The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 53 - February 23rd, 2025)

Post by LittleFrieda »

Cyberweasel89 wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 3:34 am
Oh, shit. Superevil7 says that you're not allowed to call things by crime terms like "rape" or "plagiarism" unless the person has been officially convicted of it in a court of law. Weird hang-up and kinda counter-intuitive to Libertarianism (his political party, FYI), but it just feels decent to respect his wishes in his own thread.

So what do we call this besides plagiarism, since Melissa Trump was never convicted of the crime? :(
Plagiarism is a tort good for civil action like demanding money damages. It is not a crime.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 53 - February 23rd, 2025)

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Amazon should be notified about a 'Possible Copyright Infringement' since they might be party to lawsuits.

The 'Possible' is like saying 'alleged rapist'.
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The New Rules - Chapter 54

Post by superevil7 »

“It's been an exhausting day…” Abbie flopped down on her living room couch with a sigh, letting her limbs lay where they may. She was still naked, and sitting like this left all of her private parts on display, but she was too tired to care. It was just her boyfriend, her brother, and her brother's friends present at the moment. Way more had seen her exposed today than she had ever dreamed possible, and so this felt like a cakewalk to her.

"You ok, sis?” Adam sat next to her, and took her hand supportively.

"Babe?” Blake did the same, taking her other side. The three couldn't help watching as Sam, Hope, and Lilly stripped their clothes off at the door in front of Travis and Cody.

"You must be feeling overwhelmed about having been naked at school.” Sam commented, coming closer once she was naked, as the rules required. She and Hope had only been wearing their gym uniform, so it hadn't taken them long to strip naked. Lilly was still undoing her bra and panties in comparison.

Abbie nodded, stretching a little. “Yeah. Being naked at school is… Exhausting sometimes…”

"But you did it.” Hope commented with a smile for Abbie. "You made it through the whole day naked.”

"I know. In a way I'm proud of it too, but…” Abbie closed her eyes. “I wish it were my choice to go naked at school.”

"What if it was?" Abbie’s mom asked, coming in through the kitchen.

“Mom!” Abbie leapt to her feet with alarm, not expecting her mom to be home. “I'm sorry, mom! I… I didn't mean it like that!” She moved over towards her, grabbing her arm in a pleading way.

Abbie's mom gave her a confused look. “Abbie, calm down. I was just asking you a hypothetical question. Obviously, you're going to keep going naked.”

Abbie’s shoulders slumped. Her mom still didn't seem to understand the emotional turmoil she was going through about being made to go naked all the time. “Oh…” She said, thankful that she at least didn't seem to be in trouble this time.

Her mom didn't seem satisfied yet, though. “Well, if it was up to you, what would you do, Abbie?”

Abbie knew what her mother wanted to hear from her. She was giving her that look of expectation that only a mother could give. But the thought of everything she had been through today, particularly going to school naked, weighed heavy on Abbie's mind. Maybe Miss Honey was right, and she needed to tell her mom how she really felt, no matter the consequences. “You really don't know?” Abbie's tone came out more harshly than she intended, but she was feeling emotional. “I'd wear clothes, like every other normal girl at school does! Like every other normal girl in this city, or this state, or this country does!”

“Abbie, don't get snarky.” Her mom responded in a firm tone.

“Snarky?” Abbie could feel her blood pressure rising. “You went ahead and made it so that I have to go naked everywhere, here, at school, outside! But I'm too snarky!?”

“Abbie, maybe you should…?” Blake grabbed her arm in order to get her to stop talking. Abbie looked over to see that everyone was giving her a worried look.

Abbie’s mom cut him off before he could finish talking. “No, let her finish. I want to hear this.” Susan folded her arms, already glaring at her daughter.

Abbie wasn't deterred by her mother's glare. Not this time. Something inside the naked girl had finally snapped. “Finish? You've already finished me! Now I have to go naked to school just to save Miss Honey's job, and all because you decided I should be naked! Well, fuck, did you ever think about asking me if I wanted to be naked??”

“Abbie, that tone is unacceptable! I am your mother, and you will speak with respect towards me!”

Abbie turned towards her friends and brother with a sarcastic look. “Oh, you hear that, guys? She doesn't like the tone I'm using. She asked me to tell her what I thought, but really, all she wanted me to do was be a good little girl and tell her what she wants to hear. Well, did she ever think about respecting me and asking how I would feel about going naked?”

