New one and finished story.
Alex was the classic example of someone being born with a silver spoon in their mouth his parents were well off and had built a very successful business Alex despite the advantages he was given in education was not especially skilled in either business or finance, but he was arrogant enough to think he was in both and treated people more skilled than him with condescension a habit that continued when he inherited the business and would lead to his fall. Samantha, Chelsea and Robin were three women who had been key in running the business and maintaining its success when Alex's parents were in control Alex could not stand that they were so highly regarded in company and when he took over made a point to limit their power and give himself more control and his poor leadership quickly put the business in dire straits.
Samantha, Chelsea and Robin knew what the results of his actions would be and decided they had to take action thanks to Alex poor business decisions the stock prices in the company plummeted and they decided to combine their resources and were quickly able to gain controlling interest in the company Alex was surprised when he was called before the board and even more so when he found out he no longer had controlling interest in the company and demanded to know who was. Alex couldn't believe it when he saw who was now in charge Chelsea, Samantha and Robin on the other hand relished the expression on his face when he saw they were no in charge and took great delight in telling him he was fired and had security escort him from the building this was a good humbling and embarrassing moment for Alex but the three suspected he was just as inept at handling his personal finances as he was in business and if so they would put this obnoxious man child in a far more humiliating situation.
As the three did some checking they discovered he was indeed as inept in his personal business as he had been in his professional and saw he was overextended and had a lot of debt he did not have the money to cover and saw an opportunity to take control of him. Samantha Chelsea and Robin went about finding out who Alex's debt and began buying it and making deals with his creditors where they took virtually everything, he had in his bank accounts and agreed to forgive the rest of the debt they did the same with his very nice home but in this case, they took ownership of it. Alex was floored to discover he was now essentially broke and someone else now owned his house he was told the new owner wanted him to come by tonight to discuss the matter with him Alex arrived at the house and found the door unlocked and entered as he went down the hall, he heard voices coming from the living room he opened the sliding doors and saw Chelsea, Samantha and Robin sitting there no he exclaimed it can't be.
Oh, but it is Robin told him we now own the house, and we are the ones who basically bankrupted you all you have been is a self-important prick since we have known you and now it's time to humble you.
I think we have done a good job of this we took over your company pretty much bankrupted you and no have your house Alex head was spinning at all of this as the reality was setting in for him Chelsea took over right now you are broke and homeless and given how you have treated people over the years very few if any will be willing to help you but we have a deal to offer Alex was surprised at hearing this what deal? Samantha now took over we are going to offer you a job working for us it wouldn't be glamorous or high paying, but it would keep you from living on the streets and looking in trash cans for a meal me working for the three of at the company in some menial job would be humiliating yes it would Samantha told him we are not offering that you see we have this nice big house now and we need someone to do the cooking, cleaning, laundry and other domestic chores basically a live in servant.
Alex couldn't believe what he just heard you want me to be your butler. Thats right Samantha told him you accept, and you get a roof over your head and meals you don't have get out of the garbage but there are some conditions, and they are non-negotiable first you do what your told when your told you refuse to do a task, you're out the door second you will perform all of servants duties in the nude. Alex jaw dropped at hearing that I will do what? What was unclear Robin asked you will work totally naked, and you will do it because we want you too but that's humiliating Alex told them not for us Chelsea told him but it's your choice it's ten minutes till six we will give you that long to decide when we come back you will either be naked ready to begin your new job or be dressed ready to begin your life on the street. Alex was in a panic he couldn't imagine having to humiliate himself by be being these women's naked butler, but he couldn't fathom having to live on the streets and saw he had less than five minutes to decide and after a moment's hesitation he began removing his clothes he was naked for less than a minute when the doors opened and the three entered a smiling Robin said I see you have made your decision.
grinning Chelsea said let's put you to work come with us the humiliated Alex did the only thing he could and followed them out they led him to a large room where they had a bottle of champagne chilling, we had this ready as we figured you would agree so open it and pour us a glass all three women slapped his ass as he walked by not being in any position to say anything he continued on and poured the glasses and handed them each one to our naked servant Melissa toasted Robin told him we brought some food home with us so go set the table naked butler the beaten and embarrassed Alex did as he was told he spent the next hour serving the women food and drink after that he was ordered to clear the table and do the dishes when this was done he was shown to his servants room an average size room with a bed chest and drawers and a small bathroom Alex looked around and asked where his clothes were Samantha told him we have taken control of them as you are on call 24\7 we decided you didn't really need them if a situation arises when you do we will let you know a shocked naked Alex sat on the bed wondering if he should have chosen the streets.
