NudeBaG wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 12:09 am
I tried it 4 different ways, and each time, it felt wrong.
It felt ‘too’ exploitative/one sided.
It’s not like Mark wants ‘revenge’,
I just had to figure out HOW things would play out.
Still working on it, but I think I’m happy with it
Christine fans should be happy
When I said get back, I didn’t mean in it like as a revenge, just a little fun Mark wants to have with the girls for his previous embarrassing experiences. The last line put a smile on my face
This might turn into a multi chapter mini thing as I wrap up the current segment.
It ran REALLY long lol.
Mark just put the girls through an INCREDIBLY humiliating ordeal for ANY 13 year old girl, no matter HOW you look at it.
I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I’m sticking with it.
“Tonight, Mark, we’ll let you be in control of us.” Emily said.
My heart was pounding!
“What?” I asked again.
Emily walked over and shut and locked my door.
Christine giggled and tugged at her onesy sleeve.
“Pretend we’re under a spell, if that makes it easier!” Christine said.
Emily rejoined the girls at the foot of my bed.
“We all agreed. You earned this.” She said.
Tanya looked nervous, but nodded.
Looking at the girls in their baggy onesies, I immediately pictured them taking them off!
“Hehehe! Is that ALL you want, Marky?” Christine giggled.
“Huh?” I asked.
Emily looked at Christine.
“Chris!” Emily gasped, giving her a look that implied she’d said something wrong.
But then she softened again and looked at me.
“Guess you were right, Tanya. Hmhm!” Emily chuckled.
“This is gonna be weird, giving Mark control! Hehe!” Tanya laughed.
“Just don’t chicken out!” Emily said, unzipping her onesie!
“Whoa!” I gasped.
The girls paused.
“Oh? Do you NOT want us to get naked?” Emily asked.
“Wha-?” I gasped.
Emily rolled her eyes.
“We can pretty much read your mind, Mark. Remember?” Emily asked.
(See?) Emily’s voice echoed in my head.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” I felt kind of dumb.
The girls unzipped their baggy onesies, letting them pool at their ankles in thick bundles of fabric.
I looked at each of them from head to toe!
Christine’s smooth, milky skin.
Her tiny pink nipples on her budding chest.
Her flat stomach.
That cute, whispy patch of copper pubic hair over her delicate little slit.
Her smooth, slender legs.
Tanya’s petite frame.
Her almost flat chest with tiny dark nipples.
Her thin abdomen.
The little strip of thick black pubic hair.
Her short, but adorable legs.
Emily’s toned, runner’s body,
Her small, perky, budding breasts.
Her small, tan nipples.
Her toned abs and legs.
The thin patch of chocolate pubic hair barely obscurring her slit.
They were all 3, beautiful, and becoming even MORE beautiful by the day it seemed!
I could look at them for hours!
“We’re just flesh, Mark.” Emily repeated the phrase she’d used when talking with me in the shower earlier, putting her hands on her hips.
Christine’s pale skin flushed to a light pink.
“Come on Em! You feel what Mark is thinking about! You really think that’s how he looks at US?” She smiled, biting her lower lip.
While we were all naked, all in the same room, our psychic connections to one another seemed to be amplified!
Christine smiled nervously at me.
I may be a virgin, but in that moment, in that split second, several graphic scenes played out in my mind between Christine and I.
“Huh!” Christine let out a gasp as I shook my head, trying to clear my mind!
“Oh! Mark!” Emily gasped.
Christine let out a nervous giggle.
“Jeez! I don’t know, Mark.” Christine said.
“Huh?” I shook my head.
It was like their naked bodies put me in a trance.
I then looked at Tanya.
Again, several scenes played out between the 2 of us!
Tanya’s mouth dropped open and she trembled!
“Whoa! Seriously?!” Tanya gasped.
“Ah! Sorry!” I again shook my head.
My eyes then fell on Emily.
My beautiful little sister.
As with Christine and Tanya, several graphic scenes played out in my mind!
Emily’s eyes went wide.
“Oh! Mark, wow.” Emily muttered.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I closed my eyes, pushing my palms against them.