“Abbie, that's enough!” Her mother demanded, obviously pissed now. “Adam, I hope you've been practicing with your belt, because I think it's time it finally met your sister's ass!”

Everyone's jaws fell open, including Abbie’s, at her mother's declaration. The anger Abbie had was totally replaced with fear. “But, mom…” She could hardly get the words out, so suddenly suffering from fright at her mother’s suggestion of the belt.

“Oh, not so snarky now, are you, Abbie?” Her mom asked, pleased with the change in tone of her daughter's voice. “Adam, I think 20, no, 30 lashes ought to teach your sister a lesson in showing me respect.” Susan was almost smirking at the way Abbie started to cower in fear as she heard what her punishment would be.

Adam seemed to be almost as fearful as Abbie about the look on their mother's face. “Mom, I don't know…”

“Adam, I didn't ask you for your opinion. I told you to spank your sister. Now get to it!”

Adam took a couple steps towards his sister, but could see the tears in her eyes, and that she was shivering, no, practically shaking with fear. He felt sorry for her, but more than that, he also felt like this was all wrong. His mother was crossing a line. “Sorry, mom, but I won't do it.” Adam said, fearful for his own behind now, but he couldn't bring himself to spank his sister this way. It didn't feel right.

“Excuse me??” Susan was caught off guard by her son's refusal to spank her daughter. “Fine. I'll deal with you later. Blake, you will spank Abbie for me then.” She folded her arms, using her authoritative look to make him comply.

Blake only had to look at Abbie for half a second before he shook his head. He wouldn't comply, either. “I'm sorry, Mrs. Larson, but I don’t spank girls anymore.”

Susan was becoming frustrated now. “Boys?” She looked to Travis and Cody, but they both refused too. “Fine, I'll just have to do it myself!” Susan turned towards Abbie with a purposeful glare. She was angry and frustrated, and she was going to take that all out on Abbie.

“Mom… Please…” Abbie begged, backing up into a corner of the room as her mom came towards her. As soon as she was close enough, Susan grabbed Abbie by the wrist to try and spin her around, but Abbie refused to budge. She kept her bare bottom pressed up against the wall, not allowing her mother to spank her. Susan started yanking on her arm as hard as she could, pulling Abbie away from the wall slightly, but mother and daughter seemed to be almost evenly matched in strength. Abbie was in peak physical condition for a 14-year-old girl from all her running.

“Abbie, you will be spanked double for refusing me!” Her mom bellowed, finally starting to make progress with pulling her away from the wall.

“No!” Abbie struggled, squealing back, but she was losing her footing. The thought of getting a spanking she knew she didn't deserve finally broke something inside the girl. As her mom finally got her away from the wall, and was about to land a wallop to her bare behind, Abbie reared her arm back, and slapped her mother across the face!

Everyone just stood in stunned silence for a few moments, as they all processed what had just happened. Abbie felt almost instant regret after hitting her mom. “Mom, I'm sorry…”

“Abbie, go to your room.”

“I didn't mean…”

“I said go to your room!” Abbie’s mom demanded, and Abbie quickly scampered up the stairs.

Abbie sat on her bed for a long time, wondering how she could have ever struck her own mother like that. She felt absolutely appalled and ashamed of her own actions. She was sorry for what she had done, and dreading the moment her mother finally came to talk with her again.

As she sat on the edge of her bed, she wept quietly, wondering how her life has gotten to this point. She didn't even mind being naked all that much anymore, and wondered why she had snapped at her mother so harshly to begin with. She started to debate with herself about whether she would even wear clothes most of the time anymore if it was her choice.

“Abbie?” The light wrapping at her door meant that she never got a chance to decide. She recognized her mother's voice, but by her tone, she wasn't mad any longer.

Abbie sat there, wiping her eyes, and waiting for her mother to come in, but she didn't. Never in her life had Abbie known her mother to wait for permission before coming into her room. “Come in?” She finally called to her, feeling a little confused.

Slowly and cautiously, Abbie's mom opened her bedroom door. She was still naked from head to toe, just like her, and Abbie felt like she almost looked like a scolded child as she entered. “Abbie, we need to talk about what happened.”

