake diamonds in a circle around each nipple with a large topaz piece in the center.
Most of the other girls in the troupe who searched in vain for a usable bra saw this and promptly started sticking feathers, tassels, and beads to their breasts. That was their way to save some modesty and still participate in the parade.
Gloria went with a different style. She found about twenty long loops of beads, divided the loops equally, and wore them sling style hung from each shoulder. As they crossed in the front of her chest, they left her breasts open.
Little John mused, (“With a little imagination they look like Mexican bandoleros.”)
At the end of all the preparations, about a third of the girls from 10 up had decided to parade some form of topless. The few girls that found workable bra frames left out the inserts that would hide their nipples. Costume paste and trinkets took care of most of the rest, while two girls couldn’t bring themselves to march without a normal bra. Very young girls that still looked like boys went without tops.
A final bit of organization as the parade started was that Zayden was given the privilege of marching at the head of the crew, helping to carry the banner with the club name.
Sunday Parade
The parade was old hat for Little John as he had helped since shortly after learning to walk and this was his 10th of these annual events, but his three new friends had only experienced completely different style parades, which was sitting on the sidewalk as staid veterans marched and walked past on their own separate 4th of July outings.
This parade was closely modeled on Rio’s parades. The girls only had a basic understanding of how this one would run. Any mainstream media reporting they had seen of Carnaval was pictures of masses of sexy and colorful blocks of participants, sure, but not like THIS.
Not long into the start of this crew’s march down the street, with the band playing behind them, something almost magical started. A modest number of little kids, from toddlers to about 10 years old, would jump out of the spectators behind the modest barricades on the sidelines, stand in front of a sexy dancer and raise their arms up. The dancer would take the hands and help the kid do a few simple dance steps with them. Even let the kid twirl around. Then the kid went back to their parents who were taking pictures.
Little John noticed that something changed this year. In previous times it was mostly girls that wanted to dance with the marchers. This year there were many more boys, and the boys were a few years older. Instead of a few dance steps, the boys tried to stay much longer. In fact, they stayed for as much time as the boy could get away with. The dancers had to let go of the boy’s hands and dance off to the side on her own leaving the boy behind. John figured it was because of all the topless girls.
parade dancers dance a few steps with kids along the route
Not long into the parade, Gloria spent a little time showing Little John the Samba dance moves she had learned.
Duck Pond
With the parade over, all the kids went off to play in the surrounding area while the adults set up the pavilions and tables for a picnic style buffet lunch/dinner. DadD seemed to have just a bit more organization than the others, so at the appropriate eating time he set out to round up the kids.
[DadD] Oh! Zayden! Could you please go find Doug? He’s wearing a bright red shirt. It’s past time to eat dinner.
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Re: Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2 - At The Multicultural Parade
Glad to see the return of Little Frieda!! Love your storyverse!story verse! And the videos are awesome and helpful.
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Re: Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2 - At The Multicultural Parade
Thanks. Sometimes the videos inspire a scene, and sometimes they goose the imagination better than any prose I can write.jojo12026 wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 8:23 pm Glad to see the return of Little Frieda!! Love your storyverse! story verse! And the videos are awesome and helpful.
The "Dance for Little John" video is not quite the one I wanted. Now it appears that my mind merged that one with another:
Now imagine THIS girl (let's call her Gloria) dancing for John.
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Re: Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2 - At The Multicultural Parade
Duck Pond
[DadD] Oh! Zayden! Could you please go find Doug? He’s wearing a bright red shirt. It’s past time to eat dinner.
DadD was puzzled as he watched Zayden scamper off. DadZ was right there and reacted just a bit suspiciously, thinking DadD was a little too interested.
[DadZ] Don’t look too hard, it’s unseemly.
[DadD] What? Oh! Yeah, right. No. Yes, but not like that. There are a few other girls running around here naked, but Zayden confuses me. Those others, when I see them I think “GASP! She’s NAKED!” If Zayden was lined up with a random collection of girls it would be “blue dress, green dress, short-shorts, no dress, red dress, paisley dress … What? Go back. No, not the paisley, back more. To the “no dress". How did I miss that? It’s like, that’s normal for Zayden and the brain simply accepts it. …
[DadZ] Right. There are several motivations to get naked. Exhibitionism, contrarian, thrill seeker, seduction. None of those apply to Zayden.
[DadD] Zayden acts like what I would expect from a middle aged woman that owns and operates a nudist resort. And hasn’t worn anything in 2 decades except for going into town every 2 or 3 years for jury duty. It’s uncanny.
Zayden started a methodical search for Doug, going from one corner of the park and zig-zagging side to side. She found him sitting on the side of a small hill that overlooked the park’s modest duck pond, trying to look small and unapproachable. As she walked up to him, she saw him toss some bread to the birds.
[Zayden] (so that is Doug. He’s the one I threw back into the Bachelor Herd) Hey Doug, your father says it’s time to come up to the picnic table for dinner.
[Doug] Tell him I’m not hungry.
Glad to get away quickly, Zayden dutifully reports that response back to DadD, who replies with:
[DadD] I don’t have time to go get him right now. Be a dear and tell him that, hungry or not, he needs to be up here with his friends.
Zayden went off with a heavy heart, getting saddled with the job of talking to Doug a second time.
[Zayden] Hey Doug, your father wants you at the tables to be with your friends.
[Doug] Friends? (pensively scanning the sky) We have some mighty fine weather today. Yes, some fair weather … so where’s all my friends? I’ve been sitting here since the middle of the parade. Have any of my friends missed me? I haven’t discovered any magical new camouflage, so it’s not like they couldn’t find me. I must be invisible all on my own.
[Doug (staring back down at his toes)] Why does my father have to remind me I don’t have any friends?
[Zayden] No friends? I remember you now. You were with those boys that made trouble for us yesterday at the Tahitian dance.
[Doug] Yeah, I was with them, but they weren't with me. I stupidly tried to act like them and made an insult. But all that happened was they laughed at ME, not at you. Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.
Zayden starts thinking “(‘Sorry’ is not good enough, and anyway, this boy has some issues)”, and makes to leave back to the food.
[Doug] Zayden? I didn’t mean to make you mad this morning. I tried to act like a normal boy and say something. It didn’t work. It never does. I should be used to it by now.
[Zayden (indignant and worked up now)] Say something? Do you know how disrespectful, how insulting that was? First of all …
[Doug (puts his hands over his ears, almost shouting)] I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW. This isn’t the first time I’ve bombed. You can explain all you want, in excruciating detail, for hours on end, all afternoon, exactly why I should be ashamed and never be allowed near polite company ever again. But I still won’t get it. I’m sorry, Zayden. Maybe I should just give up.
[Zayden “(this conversation is NOT going to plan)”] Give up? Give up what?
[Doug] Trying to make jokes. Talking. Everything. You said “Does this thong make my ass look big?” I said “Yes” and you yelled at me before I could say “ALL humans have a big ass. We need big muscles back there so we don’t tip over and walk on all fours like cats and dogs.” Big butts also help humans run long distances. [he drops his head into his hands] Crap. I’m doing it again, I can’t just shut up. I keep yapping long after anyone wants to hear. It always takes too long for me to make sense. I should give up.
[Doug] Last year I tried to explain the best sex position. ‘Maximize skin contact.’ Holding hands is good. Arm in arm is better because of more skin contact. Then arms around waist, then hugs. Lie down together and when you can’t get any more skin-on-skin you are in the right position for sex. It’s simple mathematics. Maximize skin contact and there you are.
[Doug] That’s what I tried to say, but Dad cut me off and grounded me for a week.
[Doug] Two years ago my father was driving me somewhere. We just missed a green light. He said getting caught at the red light was my fault. If I was not there with him, the light would have stayed green. Do I cause red lights? Is God laughing at me?
[Zayden] He must have been trying to make a joke.
[Doug] Are my jokes like that? Is that why everyone gets mad at me?
[Doug] This morning you girls gave some boys their Best Day ever. I was 30 seconds away from getting a Best Day with you, then I had to open my fat mouth and lose everything. Everything.
[Zayden] Hey! Don’t try to pin this on me.
[Doug] No. I know. If it was just you I could get over it. But it’s like this all the time. It never ends.
[Doug] It’s never going to get better, is it?
[Doug] Last night on TV’s Late Movie they played “Foxes”. Four high school girls trying to survive growing up in Los Angeles. At the end, Annie doesn’t make it … she dies because of a car crash. I have the final bit of dialogue memorized. Jodie says:
From up the hill at the food tables, a boy from a high school upper class loudly called out “How come I always have to sit next to the ugly one?” A stream of laughter followed. Zayden gasped in outrage at this insult to an unfortunate girl up there.