I felt shame flow through me!
“I know what might make this easier.” Emily said.
I felt the bed shift as the girls climbed onto the bed with me.
“Mark.” I felt a hand delicately rest in my chest.
I opened my eyes.
Emily was resting her hand on my chest, her naked body perched precariously over mine!
“Do you remember the rituals we’ve already done in here?”
I felt warm, calming energy flow through me.
I thought back to when the girls had controlled my body during the first ritual.
As soon as the scene replayed in my mind, it clicked.
“Oh!” I propped up on my elbows again. “So-“
The girls nodded and smiled, but were nervous.
“That spell,” Emily said. “It puts us under your subconscious’ control.”
Christine giggled.
“If you do that, you won’t have to SAY what you want. We’ll just do it.” Emily said.
“Whatever you think, we’ll do. Hmhm! Is that exciting, Mark?” Christine teased.
“Oooooo! I don’t know about this.” Tanya said nervously. “If we do that, won’t Mark have the same control over us?”
My heart skipped a beat.
Before I could even think about the long term possibilities of that, Emily spoke.
“Not if we modify it.” Emily said.
I couldn’t help but sigh.
Emily looked back at me.
“Sorry Mark.” She smirked. “I’m not about to give YOU the same power as US.”
“Ooooo! Mark!” Christine grinned. “You’re gonna learn a spell!”
“Really?!” I actually got even more excited.
Emily stood up, followed by Christine and Tanya.
They put their onesies back on, much to my disappointment.
Christine and Tanya exited, but Emily turned to me.
She smiled sweetly.
“Don’t touch that until we get back.” She pointed to my penis. “It’ll be worth it.” She smirked.
She exited my room, shutting the door.
I was mentally kicking myself.
Not only could the girls see everything I thought about doing with them, but I proved that I wasn’t as strong willed as them!
I couldn’t bring myself to TELL them what to do!
I closed my eyes.
Again, visions of the girls acting out various fantasies with me flipped through my mind!
I lay there, occasionally teasing my penis for what felt like an eternity! Finally, my door opened, and the girls again stepped in, still wearing their onesies.
“Everything okay?” I asked, propping up in my elbows again.
Emily shut the door and Christine hopped over to me.
“Hehehe! Here Mark!” She held out a little slip of paper.
I sat up.
Emily and Tanya stood next to Christine.
“Sorry, but it took us a minute to figure out the rewording, but that should work.” Emily said.
As I took the paper from Christine’s hand, she reached up with the other, holding my hand in both of hers for a moment.
I looked up at her eyes.
Those emerald eyes.
“Whatever you think, Mark. What. Ever. You. Think.” She smiled and bit her lip.
What did that mean?
She let go and I looked at the paper.
“Wait.” Emily said.
I looked up at her.
“With that spell, Mark, your subconscious will be in control of us.” Emily nodded at the paper.
“My subconscious?” I asked.
Emily sighed.
“Pretty much, your imagination.”
My mind began racing.
“Mark! Pretty much, you think it, we DO IT! Hmhm!” Christine giggled and trembled.
Emily shot Christine a look, but then looked back at me.
“So YOU need to keep your subconscious in check. You can’t do or have us do anything that will defile our status as Tainted Virgins. You understand what that means?” Emily asked.
I blushed.
I thought back on everything the girls had taught me.
“No sex, right?” I asked.
Christine and Tanya giggled.
“Right.” Emily said.
Christine excitedly hopped up and down.
“But other than that, you think it, we do it! Hmhm!” Christine giggled and trembled.
Tanya was quietly staring at me.
“One more thing, Mark.” Emily spoke. “We’ve worded that spell specifically to ONLY work tonight-THIS night.” She smirked and winked at me. “So you don’t have to bother memorizing it. Hmhm!” She chuckled.
Of course there’d be a catch.
I sighed, but still!
“Okay, let’s hear you read the spell once, before we tell you how to activate it.” She nodded at the strip of paper in my hand.
“Oh, um,” I looked at the paper and read the words in my mind.
The girls could see me mouthing the words.
“Go ahead and read it out loud, so we know you can say it correctly, then we’ll tell you how to activate it.” Emily said.