“Mom, I'm sorry!” Abbie leapt to her feet and charged forward to take her mom into her arms. “I shouldn't have laid my hands on you like that! Whatever punishment you want to give me, I'll accept it!” The tears were flowing freely from her eyes again.

“Abbie, calm down. I'm not going to punish you." Her mom said, holding on to her just as tightly.

“You're not?”

“Of course not. Abbie, I don't want you to feel like you can't express yourself." Her mom looked her in her sad eyes. “I'm the one who needed to be punished.”

“Huh?” Abbie found herself no longer crying, just looking at her mom with confusion.

“Yes, that's why I asked Adam to spank me. I even told him to use the belt on me, but he would only go as high as 10 lashes. That boy's becoming quite the leader around here.”

“Oh my God, really!?” Abbie peeked over her mom's shoulder, having to giggle about the bright red color her mom's behind was displaying at the moment.

“Don't laugh too hard, young lady.”

“Sorry.” Abbie looked her mom in the face and stifled her giggle.

“It's alright. I suppose I deserve that.” Susan smiled at her daughter. “Maybe I should have waited and let you watch. You're the one I've been treating so terribly lately.”

Abbie couldn't help smiling back. “Just tell me about what it felt like.” She took her hand and brought her over to the bed to sit down.

Susan winched a little as her hot, aching bottom made contact with the fabric of her daughter's bedspread, but she was able to adjust enough so that it was not hurting. She took her daughter's hand as she explained everything that happened. “Once I told you to go to your room, I realized that I had let things get out of hand…”

“I think you should all go home.” Susan told the other kids, still reeling from the slap her daughter had just given her.

“I'm not going anywhere…” Blake said through gritted teeth, but Adam stepped in between him and his mother.

“I'll make sure nothing happens.” Adam implored, nodding to his friends that they should leave like his mom had just said.

With a nod of understanding, the others were out the door quickly, leaving Adam alone with his mom.

“Mom, I…”

“Adam, do you think I'm a bad mother?”

“What? Why would you ask me that?” Adam asked, confused, but it seemed like his mom was really expecting an answer from him. “Of course not! Mom, I love you!”

“Adam, I've been selfish. I put my wants and wishes in front of you kids. Whether that be my schooling, my career, or now Feminudism. I haven't been giving you all the care and attention you need.”

“Mom, that's not true. It can't have been easy, since Dad's always away.”

“No, it's not always easy, but that's not an excuse. Adam, I told you, when we all first started going naked, that it would be your job to punish the girls. Well, I'm a girl too, and I'm in need of punishment right now. I've been treating your older sister terribly, and you need to put me in my place.”

Adam gave his mom bug eyes, making a nervous chuckle. “What, do you want me to spank you??”

“If that's what you think I need.” Susan nodded, totally serious. “I think I deserve to feel what it's like to be hit with your belt, too.”

“Mom, hold on…”

“Yes, give me the 30 strokes, just like I kept telling you to give Abbie.” She stepped forward, holding her arms out as if to surrender.

“No, mom, that's way too much!” Adam thought for a moment, looking his mom's naked body up and down. “10 is my limit with the belt, and you'll have to do something else as part of your punishment.”

“Adam, I'm putting you in charge of us girls totally, starting right now. And I mean fully, do you understand?”

“Yes, mom.” Adam answered, undoing the belt from his pants. “Turn around and face the wall.”

Smack! Almost implicitly, Susan knew her son was expecting her to count. “One!” She called.

Smack! “Two!” Susan's toes curled as the heat from the sting of the leather spread throughout her entire bottom! “Three!” She winced as he delivered another blow! “Four! Five!” The naked woman couldn't get her legs to stop shaking, as she wiggled all over from the pain. “Six!” She looked down at her breasts jiggling, and her feet marching in place. She had to keep moving, or the pain would become too much for her to bear! “Seven! Eight! Nine!” Her tears finally broke, as the sting was becoming unbearable! “Ten!!” She croaked, collapsing front first into the closest chair. Her parents had spanked her as a child, but never this intensely, and never on her bare bottom! Adam came over and placed a comforting hand on her back, allowing Susan to just cry herself out.

“Wow, that sounds painful.” Abbie commented, when her mom was through telling her what had happened.