[Doug] Are you offended by that joke? Well don’t be. Here is what really happened. A boy is told “Your seat is here.” The seat next to him is assigned to a Daddy. The far side of the Daddy is a cute girl. The boy is griping about having to sit next to an ugly Daddy instead of the cute girl.
[Zayden] How do you know? Your back is turned. You couldn’t have seen up there. You couldn’t possibly have known this joke was coming.
[Doug] Because it’s my joke. I told it last year. But instead of laughter, everyone got quiet, stared at me, GLARED at me, and told me to piss off to a quiet corner. Why is it funny this time, for him … but not for me? I can’t even do fun right. What’s wrong with me?
[Zayden (by this time, sitting down next to Doug)] I see why you are not hungry. I’m sorry my reaction this morning was so harsh. The middle of the parade was three hours ago. Have you really been sitting here all that time? Why did you leave the parade? You have to be somebody important to get in. Little John’s mother had to pull some big strings to get us in.
[Doug] The only reason I’m IN the parade is my father does the paperwork the city needs to close the street for a day. I have never been important. Every year one of our section leaders gives me some music instrument and tells me to just stay out of the way. Very simple instructions. This year I got a drum. No talent for playing the thing but my noise won’t spoil the real music makers. Real important stuff.
[Zayden] Is that why you left the parade?
[Doug] No. Do you remember when Gloria danced for Little John? He was part of the band and had a drum like mine. Gloria figured out some Samba steps and went over to John to dance in front of him. The costume was perfect for her. It was beautiful. Her dance was intense. I stopped to watch and the next group behind us had to bump me to keep moving ahead.
[Zayden] Yeah! That was so romantic and sexy! In a TV romance kind of way. Gloria said her thong was the first she was allowed to wear. She was so happy to get one for the parade. What was wrong with that? Do you have a secret crush on Gloria?
[Doug] I never knew Gloria existed before this morning. Before today I thought I was an equal of Little John, or at least a NEAR peer. But Gloria went straight to him, like I didn’t even exist. John’s peer? I guess I have to look UP to see John’s ankles. And they are so happy together. I gave up because no girl will ever look at me like that, smile at me, laugh with me, dance with me. Never. In one hour Gloria and John gave each other TEN Best Days. And all I got was almost one.
[Doug] ‘Almost one.’ Is that better or worse than zero? I can’t tell. So I put my drum on the support truck and walked over here. Out of everyone’s way.
[Zayden] Well, Gloria and Little John already have a history together. He’s been helping her to swim at school, and he invited her to come join the parade.
[Doug] So, I’m always too late? I didn’t mean to hurt you. I said a lot of stupid shit in the past, and made some bad mistakes. Why is everything I do wrong? What’s wrong with me?
[Zayden] Wait! You said *I* was going to give you a Best Day?
[Doug] I’m sorry, Zayden. Everything I say comes out as an insult.
[Zayden] No! What you said is very sweet. (She finally reached out and touched him, curling her hands around his bicep) But why me? How can I give you a Best Day? I don’t even have boobs yet.
[Doug] Because you didn’t turn me away like all the other girls would have … until I said that stupid thing. Besides, no boobs? Isn’t your mother one of the nudists up there? Just wait two or three years.
[Zayden] Have you really been here since one? That’s three hours. I’ll go get you some water. Be right back.
Meanwhile DadD has become impatient with his son for not joining the other kids in what should be an extended period of socializing. Just as he turns to go grab Doug and frog march him to the food, DadZ comes by.
[DadD] Oh! Hi again. What are our kids doing down by the pond? My kid needs to practice socializing with his peers.
[DadZ] The two are sitting calmly (every few minutes Doug gestures with his arms, then retreats to a default curled up sitting position, hugging his knees), not making out … so it can’t be that bad. At his age I would much rather be socializing with a girl than a bunch of boys. Especially a naked girl. See? Even I have to remind myself that Zayden is a ‘no dress’ girl. Having to go back and correct my brain like that is always a mind bending thing.
[DadZ] I’ve been watching them for maybe 5 minutes. Before you go down there, tell me what you see.
[DadD] Two kids sitting on their butts. I assume they are chatting, otherwise one would get very bored and leave.
[DadZ] Now tell me what you DON’T see.
[DadD] Well, I don’t see a farting contest. What do you really mean? You’ve lost me there.
[DadZ] Zayden is a cute girl. A cute Naked Girl. So cute that you’ve watched her … with a pure motive as you said. Hell, even I’ve watched her … also with a pure motive. What about Doug? Where is he looking?
[DadD] Straight ahead. At the ducks?
[DadZ] Right. In the last 5 minutes, he has not looked at Zayden with the intensity appropriate to his age and situation. Is he gay?
[DadD] I don’t think so. A few weeks ago I peeked on his computer. He saved some astonishingly beautiful astronomy images, manga pictures, and science fiction stuff. I’m impressed with his taste for beautiful art. And of course a bit of porn sprinkled in there. Nothing excessive or weird, but all females. So, not gay.
[DadZ] And yet he is not looking at a cute naked girl. Don’t you think that’s worthy of investigation?
[DadD] As a theoretical thought experiment, yes. But right now Doug needs to start eating. Getting a balanced meal into him has always been a challenge.
Just then, Zayden jumped up from beside Doug and climbed the hill to the ice chest to pick up water and a soft drink.
[DadZ] Zayden! Can you please get Doug up here to eat? And eat yourself! Food is getting cold.
[Zayden (looking around)] Sure. Where’s his seat?
The main dinner event was winding down. As the big picnic table was clearing out, the older kids were moving off to play field games. Adults were picking up trash and packing away any food that could be salvaged.
[DadD] Over at that other table. His is the only spot that’s still clean.
That other table was a big mess, as that is where the smaller kids were fed. As a once-a-year treat, they were left mostly unsupervised. And boy, did they make the most of it. Some 4 and 5 year olds were now returning to that table for a second helping of cake and ice cream.
[Zayden] Over … The kids’ table? You put him at the LITTLE KIDS’ table? (in a screaming rage) WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM? Dad! Can you please go to the car and get the two presents I brought for Jillian’s birthday?
[DadD] I put him IN CHARGE of the kids’ table. Look here little girl, Doug is MY son and I will bring him up the way I think is best.
[Zayden (still fuming)] Whatever you’re doing, it’s not working.
[DadZ (grabbing her arm)] ZAYDEN! Mind your manners. Apologize to Mr DadD right now.
[Zayden (looking daggers at DadD)] Sure. Right after Doug stops thinking that God is laughing at him.
With that she twisted out of her father’s grasp and took off running down the hill, taking a cold water bottle to Doug. Zayden plopped down next to Doug, twisting the top off the bottle. She snuggled up close to him, putting one arm around his shoulder, and offering the water bottle with the other.
[Zayden (quietly)] Here’s some water.
[Doug] Everything I do goes wrong. You should go away from me, like everyone else. I’ll just give you red lights.
[Zayden] No. I’m not gonna go.
Doug’s mind is in a constant loop, going over and over how the morning and parade went. Slowly sinking into despair as he dipped into memories of the past months and years to rehash all the times his attempts at socializing fell short. A lifetime of disappointments.
[Doug (tearing up)] Zayden. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Zayden hugged him closer, and he turned into her, crying on her shoulder.
[Zayden (softly)] It’s OK. And I’m sorry too. I didn’t know.
[Zayden (some minutes later)] I’m getting hungry. Can you come back up the hill with me and help me eat? There’s so much strange looking food and I don’t know how it tastes … or even how to eat it. And then there’s all the chocolate desserts! I love chocolate. What’s your favorite? Cherry pie? Is there really such a thing as deep fried ice cream?
Zayden’s fast chatter didn’t give Doug much of a chance to stay sitting idly at the duck pond, or even object to standing up to walk over to the food. She clung loosely to his arm as they slowly climbed the hill. As they came around a corner, Doug suddenly froze when he saw that he was being guided to a place at the kids’ table.
Zayden obviously noticed this and softly told Doug “Everyone else is done eating. The only clean spot is over there where we will eat. (Do NOT say ‘exiled’ or ‘baby table’!!!) Everywhere else is in cleanup mode. Come with me, I have some presents for you to give out that will make all this worthwhile.”
As the two kids were in the process of claiming their spot at the picnic table, DadZ came along with the shopping bag with the presents as Zayden requested.
[Zayden] Thanks, Dad. ... Doug, wanna see some little kids go wild? Give this to the next one that goes by. I’ll go get us a plate of food. Anything special that you want?