“Okay.” I remembered how the other spells the girls had used had sounded.
“Haec Tria Agunt Desideria Mea Nocte.” I said.
“Hmm.” Emily nodded in surprised approval.
“Yay! You’re a natural!” Christine cheered.
“Good job, Mark!” Tanya gave me a thumbs up.
“Say it again.” Emily said.
I took a breath.
“Haec Tria Agunt Desideria Mea Nocte.” I repeated.
“I think he’s got it!” Christine was beaming!
Emily smiled.
“Good, Mark. VERY good.” She said.
Emily looked at Tanya and Christine.
“As soon as we get naked in this room, our energy’s will align and you can do the spell, okay?” Emily looked at me.
“Um, yeah.” I nodded.
“Picture our aura’s blending into one-our energies connecting, okay?” Emily said.
“I got it.” I said.
“Okay.” Emily smirked. “This is for stepping up to save us Mark.”
With that the girls again unzipped and removed their onesies.
My cock was already fully erect in anticipation!
Christine, Emily and Tanya stepped out of their onesies.
Their petite bodies were stunning!
I looked at the paper.
I focussed on my energy in my pelvis.
I pictured my blue energy mixing with Emily’s purple, Christine’s red, and Tanya’s yellow.
“The spell, Mark.” Christine said.
I read the words while focusing on our energies mixing.
“Haec Tria Agunt Desideria Mea Nocte. Haec Tria Agunt Desideria Mea Nocte. Haec Tria Agunt Desideria Mea Nocte.” I recited.
My blue aura flared for a moment, and the strip of paper in my hand ignited, burning up in a flash!
My blue energy flowed into the girls’ auras, changing the colors!
Emily’s purple aura turned blue.
Tanya’s yellow aura turned blue.
Christine’s red aura turned blue.
The room filled with a sudden blue glow as I finished the spell.
I felt an orgasmic wave flow from my body, not too dissimilar from unleashing an attack on a Sacral Feeder, but less ‘explosive’, more like ‘unlocking’ something.
The blue faded away to the usual color.
The girls looked down examining their bodies.
I wondered if it worked.
The girls looked at one another, then at me.
“Um, so?” I asked, sitting up and crossing my legs on my bed.
Emily clenched her thighs and knees together.
Tanya pressed her hands to her crotch.
Christine tightened her fists and bit her lip, but stayed on full display in front of me.
“M-Mark?” She asked.
I took a deep breath.
I felt my penis twitch.
Was I actually in control now?
I looked at the girls.
*Writer’s note:
From here on, for the duration of the spell, anything the girls do is at Mark’s whim.
“Oh!” All three of them faced me and put their hands behind their heads, taking a wider stance with their legs, letting me view their bodies from the front completely!
I could see Emily’s legs tremble!
“Oh! Do you feel that?!” Christine gasped.
“Of course I do!” Emily snapped back.
“Ah!” Tanya gasped.
I sat up and gripped my penis.
This view of the girls was amazing!
In that moment, as the girls were under MY control-
I succumbed to the control of my own teenage hormones, lust and curiosity!
“Huh?” Emily gasped.
The girls turned their backs to me.
I looked at their cute, pert butts!
“Oh!” Christine gasped.
The girls bent forward slightly.
I scooted to the end of my bed.
“Mark! No!” Emily gasped.
The girls placed their hands on the sides of their buttcheeks.
“No no no no!” Tanya whispered.
“Ahhhh! Mark!” Christine’s voice trembled.
I stood and walked up behind the girls.
I knelt down behind Emily and took in the sight before me.
A perfect, slightly brown, puckered orifice.
I shifted behind Christine.
As with Emily, her butthole was perfect, but slightly pink to match her pale complexion.
“Mark! Please!” Christine gasped.
I shift behind Tanya.
She had the slightest butt of the 3 of them.
Her butthole was as perfect as Emily and Christine’s, just a little darker.
I stood and sat back on the edge of my bed.
“Oh!” I gasped as I felt my cock.
I was leaking precum like crazy.
“M-Mark!” Emily gasped.