“It was, but not even half as painful as I feel about hurting you. Abbie, can you forgive me?”

“Of course! Mom?” Abbie hugged her tightly, feeling their bare breasts squished together as she did. Her hard nipples tingled as they bumped up against her mom's own hard nipples. Without even thinking, Abbie twisted her body to the left, and then back to the right, getting a little thrill as her nipples slid and bumped into her mom's. Then she blushed, and gave her mom a worried look, as she finally registered what she was doing.

Susan giggled. “It's ok, Abbie.” Then she shocked her by wiggling her bare breasts back and forth against Abbie’s. “Feels nice, doesn't it? Maybe this should be the Feminudist greeting between females.”

“Mom, I…” Abbie flushed deeply as her mom continued to rub her boobs against hers. “Mom, I like being naked, but…”

“But you want the choice. I get it.” Susan smiled at her. “Abbie, the choice is yours.”

“Really!?” Abbie pressed herself into her mom excitedly, having only dreamt this day would come.

“As long as your brother agrees.” Susan added, and Abbie slowly pulled away from the hug.

“What?” She was shocked and confused.

“Didn't you hear when I was telling the story? I've put your brother Adam fully in charge of us now. Being both a Feminudist and responsible for you and your sister is too much of a clash. I was using my authority to push Feminudism on you.”

“But mom! Adam's not going to give me a choice! He's going to make me keep going naked forever!” Abbie was appalled, and knew she'd never have a choice in the matter now.

Susan smiled at her with a warm, motherly smile. “Why don't you give your brother a chance, Abbie, before you condemn him for something he hasn't even done yet? I trust your brother's judgment. I think you should, too.” She put a comforting hand on her back and rubbed it a little.

Abbie felt herself calming down at the gesture. “Alright. I wanna go talk to him now.”

“We expected as much. He's waiting for you down in the living room.” Her mom explained.

“Abbie! Abbie!” Abbie was accosted by her naked little sister when she came downstairs. “Is it true you went to school naked!?!?”

Abbie nodded cautiously. “Um, yeah…”

“Wow!” Maddie jumped up and down with joy. “That means I should be able to go to school naked soon, too! Yes!!” She made a fist, and pumped her elbow towards her body in celebration.

Adam was laughing at the display his little sister was making. “Alright, why don't you two go upstairs for a while. Timmy, you can play with Maddie's pussy until she calms down, and then you two can do your homework.”

“Ok!” Timmy said excitedly, taking Maddie by the hand to drag her upstairs.

“But I want to hear more about Abbie being naked at school!” Maddie pouted, but wasn't strong enough to stop him from pulling her along.

“Too bad! You've got a pussy that needs playing with!” Timmy declared, tickling Maddie's outer lips until she started squirming.

“No fair! No fair! You know I can't resist that!” Maddie found her privates tingling the same way they always did whenever someone touched them without warning. It was becoming her favorite way to be touched, and she had admitted that much to her twin brother. With her private parts always out and available at home, her brother had taken plenty of advantage of her new kink, touching her whenever she wasn't looking at every opportunity he got. She was drawn to the idea that her private parts were anyone's to play with as they pleased. Timmy made her go up the stairs in front of him, all so that he could keep teasing her little pussy with his index finger from behind, and she could feel herself getting wet in response. The orgasm he was going to give her when they got to his room was going to be awesome! She could already tell.

Adam smiled at Abbie now that they were all alone. “I guess you want to talk about something with me?” He didn't make a mocking face, rather, he was just inviting with his nature.

Abbie still felt nervous all the same. Now her little brother, the one who loved to mock and tease her about being naked, had been given the power to decide whether she should be naked or not! Her body had become an open book to him. Every inch, every little detail, he had been allowed to take in and study, more than anyone else had been given the chance. “Yes, I did…” she gulped. He would never give that up, she thought to herself!

“Come sit in my lap, and we'll talk then.” Adam offered, patting his jean covered knee. Abbie moved slowly, almost in a dream like state, until her naked bottom was touching his lap. “That's good.” He whispered in her ear, pulling her back until she was resting up against him fully. Then he started stroking his fingers through her long hair. “This is nice.”

“Um, yeah…” She was still a bundle of nerves, and found her mouth going dry, as she tried to form the words she wanted to ask him.