[Doug] I don’t know what food is getting served, but anything without cilantro is fine.
[Zayden] OK. Be right back.
A girl about 6 years old came by, licking ice cream from her fingers. Doug picked up Zayden’s package, opened it, and offered it to the girl.
[Girl-1] What is it?
[Doug (reading the package)] Oooohhhhh, it’s a Whoopie Cushion. You sit on it. Put it down on a chair, and sit … yeah, sit like that, but not so gently, sit down harder. Plop down on it.
PhBBthPthBpppTHBB. Instantly the girl jumped back up. Every kid in a 10 meter range heard that noise and came to see WHO FARTED?
[Girl-1] Doug! Stand up! (puts the cushion under Doug) … Now sit down.
So Doug sat down. PhBBthPthBpppTHBB. All the kids squealed in delight as Doug faked his horror at blowing such a big fart. Just then, Zayden came back with a plate full of food, intent on a relaxed meal. Sitting down next to Doug, she told the little guys, “Take that over to the big table. We need to eat here.”
So they all skipped away, with a funny new toy that everyone wanted to play with. Except for one little girl.
[Girl-2] Is all that food for you?
[Zayden] Half for me, half for my friend. How old are you?
[Girl-2] Four.
[Doug] Are you a bunny? Do you want to eat one of my carrots?
The girl shook her head NO, so Doug grabbed two long carrots, holding one out for the girl.
[Doug] Here, take this and let’s do a sword fight!
[Girl-2 (after a 30 second sword fight)] I hear the ice cream truck! Will you buy me an ice cream?
[Zayden] Sure! Doug and I will get one too!
Zayden jumped up from the picnic table bench and with a little cajoling of Doug, got him up too. She grabbed him by the hand leading Doug over to her father to get some money. Money in one hand, pulling on Doug’s hand in the other, all three trotted off to the ice cream cart half way down the parking lot. Girl-2 got one of those weirdly colored sherberts, while Zayden and Doug split a double stick Popsicle.
[Mom-2 (a few minutes later)] Girl-2! Look at that mess. You got that ice cream all over your face and dripped it down your jumper. *Sigh* Might as well take it off and go naked like this other girl here. We can hose you off before you get your car seat all sticky and dirty.
[Girl1 comes back ]
[Girl1 (to Zayden)] Stand up! (slips Whoopee Cushion onto her seat) Sit down!
[Girl2] Why are you naked? Did you get ice cream on your clothes?
Zayden was getting wise to the ways of little kids by this time, so she decided that the truth would be too long to explain and just said “Yes, that’s right. And here come two of my naked friends. They must have messed up their clothes with ice cream too.”
Cathy and Gloria came up to the table and Zayden was able to rope them into distracting the kids with the whoopie cushion while she and Doug ate in peace.
Between the carrot fights and the whoopie cushion, Zayden and Doug were the hit of the kids’ table.
[Doug] I know how to make little kids happy. It doesn’t take much. When they talk, it doesn't matter what they’re saying, just make like you’re interested. Just keep repeating “Uh huh … uh huh … Oh! OK … Really? … I see.” Then they won’t shut up and won’t go away. Then something happens when they turn into teenagers. Everything changes and I don’t know what to do anymore.
[Zayden] I hope I never change like that.
[Doug] NO! Zayden. Don’t say that. People need to grow. When I was 4 years old, I liked Power Rangers. At 6 years old, forget the Rangers, I like Spiderman and Superman. At 10, it was Pokeman. And now … I don’t know.
[Doug] Don’t stay the same. Your friends will move on as they get older and leave you behind. If you don’t change with them you’ll end up alone. And lost. Like me.
Bouncy Castle
Zayden and Doug finished their meal at the picnic table, helped the adults clean up for a few minutes, then got shooed away. “Don’t do work” they were told, “go have fun!” So the two took off down the avenue looking for a good carnival booth.
With the parade over, all the kids went off to play in the surrounding area while the adults set up the pavilions and tables for a picnic style buffet dinner. DadD seemed to have just a bit more organization than the others, so at the appropriate eating time he set out to round up the kids.… We’re living here in Joytown,
It’s the city of the sun.
And everyone has someone they can share their sadness with
No one leaves the slightest doubt, no one takes the fifth ...
[DadD] Oh! Zayden! Could you please go find Doug? He’s wearing a bright red shirt. It’s past time to eat dinner.
DadD was puzzled as he watched Zayden scamper off. DadZ was right there and reacted just a bit suspiciously, thinking DadD was a little too interested.
[DadZ] Don’t look too hard, it’s unseemly.
[DadD] What? Oh! Yeah, right. No. Yes, but not like that. There are a few other girls running around here naked, but Zayden confuses me. Those others, when I see them I think “GASP! She’s NAKED!” If Zayden was lined up with a random collection of girls it would be “blue dress, green dress, short-shorts, no dress, red dress, paisley dress … What? Go back. No, not the paisley, back more. To the “no dress". How did I miss that? It’s like, that’s normal for Zayden and the brain simply accepts it. …
[DadZ] Right. There are several motivations to get naked. Exhibitionism, contrarian, thrill seeker, seduction. None of those apply to Zayden.
[DadD] Zayden acts like what I would expect from a middle aged woman that owns and operates a nudist resort. And hasn’t worn anything in 2 decades except for going into town every 2 or 3 years for jury duty. It’s uncanny.
Zayden started a methodical search for Doug, going from one corner of the park and zig-zagging side to side. She found him sitting on the side of a small hill that overlooked the park’s modest duck pond, trying to look small and unapproachable. As she walked up to him, she saw him toss some bread to the birds.
[Zayden] (so that is Doug. He’s the one I threw back into the Bachelor Herd) Hey Doug, your father says it’s time to come up to the picnic table for dinner.
[Doug] Tell him I’m not hungry.
Glad to get away quickly, Zayden dutifully reports that response back to DadD, who replies with:
[DadD] I don’t have time to go get him right now. Be a dear and tell him that, hungry or not, he needs to be up here with his friends.
Zayden went off with a heavy heart, getting saddled with the job of talking to Doug a second time.
[Zayden] Hey Doug, your father wants you at the tables to be with your friends.
[Doug] Friends? (pensively scanning the sky) We have some mighty fine weather today. Yes, some fair weather … so where’s all my friends? I’ve been sitting here since the middle of the parade. Have any of my friends missed me? I haven’t discovered any magical new camouflage, so it’s not like they couldn’t find me. I must be invisible all on my own.
[Doug (staring back down at his toes)] Why does my father have to remind me I don’t have any friends?
[Zayden] No friends? I remember you now. You were with those boys that made trouble for us yesterday at the Tahitian dance.
[Doug] Yeah, I was with them, but they weren't with me. I stupidly tried to act like them and made an insult. But all that happened was they laughed at ME, not at you. Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.
Zayden starts thinking “(‘Sorry’ is not good enough, and anyway, this boy has some issues)”, and makes to leave back to the food.
[Doug] Zayden? I didn’t mean to make you mad this morning. I tried to act like a normal boy and say something. It didn’t work. It never does. I should be used to it by now.
[Zayden (indignant and worked up now)] Say something? Do you know how disrespectful, how insulting that was? First of all …
[Doug (puts his hands over his ears, almost shouting)] I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW. This isn’t the first time I’ve bombed. You can explain all you want, in excruciating detail, for hours on end, all afternoon, exactly why I should be ashamed and never be allowed near polite company ever again. But I still won’t get it. I’m sorry, Zayden. Maybe I should just give up.
[Zayden “(this conversation is NOT going to plan)”] Give up? Give up what?
[Doug] Trying to make jokes. Talking. Everything. You said “Does this thong make my ass look big?” I said “Yes” and you yelled at me before I could say “ALL humans have a big ass. We need big muscles back there so we don’t tip over and walk on all fours like cats and dogs.” Big butts also help humans run long distances. [he drops his head into his hands] Crap. I’m doing it again, I can’t just shut up. I keep yapping long after anyone wants to hear. It always takes too long for me to make sense. I should give up.
[Doug] Last year I tried to explain the best sex position. ‘Maximize skin contact.’ Holding hands is good. Arm in arm is better because of more skin contact. Then arms around waist, then hugs. Lie down together and when you can’t get any more skin-on-skin you are in the right position for sex. It’s simple mathematics. Maximize skin contact and there you are.
[Doug] That’s what I tried to say, but Dad cut me off and grounded me for a week.
[Doug] Two years ago my father was driving me somewhere. We just missed a green light. He said getting caught at the red light was my fault. If I was not there with him, the light would have stayed green. Do I cause red lights? Is God laughing at me?