Alex days went much like his first night with the cooking and cleaning, but they also find new things to increase his embarrassment of course one was having him clean the pool as they laid out in very skimpy bikinis and teased him by putting suntan lotion on each other and getting amused at his humiliation at getting an erection and would tell him that borders on sexual harassment and insisted he deal with that and enjoy the sight of him jerking himself off. They would have him doing other outside yard work trimming hedges and mowing the yard and enjoying his nervousness's that he might be seen in his naked state one day watching him trim the hedges the women decided he needed some trimming as well and told him from now one he would shave his genitals hairless and keep them that way Samantha got together with Chelsea and Robin and told them you know he gets so worried about people seeing him in his new work attire I think we should take advantage of that smiling Chelseas and Robin agreed and said they knew just what to do.
The following Saturday as Alex woke up and told him he just had light cleaning duties this morning and to rest up as he has big night coming Alex wondered what that meant but had learned not ask very many questions as if the women thought he was being pushy it led to his ass being spanked or his balls being squeezed. Later in the day Alex was given a list of what to cook for tonight he commented this was a lot of food well of course it is Robin told him we are having a dinner party tonight Alex looked at her with fear in his eyes are you serious? Of course, she told him you couldn't have thought we were never going to invite people over and yes, she added you will be serving tonight and be dressed as you are we can't deny our guest this visual she then grabbed his hairless cock and balls and told him back to work.
The food was ready, and at ten after six Samantha came in the kitchen to tell Alex the guest would start arriving around six thirty and she had some good news for him he wouldn't have to answer the door for each arrival he would be introduced when everyone arrived, and it wouldn't be strangers enjoying his naked body and checking out his now hairless penis and balls the guest were women from work all who working there when you ran things. Alex blood ran cold at hearing this while Samantha relished the expression on his face at learning who the guest were going to be she reached between his legs and took hold of his penis telling him you might want to get this at least semi erect walking out there with a limp noodle between your legs would be highly humiliating, Alex waited with dread as the doorbell began ringing he had no idea how many were arriving at a time but he knew it wouldn't be long before he was forced out of the safety of the kitchen that moment would come in about five minutes he could hear the talking and one women asked did you hire a company with all this Chelsea told them no we have a live in servant to do all this I believe you all know him Alex the group broke out laughing at this I wondered what became of him one women said do you have him wear on of those fancy formal uniforms another asked actually we went in another direction Robin said I just realized we haven't offered you a drink she picked up a bell and rang it Alex knew this was the signal for him to make his entrance.
Maybe it was the idea of going out naked in front of women who used to work for him but whatever it was his penis was erect as he entered the room as the women saw him the room erupted in laughter, I love it one shouted this is too good another said Samantha told him our guest would like some wine Alex and their waiting yeah mister cocky one shouted get that bouncing cock over here. The extremely embarrassed and humiliated Alex made his way to the group Robin told them feel free to grope or fondle any exposed flesh you like which of course they all did hands were quickly roaming all over his body especially his ass and erect penis and balls as he poured each some wine somehow without spilling any with that done, he tried to head back to the kitchen but Robin stopped him no need to rush off she told him and he returned. With every female eye on him the women asked how this happened, and they told them the whole story of how they took control of him oh my God one said so he stays naked unless you guys say otherwise and does whatever you tell him that's right Samantha said she walked up to him and grabbed him by his balls we have him by the balls in every sense and she started squeezing her grip continued to tighten and she quickly had Alex on his knees soon tears were running down his face and a minute later flat on his back before she finally released his balls. As the women stood over him Chelsea said he used to think he was such a big shot but look at him now laying on his back stark naked tears running down his face as women look down on him indeed Samantha said now go set the table as Alex started to get up Samantha told him go on your hands and knees knowing better than to argue he began crawling out of the room Chelsea and Robin told him make snappy and each gave him a swift kick in the ass. As Alex crawled out on all fours, he realized this was his new lot in life he was now the women's plaything for as long as they wanted.
The fall of a CEO
- Jeepman89
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Re: The fall of a CEO
I was going to say those ladies had Alex by his balls but Samantha beat me to it. I think most women could have their guy by the balls if they wanted to. Is that not why Mother Nature put our balls right out front so the equal the playing field and even give the advantage to the ladies?
Samantha said she walked up to him and grabbed him by his balls we have him by the balls in every sense and she started squeezing her grip continued to tighten and she quickly had Alex on his knees soon tears were running down his face and a minute later flat on his back before she finally released his balls
These three ladies should give the women in the company lessons on how to have a male by his balls.