His hands moved up front and started stroking her bare tummy. “It's ok, Abbie. I know what you want to ask me.” He brought his hands down to her thighs and pulled them apart.

Abbie made a gasp at the sudden forcefulness, but didn't try to close her legs. “You do?”

“You want to ask me for permission to decide when you get to wear clothes again. Am I right?” He started teasing the inside of her thighs, making her stiffen up. “I want you to really think about if that's what you want, though.” He brought his finger up to tease the outer lips of her sex. Abbie let out a tiny moan, checking to see how wet she was. She was already soaked! “Abbie, don't you like being naked? Don't you like knowing that boys can look at and ogle your naked body any time they want? Don't you like being naked in front of your brother? Because I love having my beautiful sister naked all the time.” He inserted one of his fingers inside of her, while teasing her nipple at the same time. Abbie couldn't help letting out a moan of pleasure. “There you go. Don't you love being naked for your brother this way? I love my naked big sister.” As Abbie listened to his voice, she was starting to truly feel naked. Not just physically, but mentally too. He knew she was aroused to show herself off, and he was using it against her! “That's right. Your body is made to be seen. Made to be shown off.”

“Adam please!...” She gasped as her body responded so positively to his words! It was like all of her resolve was melting away as he stroked her most sensitive spots softly.

“Yes, Abbie. Just sit back and enjoy it. Your body wants it. Let yourself want it too.” Abbie’s entire body was writhing now, as he finally touched her clit!

“Oh God! Please!” Abbie felt surprised at how well her little brother knew her body now, though she thought she ought not to be, with how much practice he had gotten touching her this week. It was like he could play her like a fiddle! His fingers were using just the right amount of pressure as they strummed along her pulsing clit! Just gentle little strokes that kept her on the edge of madness. She felt helpless in his hands. Her body wanted it! Needed it! No matter how much she tried to resist. “Fuuuuuck!” She grumbled. “Fuck, Adam! Why does this have to feel so good?!”

Adam let out a chuckle. “You want this, Abbie. Not just to be naked and admired, but to be toyed and played with too. You love it. You love surrendering yourself to these feelings.”

“Fuck! Fuck!” Abbie struggled internally, trying to resist her brother's manipulations, both of her mind and body, but it was a losing battle. Her hips slowly started to rise, pushing to meet and keep contact with her brother's teasing digits. Her entire body felt like it was on fire with lust and desire, most concentrated in her aching pussy, and she could no longer hold back as she ground her clit into her brother's hand as hard and as fast as she could.

“There you are. There you go.” Adam said calmly, smiling as he was sure he had won.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuuuuck!” Abbie came hard, and she came fast, as soon as she stopped trying to hold herself back. Adam was happy to hold her on his lap as she shook and quivered until her orgasm fully subsided. “Fuuuck… I needed that.”

Adam couldn't help smirking, leaning his head over his sister's shoulder so he could look her in the eye. “Do you still want to ask me your question?”

“I?…” Abbie felt nervous. More nervous than she had in a long time, but she knew what she really wanted. Knowing she couldn’t go back once she said it, she sucked in a little air, but she started to slowly nod her head. “I want the right to choose for myself. It should be up to me whether I'm naked or not. Will you let me get dressed?”

Adam's grip around her waist tightened. There was a long pause, and Abbie couldn’t discern what the changing expressions on her brother’s face meant. Maybe it had been a mistake to ask? Suddenly, he finally spoke. “Then it's your choice, Abbie.”

“Wait, really?? Just like that?” She was surprised by just how quickly he had given his answer of agreement. “You mean, I can go get dressed right now, and I won't be in trouble at all?”

“That's right, Abbie. You can decide when you want to go naked from now on.”

“Oh, thank you, Adam!” Abbie felt tears welling in her eyes as she kissed and hugged her brother multiple times. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” With excitement, she hadn't felt in a long time, the naked girl rushed to her room to decide what she wanted to wear!
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 53 - February 23rd, 2025)

Post by Cyberweasel89 »

LittleFrieda wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 5:23 am
Cyberweasel89 wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 3:34 am
Oh, shit. Superevil7 says that you're not allowed to call things by crime terms like "rape" or "plagiarism" unless the person has been officially convicted of it in a court of law. Weird hang-up and kinda counter-intuitive to Libertarianism (his political party, FYI), but it just feels decent to respect his wishes in his own thread.