[Zayden] He must have been trying to make a joke.
[Doug] Are my jokes like that? Is that why everyone gets mad at me?
[Doug] This morning you girls gave some boys their Best Day ever. I was 30 seconds away from getting a Best Day with you, then I had to open my fat mouth and lose everything. Everything.
[Zayden] Hey! Don’t try to pin this on me.
[Doug] No. I know. If it was just you I could get over it. But it’s like this all the time. It never ends.
[Doug] It’s never going to get better, is it?
[Doug] Last night on TV’s Late Movie they played “Foxes”. Four high school girls trying to survive growing up in Los Angeles. At the end, Annie doesn’t make it … she dies because of a car crash. I have the final bit of dialogue memorized. Jodie says:
That’s what I would want. But really, why bother? I got no friends. No one is going to come. You can see it would just waste a good pear tree. What’s wrong with me?Back in the heavy stoned days, when we used to stay up and talk a lot, Annie and me, we were talking about dying, how it feels and all. I said I'd never get buried. I couldn't stand them shoveling dirt in my face.
But Annie … she said she wanted to be buried right in the ground under a pear tree. Really. Not in a box or anything. She said she wanted the roots going right through her, and each year, we'd come along, take a pear, and go "Hey, Annie's tasting good this year, huh?"
From up the hill at the food tables, a boy from a high school upper class loudly called out “How come I always have to sit next to the ugly one?” A stream of laughter followed. Zayden gasped in outrage at this insult to an unfortunate girl up there.
[Doug] Are you offended by that joke? Well don’t be. Here is what really happened. A boy is told “Your seat is here.” The seat next to him is assigned to a Daddy. The far side of the Daddy is a cute girl. The boy is griping about having to sit next to an ugly Daddy instead of the cute girl.
[Zayden] How do you know? Your back is turned. You couldn’t have seen up there. You couldn’t possibly have known this joke was coming.
[Doug] Because it’s my joke. I told it last year. But instead of laughter, everyone got quiet, stared at me, GLARED at me, and told me to piss off to a quiet corner. Why is it funny this time, for him … but not for me? I can’t even do fun right. What’s wrong with me?
[Zayden (by this time, sitting down next to Doug)] I see why you are not hungry. I’m sorry my reaction this morning was so harsh. The middle of the parade was three hours ago. Have you really been sitting here all that time? Why did you leave the parade? You have to be somebody important to get in. Little John’s mother had to pull some big strings to get us in.
[Doug] The only reason I’m IN the parade is my father does the paperwork the city needs to close the street for a day. I have never been important. Every year one of our section leaders gives me some music instrument and tells me to just stay out of the way. Very simple instructions. This year I got a drum. No talent for playing the thing but my noise won’t spoil the real music makers. Real important stuff.
[Zayden] Is that why you left the parade?
[Doug] No. Do you remember when Gloria danced for Little John? He was part of the band and had a drum like mine. Gloria figured out some Samba steps and went over to John to dance in front of him. The costume was perfect for her. It was beautiful. Her dance was intense. I stopped to watch and the next group behind us had to bump me to keep moving ahead.
[Zayden] Yeah! That was so romantic and sexy! In a TV romance kind of way. Gloria said her thong was the first she was allowed to wear. She was so happy to get one for the parade. What was wrong with that? Do you have a secret crush on Gloria?
[Doug] I never knew Gloria existed before this morning. Before today I thought I was an equal of Little John, or at least a NEAR peer. But Gloria went straight to him, like I didn’t even exist. John’s peer? I guess I have to look UP to see John’s ankles. And they are so happy together. I gave up because no girl will ever look at me like that, smile at me, laugh with me, dance with me. Never. In one hour Gloria and John gave each other TEN Best Days. And all I got was almost one.
[Doug] ‘Almost one.’ Is that better or worse than zero? I can’t tell. So I put my drum on the support truck and walked over here. Out of everyone’s way.
[Zayden] Well, Gloria and Little John already have a history together. He’s been helping her to swim at school, and he invited her to come join the parade.
[Doug] So, I’m always too late? I didn’t mean to hurt you. I said a lot of stupid shit in the past, and made some bad mistakes. Why is everything I do wrong? What’s wrong with me?
[Zayden] Wait! You said *I* was going to give you a Best Day?
[Doug] I’m sorry, Zayden. Everything I say comes out as an insult.
[Zayden] No! What you said is very sweet. (She finally reached out and touched him, curling her hands around his bicep) But why me? How can I give you a Best Day? I don’t even have boobs yet.
[Doug] Because you didn’t turn me away like all the other girls would have … until I said that stupid thing. Besides, no boobs? Isn’t your mother one of the nudists up there? Just wait two or three years.
[Zayden] Have you really been here since one? That’s three hours. I’ll go get you some water. Be right back.
Meanwhile DadD has become impatient with his son for not joining the other kids in what should be an extended period of socializing. Just as he turns to go grab Doug and frog march him to the food, DadZ comes by.
[DadD] Oh! Hi again. What are our kids doing down by the pond? My kid needs to practice socializing with his peers.
[DadZ] The two are sitting calmly (every few minutes Doug gestures with his arms, then retreats to a default curled up sitting position, hugging his knees), not making out … so it can’t be that bad. At his age I would much rather be socializing with a girl than a bunch of boys. Especially a naked girl. See? Even I have to remind myself that Zayden is a ‘no dress’ girl. Having to go back and correct my brain like that is always a mind bending thing.
[DadZ] I’ve been watching them for maybe 5 minutes. Before you go down there, tell me what you see.
[DadD] Two kids sitting on their butts. I assume they are chatting, otherwise one would get very bored and leave.
[DadZ] Now tell me what you DON’T see.
[DadD] Well, I don’t see a farting contest. What do you really mean? You’ve lost me there.
[DadZ] Zayden is a cute girl. A cute Naked Girl. So cute that you’ve watched her … with a pure motive as you said. Hell, even I’ve watched her … also with a pure motive. What about Doug? Where is he looking?
[DadD] Straight ahead. At the ducks?
[DadZ] Right. In the last 5 minutes, he has not looked at Zayden with the intensity appropriate to his age and situation. Is he gay?
[DadD] I don’t think so. A few weeks ago I peeked on his computer. He saved some astonishingly beautiful astronomy images, manga pictures, and science fiction stuff. I’m impressed with his taste for beautiful art. And of course a bit of porn sprinkled in there. Nothing excessive or weird, but all females. So, not gay.
[DadZ] And yet he is not looking at a cute naked girl. Don’t you think that’s worthy of investigation?
[DadD] As a theoretical thought experiment, yes. But right now Doug needs to start eating. Getting a balanced meal into him has always been a challenge.
Just then, Zayden jumped up from beside Doug and climbed the hill to the ice chest to pick up water and a soft drink.
[DadZ] Zayden! Can you please get Doug up here to eat? And eat yourself! Food is getting cold.
[Zayden (looking around)] Sure. Where’s his seat?
The main dinner event was winding down. As the big picnic table was clearing out, the older kids were moving off to play field games. Adults were picking up trash and packing away any food that could be salvaged.
[DadD] Over at that other table. His is the only spot that’s still clean.
That other table was a big mess, as that is where the smaller kids were fed. As a once-a-year treat, they were left mostly unsupervised. And boy, did they make the most of it. Some 4 and 5 year olds were now returning to that table for a second helping of cake and ice cream.
[Zayden] Over … The kids’ table? You put him at the LITTLE KIDS’ table? (in a screaming rage) WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HIM? Dad! Can you please go to the car and get the two presents I brought for Jillian’s birthday?
[DadD] I put him IN CHARGE of the kids’ table. Look here little girl, Doug is MY son and I will bring him up the way I think is best.
[Zayden (still fuming)] Whatever you’re doing, it’s not working.
[DadZ (grabbing her arm)] ZAYDEN! Mind your manners. Apologize to Mr DadD right now.
[Zayden (looking daggers at DadD)] Sure. Right after Doug stops thinking that God is laughing at him.
With that she twisted out of her father’s grasp and took off running down the hill, taking a cold water bottle to Doug. Zayden plopped down next to Doug, twisting the top off the bottle. She snuggled up close to him, putting one arm around his shoulder, and offering the water bottle with the other.
[Zayden (quietly)] Here’s some water.
[Doug] Everything I do goes wrong. You should go away from me, like everyone else. I’ll just give you red lights.
[Zayden] No. I’m not gonna go.
Doug’s mind is in a constant loop, going over and over how the morning and parade went. Slowly sinking into despair as he dipped into memories of the past months and years to rehash all the times his attempts at socializing fell short. A lifetime of disappointments.