They released their butts and stood back up straight.
They turned to face me again.
Emily was fuming!
Christine had her eyes shut tight.
Tanya looked like she was about to cry.
I realized that I may have gone too far with that.
“Guys, I’m sorry. I just- it wasn’t-“ I stammered.
“YES! Mark, it WAS!” Emily said. “That was what you wanted!”
All 3 of them were trembling.
I could feel the shame flowing from them, but THAT was a feeling I was used to.
I felt bad, but had to be honest with them.
“Emily, Christine, Tanya.” I said.
“I’m sorry-“ I searched for the right words.
I just had to be honest.
“Just like the rest of you, that too, was beautiful. Please don’t feel bad!” I said.
I was still in control, but for a moment, I let the girls settle.
Now, I really had seen ALL of them.
Emily closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
She was trembling.
I looked at Christine.
She was shaking and for the first time, I could see shame on her face.
Tanya had a blank stare.
I thought about how it felt when I was distraught, and the girls calmed me.
I looked at my hands.
I focussed my energy, as well as tried to feel as calm as possible.
I stood up.
I walked over to Christine and put my hands on her shoulders.
She gasped as I touched her.
I focussed on making her ‘feel’ the way that I saw her-the way she made me feel when she calmed me.
I felt my hands grow warmer as I touched her.
My heart pounded in my chest!
Christine gasped and looked up at me.
She blushed, but a slight smile crawled across her face.
“Oh! Mark?!” She sighed.
I stepped over to Emily.
I again focussed my energy and feelings.
I focussed on how beautiful I thought she was, and how I would never hurt her.
I put my hands on her shoulders.
“Huh! M-Mark?” Emily looked up at me.
I stepped over to Tanya.
I focussed my energy and feelings once more.
I focussed on how beautiful and cute I found her.
I focussed on how much I respected her devotion to Emily, Christine and myself.
“Mark?!” She gasped.
I stepped back and sat down on my bed.
I sat and they stood in tense awkward silence for a few more moments.
My penis was twitching.
The girls looked at one another, then at me.
“Um, well-“ Emily put her hands on her hips and a faint smile crept across her face.
“Mark. We’re still under your spell, so-?” Emily gulped.
I closed my eyes and pictured another scene playing out.
I realized that thanks to that spell, I was basically the director of my own personal porn!
I really could get the girls to do ANYTHING!
But after the feelings I’d just shared with each of them, how much further could I take it?
I then thought about how proud each of the girls had been of me earlier.
This was their way of thanking me, after all.
“Mark?” Emily asked.
“Are you calling it quits? Hmhm!” Christine chuckled.
“Whew!” Tanya exhaled.
I was absolutely NOT calling it quits.
These girls had given me the ability to do and HAVE THEM DO pretty much anything I wanted them to for the night.
I was in control, for a change!
I looked down at my penis.
It was begging for release!
While they’d played with it plenty up to now, it was always on THEIR terms.
But right now, I could make them do anything I wanted them to, both to one another… and to me.
An amazing chapter! Mark did almost take it a step too far but I think the ending to it leaves us in a great spot. Before they had mark cumming because they wanted to. Now mark will be making them make him cum because he wants to! Amazing chapter! You handled it well.
Themarble wrote: Tue Mar 04, 2025 6:03 pm
An amazing chapter! Mark did almost take it a step too far but I think the ending to it leaves us in a great spot. Before they had mark cumming because they wanted to. Now mark will be making them make him cum because he wants to! Amazing chapter! You handled it well.
I mean, it’s KIND OF on the girls too, right?
They gave Mark the spell after all
I’m trying to decide on where to take this next part.
I feel like while what Mark had them do just now was certainly humiliating, I think the bond with each has grown stronger, after he used his energy to calm them.
Balancing the personal feelings and eroticism is harder than I thought.
It can only go SO far, but what would you have Mark do ?
Like, the girls are seemingly VERY comfortable with their sexuality, so I don’t see Mark really even being ABLE to fully get revenge on them, even if he wanted to.
I do have something in mind, but I don’t want Mark to gain *too much of an upper hand on the girls