Samantha said she walked up to him and grabbed him by his balls we have him by the balls in every sense and she started squeezing her grip continued to tighten and she quickly had Alex on his knees soon tears were running down his face and a minute later flat on his back before she finally released his balls
These three ladies should give the women in the company lessons on how to have a male by his balls.
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Re: The fall of a CEO
Didn't plan on adding anything to this but had some ideas pop in my head.
Part 2
As Alex made his humiliating crawl to go set the table for the ladies and their guest some of his one-time employees also gave him kicks as well as slaps to his ass, they were all getting a great laugh seeing this one-time self-important prick crawling on all fours across the room stark naked once he was allowed to standup Chelsea told him get the table set and make it fast we better see those ass cheeks jiggling and your cock and balls bouncing Alex at this point knew better than to challenge them and was practically sprinting back and forth setting the table when that was done Alex was ordered to begin serving the ladies and to keep their wine glasses filled.
Alex had to move a quick pace to get the food served to all the women in a timely fashion as well as keeping all the wine glasses filled something that was all but impossible which of course Samantha, Chelsea and Robin knew, and Samantha devised a punishment for Alex when a glass was empty the woman who's glass it was had the choice of bending Alex over and delivering three slaps to his bare ass or having him stand with his hands on his head legs apart and giving three slaps to his penis and balls. It didn't take long for the women to begin downing the wine at a faster pace ensuring Alex would be getting a lot of ass and penis slapping it wasn't long before Alex again had tears running down his face primarily from the slapping of his cock and balls and at this point Robin, Chelsea and Samantha decided to have the slightest bit of pity on him and ended his punishment for empty wine glasses.
Alex was told to now clear the table even though he was not told to make it fast he was still hauling ass much to the delight of the guest as again it had everything jiggling and bouncing but also showed how thoroughly Robin, Chelsea and Samantha had humbled him when he had this done one of the ladies' guests commented we have had a good meal what about after dinner entertainment? Samantha admitted they really hadn't thought about this beyond having the beaten, humiliated and stark-naked Alex on display for them so any ideas girls at hearing that Robin called out got it Alex had been standing nearby and Robin grabbed him by his penis and balls and pulled to the now cleared large dinner table and told him get up there as Alex climbed up he was given a slap on his ass once up there he was told to turn and face the women.
What do you have in mind Samantha asked Robin told them well girls I think we need a song and dance performance from Alex and since we are all having a good time he should sing and dance to girls just want to have fun an oldie, but an appropriate choice Chelsea agreed Alex told them I don't know the lyrics no problem Samantha told him and pulled the song up on YouTube with lyrics on an iPad and told him don't hold back and started the song. Alex began his show singing not overly well but he was pretty sure no one cared about that he did make sure that he was all in on the dancing making sure the ass was shaking in high gear, and his penis and balls were going in every direction much to the crowd's delight so much, so they insisted on an encore with his dance finished for the second time they told him to take a break but to bring them another bottle of wine Alex did as told and hoped this humiliating night would be ending soon.
Chelsea sent Alex off to the kitchen to do dishes after bringing them the wine while enjoying the wine the women were discussing what other fun; they could have with Alex discussing different things when one of the guests pointed since Alex has to remain naked unless you guy's say otherwise and even though he was a jackass to all of us his hot naked body is fun to look at and you want that to stay that way and there is a big backyard let's take him out and put him through his paces. As Alex was finishing the dishes an increasingly drunk Chelsea yelled out for Alex to get his naked ass out her now Alex wasted no time in getting out there an equally drunk Samantha told him we decided you need an exercise routine and were starting get in the backyard Alex immediately started out with a number of the women slapping his ass along the way.
Once outside they started putting Alex through his paces starting with having him do wind sprints for 15 minutes after a brief rest, they made him do 100 jumping jacks laughing hysterically at the sight of his penis bouncing all around after that they had him run 10 laps around the large backyard again enjoying his cock and balls bouncing around next was 50 sit-ups and finally 50 pushups with the women taking turns slapping his ass on every up push.
The women finally began to wind up the night thanking Samantha, Chelsea and Robin for a wonderful evening of nudity and humiliation of Alex as they were preparing to leave on of the guest commented you know female coworkers weren't the only women Alex was an ass to it was also women he dated maybe you should consider looking up some of his Ex's and inviting them over for a night like this what a great idea Samantha said and turned to the naked and horrified Alex and with an ear to ear grin said you wouldn't mind giving a list of your Ex's to invite would you? Knowing the situation, he was in the naked and humiliated Alex did the only thing he could nervously smile and tell them of course not.