[Doug (tearing up)] Zayden. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Zayden hugged him closer, and he turned into her, crying on her shoulder.
[Zayden (softly)] It’s OK. And I’m sorry too. I didn’t know.
[Zayden (some minutes later)] I’m getting hungry. Can you come back up the hill with me and help me eat? There’s so much strange looking food and I don’t know how it tastes … or even how to eat it. And then there’s all the chocolate desserts! I love chocolate. What’s your favorite? Cherry pie? Is there really such a thing as deep fried ice cream?
Zayden’s fast chatter didn’t give Doug much of a chance to stay sitting idly at the duck pond, or even object to standing up to walk over to the food. She clung loosely to his arm as they slowly climbed the hill. As they came around a corner, Doug suddenly froze when he saw that he was being guided to a place at the kids’ table.
Zayden obviously noticed this and softly told Doug “Everyone else is done eating. The only clean spot is over there where we will eat. (Do NOT say ‘exiled’ or ‘baby table’!!!) Everywhere else is in cleanup mode. Come with me, I have some presents for you to give out that will make all this worthwhile.”
As the two kids were in the process of claiming their spot at the picnic table, DadZ came along with the shopping bag with the presents as Zayden requested.
[Zayden] Thanks, Dad. ... Doug, wanna see some little kids go wild? Give this to the next one that goes by. I’ll go get us a plate of food. Anything special that you want?
[Doug] I don’t know what food is getting served, but anything without cilantro is fine.
[Zayden] OK. Be right back.
A girl about 6 years old came by, licking ice cream from her fingers. Doug picked up Zayden’s package, opened it, and offered it to the girl.
[Girl-1] What is it?
[Doug (reading the package)] Oooohhhhh, it’s a Whoopie Cushion. You sit on it. Put it down on a chair, and sit … yeah, sit like that, but not so gently, sit down harder. Plop down on it.
PhBBthPthBpppTHBB. Instantly the girl jumped back up. Every kid in a 10 meter range heard that noise and came to see WHO FARTED?
[Girl-1] Doug! Stand up! (puts the cushion under Doug) … Now sit down.
So Doug sat down. PhBBthPthBpppTHBB. All the kids squealed in delight as Doug faked his horror at blowing such a big fart. Just then, Zayden came back with a plate full of food, intent on a relaxed meal. Sitting down next to Doug, she told the little guys, “Take that over to the big table. We need to eat here.”
So they all skipped away, with a funny new toy that everyone wanted to play with. Except for one little girl.
[Girl-2] Is all that food for you?
[Zayden] Half for me, half for my friend. How old are you?
[Girl-2] Four.
[Doug] Are you a bunny? Do you want to eat one of my carrots?
The girl shook her head NO, so Doug grabbed two long carrots, holding one out for the girl.
[Doug] Here, take this and let’s do a sword fight!
[Girl-2 (after a 30 second sword fight)] I hear the ice cream truck! Will you buy me an ice cream?
[Zayden] Sure! Doug and I will get one too!
Zayden jumped up from the picnic table bench and with a little cajoling of Doug, got him up too. She grabbed him by the hand leading Doug over to her father to get some money. Money in one hand, pulling on Doug’s hand in the other, all three trotted off to the ice cream cart half way down the parking lot. Girl-2 got one of those weirdly colored sherberts, while Zayden and Doug split a double stick Popsicle.
[Mom-2 (a few minutes later)] Girl-2! Look at that mess. You got that ice cream all over your face and dripped it down your jumper. *Sigh* Might as well take it off and go naked like this other girl here. We can hose you off before you get your car seat all sticky and dirty.
[Girl1 comes back ]
[Girl1 (to Zayden)] Stand up! (slips Whoopee Cushion onto her seat) Sit down!
[Girl2] Why are you naked? Did you get ice cream on your clothes?
Zayden was getting wise to the ways of little kids by this time, so she decided that the truth would be too long to explain and just said “Yes, that’s right. And here come two of my naked friends. They must have messed up their clothes with ice cream too.”
Cathy and Gloria came up to the table and Zayden was able to rope them into distracting the kids with the whoopie cushion while she and Doug ate in peace.
Between the carrot fights and the whoopie cushion, Zayden and Doug were the hit of the kids’ table.
[Doug] I know how to make little kids happy. It doesn’t take much. When they talk, it doesn't matter what they’re saying, just make like you’re interested. Just keep repeating “Uh huh … uh huh … Oh! OK … Really? … I see.” Then they won’t shut up and won’t go away. Then something happens when they turn into teenagers. Everything changes and I don’t know what to do anymore.
[Zayden] I hope I never change like that.
[Doug] NO! Zayden. Don’t say that. People need to grow. When I was 4 years old, I liked Power Rangers. At 6 years old, forget the Rangers, I like Spiderman and Superman. At 10, it was Pokeman. And now … I don’t know.
[Doug] Don’t stay the same. Your friends will move on as they get older and leave you behind. If you don’t change with them you’ll end up alone. And lost. Like me.
Bouncy Castle
Zayden and Doug finished their meal at the picnic table, helped the adults clean up for a few minutes, then got shooed away. “Don’t do work” they were told, “go have fun!” So the two took off down the avenue looking for a good carnival booth.
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Re: Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2, and C - At The Multicultural Parade
Bouncy Castle
Zayden and Doug finished their meal at the picnic table, helped the adults clean up for a few minutes, then got shooed away. “Don’t do work” they were told, “go have fun!” So the two took off down the avenue looking for a good carnival booth.
They passed by all the little kids’ activities like Ring Toss until they came to a Bouncy Castle. Zayden grabbed Doug’s hand and pulled him along. He was reluctant to go because the castle had mostly kids younger than Zayden. Still, the thrill of a girl holding onto his hand was enough to get him moving.
Doug took his shoes off while nude Zayden waited for him. Climbing into the bounce house they quickly began to jump around. Sometimes starting at opposite ends and bounced past each other in a race to see who could reach the other side first. Other times they bounced together, sometimes she held him as they jumped. Sometimes Doug held Zayden while they jumped. It was the first time in Doug’s life that he held a girl, and a naked girl at that. “(I’m in Heaven, but I don’t remember dying.)”
Then disaster struck. One of the six year olds suddenly got sick from all the cake and ice cream and puked. Lots of puke. Projectile puking. Several kids got splattered but Doug got the worst of it. First all the little kids escaped from the house, not wanting to touch any of the vomit. A quick arriving EMT helped the sick one out, putting him on a stretcher in the shade. Doug and Zayden jumped out last to let the adults in with soapy water and towels to clean the mess.
Doug was distraught. “This is all over my Carnaval costume. I have to get it off and wash it somewhere.”
“We passed a soapy foam play pit down that way. Maybe we can use the soap bubbles like it’s an outdoor laundry. Grab your shoes and let’s hurry.” Zayden urged.
They hustled along to the foam area and found a garden hose.
“We’re in luck.” Zayden exclaimed. “Give me your shoes and use that hose to get the chunks off your clothes. Then we can go into the foam. Maybe that can be good enough to be a wash.”
Zayden moved off to put his shoes next to the foam generating equipment, returning to help with the hose. Doug was thoroughly soaked by the time all the undigested food was off. Zayden led him into the foam, scooping big handfuls of the suds to rub on the stains. After a few minutes they checked their progress.
Zayden commented, “It’s not working. Washing needs to have the soapy water flow through the fabric to get it clean. You need to take those clothes off so we can try again.”
“Take off my clothes out in the open?” Doug was aghast.
Zayden looked around and pointed toward the edge of the lot. “Over there at the fence, you can stand behind me while I block everyone’s view. Then we run into the foam. OK?”
“Well, I don’t see any better place.”
The fence was a chain link but behind it was a tall, thick hedge. The two walked over to the middle of the fence where Doug examined the area, looking around to be sure that nobody will be peeking at him through the bushes. Zayden took a spot really close to the fence, turned toward the foam pit, and motioned for Doug to get behind her.
“Take all your clothes off, then hand them to me.” Zayden commanded.
“All of them? My undies didn’t get dirty.”
“We don’t know that yet. That stuff might have soaked through.” Zayden replied. “(I won’t tell him that his undies can wait for washing at home.)”
Zayden stood facing the kids at the foam pit and Doug moved behind her. Taking his shirt off and handing it to her, he paused to look around for spectators. Seeing nothing, he was still nervous and stumbled a little getting his pants off. As Doug reached out a hand to steady himself on Zayden’s shoulder, he saw her extend a leg to put a toe on a largish publicity flier that was drifting by on the breeze.