So what do we call this besides plagiarism, since Melissa Trump was never convicted of the crime? :(
Plagiarism is a tort good for civil action like demanding money damages. It is not a crime.
Er, sorry, tort? I'm not familiar with this word and I'm having trouble discerning what you mean.
PhilMarlowe wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 1:48 pm Amazon should be notified about a 'Possible Copyright Infringement' since they might be party to lawsuits.

The 'Possible' is like saying 'alleged rapist'.
"Possible plagiarist" might be a good workaround. After all, I can't think of any other term than "plagiarist" to refer to Melissa Trump, but I still want to respect Superevil7's wishes of restriction of speech regarding criminal terms. It feels very semantic, but I have no reason to not respect Superevil7's wishes here.

I also can't help but note the irony that Superevil7's possible plagiarist is going by the pen name "Melissa Trump." Superevil7 is a big Donald Trump fan. Though I think it's just a coincidence. "Melissa Trump" isn't a unique name, as a Google search reveals several women by that name who aren't related to Donald Trump at all. Still, the coincidence is funny in a way. It's ironic as it is sad that Superevil became victim to someone with a surname he's a fan of. :(
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Plagiarism is not a crime just unethical. Copyright Infringement is something Lawyers can have fun with in Courts. Corporations don't like to be dragged into court as possible accomplices, so they might drop that vendor.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Post by superevil7 »

PhilMarlowe wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 4:07 pm Plagiarism is not a crime just unethical. Copyright Infringement is something Lawyers can have fun with in Courts. Corporations don't like to be dragged into court as possible accomplices, so they might drop that vendor.
It's a civil matter, as far as I know.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Post by Rosey »

What a wonderful finale to the story. Fantastic work.
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Post by superevil7 »

Rosey wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 5:29 pm What a wonderful finale to the story. Fantastic work.
This is not the end. I always end my stories with "The End". I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you come back when I post more! :D
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 53 - February 23rd, 2025)

Post by computerphoto »

Cyberweasel89 wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 2:51 pm
LittleFrieda wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 5:23 am
Cyberweasel89 wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 3:34 am
Oh, shit. Superevil7 says that you're not allowed to call things by crime terms like "rape" or "plagiarism" unless the person has been officially convicted of it in a court of law. Weird hang-up and kinda counter-intuitive to Libertarianism (his political party, FYI), but it just feels decent to respect his wishes in his own thread.

So what do we call this besides plagiarism, since Melissa Trump was never convicted of the crime? :(
Plagiarism is a tort good for civil action like demanding money damages. It is not a crime.
Er, sorry, tort? I'm not familiar with this word and I'm having trouble discerning what you mean.
PhilMarlowe wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 1:48 pm Amazon should be notified about a 'Possible Copyright Infringement' since they might be party to lawsuits.

The 'Possible' is like saying 'alleged rapist'.
"Possible plagiarist" might be a good workaround. After all, I can't think of any other term than "plagiarist" to refer to Melissa Trump, but I still want to respect Superevil7's wishes of restriction of speech regarding criminal terms. It feels very semantic, but I have no reason to not respect Superevil7's wishes here.

I also can't help but note the irony that Superevil7's possible plagiarist is going by the pen name "Melissa Trump." Superevil7 is a big Donald Trump fan. Though I think it's just a coincidence. "Melissa Trump" isn't a unique name, as a Google search reveals several women by that name who aren't related to Donald Trump at all. Still, the coincidence is funny in a way. It's ironic as it is sad that Superevil became victim to someone with a surname he's a fan of. :(
Just because someone has the last name Clinton, Carter, Lincoln, Trump, kennedy, Bush, Nixon, and so on does not mean they are related to the president at all, I known 2 people personally which the last name Nixon it just the last name and is all.

There is almost 5K people in the US with the last name Trump, here an article about it. ... -last-name
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Re: The New Rules (Chapter 54 - March 3rd, 2025)

Post by Rosey »

superevil7 wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 5:59 pm
Rosey wrote: Mon Mar 03, 2025 5:29 pm What a wonderful finale to the story. Fantastic work.
This is not the end. I always end my stories with "The End". I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you come back when I post more! :D
Oh even better! :twisted:
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