Part 2
As Alex made his humiliating crawl to go set the table for the ladies and their guest some of his one-time employees also gave him kicks as well as slaps to his ass, they were all getting a great laugh seeing this one-time self-important prick crawling on all fours across the room stark naked once he was allowed to standup Chelsea told him get the table set and make it fast we better see those ass cheeks jiggling and your cock and balls bouncing Alex at this point knew better than to challenge them and was practically sprinting back and forth setting the table when that was done Alex was ordered to begin serving the ladies and to keep their wine glasses filled.
Alex had to move a quick pace to get the food served to all the women in a timely fashion as well as keeping all the wine glasses filled something that was all but impossible which of course Samantha, Chelsea and Robin knew, and Samantha devised a punishment for Alex when a glass was empty the woman who's glass it was had the choice of bending Alex over and delivering three slaps to his bare ass or having him stand with his hands on his head legs apart and giving three slaps to his penis and balls. It didn't take long for the women to begin downing the wine at a faster pace ensuring Alex would be getting a lot of ass and penis slapping it wasn't long before Alex again had tears running down his face primarily from the slapping of his cock and balls and at this point Robin, Chelsea and Samantha decided to have the slightest bit of pity on him and ended his punishment for empty wine glasses.
Alex was told to now clear the table even though he was not told to make it fast he was still hauling ass much to the delight of the guest as again it had everything jiggling and bouncing but also showed how thoroughly Robin, Chelsea and Samantha had humbled him when he had this done one of the ladies' guests commented we have had a good meal what about after dinner entertainment? Samantha admitted they really hadn't thought about this beyond having the beaten, humiliated and stark-naked Alex on display for them so any ideas girls at hearing that Robin called out got it Alex had been standing nearby and Robin grabbed him by his penis and balls and pulled to the now cleared large dinner table and told him get up there as Alex climbed up he was given a slap on his ass once up there he was told to turn and face the women.
What do you have in mind Samantha asked Robin told them well girls I think we need a song and dance performance from Alex and since we are all having a good time he should sing and dance to girls just want to have fun an oldie, but an appropriate choice Chelsea agreed Alex told them I don't know the lyrics no problem Samantha told him and pulled the song up on YouTube with lyrics on an iPad and told him don't hold back and started the song. Alex began his show singing not overly well but he was pretty sure no one cared about that he did make sure that he was all in on the dancing making sure the ass was shaking in high gear, and his penis and balls were going in every direction much to the crowd's delight so much, so they insisted on an encore with his dance finished for the second time they told him to take a break but to bring them another bottle of wine Alex did as told and hoped this humiliating night would be ending soon.
Chelsea sent Alex off to the kitchen to do dishes after bringing them the wine while enjoying the wine the women were discussing what other fun; they could have with Alex discussing different things when one of the guests pointed since Alex has to remain naked unless you guy's say otherwise and even though he was a jackass to all of us his hot naked body is fun to look at and you want that to stay that way and there is a big backyard let's take him out and put him through his paces. As Alex was finishing the dishes an increasingly drunk Chelsea yelled out for Alex to get his naked ass out her now Alex wasted no time in getting out there an equally drunk Samantha told him we decided you need an exercise routine and were starting get in the backyard Alex immediately started out with a number of the women slapping his ass along the way.
Once outside they started putting Alex through his paces starting with having him do wind sprints for 15 minutes after a brief rest, they made him do 100 jumping jacks laughing hysterically at the sight of his penis bouncing all around after that they had him run 10 laps around the large backyard again enjoying his cock and balls bouncing around next was 50 sit-ups and finally 50 pushups with the women taking turns slapping his ass on every up push.
The women finally began to wind up the night thanking Samantha, Chelsea and Robin for a wonderful evening of nudity and humiliation of Alex as they were preparing to leave on of the guest commented you know female coworkers weren't the only women Alex was an ass to it was also women he dated maybe you should consider looking up some of his Ex's and inviting them over for a night like this what a great idea Samantha said and turned to the naked and horrified Alex and with an ear to ear grin said you wouldn't mind giving a list of your Ex's to invite would you? Knowing the situation, he was in the naked and humiliated Alex did the only thing he could nervously smile and tell them of course not.
- Jeepman89
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Re: The fall of a CEO
These women really had their way with Alex and his humiliation was complete to say the least!
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