Down to just his underwear now, “(Man up and go for it.)” Doug thought. With a final sigh he pushed his briefs down and handed them over to Zayden. “That’s all I got.”
“OK” Zayden said. With a quick move she took a half step to the side and bent down to place his clothes on the paper flier. Startled, Doug took a quick step to hide behind Zayden as she stood back up. She felt Doug behind her and pressed back into him, continuing to push as he took small stumbling steps back until he was against the fence.
“Zayden! What are you doing?” Doug found out quick enough as she wiggled her backside into position against him. He was too nervous to have an erection so she used his hip bones to guess where his middle was. She settled there, slowly and firmly grinding her ass into him.
Doug’s extreme nervousness was not able to overcome his hormones, so he plumped up. Zayden felt his boner grow but it was not where she expected it. “(Oh, that’s right. His thingy started out pointing down and now it’s trapped pushing on me trying to rise up.)” She felt Doug fidgeting uncomfortably behind her, suddenly realising what she needed to do.
Zayden eased up the pressure of her grinds, put her hand back to grab his prick and move it to an upright position. Then she promptly pushed back into him. Their height difference meant Doug was up too high to be anywhere near a situation that could penetrate her, but Zayden moved her ass around to position his stiffy on the upper half of the crack between her cheeks. Then she went to town, twisting her hips to do some side-to-side pressure, flexing her knees a bit to pull up and press down. Soon she stretched her arms out to the side, like a kid playing at being an airplane.
“Doug. Take my hands.”
When Doug reached out she wrapped them around her body. One hand found a place on her tummy, the other she put on her breast. A short time later Zayden felt his stiffy start to pulse. “(About half a second each. He must be juicing.)” When she felt he might be slowing down, Zayden abruptly tossed his hands aside.
Heartbroken, Doug thought “(Crap, now what have I done? Gone and messed everything up again.)” Then Zayden whipped around and grabbed Doug into a tight bear hug. As she pressed her body into his she felt the last of his spurts fading away, squeezed between their two stomachs. Zayden buried her face into his chest and breathed to Doug “Oh my gawd. Being naked is SO much fun. Thanks. Let’s go soap up your clothes.”
Despite the whipsaw of emotions, ‘Aw shit, she hates me now’ and ‘WTF? She wanted this to happen?’ Doug still had the presence of mind to be modest and held her in a firm embrace as she tried to break away. “Wait. I’m not ready. Running into the foam with you and a boner can get me the wrong type of attention.”
As Doug held Zayden in a tight hug he thought “(When I was six I put my arms around a tree to hug it, it felt good. Holding Zayden is like that but a million times better.)” As he embraced Zayden the endorphins flowed through his brain. Then he became conscious of the changing pressures and sensations on his stomach as she breathed. Now the endorphins were flooding through his brain. “(I want this forever.)”
Obviously it couldn’t last and there was a quick run to the foam. After 20 minutes working the soap bubbles through the fabric, dodging little kids that were screaming and running blindly through the neck deep bubbles, the two declared themselves done. After giving the clothes a final rinse with the hose they went back for Doug’s shoes.
“That’s as good as it will get here.” Doug said. “It’s going to be horrid wearing those wet clothes.”
“So don’t wear them.”
“But I’m naked!” Doug complained.
“So am I and it hasn’t been a problem.”
“But you’re a girl. That’s different. And I’m growing hair down there so I’ll get in trouble.”
“OK, age is a thing, but not me being a girl. There’s a booth across the street, ‘Yap Culture’. Yap is an island in the South Pacific. It’s hot there, and they wear less clothes. Maybe they have a suggestion for you.”
Yap Dance
Yap day: nnuunuws (head garland), bamboo dance
Zayden barely managed to drag the resisting Doug directly across the way to the Yap display. One of the ladies there was startled into asking “What happened to you two?”
Zayden spoke up for the terrified Doug, “We were in the Bouncy House when a kid threw up all over my friend’s clothes. We just got done washing them in the suds across the way.”
“Oh my. That was my son that got sick. I am SO sorry. What can I do to help?”
“Do you have any place we can put these clothes to dry?” Zayden asked.
“Sure. Let’s lay them out next to our cooking fire. How about you young lady? Where are your messy clothes?”
“I’m a nudist. My clothes are back in my Daddy’s car.”
“They allow that now?” the lady wondered. “Must be, as here you are. I’ll turn the clothes over every 5 minutes and they should be done in about 20.”
“Great.” Zayden said. “We won’t go far.” She spied something out on the street and dragged Doug along behind.
Her attention was caught by a passing carny photographer. They wander around taking photos of people, then offering to sell prints at the exit points of the festival.
“Do you have any pictures of us? Or me?” Zayden asked.
“No, sorry. We are told to stay away from women and girls in bikinis … or less. And you’re both naked.”
“Oh, can you take some of Doug and me right now?”
“Really? LIke this? Well, OK.”
After 10 pictures of various poses, some just fun, a few of Zayden and Doug hugging, came the question “How do we pay? We don’t have any money on us.”
“The pictures can be printed at the exit gates, and your parents … parents? … parents can pay then. I need to tag these. What name should I use?”
“Zayden. There can’t be too many people asking for that name.”
“Oh Doug!” as Zayden grabbed his hand again, tugging him down the street. “There’s a Thailand Songkran booth. Let’s go there!”
“But I’m naked. We need to get my dry clothes first.”
“No.” Zayden laughed. “Songkran is all about water. You’ll just get all wet again. Come on.”
Doug allowed himself to be dragged a few booths down to a roped off grassy area. At the entrance was a table with the sign “Water guns 25 cents, refills a penny.”
The two naked kids were crestfallen when they read that sign. No pockets, no money. The attendant, being a high school senior with no scruples about bending the rules, said “Naked girls get a free gun, and free refills.” As Zayden promptly started to drag Doug in with her, she met resistance. Doug didn’t move. He was staring forlornly at the attendant. “Ok, naked boys with naked girls get in free too. Put your empty guns on the other table when it runs out of water and take a full gun from here.” As the two started to go by, the attendant noticed some discoloration on their torsos below their belly buttons. Zayden saw his gaze and looked down at herself. Realising that the bubble pit had not done a complete job of cleaning their bodies, she simply said, “We had fun.”
“Don’t do too much of that around here. It’s not safe. You could get some big trouble from the bad guys AND the good guys.”
After about 45 minutes of chasing each other and random strangers around the field shooting water, the two went back to the Yap booth to pick up Doug’s clothes. Despite all the fun he had, Doug was glad to be back in his costume. This simply was not the right environment for him to start on a path to nudism.
Night Dance
As the evening progressed, the toddlers and little kids were taken home. For the teenagers, lights were strung up around a small field and music started playing from a boombox. Kids, music, a large empty flat space … dancing ensued. Naturally Zayden and her two girl friends were still naked, going all the way back to the end of the Carnaval parade.
Little John and Gloria danced for a while until she managed to sneakily pull him into the dark toward a park bench. She sat down facing the bright dance lights, patting the bench in an invitation for John to be next to her. Nothing blocked their view back to the crowd, only the darkness gave them cover.
Gloria’s naked skin had a light sheen of sweat from the dancing she had just done with Little John as she snuggled against him. Grabbing his hand in hers she put it on her upper thigh and slid it against her kitty. Little John gave a quiet gasp at this and Gloria felt him stiffen up a bit.
[Gloria] John! What? Did I do something wrong?
[Little John (not moving his hand at all)] No. I love touching you. Every hug, every kiss, every contact sends me to heaven. But what if this doesn’t last? What if you are disappointed in me? What if we break up? I don’t want to hurt you, and I don’t want you to hurt me.
[Gloria] We’ve been together a whole MONTH! I’m convinced.
[Little John] In my neighborhood, some men say one hour is enough. But after spending a night together, the next morning they split. My religion says wait for marriage, even though nobody does that anymore. There is a lot that can go wrong. My older brother dated a woman whose main interest was to go clubbing every weekend. She wanted him to get new outfits from men’s fashion magazines. He got tired of that really quick. Sometimes it is worse. I see fights, yelling and screaming. I don’t want to go through that.
[Little John] Then there’s religion and morals.
[Gloria] We’re both Christians, how can morals be a problem?
[Little John] Two hundred years ago, a lot of good pious Christians went to war to preserve slavery.
[Gloria] And a lot of other good pious Christians went to war to get it abolished.
[Little John] But then the good ones went on to exterminate the Indians. Morals are never cleanly split between good and bad in the same person. I want to be sure we can really like each other. I read a book that said ‘Making Sure’ was a series of steps. Cultures might have different steps, but they must be taken in the right order, and you can’t skip any of the steps.
[Little John] I want to take more steps to be sure we will want to stay together for a long time.
Gloria fought down her annoyance and disappointment that her arousal would not be satisfied tonight. The two stood up from the bench and slowly ambled back to the dance. Gloria tried to not be hurt by John’s deflection, holding onto his arm, wanting to keep his interest.
[Gloria] Ok, we can wait. But you have to promise me, when the time comes … you have to promise that when we decide we are right for each other … you have to promise we’re gonna fuck like bunnies.
Little John’s expression of worry and concern melted into a big smile. Bringing his free hand up between them “Let’s pinky swear on that.”
Doug and Zayden spent most of the time dancing together, with an occasional turn with different friends and strangers. Doug especially loved the slow dances. There was an unofficial rule that those types of dances needed an air-gap, but Zayden ignored it. She was too young to get her hormones dumping as Doug reacted to her tight bear hug when they moved and rubbed from side to side. Zayden's mom explained the birds and bees when she went nudist so she knew what was happening, but for now she only took some pride with the knowledge of “*I* did that”.
Sometimes, when they were on the darker far side of the dance area with other kids blocking the view of the adults, Zayden would do a little twerking with Doug. As much fun as this was for Doug, he was always watching Zayden’s face … and she always had a big smile for him.
At eleven o’clock the music stopped and the party was over. DadD and DadZ collected their families, heading for the festival exit. Zayden insisted that they stop at the photo booth to pick up the pictures from back across from the Yap Dance. Doug was quietly standing off to the side as he pretty much knew what his father’s reaction would be, trying to silently signal to Zayden “NO! STOP!”. Zayden, however, was not one to let this go, pestering both fathers to buy complete sets of the pictures.
DadZ liked them all. Proud and loud asking Zayden which one she wanted framed and mounted in the living room. DadD became increasingly upset as he viewed each photo.
DadD growled, “Doug! Get over here. These pictures, where are your clothes? What were you thinking? Why did you let pictures like this be taken? You should have done something more appropriate.”
Before Doug could move in his frozen anxious state, Zayden stepped close to DadD and hissed a hostile “Why are you so mean to Doug? Let him have some GOOD memories.”
DadZ, having an easy laid back personality, quietly suggested to DadD “Whatever drama you have in store, please do it at home. Not here.”
With that Zayden rushed over to Doug for a final good bye bear hug. Loudly, for the benefit of his father, “Hey Doug, I’m glad you finally found some happiness here. Come to my neighborhood any time. We will all have smiles for you, and we have lots of Best Days over there. With plenty of spares so you can get one every visit.”
Zayden and Doug finished their meal at the picnic table, helped the adults clean up for a few minutes, then got shooed away. “Don’t do work” they were told, “go have fun!” So the two took off down the avenue looking for a good carnival booth.
They passed by all the little kids’ activities like Ring Toss until they came to a Bouncy Castle. Zayden grabbed Doug’s hand and pulled him along. He was reluctant to go because the castle had mostly kids younger than Zayden. Still, the thrill of a girl holding onto his hand was enough to get him moving.
Doug took his shoes off while nude Zayden waited for him. Climbing into the bounce house they quickly began to jump around. Sometimes starting at opposite ends and bounced past each other in a race to see who could reach the other side first. Other times they bounced together, sometimes she held him as they jumped. Sometimes Doug held Zayden while they jumped. It was the first time in Doug’s life that he held a girl, and a naked girl at that. “(I’m in Heaven, but I don’t remember dying.)”
Then disaster struck. One of the six year olds suddenly got sick from all the cake and ice cream and puked. Lots of puke. Projectile puking. Several kids got splattered but Doug got the worst of it. First all the little kids escaped from the house, not wanting to touch any of the vomit. A quick arriving EMT helped the sick one out, putting him on a stretcher in the shade. Doug and Zayden jumped out last to let the adults in with soapy water and towels to clean the mess.
Doug was distraught. “This is all over my Carnaval costume. I have to get it off and wash it somewhere.”
“We passed a soapy foam play pit down that way. Maybe we can use the soap bubbles like it’s an outdoor laundry. Grab your shoes and let’s hurry.” Zayden urged.
They hustled along to the foam area and found a garden hose.
“We’re in luck.” Zayden exclaimed. “Give me your shoes and use that hose to get the chunks off your clothes. Then we can go into the foam. Maybe that can be good enough to be a wash.”
Zayden moved off to put his shoes next to the foam generating equipment, returning to help with the hose. Doug was thoroughly soaked by the time all the undigested food was off. Zayden led him into the foam, scooping big handfuls of the suds to rub on the stains. After a few minutes they checked their progress.
Zayden commented, “It’s not working. Washing needs to have the soapy water flow through the fabric to get it clean. You need to take those clothes off so we can try again.”
“Take off my clothes out in the open?” Doug was aghast.
Zayden looked around and pointed toward the edge of the lot. “Over there at the fence, you can stand behind me while I block everyone’s view. Then we run into the foam. OK?”
“Well, I don’t see any better place.”
The fence was a chain link but behind it was a tall, thick hedge. The two walked over to the middle of the fence where Doug examined the area, looking around to be sure that nobody will be peeking at him through the bushes. Zayden took a spot really close to the fence, turned toward the foam pit, and motioned for Doug to get behind her.
“Take all your clothes off, then hand them to me.” Zayden commanded.
“All of them? My undies didn’t get dirty.”
“We don’t know that yet. That stuff might have soaked through.” Zayden replied. “(I won’t tell him that his undies can wait for washing at home.)”
Zayden stood facing the kids at the foam pit and Doug moved behind her. Taking his shirt off and handing it to her, he paused to look around for spectators. Seeing nothing, he was still nervous and stumbled a little getting his pants off. As Doug reached out a hand to steady himself on Zayden’s shoulder, he saw her extend a leg to put a toe on a largish publicity flier that was drifting by on the breeze.
Down to just his underwear now, “(Man up and go for it.)” Doug thought. With a final sigh he pushed his briefs down and handed them over to Zayden. “That’s all I got.”
“OK” Zayden said. With a quick move she took a half step to the side and bent down to place his clothes on the paper flier. Startled, Doug took a quick step to hide behind Zayden as she stood back up. She felt Doug behind her and pressed back into him, continuing to push as he took small stumbling steps back until he was against the fence.
“Zayden! What are you doing?” Doug found out quick enough as she wiggled her backside into position against him. He was too nervous to have an erection so she used his hip bones to guess where his middle was. She settled there, slowly and firmly grinding her ass into him.
Doug’s extreme nervousness was not able to overcome his hormones, so he plumped up. Zayden felt his boner grow but it was not where she expected it. “(Oh, that’s right. His thingy started out pointing down and now it’s trapped pushing on me trying to rise up.)” She felt Doug fidgeting uncomfortably behind her, suddenly realising what she needed to do.
Zayden eased up the pressure of her grinds, put her hand back to grab his prick and move it to an upright position. Then she promptly pushed back into him. Their height difference meant Doug was up too high to be anywhere near a situation that could penetrate her, but Zayden moved her ass around to position his stiffy on the upper half of the crack between her cheeks. Then she went to town, twisting her hips to do some side-to-side pressure, flexing her knees a bit to pull up and press down. Soon she stretched her arms out to the side, like a kid playing at being an airplane.
“Doug. Take my hands.”
When Doug reached out she wrapped them around her body. One hand found a place on her tummy, the other she put on her breast. A short time later Zayden felt his stiffy start to pulse. “(About half a second each. He must be juicing.)” When she felt he might be slowing down, Zayden abruptly tossed his hands aside.
Heartbroken, Doug thought “(Crap, now what have I done? Gone and messed everything up again.)” Then Zayden whipped around and grabbed Doug into a tight bear hug. As she pressed her body into his she felt the last of his spurts fading away, squeezed between their two stomachs. Zayden buried her face into his chest and breathed to Doug “Oh my gawd. Being naked is SO much fun. Thanks. Let’s go soap up your clothes.”
Despite the whipsaw of emotions, ‘Aw shit, she hates me now’ and ‘WTF? She wanted this to happen?’ Doug still had the presence of mind to be modest and held her in a firm embrace as she tried to break away. “Wait. I’m not ready. Running into the foam with you and a boner can get me the wrong type of attention.”
As Doug held Zayden in a tight hug he thought “(When I was six I put my arms around a tree to hug it, it felt good. Holding Zayden is like that but a million times better.)” As he embraced Zayden the endorphins flowed through his brain. Then he became conscious of the changing pressures and sensations on his stomach as she breathed. Now the endorphins were flooding through his brain. “(I want this forever.)”
Obviously it couldn’t last and there was a quick run to the foam. After 20 minutes working the soap bubbles through the fabric, dodging little kids that were screaming and running blindly through the neck deep bubbles, the two declared themselves done. After giving the clothes a final rinse with the hose they went back for Doug’s shoes.
“That’s as good as it will get here.” Doug said. “It’s going to be horrid wearing those wet clothes.”
“So don’t wear them.”
“But I’m naked!” Doug complained.
“So am I and it hasn’t been a problem.”
“But you’re a girl. That’s different. And I’m growing hair down there so I’ll get in trouble.”
“OK, age is a thing, but not me being a girl. There’s a booth across the street, ‘Yap Culture’. Yap is an island in the South Pacific. It’s hot there, and they wear less clothes. Maybe they have a suggestion for you.”
Yap Dance
Yap day: nnuunuws (head garland), bamboo dance
Zayden barely managed to drag the resisting Doug directly across the way to the Yap display. One of the ladies there was startled into asking “What happened to you two?”
Zayden spoke up for the terrified Doug, “We were in the Bouncy House when a kid threw up all over my friend’s clothes. We just got done washing them in the suds across the way.”
“Oh my. That was my son that got sick. I am SO sorry. What can I do to help?”
“Do you have any place we can put these clothes to dry?” Zayden asked.
“Sure. Let’s lay them out next to our cooking fire. How about you young lady? Where are your messy clothes?”
“I’m a nudist. My clothes are back in my Daddy’s car.”
“They allow that now?” the lady wondered. “Must be, as here you are. I’ll turn the clothes over every 5 minutes and they should be done in about 20.”
“Great.” Zayden said. “We won’t go far.” She spied something out on the street and dragged Doug along behind.
Her attention was caught by a passing carny photographer. They wander around taking photos of people, then offering to sell prints at the exit points of the festival.
“Do you have any pictures of us? Or me?” Zayden asked.
“No, sorry. We are told to stay away from women and girls in bikinis … or less. And you’re both naked.”
“Oh, can you take some of Doug and me right now?”
“Really? LIke this? Well, OK.”
After 10 pictures of various poses, some just fun, a few of Zayden and Doug hugging, came the question “How do we pay? We don’t have any money on us.”
“The pictures can be printed at the exit gates, and your parents … parents? … parents can pay then. I need to tag these. What name should I use?”
“Zayden. There can’t be too many people asking for that name.”
“Oh Doug!” as Zayden grabbed his hand again, tugging him down the street. “There’s a Thailand Songkran booth. Let’s go there!”
“But I’m naked. We need to get my dry clothes first.”
“No.” Zayden laughed. “Songkran is all about water. You’ll just get all wet again. Come on.”
Doug allowed himself to be dragged a few booths down to a roped off grassy area. At the entrance was a table with the sign “Water guns 25 cents, refills a penny.”
The two naked kids were crestfallen when they read that sign. No pockets, no money. The attendant, being a high school senior with no scruples about bending the rules, said “Naked girls get a free gun, and free refills.” As Zayden promptly started to drag Doug in with her, she met resistance. Doug didn’t move. He was staring forlornly at the attendant. “Ok, naked boys with naked girls get in free too. Put your empty guns on the other table when it runs out of water and take a full gun from here.” As the two started to go by, the attendant noticed some discoloration on their torsos below their belly buttons. Zayden saw his gaze and looked down at herself. Realising that the bubble pit had not done a complete job of cleaning their bodies, she simply said, “We had fun.”
“Don’t do too much of that around here. It’s not safe. You could get some big trouble from the bad guys AND the good guys.”
After about 45 minutes of chasing each other and random strangers around the field shooting water, the two went back to the Yap booth to pick up Doug’s clothes. Despite all the fun he had, Doug was glad to be back in his costume. This simply was not the right environment for him to start on a path to nudism.
Night Dance
As the evening progressed, the toddlers and little kids were taken home. For the teenagers, lights were strung up around a small field and music started playing from a boombox. Kids, music, a large empty flat space … dancing ensued. Naturally Zayden and her two girl friends were still naked, going all the way back to the end of the Carnaval parade.
Little John and Gloria danced for a while until she managed to sneakily pull him into the dark toward a park bench. She sat down facing the bright dance lights, patting the bench in an invitation for John to be next to her. Nothing blocked their view back to the crowd, only the darkness gave them cover.
Gloria’s naked skin had a light sheen of sweat from the dancing she had just done with Little John as she snuggled against him. Grabbing his hand in hers she put it on her upper thigh and slid it against her kitty. Little John gave a quiet gasp at this and Gloria felt him stiffen up a bit.
[Gloria] John! What? Did I do something wrong?
[Little John (not moving his hand at all)] No. I love touching you. Every hug, every kiss, every contact sends me to heaven. But what if this doesn’t last? What if you are disappointed in me? What if we break up? I don’t want to hurt you, and I don’t want you to hurt me.
[Gloria] We’ve been together a whole MONTH! I’m convinced.
[Little John] In my neighborhood, some men say one hour is enough. But after spending a night together, the next morning they split. My religion says wait for marriage, even though nobody does that anymore. There is a lot that can go wrong. My older brother dated a woman whose main interest was to go clubbing every weekend. She wanted him to get new outfits from men’s fashion magazines. He got tired of that really quick. Sometimes it is worse. I see fights, yelling and screaming. I don’t want to go through that.
[Little John] Then there’s religion and morals.
[Gloria] We’re both Christians, how can morals be a problem?
[Little John] Two hundred years ago, a lot of good pious Christians went to war to preserve slavery.
[Gloria] And a lot of other good pious Christians went to war to get it abolished.
[Little John] But then the good ones went on to exterminate the Indians. Morals are never cleanly split between good and bad in the same person. I want to be sure we can really like each other. I read a book that said ‘Making Sure’ was a series of steps. Cultures might have different steps, but they must be taken in the right order, and you can’t skip any of the steps.
[Little John] I want to take more steps to be sure we will want to stay together for a long time.
Gloria fought down her annoyance and disappointment that her arousal would not be satisfied tonight. The two stood up from the bench and slowly ambled back to the dance. Gloria tried to not be hurt by John’s deflection, holding onto his arm, wanting to keep his interest.
[Gloria] Ok, we can wait. But you have to promise me, when the time comes … you have to promise that when we decide we are right for each other … you have to promise we’re gonna fuck like bunnies.
Little John’s expression of worry and concern melted into a big smile. Bringing his free hand up between them “Let’s pinky swear on that.”
Doug and Zayden spent most of the time dancing together, with an occasional turn with different friends and strangers. Doug especially loved the slow dances. There was an unofficial rule that those types of dances needed an air-gap, but Zayden ignored it. She was too young to get her hormones dumping as Doug reacted to her tight bear hug when they moved and rubbed from side to side. Zayden's mom explained the birds and bees when she went nudist so she knew what was happening, but for now she only took some pride with the knowledge of “*I* did that”.
Sometimes, when they were on the darker far side of the dance area with other kids blocking the view of the adults, Zayden would do a little twerking with Doug. As much fun as this was for Doug, he was always watching Zayden’s face … and she always had a big smile for him.
At eleven o’clock the music stopped and the party was over. DadD and DadZ collected their families, heading for the festival exit. Zayden insisted that they stop at the photo booth to pick up the pictures from back across from the Yap Dance. Doug was quietly standing off to the side as he pretty much knew what his father’s reaction would be, trying to silently signal to Zayden “NO! STOP!”. Zayden, however, was not one to let this go, pestering both fathers to buy complete sets of the pictures.
DadZ liked them all. Proud and loud asking Zayden which one she wanted framed and mounted in the living room. DadD became increasingly upset as he viewed each photo.
DadD growled, “Doug! Get over here. These pictures, where are your clothes? What were you thinking? Why did you let pictures like this be taken? You should have done something more appropriate.”
Before Doug could move in his frozen anxious state, Zayden stepped close to DadD and hissed a hostile “Why are you so mean to Doug? Let him have some GOOD memories.”
DadZ, having an easy laid back personality, quietly suggested to DadD “Whatever drama you have in store, please do it at home. Not here.”
With that Zayden rushed over to Doug for a final good bye bear hug. Loudly, for the benefit of his father, “Hey Doug, I’m glad you finally found some happiness here. Come to my neighborhood any time. We will all have smiles for you, and we have lots of Best Days over there. With plenty of spares so you can get one every visit.”
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